Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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So Dsclare Railroad Officials Begarding
Wsstera Passenger Association.
rirnrr Men la Omaha Insist that
the' Central Bureaa In lndU
, ptnililf lor Ximbtr
C.Vj of Heasnas. '
Humor of the dissolution of the Western
Passenger association were heralded In
railroad circles yesterday. The reports
which come from Chicago, the association's
headquarters, state that the organization
li to be disbanded Monday.
While It Is admitted by local trafflo men
that some minor differences may exist be
tween some of the roads comprising this
association, It is not believed that the as
sociation Is to be disbanded and several
officials have positively stated that If a
dissolution Is contemplated It will not be
made Monday, for the association has a
meeting billed for the day following. A
number of local railroad representatives
will attend that meeting.
At this meeting the affairs of the asso
ciation will be gone over thoroughly and
efforts made to settle all differences, of
whatever nature, and place the association
on the most harmonious basis. It Is urged
that no serious problem, such as would
warrant the statement that the association
Is threatened with dissolution, confronts
Its members.
Talk of Disbanding;.
Since the Rock Island withdrew from the
Western Passenger association there has
'been more or less talk of Us disbanding,
kut traffic men In Omaha declare that such
talk is Idle. If for no other reason, said
tine official, the association would be held
together In order to preserve Intact the
several bureaus dependent upon It, such
a the clergy, the excursion and the mile
age bureaus.
' Like the Intermileage association, It la
maintained that the Western Passenger
association Is a permanent thing and can
not be done away with. For Instance, it
la pointed out that In making special rates
.where the lines of several roads are to be
traversed the association fills an Indispens
able office. This Is one function, It Is
urged, which only the association, aa the
central body, can profitably perform.
To abandon it, therefore, and return to
the old, complicated system, officials ear
would be utter folly. It Is very much un
like the Immigration bureau, whose disso
lution could be brought about and possibly
will be without seriously impairing the in
terests which .it was organized to take
care of.
tirovrn to Bis; Proportions.
In addition it Is argued that the Western
Passenger association has grown to exten
sive proportions, having a large plant with
2M) or 300 clerks at headquarters and a thor
ough system of operation, and it would be a
movement of far-reaching and disastrous ef
fects to abolish it. At least half a dozen
trnfflo men In Omaha were Interviewed
Thursday concerning the report, all of them
men whose roads are In the association, and
each made the same answer, that there was
no possibility of the dissolution of the asso
ciation, though some in closest touch with
the situation admitted that minor differ
ences possibly existed which would be
taken up at the meeting in Chicago Tues
day. What the nature of these differences
"were they declined to say.
rhedale (or New Acquisition.
The Burlington has arranged its schedule
to go into effect on Its new acquisition, the
Kansas City A Omaha. The tables will
show service between Alma and Sutton,
which is on the main line, and plans have
been so arranged that direct connections
will be made with east and westbound main
line trains.
The line is divided Into four sections for
purposes of convenience. From Alma to
Sutton will be the first division and its
trains will connect with those going both
ways between Denver, Chicago and Omaha.
! Another branch will extend from Sutton
to Btromsburg, another from Stroiusbtirg
'to York and FaJrbury via Falrmount. The
fourth will be from Btromsburg to York
and Chester via Falrmount.
The purpose of the company is to form
' a line through that part of the state from
north to south and to do this, of course, it
will be necessary to Incorporate the old
'line in some places. The Burlington's
I schedules will undergo considerable
I changes in that part of the atate traversed
' by this line, but it will be the purpose of
;be road to make no alterations in Its
J main line tables.
Derailing?' Rloeklna; System.
The Northwestern railroad is experiment
ing with a new derailing blocking system
with which It is designed to equip the en
tire road. The block la supposed to pre
vent tralna from entering open switches
I and colliding with cars standing on the
sidings, a character of wrecks that is very
Division Superintendent Strickland, Road
, master Walsh and other Northwestern men
gave the new devise a thorough test in the
north yards yesterday and they are emi
nently satisfied that they have struck upon
i the right system. Genera! Manager Scott
of the road at St. Paul has ordered ten of
'the blocks Installed at different placea for
preliminary uses.
The block under consideration was in
vented by an Omsha man, C. M. Mitchell,
$315 Douglas street, and a conductor on
.the Union Pacific. The block is made of
pressed or cast steel, seven-eighths of an
Inch thick, five Inches wide and thlrty-slx
Inches long, curved from ttle point which
rests on the rail and the outer edge of
'the ties about eight inches from the rail.
