Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha ; Daily Bee.
Bund? Exourjioniits Meet Death or Injury
Bear Colorado Bprings.
Ons Iead, Tout Probably Tatally Injured
, and Thirty Others Maimed.
Hr. George Powell of Omaha Haa Leg
Broken in Accident
Peennd Coaah Tarn End Ore End
and Third Car, In Which
Francis M. English la Killed,
Imtakri Through It.
J COLORADO SPRINQ8. June 29. At 10
o'clock this morning an excursion train on
'the Colorado Midland railway coming down
Vt Pass from Cripple Creek, struck a
'broken rail and seven care were wrecked.
.Francis M. English, a prominent musician
tot this city, was Instantly killed and thirty
other passengers more or less Injured,
.three or tour probably fatally.
The deads
The Injured:
Mary O'Rourke, aged IS, Victor; left arm
torn off, face cut aud Internally Injured;
may die.
Dr. Estelle Lewis, Cripple Creek; eight
ribs on right side broken, left wrist frac
tured, bruised and Internally Injured; may
Jamee W. Greene, Cripple Creek; leg
broken and face bruised.
Frank Ouyer, Cripple Creek, collar bone
Mary Klntezell, Goldfield, Hp cut and
face bruised.
Mrs. Vander Welden, Cripple Creek; face
badly bruised.
William Vander Welden, her eon; leg
Vander Welden, baby daughter;
lace bruised.
Charles Carlson, Buffalo Springs, face
ot badly.
D. H. Smith, Cripple Creek; all teeth
knocked out; mouth and thumb cut.
Mrs. Simon O'Rourke, neck sprained.
' O'Rourke, her son; face cut and
' A. E. Parker. Cripple Creek; leg
pralned, head cut.
Parker, head badly cut.
' .J. R. Weimar, Colorado Springs; head
Henry Pickers, Woodland Park; back
' Omaha Woman Has Limb Broken.
Mrs. Oeorge Powell, Omaha; leg broken
O. Turnage, Cripple Creek; badly shaken
Up mod bruised.
LB. Disqule. Cripple Creek knee badly
,' R. W. Hadden, Qoldfleld. bad scalp
; . F. Baker. Cripple Creek; Hp cut and
calo wound.
i O. B. Cotton, Cripple Creek; cuts and
, bruise.
, H. B. Tucker, Denver; cuts, bruises and
evere shock.
B. H. Olds, Cripple Creek; cuts and
H. M. Parker, Victor; ruts and bruises
Mrs. White, Cripple Creek; cuts and
Rose Redfern, Cripple Creek; cuts and
H. Hellenblne, Victor; cuts and bruises
' O. A. Grant, Victor; cuts and bruises.
B. M. Chamberlain, Divide; cuts and
Rachael Marti, Goldfleld, cute and
Mrs. M. Klntzell, Oolddeld, cuts and
bruises about head.
V Oscar Peterson, Cripple Creek; back
John H. Concannon, Oolddeld; cuts.
' J. Sblray, Cripple Creek; badly shaken
Train Crowded with Passengers
The wreck occurred at an abandoned
station known as Culber's Siding, one mile
east of Cascade In Ute Pass and twelve
miles from Colorado Springs.
A passenger rate war that has been In
offset for several months between the rail
roads running from this city to Cripple
Creek had been called off, the rates to con
tlnuo until July 1, and as a result the
train was crowded to Its uttermost.
The cars that left the track and wen
over tbo embankment north of the track
contained 71 passengers.
The seoond car on the train, a day coach
Was crushed to kindling wood, being
jturned completely over on Its end so that
in rear end of the coach was forward.
The third coach plunged clear through
the second, and It was In the forward end
f this car that Mr. English was killed
His neck was caught between two seats and
be was strangled to death before the peo
lie oould reach falm. He was coming to
Colorado Springs from Cascade to play the
organ at St. Stephen's Episcopal church
of which he was organist.
1 A relief train went to the scene from this
.city at once and returned at T:S0. brlngln
the dead and injured.
The Injured were taken to St. Francis
hospital, where all are doing aa well as
,oaa b expected. The little O'Rourke girl
Is expected to die at any time and Miss
Kstelle Lewis, a dentist ot Cripple Creek
Is In a very critical condition.
Tour of Them Seriously Injured by
i Overturning of Tramway
Car at Denver.
1 DENVER. Colo.. June 29. Eleven persons
were Injured, tour of them seriously, late
last night by the wrecking of a tramwa
ear which was returning to the city from
Slitcb gardens.
The Injured:
Mr. F. E. Weasel, concussion of brain
heck Injured.
Mr. W. F. Rogers, head cut and should
rs bruised.
Lena M. Houghton, back and shoulders
badly brulstd; internal Injuries
Celestl Dotclsr, concussion of the brain
aad sever scalp wound.
