Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: AVEDTs ESDAT, JULY 2, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Eooord-lmashiag Ipurti Break Loose in July DtliTri. WHEAT AND CORN MAKE EXCITING TOUR Pats Active Tkoifk Closing- Lower, WkU Provisions Art Dall bat Ak baork GalasWet Weather U Ball Prop. CHICAGO, Julr 1 The train markets, fier giving eariy Indications of quieting, broke loose again today and scored new high prices In the July delivery. July corn touched 7sc, showing certain Indications that the bull crowd metni to carry the corn through to a finish. July wheat closed IHfelta higher, September wheat VJ''o fP. '"')' corn K higher and Hcp tember corn Ve lower. July oate showed a closing loss of 'AC, while the September waa lVk'- Improved. Provisions were dull and closed "(fcifcc higher. The llrst sale of July corn waa T2c, the lima as at the close yesterday, miring the next two hours shorts bid the mar ket steadily up to J64c. There was reason for their bidding, tor of the deliveries on July contracts nearly the whole j.soj.oiq .bushels went to Harris. Gatps Co.. which firm Is credited with having about lo.OOJ.ffW bushels of corn dellverably this month. 'Ihe contract storks are only S.OO.OOO. On this bulge the bulls let out some corn unoer 'which July backed down to 74Vic. Here another frantic endeavor to cover at this concession sent the price within five min utes to 7Kc. The bull crowd here let out more stuff and at the close the market ,was unsettled, with July lV4c higher at .4e. Beptember options advanced on the weather and In sympathy with July from 63c to AI'iC. but was sold heavily by the July manipulators and others and closed Ho down at 62'e. Receipts were 279 cars. Wheat traders, like those In corn, seemed to take a more cheerful view of the crop state dairy, iSftetHr; state creamery, lSH'ft 2lr; Imitation creamery, 17Tlc; factory. 1 tji"y 'H EF.8E Receipts, It MO pkss.; steady to firm; large, colored and white, Vie; fancy small, new state full cream, colored, l"Vul'i'-o; fancv small, new state full cream, white. lf'Slfl'c. KGOS Receipts. Ih.M Pkgs.; steady; state and Pennsylvania, lVj3c; western can dled, lftvn:!-. MQLA88E8 Steady; New Orleans, aagi 41c. 1'OrLTRT Alive slow; broilers. l917c; turkeys, 12c; fowls, Uc. Iressed, slow; broilers, lSfc20c; fowls, 12V13c; turkeys, Ufa 14 c. METALS The local market for copper was quiet and weak, with standard spot to August quoted at til 11 ?R: lake, 111. STW'a 12.25; electrolytic, 111. 8j6 12.00. and casting 111. Tbft 12.00. At London copper was unchanged, with spot at 62 las and futures at i.'r w M. Tin was again 10 lower at London, which closed, snot, at 123 10s ld; futures at 120 17s 8d. The local market for tin was lower on the decline and an In crease In the world's visible supply of 1.100 tons. Lead was steady here, at I4.12H. IxmdonT'WBa unchanged, at 11 2s M. Spel ter ruled firm locally, at 6c, and unchanged In London, at 18 12s 6d. New York Iron was steady. Warrants continue nominal. No. 1 foundry northern, 122.006 23.00: No. 2 foundry northern, t2i.nmg22.OO' No. 1 foun dry southern, !21.fiui22.6v; No. 1 foundry southern soft, 21.60u22.50. The English markets were barely steady. Olasgow closed at 64s 9d and Mlddlesborough at 49s 7Hd. how the following changes In available upplies, as compsred with last accounts: heat I'nlted States and Canada, east of Rocky mountains, decreased l.MM.o" bu.; float for and In hurope, oecreasea i.iw.wg u. Total supply decreased 5.ZH4.i"t dm. Corn United States and Canada, east of Rockies. Increased 4" bu. Oats United States and Canada, east or ockles, decreased 791 .Wl bu. Among the more Important decreases re ported this week are those of busbeis at Chicago private elevators, H,0n0 bushela In Manitoba, bushels at Portland, Me., and 71.(X bushela at Newport News. The leading Increases are those or 114,000 bushels at St. Joseph, ft,000 bushels at Nashville and 60.0UO bushels at Fort Worth. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. situation early, but later In the day the j. ,u had per lD 10c; io weather map. with Its prospects of more ,rj 27c. l0D8terg green, rain where anything but moisture Is ,uhpa;,s ,oe. Ranted, reawakened the excitement of yos- pkjeoNS Live, per dog.. 7 sV am! hvlAa a ritfi nt Itf tx run 4 aTin A - - - . . Condition of Trad and Quotations oa Staple and Fancy NProdace. EOO8 Fresh stock, HVc. LIVE POULTRY Chickens, Hc: oM roosters, according to age, 4u&c; turkeys, 8fi 11c; ducks and geese, 7c; broilers, per lb., lie. BUTTER Packing stock, 16c; choice dairy. In tubs lSQlDc; separator. 2?23c. f'KESH CAUGHT FISH Trout, 10c; herring, 6c; pickerel, 9c; pike, 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh, 5c; blueflna, 8c; whltefish, 10u; ca'.flsh, 13c; black bass 18c; halibut, 11c; salmon, Jiic; haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; red snapper, 10c; roe shad, eacn, ibe; snaa roe, per pair, oosiers. DOiiea, per ID., ;oc; Philadelphia I'rodoce Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 1. BUTTER Market So lower; extra western creamery, Zl'rhr; extra nearby prints. 23c. rnnfl rirm lo V, I h r rih naarbv. lRc, loss offj'fresh western, 18c, loss off; rresn southwestern, lie, loss on; iresn southern, 16c, loss oft. CHEESE Firm. We higher: New York full creams, prime small, lNc: New York full creams, fair to good, HVnlOc. Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. July 1. WHEAT Very active and strong; cash, 80c; July, 78Hc; Septem ber 7c; December, ravte. cohm Active and strong; casn, ac: juiy. 664c; September, 63c; December, 4c. OATS Active and nrm; casn, 47c; au- uat. 41V4c; September. 38ftc; new July, 48c; new September, 86ic SEED Clover, dull but strong: October. 15 36. Minneapolis Wheat. Floar and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. July l.-WHEAT-Julv. 8c: September. 72c: on track. No. 1 hard. 8140; No. 1 northern, 794c; No. 2 northern, 6C. FLOUR Market 10c hleher: first pat ents, I4.KV34.20; second patents, 33'v3.).liO; first clears, 82.SK1; second clears. 2.10. BlUK-in bulk. i4.wni4.. Vrday and prices promptly went on a record-breaking tour. Juiy. rrom 4ii'uitc at the opening to 77Hc while September advanced from 7ic to 7Sc. It waa a big crowd of shorts which did the bidding, lead by St. Ixiula interests, which were cred ited wun ouying close 10 ousnna 1 . ....und. ju- k-0. 1 medium. 17.60: No. 1 j me juiy, nuu touv -pv BrM'"""i' I roars. 17. Rve straw. .st'. 