Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Hax O'Eell'i New Book Treati of the
Froblema of Life.
Oaeae on the Dar of daeea Victoria's
Death aad Cloaca In Jaaaarr of
tha Present Yrar Deals with
Peace aad Mar.
" Tween Tou and I," by Mas O'Rell.
U a book treating the problrma of life. It
la divided Into two parta. "Part I Con
cerning Men," of thirty-nine chapters, and
"Part II Concerning Women," of fifty-four
chapters. Tbla volume contain! some of
the choicest, wittiest and most searching
criticisms of Ufa In general by tbia cele
brated French writer and lecturer. Hia
work has always a popular Interest attach
ing to it, and there la do one who doea
toot instantly find himself completely won
over by the sparkling philosophy and wit
of this moat distinguished Frenchman. Fol
lowing ts a portion of the chapter on "An
Ideal Daughter": "A devoted, cheerful,
caressing daughter Is the joy of a home.
Happy the house that resounds all day
long with ber song and the peals of her
livery laughter! She Is the sun that shines
ail day. She Is the chain tbat blnda father
and mother together, and their safeguard
against any danger to their love and faith
fulness to each other. Is there anything
which could entice that father out of hts
house so long as that girl is la It? No,
nothing but the work that he has to do,
and which he cheerfully doe., all the time
longing for that welcome kiss when he
returns borne."
Edna Lira 11 is out with a new novel en
titled, "The Hinderers." The story opens
on the day of Queen Victoria's death, and
closes in January of the present year. It
deals with the subject of peace and war
and glvea the experiences of a heroine who
is suddenly transported from a quiet borne
la the tropics to "smart society" in Eng
land. The heroine is Irene de Bt. Croix,
who, after her grandfather's death, goes
to live with her grandfather1' cousin in
England, 8qulre Brooklyn. The society
into which she Is Introduced there is the
very opposite from what her refined na
ture has always been in touch with and
the life !s repulsive to her, one who Is con
tinually looking for opportunities fcr use
fulness. It takes up quite extensively in
s conversational style the Boer war. The
story is good and wholesome, the heroine
possessing the sweet character one would
expect from Edna Lyall. There is a pretty
love tale in the last few chapters. Miss
So Bt. Croix marrying a man, though many
years her senior, who is endued with tho
warm heartedness one would wish for a
nappy ending to a heroine wheae Ufa
counted for good. Published by Longmans,
Qreen Co.
A new story by Rudyard Kipling is to
appear in an early number of Bcribner'o
Magazine and it la one of the boldest and
most brilliant expressions of Mr. Kipling's
gentu. With the exception of a few
sketches relating to experiences in South
Africa, no, short story has come from Mr.
Kipling for several years and he has pro
duced no story of this rank la a much
longer time. The title. "Wireless," gives
n hint as to the modern developments in
electric phenomena that suggested the
story to Mr. Kipling, but it contains In it
no intimation of the amazing originality
and skill with which be has worked it out.
And yet no other, title could describe so ex
actly the , extraordinary psychological sit
nation that forms tho main inoldent of the
tale. It is a story, that will stir the In
terest of readers to enthusiasm.
In the July St. Nicholas Arthur Johnson
Evans raises the question, "Is King Ed
ward Really Edward the Seventh?" He
speaks of a little discussion he had in Eng
land recently with some young relatives of
his and be recalls to the reader what a
good many of us have perhaps forgotten
that there are at least three Edwards whom
history has failed to designate with nu
merals. Edward the Confessor was one.
Then there was Edward the Elder, who
reigned Just after Alfred the Great, and.
Edward the Martyr, who figured In English
history Just before Ethelred. But the au
thor Instssd of suggesting that England's
new monarch have a few numbers added to
his name makes the statement that In
reality he is the first Edward to be ruler
of Great Britain and Ireland. The other
Edwards of history were simply kings of
England. This little discussion really serves
as an introduction to many interesting facts
and anecdotes of English history, particu
larly timely at this coronation season.