Mrs. 6. A. Perkins, scalp wound.
August Dillingham, scalp wound
, C. K. Van Northwick, scalp wound.
George Penerte, nos mashed, head hurt
,' Mrs. E. 0. Saner, badly shaksn up.
;, There were sevenly-av passengers oa
the car, which was derailed aad overturned
ea a curve at west Thirty. flfth avenue and
Parry susot, the track being slippery from
Renewal of the Triple Allien..
Menace to Other . ';.
PARIS, June 29 The French press halls
the renewal of the triple alliance between
Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy,
which was effected by the signing of a
treaty in Berlin yesterday morning by the
Imperial chancellor of Germany, Count von
Buelow, and the Austrian and Italian am
bassadors to Germany, with considerable
equanimity, and expresses the belief that
the strength of the alliance has been much
enfeebled by dissensions with regard to the
tariff question and a better understanding
with Italy and France. The press con
siders, moreover, the possibility of a fur
ther Italian-Franco alliance deprives the
triple alliance of much of its force.
The Temps says: "A tariff war Is sbout
to graft Itself upon this political alliance
and the future will teach us bow far an
conomlc war Is compatible with diplo
matic understanding. Recent development
have modlded, if not the cordiality and
Intimacy between the powers of the triple
alliance, at least the efficacy and practical
value of the league."
Le Journal des Debate Is convinced that
the new alliance will not be the eame as
the old one, cither In spirit or letter, and
recalls the declaration of Slgnor Prlnettl,
the Italian minister of foreign affairs, In
the Italian Chamber of Deputies, that "m
military or diplomatic conventions will be
appended to the new treaty."
This paper concludes by eaylng: "The
triple alliance has been renewed under
unfavorable conditions, and these should
be taken Into account, not only In consid
ering its present renewsl, but with regard
to the prospects of a further renewal of
the alliance later."
Rossis Had Counted on Longer Con
tinuance of War In
ST. PETERSBURG, Juno 29. The fact
that no representative of the court or of
the ministry has called at the British em
bassy to offer the sympathy of Russia in
the matter of the illness of King Edward
baa occasioned much comment and Is gen
erally attributed to Russian chagrin on ac
count of the conclusions of peace In South
Africa. It Is said upon excellent author
ity that Count Lamsdorf, the minister of
foreign affairs, admitted that this peace
had upset Russia's calculations, which
were based upon a much longer contin
uance of Great Brittaln's difficulties In
8outh Africa. Count Lamsdorf Is reported
to be particularly nettled because Great
Britain did not consult the Boer delegates
in Europe In regard to peace.
View of City of Rome, Done In Mosaic,
Will Be Presented by Bishop
ROME, June 29. The Right Re. Thomas
O'Gorman. bishop of Eloux Falls, 8. D.,
when he returns to the United State will
be the bearer of a letter from the pope to
President Roosevelt, and will take with
him the pontiff's magnldcent gift to the
American president, which consists of a
view of the city of Rome from the Vatican
studio, done in mosaic.
The idea of appointing Bishop O'Gorman
apostolic delegate in the Philippines ap
peare, for the present at least, to have
been abolished, although the Drat eugges
tlon of this appointment waa uttered by
the pope himself when he first received
William H. Taft, civil governor ot the
General Smith Salle for Home.
MANILA, June 29. Brigadier General
Jacob H. Smith, formerly In command of
the American forces on the Island ot
Samar, who was recently tried by court
martial on charges of action prejudicial
to good order, left here today for San
Francisco on the transport Thomas. A
large number of persons assembled to bid
him farewell. All the newspapers of Ma
nila have printed eulogies of Oeneral Smith
and even Filipino paper eay the most
cruel methods of ending a war are, In the
long run, the wisest and the most humane.
The Twenty-fourth Infantry also sailed on
Philippine Cholera Statistics.
MANILA, June 29. According to official
reports, there have been In Manila 1,740
cases of cholera and 1, 385 deaths from the
dlsesse. The same reports for the prov
inces show 9,444 cases and 7,038 destbs.
Lieutenant Colonel Louis M. Maus, the
insular health commissioner, ssys there
probably have been 2,000 deaths from
cholera in the provinces of which It has
been Impossible to get records.
Changing Commands In Philippines.
MANILA, June 29. Brigadier General
W. Davis, commander of the American
forces at Zamboanga, Mindanao, has been
ordered to Manila to take command of the
Department of the North. Brigadier Gen
eral Samuel Sumner .will succeed General
Davis. -
Dnnbar Slnka Near Keller's Island
and 81 Thonght to Have
SANDUSKY, O.. 29 It 1 feared
that at least six lives were lost In the ter
rible storm which raged on Lake Erie Sat
urday night and this morning.
