Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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riTE rmfAiix daily bee: vednesday,' june ift; 1002.
?iU at Mercy f Manipulators Ifore by
Discordant Bounot)..
All Cereal Line Close at Adranee,
While Big rack era Pall Togftket
In Provision and Lift Hog
Prod act.
CHICAGO. June 24-Market on the
poard of Trado were badly mixed today.
Vliereaa yesterday everything had an up
ward turn, loday earn pit wan at variance
with the othera. Manipulation seemed to
be to blame for the irregularity of anion
and the nervousness of trader. Every
lock had quirk turn, now strong, now
Weak. The gossip that one elevator had
July wheat In control; that the date
crowd had July corn cornered: that July
oat were being strongly advanced by
tnanlpulatlon and that the packing house
Intercut were artificially booming pro
vision, made the outsider fight hy of the
pits and left moat of the business! to the
professional. After the strained fluctua
tion July wheat closed a shade higher,
July corn Tdc higher, September com 4c up
tnd July oats lV,c higher. Provisions closed
: lower to 1740 higher.
Manipulative fears spread In wheat early
In the day. A fairly favorable weather
map, mall business and lower prloes in
Liverpool because of the king's Illness and
aome small selling weakened wheat a trifle
at the opening. It was only a short time,
however, untiithe talk of boosting July op
tions by a leading elevator started an up
ward turn. Prices rallied fairly on the ar
gument of depleted stocks and slow moving
iew wheat. Corn turned firm and early
reports of hard showers were predicted.
Bradatreet' gave the world's visible de
crease as 4,5oo,000 bushels the last week.
The outsider became uneasy over the jn
aettled nature of the pit and fought shy of
July stuff. After a small upturn prices
dipped again and fluctuated narrowly, but
in an unstable manner. There was almost
no short Interest In the wheat market and
the threatened collapse on July options
opened a shade to Vnc lower at 7Wf74Vic
and dipped to 74c, rallied to 74c, dipped
fgaln and closed steady, a shade higher at
4c. Local receipt were 38 cars, 6 of con
tract grade; Minneapolis and Duluth re
ported 250 cars, making a total for the
three points of 2R8 cars, against 146 last
Week and 429 a year ago. Primary receipt
were 422,000 bushels, compared with 456,004
bushel last year. Seaboard clearances In
Wheat and flour equaled 1!)2,0U0 bushel. Sea
board reported 2 Toads taken for export.
Corn was manipulated almost without
the knowledge of the crowd In the pit.
fcarly In the session September had a good
spurt, partly on bad weather and partly
on the boosting of July by the bull Inter
cats. Too much rain was reported In Iowa
and Nebraska. On the upturn September
wa sold liberally and all options slid back.
There was talk In the pit that one of the
big packers, who wa short a heavy line of
September corn, was about to try a fight
against the bull crowd In July. This
tended to keep outsider away from the
trade. July fluctuated widely between 6740
and H8c and closed strong and congested at
c higher at 67Tc. This price was danger
ously near the top figure during lastiweek's
big excitement. September old between
KWc and 60Sc, with frequent fluctuation,
and closed firm at 4c up at SOVfcc. Receipts
were liberal at 864 cars,
Oats were strong here, but not very ac
tive. There was some of same buying that
marked yesterday's upturn. Traders were
riot Inclined to let go of stuff, the cash de
mand kept up well and bad crop reports
brought upturn. The close was strong
throughout the Hat. July sold between
40T4,e and 414g and closed Ho up at the
highest figure. Receipts were liberal at
2ti1 cars.
Traders In provision seemed .to be at the
mercy of the packer today. The big In
terests, which not long since seemed to be
at outs, pulled together &alii In harmony
And In spite of fair liquidation by outsiders
at profit good advance were made. Ribs
were unloaded In large amount on the
shorts and price broke somewhat. Hog
touched the highest price for the year
7.92H and a good demand followed the In-
Cuenoe. Commission house were on the
ridge of the market. It 1 supposed that
when price decreased on the early selling
thnre was a considerable short Interest
created which was squeesed out at one
When the packers switched prices up again.
July pork sold from 818.30 to 818.12H and
back to a strong close, IKe up at IIP. 40;
September pork was switched from 818 60
down to $18.36. back to $18.70 and closed
17ttc up at $18.67. July, lard closed 24c up
at $10.67Vj and July ribs, which were pushed
down 20c to $10.66, closed 6c lower at $10.86.
Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat,
US ear; corn, 130 cars; oats, 12G cars: tiogs,
86.000 head.
The leading; futures ranged as follows:
wArtlcle. Open. High. Low. Close. Tey.
L July 74 Ri H 74 , 74H 74.;H
I Sept. 724,3' 72 71 . 72 72V
Dec. 728.73 13 ' 72 72 73
67'4(ffi 68 6714 67H 67
Sept. 6OH1&H 60H 69 60H tT4j
Dec. 465 Vi 6 46 46 46
tiJuly $7 87 87 Sl 37
bJuly 4Wt ' 41 40 .41 4
.a Sept. t 29 29 2P
bSept. 3J (JT 82 ' 32 32 329. 2
a Dec. . 32 32 81 32 31
! July 18 SO 16 40 18 12 18 40 18 25
Sept 18 60 18 70 18 36 18 67 18 60
July 10 65 10 70 10 67 19 67 10 65
i Sept. 10 70 10 70 10 60 10 72 10 70
. July 10 85 10 87 10 66 10 85 10 80
Sept. 10 75 10 80 10 60 10 77 10 80
No. J. a Old. b New-
Cash quotation were a follow:
FIXHTR Steady.dull: winter patent. $3 60
i.i u; siraignts, i.ik&; clear, 3.(xw;j.S':
prlng apeclals. $4.20; patents. $3.5O&:i.S0;
Straight. $2.9068.30.
WHEAT No. t spring, 75c; No. I red,
CORN No. t yellow. 66146670.
OATS No. 2, 44fc444c: No. I white. W
oc; ino. i wnue. wnoic.
. RYK No, 2. 68Hj6SHc.
! BARLEY Good feeding, 67c; fair to choice
malting, wnvue.
SEEDS No. 1 flag, $1.66: No. 1 north
western. $1.70; prime timothy, $5.75; clover,
contract grade. 18.26.
. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., $18.40
in.. LAni, per nw in., snort
rib sides (loose). $10,8041 10. 90. Drv aalted
shoulder (boxed). $8.60. Short clear aide
(boxed). $10.B7W11.00.
WHI8KY Baal of high wine. 21.30.
The following wer the receipt and chip
nente yesterday.
Articles. Receipt. Shipment.
Flour, bbl IK.OiiO 21 00)
Wheat, bu 42.000 181.000
Corn, bu 220,000 Mono
Oat, bu 251,000 174 ftw
Rye, bu 6O.1OO 80.000
Hurley, bu 16.000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter. market wa easy: creameries, 189?1c;
oaines ivjfg'ic. i neese, steady, Hhfflic,
Kggs, firm; fresh, 16$il6c.
annotation of the Day en Varloa
NEW YORK. June 24-FLOUR-Recelpts,
, t2,86 bbl.; exports. 12.6S5 bbla.; market
vaa quiet, but firmly held; winter straights,
I3.764i3.86; winter patents. $4 00"S410; Jilln
nesota patents. $3 Is i) 4.06; Minnesota
bakers, $3.154(3. 80; winter low grades,
i.6u3.15; winter extras, $3.1Mi3SS. Rye
flour, dull; fair to good, $i.ftxua.46; choice
to fancy, $3.6ao4.70.
CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western.
$1.32; city, $1.30; Brandy wine. $
RYB Steady; No. 2 western, 63c, f. o.
to., afloat; state, 63a4o, c. 1. f., New York
BAKLEY Nominal.
WHEAT Receipts. 32,176 bu.; exports,
87.6S8 bu.; sale; 2.670.0iiO bu. futures, 160u0
bu. spot. Spotl steady- No. 2 red, 79c,
elevator: No 2 red, 804ile, f. o. b.,
tloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 83c, f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 83c, f. o. b.,
afloat. After a weaker opening, due to
easy cable and favorable crop news,
wheat advanced sharply on a acare of July
short. Later It yielded to realising and
lost most of Its upturn. Crop new was
good except for oocaslonal reports of poor
threshing returns. The market closed easy
" at a partial Sc net decline. July, b0Hnc,
closed at 80c; September cloned. 77c;
LVcember, 78 f-167S'ic. closed at 7se.
