Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Hoodi in Farming District Band Pricaa
Bounding Up.
Whole Line of Grain aad Provisions
immiltl Higher Price aad
Qalt wltk Good AdTMCtt
Deartsh Newe Ignored.
CHICAGO. June SO.-In tha grain fits to
day the dominating Influence waa the ruin
which has fallen since Saturday to flood
fin already soaked country. The dry
spots on the map were so few a to
scarcely warrant attention. Wheat closed
J4o over Saturday, corn 14c to 2r up.
pats lff?lc to lc higher and provisions
'.ir. to 4o Improved.
rleptemier wheat. In which option the
bulk of trade waa transacted In the wheat
pit. opened c to lc hither at 73c to
73o and went at a Jump to 74 to aid the
clamor fo a rain-scared crowd of shorts.
.Although not needed for the purpose, a
increase of 3,725.000 bushels In the quantity
afloat and a report that France would
have to do aome ateep ImportlnK owing to
a, prospective late European harvest acted
as auxiliary Influences in sustaining PrlTf
On the other aide there were two consid
erationslower Liverpool cables and trie
feeling that the rain must finally ceaae.
Trade was heavy during the first hour,
but the price did not get outside the open
ing range, nor did it during the remainder
of the session, when the volume of trans
actlona decreased. The close was strong,
September 14e up at 73c. The visible de
crease Is 1.275.000 bushels Seaboard clear,
ancea In wheat and flour were equal to
eJo.oOO bushels. Primary receipts were 637,
4j bushels, compared with 859.000 bushels a
year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth re
ported 435 cars and Chicago 29, with 6 of
contract grade. This made a total for
the three points of 524 cars, agalnat 4t2
last week and 677 a year ago.
Corn was excited and the feeling nervous,
lut prices exhibited a buoyancy, which re-
fused to be dulled even when the majilpu
atora of the July delivery dumped Sep
tember into the pit In Imposing quantities.
July corn startled the holders by jumping
to 72c, the highest price In ten years.
A duel In the September option enlivened
the opening hour. The manipulators of
July began selling September, but the rep-
resentatlve or an Influential house stood
close and nonchalantly absorbed every
thing offered. The excessive rainfall caused
much fear of Irreparable damage to the
crop and made an Interruption ot the
movement and a deterioration In the grad
ing almost certain. While Interest In July
k.lh most keen, owing to its high price.
Ilie biggest part of the trade waa In Sep-
t.-mher. There was naturally much profit
taking on the upturn, but generally com
mission houses were on the buying aide.
Indicating that the country Is getting on
the long side of the market. Receipts, 255
cars, me visinie increase la 49H.0OO bushels
July sold between 704c and 72c and
rinsed strong, 2c over Saturday, at 724c
September ranged between 62c and 63c,
closing lff?lo up at 63c.
Oats contributed their share to the bull
excitement, prices advancing sharply on
ir restrained buying by fUmoBt all Interests.
The weather waa, of course, the Influence.
It waa said that the deluge threatens even
greater damage to oats than to either
wheat or corn. A strong caah situation
augmented the sentiment on the bull side.
Hhorts engaged In a lively covering move
ment at me opening, rront-taklng fol
lowed and forced nrlcea back fnr tlm
but later buying waa renewed and the
market closed firm. Receipts were 209
cars, juiy sold between 47c and 4c and
closed lc up at 4Kc. September ranged
between 34c and 364c and closed l'alc
tip at 35c.
Provisions were neglected for the grains.
Prices, however, were steady. In sympathy
wiiu corn ana on nrm prices at the yards.
September Dork cloned ZUc hle-her at fix so
September lard bliVtac up at 10.624& 10.66
nnd September rlba 74c better at Sio.674.
Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 0
r. turn, om cars; oats, laa cars; nogs,
The leading futures ranged aa follows:
Artlcles.l Open.l High. Low. Close.l Sat'y,
a July
b July
b Dec
73-44 75
73674 74
74 ' 74
70473 72
62 (i 63 63
4a4tf49 49
41'942 434
47fff4S 4S
.llM 32
844-6 35
34435 35
18 274 18 274
18 66 13 66
18 674 10 614
10 624 10 65
10 68 10 70
10 65 10 674
73T,!74H 78
73 73 72
74 74 ; 73
T04 724 604
... 62 ' 6 (114
'V 48!4849 47.l
41 42 40
47 4N 46
814 31 So
34 85 814
33 854 33
18 22 IS 25 18 274
18 4741 18 60
10 65
10 674
10 624
10 80
10 60
10 66
10 6741
10 67 4
10 65
10 674
10 624
10 60
No. J. a Old. b New.
Cash quotations were aa follows
FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 83.70; siraigma, w.siuj.j"; spring specials
64.21: spring patenta. 83.60ffT3.M.
WHEAT No. spring. 73(3754c: No. 2 red.
CORN-No. 2. 71(f72e; No. 3 yellow, 713
OATS No. J, 48494c; No. 2 white, 63
PITV , U. 0 W 111 ITT, l(H.
RYE No. 2. 694?60c.
BARLEY Good feeding, 79c; fair to
Choice malting, 9"704e.
BEEDS No. 1 flax, 31.73ffl.74: No. 1 north
western, l.i3'ai.i; clover, contract grade.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $1R IS Lara, per l'v ins. I10.&6. short ribs
sides (loose). 11U.624U 10.724. Dry salted
shoulders (boxe"V 8.S.604J 8.624. Short cl?ar
aides (bcxed). $10,754(10.06.
The following were the receipt and ship
ments Saturday:
short clear, S1S.6niEr21.Sn; mess, llJ.oaflU.78.
TALIOW Firm; city ($2 per okg.i. S4c:
country (pkgs. free). S'e4c
mc t r irm: domestic, lair to extra, iy
t?4e: Japanese. 41i6c.
Hi "TrER Receipts. 10.4 rkg.i lower,
closed steadv; state dairy. WuVf, state
creamery, lU'21c; Imitation creamery, 17J
194c; factory, Kcfl84c.
Ctlh.KHf Receipts, pags.; nrmrr,
fancy large, colored. lVrflu!4c; fancy large,
white. ic: fsncv small, new state full
cream, olored, liif?ltc; fancy small, new
statn full cream, white. 9c.
K(JOS Recelnta. 1H.18D Pkgs. weaaer;
state and Pennsylvania, 194''0o4c; western
candled, Rfll9c.
MOLASSlS Steady: New Orleans, aJ'if
F'OULTRY Alive, dull and prices unset
tied. Dressed, steady; brollera, 182uc;
fouls. I241i 13c; turkeys, 13fc He.
METALS Considerable local business was
closed In tin today, aales amounting to
about thirty tone for July delivery at
827.374'rZ7.4S. The spot market closed lower
at S-1 7.Vfi2R.of). The London market was
1 lower, with spot at 124 10a and futures
at 1-1. Copper waa easy and lower here
with standard, spot to August, at 111. 174a1
II 7S. lake at 111. 9a 12.10. electrolytic at
III 9012.05 and casting at 111. 8X& 12.00. At
lmdon copper was 2s 6d lower, with spot
at 62 6a and futures at 53. Lead was
unchanged at New York at 14.124 and
Ixmdon.wna also unchanged at 11 2s (id.
Spelter ruled dull, but firm, at IS, while
Ixmdon closed at 18 12s 6d. While locally
Iron was steady and unchanged, foreign
markets were higher. Here warrants closed
nominal, with No. 1 f.iundry at 22.0)(fl23.M):
No. 2 foundry, northern. r'i.wart.w; wo. l
foundry, southern, 121. 50122. 60; No. 1
foundrv southern soft. 121. 5O622.R0. Olas-
gow closed at 65s and Mlddlesborough at
49s 74d.
Condition of Trade and Qaotatlona an
Staple and Fancy Prodnee.
EOOS Fresh, steady, 144c.
LIVE POULTRY Chickens. Ue: old
roosters, according to ase. 4ii6c: turkeys.
ftfrllc; ducks and geese, 7c; brollera, per lb.,
BUTTER Packinr stock. 16c: choice
dalrv, In tubs lginc; separator. 2293c.
FRESH CAl'OHT FISH Trout. 10c;
herring, 6c; pickerel, 9c; pike, 9c;
perch. 6c; buffalo, dressed. 7c; sunfish,
6c; blueflns, 8c; whlteflah, 10c; catfish, 13c;
black bass, lxc; naiibut, lie; salmon, jnc;
haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; red snapper, 10c;
roe shad, each, 76c; shad roe, per pair,
86c; split shad, per lb., 10c; lobsters, boiled,
per lb., 27c; lobsters, green, per lb., 16c;
bullheads, 10c.
