Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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from the official of the road in their con
ference last week and that there Is still
considerable dissatisfaction among them.
To a reporter for The Bee a car builder,
m member of the committee which met with
the officials durlo4 Ova days of last week,
fead this to say:
"We are entirely satisfied and there Is
no likelihood of our striking. We have
nothing to strike for and our Interests sre
not so closely allied to those of the boiler
makers or machinists as to make It neces
sary for us to co-operate with them. We
effected a very satisfactory agreement with
the officials of the I'nlon Pacific and left
Mr. McKeen's office, where the conferences
were held, absolutely satisfied. We were
accorded the utmost courtesy and consid
eration by Mr. McKeen, superintendent of
motive power, with whom most of our deal
ings were had. Before we left his office
each member of our committee assured him
personally that we were delighted with hit
treatment of us and well pleased with the
ultimatum of the company which he repre
sented." tnaatraou Strike Sentiment.
Both the machinists and boilermakers
held meeting yesterday. Nothing wae
arlven out after the meetings except that
the strike sentiment waa unanimous and the
men were determined to enter the fight to
President James O'Connell, the machin
ists' International leader, 1 expected In
Omaha next week, unlets the strike Is set
tled before that time.
An official of the Union Pacific Sunday
aald that he did not look for the shopmen
Jn the smaller places over the system to
Join the striker.. He conceded that all
'would go out from the three largest shops
on the line, Omaha, Cheyenne and Arm
strong, but that owing to thenature of
their surroundings the men In the smaller
places would remain at work.
"You see," he said, "these men In the
Smaller places, most of them, have their
own homes and they know that it they
4)ult work they are out for good in that
town and would have to go somewhere
else In order to get employment. They are
not likely to sacrifice their property in
any such way. Furthermore, they are get
ting good wages and have no occasion to
strike. For that matter, as I have aald
before, all our men are the best paid of
any In the country and there 1 really no
feause for their striking."
Kecessarr Work Goes On.
The official asserted that t'ao company
has enough men in every Bbop on Its sys
tem at present to carry on all necessary
work except In the Omaha shop. He also
stated that engine failure have not been
erlously Increased by t'ae Idleness of the
boilermakers and machinists thus far and
that trains are runnUg on schedule time
fcnd no trouble whatever is yet had with
The company 1a making no plans as yet,
bu,t lmply awaiting developments to see
what number of their employes go out.
The officials emphatically deny the report
that they have taken steps to engage men
from Chicago or other places to fill the
places of strikers. What action will be
taken they decline to say.
The strifes benefits of the machinists be
come effective this morning. The boiler
tnakers have been receiving benefits for a
(Continued from First Page.)
important financial measure which has
been brought before congress. After con
siderable public ' discussion and several
conferences by members of the house, it
has, gone over for consideration next De
oa'jiber. ' Another financial measure, known as the
-mil bill, providing tor the coinage of
subsidiary silver and for the retirement
at the present standard silver dollar, has
passed the house, but has not been acted
' upon In the senate.
Other Natable Measures.
Among the other Important measures
it general legislation which have not been
been enumerated are as follows: To pre
vent the sale of firearms, opium and it
'oxlcatlng liquors to the natives of cer
tala of the Pacific Islands; to promote
the efficiency of the revenue cutter serw
ce, and to provide for the retirement ot
ft officer; to refund the duties paid tn
Porto Rico on articles Imported from the
United States during the military occupa
.. tton; appropriating $200,000 for trie relief
jt the volcano sufferers at Martinique; at
thorliing the erection ot Y. M. C. A. bulla
ngn on Vnlted States military reservt
tions; regulating tha introduction of egg,
of game birds for purposes of propagation,
providing for the protection of game In
Alaska, particularly the large game, auch
aa moose, caribou, etc.; extending an In
vitation to the French government to par
ticipate tn the unveiling la Washington of
tha statute ot Marshal D Rochambeau:
refunding the amount of legacy tax paid
by charitable, benevolent and eleemosynary
Appropriations Han High.
The amount of appropriation for the
sessions will run unusually high, owing In
part to the amount required to build the
isthmian canal. '
When Mr- Cannon submitted a general
estimate pf appropriations a few weeks
ago he made the total up . to that time
$691,445,000. Since then the canal bM haa
passed, carrying a present appropriation ot
140,000,000 fox tb franchise ami enough
more tor the rights , qf Colombia and for
beginning the work, to. carry the total up
to 130009,000. The entire cost of ths un
dertaking la approximately
Mr. Cannon's estimate also omitted con
traata for future expenditure lucluded tn
the omnibus public building, the omnibus
claim and. various other bills, aggregating
a large amount.. This will carrr '.he total
(or the session, figuring In these future
amounts, almost. It not quite, up to the
bllrlon-dollar mark.
' 'Impart el Naval Bill.
( The appropriation, bill have contained
Utile legislation, bring chiefly confined to
the regular need of the various branches
ot the government.
The naval bill,, providing for the addi
tion; ot two armored cruisers, two battle
hip and two gunboat to the navy and
a provision la still In controversy aa to
whether one of each, clan ot these ship
shall be built in government yard.
Thera have been several, Investigation
Jurlng the session which, hav attracted
such attention. An investigation of con
llt' tha Philippine, conducted by
:he Philippine committee ot the senate.
ha led to the examinaUoa of many wit
teasea. high la the conduct ot civil and
nliltary affairs In the Islands.
Another senate Inquiry ha related to
lb condition of affairs In Cuba, especially
U to sugar,
la tha house sensational, charges mad. In
iooaectloa, with the purchase of the Dan'
hh West Indian Islands led to an lnv.
IgatloQ which disclosed the groundless
latur of the charge.
