THE OMAHA DAILY 11KE: TUESDAY, .TULY 1, 1JKVJ. f onrnifli iinTinro OrLUIML HUIIULO ,t . - .. lrrllifiili ft will e takes aatll 11 a. far tfca lav edition ana aatll 0 a. am. far aaaralaa- and eSltlaau tea, 1 war Irat laeertlaa, la a nl thereafter. Notfclaa takes tar leaa tkaa SBe for tke Brat later, tlaa. Tbeaa advertisement nsast fca m eonseentlvelw. Advertisers, ay reqaeetlaar ere ekeek, eaa nave aaawera mm. dresses ta a naanbered letter la ear at Tke Bee. Aaawera aa arese4 will e delivered aa araaeataalaa af ta akeek nalr. SITUATIONS WAITED, WANTED, employment bV man and wife. no cnuarrn. Adore J. iorr, Ave nue U, Council Bluffs. A-M068 ! a I WAKTKU-aALB HELP. 5 FOR HALF A DAY'S WORK. If you live lu the couairy or In a amall town and cava a good acquaintance I SLmong me xarmera ana aio raiaera in the neicliborhood you can mnko la easily by tour or Ova hvura' wor. Write ua I ana we win arnu yuur uar prupusiuoil. 1 Tne bee I'ubllahlng Co.. eollultoia deut.. I Umaba. Neb. U Unit WANTED, a good man In every county to Z. laae euDacripuuna lor ilia 1 wi Century Fanner. Our agents mak wagea everywhere. Aeterencea req Adureaa 1 wsotletb Century Farmer. I iimaha, Neb. B-au I SALESMEN wanted to sell fruH treev; po sition permanent; pay weekly; write lor particulars. Address Wealrn Nursery company, Bkiee vvpu, Lawrence, Kau aaa. 11 lVb julyj XEMONBTRATOR to explain medlcology. 1 m per ween, iiiAtiiDaua-n, nfj vvare but. B 'Hi U YOUN3 MEN from Omaha and vicinity n oncu w prepare j.ur cosuiuiui in lue government brytce. Apply to inter- I atata uoriea. inst., i-euar ap us, ia. -' i WANTED, a blacksmith, one who can do horseshoeing and wagon repairing; mut be a sober man. Adureaa C. W. Morgan, Hawllns, Wyo. B MiSl 3 WANTED, Insurance men of experience; can offer you a good thing. Call at a. m. iii Board of Trade Blug.. tiu,i i WANTED, men to learn barber trade; spe cial mldaummur otter; only two months' reuulred to trenare for llii weekly tionl- tlon; tools- presented; wages Httturuays; diplomas granted; call or write. .. Muler arier college, ium irarnam st. B-M262 4 SHOEMAKER wanted at State Industrial School, Kearney, Neb. Write the superin tendent lor particulars. B Mts7 1 WANTED, an active tjhool boy, to work during the next few efteks; must be clean and live at home. Address Wm. Ollrica, P. O. box MU, Omaha. B 632 3u WANTED, an engineer to run threnhlng machine engine, at once. Address Julius Nits, Mead, Neb., Route 2. llr-Jyl WANTED, for U. B. arm.f, able-bodied un married men between agea of 21 and 15. cltixena of United Btates, of good character and temperate hablla, who can apeak, read and write Enallsh.N For Information apply to Recruiting Oflteer, 16th and Dodge-ate., Omaha, and poetoinc building, Lincoln, Neb. .. B SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED A first-elana whisky talesman with an established trade for the state of Nebraska; none other need apply. Ad dreaa Bonnie- uros., uisuuers. uv w. Main st, Louisville. Ky. M 661 1 WANTED KKMACki HELP.. WANTED, two young lady students to learn kmirdreaiflng manicuring and chi ropody . and scientific maasagn. call or write mora w, on oiug. j m 100 Glrla. Cull Canadian offloe, litb A Dod. . : .it '." c eti WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle, mau to take life acholaruhitf In Omaha's ?ln." "iii1","0 fiilSf? J"!! C-&00 GIRL for general housework. 201 S. 2bth St ....... ... . t; lusa. WANTED A girl fur general housework. Z114 Jjougiaa. ... u i 7 i VTni a-lrt fA, hnuanwnrlc with Omaha. family on farm near Arlington July 1 to September 1. .Apply 916 N. 42d. C 613 Jy5 1S pep 1,000 copying letter, to b sent to uai paper tree; two stanmpa witn appli cation. Illinois Industrial Union, Iiepot I M, Chicago. t C Mi60 1 . . FOR RENT HOliSES. VANS and baggage wagon. Tel. list. DStS I i ., i : i HnilP ,rt Part or clty- Tne nUUOM F, Davta Co.. 6U Bee Bldg. m When You Write to Advertisers . remember It only take an extra stroke or two of th pen to mention th fact that you aaw in aa in in dm, TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage co,; omoe ion ft carnam, or as is. hok-ku. D-419 BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK A Ca, for cholc house. 601-2 N. Y. Ui Bldg. Tel. 1010. . . . , D-oil FOR BENT, modern house near Hish ashooL in o. a. Davis Co., so Bee B dg. D 7K6 HAGGARD Van at Storage Co. Tel. 1496. D-61 HOUBK8, etc F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. . ' l-ia7 eiX-ROOM flat, all modern. 1111 So. llth. D MHU9 FOR RENT. S-room, modern, detached House, newiy paintea ana paperea, 430. lai Capitol Ave. TeL 671. B. 11. Robison. U UbM CENTRAL, 4-room flat Tlaard. J20 N. 23d HOUSES and flat. Rlngwalt, Barker block A Cll GCOD t-room modem house. K04 Blondo. avJHA.I UN EQUALED, centr, all modern, 7-roora ! A. J J Mit V 1 ..... - . 1 , HfVMUM M, ' house, t-room flat. Tlaard. IM N. '3d . D-171 GOOD modern S-room house. 2604 Blondo. D-M317 1604 NORTH S4TH St., 9-room modem M.III. t.,,.' K. n ttK. IUI .... month. William K, hotter. Receiver, omaca A-oan Jk iruil to., 914 urown Block. D M917- C3H in h nr.. 4-room cottage, city ayatAr rrtl at7 n-t Mianltl rt6 S. llth t., f room cottage, city water In kitchen, rent 110 Dr mouth. William K. Potter, Receiver. Omaha Loan and Trust Co., to Brown Block. D M190 HOUSES, (tores. Bemla. Pax to block. D 291 HOUSES Boyer, 13d and Cuming. Tel. M. v nisi rfutyu FOR RENT Modern ten-room house, No. , i-.i ... . 