1 nese prices 75c VE Air Choice, 6&80. CORN 3C, OATS 61c. 13RAN Per ton, IIS. 11 A V Prices minted bv Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers association: cnoice nay, no, el Oti the bulge, however, realising sales were . n 0( KOod co;or and nUttnty. De jnnde in neavy quantities and nom ju y mand fair. IteceiDts light. and Rentember receded, the former 'ever, closing MtQlc higher at 757c and the latter KG-Kc ud it 74M74c. Primary j-ecelpts aggregated 69,0i0 bushels, against 4i,0u0 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Local receipts were 87 cars. 10 of contract grade; Minneapolis and Duluth reported 2 cars, making a total for the three points of H82 cars, compared with 1S4 last week and 214 a year ago. Sea board clearances were 276,0uO bushels. The world's visible, according to Bradstreet's re port, decreased 620.OU0 bushels. In oats there was nothing like the trade of yasterday, yet the market was an ac tive one a reduced counterpart of the corn market. No one was particularly prominent In the trade, but generally the Irountry seemed to be doing the buying, while local operators sold. The corn In fluence and the weather were the factors In the advance which marked the fore noon. With the selling In other pita oats July sold between 4c ana VEGETABLES. CAULIFLOWKK Home grown, per doa.. 76c. . NEW celery Kaiamaxoo, sue. POTATOES Northern, 40jjWc; new po tatoes, per bu. 75c. OREEN ONIONS Per rto., according to slX3 of bunches, 161320c. AS PAR AO Lb Home grown, per aos., w 75c. CUCUMBtKB noinouse, per uu., may 60c. .. . LETTUCE Hotnouse, per aom.. stro. PARSLEY Per dos., 30tf36c. uifi khkk Her aos.. oraizBC. wax BEANS Home gi-own, per market nasket. 5K&S0c; string beaos, per market basket, bOSjooc. ,. nuniAfiH-Home crown, per lb., me. OABUAUi.-cailiomia or uuun-jronu, ONIONS-New California, in sacks, per lb., 2c. . ..... ..... also receded ber ranged between 34,e and 37c, closing ""Savw tut ANS Per bu S2. Vic Improved at 35c. T BMN",; Provisions were dull, but steady, in sym pathy with corn and higher hog prices. SeDtember oork closed 6c higher at 118.65. September lard 7fc(&10c up at 10.72Vi and September ribs unchanged at I10.67H. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat. 26 cars; corn, iuu cars; oats, l cars; nogs, ZI.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open.j High. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat July Sept Deo. July Sept. Deo. Oats a July b July a. Sept. b Sept. Dec. Sept. Sept. Klbs July Sept. 74T4-I514 Ti 74 76' 73Hi& 75 74 74 74HQ 7614 74 75 W!t 48 4R 46 72'H173 78 72 74 63 tfiJS, 64W4 62V4 62 4S(flH9 60 48 4849 42 46 42'; 43 48 & 60 47 48 32 S4 32 22 34'ft35 37 . 34 . 35 36 87 94 . 86 18 27 18 42 18 27 18 85 18 62 18 62 18 47 18 65 10 60 10 72 10 60 10 70 10 65 10 76 10 65 10 72 10 66 10 70 10 65 10 6R 10 67 10 72 10 67 10 67 FRUITS. APRICOTS California, $1.40. M'Ai'wra f'Kiliornla. 1135. PLUMS California, per 4-basket crates. STRAWBERRIES Colorado, per 4-qt. .'Jjl W"l ... 1 . A. CHUKKlbo caiuornia, pir mi, -v. home-grown, per 24-qt. case, . ..... . ..... I Y-,1 , 1 nt m. n n .. CAMALUUrb-i exas, pr ibo. i-'i'uu aisita Home crown. 12.00. ........ - - - " . - n. . . . , - . RASPBEKRifcts uiaca, per i-pu., aa-wi I3.UU. 73 74 TROPICAL FRUITS. pineapples Florida, 80 to 88 count. 5 . ' . BAIN AflAD-rw UUUCU, WUU1 iu H t2.2o4i2.75. ORANGES Valenclas, M.765.O0s Medl tnrrunsan SWeetS. IV 11(3 -4. 25. LEMONS Fancy, to.ooia5.60; Messlnas, 48 U-SWW- taT T lv.ITa CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., 13.26; New York, 3.50. . . , , , . . POfCOKW rer id., oc; aneuea, oc nuts Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb. ion- hard shell, tier lb.. HSc: No. 2 sot shell, luc; No. 2 hard shell, sc; Braxlls, per i. no- Hlherta. oer lb.. 12c: almonds, soft itw't haid shell. 15c: Decans. large, per lb., UC, small, avc cwutuuu, ync 72 Vi 63 48g'19 42 S5 85 18 25 18 60 10 60 10 65 10 67 lb.. 10 67 tS.W No. 1. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents. iii'ntfS No. 1 areen. 6Uc: No. t green. 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; wo z sauea, eo, No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 Ids., 8c; No. J ve '--- - , ..7. toi)i J10. froIJ( ,tov, plate, per ton, 7.60i 1 724c; No. t y.Uow. 73 joppe r.per brh.avj per lb.; Z. 4860c: No, 2 white, 6S 6Vc; 'nc P' lb.. 2c; rubber, per lb., so. 0. 1 Veal CUIL, O IU aati ivm.t 9if iw. J ti Trwn i rn 1 1 . I a i.u iu luo.. vu. al y muco, wwws waawu tk. LLhL.??eiwWrtn ec'"1"' PVVLAAroern ouote. th. whkat no. x. immeAtc: no. x wwi. nu. i y ..t.. . 1.-- s7r I ton, io; iron, stove piam, pur ti.ov, CORN-No. 734c. OATS-No. 1 RYK NO. 3, K3. I. '" " ' BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 6 rt iniTis. Julv 1. WHEAT Strong and iiwc. i nisner; NO. 1 rea casn, eievaior, mc SEEDS No. 1 flax. I1.7S: No. 1 north- triVlr old. 80c: new. 76Vffl78c: July. 73c Western, 1.73. Prime timothy, 16.76. Clover, September. 73HQ73c: No. 2 hard, 778yc, PROVISIONS Meas pork, per bhl.. 118.35 porn Weak: No. 2 cash, nominal: track- tn'is.w. iara. per urn ids., in.,1Vffli.o. I wc; July, ec; BeptemDer, oo'to, Short ribs sides (loose). I100ffl0.7a Drv 1 OATS Hlarher: No. 2 cash. 60611ic salted shoulders (boxed), 18.508.62. Short track. 60iftu2c; July, 8tc; Beptember, clear siaee tDoxea), iiu.7bQ'io.ir7it. 182c; No. 2 white, Mc. rr 1 1 , . , , . . t I li V L' Ut.i.Hn. nAW nlU in iguowinK wtn lag recciDia ana snip l u,twuJ , .. ,. . . . . - I i . . , " u uilvhAr am rjt vlnt.. mtnri Receipts. Bhlpments. J.)(g.o; "wr,,,t-" Cwf 62,000 179.0f3 less. Articles. flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu.... Rye. bu Barley, bu,... ..234.000 66.000 SEED Timothy, steady at xs.go lor or. ..233,000 206,000 dlnary. wun prime wortnmore. 1 flt T A. .1 I I HK M h.A I . niTHUV H L M.1D. 9!000 2i000 BRAN Scares and higher; sacked, t-ai HAY Tlmotny, stronger at iiv.aon.w prairie, dull at X7.tsrn.60. IRON COTTON TIES Steady, $1.05. BAGGING Steady, 6'S6c MKMP TWINE-Hteadv. c 118.46: new. 118.86. Lard, nominally 110.40. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed lots, extra short. 110 87: clear ribs. 111.00: short clear. 111.12. Hacon, steaay: Doxea iota, .lira shorts, 111.76; clear ribs, 111.67; short clar. tl2.00. METALS Leaa: steaay at ss-vk- "pet On the Produce exchange today the but. ter market waa easy: creameries. ISM'S 11 c; dalrlea, 18tffl9Hc. Cheese, steady, 10 Kiic ggs, nrm; iresn, uc. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Qnotatlona of the Day em Various Commodities. NEW YORK. July 1. FLOUR-Reeelpts, 81.660 bbls.; exports. 11,459 bbls.; held &c hlsher hut trad refused tn meet the ad. vrnoa- wlnl.p ilnlihla LtTViAKK' l,,l.rl lr' Steady at I4 86. t . - . l vuu in. fl ... . . . i ,wv I prtlM.TRV flt.ariv! rhlckena. j4.16; Minnesota bakera. I3.15i(3. 35; winter springs. 16(170; turkeys, c; ducks, 6c; k w grades. 12. 86(3.15; winter extras. 13.15 gefBe .ig-j'iL- 136,386,586; same day last year. l.4,80t 0; decrease, 1253,752.87. CHICAGO, July 1. Clearings, .10.6S,870; balances, 13.714,435; posted exchange, 4M for sixty days, 14 m on demand; New ora exrnange. limoc aiscouni. BOSTON. Julv 1. Clearings. balances, iz.!M0,J9. BALTIMORE. Julr l.-Clearlngs. K.814.- 032; balances. 11.074. 7ifl; money, t per cent. PMILAUEU'IIIA, July 1. Clearings. . 268. R20; balances, 13,674,878; money, 4fcH per cent. BT. LOUIS. Julv l.-Clear ns. 87.(W.617: balances. 1.341,2o2: money, ateady at 6$ per ceni; fvew iora exenange, par. CINCINNATI. July 1 Clearings. 16 091,- f50. Money at 8 per cent. New York exchange, par. Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 1. MONEY On call. firm at 8tf per cent: last loan. 8 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4tl6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady at 4.87!