TIIK OMAHA DAILY .BEE: MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1002 The omaha Daily Bee . ROSEWATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Pally Bee (without Sunday), On Year. $4. 00 Dally Bee and Sunday, One Year Illustrated lit, one Year J Sunday ilec, one Year baturuay Bee, one Year J-"0 Twentieth Century Farmer, One Year. l.W DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Dally llee (without Sunday), per copy., to Dally Bee (without Sunday), per week. .12c Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week. lie Sunday Bee, per copy o Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week. Wo Evening Bee (Including Sunday), per week lt Complaint! of irregularities In delivery should be addressed to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The llee Building. South Omaha City Hall Building, Twenty-firth and M streets. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street Chicago lttu Unity Building. New York Temple Court. Washington 6ol Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and editorial matter should b addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. BUSINESS LETTERS. Business letters and remittances should be addressed: The Bee Publishing Com pany, Omaha. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps accepted In payment of Diail accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exenange, not accepted. THE LEU PUBLISHING COMPAM X. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Stats of Nebraska. Douglas County, si Oeorge B. Txschuck, secretary of The Be Publishing Company, being duly sworn. says that the actual Dumbtr ot lull and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of May, ISO'J, was a follows; 1 m.ww I I lit,620 4 Xtt.OSO I ao.itho so.auo 7 ao,7o 17 ....ZU.06O ,...2,BUO 18... 18... ,ao SO SU.UOO XI 80,640 U 2T,S(M) 23 U 26 24 .....-. 28 28 ..lt,4TO ..2,(MO ..20,540 ..29,040 ..20,B30 a.. .. 10.. u.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 18.. ...XV.H&O ...2iU,7UO ...2U.4HO ...2.Btf ...UO.USO ...au.oao ...2U.U30 ...liU.BTO 20,600 20.430 SU.OtM) SO. 81 20,010 It 2,B4M Total , .19,688 Less unsold and returned copies.... 10,7& Net total sales ' eoti.NK9 Net dally average 2U,ait GEO. B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to oeiore me tms Slat day of May, A. D. 190L loeat.; m. U, HUNG ATE, Notary Public To Union Taclflc managers and em ployes: Get together. Our summer resort managers should send a few compllmentarles to the weather man. Motto for King Edward's coronation greedy subjects: Don't holler till you are out of the woods. The postponement of the coronation gives an extension of time to the popo- cratlc popguns to shoot at Whltelaw Held. Nebraska's supreme court never knew how many friends it had among the rail road attorneys until it took up the pend ing railroad tax cases. I In 1900 the fusion state convention J -us a three-ring circus. In 1002 it has nly two rings. By 1004 one ting will ufflce for all the performers. ' TC,, iWk uau much more to do with prompting Aguin- aldo and his followers to Join the Amer icans against the Spaniards than did liberty. We would suggest that our Commer cial club excursionists change their name, and instead of calling themselves the "Rain Makers," try their band at sunshine sorcery. That long-winded platform promul gated by the Omaha populists and car lied to Grand Island in the baggage car .was evidently lost in the mazes between the two circus tents. With due respect to his high rank in all capacities, we believe Admiral Dewey will admit that be shines brighter on the flagship bridge than he does on the congressional witness stand. "Little Giant" Thompson baa been try-1 lng to connect with official honors by the fusion route lo these many years, but in vain. Unfortunately for him again, he has selected the wrong year to try for the executive mansion. At the risk of being denounced as Im polite, The Bee reiterates Its opinion that the thirteen points ot discrimina te) n arbitrarily marked up against Omaha by the fire Insurance rate mak ers are not founded on fact and Justice. Careful analysis of the reports filed .with the secretary of state by candi dates seeking nominations to state of fices affords conclusive proof that the amount of money spent bears no stand ard ratio to the number or votes re ceived In convention. Friends of Trust Smasher Smyth charge upon the populist delegation from this county the responsibility for the mlscue of his nomination for gov ernor by the fusion state conventions. If this la the case, then perhaps the nominee', Mr. Thompson, will give them credit for making his nomination possi ble. Its an 111 wind Ex-Governor Stone of Missouri thinks the Indiana democrats made a great mistake in not reaffirming devotion to the Kansas platform ln their recent state -convention and does not hesitate to tell them so. As a Missouri product the Kansas City platform has a hold ou Mr. Stone, bat Us grip does uot reach over Into Indiana. Tou don't see anything in the editorial columns of the World Herald discussing th railroad tax question or refuting the misstatements and fallacious argu ments put la circulation by the tax bureau bunco men. The World-Herald urvi its force exclusively for the denunciation of republican officials and i.Ta it to others to finht out the bat- tka of the people. THE 8ITCATIWT 19 CVBA. The lntfRt ndvlrr-s from Cuba Inrll- cato a condition of affairs there that 1" to le rvgTrttwl. It appear that the In dustrial and commercial condition of