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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1902)
The Omaha Sunday Bee. PART I. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 2J, 1902 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. SINGLE COrY FIVE CENTS. V JOli IN LONDON SOW English People Ho Longer Worried About Condition of the King. DANGER IS NOW PRACTICALLY PAST Announcement Cause Great Eejoicing Where Borrow Eeigned Before. STAND OWNERS WANT WAR PARADE proposed to Hue an Attraction with Lord Kitchener as Central Figure. MANY AMERICAN WOMEN DISAPPOINTED 0"hey Would HUTU Constituted a Brll Uaat Feature at the Coronation Had Their Flans Been FulOllrd. LONDON. June 28. The following bulletin regarding the king' condition was Issued from Buckingham palace at 11 o'clock to night: "The king haa passed a comfortable day and hie strength haa been well maintained. The wound occasionally causes discomfort. "(Signed) TREVES, "BARL5W, "LAKINQ." LONDON, June 28. At 10:45 o'clock this morning the following bulletin was Issued from Buckingham palace on the condition of Xing Edward: The king had a Rood night and his Im proved condition Is maintained. TV'e are nappy that we are able to state that we consider his majesty to be out of Immedi ate danger and the general condition Is satisfactory. The operation wound, however, still needs constant attention and such concern as at taches to bis majesty's condition Is con nected with the wound. Under the most favorable conditions his majesty's recovery must, of necessity, be protracted. The I it. m. bulletin will be discontinued. (Signed.) ' LISTER, TREVES, BARLOW, SMITH. LAKINQ. At 2:30 p. m. It was officially stated at Buckingham palace that the king's progress was fully maintained, that his majesty was quite comfortable and that he had seen sev eral members of the royal family during the oay. "The king la now out of Immediate danger." This announcement spread quickly throughout the metropolis and caused gen eral rejoicing. The verdict upon which the nation had so anxiously waited caused a longer consultation than usual. The following notice was posted at Buck ingham palace at 6 p. m.: The king passed a very comfortable day and his progress continues to be quite sat isfactory. TREVES. LAKINO, BARLOW. Doctors Disease Case for an Hoor. Lord Lister, Sir Frederick Treves and the ether 'doctors discussed the patient's condU tloq for nearly an hour before they corn knitted themselves to the Important pro- ' Wuncement. ' ' It was read at Buckingham palace by only a email crowd, the pub'lc being practically assured by yesterday even ing reports that everything was going well. :Yet, to use the words of the Westminster Oaiette, the bulletin was ."full of Intense relief." The underlying suspicion that the doctors night fear more than they wrote, the sen . satlonal rumors of hie majesty's death, Which continued eves so late ae yesterday, and the lack of definite unofficial news all combined to create intense nervousness. Such hopeful statements as the Associated Press had been able to mike were not avail able to the Britishers, who, however, were spared the sensational reports, now so pal pably absurd, which were cabled to America. The reference to the wound in this morn ing's bulletin. It is authoritatively set forth, can be regarded without any disquiet. By June 80 the doctors are expected to an- Bounce that all danger of any complications has passed. ( King- Is Very Cheerful. The king was very cheerful this morning, after four or five hours' sleep, and his tem perature was normal. On Sunday his ma . esty will probably be transferred from bis bed to a couch, where he will be able to recline. He Is already able to slightly raise himself by the aid of a pulley. When be first made an attempt to do ao the queen adjusted the pillows so as to form a back rest, and with a elgh of Intense relief the king exclaimed: "Ah, that la better." The Lancet in its comments today says: No Immediate septic absorption has taken place, as shown by the absence of disquiet ig symptoms. We hope, too, that rumor I- ceasing to be buxy with the fathology of his majesty's illness, since he very plain statement of the farts In the case which we were able to publish June 24 and since the absolute accuracy of the bulletin- haa been Justified. In view of the king's rapid recovery (t is small wonder that the group of mem bers of the royal family which gathered at Victoria station this morning were happy nd cheerful. The prince of Wales went there to bid farewell to his cousin. Prince Henry of Prussia, and the Crown Prince Phillips Louie of Portugal and others who are leaving London, Including the grand duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Frederick Francis and the Egyptian and Moorish en voys. Mseii Olad to Ga Horn. The chief at staff of the last named said a reporter: I am smitten to the earth with aorrow for King Edward. England is a great coun try, but I am glad to be going back to civilisation. , A week which has witnessed emotions of Such conflicting and Intense character as te be without parallel Id the nation'a history is ending as it began, in rejoicing. Eng lishmen