Biliousness, sour stomarb, constipa
tion and all liver ill are cured by
XSoml'G Pilla
Tha uoo-lrrltatlng cathartic Price)
15 cent of all druggists or by mail ul
CMiovd Co., tvifUt, ileSV
Omaha Wins Second Game of tha Series by
All Around Good Work.
In the Meantime Omaha hy Hard Hit
ting Accumulates 81a Rm, All
bat One of Which Are
ST. JOSEPH, June 29 (Special Tele
gram.) Owen was In excellent form to
day and certainly contributed more than
bia part In keeping the Saints from pass
ing a single men across the home plate.
While the home team waa able to hit him
five times, they were scattered and
counted for nothing. Borne of the fans
were so enthusiastic over the work of the
Omaha pitcher that they claimed to have
never before seen such phenomenal pitch
ing on the home grounds. In the ninth In
ning, with two men on bsses and no outs,
the Saints could get no further thai third.
The next three men went out In one, two,
three order. Owen during the game struck
out three men, gave two base on balls and
hit one. Qondlng out of four times at bat
got three singles. Owen out of tour times
at bat got two singles. Oenlns did the
same. Stone landed two two-baggers tn
the same number of times at the stick.
The fielding of the visitors was excellent.
In the fifth, sixth and seventh innings the
visitors pounded Maupln all over the lot.
Attendance, 1,600. Score:
AB. R.
A. E
Carter, rf
Renins, cf, If
Doian, ss
Sijtwart. 2b
Calhoun, lb
Mickey. 3b
Oondlng, c 4
Owen, p 4
Totals 36 6 13 27 16
AB. R.
Maher. ss 4 0
iraahear. lb 2 0
Hartman, cf 4 0
Balden. If S 0
Roth, e 4 0
ltohe, 3b 4 0
Hall. 2b 3 0
Oarvln, rf 4 0
Maupln, p
, 32
0 0
0 O
0 6
6 0 S
SI Joseph
1 2
0 0 0 0 ,Q0 69
i. Two-bane hits:
Earned runs:
Maunln, Roth, Do lan, Btone. Double Dlaye:
Brashear to Rohe, Hall to Brashear. Left
on baaes: St. Jorwnh. 8: Omuha. 1. First
nana on bulla: Off Maunln, 1; off Owen, 2.
mii oy pucned Hall: Mail. Htruck out:
By Owen, 3. Time: 1:20. Umpire: Cole.
Kansas City Drops a Pair.
KANSAS CITY. June Des Moines won
both games in a double-header here to
day, Bcortng one shutout. The locals
neiriea poorly, while the visitors hit the
ball hard und clayed fast ball In both
games. Attendance, 2,o00. Score, first game:
TJes Moines... 1 00003 000 4111
Kansas Clty..O 000000000 62
Batteries: Kansas City. Welmer Cabl
and Mesaltt: Des Moines. Morrison and
Score, second game:
R.H v.
Des Moines... 1 22100020 9 10 1
Kansas City. .9 11220000 6 13 7
Batteries: Kansas Cltv. Nichols and Mm.
sltt; Des Moines, Hoffer, Morrison and
Milwaukee Takes Doable-Header.
MILWAUKEE. June 29 -The home team
today won a double-header from Colorado
Springs by superior base running, brilliant
fielding and the excellent pitching of Mc
pherson and Swormsted. Both games were
piayea in a orizning rain. Attundance,
,uu. ocore, nrst game:
Milwaukee ...0 03010 '0 0 4 71
colo. Springs. .1 009200003 2
Batteries: Milwsukee. McPherson rvA
Lucia; Colorado Springs, Jones and Baer-
Score, second game: -
Milwaukee ...2 1001010 ( 72
Colo. Springs.. 0 100000001 t 1
Batteries: Milwaukee. Bwnrmatarl snrl
Lucia; Colorado Springs, McNeely and
Games Postponed.
PEORIA. June 29. Peoria-Denver same
postponed; rain.
Standing; of the Teams.
iyed. Won. Lost. PC.
til 39 22 . 6119
67 3S 22 .617
66 32 24 . 671
62 27 25 .519
67 29 . 28 .SOS
66 24 32 .429
66 19 34 .347
62 18 34 . 346
Kansas City ....
St. Joseph
Colorado Springs
lies Moines
Games today: Omaha at St. Joseph. Des
Molnea at Kansas City. Colorado Snrlnea
at Milwaukee, Denver at Peoria.
President Sexton Kales that Terra
Hante Has Prior Claim
on Berwleea.
ST. JOSEPH. June 29. President Sexton.
In a dispatch to Manager McKlbben of the
St. Joseph team, says Pitcher brown of
the Omaha team, wno went into, the box
In yeaterdav's name here after a written
protest by McKlbben had ben made, can
not Play In the Western league because of
a prior claim on Brown's services by Terre
name, i-resiaeni cexion aiso rules tnat
Pitcher McCloskey of Denver cannot play
on that team because of a similar prior
Plttebnra; Bhats Cincinnati pat la a
Game on a Maddy
CINCINNATI. June 2.-Leever, with the
assistance of the fine playing by Pltta-
ourg, succeeaea in snumng ins Cincin
nati's out. Thtelman ultched rood hnll
but was unlucky, the majority of the hits
being scratches. The Pittsburg team
moved around over the wet diamond much
raster man oe uincinnau players. At
tendance, 3,500. Score:
Pat la, rf I 14 Hoy, et.... I
Clara, II 1 ' Down, ir ... I
Beaumont, el 1 I iHerkley. 1 . 1 IT
YVeiner. aa,.. 1 1 4 (Crawford, rf. 0 1 1
KraneBeld. U 111 HIUmmh, lb.. 1
1 1
Kllckey. tb.. I I
i Woo ran, aa. Oil
Sl.lnt.Ml. Ik 1
1 0
Leach, lb....
