Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Davis Hello driifcs.
Bti kert M-llit arpets and rtiKS.
Lfffert, ryi-slght specialist, 23.S Broadway.
PUturrs for wrd'llnH presents. C. K.
Alexander A Co., liioadway.
Take horn a lrt k of Mft7KT Ice
cream. Vanilla, 2ix.'; Nropollttn, inc.
Harmr ny rhiiptf r, order of the KnMrn
Star, will hold a fpvclul mett.nK lon.ght In
Masonic hall.
Mrs. 11. Miyer of Wltithrop, la., srrivod
yesterday on a visit to hrr niece, Mrs. A.
T. Kllckinger, ami family.
F. K. Kingsbury, formerly of Council
Bluffs, now a resident of Shuwnve, Okl., Is
In the city, visiting frlrnds.
W. K. Seltier. who nan biin ihe truest
cf J. 1'. Hess and f.imtly. li ft lust ev.nt'ig
for hla home In Epliiata, l'a.
Mrs. Nichols of Fouth First street his
been called to KanHas City by the serious
Illness of h.T granddaughter.
Mrs. C. II. Mowers left Hist evening for
New York City and Philadelphia, where
she will upend the summer with relatives.
J. P. OreenshleMo took out a building
permit yesterday for a two-Mory bri' k
veneered residence on Oaklund avenue to
cost $t,(XJ0.
The W( man's Christian Temperance union
will hold Its regular inciting this afternoon
In the Sunday school room of the .First
liaptlst church.
Walter Hell, son of C. K. Hell, a former
resident anil architect of this city, now
located at Heneln, Mont.. Is the guest of
Floyd Fllcklnger on Fourth avenue.
Mrs. J. L Crocker was called to St. Lou
yestcrdny by the death of her son-in-law,
C. W. I'lnckard. Mr. I'lnckard wns mar
ried to Misa Liiura Crocker of this tlty
about a year ago. He will be burled nt
Slater, Mo.
You are requested to get In your laundry
work early during this week so as to be in
plenty of time for the Fourth of July. Out-of-town
trade is especially requested to
bear this In mind. Blurt City Laundry, 22
and 24 North Main street.
R. W. Greenlzer, the tombstone denier
from Woodbine, la., who got Into trouhln
Tuesday In a Hroadway saloon, was dis
charged In police court yesterday, as was
W. M. Headley, who was arrested at the
ss me time and charged with starting the
row. ,
The remains of Miss Jennie H. Brown,
who died Sunday at Los Angeles, Cal.. will
arrive here Saturday morning. Servb:.
will be held at Walnut Hill cemetery at
o'clock that morning, conducted by Hev.
W. S. Barnes, pastor of the First Presby
terian church.
The hors and spring wagon which n
stranger hired Monday evening from
Kevins' livery and failed to return was
found yesterday at Victor Jennings' barn
on East Broadway, It had been left there
Tuesday night by a man who sold a loud
of corn to Mr. Jennings.
T. Charles Cannon of Bloux City aud Miss
Fanny L. Brown of this city were married
yesterday mornl.ig at the residence, of. iho
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Pago
Brown, the ceremony being performed hv
Hew George li. Cornell, rector of St.
Thomas' church, Sioux City.
Ed McKenna, who ha been behind the
bars at the city Jail awaiting a preliminary
hearing on a charge of stealing copper
armatures and other property of the motor
company, valued at several hundred dol
lars was discharged yeaterdsy morning by
Police Judge Scott, as the prosecution failed
to produce any evidence against him.
The Pomona Land and Trust company of
this city commenced Injunction proceed
ings yesterday to restrain the Mason City
& Fort Podge railroad from Interfering
with the highway on Pomona avenue. It
la said the railroad Is preparing to put In
a grade crossing at this point, while ad
joining property owners Insist that it
should construct an overhead crossing.
Via any soap so it Puck's soap.
Davis sells glass.
Gray steel preserving kettles with baking
powder Saturday. Grand Union Tea com
pany. '
r. After ptotoT Company's Money.
The Omaha 4 Council Bluffs Railway and
Bridge company was made defendant in two
suits yesterday in the district court, in
which the plaintiffs, Daniel J. DuVol and
George W. O'Brien each ask (5.000 dam
ages for alleged mistreatment and Indigni
ties they were subjected to by employes
of the company on tbe night of May 8 last.
The petition in both suits set forth sub
stantially similar allegations. The plaintiffs
recite that they boarded a motor car In
Omaha to return to their homes in this
city and paid their fares, and that when
the car reached about the center of the
bridge over the Missouri river the con
ductor again demanded the fares from them.
They refused to pay a second time and the
conductor threatened to put them off the
car, but they were not ejected until the
-car reached the power .house and barn.
