Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Trouble in Omaha ComDanj of ths Guards
to Be ! paired Into.
Maeaaer Trellfti-a Ita tiMk Is Worth
ier sail Ikr Duada Hare Only
ecattle Valir- Kspeaeea
f Caa41datee.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Juii 27. (Special ) Adjutant
General Colby tbia afternoon issued or
dirt for a complete Investigation of the
affairs of tbe Millard Rifles. reserved
military company, stationed at Omaha. The
authorities bave received numerous com
plaints charging officers and members of
tbe company with unmilltary conduct and
for the purpose of quieting tbe disturb
ance and to ascertain tbe guilt or Inno
cence of the accused. It was thought beet
to have tbe company Inspected according
to strict military roles. The Millard Rides
arc commanded by Captain Baughman.
Tbe company was mustered Into tbe ser
vice of the Nebraska National Guard about
a year ago, after having lived several
months as an Independent organization.
Following are the' orders Issued by the ad
jutant general:
1. Captain Ell Uodglne. Company Q. Sec
ond .Nebraska Inlantry, and Captain
Charles M. Richards, Company L., First
Nebraska Infantry, are hereby appointed
acting assistant Inspectors to Jointly in
spect and make full investigation of the
affairs and conditions of the Millard Klftes,
Nebraska National Ouard, stationed at
2. Said Inspectors wUl together, without
delay, appoint the day and hour for the In
spection and Investigation ordered In the
preceding paragraph and will notify the ad
jutant general and the company commander
of the Millard Hides of the time appointed.
2. The Inspectors' sphere of inquiry, In
spection and Investigation will be general
and Include every branch of military af
fairs of the company. The inspection will
be conducted In accordance with the rules
of the United States army. The company
commander will see that every facility ts
afforded for an examination and Investiga
tion Into the affairs of his company.
4. Before leaving the command the In
spectors will publicly Inform the company
that opportunity will be given any soldier
to lay before them a complaint without
any of his officers being present.
t. The Inspectors will Investigate and re
port fully upon the condition of the com
pany ana also upon the efficiency, seal and
ability of the company officers and whether
or not they preserve harmony In the com
pany, and will make recommendations
which may be deemed advisable under the
conditions found.
. A report of the Inspection will be pre
pared and forwarded to the adjutant gen
eral's office as soon after the Inspection as
Upon the completion of the duty herein
ordered Captain Hodglns and Captain
Richards will return to their home sta
tions as company commanders.
Corporatloaa lader Fire.
The Lincoln city council, sitting aa a
board of equalisation, has turned Its at
tention to the complaint of the Commercial
club against the assessment of tbe Lincoln
Gas and Electric company, In which the
club asks for an Increase of the' assessed
valuation of tbe company'! property from
$300,000 to t2.500.0O0. The board was In
session both morning and afternoon today
listening to testimony in tbe case.
Tax Commissioner Altken was questioned
for nearly two hours during tbe morning
session as to how he determined the valu
ation. He received two schedules of the
company's property. They were signed by
General Muager Powers and came to his
office by mall. One placed the personal
assessment at $175,000 and the realty at
$25,000. Mr. Altken said he added $125,000
to the former and raised tbe realty to $52,
000. In filing the valuation be considered
f te capital stock. Indebtedness and fran
chise, but did not value the franchise
separately or apart from the other prop
Representatives of the company testified
that Ita stock la valueless and that Its
bonds have but a speculative value.
Each aide of the controversy is repre
sented by an array of attorneys. The hear
ing will be resumed Monday morning and
will likely continue several days.
Another complaint la pending against the
Lincoln Traction company and will be taken
up after tbe Gaa company case la dis
posed of.
Ksaveaaea of Cmdldatea.
