Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha . Daily Bee.
Closing Senion of American Oongreti
Marked by Ifuch Eioitement.
Philippine Question ii Called Up and Warm
Words Are Passed.
National Hjmp li Started and the Galleries
Ring with Applause.
pteneral Hookrr and tpeskrr Stand
Id by inO Alternate
mil" with "Star Spaagled
WASHINGTON, Julr 1. After a session
parked by umi of the stormiest debates
ver held In the American congress, the
senate adjourned etna die today. During
the laat hours of the session there waa a
Urt debate cn the Philippine queatlon.
participated in by Messr. Carmack of
Tennessee, 8pooner of Wisconsin. Culber
son of Texas, HeCumber of Maryland and
lodge of Maesachueetta. The conference
report on the Philippine government bill
waa adopted without aerloua opposition
nd tben whea the decks of the senate
were cleared for adjournment, Mr. Car
tnack called up his reaolutton providing for
M continuance of the Investigation of the
PhUlpplnea by the committee during the
nreeent summer. This started the trouble
and for more than an hour a battle of
words was waged. Mr. Spooner delivered
a scathing denunciation of the minority
of the Philippine committee for what he
declared waa an attack on the American
army. Mr. Carmack denied that any at
tack bad been made upon the army and
declared that any fool could charge sueh a
calumny and any parrot could be taught
to repeat It. The resolution was referred
to a committee, thus effectually killing It.
Just before adjournment the usual res
olutions were adopted. Including one of
fered by Mr. Cockrell, -the venerable dem
ocrat of Missouri, cordially thanking Pres
ident pro - tern Frye for "the dignified
lmnartlal and courteous msnner In which
ke had presided over the deliberations cf
the senate."
After the adoption of the resolution Mr
Fry delivered a feeling response and then
declared the senate adjourned without day.
Stirring Times la Hoase.
r Amid scenes of enthusiasm that has not
been paralleled emce the exciting and stir
ring days of the 6panlsha war. Speaker
Henderson at i'.W Wis arternoon aeciaro.i
the house- of representatives adjouraed
iwltheut day.
I In doing so be declared that no house of
(representatives since the adoption of the
- ....iti.iUH kaA Anvtm mm miintt work na
this one. The audience to which be made
his brief address waa a brilliant one. The
galleries were banked to the doors and
'almost two-thlrda of the members were
i In their seats on the floor.
, The speaker'a appreciative words to the
-members In thanking them for their co
.operation during the aesslon had touched
a responsive chord and they gave mm a re
xnarkable demonstration of their friendship
and good will. While the cheering and ap
plause were still in progress the members
on the floor began singing "My country
Tis of Thee."
I It was taken up by the correspondents In
the Press gallery over the apeaker's chair
nd by the spectators in the surrounding
galleries and soon the vast hall was ring
ing with the swelling chorus.
Other patrlotlo airs followed aa the mem
vera exchanged farewell, "The Star Spaa
gled Banner" alternating with "Dixie.1
The V' taker came down from his rostrum
his appearance on the floor being greeted
with "For He's a Jolly Oood Fellow," and
. a perfect rush of members to grasp bis
hand. Standing In the area in front of the
clerk's desk, he. too, joined in the songs
and there was a wild scene when General
Booker of Mississippi, the old one-armed
confederate veteran, took hla place by the
Ids of the speaker, and together they sang
Dixie." i
Mr. Candler, a Mississippi democrat.
Jumped upon a desk and let out a yell of
Jubilation that fairly shook the rafters.
For almost half an hour the jubilation
continued. All this time the spectators
remained atandlng In the galleries, watch
lng the animated scene below and Joining
la the Singing. The adjournment came at
-the end of a seven and a half hours' see
aloa. during which much minor business
. was transacted. In all seventy bills and
resolutions were passed. The general good
feeling In the house had been heightened
by the victory won over the eenate on the
Item la the naval appropriation bill for
the building of a battleship In a govern
stent yard.
The closing hour was occupied with a
'spirited debate between Mr. Cousins of
Iowa and Mr. Richardson, the demooratlo
leader, ever the report on the inveatlga
tlon Into the charges made by Captain
Christmas concerning the sale of the Dan
Ish West Indies. Mr. Cousins ridiculed
Mr. Richardson for bringing the matter to
the attention of congress. The latter do
.. tended his course.
Beeretarr Aataortsed to- Have a Bat
detail Coastraeled la
Navy Yard.
WASHINGTON, July 1. The conferees of
the two houses of congress on the naval ap
proprlat Ion bill reached an agreement at 11
'clock today on the one point left la dls
pu'e after former conferences. This polo
related to the contention between the twe
houses as to whether any of tbe proposed
sew war veeaels should be built in govern
went navy yards
' The .houee bill originally provided that
half of them ahould be built In government
yards and the other halt by contract. Tbe
aenate provided tor the constructloa of all
by coutract. The compromise agreement
authorises the construction of one battle
ship In a government yard and also others
In case of emergency, the provision being
. follows:
- The secretary of the navy shall build one
fit the battleships authorised by this art
in such navy yard as he may designate and
he ahull build all to veeaels herein aathor
laerl In aurh navy yards as he may desig
nate, should 11 reasonably appear mat tne
ersona. nrms or corporations or tne scents
thereof blddins for the construction of any
of said veaaels have entered Into any com-
iblnatton, agreement or underetnndlng the
lefftH't, object er purpose of which Is to de
prive the government of fair, open and un
restricted competition In letting contracts
lor the construction of any of said veela
There is aa appropriation of I1TS.0O0 for
ulfigMt t cacti navy, yardv
pedal Committee to Investigate
Parehnae of Danish West
Indies Makes Report.
