Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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Thirtieth Btroet May Be Improved as a
Great Pnblio Highway.
tommlailonrr Cornish F.iplalns at
rian to Secure Paved Street
nannlnK Throanh to VII
; lane of Florence.
(9 M-
mi&b qa:i mnmz
A movement Is on foot to convert Thlr.
lleth street Into a great public highway,
tonneetlng the city with the country on
the north. It U to be graded and paved
Vlth macadam both Inside and outside of
Ihe city limits, and to defray the expenses
f the Improvement city and county are to
combine. According to the present plan
the pike Is to be extended northward at
If st tlx miles Into Florence precinct.
Tark Commissioner Cornish had this to
lay on the subject: "Members of the Board
Bf County Commissioners who want this
Improvement made have been making over
tures to the park board, asking for Its aa
llstance and co-operation, and the chance
irt that the two boards will hold a joint
pieetlng on the subject in the near future.
Their proportion to us, In a general way,
)s that they will raise the county levy this
rear enough to defray the expense, if we
will take the matter up with the city coun
cil and have the street turned over to us
M a boulevard. We could then go ahead
and Improve It the same as any other
, "This co-opcratlon would not be neces
sary under ordinary conditions, but the
trouble Is that Thirtieth street, out In the
Northern part of the city, extends through
a class of property that Is not valuable
Enough to pay for the expense of the Im
provement. To levy a special assessment
on the abutting property for the purpose
would be to confiscate It. But It Is a road
that Is demanded by the public at large, so
the present plan contemplates that the
public at large shall pay r It. The city
raises about seven-eighths of the county's
road building fund, arid this is a case where
a' part of It comes back to the city. In
making these overtures to us It Is Jlkely
that the county commissioners are respond
ing to a general clatror of their constit
uents for a central paved highway by which
they can get into the city from the north.
"Thirtieth street is now paved as far
north as Fort street, and the scheme Is
for the park board to extend it a mile far
ther north, which would take It to the city
limits and very close to the village of Flor
ence. Then the county commissioners
would take it up and extend it still farther
northward, the distance depending upon the
funds available for the purpose.
"There are now several macadam paved
Streets leading from the city Into the
country westward and southward, but none
northward, and there Is no doubt but that
the contemplated improvement will prove
very popular. It will also be a beautiful
driveway, since It will furnish a paved road
to old Fort Omaha, to Miller park, to the
pumping station at Florence, and many
other points of interest."
The Board of Tark Commissioners was In
session yesterday, but the county com
missioners, being busy as a board of equali
sation, will not be able to meet with It. Tho
Joint meeting has been deferred until after
the adjournment of the Board of Equaliza
tion, ' The exact date for the joint meet
ing has not been decided upon, but It will
ba some time before the county levy Is
made, i
i'oo Qraai a Miasu
In almost every neighborhood someone
tiaa died from an attack of colic or cholera
morbus, often before medicine could r,
procured or physician summoned. A re
liable remedy (or these diseases should be
Jcept at hand. The risk Is too great for
Snyona to take. Chamberlain's Collo,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has un
doubtedly saved the lives of more people
nd relieved more pain and suffering than
ny other medicine in use. It can always
he depended upon.
VI Wabash Railroad.
IS3.2R Fortland, Me., and return, on sale
July 4 to 8.
I31.6S Providence, R. I., .and return, on
Sale July 6, 7 and 8.
Stopovers allowed at Niagara Falls.
Ask your nearest ticket agent to route
you via Wabash, or call at Wabash new
city oflloe, 1601 Farnam street, or address
Harry K. Moores, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb
Meeting of B. Y. P. II., Providence.
The Nickel Plate Road will sell tickets
July 7, 8 and 9 at one fare for round rip,
with stopover at Niagara Falls and Chau
Sauqua Lake If desired; also via New York
City If preferred. For sleeping car ac
commodatlons, call at City Ticket Office,
111 Adams St., or address John Y. Calahan,
General Agent, Chicago.
Send articles or incorporation, notices of
stockholders' meetings, etc., ' to The Bee.
Ws will give them proper legal Insertion.
See telephone, 238.
