Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Jobber! Wei a LittU Short Handed on
Account of the Excursion.
sery Good Ilemaad for easoablo
, ajerrkaadlse Reported from AH
Department of the Job
,. bin Trade.
' - OMAHA, June 21.
The Commercial club excursion on Thurs
day and Friday caused mnny vacancl-s
down in the Jobbing district, and thpa
who were left behind hni their hanrts full
to keep up with the work. Even with ell
banda present there would have been work
nnnvh tnr f.vervone. as It has' been a
AuDhi hnav w,.k in that flection of tl.
wr'n in mm m-nt'"
'or all seasonable goods have
n freely and encouraging re-
re met with. The cool
city. Orders for all seasonable goods have
been coming I
weather ha unquestionably had a rather
depressing effect upon me uernanu
ome lines, but tht effect has not be-n
marked enough lo cut much figure In the
totals. .
The excursionists were back In their
?lace yesterdny and the big stories which
hey had to tell regarding the prosperous
conditions prevailing in the country through
which they Journeyed would fill Severn
'i "m, hur ihin the Nile valley,
.The finest section of farming country to
K. found In America." were some of the
Dlthets used In describing the country. v.
But what Impressed the travelers " m" 1
h. unmiatiLkahie reeling or cui'u-
denco ao evident among the business men
of the towns visited, a confidence based
.1 ' i t hj .riiial conditions
prevailing among the farmers and stocK
inen of the surrounding country,
i As to the benefits to be derived from the
.rip. all seemed agreed that they would be
. i ,i inhhr, were ulnd to meet their
customers at their own homes, and on the
other hand, country mercnam
o be pleased at the notion that Omaha
Jobbers regarded their buslnesa as worm
Coming Biter.
Demand for Vegetables.
The grocery Jobbers, according to all re
ports, have been very busy during the
f - . i. hi.h ! nnthlnr new. as that
has been the condition of affairs all ho
oeason. As one of the Jobbers put It. We
would be worked to death If we had any
thing more to do, as we are working full
time all the while, and overtime a portion
Of the week." This, too. In the face of the
fact that the abundant crop of home-grown
vegetables In all sections of the stite has
cut down somewhat the demand for many
tl-.. t fa nnirl veuel Abies. The proa
pectlve large crop of small fruits Is also
having some effect upon the dmand. . for
V ..." n ..t nn and dried fruits.
but the experience is that whenever the -
demand is cut oown oy iri
being a large home supply, the demand for
ome other line of goods Is Increased
enough to make up any aenciency inc."
I".y,J'" . ne-lnnln to talk that
there will be a shortage In the supply of
canned salmon this year, owing to a
mailer pack. In the face of a greatly in
creased estimate as to the sIm of the de
mand. It is thought that the pack for
Ik. will not areatly exceed 3.000,0)0
I,,,, Whlle the estimate of the consuming
Z. k...4 nn th. emerlence of this
"""". v"-'" "".V;r. r I
' A5vlr"esPfrom Baltimore packers say that
the weMher conditions have been, very ui-
e.vnm h
v.thr. Rome
small fruits on this account.
Hardware Cliingfi Little,
The situation as regards Iron and steel
toods changes but little from day to day. In the east are talking
hnut a scarcity of iron, but ther- Is ap
parently enough on hand to keep the mms
and mn far no real shortage has
C M,,i imllv there Is a very
iood trade doing In hafdware. As noted a
week ago. builders' supplies are n active
demand owing to the considerable amount
of construction inai is e1'"'"
titarv territory. In fact, all lines oi
usually found selling at this season oi trie
rapio. rave aim - i
for complaint.
Weather Too
- a. n.nni. would Ilk to see
more seasonable weather, especially the
retail contingent, which compia ns nai
light summer goods are not going Into
consumption as rapidly as they ought by
h. kindle of June. They say that with
ilia ,i i i.i U - - . . vi
tho weather so cool peop le delay buy In f
hot weather goods, such as light underwear.
light dress goods, thin hosiery, etc. The
too. feel that with more favorable
liKm urr-B KinMin. n-'"t - - ,
Jobbers, too. feel that with more favorb e
weather their business would show up bet
ter as It would Increase orders for Im
mediate shipment. Fall business, on the
weather their business would show up bet-
other hand, is very gouu ii wi.
and prospects were never more fsvorable.
vu.rtnJ Tin the trade Is predicting the
biggest volume of sales for the year ever
experienced In the history of the dry goods
business In this city.