Word waa received here that the steam
barge Dunbar went down last night ten
miles from Kelly's Island.
The barge carried a crew of ten and six
of the crew are still unaccounted for. The
captain, John Little of Port Huron; two
women and a sailor arrived at Keller's
island In a yawl soma time early Sunday
When they reached shallow water near
Keller's island the yawl capslxed and the
occupants were thrown into the water. The
heavy seas washed them ashore and people
who were watching on shore took them In
charge. So far as is known the four aie
the only survivors ot a crew of ten.
Dunbar U a steam barge 140 feet In
length. It cleared from Clevelad .Saturday
morning with coal 'or Alpena. Captain
Little is the owner of the boat.
The missing are:
Mate Myron Tuttle of Cleveland.
Engineer Johnso of Buffalo.
Wheelsman Eck of Sheboygan.
Fireman Charles Washle and three men
whose names are not yet learned.
The rescued persons were Captain little,
bis wife and two daughters. Captain .Lit
tle devoted most ot his efforts in saving the
lives of his family. He did not see the
crew after be left the vessel and Is of ths
opinion that It they took to a raft they
must have perished, becauso no small craft
could live la the sea that .was racing at
ttt una
tin T -.
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Irrigation Aet of Prime Importance
to the Western Section Cuban '
Reciprocity Bill Still
WASHINGTON. June 29. The work of
congress Is now practically closed, so that
it Is possible to sum up the record of what
ha been accomplished during the last seven
months, which constitute the first session
of the Fifty-seventh congress.
The session has been marked by excep
tional business activity with many ques
tions of far-reaching interest. With the
exception of the Cuban reciprocity bill
most of the larger subjects of general leg
islation have been enacted as laws or will
become such before the session closes.
Notable among these larger measures Is
the Isthmian canal bill, which consum
mates the efforts of half a century to link
together the waters of the Atlantic and
the Pacific. Aside from Its nstlonal and
International Importance this bill probably
Involves a larger sum of money than that
covering any other single undertaking by
the government outside of war expendi
tures. The Philippine civil government bill Is
another measure of far-reacblng impor
tance, extending to our remote Pacific pos
sessions a system of Internal government.
together with coinage, currency, banking.
corporation, timber and homestead laws.
Important General Laws.
Among the other Important general laws
enacted are those repealing the war rev
enue taxes, extending and making more
effective the Chinese exclusion laws, estab
lishing a tariff for goods to and from the
Philippines, extending the charter of na
tional banks for twenty years, establishing
permanent census office, restricting the
sale of oleomargarine by placing a high
tax on Imitation butter, providing a con
sular and diplomatic service for Cuba, es
tablishing an extensive system by which
the government will aid In the irrigation
of the arid sections of the west.
The repeal of the war revenue taxes re
duced taxation 173,250,000 and Is said to
be the largest single reduction of taxa
tlon ever made In this country. By this
step the last of the taxes Imposed at the
beginning of our war with Spain was wiped
The Philippine tariff act Imposes 75 per
cent of the Dingley tariff rates on ma
terials coming from the Philippines to the
United States and also Imposes on articles
entering the Philippines from the United
States the rates of duties established by
the Philippine commission.
The oleomargarine act results from sev
eral years of agitation. It place a rate of
10 cents a pound on substance colored to
Imitate butter.
Of Import to the West.
The irrigation act 1 of special Impor
tance to the development of the 'west. It,
creates an irrigation fund In the Treasury
department, into which Is to be paid the
proceeds of the sale of public lands In
the arid state. This fund In turn Is to be
used In storing water and establishing an
Irrigation system, the irrigation sections to
be open to homesteaders, who are to be
charged a proportionate share of the cost
of the improvement.
The Chinese exclusion law continues ex
elusion "until otherwise provided by law'
and also applies the exclusion to the "Island
territory under the Jurisdiction of the
United States."
Aside from these Important laws there
are a number of other measures of gen
eral Importance which have passed one or
both houses, but Lave not progressed to
the dnal stage. These include the anti
anarchist legislation, which grew out of
the assassination of President McKlnley.
Bill restricting anarchy and throwing safe
guards about the president have passed
both branches of congress, but it has
been Impossible to reach an agreement
in conference, ao that the subject goes
over until next December.
Statehood Bill Awaits Senate.
A bill giving statehood to Arizona. New
Mexico and Oklahoma, known as the on
niDus statehood bill, passed the house
and the senate has determined to take up
tne matter early In the next session.
The ship subsidy bill secured early at
tention in the senate, but the end of the
session has come without the measure
being reported to the house. As it passed
the senate, the bill grants graded sub-
sidles to steam and sailing vessel of
American tulld. In the house It has been
deemed desirable to let the subject go
over until ' the short session, when It Is
expected that a bill on the subject will
be reported and urged to passage.