Ghamroolng and balrdresslng, 26c, at the
Bathery, 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1718.
poard of Pnblle Wo rite Advertises for
Them Despite Mayor's
The Board of Fubllc Works set the market
bouse ball rolling yesterday by advertising
for sealed bids for the construction of the
main central portion and the west wing of
ins building, bias to be opened by the
board July 11. City Engineer Rosewater
lias been working on the plans for the last
two weeks, and Anally has them completed
In detail. It is not likely that the eaat
wing of the building will be erected before
pext year.
There is a rumor current about the city
hall that the moment ground Is broken for
the market house foundation the work will
be enjoined, the legal point being raised
that that portion of Capitol avenue between
Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets which has
been chosen for the site baa not been regu
larly condemned for the purpose.
ThtnKing MenVs
Preachers, students, bank
ers, brokers, literary 'workers,
reporters, editorial writers, ac
countants, actors and persona
of intense mental concentra
tion, can strengthen their
whole system, and greatly in
crease their capacity for men
ial and physical labor, by tha
use of
nhilt ...if
More Price Cutting in Shoes
Please come early in
Only a short 30daysleft now in which
we must dispose of entire present stock of
shoes. Then we remodel the entire shoe de
partments We are going to have 3 of the
finest shoe departments in Omaha. Mean
while we keep cutting prices more and
more every day. It makes no difference
where the shoes are, on main floor or in
basement, they are all marked down.
Some prices we have cut right square
in two, some not so much; others still more
Saloon Keeper Peterson and Brother-
la-Law Glllntan Win Second
Money In Scrap.
C. Peterson, a saloon keeper, and his
brother-in-law, James Gillman, attempted
to make a chopping block of Police Officer
Broady st an early hour yesterday, and
are now under the care of the police sur
geon. They will recover. Peterson and
Gillman were drinking in a saloon near
Twelfth . and Farcara streets and were
making more noise than the law allows.
Officer Brady went in the saloon to quiet
them. As soon as he entered Peterson be
gan to abuse him and wound up by at
tempting to throw him out of the building.
Gillman came to Peterson's assistance, and
together the two got the officer down and
one of them kicked him In the head. Offi
cer Klssane, who was across the street,
heard the commotion and sailed in to help
Brady. The result was that Peterson and
Gillman were both badly beaten over the
head and finally agreed to go to the station
without any more persuasion. Once out
side of the saloon, however, they again
started a fight, and were again beaten Into
submission. The men will be given time
to recover and allow their wounda to heal
before they are taken before the judge.
A Place to Spcnit the Summer.
On the lines of the Milwaukee railway Is
Wisconsin, .Minnesota and Iowa are some
of the most beautiful places In the world
to spend a summer vacation, capping out
or at the elegant summer hotels Boating,
fishing, beautiful lakes and streams and
cool weather. Okobojl is the nearest of
these resorts, but all are easily reached
from Omaha, and the round trip rates this
summer are lower than ever before. Full
information on application.
General Western Agent C, M. V 8t. P. Ry
1604 Farnam St., Omaha.
Greatly Hedueea Hates.
1 $13.60 St. Louis and return, sold June It,
17. 21. 12.
(20.60 Portland, Me., and return from
Chicago, sold July 6 to I. -
$18. to Providence, R. I., and return, from
Chicago, sold July T, 8, 9.
All Information at Wabash new city
office, 1601 Farnam, or write Harry E.
Moo'es, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb.
Providence, R. I., und return, $31.65,
July 6th. 7th and 8th.
Portland, Me., and return $33.25, July
4th to 8th.
Tickets 1402 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb.
On Julv 4 the Erie Railroad will run a
special thirty-day excursion to Chautauqua
Lake. The fare from Chicago will be. only
$14.00 for the round trip. Tickets will be
good on all limited trains.
For detailed Information apply to H. L.
Purdy, Traveling Passenger Agent, Chicago.
Chicago ticket office, 243 Clark street.
$20.25 Deadwood and return.
$17.60 Dakoto Hot (Springs and return.
Good till October 21st.