WASHINGTON. July 1. Chslre V
sell of the special committee of '4,
of representatives which Investlgatv '
barges In connection with the purchsa. '
the Danish West India Islands, today suu.
mlttrd the report of that committee. After
detailing the charges of bribery and show
ing that Captain 'Christmas had repudiated
the alleged report on which the charges
were based, the committee sums up ths
results of their Investigation a follows:
That there Is not the slightest sem
blance of evidence that any member of
congress, either directly or Indirectly, waa
orrerert any hrtbe or was paid any val
uable consideration of any kind or ehar-
cter to vote for or assist m procuring tne
proposal, adoption or ratification of a
treaty of sale of the Danish West Indian
islands to the United States. There Is
not the remotest around from which to
draw Inference or on which to base a
conclusion that there wu any corruption
or wronir-dolng on the part of the pub-
llo officials or the mited states in con
nection with the negotiations for the pur
chase and sale of the Danish West Indian
It Is plain beyond peradventure that the
bribery alleged In the report could have
existed nowhere save In the Imagination
of Christmas, since the whole burden of
his story Is that he had no money. It la
In evidence that he had to borrow in order
to pay hta passage home from this coun
try. After reciting the allegation that Christ
mas had enlleted the services of Abner Mc
Klnley, brother of the late president, of W.
C. Brown and of Sellgman Co. in New
York, the report gives the testimony of
each of these parties denying the allega
tion. Similar denials sre given from the
senators and representatives who have been
referred to. The report adds:
Each and every one of the parties thus
named appeared before the committee and
cave the lie to the statement of the re
port, with the exception of Senator Clark
of Montana, who, however, stated to the
chairman that he had never met Christmas
and had not, therefore, as a matter of
course, had any conversation with him
on any subject. Senator Lodge met
Christmas several times, but It is unneces
sary to cite his testimony, since the report
speaks of him as the most respected mem
ber of the senate and who of all the polit
ical persons I have met in America Is the
only one that cannot be bribed.
The report also exonerates those who in
a private capacity had dealings with Christ
mas, Including Carl ' Hensen, Richard P.
Evans and C. W. Knox. As to the state
ment that Christmas was introduced to W.
J. Broan the report states that Mr. Knox,
who is said to have made the introduction,
testified that he never saw W. J. Broan.
Seaator Allison Presents Statement
Showing What Has Been
Dob by Congress.
WASHINGTON. July l.-Just before-the
senate adjourned finally today Senator
Allison, chairman of the committee on
appropriations, .presented a statement
showing the total appropriations of the
sessions by bills; as follows:
Agriculture. $5,208,960; army, 191,530,136;
diplomatic and consular, $1,957,925; Dis
trict of Columbia, $8,647,626; fortifications,
$T,29,955; ' Indian, 19,143.902; legislative,
etc., $29,198,181; military academy. 11,627.-
324; navy, $78,678,961; pensions, $129,842,
230; postofflce, $138,416,598; river and har
bor, $26,726,442 (exclusive of contracts au
thorised); sundry civil, $60,126,359; dell
clencles, $28,039,911; miscellaneous, $2,600,
000; Isthmian canal, $50,130,000; permanent
annual appropriations, $123,921,220. Grand
total, $800,193,837. '
The total last year was $730,138,575.
Chairman Cannon of the house approprla
Hons committee today presented a state
ment of the1 appropriations made at the
present session of congress, showing
total of $750,063,837, not Including the
large amounts that will be required for
the isthmian canal and public building
and river and harbor contracts. In hla
statement Mr. Cannon says:
"An analysis of this table shows that
the total estimated expenditures forecaat
by the executive departments aggregated
$771,348,818; that the total appropriations
made, exclusive of $50,130,000 toward an
Isthmian canal, aggregates $750,063,837."
Openlag la the Argentlae Repanllo
for Thoroogabred Amer
tcaa Aaiaaals.
WASHINGTON, July 1. Frank W. Blck
nell, special agent and agricultural explorer
of the Agricultural department, writing
from Buenos Ayres to the bureau of animal
Industry, says that It It is possible for some
of the breeders of the United States to send
aome really Orst-class animals to that place
now la a good time to do so, aa British
cattle have been barred owing to an out
break of foot and mouth disease In England.
The cattle must arrive In Buenos Ayres
not later than August 1, so aa to have time
to get In condition before the opening of
the great animal show of tbe Rural so
ciety, which beglna in Buenos Ayres Sep
tember 14 snd lasts five days. Tbla show
brings out the best animals In the country
and Is for purebred stock only.
