TITJE OMAHA DAIUY BEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1902. K ha fc4 ' COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL i a ,AfUr Holding Market Beariiu, Bhorti Art j Ousted and FricM Ball. -5HARP REACTION FOLLOWS EARLY SLUMP on Mecomrs a Medley, ThonabJ alalia Are Paramount and All Cereal nta Close Advanced Except Jely Wheat. t CHICAGO, June 2. Oraln speculation er ljiprricrned something of a severe twist from In he bear to the bull stlrie today. All mar- riel started out weak and were depressed nto a position where they could be rained .yaslly. The raid came under the direction of the big corn bulla and prices switched Cabout violently. The tone became much abnlxeri, although the bulla were In the ma jority. At the close July wheat waa o ower, September wheat SfiWc higher, July Vorti c up. September coin vo higher and July oats 2V4c higher. rrovislons closed Jim-hanged to higher. " Wheat had a number of bearish Influences aarly In liberal northwestern receipts, new wheat coming Into the market and a tavor thle weather map for harvesting. Added to .his was the absence of trading for the rest f the week In the Kngllsh markets. Iloth liquidation and short celling brought an ettrly weakness In the leading grain, al though September held up better than July. Hotn options started out MiWfcO lower, juiy it 'latyuTlhc and getting down to 73c, and September selling as low aa 71e. After Zihe bears had gotten fairly In the trading, 'led bv some selling by elevator Interest, the big com bulls bought over l.Ouo.oou oushels of the Beptember. Then came word of rain In the southwest and of grasshop tJers In North Dakota and disappointing Bthreshlng returns from Ohio and Indiana. Cjuly quickly sold to 7:ic and September to V) 7-e. Liquidation again brought a change late In the day, July closing weak. Kc lower at 784c, and September ttrm, rfp Jt,c higher r.t 72vff'i2'c. Traders credit the yresent mixed conditions of the wheat pit Ao manipulation. Local receipts were IS cara, I of contract grade; Minneapolis and Diiluth reported 345 cars, making a total fur the three points of Sfi3 cars, against 274 fast week and 3M a year ago. Primary re ceipta were 446,000 bushels, compared to fcou.liOD bushels last year. Seaboard clear ances In wheat and flour equaled 275.000 bushels. The seaboard reported 15 loads taken for export. ; Corn had an active, heavy trade, with the f renter Interest centering In September, here was liberal buying of this option by the bulls after an early break and prices were advanced sharply. There was not much In the way of news. Receipts were small, but were In excess of last year's. . July options were depressed early by offer ings by the bulls, and then shorts were . , Iforced to cover by reason of an advance In 'Trice to &c, the high figure of the option. ruMuch doubt Is expressed as to who the big hort In corn Is. It Is supposed that a 'lending provision dealer Is the opponent of Ithe big bulls. July sold from 08c to B7V4.C, up to ifc and back to a firm close at 6,,c; Beptember sold at 69c, advanced to fil'fcc ion Inlluentlal buying and closed strong c up at 60Vh1c. Heceipts were 177 cars. ; Oats were the strongest of the grains today. The cash demand was excellent, .with sales as high as 6Hc for No. 1 white. Contract stocks were almost cleaned up today and almost nobody had stuff for tale. Shorts, though few In number, covered, but In order to secure anything they had to bid i u n high for them. July oats sold from 41 'A ,4i42n to 447c and closed very strong, 2Vic ihlyher at 44c. Receipts were llfi cars. i 1'rovlslons dipped early on a weak hog (market and free liquidation bv outsiders. t Fuckers, however, soon came to the sup- r port or me aecnning mm net ana twisted I prices back to a firm close. Late In the j'day no attention was paid to the depres i alon n prices at the stockyards. Septem- !ber pork sold at J18.37H and closed 7'ic up at $ls.f5; September lard closed unchanged . af 110.8;ftjin.&!'4j and Beptember rlba 2Vt&5c higher at llO.to. v Khtlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 30 cars; corn, 140 cars; oats, 140 care; hogs, ? Jai.fKiO head. The leading futures ranged as follows: - Artlcles. Open.l High. I Low. Close. Yej'y. Wheat July Sept. Dec. Corn July Bept, Dec. Oats a July b July a Sept. b Sept. a Dec. J'ork July Sept. I-ard-Julv Sept. Hlhs July Sept. 73 73U 71, 7IVtf'4 72 72V&73 73H 724 724 684 604 464 88, 424 324 33 IS 224 18 474 67HI 46V4 68N. 60'At6l 4iV4 44 3 3014 S31rV 2 3X'4 32Vk 31', 18 15 18 30 18 66 18 31 10 62'Aj 10 Art 10 S74 1U tu 10 624 10 62 10 62i 10 674 10 75 10 65 10 75 10 624 No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follow: FLOUR Firm: winter patents, $3.70 8. 80; straights. S3.1or,(3.60; clears, J3.flOfz3.ai; spring specials, 14.20; patents, l3.WVa3.80; straights. 32 !KXii3.30. WiTSAT No. 2 spring, 74gT5c; No. 8. 734 (p'78vc; No. 2 red, 7S4c CORN No. 2 yellow, 67g8e. OATS No. 2. 4M514c; No. 2 white, 624 B3c; No. 3 white, 614i3c. RYE No. 2. 6U4''aic. BARLEY-Good feeding, 67g9c; fair to choice malting, 6Xi71c. HEED No. 1 flax. $1.75; No. 1 northwest ern. 81.65; prime timothy, 15.76; clover, con tract grade. $8 35. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 118.30 ft 18.35. Ijird, per 100 lba., 110.524010.65. Short rlba aides (loose), $10.70jno.8O. Dry salted shouldera (boxed), IX 6urS.624. Short clear a'des (boxed). $10.7610.874. WHISKY Rasla of high wines, $1.S0. The following were the receipts and ship ments yesterday. Articles. Receipts. Shipments. flour, bbla 17,000 9,000 neui, du b.l.uoi) 327,0X) lorn, bu 216.000 184.000 Oats, bu 188,01)0 1S6.000 . ou 8.UUO 28.000 iiariey, bu 16,000 2.001 on the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa steady; creameries, 18&22e: dairies 174fo20c. Cheese, steady, loSuo. fcggs. firm; fresh, 17c. KEW YORK UEXEHAL M1BKKT. aotatloaa ( the Day oa Varloaa Comaaodltlea. NEW YORK. Juno M H"Ti'i'i...i.. O.OSI bbla.; exporta. 24.780 bbl.: aales, Jutii kga.: market quiet, but steadier; winter !,,ttl'.h.;"' W'oi&ite; winter patents. U.ixxa 410; Minnesota patents. $3.9ofl4.06; Mlnne- 5? JS,fe"-.f ltH09 ,u: wter low grades, $I.6 15: winter extras, $3.16&3 36. Ryi foUf.n?r. Vsw.?J '0W1, L3 ibi Ch1U c;EBrdney"1' " RYE Finn; No. 1 western, 66c, f. o. b . BAR LEY Nominal JMJiAToRc,J"- m,n0 bu-i ""Porta. 9.446 bu Spot firm; No. I red, 79Sc. ..le vator, and 74fi 804c. f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth. l'Ac. f. 0. b.. ftiat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba 4T.v t n k . i. After a brief opening setback due to flno weather, wheat developed a strong under tone and advanced all day, chiefly on Sep- v w u riuii oui or juiy arl Into that option. Coarse aralna' iran.,K also hud an Influence on sentiment. Just at the close prices yielded a little to reallx ing and July left off o lower, with other months ViO higher. July, 78 13-16.fi 79'ic closed at "8c: September. leiU'T!. i.x..i Jt 77,c; December, 7748'78 ll-ic, closed ct CORN Recelpta. 