Smith. 1 t I I
fa. I
ThUlmaa. p. 0
Lmvv, p.... I 1
Totala S T 27 II 0 Totala i 27 11 1
Pittsburg 00001004 04
Cincinnati eoOQOOOO 0
Two-baae hits: Hoy, Smith. Bransfleld.
lilt by pitched hall: By Thlelman. 3.
Struck out: By Thlelman, t; by Leever, i.
Passed ball: Smith. Time: 1:39. Umpire:
Games Postponed
At St. Louis St. Louis-Chicago postponed
today on account or rain.
Staadtaa of tha Teams.
Played. Won. Lost P.C
Pittsburg ...
Chicago ,
43 13 .T7S
34 25 .676
2 24 .547
26 28 .4H1
26 31 .454
22 31 .415
22 14 .JH3
30 31 .302
Cincinnati ..
New York ..,
St. Louis
Games today: Chicago at St. Louis. Boa.
ton at New xork. p&uadsipnia at Brooklyn.
Looiavlllo PLaya Twenty lanlatara
Tee Gnmoa WHkaal mm
LOUISVILLE. Juno tS.-Lnulavtlla and
Kansas City played twu great games this
afternoon beore ll.Owt people. The Wx-als
won the Aral game In the fifteenth Inning
on three consecutive hits. Both pitchers
received wnmiurtui support, tne locals piay
,n the twenty Utniiias without aa error.
Tha aecond ganto culled at the rnd
of the fifth inning, neither sJJe having
scored. Both sanies were ptrrhenr" bat-
y- ' la .at.
seen a boil game here In ten years. Score,
first game:
KTln, rf... 1
1 1 1 0;Nanra, rf.... I 1
1 l
i o
firmer, cf... t
Oannon, lb. .. 0
Mnprl, tb. . .
Flnurnoy. If.
Tannhlll, ss. S
Sea river, c... I
S.haub, lb... 0
Spies, c 0
I i
(lrrlT. Sb.... 4 0
smlth. If SIT
B;Lw, aa.... 1 T
1 II
i 7
1 1
Hear, rf
HnthfuM, lb.
Mrlirlde. lb.
e it
l s
MMbeoa, p....
T.i. i a ii i
lOUII 4 46 M 0
Louisville nnnntooinooooo 24
Kansas City 1 0100000000000 02
Left on haves: Iyotilsvllle, 9: Kansas
City, 12. Two-bsse hit: Hchrlver. Three
bane hit: Clymer. Sacrifice hits: Grady,
Oannon. Dunkle. Double plav: Grady to
MeBrMe to Hot h furs. Stolen bases: Tanne
nlll, Clymer. Struck out: By Dunkle, W;
by Gibson, i. Hit bv pitcher: Ganxel, Mr
Brtde, Flournoy. First base on balls-. Off
Dunkle, 6; off Gibson, 6. Wild pitch: By
Dunkle, 1. Time: 3:0. Umpire: Ward.
Score, second game:
R H O A B.
R.H.O A. K
Krln, rf... 0 0 I 0 0
Wntf. rf 0
Orartr, Jh.... 0
0 0
1 0
0 0
0 0
1 e
1 0
I i
I Irmer. rf .. 0 0
Oannon, lb.. 0 1 ft 0 0
Smith, If.... 0
Laewe, r-a. .. . 0
(lanrel, lb. . . 0 0 1 I o
riournoy. If. 0 0 1 0 0
Tannehlll, aa 0 1 1 t
spin, e 0 I (i
Shub. lb... 0 1 e l
Flaherty, P . 0 0 0 1 (
nrrllle. c 0
Clear, cf 0
Rnthfum, 1b.
MrBrlrle, tb. 0
MrUonalS, p
Nance, cf . ... 0
I 16 .(
Louisville 0 0 0 0 00
Kansas City O 0 0 0 00
lett on bases: Louisville, 4; Kansas
'Ity, t. Three-base hit: Grnilv. Sacrifice
nit: Clymer. Double play: Ora'dy to Roth
fuss to Bevllle. Struck out: By Flaherty,
2: by McDonald, 1. Time: l.uo. Umpire:
Toledo and St. Pnnl Break Even.
TOLEDO. June 29. Two games were
played today on muddy grounds. Toledo
lost t he first game through costly errors
snd won the second by the splendid pitch
ing of Mock. Attendance, 2.WX Score,
first game:
K.H.O.A.E. R.H.O. A. I.
tar, Sb 110
Huailna. tb.. 1 1 4
till lard. If.... Ill
1 lipurna. tb.... I
4 Meany. rf.... 1
0 DTumer, lb... 1
0 0 Smith, b.... 0
tjowen. aa
1 llorafflua. c...
0 olntlka. rf 0
t 1 Klelnow, If.. 0
4 0 Pardee, p.... 0
1 t Comawell .. 0
1 0
t t
t It
0 t
0 0
Lumley, rf . . . t
Shannon, cf.. 1
Kelly, lb 1
Pierce, c 1
Lynch, as.... 1
Grlbblna. p.. 0
Persuaon, p.
l e
l i
l u
4 1
1 0
0 D
1 1
Totals 10 II 27 17 a Totala 4 11 24 11
Batted for Pardee In the ninth.
St. Paul 00010408 10
Toledo 0 0 1 0 I 0 0 0 4
Two-base hits: Meanv. Owen. Sacrifice
hits: Klelnow, Fergucon. Doubl play:
Ferguson to Hugglns to Kelly. Struck out:
By Crtbblns, 1; by Pardee, 8. First base on
Dans: urr Pardee, i; ort uriDDlns. i. lime:
1:45. Umpire: Sheridan.
Second game:
R.M.O.A.n.f P..H.O.A.E.