Family of H. D. Brady Loees Girl at
"Wight and Boy Neat
Two deaths have occurred In the fam
ily of H. D. Brady within twenty-four
hours. Margey, aged ( years, died Thurs
day night, and Friday mc ruing Hugh, aged
6 years, died, both of whooping cough and
measles. The family resides at 822 Sou'h
Sixteenth street. The father of the chil
dren, H. D. Brady, Is a wlreworker and Is
in Minneapolis. The family has resided In
Omaha for the last eight months. The fu
neral of the children will occur Saturday
afternoon at the residence, after which the
remains will be Interred at Forest Lawn
the morning, Today.
All the women's shoes are marked down.
All the women's oxfords are cut' iu price
especially the Louis heel oxfords.
Men's Welt Shoes
Are priced extremely low.
A Big Lot of Boys' Shoes,
Youth's, Misses' and Child's
Slippers and Shoes
Special Early Saturday Morning Bargain
From 8 tO 9 ) 200 pairs misses and boys' 4f
in the V fine shoes, worth $1.50, ,V
morning. ) $1.75 and $2-go at PI!
County Clerk Will Keep Office Open
During? Forenoon If
Harry Miller and the force at the county
clerk's office want to celebrate the Fourth
of July, the day on which pension vouchers
are to be made out. Mr. Miller says:
It Is the desire of this office to accom
modate the old soldiers in getting out their
pension papers at the very earliest moment
possible. The day for making them out
this year comes on the Fourth of July, but
I do not believe that any veteran will ex-
pec: the clerks to remain at their work on
that date unless there is an absolute de
mand that this be done. I could arrange,
however, in order to accommodate those
who desire to have their papers made out
at once, to have them fixed out during the
forenoon of the Fourth and keep the office
open all day Saturday to finish them, in
stead of closing at 1 p. m., as is the cus
tom." Trenton Falls, N. Y.
For a great many years Trenton Falls
has been known as a summer resort with
more than the UBual attractions. At this
point the West Canada Creek, which
drains a large area of the Southern Adl
rondacks, descends about 300 feet through
a picturesque gorge, forming a series of
wonderfully beautiful falls and cascades,
called by the Indiana Kauya-hoo-ra "Leap
ing Water." For several years the sur
roundings have been undergoing extensive
Improvements; an electric plant has been
Installed, and the falls, gorge and woods
are illuminated at night, presenting a pic
ture of rare beauty. Trenton Falls is 18
miles north of Utlca, N. T., and reached
via the New York Central. You may read
all about it In the New York Central's
"Four-Track series" No. t, entitled "In
the Adirondack Mountains." Sent free, on
receipt of a 2-cent stamp by Geo. H. Daniels
General Passenger Agent, Grand Central
Station, New York.
Missouri Faclfle Railway.
The next homeseekers excursion will
leave Omaha Tuesday, July 1, at very low
ratea to certain points in southern Mis
souri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, etc.
The usual holiday half rates wtll be In
effect on the 3d and 4th, limit for return,
July 7. For further information address
or call on any agent or company's office,
S. E. cor. 14th and Douglas streets, Omaha,
Pass, and Tkt. Agt
Graphophone at av Bargain.
FOR SALE Latest model type. A. O.
combination graphophone, which plays both
large and small records: list price, $90.
This Is especially designed for concert pur
poses, having a thirty-six Inch horn and
stand. It also Includes twenty large Edi
son records and carrying case of twenty
four records. The machine Is entirely new
acd has never been used. Will sell at a
bargain. Address X 36, in care of The Bee.
No. 4
Is the train.
10:30 A. M.
Is the bour
The new
Leaves for, and
3:30 P. M.
Is the arriving
Hour at
$18.00 Is the rate.
H. L. Purdy is the Trav. Pass. Agt.
No. 605 W. U. bldg., Chicago, is his office.
Low Rates to Atlantic Coast Points.
July S to , Inclusive, the Nickel Plate
Road will sell tickets to Portland, Me., and
return at one fare for the round trip. It
will be to your interest to obtain rates vis
that -road before purchasing elsewhere.
Three dally trains. Write John Y. Cala
han, General Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago.
