Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1902, Image 1

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    U In.
The Omaha Daily
it -
Ttxu Stnator Assaults BeTridg of Indiana
y on rioor of the Chamber.
Two Men Hare Hot WoTds Orer Bolioitcr
' Penfield During Afternoon.
fcefasal ii Met with Fhjsioal Attack on
Senator from Indiana.
..i ,
JWhen Infuriated Gentleman f ram
Lone Star Stute Is Palled Away lie
Clutched '. Portion, of Bev
rldgc's Wtirlng Apparel.
- WASHINGTON, June 30. aenator Bailey
of Texas assaulted Senator Beveridge of
flndlana tonight Junt after the senate bad
adjourned from executive session. Tho
Texas senator was dragged away and sep
arated from Ills opponent by some of those
bout the senate. He was very angry and
threatened severs barm to the Indiana sen
ator. ' The episode was the result of a bested
controversy which the two senators had
during the afternoon, when Senator Bever
Idge had said that Senator Bailey had made
"an unwarranted attack" on Solicitor Fen
, field of the 8tate department. In execu
tive session Senator Beveridge, like other
senators who smoke, lighted a cigar and
took a seat on the republican stde. Ho was
still sitting there when the senate ad
journed. Senator Bailey crossed the aisle
and walked through the scats until he was
,. facing Beveridge.
, "Beveridge," he aaid, "I don't want to
hare any trouble with you, but I want'you
to withdraw those words, which charged
me with making an unwarranted attack
ucon Penflcld."
"I did not intend to Insult you," replied
Senator Beveridge, "and there is nothing
In. my language that you could consider
"I don't allow any one to say that I
libel a man, and that is what you do in
Raking the charge. Now, If you won't
Withdraw the words, when I ask you, I'm
going to make you withdraw them."
8onator Bailey had been getting more
and more angry and excited as he talked,
lis bad been sitting down .part of the time
leaning against the desk Immediately In
front of Senator Beveridge. The latter, in
. reply to Senator Bailey's last remark, still
remaining In bis chair said: "I repeat that
I did not intend to Insult you and that I
have nothing to retract."
Bailey Starts the Trouble.
As . the words were uttered Senator
Bailey threw himself upon Senator Bev
eridge, who la a man hardly up ' to the
average In physique, and seized him by
' the throat with both hands. The rush was
, . n endues and fierce that the chair In .which
t?y"ITevrdge was sitting was pushed back
against a desk and the desk was toppled
over. Before the asssult could go any fur
ther senators who had been sitting near
had moved up between the desks. Sen
ator Hansbrough of North Dakota seized
Senator Bailey' by one arm and Senator
Cpooner seized the other. The Texas sen
ator la a powerful man and It was with
great difficulty that two senators were able
to drag him away from Senator Beveridge
and when they succeeded a part of the In
diana senator's neckwear waa ripped and
torn away In the vlgoroua grasp of Senator
Bailey. Senator Bacon of Georgia and
Harney Layton, assistant doorkeeper, came
quickly forward and assisted In pulling
the Texas senator further away, Senator
Bailey meanwhile struggling to get free
and lunging toward Senator Beveridge. As
he wai removed a little, distance he waa
heard to utter something that sounded like
a threat about killing.
Without further effort, however, he
walked away when Senator Bacon urged
lilm to be quiet and led him toward the
democratic aids. Senator Bacon engaged
Senator Bailey In conversation for some
time, advising him to cool down. Senator
Bpooner alao went across the aisle and
discussed the matter with the Texaa sen
ator, urging him to apologize and if pos
sible fix -it up at once, but Senator Bailey
refused all such proffers, declaring that
Senator Beveridge had Insulted him In the
enats and that be bad taken the only
course, as the Indiana senator had re
fused to withdraw his remarks.
- Statement of Beverldae.
Senator Beveridge remained In the
chamber for some little time and con
tinued to smoke his cigar. He remarked
to these who spoks to him on the subject
that It did not amount to anything. He
made no effort to resist or resent the at
tack made on him. In fact, the whole thing
was over In a very brief Interval, before
touch resistance could have been offered.
When Mr. Beveridge was asked tonight
if he had any statement to make regarding
the assault committed oa him by Mr,
Bailey, he expreased great regret over what
had occurred and aald he had no personal
resentment over the matter. The conver
sation1 between them Immediately before
the trouble, Mr. Beveridge aald, waa sub
stantially the aame as that which occurred
la the senate chamber regarding the' at
tack oa Judge Penfield, who la an Indiana
man, except that on his (Beverldge's) part
It waa much milder in tone. Mr. Bever
idge aald that ha was not excited, but re
tnalned cool and collected and expressed
to Mr. Bailey his wlah that their relatione
aright continue agreeable.
Mr. Beveridge denied that he had been
choked by Mr. Bailey. According to his
version the Texaa senator had mads
lunge at him, but his arm waa caught by
Senator Spooner before the threatened
blow landed.