PIOEON8 Live. Per dog.. 7Bo.
VEAI-Cholce, 6&8o.
CORN 59c.
OATS 4 He.
BRAN Per ton, 116.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesala
Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay. No.
1 upland. Ik; No. 1 medium, $7.50; No. 1
coarse. 17. Rye straw. S6.6A. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair. Recelpta light.
CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per dot-.
NEW CELERY Kalama too, 30c.
POTATOES Northern, 4O'a60c; new po
tatoes, per bu. 75c.
GREEN ONIONS Per do., according to
slxe of bunches, 1602OC.
ASPARAGUS Home grows, per doi., 60
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dog., 463
LETTUCE Hothouse, per dog., ISO.
PARSLEY Per dos., 3W36c.
rt AIilSHF.S Per do.. 2ora26o.
WAX BEANS Home grown, per market
banket, 6ofo60c; string beans, per market
basket. 604jwc.
RHUBARB Home grown, per lb., 14c
CA11BAQE California or home-grown,
MAW 1 Ill"
ONIONS New California, In sacks, per
TfoMATOES Texas, per 4-basket crate,
NT BEANS Per bu.. 12.
APRICOTS-Callfomla, $1.40,
I'EACHES California, 11 35.
PLUMS California, per 4-basket crates,
STRAWBERRIES Colorado, per 24-it
CCHERRIES California, per box, 81.50;
home-grown, per 24-qt. case, 2.00a2.25.
GOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt. caae. 12.
CANTALOUPE Tfxas, per basket, 76c
niRRANTfl Home grown. 12.00.
RASPBERRIES Black, per 24-pts., 13.00;
red, per 24-pts., ..w.
PINEAPPLES Florida, 30 to 8 count.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to alia,
ORANGES Valenclas, $4.7E3.00; Medi
terranean aweeia, s.wa4.zo.
LEMONS Fancy, o.tXKtf5.50; Messlnaa,
HONEY I'er 24-sectlon caae. $2.763.00.
CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., 13.25; New
York, W.sO.
POPCORN Per lb., 6c; shelled, 6c,
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb..
12c; hard shell, per lb., 114c; No. t soft
shell, loc; No. 2 hard shell, 9c; Braslla, per
lb., 14c; nioerts, per id., uc; aimonas, son
shell. ltc; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per
lb., 12c; small, loc; cocoanuta, per sack,
HIDES No. 1 green, 64c; No. I green,
64c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No 2 salted, 64c;
. If o A ,.1 t BA. XT 4 -..I
calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 812c; sheep
pelts, 75c; horse hides, 1.6o$2.60.
OLD METALS A. B. Alpern quotes the
following prices: Iron, country mixed, per
ton, 110; Iron, stove plate, per ton, 17.50;
copper, per lb.. 8c; brass, heavy, per lb.,
84c; brass, light, per lb . 6c; lead, per lb.,
b4c; zinc, per id., zc; ruooer, per id., oc.
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oata, bu
Barley, bu
Receipts. Shipments.
14,000 11.000
44,010 24.010
1 1.4H 23400
J4S.O10 189.CO0
40.000 8.0 0
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creameries, lxt.'.ue;
dairy, 10 194c. Cheese, steady, 10frllc.
ggs, steady; fresh. 174a.
notations of tha Day on Varlons
NEW YORK June 30 FLOUR Receipts,
1.110 bbls.; exports, 14,291 bbls. ; firmly held
at 5 loc advance, quiet; winter etralghts, winter patents, I4.0usy4.10; Min
resota patents. I4.0ixa4.16; Minnesota bakers,
316V3.36; winter low grades. 123i3.15;
winter extraa. $3 15li3 86. Rye flour, steady;
lulr to good, 13. 'a 3-&;. choice to fancy,
tj 6661. TO. .
CORN MEAL Firm; yellow western, U.S4;
City. 6132; llrandywlne, 13.45oj3.66.
RYE Steady ; No. 2 western, 6c. t. o. b.,
afloat; state. 63b4c, c. i. f., New York,
carlota. .
HA RLEY Nominal.
V1IE1T-Dilnl, SATno K -vnAa
6.414 bu. ; sales, 8.750 bu.' futures and 16000
iu. spot, spot market nrm; No. 2 red,
0c; No. 1 northern. Duluth. &2c, t o. b.,
afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, t6c, f. o. b.,
afloat. Continued rains In the suihwest
proved a strong bull factor In wheat to
day, advancing prlcea from lc to Zc In the
various marketa. There waa a large trade
ttere. mostly covering of ahorts. and the
firmness continued all day, helped along by
mall world shipments, the uoarae grain
rtrengtn ana a lair visible supply decrease.
The close was firm at 4ulc net advance.
July. 7ifittc: September. TSVuTSc. closed
at 78c; December, 79u79o. closed at
TlTie. v
CORN Receipts 18.800 bu.: exports. 96.104
bu. Spot, firm: No. 1, 694c, elevator, and
71c, f. o. b . afloat. Activity and strength
were twin feature In corn today, the mar
ket advancing sharply on excessive rains
In Iowa and Illinois, closing firm, at HtolWc
net advance. July. S74n9c, closed at
6e; September, 66 1-l&u65o. closed at
66c; December. 34k3c. closed at tic.
OATS Recelpta. bu. : exports. 6,124
bu. Spot, atronger; No. 1. 65e; No. I, 644c;
No. 1 white, 69c; No. 1 white, 69c; track
mixed western, 644iS64c; track white
western, b.bjo; track white state. 17ic.
. The option market was very strong and
higher on bullish crop news resulting from
heavy ruins in tna central states and aerl
ous crop damage.
HAY Quiet ; shipping. 60066c; good to
cnoice. f.iic.
HIDES Quiet: Galveston tO to 26 lha.,
17c; California. 11 to 26 lbs., lc; Texas dry,
14 to ) lbs.. 13c.
HOPS Firm; state, prime to choice. 1P01
crop. lU4Tr-Jc; new, lix-; olds, Mi-; state
common to choice, 1H crop. 20., 1 24c: pa.
rtnc coast, 19.'l crop, lailc; 190U, 16c; olds.
LEATHER Quiet: domeatlc fleece. !ffsiv.
PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family. US 6ot
16 00; mesa. 111 Soti 14 U0; beef hama. IH.bosi
12.60; packet. $14. torn 15.60; city extra India
ineaa. Ii4 wsi oo. Cut meats, firm; pickled
bellies, mown" "; picaieo snouiaers, is. tb
titckled hama. $11 bti l!.oo. 1-ard. firm: weal
ern eteamed, 110. Svii 10i6; June, close, $10. so.
nominal; rennea, nrm; ismuy, i imju w
South America, 111.60; family, romivtund
4111410. rot, arm; lamuy, xii.iwi.uoo
No. 1 California, no stocks. Futures:
Quiet; uly, 6a lld; September, Ca 24'1-
tOKN Spot: unlet: American mixed.
new and old, 6s 9.1. Futures: Firm; July
nominal: September, be 3d: October. 6s
f kovjhiunb Bacon, clear oeuies, strong
t 6s; shoulders, square, strong at 44a.
TALIOW Prime city, steady at 2fs.
HOPS Pacific coast, firm at 6 loa.
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOI.,EDOj O.. June 80 WHEAT Actlv.
strong; July 2c up at 77c; cash, "9c; June,
T9c; September, 77c; December, .fic.
corn Active strong; cash end July, ec;
September, 63c; December, 48c.
OATS Active, strong; cash, 474c; July.
42c; September, 12c; new, July, 4c; new
September, 154c
PEED-Clover mora active, strong: cash.
$5.25; October, $5.30.
Visible Supply of Grain.
NEW YORK. June 80 The visible aup-
ply of grain Saturday, June 2S, aa torn-
ilea ny tne pew York produce exenange,
i aa follows: Wheat. 19.760.OuO bu.. decrease
1.275.000 bu. ; corn, 5,6.17,000 bu.. Increase
49X.OO0 bu: oats. 1.565.000 bu., decrease 4W,
000 bu.; rye, 4S4.000 bu., decrease ,000 bu.;
Dariey, zi,ooo bu., decrease 43,oou pu.
Mllwaakee Grnln Market.
ket higher; No. 1 northern, J74fdvJSc; No. 2
nortnern, i64i77c: September, (b4C.
RYE Steadier; No. 1, b!c.
BARLEY Firm: No. 2. 71S714c: sample.
65 ("a 'ilc.
corn September, tac.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, June 80. CORN-Hlgher; No.