The latest bit of gossip In dry goods cir
cles la to the effect that a giant button
trust Is In process of forming in me easv
What will come OI ll reninnm iu i
Hot Mirk t'hantte.
This hss been an uneventful week among
,l v. . hr.i,.a. There ta a satisfactory
hullness doing, 'but It has been a rrood
?rr, .k. ....rv.ri.v sort of business. I
.i?hA.. .nv sneclal features to distinguish
It from the regular routine of trade. Or-
ders are coming In quite freely and re- I
s .it unruM are encouraalng. I
vrnlta and Produce. I
r mm - "
e. notn tor maiurma anu a""a i i ., . ,t
berries and other small fruits. The lie; sheep pelts ioc; nor.e '"-
nf fruits and vegetames at me ulu mr-nio-ii.
Pes show plainly the effects of 1ry following prices: Iron, country mixed, per
are latum, me" . i
Down In the produce district there Is quotations ranging from 3c to Sc for
complaint of the kind of weather that Is Bll grades. There is no change In apri
belng ladled out so freely of lute. At this coU prCes running from loVc to 14c In
season one of the main stays of the fruit boxes to 10 12c in bags. Peaches con
trade are lemons, which are moving very t)nu quiet, but holders show no dlspo
alowly, as might be expected with tho .tlon to make concessions. Peehal Reaches
weather so cool. 1 ney wani imnnau
..Vt.e & anoriaKe in waiw " 1 " 1
i.i n ha aeneral over the whole
country, as advices from California say
thst orders from the east are coming in
" . i . ihav are nravlna for a
hot wave to' increase the demand and the
irlces. which are not Quite up to growers
" ,
t. Lonlo Grain ana provisions,
t nns tuna it WHEAT Lower:
Mo. I red cash, elevator, 7Hc. old; track.
TKHfiSOc. old; July. 7oc; September, 70X4K
7Sltn?l'C, OIU, tfu., ... 7
i T. KT.. h.H 7Re.
CORN Firm: No. 1 cash, 81X4c; track.
62c; July, 61'4c: September, 5IXc
OAT Lower: ro. i cai
43Vfl44c; July, SJSc; Septe
white. 47X4C
nvr T4li,har at 68e.
1 cash. 43t4c: track.
7.-.. . . a.
tri imu i mit steady: red winter pat
nts $36O43.70; extra fancy and straight,
3.Stt3 4; clear. $3.00fif3.2O.
CORNMEAL Steady. $318.
awn Tlmnlhv. ateadv. So.
i,u ATConit: sacked, east track. 77080c
MAY-Dull, weak; timothy, $10.50,14.00;
toralrle. $5 dOiSnO oO.
W'HISKY-Steady. $1 30
BAOOINO-Sieady. 6X466XVJ.
PROVISIONS Pork, strong and hlgherj
Steady. 1025. Dry salt meats (boxed), firm;
extra shorts, $10 87X; clear ribs, $11; short
Inhhtnar I1B.1U. OIU. i.o., nrw. ....
rlear. ill. U'-siff i . i1"" ' . . " ,
extra shorts? $11.5o?ll .75; clear ribs. $11.62
4,11 76: short clear, $U.87Hei20o
METALS-LesA steady at $3 96; spelter.
POULTR Y-Firm: chickens. SX4c; springs.
lf323c; turkeys. 8X4c; ducks, 4c; geese. 40
creamery, 18g22c;
ES-iTeidy at 14c. loss oft
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls....
Wheat, bu....
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
, . . . . 7.000 9.000
fWOiO 40.000
.... 38.0110 S9.0ii0
..... 60.0U0 12.0U0
Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions.
r.Kc: September. 7V.!&7ac; cash. No. 3
hard 7vX.4i71o. No. 8. fisHow; No. 1 red,
12c- fJo 8. 69c; No. 1 soring. iOc.
CORN July. 6KHc: September. 81X4c: cssh,
No. 3 mixed. Ilc; No. 3 white. 667c;
fio. t, 0X4!lc.
