THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUKE 28, 1002 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Tax Commissioner Bays As,esment Will Bs Sixteen Million Dollar. CORPORATIONS FURNISH SEVEN MILLION Tas Hate Mar Be Reduced from Forlf-Foir to Klht Mill. Hum raond Parkls l'laat Probably Will Be Rfoprnfd. The Board of Review Is not through with Its revision and Tax Commissioner Fitzgerald mated late yesterday afternoon that f.robably another day would be taken up In fixing up the reports of the board. He did say, however, that the valuation would not fall below $10.01)0,000. ' The exact valuation will not be known until the board completes its work and submits a report. On account of the large number of small complaints filed Hits year the work of the board has been tedious, but the members re putting In full time and propose getting through as soon as possible. Fewer com plaints were received this year from largo concerna than In former years, but It la thought that the number of smaller com plaints filed la larger. Th9 valuation so far returned by the city assessors Is the highest In the his tory of the city. For the year 11)01 the valuation of all of the property in the city, including the corporations, as returned by the tax commissioner, amounted to only little, over $L 500,000. It was reported late yesterday afternoon that several of the corporation representa tives had declared that unless their valua tions were lowered the matter would be taken Into the courts and the entire levy tied up. This rumor could not, however, be confirmed. Corporation valuations, as accepted by the Board of Review: I'nlon Block Yards ompany $1.351,' O) Armour & Co I. 7W0 CmlHhy Parkins: company I 04 . Oh) Bwlft and Company k..'joi Hammond Packing company 3 5. 0 Otnhhii Packing company 4'3,0 Omaha fctreet Hallway omp-iny.... S'l.'t) Metropolitan St. lliillway company Omaha tins rnmpuny lMtkO Oman Water company 5 50 New Thrmson-Hotixton company.... IU.5'0 Nebraska Telephone, company 75.0" Parkvrs Nntlonal bank 1 South Omaha National bank 32.''' Union Stuck Yards Nntlonal bank.. 32," 0 The only changes made by the board from the flgurea submitted by Tax Com missioner Flttgerald was a reduction of $23,000 In the valuntlon of the Union Stock Yards National bank and an Increase in the, valuation of the property oj the New Thomson-Houston Electric Light company. The total valuation of the corporations do ing business here Is $7,055,000. Members of the city council assert that with a valuation of about $16,000,00(1 the levy can be cut from 44 to about 8 mills. Un der the terms of the present charter the city Is permitted to levy only so much for each fund. The general fund is allowed $38,000; fire, $13,000; police, $18,000; lights, $13,000; water, $13,000; paving repairs, $2,500; park, $2,500; library. $',00. In ad dition to this a levy for a sinking fund to the amount of $41,000 may be made to pay the Interest on general indebtedness bonds and other bonds from districts where prop erty owners have not met their obligations. It appears to be the Intention of the coun cil to keep the levy down to the lowest pos sible limit. Probably- Will Open. Before leaving for Chicago yesterday an 'official of the Hammond Tacking company was asked about the rumor that the plant here would soou reopen. The reply was that the plant would probably open within a short time, but no definite arrangements bad been made. I'ackers here expect a big run of stock from the ranges before long. On account of the condition of the grass it Is asserted that the run will commence about July 15, which -Is a little earlier than vsual. It 1 understood that the packers and the stock yards company are making preparations for an exceedingly heavy run. The returns from the ranges show that the country north and northwest of this mar ket la fl:lel with cattle ready to be shipped to market at any time. Hawthorne Addition. Theodore Schroeder, chairman of the com mittee on buildings and grounds of the Board of Education, la advertising for bids for the construction of a two-room addition to llawthorno school. Eighteenth street and Missouri avenue. Bids for this work will be received by the board up to noon of Monday, June 30. The stipulation Is made that all bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $100 as an evidence of good faith. It ia further