1TIE OMAHA DA1TVY BEE: MONDAY, .TUNE 00, 1003. 1FFA1RS AT SOUTH 0M1DA 5w ncal Tsar Mtj Tind the Lerj , Ordinance Pue(L WINE MILLS SEEM THE LIKELY FIGURE Effort May B Made to Have It Oaly lgfc, bat Coancllmea Are Op. , ' poiied Charter Ckiaitl SaKKeaird. Tba city's fiscal year commences on July 16 snd after that date the 1902 levy and 'annrnnrlatlon become available. If tt Is so desired by the city fathers the levy and appropriation ordinances may be Introduced at the meeting Monday night This will bring the report of the committee In at the session on the night of July 7 and the final pssrage nt tno two ordinances can be com pleted by July 14, or sooner If desired. Councllmen Adklns, Broderlck and Welsh compose the finance committee and upon them will devolve the work of reporting on the amounts needed In the various ' funds and determining the amount of the levy. However, with the present valuation It It assured that the levy will hardly ex ceed 9 mills. It Is understood that an ef fort will be made to keep the levy down to 8 mills. In this connection a prominent business man said last night: "In my opinion the Increase In the valuation and the reduction of the levy will prove a great benefit to South Omaha. When Investor come here to look the city over about the first thing they ask Is the valuation and the amount of the levy. With a valuation somewhere near what Is right and a low rcvy I predict that it will be an easy mat ter In the future to dispose of South Omaha securities." Even with the amount of money allowed by charter to defray expenses there will Boat likely be an overlap for the reason that the appropriation for the Ore and po lice departments Is so small. Those who framed the charter evidently did not make any provision for the growth of the city fcvrimnti. better Are and police protection I and additional street lights. It Is under stood that when the legislature convenes again It will be requested to make cer tain changes In the charter In order that a -sufficient amount may be levied to pay run ning expenses for a year without coming out with an overlap. With the amount al lotted to the fire department It will be Im possible to purchase a fire engine, or, In fact, equipment of any kind, unless It be some hose, which Is badly needed. Mayor Koutsky la preaching economy to every employe of th city and he expects to get along with less money than was formerly expended. Street Repairs. By the provisions of the present charter tho council Is permitted to levy only $2,000 a year for street repair purposes. On ac count of the small levy there la always a deficit In this fund. Rains wash out re cently graded streets and fills and the street force la kept constantly at work making repairs on unpaved streets. No attention bas been paid so far this year to the paved streets. This matter most likely will be taken up soon by the mayor and council and ar rangements made for repairs on the Twenty fourth street pavement. This street Is now In worse condition than tt has been for a long time and as soon as money Is available It Is probable that a contract for thorough repairs will be let. Out of the money appropriated last year for the re pairs on Twenty-fourth street pavement the sum of $500 remains In the fund and this amount will be applied this year on the repairs to be made. While no meas urements have been made by the engineer to determine the cost of repairs It Is esti mated that It will take about $1,800 to place the pavement in proper condition this sum mer. Some of the brick pavement on L street between Twenty-fifth and Twenty seventh streets needs repairing, but the N street pavement Is In very good condition. It Is thought that with a little economy the amount on hand August 1 will be enough to last until winter seta In, but then there will be no money for repairs next spring. Workman Temple Assured. It was announced yesterday that the pro posed Ancient Order of United Workmen ' temple to be erected at Twenty-fifth and Jrl streets Is now an assured success. Those In charge of the building assert that the plans are about completed. At a meeting of the directory Friday night, September 1 ' was aet as the date for the laying of the cornerstone. Enough stock has been sold, so the building committee says, to warrant the setting of a date for the cor nerstone laying. The lodges of the' order hero are taking hold of the enterprise with commendable teal. Some evening this week committees of the various Workmen lodges will meet for the. purpose of arranging