16,800 bu.; exporta 928 bu. Spot, firm: No. 1. 64c. elevator.' and :4c, f. o. b., afloat. Optlona opened rteady and later advanced on a scare of July shorts west, light offerings and prospocts for smaller receipts, closing 4i,o net higher. July. 6h61c. cloaed at 67c; Bep tember. 64V,iq44c. clojed at 64c; Decem ber. 61'4&ec4e. closel at 624c. OATS Receipts. 79.7U0 bu.: exports. ISO ii u epoi. nrmer; rto. x. H4Mc; No I 6'jr614c; No. 2 white, 67 ti 674c; No. 1 white' ic; track mixed western, 6rn63c; track white western. 66-SK': track while mate 6taoa Options active and very strong r July at the west, due to covering and un favorable crop promises. HAY Stendy; shipping, $0i(j66c; good to HIDES Dull: Galveftnn. M to ft !Ka 18c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., lfrc; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs.. 13c HOI'S F'lrm : state, prime to choice. loi crop, 1S4923V: ISM). 15.-(lc: olds. 6ijjc: Pa cini- rnm, ii crop, ivqtzic; imo isjiso olds. 6.(iC. LEATHER Quiet: acid, I4?6e. v WCOL julet: domestic fleece t6Joe. PROVISIONS Reef, dull: famllv. ft5 SO 14 00; mesa, $13 6o$14 0O: beef bams. $:'1.5o 4 w, iicnri. it..iT'i'W ciiv extra inoia mesa. $21 ot uO. Cut meats, steady : olckle.1 bellies, ri Own 11.50; pickled shouldtrs. t (v a. to; picaiea nams. 91 ng u.i"i. inra. nrm; western steamed. $10 So; June clod at nominal; renned, steady; continent, III 06: South America. 111. 60: eomoound )4.124$3M. Pork, firm; family, Siy.T&tf TVA9M ' n l'r 72V45 Hi va 7214 w;t'M em 42-3 44 ' 3i't 40 29 I14 D2Hiit WW 324) 32 IS 15 18 SO IS 40 18 67Vx 10 55 10 60 10 55 10 65 10 62 ' 4 10 75 10 6741 10 67 2050; short clear, 81S.6mS19.75; mesa, $18,500 19 60. TALLOW Quiet; city tt pfr pkg.), 64c; country (pkgs. free), fcViffSc ItlCE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 44 tit4c; Japanese, 45c. BL'TTKH Receipt'. 10. W pkgs. ; .. quiet, hut stehdv; state dairy, lKfl21c; creame-y, tAte. l')-&-r'4c; creamery. Imitation, 17tf2tc; factory, it4MlS4c. CHEEfeE Receipts. .40 pkga.: steads to firm: fancy, large, colored and white, le; fancy, small, new. slate, full cream, col ored snd white. 8c EOOS Ree-lpta, J.9-S pkga.; Arm; stats and Pennsylvania, J841jl9c; western can dled. ISfrlsc. MOLAS&ES Steady ; New Orleans, S3941'. I'OI.'LTRY Alive: Iower; broilers. 20c; turkeys, 12c; fowls, 12c. Pressed: P'lrm; broilers, lwy20c; fowls, 12&124c; turkeys, 13fll4r. METAIjS The day was observed as n holiday In the Lxmdon metal market. The New York market for tin was easy in tone, but not qnotably chinged, with spot stand ing at $2S.ZS'n'J8.So. There was n sale of five tons for July delivery at $27.i4. Copper was also easy. A sale of 2TiO,'0 pound.i of electrolytic for August deliv ry was mr-de at $12 124. Closing prices were $H.8nill0 for standard, siot to August; $12.'012.ti for lake, $11. 'n 12.10 for electrolytic and $U.nfi 12 00 for casting. Iead was steady at $4,124. BpVlter was a shade high r. closing 6c m. Iron ruled firm and higher. Warrants were nominal; No. 1 foundry, northern. $22.'''J3 1); No. t foundry, north ern $21.flOiU'22.n; No. 1 foundry, southern, $1 fiofi22 &o; No. 1 foundry, southern soft, filM-a 22.60. OMAHA WHOLESALE, MARKETS. Condition of Trnde and Quotations on Staple and Fancr Produce. EGGS Including- new No. t cases. Ho; cases returned 13c. LIVE POULTRY Chickens. 84c; old roosters, according to age, 4t5e; turkeys, &1i 11c; ducks and geese, 7c; broilers, per lb., lee. RT'TTER Packing; stock. 16c; choice dairy. In tubs lRi?j 19c; separator, 22i"?23c. FRESH CAUGHT FISH Trout. crapples, 10; herring, 6e; pickerel, 9c; pike, 11c; perch, 6c; buffafo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh, 5c; hlueflns, 8c; whlrflsh, 11c; cattish, 18c; black bass 18c: halibut, 11c; salmon, Hc: haddock, lie: codfish, 12c; red snapper, 10a; roe shad, each, 75c; shad roe, per pair, S5c: spilt shad, per lb.. 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb.. 25c; lobsters, green, per lb., 23c. PIUEONS Uve, per doa., 76c. VEAL Choice, ftjj8c. CORN 69c. OATS 48c. H RAN Per ton. $15.1 HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay, No. 1 upland. $s; No 1 medium, $7.60; No. 1 coarse. $7. Rye straw. $5.60. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per doi.. 75c. NEW CELERY Kalamaaoo, SOe. POTATOES Northern, 40tji0c; new po tatoes, per bu., 6"5ti0c. GREEN ONIONS Per doa., according- to size of bunches, la-62oc. - A SPA RAG lb tiome grown, per aos., own" 75c. .. , CUCUMBERS Hoinouse, per uo., vsf 60c. ... , . LETTUf IS MOtnouse, pr era., ov. PARSLEY Per dox., WHltac. RADISHES Per dox.. avn26e. wav RKANS Home grown, per market banket. frW'iWc: string beans, per market basket. oOftSOc. Rnl HA KH Home grown. icr iu., 17,. CAI'BAGE California or home-grown. new. Vlc- . ... ONIOISB MCw ailioniltt, ill "tm, imr lb2c. , TOMATUtS lexas, per i-uov !'", NAVi liKAXVO er nu., -. FRUITS. APRICOTS California, $1.501.60. PEACHES California, $135. PLUMS California, per 4-basket cratea. CCHE3RRIES California, per box, $1.60; home-grown, per 24-ot. case, $2.002.25. GODHbHUKKICB I'er in-qi. ce, . CANTALOUTE Texas, per basket, TSo. CURRANTS Home grown. $2.00. RASPBERRIES Black, per 24-pts., $3.00; red. per 21-nts., $3.00. WATBKMlsiAift a ntxtiiw;. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Florida, 30 to 36 count. $4. BANANAS Per bunch, according to alae, S2.2iifj2.76. ORANGES-Valenclaa. $4.766.00; Medi terranean sweeU, $4.004.25. 1. r. -1 VJ o r U IIU , u.wiuw.wv, Mkvaammm, Xi.MioM. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case, Sf.7B1W.0o. CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3.26: New York, $3.60. POPt OKN rer id., oc; sneuea, ec. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 12n: hard shell. tcr lb.. 1114c: No. 2 soft shell, loc: No. 2 hard shell, 9c; Brazils, per lb.. 14c: filberts, per id.. 12c: aimonas. sort shell, 16c; hard shell, loc; pecana, large, per lb.. 12c; small, 10c; cocoanuts, per sack. MlUf.H ino. 1 green, b-c; rso. z green, 64c; No. 1 salted, 74c; No. 2 salted, 64c: V . I 1 11 A 11. IK. Sn XT. O ,.aa - ... - calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 85 12c; sheep pelts, Tbc; horse niaes, ti.wnti.ou. OLD METALS A. B. Alpern quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, 10; iron, stove piate, per ton, if.su; conncr. ner lb.. 8Wc: brass, heavy. Der lb.. 84c: brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb., 64c ainc, per lb., 2c; rubber, per lb., 6c. St. Loals Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. June 26. WHEAT Lower: No. 2 r?d. cash elevator, new. 71c: track. old, 77fi78c; new, 724c; July, 704c; Septem ber, 70,c; No. 2 hard, 74(&75c. t'OKN-Higher: no. i casn. sw. track. BaHfec; Jujy 654c; September, c.Sc. oats Higher: No. 2 casn. nc: trace. 