G TIIK OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1902. f COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wet Wtatbtr is Controlling Tutor in Bull ish Market. I CORN TOUCHES SEVENTY-CENT LaRK Pals Also Reach Record Trice la tross I'll, While Wheat Open Higher, bat Eases Off, Though Closing; I p. CHICAGO, Juno 2S Wet weather again csused fnlr upturns In grains today, hut the absence ot any liberal outside business and cleaning up trades over Sunday re stricted gains to some extent. September wheat closed .: higher; July corn lo higher. September corn, tVic up; July oats WV: higher and September oats fe',e higher; provisions closed unchanged to ZVfco higher. September wheat opened Wc higher at iL'HtK'-Vic and sold to 'ti:nc early. 3hroughijt the southwest copious rains had fallen again to damage the harvests. J'arls quotations were as much as IV. higher, Influenced by unfavorable weather. Uhere was a little early comnrtsnlon house business and a fair export demand devel pped. The teaturt of the day was In the opening call for December option. A bear ish sentiment overcast the pit, however, lor some time and worked against higher prices. Reports came that most of the Wheat had been rut In the country where ruin were falling. Many of the local crowd took profits rather than to wait ever Sunday and stand the possibilities of lair weather. The little strength was apped and July eased to "2c, closing firm 'Ac up at (2-V Local receipts were 89 cars, 3 of contract grade; Minneapolis and Duluth reported 3"K cars, making a total of Ml cars for the three points, against 2t last week and 347 a year ago. J'rimary receipts were 4fi0,i0 bu., com pared to 6il.00o last year. Seaboard clear ances In wheat and flour equalled 767.UOO bushels. Corn still showed marked strength on the demand by shorts. Wet weather was reported generally In the corn belt, b'jt whereas It helped Texas It hurt the crops alsewhere. Advices from many sections Jtated that the main root of the plant was otted off. At the opening prices were very Strong. rihorts bid July Vfll'c higher at PjTtic the latter the new record price for the crop. Offerings for profits at top fig ures at once brought a slump to fi9'c, but the constant bad reports trom crops, es pecially from Iowa, pushed prices up again. Receipts were a little larger at 2.a cars, but little attention was paid to statistics The weather; and the short bidding ruled the market. September and December ad vanced with July, but free profit-taking In these two options brought partial declines. July closed strong, lc up, at B9Tc; Sep tember sold at 61 7,c and closed nrm Vjj He higher at 6H4c Oats continued their upward course again today. The wet weather was reported as hurting this cereal worst of all. No. 3 white, ci.sh, sold as high as 64c. and there was almost nothing offered for sale In Spite of the good demand. The same good buying that has been In force for a week was In evidence again. Selling was only by locals for profits. The general senti ment In the pit was decidedly bullish. Bhorts covered freely at the start and July reached the top figure of the option again, l7c. Dips followed the liquidation, which, however, was small, but all the stufT was taken and July, after selling at 4tk, closed ttrong, mc up. at 46SC. September sold etwetn &s'c and 34c and closed firm V'1 fco up, at 33VUc. Keceipts were rs. Provisions were verv dull. Offerings were jcarce. but there was little dlsnosltlon on the part of the packers to shove prices up. Hogs were light and prices Kood. Including small advances, which, however, were not all held. September pork closed unchanged at $18.47"!. September lard 2c higher at fl.664 and September ribs unchanged at tio.eo. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 85 cars; corn, !J0 cars; oats, 240 cars; hogs, MJX) head; hogs for the week, 13lMJ head. The leading future ranged as follows; Articles ! Open. I High. Low. CJose. Yes'y. 'Wheat July I Sept. Deo. Sept. Deo. ".Oats 'uJuly 734fJH 73S 7T, 72Vg 72 72V 73V 734 73J, 6970 70 6!H 614 61 , 4VH? 4 47VuVi 40V, 41 40V4 46Vt 47 46 3 t'i SSHH 84 334 33(& 33-H 331 IS SO 18 JO 1 22'4 18 624 18 60 18 46 10 B7V4 10 B7H 10 R5 10 60 10 6J4 10 574 10 624 10 624 10 60 10 624 10 624 10 574 73 72H.1 73Vi 72 4 723. 614 61 r4 47(il 474 40 4f.4 304 33 iZ 40 wb July a Bept. bBept. f I July 1w.fSPh 46 334 3J 324; 18 2714! 18 20 18 474 18 46 10 5R 10 624 10 674 10 65 10 624 10 674 10 60 I 10 60 f i July TJSept. iftlbs- July Sept Nl 9 nirl h Nwr Cash quotations were as follows: , FUOrK Steady; winter patents, I3.7S LOO; straights, 3.2Hfj3. 3'; spring specials, . H'ZO; spring patents, $3.60(3)3.80. v WHEAT No. I spring. 744c; No. 2 red, I T6c. j COHN-No. 2. 694c; No. 2 yellow, 694e. OATS No. 2, 47G4KV; No. 2 white, 639 ' BSc: No- B white. 624'a&4c. RYE No. 2 M4fc61c. , BARLEY Oood feeding, 6769c; fair to Bholce malting, tKi&7(Hc. SEEDS No. 1 flax. fl.Mfil 56; No. 1 north 4 western, $1.73; prime timothy, $5.75; clover, 1 Contract grade, $S 35. ,' , PROVIBIONS-Mess pork, per Mil., $18,274 18.32V4. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $10,474. Short I lbs sides (loose), $10.574ijjlt 614. Dry salted houlders (boxed), $8,024- Short clear sides tboxed). $10.70. The following were the receipts and ship ments yesterday, v Articles. Tlour bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Efye bu v ' Barley, bu Receipts. Shipments. .... 15.000 13.tvY .... 27.000 105.000 ....143,000 33.0IO ....229.000 2u8.O0 .... 1,0(10 .... 15,000 1.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creamery, lS&'214c; dairy, lhig 15140. ineese, aieaay, iu'tfuc. Eggs, Arm; fresh, 17c. REW YORK (.E.MEKAL M IPKKT. Qaotatloas of the Day Commodlllea, oa Various . NEW YORK. June 28 FLOUR Receipts, S.Ila bbls ; exports, 20.037 bbls.; held steady and moderately active; winter straights. f3.7c4t3.86; winter patents. h.uurh.iu; Min nesota patents, $3.90a-i.l6; Minnesota bakers U Ifxa'-J-io: winter Tow grades. $2.Mi3 15 Winter extras. $3153.35. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, $4.24,0 J. 46; choice to fancy, U.66A4.7A. . CORNMEAL Dull: yellow western, $1.32; City 11.30; Hrandywine, i3.4&u-a b. RYE Steady: No. 2 western. 66c. f. o. b afloat; state, 63Q4c, c. 1. f., New York, carlots. BARLEY Nominal. WHEAT Spot, Arm: No. 2 red.' 79Hc, levator; No. 2 red. 8(4'u814c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 814c, f. o, b. afloat: No. 1 hard. Manitoba. 