plana for a grand celebration on Septem ber 1. A number of tho leading officers of the order will be Invited to attend the ceremony. This will be followed by a plcnlo at Syndicate park. While no defi nite plans have been made for the plcnlo It was agreed by the directors that there would be speaking and sports of various kinds. Lodges In Omaha and Council Bluffs will bs Invited to take an active part and invitations will bs sent to all of the lodges of the order in the state. Delinquent Taxes. On July 1 the second halt of tho 1901 taxes become delinquent. From that time on In terest will be charged at the rate of 1 per cent a month. City Treasurer Howe said yesterday that taxes had been coming in rapidly within the last few days and that there are fewer delinquents on regular taxes at this time than lor many years past. It was atated by the treasurer that the majority of those who are delinquent at this time are In the habit of mailing checks and he expects to receive these payments on Monday. No. 4 Is the train. 10:10 A. VL Is the hour The new ERIE TRAIN Leaves for, and 1:30 P. M. Is the arriving Hour at NEW YORK. $18.00 is the rate. H. L. Purdy Is the Trav. pass. Aft. No. 60s W. U. bldg.. Chicago, is his office. . Bead articles of incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tbe Be. Wo will give them proper legal Insertion. Be telephone. US. 'Mtf liD-(B-(2F Oi ttt Brewed la plant at clean as the Yj.i your lnspeco oav- FORMER 0MAHANAT THE HEAD j J. M. MeTasjae Bepamea Geaerat Maa- trr at HI It. I.oale Reeiaaraat Consist, J. M, MoTague, formerly a prominent res taurateur of Omaha, Is the new managing head of a big restaurant comblns In St. Louis, Mo. The organisation of the "bash trust". Is Just completed, and It Is called the St. Louis Catering company. It Is cap italized at $1,500,000. of which $S50,000 Is preferred, with 7 per cent cumulative divi dends. The shares are of a par value of $100 each, both preferred and common. Four of the most prominent restaurants of the city of St. Louis begin the combine. the Faust, Nagal, McTague and Caesar res taurants. One more Is to be established and added at once to be known as the American restaurant. These four original restaurateurs of the combination received part cash and part stock for their places of business, with the exception of Mr. Mc Tague, who turned his place In for pre ferred stock alone to the extent of $100,000, which carries with It $50,000 of common stock, under a rule allowing 50 per cent of common stock with each share of pre ferred. One Idea in consummating the combina tion at this time was to be ready for the World's fair, where the trust will open a big eating house. Another plan Is to add new restaurants constsntly In tbe city, as the growth of the place permlta it. In con nection with the Immediate restaurant service, the company expects to do an ex tensive general catering business, for which it will establish a vast equipment. Mr. McTague's assistant will be A. E. Faust, Jr. The Individual management of the restaurants will remain the same, and no changes in personnel of working stalls will occur. A board of twelve direct ors will manipulate the affairs of the cor poration. JACKS0NIANS SEEM HAPPY They Meet and Ratify Nominations Blade by Grand Island Conventions. A general ratification and Jollification meeting was held Saturday at the Jack- sonlan club, when a large number of dem ocrata paid their respects to the state ticket recently nominated at Grand Island, Each candidate from W. H. Thompson, for governor, down was made the subject of eulogies and tbe meeting passed a resolu tion endorsing the entire state ticket. The honor orator of tbe occasion was J. C. Brennan, who appears on the ticket as nominee for the position of land commls sloner. Mr. Brennan could see nothing but glowing triumph before him and all his as sociates on the ticket and all those who spoke after him were quite as fulsome In their expressions and predictions. The others who addressed the meeting were: Ed P. Smith, W. S. Shoemaker and PrF, Forgan. Graphopaone at a Bargain. FOR BALD Latest model type. A. O. combination graphophone. which plays both large and small records: list price, $90. This Is especially designed for concert pur poses, having a thirty-six Inch horn and stand. It also includes twenty large Edi son rscords and carrying case of twenty four records. The machine is entirely new acd has never been used. Will sell at bargain. Address X 86, in care of The Bee. Greatly Reaaeett Rates. WABASH RAILROAD. $13.60 St Louis and return, sold Juns 16. 