&4.87 for demand and at 4 .86 for sixty days; posted rates, t4WiffTH.w ana 14.89; commercial bills, 4.8434.85. SILVER Bar. 62Vtc: Mexican dollars. BONDS Government, weak; state, inac tive; railroad. Irregular. The closing quotations on oonos are as follows: ...1TIU A N. anl. 4., ...lmVi'Mn. Central 4a. ...lot to u ne ...IiMVlMlnn. A St. h. 4i ...114 M.. K. T. 4 ...1M ...104, ...10 . S. r. is, r(. 4o eouton do . rag do coupon do n.w 4. rag do enupon do old 4i, rf.. do coupon do r.g do coupon Atrhlwm gen. 4s.. do aj. 4. Bl. A Ohio 4s... do H do conr. 4. Canada So. a.... Central ot Oa. t Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. July 1. WHEAT Higher: close: No. 1 northern, TS'iTOc; No. 2 north ern, 77Q78c; September, 74c. RYE Higher; No. 1, ohisae. BARLEY Firm; No. 2, 71c; sample. 65 71c. CORN Beptember, 62e. Peoria Market. PEORIA. July 1.-C0RN Higher: No. 2. 64c. OATS Higher: No. 8 white. 63c. billed through. WHISKY On the basis of 11.30 for fin ished goods. Dnlath Grain Market. DULT'TH. July 1. WHEAT-Cash. No. 1 hard. 75c: No. 2 northern. 74Sc: No. 1 northern. 76c; July, 76c; September, 74c. UAI8-casn, doc. NEW YORK STOCKS AKD BOXDS. ome Important Stocks Advanced and Firm Undertone Maintained. NEW YORK. July 1. There was not much Increase In Interest In today's stock market, but the firm undertone was main tained and a number of Important stocks were advanced. The onenlna: nrlces were verv srenerallv lower, owing to the alarming reports of the damago done to the grain crop by yes terday's storm. Today'a weather map and the somewhat sensational advances In wheat gave color to the fears for the wheat crop, ine strengtn or corn in tne market waa taken leaa account of, as It waa at tributed in part to sympathy with wheat and In large part to the heavy speculative commitments wnicn are supposed to threaten a decrease In corn. The damage wrought by wet weather to wheat Is suunosed to be balanced bv the advance In cotton, and there were signs of strengtn among tne cotton carriers, unis helped Missouri Pacific also. There were rears this morning that the money flurry would be repeated today and the decline In the call loan rate, after open ing nt o per cent, neipea ine recovery in Stocks. The action of the Rock Island directors In giving their stockholders the right to subscribe at par for new stock to the amount of 12 per cent of their holdings caused a spurt In that stock and heloed the grangers generally. St. Paul recovering us l point loss ana cnicago c in or tn west ern rallying rrom a point less to a point higher. Chicago & Eastern Illinois rose 6 nolnts to 201. without a solution of the mystery of the ultimate disposition of the road. The New York publlo utilities were ad vanced during the day and Sugar had another upward movement. The coal car rlers were neglected or easy, especially the sort coai roaas. The strike of the Union Pacific machtn lets and the threat of the Chicago freleht handlers to go on strike had a depressing efect during the morning . ne taxing enect or tne repeal or the wa: taxes is a ravoraoie reature in wall striet from every point of view. A long list or railroad Donas sola ex-lnterest to day, but it Is not probable that much of the large disbursement on that account found Its way directly back Into the money marKet. An lmoortant Influence In the Immediate caae of today's market waa the Increase or the capital or the largest bank of the city, which made available an Increase or loaname resources toaay or about 118. 000,000. The turn of the half year made Itself Immediately manifest In the London market, but sterling exchange at Paris promptly fe'l 1 centimes. The exchange here was steady to firm. in connection witn New lorm larere Indebtedness to foreign money markets, the London statist points out the Imsortan fact that "there Is an Inclination on the part of the French capitalists to embark in promising American enterprises. Thl: Is an inclination that has been consolcu ously lacking heretofore In SDlte of the large amount of French capital placed here In loans. The market closed rather Irreg ular. Total sales, par value, t2,S15,0OO 01 4 103VR.d!r, son. 4a.... S . 6H St L I H e. 4.....1US .107 I Sit. U ft S r. 4a... loo .in St. L. S. w. la..., .lot do la do la Inc u 18. A. A P. 4a. Chea. Ohio 4a. ..10 an. Paclflo 4a i nicaco at A. aa.. Hallway a... ., B. A Q. a. 4a... M4 T.xaa A PaclSo la -v, m m r . aa.iif.T.. Bt l a w a ft N. W. c. C, R. LAP. ( r. a St. g. Chicago Tar. 4a. Colorado- Ro. 4a. United States 3s declined per cent and the old 4s per cent on the last call. The following are the closing prices on tne iMew xora biock exenange: Atchison do pfd Baltlmora A O., do pfd Canadian Pad do Canada So Chca. A Ohio Chicago 4 Altoa... do pfd Chicago. Ind. A L do pld Chicago A B. III., Chicago A O. do lat pfd do Id Bfd Chicago A N. W.. C, R. I. ft r ... 1' So. Paclflo ... taVBo. Railway .. ...101 do pfd ... M Tcxaa A Palflo ...U4!Toledo. St. L. A W. 4V4 44 V, n I do pfd.... 44 Union Paclflo . 17V do pfd , T4Wabaah T4 do Pfd rt ....104 .... (kH .... '!'- M Wheallng A L. E.... I! 43.85. Rye flour, firmer; fair to good, 13.26 B3.4o; cnoice to rancy, 3.ou3.70. CORNMEAL Firm; yellow western, 11.J4; City,; wranaywine, j.400J.o.. RIB Steady; No. 2 western. 66c. f. o. b. gfloat; state, 63&64c, c. i. f.. New York, cariots. BARLEY Nominal. WHEAT Receipts. 42.62S bu.: exports. 17,372 bu. Spot, firm: No. 2 red, 81 c ele- s. . n Mn mt n W ..A . No. 1 northern, Duluth, 82c afloat; No. 1 liard. Manitoba. &6c. f. o. b. afloat. With little interruption all day the bulls drove wheat steadily toward higher levels, making decided gains In all markets, notably at St. Louis. Unfavorable crop news, favoring protractea rains, was tne cnier reature, causing a general stampede of shorts, Bl'TTER Steady: creamery, 1702c; dairy, 174jlc. CjUGd steady at idc, loss on. neceipts. onipmenis. Floir. bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. .., Oats, bu. .. ,oro 67,0110 7.000 16.000 6.000 18,000 25.000 19.OJ0 Chicago Tar. A Tr do pfd C. C. C. A St. L Colorado -so do lit pfd do Id pfd Dl. A Hudaoa. Pol. It. A W... Donvar A R. O do pfd Erl. do lat pfd do td pfd .loom do Id pfd. , rV Wla. Central . 17 do pfd . 48 Adama Ex .zM American Ex ...171 United 8tatsa Ex. 10 Wella-Pargo Ex... 87 Amal. Copper .... .108 Oreat Nor. pfd 117 Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. July 1. WHEAT Snot. firm; No. 1 northern, spring, 6s 2d. Futures, firm; July, bsutd; BeptemDer, os sa. CORN spot, steady; American mixea, new, 6sd; American mixed, oia, ts a. Futures, steady; September, 6sld; Octo ber, 5s 3d. l'KOVisiursB Bacon: Liong ciear ana ... ....... V' I neavy, strong at P.s oa snort ciesr dsck the advance, but last Pr0"", ""J strong at 67s; clear bellies, strong at 6m &o net higher. July, ftHt!2c; cloaed at 8lc; September, 7 1-1d(Us0 1-locj closed at 7c. CORN Receipts. .91 bu.; sales. 200,000 bu. futures. Spot, firm; No. 2. 70c ele vator and 71c f. o. b. afloat. The option market experienced both activity and strength today as an outcome of the bull ish crop news, a sensational rise In Chicago American corn the aame time In July and sensational covering. Septem- The following are the stocks of bread- ber cloaed unchanged, with other montha I stuffs and provisions here: Flour. 