844c. f. o b. afloat There was a strong opening In wheat and general activity on higher Paris cables, a strong corn and oats mar ket and rains In harvesting districts. Ter ritorial yielded to realizing, but waa again firmer uuun uredlcttons of further rains. Near the close It eased off again through realising and was finally but a net nigner July, 74&'TSe; closed at 79c; September, 77virT74c; closed at 774c; December, 784 (jh,c- closed at 78"jc. . CORN Exborts. 17.615 bu. Spot, firm No. i. 69mC. elevator, and 71 Ho. f. o. b. afloat. Option market was strong and higher on heavy rains and cold weather west, mostly In sympathy with oats. The close was firm at 4m.c net advance; July T474e; closed at 6"4c; September, 4 7-lc-ti4'c; closed st M V; December B24k(jn2'kc: closed at 624c. OATS Receipts, 57,umu bu.; exports, 380 DU. Boot, nrm; no. I, mc; iso. a. ooc; no. 2 white, 64uBv': No. 3 white, 6.vj84c; track, mixed western, 62(t(54c; track, white western, 6iuX'; track, white state, bfrti oc. Options had an excited trade west nd further active advances on the heavy rains. HAY Quiet; shipping, 6ufitSc; good to choice, aiSic. HIDE Steady: Galveston. SO to 18 lbs 17c; California. 21 to 26 lbs.. 19c; Texas dry, 14 to 30 lbs.. 13c. HOPS Strong; state, prime to choice, 1901 crop, i4'(r2Jtoc; iu. ic; oiaa, who; state, common to choice, 1S'1 crop, 3u-'4c; Pa cific coast, 1J01 crop. 194f23c; 13uo, 16c; olds !L.EATHER Quiet: domestic fleece. 26S30c PROVISIONS Heef. dull: family. $15 6-r 1100; mess, $13 6tHil4 0u; beef hams, $11 12 50; packet. $14.5oU'15.60; city extra India mess, M Oofi 36 UO. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies. Ill uoull 00; j.lcmeu shoulders, zx.!; pickled hams, $11 6u.gl2.uO. Lard, firm; west ern steamed, $10.y; June closed at $l .90, nominal; rennea, nrm; ramny. i jki .-u South America, $11. 60; family, compound ixi:4i5u. Pork, firm; family, l9 7twijoou abort clear. $1 5ti21 5o; mewl. $1 ct 1 75. TALLOW Viulet; city (IS per pkg.J. 4c country lokss. free). 6VB4c. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra. 44 Q4c; Japanese, 4(ioe. JiL'TTJklb-eUadyi suu creamery. If3c state faetory. IW184r; renovated, 17lJ4c; Imitation creamery, 17ftlS4c. CHEESE Strong; new state full cream, small colored, fancy, 9c; small white, sc; large colored, 9c; large white, 9c. K(XJS Firm; state and Pennsylvania, li4'HJi'c; western candled, 1844jlc; south western, loss off, Ia4'nl74c. MOLASSES Steady; open kettle, good to choice, IWIc. Pfl'M"MY Alive, quiet and unchanged; dresed. nominally onchanged. M ETA11 Today's metal markets were quiet In all departments. Tin closed tho week ot $2S.fS25 for spot and copper closed at the following prices: Btandard spot to August. $11.324511 824; lake, spot, $ll.74&12.u. Dead was steady at $4.1. '4. iSpelter was dull at to. Iron held steady, but quiet, locally at former prices. OMAHA WHOLESALE, MARKETS. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Prolate, EGOS Including new No. 2 cases, 11c; cases returned, Uc. DIVE POl-LTRY-Chlckens, 94c; old roosters, according to age, 4'aoc; turkeys, fi'dllc; ducks and geese, 7c; broilers, per lb., 16c. BUTTER Packing stock, 16c; choice dairy, In tubs, iv819e; separator, 22323c. FRESH CAUGHT FISH Trout, c; orappies, 10c; herring, 6c; pickerel, 9c; pike, lie; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunllEh, 6c; bluefins, 8c; whlteflsh, 11c; catfish, 3c; black bass. Isc; halibut, 11c; salmon, Iric; haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; red snapper, 10c; roe shad, each, 75c; shad roe, per pair, 35c; split shad, per lb., 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 25c; lobsters, green, per lb., 23c. PIGEONS Dive, per dos., 75c. VEAI-Cholce, 6S8c. CORN 69c. OATS 4 sr. BRAN-Per ton, $15. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay. No. 1 upland, $8; No. 1 medium. $7.50; No. 1 coarse, $7. Rye straw $5.50 These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per doa., 75c. NEW CELERY Kalamasoo, 30c. POTATOES Northern, 40jo0c; new po tatoes, per bu., MKftiiOc. GREEN ONIONS Per do., according to slie of bunches, 15iij2oc. ASPARAGUS Home grown, per doi., 60 75c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doi., 453 50c ' LETTUCE Hothouse, pr doi.. 25c. PARSLEY Per doz.. 30rt35c. RADISHES Per dos., 20"a26c. WAX BEANS Home grown, per market basket, rV'ytiOc; string beans, per market banket, fytoWitc. RHUBARB Home grown, per lb., 14c. CABBAGE California or home-grown, new, liic2c. O.NlOiNS INew uutornia, 111 bucks, per o2c.. TUMA1ULB lexas, per -uMct emio. 8.V0OOC, NAVI J3c,Ai o 1 er ou.. a. FRUITS. APRICOT 8 California. $L50(S1.60. I'EACHES California. $135. PLUMS California, per 4-basket crates. $1.5')'ql.t). STRAWBERRIES Colorado, per 24-qt. case, $:t.fi0. CHERRIES California, per box, $1.50; home-grown, per 24-qt. case, $2.00fl2.25. UOOHEUEKKIK.H rer ii-qi. case, i. CANTALOUPE Texas, per basket, 75c. CURRANTS Home grown, $2.00. RASPBERRIES Black, per 24-pts., $3.00; red. per 24-nta., $3.00. WATERM E DON toe. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Florida, 30 to 36 count, $4. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size. $2.26''a2.75. OKArsGtsj vaiencias, M.iwao.w; Aieai terranean sweets, $4.00'!i4.25. LEMONS Fancy, $0.00(35.50; Messlnas, $4.Wkuo.W. Mlt)tC.LLA."H tUUO. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case, $2.753.00. CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3.25; New York, $3.50. POPCORN per id., oc; snenea, c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell. ter lb.. 12c; hard shell, per lb., 114c; No. 2 soft hell, 10c; No. i. nara sneu, yc; urazns, per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft hell. 16c; hard shell, loc; pecans. Urge, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoanuts, per sack, W.60. . ri ID KB No. 1 green, bc; rwo. z green, No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 124 lbs.. 8c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 8g)12c; sheep pelts, 75c; horse hides, jl.Cnn2.60. ulu mciaui-a. jj. Aipern quoies me following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, $Lu; iron, stove plate, per ton, $7.50; copper, per lb., 84c; brass, heavy, per lb., 84c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb., 64c; zinc, per lb., 2c; rubber, per lb., 6c. St. Lonls Grata, and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. June 28.-WHEAT-Weak: No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 704c; track, 78 64c: old. 724&714e: c; new July, 7t4c; Bep- temoer, 7Utfii)c c; No. 2 hard. 73(274c. CORN Lower: No. 2 cash. 66'c: track. 