The bill creating the Appalachian forest
reserve, Including a vast tract In the Ap
palachian mountain section of the south
has received favorable attention In both
houses, but has gone over for dnal adjust
ment ot differences until next December,
Another bill passed by the senate and
likely to become a law changes ths marine
hospital service to a national health bu
reau and gives the bureau larger power
and facilities for co-operating with the
state health authorities in quarantine and
health affairs.
Paclfle Cable BUI Retired.
Ths bill to establish a cable between
the United States, Hawaii and the Phil
tpplne wss retired by defeat in the house
of representatives.
Several other measure have advanced
to a certain atage and have then halted
without much prospect for further ad
These Include the bill for the election
of United States senators by direct vot
of the people. It passed the house by
practically a unanimous vote, but In the
senate has received little attention and Is
not likely to pass.
The house passed a bill relating to th
Immigration laws, codifying and amendln
these laws relating to Important changes
It baa been reported to the senate, but
there Is not much prospect of Its passag
at this session.
The bill defining th meaning of con
piracy in injunction eases passed the
house of representatives, but has not made
much progress In the senate. On the
other hand, the senate passed an lmpor
taut measurs, creating a Department of
Commerce, to be presided over by a cab
Inet officer, but It has mads no progress
In th bouse, noj having been reported
from the committee on commerce.
Pare Pood Mrasar Retarded,
Another bill ot Interest to the commer
clal world Is the pur food measure, which
wss drafted by the Pure Food congrsss,
and after extended bearings was reported
from the house committee on commerce,
but not passed. '
The Fowler bill probably was the most
.. iPooUaued oa Second Pa.)
,i r
Storm In Missouri and Illinois Cut
Oft Town aad Stall
Trains, i
Nearly all Inbound trains were greatly
delayed today as a result of the storm,
rrlvlng at Union station from forty min
utes to Ave or six hours late. Several
washouts were reported j and telegraph
wires were reported dowti, co that the
trains could not be located.
One of the most disastrous floods In the
history of Alton, 111., and ilclnity resulted
today from the heavy rati of Friday and
Saturday. I
At 4 o'clock this afternoon It was esti
mated that 10,000 acres had been covered
with the overflow of Wood river, which
three to six miles wld. Most of this
and is either occupied bf manufacturing
Interest or planted In crdbs.
The greatest single disaster caused by
the flood was the destruction of the plsnt
of the Stoneware Pipe company at East
Alton. The loss Is estimated at $40,000.
The water rose rapldlyi being eighteen
Inches higher than ever before, and filled
an underground duct leading from a mam
moth smokestack to kiln No. 4. The kiln
was filled with stoneware and redhot.
When the water reached the kiln It turned
Into steam and an explosion followed. Tbe
kilns are built close to (he main plant
and the explosion set fire
to the buildings
and burned them to the g
Dund in a short
In East Alton the rest
rnts were com-
pelled to use skiffs to getlabout the prin
clpal etreets todsy. The iwater filled all
the cellars and some of the largest stores
were also flooded. A number of outbulld-
ngs were washed away and the station of
the Chicago. Burlington V Qulncy rail
road was carried away by the flood and
lodged In a field a quarter of a mile dis
tant The flood produced the; worst railroad
tleup In recent years in ;the vicinity of
the Altons. The nig Four and the Chi
cago, Peoria & 8t. Louis railroads were hit
the hardest, while the Burlington sus
tained the smallest amount ot damage.
The Burlington, west eldc, was the only
line working in the city between Alton
and St. Louis today and the road of the
K. line was reported clear to Burlington.
Tbe Chicago, Burlington ft Qulncy, the
east side line, however, had a bad wash
out between Upper Alton and Woods sta
tion. Two miles of track of the Big Four
on the main line and branch at East Alton
have been washed away and the roadbed,
where it runs under the Chlcsgo "cutoff,"
has been turned Into a tributary channel
by the Wood river.
All the trains on the Big Four In and
out of East Alton were annulled.
Tbe storm conditions In Illinois, which
in the American bottoms bad assumed
grave proportions Saturday, became inten
sified through the night and Sunday. As
a result. In Madison county and adjacent
territory several cities and towns are ab
solutely cut off from communication with
the outside world. Railroad track are
washed out, telephone and telegraph wire
are down and the public highway gullied
and traversed by torrents of surface water.
Besides the farmers, tbe railroads are the
heaviest losers.
ST. LOUIS, June 29. Tbfa city and vicin
ity Is the center of a rainstorm of unpre
cedented severity, that has prevailed Incea
santly since Saturday morning. Accord
ing to the local weather bureau reports
5.45 Inches of rain fell here between 2:30
a. m. Saturday and 8 p. m. Sunday, and the
end Is not In alght. At time the storm
equalled a cloudburst In severity
The storm Is the most widespread that
has been experienced In this country for
many yeara, according to weather bureau
officials, extending from the Rocky moun
tains to the Alleghenles. In Kansas, Iowa,
Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Penn
sylvania the rainfall during yesterday and
today averaged from one to two inches
About an inch on the average fell In the
states north, while those In the south rei
celved slightly less.