48c; July, 364c; September, 29c; No. 2 white, 60(5 52c. RYE Steady: old. 6840. flo UK Dull. eay: red winter patents. $3.5)3.60; extra fancy and straights, $3.26tf 1 or . .. 1 . . ) ttjR1 AA 1.0,1, . irai n, fd.w.w. (SEED Timothy, steady; prime new, to iVrlve. 4 60. CORN MEAL Steady, $3.16. BRAN Steady : sacked, eaat track. 76 80c. HAY Quiet; timothy. $10.0014.60; prairie, new, scarce, $7.60; old, $5.005.60. WHISKY Steady. I1.S0. IRON COTTON TIES Steady, $1.05. BAOGJNG Bteady, 64'o64c. TWINE Steady. 9c PROVISIONS Pork, higher: lobbing, old. $18.45; new, $18.86. Lard, steady, $10.30. Dry salt meats (Doxea), steady; extra snorts, $11; clear ribs, $11,124: short clear, $11.26. Hacon. (boxedl. steady: extra ahorts. $11 874: clear rlba. $12: short clear. $12124. M vi a ix Lead, nrm, 13.ybia9.yy4. opeit-r, nrm' at 4 T. POULTRY Bteady: chickens. iowc: springs 16 17c; turkeya, 9c; ducks, 64c; geese, 444e m.'TTP.K steady; creamery, iTvzztte; dairy, 17(&19c. caJUq Steady, 144c, lose on. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7.000 10.000 Wheat, bu 23.000 29.0H0 Corn, bu 18,000 12.000 Oats, bu 36,000 12,000 Liverpool Grain ana Pravlslane. LIVERPOOL June 26.PEA8 Canadian. Bteady. 6s 9d. ... FIXJUK St. Loula fancy winter, firm at 8s M. HOPS At lxmdon (Paclflo coast), firm at 4 15?5 5s. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; extra India mess, 100s. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., strong. 57J. Bacon, firm: Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., 66s; short ribs, 16 to 14 lbs., firm. 67s: long clear middles, llaht. strong. 28 to 34 lbs., 67s id: long clear mid dles, heavy, $5 to 40 lbs., strong. 67a; short clear backs, 16 to 30 lbs., strong, 66s 6d; clear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., strong. 57s 6d. Shoulders, square. 11 to IS lbs., strong, 43s 6d. Lard, American refined. In palls, firm and strong, 63s 6d; prime western, in tierces, strong, 64s. Pork, firm; prime mess western, nrm, ss aa. CHEESE Steady. American.' finest white, old, 55s; American, finest white, new, steady, 49s 6d; American, finest colored, old, no stock; American, finest colored, new, steady, 4Kb 6d. TALLOW Prime cltv, steady, 2sSd; Ausiiinin, in uinaon, nun, its a. BL'TTKH Nominal. Receipts of wheat during the last two , wo.uw centals, inciuoing iw,vw Amer lean. There were no recelpta of American corn aunng tne same time. Kansas City Grain anal Pretvlslana. KAVflAS CITV T..n M-W1IT1T T..1 67ihti7,e; September, 67;c; caah. No. 8 naru, ii'nc; ro. 1 no no. 4 nard, 70c; r. lected, bard. 66968c; No. 2 red, old. 72c; NO. t nM 71a Wn 4 VU 'CORN July.' c; September. S3c: caah. .-.v.. m iiiijicu, uiuv7xv, iu. m wiiiiv, vac; no. DOC. OATS-No. 8 white. 4960c RYE No. I. 66c. HAY-t hnlce timothy. Sll.7ia09; choice prairie. tl'mxulO.OO. BUTTER-Crtamery. 194c; dairy, fancy. ISc. EGGS Steady. 14c doa, loaa off. cases rfiunicu, Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 43.30) 30 01 corn, bu ll,3ir 28X Oats, bu u.OuO $000 TOLEDO. June M WIIfiT-lnlv. easier; caah, 7c; June, 7Sc; July, 764c; Bt'. tember, 7Rc: 30.000 bu. July sold to mlllera for first half delivery at 7a0r76c. CORN Active, trnm: cHh. 4Uo: Julv. 64c; September. 61c; December, 47c. UAis Active, atrong; cash, 464c; July, 2!c; Septemler. 3c; new July, 44c; new Beptember, 3e. SEED Clover, more active, atrona: cash. $5,124; October, $5,174. Ptllaaelpbla Frodaee Market. PWtr.ADITt.PHTA. June SS HI"rTirT fair demand: extra western crtamery. 23c: extra nearby prints 24c. cupiit oiruy, iui iifindliu, iiev.fi u-i- by. l"4c. loss off; fresh western. 18c, loss off; fresh southwestern. 17c; fresh south ern, 16c. CHEESE steady, good demand: New York full creams, prime small. 104T14.': New York full creams, fair to good, 94-alOc. . Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE Jun 2 WHEAT Mar ket steady; No.' 1 northern, 774c; No. 2 northern, 74c; September, 724c ttiK nun; ino. 1, Dgvc. BARLEY Firm: No. 2. 71c: sample. 653 704f- CORN September, 594oc. Minneapolis Flonr and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. June 26.-WHEAT-.Tttl?. 75Si 75j c ; September, 70-Nc: en track. No. 1 nam, irr; io. 1 northern, ib-jc; iso. z northern 734c. KLtJUK Unchanged. BRAN In bulk, 13.0013.50. Peoria Market. PEORIA. June 26. CORN Firm : No. 8. 624c. OATS Higher: No. 2 white. BorrfWic. billed through. WHISKY On the basle of $1.30 for fin ished goods. Dnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH. June 26. WHEAT Cah. No 1 hard. 77'c: No. 2 northern, 744c; No 1 northern, 76Hc; July. 754c; SeptemV-r, 724c, SEW YORK STOCKS A Mi HOSDS. Good Strength In St. rani, bnt Gen eral Market Grovra Dnller. NEW YORK. June 2. Today's market was still duller than thit of yesterday mJ except for the large dealings In St. Paul ana tne considerable activity in Missouri Pacific and Amalgamated there was a must nothing worthy of note. The approach of the month'a end, which Is also the end of the fiscal year f'r many corp rations, and the extra requirements on the money market incident to th. pi Tied were undoubtedly an lmxrtant factor in repressing activity. The Stock exchange custom Is for loans made on Frl'lny t carry over until Monday, eo that tomorrow ta lookei forward to with pome soiicitu :e. The call money market was quite active today, but waa free from Hurry and was regarded with still greater satisfaction. The foreign exchange receded a traction. uniK ers' loan bills were In the market, thui replenishing the supply, while the holldey In London and the Cfspat'on of the drib bling liquidation of stocks from that source lightened the demand for exchange. The fear of gold withdrawals this week waa thus removed. Although the London market was closed, the encouraging news regarding the king of England had some Influence on the local market. The feature of the day was the demand for St. Paul, resulting In an extreme rise of nearly two points. The market was ostensibly based upon the good reports of spring wheat prospects. Th buyintr wai attributed to the western speculative ele ment, which has led all recent movements, but there were Indications of some further diversity In the sources cf the buying. The fnct that a run supply or preliminary literature was In circulation this morning indicated that the movement waa under professional guidance. St. Paul was the real sustaining force of the market, although there was a collateral movement In Missouri Pacille. The announcement of thp contract re- tween the Pennsylvania railroad and th Postal Telegraph company for the use of the former's rights of way seemed to hove a depressing effect on some of the Oould stocks In sympathy with the decline cf 1M In Western Union. There was some strength In Amalgamated Copper, without any news bearing on trnde conditions to explain the buying. The coalers were almost entirely neglected and Reading closed with a small loss. The coal oDerators have decided denials to rumors of measures of conciliation with th miners and of arrangements lor tn? early reopening of the mines. The order for the curtailment or worn in me western Pennsylvania bituminous region waa put In force today. Tho May statement of earnings of Erin and New York, Ontario & Western showed the effect In large decreases In earnings. The Chesapeake & Ohio statement for the third week In June showed the same force to lessen the earnings of the Virginia and West Virginia coal carriers. The market closed steady, but heavier than last night. The bond market was firm. Total sales, par value, $2,070,000. United Statea 3s de clined 4 per cent on the last call. The following are ir.t closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: AtrhUon 'H so. Parlnc rf nM lOtMalgn. R.llwT St Baltimore A O UMi do plo H64 do Did. . to iem et racinc o Canadian Pacific.... Canada 80 Chea. Ohio .111 . . 