66c; July, 654c; September, 6&4c. uio niKun , iu. lhpii, lime; tract, i&474c; July, 36c; September, 294c; No. white, 504610. RYE Firm at 60c. FLOUR Dull. Old red winter natents. $3.55(&3.65; extra fancy and straight, $3.25Q s Clear, as.uutnvi.2u. SEEDS Timothy, steady at $5. CORNMEAL Steady at $3.15. BRAN Firm; sacked, 80c. HAY Dull: timothy. $13.00fl15.00: cralrle. no sales. WHISKY-Steady, $1.30. IRON COTTON TIES-Steady, $1.05. BAGGING Steady, eVSc HEMP TWINE Steady, c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: lobblnr. old. $18.35: new. $18.75. Lard, dull at 310.25. Drv salt meats, steady; boxed lots, extra shorts, $10,874; clearTtbs. $11.00; short clear, $11,124. nacon, steaay; Doxea iota, extra snorts, $11.75: clear ribs, $11,874; short clear. $12.00. Spelter, firm at $4.80. POULTRY steady; chickens. 6A4c: springs, lufQlfc; turkeys, 8c; ducks, 64c; geese 4f44c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 17224c; dairy. 17&19C. tuus-Lower at l4fec, loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6.000 8.000 Wheat, bu 64.000 24,000 Lorn, du za.uou 21,000 Oats, bu 26,000 28.0U0 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jane 28 WHEAT-Julv 674c; September, 674c; cash, No. 2 hard. 69470c; No. 3, 69c; No. 2 red, new, 6849 tc; 01a, uuf'ic; rso. a, o,iasc; ino. i spring, CORN July. 61Uc: September. 63Kc: cash No. 2 mixed, 63u; No. 2 white. 66c; No. 3, aitc. OA'i S No. 2 white, 49c, RYE No. 2. 66(i 66c. HAY Choice timothy. $12.00(S12.50: choice prairie, av.votu tu.uu. BUTTER Crean .'reamery, 194c; fancy dairy, 18c. EGGS Steady at 14c dox.. loss off. cases returnea. Receipts. Bhlbments Wheat, bu 68.400 46.4(0 Corn, bu 62. (kO iO.OnO Oats, du 1Z.0UU 5,000 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta, NEW YORK. June 28. EVAPORATED APPLES Spot unchanged. Futures some what more nrmly held, sellers asking (4c for October and November deliveries of firlme, though much actual business Is be ng transacted above 640. Common to food. 63i9c; prime, 10c; choice, 10414c; ancy, 11c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT Prunes continue In fair demand and holders are Inclined to firmness on special grades. Prices range from o4aHc for all desert o tlons. Apricots are steady at 1046T14C In boxes and 104ft 12c In bags. Peeled peaches are priced at luisc ana unpeetea at 4'tf 104c Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. June 28 WHEAT Dull; cash 77c; June, 77c; July, ,64c; September IDNC. CORN Dull, firm; cash. 644c; July, 64c Bentember. 614c: December, 474c. OATS Active, strong: cash. 47c: Julv. 41c; September, 31c; new July, 464c; new c . I. 'JjAA SEED Clover, dull, steady: cash. 25.12U October, $5,174. Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA, June 28 BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, 224c tra nearby prints. 23c EOGS Firm; fresh nearby. 174c, loss off freeh western, lsc, loss off; fresh south western. 17c: fresh southern, 16c. CHEESE Firm: New York run creams prime small, lt"c: New York full creams. lair to aooa, viuc. Iigar Market. NEW YORK, June 28 -BUOAR-Dull fair refining. e: centrifugal W test. 84c, Molasses sugar, ic; rennea, auu; jso. 4 10c: No. 7. 4c; No. 8. $.8oe: No. . $.85c No. 10. 8.80c; No. 11. 3.75c ; No. 12. 170c; No 13. 170c: No. 14. $ 70c: Confectioners' A 4.60c; Mould A. 6c; cut loaf, 6.15c; cruahe ied 4.00c; granulated. .wc; cubes, 4 sue. NEW ORLEANS. June 28. 8UGAR Mar ket quiet; open kettle centrifugal. IrtJUc centrifugal yellow, $444c; aeconds 14c. Molasses, auu; ceniruugai, ftiac. Dnlalh Grain Market. DULUTH, June .-WHEAT-Caah. No. 1 hard, 4c; No 1 northern. iI4c; No. northern. 7lc; July, 76c; Bepuoiber. 724c ' OATS Cash, ii . . HEW YORK STOCKS AXD BOIDS. 8 lock Market la Stagnant with Few v Operations In Specials. NEW YORK. June 28 The general stock market today was practically inert. There were some speculative operations In a lev special stocks, but thev had no appreciate effect on the general list. The bank state ment did no reflect any notable recupera tion, but the condition of the banks is well maintained, despite the week's svndlcato operations and preparation which have presumably been made for the July settle ment. The statement was considered nega tively favorable therefore. There Is an expectation, however, and there may bo some shifting of loans on Monday. Today's money and exchange markets were nominal, as is usual on Saturday, but sterling exchange at Paris fell 4c. Foreign bankers believe that some gold may go out next week Of today's special movements the rise In Chicago or Eastern Illinois was due to a suggestion that the treasury stock of the company may he distributed to stockhold ers. Illinois Central was moved up to a fraction sbove the price touched on the day the new stock Issue was announced and closed at the top. The general market ran ofT slightly In the closing dealings. The report of a voluntary increase of 10 Ser cent In wages by the United States teel corporation seemed to make those stocks firm, although the Industrial depart ment generally was heavy. Reading also was heavy because of a rumor that the president had requested an opinion from the attorney general whether the anthrclt.i coal combination is In contravention of the antt-trust law. The closing tone was rather heavy. The dull bond market this week has moved mostly In sympathy with stocks. United States 2s declined 14. the 8s 4 and the new 4s 4 per cent, as compared with the closing call of last week. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchlaon do Dfd. .. 24 St PiUl pfd 190 ..101 ;8o. Pacific 64H ..lt go. Railway 864 .. 5 i do pfd I ..1334 Teiaa Paclllc 34 .. '"Toledo, 8t. L. W. 31 .. 46 do pfd 37 I Baltimore A O. do pfd Canadian Paclfto . Canada 80 Chea. A Ohio hlcaao A Alton. 37VTnlan Pacific lw1 do pfd do ptd..., 4 , Jcit 44 Chicago, lnd. A L.. 76 Wabarh .... do pfd '-! do pfd.... Chicago A E. 1U....1J4 Wheeling A L.. E.... ZZ Chicago ft O. W. 0V do 24 pfd ... . S4H . W . 4SV, .1ST .325 .1144 .ID!. . 6iH . II 4 . II . 234 . I")' . 474 . M .108 . 67H do lat pfd do 3d pfd . 7 Wli. Central . . do pfd 2M Adama El .171U,! American Kx.. Chicago A N. W. R. 1 ft F Chicago Ter. A Tr. II Jl'nlted 8tataa Kx.. do pfd .c.c.a at. l. . S Wlla-yargo Ex... ,103 Amalgamated Cop. . 104 Amer. t ar A F... , 70 do pfd . 