Some additional campaign expense ac
counts were Bled in the secretary of state's
office today. J. P. A. Blaek certifies that
bis expenditures amounted to $130.78, which
Itemised aa follows: For 3,000 buttons,
$27; 600 badges, $17.50; headquarters at
hotel, $20; railroad fare for friends to the
eoaventlon, $21. SI: hotel accommodations
for self and friends, $43.50; telegrams, JO
cents. W. M. Robertson groups his expen
ditures for hotel accommodations, railroad
transportation, badgea and telephoning,
making a total of $99.30. James H. Van
Dosen lists his sxpendltures as follows:
Postal cards, tl; republican county central
committee of Douglas county for filing pe
titions of twenty-three delegates, $46; sam
ple primary ballots, $5; to Ed K. Lower for
carriage and distribution of ballots, $S5;
to George Sberwood for transportation, $20;
to J. W. Mitchell for painting display cards.
$1 5; to Lladell hotel. $20; total. $178.95.
Tbe expenses of Charles H. 81oan, can
didate tor tbe congressional nomination in
the Fourth district, amounted to $347.90.
They were as follows: For etamps, sta
tionery, papers, express, telephone tele
grams, messengers, bill posting and hall
rent. $190.40; for hotel accommodatlona,
$83.50; for livery and transportation. $74.
Adjutant General Colby thta afternoon Is
sued sn order permitting Company D of
the First regiment, stationed at Weeping
Water, to participate in a patriotic eelebra
'tioa at Nebraska City en July 4. Several
tber companies have been authorised to
parade In their home towns on tbe same
The resignation of Captain Kenneth R.
Andrews of Company A of the Second, sta
ll) nH at Kearney, has betn accepted by the
military authorities. Aa election will soon
be railed to HI! tbe vacancy.
Father of Secretary Jfaraai Mrlrkea
While riding In a t'reet car to the Bur
ling on depot this morning William Marsh
of Falls City, father of Secretary of State
Marsh, was stricken with paralysis. He
wss removed from tbe car and taken In a
carriage to tbe home of his son, 1644 Locust
street His condition Is critical, but the
physician attending him gives hope that
he will recover.
Governor Savage returned from his Idaho
trip this afternoon and found a notice
awaiting him telling that a delegation of
Beatrice citizens would appear before him
tomorrow In bebalf of Steward Metzger of
the Home for Feeble-Mlnded Touth at that
ct y It Is asserted here that the super
intendent of tbe home has requested Metz
ger to resign At the governor's office It Is
snnounced that If such s request wss made
it was without the knowledge or corsent
of the chief executive. Irregularities In
the purchase of supplies for tbe Institution
bave been charged against tbe steward.
Th se new business Itst tutlona bave been
organized under the laws of Nebraska:
Th.- Cl liens' Bank of Naper, Boyd county;
capital stock, $5,000; incorporators, R. R.
Nsper, T. E. Smith, O. M. Smith and C. S.
The Farmers' and Merchants' bank, Hen
derson; capital stock, $10,000: Incorporators.
Jacob S. Kroeker and J. J. Kroeker, presi
dent and cashier.
Tbe Berg-Swanson company, Omaha; cap
ital stock, $50,000; Incorporators. Ollie tferg
of Blair, John A. Swanscn of Omaha and
Andrew O. Monson of Osceola.
Hothing Heard from Omaha Man line Hit
Traniftr to Juneau.
J. M. Francke Severely Beaten by Fo
ltre Officer la Nebraska.
NEBRASKA CITT, June 27. (Special
Telegram.) There was a row at the Mattes
Brewing company's garden last night and
because of a general mlsunderstaLdlng one
man was badly injured.
A large crowd was attracted to the
ground by the band concert, and everything
was quiet and orderly until nearly 11
o'clock, when three young men, H. Hall,
F. Foster and J. M. Francke, who have been
here representing a Topeka nursery, began
scuffling among themselves. George
Thomas, a special policeman on duty In the
garden, came up and told them tbey woul 1
have to desist. They then began to argue
the matter with Thomas.
Francke, who was standing to one side,
came up and demanded to know what
Thomas had to do with it. Without show
ing his authority the officer pushed Francke
away and told him he wanted no interfer
ence from him. A fight ensued. In which
the officer appears to have got the worst
of It, He finally pulled a gun and struck
Francke three times on the head, knocking
him down. He then called for help and
started to take him to Jail.