CORN Receipt. 62.600 bu. Spot, steady;
No. 2, 68c. elevator, and 6Swc. f. o. b.,
float. At first corn was steadier on show
ers west and higher cable, but after re
flecting sales for long account It closed
with an upturn on covering. Last prices
were &ic net higher. July closed. 67Vc;
September 64&4c, closed at Mc; De
cember, 614)6ic, closed at 62c.
OATS Receipt. 126.000 bu. Spot, stronger;
No, 1. 4c; No. 2. 4c; No. 2 white, 664
toe; track, mixed western, 49ti61c: track,
western, 64&69c. Options again at tlve and
strong, advancing on wet . weather west
and a stroug cash position.
HAY Quiet; shipping, 60$65c; good to
choice, Hi6e.
HIDES Dull; Galveston, 20 to 25 lb.,
l$o; California. 21 to 25 Is., lk; Texas dry,
24 to 30 lbs., 13c.
U0aViead; sUt. rtns to cboics, 101
crop, lM23c: 1900, llWlUc; old, 20c; Pacific
coant, 1901 crop, 1822c; lH, la 16c; aid,
6U mc
I'ROVIBION" R"ef. quiet: family $15 Sfl
1 10; mess. $13 50114.00; beef ham. $21.'u
22.6i; psckot. $i4.tmt'15.o0; city extra India
mes. $24 0"tr 2R 00. Cut meats, firm; plckl"d
belllr $11.0114.00; pickled shoulder,
j8.75; pickled hams, Ill.Ooij 12.00. Lard, firm;
western steamed, $10.96; June clod at
$10.95, nominal; refined, firm; continent.
$11.10; South Anierlca, $11.60; compound,
$8.0010.(10. I'ork. firm; family, $19 7riff:0.00;
short clear, $19..W?il.75; mess, $18.60ff 19.60.
LEATHKR Quiet; acid, 2425c.
WOOL (Julet; domestic fleece. 2630c.
TALLOW Steady; city ($'2 per pkg.),
6r; country (pkg. free). 6Sc.
kick rirm; domestic, rair to extra,
4fc: Japanese, 4fyc.
BUTTER Rooelnts. 17.387 pkg.: stesdy;
state dairy, lhiazic; state creamery, 194j122c;
Imitation creamery, 1720c; factory, 159
CHEESE Receipts, 3,387 pkg.; steady;
fancy large, colored and white, 9e; fancy
small, new state full cream, colored and
white, 9r.
EQG8 Receipts, 14.5.18 pkgs.; dull; state
and Pennsylvania. 18&18c; western, 17iC
COFFEE Dull; No. 7 Rio, 5c.
MOLASSES Steady: New Orleans, 23(9
POULTRY Alive, steady; broilers, 70c;
turkevs. 12c: fowl. 13c: dressed, nulel:
broilers, 18c; fowls, 12c; turkeys, 13,14c.
METALS The London market for tin
was 1 7J 6d lower, with spot closing at
126 6s4d and futures 121 2s M. Prices on
the local market under tls Influence were
marked off about 2 points, spot closing at
328.3f.rii28.60. Conner wa dull and nominal
at New York, with tandard spot to August
at $11. 50& 11.80, lake $12.0o12.42 electroly-
tic $ll.9tK iz.12 and casting iu.9ixsiz.vo. At
London the same metal declined 6s. with
spot at 53 6s and futures at 63 10s. Lead
was stcnoy ana uncnangea nere at si.iz1
and at London at lfi6s. Spelter ruled
dull and nominal locally at 4c; the London
market also remaining a last quoted at
lH)2s6d. No departure wa made rrotn
former rate for iron at home, the tone
showing steadiness, but the market little
feature. Warrants were nominal; No. 1
foundry, northern, $21.00(822.00; No. 2 foun
dry, northern, $20.5K&21.60; No. 1 foundry,
southern, $2O.5"&',!1.60; No. 1 foundry, south
ern soft. $20.50t&'21.50. The English markets
were somewhat lower. Olaagow closed at
64s 2d and Middlesborougk at 49s 4d.
Condition of Trade and Quotations on
Staple and Fancy Produce.
EOO8 Including new 'Nn. 2 case. 14c:
cases returned, i3c.
LIVE POULTRY Chickens. Bc: dd
roosters, according to age. 45c: turkeys.
8ftllc; ducks and geese, 7c; broilers, per lb.,
BI'TTER Packing stock. 16c: choice
dairy, In tubs ixiai9e; separator, 2223c.
crapples, 10c; herring, 6c; pickerel, 9c; pike,
lie; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh,
6c; blueflns, 8c; whlteflsh, 11c; catfish, 13c;
black bass 18c; halibut, 11c; salmon, nc:
haddock, lie; codfleh, 12c; red snapper, 10c;
roe shad. each. 75c: shad roe. per pair.
S6c; split shad, per lb., 10c; lobsters, boiled,
per lb.. Zftc; loosters, green, per 10., zac.
PIGEONS Live, tier dos., 75c.
VEAI Choice, 6S8c.
CORN 69c.
OATS 48c.
BRAN Per ton. $15.
HAY Prices nuoted bv Omaha Wholesale
Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay. No.
1 upland, w. No. 1 medium,; no. 1
coarse, $7. Rye straw, $5.50. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair. Receipts light.
CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per dos..
NEW CELERY Kalamasoo, 30c.
POTATOES Northern. 40S50C2 new po
tatoes, per bu., 66W75C.
GREEN on ions per aoi., accoraing to
slse of bunches, 1520c.
ASPARAGUS Home grown, per dog., 60
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, pep aos., W
LETTUCE Hothouse, per dog., 250.
FAR8LEY Per dos., 303F,c.
RADISHES Per do., 2026c.
WAX BEANS Home grown, per market
basket, 60Q60c; string beans, per market
basket, KtfifiOc.
RHUBARB Home grown, per lb., lc
CAUBAGE California or home-grown,
new, liSc.
ONIONS New California, In sacks, per
lb., 2c.
' TOMATOES Texas, per 4-basket crate,
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 22.
APRICOTS-Callfornla, tl.5091.6O.
PEACHES California, tl.40fjrl.fi0.
PLUMS California, per 4-basket crates,
STRAWBERRIES Colorado, per 24-qt.
case, $3.60.
CHERRIES California, per box, 11.50;
home-grown, per 24-qt. case, $2.0O2.25.
OOOSEBERRIES-Per 24-qt. case, $2.
PINEAPPLES Florida, 30 to 36 count, $4.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to slse,
ORANGES Valencia. $4 755.00; Medi
terranean sweets, $4.004.25.
LEMONS Fancy, $d.0O5.5O; Messlnas,
HONEY Per 24-sectlon case, $2.753.0O.
CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3.26; New
York, $3.60.
POPCORN Per lb., 6c; shelled. 6c.
NUTS-Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.,
12c; hard sliell, per lb., llc;' No. 2 soft
shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 9c; Brazils, per
lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft
shell, 16c; hard shell, 16c; pecans, large, per
lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoanuts, per sack,
HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green,
6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c:
No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal
calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 8&12c; sheep
pelts, 75c; horse hides, $1.6O&2.60.
OLD METALS A. B. Alpern Quotes the
following prices: Iron, country mixed, per
ton, $10; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $7.50;
copper per lb., 8C; brass, heavy, per lb.,
8c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb.,
"6c; cine, per lb., ic; rubber, per lb., 6c.
St. Louis Orwln and Provision.
ST. LOUI8. June 24. WHEAT Higher j
No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 71c; track, '8
foTOc : old. 78c: September. 70c: July.
71c; No. 2 hard, 7475c.
CORN Higher; No. 2 cash. 6c; trsck.
63ig4c; July, 64i&64c; September, 56
4i56c v 1
OATS-Higher-No. 2 cash, 44c; track,
45ft-46c; July. 33c; September, 28c; No. 3
White. 49$49c.
FLOUR Firm: red winter patents, $3.60
$.70; extra fancy and straight, $3.30(83.40;
clear, $3.O0tn3.2O.
SEED Timothy, steady, $5 for ordinary,
with prime worth more.
CORNMEAL Steady, $3.16.
BRAN About steady; sacked, east track,
HAY Dull; timothy, $10.0O14.00; prairie,
WHISKY Steady, 1.80.
IRON COTTON TIES Steady, $1.05.
BAGGING Steady. 6Vs6c.
HEMP TWINE Steady, 9c.
PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, old,
$18.66; new, $18.95. Lard, steady, $10.40. Dry
salt meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts,
11. .l . iv.- til I9ii . 1 ... at 1
All, . . U 1 . T A ' I I .1 ... . ilCHI, fll.W.
Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts,
$11.87 ; clear ribs, $11.12.
RYE Steady at 58c.
METAI.S Lead, firm at $t.953.97.
Spelter, firm at $4.70.
