TflE OMAHA DAILT BEE. F1UDAY, JUNE 27, 1002. 5 1 11 t. OMAHA IS A BATTING MOOD Btarti in with the Firit Inning to Take the Lut Gam from Peoria. GOOD STICK AND FIELD WORK DOES IT Peoria I nahle to CniarM with Maay of Graham'a Slants, Whri a lilt W r.nod for, a Ran. TEORIA, 111., June 2 (Special Tele gram.) Omaha won today'a game by eu pertor plajr, the visitors out-batting and out-fielding tha locals. The game was a bit ter disappointment to the fans present. The Nebraskans bad their batting clothes with them and got hita off Cox at the time that they could bring In runs. On tha other hand l'eorla loft the 'game with a measley five, and the five were not secured at a time for much run-getting. Omaha 'started the scoring in the first Inning, 'when Carter was given a pass to first. Genlne hit safe and Dolan's hit sent both across the plate. Peoria's first run came In the third, when two singles and an out aent Cox over the rubber. In the fifth Inn lng Omaha cinched Its victory. Hits and j errors sent four men across the plate and , thereafter there was no doubt of tha result. , One run was made on either aide there after. Attendance, E43. Score: OMAHA. AU. R. If. O. A. E. Carter, rf ...3 2 1 0.0 0 Genlns, rf 6 2 3 10 0 Btone, if 5 1 1 10 lJ'ilan. sb 5 12 13 btewart. 2b... ..R 0 0 16 0 lilrkey. 3h 4 0 2 1 3 0 Thomas, lb ..4 0 1 13 0 0 Uomiing, c 4 0 0 6 0 0 liraham, p 3 11 0 4 Totals 38 7 10 27 15 2 PEORIA. AU. K. 11. O. A. E O'Brien. 2b 6 0 2 2 4 0 Tlbald. 3b 4 0 0 2 3 1 lsotte. rf 4 0 0 1 0 0 Vaughn, lb 4 0 1 11 1 0 Malme, if 4 0 0 3 0 0 Croft, cf 3 0 0 2 0 0 URII. 88 i 1 u 8 Wilson, c 2 0 0,4 0 0 Cox. p 4 1 2 0 2 0 Bhrewbrldge, o 2 9 111 Totals 34 1 "i 27 14 Omaha 2 0004100 0-7 l'eorla 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0-2 Earned runs: Omaha. 6: Peoria. 1. Two. bane hits: Graham, Carter, Oenins. Sacrl- A... . It f ., &J , . . 1 n V, . It.J.n Ptono, Hlckr-y (2).' Klrst base on "balls: Off urahnm, 4; ofT Cox, 1. Hit by pitched ball: kiy Cox, 1. Struck out: By Graham, S; by loi, a. lime: umpire: iatnam. Break Ea at Mllwaakee. MILTVAfKEB. June 26. Milwaukee and Dee Moines ,llt even In a double-header this afternoon. Bwormsted pitched good nail, but narber was hit hard, while Hot ter kept the hits well scattered. The bat ting or Stearns and the fielding of O'Leach were the features. Attendance, 400. Score nrBt game: R.H.E Milwaukee 0 '1 0 0 0 2 1 0 4 10 8 Lies Moines 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0-3 6 1 Batteries: Milwaukee, Swormsted and Liuna; i) s Moines, Morrison and Hansen. Score second same: R.HE. Des Moines 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 0 06 t 4 Milwaukee ......0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0-3 10 2 Batteries:- Des Moines, HofTer and Lo beck; Milwaukee, Barber and Lucia. Fall to Hit Gibson. KANSAS CITY. 'June 28. Inahllltv tn bit Olbson at opportune times cost Denver the game toaay. Attendance, Zbu, score: R It V. JCansas City.... J 0001010 -4 81 Denver 0 0 2 0. 0 0 1 03 1 2 Batteries: Kansas City, Gibson and Mes- am; .Denver, .yier ana Wilson. - Batata Pound McNeely. ST. JOSEPH. June 26. The home team won toaay s game simply by hit ting Mu ll Keely at wl. ,. Attendance, 1.000. Score: It H R St. Joseph... V...0 0 0 2 0 1 2 1 -11 3 Colo. Springs ..0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 4 2 Batteries: St. Joseph, McFadden and Koth; Colorado Springs, McNeely and Jiaerwaiu. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Kansas City M 88 2 .T6 Denver (6 83 23 .689 Omaha .:. 55 82 23 .6W St. Joseph it 30 24 ,K6 Milwaukee Si ' 25 26 . 4:0 Colorado Springs.... 84 24 80 . 444 Peoria 52 18 34 .846 Des Moines.. 53 17 83 ..VI Games today: Omaha at Peoria, Des Moines at Milwaukee, Colorado Sprlnga at bu Josepn, Denver at Kansas city. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE i Pittsburg Play Wlthoat aa Error and Pound Menefee AU Over the Field. CHICAGO, June 26. Pittsburg played without an error today and pounded Mene fee all over the field, while Chesbro held the locals down to four hits. Attendance, 1.100. Score: MTTBBURO. l CHICAGO. . . H H.O.A B I H. H.O.AB Pari., rr 1 110 9 Slam., It.... 1 14 9 Clark, lf.,...l 1 8 ItAaumont. of 8 8 8 Vtaicuar, j. , 0 1 8 BranaAeld. lb 1 1 It ' Kltchla, lb... t 4 Laach. lb.:.. 13 Elmmar ... 118 Cbaabro, p... 0 9 0 Juitm. ct 840 0 Uimr, lb..: t 1 I 1 I 0 Cofigalton, o I I I Kilns, a 4 t 4 Wliltama. lb. I I 1 8 1 0 Low, lb SSI! t OIn, as.... f 1 8 0 M.n.te. ... 8 3 tmsu ... I u rr it f at i styx Tlttsbtirg 2 20003008- Chltago ,....1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Left on bases: Pittsburg, 7: Chicago, 6. Clark. Three-base hits: leach. Zlmmxr Bacrlflce hit: Kltcble. Stolen bases: Davis, Clara, Beaumont. Struck out: By Mene ... 9. V. . 1 ' . .... i, en C , Kll. rj, tner. Bases on balls: Off Chesbro, 2. Wild rucn: Meneree. tilt wnn ball: Zlmmer, aleneiee ii). Time: 1:35. Umpire: O Day Brooklyn Poaads Plttlnajer. BOSTON, June 26,-Brooklyn hit Plttlnger In costly bunches today and won enslly. Newton held the locals to one single for atx Innings, but was batted In the seventh and rigliih innlnga. Carney pitched the lam iwo innings tor rioston and did well, Aiienuance, z.tuu. Hcorei BROOKLYN. I BOSTON. KH.O.AK RHOAK PSitn, cr.... l t w lt'ooly. rr.... Oils Kerlfr, rt ... 