When about two blocks from the garden
Francke's strength gave out and he fell to
the ground. He was then turned over to
his friends, who called a hack and had him
taken to a hotel. A physician was called
and dressed the wounds for the injured
man. He was only semi-conscious during
the night and at times he was attacked by
severe convulsions. Today he la resting
easier and it la thought that be will come
around all right.
Had the officer known that the men were
but fooling, or had they known that be was
an officer, the trouble would have been
avoided. Francke's father waa telegraphed
for and will probably bo here tonight. .
Hall at Bellevwe College
Entirely Destroyed ky
BELLEWE. Neb.. June 27. (Special.)
Flnlay hall, a three-story frame building,
sued as a boys' dormitory at the Bellevue
college, waa totally destroyed by fire this
morning. The building wss being repaired
to be ready for the reception of students
next fall, the fire being discovered by some
men who were shingling the roof. It wss
then confined to the attic, but with the
limited facilities for fighting fire, the men
were unable to extinguish the blaze. Just how
It started no one seems to know. Some of
the men had been In tbe attic, where the
blase originated. Just a short time before,
but aay they had nlether light nor matches
and spontaneous combustion or rata and
matches Is the most probable theory.
The planoa and most of the furniture
In the building were removed and Lawrle
hall, which stands near the burned struc
ture, was saved by bard work. The build
ing was insured for $8,000, and the loss Is
somewhat in excess of that figure.
Flnlay ball was one of the oldest build
ings in the college group, and was named
after Colonel Flnlay of Klttanlng. Pa., a
patron of the college.
Pablle Library for MrCeolc.
M'COOK. Neb.. Juns 27. (Special.) Mc
Cook has Just about completed raising
$1,000 by popular subscription, sad in a
short time will have tbe foundation laid
for a fine library, which will be conducted
by and under the city authorities.
Boyd Coast? Geta Soaklaar.
BUTTE, , Neb.. June 27. (Special Tele
gram.) Boyd county had a soaking rain
last night. Crops are looking better. Rail
road work on tbe Verdigris branch Is pro
gressing rapidly.
E. Roaewater Fats la Good Word
for Letter Carriers aad Talks
Polities with Speaker
. m
t Auditorium Stock Tickets Free
$5,000 in Geld (ss psr AuJ;t:riuni Announcscisnts).
Ob Tuesday, July 1st. Auditorium Day. we. W. R. Bennett Co., wll!
give away 00 Auditorium Stock Tickets. Read carefully and understand
Our store opens $ a. m. and closes p. ra., ten working hours total.
M minutes. We cannot give Auditorium Stock Tickets to every visitor
nor to every purchaser, though ws would like to; but our plan is to g vs
tickets for the day. If YOU are making a purchase (no matter what
amount) in aay department of our store and the MINUTE STRIKES. AND
THEN THE TICKET FALLS TO YOU. Wo wish to avoid the slightest
possibility of aay m.tuderstandlng- We want yoa to comprehend this
plan. It Is absolutely fair and to us seems sbsolutely clear. It coats
TICKET EVERT MINUTE to tbs party making a purchase WHEN THE
PARTMENT IS CALLED. Watch our ads.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. June 27. (Special Tele
gram.) Commissioner Hermann of tbe
general land office stated today that be bad
not heard from Patrick Mullen of Omaha,
recently appointed receiver of the land
office at Juneau. Alaska, since his appoint
ment early In May. Mr. Mullen, who has
held the position of register of the land
office at Rampart City, was expected to
qualify and enter upon his duties at
Juneau on June 1. This, however, was Im
possible, in view of the long distance he
had to travel to his new post. Mr. Her
mann thought, however, that sufficient
time had elapsed to receive a letter from
Mr. Mullen stating when he would be able
to assume the duties of his office at
Juneau. It Is thought by the commissioner
that Mullen may have gone to Nome, in
which event It will be still longer before
any definite news Is heard of Mullen.