17. zi. zz. $20.60 Portland, Me., and return from Chicago, eold July 6 to 9. $18.90 Providence, R. I., and return, from Chicago, sold July 7. 8, 9. All information at Wabash new city office, 1601 Farnam, or write Harry E. ktooes, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. The Milwaukee Railway. has on its line at Yorkshire, la., 81 miles east of Omaha, a beautiful grove and plcnlo ground. Committees on location will do well to see this location. Call at City Ticket Office, 1604 Farnam St., for par Uculars. GEO. B. HAYNE3, City Passenger Agent. On July 4 the Erie Railroad will run i special thirty-day excursion to Chautauqua Lake. The fare from Chicago will be only $14.00 for the round trip. Tickets will b good on all limited trains. For detailed Information apply to H. L. Purdy, Traveling Passenger Agent, Chicago. Chicago ticket office, 243 Clark street. HALF RATfeo- EAST. Tin Rock Island System. $31.65 Providence, R. I., and return. On sals July 6, 7 and 8. $33.26 Portland, Me., and return. On sals July 4 to 8. Liberal return limits. For further information call at or ad dress city ticket office, 1323 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Mlssonrl Paelflo Hallway. The next homeseekers excursion will leave Omaha Tuesday, July 1, at very low rates to certain points in southern Mis tourl, Kansas, Oklahoma. Texas, eta. FOURTH OF JULY Tbe usual holiday half rates will bs In effect on the Sd and 4th, limit for return, July 7. For further Information address or call on any agent or company's office, 8. E. cor. 14th and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. TH03. F. GODFREY. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. flhamroolng and halrdreaslng, 24o, at the Bathery. I1C-220 Bee Building. Teh 1716. Letter Carriers' Pleale. WATERLOO, NEB., " July 4th. $1.00 for the round trip, via tTNIOM PACIFIC. Trains leave Union Station 9:80 A. M. 12:30 P. M. Sarlaers, Tangier Temple. Take notice that a reception will be held at Masonle ball, Omaha, Neb., on Monday evening, June 80, at 9 o'clock, in honor of Imperial Potentate Henry C. Akin, which all Nobles and their ladles are cor dlally Invited. By order, 8. ROPER CR1CKMORE, Recorder. Publish your legal notices in Th Weekly Be. Telephone 238. Shampooing and halrdresslng, toe. at the Bathery. 214-229 Be building. Tel., 1716, cleanest homa kitchenalways open to s,yi wn wnfai. STOCKHOLDERS ARE LIABLE Capitalist Wit Snbeoribed to Vackay.'i GigDtio Scheme If tut Bow Pay. NOTABLES ARE CAUGHT FOR THOUSANDS ad Has Come a Promlaeat Salt Which Has Been la Chicago Coarta . for the Past Klne Years. CHICAGO. June 29. People who bought stock In Steele Mackaye'e gigantic scheme to erect an enormous building for the pro- uctlon of spectacular plays during the World's fslr, now find themselves liable for the full amount of their subscriptions, ccordlng to tbe report of Master in Chan cery Learning, that was filed In the circuit court yesterday. Over 100 persons are found to be owners of capital stock in the defunct concern. Among tbe holders are Edward B. Butler of Chicago, a paper manufacturer, liable for $50,800; John Cudahy, $10,000; Clarence R, Gillette, as assignee, and E. V. Gillette, as assignee, $91,000; Lyman J. Gage, $10,000, and William and Mary E. Butterworth, as executors of the estate of Benjamin But terworth, $205,300. Lyman J. Gage Is also found to be a creditor to the extent of $10,000 worth of stock and $5,000 In money loaned. This leaves the former secretary of the treas ury, who was treasurer of the Mackaye company, a creditor with a balance of $5 000 due him. In his report the master In chancery also credits the George M. Pullman estate with claims amounting to $60,614. The same es tate Is held liable to creditors for the par value of 600 shares of stock. The suit has been In court for nine years and more than 100 attorneys have appeared in court in the case. CLOUDBURST DOES DAMAGE Madison County, Illinois, Visited by Terrlflc Downponr, Which Washes Away Bridges. ST. LOUIS, June 29. A special to the Post-Dispatch from Edwardsvtlle, 111., says A terrific cloudburst swept the greater portion of Madison county today, doing Incalculable damage to the crops and wash ing away bridges and railroad tracks. The Illinois Central eaBtbound passenger train from Alton to Edwardsvtlle had Just passed Poag when struck by the storm and was compelled to stop, the track being washed out. The damage to crops .cannot be esti mated. In the