38.000 "V4r o ni nisner; Juiy. rouwc; cionea at I sacks; wheal, Jl.SM.uuo centals; corn, w. 6HS 6d: shoulders, square, strong at 44s td. Lard: American refined, strong at 64s. TALLOW Prime city, steady at 28s d; Australian, in Aondon, steaay at jus a. Hi ph Facinc coaat. nrm at 11 iim. Recel nla of wheat durlns the last two days were 185.000 centala. Including 183,0u0 Americans. There were no receipts ot ic; September, 6u6tic; closed at 6oc iWfmofr, D.tainu4ic; cioaea at Mc. OATS Receipts. 48,2t) bu.; exports, 951 bu. Spot, firm: No. 2. 66ft66c; No. 8. 6&t toc; No. 2 white. 60c: No. t white, 69c; track, mixed western. 64&6c; track, white western, 664i63c. Options continued very -strong and higher on bull erop news. ' HAY Quiet; shipping, 0j6oc; good to Choice. 1(H)6c. HIDES Quiet; Galveston. 20 to 26 lbs., 17c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., l&c; Texas dry, it to 30 lbs., 13c. HOPS Firm; state, prime to choice, 1S01 crop, 1)'23c; luo, 16c; olds, 64ic; state, vromnion to choice. 1)1 crop. 2ti(rt24c: Pa- rino coast, jaui crop, iikcpuc; ipuu, joc; olds, PROVISIONS-Pork. quiet; family, tlS .ICQ 16 00; mess, tlS XcT 14 00; beef bams, ll.oO(j 12 50; packet,; city extra India tneaa, li4.un.'6 (JO. cut meats, nrm; pickled bellies, tU.uu411.60: pickled shoulders, to 75; pickled bams til 6tU.oo. Iard. firm; west. rn steamed, til; July closed at til, nominal: refined, firm: family. tlt.7rt'20.uo: South America. tll.6t: family, compound. M 12W1&6.60. Pork, firmer: family. t'J0.5ii 21 00; short clear. $llooZ1.60; mesa, lltNk'h.if bu 7o- Corn. bu... (ud centals: bacon, 10.100 boxea; hams, 4W boxes; shoulders, Z.400 boxes; butter, a.btu cwt.; cheese, 29,000 boxes; lard. 6.100 tierces of prime western steam and 1,480 tons of Afher klnai The following are the stocks of wheat and corn In store and at Quays (railway and canal depots not Included): Wheat. 2,2M,0u0 centals; corn, eba.ouv centals. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 1 WHEAT-Re- retDts. 75 cars: July. 68Vfl6Se: September. fec; cash. No. 2 hard. old. 7lnc; No. t, old. 71(jj71c; No. 2 red. new, 7(g71c: old, 73.'a73c: No. 8. 7J6-72c; new, 470c; No 1 surlna. lOtftTlc. CORN July, 61c: September, R3c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 64c: No. t white. 64c; No. I, oC. O A T B 1NO. I wnne, ooc RYE No. 2. 6e.. HAY Choice Dralrle. t 00(910 00. BUTTER Creamery, lc; fancy dairy, 18c. EGOS Steady: fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock, 14o dos.. loss off. rases returned. Receipts. Hnipments. ....110. (HO t.800 .... 68.400 28.0ii0 .... 34,000 6.0U0 TALLOW-Steady; city (tt per pkg.). c: Kit.' ejouniry null, irrri, 1 . RICE Firm; domestlo. fair to extra, 4 I Ckaaaaa ta Available anpllea. WOOL Quiet I NEW YORK. July 1 Special cable and BUTTfci-Receipt. HJTU pkgs.; easier; 1 tslegraphlo communications to Bradstrseu tow .... 7t .... 48 ....178 ....ISO .... 41 .... 10 844. 4 Amer. Car A F. Hocking Vallsy.. do pfd Ilnola Central ... Iowa Cantral do pfd Laka Erla A W.... do pfd . A N Manhattan L afel. at. Rr Max. Central Max. National ..... Minn. A St. L Mo. Pacific .. K. A T do pfd . J. Cantral ..... . Y. Cantral Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pannarlranta Raadlng do lat pfd do Id pfd it. LAI P..... do lat pfd do Id pfd St. L. Soulhw do pfd U Paul do pfd Ex-dividend. .. Bl ..1404 81 ... M ... 4H ... 1 97 ...128 ...114 ...ISO ... 3 ... .1 ... l ... ... 6 .104 ...10 ...101 3 .101 . ! . 81 .10 do la u4 N. Y. Cantral la.. ..101 do gn. IWa It1 N. J. C. gan. aa....l4H No. PacISc 4a 1044 do la 74 N. ft w. eon. 4a. ...101 ..144 ..10S k.102 .. 18 T. A R. O. 4a 10!V Erie prior lien 4a... ao general 4B 87 W. ft D. C. Is. ..118V Hock. Val. 44a 10814 Ex-Interest. Union racisa 4a.. do eon.. 4a Wabaah la do la do deb. B Weat Shore 4a.... W. A It E. 4a.... Wla. Central 4a.. .Con. Tobacco 4s... l ..UlSa ..111 .. 83 ..104 ..107 ..lit1 ..111-4 .. 77 ..113 .. .. t .. 47 Boston Stock. Quotations. BOSTON, July L Call loans, 2(?4 per cent; time loans, 4 'a per cent, umciai closing oi stocas ana Donas Atchison 4a 1024i Oaa la (7 Mex. Central 4a 82 E. O. A C 0'4 Atchlann 8I do pfd Boston A Albany... .160 Boston A Ma S01 u Y . N. H. ft H...M0H Pltchburg pfd lts't nlon Pacific 104 s Mex. Central ts American Sugar 124 do pfdd Ill American T. A T....143 Dom. 1. ft B (2 General Electrlo ,...304 Mass. Electrlo 43 do pfd (7 N. E. O. ft C 3tt United Fruit 114 U. 8. Steel 37 S do pfd 88 Adrenture 23 Allouea Amalgamated Ilaljr Weat ningham Calumet A Hacla. Centennial Copper Range .... Dominion Coal ... Franklin Isle Rnrala Mohawk Old Pomlnloa .... Osceola .....i Parrot Uulncr Santa Fa Copper.. Tamarack Trlmountaia Trlnltr United States Utah Victoria Winona Wolverine . IV. . 434 ,. 48 . 31 .480 . II .. 68 ,.1344 .. 104 ,. 12 ,. 43 .. 1 .. at ,. 37 ,.110 .. 1 ..178 .. .. 11 .. 1 .. 10 .. 8 .. 4 .. 14 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Besf Csttlf Good Quality Sold fresly at RtroBf Prices, HOGS OPENED HIGHER BUT CLOSED WEAK Feeallnc Sheen Contmanded Steady Prices, bat Fat Stns? Was a Lit tle) Slow anal Akeat Tea to Fifteen Cents Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. July 1, Receipts werei Cattle. Hot, cheep. Official Monday 1.127 4.S67 .(! Official, Tuesday 2.015 8,968 8,639 Two dars this week.. 4.142 14.513 14. T0 Bame days last week.... 8,66 18.610 15.1n9 Bams week before 8.414 16.539 8.61 Bame three weeks ago.. 6.1A4 19.470 6.743 Bame four weeks ae-o... K.52& 21.998 4."8 Bams days last year.... 4,818 14.272 6.616 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The fallowing table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dats and comparisons with last year: 1002 1901. Inc. Dec. Cattle 867. 8"K? 344.478 23. M0 Hogs 1.341.379 1.229.425 111.964 Sheep 428.898 614,333 85.937 The following table shows the average price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market the last several days, with com parisons with former years; I 1.... l...., 1 1.... t ... 10... l.... l ... l... 17.... I.... 1.... I.... I... I.... 7.... I.... 10.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 3 ... 1.... 1.... 81.... 7.... 8.... 17. i t M 1 If-M 4 at I 8 38 8no 4 0 i 8 8 1 1"0 4 38 l 3 33 1 1'" 4 38 I 40 1 Wl IW , 3 40 3 lof-8 4 40 i 3 80 1 1" 4 flu i 3 to i i2o I o I 8 M 1 1140 t 38 i 3 80 I If-M 8 8 i I M 1 1880 I 78 HEIFERS i 1 8o a tv 4 js 3 88 1 80 4 38 l 3 Ift 4 S3 I 8 84 1 1010 t 00 4 Mi 3 M 111 1 4 30 3 80 6 40 CALVEo. i 1 18 t rt 4 8o I 4 00 1 170 8 OS COWS AND HEIFER8. I 3 00 1 81 8 80 I 3 80 1 1W0 I 80 I t 8 . 1 774 8 00 I 3 8 4 48 I 00 , 75 4 783 I 00 i 3 73 iTOCK CALVES. ) 3 80 1 10 4 00 t 3 80 1 110 4 00 I 00 1 10 4 75 I 3 38 8 13 I 00 .... 810 ....110 , ....110 ...1478 i ,...1M8 .... 0 ....140 ....140 .... 8 .... l .... 840 .... 770 78 .... 707 .... t0 .... 82 OCK .... 840 .... 820 .... 81 .... 4 .... fi8 .... 881 340 100 4 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 420 41 40 4 , 7d4 . 748 . 4 ao 8 25 3 70 I 80 8 00 8 88 3 80 4 00 4 10 3. it!! 14.'! i. 4k ... 410 ... 847 ... 711 ... 824 ...1010 H5 KW 4 4 35 4 0 4 W 4 18 4 80 4 8 I 00 Data, 1902. 1901.1900.!189.H9.1S97.1396. June .... 670l4iS Mi 4 81 340 June ..... 1 07 t 86 8 68 4 12 3 32 June8.... 7 j3 170 3 6CI4033M June 4.... 7i 6 72 4 83 1 4 10 3 82 June 6.... T 20 I 70) 4 1 3 88 8 81 June 3.... 