46 . 174 . 744 . t4 . 10 .1184 . . 4iVi Toledo. 81. a,. AW. 104 do ptd... Union Paclflo do ptd Wabash do Dfd .106 . iH Chlcaio & Alton... do otd Chicago, Ind. ft L. .... 414 do ptd Wheeling A L. E. .. Ti .. 36 .. tt .. 49 ..m ..its U4 ..196 .. 144 .. 24 .. KI4 ... Ti .. 60t .. 474 .. ..It .. 174, .. s Chicago A B. III.. do ta ptd.. Wli. Central do ptd Adama Ex... Chlcaio & u. w... do lat ptd do td ptd Chicago N. W.. .K0S American Ex... C. R. I. & P 1714 United 8UtM Ex Chicago Tr. a Tr.. ;Wii-rsr;o ex do pfd 314 Amal. Copper c. c. c. a at. L... .11134 Amer. Car A do pfd , Amer. Lin. Oil.... do pfd , Amer. 8. A R.... do pfd , Anae. Mining Co.. Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A Iron Colorado So... eV do lat ptd...... do id ptd .. 704 Del. at Hudaon.. .. ..1144 ..171 .. 42 .. 3 .. 144 .. 174 .. 124 ..; .. M4 .. 11 ..1674 Dal. L. A W.... Den Tar A R. O.. do prd Erie do lat pfd do id pfd Con. Oaa 1204 Con. Tobacco pfd.. ..121 Orrat Nor. pfd... Oen. Electrlo ...too ilocaint valley.. do pfd llllnoti Central . Hocking Coal .. Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Power ... Laclede Oaa .... National Blactllt National Lead . Nat. Salt pfd... No. American .. Paclflo Coaat ... ... 11 ... 104 ... 71 ... 76 ... (6 ... 49 ... ii4 ... 16 ...111 ...13 ... 4t4 ...lot Iowa Central ..... .... 48V .. M4 do pfd Lake Erie W.. .. u ..116 ,..US4 ..111 do pfd w. L. A N Manhattan L Met. at. Rr !. Central .... ..1444 .. i4 Paclflo Mall Nat. Rt. of Mex. 114. People's Oaa .. Minn. A 81. L lie IPreaeed 8. Car. Mo. Fad Ac ..104i do pfd M.. K. A T .. 174. Pullman P. Car. .231 . IT . 714 .124 . 12 . 1444 . 114 . J24 . 14 .. 144 . 114 . "4 . H4 . Mlk . 12 . 24 . 114 . 114 do pfd .. U4 Republic Steel N. J. Central .... ..1M ..161 .. 14 .. 1 .. tiVi ..1614 .. us .. J .. 704 .. 1 .. 124 .. 724 .. 10 .. 164 ..1744 ..10 do pfd Sugar Tenn. Coal A I.... Union Bag A P.... do pfd V. 8. Leather do pfd V. S. Rubber do pfd V. S. Steal do pfd Weetera Union .... Amer. Locomotive.. do pfd K. C. Southern ... do pfd N. Y. Central ... Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pennsylvania Heading do let pfd do id pfd a. l t 1. r.... do 1st pfd do Id pfd St. L. South w do pfd at. Paul de pld New Yarlt Money Market. NEW YORK. June 24. MONEY On call, ateady at 2403 per cent; close, bid and aakea, 4&24i per cent; prime mercantile paper. 44&6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady at re cession, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4,874 for demand and at $4.S&4 for sixty days; posted rates, $46a4Ko'i n1 $4 A4643; commercial bills. 4.84W VV SILVER Bar, 62c; Mexican dollaia, 424e. BONDS Government, easier; state, inac tive; railroad, firm. The closing quotations on bonds are a follows: U. 8. ret. is. res... 1074 L. A N. unl. 4a 1014 14 do eoupon loan Mex. central 4a do la. rag 107 do coupon 107 do la Ine. 224 Minn. A 8t. L. 4a. ..104 da new 4a, reg....lU M . K. A T. to. loo so coupon do old 4a. rag.... do coupon do la, reg do coupeu Alcatoon geo. 4s.. do ad). 4. ...... Bal. A Ohio 4a.... do I4i do coov. 4a Canada fro. ia Central ot Oa. is. do la tne Chea. A Ohio 44a Chicago A A. 14a c, a A q. a. 4a. C. M A 8t P g. 4 111 do is . 144 .i4 N. T. Central la... 1044 .1141 do gen. 14a lo .IM IN. J. c. een. la. ...11 .101 .No. Pacllc to .1M41 do la . 44N. A W. con. to.. .1014. Reading gen. to.... . 4 St L A I M e. la.. .tu4 m. L a a. p. to. .104. St. L. Southw. la.. .10 do la . I4 8- A. A A. P. to.. .11 4 so. Paclflo to . 164 So. Railway la.... . 4 Teaea A Pacific la ..lilt .. T4 ..1014 ..1004 ..114 ..loo .. 94 .. M4 .. II .. 24 ..1U4 ..114 ... 124 ,.lu4 ..1074 ..114 ..112 .. 74 ..1164 ... M .. 14 .. 4 114'T., st L. a W, C. A N. W. c. la. ...134 C. R. I. P. 4s.. ..Ill C C C A St L g. 4a. 1014 Chicago Tar. ea Colorado Bo. 4a NI4 Denver A R. O. to.. 104 Erie prior Ilea to... Jul do general 4a e P. W. A D. C U....1U4 Heckles Val. 44a.. .iUW Unlou Paclac 4a... do conv. 4a Wabaah la do 2a do deb. B Weet Shore to ... Wheel. ALB.! Wis. Central to... Cos. Tobacco to. . Perelcn . Financial. 15 N DON. June M. Gold premiums are quoted as follows: At Buenos Ayrea 130.6); at Madrid. 37.6; at Lisbon, 26. at Rome, LSI. PARIS. June 24. Business was well dis posed on the bourse today notwithstanding that the London Stock exchange was closed, but the market waa generally In active. Spanish 4s were In good demand. Rentes were steady. Kaffirs were frra, owing to the eaUafactory report retarding the condition of King Edward. Three per cent rentes, 0lf 7240 for the account. Ex change on London, $5f l'i4o for checks. Spanish 4s closed at $1.75. The weekly statement of the Rank of France shows the follcwlng changes: Notes In clrcu'a tion decreased .,15f,'iof. treasury accounts current Increased 37.725.ou"f. gold In hand Increased 425.0nof, bills discounted Increased l',27s.ioof and silver in hand increased l,Sp,iniif. P.KRLIN, June 2. The w?ekly statement of the Imperial Hank of Germany shows the following Changes: Cash In hand In creased 15.02n.00nm. treasury notes lncraFd lsO.OtOm other securliies decreased S.4O,0O0m and notes in clrculat.on Increased uoftm. Exchange on London 20m 47pfgs for checks. Discount rates for snort bins, i-e, per cent: for three months' bills, 24 TT rent. Prices on the bourse todav were tin- changed. Transvaals were weaker. Italians and Spanish 4s were nrm. Boston gtocn Qaotatlaaa. - BOSTON. June 24 Call loana, $4tr4 per cent; time loans, 4'go per cent. Official closing of stocke ana Donas: Atchtron 4s lt24, Adventure .. U .. 24 .. 144 .. 114 ..II .. 174 .. 14 ..1164 .. 104 .. II .. 41 .. 10 .. 104 .. 11 ..134 ..171 .. M .. 11 .. 14 .. to .. .. I .. 14 .. M Oaa la i Allooea Mex. Central 4a It Atrhlaon 14 do pfd .....lno Fnvtnn A Albany. .. .240 Hint on A Me v..U Hon on Elevated ....14 N. Y . N. H. A H..JW Fltchburg pfd H3 t'nlon Pacific 1044 Met. Central M4 American Sugar 124 do pfd Ill American T. A T....1774 Dominion I. A I.... 614k Amalgamated Uingham Calumet A Hecla. Centennial Copper Range .... Dominion Coal ... Franklin lale Rorals Mohawk Old Dominion .... Oerenla Parrot llulncy Tamarack Trlmountala Trinity lien, riieciric Maaa. Electrle do pfd N. E. O. A. C. I'nlteJ Fruit . V. 8. Steel ... ...100 424 74 I'nlted States .... .. 