42-1, Amer. Lin. Oil.... 174', j do pfd .280 Amer. 8. A R , 24 do pfd , HI! Anaconda Mln. Co Colorado So do lat pfd do Id pfd I1. A Hudaon... Del. h. A W Denver A R. O... do pfd Erla , Brooklyn R. T do lat pfd , do id pfd . CHa Colorado Fuel A I... 87'4 . 63 1 Con. oaa .fW Oreat Nor. pfd... ..1ST Con, Totacco pfd 121 Hoiking Vtllay ., .. Sl'Oen. Electric . . . 3l& do rid , .. i Hocking Coal . .160 Inter. Paper .. 4' do pfd ,. u . 204 . 71 . M . 44 ,. 214 .122 . 66 . 414 .1004 . 46 . 854 .232 . 17 . 734 .120 . C24 ,. 144 ,. 814 .. 12t ,. 84' ,. ,. 614 .. 37',, ,. ' .. 8 .. 33 .. 4 .. H34 . 614 llnota Central .. Iowa Central .... do pfd . . a7 Iaclade uaa Laka Erie A W.. J National Dlacult .., National Lead No. American Fad tic Coaat do pfd . A N ...126 ...13T ...131 ...14 ... U ... 184 ...1134 ...110, ... 274 ... 69 ...Ul .... (4 ... HI ... 124 ...157 ... sr,4 ... 3 ... t ... esvt ... 81 ... 71, .... 104 ... 7 ....1764 Manhattan L Mt. St. Rr Mex. Central .... Nat. Rr. of Max. Minn. A St. L... PaclHc Mall People's Oaa PreHMd s. car do pfd Pullman P. Car.... Republic Steel .... do pfd Sugar Tenn. Coal A Iron t;nlon Hag A P do prd V. S. Leather do pfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. 8teel do pfd Wretern Union .... Amer. LocomotlTe. do pfd K. C. Southern ... do pfd Mo. Pacific .. K. A T do pfd . J. Central ... N. V. Central .. Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario fc W Pannaylvanls .... Reading do lat prd do td pfd St. L. A 8 r.... do lat pfd do 2d pfd St. L. Soathw.... do pfd St. Faul New York Money Market. NEW YORK, June 28 MONEY On call. steady; actual transactions, 8 per cent; closed offered at 3 per cent; prime mercan tile paper, 446 per cent. STERLING tALMAMiB- steaay, witn actual business In bankers' bills at $4,874 4i4.874 for demand and at $4.85Vi4.854 for sixty days; posted rates, $4.S6i4.84 and $4.88yy&4.89; commercial bills. $4.84iS4.854. SILVER Bar, 624c; Mexican denial's, 424c. GOVERNMENT BONDS 1 loBed as fol lows: Ref. 2s reg., 107; coupon. 1084c; 8s reg. and coupon, 1U7; new 4s reg. ana coupon, iai; oin is reg., inn; coupon, 1W4; 6s reg. and coupon, 106. The closing quotations on punas are as follows: V. 8. r. Is. ri 107HIL. A N. tinl. 4s 1014 do coupon .me.Aiax. central a .107 do la Ino 324 .107 Minn. A St. L. 4a...l06, .13444 M.. K. A T. 4a (14 .1344 do 3a 864 .194 N. Y. ('antral Is 1044 do la, rag. do coupon do new 4a, reg do coupon . . . do old 4a, reg do coupon ... ..HOi, do gen. J4a lot do (a. ref.. do coupon.. ...104 N. J. C can. as 139 ...106 No. Pacific 4a 1064 ...103 do 3 744 ... 14 N. A W. con. 4a. ...ion, ...103 Reading gan. 4a loo1 ... 74 St. L. A 1. M. c. 6a.. 116 ...104!St. L. A 8. F. 4a. ..loo ...10Vst. L. 8. W. la ...lu9 do 2a 874 ... 2's. A. A A. P. 4a.... X)4 ...lOntlSo. Paclfto 4a 2', Atchlaon gen. 4s. do ad). 4a . A O. 4s do 14a do conv. 4a.... Canada 80. ta.... Cantral of Oa. 6i. do lat ino , A O. 44s Chicago A A. I',a . 85V So. Railway 6a 1234 U. Q. rOVTezaa ft racltlc la... lis C, M A St P g. 4s..llV,lT., St. L AW. 4s. 3 N. W. c. 7a....l34 Union Pacific 4a HH C, R. I. A P. 4a....ll2t CCC. A St. L. g. 4s.. 1024 Chicago Ter. 4a 904 Colo. A 80. 4a M do conv. 4a 104 Wabaah la 119S, do 2a Ill do deb. B 77 Denver A R. O. 4a.. 104 Erla prior Han 4S....1014 rWaat Shore 4a 116k W. L. B. 4a 96 Wis. Central 4a 934 Con. Tobacco 4s 67 do genaral 4a sv . W. A D. C. la. ..1114 Hocking Val. 44a. ...110 Offered. Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON. June 28. Call loans. 844 per rent: time loans. 4410 per cent. umciaJ closing ot stocks and bonds: Atchison 4s Oaa la 1014-Adranture , S3 94 Allouea 34 14 Mex. Central 4a ... . 114 Amalgamated , . 40 Bingham . 124 Calumet A Keels., .1004 Centennial .360 Copper Range .... .101 Dominion Coal ... .164 Franklin .130 lale Royals N. K. O. A C Atchlaon IK do pfd 174 624 Boston A Albany.. boat on A Me Boat on Elevated .. N. Y.. N. H. A H 131 104 . 4 , 42M Fltchburg pfd... Union Pacific .. Mex. Central .. American Sugar 14144 Mohawk 106 Old Dominion .... 284Oaceola 126 I Parrot 1184 Uulncy T....178 Isanta Fe Copper... 8.... ttlTamarack i6 Trlmnuntaln 414Trlnltjr 97', United States 14 Utah Ill IVIctorls SI Winona , 194 , SO , 27 ,131 do pfd American T. A Dominion I. A 14 ,17a , 96 Oen. Electric .. Maas. Electric . . 114 , 194 . 20 . 4 - 4 . 64 do pfd N B. O. A C. United Fruit .. V. 8. Steel .... do pfd.. 894IWlverlns Westlngh. Common. ..1024 Nevr York Mining: Quotations. NEW YORK. June 28. The following are the closing prices on mining siocks: Adams Con Alice 26 40 Little Chief . II .726 .116 . . x . 10 . 1 . 48 .110 Ontario Breeoe Hrunawlrk Con.... jOvhlr Comatock Tunuel . Con. Csl. A Va... .. .. 64 ..116 ..100 ..its .. 71 .. t Phoenix Potoal Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard Deadwood Tern... Horn Sliver Iron Stiver Leadvtllo Con Foreign Financial. LONDON. June 28. Bar silver, steady at 24 16-16d per os. Money, 2424 per cent; discount rates, short and three months bills, 2424 per cent. Gold premiums are qioted as follows: Buenos Ayres, 129 80; Manna, ae-iz; UBDon, 20; rtonie. in. 1 ne eekly statement of the Bank of England shews the following changes: Total re serve, decrease, 1.197,000; circulation. In crease, 9M.0uO; bullion, decrease, 215.63; other securities. Increase, 8.275,000; other deposits, Increase. 5.6T.9.0u0; public de posits, increase, ti.uiz.uuo; notes reserve, decrease, 1.069.000; government securities. Increase. 597.000. The proportion of the Bank of England's reserve to liability Is 43.80 per cent; last week It was 62.90 per cent. Rate of discount, unchanged at 3 per cent. PARIS. June 28. Throe per cent rentes, lOlf 60c for the account; exchange on Ixn don, 25 f 17c for checks; Spanish 4s, 8. .66. Business on the bourse today was quiet and prices had a weak tendency owing to the apprehension of dearer settlement money. Stocks were offered, causing an ail-around depression. Rentals were prin cipally affected. The private rate of dis count was 3 9-16 per cent. BERLIN. June 28. Exchange on I-ondcn, im 464pfg for checks; discount rates for short bills (for settlement). 64 per cent; for three months' bills. 24 per cent. Prices on the bourse were firm today, being In fluenced by the favorable reports from Buckingham palace, tnougn business was slow on account of the closing of the Stock exchange In London. Toward the close coal shares Influenced the other shares. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. June 28.