50c Men's
Belts, 19c
Saturday Morning rgr
chase of 120 dozen Men's Bolts they are bran new and
stylish made of the best grades of stock, trimmed with
beautiful nickle buckles, double stitched and leather lined,
in all sizes, 30 to 40 they are wortli fully 50c ON SALE
Saturday, 19c
Wonderful Bargains in
The largest sale of Women s Wash Waists is now in full
You've never had a better opportunity to buy stich beautiful waists at
astonishingly low prices. Come Saturday,
All $1.00 Shirt Waists at 59c
All $1.25 Shirt Waists at 75c
All $2.00 Shirt Waists at 95c
All $2.50 Shirt Waists at $1.45
$1.50 Men's
Shirts at $1.00
Made of madras, in handsome woven
patterns, fronts are plain or pleated
cuffs are attached or detached. All the pat
terns, are new, and styles are those to be
seen in high class stores only. Nowhere
will be found a wider variety of choice at
1.50 -and $2.00 than
here today for
"StaftaaAJb (learn
No party is
success without
Ice Cream, no Ice
a success unless
GRAHAM'S. Our cream for
parties is delivered at
ihe lime ordered. -You
know Hs delicious if if jt
Via Rock Island System.
$31.68 Providence, R. I., and return. On
ale July 6. 7 and 8.
$33.25 Portland. Me., and return. On sale
July 4 to 8.
Liberal return limits.
For further Information call at or ad
dress city ticket office, 1323 Farnam street,
Omaha, Neb.
Klckel Plate Eifirilom.
By depositing; ticket with agent terminal
line, an extension can be obtained until
August 15th returning. Write Jonn Y.
Calahan. General Agent, 111 Adams St.,
Chicago for particulars.
Low Ratea to the Esit
via the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
Ry. to Chautauqua and return, July 4th
and 25th. $14.00 for the round trip. Port
land, Me., and return, July 5th to 9th, one
fare for the round trip; return limit may
be extended to August 15th. Providence,
R. X., and return, July 7-8-9, one fare for
the round trip; return limit may be ex
tended to August 15th. Full Information
on application to M. S. Giles, T. P. A.,
Chicago, or C. F. Daly, Chief A. G. P, A.,
Daare ToalcM.
Jolly Eight club's lively ball this evening.
Washington hall, 18th and Harney streets.
Fine orchestra; a grand, good time for
you. Gents, 25o. Welcome.
Shampooing and halrdrasalnf . f be, at the
Bather, 111-220 Bos building. Tel., 171.
m aer- .MIL WT nal
- r
M SJ I i
fl 1
All $3.00 Shirt Waists at $1.90
All $5.00 Shirt Waists at $2.90
Saturday, Boys' Day
Nearly everybody in Omaha knows
the value of our boys' $1.50 school
shoes but If your boy has never
worn a pair bring him to our store
any time Saturday and let us show
them to you. We can fit any boy-
no matter how small or how big he
Is Just so he Is a boy with these
$1.50 shoes. They're made from good
solid leather from sole to top, and
will stand more hard knocks than
many a shoe that you would pay
twice as much for. We have the
same shoe in light calf or heavy kid
for girls.
Drexel Shoe Co.,
Omaha.' Ep-to-dafe Shoo Ho as
Brlns money and you can buy goods at
the prices named iwlow at Sherman &
Mi'fonnell'fi Drug Store lfith and O id".
11. i Kilmer's Swamp Hoot, Saturday.... 65c
11 UO Hurnham's Sarsapanlla, Haturdty.. ':
Il.tio Temptation Tonlr, Saturday i'-'c
Our Temptation Tonio in in line condition
and has not be'n froien as has some
that Is now being offerenJ in this market.
25c Hire's Root Heer, we sll 10c
ll.iiO Pinkham's t'ompnund we sell 6c
$1 00 Iler's Malt Whisky, we sell ft.c
$2 00 Pennvroyal Pills, we sell Hie
$1.00 Kirk's Dandruff Cure, we sell :
ftv 8o''ii te HyKli-nlqtie 8oap. we sell ?c
$1.00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription, we
ell 15a
25c Thompson's Cherry Phosphate, w
sell c
Sherman&McConne.lI Drug Co.