, The re is a one and one-fourth inch flange on
the lnalde of the block, which will lead the
trucks away from the main line. It is
secured at the outside end by a Journal
Ladles' Gingham and Percale Bun.
bonnets, lc Children's, 19c and l&c.
Ladies' Abdominal Supporters,
with l.elt. 15c.
Walking Dolls, regular price $1.
Saturday, 4oc.
Some All-over Silks that were $1
and l 5o per yard, Saturday, Sue.
1-ariKtry Face Steamers, regulsr
prl U. Baturday, $1 u.
Three styles of Belts that were
3f and 5nc, Saturday loo.
Bilk Apiiiue and Cord Dress
Ornament, for skirt or waist, reg
ular price K&c to SJ-SO each, Satur
day just half price.
Mrs. 3- Benson
which Is solid with the block and passes
through a bridge Iron, or ehair, fastened
to two ties. On the rail there is a stub
guard one and a half Inches high to raise
the wheel aa it enters the block and to
prevent any jar aa the wheel passes over it.
This block, when not in position to de
rail. Is swung out from the rail. As the
rail Is not broken, expansion or contrac
tion, dirt or snow does not affect the oper
ation of the device In any way.
The block is worked by conneetlon with
the shaft, which Is a gaspipe 110 feet long,
by a bell crank on the switch guard, thus
obviating the necessity of any extra guards.
And It may also be stated that no extra ties
are needed.
If the Northwestern adopts this system it
will put In one block to every mile of its
Railway Notes and Personals.
K. R. Orlflln, Union Farlflc general agent
at Denver, is at the local headquarters.
M. 8. Biles, general passenger agent of
the Ike Shore at Chicago, Is among the
visiting railroad men In Omaha.
Tom Hughes, traveling passenger agent
of the Missouri Pniilic In Omaha, has
started out on a trip through Nebraska
William Flannelly, traveling passenger
agent for the Southern railway, with offices
at Kansas City, is In the city on official
Oeorge M. Sargent, general agent for the
Kansas City Southern, and O. O. Vander
burg. freight furent of the I-oulsville &
Nasnville at Kansas City, are In the city.
Charles K. Styles, assistant general pas
senger agent of the Missouri Pacific at
Kansas City, Is In Omaha on official busi
ness. He will also cover the Lincoln terri
tory while up In this part of the country.
T. B. Cokerly, district passenger agent
of the Missouri, Kansas Texas at Des
Moines, and (Jeorge A. McNutt, district
passenger agent of the "Katy" at Kansas
City, are attending to business in Omaha.
City ticket agents yesterday held their
regular meeting and took up the question of
closing their offices on the Fourth of July.
A tentative decision Was made to close,
with the provision that the matter be left
subject to the action of the passenger de
partments of the several roads.
Snperb Climate.
In Colorado all the conditions of health
are met. There is a sufficient altitude to
cause lung and chest development; there is
the dry, exhilarating mountain air, with an
almost absolute absence of malaria; there
is tho tonic effect of a bracing climate,
without Its rigors; an atmosphere filled
with ozone, cool nights in summer, a
bright, sunny sky almost every day in the
year, conducive of cheerfulness and bring
ing a new pleasure every morning, con
stantly stimulating both mind and body.
To enable persons to reach these favored
localities without unnecessary expenditure
of time or money the Union Pacific has put
In effect very low rates and splendid train
service, three trains leaving Missouri river
dally for Denver, one of which is "The
Colorado Special," the finest and fastest
train In the west. Accommodations are pro
vided for all classes of passengers on these
trains, the equipment Including free re
clining chalrcara, dining cars, buffet, smok
ing cars, drawing-room sleepers and day
coaches, etc.
Full Information cheerfully furnished on
application to City Ticket Office, 1324 Far
nam street; 'phone S16.
Amusement Annonacr menta.
The many requests for another ragtlmi
concert by Huster's band at Krug park
will be gratified on next Wednesday even
ing, when another will be given. The first
of these met with such big success that
the management has decided on having a
ragtime night each wesk, which will break
the monotony of the regular series of thn
more classical music and add a distin
guishing feature to the Krug park program,
which la a good and unconflictlng idea.
The Independent Order of Foresters will
picnic at the park onSunday and pull of
their annual road race.