the Island are very bad and that there Is really a sjate of affairs that threatens serious trouble In the near future. Per haps all this Is true, but It Is a condi tion that was not unexpected and It does not furnish a reason for the United States doing anything to promote the In dustries of Cuba at any material sacri fice of our own industries. -There is no doubt that this country has a very ma terial Interest In the development of Cuba, yet it Is clearly our duty not to sacrifice any domestic interest in order to upbuild a similar Interest In Cuba or elsewhere. The American principle of protecting home Industries Is still to be sl0UXi ,n northwestern Nebraska, in re ndhered to, even when the case of so gard to the disposal of the public domain. Intimate a country as that of Cuba Is to be considered. It Is said that the Cuban government will seek to outer into closer trade re lations with foreign powers, particu larly with England, Germany and France. We do not think there is any serious danger in this direction, for the obvious reason that Cuba lias noth ing to gain through such arrangements. Her whole dependence, in a commercial way, must be upon the American mar ket and she will not seek any other. There Is no possibility for Cuban de velopment except through her commer cial relations with the United States. Consequently there must ultimately be the establishment between this country and the Cuban republic a commercial understanding with reciprocity as its basis. ADMIRAL. DEWEY'S STATEMENT. The evidence given by Admiral Dewey before the' senate Philippine committee disposes conclusively of cer tain charges that hare been made In regard to the relations of our military forces with the Filipinos at the time of the naval operations at Manila. It has been repeatedly asserted that at that time the Filipinos were regarded and recognized as the . allies of the Americans and that Agulnaldo was treated as an ally by Admiral Dewey. The testimony of the admiral shows that there is absolutely no ground for such an assertion. While he did have dealings with Agulnaldo, as a matter of expediency, these were not of a na' ture that in the slightest degree com mitted the United States to any recog nltion of the demands of the Filipinos, or gave them any right to expect from this government concessions of any na ture. As Admiral Dewey stated, be hod no authority to offer anything to the Filipinos and his declaration that he made no promises to them will not be questioned by anyone who has a proper estimate of the character of Dewey. v But equally Important Is the fact dls closed by this testimony that Agulnaldo had never shown himself worthy of confidence. According to Admiral Dewey the Filipino leader, of whom we have heard so much as a eecoud Washington, was simply an adventurer, without a single honest or manly quali fication. In a word tho opinion of Ad' mlral Dewey Is and we presume every body will concede that his Judgment is worthy of respectful consideration that all the pretension of Agulnaldo and his followers was absolutely false and that their whole course was with reference to making what they could In a liuanclul way. The American people should read and study tho testimony of Admiral Dewey with Intense Interest. It throws a light upon the whole Philippine question that is of the greatest value. One of the things that it shows absolutely is that the policy of the government in the Philippines has been the only policy that could be honorably pursued by of fleers conversant with these Inside facts facta which until now were not within the reach of the public. A SCHlULS SITUATION. I The relations between the Union Ta- cine and the employes in Its machine and reualr shops have now become so strained that they present a serious sit- nation. Without aolne into the merits of the controversy, or the relutlve force of the conflicting demands of the railway man agers and the working men, we certainly voice the sentiment of the entire com munity when we express the hope that the threatened general strike may be averted and' the men laid off restored without delay to Bteady employment. The effects of a strike, or lockout. stopping work In the car shops here and at other points along the Hue of the Union raclflc, could uot fall to be detri mental not only to those Immediately concerned, but also to all the business Interests of this city and section. In view of the certain consequences and the widespread Influence their ac tion must exert, the general public has a right to demand a more conciliatory gplr1t ln the negotiations that are pend- ing between the representatives of the railroad and the working men's unions. HIGHER AZsLSSMEM-LOtrEH KATE. The work of the county commission ers as a board of assessment and equal ization has progressed far enough to in sure a material increase in the grand assessment roll of the county. This in crease has been brought about by in cluding the valuations of corporate fran chises which had previously escaped assessment for taxation by misinterpre tation of the revenue laws as now cited by the supreme court aud by raising admittedly Inadequate valuations of commercial and industrial institutions favored by over-lenient assessors. When the grand total is added Up, the next thing will be to reduce the county tax rata at least proportionate to the Increase in the grand assessment In all the campaign for tax reform the ulti mate object must be kept in view, namely, the reduction of the tax rate as well as the equalization of the tax burdeus between different class of taxable property. Th out of the county board to acala down the tax rate Is no less Imperative than its duty to equalize the assessment roll In a fair and Impartial manner. THE NEAT lit THE CVCOAXCT. A public document Just Issued from the government printing press purport ing to give the information and opinions brought out by hearings on the land lesse bills before the hotise committee on public lands throws considerable new light on the influences that have been brought to bear to promote this legisla tion. The most pointed example is found in a couple of letters from two Nebraska stockmen Included nmong ap pended exhibits. The first reads: MARS LAND, Neb., May 1$. 