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $15d.OO0i0 gold reserve In the division of redemption. shows: Available cash balance. $2u6,la6,ult; gold, $101.14.111. Weekly Bsvak Statement. NEW TORX, Judo 28 The weekly state- ment of the sverages of the associated banks hhows: Ixian. t8S3.871.8in, Incresse f4.K56.7no; deposits, I9.kVS29.40", Increase $4,876.- "": circulation, Hl.4.ioo, increase !'.!; legal tenders. $7&,3ol.2, Incresse $1.69, ,mj; specie. $17i.J4.5i(. Incresse $341.8u0; reserve. $Jf1.8W.7i Increase t2.u8ft.2uo; reserve re qjired, $i"Si.9r5,3i'0. Increase $1,219,200; sur plus, ii,9, 8,36), increase $820,100. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. June 28. Bank clearings for the week ending today compared with corre sponding weeg oc last year are: 1H. 11,259,361 09 l.rt5.529 69 1. 1O8.070 78 1.0S2.M4 81 1.079.721 41 1.071.861 60 lM. Monday Tuesday Wednesday ... $l,l2.rt 64 958. 7 25 (.H3.750 92 1.023.823 27 70.880 17 902.733 S8 Thursday Friday Saturday Total $6,808,478 7 $5,842,579 03 Increase $ 765.899 76 ST. LOUIS. June 28 -Clearlngs. $6,472,822; balances, $1.175,6c9. Money steady at 6y6 per cent. New York exchange par. CHICAGO, June 28. Clearings. $22,012,430: balances, $2,470,479: posted exchange, $4.86 ror sixty days, 14. M4 lor demand ; iew York exchange, pnr. NEW YORK. June 28 Clearings. $239.- 617.311: balances. $15,711,833. BOSTON. June 28. Clearings. $19,242,021: balances. $1,195,010 BALTIMORE, June 28. Clearings, $4,163.- 422; balances, $658,771; clearings for the week, $22,953,666; balances, $3,682,104; money, 441(5 per cent. PHILADELPHIA, Junp 28 Clearings. $16,075,171; balances, $2,306,455; clearings for the week, tl03.5tn.257; balances, $14,140,713; money, 4'n'44 per cent. Cincinnati, June a. Clearings, 12,- 467.6"0; money. 346 per cent; New York exchange, 15(g20c premium. Exports and Imports. NEW YORK. June 28. Exports of specie from this port to all .countries for this week aggregate $186,600 silver and $200,0ii0 gold. The Imports of specie were $18,838 gold and $13,458 silver. The Imports of drv goods and merchandise were valued at $10,- 1W,Z4B. Wool Market. BOSTON, June 28. WOOL Strictly fine, 4Mi60c; clean fine and fine medium. 45f(i 47c; staple, 6053c; medium, 398410. Texas wools are remarkably nrm, largely grow ing out of the fine position of wools. The clip has been bought up by prominent deal ers witn very nign prices paid compared with other wools at the time buying began. Buyers are very confident. Fall cleaned basts, 44ii'4Sc; six to elpht months spring, 4Wi'48c. Fine washed fleeces are exceed ingly firm, with old wools sold out of sight. The market Is nominally quoted at: Ohio and Pennsylvania XXX, 2Sfa29c; XX antf above, 2627c; Michigan, 22Cgr.i4c. Old de laine wools are practically sold out and will cost higher for new. Mlchlgnn. 25419 27c; No. 1 washed combing, 264027c; No. 2. 25Sil27c: coarse. 234;25c. ST. LOUIS, June 28. WrOOL Steady to firm; medium grades and combing, 3py;ic light fine, 12fllS4c; heavy fine, loigl3c; tub- LONDON, June 28. WOOL Trading dur Ing the week was restricted, owing to the firmness of holders. The arrivals of wool for the fourth series of auction sales num ber 44.130 bales, Including 3,000 bales for. warded direct. The Imports during the week were: New South Wales, 502 bales; Victoria, 310 bales: New Zealand, 6,313 bales; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 3,30f bales; Falkland island, 610 bales; sundries, 975 bales. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, June 28. COTTON Fu tures closed steadv; June, 8.98c; July, 8.68c; August, 8.26c; September, 7.93c; Octo ber, 7.79c; November and December, 7.70c; January, 7.69c; February, 7.70c; March, 7.71c. Spot closed steady; middling uplands, 94c; middling gulf. 94c Sales, 2.3o bales. GALVESTON, June 28. COTTON Mar ket steady at Slc. ST. LOI7IS, June 28 COTTON-Market steady; middling. 8 15-16c. Sales, none; re ceipts, 8 bales; shipments, none; stock, 21, 156 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Juno 28 COTTON Futures, steady; June 8.86c. bid; July, IWf 8.92c; August, 8.34jj'8.35c; September, 7.85c; October, 7.63(?7.64c: November 76IW7.55c; December, 7.64&1.66o; January.' 7.657.&6c. Spot, quiet; sales, 300 bales; ordinary, 74c; good ordinary, 9c; low middling, 84c; mid dling, 8 16-16c; good middling. 94c; middling fair, 94c; receipts, 469 bales; stock, 97,637 bales. OH and Rosin. OIL CITY, Pa., June 28. OIL Credit bal ances, $1.22; certificates, no bid. Runs and shipments not reported. SAVANNAH. Ga., June 28. OIL Turpen tine, firm. Rosin, firm; A, B, C, D and E. $1.25; F. $1.35; O, $1.40; H. $1.70; I. $2.05; K, $2 55; M. $3.06; N. $3.40; W. O., $3.46; W. W.. $3.60. NEW YORK, June 28. OIL Cottonseed, dull; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, 46c. Petroleum, steady; refined New York, $7 40; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.35; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk, $4.80. Rosin, steady; strained, common to good, 15rt7l74c. Turpentine, dull, 484S4e. TOLEDO. O.. June 28. OIL North Lima, 89c; South Lima and Indiana, 84c Coffee Market. NEW YORK, June 28 COFFEE-Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 74c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 8&P114c. Futures opened steady, with prices 6ft 10 points higher, following In the lead of European markets, which dis played Inherent strength. Speculation was chiefly of a local character, with the shorts the leading buyers. Brazilian receipts were hardly up to expectations and the bull clique supported the late months. There was very little change after the opening. Trie closing market was quiet. Total sales were 12.260 bags. Including June at 4.05c; July, 4.96c ; August 6c; September, 6003 6.06c; November, 6.20c; May. 6.606.65c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, June 28. DRY GOODS A small volume of business and demand light Characterizes general conditions In the dry Soods market today. Jobbers' sales are ver and a little In the way of new bus iness will be done until after July 4. Dull ness has continued In the yarn market, 'hosiery material being the only thing for which there is any demand. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. June 28. WHEAT Mar ket steady: No. 1 northern, 77&774c; No. northern, 76ft764c; September, i24c. RYE Dull; No. 1. 68c. BARLEY Steady; No. 1, 754o; sample), 6&i&70c. CORN Steady; September, 60604o. Minneapolis Floor and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. June 28. FLOUR First patents. $3. 