Commencing Sunday, the biggest program
ever seen at the favorite resort will be
presented. La Paloma, a little woman who
Is famed throughout the world for her bal
loon ascensions and parachute leaps, will
be the big high-priced attraction. . This
woman performs a serpentine dance as she
ascends and while miles above the earth.
She will give her remarkable exhibition on
Sunday, June 29, on July 4 and on Sunday,
July 6. Two other sensational features,
Walton brothers, aerial acrobats, and Beno,
king of slack mire and trapeze, will be on
the program dally.
Finest Plcnle Grounds Available.
Your attention Is called to the splendid
picnic grounds near Arlington, Neb.
Arlington Park is of ample dimensions,
nicely shaded and Masebl lakes afford op
portunity for fishing and boating. There
are refreshments and dancing pavilions,
base ball and foot ball, tennis snd croquet
grounds in fact, everything complete, and
the park la available every day in the
Societies contemplating an excursion or
a plcnio during the coming season should
Investigate. Very low ratea and ample
equipment provided to handle any sized
Call on or telephone O. F. West, C. T. A.,
Northwestern Line, 1101-1 Karnam street,
Omaha,- Neb.
Via Wabash Railroad.
$33.25. Portland, Me., and return, on aale
July 4 to t.
$31.65 Providence, R. I., and return, on
sale July 6, 7 and S.
Stopovers allowed at Niagara Falls.
Ask your nearest ticket agent to route
you via Wabash, or call at Wabash new
city office, 1601 Farnam atreet, or address
Harry K. Moores. O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb.
On July 4 the Erie Railroad will run a
special thirty-day excursion to Chautauqua
Lake. The fare from Chicago will be only
$14.00 for the round trip. Tickets will be
good on all limited tralna.
For detailed Information apply to H. L.
Purdy, Traveling Passenger Agent, Chicago.
Chicago ticket office, 243 Clark street.
Send articles or Incorporation, notlcea of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bes.
Wo will glvs them proper legal Insertion.
Bee telephone, 23$
for Sat urday
Double-Face Satin Ribbon, regu
lar price 4oc. Saturday 30c.
Sofa Pillow Cords, ity yards long,
with tassel. Saturday lie.
A II 50 White Waist, with three
fourths sleeves, open back, Satur
day bc.
Handsome Elamtne Waists, In
colors, regular price $3, Saturday
$1 7.
Ac Hat Pins. 10c.
11 oo, 75c and sue Rhinestone Side
Combs. 25c
26o Sterling Sliver Initials, atse
lV-lnch, 10c.
26c German Silver Initials, 6c.
Rumor that Packers' Field is Being Bednood
to Harrow Limits.
Hammond Shares Change Handa oa
Chicago Stork Exehanae and Re
port Raya Armoar Com
pany Is Parrhaser.
It is reported In packing circles that Ar
mour has bought into the Omaha Packing
company, thus dividing the property of the
Fowler Bros, (limited) with Swift and
Company. It was intended last May that
the Omaha Packing company be taken in by
a syndicate headed by Ira M. Cobe, which
proposed $2,000,000 preferred stock and $1.
000,000 common. For the Anglo-American
property Swift and Company paid about $3,
000,000. Since It was organized the Omaha Pack
ing company has made money and has been
much sought after by the packers. It has
an establishment here, and at Chicago It
has a fine plant outside of the stock yards,
thus being able to get Its hogs direct and
not having to pay toll to the stock yards
It Is thought to be the intention of the
big packing companies to get possession of
the smaller companies that can be bought
and narrow the field down as small as pos
sible. This would make a general consoli
dation much easier than under present cir
cumstances. At present Swift and Company
control Llbby, McNeil ft Llbby, the old
Chicago Packing company, the St. Joseph
stock yards and the Sioux City stock yards.
Armour and Swift are building at Pert
Worth, Tex., and they and Nelson Morris
control the East St. Louis stock yards.
The Hammonds and Cudahys control sev
eral plants. It Is believed that a general
consolidation will follow.
Considerable activity is apparent in pack
ing stocks among the buyers. During the
laat week several thousand shares of Ham
mond stock have been traded in Chicago,
and it was rumored that the buying was be
ing done in the Interest of Jhe Armours.
E. T. Robblns, manager of the Omaha
Packing company, stated that he had sold
some of his stock in the company, but
would not say to whom he had sold it.
At the Boyd.