The Bee for All News
I 1 I
l It
$15 Genuine Panama
Hats, $7 and $8.75
Saturday M orning 77isc
Panama hats they come to
and were closed out to us far below their actual value
they are worth $ 15.00, and are good value at that to sell
the lot at once, we put them on sale SATURDAY FOI5
$7.00 and $8.75
Women's Wash
50-cent Men's
Ties on sale 25c
These are the most popular of all ties
to wear with negligee shirts they come
in polka dots, china silks, reversible bara.
theas they come in four-in-hands and are
made up in the best possible manner.
They are 50-cent values
Would enjov a watch to use during his vacntlon. We
have a Kood one for $2.50, 13 and $5. His vacation would
be happier and brighter if hi had one in his pocket.
S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler,
IS 16 Douglas St. '
I OMAHA 0 f tne bmt equipped of Us Keeley system of Institutes, the
rr'l E7V onlv Keeley Institute In Nebraska. Cures Drunkenness. Cures
1 LtLbl Drug Users. Booklet free. Address all letters to 724 S. 19th.
1 INSTITUTE Home Treatment for Tobacco Habit, cost $5
All the big soap factories have advanced
the price of their products; we presume
they have COMBINED on a price list; at
least there is a SUSPICIOUS UNIFORM
ITY of all their prices and bumping up
prices la the main long suit of ALL COM
PERIENCE! Remember how the patent
medicines were BUMPED up LAST JUNE?
That was a combine, but we busted it and
the Instigators have been trying ever
since to force us Into another one, BUT
We have about G gross of soap which we
bought before this advance and are going
to sell it out at 60c per doaen cakes a
eoap which sells regularly at loo per cake,
or 8 cakes for 2bc. Hotels, rooming
housee, or any one else who needs lots of
eoap wil! do well to take advantage of
thlB price while this lot lasts. Delivered
to any part of the city without extra
charRe. Aak for Fleur de Lis, Carnation,
Heliotrope, Violet, Glycerine, Elder
Flower, Oatmeal or Floral Honey.
Tel. 74T, . W. Cor. lath and Chlfago.
Rotten Wood
We are agents for the best wood preserv
ing compound made. It is AVKNARIUS
CARBOLINEUM. For all exposed surfaces
and for timbers put in the ground It has no
equal to prevent, checking and warping, at
tacks from insects, mice, rats and other
vermin. Will preserve ropes, nets, tar
paulins and keep them soft and pliable.
Will prevent the decay of brick and atone
work and make the work weatherproof.
Ia applied by brush or by ImmerBlon. By
simply painting the roosts it will KILL all
the LICE ON CHICKENS. Price, $1.00
per gallon.
Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
I Maid
PiirSl Balsam
j Piutuutes Uie growth of the hair and
S gives It the lustre andslLklnessof youth.
When the hair Is gray or faded It
It prevents Dandruff and batr falling
and keep the scalp clean and healthy.
tea on sale
us direct from South America
The Day We Celebrate
Should see you enjoying all the blessings
that the Declaration of Independence en
titles you to. One of the greatest of thxn
Mets Beer Is easy to be had and ad'ls
seat to every gathering where It is served.
Try it on your guest If you would have a
pleasant time.
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.
Tel. 110. Omaha.
Or Jacob Neumayer. Agt.. care Neumayer
Hotel. Council Bluffs. Iowa.
He Who Hollers
"He who whispers down a well
About the goods he has to sell
Will never muke the golden dollars
Like he who climbs a tree and hollers."
We holler because we have the finest
stork of liquors In the west and the only
exclusive family liquor In Omaha.
Jackdaw, our own whisky, o,ts..$1.25
White Port Wine, worth l.uo, very
lino, we sell quarts for S0
Best whisky on earth, 8 years old.
pure Kentucky, gallons $.1.00
FlneBt Wines that ever came from
California, per gallon, $1.25, $1.60
and 00
CJINOEIl AI.E delivered to your house
no betttr hot wtather drink.
Fine Wines and T-tile Liquors.
Opposite Pottofllce. Phone 1US.
City orders promptly delivered. X
We Sell Hunter's. Famous Rye Whisky.
Deputy Stat Veterinarian
Food Inspector.
Oflloe and Infirmary. Uth and Mason BLa,