14 t'tan ..lll'alvictnrta .. 174jWlnona do pfd. H4 wolrerine Webtingh. Common. .101 Dalr West... New York Mining; Qaatatlons. NEW TORK. June 2 The following are the closing prices on mining atocka Adama Con Alice Hreece Uruoawtck Con... io 40 to Little Chief ... Ontario t'phlr Phoenix Potoat ... It ...T7 ...lie ... 1 ... 17 ... I ... 11 ... 46 ...luu . 7 14 .136 .1110 .126 . 16 . f tomatoik Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. DeadWiod Terra.. Horn Silver Iron Silver '. Leadville Con.... savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. standard Bank Clearlngts. OMAHA, June 26. Bank clearings today, $1,02, Ml. 31; same day last year, $l,u23,h2il.27; increase. $59,111.04. 8T. LOL IS, June 28. Clearings. $9.4nl.96; balance", Sl.iMNH.74i : money, steady. 6U per cent; New York exchange, 15c premium. CHICAGO, June 26. Clearings, $25.465.62; balances, $2,270,029; posted exchange, 14.S6 for sixty days, $4.4 on demand; New York exchange, 2.'c premium. , NEW VORK, June 25. Clearings, $227,435. 931; balances, $12,7tt4.740. HUSTON, June 26. Clearings, H7,to6,uyi ; balances. $1,486,324. PHILADELPHIA. June 26 Clearings. $16.(6tJ,IS7 ; balances, $2,464,8S0; money, 444 per cent. CINCINNATI. June 28. -Clearings, $1 .643.- 350; money, 84&4 per cent; New York ex change, Z'VySoc premium. Condition of tbe Treasury, WASHINGTON. June 26. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve Jn the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $204,8oo,718; gold, $100,7il,2S5. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. June 26. COTTON Snot closed quiet; middling uplands, 9S-16c; mid dling gulf, 9 8-lSc; sales, none. Futures cloRed quiet and steady; June, 8.99c; July, 8.64c; August, .33c; September, 8.02c; Octo ber, 7.9oc; November, 7.Mc; December, 7.8c; January, 7.84c; February, 7.84c; March, .MC. OALVESTON. June 26. COTTON Quiet. c. ST. LOUIS, June 28. COTTON Quiet ; middling, 8 15-16c; no rales; rec.ipts. 4-0 bales; no shipments; stock, 21,238 bales. NEW ORLEANS, June 26. COTTON tTlilnran itaaitv Tun. Gllln KM .T..K. fl 07 48 9Sc; August, 8.46'rfS.47c; September, V Wfi 8.00c; October, 7.76tr7.77c: November, 7.6 & 7.70c; December, 7.6St37.69c; January, 7.6 7.6!)c. Spot, steady; sales. 9U0 bales; ordi nary, 7 8-16c; good ordinary. 8 1-16c; low middling, 8 9-16c; middling, 9c: good mid dling, 94c; middling fair, 9 11-16c; receipts, 2,305 bale a; stock, i7,130 bales. Wool Market. BOSTON, June 2. WOOL-Strlctly fine, tsitinoc; clean tine and fine medium, 45i& 47c; staple, 60fi-i3c; medium, 3941c. Texas wools are remarkably Arm, largely grow ing out of the-. tine position of wools'. The clip haa been bought up by prominent deal ers with very high prices paid compared with other wools at the time buying began. Buyers are very confident. Fall cleaned basis, 44(i46c; six to eight months spring, 4ii48c. Fine washed tleeces are exceed ingly firm, with old wools sold out ot sight. The market la nominally teiioted at: Ohio and Pennsylvania XXX, 2xi7"z9c; XX and above, 2(V(r-'7c; Michigan, ZiHeMc. Old de laine wools are practically sold out and will cost higher for new. Michigan, 2549 27c; No. 1 washed combing, 264427c; No. 2, 25"o27c; coarse, 23i&'25c. ST. LOUIS. June 26. WOOL Steady to firm; medium grades and combing. 13(9 17c; light fine, 12&1∾ heavy fine, I013c; tub wanned. 15&.244C. Oil and Rosin. OIL CITT, Pa.. June 28. OIL-Credlt bal ances, $1.22; certificates, no bid; shipments 50.481 bbls.; average, 87,104 bbla.; rune, 'it.m bbls.; average, 76,223 bbls. WILMINGTON. N. C, June 26. OIL Spirits turpentine, steady, 46c. Rosin, steady, $1.10gl.l5. Crude turpentine, firm, $1.40. $2.50 and $2.60. Tar. firm. $1.60. SAVANNAH, Oa., June 26. OIL Turpen tine, I1rm, 474c. Rosin, firm; A. B, C, D and E, $125; F, $1.35; O. $1.40; H, $1.70: I, $2.06; K. $3.06; N, $3.40; W. O., 1$ 46; W. W., $3.60. CHARLESTON. B. C. June t8.-OIL-Turpentlne and rosin unchanged. NEW YORK, June 26. OIL Cottonseed, quiet. Petroleum, steady. Rosin, ateady. Turnentlne. dull. TOLEDO. O., June 26 OIL North Lima, 89c; South Lima and Indiana, 84o. Evaporated Applea and Dried Fruit. NEW YORK, June 86. EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet and without quotable change, finot sunolles are firmly held and futurea are In fair demand on the baslw of 64c for October and November deliveries of nrlme fruit. Common to good are auotel at 7&94c. choice at 10461034c and fancy at lie. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT Prunee continue fairly active, chiefly for export account, though there la a moderate Job bing demand noted. The larger sixes are In rather limited supply and are Inclined to firmness. Prices rule from 8ie to 4 for all grades. Apricots in boxes are quoted at 10414c and In bogs at 104?1. Peaches are slightly more active, with peeled at 12i316c and unpeeled at 84lf4c Coffee Market. NEW YORK, June - 26. COFFEE Spot Rio. ateady: No. 7 Invoice, 64c. Mild, steady; Cordova, 8114c Futures opened steady, with prices unchanged. While there was an absence of any special tendency to values In the early market and only mod erate activity the whole list hardened In the afternoon on covering and scarcity of sellers and showed a strong tone toward the close. Foreign news waa devoid of fea ture, though reflecting a generally steady undertone. The shorts were moderate buy ers In the late session, with the market finally firm and net (fl0 polnta higher. Total sales were 22.000 bags. Including: July, 4.75ii-4.8oc; Beptember, 4.95c; October, 6c: November, 5.10c; January, 6.30c; March, 6.40c; May. 6.50c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, June 26. DRY GOODS There nave been no turtner cnanges in bleached cottons. The demand keeps up and the sellers are getting well under orders. Brown sheetings and drills are dull and Irregular. Coarse colored cottons generally steady. Low grade tickings ir regular. Print cloths dull and unchanged. Prints and ginghams Arm. Cotton linings generally In favor ot buyers. lagar Market. NEW YORK. June 26. SUOAR-Raw. weak: fair refining. 2 13-16c; centrifugal, 96 test. $ 5-16c. Molasses sugar, I -16c. Re fined, unsettled. NEW ORLEANS. June 28 BUG R Ouiet: onen kettle. 2Utf)3S-lc: onen kettle centrifugal. 334c: centrifugal yellow.'S'i 44c; seconds. 23$-16c Molasses, dull; centrifugal, 6'al8c. Bt. Joseph Live Block Mnrket. BT. 'JOSEPH. June 26. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.100 head; steady; natives, $4 85a $ 00; cows and heifers. $1. 7645 50: veals, $3.60 fati. 00; mockers and feeders. $2.00(36. 60. HOGS Receipts. 1.0O0 head; light and light mixed. $7.4M7 60; medium and heavy, $7.56Tf7.80; pigs. $4.2S4j6.