stated In the ad vertisement that - the board reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Member of the board assert that the construction of two additional rooms to this school build ing will greatly relieve the crowded condi tion of the Central School. Provoiri Oil Wsrrhoaiei. Chief Etter of the fir department has railed the attention of the city officials to the storage of oils In buildings located Inside of the city limits. In speaking of this matter the chief said: "I refer par ticularly to the various grocers' estab lishments, wherein are stored oils, and especially gasoline, sufficient to cause a bad Are. In order to remedy Ihls danger as much as possible I recommend that an ordinance be passed to compel all persons dealing In oils to provide fireproof houses. If such structures are erected and the oils kept therein the chances of Ore will be greatly lessened. I earnestly hope that the city council will taks up this matter at an early date." TO GET AROUND EXTRADITION Attorneys for Ilahn Are Now Trying to Clrrnmrent Action of Governor 'ah. MANSFIELD. O., June 27. As soon as the news was received here today that Gov ernor Nash had decided to honor the requi sition for William Hahn, charged with grand larceny, his attorneys set about to circumvent extradition. Mr. Hahn mas here awaiting the decision. The governor's decision that the offense charged constituted a crime under the laws of Ohio, as well its of New York led to the preparation of an affidavit by Prosecuting Attorney W. H. Dowers of this city, charging the same offense as that for which Mr. Hahn Is under indictment la New York. A warrant was Issued for Mr. Hahn and he was arrested. He pleaded not guilty to the charge of grand larceny. It was decided that the preliminary hearing should be held In the mayor's court next Monday morning. The defendant's at torney did not offer ball, and the defc-nd- nt was left In charge of Chief of Police Weil. Just after this preliminary Sheriff Payne put in an appearance at. the mayor's court. having received instructions from the at- orncys representing the dlBtrlct attorney of New York to arrest and hold Hahn. When the sheriff found that he was too ate and that the defendant was already In he custody of the chief of police he notified the governor of the turn affairs had taken and advices from that official to do noth- ng until the arrival of the papers and the representatives of the New York officials from Columbus. It is the Intention of Mr. Hahn and his attorneys to have the trial of Mr. Hahn In Ohio, Instead of New York. Detective Brlndley of New York and Sheriff Payne, with requisition from the governor for W. M. Hahn, went to Hahn's country home late tonight after him, but Chief of Police Weil refused to allow him to be taken away or even to be seen. HIS EYES DANCE When His Good Drink Cornea. A coffee that will nourish and furnish all the food required to rear a baby Is evidently easy food for an adult to digest and is es pecially applicable where ordinary coffee does not agree. The wife of a Congregational minister gives an experience: "It Is rather curious, the manner In which I cam to adopt Poa turn for my baby. My husband used to be troubled greatly with bllllous headaches end extreme nervousness. This waa about five years ago. We concluded that coffete and tea wer the cause of hi troubles and so gave Postum Food Coffee a trial. At first we did not like it, because It was not boiled long enough and seemed weak and tasteless, but after preparing It properly and that Is easy, we became very fond of It, and now can. honestly say we prefer It to any coffee or tea. "The old headache and nervousness bave dtsapeared and we both enjoy very much better health. "When one of our children waa a year old he would, not drink milk, so we tried htm on Postum Coffee, and from the first he liked It and U agreed with him perfectly so Postum has been his drink now for over four years. "About ten months ago a baby boy came to our bouse. I was, of course, anxious to bave good nourishment for him, and so drank from Ova to sight cupa of Postum during the day. - This, with a little Grape Nuts Food each day was all the nourish ment I took, aud although baby weighed only Ave pounds at birth, he weighed twelve and one-half pounds at. three months and at four months fifteen pounds. Now he weighs tweuty-three pounds. "About "the weeks ago the llltle fellow suddenly weaned hliBself, much to our sur prise. I tried him on cow's milk, but he would not have It. I then tried a certain baby food, then another, but he would have neither. I felt . very anxious about him, but remembering experimenting with an other boy with Postum. I gave him some, which he drauk with the greatest relish.. It agreed with him perfectly, so he lived on It for one week. : 8, nee then he has learned to eat a Utile other food, but he prefer Postuin Coffee to anything else aud looks perfectly delighted when he sees m com ing with It. I said the other morning, 'I wish the Postum - Company . soeild e baby drink their coffee; it would certainly please them.' It agree with' him so per fectly jhat I shall -continue-, to bav htm drink. It .to hla heart's content. I don't Ilk' to bav my name printed, but you can say J am a Cgpfc .Pastor's wife." Nam and adores given by Postum Co.,- Battle Crk, Mlcb 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS Opening; of Tenth Internationnl Con vention nt Denver Under Fav ornble Ansplces. DENVER, June 27. The tenth Interna tional Sunday school convention opened Its first session at Trinity Methodist Episcopal enurcn last night. The auditorium was dec orated with American, and British flags The greater part of the time was devoted to welcoming speeches and responses. A B. McCrlllls of Providence, R. I., presided In place of President Hoke Smith of At lanta, who was detained at home by 111 ness. S. H. Atwater. president of the Colo rado State Sunday School association: ex Mayor Henry V. Johnson, chairman of the local committee, and Rev. B. B. Tyler, president of the Ministerial alliance of Denver, welcomed the delegates. Response waa made by Vice President McCrlllls. After the announcement of the nominat ing committee, F. F. Belsey, chairman of the Sunday School union of London, was Introduced. As he atood upon the plat form the audience rose and sang "God Save the King," following it wjth "Amer lea." The compliment waa acknowledged by Mr. Belsey, who extended the greeting of his countrymen to the convention. A committee, consisting of Mr. Belsey and J. J. McLauren of Ontario and F. K. Warren of Michigan, was named to frame a cablegram of sympathy to King Edward, to be sent tomorrow. The session closed with an address by Dr. John Potts of Toronto, chairman of the lesson committee. Simultaneously with the meeting In Trin lty church another was held at Central Presbyterian church. Addresses were made by Dr. A. F. Schauffler of New York, Dr. Frank Johnson, editor of the Chronicle of London, and Dr. A. E. Dunning, secretary of the lesson committee. ARE REBUILDING MERCUR Section of Mining; Town Destroyed by Flre Will Be Built Up t Once. MERCUR, Utah, Jun 27. The work of rebuilding the section of the town de stroyed by yesterday's Or was begun to day. None of the mining property was damaged. A careful estimate today places the total loss at $300,000, with Insurance of $85,000, Fifty business houses and 120 dwelling were destroyed. pkxsioss ron westers veterans, War Survivors Hemembered toy Ibe General Government, WASHINGTON. June 27. (Special.) The following western pension bav been Granted: Issue of May 31: Nebraska: Original Margaret Baker (nurse, Mcla,l accrued June 6). Foo.h omttnu, increase, Restoration, Reissue f.ic-1 neouore usborn. Spencer, $s. Orll nut Widows. Etc. Margaret E. Dean (si e cial accrued June 6). Norfolk. 18. Renewal W idows Etc. Nancy J. Stlnecipher. Stella, Iowa: Original Leo Rhumacher. Daven port. IS Increase. Restoration Etc. John Williams, fcloux City. $8; Aaron r French (deceased), Denlann, (12; Henry tieinKintr, ma urove, t; William P. Hnd tmon, bhcnandonh $12; Peter J. Lawless Waterloo $12; William C. Hickman, Boone, William II. llarton. Sioux City. 11 William H. Hammer, Cordova, $17; Adam Heal. 1 national. ; Abraham Htmmons Troys Mills, $12: Wilson Toyne. Muscatine 112; Klisha learning. Soldiers' Home. Mar Hhalltowa. flu: Nicholas bwenson, S ddleis Home, MaryhHlltown, IS. Original Widows Etc. alary K. I nomas. Council Bluffs, Is Mary J. French iJcnlson. li; Marv J. Di moss. Council Rlufi, IS; Catharine Dear- dorrr. liust Peru, $; Lurenna J. Terrell special accrued June 6). Lnveland. $4. Hestoraiion, w iaow Alda Btnalley, Ashton, South Dakota: Original Widows. Etc. Anna L. Butts. Miller. V; Maude K. Allen (M-cial accrued June 6). Howard, 18. l&Hue of June I: Ncbraka: Original Peter H. Pease, Blair. $. Increase, Restoration. Reissue Etc. William Johnson, Kulo, U; William H. Mcintyre. Lincoln. 