OAS No. $ white, 48c,
RYE No. 3. 86c.
f HAY-Cholce timothy. $11 T511.00; choirs
prairie. $ 004.10.00.
BUTTER-CrenerY. 1: Atlry, fancy,
JrOOS Firm; new No. 3 whttswood cases
included, 14Xic dos., loss off; cases returned,
li0. Receipts Shipments.
i...i hi. 25iJ 69,0
Corn. DU
Oats, bu
82.01 )
4. ouu
rnaYea Market.
mn .,i.. K'n T invoice. 6Vc: mild, steady:
Cordova. Mtlixic The market opened steady.
with price unrntnita io s poima iunr.,
. nrtnneaa In European mar
kets. The local short contingent snd the
bull rllijue wers moderste buyers on the
-1, lima biddlnc prices soma
7.. ' ......I V. i... nl.hl'a Anal blda. The
i whole list settlad tck toward the clos
uniiT profit-taking The market was nnaLy
lead, srlla -noS tut vocaanird t t
points higher. Total sale, were 2S.on bags,
Including June at 4 !c: July, 4.8V; Heptem
ber. i.Wir; November 61c; December. 6.2oS
S.26c; January, d.Siic; March, S.tfui.Kc.
Condition of Trade tai ctaotatloaa oa
ataplo aafd Fasey Produce.
EOG8 Including new No. 1 cases, 14c;
cases returnen, jjc.
LIVE fOL'LTK If Chickens, Vjc; old
roosters, according to age. 4ujc; turkeys,
tunc; ducks and geese, 1c; broilers, per lb.,
lc. .. t
BUTTtK facKing siocs, iec; cnoice
dairy. In tubs, irulc; separau". Jtyzio.
rrapplea, 10c. herring, c; pickerel, 8c; pike,
11c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunlinh,
Sc; blueflns, sc; wuJtfib. lie; cansn. ijc;
black bass, lie; naiisui, net smmon, iw,
haddock. lie: codfish, 12c; red sr-.pper, 10c;
roe shad, each, 75c; shad roe, per i-ur, 6c;
split shad, per lb , 10c; lobsters, boiled, per
lb. 26c; lobsters, green, per lb., 230.
PIGEONS LJve, per uus., iou.
VEAL. Choice, wusc. ..m,..
roHN-r,Kc. ' .
OATS tic.
KHAN Per ton, $100.
HAY rrlces quoted by Omsna wholesale
HAY t rices quoiea vy vmnim n iiuicsbi
,,av re(1ierg' association: Choice hay, N
. ut,ttnlli ja.oO; No. 1 medium, 17.50; No.
coaf:ie 17.0O. Bye straw, 35.50. These price
17. Oo. Bye straw, 15.50. These price
are for hay cf good color ana Quality, ve
jnand fair. Receipts light.
CAL'LlFLOWJiK Home pown, per do..
76c. ...
NEW CEL.EH i rvaiarnssoo, wic.
I'UTATOES Northern, 76c; new potatoes.
per bu., souc.
CiKEfcN oNlONS Per dog., according to
size of bunches, 163c.
ABPAllAUUB Moras grown, per uu., ev
LETTUCE Motnouse. cer dot., Bo.
PAK8LEY Per dos., 30j-c.
HADIHHES-Per doa.. 2w8C.
WAX BEANB Home grown, per market
basket, 4j 6c; suing beans, per mar net
basket, BtKB.DC
OKEEN rMB r-er nan o ivm.
KHUBAHU-lioroe lwa, wr ..... Tl-J.
CABBAGE California or home-grown.
new. 2n , .
ONIUINB new k-auiunui, iu a.iv.
lb.. 2c. ,
TCiMATUtra iexas, per -dbi ui
A V I X3 11. A O 1 c. vu.,
APRICOTS California, $1.75.
PEACH KB tsnrornia, si.og i. la.
PLUMS California, per 4-basket cratea,
STRAWBERRIES-Oregon. per 14-q.t.
CHEKKIt-a caiuornia, per do, ilw,
home grown, per 24-qt. case, z.uv&.io.
UUODtHt;nmt,i-rrr -i. .w
PINEAPPLES Florida, M to M count.
BANANAS Per bunch, according
size, L2bHui -,i
OflANliES Valencl
las, $4.755.00; Medlt-
rranean sweets. 4.U04.25.