1902 Hon. John F. Lace, Washington, D. C Sir: I take the privilege of addressing you on the all-ahsnrhlnr nnefttlnn nf this rnnntv. Why couldl not the control of these lands be given to the different states like the school landsT It seems to me they could manage It cheaper and to the advantage ot the public, knowing the wants of the different states. These are personal thoughts suggested by personal observa tion. Yours. D. D. MILLER. The other letter written ten days later from the same town, is as follows: MARS LAND, Neb., May 22, 1902. Hon. John F. Lacey, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: 1 have read the land-leasing bills you Bent D. D. Miller and think it all right and will, protect the homesteader and the small landholder. The big ones will pro tect themselves. It will be a great bless ing to the small stock owners of this part of Nebraska. I sincerely hone your bin wln pttBS an(j pagB at once. for if all fences have to come down off the gov- ernment land by July 1: 1902, It will cause lots of hardships and loss to the small cattlemen along with the big cattlemen, as It will cause so much of the stock to be rushed to market this fall that cannot be wintered on the open range. So I sin cerely hops you will use all your Influence with our president and the Interior depart ment to let the fences remain upon gov ernment land for six months or until we get a lease bill. D. D. Miller is my father-in-law. Yours very truly, JOHN L. KAY. These two letters seem to open up the meat of the cocoanut It is not so much a question of getting a land-lease bill through as persuading the government to rescind the order for the fences to come down. If the secretary of the in terior had not shown a determination to have the illegal fences removed the agi tation for the land-lease bill would never have begun. The fight for more equitable tax as sessments before the local assessing boards is only part of the campaign for tax reform. The rank injustice inflicted upon our taxpayers by the outrageous valuations placed upon railroad prop erty by the state board of assessment Is a crying evil that must be righted. Every step we make in the direction of more Just assessments of local property gives still further advantage to the rail road tax shirkers and makes the scanda lous undervaluations of railroad prop erty stand out In more striking contrast. The campaign for tax reform cannot stop until the railroads are forced to pay taxes on the same basis as other property. Aa was to have been expected, the Lin coln Journal rushes to the support of the corporation hirelings who are try ing to make the people believe that the railroads of Nebraska instead of being under-valued for taxation are really overtaxed and unjustly weighted with excessive tax burdens. No issue as be tween the railroads and the people was ever drawn that that organ was not found prostituting its columns to the de fense of corporate oppression. To apolO' glze for railroad abuses Is second nature to the Journal Just as is its Inherent disposition to stand up for crooks and rascals in public office without regard to their affiliations. As a friend of the court, John N. Bald win of Iowa comes to Nebraska to ad vise our supreme Judges how far they may go in the railroad tax cases brought to compel the railroads to pay taxes -1 I M 1. I .. n 1 .. n T t m uf"" Baldwin in behalf ot his railway em- ployers succeeds In bringing the Ne braska supreme court to his way of thinking he will return to Iowa and cite I the Nebraska case as proor wny lowa railroads should be permitted to con- tlnue to evade their taxes in that state. Shuttlecock ana Daiueaore is a lavorue pastime of the tax bureau. Countv Treasurer Elsasser has brought out two belated monthly ex hlbits of the county finances. Careful inspection, however, falls to disclose that the county has profited one cent by interest on the deposit balances kept in the banks. Again we ask the question, Why should the taxpayers get 2 per cent ou city money, but nothing on county money deposited in the same banks? Ex-Senator Allen gracefully takes it all back. A week ago he was Insisting that Bryan was the only democrat who could command the full support of Ne braska populists. Today he Is trying to make hlul8eif believe that Thompson will run better than Bryan would have run. Good Advice. Philadelphia Ledger. Go west, i ung man; Kansas and Ne braska have a farm laborer famine. - Climatic Versatility. Washington Post. There la no limit to the possibilities of a country mat can nave inuwiwruii June and sunstrokes in January. ln A Temporary Annoyance. ' Philadelphia Record. The Nebraska volcano has erupted with no further effect than a disagreeable but transitory odor in the public olfactories. Fin Cant la Sight. Chicago News. Attorney General Knox has bad sufficient rest after