96 4 06; second clear, $3.65 4j 3.76 ; first clears, $2.80: second clears, $2.00. liKAN in DU1K, ilS. lOtaia-UV. Holiday In Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. June 28. Holiday In mar ket. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKF.T. Cattle, Hobs, Sheep and Iambi Are Steady, CHICAGO. June 28. CATTLE Receipts. 200;. steady; good to prime steers. $7.6od 8.40: poor to medium. $4.75(57.50: stockers ana teeners, i.&ikbd.si; cows, ti.vxgo.zo; neir- AMa ' r. .... . CI &A ' f , LailllCI,, ,.W.V, lUll.. t-iarati.ib; calves,. $2.30v3.ov; lexas lea steers. $4.0Ca7.w. HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head; estimated receipts for Monday. 38.000 head: left over, 10.419: steady: mixed and butchers. $7.26 7.70; good to choice heavy, $7.707 .85; rough heavy, 7 6ti'i.60; light, $7.4g7.40; bulk of sales, $7.3&(ij7.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,600 head. Market steady. Good to choice wethers. $3.76(84.00: fair to choice mixed I3.50fc4.75; western sheep, $2.7&ti4.00; native Itwni, w.ixKrio.ou. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments Cattle 2,698 2.773 24.444 2.578 6,0b6 4oi Hogs Sheep Kansns City Lira Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. June 28.-CATTLE Re celpts, 36 cattle and 266 calves: market un chunged; choice export and dressed beef steers, sf.mxir& a: lair to good, o o in w ; stockers and feeders, 12.8541 6 50: western fed steers. tb.o56.15; Texas and Indian steers, r-'.7f'B6.6i; Texas cows, $2 35(4.25; native cows. $2.00fi6.26: native heifers. $3.2ow5 60 earners. $1.5oi3.00: bulls. I3.00'a4.40: calves. $3.0txa5 60. Receipts for the week were 26.450 cattle and 4.UUO calves. HOGS Receipts. 1.6t0 head: steady: top $7 80; bulk of sales. $7 607.75; heavy, $7 75rf 7.80; mixed packers, $7.60-87.70: light. fl.Vxit 7.65: yorkers. $7 &5'n7.65; pigs. $7.00i7. $5. Re ceipts tor tne week were 34.000 bead. 8HEEP AND LAMBS No recelnts: mar ket nominal: native lambs $4.6&i.4&; west ern lambs. $4.60)6.00; native wethers. $4.759 4 90; western wetners, u wm i; rei ewes, H 2604 so; Texas clipped sheep. 13 4014.40 stockers and feeders. $2 003.00. Receipts for the weeg were Z4,3uu head. Stock In Sight. The following table ahows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Ave principal margeis iur june zs: Cattle. Hosts. Sheep. South Omaha 178 .64 Chicago IO.O1O 1.500 Kansas City 36 1.5"0 St. Louis SO 1.40 100 ot. Joseph 354) 4.3o0 12 Totals ,.L0tt 24,064 1.(13 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET O&ttlt Market Quiet and Unchanged, with but Few en 8ale. HOG MARKET OPENS SLOW BUT. STEADY Stock Cattle Market Dnll and In changed and Prices "on Sheep Steady at Recent Decline, with .Most on Sale Today. SOUTH OMAHA. June 28. Receipts were; Official Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday... Official Thursday .... Official Friday Official Saturday rattle. Hoes. Sheep. 1,337 6,374 8,6 5 13.1.(6 6.5i4 ... 1.633 lu3 1,449 ... 2,031 IO.iiHj 1,1(,6 l,li .2a 879 .... 178 6,854 Totals this week 8,563 66.270 19.463 Week ending June 21. ...13,349 62,745 15,442 Week ending June 14....W.703 66.584 11. o."? Week ending June 7 13.6V5 71.333 8.014 Week ending May 31 10.143 66.1S6 9,7oJ Same week last year 13,36 42,9e6 9,0 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows tne receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at etoutn Omaha lot year to uute, and comparisons with lust year: 1902. 1901. Inc. Dec. Cattlo 3h3.666 340.197 23,459 Hogs 1.326.MW 1.21L409 llo,3SW Sheep 413,7i8 610,lu 6,32i The following table shows the avctaga price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market the last several days, with com parisons with former years: Date. I 1902. 1901.1800.iai9.lo9S.ll97.11S!6. June 1.., June 2.., June 3... June 4.. June 6... June June 7.., June .. June .., June 10. June 11. June 12., I l 4 88 4 ko I 4 83 4i; 4 94 4 961 02 6 10 a ooi 8 to 1 3 5Sj t 681 3 681 1 6i 8 Ji t 6l 3 M t t 67 2 D4 3 60 4 21 1 40 4 Li 4 33 4 03, 3 36 4 Ivi 3 32i t aii 4 01 I I t 3 0 $ 84 2 80 1 8 2 87 8 6 3 01 e 3 Ot 3 t4 2 93 2 91 3 ( 03 e 2 98 3 10 8 08 3 10 3 02 2 96 e 3 02 3 JG t 00 2 97 2 !I7 2 96 V 07Vi 7 a 1 7 16 I 7 2041 7 164l i 70 6 721 6 70) 6 71 6 76 t(78 6 84 6 91 t M 6 So 1 o 81 6861 6 ta 6 89 14 ( 3 31 t 921 a 2 3 3 3 3; iiti i 24 I t 31 3 71 3 79i 3 291 7 2141 7 264 7 364i t 00 4 121 1 H June 13. 7 364i ' li I 7 234 4 S0 4 86 4 89 H 6 03 6 06 4 94 4 93 5 001 6 13 6 n 5 10 6 03i 6 111 June 14., June lo. June 16. June If., June 18. 3 64 3 ii I "I 3 9U 3 22, 3 62 8 63 e 3 JI 3 lol 8 801 3 211 7 26 June 19. 7 334 8 64 8 71 3 15 1 June 20. 7 414 7 43 ), e 7 49 7 69 7 o74 i 90 8 80 I June 21. June 22. June 23. June 24. June 25. June 26. 6 91 3 3 81 3 15 3 211 3 23 6 89 3 65 3 63 3 62 I 8 72 S 72 5 93 6 99 3 68, 3 26 3 69 3 23 I 8 -6 S 62, I 3 63 3 61 7 614 7 624 7 554 6 S3 2 63 June 27. 6 91 6 87 3 61 3 66, June 28. Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs, un C, M. & St. P. Ry. 8 1 1 o. 6t Si. ii. .y Missouri pacinc ity Union Pacific System C. & N. w. Ry F., E. & M. V. R. R. ....... 2 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry B. & M. R. Ry 1 C, B. & Q Ry 6 4 32 14 16 4 9' 1 95 K. C. ot Bl. J C, R. 1. & P.. east 1 Illinois Central Total receipts 6 The riisnosltlon of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha Packing Co 993 Swift & Company 2,034 Cudahy Packing Co 1,268 Armour s co ,on Cudahy from Kansas City 99 O. 11. Hammond Co 847 Lobman & Co 6 .... Other buyers 6 .... Total 110 6,719 PATTLE Accomnanvlns a marked de crease In receipts this week, there has been a very decided advance in prices 01 iai cattle. Toppy dry lot beeves have not hem verv nlentlful and there has been a steady and vigorous demand right along for stock of this kind, prices advancing fully 25c during the first part of the week. Good fat cows also met witn more savor aim brought better figures, but there has been a very dull and declining market for the half fat and grassy grades. Southern cattle are taking the place of the com moner natives and packers have all been mean bidders on anytning snowing grass. val calves are bOc to $1.00 lower than ten days ago and bulls, stags, etc., are also Belling 26&6uc lower than last week. In Blockers and feeders there has been a de cided slump In the lightweight, low grade stuff, while values huve been reasonably well sustained for anything with quality and weight. A few western range steers have arrived, but they have sola to the feeder buyers as a rule. A train load, biuea