POULTRY Slow: chickens. 10c; springs,
16$)2oc; turkeys, 8c; ducks, tc; geis,
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 18622r;
dairy. 17(&18c.
EGGS Lower, 16c, loss off. -
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbl w.ooe 10.000
Wheat, bu 30.(I0 88,000
Corn, bu,. 33.0U0 14.000
Oats, -bu 32.000 19,000
Kansas City Grain and Previsions.
KANSA8 CITY, Juqe 24 WHEAT-July.
(6i66c; September. 67c; cash. No. 2
hard. 71c; No 3. Wc; So. 2 red. 72c;
No. 3, Tic; No. 2 spring, 7071c.
mDU Tutu UV.ittrfL... tAnrmtuP
rash. No. 2 mixed, 62c; No. 2 white,' 64j
oc; No. 3, K(((jtdc.
OATS-No. 2 white, 48c.
RYE No. 2, 66c.
HAY-Choice timothy. $11.7512.00; choice
prairie. tamKjJlO.00.
BUTTER Creamery, 184; fancy dairy,
EGGS Steady, 14c dos., loss off, cases re
turned. Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 63.200 13.600
Corn, bu M.OnO 12.400
Oats, bu 13,000 U.UuO
Minneapolis Wheat, Flour and Hran.
76i)70c; September, 70i70c; on track.
No. 1 hard, 79; No. 1 northern, 77c; No. 2
northern. 74c.
FLOUR First patents. 14.0004.10: second
patents. $3 7U423.SO; first clears, $3.86; second
Clears, ri B.
URANIn bulk. $13.004513.20,
Dnlntn Grain Market.
DULUTH. June 24.-WHEAT-Cash, No. 1
hard, 7xc: No. 2 northern. 76c; No. 1
northern. 76c; September, 72c.
' OATS-Cah. 46c..
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Firm, good demand; extra western cream
ery. 3c; extra nearby prints. 24c.
EGGS Market alo lower; fresh nearby.
17c, loss off; fresh western. 17fr18c, los
off; fresh southwestern, 17c, loss off: fresh
Southern, 16c. lone off.
CHEESE Steady; New York full cream,
prime small. 10fo14c; New York full
creams, fair to good, 91fl0c.
Liverpool nrnin Market..
Firm; No. 1 northern spring. 6s 2d. Futures:
Firm; July, 6s lld: September, 6s 2d.
CORN Spot: yulet; American mixed,
new, 6s; old, 6s 9d. Futures:, yulet; July,
nominal; September, 6s 2d; October, 6s
PEAS Canadian, steady, 6s 9d.
FLOUR St. Louis tancy winter, firm at
8s 9d.
HOPS At Ixndon (Pacific coast), firm
at 4 15s35 Ks. .
PROVISIONS-Beef, quiet; extra India
mess, 100s. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16
lbs., strong, 67j. Bacon, firm; Cumberland
cut, 26 to 30 lbs., ts; short ribs, 16 to 24
lbs., firm, 67s; long clear middles, light,
strong, 28 to 34 lbs., 67s; long clear middles,
heavy, 36 to 40 lbs., strong, 66s 6d; short
clear backs, 18 to 20 lbs., 6fis; clear bellies,
14 to 16 lb., strong, 67s. Shoulders, square,
11 to 13 lb., strong. 4.1s. Lard, American
refined, In palls, firm, strong, 53s 6d; prime
western, in tierces, strong, t4. Pork, firm;
prime mess western, firm, 78s 6d.
CHEESE Steady, American, finest white,
old, 66s; American, finest white, new,
steady, 49s 6d; American, finest colored, old,
no stock; American, finest colored, new,
steady, 49a 6d.
TALLOW Prime city, steady, s 3d;
Australian, In London, dull, 44 3d.
BUTTER Nominal.
Receipt of wheat during the last three
days, 229,000 centals. Including 144,000 Amer
ican. Receipt of American corn during the last
three days, none.
Weather fine. v
Change la Available Supplies.
NEW YORK. June 24. Special cable and
telegraphic communications to Bradstreet'a
how the following change In available
upply a compared with last account:
WHEAT United State and Canada, east
of the Rockies, decreased 3.059,000 bu. ; afloat
for and In Europe, decreased 1,4ih),000 bu.;
total supply, decreased 4.459,000 bu.
CORN United States and Canada, east
of the Rockies, decreased '46,000 bu.
OATS United States and Canada, east of
the Rockies, decreased 356,000 bu.
Among the more Important decrease re
ported this week are those of 200,000 bu. In
Manitoba, 181,000 bu. at Chicago private ele
vators, 146.000 bu. at Depot Harbor, 107,000
bu. at Coteau, 69.000 bu. at St. Joseph and
66,000 bu. at Omaha.
The leading increases are those of 101,000
bu. at Dallas and 80,000 bu. at Newport
News, and 60,000 bu. at Fort Worth.
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOLEDO, June 24. WHEAT Active,
firm; cash, 78c; June, 78c; July, 76c;
September, 75c.
CORN Dull, firm; cash, 64c; July, 63c;
September, 60c; December, 46c.
OATS-Actlve, strong; cash, 45c; July,
28c; new, 42c; September, 30c; new, 33c.
SEED Clover, dull, firm; cash, $6.10; Oc
tober, $5.15.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
Steady; No. 1 northern, 7879c; No. 2
northern, 77378c; July, 74c.
RYE Dull: No. 1, 67c. .
BARLEY Steady j No. 2, 7171c;
sample, 65'70c.
CORN-July, 66c
Kin;' Illness Start Prices Tumbling;,
but Good Support Follows.
NEW YORK, June 24. The official an
nouncement of the serious Illness of the
king of England and the decision to post-
fione the coronation indefinitely was an
nevltable shock to the securities market of
the world.
The New York market, however, met tho
chock with great equanimity and the vigor
ous supporting orders placed In the market
by the speculative parties which havo con
stituted themselves the guardians of tho
market soon checked the downward swing
of prices with which the trading began.
London was quite an active seller at the
higher. level maintained here, but this soil
ing was well absorbed and pretty general
recoveries effected within the first hour of
trading. With the unfavorable effect of the
English news thus apparently overcome It
la difficult to aay how far the normal condi
tion of the market was restored and the
subsequent evidences of weakness might b
due to Independent cause.
Undoubtedly the considerable liquidation
In Amalgamated Copper and Colorado Fuel
had an unsettling effect on the whole list.
Thla Belling clearly wa due to causes quite
Independent of the life or death of the
king of England. Maneuver by a profea
alonal bear party were added" to other
cause for the weakness of these stock. --Apprehensions
of an unfavorable turn tn
the copper trade helped the weakness of
Amalgamated and the Internal dissension
over the dividend policy aggravated the
weakness of Colorado - Fuel. These ?tock
rallied smartly and were not much effected
by the final weakness ot the market.
Renewed apprehension of the outcome of
King Edward's Illness, accompanied by late
reaction following the favorable reports of
the operation which helped to rally the
market, but a more confident feeling grw
from the gold exports which seemed to
have more effect than direct sales of stock.
The stock exchange rate Is moving to
ward the gold export rate, but It Is ex
pected the actual movement would be de
ferred to July. Today's movement, how
ever, participated a withdrawal of credit
from London and transferred that pressure
from London to New York. As a conse
quence It la generally expected that gold
will go out by Thursday's steamer or on
Saturday of this week. The effeot 011 the
expanded credits In this market ind thi
narrow reserve resources Is awaited with
some anxiety.
The weekly crop bulletin and the back
ward condition of the corn crop Indicated
was a depressing factor In the late deal
ings. The strength of Reading was accom
panied by reports of breaks In the ranks of
the strikers at Nantlcoke, Pa. The market
closed dull and heavy.
Total sales, par value, $3 275.000. TTnl'ed
States bonds were all unchanged on the
last call.
The following are tf.t closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
Atchison "4
do td pfd
. 6
. it
. 3
do pfd
Bt. L. Southw.
Baltimore ft 0 106
do pfd
do sld
St. Paul
Canadian Pacific ....112
Canada 8o
Chee. ft Ohio 44
Chicago ft Alton 17
do pfd.
Pacific M
So. Rallwar
. 36
. 10
. It
. 18
.. !
,. 44
.. II
.. 16
.. M
,. 46
.. 3
.. II
.. m
.. 131
.. 60
.. 47
.. M
.. 18
. .308
'.! ii"
.. 71
..76 .
.. 48
.. II
.. M
.. 40
.. 45
.. 6
.. 17
.. 71
.. 81
.. 16
..' 81
.. 13
.. 83
.. 14
.. 14
do pfd
do Did "
Taxaa A Pacific...