1- m h 1 ..1 . 4324 Farnam; In first-class repair, good trn, cenent wains, annuo trees; price, IJ6. Benson Carmlehasl. 642 Paxton Block. U-Mlltt FOR RENT T-room cottage. 611 N. 80th; luat nan red and nalniad: with bath, hot water and new furnace; 128.60 and water rent. 'Phone b-m. l .b r VERY fin 11-room house, one block north SI Ua n acorn park, all modern ana new. . B. Piper, lul Remg block. Omaha. D 410 10 l-ROOM cottage, fit CO per month; 1521 Cald. tell street, inquire joa. uoiasmnn. room IK V. 8. Bank Bldg. D-6'a Jyi V.'."t . n C ,111 1.T , W . .nnn. I houe. BoutB omaka, ifll aad J- lu a. 34 tA st, SeuU Omaha, D MW4 1 FOR RENT Fl'RlMSUED RvvaS. nr-.. on. wiiy. iv capitoi av. -mk DEWET European hotel. 11th rin. I E PRKinABT.n rooms, first-class location. 2224 Farnam. E 208 Jyi 220 N. 17TH ST., cool, wall furnished room. E Mm 4 FOR BKJIT FIRMIHED BOOMS. tiESHlABLE furnished room for rent. :! Farnam at. E 631 FIVE nice room, furnished or unfurn'ehd. thoroughly modern, walking distance, reasonable. 2001 Burt St. E 59 Jyll 111 PER WEEK, 422 8. llth it., one block outh or court house, nr ezi FVRKI8HED ROOM! AND BOARD. Marrlam . comfortable .umrn.r borne. TjJ TWO desirable front rooms, lthalpprea. The Pratt, 213 8. 26th at. y-MSW THE Rose, , Harney. Booms i A board. e MUe jyzi FURNISHED front rooms with board. 116 jj 26th at. I-HM the Bonnie Brier. 17S0 Dodge. Tel. A3l F-6I-Jyf t ' . : 1' ' 'A ... LAROR front room for man "d- N. 19th. F-421 10 I . in ' 1 - . paavq mnm VM Harnev at. F-MM B FOR RENT VNFl'RNISHED ROOMS. PGBK room space, 5 pe- enontn, ground noor room in me ore Duimma, ikiui Farnam atreet; no expense for light, heat I or Janitor service. R. C. Petere I rental ageuia, tt-w uuhuhib. v. . i , - FOR RENT STORES ANU OFFICES. poR RENT, the building formerly occu- ,ed by xh He, at ni Farnam St. It I hui iour stories ana a umuioiu wmi:u i waa formerly usea as im xe urus ruuin. This will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at once to U C. Rose- water, secretary, room xw, m ounoing. 1261 FOR RENT, store In flrst-clasa location; rent reasonable. Apply R. U. Peter St .... rruund floor. Bee bide. 1268 FOR RENT, desk room or large space suitable for merchandise broaer or party doing bunlness in wholesale aisirict. in quire Hene dc Co., 1 Farnam at. 1 M224 M'CAGUE BUILDING, 15th and DodSre StS. Ulll dllU UUUgc Ota. Finplv licrhtpd and ventilated offices to let, singly or en suite Hood janitor and elevator service. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., im FARNAM ST. , 1-115 MODERN building In wholesale district F. D. Wead, Ibi Dougla fct. l-16t-Jy-lS AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agent In evsry county to solicit suDscrtptions to this l TWENTIETH. ITKJJTlJKr fAHUCH; steady employment with assured good Income; agenta In the country with horse and buggy especially desired; can- vassera make easily 160 to !10 per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitor' bureau. Be building, Omaha. Ill SOMETHING NEW 1 ! Just out Send for sample, combination uoor jvnoo ana neu cnttln nr rulnlna- the door. Put on I any door In amoment. No batteries to. wurry iuuui. 1 1' l ,u -mui tnir in vet nut of order. Own your own bell. No landlord to trouble. I'ric ana Bell absolutely guaranteed. Send $1.50 for sample. Agents wanted. WESTERN ELECTRICAL COMPANY, 1211 Farnam btreet, umana, jncd. . j tit WANTED TO RENT, WANTED, twd room and board With Zmtir;lI-3 pay a nrst-clasa price; . references ex changed; rooms not wanted before Sept 1. Address D 54, Bee. Kr 406 Jyl WANTED TO BUY. WANTED Id-hand clothing for cash. 1201 Farnam. N M297 Jy. WANTED To buy a neat five or six-room cotta taaa mndern with full lot on navad St. In good' n ghborhooi' ?"r W h. D 63. Bee. N-ioi street, cas FOK SALE FIRNITtRH. CHICAGO Furniture Co., H10 Dodae. T.t 2u3o. New and second-hana, bought Sold. exchanged. -. I 1 1 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS. ETC. 1 , I EOR BA1.F. chean. a Concord buae v lata. S-l4 aud Vinton. PAINTING and repair on wagons, etc.. ' - i.i... , T n. 1 1. V . j r ..... uur ajivciaiiy. n. f ivit, mu a.,tu xav nworth. Tel. 1447. Ptbi SEVERAL fin driving horses. Walter Phelps, Boom V, ti. X. Llf Bldg. P-M861 PERFECT single driver, bright bay mare, ls.3 hands hlah. years old: never out of breeder band and sound; izta. is 3, Bee. P-M666 ! FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WIRE fence for poultry, hog, wn and yard, hitch posts, tree guard. Wire Works, 612 a. lta St. Tel. lo0. Q-MiTl July! FOR SALE,, phonographs, .uperlor to any other musical Instrument; 16 Up. Th wiumaa co.. ltui arnam. VI 6 NEW aid 2dhad typewriter. HIS Far nam. w a 100 STYLES trusses: catalogue free. Sher man & McConnell Drug CO., Ibin ana Dodge, umana. si INDIAN good and relic, lilt Farnam. g-i7i WHITE sawdust; aeasoa checked oak tlaaa bar cheap; hog fence, eta. ui Duiiis. 1 1DHAND safe cheap. Deright. lll Farnam. SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables: I uiuiara laoies repaireu; a, aar.a iiuca os jam Brunswick Bam colienasr to., IjV M 4M 4VVU. f AJ I FOR SALE, fine Imported ' harness, bras mounted and trimmed; coat when new l.ioO; Will sell ror IOO: can l en at Doty 4 Russell barn. Hh and Xavenworth 1DHAND af cheap. Bchwarta. 