LEMONS Fancy, 6.uo5.50; Messlnas,
MAN-F.TPer 24-sectlon case. $2.75'23.00.
C1DEK Nehawka, per bbl., $3.26; New
York, a,60.
POPCOUiN r-er ID., OK, uueiicu, ou.
12c: hard shell, per lb., Httr o. I sort
shell, loc; No. 2 hard shell, c; Brazils, per
. 14c; niDeris, per iu., iv. anuuuun,
ihell. 16c; hard shell. 15c; pecans. Urge, per
., 12c. small, 10c; cocoanuia. per sac.
itmipa XI. i -.-..n SU.O- TJn I rwn.
Uuo; No. 1 salted 7Vko: Ko. 2 salted. 6c:
No. 1 veal can s to los., ec, o.
copper, per lb.. !c; brass, heavy, per lb.,
8Vc; brass, light, per lb.,4c; lead, per lb.,
Hjc zinc, per iu.. ruum.., ii iuu u.
Liverpool Grain and Provisions.
firm; No. 2 red western, winter, no stock;
No. 1 nortnern, spring, o. u, -u. i Cali
fornia, no stock. Futures, quiet; July,
m m Ipoi
SunYa P 6s (
"d old os i
.114' Bmtember. 6s VAa.
tl, quiei; Ainviicnn injJLou, new
i yd. Futures, nominal; juiy.
nominal; September, 6sld; October,
pAS-fTanadlan. steady. Bs 9Vkd
flour si. Louis fancy winter, firm at
.... .
HOPS At London iracinc coasi;, jirm
pnnviH onh-tieer. auiei: exira inaia
mess. luos. Hams, snori cui, jt 10 10
lba. firm at 65s. Bacon, firm; Cumber
land cut. 28 to 30 lbs., steady. 66s: short ribs
16 to 24 lbs., firm, 66s fid; long clear middles
light, ZH to 84 IDS., Dosoa; long clear mm
nies. navj, iv v j.-i. , ,.,. " - vw.
short clear backs, 1 to 20 lbs., 66s 8d; clear
anon Cltrui um n iu v
14 to 14 ib.
er. Bquarei u to
nrm. dos oa. cuiou
IK. Arm a ADm U.l
K j American refined, In palls, firm, 42s
tfJr. lm ,-.trn In tierces, firm 62s d.
flrm; prlm. meB8 western, firm.
78d- . A ...
CHEEHE, Bieany; American, nneai wmie
old. 66s: American, finest white, new,
readv 4Sa 6d : American, finest colored, old
IIO BlOCn; AIIlcrn.ii, lines, iuivhw, toW)
Steady, 4s 6d. , . ,
TALLOW Prime city, steady, 29s Sd
Australian, In London, dull, 44s 8L
BUTTEK Nominal.
Evaporated Apples nnd Dried Frnltav
vpr.Ftn The market continues In mod
erate demand, with supply strictly pro.
nortlonate and prices steady, common to
g(Kd are quoted at 7i&9c; prime at 10c
rhnin at 10iffilOV,o: fancy. 11c.
business Is doing In California products,
particularly In prunes, the larger sixes of
which are in best reauest. Stocks are re-
rorted rather light In some grades and
firlcea are flrmlv held at recent figures.
are priced laic; unpeeiea at iuc.
OH and Roala.
nTT PT'l' I' Tuna 91 OT T lri1l t tialaneM
81 20; certificates, no bid; shipments, 65,4l6
bbls.; sverage. 91.699 bbls.; runs, 86,273 bbls.;
average. 77.9T9 bbls.
BAVANNAH. June 21.-OIL-Turpentlne,
I firm at 47Xc. Rosin, firm; quotations: A,
T V T' 1 A V 1 T1 tl Ail- LI t1 741
X, v, A'a A, f - fa.s, , v t sys.iva
I, 32.05; K. 32 56; M. 33.06; N. 33.40; WO,
33 66. WW. 83.70.
NEW YORK. June 21. OIL Cottonseed,
quiet; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow,
45c. Petroleum, steady: refined New York,
84 50; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 37.46.
Rosin, steady; strained, common to good,
81.6&U1.67X4. Turpentine, dull at 49449X4C.