his hlstorlo rout of the Beef Vust to don his warpaint and take the trail ot the Anthracite Coal trust. Jays of ltnni Jaakets. Chicago Chronicle. The summer cruise rt senate and house committees among the islands of our celea tal possessions ought te be equal to half a dosea congressional funerals In alco- aslia sosslbUUle. The aerfeaat-rms accompanying the expedition will do welt to lay In a supply of the Keeley remedies as well as a few straight Jacket for emergencies. A Political Possibility Washington Post. If there la anything in nomenclature in vote-getting, the Hon. John II. Mickey ought to make heavy inroads in the ranks of the Nebraska fuslonlsts. Relaa (herki la Order. Boston Transcript. Those Americans, who have made such elaborate preparations for the coronation, ought to receive rain checks, at least, now that the affair is indefinitely postponed. Kicking; Against Progress. New York Mall and Express. Joseph O. Cannon of Illinois Is not a suave and pleasing person, but when he speaks he says things. The whole condition of the affairs of the nation in the hands of the two big parties is summed up In this phrase flung by him Into the faces of the democrats In congress: "We pull the wagon and we do the work and you find the fault." Vain Hope of the Aged. Baltimore American. When the notoeless Fourth of July Is an accomplished fact then will the patriotic mong men rejoice to see the dawning of out national birthday. Now, with Its smoke, Its noises, its glare and its Infant Harri ers, It makes us rejoice with shuddering gratitude that it; comes but once a year. good way to diminish the din would be to allow only those to participate in it who could tell what It is really all about. Inconsistency of Bryan. Portland Oregonlan. Bryan comes back from Cuba with the conviction that self-government will be a failure there. He hasn't brains enough to see that this completely overthrows his con tention for the Philippines, and If he had the brains he hasn't the moral backbone to admit it. The republicans have granted Cuba self-government, hence It Is a failure. They have not granted the Philippines self government, therefore It Is the thing to do. One of the greatest men that ever lived," Is this Bryan. Jim Raley or Pat Powers will swear it on a stack of bibles. Harking Daclr to Steam. Buffalo Express. Electricity as a motive power for high speed has been abandoned by the Prussian railroad administration in favor of steam. It has been found that in order to main tain a safety minimum at eighty-one miles an hour, the whole German system ot track age and rolling stock would have to be hanged. The decision of the Prussian gov ernment is especially Interesting in view of the recent combination of the Whltney- Wldener-Elklns Interests and Ganz Sc. Co. of Buda-Pesth, which Is thought to mean that an "effort will be made to introduce electricity on American railroads. COXCLlSIVia TESTIMOSV. Admiral Dewey's Contribution to War History. Kansas City Star. Admiral Dewey made a valuable contri bution to history in his testimony before the senate committee. His chief point was that the United States had never recognized" Agulnaldo s government and was under no obligation to the Filipinos ln the capture of Manila. The admiral's statement of facta is so expllslt as to leave no room to question their accuracy or Import. Before he - sailed: for Manila Dewey at tached no importance to the doings of the Filipinos and consequently gave them little attention. He w.a( busy getting ready to fight and Agulnaldo pestered him with sug gestions. In fact, the fleet sailed a trifle earlier than it otherwise would In order to escape bother , from the "little brown men." His first intimation that Airulnaldo Intended to set up a government was In proclamation sent him July 15. The ad miral did not take it seriously and never thought of recognizing the so-called repub lic That the Filipinos were not needed In the capture of Manila Is shown from the governor's offer to surrender it to the fleet alone and from his subsequent proposal to give it up after a sham battle "to save his honor." Whatever hallucinations Agulnaldo may have had and with his inordinate self-as surance they may have been plentiful It is certain that Admiral Dewey, represent lng the American government, was under no obligations to him and did not recog nize his republic. So many attempts have been made to make campaign material out of the supposed perfidy of the Washington administration that it Is well to have the facts ln the case widely known. BRYAMSM IX NEBRASKA. New York World (dem.) : Nebraska dem ocrats and populists reaffirmed Bryan's old Kansas City platform recently and nom inated Bryan but Bryan refused to run on it. This looks like a lucid interval. Chicago Record-Herald (rep.): Mlnne so to and Nebraska democrats have chat lenged their brethren of Illinois and In diana by indorsing the Kansas City plat form. This should be gratifying to Mr. Bryan, but he was not gratified with the idea of being a candidate for governor ot Nebraska, and his nomination by the popu lists, which was practically withdrawn at his request, will hardly commend him to the eastern division of his party. Springfield (Mass.) Republican (ind.) The honors of the democratic and populist state conventions of Nebraska were nar rowly escaped by Mr. Bryan, who fought off the fusion nomination for governor only by strenuous efforts.' The populists love him more than ever what are left of them. It was a narrow escape, for the tide that has been running