1 I 1 0 nrnnT, lb... 1 1 1 1 Fhxkard, Kills l.lwmont. lb.. 1181 Kftwrr, lb I t 10 l i'innr, rl-B. 4 1 Itahlcn. m... I i 1 rounnr. It. 1 1 1 Irwin, lb.... 0 8 1 l)r.m , lb. a 1 I 1 Ahwrn. .... 30 S'liis. m til Fluoa. lb..., till liMnrta, c 08 h.wlop. p... 01 I C' rutin r, p.. t 1 . Luh. rt 48 Totals ... T 11 17 10 l . ToUls ... I 3 IT II Brooklyn 1010210 0 Boston 000000130 Earned runs: Brooklyn, 8. Two-base hits Ttnney. "Oahlen. Alirarn Hurrlrio,. hlr Flood. Stolen bases: Daaiont. UrPrurv 2). Double plays: Demont to Ivina to Tenner. Newtun to McCreery. First base on bulls: Off, 3; off Carney, 1 off Newton. 3. Hit by pitched ball: By rJiiiiiHer. i: dv newinn. 1. mriipv rtuf uv i-miiiser. i; iy Carney. 2: by Newton, PHesed ball: Moran. Time: 20. I'mplr Plttinaer. I; lv Curaey. 2: by Newton, V re I.WI1U1IUU. Phillies Win Easily. PHILADELPHIA. June M. I'd to th ninth inning today I'hiladelphia hs.1 the n'w i or team abut vut. then a single. bus on balls and a wlM Ditch save th Visitors their only tally. The GlanU ileldwd TODAY Tak N. 24th Bt. ear and gat off at Eprague. or take Ames Av. and get off at 20th. THIRD DAY 2:SJ pace a race of surprises will b ueciuea. Regular Events Trl-Clty Amateur Race 3 55 pace; I W trot. SPECIAL: Roman Stadium Race, Ella Range, the Oreat ',ul1feas Wonder, (paced a record mile Wednesday In 3.luSt), Military Band. Uillard Hctel mm mlsersMy arid the Thlltlea wop easily. At- enuance, 1,64. Bcore: miLADEI,rHTA. I NEW YORK. R H.O.A.B H H O A B hnmu. cf.. 1 1 1 nmHle, rt.... 0 10 iirrr. rf 0 0 1 0 0;Iunn, rf 0 0 0 0 0 nlnwlH, M. S001 0 Jonaa. If S 1 I 1 S aiklltrh, e.. 0 1 1 I l4o4.r, lb... 1 0 0 I I nuslai, lb.. I ill I Uupr, 0 14 11 rown. It ... I 1 1 1 O ftmlth. IS....0 114 0 llman. lb. 0 0 1 I 0 n'Hssra, lb. 0 0 II 1 1 hlldm, lb... 0 0 OjlWn. M 0 0 11 er. p.... 0 10 1 OIBTins, p.... 0 111 TMlli ...4 8 IT 10 l Tstals ...I 8 14 81 4 hlUdelrhi 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 4 New York 00000000 11 Two-bin hit: Brown. Stolen base: Hall- man. Double plays: Douglas (unssslsted), Brown to Hufxwltt, Bean to Smith to O'Hagen. Triple play: Hean to Smith to I) Hngen to Yeager. First base on rmlls: Off Frser, 1; oft Evans. 8. Hit by pitched ball: By Prater, 1; by Evans, 1. Jtriifk out: By Fraser, 1: by Evans, 3. Wild pitch: Fraxer. Time: 1:35. Umpire: Emslie. Rata at St. Ioals. ST. DOUIS. June 26. The St. Doule-Cln- clnnatl National league game scheduled for today was postponed on account of rain. Standing: of the Teams. s Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Pittsburg 58 41 1! .774 Brooklyn M . S3 23 R"9 h otio 63 21 24 .8 8 Boston 61 24 27 .471 hllndelphla 65 24 81 .4?6 Incinnatl 63 22 SO .m New York 54 23 82 . 4T t. Douls 60 20 JO ,4ii0 Game today: Chicago at St. Ioutr, New crk at Philadelphia, Brooklyn at Boston. N AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Colombns Donated a Ten-Inning Straggle by Kansaas City . by Small Score. COf,tMBT?B. June M. Columbus defeated Kansas Cltv In a tenOnnlna- strusale today by the smallest possible score. The winning run was the result of a base on balls, a sacrifice and a single by Fox. Thomas and woiie were in nne rorm ana Dotn were given brilliant support. , Attendance. 1,439. core: COLUMBl'8. I KANSAS CITY RH.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.E. Knoll It 0 0 Kanea, rf. .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. 4 Nattrns. as. t Hart, cf Mrara, lb.... 0 1 I Orailr. lb. 0 Smith. It., 0 Lmwi, as.. 0,Oar, rt.... a a i i i l i 0 II Turner, lb... 0 Mcfarra, rf. 1 nlll( t lox. lb 1 Rothfua. lb. 0 4 17 Fox, e 0 0 o Mi-nrlGa, lb. 4 4 I t I Thomas, p..i 0 Wolf, p t Totala ... 1 8 SO IT 1 Totals ... 0 I'll 11 0 v,Two out when winning run was scored. Columbus 0 00000000 11 Kansaa City 0 00000000 0-0 Stolen bases: McFarland, Turner, Vlox. Two-base hit: Hmlth RarrlMrs hits: Knoll. r. aureus, vlox. Kotniuss. uouble playi Rothfusa to Iiv. Utrorlc out: Hv Thomas. S. Bases on balls: Off Wolfe, i Hit by pitcher: By Thomas, 1. Passed 3evllle. Time: 1:3a. Umpire: Has- kelU Indianapolis Taken Both. INDIANAPOLIS. June 24. Indlananolia captured both games of the double-hi a Jer today with St. Paul. Cogan waa batted freely and opportunely in the first gamo. Duonon, tnougn wua in tne latter rair. maaing a game nnisn. f erauson was h't at moments when his suDDort was rasrued ana me secona game was easily won. At tendance, z.iw. score, first game: INOIANAPOUS 1 8T. PAUL. R. H.O.AB. R. H.O.AB, Hogrlerar, rf 1 1 4 Oalar, lb.... 1 0 0 1 0 Kuhn. If 1111 1 Husslna, lb. 0 4 I 3 0 wood ran, is. I I 1 I vi 1)1 1 lard, it... 1 I 1 V 1 Klhm, lb.... 8 3 11 S Lumlar. rf.. 1 1 I 1 0 O'Hrlan, aa.. 0 1(1 1 Bhannos. cf.. 1 1 10 Cnultar, rf.,, 1 I 0 0 Kellr. lb I I 11 I t Fox. lb I 8 liPlarow, o 1118 1 Hardnn. ... 0 18 1 0 Lynch, aa.... 0 8 8 1 Budhotr. p... 1 1 8 1 Coogan, p.... 0 114 1 ToUls u. 7 11 17 It) 4! Totalf ... 4 14 II 8 Indianapolis 80301000 7 Bt. Paul 00081001 1 0 First base on balls: Oft Budhoff. 5: off Coogan, 8. Struck out: By Budhoff, 1. Two- Dase hit: DUlard. Three-base hits: Kuhn. coogan. oacrince mis: fiogriever, woto run. O'Brien. Fox. Lynch. Stolen base: Woodruff. Passed ball: Pierce. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 8; bt, Paul, 6. Time 1:46. Umpire: Tyndall. Second Game. INDIANAPOLIS. R.H.O.A.B ST. PAUL. .. , R.H.O.A.B. Hoarl.Tar. . rt I 10 0 0 Oeler. lb 0 0 18 Kuhn, It 8 Woodruff, lb. 1 Mussina, lb. DUlard. If... 1 Luralejr, rf. .. 1 shannon, ct, . 1 Klhm. lb.... 8 O' Brian, as.. Coultar, cf... itany, is.... 1 Hurlay, a.... 0 Lynch, as.... "rj-uaon, p.. 8 II 4 0 3 1 0 1 rox. lb Heydon. e... Kallutn. p... ToUls ... 17 Totals 4 I 14 IT I Indianapolis 0 1 402200 9 Bt Paul. 02000 1010-4 First base on balls: Off Kellum. 1: off Kerarimon x Mrnioir Aiit: hv ifinim a Two-base hit: Kelly. Three-bate hit: O'Brien. Home run: Shannon. Sacrldc nits: Kunn. Woodruff. O'Brien. Ke um. Stolen bases: Coulter, O'Brien, Shannon. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 8; St. Paul, 7. Time: 1:43. Umpire: Tyndall. Break Even at Toledo. TOLEDO, June 2. Toledo and Mllwaukeo broke even today on a double-header. In tha flrat game Milwaukee's splendid fHlding won y bile Toledo won the second game by good hitting. Attendance, 2,000. Score, first game: . MILWAUKEE. TOLEDO. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B Hallman, rf. 1 Burns, lb 0 111 Cllnsmaa, as McBrlda. cf. . 1 Rrhelback. lb Dnnsan. If... 3 1 1 0 0 Coaiawall, rf 4 OraSlua, rf.. 4 Turnar, lb... 1 smiia, lb.. Runala. lb... 1 1 11 McAod'wa, lb 8 1 Owen, aa.. Ollka, c(... Spaar, e a l Mock, It... Klalnow, a Huthay, p Maany .. Elliott, p.... Totals 4 IT 18 1 ' Totals ... 8 10 II 9 1 Batted for Hughey In th ninth. Mtlwaukoa 01000011 14 Toledo 0 O 0 0 0 0 1 1 03 T-a h... Kf ta riwftiS M-n.trf bnI.U Horn run: Turner. Sacrifice hlie: Mock! McBride (2). Struck out: By Efllott. 4; by nugney, . r lrai naas on oaus: uri nugney. 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Huglwy, 3. lime: i.ou. umpire: nnerman. Second Game. TOLEDO. R.H.O.A.B. MILWAUKEE. R.H.O.A.B. Bnma. 8b.... 1810 Haiimas. . rf. a 1 Grafflua, lb-rf 1 1 4 Cllnsman, aa 1 1 8 Turnar. lb... 1 1 0 M. urloa, cr . 1 Mcany. rf.... 1114 Hhelbrck, lb. 0 1 IT Smith, lb.... 1 8 0 Owan. aa..., I 1 4 1 1 Dunsaa, If... 8 1 Kunkla, lb.. 1 1 11 8 McAnd'wa. lb a Sparr, a 0 11 t'roaa. I Aitrock. p... 4 4 4 Ollka, of 180 Mock, If 1 s 1 Kiel now, .. I a 4 1 0 McNsal. p... t 1 1 0 Totala ...10 1114 T o ToUls ...8 114 1 8 McBrido out; hit by ball. To'edo 0(108001 '10 Milwaukee 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 13 Two-base hits: Burns. Turner, Owen Klelnow, Hallman. Kutikle. Home run Klelnow. Orafflua. Stolen base: Dunaan Double play: Scheibeck to Cllngman to Hunkle. 8 truck out: By McNeal, 4; by Altro-K. i. f irst base on rails: orr Altrork t. off McNeal, 4. W ild pitches: By Aitrock 8. tilt Dy piicne'i nan: By ucrneai, 1 lime: z:w. impm; oncnuan. LenlsTlll Win im Eleventh LOUISVILLE. June M Loulsvtll made three scores In the ninth and won out In the eleventh Inning by consecutive hlttina. The game was exciting throughout and was witnessed by 4.0U0 people. Wtlmet and Clymer made sensational catches of long rue. Bcnauo uaiung was also a feature, Bcors: LOt'ltVItXI. I MINNEAPOLIS. R.H.O.A.E.I R.H.O.AB. Kanrm, rr... l l a a a orant. lb.... 13 4 1 CI j mar, of... 8 I Phyla, lb.... 1 111 Uannoa, lb., I It 1 bally. If til Carnal, lb... 1 113 Wtlmot. rf... II Flournoy. If., tilt Wardan. lb.. 1 11 3 Taanahlll, as 1 I 4 8 8 Lyark. cf 1 4 tVbrlvar. a... 11111 taluaky, a... 148 ftchaub. lb... 18 14 Braytta, as... 118 4 riabarty, p.. 8 8 1 4 I llipa't, p . 1 Katoll. p.... 0 0 0 ToUls ... 4 1111 10 I Uyars ..... 0 0 0 0 I Totala ... ti i Lynch hit by batted ball. Batted for Figgemyer In tha ninth. Louisville 1 10000030 18 Minneapolis ....1 2001010 04 Lert on oases: Louisville, fj Minneapolis, i. w-wMi mnauo, rianeriy, Tan. nenill. Home run: Kerwin. Haerin hi. Fiagemyer. Double play: Orant to w den. Struck out: By Flgaemyer, 2; by kv.i., a, vj ciaiirriy, 1. rill oy pttcner Lynch. Bases on balls: Off Figgemyer, 2 off Flaherty. 3. Tlmi J. 10. . Umpire Staasllnc ( th Taama. Played. Won. Lost. P.C, lXuisvilie M 88 18 878 Indianapolis 54 34 20 .CVO isi. raui to ii u .(4 Columbus 87 31 25 Ml Kansas city 27 .42 Milwauaee M S H . Minneapolis 88 14 i 87 . Toledo .. M it 88 sa CaraM Ulavyt gu Paul at ToiaUo, MU- waukeai at Indianapolis. Minneapolis at Columbus, Kansas City at Louisville, AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Cronln Oataltehes Waddell, Who Make First Appearance la American I.eagne tnlform. BALTIMORE. June 2d. The Rnltlmore lesarue team won the last of the series here with th Philadelphia American leaguer mis afternoon, i ronin outpitcnea waa dell, who ofllclated for the nrt time In American league uniform. Attendance. 234. Score: BALTIMORE 1 PHILADELPHIA. R. H.O.AB R H O AK Kallr. cf.... 0 110 OlHartaet. If... 10 10 Salharh. If... I 1 I Fulla, cf 1 Wllllama, lb. 1 I 1 Iala. lb I 10 0 Mrtlann, lb . 1 1 f 1 olL. Cmaa, lb. I ( Mrmnur, rf.. 1 8 0 lUorboid. rt.. 010 Bmn'h n. e. I T 0 Caatm. lb... t 1 8 1 t Orler, lb.... 118 1 C M t-rnas. aa. 1 1 4 1 Ollh.rt, aa... 1 t 4 I Powers, a.... 8 8 8 Cronln. p.... 1114 1 Wadlell, p... 4 18 Totals ... T 7 n 11 4' Totals ...8 4 14 I1 1 Baltimore 11004001 7 Philadelphia 10001010 03 Sacrifice hits: (Hubert 121. Kellv UM1. Hams. Two-base hits; Castro. rrnnln Three-base hit: Williams. Stolen bases: Heioacn (2). Bresnahan, Cronln, Kelly. Balk: Waddell. First has on hflllat' Cift Waddell, 3; off Cronln, 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Waddell. 