112. Original Widow Etc. Emily Hatch (mother, war w.ih bimin). Agee, !.. Iowa: Original George M. Gilbert. Slou City. IS. Increase. Restoration. Hel.-sl Etc. Abraham Colby, Wavely, $12; John E. Kunyan, Bigourney, 112; Hiram Blake, Massena. $10; Charles c nickering. Den mark, e-'7: James fc-iuaim, waveriy, A Pert Q. Dodds. Cherokee, is; Freilerl Marwiis. Maiiuoketa, $12; Horace B. iSaiea Cedar Rapids, 11". Nathaniel Shroyer, Larchwood, 110; William Mlsher. Washta, Slu: Cloud 11. Brock. Marhallto n. Ui Thomas ljtunhlln Btuart, $12; John Quinn, Grand Mound, II.; Amherst Al Darnell Ik-acou. s. Orujlnal Widow. Etc. Mary JelTery, Trenton, Hi South Dakota: Orlvlnal-Joseph A. Phil Hps (special June 7). Sueartlsh, Is. Increase Hestoratlon, lleissuc. Etc. John McLin Tabor. $10. laaus uf Jne t: Intra: Ordinal Joseph A. Goodloe. Slou staftids, m increase, nesierauon, mcissu The Illustrated Bee. E VERY WEEK IT COMES full of fresh pictures made from photographs, illus trating' current history, !- cal and general, with a fidelity other wise Impossible. Actual scenes from real life form the basis of The Illus trated Bee, and Its reputation for ac curacy Is as well established as Its standing In the field of art. It ha a place peculiarly its own, and while Justly proud of Its record, it is always striving to merit the good things that bave been said of It and to afford its readers each week the furl pleasure and satisfaction they have come to expect. FOURTH OF JULY comes next week, and with it tbe annual explo slon of some ton of powder for the purpose of exemplifying the patriot ism of the people. The frontispiece of The Illustrated Bee will recall to many memories of the Glorious Fourth of days gone by. ' It is a specially posed picture, made by a stall artist, and will appeal, to all who recall the old-fashioned celebrations, when the day meant something more than noise and ball games. EAST SIDE HOUSKEEPING in New York is told about ia a special article of uncommon Interest. The dweller in a small and fearfully crowded section of the great metrop olis bave frequently been described by sociological and humanitarian writers, who depict the squalor and misery of tbe people who live there. The author of the present article fiuds that these people are not so much to be pitied, their chief short coming seeming to be that they live as they do because they cannot afford to live better. They are thrifty and energetic and get away from their surroundings as fast as possible. Photographs of interiors serve to il lustrate the article. VIABUCTS AND TRAFFIC Is another chaper on an interesting topic, the first of which apeared in The Illustrated Bee some month ago. The advantage that grow out of the abolition of the grade crossing are discussed In the present article. The modern fast service, both freight and passenger, on the railroads is the outgrowth of tbe condition which ha made them possible. Illustrations for the article are made from photo graph of ten of the overhead cross ings the railroads maintain in and around Omaha. The former article was Illustrated with view of the via ducts on which the street run over the railroads. COMMERCIAL CLUB MEMBERS had a most enjoyable trip through northeastern Nebraska, visiting a great many towns, meeting old and new friends and spreading the gospel of Omaha' commercial prosperity. It was one of the most successful trips ever undertaken by tbe club, and the members who went came home more than ever imbued with the idea of the Importance to Omaha of the country visited. A full page of The Illus trated Bee is given over to illustra tions of scenes and Incidents of the trip. FIGHT OF TOBACCO TRUSTS for su premacy in the British market Is the topic of the weekly letter of Frank G. Carpenter. In this letter Mr. Carpenter tells of the Invasion of England by the American tobacco trust and of the formation of the BrltlBh factories Into a trust to meet the competition. With bis customary accuracy of detail Mr. Carpenter re count in an entertaining manner the progress of the war and makes a pre diction as to its outcome. He also cite some of tbe dally Instances of the invasion of England by Yankee industries. The