114 S. 12th. 14 Mi I BICYCLES and phonograph on easy pay- ments a aown, i.ou per weec; rantnn wheels, 15, M and 110: new wheels. Hi. 1 Oman uicycie co., 1&10 ana cnicago eta. 1 . auw roR aale. chean. on corrugated Iron ware. house. AJtmeneiona, itxu. inquire til Broadway, t oiincii Biurra. tj mjus a- CLAIR OYANTS. MRS FRITZ, clairvoyant 1614. Cas st MRS. JACOBBON, 006 N. 10th St. S S31 JyM I .TTWTinvi Aiiiiniiy.. ATTENTION! fled consult this alfted woman, whoa pow Vt'hi ower haa myatlfled the moat skeptical. hat he ha don ror other n can ao for you. Your life will be made brighter hannler and a nath marked out thai will lead you to success. Independent alate and latter writing. Medium developed. Person living at a distance may writs 1 In penovi roiuiu,in vw a,l ' 8 " near Ligu o. VOICE. 1 rnur. wmuai, vauca, vnu, pnx. -'is I Bamg Blk. M Jyi th noted, trance medium, clairvoyant and I ?JP..,fferrv.'L"r?n1.5.TPj T palmist guaxanteea to her visitor, com-1 l'7v""T.hVa ,on a Waterloo Neb Aa plete aatl.factlon or no charge; all affaire I 5L R R ilnnJr ehalrm of Ufa. If there la anything you wish to B- oppr. chairman, know, any desire of your heart ungratl- I ' """' ELECTRIC TREATMENT. smith, ,, M . vr. I Tr ln"' t-M XI 11 I'KRSoijiAcr PR. BOT. chiropodist, coma and saperflu eua hair removed by electricity. R. It, Frenaer block. U-471 PRIVATE hospital before and during con- finernent. babies adopted. 14 Grant at. Mrs. Uardeie. TeL T-lltX U-TT7 I HAIRDRF.SSrNQ, manicuring and chtro ;"for Tad e. only In coSn.etlon with The feathery. ilS-130 Bee bldg. U-S79 ROOMS. I104 Bo. 10th St. 'Phone 1811. U-ts Jyi RUPTURE permanently cured In SO to ML days: send (or circular, u. b. wooa, m. ., 611 New Tork Ufa bldg., Omaha, Neb. U-480 0DIOM plUn,. be. t ant, U-4tjl I -ri.tTa: npiina bis h mth at . 1 floor. . u-MiMi Jyi Jyi aBXMoPHONE8 nd euppllea, wholeaala nd rtUlt colllna Piano Co., 1622 Doug,- las. CHIROPODY a specialty, Jn connectloa with The uauiery, room ua-uv uee Ding. Tel. liis. u so 8HAMPOOINO and halrdreseint. c, In connection with The Bethery. JH-220 Bea building. Tel. 1711 U-84 . . - I VIAVA, women's way to health. Horn treatment. Booklet irea. urn nee Diog., Omaha. U-8& LOWEST PRICES In accordion and aide pleatlns;. The Goldman Pleating Co., too Douglas block. u Mini EMPIRE RUPTURE CURte 1 N. T. Life bldg., Omaha. Send for circulars. ... uor '.. ,.,.. T, . T7J' PROF. JOHNSON m m air human dig- eaaes. 620 Bee building. Uffloe hours, t a. m. to I p. m. s U-8M Jy7 i " imia aliii MME. BMITH. bathi. U N. 18, Id floor, r L . ijuiua jvih- private home for ladles before and dur- rg confinement; babies adopted. 2620 ll! U.I1I111IVII IVIll . UK U I. . nun I'l .1. - Bkrdette. Mrs. Burget. . U AI261 Jy26 "YOU can fool all the people some of th ihllm FleVvhodkno-.' hat them on cigar. Everjbody know that the STOECKER CIGARS tnad of superior tock U M260 6 I are me Dest. i ne pest oecauee incy are i DR. B. M. JACKSON, room 4. Frenier block, cnronio disease a specialty; con- ultatlon free. U 411- WANTED, any information of Charles B. I Krlng, by J. F. Krtng, Cherrvvale, Kan- U-442 Jy6 MOLLIE The trsmp must go. Page 17 , Ul I T . .IK. A V. AMta V. . ' I ..... I . U-M562 1 MONEY TO I. OA N R GAL ESTATE. j 4U PER CENT on buslnesa property. I per cent on realdenoe property. Option to pay wnoi or part any tlm. W. B. MEIKLE. 401 S. 15th St. : . W-886 MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, jcirennan-j-ov co., a. utn. , W-887 , WANTED, city loan and warrant, w. Farnam Smith 4k Co.. 1320 Farnam at W-888. PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. T. I w aw FARM and city loan, low rate. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat Bank bldg. Tel. 1641T WANTED, c'tv and farm loans: also bonds . and warrants. R C. Peter aV Co.1701 g mi iiki . uw LOW baihii. rnvate money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANT, main r loor r. x. i.ue uiar. . W M891 4H TO t P. C. money. Bemls. Faxtonlk. r '; 7,;. loan. "Bros.. 1604 PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros., . 1H Farnam. - w on PRIVATE mn.y, F. D. We.d. 1524 Dougla. tlOO UP, low rate. Prlchard, 171IFamam. . -. v all IV MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. $10,000. nave it to loan on iurnnure, bhiim, warehou.e receipt, livestock, mtc. or If J"" ar Permanently employed w can 8ALARY. We loan from 110.00 ud on very short no tice and without publicity.- Our office, ar "ZJffyhJS our!?u. 5rrtmnt ,??. "'"j, 'r.,.'..' . ,r;.. , : I borrow or not. for we will tell you in ad- v f u n in anvw nuvtiitii t n in M7 J J " I Vance Just what the transaction will cost rn i.h . you pay Interest only on I wn&i y it Li rm:r i v a uia ior oniv wiiul urn. you k'P t We do not charge for mak- ling paper, im rule m our omoe la to please everyone. 119 Board of Trade bldg. Tel. 2296. (Established 1&92). M S. 16th st X-M564 SHORT ROUTE TO PAY DAY. PLAIN, QUIET, PRIVATE OFFICES.' iell us now much you want y AND how you want to pay. Our simple, old-fashioned, solid method mat can t neip ot oiease you. ' " 'WIS LOAN ON PLAIN NOTES, SUtl.'ii'i ro?rt.9 L naurr J Our rate EVERY 11 paid off loan -reduces cost NOTHING deducted. NO charge for papers, IT navs ua to nleaae vou. KtUAHLIt CREDIT CO., Room 103, Third Floor. Paxton Black. X-626 fcAfMBT ;nWB-S IN MAMITO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchant, team. ters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 office In prln-I elPal cltlee. Tolman, 440 Board ftfrada Chattel and Salary Loaias, PHOENIX CREDITCp,. Suocassor to J. W. Taylo. TeL 74a. 631 Paxton Block. x-r JyJ xtn-nm r.In.i,..r. 11.. w T i . . I.i. j iJ.!.