Here, they allege, a number of the com
pany's employes, at the Instigation of tbe
conductor, boarded the car and after as
saulting, beating and kicking them, threw
them off tbe car. The alleged Indignities,
however, according to the petitions, did not
end here, as the plaintiffs furtbsr recits
that after being thus maltreated they were
forced - to re-enter the car, which con
veyed them to Pearl street and Broadway,
where they were placed under arrest and
taken to the city Jail, charges of disor
derly conduct being filed against them by
officers t the company.
Steel enameled preserving kettles with
baking powder Saturday. Grand Union Tea
Many Attend Grocers' Plenlo.
It Is estimated that 2.000 people, 1,000
adults and a like number of children at
tended the Council Bluffs Retail Grocers
association's first annual picnic yesterday
at Jeffries' grove. The picnic grounds ars
Council Bluffs, on the Illinois Central, and
the company bad provided a special train
of etght coaches and two baggage cars. The
, train had to make three trtps to accommo
date the crowd. The members of the asso
ciation, healed by a band, marched from
First street to the depot. Practically all
the grocery stores In the city anj many of
the butcher shops were closed all day. Tha
day was aa Ideal one and the picnickers
were able to thoroughly enjoy a lengthy
program of sports and contests, for which
prises wers awarded. Two ball games
wers played, the Mala street grocery clerks
defeating their brethern on Broadway and
the grocers defeating the butchers.. The
first- train on the return trip left the
grounds at p. m.. but tew availed them
selvts of It, most of tbe holiday-makers not
returning until late.
v Six-quart lipped preserving kettles with
baking powder Saturday. Grand I'nlcn Tea
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abatract. title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Eberlff to Sarah . Hunt, lot 19 and
els feet lot 17, block 7, McMahon,
Cooper & Jeffrrles' subdlv., a. d 1760
A. J. Seaman to Wil lam Arnd, lot 7,
block , Howard's add , u- c d 40
Two transfers, total..
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 230.
Xyed and pressed. Special attention
given ladies' garments. Also chenllie
curtain neatly cleaned, eyed and
ireaaod. 'Phone L-6Ui. luwa CUum Le
Works. X Broadway.
(Successor to W. C. Estsp)
K Pfc-Afcl, liatlil'. 'fhoat DT.
Judge Bcott Issues Final Order in Lake
Manawa Litigation.
Motor Company Files supersedeas
Bond, but Judge Asserts It Is
Inoperative In This Pro
rrriUng, Ai had been lot (mated. Judge Scott, In
entering the decree in the Injunction of ! Bnt wn moBt Pleasing entertainment.
Criaman & Robards and others against tbe ' the Dohany opera house and were
motor company, made the mandate more : greeted by an audience which filled the
sweeping than his ruling had previously ! house. The program was a varied one and
Implied. Under the decree tbe motor com- i reflected great credit on the young people,
pany Is also restrained from obstructing The opening number was a cantata In two
the boulevard which formerly ran along the scenes entitled "The May Queen" pre
lake front at the foot of Third street, as eented by the girls of the school, who were
without this property owners at Manawa ' very daintily costumed and presented an
would have no access to the lake. The
decree reads as follows:
Wherefore, It is ordered, adjudged nnd
decree! by the court that the Omaha,
Council Bluffs & Suburban company and
the Omaha & Council Bluffs Bridge in'
Hallway rompany, their officers and agents, ,
hf and forever are enjoined from fencing,
obstructing, using or occupying, or In any
manner use, occupy or Interfere with Ihi i
following described streets, in wnai is
known as Manawa park:
Park avenue from its Intersection on the
west with the county road to Its Intersec
tion with the county road on the ejt. nnd
through said intersection with the county
rnnri tn South
l lrst street on sain pinr.
CI k. TLtA -- tmm t m In t Hfl fl n
with Park avenue to the water Une on the ,
That port or the street maraen inui
vard, on the plat, sixty-six feet wld lying
east of the west line of South Third street
and bordering on Lake Manawa; and south
of Third street and west half of block 31.
Also that part of what Is known as Lako
avenue, twenty-four feet wide, lying di
rectly south of block 31, and connecting
with the boulevard referred to. I
The decree further provides that the
temporary Injunction Is made permanent
and In case the motor company falls to re
move the fences and other obstructions by
noon of July S an order will Issue from
the court Instructing the sheriff or other
duly qualified officer of the court to abate
the nuisance. The costs in the action are
taxed up against the motor company.
Motor Company Appeals.