Chicago, lnd. ft L... 14
Union Faclflo
do pta ea
do pfd
Chicago ft III....1M
Chicago ft O. W
do pfd
do lat pta
do td ptd 47
Wheeling ALE
do Id pfd
Wla. Central
do pfd
Adama Ex
American Ex
t'ntted State Eg
Wella-Pargo Ex..
Amal. Copper ....
Amer. Car ft P..
do pfd..'.
Amer. Lin. Oil...
do pfd
Amer. 8. ft B...
do pfd
Chlcsso ft N. W....14I
C. R. I. A f lte
Chicago Ter. ft Tr.. to
de pfd m
C. C. C. ft St. 1.....10I
Colorado 8o
da 1st pfd
do Id pfd ,
Del. ft Hudeen.,..
11. L. ft W
Denver ft R. O..
do ptd.. -...... i
do lt pfd
do td pfd
Oreet Nor. pfd...
Hocking Valley .
do pfd
Illlnola Central .
Iowa Contra! ....
do pfd
Lake Kris ft W.,
do pfd
V ft N
Manhattan L
.. 74
.. 41
.. 41
.. M
" I? I
Anae. Mining Co.
oroosira n. t.
..IK Colo. Fuel ft Iron.
,,, at Con. Oaa
,.. tl Con. Tobacco pfd..
,..164 Oes. Electrlo
... 48 Hocking Coal
,.. 86 Inter. Paper ......
,,. 63 do pfd
,..126 Inter. Power
...136 Laclede Uaa
110'V National Blerott ..
148 National Lead
1714 No. American . ...
18iPaclfic Coaat
..114 I Pacific Mall ,
Met. 81. Ry...
Met. Central ..
Mex. National
Minn, ft St. L,
Mo. Paclfte ....
M.. K. ft T...
do pfd
N. 1. Central
N. T. Central
..l...l7lPeople'a Oaa
Preaaed 8. Car..
do pfd
Republic Steel ..
do pfd
LNnrfulk ft W,.
. i Sugar
. tl iTcnn. Coal ft 1.,
. II Union bag ft p.,
.160", do pfd
. an U. 8. Leather ..
uo piu
Ontario ft W. .
Penaevlvanla .
do lat pfd
.......... - -
r::::'.::; $!
83V do pfd ,
t,TJ. 8. Rubber ..
do M pfd
Bt. L ft S.
do ptd
da lat ptd
1 -.. '
' London Stock Slarecl.
LONDON. June 24 4 p. m. Closing:
Consols tor money. M lI-16iNorfolk ft Westers.. S7
do account 861 do pfd 83
Anaconda 6 Ontario ft Weatarn.. 83
Atrhlaon 83 Pennarlvanla 77
do pfd 103 Reading 13
Baltimore ft Ohio luHj do lat pfd 41
Canadian Pacific. .... .1171 do Id pfd IF,
Cheeepeafce A Ohio.. 47Southern Rallwar 1C
rtii-o o. W 3014 do nfd.
Cklcago, M. ft Bt. P. 17 Southern Pacific..
. 81
Denver ft R. O
41 Itnloa Pacific.
do ptd....,
86 I do pfd
17. United 8tates Steel
. 18
. 11
. IV
da lat pfd
do Id pfd 61
Illlnola Central 10
Loulavllle ft N Ill
Mlaaourl, K. ft T ... 17
do pfd 8
Nw Vnrk r tilr-1 111
da pfd
do pfd
Spanlak 4a ,
tUnd Mlneo.
UeBeera. deferred..
BAR SILVER-Steady at 24 16d per
MONEY 26 per cent. The rate of
discount tn the open market for bpth ahprt
ana in re montns diiis is i.- per cent,
Beak Clearing.
OMAHA. June $4. Bank clearing today.
slim a w; eorreponning day last year
$Xv.7SeM; Increase, $48,743.34.
CHICAGO. Jon 24.-CleariDg. $25,r 0,864,
balances, $1, 794,620; posted exchange, $4.86
for sixty days. $4.8& for demand; New
York exchange, Joe premium bid. 4ic asked.
NEW YOKK. June 24. Clearings, $216,
$r,3,F?; balances, $12,998,638.
BOSTON, June 24. Clearings, $20,685,631;
balance, $1,592..S.S2.
BALTIMORE. June 24 Clearing. $4,775.
884; balances $78 R29; money, 6 per cent.
PHILADELPHIA. June 24 Clearings,
$19.79S.2ti2; balances, $2,250,352; money, 4&4
CINC INNATI. June 24 -Clearing. $3.H!0.
800; money, 36 per tent; New York ex
change, 25300 premium.
ST. LOU 18, June 24 Clearing, $8,920,669;
balances. $1,056,974; money, steady, f(i6 per
cent; New York exchange, 30c premium.
New York Money Mnrket.
NEW YORK, June 24.-MONEY-On call,
steady at 23 per cent; closing offered at
2 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4tri
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $4.87
for demand and at $4 85 for sixty days;
posted rates, $4.864.86 and $4.88; com
mercial bills, $4.84Sti4.8.").
SILVER Bar, 63c; Mexican dollars, 42c
BONDS Government, steady; state. In
active; railroad. Irregular.
The closing quotations on bonds are a
V. 8. ret. is, rf...l07L. & N. unl. 4.
. 4414
do coupon
Mex. Central 4a....
do 3a, ref.
do cou,pon
do new 4s,
do coupon
.1U7' do la Ino SI
, .iut Minn, ar St. 1. 4a... n
..136 M , K. T. 4s 100
..136 do la 14
..l;4 N. T. Cantral la. .,..14
..llo;, do (enarl IV4.,....l"e
..IDS N. i. C. gen. ts 13t
. .105 no. Pacific 4a toft
..lift do la It
I1I N. A W. con. 4a. .1011-1
..loit Reading gen. 4a too
.. MBt L at I M e. Ss....loS4,
..It 1st. L. A 8 r. 4s. ..100
..10Vst. L. S. W. la n
do la V
.. hi S A A- A. P. 4a tOV
do old 4a, res....
do coupon .......
do 6a, rf
do coupon
Atrhlaon gn. 4a...
do ad). 4a
Baltimore & O. 4a
do gifca
do conv. 4s
Canada 80. 2a
Central ot Oa. (a..
do la Inc
Thee. A Ohio 4a..,10H so. Pacific 4a II
Chicago A A. ie... assign. Rallwar 6a 1H
C, U. A Q. n. 4a.... tav,
C, M ft St P g. 4i.. 111,
C. ft N. W. Con. 7e..lS
C, R. I. ft P. 4a.... U!1
C C C ft Bt L g. 4a. 101
Chicago Ter. 4a 0
Colorado 80. fa U
Denver A R. o. 4a.. 103
Brie prior Men 4a....lul
Texas ft Pac. la.. ..lit1
T , St. LAW. 4l.. J
Union Pacific 4a lot
do conr. 4a 107
Wahaeh la UH
do ta Ill
do deb. B 71
Went Shore 4a 116
W. ft L E. 4a at
Wia. Central 4a 13
00 general 4a ftl
P. W. ft p. c. la... 113 Con. Tobacco 4a M
Hocking Valley 4e..U0vi
, Boston Stock Quotations,
BOSTON, June 24. Call loans, 3i34 per
cent; time loans, 4ig6 per cent. Official
closing of stocks and bonds:
Atrhlaon 4a
.. II
.. 80
.. 80
Allouet IK
itaa la
Amalgamated 48
Mex. Central 4a..
Bingham II
Calumet ft Heels. ,.M0
N. E. O. ft C...
.. 17
do pfd
Copper Range Con... 62
Bnftton ft Albany
Dominion Coal
. 10
. II
. 40
. II
. II
. 86
. 11
. II
. to
Uoaton ft Me.
lale Korale
Mohawk ,
OJd Dominion ...
Parrot ,
Santa Fe Copper
Tamarack ,
N. Y.. N. H. ft H...I2
Fltchburg pfd.
Union Pacific ..
Mex. Central ..
American Sugar
do pfd
American T. A T....17S
Dominion I. ft 8 82
uen. uiecinc
...806 ITrlmountaln
Maae. Electric
42 Trinity
N. E .O. ft c 1 UnRed Btates ...
United Fruit Ill Utah ,
U. 8. Steel I7lvictorla
do pfd 88 Pair West
weetingnouse com... .104 wolverine
Adventure .......
, tl United Copper II
Jiew York M lit Ins Quotation.
NEW YORK. June 24. The following- are
the closing price on mining stocks:
Adama Con
.. 10
.. 40
.. 60
Little Chief ...
... 11
... 16
... ( '
... 10
... 46
Brunawlck Con...