- 1 . to" .ui. to-Duff OrVS; S Sarksr filortr JL 4101 D5yowint money for Ion. ?r sht t.Pm SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS. at rate rarely equaled by competitors f "It our Business to supply 11." amehi CAN LOAN CO.. Third Floor, Paxton Block. a MONEY loaned On plain not to salaried people; business 1 confldentfal; loweat rates. REDUCED prlc. In pleating. For par 114 Wxton block. Th J. A. Hutton Co. ticular Inquire Ideal PUaiTng Co.. 1510 I wonUT InanaA nn ntanna furnltui law. -lf y hor,ea, Cowa. eto. C. F. Rd. 19 9 11. x--s BUSINESS CHANCES. i WHEN yon want to buy, sell or exchange your Business or property quick, see j. I k. Johnson. Ml N. Y. Life. Y-M176 TO buy. sell or exchange a bjlness. Call on C. J. Canan. R. a. 1617 Farnsm st. T-M360 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams. Room 411, Mccagu Building I FOR SALE, furniture af a 10-room houaa. run 01 oa paying aoaraara, 1 Dioca ' from Harney, Dodge and Farnam ears. 4 block from itn; casn oner oniy con aldarad. A aood tiln for th riant Her eon. Houw rant reasonable. Addrese C I, nee. 1 u When You Write to Advertisers I remember It only take aa extra stroke af i 10 oi to pen to meouon in tact mat I you aaw the ad In The Bea FOR RENT. Hotel Clifton, furnished com plete- joaa E, Burn. Scrlbner. Neb. Y 111 Jy BISMESS CHASCK9. CAN fflM ., . able and rapidly Increa-Ing legltlmat manufacturing bustneas. Capital required 12. (WO to 8S,0i. Thli la worth Investlgat ln(. J. 11. Johnson, N. Y. Life. NEWSPAPER for sale; gend opportunity ror rignt party, particular ny aanrcs. Ing I) 61, care Bee, Omaha. T 611 30 AnB- JSD"?, ?' u'u. ' " write Loc for comer business butcher atioD. rcstau- Lock Box W, Wayne, X Ml W FOR BALK OR TRADE-Steam laundry. doing to 11.600 per month. Ill N braslta town; bargain. Address 15 1, Omaha Bee. Y M56J 7 FOR aale, leaitlmste light manufacturing business, anout requtredi fx dully pro- nta. Addreaa u , Hee. y Man " FOB KXCHARGK. f folding bed. N 41, Bee. Z MS10 FOR ALE RKAt, fiSTATH. FOR B ALE, trery cheap, nice 42x148 ft. lot In Bemls iark. Addreaa D 67, Bee. WILLIAMSON &I:iUt- KB-llt RANCH and farm lands for aala by the Union Pacltto Railroad company. B. A. McAUeiter, land commissioner, Union Pa- IlHAn....aa I V. T W clOo lieadquarteri, Omaha, Neb. RE KH HOUSES and lots In all part of city: also aore property ana rarm lands. The o. r. Davis Co., Room 561, Bee building. HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also nre insurance, itemis, fkxton block. v Bis ll FOR 8 ALE, choice section of farm land, WOrth '0.(io per acre; every foot can be cultivated; owner needs money and will ,tn tneap if taken this week. J. A. ilk Aa a W1..L Lovgren. 4th floor. Paxton block. B 182 Jyi" TIT TOTT Wfltit ' nnii ' of thA nlreat S.rnnm nomes in Hsnscom riace I will give you a nargajn. owner leit city. Must sell. J. H, Sherwood. J7 N, T. U Bldg. RE Ml 53 BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO. for cholc. bargain. 1-I N. T. Llf Bldg. Tel. 1016. RE 14 A MONTHLY navment barraln In D.roarn nouae. u. ju. iMattmaer. rnonn 4ii3. RE M&M GEO ROE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rental, insurance. Brown block. RE-909 FOR SALE, 11 aore fruit and garden land. well Improved; two miles from car line; -room Jlouse. AddreM 101 8. 1st t, Coun- ell Bluffs, la. RE M20S 1 FOR SALE Neat cottage and full lot on paved atreet. oniy uu. Brennan-Love Co., 109 South 13th St. RE M226 1 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, th acknowledged leading specialist in diseases oi women in umana, would call the attention of suffering ladle to hi unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or adaress, with stamp, ur. fries, Arlington mock, isi. uoflge, Omaha. ml LADIES' Chichester' English Pennyroyal fins are ine oeet; aaxe; rename. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladlea" In letter by return mall. Ask your drnrrlst. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. POR RENT FARM LAND. 80 ACRES best land In Dougla county for season 1903; within one mile village of cusnorn, caan.reju. Aaaresa utn, Bee. M285 4 LAVNOR1. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts, Soj eollars, si cuff, 40. 1760 Leavnworth. Tel. 647. . . '.oH.C.V ,. BEST laundry. . Tbj,CboJMt. 'phone 206. - ilinmi STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 913- vit jones, general storage ana forwarding. 626 OM. Van 8 tor. Co.. 1UH Farn. Te!s. 1669-a. 9ZJ TYPEWRITERS. i ... THE wonderful Lambert Typewriter will do th, work f B (m maehlne; 1 rapid, efu- clent and durable: to Introduce will aell a limited number at 120. Telephone, writ or can. Monroe & to., su im. itttn bt. M396 OSTEOPATHY. I m a.- ..-.w tmt.ion.i . -ulta ll N i ffi l7Ta? B.u" "6 ." Bldg. Tl. l. DR . T- HUNT. 611 McCaau Bid. TeL oji, 917 DR. MRS. MU8ICK. Dougla Blk. TeL 2823. 91 BALD TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. M SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. a. C. VAN SANT'S chooL 717 N. T. Life. 2l '. . 