themselves can scarcely realise that In the brief space of Sve days the country has gone through ths most acute etagee of Jubilation, fear, doubt and hope. Now with todays bulletin they are all talk lag of the festivities, many of which will occur as planned. The Crystal palace July I will be the acene of the brilliant hospital ball, fu which ao many Americans are taking part. On 'July 4 the India office will be transformed. with oriental decorations, plants and Bow era, for the Asiatic reception, when the prince of Walee Is expected to welcome the ' visitors, and London's poor are eagerly ' looking forward to their tree coronation dinner. Plans of Stand Owners. J Among tne disappointed stand ownsrs and other sections of ths public there Is a ! strong desire to have a war parade, with ' Lord Kitchener as the central figure. Such an arrangement would doubtless attract , many tbouaanda to London. The metropo ; 11a and the country are quite ready to go wild over Kitchener, but he ie likely to en deavor to dodge any public shows. Falling XCeatlaued pa Second Pace.). DOCTORS TAKE GLOOMY VIEW French Savaats All Declare Condi tions Are All Against Ills Final nrrovrry. (Copyright, 1, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, June 28. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) The palmist who predicted King Edward's death a year ago now refuses to discuss the prophesy, saying that be abides by hie prediction, but that the circumstances are too painful to permit him to enlarge upon the condemna tory featurec of the king's horoscope. Mme. Coedon. the seeress, when King Ed ward last visited Paris, predicted that he would govern large peoples, but would never wear a crown, which then seemed a foolish contradiction. Several newspapers which hsd started to re-explolt these prophecies have been compelled by public opinion to desist, protests having been made against the use of newepspers to encourage weak minded persons to belief in frauds. Prominent physicians, members of the Academy of Medicine and surgeons In the hospitals, when Interviewed upon the sub ject of King Edward's condition, unani mously declared against his recovery. The operating upon the king, they say, was per formed during en acute crisis without due preparation of the body. Dr. Lucas Cham ponnlere says such cases show a death per centage of 85 per cent. "It Ie a well known fact," he said, "that King Edward Is a suf ferer from diabetes, a circumstance which would operate seriously against his recov ery." Dr. Tozzl told the correspondent that the fact that the king was alive Ave or six days after the operation is no security against a fatal termination. FOLLOW DRAWING OF RAPHAEL Proof Discovered that Frescoes In Saint Anftelo Castle Were Designed by Him. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, June 28. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) According to dispatches, the restoration of the castle of Saint Angelo at Rome has caused some Important discoveries. Quite in the top of the tower, In a room adjoining the apart ment of Paul Farneae, have appeared, after cleaning, the frescoes of Pterin Del Vaga, with the history of "Cupid and Psyche." Dr. Ernest Stelnmann. on studying these paintings, haa succeeded, so it Is said, In demonstrating with certainty that they were made according to the engravings that Coxcyen had copied from the drawings prepared by Raphael to complete his cycle of the adventures of Psyche for the loge of the Farnese that remained lncomnlete be cause of the death of the master. The frescoes of the castle of Saint Angelo are precious because they reproduce pre cisely the series of adventures of Psyche In heaven that were to serve to ornament the ceilings of the beautiful villa of the magnificent Agostlno Chlgl. Pterin Del Vaga also painted the history of Cupid and Psyche in the Dorla palace at Genoa, but there he has wandered far from the models of Raphael that he bad known so well how to reproduce In the castle of Saint Angela PRINCE IS INJROUGH HANDS Coronation .Participant Drugged by 1 London Tons kif'tVhi At-1"f tempt Blackmail. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, June 28. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Every In fluence has been employed to bush up an unsavory rumor affecting one of the royal envoya to King Edward's coronation Prince Francis Joseph Braganza, an Aus trian Hussar officer, and, as a Coburger, cousin or tne uritlsn royal family, came here with Archduke Frans Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne. rne prince, wno is only zi, dined on Thursday evening at a fashionable hotel restaurant. When next heard of he was lying, drugged or drunk, in a low house on the south aide of the river. In the hands of four men, who were attempting to blackmail him. All the men were arrested, me ponce noi Knowing me rana oi me victim. Tbey were arraigned Thursday morning In the Bouthwark police court. All the reporters were exoluded from the court by the magistrate, the proceedings being held In secret. It is believed the blackmailers were let go without ball to give them a chance to abscond before the next hearing. All the London papers, ex cept ' the Morning Leader, consented to publish nothing about the affair. REID'S CARRIAGE TOO MANY Envoy's Demand Wonld Have Brought Number In Procession to Luck less) Thirteen. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, June 28. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) The World's dispatch last week told how White law Reld, special enyoy from the United States, was to be provided with a carrlago In the king's procession after that set for the coronation. To the consternation of the court officials who knew the king's superstitious tend encies, it was found that this addition to the procession would make it consist of thirteen carriages. To their further dis may the director of the royal mews, Buck ingham palace, reported that only four horses remained available which would match In color. All the four were blacks. In the court and diplomatic circles there le much shaking of heads over this conjunc tion of unlucky omens. The Chronicle told that Whltelaw Reld objected, as envoy from the United Statee, to taking the back aeat in the carriage In which the special envoys from France and Turkey were to ride. Learning of this, the king ordered that a carriage be pro vided for Mr. Reld alone. FRENCH TO KEEP THEIR HEADS President Loubet Resolves that Life Imprisonment Shall Ba Ei. trem Penalty Hereafter. (Copyright, 19(4. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, June 28. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) Tremendous mass meetings were held this week In ths labor exchangee throughout France to ad vocate the abolition of the deaih penalty. President Loubet, who has always been ao much affected by an execution that he can not sleep for days before or after Its oc curence, la heartily In favor of the re form. It le said that he has promised him self that until the measure Is adopted he will follow President Grevy's example by refusing to send any more victims to the guillotine and commuting the sentence In each case te Ufa Imprisonment. , Tralalag Shin at Uaeeaetawn. QUEENSTOWN, June $7. The United States training ship Monongahela, which left Newport, R. 1-, June . arrived here today. CUBA IN SAD PLIGHT Financial Condition of the Itland Such as to Cause Great Alarm. LOOKING TO ROOSEVELT FOR RELIEF In Case He Can Aocomulish Nothing Island May Tarn to Europe. NOTHING TO PREVENT SUCH ACTION As Temporary Measure of Belief Sorip May f ossibly be Issued. CONSERVATIVE ELEMENT OPPOSES THIS Some Relief Wonld Be Afforded If Tannic Over Contracts for Public Works Conld Be Straight ened Out. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) HAVANA, June 28. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The eco- nomio situation in' Cuba has really be come alarming and the most aerlous con sequences are expected if some measure of relief be not speedily put into prac tice. At the present moment Cuba, with all the wealth of its soil, Is throttled and paralyzed by the holdup at Washington, hope of the 'senate taking any favorable action haa been abandoned and President Roosevelt is looked upon as the Good Sa maritan who will help Cuba in Its hour of affliction. The attitude at Washington is keeping a great deal of willing capital out of the Island for the present, and the Influx of capital for the development of the large estates Is really as necessary as reci procity itself, but with both denied It, Cuba le really In a perplexing dilemma. The reconstruction of the country cannot be accomplished without foreign financial as sistance. Even the local business men have become palsied by a financial fright, much money has been called out of cir culation and trade has begun to stagnate, all of which adds to the great economlo tension. There Is some talk of overtures being made to England for reciprocal measures, and It Is understood, if Buch steps be taken, the representatives of the English, French and German governments will all submit favorable reciprocity propositions to Cuba. The trade of these three countries haa always been heavy with the Island and it would be to their intereste to maintain and promote the long-standing relations. There is nothing in the constitution to prevent such steps being taken, because Cuba can treat with foreign powers so long as it does not affect Its independence nor violate the Monroe doctrine. It is c-e lleved here that if President Palma should begin negotiations with some of tha Eu ropean powers It would have a very ealu tary effect upon the Washington polttl clans. Talk of Scrip Issne. ,. If all other measure jfjelief fall there Is ta;x of an issue of scrip being made, duly authorized by the government, the issuance being intended only as a temporary relief while Cuba can negotiate a loan or a favorable treaty, or both, as the latter will Invite the former. The conservative element who have been approached on the subject object to such a step, but, as they have nothing better to offer, they may have to vote for It If the issue is forced. Thla mode of paying the Cuban army waa talked of several weeks ago, and the Idea seems to be growing that it would probably be a relief if put Into general practice, it is cited that the cities and