illustration are mad from photograph taken in Lon don. ' OTHER FEATURES Include pictures of people who have come into prominence bofor the public, of scene and events of more than pass ing interest, and crisp comment, timely anecdotes and the like, all pre pared with the care that has always marked Tbe Illustrated Bee. If you are not now a subscriber you should leave an order with your newsdealer today for this paper. The Illustrated Bee: BOARD BOOSTS THE JOBBERS Raises Last Tear's Assessment of Thir teen of Them $113,240. CORPORATION COMPROMISES ARE TOLD Tax Committee Dlvalsjea tbe Flstares It Will Reeommead, Which Rep resent aa Increase ef f 1,003,104 Over 10O1. The net result of the Thursday afternoon meeting of the County Board of Equaliza tion was the raising of tbe personal as sessments of thirteen prlricipal Jobbers of Omaha $113,240 over the total for the same firms In 1901, snd $107,695 over their total as returned by the assessors of 1902. Another Interesting feature was the dis ci ouere that tbe tax committee of the Real Fstate exchange bas arranged, for the board's sanction, a compromisa with the five franchlsed corporations of Omaha, tbe five packers and the stock yards that would re sult In their personal assessments being raised $1,905,104 over their total for 1901, and $1,198,357 over their total as returned by tbe assessors this year. The county commissioners have not, and may not, sane t'on all of these latter figures, but they have promised that If changes are made none will be reductions. hoard Raises Some Realtjr At tbe forenoon session the board bad made a raise of $60,000 on realty, most of It prominent corners ' on Sixteenth street. Altogether It was the busiest day the board has bad, and the most prolific of results. It served, too, 'to bring the members of the exchange tax committee and the members of tbe board into a more satisfactory and congenial unity than has seemed to exist heretofore. The committeemen conceded that, having carried their work this far, they are In duty bound to go clear on down tbe line, and tbe commissioners say they are In precisely the same fix. Hence more Jobbers are to be given audiences today, and men of other business on subsequent days, probably to the board's legal time limit, which will be July 10. Bo long as it sits complaints may be filed, but the board hopes to have all In early on account of the Inevitable closing 'ush. Hereafter all who appear are to swear to their schedules. Jobbers Take Their Medicine. It was at 3 o'clock yesterday that repre sentatives of the thirteen Jobbing bouses appeared in the commissioners' chamber. The way bad been partially prepared by a meeting with the tax committee the day previous, but the latter filed no complaints and the Jobbers and board proceeded with out acrimony. The discussion lasted per haps two hours, with much ciphering, and tbe following table shows the result, the last column representing the personal as sessment that the board voted for 1902: Assess- Assessor's Assess ment for Return for ment for Name. 1901. McCord, B. & Co. .$2,(W0 I'axton-O. Co 23.070 Allen Bros 15.000 M. E. Smith & Co. 23.000 Carpenter paperco. ll.uoo K. f. KirKenoiiii Co. l.i.loo Am. 1I.-8. Shoe Co. 9,050 L.-G.-Andreesen ., 17,150 Wright & XV. Co... 12,100 E. K. Bruce & Co.. 10.000 Hayward Bros. Co. 4,700 Byrne-Hammer Co. 10,020 Baum Iron Co 7,070 1902. $ 22,500 23.000 15.100 23,000 11.304 11.1M 9.100 17.150 12,600 9.630 5.125 15,000 7,300 1902. $ 33.300 3,3"0 21.100 40,000 22.000 23,000 12.500 25.000 20.000 18,000 7,000 27,000 8,300 Totals $180,260 $1R5.905 $293,500 Increase over assessment of I'M $113,2:0 Increase over assessors' returns 1902. 107,595 It could not-be laid that all the Jobbers were fully satisfied with what was done to them, but neither dtd anyone seriously pre tend that It was all that might have been done to them, and they accepted the com promise In good spirit. More Corporations Submit. In the course of the meeting tbe tax com mittee presented the signed agreements of tbe electric light company and the tele phone company to a raise to $100,000 each, which Is considerably more, proportion ately, than the city's assessment. The committee recommended approval of these and the two filed the previous day from the street railway and gas companies and It favored immediate action, but the board voted to defer voting