Mr. E. Roaewater arrived In Washington
this morning from New York. He saw
Postmaster General Payne today In behalf
of the letter carriers, who are greatly In
terested In having their salaries adjusted,
and will present a delegation of postal em
ployes to tbe postmaster general tomor
row. Later In tbe day Mr. Rosewater called
upon Speaker Henderson and In tbe course
of a conversation the speaker said:
"We are looking to Nebraska to give the
republican party an increased representa
tion In the lower house over what it now
To this Mr. Rosewater replied:
"I believe I can confidently predict five
republican congressmen from Nebraska in
the Fifty-eighth congress, an Increase of
"Now I can go bomo happy," replied the
speaker as the two gentlemen clasped
Pensloa for Van Iloatea.
The bill granting a pension to Captain
Clayton P. Van Houten of Canton, S. D.,
has gone to the president for bis signa
ture. The South Dakota delegation has
been greatly Interested in this case. Van
Houten went to the Philippines as captain
In the First South Dakota regiment. He
was strong and ablebodled when he went,
out, but returned broken In health and is
now Incapable of doing manual labor. The
South Dakota delegation has made his case
a personal matter and finally got a bill
through giving him $50 per month.
The fight over the location of the post
office at Columbus Is settled, tbe postoffice
department having accepted tbe bid of
the Eckols site for $S30 per year. The
postmaster at Columbus has been informed
of the action taken.
D. Clem Deaver of O'Neill. Neb.. 1b In
the city on his wsy west from New York.
Mr. Desver expects to leave for Nebraska
Captain H. E. Palmer of Omaha has gone
to New York to attend a meeting of the
members of the Board of the National Sol
diers Homes.
S. E. Wood has been appointed postmaster
at White, Brookings county, S. D., vice G.
H. Chase, resigned.
A postoffice has- been established at Ells
worth, Roberts county, S. D., with Herbert
E. Vanscbalck aa postmaster.
E. W. brors.
This name must appear on every bos of
ths genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinins Tab
lets, the remedy that cures a cold In one
day. 25 cents.
Will Celebrate at Tyadall.
TYNDALL. S. D., June 27. (Special.)
For a Fourth of July celebration here $500
haa been raised. Tbe Springfield and the
Tyndall Bohemian bands will furnish mu
sic. Rev. Fsther J. R. Hlgglns of Spring
field will give an oration and Rev. John
Battler of this city will speak In German.
A grand parade of industrial Interests will
take place in the morning. Daisy Valley
and Avon base ball nines will play In the
afternoon. There will bo horse races and
sports of all kinds with liberal prtzea. A
bowery dance and grand display of fire
works In the evening will close the day.
Farmer Commits Bnlclde.
DEADWOOD. 8. D., June 27 (Special
Telegram.) Fred Brocker, a farmer living
on Centennial prairie, about eight miles
from this city, committed suicide yester
day afternoon by taking poison. He was In
good circumstances and there was no rea
son, apparently, for his act.
Coatlaaed Showers Satarday
lastly Promised for
Some Iteeelve Exeesalve Wettlan,
While Others Prodt by
Timely Mala.
YORK. Neb.. June 27. tSpecisl.) York
county wss sgaln visited last evening by a
heavy rain and In some parts of the county
there was over three Inches of preclplts
tlon. Owing to the excessive moisture corn
Is not making aa extra growth. It is in a
Lealtby condition and promises to be a large
yield. Winter wheat, oats, rye and barley
are of the largest crops la tbe history of
the county. It ta freely predicted by ex
perienced farmers that the yield will be
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. June 27. (Spe
cial.) Another big rain fell last night. Tbe
rain gauge at the Burlington station reg
istered 1.70 Inches this momlij:.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb, June 27. (Spe
cial.) During tbe electrical storm this
morning lightning strack and knocked off
tbe corner of the building owned by George
A. Hay and occupied by Prof. A. L. Lease
man. A portion of tbe roof was also torn
off. No other damages from the storm
bsve been reported.