"Who Was to Blame?" is the conundrum
propounded by the Ferris Stock company
for Its Thursday night change of bill- at
the Boyd. The unfolding of the bill leaves
the audience somewhat In doubt aa to the
exact Identity of the culprit, responsibility
seeming to be divided among several who
blundered In the beginning from motives of
mistaken goodness or because they lacked
the courage to face the music after press
ing the button. But the cause of the suf
fering heroine is so ably presented by Miss
Grace Hayward that her auditors were in
clined to exculpate her on the ground of
mitigating circumstances and the fact that
the statute of limitations had run against
the affair anyway. Robert Blaylock gave
the thankless part of the villain, who seeks
to turn his knowleige of the original event
to his own service eighteen years after It
had occurred and threatening to expose the
penitent heroine unless she aide him in
his little scheme to marry an heiress, such
excellent interpretation as to win several
volumes of well merited hisses. His vil
lains are decidedly villainous. Others of
the company are still doing the con
scientious work that , has made them so
popular. They are nightly receiving the
encouragement of crowded bosses.
Has Man Who Wanted Her to Go
Away with Him
Locked I'p.
Frank Robinson, a driver for an lee com
pany, was fined $50 and costs in police
court yesterday for disorderly conduct.
Robinson got in trouble because he loved a
woman who didn't love him. During the
night Robinson went to the residence of
Mrs. Nellie Moyer, 1441 South Fourteenth
street, and Insisted on her leaving her hus
band and flying away with him. This Mrs.
Moyer refused to do snd ordered Robinson
to leave the premises. Robinson then be
came enraged, threatened to kill Mra.
Moyer, and started a rough house gen
erally. The woman called the police and
he waa locked up.
Their Regular Meeting Night ia
Chanced from Saturday
to Friday.
The Sixth Ward Republican club will meet
at Its new rooms. Twenty-fourth and Bur
dette atreets, Friday night. For nearly fif
teen years this club has met on Saturday
nights and the change to Friday la not gen
erally known. The meetings, however, for
the last two weeka have been well at
tended, but several of ths older members
have been absent, still counting on Satur
day night as the regular time of meeting.
Friday night speeches will be made by E.
J. CornUh, Hugh A. Myers and Robert W.
Too Croat m wtsK.
In almost every neighborhood somsons
has died from an attack of collo or cholera
morbus, often before medicine could ie
procured or. a physician summoned. A re
liable remedy for these dlseaaea should be
kept at hand. The risk Is too great for
anyone to take. Cbamberlatn'a Collo,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has an
doubtedly aaved the lives of mors people
and relieved mors pain and suffering than
any other medicine in use. It can always
be depended upon.
' Via Rock Island System.
$31.65 Providence, R. I., and return. On
sale July I, T and 8.
$33.25 Portland, Me., and return. On aals
July 4 to 8.
Literal ruturn limits.
For further information call at or ad
dress city ticket office, 1323 Farnam street.
Omaha, Neb.
No. 4 t
Is ths train.
10:30 A. M.
Is the hour
The new
Leaves for, and
1:30 P. M.
Is the arriving
Hour at
$1 00 Is the rate.
H. L. Purdy is the Trav. Pass. Agt.
No. 405 W. V. bldg., Chicago, is bis office.
$20.25 Deadwood and return.
$17.1)0 Dak o to Hot Springs and return.
Good till October 31st.
Shampooing and aatrdresslag, l&c. at ths
Bihtryt 111-220 Bee building. TsL, Wis,
Real Eye-oueuern.
Fresh made, highly eplced, crisp and de
licious ginger snaps, 4c a pound. ,
In the candy department, main floor, we
place on sale Friday 1,000 pounds fresh,
full cream caramels, worth 30c a pound, for
15c a pound.
Key West Specals, 12 In box, only 20c.
Moth balls, per pound, 5c.
re per Napkins for picnics, 100 In pkg., Ec.
16th and Harney Sts.
The borne of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Macomber, 2019 Emmet street, was filled
with about 100 guests last evening bidden
to witness the marriage of their daughter,
Miss Maude Macomber, and Mr. Frederick
Cuscaden, which was solemnized at 8
With their decoration of spring flowers
the rooms were bowers of airy green, as
paragus ferns and white daisies being used
throughout, their simplicity contributing a
most charming feature. The decoration
was completed by numerous tall candles
with green and white flower shades.
Across the corner of the front parlor the
greenery was massed and festooned, bower
like, and beneath this the marriage service
was read by Father John Williams of St.
Barnabas' church.
The bride wore a beautiful gown of white
chiffon with trimmings of flower applique.