bottoms whole fields of whoat stacks have been swept away. Farmers from Wanda and Poag drove through to Edwardsvtlle and are offering high pay to teamsters who will go down in the bottom and assist In carrying the stacks of grain to high ground. The heavy rain, on the other hand, was of great value to corn. BLOOMINOTON. III., June 29. All weather records In central Illinois are be ing broken this year. Rain has been fell ing steadily for twenty-four hours, ap proachlng a cloudburst In extent at times. At Intervals last night rain fell when the temperature was at 45 degrees. But for the rain there would have been frost. Ex cess of moisture this summer has given all classes of crops a serious backset. The oats harvest is past due, but the h'-ads are blighted by long, continued rainfall and tbe crop will be seriously curtailed The hay crop also will be light, due to lack ot sunshine. The corn Is hardly far enough advanced to determine the damage, but it will be affected somewhat. DECATURE, 111., June 29. Two Inches of rain fell In the last twenty-four hours causing serious damage to wheat and oats. Just ready for harvest, and some damage to tbe new railroad between Decatur and Springfield. CALLS A HALJ0N GARDENER Recorder at Session of Board of In qnlry Says Major Mast Not Besmirch Soldiers. MANILA, June 29. At yesterday's session of the board which is inquiring into the charges of cruelty, etc.. brought by Major Cornelius Gardener, governor of the prov lnce of Tayabas, against American officers and soldiers. Major Gardener continued his testimony, the first part of whloh was presented yesterday. The recorder objected to extraneous views and that it was not entitled to special privileges. The counsel for Major Gardener admitted that the point was well taken, but said he thought the grave question Involved warranted more than or dlnary inquiry. The recorder replied that It was a mat' ter of routine and that tho record showed that Major Oardener bad always been given every advantage. He bad long felt, and be believed this feeling was that ot the rest ot the board, that regardless ot what ever they did. Major Gardener would ac cuse the board of unfairness. For thl reason the board had given the major every latitude. His privilege to "throw mud" was cer talnly not granted to the officers and sol dlers Major Gardener was endeavoring to besmirch. 1 The major had been reported repre sented at the hearing of the governor of Tayabas, by the chief supervisor, the fiscal assistant, the attorney general and his first assistant. The recorder did not pro fees to be a lawyer. He thought, however, that such an array ot talent was not likely to be imposed upon. ANXIETY OVER VENEZUELA ! o Hews Received at Washington Rel ative the Sltaatloa There. WASHINGTON. June 29. There is gr4at anxiety felt in official circles regarding the present situation in Venesuela. It la pointed out that Cincinnati and Topeka are at La Gutra and neither commander haa yet re ported. This Is taken to mean that noth lng worthy of cable report has happened, Advices received from Minister Bowen Caracas have not Indicated anxiety on his part. No apprehension is felt that the lack ot official reports is due to an interruption of communication by the Venesuelaa au thorltles or to censorship, as tbe situation at La Culra could be easily thwarted by sanding one of the warships over te Cura cao, where there would be nothing hamper communication with Washington. Tbe Navy department ha forwarded orders to tho gunboat Marietta, now at Baa Juan, P. R., to remain there until the Fourth of July, and then proceed to Coloa to relieve the Machlas, a relief the department anxious to accomplish soon. Its crew sot allowed to go ashore and the men have been cooped up aboard ship for many weary weeks in a hot tropical climate. llll Keeps II Co. "During a period ot poor health soma time ago I got a trial bottle ot DeWltt's Little Early Risers," says Justice of the Peace Adam Shook ot New Lisbon. Ind. "I took them and they did me so much good I have used them ever since." Safe, reliable and gentle, DeWltts Uttls Early Risers neither gripe nor distress, but stimulate tbe liver aad promote regular aad sasjr acUoa at lbs bowels. . s STREET RAILWAY COLLISION i His, Killed aad Afeoat Thirty Five PaMtsgen aad E. leyes lajared. MARLBORO, Mass., June 29. In a head- on collision between two heavily loaded are on the Hudson division of the Marl boro Street railway last evening Motormaa John H. Harris received Injuries which caused his