1 Rtrnrlr nut: R Waddell, 6; by Cronln, 4. Passed ball: i-owers. ieii on hanes: Baltimore, 7; Philadelphia. 5. Time: 2:00. I'molres: Connolly and Johnstone. Cleveland Lose to St. Loots. r-T rvrr a wn t,. m 1... batted and outflelded Bt. Louis today, but lost, aa the hits were kept well scattered by Donahue. Wrlaht waa very wild. Attend ance, 2,805. Score: BT. LOt'19. I CLEVELAND. R HOABl RHOAK Burkett, If... 1 1 0 0 Plfkarlng. ct. 1 1 1 0 Hemphill, rf. I 4 1 0 Bar, If 1 1 Heldrlrk, cf. I 4 1 0 4 Flick, rf..... 0 1 8 Andaraon, lb 1 0 1 Lafola. lb.... I 18 Wallaca, 1.1111 0 Hickman, lb. 0 8 14 4 McCor'k, lb. 0 9 1 1 0 Bradley, lb.. 0 0 18 0 Paddan. lb.. 0 4 4 1 1 Dnchn'ar. aa. 0 0 n 1 s J. Donahua, 001 O.Bcmla. c 8 0 t r. ion n a. p i l o i 0WriM, p.... 0 0 I I -wood S S 0 0 Totals ... 8 17 14 l Totals ... 8 10 IT II t Wood batted for Wright in th ninth. St. Louis 200012000-1 Cleveland 2OOOO00OO2 Two-base hits: Lalole. Plokerln-. Hick man. Anderson Snrririn hita Ixnv TtmH. ley, Padden. Stolen base: Pickering. Held- rlck, Anderson. Double play: Hemphill to Padden. First base on halls: Off VY'Hsht. 8: oft Donahue, 1. Left on bases: Cleve land, 8; Bt. Louis, 11. Struck out: Br Wright, ft. Time: 1:35. Umpire: Sheridan. Mercer 'Win for Detroit. CHICAGO. June 28. Mercer carried off the honors today in a ten-innlna Ditcher' battle. Attendance. 2,600. Score: DETROIT. I CHICAGO. R. H.O.AB. R.H.O.A.B. Barrstt, of... 1111 OiRtrans, lb... 1 1 I a 1 Hnlmea, rf. .. 1 McAl'a't'r, as 1 Dillon, lb... 0 0 ; Jones, cf 9 1 1 1 1 8 ili 3 1 4 4 liOrean. rt., 1 II O.DaTla. aa., OiMrrtaa, If.. Ojlabal. lb... 0 Daly. lb... 01 McFarland. 0 Piatt, p.... Caaey, lb.... 0 Harlay, ir.... 0 Olcaaon, lb.. 0 Buelow, e.... Marcar, p.... 'Callahan Totals ... 8 I M 11 1 Totals ... 8 TJI II 1 Dillon out for Interference. Batted for Piatt In the tenth. Detroit 0 00001000 28 Chicago 1 00000000 12 Left nn hnaea: ntrAlt ' 7 Ptilnao-n Two-base hit: McAllister. Hsrley, Mc Farland. Sacrifice hits: Green, Harley, Unlm.i A t A IIIbI. n,kU KU.. If . ......... u . i.inillDiri, LIUUI. inn , iiiriiro to McFarland. Struck out: By Piatt, 4. Bases on balls: Off Piatt, 4; off Mercer, 2. Hit with ball: By Mercer, 1. Time: l:5o. Umpire: O'Laughlln. Washington Play Loosely. WASHINGTON. June 28. Boston out played Washington at all points of the game, and, aided by loose fielding at times, won today's arame handily. Attendance. 3,518. too re: BOSTON. 1 WASHINGTON. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. Dougherty, If 4 8 0 0 0Ryan, cl 0 0 8 0 4 Colllna. lb. 0 WolVton. lb 0 0 Deleh'ty, If.. 0 OiKalater, lb... 1 0'Coushlln, as. 0 0 0 0 8 10 Olaaaon, cf.. rraaman. rt.. Parsnt, as... Larh'oa, lb. FtrrH, lb.... Warnar. e.... a is Carey, lb.... 4 Lea. rf 1 Clarke, .... 4 Carrtck, p... 0 Adklna, p.... ToUls ... 4 11 87 11 0 ToUls ... 8 4 87 14 3 Boston ...0 1 1 1 0 1 0 6 04 Washington 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .02 Karned runs: Boston, 2; Washington, 1. Two-base hits: Lee, Parent. Three-base hit: Carey. Home run: Kelster. Stolen bases: Ferris, Collins. Sacrifice hits: La- I nance, r errls. Double play: Kelster to Coughlin to Carey. Bases on balls: Oft AOKins, t. eirucK out: uy Adkins, l; by Washington, 3. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Car- ruiners. Standing- of the Team. Plaved. Won. Lost. P.C Chicago 60 32 1H .friO Philadelphia 51 2i 23 .518 Boston M 81 25 6M St. Louis 80 26 26 .6-0 Washington 66 26 30 .4'V4 Baltimore 65 25 30 .4Ff Detroit 63 24 29 -.463 Cleveland 66 - 23 33 . 411 Game today: Boston at Baltimore. Phll- aaeipnia at, Washington. No Easy Victory for Crelghton. COLERIDOEJ. Neb.. June 2. (Sriecial Telearam.) Crelarhton won a very close and exciting game her toaay rrom Coleridge In one hour and ten minutes. The features of the game were Steele s pltchinsr and bat. ting, winning his own game In the seventh wiin a iwo-Dagger, ana uowns pnenominai catch of a safe hit on second. Attendance, xuu. ncor oy innings: R H E Crelghton 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 8 1 Coleridge 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 I Batteries: Crelghton, Steele and Arnold; Coleridge, Noyes and Wood. Double play: Down to Turner. Base on ball: Oft Steele. 2: off Noyes. 0. Two-bass bits: Steele. Morrison. Struck out: By 8teels. iu; Dy isoyes, i. rassva nana: ay Arnold, , tfmnlr.. Turn.. . W..'a"v 1....u.a Olltaer Gives Whit Coat. HASTINGS. Neb., June 2. (Special Tele gram.) Barring a bunch of disastrous er rors made bv the Exeter boy the fans of Hastings witnessed a splendid gam of bas ball here today between Olltner and Exeter teams, wauneta ana jerrers did the bat tery work for Giltner and Ahllna and Doane for Exeter. Score by Innings: Olltner l 0 o l u o 8 l Exeter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Struck out: By Ahline. 