Ratines Treaty with Brtoau
WASHINGTOX. Juna 10. In executive
Session today the senate ratified the treaty
tth Qreat Britain permitting the governor
Of Zanilbar to collect a duty of 10 per cent
ad valorem on articles Imported to the
country. Ths consent of the United States
to this arrangement was made necessary
by the tact that this country was a party
to the conference of Berlin and Brussels
concerning the trade with the Congo basin.
Nominations r the President.
WASHINGTON. June 10. The president
today sent the following nominations to
the senate:
A. H. Ulalr. reaister of land office
Wakny. Kan.; 1ward A. Hlack, re
Navy To b aiutlxont paymasters, with
rank of nUn. Donald W. Nesbltt of Mis
soui I, Arthur M. Pippin of New York and
John B. Huagina ur Aiassacnuseiia.
All the luve nominations wera oon-
Uiued, shortly all or tieiutf presented. . ..
Conferee of Two House Practically
Coma to 1'nderstandlna; as
to Action.
WASHINGTON, June JO. The. conferees
of the two houses of congress on the
Philippine civil government bill have prac
tically reached an agreement. They prob
ably will present their report to the sen
ate during the afternoon.
The understanding provides for the
elimination of the coinage question from
the bill, thus postponing that question
another session for Independent action.
i, senate conferees held out for their
'',, standard provision and the house
hX Just " flrm 10 tnelr contnUon
foi h standard.
The provision for a territorial
legislstu. ' retained in modified form.
The democfstlc members of the conference
were not present at the forenoon session,
but it Is not believed tbst they will mske
any effort to change the agreement.
Many of the provisions of the two bills
concerning currency, however, are retained.
Including the senate regulation for subsid
iary coinage. There Is, however, no effort
in the present agreement to fix the money
standard. That is left for the future.
The house provision for a legislative as
sembly Is amende- so as to require that Its
establishment shall be preceded by a census.
Two yeara after this census the president Is
authorized to direct through the Philippine
commission the election of a legislature, If
In his opinion the conditions Justify such a
The house provision for the sale of the
Philippine public lands was accepted, but
2,500 acres Is the largest area to be dis
posed of to any one person or combination.
The Fhlltpplne civil government bill, as
finally agreed upon today, provides for a
Philippine legislature of two houses, one
the Philippine commission and the other
an assembly elected by the natives, except
the Moros and Pagans. But this legislature
is not to be created until after a census
has been taken and a condition of general
peace and good order shall have prevailed
for two years. The legislature la to elect
two commissioners to represent the islands
In Washington. The powers of the legisla
ture are defined and an extended bill of
rights sets forth the Individual rights of
citizens and their protection againat un
just laws.
Authority is given to Issue bonds for
the purchase of the friar lands, and when
purchased these become part of the public
domain. The public landa are to be open
to homesteaders,' similar to the American
system and to prevent corporations from
absorbing the lands, corporations' holdings
are limited to 1,024 hectares, or 2,500 acres
Corporations also are stringently regulated
in holding mining and agricultural lands,
The money standard and the permanent
money system are left for future settle
ment. The banking system Is also post
poned. Provision is also made for sub
sidiary and minor coins. Authority Is given
to issue bonds for harbor and other im
Eastern Extension Telegraph Com
any Makes Offer to Goritssiest
Which Mar Bo Accepted.
WASHINGTON, June 80. An ' important
conference was held at the Navy depart
ment today, at which Secretary Moody,
Rear Admiral Bradford, chief of the bureau
of equipment and Senator Perkins of Cali
fornia, a member of the committee on naval
affairs, were present. These gentlemen had
before them a proposition of the Eastern
Extension Telegraph company, acting, it Is
understood, through the Commercial Paclfta
Cable company, by which the company
would agree to finish Its work of laying a
cable across tho Pacific ocean a year ear
lier than was contemplated and give this
government the benefit of reduced rates In
exchange for the island developed In the
urveys made by the United States steam
hip Nero In 1890, for a practicable sub
marine cable route across the ocean.
The proposition was discussed at some
length and Rear Admiral Bradford was
charged with personal Inspection and con-
lderatlon of the matter. He probably will
report favorably on the company's, offer In
few days.
Addition to Nominations Sent In
Daring; the Day Many Are --
WASHINGTON, June SO. In addition to
the nominations sent In today, the senate
also confirmed the following:
Walter I Robb. to be collector of rua-
toms for the district of Oreo-nn.
K. Q. Eahleson, to be surveyor general of
O. O. Freeman, to be receiver of Dublin
Kinney ai neiena Mom. .
To Be Registers of. Land Offlces-H. K.
Wilson, at Boseman, Mont.; W. E. Chaplin,
at Cheyenne, Wyo.
i-osimasters: jsenrasKa T. W. Cole. Nel
son. Iowa 8 M. Johnson. Carson: J. O.
Saint. Marshalltown: lx H. Camn. LaPorte
tny; j. rj. naagerow, sioux nty; M. N
Boyle, McUregor: F. K. Fritcher. Nashua
Susan C. Carpenter. Fort Dodge. Kansas
Leonsra A. Allilspaugn, Win field; F. Wll-
lara. ieavenworin; l.. M. uoya, Kuesell;
rt M. Hamer, Emporia; S. C. Lobaush.