against the fuslonlsts the last two years Is likely to keep on running ln ths coming campaign. Philadelphia Press trap.): The Nebraska democracy represents accurately that ele ment ln the democratic party which ad vocates and believes la the creed which has come to be known as Bryanlsm. But there is probably not a state west of the eastern boundary of Nebraska tn which Bryanlsm Is not as popular. The same may be said ot most of the southern states The democrats In these states, or a ma jority of them, at least, do not care for the principles Grover Cleveland repre sents. They do cats a great deal for the principles William J. Bryan stands for. And tbey would rather go into another national campaign with him as ths stand ard-bearer and submit to another defeat than to have Grover Cleveland, or any candidate he mljht pick out, lead them to victory. Chicago Chronicle (dem.): The country is called upon once more to witness the Immoral and degrading bargainings be tween the so-called democrats of Kansas and Nebraska and ths populists. From the beginning ot thene trades until the presen time the rule fallowed without variation has been the complete surrender by dem ocrats of their principles and the adoption without modification of the ideas 'of ths populists. For tie bare chance, therefore of electing a few democrats to state offices the party managurs ln these states 'have abandoned their own principles and prac tlrallv disrupted their organisation. 8o demoralising have been these practices is probable that in a contest between ds mocraey, republicanism and populism ln either of the states named the democrats would Bot PU 10 vt' cent fcJ us. vole. Railway Franchise Values Nebraska Independent. From the report of the Union Paclflo a reasonable deduction for depreciation of Railroad company, filed with the auditor of public accounts, it may be seen that the earnings of that company la Nebraska for the year ending December 31, 1901, were as follows: ( Jross earnings s,fiss,nK5.M Operating expenses 4.776,797.47 Net earnings $4,807,288.27 The gross earnings were made up as fol- low sseenger traffic relght traffic .. $i.7m.77n.08 S.8MJi73.M Other sources ... ft2-4'-68 Total M 9.WtS,0.84 The operating expenses include taxes paid in Nebraska a matter of bookkeeping hat Is radically wrong. Taxes are prop- rly Included along with Interest on bonds nd similar "fixed charges." The report ln question gives the Vnlon Paclflo mileage ln Nebraska at 1,020.44 miles, but does not Indicate whether this Includes leased lines or not. The mileage assessed by the state board amounts to only 947.66 miles Union Pacific, 467.88; Kearney ft Black Hills, 65.74, and Omaha the net earnings to arrive at a fair con ft Republican Valley, 414.44. Whether the elusion as to the road's value as a "unit." additional 72.88 miles is meant to cover the Vnlon Pacific's outlet to Sioux City, la Norfolk, Is not shown. At any rate, on the basis of 1,020.44 miles of line in Ne braska, the Vnlon Paclflo earnings were, per mile of line: Gross 9,3!1.13 Net .. 4,711.00 According to this report the stocks out standing tcr the entire Vnlon Paclflo sys tem (not Including other Harrlmaa roads) was: Preferred stork imsMIM Common stock 104!o45.IM During the year named there was naid ln Interest on bonds and dividends on stock the following sums: Interest on debt $ MK2.lf3.S2 ner cent on preferred stock.... 8.9M.O1S.O0 per cent on common Total itock. 4,161,6S6.00 .,Uir,,OOI.O ii cm ce m What about those "extra corporate fran- chlses" that the state board felt powerless v vuiou racinc per cent Donas sell at 106 and 107; 4 per cent common stocK sens at 107 ana 108. Accordingly an investment that pays 4 per cent in net re- turns is worth par at least, after making REPUBLICAN STATES TICKET. Plalnview Republican: Who Is MIckeyT He Is not an old rlngster at any rate. He is an old soldier who wore the blue when there was fighting to do. He Is not an of fice seeker, but when be ran up against a nomination he did not retreat. Yes, he will be elected by a majority of 25,000. Valentine Republican: People generally and republicans particularly in this part of the state are well satisfied with the re publican state ticket nominated at Lincoln last week. It is a ticket made up of honest, clean men, inspiring confidence and en thusiasm that bespeaks success at the polls this fall. Mlnden Gazette: The republicans at their state convention nominated J. H. Mickey of Osceola for governor, E. G. McGllton of Omaha for lieutenant governor, Peter Mor- tensen of Ord for state treasurer and re nominated the balance of the present state officers. The ticket la considered an ex ceptionally strong one and its election by an unusually big majority is predicted. Wausa Gazette: Fusion papers are at loss for anything to say against Mr. Mickey, the republican nominee for governor. and as usual when in want of any plauBlbls charge they set up the old howl of "rail road candidate." A man who attended the convention and knows what efforts the railroad politicians exerted to prevent the nomination of Mr. Mickey can not but laugh outright at such silly twaddle. Crete Vldette-Herald: Mickey is an old soldier. He was also one of Nebraska's pioneers. He took a homestead in Polk county In 1868. He was elected for five consecutive terms as county treasurer and In 1881 was a member of the legislature. He is now a banker, farmer and stock ra'ser. Mr. Mickey was nominated by the people and the people will elect him and he will faithfully serve the people. Holdrege