At this time all the best sales of the
year are made, both on the show grounds
and In the large auction bouses in tne city,
Representatives of some of tbe principal
housea there say a few good animals from
the United States may be sold, but It Is
useless to send anything but ths very best.
Aeeaaate of Cleric Who Die" Mara
Thaa Year Age Prove
to Be Short.
WASHINGTON, July 1. United States
District Attorney Gould today announced
In the probate court that William S. Tats
man, formerly disbursing clerk of the War
department, was at the time of hla death
April 20, 1901. a defaulter.
So tar as known ths alleged defalcation
amounts to about $18,000. The government
will take steps to recover the full amount.
Ths defalcation. Mr. Gould announced, was
only recently discovered and was done
through the manipulation of vouchers.
Saggeatloa of Secretary Moody
the Cablaet Takes Aetloa
la the Matter.
WASHINGTON, July L At Secretary
Moody's suggestion, the cabinet today
adopted names for the six new warships
authorised by the naval appropriation bill
The tour larger ships, two battleships and
two armored cruisers, will be named
Louisiana. Connecticut, Tennessee and
Washington, but it ia not yet settled
which states shall be chosen tor the bat
Ueahlps and vice versa.
The two gunboats provided for la to
act wlU be naiued Faducan and Dubuque,
Bill for Qnartermarter'i Depot Pushed
Through in Last Hours sf Don grew
by the President I mine.
- After Reaching the Cap
' t f 78,000 Anproprta-
la Available.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. July 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Cpon ground now opened by the
united Btatea tne city or umana win nave
new building to be known as the quarter
masters' warehouse, to coat $.5,000. The
bill for the erection of this building passed
congress today In the hitherto unheard of
time of three hours, but the credit does not
wholly belong to Congressman Mercer, as
may be claimed.
Senator Dietrich aaved the bill by poll
ing the military affairs committee of the
senate during an executive session and,
having received a favorable recommenda
tion from the Individual members of that
committee, called tbe bill up Immediately
after the senate came out of executive ses-
lon into a continuance of the legislative
day and passed It under unanimous consent.
Mr. Mercer, fearful lest his championship
of the bill, which b; Introduced on March
18 and which was reported from the com
mittee on military affairs on May 6, would
be objected to If he arose to push the meas
ure, had the ranking member of the minor
ity of the public buildings and grounds
committee, of which he Is chairman, Mr.
Bankhead of Alabama, call 'up the measure.
Mr. Livingston of Georgia, possibly In the
play that was being made to the gallery,
reserved his right of objection, but wanted
to know why the bill was being pushed
during the closing hours of congress.
Mr. Cannon, chairman of the committee
on appropriations, was not so thoughtful,
however, of the feelings of the member who
called up the measure. He said he ob
Jected to consideration of the bill at this
session, especially as it carried an appro
prlatlon of money which he did not believe
tbe government was warranted In expend
ing. He aald the necessity of the structure
was not demonstrated and he was Inclined
to object to Its consideration under suspen-
Ion of the rules.
Mr. Bankhead arose to move Its consider
atlon, which would have required a two
thirds vote to carry the measure, when Mr.
Mercer rushed over to Mr. Cannon and told
him that it was his bill to which be was ob
Jectlng. Mr. Cannon arose and, waving his
hands in ths air, said be 'would withdraw
any objection which he intimated' making,
and the bill was passed.
Tog Comes la the Senate.
Then came the tug. Mr. Mercer went over
to the senate to see what could be done
there to pass the measure. The bill had
never been acted upon by the committee on
military affairs of that body. In the ab
sence of his colleague, Senator Millard, who
left during ths afternoon for Omaha, Sen
ator Dietrich said that he would do what
ho could to pass the bill. While the sen
ate was in executive session . the senior
senator from Nebraska proceeded to poll
the committee on military affairs on tbe
bill and, having received a majority favor
able to the measure, he called the bill up
Immediately after the senate had term!
nated its executive session and ths bill
waa passed without comment.
It was at once taken In charge of by ths
enrolling and engrossing clerks of the two
housea and waa the first bill to be signed
by the president after he entered the pre
ident's room at the capltol just previous to
the adjournment of congress. Senator Alli
son, who has in many respects borne the
brunt of legislation of the session Just
ended, having not only looked after the In
terests of the committee on appropriations
of which he la chairman, but has been aa
active member of the Philippines and
finance committees, said today that the see
slon just ended has been the busiest ses
slon he haa known alnce he came to con
gross. "My opinion Is," he eald. "that the
paasage of the Philippine and lathmlan ca
nal bills will be accepted by the American
people as the best legislation that could
have been adopted under all the circum
stances surrounding both cases. I regret
that we could not have passed the Cuban
reciprocity measure, but circumstances did
not seem entirely favorable and the effort
waa abandoned for the session. In many
particulars more vital legislation has been
enacted than tbe most optimistic of us
could have hoped for at the beginning of
the Fifty-seventh congress. Tbe war taxes
have been taken off. We have enacted a
comprehensive Philippine measure and we
have started the wheela for tbe building of
an lathmlan canal which the people have
demanded for years: In addition, we have
aimed to perfect the laws of Its government
and at the same time provide for its run
ning expenses. Frankly, I must confess
that I have never worked so hard and I
welcome the adjournment as I never have
Senator Millard left Washington this aft
ernoon for Omaha. Senator Dietrich ex
pects to leave for his home In Hastings the
latter part of the week, and after spending
some little time In Chicago and Aurora.