The 'July Century is a summer fiction
number, containing contributions In this
field from popular writers and from new
comers. There is a short story by the late
Paul Leicester Ford, entitled "Wanted, a
Chaperon," with Illustrations by Gilbert,
probably the last piece of completed fic
tion by the author of "Janice Meredith,"
To Dr. Wslr MltcbeU's group of "Little
. Stories" is added a piquant skstch entitled,
"X Dilemma," setting forth a "lady or the
tlger"-lsh problem; David Oray. author of
. "Oallops," contributes a car horse story
entitled "Tlng-a-Llng," and Frank Norrls
a story of ths frontier west entitled "The
Passing of Cock-Eye Blacklock"; Harry
Stlllwell Edwsrds, author of "Two Run
aways," prlnta a rollicking story of rival
negro churches in ths south, "The Little
Unpleasantness at New Hope." There are
jalao stories by Louise Collier Wlllcox,
iWIll N. Har'ben and Charles Bryant How
ard, the last a bit of West Indian local
color. The variety of this list Is further
extended by the fourth part of ths "Con
fessions of a Wife," by Mary Adams, the
theme of which is estrangement, as those
of the preceding portions have been re
spectively, courtship, marriage and mother
hood. A special announcement of a new serial
tory to begin in the July number of Pear
son's will probably cause many readers to
make a note to secure tbat number with
out fall. The story is entitled "The Pearl
Maiden; or. the Fall of Jerusalem," and la
by no less populsr a writer than H. Rider
Haggard. The fortunes of ths beautiful
HERE Tinfs it.
Know bT th ign
t Curs
Bhturaatlain, Neuralgia.
ScintUa, Lumbago. Spralna,
lirulsca, Soreneas, Stlffnea
Jewess Miriam, who has embraced Chris
tianity, are Involved with those of the
noble Roman captain, Marcus, at the time
of the Roman invasion of Judes. The time,
ths characters and the setting, therefore,
give promise of a stirring historic ro
mance. "Bread and Wine" Is a tale of Swiss folk,
by Maude Egerton King. Although this
bring her for the first time before an
American public, ahe bas had several books
published In England. The titles of aome of
them are: -"My Book of Songs and Bon
nets," "Round About a Brighton Coach
Office," "Studies In Love" and "The Con
version of Miss Caroline Eden." One rarely
reads a more tender story than thla little
tale of a few simple Swiss folk. A very
beautifully written introduction adds much
to the value of the book, which Is not so
much a novel as a lest torn out of real life.
Its portrayal of the elemental peasant na
ture and its lessons of overcoming evil
with good are such thst they will leave
the reader with a softer heart. One bit
of homely wisdom among many Is especially
worth quoting and remembering: "Tou
cant know persons until you begin to love
them; sod you can't love persons until
you begin to do something for them." Pub
lished by Houghton, Mifflin & Co.
"Graded work in Arithmetic," by S. W.
Balrd, principal of Franklin grammar
school at Wllkecbarre, Pa.. Is the last of
the eight-book series, completing a remark
ably well-graded and comprehensive gram
mar school course in arithmetic It begins
with a review of the essential parts of the
lower books, and then furnishes a thorough
treatment, with applications, of percentage
snd interest, Including the elementary prin
ciples of aleebra. Involution, evolution, and
mensuration. Operations, explanations and
analyses sre given In full; the numerous Il
lustrative examples have been carefully se
lected; aid the principles Involved will be
easily and clearly understood by the pupil
with but little assistance from the teacher.
Published by American Book Co.
"A Girl of Virginia," Lucy Meacham
Thurston's new novel, is a story of unlver-
sity and outdoor life. The author has writ
ten a fresh, attractive love story. The
descriptions of life at the University of Vir
ginia, the horseback riding, fox hunting,
' and football, give the story a wholesome.
breezy, outdoor flavor. Mrs. Thuroton's
previous book, "Mistress Brent," published
last fall, was a historical romance of Mary
land. It has already gone, into a fourth
edition. Mrs. Thurston has a third story,
which Little, Brown ft Co. will also publish.
This la a seml-hlstorlcal book for young
people. It will be brought out In the fall.
Tho author Is a Baltimore woman with a
fondness for historical study. She Is one
of the most promising writers of the South.