counties In the southern states have had to resort to such meaaures until recently. The county com mlssloners would Issue scrip In payment of all public works, school maintenance, etc.. and at each meeting of the board would vote to take up as many of the outstanding warranta aa the condition of the treasury would permit. If the plan be put into operation here the payment of the warrants will probably bo guaranteed at the end of three or live years from the date of Issue, when they will be redeemed at par, with Interest added. This latter feature will be an Improvement on the methods employed in the states and will prevent the depreciation of the paper It is thought this will give the country a breathing spell and will relieve the ex treme tension which now threatens to dis rupt all business and even endangers the government itself. Something; Most' Be Done. It Is argued that It may be a hardship on the government and the people that the step should be given much serious dellbera tlon in order to achieve the best results from the adoption of the measure, but the conditions are now such that something must be done promptly, and this seems to be the only solution. During the life of the warrants the agricultural conditions of the country could be fully resuscitated, made healthy and profitable. With such an end accomplished the refunding of all the outstsndlng scrip would be comparatively an easy task. If the squabbling over the sewerage con tracts ever ceases so that the contractors can get to work, it would be one step toward relieving the financial strain, be. cause it will give a great many employment. There la about $12,000,000 to be expended In Havana and more than $1,000,000 In Clen- fuegos. A new system of water works is to be Installed at the latter place. The present, system is advertised for auction on August 22. Tha city waa recently of fered $138,000 by New York parties, but the offer waa refused. Santa Clara is also expecting to make extensive public improvements in order to gtvs employment to the needy. Unfortu nateiy, none of. this work will be lnaug urated until the fall, and the dull summer months certainly put a rather dismal as pect to ths Idle people. Last Friday sugar sold at $1 45 a hun dredweight, a price unknown before, and on Saturday a lot waa put up for a bid, but no buyers were to be found at any price. The price of eugar generally rangea from $1.75 to $2.10 per 100 pounds. ALLIANCE TO BE CONTINUED Treaty Between Germany, Austria Hnnarary asi Italy Renewed In 8am Form. BERLIN. June 28. The treaty providing for the prolongation of the alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy was signed in Berlin this morning by the Im perial chancellor, Count von Buelow; the Austrian ambassador, L. von Szogyany Maries, and the Italian ambassador. Count Lania dl Buses, The alliance was renewed la Its original form . WILLIE ASTOR IS IN LOVE Forces aa English Girl to Choose Between 1 ntltled Lucre nnd Inlucred Title. (Copyright, 192, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. June 28. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) With the consent of hts father, William Waldorf As tor, young Waldorf Astor has made a for mal propcsal for the hand of Lady Edith Villlers, daughter of the earl of Claren don. Lady Edith Is not particularly good look ing, but Is a very charming girl. She has been about much with ber brother. Lord Hyde, one of the best known young men In society. It appears that Lady Edith has also received a proposal from a suitor who has no claims to such huge wealth as the Astors, but who possessed a title. There Is a vast amount of guessing as to which she will choose of these, who are a'court lng, or whether she will choose either. Unlike hie father, young Waldorf Astor Is an American citizen. He does not fol low the example of his father and renounce his citizenship here. He was officially rec ognized as an American citizen when he was recognized by Surrogate Thomas in New York City as a trustee of the vast John Jacob Astor estate. The young man has, however, lived In England ever since he waa a boy and Is very English in his ways and Ideas, socially and politically. He Is a good oarsman, a fine horseman and an ardent huntsman, who very nearly won the lnter-varslty polnt-to-potnt steeple chase last year. He has recently taken up with politics and Is a follower of Lord Roseberry. He was very anxious to volun teer as a soldier and go ta the Boer war, but his father refused to allow him to do so. He was keenly disappointed, because all his college chums enlisted and he real ized that he lost caste among his associates. Young Astor was born In New York City, but knows little or nothing about bis na tive city. He la a handsome, athletic fel low. He waa a college friend of the son of Lord Roseberry and it was in that way that he became Interested in politics. Francis Hyde Villlers, C. B., an uncle of Lady Edith, waa at one time prominently mentioned as the probable successor of the late Sir Julian Pauncefote as ambassador to the United States. He has been as sistant under secretary of state for foreign affairs. BROKEN HEARTS ARE STILLED Aged North Carolinians Commit Sui cide Where They Wooed In Switserlund. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, June 28. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The tragic suicide of the two Americans, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn, formerly of North Carolina, at Ouchy, on Lake Geneva, last week, is the talk of the American colony here. A long letter written by Vaughn, explaining the motive of the double suicide, was found on a table of the room In which the couple sought death. , . It was a pitiful story of hard luck, In termingled with tragic romance. Thirty years ago thy. were married in Switzer land and rented the same cottage in which they were found dead. Their bodies were discovered in their former bridal chamber. After their marriage, both being well off. they spent two years In Europe and later returned home. Though natives of North Carolina, they removed to Portland, Ore., and there Vaughn embarked In various business enterprises, which prospered. After twenty-five years of married happi ness. In - which eight children were born to them, troubles came thick and fast. Their eight children died within three years. The youngest son, after accident ally shooting hts eldest brother, himself met death in a mill explosion. Six months later a favorite daughter died of typhoid fever contracted while nursing her hus band, who also succumbed to the disease. The husband of another daughter embez zled funds Intrusted to his care and In order to save him Vaughn was obliged to make over most of his property. Finally, broken In health and spirits, the aged couple, left without a relative in the world and with just enough money to keep them from starvation, came to Europe. They sought rest In Switzerland, the scene of tbelr romantic courtship, The modest ivy-clad cottage which tbey bad occupied as bride and bridegroom, by chance empty, they rented, hoping to find there aolace from their many griefs, but InsteaL Vaughn's letter said, the mem ortes of the past became unendurable and they determined to end everything. CIGARETTE COSTS THOUSANDS Warsaw Bank's Deposit Goes t'p In One Little Cnrl of Turkish Smoke. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, June 28. (New York World Ca blegram SpeclaT Telegram.) Fourteen thousand dollars for a cigarette. Thla is the price which, according to dispatches just received, a bank employe of Warsaw. Poland, inadvertently paid for one brief smoke. This boy, Constantln Kardax, w going to the Imperial bank with a bundle of bills In bis pocketbook amounting to $14,000 that he was to deposit there, when he waa accosted by a personage elegantly dressed who asked him to show him to the Imperial bank, as he wished to have a check cashed there. "I am going there my self," replied Constantln, "We can go to gether." The offer of a cigarette accepted without question was the Immediate recompense of his courtesy. Scarcely was the cigarette consumed when the bank employe, taken with a sud den Illness, fainted In the arms of his com panion. When, some minutes later, he opened his eyes in a drug store, whither he had been carried, he remarked the disap pearance of his pocketbook and his com panion at the same moment. The strange odor of the cigarette that Constantln had preaerved between his fingers attracted the attention of the druggist and analysis re vealed that he bad been the victim of a robbery through a narcotic. CASTELLANES IN HARD LUCK Boat and His Brothers Seem Destined to Lose In Their Election Contests, (Copyrfght. 1908, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, June 28. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) The commis sion appointed by the' Houae to examine into the circumstances of Bonl Caatel- lane s election baa recommended an in qulry by 17 to 1$ votea. His brother, Stanislaus Castellans, fared even worse, it being unanimously recommended that his election be annulled. The caae of the third brother, Jan, has not yet been reached, but the committee reporter says the evidence will render validation of. the election Impossible, WINS THE COLD CUP Uncle Sam Takes Beoond Race of the Great Regatta at Kiel. YACHTS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Emperor William Has Hade Event Host Brilliant ef Year. HUNDRED RACING CRAFT TOGETHER Many of Them Are French, British, Swed ish, Danish and American. MIMOSA OWNERS ENTER A PROTEST Objects to Awarding; American Yacht Gold Cnp on Gronnd thnt It Started from Wrong Side of Booy. KIEL, Germany, June 28. Emperor Wll lam haa made the Kiel regatta the most brilliant yachting event in Europe this year. The Engllsn yacntsmen agree tnst it surpasses the Cowes meetings which have occurred during the two years of the South African war. Under his majesty's per sonal stimulus 100 racing craft were brought together, a quarter of them being French, British, Swedish, Danish and American vessels. Most of them' are small raters, but ten or twelve are large vessels and represent some of the best work of the British and American builders. Emperor William's judicious distribution of the Invitations made the event distinctly international. About twenty beautiful gold and silver cups, the