III., will go to hla home tor the summer.
His daughter,' Mies Dietrich, expects to
remain In the CatsklUs until fall.
End Iowa Fight.
The nominations of H. G. McMHlen as
district attorney and J. U. Bammls aa col
lector for the northern district of Iowa
and Harry G. Weaver as collector for the
southern revenue collection district of
Iowa, which were sent In today by the
president, terminated, so far aa the Iowa
delegation is concerned, a strife and con
tention growing out of the recommenda
tions made by ths delegation from the
Hawkeye state some three weeks sgo.
Ths president informod tbe delegation pre
vious to their meeting that if a united
recommendation came to him for several
federal offices to be filled he would rely
upon that recommendation, but in the
vent the delegation should bo divided he
would take it upon himself to nominate
men who seemed to him best suited for
the 'several positions. The recommenda
tions for the several positions in Iowa were
signed by the eleven representatives and
two senators from that state. There were
heartburnings and protests growing out of
the conference which wss held on the dis
tribution of federal patronage. The presi
dent deferred action until he could review
the protests that were filed against Mr.
McMlllsn and Mr. Weaver, but finding that
the protests haa been exploded for soms
time, ho sent In tbe names of McMlllen,
Bammls and Weaver todsy and they were
confirmed during the course of the after
noon. Representative Mercer, who bad expected
to remain In Washington for a fortnight at
least, looking after matters In which he
ts Interested, has decided to leave for
Omaha ths latter part of ths week, when
CeaUaus4 ea Secoul fml
Refaaes te Pay July Installment at
the) rresemt Rate of Em-
PEKIN. July 1. The Uotst of Shanghai
has notified the Bankers' commission that
China refuses to pay the July Installment
of tho indemnity except at the rate of ex
change prevailing April 1, 1901'.
The foreign ministers consider that the
taotat's declaration is ths result of the an
nouncement of the United States minister,
Mr. Conger, to the Chinese viceroys thst
the United States sustains China's conten
tion snd Is willing to accept payment on
the basis mentioned. But the ministers are
confident thst China will accept the decision
of the majority of the ministers when t Is
convinced that the United States Is Its only
Some of the ministers Insist that the pol
icy of the United States ia unreasonable
and In direct opposition to tbe terms of the
protocol. They assert that Prince Chlng,
bead of the foreign office, and other Chinese
officials, before learning that China had the
support of the United State In the matter,
admitted that their arguments were rather
a plea for mercy than a demand for Justice.
WASHINGTON. July 1 The State de
partment has not yet been notified of the
Chinese refusal to pay the July Indemnity
which Is the first payment of money to
become due from China to the powers since
the signature of the Pekln agreement. Thj
department regrets being placed In a posi
tion of taking Issue with the powers on
this question, which ts so Important that
grave doubt is entertained as to the prob
able effect of an Insistence on the European
contention as affecting China's integrity.
It la nevertheless the case that a careful
reading of the progress of the meeting of
ministers at Pekin which led up to the
agreement taken In connection with the
context of that document has convinced
the department that It la the unquestion
able purpose of the ministers, and that
purpose was unquestionably set out in
their proceedings, to permit China to pay
the indemnity at the rate of exchange as
It existed on the date of signature, and
it Is equally clear that what appears to
be a contradictory clause In the agree
ment was nothing more or lea than an
Inadvertence. However, tbe United States
hss ' not gone to the length of refusing
to accept lta psyment on the same basts
as the other powers, namely, at the cur
rent rate of exchange, all it 'has done
In that direction was to notify China that
It regarded Its contention as a reasonable
and proper one.
Brilliant Social- Affair la' London,
Which la Attended by Visit
ing Royalty.
- ,
LONDON, July 1. The reception by Lord
Lansdowne, foreign secretary, and Lady
Lansdowne. at Lansdowne House tonight,
was a very brilliant affair. Uniform were
not generally worn. The Indian princes and
other envoys to ths coronation, however,
were clad in gorgeous Jewels, while the
women present were most richly dressed,
wearing tiaras, beautiful laces and jewels.
Amons the guests .ere . Prince and
Princess Christian, ths duke and duthess of
Connaught, Princes Henry of Battenberg,
the crown princes of Roumanta, the duke
and duchess of Aoeta, the crown prince of
Sweden and the envoys to the coronation
from India, Japan, China and tbe Vatican.
Among the Jewels worn by the duchess
of Marlborough (formerly Consuelo Vander
bllt) was a crown of diamonds and ropes
of pearls.