SHELTON, Neb., June 27. (Special.) A
nice rain fell here last night; about one and
a half inches of water fell and it was Just
enough to wet the ground nicely on top
and keep corn growing. The last week
although cold has been splendid for farmers
to get through their corn the second time
and the fields are now in excellent shape
for warm weather when it comes. Fall
wheat and rye harvesting Is being rushed
and more twine is being sold thsn sny
year In this country's history as the grain
Is very heavy.
it f n f- r" s i a rr AAiinasiu
WASHINGTON. June 27. Forecast:
For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kan
aas Showers Saturday and probably Sun
day. For North Dakota Showers Saturday;
Sunday fair.
For Missouri and Illinois Rain Saturday
and probably Sunday; fresh northeast
For Iowa Showers Saturday and probably
Loral Record.
OMAHA. June 27. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
112. 11. 1900. li!
Maximum temperature... S 79 l4
Minimum temperature.... M ,7 71 to
Mean temperature 6n 88 75 74
Vreclpltatlon 3 .00 .04 .41
Recoid of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1:
Norma: temperature 74
iwnncricy tor the day 14
Total excess since March 1 175
Normal precipitation It Inch
Kxrt-es for the day 2u incn
Total rainfall since March 1 I CS inches
fM-fU'lency since March 1 4 32 inches
Deficiency for cor. pet I'd 1ni 1.79 '
Deficiency for cor. period liMU IM inches
Uefrorta Inn fclatOaaa at I f, M.
Old Soldiers Will Meet at Franklin.
FRANKLIN, Neb., June 27. (Special Tel
egram.) Tbe district encampment of the
Southern Nebraska and Northern Kansas
Grand Army of the Republic associations
met at this place today for the purpose
of locating their annual reunion and Frank
lin was tbe unanimous choice. This place
la sltusted at very near the center of tbe
district and has a fine grove and grounds
to hold such a gathering. Tbe exact date
of the reunion will be announced later,
but will be the latter part of August. Com
mittees have been appointed to make gen
eral arrangements. The district is composed
of fifteen counties, eight In Nebraska and
seven in Kansas.
Rearrest Lands la Jail.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. June 27. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Bundy. tbe colored woman who
split open the head of a colored minister
about three weeks ago, has returned to
Plattsmouth and is now occupying a cell
In tbe Jail. She was fined $50 for assault.
She Informed tbe Judge that she had se
cured a position as cook In a hotel in
Bedford, la., and promising to remain away
from Plattsmouth waa given her freedom.
She now says she was taken sick and
came back to marry "Uncle" Ned Baker
as soon as he can secure a divorce from
his prrsent wife, who is now living in
Wheat Harvest Oa.
ADAMS. Neb., June 27. (Special. Wheat
harvesting Is on In full swing here now.
Farmers report that the continued dry
weather made the stalks small and then
wet weather set in filling the wheat so
the heads are too heavy for the stalk, and
It Is going down some. A fine quality of
wheat is reported and the yield is good,
from twenty to thirty-five bushels to the
Celebratloa at Nebraska Cltr.
NEBRASKA CITT. June 27. (Special.)
The committees having earge of the Fourth
of July celebration report that the money
required has been subscribed and a good
surplus besides. The Omaba guards Lin
coln light Infantry and the Weeping Water
company will be here to participate In a
competitive drill.
LlaTbtala Strlkea Hoaae at Colombo
COLUMBUS. Neb., June 27. (Special.)
Lightning struck tbe residence of William
Ragatx about 6 o'clock this morning, tear
ing boles In the foundation and in the
ground nearby and splintering the siding
of the house In several places, but the In
mates were uninjured and no fire was start
ed by the bolt.
lee Cream Caasea Death.
YORK. Neb.. June 27. (Special.) Clar
ence Klone, the 15-year-old son of Ed
Klone. died this afternoon from inflamma
tion of the stomach, supposed to have been
caused from eating Ice cream. He was an
exceptionally bright young man and his
parents bave tbe sympathy of tbe en
tire community.