Comatock Tunnel
Con. Cal. ft Vs..
.. 61
Deadwood Terra loo
Sierra Nevada .
Small Hopes ..
Horn Silver 136
Iron Sliver 77
Leadvllle Con (
Foreign Financial.
LONDON. June 24. The amount of hnl.
lion taken Into the Bank of England on
balances today wa 110,000. The sum of
4310,ouo was withdrawn for ahlpment to
South America. Gold premium are quoted
at 131.10 at Buenos Ayree, 26.92 at Madrid,
28 at Lisbon and 1.36 at Rome. There wa
considerable pressure In the money market
today notwithstanding a further borrowing
from the Bank of England and a renewal
of all previous loans owing to stock-exchange
requirements for the payment of
treasury bills tomorrow and the half-year
end. Operators on the Stock exchange
were mainly concerned with the week-end
account. Business tvas soon almost at a
standstill while awaiting the effect of the
king's Illness from the colonies and the
continent. . Many member were away from
tne exenange owing to the anticipated
holidays on the exchange June 26, 27 and
28, which, stand as prearranged. Consoli
were flat. Americans were erratic, weak
ened somewhat and then remained stag
nant. Business at the close was generally
quiet and there was no Inclination to en
gage in transactions, owing to the un
easiness regarding the king's health.
PARIS, June 24. At the opening of the
bourse today the official list was havy.
Kaffirs were supported. Later, on receipt
of London advices of the postponement of
the coronation, selling orders were received
and Kaffirs especially suffered greatly. To
ward the close Kaffirs Improved. Other
securities were Irregular. In foreigners
there were numerous realisations. Thorn-son-Houstons
were firm. Industrials were
weaker. Rio tlntos were flat. The private
rate of discount was 2 9-16 per cent. Three
per cent rentes were lOlf 62c for the ac
count. Exchange on London was Sof ISO
for checks. Spanish 4s closed at 81.40.
BERLIN, June 24. Exchange on London,
20m 46pfgs for checks. The rate of dis
count for short bill 1 1 per cent and for
three months' bill 2 per cent. Business
wa generally dull on the bourse today and
this state of affairs was accentuated when
the postponement of the coronation of King
Edward was announced. Austrian became
weak on rumor that Austria-Hungary in
tended to cancel Its commercial treaties.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON. June 24. Todsv's state.
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold
reserve In the division of redemption.
shows: Available cash balance, $202,361,547;
gold, xyy.yay.BcZ).
.' Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. June 24-COTTON-flnot
closed steady; middling uplands, 9c; mid
dling gulf, 9c; sales, none. Futures,
steady; June. 8.86c; July, 8.67c: August,
8.38c; September. 8.03c; October, 7.82c; No
vember, 7.85c; December, 7.86c; January,
7.86c; February. 7.86c; March, 7.89c.
Steady 9 l-16c
fair demand; prices l-16d .higher; American
middling fair, 6d; good middling, 6d;
middling, 6d: low middling, 4 29-S2d; good
ordinary, 4 25-324; ordinary, 4 17-2d. The
sales of the day were 10.000 bales, ot which
1,500 were for speculation and export and
included American. Receipts. 4.008
bales. Including 8,2ti0 American. Future
opened steady and closed quiet; American
middling, g. o c, June, 4 61-64fj4 52-64d, sell
er; June and July, 4 49-64014 60-64d, value;
July and August, 4 47-64ir4 48-64d. buyer;
August and September. 4 40-64$4 41-64d, buy
er; September and October. 4 30-64t&4 31-64d,
sellers; uc toner and NovctnUcr. 4 23-6447
4 24-64d, sellers; November and December,
4 20-64d, buyers; December and January,
4 19-641. sellers; January and February.
4 18-A47)4 19-64d, sellers.
ST. LOCIS. June 24. COTTON Firm
middling, 8 15-16c; sales, 2.971 bales; receipts.
4o oaiee; ttmpmenis, zou oaies; stoca, 31,704
market very steady; salei, 1.501) bales;
ordinary, 7 9-16c; good ordinary, 81-lc; low
middling. 8 9-16c: middling, 9c; good mid
dling 9 3-16c; fair. Hc; receipts, 32 bales;
stock. 103.2S7 bales.- Futures, steady: June,
8 90c. bid; July, 8.94c, bid; August, 8 16178 44c;
September, 8 01fi8.O2e; Octnber. 7.7"7 Sfic;
November. 7.71S7.72c; December, 7.717.72c;
January, 7.73ig7.74c.
Oil and Rosin.
OIL CITY. Pa.. June 24.-OTL Credit bal
ances. $1 20; certificates, no bid; shipments.
104.748 bbis. ; average, 91.422 bbls. ; runs. r2,417
bls.: average. 75.848 bbla.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. June 24 OIL Turpen
tine, nrm 47c. Hoaln. firm: A. B. j
and E. $1 2S; F. $1.36; O. $1.40; H. 11.70; T
$2.06: K, $2 55; M, $3.06; N, $3.40; W. O., $3.45;
W. W.. $3 60.
NEW YORK. June 24-OIL-Cottonseed.
steady. Petroleum, steady. Turpentine,
dull. 4K.ift-tc.
TOLEDO. June 24 OIL North Lima, 88c:
Smith Lima and Indiana. 83c.
LIVERPOOL, June 24. OIL-Turpentlne,
spirits, steady. S7s 6d.
LONDON. June 24 OIL Linseed, 0s d.
Turpentine spirits. 36.
Evaporated Apiplea and Dried fruit.
APPLES October and November delivery
are attracting some attention on the has
ot binc for prim fruit. Spots are In
moderate sunnlv and are steadily hlA
around recent nrtcea. Common to good are
ciuoted at 7S9c prime at 10c, choice at
loi-ifiioa.c end fancv at lie.
ate request continues. Prunes occupy a
tolerably firm position at ;4i6c for all
srades. with the Israrer slges In most e.
tlve demand. Apricot are unchanged, quo
tations holding at WSffltc. boxed, and "'
to 12c In bags. Peaches are steady bur quiet,
with the neeled fruit priced at 12jlGc and
the unpeeled at lj10c
Bef SUen 811 at the Highest Price on
Record Oowi Bell Stronger.
Good Cows and Heifers Stronger and
Stock Cuttle tnchanged Prices on
keep Wenk nnd Lower, wltk
Liberal Number on Male.
Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 1,337 5,a74 6 6
Official Tuesday 2.2n5 13,136 6.581
Two nnvi thle vm-aaV s avi 1 sin u lid
Same day last week.... 6,414 16.S.I 8 6J1
Same week bffore 6.164 19.4.0 ii.743
Same three weeks ago.. 6.52i 21,998 44 3
kia.i.o nj m tna 70111 .... ,iKf V.Ol .OV1
ni toiiowing igoie snow tne receipi 01
cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha for
year to date, and comparisons with lust
1QTI9 1QA1 Tnn
Cattle 3&8.708 331.445 27,3 !
Hogs 1,289,108 1,1W.7:)4 it 5,314
The following table snow the avcrag
price of hog sold on the South Omaha
market the last several days, with com
parisons with lormer years;
Date. 1902. 1901.1900.!ia9.1893.1897.1896.
June 1..
June $..
June 1...
June 4..
June I..,
June 6..,
Juns 7..,
June ..
Juns I...
Jjne 10.
June 11.
June 12.,
June 13.
June 14.,
June 16.,
June 16.,
June 17..
June 18..
June 19..
June 20.,
June 21.,
June 22.,
June 23.,
June 24.,
t 701 4 $81
I tOi
8 681
t 691
4 21
4 12
4 031
a a 8$
a S2 a 5
a 3i a 86
a 32 I 2 87
V 07
4 U
5 70
6 72
7 16
7 20
7 16
4 101
i 70f
4 $1
4 94
4 01
a si a 9
$ 76
I 78
6 84
6 91
8 68
$ 41
a oi
1 SO a
7 18
7 26
4 95
I 02
6 10
6 00
I t.8
t (7
a 92
3 93
a 86,
3 3l a 0$
a 21 3 04
a 59i
3 271 2
7 86
a 24
2 91
I u
8 64
3 60
$ 64
$ 62
a si
3 291
a 32
3 22
3 18,
3 21
a is
7 36
7 311
7 24
6 86,
6 81 1
6 86
4 80
a 71
$ 79
a 77
a 03
2 98
4 86
4 89
5 83
4 95
6 03
a 9uj
a 10
1 l
7 26
7 34
7 41;
7 43
3 63
I tui
a 08
a 10
8 02
a so
6 92
6 06
1 64
6 90
4 94
3 71
8 69
1 65
3 63
8 62
a 80
2 95
5 91
4 93
a si
3 72
a i5
5 89
5 93
S 00
8 02
7 69
6 13
2 72!
a 23
3 06
a a; a 26; a oo
Indicate Sunday.