until Friday, O'Keeffe dissenting. The water company was mentioned, but Chairman Read of the committee an nounced that after bis interview In Tbe Bee, printed Monday, he bnd discovered that he had been mistaken concerning tbe asscesment of that company and that his committee now finds that the company made a return of $476,010 for personal as sessment and considers that satisfactory. Stock Yards Secret Is Oat. Then came tbe disclosure of a secret that the committeemen have been hugging to tbelr breasts for two days with all tbe Joy of a child who Is about to give her teacher tbe biggest red apple of the season. It was that the stock yards company bad agreed to raising Its personal assessment from $16,865 to $400,000. Every man on the committee grow "chesty" when Attor ney; Mcintosh whispered the news over the desk to Chairman Ostrom, who bad been cornered previously Into an admission that he supposed the compromise figure would be In tbe neighborhood of $200,000. Board la Committed. No action was taken and ao pledge mads by the board, but th latter must either accept tbe figure or raise It, In view of Commissioner Harte's emphatic assertion that there "will certainly be no reduc tions of tbe compromise figures" and In view of that other very Important fact that the public Is clamoring and has been clam oring ever since that action of the board last year, wblcb one member yesterday ad mitted to bave been a complete "fluke." At Least This Much. Tbe following table shows what will be the result If tbs committee's figures are accepted: Assessors' Proposed Etc William H. Burham. Waah'rgton, J12: William Uavls, Strawberry Point, II); liewW Y. Foster, Fort l)odne, $12; George Ferssl, Grant City. 11.'; Michael Kyan, Sol diers' Home, Marshalltown, 110; W tlltam Lee. Corning, 110: Oliver V. Klmmell, KeJ Oak. 112. Original widows name M. etnngnam (special accrued June 7, Manchester. 11-'; Amanda Honn (special accrued June t), Ottumwa, $11- N0RBECK MAKES CONFESSION Detective Tells All He Knows Abost Corruption and Bribery at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS. June 26. Christopher C. Norberk, whose flight In the midst of bis trial for bribery and whose recapture are matter of recent history, went before the grand Jury this afternoon and mad a clean breast of all be knew about polio corrup tion in tht city. He explained that while be did not Ilk to gtv bis friends away he ll forced to do so because they bad all deserted blm In bis trouble. Th moat pregnant admission he mad waa that Mayor Ames bad told blm that be was to take orders from Special Officer Irwin Gardner, now under sentence of six rears la th penitentiary lor bribery. Marvelous Escape From Death! PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND Does a Wondrous Work for a Lady Who Was Almost Crazed With Pain and Suffering. It is well known that terrible rheumatism, ciattca. and neuralgia cause more helpless ness, acuta suffering and agony, than any of the other disease that afflict humanity. Tbe great medicinal virtues of Palne's Celery Compound make It the only trust worthy specific for the cure of all form of rheumatism and neuralgia. Thousands of strong testimonial letters from tbe most prominent people of the land, prove that Palne's Celery Compound has banished these terribly fatal troubles when all other treatment has failed. Mr. Margaret Bethel of Bralnerd, Minn., after thirty year of agonlxtng tortures bad a desire to end ber life. If It was the will of Heaven; ah al most prayed for the time to lay It down. Heaven-directed, she made use of Paine' Celery Compound, and I enjoying true life once more. She says: "For thirty years I have been a great sufferer from neuralgia In the head, and also with rheumatism in the whole body. I be gan taking Palne's Celery Compound and soon found I was much better. Before tak ing the Compound, my life was such a bur den that I almost prayed to lay it down. I was bedfast every two weeks with horrible pain In the head, back, and neck, until I was almost crazed. I am able to do harder work and more of It today than for twenty five years. I am really enjoying life again, thanks to Palne's Celery Compound. I am satisfied that my life ha been prolonged many years by Its use." Assessment IS il. Stock Tarda $ 14 1S6 Five packers 95''24 Street Hallway Co. 114.510 Gas company 90.6S4 Kiectrlc Ugrtt Co. Z7.""0 Telephone Co 29 J& Water Works 162.501) Returns Com- 12 promise. 