prizes In this regatta, are set on table at the Yacht club. Nine of thera are gifts of his majesty, the emperor, end Prince Henry of Prussia. The American participation has been a disappointment, because Prince ' Henry personally Invited several members of the New York Yacht club. But months before that Intimations of Emperor William's desires were con veyed to yachtsmen in the United States. His majesty called on Mrs. Ogden Goe- let on Nahma. Thursday. She, following custom, first left her cards on board the Imperial yacht Hohenzollerit: The em peror was Jolly and chatty while on Mrs. Goelet'a yacht. He remarked that he had been on board of many yachts, but Nahma was the finest he had seen. Rlggs' Yncht Wins Second. Uncle Sam, owned by F. B. Rlggs of New York, today won Its second race at the regatta and the kalser'a gold cup, beat ing Mimosa of the Hamburg club by eleven seconds and Hansa of Lubeck by three minutes and thirty-five seconds. There were seventeen starters and the course waa the same as that over which Uncle Sam sailed a winning race last Thursday. The finish of the contest was a long luffing match. Mimosa led by two length until within fifty meters of the finish line, when It luffed under the lee of a bill and lost the breeze, while Uncle' Bam squared away. and crossed the line, eleven seconds In front of Mimosa. The conditions of the . contest for the kaiser's gold cup were not, aa Jiaa been before stated, three out of four races, but two out of three, the fourth race being for a consolation prize. After the finish of today's race . the owners of Mimosa entered a protest against the prize being awarded to Uncle Sam on the ground that that yacht started from the wrong elde of the buoy, and a snapshot photograph was submitted to the com mlttee In proof of the assertion. This photograph showed what purported to be Uncle Sam starting outside the buoy. Protest Turned Down. J. Hopkins Smith, jr., of Harvard, 1902, commodore of the Harvard yacht club, and G. Barclay Rives, third secretary of the United States embassy at Berlin, who sailed Uncle Sam, are positive they crossed the line on the proper side of the buoy and their statements were accepted. Later It was shown also that the photograph sub mitted to the committee was a picture of John Bull, an English contestant In the race. When this was brought out, the owners of Mimosa quite agreed that they were In error in making the protest. The mem bers of the yacht club express pleasure that Uncle Sam won, as they think the result will stimulate American Interest In Kiel regattas. George Von L. Meyer, the United States ambassador to Italy, telegrapha that he will arrive here tonight on a pleasure trip. The action of Emperor William in creat Ing King Edward an admiral a la suite In the Oerman navy was cau-ylng out an In tended coronation honor, but' ia was also designed to Indicate In the most public manner the emperor's sympathy and es teem for his uncle. SOLDIERS TOO SOFT-HEARTED French Senators Fear They Conldn't Do Depended on with Two Years Service. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, June 28. (New York World Ca- blegram Special Telegram.) Political in terest continues In the discussion In the Senate of the bill reducing compulsory military service to two Instead of three years, which la the requirement of ths present law. Minister of War Andre sup ported the bill In a remarkable speech. In which he said that two years, is now suffi cient to turn out capable soldiers, even In the military service, and that a demo crattc state should not require a longer term of service from citizens In time of peace. Premier Combes said the whole cabinet Indorsed the measure. Its opponents, he declared, are reactionaries, whose chief argument Is not that ths soldier may not become proficient in the two years, but that the period Is too short for him to Imbibe the proper military spirit. Senator Halllgln, tn reply, voiced the real fears of ths opponents of the reduc tion by saying that, while soldiers can be fitted to fight foreign enemies In two years unless they are kept long enough to im bibe the true military contempt for every thing unrelated to the army, they cannot be relied upon to repress disturbances at horns. Another opponent of the bill re called recent Instances where soldiers of even three years' service refused to fire upon strikers. Another reform measure which stands next upon ths republican program la the abolition of military justice In time of peace. Premier Combee is of the opinion that apeclal military courts tend to breed the idea that the army and navy depart meats are euperlor to ordinary laws. The common law, he said. Is good enough for the postmaster and the school teacher and I anould also turn c4 tor the soldier. THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Warmer Sunday and Monday, 1 London Is Rejoicing Now. Cohans In a Bad Pliant. American Boat Wins Gold Cnp. I'nlon Foellle Machinists Strike. 9 Filipino Army Only n Mob. Morgan on Panama Cnnal. 