U ....... - IKh V 1 1 - in. n .w
I'Rkota F. 8. Myers, Rertrield; George P.
Craft, Bellefourehe. Colorado Horace H.
Pubendorff. Alamosa. 1'tah Thomas It.
Davis, Ogden; Nellie M. Thlerot. Park City.
Will Protect National Asphalt Com-
pan? from Dispossession I'ntll
Final Decision la Reached.
WASHINGTON, June SO. Acting Secre
tary of State Hill was In consultation with
the president for some time today regard
ing ths rival asphalt claims In Venexuela,
As a result It may be stated that the pres
ident has decided to protect the present
occupants of the asphalt property, the Na
tional Asphalt company, from dispossession
until the decision of the supreme court of
Venexuela has been rendered and reviewed
by the United States.
This matter was brougt to a head by an
appeal from the Warner-Quinlan asphalt
syndicate asking for the restoratloa of the
rights which they claim in the asphalt lake
To Re No Minority , Report.
WASHINGTON. June . SO. Representative
Richardson of Tennessee, and his demo
cratic aasoclates on ths special committee
which Investigated charges of bribery, have
decided not to make a minority report, and
the report of the committee will be unani
mous that there was no bribery. The com
mittee will pass oa ths report and give it
out today. .
Poroker Maeh Improved.
WASHINGTON. June SO. Senator For
aker, who waa taken 111 at the White House
yesterday, waa very much Improved today
and waa able to come down to his private
efflcs. Us bad a alight attack of perl loot t Is.
King Seemi to Be on tho Eoad
Bapid Baoovery.
This, However, la Not Regarded as
Berloas by tho uoctors, Who
ay There Is No tans
for Alarm,
LONDON, June SO. The bulletin on the
king's condition issued at Buckingham
palace at 10 o'clock thla morning says:
His malestv has slept well. The dressing
of the wound gives much distress, but there
is no Daa symptom oi any ainn. isignea.j
The following bulletin was issued from
Buckingham palace at 7 p. m.:
The king has had a fairly comfortable
day and the discomfort In the wo i nil has
been less. TREVES,
The notable excitement during the past
week outside Buckingham palace at the
hours the bulletins were posted was en
tirely absent this morning. The sanguine
Impression created by the doctors' reports
Saturday and Sunday was maintained by
the salient phrase in this morning's bulle
tin, "No bad symptom of any kind."
Official Statement Issnad.
At noon the following official statement
was given out at the palace:
There is no cause for alarm In the distress
caused by dressing the wound. This occurs
at least twice dally. The wound, which Is
of considerable depth. Is dressed from the
bottom, as It Is essential that it should
heal from within outward. The dressing
causes his majesty considerable pain, which
he has borne with treat fortitude. In fact.
his majesty's courage and patience calls
tor the greatest admiration.
The king was much benefited by the
change to the couch yesterday, on which
he stayed lor a few hours. The electric
fans have proved of great value In keeping
down the temperature of the apartment.
The queen Is in constant attendance in the
sick room, but tne utmost quiet is enforced.
The king occasionally sees his children,
but the Interviews are of short duration.
No matters of state or business are allowed
to be submitted to the king, who Is also
debarred from reading his correspondence.
Neither Drs. Laklng, Barlow nor Trevea
have left the palace since the operation
except i or an occasional nour.
Unfounded Storlea Contradicted.
This statement waa Issued with the view
of correcting the numerous unfounded
stories published with circumstantial detail
regarding what is alleged to transpire In
the sick room.
The cheerfulness of the public Is appar
ently fully shared by the members of the
royal family. The prince of Wales went out
riding this morning and both he and the
princess witnessed from the palace windows
with evident interest a march past of the
The Stock exchange reopened today with
a very strong tone, on the satisfactory dews
regarding the king's condition. Consols
rose seven-sixteenths. Other departments
reflected tho Improved feeling.
At S:S0 p. nu it was announced that no
further bulletins would be issued until I
m. Ia the meanwhile It has been ascer
tained that the king maintains his progress
Ann' Is -again occupying his lavatfd coach.-- '
With the view of recompensing the sight
seers so far as possible for the disappoint
ments of last week tomorrow's and Wednes
day's reviews of the colonial and Indian
troops will be accompanied by a certain
amount of pageantry. The queen's anxiety
has been so much allayed that she definitely
decided today to occupy the first carriage In
the royal procession. In which other mem
bers of the royal family will participate, as
well aa the foreign princes who are still
In London.
Committed to Jail for Failure
Answer n Bench War
rant. LONDON, June SO. The select commit
tee of the House of Commons, under the
presidency of A. J. Balfour, the government
leader, today examined Patrick A. McHugh,
the nationalist member of Parliament, who
waa committed to Jail for contempt of court
In tailing to appear In answer to a sum
monk on a bench warrant iasued under the
crimes act.