death and about tblrty-flve pas sengers snd employes were Injured, sev eral of them to such an extent that they were removed to hospitals for treatment. Tbe cars came together at the foot of a steep grade with such force that they were almost completely demolished. Mo torman Harris was terribly crushed and died while being taken to the Framlngham hospital. Motorman Moore also received severe injuries about the head and body. Conductor Felix Sawyer, although appar ently only ajlghtly Injured, went Into con vulsions shortly after the accident and was in a serious condition late tonight. INDIANAPOLIS, June 28. Two Broad Ripple electric suburban cars collided at midnight one mile from Broad Ripple and nine miles from this city. Sampson White, motorman. had his right leg cut off and died In a short time. Nine others were cut nd bruised. They were: Albert Dugan, conductor. , William Fisher, motorman. Harry Holmes, Harry Jackman. Roscoe Triblth. John Westlake. Harry Burnslde. Elva Stever. Lorna Ratcllffe. Both cars were demolished. Relief cars with physicians were sent out at once to bring In the Injured, all of whom will recover. Low Rates to the F.n.t via the Lake Shore ft Michigan Southern Ry. to Chautauqua and return, July 4th and 25th. $14.00 for the round trip. Port land. Me., and return, July 5th to 9th, one fare for the round trip; return limit may be extended to August 15th. Trovldence, R. I., and return, July 7-8-9, one fare for the round trip; return limit may be ex tended to August 15th. Full Information on application to M. 8. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago, or C. F. Daly, Chief A. O. P. A., Chicago. HELENE WILL WED THE GREEK Russian Grand Duchess Is Betrothed to Nicholas, Third Son of Kins George. (Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) ST. PETERSBURG. June 29. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Te deums have been sung In all the Roman and Greek churches upon the betrothal of Grand Duchess Helene, the only daughter ot Grand Duke and Grand Duchess Vladl mlr of Russia, to Prince Nicholas of Greece, tho third son of King George. Orand Duchess Helene Vladlmirovna Is well nlgh worshiped by her parents. Her mother is Grand Duchess Marie Paulovna, The betrothed duchess is a great favorite with the Russian people and much Interest haa been taken in her because she Is the only marriageable Imperial princess in Russia at present. Prince Nicholas is 30 years old. He Is a lieutenant colonel In the Greek army, commanding the' First regiment of artillery. Both tbe young pco pie are highly accomplished and their be trothal has given great satisfaction to tbe people ot Russia and Greece. J. PIERP0NT EXPERIMENTS He Will Try Fref. Flaen's Justly Cel ebrated Electric Complexion -'' Lotion. (Ccpyrlght. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, r Juno 29. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) J. Pierpont Morgan baa decided, It Is reported here, to submit himself to Prof. Flnen's electric light cure for a face affection from which he has long been suffering. It. seems the strain ot his recent labors ran down bis health, greatly aggravating this - trouble and as be Is a warm believer In the ther apeutlo value of electricity he decided to take treatment by Flnen's system. The treatment probably will be given in his London house or aboard his yacht. CITY ATTORNEY ON LOCKOUT Says Contract Does not Operate to Prevent Temporary Saapenslon of Shop. City Attorney Connell was asked It the lockout In the Union Pacific shops could be construed as a violation of the com pany's contract with tbe city. He an swered: "Tbe contract says the company shall maintain permanent terminal machine shops here, but of course would not operate to prevent a temporary suspension of work as th result of labor troubles. If the shops should be permanently closed down, that would be another matter." WIFE SHOOTS HER HUSBAND Michael Bnrke Goes Home Intoxicated nd Starts Trouble, End Ins; In Death. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., June 29. Mlchae Burke, a rich farmer residing near Craig, Mo., sixty miles norm or .this city, wss hot and mortally wounded today by his wife, a pistol bullet passing through his brain. Burks was under the Influence ot liquor, having arrived borne from a visit to Cratg. He was acting ugly and started In to thrash a hired man. His wife Inter fered and became the object of his wrath and a vicious asauiu fine urea but one hot. DROWN DURING A STORM Tag Capslsed by Wind and Five People Meet an fntlmely Death. WASHINGTON, N. C. Jun 29. A severe wind and electrical storm struck here last night. Five persons were drowned In the capslslng of the tug G. L. Patterson, be longing to the Kugler Lumber company which was blown over while towing two schooners. The dead: WILLIAM J. WOMBLE. captain. H. DAVENPORT, engineer. D. WALTERS, fireman. JOHN CHERRY, cook. ALLEN MOORE. HALF RATXI Via Wabash Railroad. S32.2A Portland, Ms., snd return, on sal July to . $31.