"Holy-Days and Holidays" la a thick oc
tavo volume of 800 pages, whose contents
form, to quote its title-page, "a treasury of
historical material, sermons in full and In
brief, suggestive thoughts, and poetry re
lating t- holy-days and holidays." Its
compiler is Edward M. Deems, and he has
ransacked the four quarters of the literary
globe for material wherewith to fill and to
make bis book valuable for general refer
ence purposes. "Only ths moat Important
days." he says in bis prefare. "such as are
commemorative of the most significant facts
and principle of the Christian faith, have
been dealt with. On the other band, days
snd anniversaries not in the church are In
cluded, such as Thanksgiving Day, New
Year's Day and Old Tear Day occasions
which are rich in suggestion to thoughtful
minds. This work Includes, beside the
most Important secular legal holidays, the
anniversaries most widely observed In
America, Great Britain, Ireland and
These' books can be purchased at the
Megeath Stationery Co., 1308 Farnam at.
Board of Governors Engages Sorrea
lino aad His Masletan for
Kin Days.
The Board of Governors of the Knights of
Ak-Sar-Ben has engaged Sorrentlno's Bands
Ross a for a nine days' engagement during
the fall carnival. Under the terms of the
contract the band will be in the city over
one Sunday, and as the board baa resolved
that the carnival grounds shall be closed
on Sunday, the committee has arranged to
give the people of Omaha a free compli
mentary entertainment in the form of a
sacrtd cencert. which will be held at one
of the parks on the Sunday, which falls
between the date of the opening of the car
nival and its close.
A novel entertainment has been added
to tho usual ceremony at the den for the
evening of Monday, -July 7. There was a
discussion between two of the member of
the society as to the ability of Frank Dun
lop as an Imitator, which reaulted In
bet, the winner to turn the profits into
the Ak-Sar-Ben fund. According to the
term of the bet, Mr. Dunlop is to occupy
ths position of "It" on that evening arid
Imitate W. R. Bennett, the regular occu-
padt of that position. A number of per
sons familiar with Mr. Bennett and his
style are to be the Judges and the de
cision will be made before the close of the
entertainment that evening.
Marrlasr Licenses.
Marriage licenses were issued yesterday
Na ma and Address. Are
Nels C, Rasmussen, Omaha 32
Lena C. jasperson, umana ill
Alfred A. Nelson, Omaha S3
Nannie Carlson, Omaha 24
waiior H. stelmer. Omaha 26
Minnie M. Balmke, Elkhorn, Neb 14
Hans C. H. Cook, Omaha S3
Minnie M. Nelson, Omaha , 27
John R. Rasgorchek, Omaha 22
Ethel M. Hitchcock, Council Bluffs 21
Alexsnder Tlllery, Omaha 23
Blanche Bolden, Omaha 20
J. Percy Flelahel. Canon City, Colo SO
Ruth weuer. umana ze
George W. Fletaort. Omaha 33
Beatrice Kay, umana , Zi
Varl Brown. Omaha i 23
Maude Hulsart. Omaha 19
James J. McAllister, South Omaha S3
Minnie E. Kodgers. Omaha ....29
Harvey Wilson, Omaha M
Viola V'. liuch. Omaha M
Captain Carter P. Johnson of the Tenth
cavalry, at Fort Robinson. Neb., has been
S rented leave of absence for twenty days,
atlng fiom July 16, next.
F. Von Bhrader. major and quartermaster
in the I'nlied 8tsts army, is in uiinh.l,
enroute from New York City to ban Fran
cisco, and called at army headquarters.
Captain William M. Wright. acti:ig In
spector general of the Department of the
Missouri, has been ordered to Keokuk, Iu..
to inspect the national cemetery there, ana
will then return to headquarters.
H. W. Macomber, accompanied by Mrs.
Macomber and daughters, arrived In
Omaha yesterday to attend the Cuacaden
Macomber wedUing. which will take place
this evening at ths home of Judge Jamea
U. Macomber.
Mr. Carl Porterfleld and daughter of
Denver are visiting In Omh. who Mr. and
Mrs. B. Porterfleld. 1337 South Twentv
cighth street. The two are on their way
home to Denver from St. Louis, where th y
have visited the Ut five months.