14: by Wauneta. s. iiorae run: wrnari. umpire: Draeae. Kearney Win from Cheyenne. KEARNEY. Neb.. June 26 (Special Tele fram.l There wa more Interest shown In oday's game between Kearney and Chey enne than ha been shown in any game played this season. They all played ball and Kearney won by a score of 6 to 2. Bcore : Kearney .....2 1001000 6 Cheyenne 6 0 0 0 0 1 i 1 02 Batteries: Kearney, Hoffmelster and Fulmer; Cheyenne, Brlerly and Green. Um pire: Lr. rackara. Iowa Boat Hacci 1st Jaly. CLEAR LAKE, la., June 26. (Special.) Preparations are under way for the recep tion of the different boating crew of th state who will attend th state regatta which will be held here this year July 33 and 23. Th cours on the lake Is excellent and If the weather is favorable some of th best races ever witnessed on Iowa waters should be pulled off. Competing crews will come rrom council uiufis, uttumwa, uavenpori, bioux. uy ana Turlington. North Piatt aa Easy Winner. vnnTir n T A T-r tr" vt.k t. ... m V ii . . . i , ntUj. una E5MJ- clel Telegram.) North Platte won with Hands down from Falrbury today. North Platte secured eleven hits, of which four were two-oase ana on tnree-bae hits. Score: "North Piatt 1 IIIMIt- Falrbury 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 11 Batteries: North Platte, Redmond and tsnori; rairDury, Bean ana Lar ranee. , Kerf elk Take Close One fratsa Waasa NORFOLK. Neb.. June 34. (Special Tele gram.) The Norfolk and Wausa league team played today, resulting 2 to 1 In favor of Norfolk. All scores were mad In th first ana secona inning. Fort Dodge Take Loo Contest. FORT DODGE, la.. June 3. (Special Telegram.) Fort Dodge defeated Webster City today by a score of 7 to 3 In a loosely played game. Webster City scored thre run oy pounaing naiiy in tn ninth In. nine after two men were out. Batteries Fort Dodge, Eaaton and Whlttemore; Web ster y, bssicK ana Harper. Colansha Lose to St. Etwara. 8T. EDWARD, Neb., June 38. -(Special Telegram.) St. Edward defeated Columbus at base ball today on the home grounds uy a score or u to . Batteries: bt. a.a ward, Wilkinson and Martin: Columbus, i-onr ana judevine. Struck vut; By Wll ajuevu, w, vj 4AUJ , aa TRILBY S. TARES COOD RACE Qraj Mar Paces Kile in Irt Tims Mado at Meat. BLUGEN WINS TRI-CITY AMATEUR PACE Infellre Win the Ak-Bar-IJen Trot ting Kvent Reeaase Jaalgrs Let Back Little Raven for Gaining Break. At Spragua atreet track Thursday a lit- tie gray mar oamad Trilby 8., driven by a big black man named Jackson, electrified tha crowd by taking tha third heat ot th 2:17 pace In 2:17. the best time of the meet so far. The mare'a victory waa not ao surprising, for aba took three straight heats and each one easier than the preceding. In the laat, however, it was a procession all the way, and Trilby 8. paced a lovely heat. with never a break, taking a big lead In the first eighth, which she never relinquished. Dr. Tom, a very popular horse and one that made a great record last aeason, appeared in this race for the first time here, but un steadiness queered It, although second money cam easy. The Trl-Clty amateur pace was a success. so much so that another amateur pace wilt be substituted for th amateur trot sched uled for today. The trot do not draw well, as on Wednesday there were but two entrle. Six horses, were out in yester day's pace, however, and Blugen won a pretty race in three straight heats, being hard presaed in tha second by Tony W. Drivers Get Tangled Up. The principal feature of the 2:18 trot was a racing disagreement between a black driver, Jackeon, and a white one, McAvoy. In the fifth heat theae two mixed up at the half, and there was some lively vitu peration done, each man asserting right of way along a certain atrip of the track. Finally they all came in jumbled up, Little Raven still trotting, but Infelice and Tony W off their feet. Bruen was pulling In felice all he could, however, and Crow did not do likewise with Tony W, ao when Little Raven waa set back to fourth for making two gaining breaks early In the race this gave Infelice first and tha race, and the drivers were left to settle their disputes as to Interference tn the stables. Little Raven's owner protested the race, and Tony W'a driver said Bruen crowded him Into tha fence at the eighth pole. The exhibition by Ella Range was satis factory as to speed, the mare making 2:144, and tha performance still holds marvels for the crowd becauae of the absolute lack ot all human interference or management The stadium teams ran tn better time than on Wednesday, the winner making the half mile In 0:E9H- Results: First race, Trl-Clty amateur pace, half- miie nests: . . Blugen tC. C. Kendall) 1 1 1 Early Morn (M. P. Gould) 6 4 Lolla (W. L. Mullen) 2 8 4 Tony W (W. A. Mackey) 8 2 2 Nelfie Ash (C. .E. Cosford) 4 3 Governor Taylor (L. F. Crofoot) 8 5 S Time: u:mi, v.av, u:tft, 1:094. Second race, Ak-Sar-Ben, 2:18 class, trot ting, purse 3300: line xtaven uacason;. ...... .....z i i urado (McAvoy) 3 4 3 3 8 Tony W (Crow) 1 3 4 13 Infelice (Bruen) 4 2 12 1 Time: 0:354. l:10tt, 1:45V4 . 2:19: 0:34-:, :00s, 1.-45H. 2-21: 0:33H, 1:0SU. 1:4234, 2.22'i; XaVt, 1:09. 1:44V4. 2:20; 0:35, 1:10, 1:46, 2:22. inirti race, tne iri-tity. ciass. pac ing, purse 8300: Trilby B (Jackson) 1 1 1 Jessie KUng (Roby) r 3 2 8 Doctor Tom (Edwards) ....t 4 2 Llna K (oitinam i... 4 a 4 Time: 0:33. l.OBVt, 1:44, 2:194; 0:34, 1:09, 1:43. 