The following list shows the number ot
cars or feeders shipped to the country yes
terday and their destination:
T. S. Weldham, Winslde, Neb.-M. & O.... 1
J O. Blller. Hartlnaton. Neb. M. O . 1
W. A. Bowker, Hartlngton, Neb.-M. & O. 1
xnos. Huiuvan, uowa tenter, iseo. r . m. i
P. Burk, Maxwell, Neb. U. P 1
Reed Bros.. Montelth, la. h. 1 1
William Wallace. Grlswo d. la J a
George O. Arman, Clarinda, la. sj 1
The official number ot cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
C, M. A St. P. Ry 1 17
Wabash Ry 4
Missouri Pacific Rv 6 8 .. ..
Union Pacific system... 17 80 14 6
C. ft N. W. Ry 4 18
F., E. M. V. R. R.... 22 35 U
C, St. P M. ft O. Ry.. 6 28
B. ft M. R. Ry 16 17 .. 1
c, b. ft q. Ry a a
K. C. ft St. J. Ry 14
C, R. 1. ft P., east 6 27
C, R. I. ft P., west 3
Illinois Central Ry 1 2
Total receipts 94
The disDosition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co....
Swift and Company....
Cudahy Packing Co....
Armour ft Co
Omaha P. Co., K. C...
Cudahy, Kanaaa City.
Swift, Kansas City
Hammond Packing Co.
R. Becker ft Degan o
Carey ft Benton 16
Lobman ft Co 19
Hill ft Huntxlnger.. 37
Huston ft Co 1
Livingstone A Schaller.
Hamilton ft Rothschild.
L. F. Huss
H. L. Dennis ft Co. ......
B. F. Hobblck
Other buyers
Totals 2,341 13,118 6,109
CATTLE While the run was only mod
erate the supply Included several lots of
very decent beef steers. The market was
satisfactory to sellers and an early clear-
nee was made.
Beef steers made up a fair portion of the
receipts and In the run were some very
decent, dry lot beeves. Packers were not
out early after supplies and under active
competition prices ruled fully a dime higher
on loppy grades. A string oi gooa Deeves
sold at $7.65, a record price for the market,
and other desirable bunches went at $7.4iXa
7.60. Short fed stock and grass beef sold
to fill In at steady figures. The market
was active throughout.
The cow market did not snow any ma
terial change from yesterday. A strong
market prevailed on good fat cows and
heifers and decent lots sold freely. Qraasy
lota, while selling fairly active, showed
no Improvement In price from that of the
last few days. The same conditions pre
vailed in the market for bulls, stags and
veal calves. Stock suitable for the block
sold freely at steady to strong figures and
thin' stuff was more or less neglected.
very little change la noted in tne market
for stock cattle from day to day. Fleshy
feeders are quotably unchanged, while val
ues on tm.l feeders ana ugnt stock cattle
are going lower from day to day. Repre
sentative sales:
Ne. At. ft.
4 BI 18
j I0 s 16
4,' 781 It!
1 180 I 16
1 706 I 86
180 $ 40
1 1080 4 It
1 1084 6 60
1 711 80
14 Ml 6 OS
I ion I n
4 Ml I IS
II 1087 6 86
1 810 8 00
II 104 II
11 804 III
I IT 40
6 HO I H
88 1081 6 40
(0 1104 4
U 1041 80
1 Ill 6 M
4 818 4 00
4 16
4 86
4 0
t to
1 to
t 00
T 00
1 to
1 16 .
t It
7 16
1 It
t St
1 10
t St
T to
1 4
1 46
T 46
I 66
I 46
$ to
1 M
t M
I 10
$ It
I 80
I 86
I 10
4 00
4 to
4 0O
4 00
4 10
4 10
4 It
4 M
4 46
4 to
4 80
4 It
4 88
4 tt
4 80
4 10
6 oo
I 00
I to
I 10
I 16
6 40
t 40
I 40
6 10
I. 1180
40 1177
.... 871
.. M4
.. 170
... K
... M
... Ill
... HI
... 840
... Ml
... NO
... II
... 868
... 844
... 840
... 81
... 81
... 808
... HI
...10i 10
... fl
... too
... Ill
... 840
... M
... 14
... M
... 118
... HO
... Ill
... 866
... 878
... 171
... 864
... 14
... 878
... 830
... MO
8 M 10 K
I 16 1 ISO
I K 1 M
I 10 t 1014
I 80 4 81
I 80 I Ml
$ 40 1 114
I 84 mi
t 46 1 1011
I 86 M 1140
I 11 1 1100
I 11 i lit
t 16 ' 1 1010
I 16 t 140
I II 1 174
I 16 ' 1 110
I It 1 MO
I it I lioo
I 80 M Ill
I 10 II lot
I 80 1 1080
I 86 1 710
t SI 11 1111
I 00 1 1146
I oo 11 ion
I oo 1 iioo
I 00 1 1260
I 00 1 1148
I 00 1 1140
I II 14 11
I 10 1 1M0
I 16 10 1080
I 16 1 1400
I 10 4 HIT
8 10 1183
1 30 1 1444
.. no
.. 1M
.. M0
I 40
i 4t
6 46
t It
....1464 I 46 1 1171 I 60
....lilt I It 1 1340 I 14
.... IkO I 10 1 1340 I 40
,...lz0 t II 1 170 I 76
....1180 I 8t 1 ISO0 I It
....1460 I It 1 18U0 4 00
.... 730 I 10 1 1760 4 00
....1120 I 10 t 161 4 1C6
....1070 I 16 1 1410 4 80
....1224 I It I lf40 4 16
....IrkO I 84 1 120 4 It
1111 I 10 1 li.40 4 76
lit 6 86 1 ,1171) f If
180 I 36 1 1710 I 30
IN III 1 Ill 4 M
luO 4 OO I... 140 4 60
14 4 tt 1 10 4 IS
180 4 61 1 I 16
610 I 84 1 44 1 86
884 I 14 1 1220 I 00
X4 I 64 1 644 I 0
tlO I tO 1 474 I 80
M0 I 44 4 tut to
40 8 tr $ HI IN
1 into 46 1 UK $ 10
1 410 I It6 4 41 I It -
1 744 I 88 I I
4 6 t 7t 1 l"ll I 0
1 10f.n II I K I 18
1 61 M 1 1040 I 11
1 620 I 0
t w, s wi 1 1J0 4 M
1 tin i 7S
1 740 1 16 4 812 I 75
4 716 I 75 1 K0 I 75
I 670 I 00 11...., 41 I 85
II 4.t 4 tO 7 1f 5 4 00
I 7;i 15 I MS 4 00
II 171 I 50 1 " 4 10
4 4W 1 60 1 801 4 15
1 690 80 I H'"" 4 15
1 828 I f t5 15 4 15
1 71, 1 84 I Ill 4 16
4 inl 65 II 467 4 66
17 80 I 75
HOOS The run toilav was of very liberal
proportions, tut theu-mand was also good
and a sharp advance Tn prices followed, and
as a matter of course a new record for
high prices was established for the season.
The market, however, was somewhat the
reverse of yesterday, a It opened at the
high point today and eased off at the close.
The market started In at a lively pace
and first sales of toppy grades were 10c
higher or even better. About one-half of
the supply was . disposed of when trsde
slowed up considerably and closing figures
were considerably lower than the opening.
Heavy hogs sold up to $7.75, a record point,
and the bulk also average up pretty close
to a dime higher. Outside of the weak
close the market was very satisfactory to
sellers and even at that a strong advance
shows all around. Representative sale:
No. At. Bh. Tr. No. at. Sh. Pr.