Whltelaw Reid and Mrs. Reld, attended by
Lieutenant Colonel Sir Fleetwood Ed
wardes, extra equerry to his majesty; Jo
seph H. Choate, the United States ambas
sador, and Mr. Choate; Henry White, sec
retary of the embassy, and Mrs. White;
Jcseph H. Chamberlain, the colonial secre
tary,, and Mrs. Chamberlain, and their
daughter, also attended the reception.
Address of Joseph Chamberlala at
Conference of Colonial Premlera
Kot Satisfactory.
LONDON, July 1. The speech made by
Joseph Chamberlain, the colonial secretary,
at the conference of the colonial premlera
last Monday Is said to have been a great
disappointment. It is described as "varied
and comprehensive, but indefinite." 1
Mr. Chamberlain covered a large field of
aubjects In his speech, he eommlted him
self to no decided opinion on any one of
them and he advanced no definite opinion
or propoaal of any kind on behalf of the
government, hla only suggestion In the
direction of Imperial federation being that
of the periodic repetition of the confer
ence of colonial premiers In London.
Mr. Chamberlain's speech has left the
Impression that regarding tbe Zollvereln
and all other important points, including
Imperial defence, not only his bands but
hla tongue also Is tied.
Mr. Chamberlain, the earl of Halsbury,
the lord chancellor; Joseph H. Choate, the
United States ambassador, and some of the
colonial premiers now In London were en
tertained at dinner tonight by the bench
ers of the inner temple.
BasTalo Laaadrymaa Arrested oa
Charge of Murdering Six-Year-Old
BUFFALO, July 1. Charley Wee, a Chi
nese laundryman, was arrested today and
held on an open charge In connection with
the murder of Mary Murphy, a 6-year-old
girl, who mysteriously disappeared on June
17 and whose body, bound with ropes and
wrapped In newspapers and coarse cotton
cloth, waa found floating in a small pond la
Forest Lawn cemetery. The autopsy
showed that the child bad been outraged
and strangled. Public feeling runs high
and all the Chinese laundries in the city
have been closed and policemen stationed
In front of them. Wee's place waa thor
oughly searched and tbe police say tbey
found ample evidence on which to hold the
Chinaman. Pieces of rope similar to that
on ths body were found In the shop. Tbe
coarse cotton goods used In the laundry for
tbe purpose of covering Ironing boards cor
responds sxactly In texture with the piece
of cloth In which the body waa wrapped.
In a room used by Wee as a bed chamber
the police found blood-stained bed cloth
log. The wall behind the bed was bespat
tered with blood.
A second Chinaman, who was visiting
We at la0 tlm ' tDs aiTest, was also
taken Into custody.
Mills Salt Dismissed.
DENVER. Colo.. June ). Tho suit of
H. B O Kellly against David A. Mills, sec
retary of atate. to enjoin him from uub-
Uahlng the eight-hour day and other con
stitutional amendmenta which are to be
voted on this fail waa duiiolssed by lbs
a,uorne court vouay, ,
County Board of Equalisation Has a De
cidedly Lenient Turn.
Connolly, Hart and Hofeldt Hold a
Session and Rnah Some Import
ant Baslaeaa Throagh
la a Harry,
To those thirteen Jobbers who sppeared
before the County Board of Equalisation
a few days ago and uncomplainingly stood
a raise of $107,595 over 'the aggregate of
their assessments as returned by ths as
sessors of 190$, the report of the work ot
ths board yesterday will be very Interest
ing reading. To those bankers who are
required to furnish sworn statements, and
to those small property owners who have
been put under oath before being permitted
to answer a single question concerning their
small holdings, such a report will be
equally interesting. And to those many,
many substantial citizens who have been
examined and cross-examined for a, quarter
of an hour at a time concerning their
business and stocks it will also have a
certain fascination In the reading.
Briefly stated, the result of the day's
work on personal assessments was thst
six leading lumber companies were raised
only $5,656 on an aggreg&l assessment of
$16,955, making the final total 122,610'. and
that nine leading brewing companies, soms
of them with plants in this county that
cover more than an acre of ground each,
were let off with a personal assessment
aggregate of $27,392, every complaint being
dismissed with no correction of the as
sessor's figure, except in the case of Mets
Bros., where an increase of $790 was made.
Invidious Comparisons.
In consequence of this "equalizing," M.
E. Smith & Co. and Hayden Bros, are each
slated to pay personal taxes on within
$10,000 of aa much as all the leading
brewers and six of the leading wholesale
lumber firms of Douglas county combined;
the Carpenter Paper company is asked to
pay within $610 of as much as all these
lumber firms combined, and both Paxton
A Gallagher and McCord-Brady are Im
posed with personal assessment $5,908
greater than the combined assessment of
all these nine leading brewing companies.
The lumber dealers were dealt with In
the afternoon. Just how they were dealt
with Is shown in tbe following table:
Return, Board's
Bradford & Kennedy. South
$ 3,01
BullArd A Hoagland ..
Oeorge A. Hoagland .
Omaha Hardware Co.'
Guiou & Ledwlck
Alfred Bloom & Co....