Citizen: The- republicans have reason to be proud of the ticket they have up this year and they should not miss aa opportunity to say a good word for It. The state ticket is headed by John H. Mickey, who is an old soldier and a pioneer. On the congressional ticket there is Judge Nor- rls, who has such a record as a judge on the bench in the western part ot the state. The rest of the ticket is in keeping with these two men and should receive the sup port of those who want men tn places of honor and trust who can be trusted to do something. Bradshaw Republican: There has never been a time, that we can now call to mind, when the entire republican press, from all quarters of the state, were so jubilant and enthusiastic in their support of a state ticket as they are at this time, snd when the republican press lays off Its coat and rolls up its trousers and its sleeves to strike In unison, success is assured. The party in its conventions heeded the advice of the press and swung clear of the bosses, which leaves the political field clean and clear for the press, and republican success Is already doubly sure. Falls City Journal: If the republican party ever "pointed with pride" It la Justi fied ln so doing when it considers the new state ticket and the one that it will ask the people to support at the polls next fall. The strength of this ticket lies In the personality of the candidates. This ticket is not characterized by the ear marks ot machine politics. It was not made to suit any particular ring. It is a ticket made up of good men and as such is entitled and will have the support of all that class of people who have the best in terests ot the state at heart- David City Record: It Is conceded gen erally that the state oonventlon nominated an excellent ticket. Hon. John H. Mickey ot Osceola is a man highly esteemed and worthy ot the support ot all republicans, and we believe he will make a good gov ernor If elected. Mr. Mortensen is repre sented as a man well qualified for the Im portant trust of state treasurer, and the renomlnatlon ot the remainder of the state officers was a recognition of services well performed in their respective positions the past term. Mr. McGllton la vouched for as a clean man for lieutenant governor, and qualified to dlachaige the duties of chief state executive should he be called on to perform these duties. The platform Is clear, decisive aud strong, meeting all the Issues and the requirements of the political situa tion. Alma Journal: One could not attend the convection at Lincoln and sot be convinced that the clean patriotism of Lincoln, Grant. Garfield and McKlnley was para mount In the hearts of Nebraska republi cans. It was a convention ot the people. It was a convention of 1,081 delegates and nearly every one of them were there. They came on railroad tickets bought and paid for. They paid their own expenses. They attended strictly to their business at the convention. The selected the men for pos ition not dominated by ring politicians They adopted a- platform ot good sound sense, commended President McKlnley for his position upon Cubaa reciprocity. It was property and necessary repairs. The Ne- braska portion of the Union Paclflo paid I4.807.2SS. 17 of net Income last year; that "capltallted" at 4 per cent would make the value of the Union Pacific In Nebraska the sura of $120,182,210. It was assessed at $6,128,084. or the veriest trifle over 5 per cent (one-twentieth) of the road's actual value, based on Its net earnings. Assuming that the board assessed railroad property at one-seventh of Its actual value, then the tanaibla nrooertv of the Vnlon Pacific la worth about I42,8MI,8, or I45.4S2 per mile of Use. The road ought to be duplicated for that figure. - Bur what about the franchise? Well, this would appear: Value of road as a "unit" IISU.JIO Value of tangible property 4Z.ro6.&ss Value of franchise f 77,2S5,K3 Now It Is plain that the board did not assess the Vnlon pacific on its franchise. whether "extra corporate" or whatever you may call It. But It Isn't necessary to rely wholly upon As was shown last week, the selling value of Vnlon Pacific stocks and bonds in the New York and London markets on the 3d day Of June was the sura of 1410,044,222. These covered 3,033 miles of line making each mile worth $135,190. Accordingly, the 947.56 miles ln Nebraska would be worth $127,090,686 or about $7,000,000 more 'than our "capitalisation" ot net earnings. The one valuation of the Nebraska portion of the Vnlon Pacific Is arrived at arbitrarily by assuming 4 per cent to be enough for net earnings; the latter one Is the Judg ment of thoussnds of men who buy and el1 railroad stocks and bonds on the mar J Of course the Nebraska net earnings were really more than the report shows, for who .., .. ' "r e" " caning uxes operating ex- penses?" But whatever way you deter mine the value of the Vnlon Pacific's hold- I V.1 I T-1 t. ' " Fi " fiuu 11 nilMI tn 1 1, iiruillKIl, yDU Will u t tn nihWhwwt tfnnnnnno And don't forget that it pays taxes on a trifle over $6,000,000 on about $6,467 valua- tlon for each mile of line ln Nebraska 0n ths average. Just keep this In mind: Assessed Valne per mile f,4T Net earning: per mile 4,Tlt a clean convention, full of hope, full ot promise, full of enthusiasm, and when the ringing hits of the speech of Norrls Brown rang throughout the hall the republican delegates whooped her up in a manner that presages victory In republican Ne braska In hls good year of 1902. Pender Republican: The result of the republican