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.706 head; steady; top spring lambs, $4.36. Slenx City Live Stack Market. BIOUX CITT. Ia . June M. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, $xX); market steady; beeves $5 ot(i7.a0; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.6tvo4.00; stockers and feeders, $2.60 b4 25: yearlings, $2.5(i4.00. irOOB Receipts, 1,300; market Me lower. aelUuf at f7.37.66i bulk, 7.aot87.t. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bef Buara Ball Buadj to Itronj, with a Limitad B amber on E&l. HOGS OPEN FIVE LOWER, BUT CLOSE FIRM Best Cows and Helfera Stronger and Thin Gradea Weaker Feeders Bteady and Stockers Dnll De cline 1st Prleee on Sheep. BOUTH OMAHA. June tfi. Recelpta were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 1.3:17 6.374 8,6t3 Official Tuesday 2. 2. 13.136 6tvx Official Wednesday 1.IM3 1o,8n3 1.449 Official Thursday 2,038 lo.u l.ii.6 Four days this week... 7.176 Same days last week. ...12. 110 Same week before $,264 Same three weeks ago.. .11. 5J8 Same four weeks ago.... 8.569 Same days last year 11,802 J9.&S8 3a 91 46 tvJ 1..K38 27,648 If .51 13,711 10. 659 7.7.U 245 IU40 RECEIPTS FOR THE EAR TO DATE, The following table chows tne receip.e oi cattle, hogs and ancep at eoutn Omana lur year to oate, and comparisons wllu lust year: 1902. 1901. Inc. Dec Cattle M2,379 &1V.140 d.233 Hogs ... bheep .. ...1,31U 1,1ju,w9 lU,3i? ...... 414,iiv UUl.ifro H4 ..M iu following tabic snows tne uveiugo price of hogs sold on the Souia Umniii market the last several uaya, with ioiu parlaona with lormer yeara; Date.' I W2. Uul.lt0J.iU.,)v.l6i.tl887.l&96. June 1... J una a 6 iOl 6b Mil mi 0O 4 L 3 t 4 0J I lei 164, I 1 Mi 4 Oil a i t ei to, i i 9-1 V U; 9J 1 Bill Hi I a mi $ 7i i 6u i i9 a mi Tii 8 3 90 3 63 3 93 I 3 M S 64 1 I 1 711 3 S0 8 69 3 a m a 72 a 63 a 7i a 62i a i.s, i a 69 a 63 i a 4oi a 4 a Mt i i a , a a a ut a 7 a ai a 6 i a oi asoi j ai 3 o$ 1 J 3 1-4 3 2i 2 V4 a 4i 2 9i a an t a I UJ a 29 3 U 2 9$ 3 2a, 3 10 a lai a oa a 2i! a io a ia, a vi 2 96 3 15 3 21 $ k2 a 23 i a oa a 2o, a w 3 23 a 97 a it, a 97 I B74kl I !) 6 70 6 71 4 8i t 70 4 tj 6 Ui 4 IH & vi a ii June ... j line 4... 1 1 I t 20'A J 11 J l4l June 6... June ... June 7... J una a . . J214I I .. 7 tt 7 e4l 7 il, I 6 ik 6 m I 6 lot 6 84 6 91 I ( 00 6 89 4 8$ 6 boi 4 kui 6 ait 4 Vi 6 8 4 9 I 4 9ol 6 83 6 89 6 03 6 9 6 V 6 90 4 94 a 9i 4 9J 6 89 6 00 I 6 i3 5 9B 6 K' 6 17 6 93 6 101 June ... j j ne to.. June 11.. June 11... june U.. June 14... June la... June 1... 7 244 7 234M 7 3.t4 7 41.1 June 1... June 18... June 19... June 20... June 21.., J II iia V2 7 44, June 23... 7 49 7 69 7 oi.l June 24... June 2a... June 26... I 7 6141 Indicates Sunday. The otiicial nuraDer of cara of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hues. Shtf-n.H'r'S. t;., M. at Bt. Jr. Ry 6 9.... 4 2 6 a 13 9 6 15 14 40 4 10 25 24 15 .. ' 16.. 1 2 16 a 80 143 . 10 U waDasn Missouri Paclflo Ry ... Union Paclilc system... C. & N. W. Ry r .. E. & M. V. R. R.... C, St. P., M. & O. Ry. U. & M. rt. KV C, 11. ct Q. Hy.... K. C. He bt. J C, R. I. ct P., eaat Illinois Central Total receipts The disposition of the day's recelpta was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber oi nead indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hons. SheeD. umaua racaing to O. tl. Hammond Co 244 1,6-SO 1,100 370 2,574 90 328 l,2i3 l.U.-J 2'XJ 2,948 96 71 8o 9i 1 4 62 46 18 23 60 2 214 75 .... .... bwltt and Company Cudahy Packrng Co Armour & Co Omaha Pack. Co., K. C. Cuuuhy Pack. Co., K. C. Bwitt ana io., iv. o Armour & Co.. iv. C R. Becker At Degan anaant & uo Lobmun At t'o Kill A Huntzlnger Huston ct (jo Hamilton tt. Rothschild.. L. F. iluss H. L. Dennis & Co .Wolf ct M bt. L.. u. a. v.o Other buyers Totals 1,990 9,763 1,916 CATTLE The market waa In much the same condition It haa been the entire week, that la, supplies were moderate and prices strong on good stuff and weak on grasj cattle. The supply of beef ateers was limited and Jil not Include anything very choice in the way of dry lot catlie. bome very fair bexves sold up to $7.65, a good strong price, and other decent fed cattle were quotably strong. Short fed steers sold nt practically steady prices, the small number here selling early In the day. The market for cows and heifers ruled steady to atrong where the quality waa anywhere satisfactory. Prices on grassy stock showed very little change, but Ir any thing, were weaker. Bulls, stags a.nd veais. If fleshy, sold fully steady, but If thin wcte more or less of a drag on the market. Trade In stockers and feedera was devoid of snap, with only a moderate number on sale, and the demand equally limited. Good heavy feeders are in fair request, out light cattle are alow sellers at recent quotations. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 44." 11... II... 48... 44... At. Ft. N. At. Pr. M 4 11 4 HIT I! .... IM IN ....1000 I 00 ....1130 I M ....1I7S U ....1061 (t ....lot 0 ....1111 I 0 ....100 4 00 ....1116 00 4 107 10 11 1117 1 06 li 1117 T 10 41 1086 T 10 II 1110 1 26 tt 1314 7 60 H in T 60 4 1444 1 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 11 M7 ( 00 li Ill T 00 11 ll 10 1 1121 7 00 a o COWS. I M 1 00 1 1021 1 60 1 190 I 00 21 60 10 I 60 1 1010 I 66 t 10M 1 60 1 3 I (0 t M0 1 60 1 70 t 6 1 IM IH t 470 t 16 J I 60 1 1060 t 76 1 16 1 (0 1 1170 1 16 II 100 I 45 14 060 8 0 I 0 t (6 1 1100 4 00 1 710 1 06 4 IM 4 00 M0 8 16 1 4 00 1 M0 I 16 HI 4 00 1 M0 I 16 1 1170 4 10 , IM 3 76 ( 100 4 10 1 16 t 16 1 34 4 10 t Ml 1 16 4 1110 4 16 II M IK t 1060 4 M I ID la I (6 4 16 4 16 I 16 14 1044 4 M 1 10M I 16 4 1076 4 40 I 1 I M 8 '.1116 4 40 I M4 I 00 1 1170 4 60 8 M6 I 00 11 12 U I Ml I 00 1 1U0 4 60 1 10 I 16 11 1UM 4 0 I Ml I 16 7 MM) 4 16 1 10M I 16 1 M0 I 00 I 00 I 16 1 100 I 00 8 IM I 16 1 104 I 00 1 10 I 18 1 1170 I 60 8 Ml I 10 8 M 60 1 116 10 1 10S4 I 10 1 tm I 6 1 12M 16 1 1111 I 60 1 1160 I U HEIFERS. I 66 8 It 1 TM 8 II 4 M6 I 0 1 110 I 0 x no I io i7i 1 1 a Me I M 1 1460 16 1 W IM BULLS. 1 110 I M 1 970 8 10 1 1120 8 10 1 M 8 60 1 U40 16 1 1164 8 66 1M0 3 M 1 1U0 I 76 i iui I io i iuo a i6 1 1S0 I 18 . 1 140 4 00 1 1110 I 16 1 U."0 4 60 1 1610 I 16 1 110 4 60 1 1420 I 16 1 1610 4 18 1 1110 8 40 1 1(10 I 16 1 10M 8 60 t STAGS. i ioao a io 6 mi 4 oo CALVES. t II 4 M I Mo I 0 1 no 4 60 1 171 I I I Ill 4 60 1 11 I 16 8 104 60 1 7 I 1 1 140 4 6 STOCK COWS AND HEIFER8. 1 M I 7 1 M l 61 I o 1 16 1 630 (6 1 n 18 1 Wt III I IM t 4 I II 6 IM I 40 10 460 I M 4 640 I M U K1 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 li I at 'at 4 0 l.. MO I 00 I (40 4 oo I. ... 41 s at li m 4 to II 6M I 86 3 470 4 16 1 16 t 60 , 1 14 4 II 14 U0 I 66 81 14 4 40 II. .. 