.. 9.185
.. 1.630
.. 1,640
.. 600
Corrected total
Short Work oa Brewers.
The brewers called at night. Every on
of the companies riVmed In the list below,
except the Lemp company, waa represented
and yet the "quiz" and ths vote consumed
less than forty-five minutes. The hour set
was 7 o'clock and the brewers were there.
So were Commissioners Hofeldt, Connolly
snd Harte. Commissioner O'Keeffo did not
come at all and Commissioner Ostrom did
not come until 8 o'clock, which ho said he
had understood to be the hour set. Harte
took the chair and asked a few direct ques
ttons of each of the brewers without
swearing any one of them, although that
rule has been rigorously Insisted on by the
board for many days past, no matter how
trivial the complaint. Connolly took a full
breath and a tight grip on hla courage and
made the bold declaration that the brew
ers' asaeesment didn't seem high enough.
Peter the Silent passed his stein hand
through his wbiskera and said nothing
committal until It came time to make
motion to dismiss each case. Then he
spoke and every motion went through with
all three of thoae commissioners voting
sye. Connolly said afterward that he voted
aye In. order that he might be entitled to
ask a reconsideration. He said also some
other emphatic things, afterward, about the
Inadequacy of the assessment as compared
with that lmpoaed on the Jobbers, who, un
like the brewers, appeared without being
formally cited. But when Attorney Mcln
tosh asked the sworn foe of the corpora
tlons why he hadn't said all these emphatlo
things before the vote was .taken and in
slsted on a wait until others could be
present, he was mute. "
Were Exporting Mcintosh.
Attorney Mcintosh had arrived late. The
brewers knew ho waa intending to come
and one of them, Connolly confessed, had
said: "Let's hurry and get out of here
before that lawyer arrives."
Tbe assesments as allowed to stand are
Anheuser-Busch. $2,700; Krug, $4,016;
Psbst, $830; Oettleman, $605; 8chlltz, $5,402;
South Omaha, $200; W. J. Lemp, $450; Btorz,
$3,500, and Metz, $9,690, raised from $8,900.
Walter Moles A Co. escape with an as
sessed valuation of $2,050 and Riley Bros
at $3,875. The only brewer who paused to
protest before escaping from the building
waa tho representative of the Schllts com
pany. He said that on April 1 his company
had just three carloads of beer In Omaha
and yet it is assessed $1,800 more than tbe
Krug company, which has Its brewery
May Be Reconsideration.
After tbe brewers were gone snd Attor
ney Mclntosn ana commissioner ustrom
had arrived Ostrom and Connolly spent
much time in bemosnlng the injustice of the
evening's work and Ostrom said he favors
recalling the brewers. Connolly said ha
did, too, but he failed to move tbat any
such action bo taken. Hofeldt said maybe
it was sll right. Harte made tbe half
hearted defenss thst he had asked all the
questions that seemed pertinent and dldn
know what else to do. Attorney Mcintosh
suggested, with a withering smile, that the
board might hav done a little thinking of
Its own. made such an assessment as
would seem equitable with the other as
seesments of the week snd then let the
brewer go Into court if tbey dared. There
was an abundance of talk and smoke, but
no action.
Session oa Bagar. v
Early In the day the board had a round
with some sugar men in an endeavor to
discover the owner of two carloads of sugar
in storage in local warehouses. Assessor
Thomas Harrington had discovered It and,
being refused definite Information by tbe
warehouse owners, had assessed it in th
name of the American Sugar and Refining
company at $10,000. This company pro
tested to the board and ths board In mak
lng lta investigation shortly arter noon
learned from P. Cavanaugh. a broker and
commission man representing the American
Beet Sugar company, tbat this latter com
pany has many car of sugar tucked away
(Continued on Second Page.)
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Wednesday;
jniraaay enowera ana looter.
Tenserstsre at Omaha Tester dart
Hoar. Dear. Hoar. - Dear.
B a. m eo 1 . TO
a. na fll a p. m...... TS
T a. aa...... 61 8 v. m...... Tl
a a, m 3 4 p, m tl
9 a. na ..... . 8 v. m ..... . Til
10 a, n 4M 6 p. at T3
11 - m an V an. VU
13 m 69 8 p. na TV
9 p. Tl
Statement Shows Increase of Aboat
ft 1,000,000 la Paat Three Month
Compared with Year Ago.
NEW YORK, July 1. A statement of net
earnings of the United States Steel corpor-
tlon for tbe quarter ending June 80 was
Issued todajf. Earnings for April last were
$11,820,766, for May $13,120,930 and for June,
estimated, $12,250,000, making a total of
$37,691,696, against $26,362,000 for the same
period last yesr. This statement shows
n Increase of net earnings for ths quarter
of $11,829,696.
The regular quarterly dividends were de-
lared of 114 per cent on the preferred
tork and 1 per cent on the common stock.