She was attended by 'her sister. Miss Ger
trude Macomber, Mr. Arthur Pearse act
ing as best man.
An Informal reception followed the wed
ding, one of the features being the presence
of a large party of young women from Lin
coln, fraternity girls and college mates of
the bride. Among the other out-of-town
guests were: Mr. H. W. Mscomber, Mlse
Macomber and Mrs. A. E. Whitten of Car
roll, Ia.
HASTINGS, Neb.. June 26. (Special.)
At 9 o'clock this morning at the home of
the bride's parents Rev. Thomas L. Sexton
of Seward united in marriage Miss Daisy
Anderson, daughter of J. H. Anderson of
this city, and Mr. Joseph D. Mcrse of Ho-
bart, Okla., in the presence of numerous
relatives. The groom was formerly a resi
dent of Omaha, where be read law, but is
now engaged in active practice In Okla
homa. Many beautiful decorations .of green
ery and flowers were tastily bung through
out the rooms, centering Into a canopy and a
large wedding bell, under which the words
were pronounced. A wedding breakfast of
aeveral courses followed, after which the
bridal pair departed amidst rice, streamers
and other express;. na of good will for their
future home. Miss Jessie Anderson of Sew
ard acted aa maid of honor and Mr. Alvln
F. Johnson of Omaha as best man.
. - Coshun-Whorton.
HURON, S. D.. June 26. (Special.) Ed
ward K. Coshun of Minneapolis and Miss
Mildred P. WUoftou of this city were mar
ried Wednesday afternoon. The ceremony
took place in the Congregational church In
the presence of a large number of invited
guests, Rev.. H. D. Wiard officiating. A re
ception followed the ceremony and at 8:30
o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Coshun departed for
Minneapolis, where they will be at home
at No. 1410 Second avenue, south. The
bride Is the eldest daughter of Alderman
O. D.. Wborton and wife and one of Huron's
most highly esteemed young women. The
groom Is superintendent of the business
of the Acme Harvester company at Minne
apolis and 9 former resident of this city.
. Shook-ShurtlefT.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., June 26. (Special.)
At high noon Wednesday Dr. W. E. Shook
and Miss Elizabeth Shurtleff were married,
Rev. Harvey Harmon of David City per
forming the ceremony, in the presence of
relatives and intimate friends of the con
tracting parties. The groom ia a young
physician of Auburn, while the bride has
taught In the public schools of that place
for several years. The ceremony occurred
at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. R.
8. Unland.v A five-course luncheon was
served and the bride and groom departed
for a visit in Lincoln, after which they
will be at home in Auburn.
HARTINGTON, Neb.. June 26. (Special
Telegram.) Lloyd K. Spellman and Miss
Kathryn Dlmick, both of this city, were
married laat evening at Grace Episcopal
church. Rev. Wise of South Omaha offi
ciated. Immediately after the wedding
ceremony a reception was given to the nu
merous guests at the residence of the
bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Spellman
left this morning for Denver and other
Colorado points. Mr. Spellman is of the
firm of Spork ft Spellman, druggists of
Hartlngton, and hla bride Is an accom
plished daughter of E. L. Dlmick of this
At ths residence of Mr. John E. Rogers,
at 8 o'clock yesterday evening, were mar
ried Mr. Jamea J. McAllister and Miss Min
nie E. Rogers. The ceremony that made
them one waa performed by Rev. D. K. Tln
dall. The groom Is with Armour ft Co.
of South Omaha and the bride is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rogers. A few
friends were present to witness the mar
riage and to share In the feast of good
things to eat which followed.
YORK, Neb., June 26. (Special.) At the
home of Mr. and Mrs Henry Burgess yes
terday their daughter Grace and Ford J.
Thompson of Gresham were married. Rev.
O. W. Flfer officiating. After the ceremony
a aumptuoua dinner was served. The bride
is a successful and popular teacher of York
county. The groom la a resident of
Gresham. They will make their home at
Wanted First-class engineer who thor
oughly understands steam and electrical
machinery. Address D 8, Bee.
fihamrooing and halMresstng, 25c, at ths
Bathery, 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1716.
$5,000 in GOLD
There is more than a common chance for getting it and it costs you
TICKET8. on Tuesday, July 1st. We bought them for free distribution.