OAT8-Hlgher; No. 2 white, 63c, billed
irough, 644c, track.
WHISKY On the basis of 11.80 for fin
ished goods.
Elgin Dntter Market.
ELGIN. 111.. June tO. BUTTER None
offered on the Board of Trade today and
consequently no sales. The quotation com
mittee announced a steady market at 214c
Sales for week, 824,000 lbs.
$4 M for sixty days and $4 4 on demand;
New York exchange, fc discount.
NEW YORK. June Exchanges, 1126,
S46.7KS; balances, $9,722,291.
BOSTON, June so Exchanges, 218,390,
037; balances, 11,203,555.
BALTIMORE, June 30. Clearings, 83,7a.
697; balances, 170S.444; for the month clear
Intra, is,674.237; money, 6 per cent.
PHILADELPHIA, June 30. Clearings,
$12,897. 9H5; balances, $3,lt,877: clearings for
the month, $4.1.623.364; balances, 138,572,876;
money, 4'q44 per cent.
ST. LOUIS, June 30. Clesrlngs, 17.275.670;
balances, $l,09.0s; money, steady, 64J per
cent: New York exchange, par.
CINCINNATI, June 30. Clearings, 14,
273.0)0; money, 34141 per cent; New York
exchange, par to 24c premium.
Boston Stock, ctaatatlaaa,
BOSTON, June JO.-Call loans. 84ff' Pr
rent; time loans, 4jj6 per cent. Official
closing oi stocKs ana Donas:
Atrhlsoa 4a....
! u
Mei. Central 4a si
N. K. a. C. w
Atchison (1
do pfd M
Proton Albanjr....t0
Bom on A Ms.. 101
llolton EUrstrd ....114
N. T . N. H. H. tSO
Fltchburn p(4 14J
t'nloo Psrlflo 105
Mei. Central 2S
Amer. Sugar 127
do pfd 11
Amer. T. A T lt
Dom. I. A g hi
General Elm-trio ....104
Mass. Electrlo 42
N. B. O. A C
t'nlted Fruit 110
V. 8. Steel 17
do pfd 18
Adventura u
Pair Wast
A Hacla....
ropper Kanira ....
Itomtnloa Coal ..
Iila Rojala
Old Domlnloa ..
Santa Fa copper..
Trlmountala .....
United Btatas ....
I nil
... IH
... i
... 4
... 11
... 11
... 14
... II
... 41
... 14
... 17
... IS
... 11
... II
... 10
... I
... 14
Money Market Enllrena, bnt Indoa-
trlals Ars Generally Heavy.
NEW YORK. June 30 The stock market
reflected the recent prevailing tendency of
speculative sentiment to lay greatest stress
upon encouraging developments and to
ignore what appears to be unfavorable
with an Invincible cheerfulness. The money
market became oulte active today and
call loan rates ran up to 7 per cent under
the Influence of the month-end demand
for funds. This had, the effect of curtailing
operations In stocks to some extent, but
forced no appreciable liquidation.
The special stocks which huve been
chosen aa leaders of the market by the
speculative party which haa made Itself
the guardian of valuea showed points of
strength at various times during the day.
The course or tne grain maraeia snowed a
feeling of considerable anxiety as to the
effect of the heavy storms upon the grain
crops, but aside from St. Paul no rallrond
stock was much affected by this develop
On the other hand, the favorable eflect
of the rains on the cotton crop found a re
sponse In the upward movement In some
of the cotton carriers, notably Texas &
Pacific and Southern Railway. The coalers
also responded to the expressions of con
fidence on tne part 01 tne operation tnai
the coal strike Is disintegrating.
There Is a belief In the financial district
ihnt the coal mine nnerators have been
deferring active steps toward a resumption
of mining until after tne juiy 4 nouaaya
in the belief that the holiday period might
aggravate a tendency to disorder.
A buoyant recovery irom recent uepreu
slon In Colorado Fuel was attributed to
manipulation or to a struggle for control
amongst disaffected Insiders.
Sugar also made an unexplained rise, but
the Industrials generally were heavy.
United Statea Steel stocks dropped back
a fraction. Over capitalization, Insufficient
provision for working capital and exorbi
tant allowances to merger syndicates ond
the continually developing necessity for
bond Issues by the Industrial combinations
are subjects under constant dlscussl m In
Wall street.
The Immunity of stock values from harm
on account of the flurries In the money
market la attributed to the fact that the
large speculative Interests have provided
themselves with time loana over the period
of the July settlements.
The rise in money rates In London today
caused an advance In sterling at Paris and
thus relieved the pressure upon New York.
New York exchange at Chicago, which
ruled at 35c premium last week, dropped
back today to 6c dlacount. Indicating some
?ressure from that source upon New York
or funds. The market closed almost In
animate and steady.
There waa an active market for Burling
ton Joint 4s In connection with the closing
of the syndicate. The understanding that
the syndicate holdings were disposed of In
connection with the settlement made the
bonds strong. Otherwise the market was
qulut and firm. Total sales, par value,
14.040,000. United 8tates bonds were all un
changed on the laat call.
The following are the closing prices on
the New York biock exenange:
London Stock Market.
LONDON, Juna 20. 4 p. m. Closing:
Consola for monar... M Norfolk A Wast am... 1
do account Hll-il do pia si
Anaconda 1 Ontario A Wastera... un,
Atchison MS PannarlTaOla 1Ti
do pfd .10314 Readlns 314
altlmora A Otilo....lo4 da lat pfd 41
anadlan Pacific i: do Id pfd 16
Chesapeake A Ohio.. 41 Southern Railway.... 174
hlraio o. w at do prd
Chlcaso. M. A it. P.17Southarn Facias S
uenrer at K. u il union racine iwt
do pfd K.U do pfd II1.
Erie IfwUntted Statea Steal.. M't
..70 do pfd 114
.. 64 Wabaih i4
..114 do pfd 47V
oulavllla ft Nanh...l4n Rpanlah 4a 11
Mlmouri, K. A T.... II Rand Mlnea 114
do pfd so UsBsars 11
New York Central... iu
BAR SILVER Quiet at 24d per ounce.
MONEY 24Si3 Der cent. The rate of dis
count In the open market for both short
and three-months bills Is 24(gt per cent.
New York Mining Quotations.
NEW YORK. June 30. Tho following are
the closing prices on mining stocks:
do lat pfd
do Id pfd
Illinois Central...
A da ma Con 10
Ilea 40
raeca 10
runswlck Con 1
Comalock Tunnel .... 14
Con. Cal. A Va 115
Icadwood Tarra loo
orn Stlrsr 125
ron Btlrer 71
Laadvllla Cob I
St. Loots Grain and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS, June 30 WHEAT-Steady;
No. 2 red. cash elevator. 724c: track, old.
7S(fj784c; new, 734'jf744c: No. 2 hard, 724iJ
72c; July, 72(jj.,r2c ; September, 744c.
CORN Higher: No. 2 caah, 65c; track,
664iit!7c: July. 564c: September. 564c.
OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 49c: track, 49
61c; July, 39c; September, 3146314c; No. 2
wnite, tVtilttf4c.
FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, 13.56
3 do: extra fancy ana atraignt. u
clear. $3.0a3.2O.
SEED Timothy, steady, at 16 for ordi
nary; prime wortn more.
uiiftiur.AU-Bteaay at j.xo.
BRAN Strong: east track. Wo.
HAY Dull, steady; timothy. $11.00014.00:
prairie, I6.004110.uo.
whisk Y steady,
IRON COTTON TIES Steady, 11.05.
BAOGINO Steady. 6fi6C,
HEMP TWINE-SteaJy. 9c,
PROVISIONS Pork, steady: Jobbing, old.
$18.35; new. $18.76. Lard, higher. $10,274.
Dry salt meata (boxed), nominal: extra
shorts, $10 874; clear ribs, $11; short clear,
IU.I24. Bacon (boxed), nominal; extra
shorts, $11.75; clear ribs, $11,874; trhort clear,
metai.h l-eaa. nrm at $3,974. spelter,
higher at 14 SO.
POULTRY Steady; chickens, 104c;
springs, 15316c; turkeys, 9c; ducks, 64c;
geene, 4(f)H4c.
butter steady; creamery, 17yz24c;
dairy, 17Jrlc.
euus Higner at isc, loss off. v.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 9.0o0 11.00
Wheat. 1 bu 91.000 14.0 0
Corn, bu 21,000 11 00
oats, du oo.ouu 41.000
Kansns City Grnln nnd Provisions.
PTVd'ioc; September, 64c; cash. No. 2 bard.