James Oayley, a vice president of the
orporatlon, was elected to a vacancy in
the executive committee. Since last year
ths Shelby Tube company has been taken
In by the corporation and part of the In-
reased earnings during the quarter were
due to this. i
Ths net earnings for six months from
January 1 to June 30 were $66,064,153. After
paying $9,120,000 Interest and crediting $6,
796,456 to the sinking fund, there remained
balance for dividends of $48,490,697. After
payment of dividends there was left an
undivided profit account for the six months
of $20,461,623. applicable to the depreciation
nd reserve fund, new construction or sur
Seventeea-Year-Ol Agnes Dace
Marrlea Dr. W. C. Rlgga, Who Rea
caed Her from Lake Manawa.
KANSAS CITY, July 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Dr. W. C. RIggs of the Columbian
Optical company and Miss Agnes Dace of
Rushville, III., were married at tbe borne
of a common friend, Mrs. Ray Blankonship
715 East Thirteenth street, yesterday even
ing, i
The elopement It can be called nothing
else, because the parents of neither knew
of the marriage until it was over was tbe
result of a romance. Tbe young people first
met last summer st Omsba, where both
were visiting. Together tbey visited Lake
Manawa, a neighboring summer resort,
where tbey were much In esch other's com
pany. While on the lake one dsy the boat cap
sized and Dr. RIggs made a thrilling rescue
of the young woman by swimming with her
unconscious to shore.
The friendship which had grown out of
their first scqualntancs ripened into love,
and the young man sought and won Miss
Dace's hand. The only objection of the
parents was Miss Dace's youth. She Is 17
and bs is 26.
Loaded with Psiiesgcri, Falls with
Weak Trestle and Soveral
Are. Injnred.
ELGIN, 111., July 1. On ot th large
tnterurban trolley cars running between
Elgin and Aurora plunged through the
bridge croeslng the Cross river st Bt.
Croix today, carrying Its load of thirty
passengers into the river. The bridge col
lapsed from the weight of the car. No one
was killed, but all were mors or less hurt
or suffered from shock.
Seriously injured:
Mrs. William Hench, Dundee, head
bruised and Injured Internally.
Mrs. Chsrles J. Smith, Chicago, Injured
Mrs. Hopkins,' Muscatine, Is., bruised
and stunned.
Mrs. Jacobson, St. Charles, bsck hurt.
Mrs. Granger, Geneva, bruised and se
verely shocked.
The bridge hss been considered unsafs
for a month and the authorities were con
templating aoon replacing it.
Mak Packing Hoase rrsoset aaa
LIT Stock the Same from
Mlaaoarl River.
CHlCAOO. Julv L (Special Telegram.)
Anrnrdlna- to the promise of the repre
sentative of the railroads handling live
stock snd dressed meata between Chicago
and the Missouri river, these two classes
of freight were today out on an equality.
The Chicago Livestock exchange contended
that the rate on packing-bouse products
from the Missouri river to Chicago, when
added to the Chicago Atlantic rate, taking
the through rate from tne river to tne sea
shore, was less than the combined rat on
livestock from the Missouri river territory
to Chicago and the rate on packing-house
products from Chicago to the Atlantic. Th
readjusted rates make all classes of both
livestock and cacklng-house products 23
cents from tbe river to Chicago and will re
move the objection of th livestock ex
Holder of Rock Island Certificate
Are Glvea aa Agreeable
NEW TORK. July 1. At a meeting ot
the directors of ths Chicago, Rock Island ft
Pacific railroad here today It was voted to
distribute to stockholder 11 per cent of
their holdings In nsw stock at par. Trans
fer books will open on July 7 and close
sgaln on July 21.
Ths stockholders of the Peoria ft Rock
Island and the Burlington, Cedar Rapids ft
Northern were notified that th time dur
ing which they may exchsnge their stock
for Rock Island stock had been extended to
July 15.
Movemeata of Ooeaa Veaael July 1,
At New York Arrived: Grosser Kur-
furst, from Bremen; Blclila, from Naples;
Ilohensullern, from Genoa and Naples.
Railed: Nord America, for Genoa and
Naples: Kron Prlns Wilhelm. for Bremen
via Plymouth and Cherbourg; Graf Wal
dorsee. for Hamburg, via Plymouth and
Cherbourg; Kensington, for Southampton.
At Antwerp Arrived: Vaderland. from
New Yora.
At Rotterdam Arrived: Nord America,
from New York.
At Glasgow Arrived: Astoria, from New
At Plymouth Arrived: Kalaerln Maria
Theresa, from New York, for Cherbourg
and Bremen.
At Queenstown Arrived; Oceanic, from
. - t ev, v I.IVU ....
Btriks Laadet " Wilson Takes Inns with
Unisi Facifio President.
Assert that Increased Pay Undst It Would
Bs Only Temporary.
Dossa't BelisTe Company Wants to Treat
a. li
Ken Gsntly and raiily."
General Manager Dloklaeoa and Su
perintendent MoKeea Go to
Wyoming City to Be In
Tonch with Sltaatlon.