state convention last week grows more and more In favor with the people as they calmly review the outcome of that gathering of republicans. It Is con ceded to be a particularly strong ticket without a taint or blemish on it any where. The republicans of the state were nevef more harmonious than at present and are enthusiastic from one end of the state to the other, a condition that ensures certain vlotory. This Is la striking con trast with the fuslonlsts, who had a long fight before agreeing on a leader at the state convention last week, both the dem ocrata and populists nominating a candi date In their separate conventions, each of whom had to be pulled down before agree ing on a man to lead the forlorn hone, and that man being a democrat whom the pops never did like and will reluctantly sup port. PIPIKQ TIMES OF HARMONY. Baltimore American: But Mr. Bryan falls to recognise the beauty of the thought that Hill and Cleveland are harmonized. Indianapolis News: If there are any more efforts on the part of the democratic party to promote harmony, there will be a fight worth going m'les to see. Chicago Post: According to Bryan, Cleve ana is not oniy an ex-prestaent, but a former democrat. Now will some one pleaBe classify the ex-perpetual presidential can dldate and former popocrat? Philadelphia Record: In his jealousy William J. Bryan seems unwilling to let any 'one share with him as a smasher ot the democratic organization and as an ar chitect of democratic defeat. Washington Post: Without regard to what has happened In the past, Mr. Cleve land had done much more for the demo cratlc party than Mr. Bryan has offered to do. Mr. Cleveland has retired from poll tics. Cincinnati Enquirer: Colonel Watterson says the democracy stands between the country and a gaping abyss. Let it stand firm and be ready to resist a desperate shock. The shrewd republicans are already trying to pick out the democrat who will be appointed to resist the pressure toward the precipice. Louisville Courier-Journal: Touch old Grover up. Billy, as much as you please but go gently with the other fellows. Give yourself a wider latitude. Do not be so reminiscent. Bread, for God's sake; some butter on it, for Christ's sake; but, so it be bread, we can afford not to be too par ticular about the brand ot flour, or even. barring old Grover, about the bakerl PERSONAL NOTES. It is a good rule that works both ways. The barbed wire that once fenced out the Boers is now to be used to fence them ln. Uncle Russell Sage says he does not know bow to rest. Msny of those who have had dealings with him feel the same way, too. Commander Walnwrlght has asked to be relieved as superintendent ot the Naval academy and desires sea duty. It Is possi ble be will be given a battleship. Count Bonl de Castellsne Is In trouble again. Hta election to the Deputlea Is In controversy and he wilt' have to fight every man who voted against him. Should Sir .Michael Hicks-Beach remain In his present office for another four years. and thus bring his tale of budgets up to eleven, he will have equaled Mr. Glad stone's record and surpassed that of any other English chancellor of the exchequer during the last 100 years. Andrew Carnegie wants no backyard neighbors overlooking the ground of bis new mansion in Ninety-second street, New York. Therefore be has purchased a flat building la the rear and the tenants will have to move when the multi-millionaire begins the erection of his home. Ia spite of the opposition of his famous mother, Maurice Bernhardt has applied to the state council or Parte for permission to change bis name to Maurice Clalrln. This is ln order to conform to the usage which requires that children should besr ths name of their father, not tbelr mother. Archbishop Ryan and Bishop Qlennon were ia attendance at a diurch Jubilee ln St. Louis on one occasion. The archbishop la ot portly build, while the bishop Is a slight ma a of rather ascetic appearance. As tbey stood together chatting with some friends the archbishop said, wire a com fortable look at his own generous propor tlons: "In one rass I think It may be said that the difference betwaea a bishop sad aa archbishop lies ia the arch." BITS OF WASHINGTON LIFE. Minor Scenes and Incidents Sketched on the Spot. Ths vicissitudes of life at the national capital are strangely Illustrated ln the ca reer ot Hallet Kllbourne, whose mental condition necessitated his confinement In the Government Hospital for the Insane a few days ago. For years back his nam was rarely aeen In public prints, yet a score of years ago he was a power in the affairs of the district and was the master mind of the notorious real estate ring ot Washington, His chief claim to notoriety rests on the fact that he compelled Uncle Sam to pay him $500 a day for enjoying his society exclusively for six weeks. A committee of the house of representatives, while Investigating the deals of the real estate ring, summoned Kllbourne as a wit ness and demanded certain Information contained ln the private books of his firm. He refused to furnish It, and by a vote ot the house he was arrested by the sergeant-at-arms, John G. Thompson, and locked up for contempt. Kllbourne carried his case to the courts, which decided that he was ctesrly within his rights ln refusing to answer the ques tions put to blm. His release occurred about forty days after his arrest. Suit for damages was entered by Kllbourne and after tour trials the case was com promised by congress paying him $20,000. The night sessions of the house, says the