104 8 M 10 IM 4 M I Ml I M 1 740 4 M 1 UO 4 M HOGS The market opened alow, a good nickel lower, but closed active md firmer than yesterday's general trade, or around a shilling lower than Monday. The weak cloee Wednesday waa followed by a slow lower opening today, and as bearish reports from Chicago followed later on, the market here weakened and closing figures were 5 10c lower on fair to good huse. Common packers and light stuff, unless even and smooth, got the brunt of ths decline, and much of the common stuff shows around a dime lower than yesterday morning. , Tops today show 10c off from yesterday, while the bulk averages 6?10c lower. The movement Improved considerably to ward the close and prleas firmed up con siderably, tba built averaging around $7.60, Repre- sentative sales; He. II.. at. St. Pr. Mo. 1 7 14 71 76 V (7 61 7 70 70 77 71 7 M 70 70 M 7 71 71 II l 71 0 u 44 21 74 1 U 4 6 61 At, Sh. Pr. ..IM T 16 ..fit w T 60 .11 1W 1 16 l4 tm 1 60 fft 140 7 M 131 8 t 121 M 1 60 1 40 7.. 7.. .. .'.. 1.. 74.. M. . 61.. 76.. .. .. W... 82.. 71.. 71.. 7.. .. 7.. !.. 40 1 40 .mi io 1 40 .IM 1 40 .221 10 1 60 .131 10 1 60 94 40 T 40 . 1 140 1 40 .221 7 6 ..17 1 4 .22 111 1 60 ao 1 42i IN) 1 6 .214 24(1 1 41, ij 120 t 60 241 40 1 60 .110 40 1 46 ..224 ..124 ..16 ..110 . .11 ..114 10 1 46 80 7 4 m 1 46 tO 1 46 ... 1 46 , . 130 40 1 60 Kl 1 60 40 I 6lk ,.101 ,.121 it tto 1 s:i. ..141 120 1 62' ,.ilt 0 1 62 ..234 1 20 1 671, ,.261 too T 621 ,.124 10 1 624 .144 120 1 62 4 .141 110 1 M .141 10 1 66 0 T 4 ,...le4 10 1 46 .117 140 1 46 .11 40 1 45 .200 .221 1 46 76. at 1 44 M 7 46 M T 46 .. T 46 SO T 46 7 107 M... Ill .111 .107 10 1 61 14... II... 7... SO... ... 7... ... M... 61... 7... 0... 7... (4... 77... 4... ... no... 107.. a... to... s... 64... 66... 66... 16... U... 70... 77... (1... (... 13... 61... 3... 7... 7... 2... 74... 7... 6... ... 70... 62... ,.241 .tf.1 H IU .20 M 1 66 .lot t0 7 46 .161 M 7 66 .201 1W 7 46 .2"! IM 1 46 .117 60 1 45 .146 lrj) 1 474 .211 IM 1 4714, ..221 120 T 47l M7 120 1 471, .121 0 1 471 .10 120 1 474 ..IM 10 1 66 ..166 ..IM ..161 ..241 ..Ml ..141 ..14 1 61 ... 1 65 80 I 66 ... 1 66 ... T M ... 1 66 MTU Ml T 66 ..161 .237 1 47 ' 71. .144 100 1 66 .121 110 T 47 M 146 110 T 66 .231 .22 0 7 60 m im II 14 6 ..141 ... 1 66 141 1(0 t 66 M 1 60 .161 140 T 66 .267 140 1 60 10.. 44.. (.. 64.. 66.. 62.. 6.. 0.. 3.. 71.. 71.. 1.. fl.. 71.. .. CI.. ..141 ..146 ..thd ..170 10 T 66 M t 66 ... 1 174 0 7 17 4 .225 10 1 60 ..25 1WI 7 60 ..237 10 7 60 ..261 10 1 60 171 10 7 174 241 40 1 M 171 10 1 M 164 SO 1 M Ml 140 t M 141 M T M ...2i0 ...2 ...246 80 1 (0 7 60 40 7 6tl ...222 130 1 60 ...toll 120 1 60 ...225 160 1 60 .13 M 7 (0 .237 1 60 ..140 ..171 ..14 M 1 tO .. 7 0 M 7 to ..22 .2:2 1 60 7 60 23 120 1 60 224 ) 1 an ..1(7 10 1 10 .21 .tm 1 (24 1 2i .144 120 1 60 17 ..2.14 40 1 60 10 1 60 7 274 110 1 24 61 176 40 1 41', ..230 ..210 . .231 7 60 68. 26 in 1 fa 40 1 60 61.. 61.. 61.. (1.. 61.. 66.. IM 102 7 M 1 U ..131 40 7 60 .23 1(0 7 60 ..II IM 1 15 ..21X1 10 1 (5 ..2H 120 7 M ..280 1(0 1 16 .22 7 60 .S.-.0 10 7 60 ti 200 7 60 69. (i. z: 120 7 60 SHEEP A further decline of 1015c waa noted in prices on sheep again todav, mak ing the decline for the week fr'StiO.- on mutton Rhecp. The trade was unsatis factory and dull. Stock sheep show lltt'e If any change from the last week, either as to prices or demand. Quotations tor clipped stock: Good to choice wethers. $4.3:.(&4..0; fair to good. $4.20 til. oil; good to choice ewes. $4.0054.3.i; fair to good, $3.6i&4.15; good to choice lambs. $4.75 (yo WJalr to good, $4.2.Vf4.50. Wooled stock sells about i(Doc above clipped stock. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. lt'3 grass ewes 73 2 50 121 griss wethers 'M 3 00 132 grass wethers So 3 10 127 grass wethers 100 '3 10 113 eweg and wethers 9.1 3 3 !-' Idaho grays wethers l!fl 3 ?5 4:.'j grass yearlings, mixed 93 S 65 CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARICCT. nttle steady to Lower Hogs Loner Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. June 26. CATTLE Receipts, 6.5iiO heed. Including 1,250 Texans; prime beeves steady, all others lower; gool to prime steers. $7.6oi8.40; poor to meil!um, $4. 7507.50; stockers and feeders, $'.5iij 25; cows. $1.40i.00; heifers, $2.5O6.50; canrers, $1.4oJi2.fa0; bulls, $2 2iV&5.75: calves, $2.5O-J6 50; Texas fed steers. $4.Vo7.00. , HOGS Receipts, 33,0io head; estimated to morrow, 26.000; left over, 7,000; slow, 107fl5c lower than early Wednesday; mixed and butchers, $7.2R7i7.70; Rood to cholve hetvy, $7.70fi75; roiiKh havy, $7.g'Vfr7.60; Hiht, $7.2.Vn7.46: bulk of sales, S7.Sfifi7.70. BHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,000 head; sheep steady, choice lambs ateadv; good to choice wethers. 13"i(ft4.26; fair to choice mlxd, $3.60114.00; western sheep, $2.75 jl.uO; native lambs, $).C0,j6.!0. Ksnaas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. June 26. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,900 natives. 2.S09 Texans and 765 calves; native steers slow, steady to 10c lower; other cattle a shade higher; choice export and dreFS'd beef steers. $7.S5ffS.?5; fair to good, $5.lO&7.30; stockers and feeders, $2.70t5.50; western fed steers. 5.CO'n6 30; Texas and Indian ateers. $2.o0frS.!)0; Texas cows, $2.25S3.00; native cows. $2.0016.13: na tive heifers, $3.0oi5.75; canners. $1.50fj30.l; bulls. $2.9if5.75; calves, $3.2556.25. HOGS Receipts, 7.450 head: market Sc lower, pigs 647 10c lower; top, $7.86; bulk of sales, $7.6o&7.75; heavy, $7.ayi7.86: mixed packers. $7.60&7.66; light, $7.2l7.674; pigs, 6.75(& 7 25. . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,451 head; sheep 15ft 20c lower, lambs 25ft 3fic lower; native lambs. $4 50ffii6.30; western lambs, $4.5o5.70; native wethers. $4.7VS4.9-: western wethers. $3.6D4.70; fed ewes. $4 2otft 4 60; Texas clipped yearlings. $4.3"fjl fO: Texas clipped sheep, $3.0Uj4.40; stockers and feeders, $2.0043.00 St. I,eals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, June 26. COTTON Receipts, 9,lwo head .Including 2.500 head Texans; market steady for natives to' strong and higher for Texans; native shipping and ex port steers, $6.otfff8.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.507.30; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.00fd.75; Blockers and feeders, $2.75(9 5.36; cows and heifers, $2.25fr.26; canners, 1ll.7iwfl2.86; bulls. $3.004.50; calves. $4.604i6.50; Texas and Indian steers. $3.10g6.75; the top for two lots of cattle weighing about 1.200 lbs.; cows and heifers. $2,804(4.00. HOGS Receipts, 4.400 head; market 5fl0c lower; pigs and lights, $7.15(51.45; packers, $7.40tS1.6o: butchers, $7.6fK87.85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, $.700 head; market dull, alow and steady; native muttons. $3.2&ii3.60; lambs, $4.00t&660; culls and bucks, 2.iKg4.00; stockers, $2.003.00; Texans, $3.004f4.4O. New York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK, June 26. BEEVES Re ceipts, 611 head, consigned direct; no aalea reported. Cables unchanged. No exports. CALVES Receipts, 416 hesd: vry dull and lower; vrr.ls sold at M.