He was brought here In custody Saturday
from Ireland at the request of the pari la
men tary committee which was appointed to
Inquire Into the- case. Mr. McHugh ad
mltted that h waa guilty of contempt of
court. After a private consultation the
comrilttee adjourned for the night. In the
meantime Mr. McHugh was released from
Kin L Edward Senda Present, with
Note In Hie Own Hand
LONDON, June SO. Ian Z. Malcolm, mem
ber of IParliament and formerly assistant
private 1 secretary to Lord Salisbury, was
married This afternoon to Miss Jeanne Lang
try, daughter of Mrs. Langtry, the actress
at St. Margaret's church, Westminster.
Ths attendance, which waa very largo
Included the duke of Argyle, several Indian
rajahs. Lord Hugh Clcll, son of ths mar
quis of Salisbury; John Morely, M. P.;
George Wyndham, chief secretary for Irs
land; William Redmond, M. P., and P. A,
McHugh, M. P.
King Edward sent the bride a present
with a note in his own handwriting. The
prince of Wales alao sent a gift.
Colonial Premiers Confer.
LONDON, Juns SO. Ths colonial confer
encs opened this morning In ths secretary
of state's room In the colonial office. The
premiers of the self-governing colonies were
present and the colonial secretary, Joseph
Chamberlain, presided at the sitting, which
waa of a purely preliminary character.
Ths proceedings were private. After a
two-hours' session the conference ad
journed to July 4. Ths sitting was mostly
occupied with Mr. Chamberlain's state
ment enunciating his views oa commercial
and poll ileal relatione and Imperial de
tense. No definite program has yet been
Greatest Gifts to tho World.
DENVER. June . The tenth trlnnll
convention of the Natlonn.1 Sunday school
aasocisUon opened this, the last day of the
session, with an address by C. H. Daniels
of Boston, one of the secretaries of the
American uoara or f oreign MUalona, o
the aublect of promottn Intellln,.. an
the spirit of giving in missionary work
lie saia that the greatest gifts to the
wona were tne givers.
Cerman-Amertraa Teachers Meet.
DETROIT. June SO Tha thirty-second
convention oi tne national Association of
uwmnn-Aiiwnrto teachers ta now In es
slon In Detroit. It is expected that be,
tween 100 and S00 members will be in at,
tendance. The convention, will last (our
Peace for tho Moment Appears to
Prevail at fapo
CAPS HATTIEV, June 80. The street
fighting here yestsrdsy between the par
tisans of M. Firm In, the former minister of
Haytl at Parla, and General Alexia Nord.
ths minister of war of the provisional gov
ernment, both of whom are candidates for
the presidency of the republic, ceased at
o'clock yesterday evening.
Admltal Klllick, who. had supported M.
Flrmln by landing marines and firing on
General Nord's followers yesterday, ordered
the marines to return to their ships, which
they did. They were accompanied on board
by ths partisans of M. Flrmln.
The admiral, who only used his small
rapid fire guns yesterday, threatens to
bombard Cape Haytien In earnest. Little
damage was done by the bombardment yes
terday. M. Firmin's residence and the
houses of his relatives have been com
pletely pillaged.
The Haytien war ship Crete-a-Pterrot,
on which the foreign corauls, under the
protection of their respective Dags, and M.
Flrmln sought refuge yesterday. Is still in
the roadstead. It is seeking to obtain a
upply of coal, so as to arable It to go
to Port au Prince. Peace seems to have
been re-established here. '.,
PORT AU PRINCE, Haytl, June 80. The
elections for deputies hate been Inter
rupted. The various political parties in
Haytl are In arms ready tor battle. There
has been much firing here and the situation
is critical. .
f r
Ganboat to Be Dlapatehed la Be-
- aponse to Appeal of Consul
WASHINGTON, June SO. Acting Secre
tary of State Hill received a request by
cable today from United States Consul Liv
ingston at Cape Haytien, for an American
warahlp to protect the. Interests' of the
United States during the present revolu
tionary crisis in Haytl.
Dr. Hill referred the request to Secretary
Moody and it Is understood that orders
will be sent forward today to the gunboat
Marietta, at San Juan, Porto Rico, to pro
ceed at once to the sceno of the trouble.
Consul Livingston's dispatch said that a
war ship was needed Immediately, and
hence Marietta will proceed to Cape
Haytien with all possible dispatch. It la
thlrty-six-hour run from Baa Juan to
Cape Haytien.
Later orders were sent forward to Com
mander John A. Rodgers to proceed to
Cape Haytien to afford the necessary pro
tection to American interests. Marietta
carries a Marine guard of only a dozen
men. , . .
The State department received two cable
grams from United States Minister Lowell
at Port au Prince in the afternoon. In re
gard to the situation In Haytl. The first
said that the minister had received a tele
gram from Cape Haytien saying the Hay
tien admiral had fired on the city and that
several persons had been kill. dl.