7 16 6 71 4 4 3 681 4 01 June 7.... 7 18 6 75 4 96 117 IU 8 80 Juno 8.... I 78 I 02 3 80 8 87, 3 31 Juns 9.... 7 21 6 10 8 81 8 82 I 28 Juno 10... 7 2 6 84 3 69 3 9ll 3 37 June 11... 7 : 191 00 8ul 3 24 Juns U... 783 I 89 4 82 I 17 I 81 June 13... 7 S 6to48u3643 71 June 14... 'i 81 6 81 4 85 3 60 3 79 8 29 June 16... 6 86 4 89 3 64 3 77 3 32 June 16... 7 24 4 95 3 62 3 9o 3 22 Juns 17... 7 23 I 8 83 8 63 3 93 3 18 Juns 18... 7 M 6 89 6 03 3 80 3 21 June 19... 7 33 6 92 6 08 8 64 3 16 June 20... 7 41 6 90 4 94 8 71 3 80 June 21... 7 43 1 6 91 4 93 3 69 8 811 3 151 June 22... 6 89 6 00 8 65 3 72 3 21 June 23... 7 49 6 13 3 68 3 72 3 23 1 June 24... 7 69 6 93 3 62 3 8, 3 2rt Juns 25... 7 67 6 93 5 17 3 6913 23 June 26... 7 61 693 6 10 3 83 3 '6 June 27... 7 62 5 91 6 03 3 61 3 62, June 28... 7 55 6 87 6 11 8 65 8 63 3 61 June 29... 6 90 4 99 o 6 3 6 3 24 June 30... 7 61 6 01 8 6 8 55 3 24 July 1.... 7 84 8 89 3 73 8 61 3 18 3 88 2 86 3 8 2 87 3 96 I 01 a 3 08 3 V4 3 93 t 9 8 (4) 3 03 a I 98 3 10 8 08 3 10 3 02 2 96 3 97 2 97 2 96 2 94 2 G8 2 9o HOOS There was only a fair run of hogs here today and under the influence o a food local demand and favorable reporta rom other polnta the market opened fairly active and about 6c higher on the good weight hogs. The light weights were neg lected and sellers In most cases were un able to get bids on that class of stuff. The good weights, thousrh. chanced hands quite freely and It waa not long before the bulk of the offerlnas waa out of first hands. Later In the morning Chicago waa reported closing weak and for a time about all of the advance was lost at this point, but the extreme close was a little stronger. The light weights were a drug on the market all day and In most rases sold a little lower than they did yesterday. Packers claim, though that light stuff has been selling higher here In proportion than at any other point ana ror tnat reason tney are trying to pound It down Into line. Heavy hogs today sold largely from 87.70 to 87.85 and medium weights went from 17.65 to 37.75 and tne ngnt stuff from i.t down. Kepresen- tative skies: No. 70.. 71.., 71.. dlan steers. 83. 4fe. 26: cows and heirers. 1IOOH neceipts, ."! nenn. mmn'i steady; pigs and lights. 37.2f.'a'7.60; packers. 7.fi7.7S; butchers, $7.v,j 4.(0. head. Market higher; native muttons. 83 "0 jS60; lambs. I4.35(ti7 n; cums ana puck. $1.260 4.0u; Texas Blockers, 32.25. Hew York I.l Stock Market. I7EW TORK, JUiy 1. 4 A l llrnrrri'i, 417 hesd; dressed beef, steady: city dressed natives, sides. 9'ol2c per lb. Cables quoted American steers ai iwvi u,rry.. weight; refrigerator beef, llilc per lb. Exports today about 140 head of h'-1. l Al,ve.n neccipin, n-iw. quoted about steady: reported sales In- ciuoecl a tew veain si i.u'ui.u lbs.: cltv dressed veals, general sales, 8i lic per lb. .. i MUUK-neceipts, 4i neau. inunri n""" tially firm. SHEEP AND lAMRS-RecelptS. I.M3 head. Bheep quoted about steady; lambs . . i . . 1 1 w . - 1 1 - Cl...n .nl4 st I2.604i4.10 per lflo lbs, one bunch at 34 .60; lamos at tn.toyi.ay-, iwo im iii"-i sold at 37.37. Dressed muttons, 6tf8c per lb.; dressed Iambs, 9613c. Sloas City ftirt Stock Market. SlOt'X CITY. July 1. (Ppeclal Telegrsm.) CATTLR Receipts, 1.000 head; steady: beef steers, 35 604T?.H; cows, duhs ana mixed, 83.i?6.25; stockers and feeders, 12.504 26; calves and yearllnga, 32.50(774 00. HOOS Receipts. 4,800 hesd; 10c higher, selling at 37.35(37.75; bulk, 37.45K. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head; steady. Stock In Slht. The fnllnwtnar table howl the receipts Of cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal markets tor juiy i South Omaha Chicsgo Kansas city . Bt. Ixiula .... St. Joseph .. Totals Csttte. ... 3.015 ... 4.0no ... 8,000 ... 7.X ... 2.300 Hogs. Sheep. 9.9SS 8.5- 18 000 10.400 4.000 8.100 13A0 4) 4.910 3M .25.115 81.358 27.2:8 New York Mining Qaotatlons. NEW YORK. Julr 1. The following are the closing prices on mining stocks; Adams Con Alice breeca Brunawlck Con .. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs.. Ueadwuod Terra.. Horn Iron Silver Leadrllle Con.... 30 .. 4t .. 50 .. 4 .. ..190 ..100 ..128 .. 80 .. ( 1,1 1 tie Chief Ontario , Ophlr Phoenix , Potoal Savaaa sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. standard .. 11 ..800 ..120 .. .. 14 .. 6 .. 30 .. 45 ..too Indicates Sunday. YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS, The following list shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to tne country yesterday ana tneir destination: Cars. 7 2 2 ..... 3 do pfd.. Amer. Lin. Oil do pfd Amer. S. A R. do pfd 74 Anacnnda Mln. Co. ..10 Brooklyn R. T 7V4 Colo. Fuel A I n Con. Oaa !22'4 Con. Tobacco pfd....l22S8 uen. biecirio Hocking Coal Inter. Paper do prd.. 4mlntr. Power .. 8t Laclede Oaa .. 44 National Biscuit . ..123 National Lead .... ..187 No. American .... ..181 Paclfta Coast ..148 Pacific Hall .. 284, Prop 1.' a Oaa ... 1' Pressed B. Car ... ...lioxl do pfd ,..1114 Pullman P. Car... .. 37 Republic steel ... .. lt do pfd ...lftu Sugar ...164 Tenn. Coal A I... ... Mi, I'nloa Bag A P... ... t!lk do pfd ... 8SH V. S. Leather .... ...lM'- do pfd ... 44 iU. 8. Rubber ... 84 do pfd ... 4 U. 8. Steel ... 44V o Pfd ... 13, Westers t'alon ... 72 Amer. Locomotl.s 31l do pfd 33V 47 K. C. Southern U'i .174l do pfd. .180 I London Stock Market. LONDON, July 1. 4 p. m. Closing; Cons., ner 84 i Norfolk. A Westers do account 34 8-141 da pfd Anaeenda 84, Ontario A Westers Atchison SH, Pennsylvania do pfd loj.Keedlna Baltimore a nnio....ini Canadian PacISc 188 Cri.eapeake Ohio.. 474, Chlcaao O. W sow C. 14 . A St. P 174VSouthera Paclne Denver ei K. U 4iv union raciae. do pfd 8v da pfd Erla 37S,17. 8. Steel... do lat pfd no id pra , Southern Rr do pfd do let pfd do 3d pfd tlllnala Central Loalsvllle Nash., at . K. A T da ptd . . 54 .144", .140 do pfd.... Wabash do ptd Spanish 4a 3744, Hand Mines 40 iDcbeera tdef ). New tork Central... 188H BAR SILVER Dull: 24 3-ld Per ounce MONEY 2'd2 per cent. The rate of dts. count In the open market for both short and three-months' bills Is 2g-9-l per cent. Bank Clearings. NEW YORK. July 1. Clearings. 8306.887,. 036: balances. 830.746.378. OMAHA, July L Bank clearings today, Foreign Financial. LONDON. July 1. Money was more abundant today and rates were easier, with tne turn or tiio nan year ana neavy coupon and dividend payments. Business on the btocK exchange maintained a cneertui tone, though transactions were moderate. The chief influences were the favorable bulletins regarding King Edward's con dition ' and easier money. Consols were fairly steady. Home rails generally were firm. Underground rails reacted, Ameri cans relapsed fractionally to below parity, but some of them Improved, notably coal era. They closed quiet. Grand Trunk sec onds were higher. Rio tlntos hardened. Copper waa nrm at 62. Kaffirs eased owing to lack of business. Gold premiums are quoted: Buenos Ayres, 129.70; Madrid, 36.72; Lisbon 26.60;- Rome, 1.27. PARIS, July l. Three per cent rentes, lOlf 77c for the acootint. Exchange on Lionaon. not idc tor cnecw. Bpanisn 4s closed at 81.87. Business opened fairly good on the bourse today, but later be came Irregular and Inactive and closed un decided. Rentes improved slightly on a renewed rumor of their conversion shortly. Foreigners were firm. Russians closed with a substantial rise. Turks were In particularly good demand. Railroads were offered East Parisian railroads were sup Dorted. Kaffirs opened with a good tone. owing to the favorable news regarding King Edwards condition, and closed ir regular, owing to the receipt here of leas encouraging reports of his matesty s prog. ress. The rate of discount was unchanged at 2 9-16 per cent. BERLIN. July 1. Prices on the bourse today were nrm and business was aulet There were some speculative purchases of mines, tne prospects or wnicn were con sidered to be more encouraging. ' Cana dian Pacifies were harder on New York advices. Exchange on London. 