Puma, tb.... 0 14 1 0 Oemr. tb 1 i 1 1 1
aleany, rf.... 1110 H limine. 2b.. 0 0 0 1 0
Turner. lb...l 110 0 DillaM, if.... 0 110 0
Hnrtth, Jb.... 1 0 11 0 Lumley, rf... 0 0 0 0
Owen, sa lilt 0 Shannon, cf.. 01100
GrafTlue. C....0 17 1 0 Kelly, lb 0 III I I
Gllka. cf 1 I 0 Plena, c 0 110
Klelnow, If.. 0 110 0, Lynch, sa.... 0 0 14
Mock, p 0 10 1 O.Chech, p 11110
Totala 4 t 27 7 0 ToUla 2 t 14 II 1
Toledo 0 0 0 1 0 8 0 4
St. Paul 0020000002
Two-base hits: Owen. Pierce. Sacrifice
hits: Smith, Meany. Graffius. Struck out:
y cnecn, i; oy mock, 5. 1'ass.d ball:
Pierce. First base on balls: Off Mock. 1;
ff Chech. 2. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Sheridan.
K!nnapcMs ghats Oat Calamuua.
COLUMBUS. June 29. Katoll held Colum
bus safe at all tirms today. Wilmot's bat-
1 1 , Ka ,1 1 .1 1 .. , TV ...... . U
features of the arume. Attendance. 3.559.
Curley, aa.
0 111 0 Knoll. If 0 0 10 0
11 OiNattreas. .. 010
0 1 e. Hart, cf 0 110 1
0 0 11 OlMyere. lb.... 0 1 12 0 0
1110 Turner, tb... 0 111
Hat nil, p
Phyla, lb.... 0
Zaluaky, e... 0
Wllmot, rf... 1
Lally. cf 0
0 10 o'McFarland. rf 0 1 0 1
110 1 Vlox, 2b 0 0 1 1 0
111 OlFol. c I I 0
Lynch, cf.... 0
Grant, tb.... 0
Warden, lb.,
II 0 e Vooraeea. ..010
Totala I 10 7 II ll ToUla t 27 It 1
Minneapolis 010001900 I
Columbua 4 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 00
Stolen baaes: Myers. Wllmot. Lynch. Two.
base hits: Wllmot (2). Sacrifice hits: Vlox,
Lally (2). Double nlavs: Nattress to Vlox,
Grant to Curley, Curley to Werden. Struck
out: bv voornees. l. f irst Date on bans:
Off Voorhees. 2: off Katoll. 2. Hit by
pitched ball: By Katoll, 1. Time: 1:85. Um
pire: Haskell.,. ina.. June !. Indianapolis-
Muncle game postponed; wet grounds.
Standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C,
.... 68 40 18 .6)
.... 56 86 20 .643
.... 68 S3 25 .m
.... 59 S3 26 .5!
St. Paul
Kansas City
Minneapolis ....
58 27 81 .4S6
68 25 S3 .131
.... 57 19 38 .33
.... 69 W 40 .8.2
Oames today:
St. Paul at Columbus,
Milwaukee at
Ixul8Vil)e, Minneapolis at
Toledo, Kansas City at Indianapolis.
Chlcagre, Wins First Game from De
troit and Ralat Stops the
Second One.
CHICAGO. June 29. Chicago and Detroit
tried to play a double-header today, but
rain Interfered after the nrst game. The
local team won the game by fast base run
ning and timely hitting. Jones' fielding
waa the feature. Attendance, 7,000. Score:
R.K.O.A B. I K.H.O.A E
Strang, lb... 1
Jonaa, ot 1
Green, rf 1
Daela. aa 0
Mertaa, If.... 1
lahell. lb.... 0
Pair, lb 0
111 0 Burrett. ct... 0 1 0
14 1 Holmea. rf... 0 4 10
0 1 4 McAllister, still
tit t.Dllloa, lb.... 011
11 Caaey, lb 1 1
1 II 0 llHarley, If.... t 1 1 0
110 Oleaaoa, lb. . I I 1 I
110 klRuelow, c... 0 14 1
14 1 Mullta. p.... 0 111
Callahan, p..
Totals 4 10 27 11 ll Totala I 4 24 11
Chicago 00101001 4
Detroit 0010100001
Left on bases: Chicago, 8; Detroit, 4. Two
base hits: Mertes. Iabell. Harley. Sacri
m hi,.. n - 1.K.II T i -1 ,. r , . i
Htolen bases: Strang, Green. Daly. Double
plays: McAllister to Dillon to Buelow,
Qleason to McAllister to Dillon. Struck
out: By Callahan, 1: by Mullln, 6. First
base on balls: on Mullln,
l. Time:
Umpire: O'Laughlin.
Games Postponed.
At St Louis St. Louls-CUveland. no
game; rain.
Stand In of the Teams.
Won. Lost
Chicago ....
Bt. Louis ..
Baltimore .
Cleveland ..
Gamea today: Detroit at Chlraen. nva.
land at St. Louts, Philadelphia at Wash
ington, uosion at Baltimore.
Banker Beat tho Lawyers.
FREMONT. Neb.. ' June 20 IflnrrUI
The bankers beat the lawyers by a scors
of 18 to 4 In a game of base ball yesterday
evening. 1 ne legal jignts were a little
clumsy and unable to get around so lively
as the cash grabbers, who were all young
fellows. The lawyers couldn't get the hang
U.I,.'. 1 1 . . 1 .. . n .1 k. I . . 1 I ...
ui wnuii m iiu,iiiiia anu 1111 iiiv air uiirnci
than the ball. E. F. Gray and Julius Beck
man officiated aa umoirea and although
ahout fifty years have passed since Mr,
uray piayeri Dan. na aid the work ilk a
league proressionai.
Three-I Leasee.
At Rock Island Cedar Rapids same cost-
ponea; rain.
At nocarora riret game: nockford. 1
Davenport, s. Second game: Kockfori,
Davenport. 8.
At Terra Haute Terre Haute, I; Bloom
lngton, o.