New Exchange for Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb . June 27. (Special Tele
gram.) The Nebraska Telephone company
Is making plans to establish a new tele
phone exchange here scon. The Improve
ments will cost nearly $6,000 and part of tbe
material to bo used in remodeling the com
pany's new quarters Is already on the
Settlers Flaed for SelalnaT.
COLUMBUS, Neb.. Juns 27. (Special.)
Chris Meedel and Julius Rudat, two well
known old aettlers of Butler township,
were filled by Justice Hudson yesterday
In tbe sums of $27.75 and $12.75 respectively
tor seining. Gams Wardens Slmpklns and
Carter being tbe prosecutors.
Threatenlngr Ralaa la Gave Coaaty.
BEATRICE. Neb., Juno 27. (Special Tele
gram.) This section was visited by a rain
fall "of 0.5$ Inch this morning. As the
farmers are In the midst of the wheat har
vesting, a spell of wet weather would dam
age the crop considerably. It la raining
here this evening.
Missouri Contest from the Twelfth District
, to Be Considered.
Mark taaalannaa Coaaent legislation
ia Hoaae la Blocked by Mr. Moon
of Teaneasee, Who Makea
WASHINGTON. June 27 The house today
began consideration of the contested elec
tion rase of Horton against Butler, from
the Twelfth Missouri district. In this case
the majority of the committee found that
the election esse was so tainted with fraud
as to make it Invalid and recommended
that the seat be declared vacant. The
minority recommended that Mr. Butler, the
sitting member, had been legally seated,
and that he retain his seat. Three hours
debate on a aide were allowed.
The speakers today were Messrs. Smith
of Iowa and Bartholdt of Missouri, in favor
of the majority, and Mr. Bowie of Alabama
in favor of the minority report. The vote
will be taken tomorrow.
Some odds and ends were cleared up dur
ing tbe early portion of the session. Re
quests for unanimous consent, for which
there is always a great demand during
the closing days of a session were sud
denly blocked today by Mr. Moon of Ten
nessee, who told his friends that he would
object to all such requests until he wss
recogniied to ask consideration of the bill
to give the Indian Territory a territorial
form of government.
The house disagreed to the senate amend
ments to the general deficiency appropria
tion bill and sent ths bill to conference.
Mr. Alexsnder of New York ssked if a
separate vote would be allowed on the
Buffalo exposition bill. Mr. Cannon replied
that he had no power to prevent a vote, and
if the aenate was in earnest in Insisting
on the exposition amendments he bad no
doubt the house would be called upon to
act. He said, personally, he would oppose
the acceptance of those amendments.
Messrs. Cannon of Illinois. Barney of
Wisconsin and Livingston of Georgia were
appointed conferees.
A resolution was adopted calling on the
secretary of war for Information as to tbe
number of appointments to the army
since April 1. 1898, together with the num
ber of officers who have been retired within
one year of their promotion, and the addi
tional cost of such retirement at tbe higher
The senste's request for a conference on
the Philippine civil government bill was
agreed to, and Messrs. Cooper of Wisconsin,
Payne of New York, Crumpacker of Indiana,
Jones of Virginia and Maddox of Georgia
were appointed conferees.
Moon Blorks Legislation.
Half a doien requests for unanimous
consent met with objection from Mr. Moon
of Tennessee, who announced quietly to his
friends that as long as he was a member
of tbe bouse he intended to object to
every request for unanimous consent until
he was given recognition to move the pas
sage of the bill giving a territorial form
of government to the Indian territory- He
thus blocked the fond hopes of many mem
bers and they crowded about and appealed
to him not to atand 'n the way of pet
A bill was passed to amend the revenue
laws ao a lo place perique tobacco on a
similar footing with other tobaccos regard
ing packagea.
Mr. Taylor of Ohio then called up the
contested election esse of Horton against
Butler, from the Twelfth. Missouri district.