Councilman C. O. Ixtbeck returned yester
day from Chicago, where he had been since
last Saturday. His wife, daughter 01ads
and motlier-ln-la w, Mrs Julia Cook, who
accompanied him there, went on to
Oreenup. Ky.. where they will remain for
some time visiting with relatives and
J. W. Thomas. Mayor Frank E. Moores,
E. K. Bryaon of Omaha, with James A.
Martin and other members of the staff of
Governor Savase from South Omaha, will
leave for Lincoln Monday afternoon, where
they will join the tarty of the governor
and r" to Brattle. Utah., where they will
v present at the launching I ths new
battleship Nebraska
Pledges Two Corporation, to Stand Doubled
Street Railway Company to D Sched
uled at 000,000 aad the
Gas Company at
Attorney J. H. Mclntosn. representing
the tsz committee of the Real Estate ex
change, was before the County Board of
Equalisation again yesterday afternoon to
present two communications, one of which
read as follows:
In the Matter of the 19 Assessment of
the Omaha Street Railway Company For
iu Puj;P08e of compromising and settling
the lii2 state and counlv sexsment dl
pute between the tax committee of tho
Omnha Real Estate exchange and the
Omaha Street Railway company. It Is
hereby agreed that the 19o2 personal as
sessment of said Omaha Street Hallway
company shall be ruis.'d to Jii,i and the
county board of the countv of Douglas Is
hereby authorized and directed to correct
and equnlize sold personal assessment hy
raising the same to the said sum nf'6.vvi0i
By Frank Murphy, President.
The other was exactly similar In form
and signed by Mr. Murphy, but in the place
of the name of the Omaha Street Railway
company was that of the gaa company, and
the figure to which It wag to be raised was
HoO.OOO. To the first form there was at
tached, slso, a complaint by F. D. Wead,
(hairman of the tax committee, against the
assessment of the company's personal prop
erty, and a resolution drawn up for the
equalization board to adopt. This resolu
tion In substance made $600,000 the board's
corrected figure.
Provides for Quick Action.
The Intent of all this was to provide a
quick way for the board t dimnu r ik.
matter of the assessment of the street rail
way company by accepting a figure satis
factory to the tax committee. Mr. Wead
furnished the complaint, which Is neces
sary in correcting such assessments; Mr.
Murphy guaranteed for the company thai
it assessed at S650.OOO it wnitlH nnt It.
any trouble: and Attorney Mcintosh had
arawn up tne resolution to save the board
the mental wear and tear of thinking up
the words for itself.
Bat again Chairman Ostrom balked on tak
ing any Immediate action. Connolly and Ho
feldt were still absent, recovering from the
strain of a fusion convention that foniM
difficulty In fusing, and until their return
the republican members and O'Keeffe did
not care to proceed. Accordingly the pa
pers were filed and the asseaslng of the
street railway and gas companies deferred
until Friday, when the "big fellows" are
afl cited to appear.
Unlike the figures nronnaed TWmla fn.
the packing houses, however, these figures
are fairly satisfactory to the board. Chair
man Ostrom said, because they about tally
with those on the list which the board had
compiled some time sgo for its own use,
snd it now seems probable that they will
be adopted eventually.
Hoard Jealous of Its Thnnder.
The board Is susnected hr th.
of cherishing a very human antipathy to
anyming mat will steal Its thunder and
detract from the socialise it r.i.
from the populace for boosting the assess
ments oi tne wealthy. Chairman Ostrom
make the claim that he has already talked
with representative! or ths aires ....
company, the gas company, the electric
ngnt company, the water work and many
of the Jobbers: that they were all given to
understand that they would be materially
raised and that each expressed himself as
disinclined to Die snv nmtaar an ln,n .a
they were all to go up together. He said,
too, that he figures on the raise on the
corporations and large firms of Omaha
amounting to shout $700,000, and that the
raise on ths rest of the county would bring
the total assessed valuation of the county
up near to $24,000,000. He has been using
Tax Commissioner Fleming's figures for the
Jobbers snd merchants, but says that these
figures are in some Instances too low and
that their total of about $200,000 will be
made $230,000 or $300,000 bv the
Tax Committee Pleased.