Considerable damage, the total estimated
at about $250,000, resulted from the wind
that accompanied the rain. Last night the
wind attained a velocity of almost fifty
five miles an hour, blowing down trees, tel
ephone, telegraph and trolley poles, and
Interfering with communication of all
torts. At least 1,000 shade tree in various
parts of the city are reported on tbe ground
From the country surrounding came re
ports of destruction to crons and the wash
Ing out of railroad tracks and bridges,
causing consld rable delay to trains,
Five hundred feet of tbe north wall of
the varied Industries at tbe world's fair
site fell last night a the result of the
storm, the water undermining the found a
tions when the wind was at its height. At
some places the world's fair grounds are
covered with water.
BLOOMINGTON. 111., June 29. This Is
the third day of heavy rainfall, the storm
having continued with scarcely an Inter
ruptlon since Friday. The total preclpl
tatlon has exceeded four inches and has
caused much damage. All railroads In
southern Illinois report washouts and
bridge and track inspectors are engaged on
all the lines patrolling tracks and bridges
to guard against accidents.
Sunday Sehools Throughout
World to Meet There
In 10O4.
DENVER, June 29. Toronto having been
selected as the meeting place of the next
triennial convention of tbe International
Sunday School association In 1905, the
world-wide convention in 1904 will be held
at Jerusalem.
At the last world-wide convention in
London in 1894 tbe executive committee
was empowered to select the next meet
ing place, a preference being expressed for
either Toronto or Oeneva. A quorum of
the member of that committee I here
in attendance upon the International con
vention and they have practically agreed
to hold th next world-wide convention at
The nominating committee of the Inter
national Sunday School convention has se
lected the following as members of the
lesson committee for the next three yesrs
J. I. Patrick, Manitoba: Ira M. Price. Cbl
cago; A. C. Dixon, Boston; Rev. C. R.
Hemphill, Louisville; Rev. John Potts
Toronto; Rev. E. A. Dunning, Boston; Rev,
B. B. Tyler, Denver; Prof. J. R. Bampey,
Louisville; BUhop W. W. Warren, Denver
Rev. J. 8. 8tshr, Lancaster, Pa.; Rev. A
F. Scbauffler. New York; Rev. E. B. Kep
hart, Baltimore; John R. Pepper, Mem
phis; Rev. Moses Rhodes. St. Louis; Prin
clpal E. I. Rexford. Montreal.
The British member of the committee
H. F. Belsey of London, will be chosen In
open session of tbe convention.
Ira M. Price of Chlcsgo ts connected with
the Chlcsgo university and succeeds th
late B. F. Jacobs, who founded the Sunday
school lessons.
F. I. Patrick of Csnsda succeeds Rev,
J. I. D. Hinds of Tennessee, resigned.
Rev. Dr. Hill succeed Rev, W. A. Moor
King Progress? Satisfactorily and Local
Discomfort is Diminished,
Early Balletln Speaks Favorably of
Ills Majesty and Succeeding Re
ports Dear Even More En
couraging Mews.
LONDON. June 29. Kin Edward's nhv-
slclan announced at two minutes of 10 to
night that the royal patient's condition was
entirely satisfactory. No further bulletins
will be Issued tonight.
LONDON, June 29. Last night passed
with less Incident at Buckingham palace
than any other night alnce the operation
was performed on King Edwsrd. There
were fewer watcher outside the pslace,
the public apparently having accepted the
official announcement that the king has
passed tbe point of Immediate danger.
The following bulletin was Issued at 9
o'clock this morning.
The king feels stronrer. In spite of a
lscomfort from the wound. Nothlna has
occurred to disturb the satisfactory prog
ress the king Is making.
This bulletin was not expected until 10
clock, consequently the few persons who
were passing in the neighborhood of tbe
palace were tbe only one attracted to
the announcement. When the footmen had
posted the notice, however, the crowds
oon Increased, early cburch-goers stop
ping to read the latest news and passing
on with expressions of thsnkfulness.
A bulletin posted at the palace at 4
o'clock this afternoon said the king's prog
ress was in every way satisfactory and
that the local discomfort had decreased.
King Transferred to Conch.
The king today waa again successfully
transferred from his bed to a movable
Several postponed functions are being re
arranged. Lord and La ly Lansdowne an
nounced that their reception will be held
July 1.
The king has commanded that the prince
snd princess of Wales shall represent their
majesties at the India office reception to
be held July 4.