The minister's dlspatcp ,Iho said that
xresiaeni f irman naa terj. ape Haytien
nnder the-yrotocttOit-of tho tOrt lgn' consuls
on a Haytien vessel. The conditions at
Port au Prince were reported quiet. An
other cablegram, received shortly after
ward, said the Haytien minister for for
eign affairs had Informed Minister' Powell
that the government had ordered the ar
rest of Admiral Klllick.
Combat Threatened -Which Will De
cide Fate of Cnstro Adminis
tration la Veneanela.
WASHINGTON, June 30. The state de
partment received a cablegram today from
United States Minister Bowen at Caracas
confirming the Associated press dispatches
of today In regard to the blockade estab
lished by the Venezuelan government at a
number of points.
The officials declined to make the text
of Mr. Bowen's dispatch public, but It Is
understood that It Indicates- that a de
cisive battle and one that probably will de
cide the fate of the Castro administration
Is Imminent. Mr. Bowen did not request
any additional protection from this gov
eminent In the shape of either warships or
Walk-Oat Resnlt of Refusal of Cana.
dian Northern to Seen re Sched
ules of Wages.
WINNIPEG, June 30. A big strike
of employes was Inaugurated on the
Canadian Northern railway system, owned
by Messrs. McKenxie snd Mann, this after
noon, caused by the refusal of the man
agement to secure schedules of wages pre
sented by the shopmen of the United
Brotherhood of Railway employes. The
different classes of workers who have pre
sented schedules are freight clerks, freight
handlers, trackmen, switchmen, stationary
englneera, pattern makers, car men, en
gine watchmen, coal heavers, wipers and
bridge and building department men. The
engineers, firemen, conductors and brake
men are still at work, so that the system
Is not yet tied up. About 2,000 men are at
fee ted.
Plant Asalast Railway Mercer May
Also Bo Approved In tho
ST. PAUL, June SO. Many delegatea have
already arrived for tomorrow's republican
stats convention snd all of the caudldates
have opened headquarters. Governor Van
Bant's renomlnatlon has been assured tor
several months, and It is considered prob
able that the platform will take cognizance
of his action In seeking to enforce the law
against railway combinations.
Etrte Tressurer Black and Attorney Gen
eral Douglass will also be renominated by
acclamation. The closest contest Is that
tor state auditor. For lieutenant governor
Ray W. Jones Is the only avowed candidate,
Aeeennte of Leading Salt Lake City
Man Seem to Bo In Bad
SALT LAKE, June 30. Alexander M
Robinson, member of the city council and
paying teller In Wella-Fargo's bank, who
disappeared Saturday morning, and whose
accounts at the bank- showed a shortage
of between SSf.OOO and 100,000, haa given
himself up to the police and is bow in the
county Jail
Transmiuiuippi and International Exposi
tion Corporation Diisolrss.
Every Valid Claim Is Paid, Leavla
e Snrplns In Treasnry to
Mark Greatest Flaanclat
Whereas, All lawful claims and demands
nd obligations of the Trann ilanlsslnnl and
ntematlunal exposition have been paid and
ill of the funds and nrnnertv of an 1,1 cor
poration have been disponed of and prop
erly distributed and disbursed, and th
objects for which aald corporation wns
organised have been accomplished and Its
affHlrg and business have been fiillv con-
ummateti anil performed; now, therefore,
Resolved. That the said romorstinn be
dissolved and that further business by or
In the name of the corporation be discon
tinued. With thla resolution the last curtain was
rung down on the drama of the Trans
mlsslsslppi exposition at the final meeting
of the board of directors last night follow-
ng an Informal dinner at the Omaha club.
The members of the directory who were
present were:
Ourdon W. Wattles. L. II. Korty.
T. Lindsay. J. E. Markei.
V. P. Klrkendall. C. K. Yost.
award Rosewater. H. S. Wilcox.
A. I.. Heed.
K. K. Hruce.
Herman Kountxe.
'. M. Wilhelm.
Thomas Kllpatrlck.
Q. M. Hitchcock.
G. M. Hussey.
Charles Mets.
J. II. Evans.
C. 8. Montgomery.
L W. Carpenter.
Frank Murphy.
O. W. Holdrege.
C. W. Lyman.
C. W harton.
Walter Jardlne.
J. J. Johnson.
In addition there were present as guests.
who have been more or less Identified with
the exposition, John A. Wakefield, Thomas
R. Kimball, Henry Rustln and Victor
Recalls Phases of Work.
Aside from the business transacted the
gathering was turned Into an experience
meeting, with short addresses recalling
different phases of the work by which the
success of the exposition had been
achieved. Those who contributed to the
speech-making of the evening, besides
President Wattles, included Chief Elec
trician Henry Rustln, Archltect-ln-Chtf
Kimball, Secretary Wakefield, Treasurer
Herman Kountze, Counsel C. S. Montgom
ery and each member who served on the
executive committee who was present.
namely: Messrs. Lindsay, Rosewater,
Reed, Klrkendall, Bruce and Hitchcock,
From the narratlvea of the speakers a gen
eral survey was had of the history of the
exposition and the work of the various de
partments, together with comparisons with
other expositions held before and after
1898, all redounding to the glory of the
Omaha enterprise.