2:21; 0:34, 1:07, 1:41, 2:17. Fourth race, two teams In Roman stadium contest: Couch and Little Dick won. Time: 0:304, 0:69. . Fifth race, guldeless exmoition Dy Klla Rana-e to beat 2:17: Time: 0:31. 1:06. 1:40. 2:14V AMERICANS LOSE POLO GAME Defeated by Pari Team by a Seore of Foar to Three Goal. NEW YORK. June 26.-The Pari corre- apondent of the Herald says that on the grounds ot the Paris Polo club the first International match In which an American team was oDnosed to a home quartet has Just been played. It resulted In defeat for tne Americans Dy a score or t to . The Paris team consisted of Baron E. de Rothschild, the Due de Sontona, M. Ken nedy and Maurice Raoul Duval (back). The Americans were Mr. Hazard. Mr. Collier. J. M. Waterbury and L. Water bury (back). The home team opened the attack and carried the ball into their enemy's terri tory, but It waa soon evident their oppo nent were player of no mean order. The game was last tnrougnout, Dut no score was made. A soon aa the second ten was started L. Waterbury . secured first goal for the Americans. In the third ten the home team braced ud and. after a brilliant run, Baron E. de Rothschild eauallied the score. The fourth ten showed the same brilliant play, but nothing was scored. In the fifth ten each aide scored In rapid auccession, making the game 2 all. The excitement waa Intense. Raoul Duval scored a brilliant aoal. to which the American replied, making 3 all and three minute to play, but nothing wa scored. Th umpires ordered an extra ten minutes, In the course of which Baron de Rothschild scored again, the home team thus winning one of the hardest fought games ever seen at Bagatelle by one guaL CONTESTANTSDOWN TO FIVE Resalt of Second Roand of Handicap Tenals Tearaanseat at Field Clnb. The second round of the handicap tennis tournament was played at the Omaha Field ciud Thursday a iter noon ana tne contest ants are now simmered down to five. F. J. Hill had drawn a bye, ao aid not play. Re sults: J. W. Haskell (owe 16) beat F. M. Bllsh (scratch), 7-6. 8-4. D. Pollard (owe 15) beat 8. W. Smith (owe 16). 8-1, 8-3. A. J. Collett (owe 16) beat J. W. Towle (scratcn). 4-Z, -2. F. R. Dufrene (srrstch) beat R. E. Sun. derland (scrat-aV). 13-11. 8-4. The match o. the day wa that between Dunfrene and Sunderland. Th first set of this ran to dsuc seven time before Du frene Anally won by 13-11, the most number &I?J(SE(Q)l!JJ m m m sa, mss m -, Arc in BJ tf - Mm i- Mjk s ji and this resemblance often proves fatal. Valuable 4hs- avssa fgaaw aaaa tjme .g jost jQ fruitless efforts to heal the sore with washes and salves, because the germs of Cancer that are multiplying; in the blood and the new Cancer cells which are constantly developing: keep up the irritation and discharge, and at last approach of tne eating ana Sloughing eua avore ocgina n ucuutuvt wor. No ulcer or sore can exist without some predisposing internal cause that has pofsoned the blood, and the open di Charging Ulcer, or the festering SOre on the lip, cheek or other part of the body will continue to spread and eat deeper a"0 w . r. arowu, xxoiiauu., d. u. into the flesh until the blood has been purified and the Cancer germs or morbid matter eliminated from the circulation. S. S. S. cleanses the blood of all antidotal and purifying properties that soon destroy the germs and poisons and restore the blood to its natural condition. And when pure blood is carried to the ulcer or discharge ceases forms. S. S. write us about it, and medical advice and other taifteawa of the blood will be of gsme ever reached In one set In tourna ment competition st the Field club. F. J. Hill has drawn another bye for thl afternoon, when the third round will be Slayed. The remaining four are matrhed: . W. Hakrll and A. J. Collett. D. Pollard and F. R. Dufrene. Saturday afternoon the finals will occur. EXPERTS ARE NOW PLAYING al Toarnasaeat Forced Oat by Good riayer. PHILADELPHIA, June 28.-A record breakng crowd witnessed today'a events In the women's championship lawn tennis tournament which is In progress on the grounds of the Philadelphia Cricket club at Wlfaahlrkon Heights, a suburb. The large attendance was due to the fact that play tn the women s singles was between experts, the weaker contestants having failed to survive the earlier rounds. Only four players remained In the women's' singles Miss C. E. Neely of Chicago, Miss Juliette Atkinson of Staten Island, Mi Marlon Jones nf Nevada and Miss Helen Chapman of Philadelphia. In the semi finals Miss Neely defeated Miss Atkinson after a hard struggle and Miss Jones won over Mis Chapman In straight sets, leav ing Miss Neely and Miss Jones to meet in the finals. Summary: Women' singles, seml-flnal: Miss Neely beat Miss Atkinson 8-8, 8-8, 6-8: Miss Jones beat Miss Chapman 6-1. 6-0. Mixed doubles, preliminary: Miss Moore and Mr. Grant beat Miss Chapman and Mr. Allen 6-2, 6-8: Miss Ras tali and Mr. Hosklns beat Miss G. F. Jones and Mr. Field 6-2, 6-3; Mlts Steele and Mr. Callom, a bye. First round: Miss Rastall and Mr. Hosklns beat Miss Steele and Mr. Callom 10-8, 6-4. Men's singles, second round: W. H. Trotter beat T. B. Dallas 4-6, 6-8, 6-4; J. R, Carpenter beat C. M. Bunting 6-3, 6-7. 