At Evansvllle First game: Evansvtlle
Decatur, 0. Second game: Evansvllle, 13
Decatur, J
toathern Association,
At Memphis Utile Rock game postponed.
At Shreveport Shreveport, 2; New Or
leans, 6.
'loo Great a ttiatk.
la almost every neighborhood someone
has died from an attack of eollc or cholera
morbus, often before medicine could 2a
procured or a physician summoned. A re
liable remedy for these diseases should be
kept at hand. The risk Is too great tat
a ay en to tske. Chamberlain's Collo
Cholera sad Diarrhoea Remedy ha aa
doubtedly saved the lives of more people
and relieved more pain aad ruBerlag taaa
aay ether medietas la as. U oaa always
a i;raiii;d Uuua, . .
Bounty Claim. Amounting to $20,000 Hav
Been Filed Already.
uperlntendent Fowler Say the fop-
ply of Those Competent to Teach
is Far Beneath tha Re
quirement. (From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. June 2. (Special.) Instead ot
counting them one by one as they are
filed the clerks In the auditor's office now
measure the fast accumulating wolf bounty
lalms by the box and number them only
by machinery. One clerk has been kept
busy for three months listing the vouchers,
but he Is unable to hold his own agalnet
the steady stream that keeps pouring Into
the office.
"Wolf bounty clalmef Yes, we hav
them here for all amounts," remarked a
clerk in the office the ether day. "8om
people seem to do nothing els than kill
wolves. We've got them here from 11 up
nd of all agea. Here are sixty-eight boxes
full of wolf bounty claims snd thera are
enough more In the office to fill at least
fifty boxes. There are about sixty claims
in a box and each claim averages $3. So
It Is reasonable to suppose that the claims
now In the office amount to about $20,000.
And more claims are coming in every day.
There doesn't seem to be any end to the
wolves. If there are claims here amount
ing to 120,000, which la a reasonable esti
mate, that means that unlee there tuts
been fraud one wolf has been killed for
each dollar claimed."
The last legislature appropriated $15,000
for wolf bounty, but the appropriation was
etoed by Governor Dietrich because do
provision hsd been made for the payment
of old claims. So the next legislature will
have four years' accumulation of claims to
take care of.
fthort on School Teachers.
Paradoxical as it may seem, there are
not enough school teachers In Nebraska
to supply the demand. By the term
teachers" Is meant persons who are com
petent to Instruct The number of appli
cations may exceed the demand, but the
fact remains that there are not enough
teachers to go around.
"I have been over a large portion of the
state wlthia the last few weeks smd have
found only one county where there are
enough teachers to supply all the schools,"
said State Superintendent Fowler. "In
aome places the supply falls fir Short
know of one county In the western part
of the state where eighty teachers were
needed, but only seventy-five applied
Where a condition like this prevails (ne
authorities find It necessary to employ
all who apply, without regard to their.
qualification, and undoubtedly many ar
taken who sre really incompetent If 100
teachers apply where only eighty, are
wanted. It Is possible to weed out the
incompetents, but an opportunity ot this
kind rarely occurs.
r ive staie omciais ana an oracer oi nign
rank In the Nebraska department of the
Grand Army ot the Republic today acted
pallbearers for the removal of the body
of E. S. Marsh from the home of Secre
tary of State Marsh, 1644 Locust street.
to the Burlington depot
The deceased was the tether of the seo
retary of state and a resident of Falls
City. Friday afternoon he was stricken
with paralysis : while riding In a street
car. Ha waa quickly removed to tne Dome
of his son, where be had been visiting
several weeks, and died there about mid
night He was 80 years old. Burial was
at Falls City thts afternoon.
Those who acted aa pallbearers were:
Governor Savage, Auditor Weeton, Attor
ney General Prout, Land Commissioner
Follmer, Superintendent Fowler and As
slstant Adjutant General Howe. No fu
neral services were conducted In this city.
The body was taken on the morning train
ta Falls City, .Secretary Marsh and his
family accompanying.
Probability that He Became Dls-
eoarasred Over Coatlnaed
111 Health.
HAYES CENTER, Neb., June it. (Spe
cial Telegram.) George 8. , Nicholson of
Germanvllle preclnot, ten miles eait ot
Hayes Center, was found yesterday fore
noon hanging from the rafter In his bam
Th coroner was called and held an in
quest and the Jury returned a verdict of
suicide. Nicholson was a bachelor and
had been in poor health for some time. He
was on of our best cltltens and was
highly esteemed by all who knew him.
Vales Chans; Come Soon Wheat 1
Liable to Be- Bertonalr
FREMONT, Neb., June 28. (Special Tel
egram.) It has rained here steadily ttearly
all diy and the total precipitation IS con
slderably over one Inch. Water is stand
ing on all low places throughout ths city
and the ground is thoroughly soaktd. Ths
rain Is likely to injure wheat, which Is
ripe enough to cut.
Ralat Interfere with Chaataaajaav,
BEATRICE, Neb., June St. (Special Tel
egram.) The attendance at the Chautauqua
today was not very . large, although
splendid program was rendered. The
speakers were Fred Emerson Brooks and
Rev. C. B. Dudley. A concert was given
by Marshall's band of Topeka. The Swiss
bell ringers also appeared en th pro
gram A number of excursion trains from
various points In Nebraska and Kansas
were run to the city, but th rainstorm,
which has prevailed here sine Thursday,
interfered with ths attendance.
Bar Drowned While Flshlna.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., June 19. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Chris Marycott, a lad
years t age, was drowsed this aftsrnooa
In a channel of tb North Piatt Ivor.