1 BOYLES college, court reporter principal. Pl, X. Ajlta. Hit NEB. Buslnesa eV Shorthand College, Boyd's ineater. azi NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Be Bldg. TeL 1636. When You. Write to Advertisers Bat m mm Via It nn 1 taWaa a aaw r a antra I : " lwo 01 lne Pen 10 mention in tact mat you "w " ,n ln' EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R. RATHBUN ghrea private lesson In DooKering, eto. av. a, torn, is at. uk. -Mill ACCORDION . PLEATING. Howard tit.' Jy7 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds f carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, r attenaea ti Lake streets. win ana 170 FLORISTS. 1 HENDERSON. IfilS Farnam. TeL 1251, Send for prlc Ust. cut flowers and plant. Mi ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tela. pnon usu, . au Buum -Ahirteenia street. . . Mm PAWNBROKERS. CAOLE Ijoma Offlo. reliable, accommodat ing, all ouslnea confidential, uoi Dougla. 934 TRISKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 60S I. llth. Mtu? , . . . 1 ., PATENTS. PATENTS Suea Co., Omaha, Neb.; no fee unlesa successrui; aavioe free. Tel 16- SBi Bept. IV STEAM DYE WORKS. I SUrfS cleaned, areaaed. 110 Ladlea skirt I MS Th Canadian, US N. Utn St. I 70 Jy 1 rLlMBMO. D. W. DUDGEON. 21 Farnam. TeL im MJIO J J JINK. ALFIRN buy all kind of cran Iron and metaia. sn uougiaa ec isi. zt. 1. MANVFACTl'RINO. F. MKLCHIOR, 13th and Harney, ma chinist. ai OMAHA Sufe and Iron Wka make a spe cialty of Are escspes shutters, doors and safes. O Andretn, Prop., lul B. loth SL M910 DRESSUAKINO. DRKB8MAKINO In families or at home. Miss Sturdy. 2042 Farnam. 21 Jyll FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanner. 1C4 So. llth. IMl ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Eleotrlo Co., II Jackson. Tel. Ha) ii i STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ram Bldg. i4 LAWN MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. L L Wki., 1406 Howard mi AVTOMOBlLKft. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. 1119 Farnam utreet. Deright'. 281 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cl"an cesspools ana vaults, remove garoage ana i dead animal at reduced price. 621 N. 16. I Tel. 177. -92 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. -.(.!5i1idv,b-al?A,IT. .'5 .',ntT m1&tr?&t.$tfm 6. 19112. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) r.c, ir AVqt; . lY?o"J u .... than rlnalnv llm. ,hnn halnw I than closing time shown below. Parcels lost malls for Oermany close at 6 p. m. Monday , and Wednesday. , Regular and upplementary mall close at foreign station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that eup- piemeniary maiia ior Europe ana central I mefV..C.?in' cloe one hour lftter . v.c.B .i.uuu;i i I Transatlantlo Mall. I I TUESDAY At 1:30 a. m. (eupplementary 19 a. m.) for EUROPE, per .. Kronprlns uneim- via nymoutn, wneroourg anu Bremen; at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct. per s. s. Nord America (mall must be dl reeled ner a. a. word Amerloa 1. WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a, m. for EUROPE, per s. a. St. Louis, via Southampton (mall lor Ireland must be directed "per St Louis"); nt 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) ror t,iituris, per s. s. Majestic, via Queenstown. THURSDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, ner s. s. Columbia, via Piymoutn. t nor- bourg and Hamburg (mail for France must h directed 'ner s. s. Columbia" : at 7 a. m. for FRANCE. BWITZER- LAND, ITALY, BPAIN. 'PUKlltiAU Tl'UKV.T VfJVPT ORKECP. TIBITIBIf INDIA and LORENZO MARQUEE, per Itnlinw via Havre (mall for I other parts of Europe must be directed "ner a. a. La Bretaane"). SATURDAY At a. m. for ITALY direct, per . a. Hohenxollern (mall must be dl- rectea per s. . rionenaouern i; at o m fnr K PTP V'RT.I KTl Air-aft ner I .' . Potsdam (mail must be directed "per 1 a m Pnl,lam"l mt Q ' W a m frie flPiVT. 1 B. D. . V. ......... f u. .wv mm. a... " ' " ' V' 1 t-AVn Arnt nAr ITurneaata. mflll I must be directed "per s. e. Furnessia"): at 10 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per a. a. Zeelnnd (mall must be directed "per . a. 7..lnni1"i' at in -.10 a. m. siinnlmentnrv 12 m.) for EUROPE, per a. a. Lucanla, via Queenstown. printku MAii tK, m i u. a nis steamer - . . . . . ',n,".v"nT. ''h: am. olo.a nf mall matter for ther narta ot Europe win not ne ent Dy tnis snip unless imciai t uirrcieu uy il. J.. .w i i . , ,1 - l. . ah" tun wiuania vi im .uinjiciireuicu, dltlonal supplementary mail ar opened on tne pier oi in American, tungusn, French and German steamer, and re main open Until within ten minute of ih. hnnV nf aniiino- nf steamer. Malta foe Sontk and Ceatral America. ti'khiiay At y:i a. m rnr rKNTHii, soi-th pah Vic" ports ner. Ori - . I.-ll It. . . ...... . ' . rt I . saoa, via colon (man for Guatemala must be directed per . . 1:80 p. m'l'rof1 leeI n. m. (suDtilementary WARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS end ARn TRI.ANna end BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH QUI ANA, per s. s. Fontabelle (mall for Ore- nada and Trinidad must be directed "Der s. s. Fontabelle"); at 11:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per . s. Admiral Deway, from HOHlOtl. WEDNESDAY At 12:30 o. m. ((UPDlem?nt- ary 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per a. S. Cherokee. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, YUCA TAN, CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHI- I APAS, per . a. Havana (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed ''Per J. a. Havana '); at 10 a. m. for ST. MARC. PETIT QOAVE and JACMEL, per r, m. Prlns Wlllem I (mall for other parts of Haiti, Curacao. Vencuela, Trinidad, Brit- lsh and Dutch Oulana must be directed "per a. Prlns Wlllem. I"): at 12 m. (supplementary 13:30 p. ro.) for RAH A- MAS, OUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO. per . .. Bee;uranca; at 12 m. for YUCA - TAN and CAMPECHE, per a. s. Ravens- dale: at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. ro.) ..Ftrlc.yjtZAKl . aJ ", 12:30 p. m. for INAGUA and HAITI, per . . Paloma; at 11:80 p. m. for JAMAICA, Xnil i "I . rr'ilin7L FRIDAY At 6 a. m. for BARBADOS and NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. s. Orang- ense. via Para. Maranham and Ceara, n .m.-n..v .. a npDUt'ni dai ununi-ni o a... i!1' is.. .... a a Trtnr1a' at a a m. rnr FnRTII RICO, per a. a. Coamo. via San Juan; at 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m l for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. .. raracaiDO tmaii ior navamna ana tn- at-M must be directed "per .. .. Mara- ralbn"l: at 9:20 a. m.' (auDDlementarv 10:30 a. m ) for FORTUNE ISIND. JA- MA1CA. BAVANILIA, CAIff AGKNA and GREYTOWN, per a. a. Alene (man ror Coeta Rica must be directed "per . a. Alene"): at lo a. m. ror LL'UA. Of r a. . Mexico, via Havana; at iu a. m. ior rKw. it 1 1 1 K' n i . a rs! i nirenr ner a a. hi vin: at 10 a. m. for GUADEIM'PE MARTI- NIQUK. B ARBADOsT BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per a. s. Talla- man; at 11 a. m. for BRAZIL, per : s. Janeiro (mall f orNrthern Brall7 A- tine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be dl- . A a a Rvrnn 'I ! at 11 m fnr A HUE. IN 1 iriiz., untuuAi ana I aha l Ol'AY. per s. . Honortu; at 12 m. for MKXRU, per a. a. uiiinui, via jam plco Mat Ico (mall must b directed "per . anxaa J. Mall, for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and inence oy steamer, clos t thl office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting close here every Mon. day, 'W ednesday and Saturday). .Ma 4?s as Uiniialnrl tar saai 11 SA Dabam and thence by teamer, cloie fttthlt JSlBlia iwi iiAiMuttvii, mim sail aw JUei"H. n v rail lu p luriug. auu t. lie 1 1 lb dv sirs til" AI.B.WHHI ri.llv ..rani TI.,.. - - r . . - . -. . dav. final connecting closes, for dispatch Via ron xa-liilia. un wunuava, vr inner day and Saturday at 6:30 a. m. ; for dispatch via Miami, on Mondaya and Sat. urday at 6:10 p. m. Mall for Mexico omc.d dP.UtyChcept'tsrdary .Vs? and ll:ao p. m.. Dunaays at t p. m. s 11:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica. Bell Puerto Corte and Guatemala, by rail Sundays at 1 p. m. and lice, II to New Orleana. and thence 'by steamer. close at tills office dally except Sunday at 1:80 p. m., nunaaya at -1 p. m. (con-nactlne- close here Monday for Belize Puerto Corte. and Guatemala, and Tues day, for Coata Rica). Registered mall cloae. at p. m, previous aay. Traaapaclflo Mall. Mall for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C . close here dally at 6 30 p. ro. up to July 1, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Empress of China (registered mall must ne specially ad dressed. Merchandise for V. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). .(..11- , l J .. r 1 4 PVIn. T.nan .nil v. jaaiia W I .iwii, v inn., a..,1 am. .. pi... mat.,., fop lha Phlllnnlna lll.nill via San Francisco, close here daily ml I 6 30 p. m. up to July !, Inclusive, fori dlspatcn per s. s. vnina. alalia for. China and Janan. via Taeoma. clos her dally at :Sw p. m, up to July I roSTOKFICK SOTKE. '4. Inclusive, for dispatch per . . Ta- roma. Mall for Hawaii, via Pan Francisco, clo here dally at m t. m. un to July in clusive, for dispatch per s. s. Alnmedn. Malls for China anft. Japan, via Prattle, se here dally at :! n. m. tip to Jtny 9. inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Rlolun MariL iNeaistrrea mall must Pe nirectea "via Prattle"). Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via nan Francisco, rinse here dally at s.JQ p. m. up to July "lo, inclusive, for dis patch ner a. s. Mnrannsa. Mulls for Hawaii. Japan. China and first- class matter for the l'hllippin isianns, via San Francisco, cli here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July "ll, inclusive, lor illxtiatrh tier 8. s. Doric. Mails for the Philippine Islands, via Ssn Francisco, close here oany at p. m. up to July 11, Inclusive, for dispatch trr t". S. transoort. Malls for Australia (except Wst Australia, whlrh la forwarded via Wnue). Nfi ry i , viii 1l.w.,ll art .1 I Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 f. m. after June and up to juiv -, ncluslve. or on arrlwtl of s. . Vmbiia, I tX.KV:lZm J" " Malls for Australia (except West Austrnlt, h ch goes via Europe ann incw ieiiann r.lanSs.'raT.ncruvandt"onrr9.rB: V. close -here dallv at t M P. m. up to I July "1, lncUislve, Aitteh prr s. .. (sP,claay.ddr..Md onfy). Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing daily and tne senenuie or cio-ma is arranged on tne prc.ummion or w.r.r mintMrrunffift nverlsnd transit. Regis tered mall closes at p. m. previous day.'S vin rnTT. Poatmaster. rostnfflce. New York. N. Y., June 27. imtt. GOVERNMENT KOTICES. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. I w T . . O eOit4 Qaalail llrk i """.". rln. .t this office and at offices of quartermaster at tatlons named until 10 a. m. central time, July 1. lo2. for furnishing oats, bran, hay and straw during year com-1 menclr.g July 1, VJ02, at Forts Crook, Nlo- urara ann itoDinson, hbo., uroii u.'i.-., Neb.. Jtfferson barrack. Mo., Fort Iyeav '-' ! . 1. . T ntfaM 1 1 tlAntl enworiii euu xn-j, wu, Ark., Reno and 6111. Okl. Proposals for delivery at other point will be entertained. U. 8. reserves me ngni to reject cr iTv.eii any or all proposal or any part thereof. Information furnished on application here or to quartermaster at statlone named. markT-:.?:7orP undersigned c-r to qunrlermasters at posts above named JOHN W. PULL- I A"i " W- 1X1 Std 4-1-6-7 Jy. 1-4. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE- Omaha. Neb.. June 6. 1K02. Sealed proposiils, I 1 n 1 II ..... 'aulll Kn' mi flv A of thfa n tH r 1 anrt fcv ouartermaatera at Post named. I in,n ifi a. m.. central time, JGly 6, 1902. for furnishln wood during the fiscal year end- I (ng jUMe go, 1908, at Fort Crook, Neb., and Ko'rt Reno, Okla. .Proposal, for delivery at other Doints will ne enieriainaa. u, o. re- i serve right to reject or accept any or all proposala, or any part thereof. Information ..m(MKAt nn m tnUfatinn hmrm. nr In miarj-r. master at SfatlSn. named. Envelop containing proposals should be marked I 'proposal for Fuel. jmu. w. rutiu- i MaNVC. Q. M. -J6d4tJyl-2M RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION 10TH AND MARCY. I Chicago Northwestern. Th Northwestern Line." . Leave. Arrive. Fast Chicago ...a 1 40 am a 7:09 am ...a 8:00 em a 1:30 ami ...a 6:10 am a 1:50 pm I Daylight St. Paul Davllllht Chicago ...a !: am bju:2o pm ...a s:uu am aii;ai pm Local Chicago., al0:56 am a 5:10 pm Local Carroll a l:o6 pm a!0:00 am f ast cnicago a 4:6S Dm a 4:06 cm Limned cniuago.. .a 7:45 cm a 9:20 am .a 7:66 pm a 8:50 am a 1:40 Dm " Faat Mall Local BIoux City ... . n tm .b 8:66 pm blO:00 am y UVH M PCI M V) Overland Limited. a 1:40 am a 7:10 pro Fast Mall... a 8:50 am a 1:24 pm I uanrornia axprcsa a : pm I Paclfio Express aU;80 Dm I Eastern Express a4.Wpm Atlantic KxDress. a 7:80 am Colorado Hneciai... 7:10 am Illl-a.HU DUni.1111,111,1 3:40 am f lncorn. ueatrlce and Strom-our b..., ? 4:05 pm pu:w pm " " -- " i i iiumu, nunn e si, ran, i rh ijmiun a, Km .m . I ---' .. y.u aim tnicno umo kx.,d ;:i tm b 1:40 pm Cblcaao, Rock Island A Paolfie. EAST. nv!l-ht Llm I Chicago Dayugnt wm Lieav. Arrive. Ited a 6:00 am a 6:46 am Chicago Daylight. a 0 1,-. r.hie.Zn Uvtu-eaa.. hil l am i-Ti. Z. " Lies Moines ixicai i: piq nil:60am tmcmo u ilr::j a: pm i HnrMV JHUUHl,ia XlIU 1 lted a 1:60 am a 4:68 am Hcom,.'UOt5?.'.hiS v.nd West U".-'i P : Pm V-O'o., i,, . Oklahoma i-iysr a6:pm aU:40 pm I Wabaab. I I Bt. Louis "Cannon Ball' ExDress .a 6:16 pm a 8:20 am St. Louis Local. Council Biuna aio:oo am al0:80 pm HleaoarliPaelne. St. Lout. Express.. a 1ft-Oft an- . . K. C. mt Bt a tax.. iv.w put a e:ia a in Illinois Central. rhlcaro Exnress a I 'm ch cai MlnnVipou Cat Urnlfid a jso ?h a. 'fc-::.'.- 7- 1 mm a 6:10 pm pm a s.-ot am Expre&, 7... b 7:20 am blO-36 tm rhif.aa-n Kxnreaa" Chicago e-xpress 8.10:36 pru BURLINGTON STATION 10TH MASON 1 ... I nariinsjrton c nissonri Hirer, I Leave. Arrlv. wymor Beatrice and Nebraska ExDreia'"..'!!a SitO am i I Denver Limited a 4:26 pm a 6:46 em B!fck ,Hli" and Pu,et , I Sound Kxpres all:10 Pm a 1:00 Pre Colorado Vetlbuld I . irivee a 1.011 n 1.. . . . . I uncoin rest man o s:uu pm a :il am I , . n .1 UI.Ma. - I mouth b 8:20 pm bllKH am Bellevue A Paclflo Jet.. a 7:40 pm a 1:20 am Bellevue & Paclflo Jet. .a 8:00 am ... , ..ii..,. m. , Chlcanx. Barllnaton at Qolacy. I Leave.. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:0o am atpm Chlcaga Vestibuled Ez.a 4:00 pra a 7:46 am Chicago ixicai ...a 9:10 am all:00 pm I Chicago Limited , i .ww pm a 7:4 m i rut Mail a s:40 pra Kaaea City, St. Joseph afc Coaaell BlaBe Kan... City Day Kx....a 9:20 am a : pm sl liuia lver ..7... ".a 6:10 ait lis am I Kansas City Night Ex.. alu.M pm a 1:16 am I ""anally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun- day only, d Dally except Saturday, a Dally I ... . iinnii.i, I WEBSTER DEPOT 16TII at WEBSTER Fremont, Blkhera Mlaeourl Valley. I Leav. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot Springs a 8:00 pm a 6:00 pre ivvomtn. CaaDer and I Dougla A 1:00 pm S 6:00 pm I r . . I 'V 1 T. I A W t-1 R HI 1 MMtl. A UIK. city. Buiwrior., "''"''. w . v.rfn ir i inon n ann i r iriiiui.L . w i a. i ii ulv;ai am I ir-.nn, t .eal A V :1A am Chleaao, St, Panl, Minneapolis 4k Omaha. Twin rifv Paaaena-er a S M am a on n Em'r,n b l b l pm m am Mlsaoarl Paelte. Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:26 am TEAM BOATS. sshi wiMMt CAitnn rw iAmr v uuurti atintlo lata fr-rww aaprMa ftaaaier aaif. puaouxultd mj asval Ofltarrs, lBSuaine alrtct taaa-of-waf Olarlpllns. Faiaoat ciUalna. Tl0paDai koeklats aa saaeiaa InJartnaOua, epuiy te la eablaa. Wlralaal UMit,h. Wo lllaauala, Harri X alaoraa. 1A01 rarsaal Bt.. J. S. Me- Nally, lltt rirua St., Uaorsa K. Abbott, 1U4 t n.