6-1; W. C. Grant beat N. P. Btauffer 6-3, 6-4; II. F. Allen beat R. N. Wilson 6-2, 2-6, 6-5. AMERICAN YACHT A WINNER New York Mast Carrie Off Flrat Prfse at International Race at Kiel. tfuutf xiie American yacni Uncle Sam, awned by Francis R. Rlggs of Ne.w York, won the first of the Interna tional sneclal racea here tndav. the Htnra T . . m rT" 1- , 1 . and Stripes crossing the line eight minutes ahead of all other flags. vvansee was second and Tilly was third. Both these yachts are owned by Germans. ib x, ownea Dy tecu vjuentin or ungiann, was fourth. There are to he three mora. races In this sneclal class, making four all mm, umess me nrsi tnree contests are won by the same boat. The breexe today was very light. Uncle Sam was handled by J. Hopkins Smith and George B. Reeves, third secretary of the United States embassy at Berlin. The American yacht got a windward position and crossed the line fourth, but it Immediately took the lead. The course Waa twlre around n trlanarta of eight miles, and It took Uncle Sam from noon to 7 o'clock to do sixteen miles. At one time It was fifty-eight minutes ahead of the other yachts, but a breese sprang up and Its competitlors closed In. Those who observed the race thought that Uncle Sam waa aamiraoiy managed and Mr. Smith says that the German style of rigging for boats of its class is better than the Amer ican. Francis B. Rlggs has not yet ar rived here. 1 he next sneclal class run will ha T,,n. 28 30 and July 8. ine steam yacht Nahma, owned by Mrs. Robert Goelet, arrived here today. ARMOUR GETS JUDGMENT SSasaa aaaaaa. Judge Smith Decide la Favor of Cleveland Manager and Against St. Lonls Clnb. prwnrvviTr n- - ... v..,v,,,u, iuiic io.-in ine case or Manager William Armour of the Cleveland AmttiHon Iaim.. l , 1 . . . . , . . . . V - . " " j ubbo van Liuu against 1 no H t. LrfllllM Nntinnnl I . . payment, for the release of Pitcher Bob Wicker. Judae Smith tnrinv daiM,rf In hw,. Jury to return a verdict in favor of Armour fur t7Vt with Inf. , . .. . ...... A Aril iOtii """"' iW l" Wlolcer'a ealAnM ... v.n.,nv.. v.. at t i - from Armour while the latter was manager rf .Via Tin r .l..w rr-, , . ivu, vv. , tuiu. a us release prif o was 31,500, of which 3760 was paid down mid the balance promised in two months. Wicker's arm went wrong after signing with St. Louis and the second 3760 was not paid. u,,8o c.,Lii umucu iiihi ine ai.o't1 wa to be paid for the release of Wicker by ..ti I'uviiri wum iioi nava been compelled to sign with Bt. Louts and that his consequent ability had nothing to do with the rase and that a man could not be sold as chattel. International Antomoblle Race. PiDTH Tun M .Ih.J.I T , Edge and Knlff were the first four starters In the International automoble race from Paris to Vienna, which started at 8:30 o'clock this morning from the village of Camptgny, twelve mile east of this city. Foxhall Keen left at 3:46 a. m. W. K Vanderbllt, Jr., started at 8:43 a. m. His skilled maneuvering waa much admired. Immediately after the flag fell Mr. Van- n.rhll, Ufl , ........ .4 A . . . . T. appeared. Lawrence Waterbury did not ,1a ft KnifT arrived first at Belfort at 10:47-30 His average speed was 100 kilometers per hour. 11:10:01 and Maurice Farman at 11:13:46. ruuiuirr a lire uursi jusi alter passing Chaumont, where he waa leading. VnvVtnll Ifun. AamhA . . - level crossing at Osier, eleven miles out ii,.. . ..... . .. ,j . . Aim muuiuu,ta wets injurcm ana ne was unable to continue the race. Mr. Keen waa not injured. With the Bowlers. In the tenpln contest between "Plumber" " ... -' aiiiu Ml. nuill- Itigton and W. W. Hartley laat night on v in, m mtiwrjm me lunucr icaul WOtl Dy 101 pins. Score: 6th. Total. 213 fll4 170 f26 385 1.M0 6th. Tctal 178 85 170 844 241 1.713 Sergeant Bin A Leveled aat Oaawa. ONAWA. Ia.. June 26. (SDeclai Tele. gram.) Anderson' leacuera shut out tha Sergeant Bluff team at the Athletic park this afternoon In a very Interesting game by a score of 4 to 0. Thl Is Onawa's fifth consecutive victory and Its second shut out of adversaries this week. All Onawa's scores were made in the first Inning. Struck out: By King. ix; Dy Bates, . Batteries: Onawa, King and Frlese: Serareant Bluff. Bates and Hodges. Onawa plays Sioux liy siocayaraa nere rjunuay. Brother Killed by Lightning. BROWNSTON DEPOT, Ind., June 26 tieorg ana narry rungooiut ag-d so ana 36, brothers, were killed by lightning last night while fishing In the Whit river, near ner. many respects like other ulcers or sores. sharp shooting pains announce the stage, and a hideous, sickening cancer Ia ,orutvrTt Moo, X noticed a small lump on my lowar lip. Th doctor c. teriaed it lut another cam and broke ffc tl.VooV- ties the clae healed antlralv and no sign of th diaa have been aeea, decaying effete matter. It has great sore the healing process begins, the and the place heals over and new 6kin S. is a strictly vegetable blood purifier 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. Emery .... 13 181 169 166 Rad 1M0 221 167 188 Totala. 363 402 336 364 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. Huntlngt'n 169 231 148 168 Hartley .. 178 14 163 188 Totals. 