direct, witn a ioaa or two of butchers' stock made up today's supply. As Is usual on Saturday, the market was quiet, but nominally un changed from that of the past few days. HOOS The week closes with a limited run, but the total number received shows an Increase over the week preceding and also over the corresponding week a year ago. The receipts for the month have been liberal ana will snow an increase) over June, 1901, of around 35,000 hogs, and at the same time prices this month are about sop. hlirher than a year ago. The week's trade has been quite satisfactory to sellers, values snow sugntiy nigner man Mon day. However, on one or two days trade was on the dragging order. On Tuesday a record for high prices was made for June, when tops Bold up to 27.75. The market today opened slow, but steady, and the bulk of the hogs show up between $7.50 and $7.60, the same as yester day. Sellers were Inclined to price their holdings pretty strong and ocaslonal loads of choice hogs possibly showed up a little better than yesteraay, dui in tne main there was no special change In the trade, and, while the movement was not very brisk at any time, tne nogs aepi setting and a clearance was made In good season, with a stronger tendency apparent toward the close, itepreseniauve saies: No. AT. Bn, Pr. No. At. Eh. Pr. H Ill ... 7 40 60 337 60 7 65 11 1D0 10 t 40 67 IS7 10 1 66 71 1 100 7 46 71 124 130 t 66 61 121 120 1 46 71 218 80 T 66 70 lot 120 t 46 77 317 120 1 65 76 187 80 T 46 8 121 10 7 66 20 1S3 ... t 46 6 ll 80 7 65 61 187 10 7 46 74 2il 80 1 66 $ 300 100 1 46 If 160 7 66 t 223 40 7 46 2 340 80 7 66 76 HI 80 1 45 7 240 120 7 66 81 1 200 7 60 71 241 110 7 65 77 300 ... 7 60 60 330 320 7 66 7 214 ... T 60 314 40 7 674 76 306 180 T 60 7 '...331 10 t 67V 84 304 160 1 60 7. 221 80 7 674 71 313 160 7 60 73 222 120 7 674 It 307 80 7 60 7. 234 80 7 674 71 200 too T 60 69 231 160 1 67 4 3 811 160 7 60 83 235 160 7 67 4 66 118 40 7 60 47. ......T 80 7 60 67 311 80 1 624 62 lilt 120 7 60 78 206 200 t 624 77 230 120 7 60 64 211 300 1 614 l ..!4I 160 7 60 7 303 80 7 62 4 68 ..246 160 1 00 (1 221 120 7 62 4 61 -241 40 7 60 67 210 64) 7 614 65 14' 7 40 77 311 ... 7 624 76 HI 60 7 60 14 Ill 80 7 62 4 70 2JD ... 7 60 12 211 160 7 62 67 261 140 7 0 63 223 80 7 62Sa 66 214 340 7 60 71 210 140 1 66 61 235 40 T 40 76 216 ... 7 66 64 2' ton 7 60 71 Ill 40 7 65 0 143 40 1 62 4 71 331 300 7 66 a 24 130 7 12 74 317 M 7 66 66 2J4 ... 7 16 70 337 130 7 66 41 241 80 1 46 71 323 100 T 66 II 275 160 t 66 tl 240 60 7 66 73 27 40 7 66 44 221 ... 1 66 It 362 Ml 7 66 74 217 ... 7 66 II 263 3W T 65 61 213 80 7 66 64 305 10 7 66 73 311 60 7 66 70 lot ... 7 67 4 1 817 40 1 61 71 166 100 T 17 40 JS1 ... 1 66 67 116 80 7 70 10 321 ... 7 66 66 37 ... 7 10 68 331 130 7 fit SHEEP There haa been little n the sheep market the past week to commend It to shippers. It was anticipated that values would decline, but such a disastrous slump as has occurred was hardly ex pected by sny one. The market this week has declined softOOc, but toward the close was somewhat steadier, the slide being checked Friday, when the trade showed u little more life than It has done In some days. quotations tor clipped stock: Good to chol' wethers, $4.8504.70; rair to good, $4.20 4)4 50; good to choice ewes, $4.00'a4.35; fair to good, $3 6o34.16; good to choice lambs, $4.76 65.50; fair to good, $4.254 60. Wooled stock sells about 25&60c above clipped stock. St. Joseph Lira Stock Market. 8T. JOSEPH, Mo.. June 28. CATTLE Receipts. 350 head; steady. Natives, $5 004? 8 26: cows and heifers, $1.7566 5o: veals, $3.ao fa6.00; stockers snd feeders, $2.tfftS.6o. HOGS Receipts, 4.3UO head; steady. Light and light mixed, $7 424i7.65; medium and heavy, $7.46fg7.8u; pigs. $4 2.'-"i.l&. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 13 head; steady. Top spring lambs, $6.50. St. l.eols Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. June 28. CATTLE Receipts, too head; market steady to strong. Native shipping and export steers, $6.5ik)7 9n. with fancy worth $8 Ou; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.50637.75: steers under l.'rno lbs., $4 !Ma475: stockers and feeders. $i.S5fco .bit; cons and belftrs. $i.2i.0u; cauncrs, tl.TXii 2.8S: bullc, $2.75pS.50; calves, $5 00456 JS; Texas and Indian steers, $2 3M76.2S, with tops worth $6.76; cows and heifers, $2.ft,a' 4.2n. HOOS Receipts. 1.400 heart: market Rc lower. Pigs and lights, $7.1iKi7.40; packers, t7.2..lt7 55; butchers, $7.5vj7.80. 8HEF.P AND LAMBS Keceipts, 100 head; market sternly. Native muttons, $3K,,375: lambs. $4 .t 1 6. 75: culls and bucks, $1.6ofr 4.00; stockers, $1.0i3.0; Texans, $10ihu3.50. fn York Live Stork Harket. NEW TORK, June IS. CATTLE Re ceipts. 460 head; dressed beef, steady; city dressed natives, fVot4c per lb. Cables Inst received iiuotcd American steers at 1341115c iT lb., dressed weight; refrigerator beef, 141120 per lb. Exports today, partly estl mated, 8u2 head of beeves and 6.400 quarters o:' beef. CALVES Receipts, 58 head; 165 head on sale. Cltv dressed venls generally H'olOc. HOGS Receipts, ,139 head; weak. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts. MS head: both sheep Hnd lambs steadv. Sheep sold at H.mo4.25 per loo lbs.; a few to an out sider at $4.50; Ittmhs, $:. 5iij7.no; culls, $5 00; dressed muttons, Slide; dressed lambs, 6i7c. Slonx City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Jane 28. (Special Tele gram ) CATTLE - Receipts. 300 head: steady; beeves, $6.omf)7 45; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.5nr)f..O0; stockers and feeders, $2.75 4)4.25; yearlings and calves, t2.6utw.00. HOOS Receipts, 3.2O0 head; weak, selling at $7.26tf'7.45; bulk. $7.35i!7.40. FOREST FIRES IN CALIFORNIA Flames Are Raging In Toolomne County and Giant Treea Going; Down. STOCKTON, Cal., Juno 29. A special from Sonora, Tuolomne county, to the In dependent says: A serious forest fire Is raging in the mountains of Tuolomne county along the Tuolomne river canyon and traveling fast southeast In the direc tion of the Merced river and the Tuolomne big trees in the vicinity of the Yosemlte road. The flames are four miles wide and are defying all efforts of a large army of Are-fighters. Tho fire started seven miles from Crock er's station on the Yosemlte road and rap Idly swept to the southeast. Soldiers have been sent out from Wamona, on the South ern road to Yosemlte and will reach the line ot fire today. Crocker's station on the Yosemlte road is safe but Holar and Hazel Green are probably doomed and It Is feared that Tuolomne big trees will go In the con flagration. The toll house at Crane's Flat, on the Yosemlte road Is reported destroyed. The brush Is high and dry and the Ore is sweeping along with fearful rapidity. The report here is that a government survey party under J. G. Hooper and D. A. Jones, has a contract to survey all the surveyed townships In the high Sierras of that eectlon, built a signal fire laet night about one mile from Pilot Peak, a promi nent landmark near the summit and later covered it with dirt and returned to camp. A heavy wind arose in the night and scat tered fire over the hillside and gave it headway before the surveyors could reach It. The Are is in a heavily wooded section, and the destruction of valuable timber will be very great. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Saturday, June 28: Warranty Deeds. Margaret A. Burnham to Jacob Ja cobsen, lot 1, block 3, Burnham Place $ 20 O. B. Clork and wife to T. A. Fry, lot 10, block 9, Kountze Place 1,150 United Real Estate and Trust com pany, to A. W. Edmlston, lot 5, block 17, Kountze Place 900 United Real Estate and Trust com pany to Dwlght Williams, lot 10 and w 8 feet lot 9, block 38. Kountze Place $.325 Dennis Galney and wife to J. L. Ku bat, lot 3, block 61, South Omaha.... 2,400 F. F. Curtis and wife to A. P. Aker lund, e4 e4 1-16-9 6,000 G. A. Remington to Mary Tatele, tax lot 22 In 22-16-13 4,000 Provident I,oan and Trust company to Sarah E. Conley, lot 16, block 3, Hanscom Place 6,000 Charles Mugan to Edward Cassldy, lot 8, block 3. Missouri Avenue park and strip adjoining 100 Qolt Claim Deeds. Nebraska National bank to Silas Cobb, 12.8 acres In se4 81-15-13 1,600 E. D Samson, trustee, to E. M. Gar nett, n4 of s4 lot 6, block 6, and va rious other property In Florence.... 1 V. L. Beed to E. M. Garnett, lots 1, 4 and 5, block 69; lots 3, 4, 7 and 8, block 73: lots 1 and 1. block 92, Flor ence 2 E J Sullivan to E. M. Garnett, block 68 and other property In Florence.... 1 John Flanagan and wife to C. W. Haller, und 1-6 of part of ne4 sw4 4-16-13 Deeds. Sheriff to W. R. Miller, lot 41, Rees Place t460 SherlfT to W. R. Miller, lot 43, Rees Place 1.466 Sheriff to W. R. Miller, lot 42, Rees Place 1.850 SherlfT to Nebraska National bank, 42.8 acres In se4 31-15-13 1,300 Oliver Ames et al, trustees, to Robert Houghton, lot 6, block 6, Omaha View 700 p R. E. E. Linton and husband to Kate Remnant, se4 se4 36-16-12; e4 nw4 se4, nw4 ne4 se4, s4 se4 29-15-13, and other property S Kate Remnant to F. F. Linton, same 6 Frank Whltmore et al, referees, to L. P. Larson, s4 sw4 29-16-10 6,200 Frank Thompson, executor, to Mary A. Lyons, lot 38, blocx Omaha View 28 Total amount of transfers $36,130 Cheap Excursions. VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Providence, R. I., and return, $31.65, July 6th, 7tb and 8th. Portland, Me., and return $33.26, July 4th to 8th. Tickets 1402 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. (Colorado The wsy to get tne best ac commodations u via the Great rock Island Route WHY? It is the only direct line to Colorado Springs and Manitou. It is the popular routa to Denver. It has the best Dining Car Service. It has the finest equipment and gives choice of three fast daily trains to Colorado. Rocky Mountain Limited leaves Omaha 6.50 a. m., arrives Den ver 8.45 p. m., Colorado Springs (Man itou) 8.30 p. m. Big 5 leaves Omaha 1.30 p. m., arrives Den ver 7.45 a. m. , Colorado Springs (Man itou) 7.35 a. m., Pueblo 9.10 a. m. Colorado Flyer leaves Omaha 5.20 p. m., arrives Den ver 11.00 a. m., Colorado Springs (Man itou) 10.35 a. m., Pueblo 11.50 a. in. Another inducement to use the Roth Island will be the $15 round trip rate to Colorado effective this summer by that line. Ask for details and free books. "Under the Turquoise Sky' ' gives the most fascinating description of Colorado. "Camping in Colorado" bas full de tails for campers. CITY TICKET orriCE. 1323 Farnam Street. OMAHA. 1 All Evidence of Quality Tltc Drlnklnr of MILWAUKEE dispels all doubt as to tta merit. A proneuno ed Individuality with every good quality. Ths very taste of this teer 1 a conclusive proof of Its merit. BLAT8 MALT VI VINE (Non-Intoxicant) Tonic. Druggists or direct. VAL BUTZ BREWING CO, MJIwioke. OMAHA BRANCH 4Ua Dva.Tlsu St. Tot. IOsU. BAD DIGESTION Imperfect digestion Is more serious snd far-reaching in Its effect than Is generally understood. This state of health Is like an open gate way to dlaesse because germs that may tie in the air we breathe at once seize such an opportunity to sttsck the vital organs. They slowly undermine the strength snd energy, snd a collapse comes usually at a time when a strong healthy body Is most needed. PRIGKLV ASH BITTERS I.v s fine regulating tonic w.Mch filters through the boc'y, cssting out injurious m a . t e r, stimulating the digestion snd nourishing and lUrengthenlng every weakened part. It also puri fies the blood, shsrpena the appetite sud creates energy. In this way it restores the system to perfect order. For Irrtfular bows! mora snanta, ehroste, coatti patios, tWtuleace, balchlof. foul truth, and other troutilca duo to Indlgaatloa or ob struction la tha bow da, Prickly Ath Blllata la s opaady euro, SOLD AT DRUQGISTS, Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ElEQANT TOILET LUXURY, Used 'by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century sat m Hi as W NERVK BCANS qulcr I g " A I Svrvuuinraa.allrt-iiiltauf itf I ass. HTa. failliis manhood, dralna, IVI Ksaf l Married men and men lot ..h Tu.. a h,.: aalunlarillitf r quickly enre luianuMt, loaMca. i Intending to marry auould lakv s b..; aaionlahlng reaulta; mall weak nana ani war power reamrcu. '"": ihcrmau McCooaell. druttiflau, letb sad Dodge alt JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS or OMAHA MACHIHERY AND FOUNDRY. Davis & Cowgili Iron Works. OKXBflAX. REPAIRING A anWTlAI.Tl IRON AND BRASS FOUKCBR. Mi, 1(103 mm lo Jaaaaas sneaa, naanvaw Hen. Tea, SB. . BabrtskVa. Agsnt- I. M. CwM. salt) -RAKE GO. Manufacturers act Jsbbers e4) Steam and Water Supplies Of All Kinds. 114 mm 119 DOfJOf.atS ST. " ELECTRICAL" SUPPLIES. Aeslorn Electrical vv Company Electrical SupplUt, Bstrta Wkrlas Satis ae4 m LagtathaC W. JOiiNatTON. Max. Ills Howard, (. AWNINGS AND TBNTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Co,, Onaks, Web. Manufacturers ol Tents and Canvas Goods. 0a4 for Catalogue Nuaasr tt BLATZ BEER ta Cd mm Pcr Bott,e