. The motor . company, as soon as the de
cree was entered, not only filed notice of
appeal, but a supersedeas bond In the sum
of $1,000, which was approved by N. C.
rhllllps, clerk of the superior court. What
effect this supersedeas bond will have re
mains to be seen. Judge Bcott denied the
application of the company to file such a
bond on the grounds that injunction pro
ceedings cannot be stayed by supersedeas
and that his order must be carried out on
or before the date set In the decree. The
attorneys for the motor company, on the
other hand, contend that the filing of the
supersedeas bond Is perfectly legal and
that it will serve as a stay of further pro
ceedings pending the determination of the
appeal. They take tbe grounds that as the
fences complained of have already been
erected the Injunction restraining the com
pany from thus obstructing the streets Is
of no practical account and that In order
to compel them to remove them the court
will have to make a further order declar
ing them a nuisance and that the bond will
serve as a stay against any such further
The motor company has constructed a
dock along the bank of the lake and the at
torneys claim that It is on private land
and that the boulevard ordered opened lies
north of it, and that the company will
erect a fence along the dock, thus shutting
off access to the lake. It was stated last
evening that In view of these threats by
the attorneys for the motor company that
counsel for Crtsman Robards would pre
sent the matter again to the eourt today
for a further order In the case.
Fire! Fire! Fire! The largest stock of
fireworks in the city. A. B. Howe, S10
Keep clean. Use Puck's Mechanlo's soap.
Enrollment at the County Institute
Expected to Reach a Total
of Three Hundred.
The enrollment at the county institute
yesterday passed the 280 mark and it is
expected that by Monday It will exceed that
of last year, when 800 teachers were in
A feature of yesterday morning's session
was the address by County Superintendent
McManus, In which be outlined and dis
cussed the work of the State Teachers'
Reading circles. Hs took the opportunity
to advocate two changes In the present
educational system of the state, one
whereby teachers desiring to remove to
another county could take their examina
tions In the county In which they resided.
Instead of being compelled to do before
the superintendent of the county to which
they desired to go. The other change sug-
! ,w" . th 2. h0l?B
county Institute. Prof. McManus advocated
the holding of the Institute In September,
when the schools are In session, snd that
teachers be permitted to attend It without
loss of compensation. Ha said ths insti
tute was maintained by the tees for certifi
cates, and since It was conducted for the
good of the public, be saw no reason why
the teachers should be compelled to pay
for It. He said he saw no valid reason why
tbe Institute should not be held In Sep.
tember, when tha teacher could go from the
schoolroom full of inspiration and en
thusiasm. Rev. James Thomson, pastor of the First
Congregational church, conducted the open
ing devotional exercises.
Fifty teachers took Ihe examination yes
terday afternoon In geography, grammar
and physiology.
Fire! Fire! Fire! The largest stock of
fireworks in the city. A. B. Howe, 810
Broad ay.
Puck's Domestic soap is best.
Heath of a. Pioneer,
Mrs. S. Nlrhelson. wife of U. W. Nlchel
son, 7!4 Washington avenue, died yester
day, aged 78. The deceased was a pioneer
settler of Council Bluffs, having r. aided
here since 1S'7. Besides her husband two
sons, James P. and Andrew W., and two
daughters, Mrs. O. Cbristensen and W.
Mary Nlchelson, survive her. The funeral
will be held Sunday afternoon. There will
be a short service at the house at 2:30
o'clock and services at the Scandinavian
Baptist church at S o'clock. Interment will
be iu Falrvlew cemetery.
Fire! Fire! Fire! The largest stock of
fireworks In the city. A. B. Howe, 311
Broadway. .
Boom in a Elks' Urand lxdae Merlin.
H. Jules Mallloux of Bait Laks City was
... . . . , , , , . . ,
a visitor at the Elks' clubhouse last even-
log. Mr. Mallloux Is traveling representa
tive of tbe Salt Lake City Elks snd bis
mission Is to boom the grand lodge meeting
to bo held la that city August II to 14, in
clusive. He is Just returning from 4 trip
through the south, where he says the mem
bers of the order are all enthusiastic over
tbe Salt Lake City meeting and Indications
everywhere point to the largest meeting in
tbe history of the order. Mr. Mallloux ex
pects to go to Sioux City today and hopes
to arrange his itinerary so as to be able to
be present at the meeting of the Council
Bluffs lodge next Thursday night.
Plumbing and heating. Bixby & Son.
Puck's Domestic soap Is best for lauLdry.
Davis sells paint.
Close of School at St. Peter's.
The pupils of St. Peter's parochial school
celebrated the close of the school year last
exceedingly pretty picture, me ooys pre
sented "Old Glory, or the Boys or '76," a
patriotlo operetta in two acts, which re
ceived liberal and well deserved applause.
This was followed by "The Violet Sellers,"
a drama In three acts, the characters la
which were ably portrayed by the youthful
actors. Twelve of the elder girls gave a
very effective tambourine drill, while
twenty-four of the smaller boys caused
much amusement ss the "Jolly Bootblacks,"
V. McDermott and A. Schmidt recited "The
Bald-Headed Man" and . "Kelly's Dream,"
respectively, both being well rendered.
Father Thomas distributed the premiums
among the fortunate pupils at the close of
the program.
Gravel roofing, A. H. Read, 641 Broadway.
Good bargains In homes, vscant lots and
farms. Charles Officer, 419 Broadway.
Employes of Iowa Central Iterelve
Substantial Advances In Wages
by New Schedule.