16.W5 $ tW fO 1O0.M7 320 500 210.HO M.2W 59 504 476,010 L42 "13 O-'O.'iOO 450.0'! V0.01O 100.0 0 47, 10 Totals $533,239 11. 239. 96 I2.43S.V1 'Increase over asssmnt of 19ol... I.905.I01 Increase over returns for 1902 1 IDS, 357 Hair - Food Falling hair, thin hair, gray hair starved hair. You can stop starvation with proper , rood. Then feed your starv ing hair with a hair-food Ayer's Hair Vigor. It re news, refreshes, feeds, nour ishes, restores color. Don't grow old too fast. "I have tried two 'best ever sold preparations, but Ayer's Hair Vigor beats them all for restoring tbe natural color to tbe hair, and it keeps my hair very soft and smooth." Mrs. J. H. Marcrum, Sumner, Miss. $1.M. Alisrsuhtu J.CAmCO.,LwU. Hunter Baltimore Rye The American G)ntlma.n'a) Whiskey The First Sought and The First Bought Sold at all flrtelM rafel and Jobbers, wsu LAKaBAN st BOM, Bkliimors, Mo. The Yankees In.Europ e Prank G. Carpenter to In ves tiga te th e Greei t American Peril. HE WILL SHOW WHAT AMERICA IS DOING AND WHAT IT CAN DO LIVE LETTERS OF HUMAN INTER, EST ABOUT ENGLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, RUSSIA AND OTHER COUNTRIES OF CONTINENTAL EUROPE ? JROSPECTUS Beginning In June Th Bee will publish a remarka ble series of Illustrated letters from Frank O. Car penter on what the Yankees are dolnf In Europe and on the chance which are folng on In that con tinent. The old Europe Is fast passing away and a new country and peopla are taking Its place. Trade conditions are rapidly changing. The people are shaking off their Rip Van Win. kla sleep of ag-ea, and beginning to realise that the American Giant of the West ha girded hi loins and la ready to fight with them for all that la worth having of this world and this world's goods. Th fight indeed haa already begun, and even at Its starting It Is In the favor of the West. The greatest countries of Europe are attempting to combat It. Their parliament already rsfsr to It as "The American Invasion," ths Emperor of Germany has called It the "Great American Peril," and the Boards of Trade and Manufacturers of England stand aghast at the prospect. In Great Britain, Germany, France, Russia, Holland and Belgium a well aa In the other countries of Continental Europe, this Increase of American com merce Is steadily going on. Ths Tankee Exporter has put on ths Seven Ueague Boots of the Twentieth Century, and he Is going forth like an electrical dynamo In breeches. He is Just now at the beginning of his Journey and those who know him best are sure he will not stop until he has distanced all others on ths great race track of the world. To describe ths new conditions and the thou sand and one change caused by It Mr. Carpenter has planned an extensive tour of the United Kingdom and the Continent. He Is now In England nd later on will visit Russia, Germany, France and other countries In th Interest of our reader. ' Yellowstone National Park. This National Resort Is reached beat and quick eat via UNION PACIFIC Very Low Rates During July and August. $49.50 for special side trip tickets. Including stage and hotel expenses through the Park, from Ogden, Utah, or Pocatello, Idaho, on sale to holders of all Pacific Coast tickets. Full Information cheerfully furnished on application to City Ticket Office. IJ24 Farnam St. Thone 318. Unioa Station. Tenth and Marcy. 'Phone &!9. 1 cnni Ann In England for Instance, he will tell how Uncle Sam ha t spoon-feed John Bull to keep him alive, how he sleeps him between cotton sheets at night and how by maans of his new electrical machinery he Is preparing to carry him to work on our modern street oar. He will show how Eng land' coal bids fair to give out and how we eventually must keep our, British cousins warm. Ths New London, the gigantic metro polls of the world as a trade oyster for the American to open will be pictured and a comparison of the big trusts'of the "Tight Little Island" and those of our country be made. GERMANY S In German Mr. Carpenter will Investigate the condition of the American Hog and show how not the farmers, but ths rich land holder ars fighting against Its Importation. He 111 deearlbe how Germany 1 trying to capture the Ocean by building the beat and fastest ship now afloat, and will make one letter on Kaiser Wllbelm aa th Great Interna tional Drummer