Young Marycott was fishing when he too
a fit, to which he Is subject, and fell lota
the river. His body wss reeotered sooa
Laborers teallaar Rid on Blind Bagr
cage Meet Death 1st
ST. LOTJ18, June St. A section of pas
eager train No. i on the St Louis aV Baa
Francisco railroad, which left her at t:20
'clock thi evening tor TsxaS points, waa
derailed at Mlnckle. a few miles wsst of
this elty, and tw laboring men who were
beating their way home to Bteelvtlle, Mo.
on the blind baggage, were killed.
Th dead:
Thera seems to be some doubt as to the
aecond man's identity.
At the point where the wreck occurred
aa lumens boulder toll onto tb track
spreading tha rails and bounding . Whea
iti UaU cajna along aooo. UlttWi Oil
engine, one postal car, two baggage cars
and one roach were derailed, the forward
cart being overturned. Five Pullman
leepers and drawing room tars kept the
track and nobody In them was Injured.
Menses to Take Action on Phlilpnia
Cltll Government Bill Before
WASHINGTON. June 29. The exact time
when the present session of congress shall
come to a close cannot be foretold until
there Is definite Information aa to when
n agreement will be reached on the Phil
ippine civil government bill. However, the
general consensus ef opinion plsces the
djournment on Tuesday at the latest
Wednesday. The prediction .Involves the H"". commander of the Haytlen fleet, dls
oplnlon that the Philippine conferees will embarked a further detachment of troops
be able to conclude their work Monday. and a large quantity of ammunition at 4
That they can do that Is quite evident
In view of what already has been accom-
plished In the way of harmonizing the
differences on that bill and on account of
the probability that parts of the measure
will be dropped in case it should appear
that no agreement will be reached except
through prolonged exchange of views.
Neither house is disposed to extend the
session for more than a day or two for
the purpose of seeing sn sgreement on ell
the features of the bill, when it Is felt on
all hands that the preservation of no one
feature ot the bill is necessary to its suc
cess aa a whole.
It Is not believed tn sny quarter that
ither house will consume a great deal
of time In debating the conference report
wben presented, but lest the debate should
run longer than Is expected the resolution
fixing the time for adjournment will not
be brought In until the Philippine con-
ference report shall be made to and ac-
oepted by both houses.
Of the appropriation bills, the general
deficiency and the naval bill remain to
receive the finishing touches. There are
still some points of difference on each
of these measures between the two houses,
but none that cannot be harmonized when-
ever the Philippine bill shall be out of the
way. Neither bouse win attempt mucn
other business. The senste calendar con
tains a number of measures. which can be
discussed, and there Is sn understanding
in the house that the military bill shall
be used as a basis for discussion to fill
in the time when conference reports are
not at hand for consideration. There also
Is an understanding that the London dock
charges bill shall be taken up unaer a
suspension of the rules srter tne adoption
of the resolution fixing tne nour ior aa-
Journment. -
Both houses will close tne session wnn
exceptionally clean calendars ana wnn mo
feeling that It nas Deen a session ui im-
portant acnievements.
Trlbnte of Jndae Thomas H. Anderson
to Martyr President Dcdlcntcd
In Metropolitan Charch.
WASHINGTON, June 29. A small tatlet
of white marble, hearing in letters of gold
k brief statement of the life snd oeeos ot
William McKlnley, th tribute of his
friend. Judge Thomas H. Anderson, for-
merly of Ohio, but now a member of the
district bench, waa unveiled In the Metro-
solltan church here today. Ths unveiling
was attended with slmpls ceremony. In the
presence of some of those who had helped
the dead president execute the will or tne
people. Well known men added their
tributes to the solemn melodies ot tne
choir In making the occasion a memorable
VLirj. 1UO AUlci tvsau uug , Vwaw
tablet waa drawn aside as the congrega
tion sang with deep feeling. "Nearer, My
God, to Thee." The tablet occupies a po
sition on the north wall of the main audi
torium between the two entrance to the
President Roosevelt and Secretary Cor-
telyou were present. Addresses were made
by Rev. Frank Bristol, D. D., the pastor
of the church; Senator Fairbanks, Repre
sentative Grosvenor and Representative
Robert W. Taylor of Ohio, who now repre
sents the district In congress formerly
represented by President McKlnley.
The tablet is about three feet high by
two feet wide and la made in the form
of a shield. At the apex or the shield a
small cross is carved, while at th bottom
is the shield from the great seal of the
United States. Beneath the cross are the
word. "Nearer. My God. to Thee." The
main inscription is on the body of the
shield. Below the border are the last words
ot the dead president: "Thy will, not ours,
be done."
p,,,i inmate sniirrnrrn nerT I
rrilLlrriNL uuwrtntta mcti
Hold Sunday Session to Effect Speedy
Settlement of Civil Gov
ernment BUI.
WASHINGTON, June 29. The conferees
on th Philippine civil government bin
were in session a large part of the day.
They met nrst In the forenoon at Senator
Lodge's house, bresklng up about 4 o clock
and reassembling at 9 o'clock. The sec
ond meeting was .still In progress at mid-
niht. "
After the conference took a recess at 4
o'clock it wss stated that no agreement
had been reached on the coinage and Phil
ippine branches of the bill, which have
been tb principal obstructions to tha bill.
but it waa said tonight that the indica
tions Were favorable for .the bill.
Presldeat Pat Sfarnatore to
Isthmian Measure Maklngt
tt a Law.
WASHINGTON, Jus 29. President
Roosevelt last night signed the Isthmian
canal bill.
Winner la Paris-Vienna Rac Aver-
C Ahoat Fifty-One Mile
aa Hoar,
VIENNA. June 29. The Parla-Vlenna
automobile race was won by Marcel
Renault. He covered th distance from
Paris to Vienna In fifteen hours
t7en.t,L"IW? ""Ilf"- fl "i ?.v"ag,.'peei
of eighty-two kilometers (about flfy-one
miles) an hour. Zborowskl was second
Maurice Farman third. Barae fourth. VA
Biond fifth and Hemery sixth. Haron De
Forest, who was seventh, was disqualified
en account of an accident to his motor
car. S. F. Edge, an Engltahman, was the
twentieth to arrive. He denies reports (ir.
culated to the effect that he was dls-
3 Ballfled and cites as proof thst he was
eclarcd winner of the James Gordon Ben
nett cup. Three of the contestants claim
to have won.