(S Providence, R. L, and return, on sals July T and 8. Stopovers allowed at Niagara Falls. Ask your nesrest ticket agent to routs you via Wabash, or call at Wabash new city office, 1M1 Farnam street, or address Harry K- Moores, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. 120. 15 Dead wood and return. 117. 0 Dakoto Hot Springs and return. Good till October Slat. TUB NORTHWESTERN LINE." HAZELTON Chester P., aged Tt years. June M 1. Funeral from residence, 415 North Twenty-fifth street. Monday afternoon at t o'clock. Interment at Foret Lawn ceme tery. JTrUads Umied, A thousand and one useful and valuable premiums in exchange for wrappers from White Russian IL A household and laundry soap made from the purest materials under modern scientific conditions. No fatty odor or grease stains in the clothes the result of poorly made soap. Can for rrcmium List, JAMES S. KIRK & CO. ( l6lj FARNUM ST., OMAHA, or bring the wrappers to our store and select your premium. Wfflk Saturday, July 5th, at 8.30 p. m. Via ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. This train is for the special accommodation of the Nebraska Teachers and their friends who will, attend the , N. E. A. CONVENTION. The equipment of this train will conoist of Free Keclining Chair Cars, Tourist and Standard Sleeping Cars. Low round trip tickets, sleeping car reservations and particulars at Illinois Central City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam Street, or write W. H. BRILL. Dist. Pass. Agt. 111. Cent. R. STAGE THE HENLEY HORRORS French Actors Make Merchandise of an Insane Husband's Harder and Snlclde. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, June 29. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) The half forgotten Henley tragedy has been put upon the stage In Paris under the title of "The Haunted House." John Henley, It will be recalled, was an American of leisure who married Annie Richard, a Boston beauty and an Inti mate friend of Clara Ward, once the Prinoess de Chltnay. When the latter ran away with the Gypsy, Rlgo, Mrs. Henley, despite her husband's entreaties, continued the Intimacy. One night, when Henley was supposedly absent from the city, his wife entertained an altogether objection able party at supper, Clara Ward being among the guests. When the festivities were at their height Henley returned un expectedly and In his anger struck his wife to the ground. When Rlgo attempted to Interfere he broke a water carafe over his head. Next day the Henleys had com pletely disappeared. They were Anally found in a miserable hut In Spain, where Henley for five years had kept his wife Imprisoned, torturing her until she con fessed her guilt. His mind was unbalanced by Jealousy ot the wife he still loved. Henley had Immured her to assuro her fidelity, himself going out but twice a month at midnight to secure provisions from distant villages. When the police Insisted on removing the woman Henley stabbed his wife before the six terrorized beholders could Interfere, afterward plung ing the knife Into his own heart Both died Instantly. As a play the tragedy Is a great success. Movement, of Oceaa Vessels Jana 2S. At Havre Balled: La Lorraine, for New Tork. At Bremen Sailed: Barbarossa, for New Tork. At New Tork Arrived: 8t. Louis, from Southampton; Celtic, from Liverpool. Sailed: Aller, for Genoa and Naples; Staten dam, for Rotterdam; Vmbrla, for Liver pool; Kroonland, for Antwerp; Columbia, for Glasgow. At Cherbourg Arrived: Patrlca, from New York. At Southampton Arrived: Bremen, from New York. At Browhead Passed: Cymric, from New Tork, for IJverpool. At Cherbourg Sailed: Philadelphia, from Southampton, for New York. At Liverpool Arrived: Ca.npanla, from New York. Balled: Ktrurla. for New York. At Antwerp Sailed: i'risiund, for New Tork. They Balked The "good fellow" who is soliciting the PW donation from the Omaha druggists with which to keep the breath of life in the existing drug combine Is running up against a number of snuirs; evidently the Bl'Bl'HBAN IKlOI8T3 AND KVKN BOMB OF TUB DOWNTOWN ONKd UN tired of fattening up the pockets of the TKUBT AGITATORS pt r. loss to them selves, as this fight hurts them more than It doee the big stores down town. We thought they'd take a tumble soma day. Bring or send cash and get one bottle of thee atuple patents until further notice. Please remember WE KEEP NO IMITATIONS. HAVE NO OLD STOCK AND SELL AS WE ADVERTISE. 