Lord Cranborne authorize the following
The kins: hi rapidly getting bolter and
the moment, therefore, seems most appro
priate for public rejoicing. As cnnirman
of the bonfires committee I miga-est thHt
bonfires throughout the country be lighted
Monday night.
Sunday has again been a day of lnter-
cesslonal services throughout the kingdom
for the recovery of King Edward. A vast
crowd of the general public gathered at
St. Paul's cathedral. There was also pres
ent a representative gathering of govern
ment and colonial officials and uniformed
The duke and duchess ot Connaught and
their children and Lord and Lady Lans
downe sat under the dome. An impressive
service was conducted by the bishop of
Stepney, Right Rev. Cosmo Gordon Lang,
and at It conclusion tbe whole audience
sang "God Save the King."
Queen Alexandra, the prince of Wale and
almost all the members of the royal family
In London attended a similar service In
the morning In Marlborough house, while
there was a large gathering of peers and
peeresses at a noon service in tbe Chapel
Royal, St. James palace. x
Queen Receive Sympathy.
Sir Francis Knollys, the king' private
secretary; the Right Hon. Sir Dlghton
Probyn, keeper of the private purse, and
extra equerle to tbe king, and almost the
entire royal household attended the ser
vices in Marlborough bouBe chapel and
the queen, who had not previously left
tbe precincts ot Buckingham palace since
the king waa stricken, received a most
sympathetic greeting.
The public was gratified with such evi
dence of the king's Improvement. Through
out the United Kingdom all religious de
nominations made similar devotions for tbe
king's recovery.
Mgr. Merry, papal delegate to the cor
onation ceremonies, delivered a sympa
thetlc sermon this afternoon, his audience
including Sir Wilfred and Lady Laurler
and other Canadians.
Buckingham palace ha worn a gayer
Palace Appear Brighter.
appearance today than for a week past
and with the constant coming and going
ot royalty and streams of csrrlages bore
testimony to the feeling of increased con
fldence that the king would recover. In
the afternoon a party of princesses drove
to Sheen bouse, Richmond, and the prince
and princess of Wales paid a long visit
to Buckingham palace.
This evening the queen and the royal
women dined within alght ot the public
through the windows In the front of the
palace, many thousands of person being
gathered in the space before the building,
Speaker at Chicago Conference Point
Ont Danger to Prot
estantism. CHICAGO, June 29. "Infidelity, agnos
ticism or absolute Indifference Is already
digging the grave of Protestantism In the
United States. A most important mission
ot the federation ot the fraternal, social
and charitable Catholic societies is to se
cure the lsyman's party helping to make
this country Catholic. Such a bops is not
ao Idle dream. Even the superficial ob
servers and thlnkera have not been satis
fled with Protestantism and they can not
resist the stern, searching logic ot Ameri
can thought."
T. B. Mlnahan of Columbus, O., president
of the American Federation of Catholic ao-
sletles, made this declaration In a public
address to 2,000 or mors representatives
ot Chicago Catholic societies In Power
theater today.
The speaker discussed the anti-Catholic
sentiment In America which, be said, was
so deep-rooted that there bad long been
an unwritten law that no Catholic should
ever be eligible to the presidency. This
"Innate prejudice and unjust dlscrlmlna
tlon against members ot the Catholic
church." Mr. Mlnahan said, "Is largely due
to Ignorance, particularly ignorance of the
Catholic religion with It confessional.
Street Car Stoned and Obstractlons
Placed oa Track by Strikers'
PAWTUCKET. R. I.. June 29. 8treet car
wer atoned and obstructions plsced on tbe
tracks by sympathizer of the striking mo
tormen and conductors In this city and
Central Fall today. The heavy rain baa
made the police less vigilant than ususl sod
the attacks were a surprise. Tw street
railway men wer hurt by ulsilles.
Forecast for Nebraska 8hower Monday
and Probably Tuesday.
-mperatare at Omaha Yeeterdayi
Hour. Deg. Ilonr. Ueg.
ft a. m B4 1 p. m ......
Ha. m R4 ii p. m AH
T a. m .54 B p. m ...... tVl
n , a, m 4 p. m ar
a. m (14 B . ni ...... rlH
10 a. m B4 p. m "
11 a. m A4 7 p. m,...i. M
lit in B4 8 p. m B4
t) p. o3
Miners Say There Will Re No Break
and Operator Talk, of
Starting I p.
WILKESBARRE. Pa., June 2! The be
ginning ot the eighth week of the anthra
cite miners strike shows no change In the
ltuatlon. At President Mitchell's head
quarter National Board Member John Fel
on Is In charge during Mr. Mitchell's ab
sence In the west. Mr. Fallon said tonight
that tbe miners were Just as determined
as ever and unless there was arbitration
tbe strike Is destined to go on. Tbe na
tional board member also denied that there
was any suffering among the strikers. He
said so tar there was no privation and not
likely to be any for a long time to come.