8 More Friends of Snpreme Conrt. Hoaewater. Talks with President. Congressman Bntler Turned Out. 4 Multiplies Tnsahle Valuation. South Omaha Sews. Steel Workers Get an Increase. n Week In Omnha Society. T nate War Is Not Improbable, Bonrd Now Considering Tax Bate. A Council Bluffs and Iowa News. 9 Sportlnst Events of n Day. Miss Morrison Convicted. 11 Sporting Review of the Week. 14 Woman's World and Work. lit Amusements and Music. 16 Story "Barbara of Ollerton." 17 King Ak-Sar-Ren Mrnnced. Tree Planter's Mission. Ruthless Slaughter of Elk. Jews and Primroses. 1" Editorial. 19 t'ncle Sam's Leaal Guide. The Day We Celebrate. Sootblna Patriots with Money. 22 To Clear n Soldier's Name. 23 Markets and Financial. 84 Omahans Invent In Idnho Lnnds. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday I Ilonr. Dec, Hour. Dear. 6 a. m ...... ft. l p. m ...... Bn a n. m ...... R.I a p, m IW Ta. m nil 3 m ...... BT 8 n. m ...... (in 4 p. ni ...... (IT 9 a. ra 511 ft p. in...... BT 10 a. m BB e) p. iu...... BT 1 1 a. m ...... (Ml T p. in ...... BT 13 m BU MOYER PROBABLY MURDERED Found I'nconsclons on the Sidewalk and Now Dying at the Hospital. Clark Mayer, a mall clerk on the Burling ton road, was found unconscious dying on the sidewalk in front of the Creston house saloon In Council Bluffs shortly after mid night. There was an ugly wound under his right eye, from which blood was flowing freely. He was taken to St. Bernard's hospital. where his death Is momentarily expected. He wae found by former Alderman Brown and County Surveyor Cook. There le every indication that It Is a case of murder, but both the motive and the parties guilty of the crime are a mystery at this time. The last seen of Mayer be fore he was found on the sidewalk was when he left the saloon at twenty minutes to 12 o'clock. According to Martin Morten sen, the bartender In the saloon, Mayer had been spending the evening in the place in company with friends and left when the Tlactfas 'closed for the" Bight a few min utes before 12. No one has appeared tip to the present who can tell anything of what happened between that time and when he was found unconscious on the sidewalk. TORNADO STRIKES TEXAS Two Bohemians Killed and Four Others Are Injured Near Wallls. WALLIS, Tex., June 28. Late yesterday a tornado struck a Bohemian settlement near here, killing several persons and in juring many others. The known dead are: FRANCIS VIACLOVSKY. MRS. HRANICKY. The seriously Injured; John Vioclovsky. Mrs. John Viaclovaky. Kohnvedcka. Ignace Hranlcky. The first list is Incomplete, but as the houses are scattered, Is as full now as can be bad. Many houses were blown to pieces and the crops were laid waste. The storm crossed the Brazos river and It is reported that several negroes were killed near Slmonton, though this has not been con firmed. The tornado waa the same that wrecked the Southern Pacific freight train at East Bernard, on which five trainmen were hurt. BROTHERHOODS ARE TO MERGE Conductors and Trainmen Agree on Terms Which Are Practically a Consolidation. KANSAS CITY. June' 28. (Special Tele gram.) The Joint conference of the Order of Railway Conductors and the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, which haa been session in Kansas City for a week, haa ended and the delegates left for their homes today. One of the delegates said: "The conference was in line with the general trend of the age. In these days organizations with similar objects are joined into one larger body." "Did the conference effect a consolidation of the conductors and trainmen?" bs was asked. "Well, yes, practically," be replied "They will be governed by one advisory board. I cannot tell you anything more. P. H. MorrlBsey, head of the Brotherhood of Trainmen, refused to make any state ment. WIFE SHOOTS HER HUSBAND Mlehael Bnrka Goes Home Intoxicated and Stnrts Trouble, Ead Ingr la Death. BT. JOSEPH, Mo., June 28. Michael Burke, a rich farmer residing nesr Craig, Mo., sixty miles north of this city, was shot and mortally wounded today by his wife, a pistol bullet passtn gthrough bis brain. Burke was under the Influence of liquor, having arrived home from a visit to Craig. He was acting ugly and started In to thrash a hired man. His wife Inter fered and became the object of his wrath and a vicious assult. She fired but one shot. Burlington to Change Track. BCRLINOTON. Is., June 28. The Chi eago, Burlington 4t Qulncy railroad w attempt tomorrow to change 100 mil ill of narrow gauge track to standard gauge in eight hours time. Hundrede of men have been placed along the road for purpose of shifting the man miles rails. the of BIG STRIKE BEGINS Union Pacifio Machinists and Helper. Decide to Go Out. OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYES FAIL TO AGREE At Conference Cempany Eofum to Grant Demands of Men. TWELVE HUNDRED STRIKERS IN LINE Boilermakers and Machinists Determined U light Together. TIEUP OF SYSTEM NOT IMPROBABLE Operating Officials of the Railroad, H,,'e'i Declare that Strike Will Not Serlonsly Km. barrass the Company. Union Pacific Employes Idle. Machinist R(MI Helpers , ... 