Our store opens 8 A. M. and closes P. M. 10 working hours total 600
MINUTES. Ws purpose giving away a ticket EVERY MINUTE to a pur
chaser purchase large or small, lc up will meet requirements. This costs
us heaps of money and while our plan is novel it is also a triumph in tbs
art of free gift making. TH18 COSTS YOU NOTHING. These tickets will
be on sals In this city and elsewhere the same day. We expect you to make
this grand chanca of winning a fortune In gold known to your friends. The
ticket covers ths entire ground programmed by the auditorlam company In
their giving of 1.000 prizes, ths first of which Is $5,000 In gold.
It Will He laid Saturday with Ap
propriate Speeches and
Final arrangements were made yesterday
for the laying of the cornerstone of
the auditorium at 3 o'clock Saturday after
noon. Alfred Millard, who has had charge
of the preparations, reported that word
from Lincoln was to the effect that Gov
ernor Savage is still out of the state, but
would be present if bo returned in time.
General Manderson and John N. Baldwin
have promised to make addresses If they are
not called from the city before that time.
Among those who are certain to be present
are Mayor Moores, who will speak on behalf
of the city, and T. J. Mahoney, who will
speak on behalf of the board.
The cornerstone, donated by A. Sc hall A
Co., will be laid by F. E. Sanborn, president
of the Auditorium company, who has pre
pared a special ceremony for the occasion.
This ceremony will be unique and have the
merit of brevity. Cut flowers and wreaths
will cover the stone as It Is put in place.
J. R. Ihmer has prepared the articles
which will be placed in the crypt of the
stone. This includes a copy of each of the
dally papers of Omaha of January 1. 1402,
a history of the auditorium project from
Its inception to the time of the laying of
the etone, a list of the namea of the two
boards of directors who have had charge
of the work and of the advisory committee,
the names of the stockholders snd of those
present by special invitation at the corner
stone laying, the names of the city council,
the mayor and city officers, the Board of
Governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben,
the Advisory board, the library board, the
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners,
the school board, the park commissioners,
the annual report of the Young Men's Chris
tian association, the articles of association
of the Omaha Commercial club with a list
of the members of the executive committee
and its officers, a silver certificate of the
current year and a silver dollar of the
same year, the annual report of the South
Omaha Stock Yards company and Live Stock
exchange and the business cards of the
members of the auditorium board.
At the meeting of the board a letter was
read from Senator Millard expressing regret
at his Inability to be present, but he sent a
short address, which will be read. Invita
tions were ordered to be sent to Rev. M. P.
Dowling, Rev. E. F. Trefz, John A. Crelgh
ton, G. F. Swift of Chicago, P. A. Valentine,
Bishop Worthington, T. R. Kimball and
Judge Woo'.worth, as well as to the officers
of the Woman'a club, the Board of Educa
tion and to presidents and general man
agers of the railroad companies.
Mile a Minute Dash to the Seashore,
Atlantic City, Cape May and New JerseV
Coast resorts are reached over Pennsylva
nia Short Lines from Chicago via Philadel
phia. Between that city and Atlantic City
regular trains over the Pennsylvania Route
run on mile-a-tninute schedules every day,
making the time with ease. Ask H. R.
Derlng, A. G. P. Agt., J48 South Clark St.,
Chicago, about quick timo to the seashore
from Chicago and the west.
Graphophone at a Bargain.
FOR SALE Latest model type. A. Q.
combination graphophone, which plays both
large and small records; list price, $90.
This is especially designed for concert pur
poses, having a thlrty-slx Inch horn and
stand. It also Includes twenty large Edi
son records and carrying case of twenty
four records. The machine Is entirely new
and has never been used. Will aell at a
bargain. Address X 36, In care of The Bee.
Stll. Keepa It I" p.
"During a period of poor health some
time ago I got a trial bottle of DeWltt'a
Little Early Risers," says Justice of the
Peace Adam Shook of New Lisbon, Ind. "I
took them and they did me so much good
I have used them ever since." Safe, re
liable and gentle, DeWltt'a Little Early
Rlscra neither gripe nor distress, but stim
ulate the liver and promote regular and
easy action of the bowels.
One Fare to Providence, R. I., nnd
The above rate, plus $1, has been made on
account of the twelfth annual convention of
the B. Y. P. U.
Leave Omaha Monday evening, July 7.
Leave Chicago July 8 via special train for
New York. Go by steamer from New York
to Providence. Return via steamer to New
York and up the Hudson to Albany. Stop
over at Niagara Falls. Those desiring to
avail themselves of the special arrange
ments address the undersigned.
Transportation Leader Nebraska B. Y. P.
V., 2430 South 15th street, Omaha, Neb.