The member of ths tax
the other hand, assert that they are pleased
with the progress they have made in the
matter of compromises and believe their
efforts will materially benefit the county, i
They said last night that they had finally
reacnea agreement with the tock yards
company and about a half-doien large
wholesalers, with twentv-fl v. mnra in k.
conferred with today. Including the pack
ing nouses, they say they have, by these
compromises, made It nossibla for tk.
board to raise the total assessment $1,250.-
two without a bit of opposition from the
parties raised. This figure they deduce
from the fact that they have added, with
the acquiescence of the owners, $7,500,000
to the roll of real values of the county.
The compromises tbat they have arranged
Include the stipulation that the parties ap
pear voluntarily before the board and file
schedules which shall total as agreed upon.
They say that all raises they have ar
ranged are in proportion to the raises
agreed upon for local corporation, which
are as follows: Street railway company,
from assessor's return of $320,000 to ISSO,
0OC, gas company, from $510,000 to $450,000.
ine return or tor the water com
Danr is considered hleh ennnrh anil th
exchange committee ha not and will not
ask that it be raised.
Concerns Only Personal Properly.
Thess statements concern nnlv tha nor.
sonal assessments, of course, as it is said
tnat tne assessors' returns on the real
eatate of the same parties and firms will
be allowed to stand as near enough correct
In the majority of caaes. Attorney Mcin
tosh has borrowed Commissioner Ostrom's
list of personal assessment estimates to
compsre it with the tsx committee's com
promise figures before the big conference
of Friday, which is expected to last well
Into the night.
The board had hoped that all complaints
would be in by last night, but the tax
committee says it will file one against
each Jobber or other individual or firm that
may refuse to come to taw after today's
conference. So far, the committee has not
filed a single complaint and up to lsst
night only ninety-five had been filed with
the board. At this time last year more
than 400 had been filed.
One caller yesterday Informed the board
that he ia preparing a complaint against
all the farm land In Douglaa coanty. The
statement rather appalled the board mem
bers, but they say that If they find it ex
pedient they can ratae such assessment
Now to Show Yon. 0 I
Society Stationery
Our display U the Urftsst
Our foods th proper thing.
without citing the farmers to appear. It
being necessary only that they make the
rah uniform for all.
Measnres tho Bridge.
The county surveyor made a report of
his measurements of the Bast Omaha
bridge, and Douglaa county lose live feet
of the total it figured on. The company
still protests agslnst the county' plan of
assessing one-half the bridge, asserting
that Iowa should have the long end of the
good thing. Lsst year the assessment was
raised from $S,000 to $11,500 and the com'
pany has been whimpering ever since.
At Kmc Park.
The ragtime concert by Huster's bsnd
at Krug psrk last night proved one of the
beet drawing cards this resort hss pre
sented. With a dozen extra csrs in service
on the Benson and Walnut Hill lines, people
stood on the running boards during the
busy period, which lasted for over two
hours. Judging from the enthusiastic man
ner in which the program was received,
on of these events esch week will not
be overdoing it for the people. The band
played the various numbers with such
spirit, that at times nearly the whole au
dience was beating time while a large num
ber of rake walkers were developed. Hus
ter very graciously responded to encores
with four extrss. The trapeze perform
ance by Emile Qirdeller. the "Passion Day"
and other features of the regular program
were given as usual. On Sunday next the
Independent Order of Foresters will picnic
at the park. In the afternoon they will
pull off a road race from the park to Ir
vlngton and return. It Is open to all ama
teur bicycle riders. Eighteen contestants
have entered to compete for fifteen prizes,
valued at over $200.
Falls from Boat Tied at Shore and
Is Carried Away by
Eddie Havlik, 3 years and B months old.
child of Peter Havlik, who lives at Second
street and Poppleton avenue, was drowned
In the Missouri river yesterday afternoon.
The body was recovered at 5:40 p. m. st a
place' about two blocks below the point
of the accident, where it had caught in the
hooks of a flshline. The boy was in the
water more than an hour. There will be
no Inquest and interment is to be in Na
tional cemetery.
Havlik lives on the river bank snd little
Eddie went out through the back gate with
a companion of his own age, Eddie Fuchs,
and the pair got In a skiff which was tied
there. The child fell over the stern of the
boat and was carried away by the current.
The Fuchs boy ran home screaming to bis
parents, who, after an ineffectual search
for the missing child, notified the police.