&Otgl.OO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,674 head; sheep steady, lambs slow and slightly easier; sheep sold at $2.6094.50 per 100 lbs.; culls at $2.00; Inmbs, $5.0087.00. HOGS Receipts. 1.276 head: weak; a few atate hoga aold at $7.76 per 100 lba. Stock Im Sight. The following table ahowa the recelpta of cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal markets for June 26: Cattle. Hosts. Bheep. South Omaha.. Chicago Kansas City... Bt. Louis Bt,' Joseph 2,038 6.500 10.095 1.9'. 33.010 7.450 4.40 9.000 12,000 4.450 S.700 1.700 6.4A 9.000 1.100 Totals.. ..24,033 63,946 13.7V4 NEBRASKANS OFF FOR DENVER They Go to Attead Conveatloa of Iateraatlonal SaaAay School Assoelatloa. Tbe Nebraska delegatea to the Interna tional Sunday acbool convention at Denver left Wednesday evening for that city over the Burlington. Accompanying them were a large number of people who took advan tage of tbe apectal railroad ratea to spend a week In the mountains. The delegatea from the atate are: O. O. Wallace. Mra. O. O. Wallace, T. L. Mathews. J. E. Chris tie, all of Omaha; Mrs. C. 8. Willard, Beth any; Miss E. L. Spear. Central City; W. H. Klmberly, Lincoln; W. E. Nlcnol, Mlnden; Addle E. Harris, Lincoln; J. P. Eaton, North Bend; R. D. Gould, Clay Center; T. A. Moss, Atkinson; J. D. Stewart, Aurora; U W. Zook. Corad; Dr. F. M. Slsson, Nor folk; Rev. Frank F. Lewis, Syracuse; N. C. Holman, Tobiaa; Prof. Gilbert, Central City; R. H. Pollock. Lincoln; L. P. Al bright, Red Cloud; Bf J. Wigntman. Tork; Prof. W. R. Jackson. Lincoln; L. E. Hum phrey, Farwell; Fred Kipllnger, Loom!; L. P. Ludden, Lincoln; Mary E. Arnold, Gandy; Eva E. Hill, North Loup; Dr. E. T. Cassel, Hastings; Mra. Octavla Jones,' Hast ings; William J. Bryan, Lincoln; Rev. J. A Smith, Ptckrell; Roy M. Jackson, Upland; Rev. A. A. Cressman, Grand Island; H. A. Carnahan, Central City; I. A. Mathison, Tekaman. WATER TROUGHS FOR HORSES Coaaellsaaa Lobeck Pre peeea ta Rt (face Hasaber fresa Flfteea ! Sis. Councilman Lobeck la preparing to take up the horse trough question at the next meeting of the city council. He propose to reduce ths number of troughs from fif teen, aa originally raaueaM4 by Major D. Wednesday's average waa $7,644. H. Wheeler, to alx. and will auggest that they be placed ai follows: One on lower Douglaa street, ooe In the commission dis trict, one on South Sixteenth street near Farnam, one near the court house and the remaining two on tbe north aide of the buslneis aevtlon near Seventeenth and Capi tol avenue. "The Idea la." sail he, "to have the trout ha eo located that they will be easily accessible to teamsters aa they atart out from the business renter In the different directions. The matter of the exact loca tions will be for soma committee of the council to determine." NEW LINE OPENS NEXT WEEK Official Cornea to Arraoae for Mails Over Rlkhora'a Latest Extension. B. W. Well, superintendent of the alxtb division of the railway mall service, with headquarters at Chicago, ia In Omaha, and from him cornea the nret news of the fact that the Fremont, Elkhorn Missouri Val ley railroad will on July 1 commence run ning regular tralna over Its new Verdigris extension between Verdigris and Niobrara. The remaining portion, between Niobrara and Bonesteel, cannot be opened till a month or more later, when the bridge asrosa the Niobrara river will be ready for use. Superintendent West haa come out from Chicago to complete arrangements with the Elkhorn for the conduct of the railway mall aervlce on the new run. Malta will ba car lied regularly there. DETECTIVES SPRING A TRAP They Arrest Fagltive When He Ap pears to Call on Ills Wife. A deslra to eee his wife led to the arrest yesterday of John Morgan, wanted in Creston. Ia., for taking two trunks of ruga and other property belougliig to the Rlgley Installment company, of which he was the mauager. The theft waa committed several weeks ago and the Omaha police depart ment was given a description of the man and his wire, who left Creston at the same time. A few days ago the woman waa located by Detectives Drumray and Mitchell at the City hotel and a strict watch was kept upon her. Yesterday Morgan came to aee his" wife and both were promptly arrested. They refused to return to Creston without requisition papers. 85.00 a norms Specialist In all DISEA8E9 and DISORDERS of MEN. 12 years la Omaha, SYPHILIS cured by the QUICK EST, safest and most natural method that baa yet been discovered. Soon every sign and symptom disappear completely and forever. No "BREATKINd OUT" of the disease on tbe skin or face, A cure that la guaranteed to be permanent for life. llQIOftPCI C cured. Method new, lAnluUur.LX without cutting, pain: no detention from work; permanent our guaranteed. WEAK MKH from Excesses or Victim to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion, Wst Ing Weakness with Early Decay In Toung and Middle Aged, lack of vim, vigor an strength, with organs impaired and weak. STRICTURE oured with a new llomt Treatment No pain, no detention fronl bualness. Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Oonsaltatlon Free. Treatment by Mall, CHARGES LOW. 110 g. 14h St. Dr. Soarlss & Scarles. Omaha, Neb, DR. McGREW (Agi 53) SPECIALIST. Diseases as Utsuaaaaaa of Man Only. Yeara' Ezperteaoe. SB Yeara im Omaha. tIDIPHPCI C oured by a treatment VAnlUUULlX which la tho QUICKEST, safest and most natural that has yet bees discovered. No pain whatever, no cutting and doea not Interfere wlta work or busi ness. Treatment at office or at bome and a permanent cure guaranteed. Hot Springs Treatment for SypbilLs And ail Blood Diseases. No "BREAKING OUT" on the akin or fees and all external elans of the disease disappear at onos. A treatment that, la more successful and far more aallstaetory than the "old form" of treatment and at less than HALF THU COST. A cure that la guaranteed to be permanent for Ufa IIVCO Ofl nnrtoases aured of nervous UlLil 4.U1UUU debility, loss of vitality and all unnatural w Ad esses of aaea. Stricture, Gleet, Kidney and Bladder Lls oasea, Hydraosls. eured permanently. CUAMQEg LOW. CONSULTATION rRBa. Treatment by sasJL P. O. Bos 788. OSes over HI . 14lh street, between Fa aaaa Ate EetsslaA staw OMAHA. MAVB. JOSSERS & MANUFACTURERS Or OMAHA MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. Davis & Cwgill Iron Works SlUfEKAL RKPAIRINO A WMIAIri IRON AND BRASS POONDBM. IHI, 1BSS anal 1 AOS Jaeksen Steoee Omaha, "eh. TeL SasX Cabrtskla. Agent. 1. M. CewgH "HflflE GO. Maaafaotarera and Jobbers ) Steam and Water Supplies- Of All Kinds. IM4 ss4 DOtVOLAS ST. ELECTRICAL SLTPLIC5. Uostorn Eleclrlc&l vv Company Electrical Supplies. neetrte Wiring Bella as4 Oaa Llghtta a. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. Ul Howsri ft. AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., Oaaaba, Bob. Manufacturers of Tents and Canvas Goods. PBd for CaUloguo Nuunser St