T. L. Wilson. vlr uMaiituii v. i.
tsmational Assoclstlon of Machinists, who
. uirncung tne tnion Pacific machinists'
strike, finds objection to statements mads
by Prealdent Burt of the railroad com
pany In his interview published in Th
Bee. Mr. Wilson thinks Mr
holding that the piecework system would
ueuent, tne macninlat and offer argument
to prove that the men are not r.i.i-
dealt with aa they should be. Admitting
iuaieui oi rresinent Burt that th
Union Pacific haa paid tbe maximum wages
to its employes, Mr. Wilson takes exception
to the statement that the wages are 10
per cent in advance of otter read.
Mr. Wilson's Statement.
The following statement was given out
by Mr. Wilson last night:
"We admit that In tbe past the Union
Pacific ha paid the highest rate of any
road in the immediate vicinity, and that
previous to the advent of th present
president the men had 111 tie to complain
of, but now w are told that the rat of
pay on the Union Pacific 'I 10 per cent
higher than on any other system outside
the. Southern Peclflc' The statement la
not correct, for the Great Northern has
agreed to pay 2H cents per hour at St.
Paul on and after the first day of July,
and this point has at times been paying
from 20 to 30 cents per dsy less than
Omaha. There are three roads that run
Into 8t. Paul that have agreed to raise
the pay of the machinists to aa amount
equal to 15 per cent, so that when th
demand was made for more 'money on th
Union Pacific It was eminently fair and
strictly in line with the general move
ment of all mechanics to got a fair ahar
of the existing prosperity In th United
BUtee, to which we are justly entitled.
"Now, In the matter of piecework, it ia
no breath of confidence when I say thsty
the constitution of th International Asso
ciation of Machinists will not allow any
of lta member to do or to tako work n
i the piece, except In those places where it .
waa aireaay in vogue. Here is th point
on which ths strike wss called, and this '
aiso tho point ot the most vital In
terest to the men. "
Not Like Tralamea.'
Piecework in the machinists', trade dees
not work the same as It does In ths ease
of the trainmen, for la th first place, th 1
trainmen are -not . In ' direct competition
with one another, nor doe thefr scale of
wage, aa paid by the mile, leave any
chance for any one ran of particular abil
ity to set tne pace, as n were, ana wnen
after having established a record, be finds
that his pay, which for the lime being was
greater than It ever was when he worked
by the day, he suddenly discovers thst his
extra efforts ars in a way appropriated
by the company when it cuts his pay to
what It thinks is sufficient for aa ordinary
individual to have. Then th workman
become disgusted and quits his Job. leav
ing It for a new man to take hold ot at a
price which Is practically starvation wages
for weeks, until the workman becomes as
skilled as his predecessor. Thsn, sgaln, it
take away from th men the chance to
make their agreement with th employer
a body, and leave them a individual
to the mercy of th foremen. Therefore,
our organisation and Its principles hav
been attacked In on of Its most vital
parts, bene our position todsy.
Call Bart a Hauorit,
"I am Inclined to think that Mf. Burt U
somewhat of a humorist, and that when hs
says that 'w want to deal gsntly and
fairly with tbe men ha forget that ha has
shown th publio that that statement I a
"Look at his actions as discovered at
Cheyenne. A few days, sgo it was the In-'
tentlon ot the company to (each th busi
ness men of Cheyenne a lesson, and In or
der to teach this lesson h takes from 6M
men, (te menhs deal so fairly with, their
means of livelihood Then he finds that he
haa subdued the business men and thst It
is necessary to open tbe shop hs originally
Intended to dispense with, and h trie to
fill it with what he terms th 'right kind
of men.' It Is also hi evident Intention to
fill tbe Omsha shops with th 'right kind
f men.'
"Now w will go a Uttl further and ess
If we eaa find any evidence of th kindness
referred to, and compare his klndnstt to .
th fairness of some other Systems.
Saya It Is latlmldatiaa.
"A little more humor: 'W prefer to deal
with union men.' There J so question
about that, and th way that he prefer to
deal with the.-n Is to discharge all of their
officers Intimidation pur and simple. Af
any time that ha has discovered a fmaa
amongst his employes with backbone
nough to stand for his rights and his fel-low-craftsmen's
rights, he 'very kindly, very '
gently,' told him his services wax ao longer
"Our organzaUod haa ever shown a dis
position to be fair and when ths holler
makers struck we merely adopted a resolu
tion, filing sn objection to work with non
union men, and confined ourselves to this
sctlon slone. The result was a large lay
off. Th aam waa don In a almllar ease
on the Great Northern by our men, with
the result tbat the Great Northern granted
our agreement and raised th men's pay
and further agreed in a true spirit of fair
news to cut the time to six hours per dsy
before they would lay oil any machinist
whatever. Notice th different treatment.
"Now to sum up: Ws want to Stat that
we will not take piece work; our organiza
tion and principles will be supported to th
best of ur endeavor. And I do not hesi
tate to say most emphatically that this
trouble was brought about by tbs arbi
trary actions of th Union Pacific. It
wanted th strike, It got It, snd apparently
It Is glad ot It. Since we ars foared to It
we will see that the men's demand are
granted, or we will go to defeat like on
man. v
"So far v hav cojayad th support of