who 1 pushing Germany' trad and business In every way. He will picture Berlin aa It Is In this year 1902, and traveling over eastern and western Germany will compare their laborers with our workmsn and dssorlbe the wonderful technloal schools which the Emperor has Instituted to aid blm In making th commercial conquest of th world. RUSSIA Mr. Carpenter" letters from Russia cannot but bs of ths greatest IntereeC Th Russians next to the American ar th coming people of the world ol the future. Mr. Carpenter will visit ths capital, fit Petersburg and give letter about th yeung Csar and his government. He will Investigate for us the ehangea which ar going on In Industrial Russia and will open up a new view of th enormous publlo works now building. Ths Trans-Siberian Railroad Is only ons of thoss. Russia has canal and other undertakings In hand which ar even more wonderful. Russia 1 already a great manufacturing country and expects to have a great share In the markets of both Europe and Asia In the future. Th Russians ars now buying millions of dollar's worth ef American good. Mr. Carpenter will tell how these ar handled and show yeu how millions mors can be placed. THE RHINE n Returning again to Oermany, the Great Trad Bouts of th Rhine will be described. Its factories, rather than Its castle will form th material of Mr. Carpenter let ters and he will carry u along on boat , loaded with American meat, wheat and cotton rather thatt on the acenid pleasure steamers of that famous river. North ern and Southern Germany will give many out of the way letter and Hamburg, th great free port of Continental Europe, and its vast trads with ths United States wl)l be tape daily Interesting. "Children Like It And Ask For It." When a medlolne Is so pure, so palatable, so speedily yet painlessly effective, that children life to take it and will ask for It, Is not that good proof that It 1 a good medlolne 1 Such medicine 1 LMM0E.A It 1 the only tonlo laxative, and th only one that build up th system while acting as an all-around blood purlder and tonlo. It speedily clear the coated tongue, checks cold and simple fevers, and H"o lootee sleep. Tbe best Children's remedr In the world. Mothers are its greatest friends, they use It and recommend 1U Laxftkol is not only tno most sflictsnt of family remedies, out Ihs most cononucs.1, bcusc il .onv biacs two mdieias lorono pries, tonic and Usaiiv. All Srurrists, st and 0 cents, or tre sample of To lAXAKOLA CO., isa Nassau Stroc. N. Y For sal by Sherman aV UcConnall Drug CO. Oinsha, Neb. "Man wants but littles hers below" Said a morbid poet long years ago, I'm prone) to doubt that ancient cage When I look at The Bec'a great "Want Ad" page. NETHERLANDS f Th Tank In Holland and Belgium will furnish good material. With Mr. Carpenter w shall Be bow our ootton and wheat are used In the land of "Dykes and Windmills", and learn whether our Bteet cannot make a foot bold In th beehive of Europe, known as Bslglom. Tn his tour of France Mr. Carpenter will Include th silk city e ') Lyons, where thirty millions of dollars worth Of silks and ve). f IfnlJfjt V'J ar Biad every year. He will show bow our own silk mills IIMIlUiai ' ftr- f ut cr0Wdlng those of Europe and give Unole Sam soma points as to how to mske his dsughter's clothes. ,1R. CARPENTER Mr. Carpenter's ability as a oorrespondent has been well proven. In aiiltlon ts having visited every part of hi own country, b has scalopod South America, bas gird) th Paolflo ocean from th Aleutian Island to Van DUman's Lnd. and haa made three trips to Asia te de scribe changes and conditions of that continent. Slam and Java, Burraah and In dia. Egypt and the Holy Land, Turkey and Greece ar wll known te him aad la this trip to Euros he goes te land which be has visited many Urns in the pact and which he I now able to describe in the new and changing condition of thla year JKjO. Th letter will not be confined altogether to commercial ubjeta. Ttoay wW take all matters of human Intereet along th line of modern progress and will e ao writtn that they will Interest, not only ths laborer and th capitalist, but every man, woman and child who wihes te keep abreast of and to know what to going en In th world of today. Thy will cevr such a wide rang that they wUl run for a whole year, beginning In June. MAKE SURE TO READ ALL THE arpenter Letters BY SUBSCRIBING FOR THE BEE