MARSHALLTOWN, la.. June 26. (Spe
cial.) The matter of a new wage schedule
for the Iowa Central tratnment has been
disposed of and as a result of the negotia
tions the trainmen get a substantial in
crease of wages. A conference of the com
mittee appointed by the men was held with
General Manager Day and Superintendent
Sweeney at Minneapolis.
The following are the noteworthy changes
in the schedule: On through freight runs
the wages have been changed from $2.00
for conductor and fl.80 for brakemen per
100 miles to 3 and $2. On the local freight
the former figures have been $2.90 and $1.90
and this Is raised to $3.25 and $2.16 2-8.
With switchmen at Oskaloosa and Mar
shalltown the raise amounts to about 30
per cent. The general raise In the pas
senger service for conductors, baggagemen
and brakemen amounts to about $5 per
However, Iowa Man Recovers After
Belnsc Shot ThrousTh Both
Walla of Stomach.
REINBECK, la., June 26. Special.)
The recovery of Ed Hendricks from a
wound, through both walls of the stomach
Is exciting comment from tbe general pub
lic of this section.
Hendricks was accidentally shot during
the afternoon of May 25. Dr. Powers of
this place was called two hours after and
found a bullethole in both walls of the
stomach and the contents leaking Into the
abdominal cavity. The conditions were ex
actly parallel with those of President Mc
Klnley. He performed a similar operation
to that upon the president and the young
man U now able to sit up and take nourish
Dr. Powers, In speaking of the similarity
of the cases and the difference In the
effects of the wound, said that it was all
due to the difference in patients. The pa
tient here differs in the amount of vitality
manifested and exhibits great tenacity of
Threa Children Struck by Train.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., June 26. (Special.)
Alonso Wells, Rosa Gelger and Lena
Oelger, young children, were struck by a
Northwestern freight train at Fairfax last
night. Rosa Gelger was fatally Injured and
Alonso Walls may not recover.
Iowa. State News Nates.
If the rumor that Dick Clarkson la to
nave an office proves to be correct, the
Cedar Kaplds Oasette anticipates that "the
cessation of his newspaper work will seem
to him like the putting en of Immortality
and a bodily translation Into heaven."
Soloman Holmes, who lives on the James
Whitney farm near Charlton, was cutting
rye Monday. This, In all probability, la
the first cutting down In the county and
la surely an exceptionally good field. Lucas
county is not always behind the procession.
The 10-year-old son of T. TolleflNon of
Missouri Valley met with a very serious
and painful accident while playing with a
loy gun. using staples for ammunition, one
of the staples flying backward, striking the
boy In the left eye. The sharp point of the
staple penetrated tha eyeball and there Is
but little chance of saving the sight of the
Centervllle Is building large hopes on Its
prospects as a railroad center. It expects
to be on the Rock Island's Kansaa City line
after It la done shortening that route, and
has another railroad or two In view in the
distance. Being e.lmost exactly mldwav he-
wen nanaas L;iiy ana Kock laiand It Is
i hOneful Of Seeurlri thu ah,na fn, ih.i u,t
slon. Its largs coal supply Is a point in
its favor. The development of Centervllle
Into a good large town would do no harm
to that part of the state.
The Waverly strawberry crop Is a dis
appointment. Thtre have been some gojd
berrins on the market, but the berry
patches In and around Waverly did not
yield well. The good berries have not sold
fot less than 1JW cents a box. The currant
worms have destroyed the currants, so
that crop, too, will be poor and lltrht. And
most of the gooseberries look sick also.
There will be very few If any plums. It
looks now as if tbers would be a good lot
of apples.
Leo Penne, a 13-year-old boy of Waterloo,
met with an accident by which he nearly
lost his life. He and soma bov romnanlnm
were fishing In Cadar river, when on of
oiner ooys. in endeavoring to make a
good cast, flung the line about hla head In
preparation for the throw. To the end cf
the line waa attached a nail, which wes
used aa a sinker. While twirling the line
young Penne was struck In the temple by
the nsll cutting the temporal srterv and
causing him to nearly bleed to death before
assistance arrived. The physician staiel
that th boy must have bled at least a pint
of blood before the injury waa dressed.
Charles C. Wllhelm. an 18-vsar-nM hr.v
(Of Hioux City, was atandlng upon one -f ihe
running uorfis oi a street cut as It nssej
the crossing at Bluff atreet. and while In
the act of reaching into his pocket for his
fare he leaned too far out from the car
and was struck upon the side of the head
by on of the trolley poles. 1 he young men
was thrown to the ground and rend-red
unconscious, lie waa carried i ff to one side
and an ambulance was immediately sum
moned, which removed him to the Bumsrl
tan hospital. ilr. ConnllT r!r!-a-d the
would and gave restoratives to bring the
young man to const-lousness. and staled
that the Injury would not result flly
' X''lllV''m ,", be?" working as a bellbov at
I the Mundamln for snut tiiue. ilia father
I uve, 4u Miletou, U.