347 880 307 356 containing no mercury or mineral oi any description. If vou have an ulcer or chronic sore of any kind, will cost you nothing. Books on Cancer sent free to all who desire them THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlaata. Sa. ' XI frs Soap one-sixth pure glycerin, and containing vegetable oils, is transparent. Carries the perfume of nat ural flowers. Most delightful for toilet. A trial of it will convince you that nothing better can be made for use on skin or hair. JAMES S. KIRK & Wfii-fn DnCCl'in Laundry Soap Wrapper exchang;d for IT 111 IV 1AUJ3.U1 , . . OET THE GENUINE - t FPU ImxiaTicoTriLnE a; ; SLrWJE MONEY ANDTROUBLE . NAILS.TACKS AND GLASS WILL NOT LETTHEAIROUS BtSURETlRC IS BPJWOED WITH ANAUJOATOR IN RED OTiitRS NOT EHUI J ..-nn a vw rl RcenilR fkin tl lliuff . rniwb rf f- Tuim rm-a im WITHOUT - ItI f PARALLEL AMD IS UMiTCD ' WlU SEN0 CtWX.SUBJCCT TO EXAM,- (NATION ANYWHERE. NO DEPOSIT TEQUIREDl MADE IN ALLSIZtS. CATALOGUE FREE WITH KEY TO THIS IIU15TRAT101 & HtCHANICAL CONSTRUCTION 7HE YIM COMPANY, &7ffiiCHiCAGO FOR SALE BY Omaha Bioyclo Co., 323 N. lOth St. Nebraska Cycle Co., 82S 8. 15th St. B. E. Lawrence. 270fl Leavenworth. If You Want the Best In looking- at offlces In different buildings, the greatest praise the owner or rental agent can give an office ia to say Building." It may be In some respects, Tha Bee Building Is oue of the only Omaha. Tha Beo Building la the only building having all night and all day Sunday elevator aervlce. The Bee Building furnishes electrlo light snd water without ad dltlonal cost. The Be Building is kept clean, not some ot tha time, but all of tha time. Keep theae points in mind when looking tor an offlco, and you will take one of tboae Hated below, if you are wlae. List of vacant rooms in The Bee Building Ground Floor. - Rental. . Per Montav FIOOM Mi lixu feet. Face Seventeen to street a&A ha windows along tha alley. This la a large, light room, :.d the rental price Inoluaes beat, light, water and janitor service. It ha an entrance both on Tha Ba Building Court and Seventeenth street Priam $0,ot First Floor. WITH ion Thar Is no finer ofllc suit In Omaha than, this one. It la looatM Just OB th right nana of th great marble stair ay, ana has unuauaUjr Xarg windows looaung upon th. front entrance way of th building. It front on JTarnara sUest. On room 1 17xl and in other 3x19. It ha a burgiar-proof vault, marbl inanlV- place, hardwood hour, and will ba frescoed to suit tenant .Prloe 71.01 ROOM iv This room ia just as- th haad of ih. main stairway on th first floor, it would be a vary uesliable oiuoe tor some raai eatai mu or oeo Waclor. The floor space ia luxls isl... priuo 3fcOQ Third Floor. &003S SOS i This room is 21x3 feet and Is very conveniently located near th elevator. A sign on the door can be readily seen in stepping off the eleva tor rice Ui.03 UOOal 3i Thl room la 17x33 feet and will be 'divided to suit th tenant. This room is Varucuiaily auaptad tor sum ooucwra nalug lavrge hoor pac ana is a OecideCiy ottics. havtug an entrauu lauliig th tuurt and window luuaing out upon Msv.utoouth sUt. It hac a vary Larg. burglar-proof vault, hard wood hoor and 1 on of th choicest o ta ts in th building trie U0a Fourth UOOM 4Uli Xtz.ll feet. This room is next to th elevator and face court. It fc.j a larg burglar-proof vault and la wall vnlllatd. Has good light, and tor tne prlc furnish hrl-cias accommodation.,. ..... Fiica UI.H Fifth IIITB 014i This 1 a very large room, 17x43 feet, liaht and well ventilated. It is very seldom It is very f.r.d in The Ua liulldlng. It could b ud to advantage by om Arm employing a large number or Claras, or requiring larg floor spao whulsaal. iewsi.r, or manufacturer, who would Ilk to b In a Qr. -proof building, or It will be divided to sull th Unanl Price MlM lityOM sail Thla room face th court and 1 13x14 feet. It ha a burglar-proof vault, and aa It Is near th teltgrapb office and on the same floor with a number of grain firms. It would be a particularly good room for a grain firm desiring first-class accommodation trio 130.01 Sixth Floor. SVITB OlOi Thl consists of two room, both lSHxllVs- Each of thsm he a larg burglar-proof vault, have been newly decorated and are room wher any buslnaa or professional man may be comfortable. Price for tha two M 33 C R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents. Best Always the Cheapest That's why The Bee has the best newspaper pat ronar e -Best subscribers Best advertisers. aaaal COMPANY. CHICAGO valuable premiums. Write for list. at "r rM PER PAIR UI1L1 Jl to Aovtmrimr auicte. EXPRESS f,ltS3lVO WtttN CUM MCOflMKTtt Oltoa ONVt that It la "as good aa an office In Th Bee but It can not be in every respect. two absolutely fireproof office buildings in i Floor. Floor. it faoea weat. but ls very seldom that ac of lhlssU 1 oi . Ground Floor, Bee Buildinr Deputy Stat Veterinarian Food Ins Motor. H. L. RAU1CCI0TTI, D, V. S, CITT VETERINARIAN. Office and Infirmary, 33th and Mason Sta Telephone 630. DRUNKARDS WHITC DOVE CO 41 seer alia Iwdaatruy orsv. us fur airuus drlsk. Iba apUia for wulcb cat. but aalat aftr uaiug ilila raauadr. Glv.s la any Hutu llb or without Knoarlciitf. of paUrnl; laau.raa; ti s hiiMaiaa UwCoual. j uggiau. uvia sad ivug