Greatly Redaoea Rates.
$13.50 St. Louis and return, sold June 16,
17. 21. 22.
$20.50 Portland, Me., and return from
Chicago, sold July 5 to .
$18.90 Providence, R. I., and rett'rn, from
Chicago, sold July 7, 8, 9.
All information at Wabash new city
office, 1601 Farnam, or write Harry E.
Mooes, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb.
Publish your legal notices in Tho Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thurs
day, June 2t:
Warranty Deeds.
E. VW. Homan to J. M. Talbot. lot 5.
block K, Lowe's add $ 1.200
New Hampshire Savings bank to J.
W. Lattln, lots 3 and 4. block 113,
Dundee Place 8.000
C. A. Tracy and wife to W. R. Wes
ner, lot 8, block 7, Hemls park 400
John Hons to Emellne C. IIoss, lot 65,
Windsor Place : 3.000
Cnlted Real Kstate and Trust com
pany to M. H Copeland, lot 8, block
15, Kounlw Place 1.800
J. M. Bwetnan and wife to H. A.
Black, w 33 1-3 feet lot 12. block A,
Bedford add, and other property.... 2,400
Omaha and Grant Smelting and Re
fining company to Bart Bondney,
lot i!, block 1, Mayne's add 525
Minnie D. Eyler and husband to
Amelia Honer, nV lot 8, Elisabeth
Plate 2.000
Atlantic Realty association to W. J.
Ruslund, lot 15. block 3, lienils park 450
Quit Claim Deeds.
Hopkins Place Savings bank to E. W.
Homan, lots 6 and i, block K,
Lowe's add 700
Elizabeth Bheleny to Joseph Zloch,
lot 3. block 12, 1st add to South
Omaha 1
Total amount of transfers.,
Today is Positively tho Last Day of tho
Seeley-Hove-Le Van Sale
Every dollar's worth of goods Included in this remarkable purchase will
undoubtedly be closed out tomorrow. We have made the prices so rldcul
ously low that we expect a thorough clearance. If we occupied every page of
this paper we would not be able to print every bargain. We mention but a
few, to give you an Idea how great they are.
Seeley-Howe-Le Van Co.'s $1.00 Wash Goods 25c Yard.
This lot Includes the finest white fabrics, wide and narrow. Welt Tiques, Silk
urenaaincs, Kiammes. opera Batiste, 72 inches
wide; fancy effects in plain colored Wash Goods,
Mercerized Wash Goods, Crepe de Chine, etc.,
all at per yard
Secley HoweLe Van 39c
High grade wash fabrics, open-work lace effects,
satin striped mercerized goods In
light blues, pinks, reds, greens and black at-yard
Seeley-Howe-Le Van Co.'s
A choice lot of Lawns, Dimities, Organdies, Opera
Batistes, etc., all on sale at per
Seelcy-Howe-Le Van Co,'s
To close o,ut all of Seeley-Howe-Lo Van Co.'s Silks
we offer your choice of the newest and highest
grades of Silks, In good, desirable lengths, worth
up to $1.25 yard, at per yard
Imported Dress Goods Rem
nants Worth $2 at 35c Each
High grade imported sample Dress
Goods, nearly a yard long, three
pieces to match. These are ths
finest Imported fabrics, silk and
wool novelty, fancy r '
weaveB per rem- Q
Short lengths of Silk at 80, 10c, 15c
and 25c each.
Remnant Bargains
Lawns, Mnusscllne de Sole, Dimity,
etc., in short remnants, many ln
pieces to match each w
15c Lawns, Dimities and Ba- C
tlate, In the latest-designs, yd...'5"'
15c White Goods. Including E
fine Nainsook and Lawns, yd...."V
15c Everett Classic, Chambray and
Scotch Gingham remnants, Alr-
per yard UjW
40o Mercerized Sateen, In fr
black and colors, per yard CJt
Women's $15 Tailor-Made Suits for $3.50
On ?oIa Cofurrlav These suits are all this season's styles. Watch Prl
Ull OdIC 3dlUIUdJ day B paper8 for fuU details of sale.
The Nebraska Milinery Co.'s Entire Stock
of Trimmed Hats on Sale Saturday at $1.25
We purchased from a Kentucky distillery 500 barrels of a
pure Old German Malt Whiskey. This big consignment is now
In the Omaha warehouse, and will be sold at prices that will
move it at once. This excellent whiskey Is not the ordinary
Rye or Bourbon, but was mado after the process of the old
fashioned "German Schnapps." It la rich, mellow and delicious,
and is worth not less than $5.00 per gallon, retail.