Striken Reject Proposition of Telephone
Concerns to Grant Wags Demand.
Samuel Roan Convicted of Murder of
Georae Lynn Cummins Names
Oil Inspectors Formal Open.
Ins of Em-Convicts' Home.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. June 28. (Special.) The
situation In Des Moines in regard to the
strike of the telephone operators has not
cleared. The telephone companies sought
to Induce the girls to return to work today
and offered all who would return an ad
vance In wages equivalent to what they have
demanded, but not one of the strikers ac
cepted. They are holding together firmly
and declare that they will all be taken back
or none, but this the operators refuse to
This morning the Mutual had twenty-two
operators at work and the Iowa eighteen.
These are nearly all Inexperienced girls,
with a few operators brought here from
other towns, and tbe result Is that there
Is considerable demoralization of the serv
ice. The action of the Trades and Labor As
sembly In Indorsing the strike and of the
ministers of the city and most of the news
papers In giving the strikers moral encour
agement has made It unlikely that any com
promise can be effected.
The owners of the Mutual assert that if
they should grant all that the operators
demand they would lose money and they
are not authorized to Increase the tele
phone rates until the council acts.
A committee of the Trades and Labor As
sembly has taken full charge of the strike
and Is endeavoring to Induce business men
io take out their telephones. The commit
tee has also attacked the franchise of the
Iowa company, claiming that It has now
no right to occupancy of the streets, and
has demanded of the city officials thst they
Insist on the Mutual complying with the
letter of tbe charter.
Roan Convicted of Murder.
Samuel Roan was convicted of murder In
the second degree today for killing Oeorgn
Lynn In a quarrel over a woman about two
weeks ago.
Cummins amea Oil Inspector.
Oovernor Cummins today appointed all
but three of the state oil Inspectors, the
places at Dubuque, Sioux City and Fort
Dodge not having been decided. The fol
lowing were appointed today: Hugh M.
Ptckel, Des Moines; Charles S. Rogers, Mt.
Pleasant; Edwin J. Cameron, Davenport;
Leroy Burch, Cedar Rapids; Robert A.
Santee, Cedar Falls; S. W. Morgan, Mar
shall town; Frank B. Rogers, Brltt; Wil
liam J. Scott, Ida Grove; Ed C. Brown,
Council Bluffs; John B. Currie, Mt. Ayr;
P. O. Seevers, Oskaloosa, -
Diamond Robber la Hospital.
Frank Shercleff, the diamond robber, who
got a sentence of seventeen years for
robbing William L. Pollock of f 18,000 worth
of diamonds on a Sioux City ft Paclflo train
near California Junction, has not been put
at work at the Fort Madison penitentiary
since his return to that institution.
He wat out on parole and left the state,
going to, Kansas City, where he was . ar
rested by the police in a fight. In which
Shercleff was shot in the foot. The bullet
went through the foot from the heel and
aitnougn tnlg occurred about the first of
the year the wound has not hUH an, if
is necessary for Shercleff to be kept in the
Warden Jones of the Fort Madlsnn nun I.
tentiary also reports that so far as he has
been able to discover no part of the stolen
property waa ever returned to the Jewelry
house from which It waa taken and no offer
of restitution was made before the parole
was granted. He is of the opinion that the
diamonds were distributed among those
who were in the deal In Omaha and that
Shercleff got only a small Dart of the nro-
ceeds. i
Home for Ex-Convlcts.
It is expected that the home for former
convicts near Fort Dodcs will be dedicated
and used about tbe 1st of August:
L. a. Coffin, formerly rail rnnri enmmla.
sloner, gave for this purpose bis beautiful
Wlllowedge farm in Webster county and
has erected a plain two-story building
thereon to accommodate the former prison
ers who may desire a refuge for a short
time after release from orison In order to
make a start in life.
The work Is orogresslnc so that ha hn
fixed upon tbe date named for the formal
Hubbard Estate Subject to Tax.
The estate of the late Judae N. M. Huh.
bard of Cedar Rapids was today reported to
the stats treasurer as subject to the col
lateral inheritance tax. The amount of tax
Which will have to ha nslrl Is nn v bnnu,
and a part of the' estate will not be sub
ject to tbe tsx until after the death of ths
surviving widow, but it Is estimated that
about $8,000 will be received under the law.
Ono-half of the ludse's law llhrarv
left to one of his partners and as the
library is valued at 130.000 this will vli,i
considerable taxes to the state at once.
Deaf School Gets f 2M.OOO.
The state executive council held a meat.
ing this afternoon and closed up tbe reg
ular business, and among other things
finally disposed of ths appropriation for
the School for the Desf, the amount given
being 123,000. This would have been made
some time ago but for the absence from
the city of Auditor Msrrlam. anrl l re
quires a unanimous Tots to appropriats
irora me providential fund.