Report of Audit Committee,
In the formal business transacted was
the receipt and acceptance of the following
report from the special committee on audit
through Its chairman, Thomas Kllpatrlck:
I send vou on behalf of the auditing
rommltte what may be considered Its final
report. The same consists ot tnree paper,
marked reanectlvelv "A." "B" and "C,"
and fifty-two other reports, numbered from
one to nrty-two, inclusive.
I mu riH ioia ran a nmtrmenr. pnmewnat
In the form of an Index, showing what
these flfty-nve papers refer to. .
I'Vima TtAnern were submitted to J. C.
Wharton, C. W. Lyman. (J. H. Payne and
E. C. Price, the other members of the com
mittee. You will notice that Mr. layman.
In & letter which I enclose, calls attention
to reports Nos. 45. 48 and 49, and I may
ray that these reports contain about all
that is or any special importance in fur
renort. It is the unanimous opinion of the
committee that even these show only cleri
cal errors, blunders and defective dook
keeplng, and though all the work appears
In the name of John A. Wakefield, It Is
well known to the committee that these
errors happened without his knowledge,
as his time was more than occupied with
other Important duties in connection with
ih PTnoaltlnn. It is also known to the
audltlne committee that a desire for
economy on the part of the executive com
mittee led them to apportion work to Mr.
Wnkofleld which rrouerlv belonged to a
separate department and which should have
been from tne Deginnmg unaer met managc-
rrxant nf A rnmnetent auditor.
It will be remembered by the board of
directors that there were vague reports aa
to loose management ana pernaps iraua
In connection with the several departments
of the exposition, and It was for that
reason that the auditing committee was
Compliments for Officers.
Tt herefnre affords me rreat pleasure to
say upon behalf of the auditing committee
that after a most thorough and painstaking
Investigation, Botn Dy tne commmi'e naeii
and by its paid agent. W. 8. Streeter, we
failed to nnn anv iraua or niiBinaiiaKeiiicui
in nv of the departments and we ore
satisfied that the success and honest man
agement of the enterprise on tne pari ni
subordinates were due to the close atten
tion, business ability and Integrity of the
president, the executive committee and the
secret 8ry
t mi tn the audltlnr committee like
presumption to even mention the president
and executive committee in thia report, but
Inasmuch as tne nuues oi tne commm
mv.r.H an Investlaation of all connected
with the management of th exposition, we
feel It to be a duty, as wen as a mc"",
a .av that we Know mem to nave i-
thlr varloua and arduous duties
constantly witn a view to un wi
of the exposition and with absolute in
Medals for Executive Officer
On motion of John C. Wharton and fol
lowing some most commendatory remarks
regarding the unselfish devotion or tne
president and members of ths executive
committee, who had served the expoaltion
faithfully for so many months without com
pensation of any kind, a medal was or
dered struck and copies In gold presented
to the president and his executive asso
ciates as a souvenir of the exposition. The
duty ot selecting the design for the medal
and executing the order of the board waa
entrusted to a committee consisting of
John A. Wakefield, J. C. Wharton and G. M
Announcement being made that more than
2,400 remained In the treasury with no
claims outstanding this surplus was or
dered disposed of subject to the action
already taken in conformity with the rc
ommendatlon of the executive committee
embodied In the following report:
The executive committee beg leave to re,
nort that all lawful claims aaalnst th
TranamlsslsslPDl and International exposl
tlon have been fully paid and that there
remain on hand the sum of S2.490. Ths
committee believing It impracticable to die
tribute thla balance among the large num
ber of ita shareholders and recopnlxln the
emcient services or jonn a.- waaeneiii,
secretary of tho corporation,, hereby recom
mends that XM balance be paid to the
secretary as additional compensation for
his services In the past and in full for his
work for the compilation of a statement of
the affairs of the exposition. Including a
recital of the Inception, organisation, opera
tion management and results of the exposi
tion! which statement shall be submitted by
him to a committee consisting of Charles
V. Manderson, I. W. Carpenter, C. W.
Lyman, C. B. Montgomery and Edward
Rosewater, to be revised and approved by
them and afterward filed In the public
library of the city of Omaha or published
by private subscription or by any corpora
tion, firm or individual, having first ob
tained the consent and approval of the
above named committee, said publication
to be without expense or liability .to this
corporation, t
It was explained that the above. abate
ment would be Incorporated in a report
(Continued on Second Face.)
Forecast for Nebraska Fair in West,
Showers In Fast Portion: Wnrmer Tues
day; Wednesday Fair and Warmer.
Temperatare at Oma
ha Yesterday!
Honr. De.
Hoar. near.
6 a. m. . . . . . fl
a. m R4
1 p. ra.
1 p. nt.
S p. tn.
4 p. tu.
B p. tn.
p. m.
T au m ..... . (14
H a. ra fi4
ft a- m Ml
O n. m an
1 a. m . . . . BO
T p, m
H p. m . . . .