20m 46pfgs for cheeks. Discount rates, short bills (for settlement), o1 per cent; tnree months bills, 1 per cent. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 1. COTTON The mar. ket opened nteady In tone, but 3 to 6 points lower In sympathy with disappointing Liv erpool cables and general bearish private reports. Later the whole market eaaed off under selling for both accounts, with Au gust oft to 8!26c. The Liverpool cables were more bearish than the early advices and Europe sent selling orders to the local ring. The south, too, sold cotton here dur ing the first hours. At midday there was a rally on covering by scalpers. Trading was not active at any time during the after noon and as a rule the conservative ele ment evened up trades pending receipt of the monthly crop statement from the gov ernment next Thursday and the passing of the holidays at the end of the week. Soon after midday the weekly report came to nana ana enowea a mucn less ravorabls crop outlook than had been expected. Drouth was mentioned- for parts of the central belt and northwestern and south western Texaa. A large movement to cover caused an advance throughout the Hat, but later absence of speculative auoDort 1 4 I allowed prices to ease off again. In ths I l.. hAiiv ehirta nnv.r. In f... n kl.k.. J rabies tomorrow, though the July option nuns ump ana aroppea on to s tsc, or 11 points under last night's close. The market waa nnany steaay ana net points lower to 3 nolnts higher. r;v uni.fc.AisH, juiy i. tjurrorv Market quiet; sales, 350 bales; ordinary, 7 9-lrtc: good ordinary. 8 l-16c; low middling. 8 9-16c: middling. 9c; good middling. 9 6-16c; middling fair, 9 11-16c; receipts. 246 bales; lock. 95.847 bales. Futures steady: Julv. 8.96c bid: August, 8 49fl.60c; September, 7.96 i7.97c; October, 7.6S(7r7.69c; November, 7.59 .file: December, 7.59fi7.oc: January. 7.69tf 7.60c. GALVESTON. July 1. COTTON Steady at 8 15-16C. LIVERPOOL. July 1 COTTON Snot In moderate business, prices l-32d lower: American middling, fair. 6 5-16d: rood mid dling. 5 1-16d; middling. 4 1S-16d; low mid dling. 4 27-32d; good ordinary. 4 23-32d; or dinary. 4 16-371. The sales or the day were ii.'.mw naies. or wnicn z "ai were for speculation and export and In cluded 8.600 American; receipts, 2,300 bales, all American. Futures opened quiet and closed stead y-i American middling, g. o. c. 4 47-64.1. buyers; July and August. 4 46-64 4i4 46-Mrt. sellers: August and SeDtember. 4 88-66 4 39-4d. buyers; September and Oc. tober, 4 2-64W4 Z7-ft4rt buvers; octotr snd November. 4 19-e4(7M 2"-4d. buyers: Novem. ber snd December. 4 16-6404 17-64d, seller. December and January. 4 l-4d. buyers January and February, 4 14-644 16-64d, buyers. ST. LOUIS. July 1. COTTON Quiet and unchanged: middling. 1 15-iec: sales. 38 bales; receipts. 713 bales. Coffe Market. NEW YORK. July l.-COFFEE Spot Rio. dull: No. 7. Invoice. 7V.C. Mild, quiet Cordova. 8tfrUVtc. Futures opened steady with prices t points lower, following bear ish rabies, heavy primary receipts and clearances and liquidation of long ac counts. Trading was listless and confined chiefly to the professional side. The mar ket rallied In the afternoon, shorts bidding rrlces ud to last night s level. Public spec ulatlor. was quiet and foreign orders were features. At the close nrlces were net un changed. Sales. 80.000 hags. Including July at 4h5c; Beptember, (; uecemoer. .joc March, 540c; May. .60c. agar Market. NEW YORK. July 1. 8ITOAR Raw, firm: centrifugal. 9 (est. 3V65-lc; no- lasses surar, Is-isc; rennea steany. LONDON. July 1. BEET 6TJOAR July, Km NEW ORLEANS, July 1. 6ITJAR Mar ket quiet; open kettle, 2tM3-lc: open aet. tie centrifugal. 3(j3c: centrifugal yellow, 33-4Ulo; seconds, la3C Molasses, Cull ceutriiugai, sauo, Reed Bros., Fort Dodge, la., R. I. T. J. Searl, Clarlnda, la. R. I R. Bearl. Clarlnda. Ia. H. I E. F. Maxey, Memphis, Mo. Q Sheep: E. J. Mulllon. Watson. Mo. K. C... The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, tt'r s C, M. & St. P. Ry.... 8 7.. Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific Ity.. 14 a .. Union Pacific System 10 is iu C. A N. W. Ry 4 20 F.. E. 4 M. V. R. R.. 30 42 28 C, av. tr., m. oc w... n " B. A M. Rg-Ry 23 14 C, H. A Q K ,i 4 K. C. A St. J. 18 C, R. I. & P., east.. 8 11 Illinois central as.. Total recslpts ....121 137 38 The dlsnosltlon of the day's receipts was as follows, eacn ouyer purcnasiiig iu num ber of head indicated: Ritvsrs Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Omaha Packing Co 224 1.079 132 Swift and company a d.ox i.oju Cudahy Packing Co 811 Armour & Co 617 Omaha P. Co. from K. C. 172 Cudahy from is., u Swift from K. C 81 a. H. Hammond Co Armour from iv. j xia R. Becker & Degao 19 Vanaant A Co 4 Lobman A co do villi & Huntilnger.i 67 Livingstone & Bchaller.. 1 H. Lt. uennis oc . Other buyers 101 No. 80 70 74 81 TO 78 38 74 71 17 85 78 1 0 78 83 58 83 82 73 5 78 54 82 6 34 17 34., 71., 77.. S3., 88 2,693 2,648 969 792 6,386 Total 2,980 8,764 7,830 CATTLE There was a light run of cattle 4,. r. tnAmv for a. Tuesday and as the de mand continued of liberal proportions for anything at an gooo me warm w c iivs and strong. Owing to the limited offerings lt was not long before practically Avervthlner waa dlsnosed of. There was scout tne usuai prupumun ui tif ateera Included In the receipts, but aatde from a few bunches the quality wag only fair, facaere tooa nom in guou nii of the better grades and on such kinds the market could aafely be quoted steady to strong and active. It waa the same old story, however, when It came to the com mon and part fat stuff, for buyers were not at all anxious for those kinds and trad ing was slow at no more than steady 'tii.'mw market waa also active and steady to strong so far as the good to choice dry lot cows and heifers and also the better grades of grass stock were con cerned. There Old not seem to be any too many Of that class to meet the require ments of local packers and as a result ..iir had no trouble In disposing of what they had at very satisfactory prices. The medium and common grades, though, were neglected and In a good many Instances sellers were obliged to take leaa than they thought the cattle ought to bring. It la very evident that packers do not care for the commoner kinds of cows at this time and as a result they only take them at their own figures. There was not enough change In the ? rices paid for bulls, veal calves and stags o be worthy of mention. Anything good sold freely, but common kinds were slow nie supply of stockers and feeders was limited today and as there was consider .ki riamand for good stuff prices on such kinds were strong to a dime higher. The common kinds, though, showed no Im provement and were slow sale, the same as usuai, ntiic..'". BEEF HTKKKS. At. Pr. No, No. 8... 