The Board of Control, assisted by soms
of the superintendents of state Institutions,
todsy awarded the contracts for ths sup
piles for the next month. The awards cover
a large number of matters.
Tbe State Board of Control has been noti
fied of the resignation of Dr. George Boody,
second assistant physician at the Hospital
for tbe Insans at Independence. Dr. Boody
has resigned to accept the position of first
assistant at Clarinda, which was held by
Dr. C. F. Applegats before he was ap
pointed by the Board of Control superin
tendent of Mount Piessant hospital.
New Corporations.
The following incorporation papers were
filed with tbe secretary of state today:
C. Lamb ft Co., Clinton, reincorporation.
This was filed after a case had been car
ried to the supreme court Involving the
question of fees. ,
Ceda? Rapids Mantel compfeay; capital,
110.000; Frank M. Acklsy, president; Wil
liam H. Dutt. secretary.
Des Moines Sswer Pipe' and Tile com
pany of IX s Moines; capital, $10,000; by
R. Rollins and others.
Des Moines Brick and' Tile company of
Des Moines; capital. $50,000; by Charles
A. itawsou and others.
Natural Das Find Mar Cast Life.
A flow of aatural aaa. aumlnttv larva
to send a blats ten feet into the air when
I ignited, was struck on a lot owned by Sam
nel Allen of Ankeny, fifteen miles north of
i Des Moines, at 4 e'clock yesterday after
noen, continuing through the night and to
day. Jack Dahl, a well-driller, residing at
Carlisle, wss horribly burned about the
head and face when attempting to Ignite
the flow, and now lies In a critical condi
tion from the Injuries. Ankeny Is in a
feverish state of excitement over what Is
believed to be a permanent flow of gas
and already plana have been proposed with
a view to drilling deeper and storing the
product for commercial purposes.
The fact that a flow was discovered In ths
Immediate locality of the Allen property
some two months ago Indicates there Is
gas In large quantities there and will un
doubtedly Interest capital In the matter of
Its developmeht The Allen property lies
on the south side of the' town not three
blocks from the business center.
In Iowa Politics.
Colonel M. L. Temple of Clarke county
was In Des Moines Thursday on legsl busi
ness. He was one of the disappointed men
after the caucus of the Iowa congressional
delegation on federal appointments. He will
not state whether he really anticipated be
ing successful In his candidacy, but inti
mated that he had known for some time
what action the delegstion Intended tak
ing. He does not believe the endorse
ments of the delegation, will be turned
down by President Roosevelt, or that the
holding up of the nominations has any po
litical significance. He thinks the presi
dent leans on Secretary Shaw as to the
situation In Iowa more than he does on
the congressmen from this state. At the
same time be believes that Shaw will ap
prove the action of the delegation rather
than consider Governor Cummins' endorse
ment of Kemble for revenue collector.
Iowa Falls May Be Division Point.
IOWA FALLS. Ia., June 26. (Special.)
The report that has gained currency here
tha last few days to the effect that this
city may be made a passenger division on
th9 Chicago, Rock, Island ft Pacific Is nat
urally received with much Interest In rail
road circles. Since the merging of the
Burlington, Cedar Rapids ft Northern Into
the Rock Island there has been considera
ble conjecture as to the effect the change
would have on this place, which has been
a freight division since the construction of
the line running to Sioux Falls.
Train's Victim Identified.
IOWA FALLS, la., June 26. (Special.)
The police here have Just learned the Iden
tity of D. B. Griffith, the young man who
was killed by the cars at North Platte,
Neb. It is learned that ths young man's
home is near Akron, Colo., and that his
father runs a ranch in the vicinity of that
place. The young man was killed by fall
ing between the cars of a train on which
he was stealing a ride. When found tho
only means of Identification was a necktie
bearing tbe name of a clothing dealer In
this city.
Judsre Piatt Favors Manson Estate.
WATERLOO, la., Juns 26. (Special.)
Judge Piatt has rendered a second de
cision In the tax ferret cases. Treasurer
H. R. Coropper of Black Hawk county had
assessed taxes against the Manson estate
for $604.05 for 1896, which the guardian
of the wards refused to pay. Judge Piatt
holds that the statute of limitation ap
plies In the case of estates as In the case
of Individuals and that it waa the business
of the assessors of 1896 to assess the prop
Lutheran Sootetles Convene.
SHENANDOAH, la., June 26. (Special
Telegram.) A convention of the young
people's societies of the Stsntcn district
Lutheran church was held Wednesday in
Essex. About 300 visiting delegates were
present. Addresses were made by Dr.
Holmes of Burlington, la., the famous
8wedlsh poet, snd Dr. Carlson of the Min
nesota Stale university faculty. A chorus
of 100 voices sang in the evening. There
were three sessions and 'large audiences.
Anotker Fatality Reported Near
Irene as the Result of
Tuesday's Storm.