ItU., 'ill . n X" C'llA. KTa 4 A CilA. V
l"l"7,V. A.W. , ,W , ..W. m ,.V4, W, ,
6.vno; No. 2 spring, 69c.
COKIN juiy, aic; September, who uo ;
cash. No. I mixed, tantvi'.c: No. 2 whlta.
6l4'(i54c: No. 2. 334c.
oats No. I white, 494c.
RYE No. 2, 5uc.
HAY Choice timothy. 11100(912 60: choice
prnlrle. $9 OOca 10.(4).
BUTTER Creamery, 184194c; dairy,
fancy, ISc.
EGGS Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan
sas stock, 14c dos., loss off, cases returned.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat 65.HO 40,800
Corn 11.800 28.9J0
Oats U0V0 LouO
Philadelphia Prod nee Market.
Market 4c lower: extra western creamery.
22c; extra nearby prlnta, 23c.
EGGS Firm, good demand; freah nearby
and western, ISc, loss off; fresh southwest
ern, 17c, loaa off; fresh southern, 160, loss
CHEESE Firm: New York full creams,
?rtme small. 10c; New York full creamt.
air to good, W10c
Minneapolis Wheat, Flonr and Bran.
7t--11 7SUC SeDtember. 72c. On track: No.
1 hard. 79 c, No. 1 northern, 77c; No. 2
northern. i4c.
FLOUR First patents. $4.0064 10; aeoond
patents. 13.7053 60; first clean. 12.10; tecond
clears, li. ,
BRAN In bulk. IH.75flU.00.
. . Dnlntk Grain Market.
rn.T twru T . a v II r i T Ck Va
1 hard. 814c: f0- 1 northern. 74c; No. 1
northern, ,bc; July. 75c; Eeptcmber,
OATS-Cash, aoc
LlTerpMl Grnln nnd Praivlalena.
T IVVRPOr.T. Juna 10. WH EAT 8 not
No. 1 norlharn sprtcg. tsady at 6a Utd;
.. 17
.. 41
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio..
do pfd
Canadian Pacific ..
Canada Southern .
Chea. A Ohio
Chicago A Alton..
do pfd
Chlcaxo, I. A 1...
An ofd
Chicago A E. 1 104
Chlcaio ft Ul. w... bu
do lat pfd
do pfd
C. ft N. W
C. B. I. ft P...
Chicago T. ft T...
do pfd
C. C. C. ft 8t. L
Colo. Southern ...
do lat pfd ,
do Id pfd
Dal. A Hudson..
Dal.. U ft W
Deavar ft R- O..
do pfd ........
da lat pfd
do id pld
Ot. Nor. pfd
Hocklnf Vallar .
do pfd
Illinois Central ..
Iowa Central ...
do ptd
l. m. & w
do pfd
Louta. ft Naah...
Manhattan U ....
Met. St. Ry
Max. Central ...
ttx. National ..
Minn. A 81. L..
Mo. Pad lie
M., K. A T
do ptd
N. . Central
24 so. Pacific
So. Railway
do pfd
Texas ft P
T., St. U ft W...
do ptd
Union Pacific. ....
do pfd
do pfd
W ft L. K
do Id pfd
Wla. Central ....
do pfd
Adama Express .
Amer. Expreae ...
U- S. Expreaa....
. Jy Wella-Krgu Ex..
. 174 Amal. Copper ...
. 103 Amer. C. A F....
.. 71
.. 41
.. 424
,. 444
.. 144
.. HVi
.. 444
.. 10
.. 174
.. 184
.. 10
.. 44
.. 11
.. 15
.. 1
.. 484
.. 434
.. 11
.. 4
.. 604
.. 47
.. II
.. 17
.. 10
do pfd
Amer. Lin. Oil
do pfd
Amer. 8. A R.
do pfd
Ana. Mln. Co.
13 lira. Hap. Tr.
J6H Colo. F. A I.
.. as lion, uaa
.. 51 Con. Tob. pfd 1:14
..1ST General Electric ...-VH
.. M4i Hocklnf Coal ...
.. aa jlnt'n'l Paper ...
.. 14i)4 1 do pfd
.. 4D4 Infn'l Power ...
.. 174 Laclede Oaa
.. U4 Nat. biscuit ....
..122 National Lead .
..H74IN0. American ..
lslracinu toaat
. 4
. 184
. 174
. 51
N. Y.'N'entral 154
Nor. A Weat.
do pfd
OnUrlo A W
Head log
do lat pra
do Id pfd
St. L. A 8. P
do lat pfd
do Id pfd
St. L. 8. W
do pfd
St Paul
do pfd
Pacific Mall
People'a Uaa
Preaaed Steal Car.,
do pfd
Pullman Pal. Car.. ..131
. 114
. 144
. 75
. 15
. 474
. 114
. 41
. 45 4
Hepublic Steal
do pfd
Tenn. C. ft 1...
V. B. ft P. Co..
do pfd
U 8. Leather ...
151l do pfd
.. 4
.. 70
.. e4
.. ei
.. 71
... 104
.. 47
...110 .
do pfd
U. 8. steel
do pfd
Weetern Union .,
Am. Locomotive
do pfd
K. C Southern...
do pld
. 434
. 15
. 14
. 124
. 4
. 144
. 174
. ts
. 114
. va
. 514
Xew York Money Market.
Arm. Ah7 ter rent: last loan. 4 ter cent
close, offered, 34 per cent; prime mercan
tile tuner. 44'aa Der cent.
for demand and at I4.i4 for sixty days
posted ratea. 4.8tii?4rt4 and $4.i4'!l I o9
commercial bills, 14 s4((4.S5c.
fill.VER-Bar. bZ4c: Mexican aouara
424c. Bllvcr certlllcates for 4,000 ounces
nl.l at 62c.
BONDS Government, steady: state. Inac
tive railroad, firm.
The closing quotations on Donas are as
V. 8. r. Is. rag at rc. ani. s 1034
do coupon -
do la. rag ! do la Inc 114
do coupon 1 Minn, at at. 1-. aa
do saw 4a. rag ....114 M . K ft T. aa...
do eoupoa ...
do old 4a. rag
da coupon ...
do as. rag
do coupon
Ate a. sea. 4a..
do adj. 4a
B. A O. 4a
do 14a
do conT. 4a
Canada 80. la
C. h O la
do 1st tne
Chaa. A Ohio 44a.
Chicago A A. Itv.
C. B. ft f B. 4a
C. M ft St P g
..Uil do u
...lut' N. T. Central la. .
...lioia do gn. 4a ...
...lut N. J. C. gan. la.
.. 1 No. PaalBo 4a
...lu4 do Im
... 14 N. A W. co. a.
...102 Reading gen. to..
17 tc L. ft 1. M
. as 4
.10:. 4
. 744
..1x44 St. L. ft 8 F. 4S...10U
,.lul4 St. L 8. W. la l4
,.l(W4i do la 174
.. U4 S. A. ft A. P. to.... II
,.10aV 80. Pacific 4a lita
., t4 So. Ilaliwer 5a la
.. vim, leaaa ax racmc ia...iia
.1114 T.. St. U ft W. to.. 34
fa....l3a4:Unlon Pacific to 104
rt a N. w
r a I ft P. 4a....lli-kl do conv.
CCC ft St. L. g to. 1034 Wabaaa la
Chicago Tar. to to do la ,
cola. A So. to M-l do dab B .
t ft R. O. to loJVWaet Shore 4a.
Erta prior Ilea to... .1014 w. A L. E. 4a
do aeoaral to....... a iWla. Central 4
F W AD. C. la. ..Ill Icon. Tok. to...
Hocking Vallar 44s- .11
.. 7V
. , aa
.. U4
Bank Clearlnsja.
OMAHA, June 20. Bank clearings today,
11.0t.lsS7.71; same day last year, li.a,4oo.l
decrease, llli. )..
CHICAGO. June JO. Cleartnrs. 1006.
HI; balance, 1. 605,71; posted exchange.
Little Chief ..
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes
.. 11
.. TI4
.. 4
.. U
.. I
.. II
.. 45
Forelgrn Financial.
LONDON. June 30. The half vear end
requirements increased the demand for
money today. Discounts were steady on
the prospect of easier conditions after the
release of the dividends. Business on the
Stock exchange was cheerful, owing to the
satisfactory accounts of King Edward's
condition, though there was little disposi
tion to mane commitments pending tne
actual declaration that his majesty la out
of danger. Consols recovered smartly.
Home rails almost generally advanced.