4M .... IT Tn iaf Bnllcrmnkers Helpers Moulders Total ' 11ITO Labor trouble In the I'nlon Tactile ahona reached a crisis Saturday Just before noon, when the conference between officials snd a committee from the Machinists union raueo to agree on terms of settlement and the machinists tentatively declared a strike. The formal order for a nrl strike to extend over the entire system will be Issued by President O'Connell of the International Association of Machinists at Wanhlngton. The action of the union here was Indorsed by a telegram from President O'Connell, received at 2:30 Sat. urday afternoon. Originally there were 500 machinists em ployed in the Union Pacific shops and 400 helpers. Ninety-eight per cent of these nre members of the union and will co operate with and be governed by the strike order, and the union officials declare they can control the remaining 2 per cent of non-union men. As a matter of fact. there were not over seventy-five or 100 machinists and helpers in the active service of the company when the strike was de cided upon, as the large majority had been discharged during the week, 187 on Friday, the day before the ultimatum was received. So while all the 900 men are really on a strike, provided the union can control the 2 per cent of non-union men, not over 100 had the privilege of walking out when the crisis was reached. Fifteen Hundred Men on Strike. With the entire number of Union Pa. clfic bollermakers under strike orders, the combined number of strikers Is In the neighborhood of 1,200. The bollermakers and machinists have avowed their Inten tion of standing together throughout this struggle. The bollerroakera were Jubilant , when they heard of the action of the ma chinists and both organizations are confi dent of winning their fight--O the niher hand, the -ompany la calmly indifferent to the sanguine disposi tion of the strikers, believing that when the smoke of the battle clears away the result will be a Union Paciflo triumph. ' The officials atlll assert that their inter ests are not In Jeopardy and can be safe guarded under present conditions for an indefinite period. Theyl are not viewing the likelihood of a prolonged and disas trous struggle with grave apprehensions. The strike of the machinists It the out come of long pending difficulties and the direct result of a conference between the officials and the machinists' committee at Union Pacific headquarters Saturday. Conference with Ofllcluls. The committee, beaded by Vice President T. L. Wilson from St. Paul, Minn., repre senting the ternational organization, and Vice President W. Webster of Evanston, Wyo., representing the various unions over the Union Pacific system, met General Man ager E. Dickinson and Superintendent of Motive Power W. R. McKeen, jr., in the tatter's office at 8:15 Friday afternoon, immediately upon the departure of the car builders' committee, who had effected amicable terms with the officials. The machinists were cordially received, their . demands accepted and they were told to call at 10 o'clock Saturday morning. Saturday's meeting was slightly delayed, but the men got together before noon and within five minutes the conference wae over, all negotiations at an end and tha machinists ready for a strike. They were unable to agree upon terms. The fallowing six propositions were sub mitted by the machinists: 1. Reinstatement of all local and district officers discharged by the company. 8. Knforeement of the agreement signed by both sides a month ago. 3. A general increase of 10 per cent. 4. No piecework. 6. Recognition of the International As sociation of Machinists. 6. Protest against working with "scab' bollermakers. Officials and Men Differ. The company and the machinists com mittee each gives a different version as to the action upon these six propositions. The machinists declare that they were all summarily rejected. The company officials affirm that they were willing to grant all the propositions except the one pertaining to piecework. One of the officials, discuss ing the matter, eald: "The men simply were too unreasonable to confer. We were ready to accede ta every demand except the one asking us to discard piecework. That we insisted on and it looked to us that, having shown a disposition to grant five cut of their six propositions, they m'ght have afforded ore concession. We did not, oa a mailer of fact, grant any of the conceeslons aiiked, for the reason that when we declined to give in on the plecewo.k proposition th men said that settled the whole matter." Statement of Strikers. The strikers' representative mad this . statement: "The official were unreasonable. They refused to entertain a single proposition advanced and there was nothing left for us to do but submit to the Inevitable strike. This we have done and we promise the railroad that we are In the fight to a finish, prepared for a long and bitter struggle, if necessary, "The officials knew that we could sot accept piecework, as the constitution ef our international organization forbids It. and, furthermore, we could not make fair wages under that sort of system." Origin of tha Tranbl. The origin of the Union Pacific labor troubles was in the closing of ths foundry by the company, by which 120 melders snd helpers were thrown out of employment. The next step wss the strike of the boiler makers, 100 of whom walked out In different ,saops over the system because tha, wanted i