8 p. an
ia m a
Electrle Maee of Ohio and West Vlr-
lala Pass Into One Man
sgentst. HUNTINGTON. W. Va.. June 30. The
Camden Interstate Railway company of
this city sold today to a Pennsylvania
syndicate all their elertrlo lines In the
city. Central City, Coredo and Kenova,
W. Vs., Cattletsburg. and Ashland. Ky.
and Ironton, O. Ths deal also will em
brace electric light plants In Ironton, Ash
land and Huntington. Ths conslderstlon
s about $3,000,000.
John Graham and Edmund McCandlsh ot
Newvllle, and John J. Henry snd William
North of Philadelphia, are the leadera In
the syndicate. Senator Camden of West
Virginia, was the chief stockholder In the
company. It Is rumored that this syndl-
cste has In view the purchase of electric
railways In other Ohio valley cities, the
ultimate aim being to have a continuous
line between Cincinnati and Pittsburg.
John Graham was elected president of ths
new company.
Harrlman Lines and Immigrant
Bnreaa Likely to Have
a Merry War.
CHICAGO, June SO. (Special Telegram.)
A spirited contest to secure control of
the Immigrant business in the west, with
the Harrlman western lines allied with the
New York agency and combination of
brokers under the control of Peter McDon
nell on one side, arrayed against lines be
longing to the immigrant bureau on the
other, Is looked for by those familiar with
the situation. This view la taken because
of the attitude of representatives of the
lines which recently went out of the agree
ment, and unless there Is a change in
position It Is believed that the work ot the
bureau, must be conducted In the future
Independent of the Southern Pacific and
the Union Pacific. A meeting of the ad
vlsory board of the bureau took place to
day, but an adjournment was taken until
Wednesday, when efforts will be made to
settle some of the problems.
Railway nireetors Named.
MINNEAPOLIS, June 30. At a meeting
today of the directors of the Mlnnespolls,
St. Paul A Sault Ste. Marie railway,
George R. Newell, wholesale grocer of this
Ity. and W. A. Young, jobber of tnis city
and 8t. Paul, were eleoted to Oil the vacan
cles cauaed by the death of F. H. Peavey
of this city, and the resignation of W. B
Dean of St. Paul. The question of a divi
dend was not taken up.
Sheriff and Under Sheriff Shot While
Attempting; to Arrest Band
of Outlaws.
GUTHRIE, Okl., June 30. Sheriff A. J.
Bullard and Under Sheriff Coburn of Roger
Mills county, Oklahoma, were killed today
In a battle with horse thieves while the
officers were attempting to arrest members
of the band of outlaws. The fight occurred
tn the northeast portion of the county and
continued for about thirty minutes, the
outlaws' finally surrounding the two officers
and riddling tbem with bullets. The entire
band made Its escape, supposedly uninjured
although the sheriffs put up a plucky fight.
Bullard had served two years as sheriff
of that county and was recentely nom
inated by the democrats for re-election.
While It Is not positively known who com
posed the gang of outlaws, yet suspicion
points to the Bert Casey band, as they
have been operating In that portion ot
the territory.
Mountain Pourlngr Forth Great Clouds
of Black Smoke Almost '
SEATLE, Wash., June 30. The steamer
Bertha reached port today from Valdes
and westward points. Mount Redoubt
which has been In an Incipient stage ot
eruption since early spring, was not visi
ble, owing to fog, and It Is not known
what stage the outburst haa reached,
Mount Wrangle la in eruption. A dispatch
received at Valdes from Kotilna, under
date ot June 21, says :
"Mount Wrangle Is In plain sight ot
here and great clouds of black smoke can
be seen rolling up from Its crest."
General Attorney of Union Paelfle
Tendere Resignation and
Another Is Named.
TOPEKA, Kan.. June SO. Archie L. Wil
llama, general attorney of the Union Pa
clflo system for Kansas and Missouri, ra
signed today and was succeeded by N. H
Loomts of Topeka. Mr. Williams will be
retained as special attorney. He was one
of the originators and builders of ths rail
road and has been with the company sines
1862. Lately hie health has broken down.
Man Placed on State Ticket by
Fuslonlsts Refuses
to Run.
HUTCHINSON, Kan., June SO. P. S.
Powell, nominated by the populists and
democrats tor state superintendent of pub
lic Instruction, has withdrawn. To a re
porter Mr. Powell said:
I am a republican and have been for a
number of years. My nomination waa
without my knowledge or consent and I
shall not run.
Movemeeta of Ocean Vessole Jane SO.
At Gibraltar Arrived: Trave, from New
At LJverpool Arrived: Cymric, from New
At I-ondon Arrived: Minneapolis, from
New Tork. Sailed: Manltou, for New York.
At Naples Balled: Palatla, for New York.
At Plymouth Sailed: Moltke, for New
At New York Arrived: Perugia, from
Naples; Minnehaha, from London: Zeeland,
from Antwerp; Ifuraesie, from Glasgow.