Renault passed the winning point pre-
cutely at X o ciock. ne waa niaquaimea
rfav'a performance to win first place.
Ii la tiwrlvd that Maurice Farman will
attain the coveted honor, his brother Henry
rw. miliar second. The decision will probably
be delayed three days, owing to tho com
plicated calculations arising from the speed
restrictions impoaed upon the contestants
in Bwltsertana ana icwar m
ami taw
however, lor navinr lanen to top ni we f" . m,.nihlv urerlnltatlon was .61 inch.
control station at florladorf a suburb of na,J74m1nhS greaTe.t amoJVit Af preclplt: ; IInT fiQ I A VP FOREST ILL
Vienna across the Danube where tho final 0c?TdX Any twenty-four contTeru- : UOXCU. LAIVC fUUCS., ILL.
racing time was to be taken. Instead, e j , , nrri. on Julv a 171. . "
dashed madly through the crowd of offl- tl'uJl W ... , .
rials and timekeepers and entered Vienna 'JL'X 13- nartlv cloudy daya 13; cloudy 1 Missouri Lexlnrft on.
at full speed, scattering vehicles snd pe- clear rlays. 13. partly ciouuy oay. io, nuU , KWeatworlb Military AeaCeasr
destrlans In all directions and arriving at a"J".' ,'-.- nrevatllnr winds have been M "fn Oldest and largest mill tary school
the Prater in eighteen minutes insteai of Zl th'a.t Th highest velo.lty fV 14 in central west. Oov't supervision
in the prescribed minimum of forty-five fr,omh utJJ" Vorty.rhre" miles, from LSJ and equipment. Army oFoer de-
minutes, from Florlsdorf. al- J 'iu,W,"iLlWan' Jmv l"" tailed. Col. Sanford oeUers. M. A
though he arrived aecond. le believed to be the ou,nwMt'I" V Vl6H Forecaster. '7rr6upL
ion T.eTllr handicapped by his previous u A. wtusii. "
Targst for Hsavj Tiring from Vessels
Under Admiral Killick.
Forelan Consuls, vtlth General Fir-
mtn, F.mttnrk on Cioternment IJon-
bont and are t nder Fire and
Urently Endangered.
CAFE HA TIEN, Haytl. June 29. There
has been much fighting here today and
great excitement prevails. Admiral Wl-
I o clock this morning for the better pro-
I tectlon of General Firmln, one of the can
I dldates for the presidency of the republic
Since 6 o'clock this morning there have
been several lively engagements between
the men on the fleet and the revolutionists
from the north. Several machine guns
were set up in commanding position by
I General Flrmln's forces, and an attempt
was made to drive the men from the north
from their positions. Notwithstanding the
firing from the machine guns, the detach
ments of the northern revolutionists made
several attacks on Genersl Flrmln's troops
and the latter was eventually dislodged.
In the meantime the vessels under com
mand of Admiral Kllllrk were bombarding
Cape Haytlen. This action was taken with-
out previous notification to the foreign
consuls here. There has been a lively rain
of shots down the streets of Cape Haytlen
all day long. The firing was particularly
1 heavy between noon and 2 o'clock and be
tween 4 and 5 o'clock this afternoon.
At the moment of filing this dispatch
the foreign consuls, under the protection
of their various flags, are with General
Firmln and are about to embark on the
government gunboat Oretoa Picrot. They
are under a rather heavy fire and In con
slderable danger. The foreign residents of
this port are at present opposed to the
lawlessness and savagery ot the combat
ants. Deep regret Is expressed that no war
ship of a foreign power is In the harbor
to afford protection to foreign residents.
Great excitement reigns here this after
I noon an(1 ag tnS dlBpatch is sent the firing
I )n the gtreets continues
PORT AIJ PRINCE, Haytl, Saturday, Juno
2g .The elections for deputies have com-
meed here. The city is cslm and ths
1 electors are voting freely. In the other
cltles of tne republic, however, military
eupervisi0n of the election has been im
ge(1 and tne people ,re very mucn
Glnas Plants Shnt Down.
PITTSBURO. June 29. With the
turn tonight the plate-glass and window.
glass Industries of the country will be at
a standstill, the former plants for one and
the latter for two months, throwing Idle
I . .regate of 10,000 men. The com.
piete shutdown of the plate-glass factories
, n condition never before existing in
tnlg country. The plate-glass men go out
through an agreement with producers
whtch the Pittsburg Plate Olass company
insisted upon, thereby forcing the smaller
concerns to fall In line. The window-glass
workers who will quit tonight are employed
n the Independent factories, the American
company's and the Federation company a
employes having .quit on May 15,
Continuation of Shower I'refliciea
for Nebraska Mondny and .
WASHINGTON, June 29. Special warn
Storm warnings are displayed from Bal
timore to Eastport and on Lakes Erie and
For Nebraska, Kansas, North and South
Dakota Showers Monday and probably
For Iowa Showers Monday; Tuesday,
fair and 'warmer; light, variable winds, be-
coming southeasterly.
For Illinois Showers Monday; Tuesday. :
fair and warmer; fresh north to northwest
For Missouri Fair Monday and Tuesday.
Local Record.
OMAHA. June 29. Official record ot tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
1802. 1901. 1900. 1899.