In which tbe majority reported that there
was no valid election and In favor of de
claring the seat vacant.
Mr. Richardson raised the question of
consideration against the case and stated,
despite the speaker's ruling, that the mo
tion was not debatable, that Mr. Butler, tbe
contestee, who is a democrat, was alck In
bed. He appealed to tbe other side to vote
against considering the election case In the
interest of pension legislation.
On a rising vote the house decided to con
sider the case, 114 to 88. The ayes and
nays were demanded.
The bouse voted 142 to 111 to consider the
resolution. No agreement was made for a
final vote.
Mr. Smith of Iowa opened the debate on
behalf of the majority report to declare tbe
seat vacant.
After reciting the conditions of the elec
tion Mr. Smith asserted that to allow such
sc election to stand would be to serve no
tice on the people of St. Louis that their
efforts to purify the ballot box are futile.
At the conclusion of Mr. Smith's remarks
it waa agreed that debate on tbe case
should continue for six hours. Mr. Bowie
of Alabama then opened In behalf of the
contention of tbe minority of the commit
tee that Mr. Butler, the sitting member,
was elected and entitled to retain his aeat.
He declared that there was no competent
evidence in tbe record which remotely
tended to invalidate a sufficient number of
votes to make Mr. Butler's majority even
Mr. Bartholdt of Missouri, the last speaker
today, aupported the majority report.
Without completing his speech he yielded
the floor and at 5:15 p. m. the house adjourned.
: 9 .
Omaha, cloudy
VaUntlne. cloudy
North Platte, cloudy
C heyenne, cloudy
Bait Lake City, cloudy ...
Kapld City, raining
Huron, cloudy
WlllUton. rrur
rago. partly ciouay ...
ix)uis. ciouay
Paul, partly cloudy ...
. hie
'Kavvnport. raining
Kansas City, cloudy ....
Havre, partly cloudy ....
i4tlen. cloudy
hnmrrk. cloudy
Ualvesioo, cloudy
C4 S .14
2 &4j .01
66 68, .00
54! 74 .40
74 7- .00
52; Ml .4
M: 6 .00
5; co .01
78 ss .01
H , .00
.-: .is
oi 70 .04
?! t .00
C 1 SSr .00
4 .00
Ml S4 5.28
T indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast OffldaX
ReiTf Storaa Strlkea Kearney.
KEARNEY, Neb.. June 27. (Special Tel
egram.) Kearney and vicinity waa visited
last night by a sharp electrical storm, but
little damage was done. The only place
struck by lightning waa the residence of
Mrs. Augustus Fraak. Ths rainfall waa 1.19
Cheap Rates 10 New England.
$11. 0 to Providence, R. I., and return via
Nickel Plate Road, July 7. $ and . Par
ticulars at City Ticket Office. Ill Adams
St., Chicago, and Union Ticket Office Au
ditorium Annex. Writs John Y. Calahan,
General Agent, Chicago.
Democrats Will Meet at Rawlins.
RAWLINS, Wyo.. Juns 27. (Special.)
The democratic state convention will be
held ta Rawllna oa August . Chairman
Colin Hunter will probably lasue tha call
la a few daya. Tbe representation In ths
convention will probably bo ths sams as la
1900. there being about slnety-slx delegates
entitled to seata. 1
Miner Falls Dead.
LEAD. 8. D.. Jane 17. (Special Tele
gram. ) Oscar Kumbo. a miner ia the em
ploy of the Homes taks company, while sit
ting In a public resort late last Bight, fell
from his chair and whea picked up was
dead. Heart dlseaae waa the cause.
First shipment ( Haass Cattle.
PIERRE. 8. D.. JOne 27. (Special Tele
gram.) Ths first trainload of range cattle
to be shipped from this point this year will
leave for Chicago tomorrow morning. Two
special train of horse save been sent out-
Cabinet Meets Oatalde White Hoase.
WASHINGTON, June 27. For the flrat
time in eighty-eight years a regular ses
sion of the csblnet was held today outside
tbe White House. When President Roose
velt arrived from New London, Conn., this
morning be was driven to the temporary
executive mansion in Lafayette Square.