Americans, In sympathy with the movement
In New York during the holidays, ad
vanced appreciably at first, but were after
wards Irregular and dull. Some shares were
below parity. prices closed steady. Rio
tintos were weak. Canadians were lrrrg-
nar. urana rrunKs improved on revenue
tatements. Foreigners wei firm. Kaffirs
were mostly a fraction higher and Inactive.
The failure of Arthur France Edwards, a
broker on a small scale, was announced.
The amount of bullion taken Into the Rank
of England on balance today was 123,000.
Gold premiums at Buenos Ayres, 130.10; at
ftome, i.a.
PARIS. June 80. Three ter cent rentes.
lOlf 7ac for the account. Exchange on Lon
don, 25f 184c for checks. Spanish 4s closed
at 81.80. Business on the bourse today was
irregular, inougn contagoea were easier
than on the occasion of the previous set
tlement. The general tendency waa sat
isfactory, tnougn prices closed steadier.
Rentes were heavy. Italians were In de
mand. Spanish-4s .and South Americans
were firm. Thomaon-Houstons were weak.
East Parisian railroad receded on the ru
mor of an Important buyer being compelled
to jiquiaate. rtuasmn industrials relapsed.
Kafllrs were maintained. The m-lvate rata
of discount was unchanged at 29.16 per
cent. . ,
BERLIN. June SO. Business on the bourse
today had a weak tendency, but the un
dercurrent was nrrri. Mines opened higher,
nut tnia was not maintained to tne close.
Exchange on London. 20m 464Dfs for
checks. Discount rates, short bills (for set
tlement). 44 per cent: three months bills.
iy per cent.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON. June 80. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In tha gen
eral fund, exclusive of the 1150,000,000 gold
reserve in tne division or redemption,
snows: AvaiiaDie casn Daiance, iJOo.tuo,
022; gold, 1101,591.223.
Cotton, Market.
closed steady: middling unlands. 94c: mid
dling guir, :4c; sales, 4,ii oaiea. f utures,
Arm: distant, stead: June, nominal: July.
8.80c; August, 8.33c; September, 7.94c; Oc
tober, 7.c; iovemter, 7.70c; December,
7.71c; January, 7.70c; February. 7.70c;
ruarcn, (.ic.
el. lou ib. June so. jut"1 w-ouiet
middling, 8 15-16c; aales, none; receipts, 194
bales; shipments, 667 bales; stock, 20,783
Steady. 8 15-16c.
Liverpool, Jane so. cotton snot.
quiet; prices l-32d lower; American mid
dling, fair, 611-324: good middling. 6 8-32d
middling. 4 13-SKl: low middling. 4 'id: aooc
ordinary. 6d; ordinary, 44d. Sales of the
day were 8,000 bale, of which 1,000 bales
were for speculation and export and In
cluded 7,400 American. Receipts, 4.000
bales. Including 7o0 American. Futures
opened easy and closed quiet and steady.
American middling- g. o. c. July, 4 49-tMiii
4 50-64d, sellers; July-August, 4 47-64$
4 4-64d, sellers: August-September, 4 40-64d,
Olivers, rwpiemrjer-uciODer, zs-wtg z-S4d,
sellers; October-November, 4 2r-44d, sellers;
November-December, 4 18-64d, sellers; December-January,
4 16-64di$H 17-64d, sellers;
January-February, 4 16-64d, sellers.
Futures, steady; July. 8 97fr.98c: August.
8.41ffS.42c; September, 7.927.93c; October,
7.6ort77.66c; November, 7.6S1.o8c; December,
T.fMt 7.60c; January, 7.56(jj7.5Sc; December,
steady; sales, 540 bales. Ordinary, 7 9-16c;
good ordinary, 81-ltic; low middling, 8-16c;
middling, 9c; good middling, 9 6-16c; mid
dling fair. tll-16c. Receipts, 1,337 bales;
stock, 95.601 bales.
Coffee Market. .
rtio. quiet; .o. 7 invoice, 04c; mild, quiet;
Cordova, &J.114c. Futures opened steady,
with prices 6 points lower. News gener
ally, with the exception of firmer Braxlllan
markets, waa bearish in character, partic
ularly cames irom tne rrencn market,
which depicted a net decline there of
franc. Receipts were heavy at primary
rtolnts and spot trade waa dull. Local bua
ness was confined principally to Drofes-
slonal trade and prices failed to vary more
man 0 points arter tne nrst call, closing
prices being 5ffil0 points lower and the tone
quiet. Total sales were 15,500 baga. In
cluding July, 4 SVn4.tOc; August, 4.96c; Sep
tember, 5c; November. 6.05c; December,
6.10c: January, 6.25c; March. 6.45c: May.
rat Cattle of Goad Quality Actm and
Btroag to a Dims Higher.
Liberal Ran of Sheep, bnt Good Kill-
era Held Abnnt Steady and tha
Cosasaon nnd Part Fat Kinds
Were glow nnd Weak.
RecelDts Were: Cattle. Hoes, (
Official Monday 1.127 4.iw7 6,t'Sl
Same day last week 1.337 6.374 a.B"6
Same week before 8.076 4.1M 8.671
Bame three weeks ago.. 2.171 6.U'4 6(2
Same four Weeks aga... 2.HV6 6.7sl 2,53
Same day last year 1,971 4,446 2,426
Totals this month
Totals for June. lal.
Totals for June, 19"s.... 64,235 241.283
Totals for June, 1W9..,, 66.4.S6 261,778
Totals for June, 1898.
Totals for June, 1897.
Totals for June, 1896.
Totals for June. 1W6.
Totals for June, 1894.... 66,278 217.639
47.437 241.437
47,312 2O4.0T4
63,395 13.144
68.1H5 176.038
36,170 153,2.12
21,358 87.0J6
The followlnr table shows the recelnta of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
me year to aate ana comparisons witn last
1902 1mi Tne Tlao
Cattle 304,793 343,497 21,29
Hogs 1.IUI 42.1 1 ;-.lKKM 11 fv,7
Sheep 419,869 618.671 93,712
lite following table ahowa the aveiaaa
price of hogs sold on the South Omaha
market the last aeveral oava. with com
parisons with former years:
Data, I 1902. l01.i00. tl&9. jlSM. 1S7. 11896.
Juna 1...
June t
Juna I...,
June 4...
Juna 6...
Juna 6....
June 7...
juna a...
Juna 9...
June 10..
June 11..
Juna 12...
June 13..
June 14...
June 16..
June 14..
Juna 17...
June 18..
June 19..
June 20...
June 21..
June 22..
June 23..
June 24..
June 26..
June 26..
June 27..
June 28..
June 29..
June 30..
6 70
7 i I 70
7 16 6 72
7 2o I 70
7 15 71
1 184 6 76
t 78
7 264 6 84
7 864 6 91
TM 6 80
7 1M4 6 86
J 31 6 81
6 86
7 244
7 23 6 83
7 264 6 89
7 23 6 92
7 41 6 90
7 43 6 91
6 89
7 49
7 69 6 93
7 67 6 99
7 61 6 93
7 62 6 91
7 65 5 87
t 90
7 61T
4 88 I M) 4 21 I 40 I M
4 U I 68 4 U I 32 I 86
I 69 4 03 I 36 I 86
4 83 14 10 1322 87
4 1 I 681 121196
4 94 I 681 4 01 I 01
4 96 I 671 I N I 20
02 I U I 87 , 2 31l 4 01
101 I 41 I 92 I 3 3 04
b 1 Vo 1 2 1 11
2 3
4 Mf 1 17.
4 8o
4 K
4 19
4 9c
6 03
5 06
4 94
4 93
t 001
6 13
6 17
6 10
6 03
6 11
4 99
I 861
2 64 IS 711
a0 a I9
1 64 19 ill
3 621 S 90
I 80
3 81
S 72
S 64
S 71
S 69
I 6i
i 63
S 62
S 631
2 611 S 82
S 661 3 63
3 6N 8 601
6 01 3 68 2 5i
2 931
I so
S 24
3 29
2 32
3 22
S 18
3 21
S 16,
S 15
S 21
2 72 2 23
I 8 3 2V I 00
1 69 3 23 2 97
2 91
8 04
2 98
1 10
2 08
3 10
3 vl
2 96
1 02
2 05
2 '6
S 61
S 24
3 24
2 96
2 94
2 98
Indicates Sunday.
The following list shows the number of
cars of feeders shipped to the country Sat-
uraay ana tneir destination:
M. Colton, Spearflah, 8. D. B. & M 2
M. Duval, Atlantic, la. R. 1 1
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's
C, M. 6V St. P. Ry.... 2
waoasn 1
Union Pacific System. I 7
C. & N. W. Ry 7
F.. E. l M. V. R. R.. S 17
C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry 3 4
a. ax an. it. rty S 11 4
C, B. ft Q. Ry 3 2..