Washington Post, are a strata upon those eloquent orators who love to wander unfettered In the flowery paths ot unob structed speaking. While latitude of de bate Is tolerated by day, as soon as the shadows of evening fall, speeches political must adhere to the Philippine text, else a warning is administered by the presiding officer. Mr. Cochran of Missouri learned as much recently when he tried to raise a point of order on Mr. Bromwell of Ohio, who was delivering a political speech and reading editorials from democratic newspapers la the Buckeye state. Mr. Capron ot Rhode Island, one ot the wits ot the house, wss ln the chair and promptly overruled the point. "Why Is the rule governing debate in the daytime different from the rule governing debate at night?" pleaded Mr. Cochran. "Because the gentlemen are liable to get more light on the subject in the dsytlmt than at night," responded Mr. Bromwell philosophically, thereupon proceeding with his own Instructive speech. Representative Dalzell was sitting gloom ily in a corner of the ways and means com mittee room, reports a New York World letter. "What's the matter, John?" asked Rep resentative McClellan. "You look as though you were ln much distress." "I am," replied Dalzell. "I have got to make a speech on this Philippine civil gov ernment bill aud I am as nervous as a cat. I always have stage fright before I make a speech." "And that reminds me," he continued. "Years ago President McKlnley and I were waiting at a hotel to be driven to a hall where we were both announced to speak. Mr. McKlnley sat calmly smoking his cigar, while I was pacing up and down Just as I am now. " 'Major, I said, 'don't you ever get nervous before speaking 7 You are as cool as a cucumber, and I "m as nervous as the valedictorian of a young ladles' seminary. ' " 'My dear Dalzell, he replied, 'the dif ference between us is this: You have got your' speech ln your head and I have got mine ln my pocket.' " The most striking view to be obtained ot the exterior of the capltol building, says the Washington Star, is on a clear night under a cold, wind-swept sky. Standing ln the plaza to the east of the building, with the great white structure ln chill outline against the dark background, Its noble pro portions seem more appreciable. The au stere straight lines of the main building blend Into the graceful curves of the dome that with a mighty sweep leap upward, up ward, SB If essaying to touch the keystone of the star-spangled vault overhead. Dark, silent, brooding, the majestlo pile domi nates the scene. From the terrace on the opposite side an other striking picture Is obtained. The eye sweeps out Pennsylvania avenue for a mile, over the bed of asphalt that shimmers like the surface of water beneath the twin rows of arc lights and the gaze fetches up against the columns of the treasury's south portico, diminished ln the perspective, but yet stately. Southward of the thoroughfare ties a dark forest, the mall, studded with points of light where the arc lamps show through the trees. A shadowy outline on the west era sky is the Washington monument, a ghost of a monument by night. Beyond that still a twinkling line' of pin-point lights mark the cavalry camp at ' Fort Myer, where the army keeps watch and ward over the capital. TART AND TICKLISH. ' Chicago Tribune: Cholly I'm going to spend my vacation on the broad plains of the west. I want to give my mind a chajica to expand. Birdie Going to have something done to your head? Detroit Free Frees: "Your son will be a comfort to you In your old age," remarked the visitor. "If that boy turna out as he promises, said the father. "I won't have any old age." Washington Star: "Will you dlM-uss the money question In your coming campaign?'" "Of course," salil Senator Hortshum: "but ln the same private, heart-to-heart manner as usual." Chicago Tribune: Doctor You are all run down. You ought to quit business entirely. Patient If I've run down I suppose I'll have to wind up. Cleveland Plain Dealer: "I notice that somebody says that the pigskin has taken the place of the sheejisklu for college diplomas." "That ought to suit the rooters." Chicago Pout: "Do you bellere there Is really any danger In klxslng?' be asked during an lntermli-slon In the exercliies. "There may be," she answered, "If pspa sees you." Philadelphia Prens". Miss Hoamly (coyly) I dreamed last nlht that lie caught me ln a dark hall and kissed me. What would you say that was a sign of? Mis Sharpe W.11 I should say that would prove at least that the hall really was dark. Puck: Smith Brown Is the laziest man on record. Jones How so? Smith When his wife asks him to water her flower bed he throws a bucket of water on his Newfoundland dog and then ns him stand In the middle of the flower bed and shake himself. ( Detroit Free Press: Physician Msdsm, your husband Is suffering from overwork. Mrs. W. And will hr have to give up his place under the government? Physician What's that Is he a govern invnt official? Mrs. W. Yes, sir. Physician Mm; I'll diagnose his ease again. He probably needs exercise of soma k TO A UIHL (iHADCATE. By Frank H. Sweet in ths Independent. Whither away? What road, my friend? Ii has full many a turn The flis-ht of Hie eagle Is without end, - but the wood-lhruih seeks the burn. Over the sea the white sails fly. The herons wsnder far, The song lark soar in the asure sky. And the petrels cross the bar. Whither away? What road, my friend) The rover U full of fire. But the peaceful vale where the wlUews bend Is the nightingale's dealt e.