The local operators seem to be a unit In
saying that a break in the miners' ranks
may come any time now. This belief Is
based on reports which the operstors claim
to have received from many sources that
the families ot many strikers are In want.
An attempt will probably be made to start
at least three washerles In the Wyoming
district tomorrow. One operator said tonight
that the number of washerles now in
operation was greater than at any time
ince the strike began and that there waa
only one step between operating a washery
nd a colliery. Sooner or later he thought
an attempt would be made to etart up a
The Wllkeabarre lace mill, which haa
been Idle for ten days, will resume work
tomorrow. The mill employs 1,100 hands,
mostly girls. Because the superintendent
would not discharge five girls whose fathers
and brother were working as nonunion
men In the mines, the other employes quit
work. Tbe superintendent ot the mill then
announced that there would be no work
until further notice. Last night he was
waited on by a committee from the Central
Labor union, and a temporary agreement
reached by which all hands will return to
work Tuesday. In the meantime It Is
thought a permanent settlement will be
Deals Death to 4uartet In Tennessee
nd Doe Havoc to
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.. June 29. Four
people were killed In last night's storm
and much damage was done to farms In
this section.
Miss Cora Kelley, a school teacher of
this city, while driving through a drove of
trees in Megla edunty, near Dayton, Tf an.,
was killed by a falling tree. Her com
panion was uninjured.
James Grayson, proprietor of a sawmill.
and his sawyer, Jesse May, were killed by
falling timbers.
Private Joseph Quirk of the Seventh In
fan try, while trying to prevent a stam
pede of horses In the government corral,
was trampeled under the feet ot the ani
mals and probably fatally injured.
After a thunder storm at Harrlman,
Tenn., a 15-year-old daughter of Frank
Dugger was killed by lightning. Dr. Dug
ger's residence was burned to the ground
and a second daughter was seriously In
Remain of Famous Outlaw Burled
In Cemetery at Kearney,
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. June 29. Jesse
James' body, which has been burled for
twenty years In the dooryard of the old
James homestead near Excelsior Springs
Mo., was disinterred today and burled in
the cemetery at Kearney, Mo., beside the
bodies of his father and wife.
Mr. Zerelda Samuels, mother ot Jesse
James; Frank James, his brother, and
Jesse and Mary, his son and daughter, at
tended the ceremony. A funeral service
was held, and the pall bearers were com
rades of Jesse James when all were mem
bers of the Quantrel band.
When the skeleton of bis father was dug
up Jesse James, Jr., picked up the skull
and pointed out the hole made by the bul
let from Bob Ford's pistol. Besides rela
tlves and close friends ot the James fam
ily only a small crowd attended the ex
Quietest Sabbath for a Month
perlenoed In Pocahontaa Plat
top Region.
ROANOKE, Vs., June 29. This haa bsen
tbe quietest Sunday experienced In the
Pocohonta Flattop coal fields for a month,
Any loss of miners to the strikers' ranks
or fears of trouble which were anticipated
yesterday aa a consequence of the Saturday
half holiday and tbe Idleness of the mines
until Monday haa not materialized.
Up to tonight the official reports re
ceived by the Norfolk ds Western Railway
company Indicate that good order has pre
-jne loading on uaiuraay was 400 car
which is double the amount of coal mined
on any previous Saturday since the strike
was Inaugurated and in excess of what the
operators bad expected.
The situation In the Tug river field Is un
changed and everything 1 practically closed
tight la that district.
Nebraska Man Say One In Dome
Colorado Capitol I Poor
DENVER. June 29. (Special Tele
gram.) John B. Cotton, an old Colorado
pioneer, and now a ranchman at Eddy
vllle, Neb., has com to Denver with a
grlevanoe. He object to tb picture of
Kit Carson, ths famous scout snd plains
man, that adorns the state house dome
and aays th picture must be changed. He
claims that It in no way resembles or does
Justice to th famous pioneer and that he
cannot stand to see it there.
"I was her some time ago and saw that
picture of Kit Carson," said b by wsy ot
explanation, "and simply could not stand
It. Now I have corns back to maks my pro
test and to ask that a real picture of that
great man be placed In th dome of Colo
rado's capltol buUUiuuM
ig Btrika of Union Paciflo achi&lita
ronnaUj Opens Taday.
Agister and Firemen Beam to Hold
an Important "Ktj,
All Men on Trains ire Bttiifltd with
Their Condition.
Union Machinist end Boiler Maker
Assert that Company Cannot
Get Along Without Their
Services Very Long.
The Union Paciflo machinists' strike
formally begins today. The regular order
authorized Saturday by President James
O'Conneli of the Internstlonal Association
of Machinists at Washington will be Issued
early this morning by Vice President T. L.