After the cabinet meeting it was stated that
there waa nothing to make public.
will CURB any ease of
Stomach Trouble
Chronlo Dyspepsia
or Indigestion, ao matter how se
vere the case ma v he. ltgoestetho
root of thee viL Hundreds of chron.
io dyspeptics who have su Acted for
vsara bave been cnmpletrl v enred
' lin rim vllk Mu'k traaM
v.-.w-m...!.. atd,M4 ta
wu Laf ! aula
taut, a bass. a.ia uw
Send to FRANK SAC,
for Irs eooUat aflTTI f.
W w1 h4by
Recommends One of Ohio's Well
Known Products, Pe-ru-na
Hon. Alphonzo Hart, ex-Lieutenant-Governor of Ohio, In a recent letter from Wash
ington, D. C, says:
The Pemna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Gentlemen: "I have been using Peruna for catarrh, and can cheer
fully recommend it to all as a cure for same, and it is also a good toaic
Mr. Elmer M. Barnes, 611 State street.
St. Joseph, Mich., Manager for the League
of Educators of Michigan, writes as follows:
'It is with pleasure that I give Peruna
my hearty endorsement. I have found
that It contains valuable properties as a
tonic. Close study and steady confinement
induces a wear and tear on tbe nervous
system, snd at such times 1 have found
that a bottle or two of Peruna would re
store the system to Ita normal vigor very
speedily and permanently."
Nervons Debility.
Everyone who is in the least degree sub
ject to nervousness, sleeplessness, prostra
tion, mental fatigue or nervous debility in
any form, nnda the hot weather of June.
July and August very bard to bear, if not
The only safe course to take is to keep
the blood pure, digestion good, and sleep
regular. No remedy equals. In all respects.
Peruna for these purposes. If the sytt m
is run down and weakened by catarrh, Pe
runa renovates and rejuvenates tbe nerves
and brain.
Orlando. E.
Josepb Police Department,
officer of St
fit. Joseph,
Mich., writes:
"I have good reason to be grateful for
the relief I have repeatedly found when
using Peruna. When I bave been under
a continual heavy strain, physically or
mentally, I have found that a few doses
restores my health and strength quicker
than anything else I have ever used. Peru
na Is a general restorer, inducing a fine
appetite and good healthful aleep, and a
few doses will throw off all unpleasant
fellngs after being exposed to tbe wet,
cold weather."
bok on the catarrhal diseases of sum
mer will be mailed to any addresa, upon
request by The Peruna Medicine Co., Colu
bus, Ohio.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman. giving a
full statement of your case, and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
The above testimonials are only specimens of
50,000 letters received touching the merits of Peru
na as a catarrhal tonic. No more useful remedy to
tone up ths system has ever been devised by the
medical profession.
Half Rates
Providence, fU and Return,
Sold July 6, 7, 8.
Portland, Me., and Return
Sold July 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
Stepovers Allowed at Niagara Falls.
For sale by Snerman McConnell Drug
Co., corner 16th and Dodge Els., Omaha,
Neb., and leading druggists.
Is Gray. Saraakad or Bleached. H eaa he
rasuarsd a aay saaaiuai suwr by
Ths Imperial Hair Regenerator
U eaowt4ss ITlKSiRD Ball
ooLuklNU t.r urar ar alnrkat Hut.
Catura are urbl , mtmilj eiiU4, lu ue
eaiutet baeiaci4. fcMupl.ef tuur ooJwas
trew Corresttb40Boe rviiflrtta llai
,al Chemical Jo.. 13S W. ZjA St.. N. T.
by Sherman McConnell Drug Co.
Omaha., Neb.
Wabash New City Office, 1601 Farnam St
Ulan HARRY E. MOORES, G, A. P. D., Oraaha, Nit.
PARTS 1 to 20
The Living
Animals of
the World
At The Bee Office
Price 10 cents By mail IS cents