Union Faoifio FreiicUnt DisctiMeg Tronbls
with tha Machinist.
Insists that They Hare Ko Good Foundation
for Complaint
Arguas that It Flaoes Each Waikman on
Eis Merit.
Prefers Not to Emptor Men Whoso
Skill and Industry Cannot Brine
More Waves Under
Piecework Plan.
"The Union Pacific desires to treat Us
employes, all of them, with the utmost
consideration and whenever they come "to
us with a reasonable proposition they will
get fair treatment, but when tbey make
unreasonable demands we must resist them
and will resist them."
This statement was made by President
H. G. Burt of the Union Pacific railroad
company to a reporter for The Bee yester
day morning. Continuing, Mr. Burt said:
These men are Injuring their Interests
by striking. The Union Pacific pays Its
machinists and bollermakers mors money
than any other western road with the ex
ception of the Southern Pacific. Our scale
Is 10 per cent In advance of the other
companies and still these men come to us
for an additional 10 per cent increase. We
cannot and will not grant such demaada. '
Insists on Piecework.
'This question of an Increase la wages
was ths first demand made by the machin
ists snd the second was that the company
should not adopt the piecework system.
Now this question of piece wo- Is a qties
tlon of management and we propose, while
we have no desire to Impose on our em
ployes, to carry on the management of our .
own affairs. Don't you think we ought
to have the right to govern our own busi
ness?" "Now, these men say to ui: 'We know
you are paying high wages, but ws ought
to have an Increase because the cost ot
living has Increased.'
'Certainly the cost of living has In
creased, but the cost of everything else
has likewise Increased. The cost of rail
roading has increased BO per cent within
the last few years and yet the railroads
have made no reduction in the wages
of their employes. The piecework scale
which we shall put Into effect tomorrow,
July 1, will cot reduce wages one particle.
In many cases It will Increase wages.
Places Workmen oa Merits.
"It wltl simply place every man upon his
merits as a workman; of course, as a
matter ot fact, some of tha leas' skillful
will not make aa much as ihey have been .
getting on the basis of the dally wage,"
but are we to be cenaured for thatT Ia
It right for any man to ask for more money
than he is actually worth or can earn?
Isn't 'that a reasonable proposition?
"No, sir, whenever any machinist or
helper says that he will be Imposed on by
accepting the piecework scale he la mis
At this Juncture a telegram was brought
In to General Manager Dickinson, In whose
private office the Interview took place.
The message was from Armstrong and said
that the men who had remained at work
under the piecework scale are highly
gratified "with the results; that they are
already uaklng 9 7-10 per cent more than
they did under the old system.
And we have the sams report from all
places where piecework has been accepted,"
interjected President Burt, with the assent
ot Mr, Dickinson.
Making; Mora Money.
"Why," continued the president, "right
here in Omaha those men who are now
working under the piecework scads have
emphatically stated that they are better
satisfied with it than they were with th
dally wage scale because they are actually
making more money than before.
"Now, In all candor, does this not seem
like a reasonable proposition and doe it
not appear unreasonable for ths machinist
and bollermakers to strlks because we
want the piecework scale enforced? These
are the really vital aides of thla contro
versy." It was suggested to President Burt that
the unions complained that their constitu
tions would not allow them -o accept the
piecework scale.
"Oh, yes, I know they have put such a
clause in their constitution, but, well even
that does not destroy the force of proven
facts. In every case where the piecework
scale is In force men are slated with the
Afraid of Misrepresentation.
President Burt took oocaslon t pay his
respects to the press by ssylng:
"Suppose I make a statement to yen,
what will you do with It."
"Print It," was ths quick response.
"Yes, print It, and If you do print It a
I give It, you will then, or at least your
editorial writers will then surround It with
Innuendoes and Insinuations designed to
destroy the real meaning and give room
for misconstruction. That has bean the
policy of the papers. If I thought tha
papers would publish th facts as they
are I vould gladly make out a statement
ot ths company's stde of the ease, but
what's ths ussT
"What the papers want to bear ia mind
is this: The railroads are not seeking to
be unfair and In this strlks matter we
want to be Juat and equitable; all we ask
Is that w be accorded fair treatment. We
are not trying to tear down this com
munity, but on the other hand we are
striving and have striven for years to build
It up, to promote its welfare in every
respect and It Is an Injustice to us to mis
construe our motive In thla or any other
Prefere Union Men
"And It ha been stated la some quarter
that the Union Pacific la dowa on th
unions is trying to stamp out unloalsm.
That is a mistake. We hsvs no fight with
unionism and absolutely no desire or Inten
tion of suppressing tbsm or Injuring their
"No," Interposed Oensral Manager Dickin
son, "ws really prefor to deal with union
men. We have dealt with tbsm for years
and shown no disposition to antagoolx
tbem that I have ever heard ot."
President Burt wa asked If the com
pany would reinstate any or all ot the men
now out on a strike It they consented to re
turn to work on the company's terms. H
made thla reply:
"Wall, w wlU think about that awhile,