3U4 ... 1 ... 21 ... 73 ... 75 ... 88 ... 47 ... 31 ...121 ... 46 ... 41 ...101 ... 46 ... 85 ...333 . ... 17 ... 724,, ... t ... 15 ... P ... 124. ... 4 ... 37 ... kS .... 87 . 31 a8St 88 31 Lars.. 83 "S . 84 . 41 . 8S . 87i . 7 . 6 .107 . 81 . a. . 3US . 31 ,. 47 . 80V . 1H4, .. 32 4 43 37 43 13 1 3 84 38 4 11 8 4 I 1 , 8 3 1 4...... IT 1 1 1 1 18 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 IT I I 1 1 13 3 a 3 1 1 8 1 18.... U 1.:.. 1.... 1.... 3... 4.... , 3.... At. Ft. .. T70 3 T5 34 1224 T 30 .... MO 3 50 34 1068 T 20 ....1211 I 35 37 1177 7 38 .... 888 I 30 40 1284 T 25 841 8 80 80 12(7 T 85 108 00 37 1307 T 35 1171 t 38 IT 1M4 T 86 1063 4 35 3 1363 T 45 . 1148 t 40 30 1214 T 60 104 40 IT 121T T 84 100 4 80 53 1343 T 50 1063 4 88 S3 11(4 T 60 1180 4 75 84 18S7 T 55 1175 76 60 1848 T 40 1144 T6 4 1314 T 10 .... llOrt 4 T5 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 700 4 86 4 87 4 M 874 86 23 1213 T 45 . cows. 844 t 08 1 110 3 8 .... 880 1 25 1 880 3 50 810 3 26 4 810 3 40 700 8 36 33 843 3 to I 25 4 37 3 44 868 t 36 14 84T 3 86 40 I 36 13 1003 8 T6 . ... 84 I 40 14 813 3 78 823 3 4 1 1080 3 73 873 I 40 1 1000 3 8 10M 3 60 1 1144 8 38 ' 1014 t 80 13 813 3 85 IU I U 4 310 3 88 840 1 73 i 878 3 85 1078 3 Tt 4 380 3 84 IH IT! 814 3 33 1000 t 76 1 1240 4 80 33 t 73 1 860 4 00 883 1 80 4 803 4 00 1080 35 1 860 4 0 31 t 85 1 1110 4 00 1180 I 85 1 1080 4 00 1120 1 8 11 843 4 08 388 3 00 3 TOO 4 28 843 3 0 33 4 38 840 I 00 8 873 4 28 1180 I 04 3 860 4 88 1180 I 0 1 370 4 5 31 3 0 1 1070 4 50 880 t 00 . IT 84 4 58 101 00 1 1043 4 40 108 3 00 1 117 4 Tt 87 I 10 1 810 4 Tt 843 1-10 33 1040 4 75 , 88 I It 1 1010 4 78 , 3T I 38 435 323 4 84 840 3 38 1 313 4 80 , 314 I 3 1 80 4 88 88 3 35 1 1018 6 60 1140 8 30 1 '10 4 00 , 860 3 86 48 841 4 14 840 I 40 1 1110 3 24 8T 3 40 1 102T 4 3 86 t 4 14 6 84 80 I 40 1148 6 30 106 3 4 1 110 4 8 W IH 1 1080 6 80 Ill 3 4 STEERS AND COWS. 848 8 16 COWS AND HEIFERS. 848 4 3 38. BULLS. ..138 30 1.... t 00 I.... .. sao I 10 1.... l 3 1.... ..ION I 38 1.... ..84 Is 1.... 803 I 4 ....1414 I Tt ....1040 75 .... tae 15 ....1000 I 78 .... 87 I T6 ....U7 4 At. ..184 ..187 ..301 ..18T ..181 ..184 ..188 ..2 ..312 ..230 ..1T ..187 ..188 ,.23 ..300 ..213 ..303 ..30 ...18 ...211 ...204 ,..217 .217 .318 .111 ..324 ..318 ..123 ..185 ..325 .224 4 Ill 85 I 78 78 78 T6 81 4 4T.. 84.. TO.. T4.. 0.. 44. 68. 68. 74. 8. 63. 0. I 4 ! 41 88 50 65 77 47 S 78 74 75 81 TT 66.. 44.. .31T .131 .188 .224 .384 .220 .18T .217 ...311 ...30 ...176 ...3i ...314 ...315 ...231 ...235 ...220 ...225 ...228 ...223 ...314 ...113 ...318 ...224 .230 46. .227 .in .220 .111 .10 .126 ...200 ...303 ...Z13 ...I.TT t3 ....231 8h. 80 40 120 80 140 40 300 80 140 140 80 240 140 80 100 80 40 80 40 40 160 120 too 120 10 80 140 80 80 180 180 80 140 40 80 1(0 120 3u0 140 1K0 120 120 140 Pr. 7 46 7 60 7 60 T 60 7 50 7 50 T 60 T 60 T 62 T bit T 65 7 65 T 65 T 65 T 66 T 65 T 65 T 87! T (74 7 57 7 l 7 80 7 44 7 60 7 40 7 40 T 40 7 0 1 81) T 40 7 80 7 40 T 40 7 80 7 60 7 40 7 40 7 40 T 80 T 40 7 40 7 40 7 40 7 80 7 40 7 60 T 80 7 82 7 42 7 824 1 42 7 42 7 42 '4 7 ! 1 2 7 624 T 42 7 24 T 82 7 62 U 7 43 7 42V, T 82 7 824 1 4214 7 42 7 424 7 41 T 46 7 5 78.. 73.. 71.. 70.. 84.. 47.. 33.. 76.. 43.. 11.. 68.. 17.. 44.. 71.. II.. 46.. 71.. 71.. 15 63 46 4 73 48 76 44 41 42 40 74 73 43 73 4C 73 48 74 48 43 , 67 , 81 77 73 71 74 , 71 , 68 74 , 84 6T , 44 , 74 14 40 10 10. 70. 43., 41. 68. fl., 41. 88. 63. 43. TO. 64. At. 233 333 Ill 221 125 Ill Ill Ill 201 Ill 114 338 108 304 221 231 127 Ill 120 220 221 230 141 141 334 231 144 260 283 341 143 368 ..136 ..246 ..IH ..241 ..234 ..160 ..241 ..261 ..261 ..144 ..244 ..143 ..1M ..217 ..lit ..123 ..131 ..168 ..244 ..264 ..268 ..224 ,.161 ..258 ....240 ....373 ....288 ....244 ....180 ....260 ....270 ....138 ....241 ....188 ....843 ....273 ....164 ....181 h. 80 100 120 60 120 40 80 'ei 140 'ii 120 40 140 80 140 180 120 180 60 180 140 180 80 160 80 110 40 80 Pr. 7 46 7 45 7 48 7 45 7 46 7 8 7 85 7 45 T 45 7 5 1 45 7 45 7 45 7 a 7 46 7 5 7 6 7 86 7 46 7 85 7 65 7 85 7 874 7 374 7 374 7 474 7 474 7 474 7 474 7 474 7 474 7 70 7 70 7 70 7 70 7 70 7 70 T 70 7 70 7 TO 7 70 7 TO 7 70 7 70 7 70 7 70 7 70 7 70 7 70 7 72 7 724 7 724 7 724 7 724 7 75 7 75 7 75 1 T5 7 T5 7 TS 7 T5 T T6 7 76 7 60 7 80 T 80 7 86 t 85 7 86 7 86 SHEEP There was another heavy run of sheeD herd today and. the same as yester day, a good proportion of the offerings con sisted or feeders, -mere were quite a gooa many buyers on the market looking for feeders, so that the better grades aold quite freely at just anout steaay prices. ine common kinds, though, were slow. The market for fat stuff was not in very good shape. The bulk of the offerings was not particularly good, but still packers wanted to buy their supplies lower, and In most cases their bias were loacioo lower than yesterday. Sellers were holding for steady prices and as a result the market was slow and It was late before much was done Quotations for clipped stock: oood to choice yearlings, 83.5o3.75; fair to good. 33.25(g'3.50; good choice wethers, 33.3R(j(3.50; fair to gooa wetners, w. 10420.30; gooa to choice ewes, 32.75(gi3.0O; fair to good ewea, t2.WXgt.bO; good to choice spring lambs, 36 26 436.75; fair to good spring lambs, 35.0oj?.O0; feeder wethers and yearllnga, 32.5O(a3.00. Representative sales: No. 12 cult ewes 12 western ewes 170 western ewes 67 western ewes 133 western wethers 620 feeder wethers , WO feeder wethers , 600 feeder yearlings , 217 feeder yearlings , 427 feeder wethers , 401 western wethers , 13 spring lambs, culls.,.., 25 cull ewes , J?2 western ewes ., 226 western wetners , 537 western wethers , 391 western wethers., , 54 western wetners , CHICAGO MVB STOCK MARKET. Av. Pr. .. 76 81 60 .. 112 3 50 .. 97 2 65 .. 99 2 70 .. 78 2 80 .. 78 2 80 ... 82 2 85 ... 78 2 90 ,.. 78 2 90 .. 78 3 90 ,.. 87 8 10 ,.. 47 8 75 ,.. 81 1 60 ,.. 88 2 50 ,.. 103 3 10 ... 102 3 10 ,.. 105 3 10 ... 106 S 10 CHICAGO. Julv 1. CATTLE Receipts. 4.000 head, Including 1,500 Texana; good, to prime steers, 87.75(Q.ijO; -poor to medium, 84. 75(37. 60; stockers and feeders, 82.50tS5.36; cows, ll.50W6.00; heifers. 32.50$f.60; can nera. 31.4U4r2.60; bulls, I2.5txri5.60; calves, 82.50O.00: Texas-fed steers. 33. 90(37.00. HUUo neceipts, ib.uiiu neao: estimated to morrow, 27,000; left over, 6,aw: steady to shade higher; mixed and butchers, 87. 20 7.7o; gooa to cnoice neavy, (i.igii in; rough heavy, 37.35.70; light, 37.0ma7.66; bulk of sales. 17. 40427. 76. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 13.000 head: sheeD. steady for best: lambs, strong for choice; good to choice wethers, 33.75 4.00; fair to choice mixed, 33. 25. 75; west ern sheep, 82.75(03.90; native lambs, .3. GOUT 7.30. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 14,458 7.816 Hogs 4,!f.H) Sheep 18,663 649 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. July 1. CATTLE Re. celcts. 