K. C. & St. J 3
C. R I. A P.. east.. 4 1..
C, R. I. A P., weat.. 11 1
Illinois Central 4
Total recelpta .... 40 64 24 13
The disposition of the day's receipts was
aa ioiiows, eacn ouyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
Omaha Packing Co 23 d34 ....
Swift and Company 212 1,007 1,144
Cudahy Packing Co 170 1.170 1,924
Armour & Co 142 1,269 9o2
u. n. nammona 1.0 4,2
R. Becker 4k Degan 22 ....
Lobman A Co 86 ....
Hill A Huntzlnger 1
Hamilton & Rothschild.... 63 ....
H. L. Dennis & Co 19 ....
Otner buyers 63 .... 1,043
Total 790 4,643 6,013
CATTLE The week opened with a very
light run of cattle at tnls point, as there
were only about thirty cars on sale. The
quality of the offerings was also rather
Inferior, but In spite of that fact the
market was active and stronger all around.
There were very few bunches of beef
ateers Jn the yards this morning, and In
reality there were not enough to make a
test of the market. It Is aafe to say, how
ever, that anything at all desirable sold
strong to a dime higher. Packers all took
hold freely, and It waa but a ahort time
before , practically everything was disposed
ot. The demand is, of course, best for the
better grades, and the greatest advance Is
on that class of cattle, on the part fat and
Inferior grades It Is difficult to see much
Improvement in price,
The cow market was also active and
strong to a dime higher, when It came to
the better grades. Anything showing flesh
and quality was picked up In good season
and the yards were soon cleared of cattle
answering to that description. The com
mon kinds did not show much change from
the close of last week so far as prices
were concerned, but owing to the light
ennnlv sellers found it easier than usual
to dispose of what they had at satisfactory
Bulls, veal calves and stags also com.
manded good strong prices where the qual
ity was at all good.
Stockers and feeders were In light supply
this morning, and as buyers were all look
ing for a few the prices paid looked a little
better than those In force at the close of
last week. The strength was, of course,
mostly to the better grades, as there la not
much demand for the common kinds of
stock cattle. Representative saiea:
At. Pr. No. A. Pr.
... 740 I 44 1 !000 4 35
... ISO I IS II 1164 I 10
...1000 4 10 II-
... 120 1 00 17.
...1021 I 10 14.
... mo 4 00
SHEEP There wa a liberal annnlv of
sheep here today, the bulk of them coming
rrom me states of Wyoming and ldano.
Fully a third of the ofTerinsa ennsisted of
feeders, and In the other two-thirds there
were a good many only part fat and com
mon sheep. The market on the better
grades was Just about steady with last
week, but at the same time trading wni
none too active. When It came to the com
mon and part fat stuff the market was
slow and weak. The same was also true of
feeders. There Is now some demand for
feeders, but buyers as a rule will not t.tke
anything unless they can get It at a low
Quotations for dinned stock: Oool to
choice wethers, S3. 354(3.60; fair to good, $3.15
63.35; good to choice ewes, 2.75ii3.oO; fair to
good, S2.II0&J2.60; good to choice spring Iambs,
$6.25(06.75; fair to good spring lambs, 15.003
600. Representative saiea:
No. Av.
26 cull bucks 13i
60 western wethers 96
143 western wethers
6 western wethers
4 ewes
31 ewes and wethers
153 ewes and wethers
615 yearling ewes and wethers.
6-a yearling ewes and wethers.
13 bucks
.1094 4 40
12SI I 0
11 7 10
44 I 00
40a 4 46
Bad I 44
Oil and Rosin.
NEW YORK. June 30 OIL Cottonseed,
steady; petroleum, steady; rosin, steady;
turpentine, dull.
TOLEDO. O.. June SO OIL North Lima.
SSc; South Lima and Indiana, 84c.
LIVERPOOL, June SO. OIL Turpentine
spirits, 87s; rosin, firm.
SAVANNAH. June ). OIL Turpentine,
firm, 454c. Rosin, firm: A, B, C, D. E,
11.25; F. 11.36; O. 11.40; H. 11.70; I, 12.06; K,
$2 55; M. 13.06; N, 13.40; WO, 13.4662.60; WW,
LONDON. June 30. OIL Linseed, SOstd;
turpentine spirits,. S5s Sd.
Dry Goods Market.
The week opens with a quiet general tone.
Bleached cottons are still In fair demand,
but other lines of cotton goods are In de
cidedly moderate demand today. There Is
no change in the tone of tha market nor
In quotations In any direction. Print
cloths are Inactive, buyers being Indif
ferent at current prices. This market will
be closed next Friday and Saturday.
agar Market.
steady; fair refining, 2c; centrifugal 4
teat. 3c; molasses sugar, 2c; refined,
Quiet; open kettle, 243 1-I6e: open kettle
centrifugal. 3o34c: centrifugal yellow, S
44c; seconds. I(j3c; molaaaea, dulii cen
trifugal, fcglio.
...12M 4 04
...M0 4 00
... Ml 4 00
...1460 4 00
... 130 4 00
...lOill 4 20
. . . 7U0 4 SS .
... 130 4 11
... IV7 4 10
...lu0 4 16
...H'M 4 40
... vn 4 10
...1230 4 60
... 144 4 40
...1460 4 CO
.. .10(10 4 16
...1310 4 16
... M7 6 00
...10M) I 00
...1100 I (10
... tW) 6 00
...400 I 00
...1220 6 16
...HKi I 26
...1264 4 14
...1IS0 110
...lf.u 4 04
...K.J0 4 00
...1840 4 10
...1.O.0 4 60
...11VJ 4 60
1111 4 44
..1014 1 11
.. 11 I 40
.. 177 1 40
.. 126 I 76
.. 170 1 76
.. 110 1 76
..14 1 76
.. ia t 00
.. IM I 40
..1016 1 00
.. KW 1 0
.. 720 I 00
..1211 1 40
.. Ill I 26
116 I la
luo I 60
1160 I 60
160 1 60
640 I 60
M) 1 60
, 110 1 60
170 I 60
716 I 71
a. I 76
I6 I 76
1020 I 76
.1...... 144 1 16
IM I 76 1
lUO 1 76 1
luao I 76 1....,
, 1240 I 24 1.....
1420 I 36 1.....
, 1416 1 60 1
160 4 l 6
60 I 00 1 T n 1
mi I 46 11 Ill I uo
1070 I 60 1 760 1 10
171 I 10 10 1014 I Ml
I Ill IS
1 60 I 76 14 da 4 10
1 6M I 76 22 131
421 1 76 1 1A0 4 40
16 W ( 1 121 4 40
1 4ul III
HOGS There waa a good average run of
hogs on sale today, but as the demand waa
ot liberal proportions tne market opened
fairly active and 64iltic higher than Satur
day's general market. Packers started In
bidding only about 6c higher, but sellers
held for better prices and the market soon
nrroea ur. 1 ne advance was greatest on
the better weight hogs, but still ev-n the
Ita-hter loads sold fully a nickel hlaher.
The quality of the offerings was nothing
extra, so mat tne average price does no
show the full strength of the market. The
bulk of the good weight hogs sold from
17.46 to 17 76 and as high ss 17. SO wss paid
for two loads 01 nogs weigning zuz uuunli
That was not only the lilsh price of the
day, but the top of the market fnr the year
to date. 1 na medium weignt maaa wen
mostly from 17 60 to 17.66, and the lighter
weights from 1 so aown. 1 ne Duik or tne
hogs was out of first hands In good season
Representative sales:
He. At. Sk. rt. No. At. 8k. Pr.
6 in a la aa lie ao t 1:4
41 K4 la I 44 11 la 44 I 43
15 14 II ? 64 T4 IM t 4?