- 'ia ' . F i-"; yrn n AILING a -'I l3AY"iT KVCH-tr -THURSDAY teei M YOWH PARIS to FINAL RUSHJTO PAY TAXES flly Ireasorer llrnnlnas and III' Office Force Having: Very Rasy Day. Tcsterdsy w the Inst day for th pay ment ot real and personal taxes for 1901 be fore thsy become delinquent, and a glanca Inside the quarters of City Tresaurer Hen nlngs any time during the day made It plain that the people were fully rncnliant of the fact. From 8 o'rlork In the morning till late In the afternoon the rush was con tinual, keeping halt a acor of clerk on the Jump. There waa some $400,000 In all yet to come In, and it seemed aa though the people were trying to pay th whole thing at once. The office wa opened unusually early In the morning, to acefimmodat the early comers, but tne wide nan outsid wa .., .,M , 7:3fl ,-a , 10 o-.ia-w , ImpclW. to open the main door of the office from th outside, because of th h of MODle ,,,in,t t on the inside. City Treasurer Hennlng, a.y. h. ha. aeen many auch runs, but that tbla i h , , People bay a tendency ta u nw af Mm anyw,y It doesn't cost anything. But tho rainy weather last Friday ana baiuraay Kept tbem an(J TuM,dm;f m0rnng Is the time when It begins to cost them money at the rate of 1 per cent month. If they haven't paid up, o that meant a flood of several thousand people yesterday. Ona thing that made the total sums raitBtand- in aa larxe wa that many of the eorpor- ,,lnn. .d M-r taxnavera had left their -nn - r w .ettlMnent till then. I DQt TAIIf pOR SMALL SUMS ll-HnUC IMiwrv run mnt-w wwm - ' ..... Assessment Kqnatlsrre t ompiain iaa t Trivial Matter Are Too Coaveraatloaal. A taxpayer, descended from member ot ne of th tribe that were not lost, occtl- pi9(i thirty minute of the tlm of tha bounty Board of Equallx.Uon yeaterd.y In an effort to obtain a reduotlon in h. aaaaaaed valuation of hi nronertr. Tha -...-tin,. waa refused and the man called; lu " . ?"Z1 ' I - recuiled in reauciog toe amount ot ois ..... ,.. 14 f".J... ! , -j ir u .., .u,.c th commissioner are losing patience. They aay that hereafter people with complaint ' onW .mounU mu,t t.iv .. ." .. . ... . . I fat and Quit When tney nave paia wnat is I essential. Th old excuse of complaining; ... .. . . . ... ... ... w"4 eurace no longer, ine cammissionera wish to get through Thursday and will waste so ZZ thev ear Seasonable Fashions. 4174 Msnt Carlo Coat, 32 to AO bast. Woman's Monte Carlo Coat, 4174 Mont Carlo coats are In the height of style and ar eminently comfortable, as well as smart. This excellent model Is adapted to taffeta. I nnniM. etamlna linen and all th aeaaon'a IT" ". . . . ... I lawie. DUl a anown 1 oi Diaca taueta, i witn a coiiar ot n iwim-coiu iacw over on or silk, and a nnisn or straps I Th coat Is eml-fltUd and Include I shoulder, under-arm and center back seams iv curv. which 1. exceedingly be ,nmlnr Tha iImvh are In hall-shana. and LPe opene(i Bt tb back for a few Inohes from th edge. Th neck Is finished with a narrow, shaped collar that crosses at tb I center front and to which ar attaobe the double, flat cape cap collars that Car apart at the center back. Over th seams I ami cusea ui a.iliu Bi.ia.ya v. tuia uiai- I - - - - - buttons ana loops, nut tne straps can pa omitted and th edge simply stitched and th closing can be mad invisibly by means . 0f a. fly, if preferred. To cu thl" coftt ln tne edium alz t I yard of material 21 lnche wide, tM yards 27 inches wide, 24 yards 44 Inches wide or 12 yards 60 inches wld will be required. M,.r .174 1. e,.t In .1,.. fnr 31 I " . . . ' ; , . . ' l4, no, (a ana u-iaca dubi measure. Fop th accommodation of Th Bs raad. r,i Pattern, which usually retail at trom 16 to 60 cent, will b furnished st nominal price. 10 c.nts. which all I ' . . ' .. et"u-. xu rur to g any pattern I eloa 10 cants, rlva number and nam of I aattern wanted and huat maaaur. STEAMBOATS. KlTOTIIIItT5 FOUR SEPARATE AND DISTINCT SERVICES. f , , . n"mD'T BIeame I 'nk rerjularly from Bo.ton, PortUad sad Montreal to Llvarpodl, also Boston to . TedUerrllnean trat" For r.t.a Mediterranean Illustrated.'. For rat. I a, A nnl. tn l.w.,1 ma.nt r. nnm n . n . etc., apply to local agent or company's office. 9 Dearborn St.. Cnieaco, 111. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New York-ltotterdam, via. Houlogna, 8. M.' new a wia-ttcrew s. s. or ib.ixjo ton register I Twln-8eiw 1U A . a. a. Rhyndam jUi7 13.10 a.m. Rotterdam ,ulyA.M. Noordam July 26, 1UA.M I DVOftUIVT I Twin-Hnrew i Win-BCrW i kt..m.. Apply to Harry Moore, 1801 Farnam street; J. 8. McNally, 1324 Farnam street; H. 8. Jones, 1602 Farnam street; Louis Neese, First National Bank, Omaha. Summir Tours on Uko Michigan. '"ssuk; manitou tar oaaaaa m aarrlnaasalaalTalf makai three ulllpss wi ml fur rraakfart, rkarlavalz, Marfcar aHaca, Bay law, 1'at.key, Mxklaaa Ila4. aaa. aaoUaaforfrMratl, bagaiaaii all Aaatara Palais. LtAVKS CHICAGO AS FOkLOWSI Tm S a. am. Thnr.lilMa.m. kt.4y.n, MANITOU STEAMSHIP CO., OFFICE m 0OCKS. ub sad N. WaUr tta AMCHOB UNmV- S. MAIL-STKAltaU Sallis. raaularlr bateaaa HSW YORK. 1xiNLmjNLKHHY OLASOOWl MEW tO It. OlbHALIAE NAFLM. Ssperiar aoaomaKHtaXloiia. KsoalUol Calalaa. Srars rx lor tkt jo in iu rt at B,amwi atudiuiJr aoa. 4ar4 aa4 M-actlca. m.l or Roiu Trip ticlwta Isaua satwaaa Maw Tar aa Sootok. Engl lab. Irlak u all rrlsaiaaj tlaaolal solols at allrmeuva rmias. rer Uckal I IDlol iotSMtloa uslr la UENblUtBOM BaOA. I tSUav, mt aay LOCAL AliBHT. . . .