Acquitted on Foraery hsrae. Awaits
Trial for Larceny and
It was a verdict of not guilty that the
Jury in the case of the State against Mar
tlu S. Rowley, charged with forging
Armour pay checks, brought In at S o'clock
Wednesday afternoon. The prisoner was
remanded to Jail to await trial on the re
maining charges of grand larceny and em
bezzlement, which cannot be taken up until
the next term of court. The Jury, which
had been drawn especially or this case,
was out thirty hours.
De Armond Delivers Address.
LEXINGTON. Va., Juno 26. Hon. D. A.
De Armond of Missouri bas delivered the
graduation address to the graduating class
of the Virginia Military institute in the
closing commencement exercises. The sec
ond Jackson Hope medal was awarded to
R. D. Risaer of Calvert, Tex., who grad
uated with .the degree, of bachelor of
Amount of Taxes Paid by Nebraska Railroads and
Rate Paid Per Mile by Each Company.
Statement of the Amount of Taxes raid for the year 1900 in 1901 by the Railroads of Nebraska, their mileage and
the rate paid per mile, and comparisons with other States and Uailroad Systems.
Tb Nebraska, Wyoming A Western In Nebraska was under construction In 1900.
Average taxes paid per mile in 1900 $198 86
Average taxes paid per mile in 1901 203 15
Average taxes pqid per mile on all railroads west of the Mississippi in 1900 171 45
Average taxes paid in seven contiguous States in 1900 163 69
Average taxes per mile paid by the Northern Pacific System 163 72
Average taxes per mile paid by the railroads of Texas, with 9,873 miles of road. 103 58"
Docs it not look as though Nebraska railroads paid more than the
railroads with which they compete for business?
JUKE 27, R)02.
l jr. 3 ALi kJ.' ill 1 LJ tl
Wk 1 1 ZuZu
Another Place Where Oity Has Loit Money
Will Be Mended.
talprlta Fined in Police Court Must
Settle for Coats Before They
Can Go to IMatrlot Court
for Itevlevv.
An investigation of the records of the
police court show tbat during the last
three yesrs about 600 cases have been ap
pealed from the police court to the dis
trict court. With few exceptions these
havo never been followed up and the cases
merely burden tho docket and tho files of
the clerk of the court. In ordinary in
stances the fees in an appealed case amount
to about $10. Vntll a day or two ago no
advance fees were exacted from defendants
when directing that an appeal bo taken.
In many of the cases now on file and ep
pealed to tho district court both the de
fendant and the complaining witnesses have
left th city and It la possible that the city
may be held responsible by the county for
the fees which should have been paid at
the time the transcripts were filed.
In the past when an appeal was taken
the defendant merely signed a bond and
the police Judge furnished a transcript.
No tee has been exacted here for the mak
ing out of a transcript and by this method
of doing business the cltyv has lost large
sums of money. All fees of this kind should
be paid into the city treasury. Attorneys
assert that the defendant is supposed to
pay all fees of an appeal tn advance, in
cluding the transcript, the clerk and th
sheriff's fees. When these fees are paid the
clerk of the court notifies the police Judge
and the papers in the case are sent to the
courthouse for use when the case is called.
Hereafter all those who desire to ap
peal criminal cases from the police court
to the district court will be compelled to
pay for the transcript in advance and the
other fee before the document can be
(Issued Under Authority of
B. & M. in Nebraska
Atchison & Nebraska in Nebraska
Chicago, Nebraska & Kansas in Nebraska
G. I. & Wyoming Central in Nebraska
Lincoln & Black Hills in Nebraska....
Lincoln & Northwestern in Nebraska
Nebraska & Colorado in Nebraska
Nebraska Railway in Nebraska
Omaha & North Tlat' Nebraska..
Omaha & Southwestern in Nebraska
Oxford & Kansas in Nebraska
Republican Valley in Nebraska
Republican Valley, Kansas & S, W. in Nebraska
Republican Valley & Wyoming in Nebraska
Nebraska, Wyoming & Western in Nebraska .'.
Kansas City & Omaha
Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
Sioux City & Tacific
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific
Missouri Pacific .....
Pacific Railway of Nebraska
Kansas City & Northwestern
Union Pacific.