Wilson, who, with Vice President W. Web
ster of district lodg No. 11 ot Cheyenne,
will assume direction of the strike. Th
machinists of Omaha and thoss from other
places who are In the city will meet thla
morning in Labor Temple and hear th
formal declaration read by Mr. Wilson.
This strike order will, as has been stated.
apply to every machinist and helper
t hrn,, .Vrti, t ,1 ,
.... UBUvUi mo mine system, mere are
S00 machinists and between 800 and 400
helpers. Aside from these la a large num
ber of roundhouse employes who are ex
pected to obey the msndate for a caneral
tleup, but the uncertainty of whose courss
makes It impossible to estimate th pro
portion that will Join the machinists. If
all the men in the roundhouses should walk
out, as the machinists believe thev will.
the total number. Including; boilermakera
and moulders. In the movement, according
to strike leaders, will be about 1,500.
Xo Definite Figure.
Officials of the road say this ts too hlrh.
that the strikers have greatly exaggerated
the figures. Neither side, however, will
n-nl'r a definite statement aa to the exact
ru nl,rr idle until tonight or Tuesday.
J ho machinists and boilermakera. who are
united In this strike, profess to be serenely
confident of victory. The company officials
likewise still maintain their faith In th
success of the Union Paciflc'a cause. Th
key to the situation seems to be held by
the trainmen. Their action, whatever It
may be. I regarded aa the determining
factor. It is believed that unless th
striker's can tie up the operating depart
ment or tne railroad their fight will ba In
Talk for Engine Men.
A representative of the firemen and en
gineers was interviewed Sunday by a re
porter for The Ba upon the attitude of
the brotherhoods. '.
"So far we have not considered th
matter. In fart, wa hav nM utti. .
tention to the strike movement, as w
have not felt that w wre directly con
cerned, but now things have .reached that
stage .where we are compelled to view the
situation with seriousness." he said.
"There has been no talk among us at
any of our meetings aa to what the firemen
and engineers ought to do. We hop
there will be no occasion for any. But ol
course we may have a part to perform
before the strike is settled. If tb en
tire system Is tied up In the shop and'
the machinists and boilermakera call on
us to co-operate In a sympathetic strike.
It will have a strong Influence upon us;
there is no denying that fact. Or It th
shop are emptied of union men and the
company fills In with "scab" boilermakera
and machinists, it might be necessary for
the brotherhoods of both the firemen and
engineers to take action. There 1 no
question but that these things would hav
a vital Influence upon us, but how great
I cannot and would not say.
Engineers and Firemen Satisfied.
"As I said before, we do not want any
trouble and hope It will not be necessary
for us to get Into this fight. We hav no
provocation among ourselves to tak the
Initiative. We are working under th best
scale we ever had. At our conference
with the officials soma months ago we had
everything granted us that we could ask
for. An agreement was drawn up and
signed which was made operative for on
year, beginning the first of last January,
ao of course we are under that agreement
yet and have no desire or Inclination to
break faith with our employers. W do
not believe there Is anything we could ask
for that would benefit our own Interests,
and consequently we have nothing to ask.
We are perfectly satisfied.
"I really look for something to drop in
this strike matter by Monday night. It
may be that within a day or two then w
could speak with precision aa to our own
position. We would not, however, hav tb
power ot ourselves to Join tbe other men
In a sympathetic strlks even If we had any
such desire, for the provisions of our con
stitution make It obligatory upon us to sub
mit to the order of our grand lodge officers
la such case.
Perfect Harmony with Company,
"I want to repeat before you go that th
firemen and engineer are In perfect har
mony with tbe company, have no cause of
their own for discord and hope that they
will not be drawn Into this strike."
Asked If the machinist would appeal to
the engineers and firemen for their co
operation in order to make the strike ef
fective. Vice President Wilson said:
"No railroad can operate without ma
chinists and bollermakeri."
"Then you mean, do you, that th Union
Pacific will be unable to get machinists and
bollermskers outslds of tb union?" waa
"That's exactly th proposition." h re
plied. ! "Well, do you think you win call on
tbe englneera and firemen for help?" he
was again asked.
"To be frank with you, I do not beltev
It will be necessary. Those matter will
simply shape themselves by natural conse
quences. We have nothing to do with th
trainmen nor wish to Interfere with their
sffalrs, but I repeat tbat no road can carry
on Its traffic affair without bollermskers
or machinists." And then with a meaning
twinkle of his eye be added:
"I think tbe railroad company will And
out that machinists and boilermakera ro,
very essential In their business."
Coarse of Car Builders.
There has been mote or less speculation
among ths str'ker as to the probabl
course ot the car builders. By som It Is
maintained that th car builders may
depended on to affiliate with the strikers.
uuw vuey. sis w fefc waat uu Pasted