6.3)10 natives. 1.700 Texana. 736 calves; mostly Texans: fancy cattle, steady; fair to good, steady to unevenly lower: native rattle, strong; ranners, weak; quarantine stuff, steady; choice export and dressed beef steers. 38.10fc8.36 (the latter being the I highest price ever received on this mar ket): fair to good. 36.3ofns.oo: stocaers ana feeders. 83.368650; western fed steers. 85.00 66.65; Texas and Indian steers. 63.ootro.75; Texaa cows. 32.75fj4 60: native cows. I? 2": native helfera, 83 O5'g4.50; canners. 31.509 3.00: bulla. 2.(Mft4 00: calves. 32.EOS5.25. HOGS Receipts. 1O.40U neao. ftiarget ! opened strong to 6c lower: closed weak and lower; top, 3 p; duik 01 saies, heavy. 87.WVfr7.90: mixed packers 37.7097.90: light. 87.40(27.75; Yorkers. 37 6S07.76; pigs, 87.0007.48. StULttf AP41J IjAH bo neceipts, ano head: natlvea, steady; greasers, steady to 10c higher: native lambs, 64.704fS.76: west- el n lambs, 84 wT4 ; native wetners, W 4 40; fed ewes. 33 307 4.20: lexss cupped vearlinsrs 83.4VfI4u): Texaa clipped sheep. 33.003.36; Blockers snd feeders, 43 0003.00. at. Josepk Llva Stock Market. Of TAOrDU Titlw 4 rATTf .V P...lnf. 2.300 head. Market steady: natives, 36.07 8 25: cows and heifers, t.taxga.nv: veaia. 3.1 ro? SO: atockers and feeders. 32 ZVS5.60. H(H,tl rteceipis. n.iw neaa. M"r.i ateadv: light and light mixed. 87. 5507 75: medium and heavy. 17.6087.70; pigs. $4 25'J 8.75. ..... . SHEEP AND mhdb-neceipts, sou peia. Market steady. t. Loals Live Stock Market. HT IOi:iS. July 1 CATTLE Receipts. 7.600 head. Including 6.100 Texana. Market steady to a shade lower: native shipping and exDort steers 86 00227.35: extra fancy. 37.Otvii7.75; dreased beef and butcher atrers, I 66 007.26; steera under 1.000 lbs., 64 6OI06.6O: stockers ana feeders, ri .M ": cows ana heifers, 32.26416 40; canners 61.7MJZ-8; bulls, I t2.5Ojj4.0O, calves, H-005.75; Texas and In- Wool Market. BOSTON. July 1 WOOL Ths market here Is decidedly firm, with prices on the upward tendency. Territory wools con tinue to head the list of sales and hove been the active feature of the week, with prices as follows: Fine staple, fwze: strictly fine, 49ff61c; clean fine and line medium. 47(ir4Sc; staple, Bitprac: meaium, 40 ff42c. Texas wool Is very Arm nt the re cent advance. Fall, cleaned basis, 44(fN6c: twelve months, 6vS53c: six to eight months, spring. 4fVfi"48e. The fleece wools are scarce and firmer; No. 1 combing is verv strong; Ohio fine delaine, 29f?29c; Michigan 2fVit) 27e: No. 1 washed combing. 2757c; coarse. 23fr2Re. Australian wools are firmer, with this market remarkably well sold up. The demand la good, with considerable sold the . last week. Combing, choice scoured basis, 72(3740; average. 70(g72c. ST. LOUIS, July l.-WOOL Steady; "me dium grades and combing. 181717C light line. izftl6c; heavy nne, 10ljl3c; tub washed, I5(g24c. Oil and Rosin. OIL CITY. July 1. OTT-Credlt balances. 31.22; certificates, no bid; shipments, 76. 973: averno-e. 84.788: runs. 12.615: averaare. 77.752. SAVANNAH. July 1. OIL Turpentine. firm at 45c: rosin firm. Ouote: A. R. C. f) and E, 31.25; F, 31. 35; O, 81.40; H. 81.70; I, 205; K. 32.65; M, 33.06; N. 33.40; WO., 33.45; WW. 83.60. NEW YORK. July 1. OIL Cottonseed. steady ;rlme crude, nominal; prime yellow, 44iffH5c; petroleum, steady; rosin, steady; turpentine, quiet. Toledo, o.. July 1. 011, North Lima. 89c; South Lima and Indiana, 83c. Liverpool. July 1. OIL Turpentine spirits, dull at 36s. LONDON. Julv l.-i-OIT, Calcutta linseed. spot 62s; linseed, 80s 10d; turpentine spir its, MS lU4d. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fro I Is. NEW YORK. July 1 EVAPORATED APPLES The market was quiet and un changed. Offerings continue moderate and demand Is sufficient to maintain prices at full recent figures. Common to good are quoted at 79c- prime at 10OT10c; choice at Ki(H'iie ana rancv at lifrne. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRITITS-In the market for California descriptions prunes are without change, the simply being strictly proportionate to demand and prices still holding at from 3(!Tc for all grades. Apricots are quiet, a rair lobbing request and steady, but without feature. Apricots, In boxes, are unchanged at loifflto: In bags at 10(!?,12c. Peaches are unehanred, with the peeled fruit ranging from 12016c and the unpeeled at from 810V;e. Wheat Takes Flighting: Tonr. NEW YORK. July 1. Bulls made an other drive at wheat today and Intense ex citement prevailed most of the session. At its best point wneat was ic nigner man last night, but realizing near the close destroyed half of this upturn. News that St. Louie was up 8c a bushel on July stam peded the shorts for a time, creating tne Idea that the cron damage tn Kansas was even worse than reported. Most of the selling here came from bulls who had big profits on wheat bought last week. When Julv arot above 80c this class of nneratore sold out. Deliveries on Julv contracts were about lOO.ono bu. and failed to disturb the market. Corn had a good advance at one time also, chiefly on July, but In the after noon yielded to realizing and closed easy. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. July 1. DRY GOODS There has been no change In the character of demand In the dry poods market today for any description of dry goods. Bleached muslins ana camDric musnns are in rair request, but In other drvtslons the market has ruled decidedly quiet. Printa are steady, with moderate sales. Ginghams continue scarce and firm. Print cloths are Inactive, at previous prices. Silks are very firm, with limited stocks. Cotton hosiery and underwear In quiet request, without special feature. MANCHESTER, July 1. DRY GOODS Cloths and yarns qufet, with a fair In quiry. Sarrenders to the O Itinera. tt . . . . . . V. I , t-f . . .VU.VW, W,V surrendered himself to the authorities at Rlverhead. L. I., last night, to answer charges growing out of the deaths of Clar. ence C. Foster and Miss 8arah Lawrence at Good Ground, L. I., was taken from the Rlverhead tall toaay for arraignment at Southampton. Crops Ravaged by Hoppers. PIERRE. B. D.. July 1. (Special.) Grasshoppers are reported to bo doing a large amount of damage to crops and grass In western Lyman county. They arc also reported to be working In other portions of ths state and If not properly handled are likely to become a scourge. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS or OMAHA. MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. Davis & CQwgill Iron Works; 14AMTJFACTTJR8C H I AND JOIUM OF MACHINERY. gJUTBflAI RBTPAimiMO A 3aoiAITl A avar- A TaTT. fa. 8B A fssaf IT16TT. Wt A gVsflw fJ 4f8VaV" aVf aVaTtamtSV W W 4T" mWrm 1641, SS4TS and lOOtt avekSM Ms44X oaiaka. Hen. Tot. ajn. B. Eahrtskla, Agent. at. B. Owgal RflHE GO. Btsa.ul.a T.W. Steam and Water Supplies Of AU Kinds. w 14)14 suad 34)141 DOC 4. LAS IT, ELECTRICAL SUPrLIES. Western EleelrlosI OrstMM4MU Electrical Svppliex aBssstrts Wiring Balls a4 tlia UrtrtAd. L W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. IU Howaxf . AWNINGS AND TENTS. , Omaha Tent and Awning Co., I Onaaka, Men. Manufacturers of Tents and Canvas Goods. 4m4 for Catalogua Nutsfegr M