Omaha & Republican Valley
Kearney & Black Hills
St. Joseph & Grand Island
Sioux City, O'Neill & Western
usy? '
Well I should say sol
That telephone does
say ZuZtr
Every clerk in the
tired arm" from
ages of ZuZtr
But it isn't any wonder!
Just look at that package for five
cents, full of the best ginger snaps
you ever tasted.
placed on file.
Oscar Harding of Albright Is not dead,
as reported, but is alive and walking around
and really In better health than he has
been for some time. Two or three weeks
Ago the report reached the alty offi
cials that Harding had been injured by a
handcar and that he was seriously 111. As
his wife is blind, the city charity depart
ment supplied the family with food for a
couple of weeks. A couple of days ago
word was sent to the city hall that Hard
ing was dead. Later on a man, who claimed
to he a neighbor, called at the city hall
with a petition asking for subscriptions to
assist In burying Harding. This petition
was circulated all over the business por
tion of the city snd as Harding ha lived
hero a long time it is supposed that quite
o sum of money was collected. No one
seems to know who the man was who cir
culated the petition and it Is thought that
he has eloped with, his collection. When
Mayor Koutsky heard of the affair he
turned the matter over to the police for In
vestigation and tho first thing learned yes
terday was that Harding Is now able to get
out of the house and is getting along nicely.
A description of the man who circulated the
petition has been given the police.
Hoard Concludes Session.
At 5 o'clock last evening the Board of
Review concluded its ten days' seaalon.
During the day a large number of property
owners filed protest snd a number of rep
resentatives of corporations were present
to remonstrate against an increase In as
sessment. The board patiently beard the
complaints and placed them on file to be
taken up later. On account of the amount
of work on hand It Is hardly probable that
the board will be able to make a report
before this afternoon. Members of ' the
board assert that due consideration will be
given to every complaint, large or small. has been intimated that the valu
ation will not be materially reduced, the
total at tbjs time is mere conjecture.
.'Road to niver.
Mayor Koutsky spent the greater por
tion of yesterday forenoon investigating
the complaints about the condition of the
road to the river. It had been reported
to htm that the present road, and espe
cially the Twelfth street bill, is in such
condition tbat garbage wagons cannot get
the Railroads of Nebraska.)
f 90,363.70
.! 61,085,63
176.61 .
nothing all day but
store has got the
handing out pack
to the river. When th mayor returned
from hia trip he said that the road 1 In
very bad condition and almost impsssable
for teams with losds. "Something will
have to be done," said Mayor Koutsky,
"to open this road to the river, so that
garbage may be dumped Into tho river.
I shall call the attention of the council
to the matter at the earliest possible mo-,
ment, and will request that Immediate
steps be taken to arrange for a road so
that the hauling of garbage may not be In
interfered with. Warm weather is coming,
on and It will be necesssry to bav gar
bage removed dally, so tbat a suitable road
Is an absolute necessity."
While no estimates have been msde by
the engineer, It Is thought tbat the ex-:
pendlture of about $200 will put the road
In a passable condition. ,
rreparlna to Build.
Yesterday City Engineer Besl staked out
the ground for the two-story brick building
to be erected by the Jetter Brewing com
pany at the southeast corner of Twenty
fifth and N streets. The present frame
building will be moved off the ground
within a few days, and then active building
operations will be commenced. The struc
ture will be of modern architecture and
will cost between $5,000 and $6,000.
John Dlxoa Fined,
In police court yesterday John Dixon,
Twenty-third and Harrison streets, was
fined $15 for violating the health laws,
Dixon had been placed In quarantine on
account of having contracted smallpox. He
broke the rules by leaving the house where
he was confined and mingling with people
on the streets and in resorts. As a result
he was arrested. After hearing the testl- -mony
of the health official and Dixon
making no denial, th fin mentioned wss
imposed. The police and health officials
propose to see to it that Dixon 1 not per
mlteed to get out again until be is - re
leased from quarantine.
Maglo City Gossip. f
A daughter has been born to- Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Schmidt, 1311 Y street.
Mrs. John J Ryan, who is seriously 111,
was reported some better yesterday.
The young son of Mr. and Mrs. .Myles
Welsh was reported some better yesterday
afternoon. '
The funeral of Michael Daey will be held
this morning from the family residence,
Fortieth and 8 streets.