10-Gallon Package $20.00 2-Gallon Package $5.00
5-Oallon Package $1 1.OO l-Gallon Package $2.90
Cash must accompany order (P. O. Money Order Express
Order or Bank Draft.) An extra charge of 20 cents per gallon
for bottling in full quart bottles. All shipping charges prepaid
on two gallons or over.
Remittances payable to
522 N 16th St.,
We have now on exhibition one of the most extensive assortments of elegant
Silverware It has been our pleasure to cliow. In our Mirrored Cut Glass Room wu
show an elegant stock of tho newest designs and exquisite patterns. An invitation
Is cordlully given you to Inspect our goods suitable for wedding gifts.
Mawhinney & Ryan Co.,
Mall orders given careful attention. Selection packages sent to responsible parties.
Fitting Qualities
They are standard of the world, not
only In the up-to-date shapes ihey are
made In, but In the titling- iiualitles
which has done so much toward mak
ing Soroals famous the world over.
Sorosls Shoes are sold in every city
of Importance in the I'nlted Btates
also in the principal cities of Europe.
The price in any city of this country
remains tho same (3 50 always.
75 different styles now shown by us
and every one a model.
Sorosis Shoe Store
Frank Wilcox, Manager.
203 9. 15th at.
Send for new catalogue.
1 " I
6s SI
Wash Ctods 15c Yard.
15 c
25c Wash Goods 81c Yard
$1.25 Dress Silks 29c Yard-
Ribbons from the Seeley-Howe-Le
Van stock at the following extremely
low prices: 76o Ribbobs, 25c yard;
3Hc Ribbons, 15c yard; 25c Ribbons,
10c yard; 15c Ribbons, 5c yard.
Remnants Laces, Galoons. Inser
tions, Readings, worth up to 25c yard,
at 2V4c. 6c and 10c yard.
Remnants .and odd lots of Embroid
ery and Insertion, choice patterns,
worth 20c yard, on sale at, per yard
lHc, Be, 7Hc.
Remnants All-Over Laces, in white
and cream, worth 35c, at 9c.
in the Basement
25c White Goods, Including; India
Llnon, Lawns, Swiss, lace tCr
striped Lawns, etc Ivlw
10o Sllkollne, long remnants, (-
per yard
25c Imported Gingham
Remnants Table Damask, to 3
yards, at loss than half price.
Remnants of I.lnen Toweling in fr
lengths up to 24 yards, each..'''
Omaha, Neb.
Web Harness
Something new selling at
to Introduce It.
We will sell 50 sets of this har
ness at the following prices:
Single Harness, complete, $4.00.
Double Harness, complete, $8.60.
15th and Douglas Jeweler and
Art Stationers
Ona of ths best equipped of the Keeley system of institutes, tho
only Keeley Institute in Nebraska. Cures Drunkenness. Cures
Drug Users. Booklet free. Address all letters to 724 8. lta.
Home Treatment for Tobacco Habit, cost $3
The Kx-Presldent of the Omaha Drug
Trust takes exception to our atyle of ad
vertising, and In a tirade of vile verbiage
tells us thiit If we don't stop It we'll OKI
OUK NH8K TW BAKED. Now we do
not kneel at his slirlne nor be dlrtated t
by his or any other combine or nrganlsa.
tlon, bJt sIihII continue to conduct a CUT
PKICW Dhl'tJ STORK after our own Men,
and we won t donate .! .' for the nrtvllegs
either. Mere Is our list of special! not
only for Friday and Saturday but until
further notice.
ll.Ot Duffy's Malt Whiskey 72
1. ller's Malt Whlxkey Ma
t'erunu (couldn't sleight It) 67c Kromo Seiner 57a
1 IH Wine Card ul 4So
$1 i Cramer's Kidney Cure 5?o
$1.0u Temptation Tonic 1 Jo
II 00 W hitney's Nerve and Kloah BullderT&o
5"c Mull's Jrape Tonic jro
13.50 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe. .U A
26c Laxative Uromo Quinine o
26c West mall's Coldo'ds 12o
Prescription called for and delivered
without extra (barge.
Tel. T4T. S. IV. C'or. ltk a.4 C !.
(i Hi $ 1 1 u . . , , 1 f; t J r:-i.
WTel. a?! Omaha!WiriLJ
- - m i i assss . .