II IM l 7 60 li 121 120 t lil
en l7 lo T 64 71 1;1 ln T 41
71 117 ln 1 66 IH !.' 120 t 4J4
Ill 14 7 M M 2.16 44 1 42'a
II 1"4 HO 1 IS 71 171 10 I I2S
10 IM 140 7 61 71 221 tn T 124
t4 ... 7 66 14 Ill IM 142
74 21 110 t 66 4. 141 40 T ti
0 17 1) 1 SS II 241 10 7 4S
7 211 140 1 674 6 "1 120 7 M
76 211 100 T 174 10 i:i 40 T IS
7 101 ... T 40 IS 110 ... I M
71 Ill 0 t M 74 211 129 7 46
74 117 140 7 40 16 137 l0 t 48
74 Ill ... t (to 10 24 120 7 M
71 110 100 1 an 61 241 SO 7 46
77 216 140 t o 131 M 1 U
76 123 440 1 10 10 240 160 t M
10 217 240 7 40 44 126 ... 7 174
66 111 10 T 10 70 231 II 1 47
6' 217 ... J SO 12 21 120 7 474
77 2" to t 40 46 21 M 1 10
71 Ill 1"0 7 40 41. Ml 140 1 70
7 lit 120 7 40 II 20 14) 1 10
47 211 40 T 40 60 146 140 7 70
71 Ill 10 7 o 10 2M ... t 724
71 211 140 T (0 41 27 1 40 7 72 4
17 221 120 7 40 IH 2ft ... 7 76
M 121 2H0 7 40 111 1 ... 110
11 cull ewes
61 feeder wethers
0 feeder wethers
471 western ewes
40 feeder wethers
300 feeder wethers
66 western ewes
t western wethers
1.124 ewes and wethers...
61 western lambs
1 50
3 25
S 26
S 25
3 30
S 30
3 10
2 i-.O
3 65
1 50
2 '.5
2 75
2 75
2 85
2 95
2 95
3 00
8 2
2 50
4 00
Cattle Steady to Higher Hosts Higher
' and Sheep Doll
CHICAGO. June 30. -CATTLE Receipts.
16.000 head, Including 1,000 head of Texana
and 900 head of westerns. Hest steers
strong to 10c higher; others steady. Good
to prime steers, 14.754j8.50; poor to medium.
4.75S5.70: Blockers and feeders, 2.5oi6.35;
eowa, l.o0i&.0o; heifers. 2.5oi6.o0; canners,
1.5(X6i'2.75; bulls, 12.25fti5.75; calves, 2.50i6.10;
Texas-fed steers, S4.ooB 1.00; western steers,
HOGS Recelnta. 33.000 head: estimated
tomorrow, 21,000 head; left over, 6,000 head;
market 64floc higher. Mixed and butchera,
S7.20(Ji7.75; good to choice heavy, 17. 7531.95;
rougn neavy, ii.atwt.oo; ngnt, i.uuia'-w;
bulk of sales. I7.350i7.70.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20,000
head. Sheep dull, lower; lambs, best
steady: good to choice wethers, 13. io4.0o;
fair to choice mixed, I3.25a'3.i5; western
sheep, I2.75ff73.75; native lamba, 3.504.70.
Otnciai Baiuraay:
Receipts. Shipments
Cattle 190 2
Hnc, D.S24 1.131
Sheep 8,147 524
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
celnta. 4.000 head of natives. 8.4W) head of
Texans, 1,050 head of Texas calves and 210
head of native calves. uorn-tea came
steadv: arrasaers. slow. 10(52Sc lower; quar
antine steers, 10fftl5c lower; quarantine
cows, steady. Choice export and dressed
beef steers. l7.80Ta8.124: fair to good, S5.2d3
7.40; stockers and feeders, I5.25Cu6.25; Texas
and Indian steers, 2.7o&5.50; Texas cows,
S2.01K&3.60; native cows, ll.60ig4.50; native
heifera, X2.tu.40; canners, i.D0aJ.w; duiis.
S2.50ffi4.b0; calves,
Hons Recelnts. 2.100 head. Market
atrnnar to 6c hlsher: active: too. 17.824: bulk
of sales, 7.36fff7.70; heavy, 7. 701(7.824.; mixed
packers, if.Hotg'f.BZ; ngm, i.amu'i.; yur.
ra 17.55S7.66: nlira. I6.85ffi7.45.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,600
head; market strong to 10c higher. Native
lamba, 14 6.VnC.45; western lamba, 14. 501 4.80;
. . . t tA ItiHt.A fk wbb.apm -inl a P-
native nciiin b, .lun.i "
3.604.7O; fed ewes, 14.20(84.60; Texas clipped
yearlings, a.outa..ou; icibs c-nyueu Biirep,
3.40ff;4.40; stockers ana xeeaers, -.wa'j.w.
New York Live Stock Market.
relnta. 2.158: steers. Steady to strong
medium grades a shade higher; bulls and
cows, steady, all aoia. steers, io.wran.ou;
bulls, 3.0offio.60; fancy, dry fed, 6.00ffj.20;
cows. 12.0iX(j6.00; cables, steady. Shipments
tomorrow, 140 cars.
CALVES Receipts. 6.051: veals, nrm to
25c higher; buttermilks, lnc to 26c higher,
about all sold. Veals. 14. 507.26; culls, 14.00;
buttermilks. S3.004ji3.50.
HOGS Receipts. b.9st; went; state nogs,
I7.7(ra7.77; mixea, western, n.-uto'i.oo.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 14.846,
624 cars on sale; sheep, slow to a shade
lower; la-niUB, aciive ,uu o.cau j , imai 1 mit
sold. Sheep, S2.50tEi4.50; new choice and ex-
peort sheep, ii.wai.ii; cutis, ti.oucj.ou;
culls. 15.00.
St. Louts Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. June SO. CATTLE Receipts,
5,100, Including 4. (XX) Texans; market steady
to a snaue lower; native BiiipjjuiK aim ex
port steers. 16.5O41S.00; dressed beef and
butchers' steera, S5.00(g'7.5O; steers under
1,000 lbs., S3.S5Si6.25; stockers and feeders.
12.ffitfi6.00: cows and heifers. 82.2M6.00: can
ners.; ouiis,; caives,
I4.25ffi5.75: Texas and Indian steers, led
S4.3offi6.4o; grassers, S3.15ffj4.45; cows and
heifers. 12.754)4.25.
HOGS Receipts. 2.500: market 610c
higher. Pigs and lights. S7.10ifi7.EO; pack
ers. 17.207.60; butcners, ii.wo (..
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, l.too;
market steadv: native muttons. 13O04H.00:
lambs, !4.0oii t. 75; stockers, l.OO(33.0O; culls
and bucks, il.5txa4.oo.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 2.100: steady: natives. SD.0offi8.25
cows and heifers, il.75(ifi.60; veals,- S3.50ffj)
6.25; stockers and feeders, S2.2r4-5.50.
HOGS Receipts, 4,doo; steady; ngnt and
light mixed. i.o.f i.i'i; medium, ana neavy,
S7.7i((i7.Rf; pigs, H.2D1.Y.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 650
Slonx City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, la.. June SO. (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head;
1 . , . I.. ....... t l V; , 7 N 1 Hull. mn.i
mlxed,'S2.0o5'5.(D; Blockers' and feeders, 52.50
-4.:.a; yearlings anu i-aivra, a- u i.vr.
HOGS Receipts. 1,600: market 6c higher.
r.35ffj7.4; bulk, S7.35'a 7.45.
SHEEP In demand.
Block In MbM
1 ne IUIIUWIIIB y on 11 out. n n icm .M. v.
cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal
markets fur June 3o:
South Omaha 1.127
Chicago lti.ixm
tnsas t ity t.,t
. Louis u.l'
. Joaeph. 2.100
Total 36.787
lines. Sheen
4.5?7 S.oM
46.6i 31.731
Wool Market.
riOHTON. June SO. WOOL Strictly fine
4F4jtHic; clean tine and fine medium, 4o((
47c; staple, 6"i(AV; medium, r.Kjj41c. Texas
wool are remarkably firm, largely grow
ing out of (he fine position of wools. Th
rlin hs h .en bought ui by prominent deal
era with very hlsli prices paid compared
with other wools at the time buying began.
Buyers are very confident. Fall cleaned
basis. 44 0 16c; six to eiant montna spring
40iMc. Fine washed lleecea are exceed
Inirlv firm, with old wools sold out Of slxht
The market la nominally quoted at: Ohio
and Pennsylvania XXX. 2M?9c; XX inr
almve. 2u27c: Mlihlnan. 224i4c. Old de
laine wool are practically sold out and
will cost higher for new. Michigan. 2544
27c; No. 1 washed combing, 264t?7c; No.
2, iSda'.'lc: loarse, 23d)i5c.
ST. LOI'Itf, June !. WOOL Steady to
firm; medium grades and combing. 1H'ij17c;
light fine. ll'fil&4c; heavy fine, lOQlSc; tub
washed, Hxuiivic
Evaporated Apples and Dried Prnlta
APPLES A light lobbliag demand In noted,
which are In moderate supply, and prices
are steadv at allgnt advances irom recent
figures. (Common to good are quoted at
iWJ4c; prime, iaiu'c; cnoice, nnnc
fanrv. 11V4M14C.