Maximum temperature.... M 9 77 is
Minimum temperature.... 64 6o M
Mean temperature 5j 82 i2 0
Precipitation -w
Recoid of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1:
Normal temperature
Deficiency for the day "
Total excess since March 1 .....i
Normal precipitation if iik-ii
Excess for the day l.JS nrnes
Total rainfall since March 1. .. .11. 3 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 2. ra Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1901... 4. OS Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1900... 4.26 Inches
Report front Stations at T P. H.
wS& I
Omaha, raining
6J .16
Bill .00
Valentine, part clouny
North Platte, cloudy
Cheyenne, cloudy
Bait iJike City, part cloudy.
Rapid City, part cloudy
Huron, cloudy
2I T
H .16
661 .1.0
6 .16 ,
721 .4 ,
721 .00
Wllllston. cloudy
Chicago, raining
i Bt. lxula, raining
Bt. Paul, part cloudy
Davenport raining
6S Hi .12 I
ssj 7 .a
64! (; 03 '
Kansaa city, ciouuy
Havre, clear
Helena, cloudy
uiamarrlr. raining
ml 621 ,12
fl! I-Sj ,uu
Galveston, part cloudy
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
I i. A. WKl.Hli,
Local Forecast Official.
Jaly Averages.
The following data for the month of Julv,
I . t urln ihlriv.nnA vnra have
been complied from the weather bureau
rds at Omaha:
T,mnraiur Mean or normal. 77 degrees
The warmest month was that of lfl, with
an average of Hi degrees. The coldest month
was that or ixsi. wnn an averaue ui n
grees. The highest temperature was rm
degrees, on July 26, 1XM. The lowest tm-
perature was w negrees. on jmy n, i-a.
Average date on which first "killing" front
occurred In autumn, October 6; In spring,
Precipitation Average for the month, 4.13
j" " "i.i.
Average number of days with .
inches. A
Inch or m
more, nine, ine greatest moniniy
' I nrr n tat nn waa 1U.K incnea. in 1-"V. I n . . .. I , oAArmmm
- i . : '
3 Baptist Female GGllcyc"y
fJfi a" Mtaaocs)! conamvATOX o ' miic. ' M- "
reanaae ius.
err aiurk la
CaUwab JiaA'.:
Acceded tVaae Demand by Chicago
Tothene, Averting; Threat
ened Strike.
CHICAGO. June 29. The threatened
strike of the Chlrago Job printers has been
averted by the Chicago Typothetae, th
employers' orgnnltation, acceding to ths
demands of the men. Beginning . next
Tuesday all union printers employed in th
book and Job printing offices in Chicago
will receive a material advance In wages.
This Is the first time in over twenty yeara
that the Job printers of this city have
received an Imrense In pay.
The agreement and aoale of wages agreed
upon will remain operative until July 1,
1!)0S. According to the agreement, any
disputes which nisy arise in the futura
must be referred to an arbitration board
and. pending a settlement, there shall b
no suspcnalon of work.
Most Severe tlrontli Which Stnto Haa
F.xpcrlencrd In Years le
DENVER, June 29. The drouth which
threatened to be the most severa
that Colorado has known for years his been
broken by a rain as general in extent aa it
was copious in quantity. Though tha
storm was in rlaces accompanied by hall.
which did much damage, this loss Is trivial
compared with the value of the crops saved
by the rain.
The etorm damage In Denver and vicinity
In estimated all the way from JtO.OOO t
Snow fell to the depth of eight Inches in
Leadvlllo and many other places in the
Sobann xT&aria Sarins
82lw 0 In K5Uu
It tbi Genuine, Ast Connoisseur!.
For salo by
S. W. Cor. 16th and Harney Sts.
n ff r O I Woodward & Burgess,
0J I U U I Managers.
And Until Wed'y
Napoleon's Son
Thurs'y and bal
ance of week.
The Crucifix."
any seat lc.
10c, 15c, 25c
Excursion Steamer
The Union Excursion Company's
Steamer Henrietta
makes regular trips from foot of Dougla
street, making regular trips to Sherman
Park, where there Is fine shade, mualo and
dancing. No bar on boat, everything first
class. Hours for leaving: I, 4 and t p. m.
daily. Round trip 25c, children 10o. Na,
admission to Park.
Western Leagua
lth and Vinton.
Game called at 2:30 p. m. Admission (In
cluding grand stand), 25c. Tickets sold at
tho grounds only.
Broadway .
and 63d St.
N. Y. City
Fireproof Modern .
Moderate Rates Eaclnafrea
Kstonatve Library Accessible
Orchestral Concerts Every Evening.
All Car Pass th Umpire.
Send for descriptive Booklet.
W. JOHNSON UULNf. i-raortetor.
1 3th and Dona-las St.
Omaha Leading Hotel
12:i to 2 p. M.
SUNDAY 6:3U p. m. DINNER, 76o.
Steadily Increasing business haa necessi
tated an enlargcmmit of the cafe, doubling
its former capacity.
10 minutes from heart of city. No dirt
and dust. Situated ou boulevsrd and lake,
at Blat St. Blvd., Chicago. Bund for Illus
trated booklet
Racine College
Grammar School
"The School That
Makes Manly Boys."
Pupils Study Under aa Instructor.
It Oraduatea enter any College or
University. Social and Athlotle
Advantages. Military DrllL
For Hoys of K to IT Year Ola.
Illustrated Catalogue sent on appli
cation to
Heary Doal Roblnan,Wars,
URaclao, Wisconsin. I
Lake Forest College
Classical. English and Bclentlfio course.
Most beautful suburb of Cheapo, Ol) hlgH
wooded bluffs on Lake Michigan. Semi
,i rural surrouiiains". wwuij,
! aorn.itorleil. Modern gymnasum; cx
., nt fctriletlc faci itles; co-U ucaUonai,
ii ll. ll'.tl -I'll. . I' 1
la ebaraa o7tfola'.w rule. A ucuern (i)i iti'n uf Mow, An. ana kte
1 Ulusttatei cLalasin. la. W. WbUm. . JU.U Jb ktasA.