YANKTON, S. D., June 26. (Special Tel
egram.) Wires are still down in all direc
tions, which prevents much authentic news
of Tuesday night's storm. Information from
outslds towns Is received mostly from rail
road men, who speak of general conditions,
but hare failed to secure names or par
ticulars; From this source It is learned
that at Hooker, on the Northwestern, there
Is not a building uninjured, and most of
them are totall destroyed. At Hurley con
ditions are nearly as bad, and Davis Is In
the same condition.
An excursion train from Hawarden to
Tankton, going at tbe rate of forty miles
an hour, was held by the storm between
Wakonda and Volln, and tbe air brake was
used to keep tbe train from going back
Dr. Curtis of Beresford, who was blown
from the second-story platform to the pave
ment, Is reported dead, as is Mrs. Blerce at
Volln, injured in the building blown over.
All other injured are doing well.
A storm freak report from Volln tells
of a small house on a farm near that vil
lage, which was blown completely over,
landing on a fencepost that pierced the
floor, anchoring the building. Three young
men. Alder brothers, wers In the bouse.
All escaped serious Injury, although, ths
stove, beds and all other furniture were
completely wrecked.
A large grist mill and elevator at Park-
ston were totally demolished.
Tripp escaped without much Injury.
The Insane asylum near here suffered
heavily in loss of small buildings, chimneys,
Another fatality of Tuesday night's storm
Is reported from near Irene. Knude Rye
was driving home from Vlborg when the
storm overtook him. He stopped at a large
country church for shelter, where his body
was found next day. Hs had tied bis team
In a shed back of the church and wss
killed near them by a part of the church,
which was blown onto tbe shed and crushed
him. The team waa uninjured. This makes
the list of dead, so far: Mrs. Frsnk John
son, Hudson; Dr. Curtis, Beresford; Mrs.
Blerce, Volln, and Knud Rye, Irene.
The loss of property In ths path of ths
storm, aside from crops, will exceed $,1,000,
000. elect Officers of Soldiers' Home.
uttrcim fl TV Jnna 26 (Boeclal.l Dur
ing ths state Grand Army of ths Republic
encampment at Brookings a meeting of tbe
commissioners of the Soldiers' home at
Hot Springs was held. Tbe health of ths
Inmates of the home Is exceptionally good.
Tbe management 01 anairs oj wayiam
1 (ha .nnuninillBt. la aatlaf actOrV tO
the commissioners and he Is retained at
ths head of ths Institution, much to ins
gratification of the "old vets." Ths com
missioners elected Dr. T. M. Shansfelt of
Huron president, N. C. Nash of Canton
secretary and John F. Baker of Hermossa
Drag River for MlsalaaT Child.
PIERRE. 8. D., Juns 26 (Special Tsls
gram.) A little son of George Thomas of
this city has been missing sines noon yes
terday, and as hs wss Isst seen near the
river It Is feared he has been drowned and
a party Is dragging tbe river for the body.
Gold Display at Lead Celebration.
LEAD, 8. D., June 24. (Special.) Great
preparations are being made for the coming
celebration of the Fourth of July snd tha
city has already begun to take on iu holl-
Shirtwaist li
ash Goods Sale
is Still Going On
Just ArrivedA Choice Line of
Ladies' White Wool Sweaters
day adornment. One of the features of the
celebration will be the bullion display In
the Palace of Oold. Two lumps worth
$300,000, the semi-monthly cleanup from tbe
Homestake mills, besides gold bricks from
Wasp 2, the Spearflsh and other prop
erties, will bring the total amount of bul
lion displayed on tbe two days which the
celebration will last up to something over
Elected President of South Dakota
Association and Tournament
Closes Races.
MITCHELL, S. D.. June 28. (Special Tel
egram.) Tbe closing races of the firemen's
tournament were run on a slippery track
this afternoon, owing to tbe heavy rain
last night.
The first event was the assistant chiefs'
race and was won by Thome Brlggs of
Mitchell, with Charles Welschedl of Pierre
Ths foremen's race was won by George
Kanouff of Mtcbell and Lewis Greenough
of Pierre second.
The fifty-yard straightaway boss race was
won by Mitchell In 22 2-6 seconds, with
Pierre second. Pierre entered a protest
on account of Mitchell running thirteen
men, which was done by mistake, and the
Board of Control sustslned the protest,
giving Pierre first place.
In the single man's ladder climbing con
test George Kanouff of Mitchell won first
over Crane of Vermilion. Time, 60.1 sec
onds. Mitchell won the free-for-all hook-and-ladder
race, running the distance of 160
yards In 28 seconds.
The last race waa a straightaway hook-and-Iadder
contest between Parkston and
Pierre, tbe former winning easily.
The tournament closed this evening with
a Darktown brigade putting out a fire near
the business district. The local firemen
entertained the visitors at a grand ball In
the Corn Palace building this evening.
The election of officers of the South Da
kota Firemen's association was held last
evening, resulting: President, H. B.