82 171 80 1 46 61 121 ... 7 4(1
80 11 80 7 45 7 I7 10 1 80
65 180 110 1 40 80 228 2U0 7 60
84 18 100 1 40 61 22 UO 60
86 1H5 40 1 46 40 133 ... 7 80
84 187 40 7 46 63 Ill 300 1 80
81 Ml ... 1 45 87 118 80 t 60
13 tot 10 7 46 II 147 40 7 60
47 IHt ... 7 10 64 3t SO 1 tO
16 113 80 1 60 tl 124 140 7 to
121 luO 7 60 (1 146 40 1 40
71 212 ... 7 60 6 1.18 180 7 to
70 Ill 40 7 60 71 ..1J4 ... 7 80
75 114 40 1 60 11. .......276 ... IK)
70 1HI 40 7 60 70 121 ... t 40
77 10 120 7 60 74 223 160 7 40
II 217 120 1 50 70 821 140 1 44
0 171 40 1 60 48 241 120 7 40
80 KK 100 7 60 47 247 ... 1 40
II Ill ... 7 50 60 114 SO 7 V
76 lit 100 7 60 64 140 ... 7 40
41 18 80 7 60 70 117 80 7 40
76 181 40 7 60 70 234 110 7 40
64 18 U0 1 60 18 120 160 1 40
4 104 40 7 60 II 213 40 7 60
' Il itvt 7 50 13 24 400 7 10
100 100 7 60 11 220 140 1 40
70 220 40 1 50 68 131 160 7 40
76 214 80 7 50 71 121 80 7 40
"3 108 ... 1 60 68 136 40 7
U 121 80 1 6214 II 221 110 1 I9U
avs eu i piv, 12 21 alio 7 tl W
' 115 40 7 52 146 144 80 1 424
tl 118 140 7 61S II 12 ... 7 62S
- 1 aw 1 70 161 160 7 42V4,
1 M 140 1 F.2V, 71 Ill 100 7 SS
' HO HO 7 611 li 140 ... 742
t 144 84 7 831 44 140 ... 7 46
144 10 7 621 41 244 140 7 85
71 22 140 7 6314, 64 151 44 7 46
75 121 100 1 62 v..164 M 1 66
7 101 40 7 62i 61 134 10 7 41
7 Ill 80 7 66 12 128 ... 7 46 .
'0 Ill 80 1 65 61 155 84 T '
7 121 80 7 6 78 1S6 ... 7 45
1 W0 100 7 66 61 156 110 7 66
67 121 120 7 66 tl 261 120 7 45
6 "I 140 7 65 80 261 80 7 85
Ill 7 66 66 284 40 7 16
7i HI 120 7 65 78 144 110 7 66
75 25 180 7 65 88 ...140 ... 7 46
l 11 ... 7 56 86 19 ... 7 45
46 101 40 1 66 tl 151 10 7 86
4 104 180 7 66 71 166 110 7 15
HO 40 7 66 . 71 134 130 7 tt
HO ... 7 56 I 147 140 1 66
H6 160 7 65 I 164 110 7 5
HI 10 7 66 64 171 40 7 I7
J? 101 40 7 56 41 156 40 7 17V,
' HI 1W IIS 68 170 160 7 87"
1 HI 120 7 65 70 171 10 7 70
224 JO0 7 66 61 144 140 7 70
" 106 40 7 55 II 171 140 7 70
'0 133 160 7 66 61 181 80 7 70
J 23 ... 7 65 63 323 140 7 70
121 0 7 56 66 18 160 7 70
J 101 80 7 56 61 171 ... 7 70
$'4 200 7 65 64 28! 180 7 70
246 40 7 61 60 ! 10 7 70
1 ... 1 65 68 264 ... 7 70
HI 110 7 66 67 156 ... 7 10
I? ft 110 7 66 75 164 1K 1 70
88 ...,.., . lot 10 7 65 II 20 ... 770
240 SO 7 674 tl 273 140 7 10
M "I 10 7 61 "4, 71, 171 no 7 70
" "I 80 7 67V II 14 10 7 70
51 It 80 7 67S 7 151 40 7 70
J v-lll 80 7 674 66 15 40 7 10
70 122 100 7 6H 0 280 ... 7 70
J- 231 SO 7 40 61 254 ... 7 70
74 221 180 7 0 60 3d ... 7 70
127 80 7 40 ' 66 161 80 7 70
225 10 7 10 It 101 10 7 70
J? Ill 10 7 40 U 171 ... 7 70
.231 ... 7 40 61... 16 ... 7 70
U 121 7 0 66 171 1M 1 70
J 131 180 1 to tl lit 10 7 75
J 11 . 0 7 40 II 184 ... 7 76
! 0 1 to 61 10 ... 7 76
131 0 7 10 65 170 60 7 76
150 40 7 60 60 Ml ... 7 7s
SHEEP Liberal supplies again today and
a weak demand were bear features that
forced values lower on sheep of all kind.
Price are rapidly depreciating, and o far
thi week are lMj2Sc lower. Inferior tock
is practically unsalable at almost any
price, and even on best mutton the market
Is dull and weak.
Quotations for clipped stock: Good to
choice wethers, $4.36&4.Y0; fair to good, $4.20
4.50; good to choice ewes, $4.0O4r4.35: fair to
good, 63.6WS4.15; good to choice lambs, $4.76
4i6.50; fair to good, $4.26(84.60. Wooled stock
sells about 25&S0c above clipped stock.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr.
3 culls 90 i 60
257 grass ewes and wethers 98 2 ;0
750 western wether 80 . 2 80
617 Oregon feeding wether 84 2 80
SSI Oregon feeding wether 106 2 80
10 old ewe 128 8 25
647 grass wethers and ewes 93 3 75
142 old ewes 99 2 16
238 grass wethers 97 3 10
620 graas wethers 7 116 $ 50
92 yearling wethers 85 3 60
Cattle Steady Hoars Higher and
- Sheep Doll and Lower.
CHICAGO. June 24.-CATTLE Receipts,
4,000, including 1,250 Texans; steady; good
to prime steers, $7.608.26; poor to me
dium, $4.757.50; stockers and feeders, $2.50
65.00; cows, $1.40Tg4.75; heifers, $2.506.50:
canners, $1.4032.60; bulls, $2.556.75; calves,
$2.50416.50; Texas-fed steers, $4.00j7.00.
HOGS Receipts, 20,000 head; estimated to
morrow, 33,000: left over, 4,500; strong to
7V4C higher; mixed and butchers, $7.30(&7.80;
?:ood to choice heavy, $7.657.72V4j; heavy.
7.507.66; light, $7.257.50; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10,000
head; sheep, dull and lower; choice lambs,
steady; good to choice wether $4,004(4.50;
fair to choice mixed, $3.6or()4.25; western
sheep, clipped, $3.00(94.26: native lambs, $4.75
feH.76; western iambs, $4.7546.75.
Official yesterday;
Receipt. Shipment.
Cattle 17.294 4.483
Hog 33.842 6,629
Sheep 26,590 88
Kaaaas City Live Stock Market.
..In. X MA hAo.4 n.ll,,.. 4 KMh V. A rr-.
........... w, . ....... a,vuv ll'.nil It,'
sns, 650 head calve; beat native and stock
ers ana teeaers, steady to strong; quaran
tine stuff steady; as a whole the market Is
the highest for twenty-two years: choice
export and dressed beef steers, $7.25(()ti.26;
fair to good, $6.0037.20; stockers and feed
ers, $3.00(6.40; western fed steers, $5.2tV?i.00;
Texas and Indian steers, $2.(Kir6.25; Texas
cows, $1.2663.00: native cows, $2.60n.00: na
tive heifers, $4.0ii4i6.76; canners, $1.76&3.0O;
bull. $2.7&fr5.50; calves, $2.256.25.
HOGS Receipts, 7.900 head; market 74
15c higher; active: ton, $7.90; bulk of sales,
$7.654y7.85; heavy, $7.76iff7.90; mixed packers,
$7.6(ii7.82tt: light, $7.2fK'(J7.72V; yorkers, $7.60
"ft'7.72H; pigs, $7.0037.85.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.950
head; lambs, steady to 15c lower; grass
muttons, 2So lower; native lambs, $4.8fn?riJ.85;
western lambs, $4.80ii).06; native wethers,
$4.9k&5.75; western wethers, $3.7565.10: fed
ewes, J4.3Cko5.0O; Texas clipped yearling,
$4.7565.00; Texas clipped sheep, $3.8CKit4.76;
stockers and feeders, $2.S6&,3.75.
St. I.oals Live Block Market.
ST. LOUIS, June 24. CATTLE Reoelpts,
6.7HO head, including 4,000 head Texans;
market steady for natives, with Texans
better; native shipping and export steers,
86.0iKa7.9i. with tops worth $K15; dressed
beef and butcher steers, $4.6Mi7.60; steers
under 1,000 lbs., $3.6uiit4).10; atocker and
feeder, $3.15j4.90: cows and heifers, $2.2Mj
l.bO; canners, I1.7Sa.'.85; bulls, $2.7514.65;
calves. $5 (i6.50; Texas and Indian steers,
fed. $4.3Kti6.3o: choice, up to $7; grass, $3. lira
4.40; cows and heifers, $2. 7117 4 25.
HOGS Receipt, 6,400 head; market higher
than for any time in the last nine years;
nig and lights, l7.2Mr7.60; packer. $7.40
7.75: butchers. $7.50ii7.9o.
SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipt, 5.600
head; market lower; native mutton, $3 .iSt
4.00; lambH. $4 00fr6 75; cull and buck, $2.00
&4.00; vtocker. I2.50t33.10.
Slock 1st Bight.
The following table shows the receipt of
cattle, hog and sheep at the five principal
markets for June 24:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
South Omaha 2.2S5 13.136 6.5M
Chicago 4,0"0 2A,I lO.OtiO
Kanaaa City 7.030 7.900 6.9.VI
St. Louts 6,700 6.4i0 t.aViO
St. Joseph 1.600 U.IM0 $.100
..21.435 68.436 32.234
Kew York Live slock Market.
NEW YORK. June 24. BEEVE? Re
ceipt. 44 head, malnlv consigned direct:
no sale reported, fable quoted American
leer at 13. ft 15c, drtved weight, and re
frigerator beef at HVal2c per lb. No ex
ports. CALVES Receipts, 23 head; very dull;
about BOO head unsold: a few real sold at
$7,124 per 10 lbs.; buttermilks. $3 50.
head; sheep steady, good lambs steady to
firm, others steady; about six cars of tork
unsold; sheep sold at $2.75'li4 5i) per 100 lbs ,
with a few yearling at $4 5"; lamb, $6 6-'
ti7'. with one car at $7.10.
HOOS Receipt. 1,633 head; market firm;
no sales reported.'
It. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 1,6 head; to 10c higher: na
tives, $4.8:v.i; cows and heifers, tl.7btj
6 25; veals, $3.2tV;j6 .00; stockers and feeder
$2 2o1t io.
HOGS Receipts, 11.000 henrt: 5c higher;
light and light mixed, 17 5i"Ti I S. : medium
and heavy, $i.'iij;.;;it; pigs, $4 2.v6.75.
SHEEP AND LAMBH Receipts, S.100
head; steady; top spring lambs, $7.06.
"lottx City Live Stork Mnrket.
SIOUX CITY. la., June 24.-Ppeelal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, fcm: markl
steady; beeves. $5.76o7.IO; cows, hull and
mixed, $2..Wri5.00; stocker and feeders, $
j4.oo; yearling and calves, $2 50774 00.
HOGS Receipt. 6,(100; market offlOe
higher, closed easier, $7.2557.60; bulk, $7.3
4! 7.45
SHEEP Receipts, 200; steady.
Wool Mnrket.
BOSTON. June 24. WOOL Seldom has
the wool market been In so strong a posi
tion late in June as at the present time.
The clip of 1902 Is rapidly being bought up
by the trade at strong prices. There has
been good business In territory grades, over
half million poinds being closed up In
two transactions, besides numerous small
sales. Old wools are firm, strictly fine at
INfyfjOe; clean fine and fine medium, 4541
47c; staple, 60rtf3c; medium, 39tft'tlc. Tea
wools are remarkably firm, largely grow
ing out of the fine position of wool. The
clip ha been bought up by prominent deal
ers with very high prices- paid compared
with other wools at the time buying began.
Buyers are very confident. Fall cleaned
basin. 44'nlRc; six to eight month (prlng,
46f(i48c. Fine washed fleeces are exceed
ingly firm, with old wools sold out of sight
The market is nominally ta'ioted at: Ohio
and Pennsylvania XXX, 2M(rv.1c; XX and
above. 2tV1i27c; Michigan, 22Utl'24c. Old de
laine wools are practically sold out and
will cost higher for new. Michigan. 1748
27c; No. 1 washed combing, 26V27c; No.
2, 2fvg27c; coarse, 23M'25c.
ST. LOUIS, June 24. WOOL Steady, In
good demand; medium grades and combing,
13frl7-; light fine, 12il5Hc; heavy An, lotf
13c; tub washed, l.Vsi'Hc.
Co tTee Market.
NEW YORK. June 24.-COFFE75 Snot
Rio. quiet; No. 7 Invoice. 61He. Mild, quiet;
Cordova, 8i&'8VjC. Future opened steady,,
with price unchanged tn 5 point lower,
and for most of the session ruled dull, with
nothing in the trading worthy of particttlni
mention. Sentiment favored the bear Bide
as a rule being influenced by statistic
noting heavy primary receipt, Increasing
supplies at no paint with compensating Im
provement In consumptive demand. Closing
prices were net 6 points higher (In June
only) to 6 points lower and the, tone steady.
Bales smounted to 25,751 brigs, Intruding
July at 4.8036.10c; May, 6.4i(5.60c; March,
Boston Wool Market.
BOSTON. June 24. The wool market con
tinues fairly active, with a healthy demand
and quite substantial sales. Values are
In territory wool, two transactions of
close to 600,000 pounds have been closed; old
wools are firm; Australia fine scored 4 9
60c; fine and fine medium, 45?47c; staple,
50$53c, and medium, 89ft"4lc.
Fine washed wools are quoted: Ohio and
Pennsylvania XX, 2Sa29o; XX and above,
26&27c; X. 24ifrJ5c, and Michigan X, 22(ff2lc;
Australian wools, combing, choice, scoured,
72&74c; good, 6(S70c; average, 67(g6a
An gar Market.
NEW YORK. June 24. SUGAR Raw,
weak; fair refining, 2Tj,c; centrifugal, 96
test, 3Hc; molasses sugar, 2c. Refined,
Nr;w YOkK, June 24. SUGAR Raw,
nrmlnal; fair refining, 8c; centrifugal, 96
teat. 84o; molasses sugar, 2e; refined,
steady; crushed, 5.16c; powdered, 4.75c;
granulated, 4.66e
NEW ORLEANS June 24. 8UG A R Mar
ket quiet; open kettle, 2H'93 8-16c: 0Pn
kettle centrifugal. SiffflHc: centrifugal yel
low, 3V(S44c; seconds. 23 8-16c. Molasses,
dull; centrifugal, 6ft 15c.
Dry Goods Market.
Prices of bleached muslins have been re
duced today 4e in leading tickets. Lons
dale, 74c; Fruit of the Loom, 74c. Print
cloths have sold at 3c for regulars. There
has been no change In any other division of
the market ' of a quotable character and
the general demand Is quiet.
Qulet, with a - limited frequency. Yarns,
dull, with little doing. .
Cotton Directors Meet.
LIVERPOOL. ' June 24. Th'e Cotton ex
change directors held a meeting today for
the purpose of considering the action tc
be taken In consequence of the postpone
ment of the coronation. They finally ad
journed until tomorrow morning.
Canada Sonthern Dividend.
NEW YORK. June 24. The directors rf
the Canada Southern Railway company
have declared a semi-annual dividend of 1
per cent. The last previous dividend wns
14 per cent
Negro Legally Hanged.
PITTSBURG. June 2l.--Henry Taylor, a
negro, who killed Edward Sowall. also col
ored, on August 14. 1901, was hanged In the
county Jail yard today.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tuesday,
June 24:
Warranty Deeds.
R. W. Thrush and wife to J. H. Tal
bot, lot 3, block 2. Northfield f 25
August Doll and wife to Helen Reu
man. w 100 feet of e 250 feet lot IS,
Bartlett' add 2,000
Annie Dwyer to 8. D. Barker, part
lots 23 and 24. block 3. Park Place... 2,000
C. II. Foster and wife to H. S. Glase
w 55 feet of e 66 feet lot 2, block 22,
West Omaha 5,000
Unit Claim Deeds.
F. O. Johnson and wife to Edith Olf- '
ford, e4 lot 13, block a, Campbell's
add 200
Peterborough 8avlng bank to Mar
garet H. Hunt, lot 1, 2, 3, 18, 19, 30,
block 108, Florence 6.000
, DeedT
Frank Thompaon, executor, to J. V.
SagUnsky, lot 20 and 21, block 19,
Omaha View 100
State of Nebraska to I. H. Truman,
nwfc wK 16-15-10 (reflle) $01)
Total amount of transfer $14,628
Diris & Cowtill Iron -Works.
IHL, IMS sust) lBOg Jaakas Ita-e
Osaaksv. Del. Tel. sax.
. Eabrlskla. Agent. I. M. Crmrgm, Ug
Hanafaotarers sad Jokber at
Steam 2nd Water Supplies
Of AU Kinds.
1014 aatd 11 4) DOCOLAg ST.
cstcrn Electrics!
Electrical Supplua.
Mtsrtrto Wlrtag Bella stU Oaa ligUa
O. W. JOHNSTON, Mgr. 1U0 Kowar kJL
Omaha Tent and Awning Cn
Omaha, Neb.
Manufacturer of
Tents and Canvas Goods.
ad tor CtlugU4j Nuj6tar tl