California department prunes continue In
fair demand, with prices holding at from
So to 64c for all grades. Apricots are
ojlet but steady. The fruit in boxes Is
nrlied at 10M,4ll4c and In bags at 10W12c
peaches are quiet and without features of
special Interest, prices are steady, now
ever, ranging from 12(13c for peeled and
from S4c to 10443 lor unpeeieo,
GongTen Will Hot Prorida for Opaning
During Prasent Swwon.
Expected Rask to Gregory Connty,
Sonth Dakota, Will Re Pat OsT Is
til Next Spring, Ovrlngr to
Fnllnre ot Leglslatnre.
OMAHA, June 23. To the Editor of The
Bee: I saw an article In The Bee of the
20th stating: "Senator Gamble thought It
doubtful If the Rosebud reserve would be
opened up this fall." Kindly give us all
Information poselble In regard to time res
ervation will be opened up or any and all
information pertaining thereto will be
thankfully received. I assure you, by the
readers of your paper. Yours respectfully,
The foregoing was referred to the Wash
ington correspondent of The Bee, who re
plies: In reply to the letter of your correspond.
ent .A. L, Woods, asklne- ahnnt th, Htitm
of the Rosebud treaty bill:
otxenuous etTorts have been made during
the laat week by the delegations from Mon
tana. Minnesota, Kortti Dakota and South
Dakota to Secure th cnnstriratlnn nf
treaty bills now pending In congress, but
as all these measures carry appropriations
with them the leaders of the house, the
"i""" ana mr. cannon, cnairman or tne
house Committee on annrnnrlntlnna h,,..
been pronounced In the opposition to per
mitting the bills referred to above to be
taken up. the Rosebud treatv hill helnv
among the number. All hope has been
abandoned of securing legislation at this
eensiun 01 congress. Tne Rosebud treaty
bill, however, will be among the first -bills
considered at the short session of congress
next December, and the reservation In
Gregory county. South Dakota, belonging
to the Rosebud Indians, will In all proba
bility be opened In May or June of next
year. In many particulars this time la
more advantageous thHn to have the reser
vation opened In the late fall, as of neces
sity It would be if the bill had passed con
gress during this session.
for your information I enclose a copy
of a letter written by Senator Gamble to
the Bonesteel Commercial club of Bone-
steel, 8. D., in reply to a telegram of the
club as to the status ot the reservation
Senator Gamble'a Letter.
The following Is the letter of Benator
Gamble, referred to In the foregoing:
WASHINGTON. June 25,-To the Bone.
steel Commercial Club. Boneateel. 8. L
Gentlemen: I received your telegram last
nigni nna wired you quite fully the status
of the reservation bill. The bill was In
troduced by me In the senate on January
20, and I secured a favorable report from
the committee on Indian affairs on March
7. The bill as prepared. In conformity to
existing legislation, prov.ded for free homes.
inis question waa discussed beTore the
senate committee on Indian affairs, and
I felt that it would be wise to Dreserve
this clement of the bill, rather than compel
the settlers to pay 32.60 per acre. The
majority of the committee so authorised
me to report the bill. It was the under
standing of the delegation that we would
not auow tnis feature or tne mil to im
peril Its chances of passage. We believed
the opening of the reservation was not
only n matter of great lnt?rest locally, but
to the people of the entire atate. When
the bill was reached for consideration In
the senate Senator Piatt of Connecticut
Insisted that we should accede to an amend
ment striking out the free homes provision
and compelling the settler to pay 12.60 per
acre. As I had succeeded against his op
position before the committee we did not
feel that It was wise to accede to his re
quest. That In no sense would this matter
prejudice tne bin in its consideration in
the senate and it would be wise to retain
the provision If with It we could secure
Its passage.
The bill was up for consideration during
parts of five different days and we suc
ceeded In passing It by a majority of prac
tically three to one. it passea tne senate
on Mav 6. I enclose copy of the bill as
It passed the senate. Mr. Burke Introduced
tne same 0111 111 tne nouse ana securea a
favorable report thereon on March 14. but
the same was amended by striking out th
free homes provision and requiring th4
settler to pay S2.60 per acre. The senate
bill was rererred in tne nouse to tne com
mittee on Indian affairs of that body, and
It was likewise amended In the house by
striking out the free homes provTalon, and
In that form both the house and the senate
bills have been pending upon the house
calendar. It was proposed, as above stated,
to secure the free homes provision. If possi
ble, either In the house or through confer
ence, but In no sense has it been the pur
pose of the delegation to Imperil the pas
sage of the bill by unduly Insisting upon
this provision.
Conld Not Secnre Consideration.
I have sought to co-operate to the ut
most with the house delegation In securing
consideration of the measure since its
passage In the senate. It haa been impossi
ble to secure consideration. Last week two
evening sessions were held by the house
for the purpose of considering bills reported
from the committee on Indian an airs in
the house. This bill was In the list. Un
fortunately, however. It was not reached.
Even had It been reached. I am Informed,
the queatlon of quorum would have been
raised and Its passage would have been
resisted. The same objections are urged
against this bill In the house as are urged
agalnat a similar bill In opening a reserva
tion In Minnesota, also another reservation
In North Dakota and one In Montana. The
ground of opposition Is the amount of ap
propriation therefor.
I rea-ret exceedingly that It has been Im
possible to secure consideration of this
measure. No bill of like character has
been considered by the house and It Is In
the same position as the other bill" ahovo
referred to. I do not know what more
could have been done by the delegation In
the house than has been done. They have
had, also, our co-operstlon. The speaker
absolJtely refused recognition. I have In
terviewed him at different times, also other
leaders In the house. The entire delega
tions from the states above named have
been persistently pressing consideration of
their respective bills In the house, but
without avail. I have had the fullest confl
dence that this, with other like bills, would
receive consideration, but this afternoon
I had a full conference with the speaker
and such Is the determination. e will
take the bill up at the next seaslon and
use our utmost endeavors to secure favor
able consideration and Its passage throuch
the house. I have no question as to the
action of the senate, ns It has already
affirmatively passed upon the proposition,
even Including the provision for free homes.
I felt like writing you at length and giv
ing you the situation, knowing how much
it means to you and the people in that
locality, as well as the people of the entire
slate. I keenly feel the disappointment of
the failure to secure consideration In thj
house. I certainly have exerted myself
to the utmost, and I do not know what
more I rouM have done to promote the
passage of the measure. "j'VaMBLE.'''
Items filed In the register of deeds' and
county clerk's offices on June 30:
Warranty Deeda.
John Morrlssey and wife to Johanna
Sweeney, s lot 20, block 3. Llpton
Alphaus " Knight' Vnd'wif to' B.' M.
tiliahan. n 175 feet of e 274 feet lot
3o, blix-k 2, Park Place 4$
K. M. Bhahan o R. T. White same.. 7t
llenryton Land Co to Annie Hel
geson, lot S, block 22. Mayne's ad... 176
Omaha Realty Co. to Lucretla R. Sey
mour, lots 3, 18, 19. 23. block 1; lot
4 to 8 11, 12; s 20 feet lots 10, 16 and
17 block 2, Seymour's ad 1,211
C. D. Layton and wife to Llllle A.
Swanson, lot 18, Layton s ad SCO
B F. Dunn and wife to George
Greder, block 1 and 3. First ad to
pruyn park 800
J. J. Monell and wife to Emma A.
Headley, lots I and 1. block 3,
Stevens' Place So0
W. R. Paul and wife to W. T. Ora
ham. lot 13. Mayne's ad. to Or
chard Hill, lot S. Ure'a sub 10
W. T. Graham and wife to O. A.
Luce, lot S, I're's sub L309
J. E. George to Charles Novlckl. lot
65, Sullivan's ad 160
Qalt Claim Deeda.
John Shanahan to Ellen Shanahan.
30 feet of 4 lot 1. block 10, Cor.
rlgan Place: n 10 feet kl la. tUx.k
4, Hammond Place Set)
J. C. Luke and atfe tit Jam and
Amanda Peterson, n 4 lvl lot ,
Luke At Ts ad I
E. Kiangeland and nlfe ta Omh
Realty Co., lot A Uaraalow flawe ..
Master In Chancery to Annie T flow
man, a trad In nw ne 31-16-11.. 3,170
Sheriff to Mary 11 Mcl-afterly, lot
6. block I Mryetll ad 3.000
Sheriff to Frank Murphy, various lots
In Florence 131
Total amount ef transfers...
(11. 64