11.00 Peruna J" $1.00 Pierce s Remedies mo tl.00 Plnkham's Compound He S"c Mull s Grape Tonic HOc 3 bO Marvel Whirling Bpray Syringe... .2 ii 1 00 Her s Malt Whiskey Ho 25c Hire s K'iot Beer c 1. 00 Temptation Tonic "s 11 00 Cramer's Kidney Cure 57c OPEN ALL N1U11T. SCHAEFER'S DRU STORE Tel. TT. . W. Car. SU aad lateaae. FREE 'lebrasltaTeaciiers Special TO pons, in, If You Want the Best In looking at offices In different buildings, the greatest praise the owner i) rental agent can give an office Is to say that It Is "as good as an office In The B Building." It may be In some respects, but It can not be In every respect. The Bee Building Is one of the only two absolutely fireproof office bulldlngr Omaha. The Bee Building Is the only building having all night and all day Sun ;' elevator service. The Bee Building furnishes eleotrlo light snd water without dltlonal cost. The Bee Building Is kept clean, not soms ot the time, but all ot time. Keep these points in mind when looking for an office, and you will take one those listed below, U you are wise. List of vacant rooms in The Bee Building Ground f IOOM Hi XfxU fast Faces Brv.nte.nth fight buiidii lala Is s, large, Ugnt room. a;.d me rental price lucludes Iieat, water and Janitor service. It has an entrance both on Tho U line Court and Seventeenth First II'ITB 1011 There Is no Oner offloe suits In Omaha tha this one. It Is located Just an the rlgut nana ot tue great maruie .Lair way, ana has unuauuy large window, looking upon the front eotrance way of the building. It fronts on Jf'arnam sti.eL one room is liil and the other axis. It has s burgiar-proof vault, marble mantel-piece, hardwood Hours, and will bs frescoed to suit tenant Pric I7VH ROOM lU-Si This room Is just at tbe bead of the main stairway oa lbs Orst floor. Xt would do a very owtliabt. omoe for some rai aetata man or ooa WMlor. Tue floor apaue U ItxU test iuwhiuuu Pries ttt.0 Third Floor. ROOM 80 8 1 This room is 21x8 feet and Is very conveniently located near tbe elevator. A sign on tbe doer cau be readily seen lu stepping off tbe ol. va lor PritlS. UOOM 838i T bis .room is 17x22 feet and will bs divided to suit lbs tenant This room is paxuouiarly adapted tor some coucrn neooiug btrge floor Sic. and is a decidetiiy banUaome otUua, having an .niraiice lacing lbs court and windows lookiug out uion vnUenUi .treeL It bas a very large burglar-proof vault, bard wood floors and is ens of tbo sbelcest elfl us la tbe b audio'. ......... ............ ,.a.i....i.,... Jrieo sj sj Fourth F loor. flOOM 401i l&xll feet. This room Is neat to tbe elevator and faces court. It fens large burglar-proof vault and Is well venulated. Has good tight, and lor us iirite fuinlabes Orst-ciass actumiuodnUJua u Pike tU.N Filth Floor. IUITB 514i This Is a very large room, 17a il feet. II fanes west, but Is very . liabt and well veuUiated. It la very seldom that uce oi tula slse Is of fciad in Tbe fee Hulldlug. It could be uaed to advantage by soma flrns eniuloymg a large number of clerks, or requiring large floor space a wbol.sal. jew.ler, or manufacturer s agent, who would like to be la a fir.-uruwf building, or 11 will be divided to suit tbe tenant Pile ttt. N itOM Mil This room faces tbe court and Is lSxl feet. It baa a burglar-proof vault and as it U near tbe telegraph ofllc. and on the same flour with a number of grain Arms, it would be a particularly gud room for a r,do..M Arm desiring brst-elaas accommodation r irice lze(t Sixth Floor. ITITB eiOi This consists or two rooms, both UVtxlltt. Each of them bas a larae buralar-pruuf vault, have been newly decorated and are rooms where any business or professional man may bo oratul table, l'rtoe to tbe two ......................... !... . .Ms eg R. C. PETERS 6t CO., Pental Agents. If OMAHA On of the best equipped or us n.siey mua ox msimnas, ta I If rrri C Keeley Institute la Nebraska. Cures Drunkenness. Cur Il UCiLCiT Drug Users. Booklet tres. AddiW all letters to TM 8. lrtb. j I INSTITUTE Home Treatment for Tobacco Habit. cot $3 Train R., Omaha. Neb., T Floor. Rental Par Month, street aAd has windows sJons; tha street Prlue S.oi Floor. Ground Floor Bee Ouildinr