Adams of Mitchell; first vice president,
John Jsnslow of Yankton; second vice
president, James Monkbouse of Pierre; sec
retary, John H. Pettlbone of Sioux Falls;
treasurer, Frank. Zolnosky of Scotland.
The balance of tbe evening was dsvoted
to discussion.
In the early part of the evening a wet
test was held between the Mitchell and
Pierre departments running 100 yards and
throwing watsr from the hydrant. It waa
won by Mitchell In tlTt seconds.
New Creamery for Aberdeen.
arrrdrrn. 8. D.. June it. (Spscial.) 1
Eastern parties have leased the old cold
storage plant and will shortly establish a
creamery here, making the third In this
city. The rapid growth of the creamery
business Is remarkabls and Is rapidly bring
ing wealth to ths farmers or mis state.
it ia now nredicted that the cream sep
arator will double the value of land In
South Dakota In ths next year.
Lead Gets Free Mall Delivery,
LEAD. 8. D.. June 26 (Special.) The
free delivery system will be put In opera
tion hv the nostal authorities on Septem
ber 1, Postmaster McKay having been notl- j
fled to that effect. Ths houses on all of
the streets have been numbered snd every-
thine Is In readiness for ths Inauguration
of the system, except tbe appointment of
one clerk and three carriers.
Da Masters' Gets Re-Hearing.
RTL'RGIS. S. D.. Juns 26. (Special.)
Jesse Brown returned from Eloux Falls
yesterday morning, bringing back with bim
George De Masters, who was sentenced
from Meade county to a term In the peni
tentiary soms two years ago on the chart
of Incest. The supreme court has remanded
Waltham Watches,
"Right as a trivet."
"The Tcrfeded Amtrtctn WiJcK." tn (ttushdti hock
of interesting information nboat wtches, be sent
free apon request.
American WiJihtm Wttch Company,
WUhm, Mass.
The Opportunity of the
Our Choice
Wash Goods
At price irrcntly rr-ducprl In mnr.y
enscs to Jess, than linlf.
11.00 and $1.15 qualities
6 and 75c qualities
25c Imported Irish Dimities
2Sc Novelties
15c and $.5 WAIST - nk
Shirt Waists
fl .JR. ri.60, $1.75 and $2.00 f nil
Waists for 3I.Ull
$:.R. $3 00 and $3.50 CO ftfl
Waists for ?UU
HOC. $4 50 and $5.00 art w
Waists for iJJO.ULJ
The way to get tbe best ac
commodations Is via the
Great Rock
Island Route
WHY7 It is the only direct line to
Colorado Springs and Maniton.
It is tha popular route to Denver. It
baa the best Dining Car Service.
It has the finest equipment and gives
choice of three fast daily trains to
Rocky , j
mountain Limited
leaves Omaha 6.50 a. m.. arrives Den
ver 8.45 p. m., Colorado Springs (Man
iton) 8.30 p. m.
Big 5
leaves Omaha 1.30 p. m., arrives Den
ver 7.45 a. m., Colorado Springs (Man
itou) 7.35 a. m., Pueblo 9.10 a. m.
Colorado Flyer
leaves Omaha 6.20 p. m., arrives Den
ver 11.00 a. m., Colorado Springs (Man
itou) 10.35 a. m.. Pueblo 11.50 a. m.
Another inducement to use the Aoek
stand will be tha $15 round trip rate
to Colorado effective this summer by
that lina. Ask for details and free books.
"Under tha Turquoise Sky' ' gives the
most fascinating description of Colorado.
"Camping in Colorado" has full de
tail for campers.
1323 Farnaum Street. OMAHA.
his cass
back to ths lower court for re-
lacfctnlna- Kills Twa.
PIERRE, S. D., June 26. (Special Tele
gram.) Tha remain of Bert Walker were
brought Iu last night from Qrandstons,
ninety miles out, where he and his boras
wsrs killed by lightning whlls night herd
ing Tuesday night. A son of A. Oldstrsnd
of Sully county, near Blunt, was also klllei
by lightning the sams night.
Range Horses Skipped.
PIERRE, S. D., Juns 26. (Special Tele
gram.) A train of nine cars of horses
was sent out from here this morning as a
part of those sold here yesterdsy.
a South Daksta Bands.
S. D., June 26. Special Tela-
gram.) The stats treasurer today called
1126,000 of 18M refunding bonds.
Man Drstllate, Although Father Is
Supposed to Have Left Him
a Competency.
NEW YORK. June 26. Almost blind and
destitute, yet having at least a competency
If he could find where It la, Is ths Incon
gruous situation In which Frank Meade, son
of the late well known sporting msn, Wil
liam H. Meade, finds himself.
Previous to his death Isst January Meads
was thought to be possessed of considerable
wealth. So far ss Is known he owned no
real estate, but he bad securities which be
kept In a safe deposit vault.
Where these securities are now Is the
problem the son Is trying to solve,, but thus
far he has not found ths slightest trace of
j their hiding place.