TOLEDO. O.. June 21 OIL North Lima,
8Sc; soutn Lima ana inaiana, tuc.
l,lT,nrmru, iruiio ,. w 1 1 a ui iicuiiuo,
firm at 39s 6d. Rosin, common, steady at
4a 2d. Petroleum, refined, steady at 7d.
Linseed, steady at us.
Dry Goods Market.
Business today has been of a decidedly
quiet character, owing to unfavorable
weather and the half-holiday. With the
coming week a very fair amount of goods
will undoubtedly be moved, due to the
semi-annual clearance sales to be held by
1 1 V,A Intihln h , 1 1 a CnllAti v r r m rr n -
(nue ln dul demand' snd are still week
I nj very irregular. Worsted yarns steady.
with fair demand. Woolen yarns quiet.
Linen ana ju,ie yarns nrm.
Toledo Grain and feed.
TOLEDO. Juno 21 WHEAT Dull snd
easier; cash. 79c; June, 79V:; July, 76Ho;
September. 7Sc.
CORN Dull bat steady; cssh. 34c; July,
63X(0: September. 59c; December, 4oXo.
OATS Dull bnt steady; cash, 44V,c; July,
STic; new, 40Vc; eeptember, Vto; new
81 'AC.
SEED Clover, dull but stronger; cash,
35.07X4; October, $a.UX4.
rhlladelukln ' Prodnro Market.
Firm, but qnlet; extra western creamery
23c; extra nearuy prints, zc.
KliUH f irm, aoou demand: rresn nearnv
18c. loss off: fresh WiStern, lnHc loss off
fresh southwestern, like, loos off: fresh
southern. lhVc. loss off.
i'hkksk-Hteaiiv: new xorg run creams
nrinie small. ni'c msw xorg lull
creams, fair to good, kibc
Mllwamke. Grain Market.
Lower; close: No. 1 northern, 78Vu;r78X4c
No. 2 northern. 77V,Oi7X4: July. 74,3V4c.
RYE Steadv: No. 1. 5&VC
BARLEY Steady; No. 3, 71o; sample,
4641 .oe.
CORN-July, 634c '
Psorla Market.
PEORIA. I1L, June 31.-CORN-Steady
No. 3. 62c. '
OATS Firm; No. I white. 47c, billed
WHISKY On the basts of $130 for fin
Dnlntk Grain Market.
DCT.UTH. Juns 21. WllEAT-Cssh. No.
1 hard. 7kc: No. $ northern. 74c: No.
northern, 76c; July, 1bhki aWplsmber, 71T'
OATS 8plm bar, 3uX4
Sunny Weather Proeptct Outweighe Wheat
Strength and Prioei Becede.
Corn and Oats Show Independent
Tim While Provision Values
Look Down on Former
Maximum Record.
CHICAGO, June 21. Weather map argu
ment was the pivot on which grain specu
lation swung today. But It was tnlr weather
and promise of more of It, rrtthtT than the
soaking rains, that Influenced wheat moat
of the week. In conseiutnce wheat clipped
down. Corn and oats had good arguments
of their own to sustain prices, therefore
when July wheat closed lower July
corn gained He and July uats stood 'tc
hlaher. Provisions sained much attention
because of their strength and closed with
net gains or iBiftc.
Cooler weather and Liverpool cablPS
brought a sharp decline In wheat at the
opening. Paris was a little higher and
mere seemed to be some conniction or
iiviinicn as to the real tendencies In that
market. England was having fair weather.
American neiua were given a respite irom
rains and the promlae was fur clear
weal her. On this news July opened ragged,
Ik'Ulc down at 731v6 iic and after some
small rallies dipped to 73c. Traders who
naa neen consistently nuinsn lor a ween
'Vlr.'.r .7".
lurnou aeuera. -umiillBBiuri nuunra mini- I
dated freely snd many stop-loss orders
turnea sellers
were executed tor nuns wno came into tne
market as buyers only yesterday. Septem
ber was subjected to some sharp selling,
but December was supported a little. Very
good seaboard clearances helped In a rally
late. Dut tne close wus weaK. juiv on tne
rally sold to 73SW'73c, but closed Mic
rauy soia 10 ijfi'ijnc, oui ciosea "ino i ne maraeia iur ui. ","-.-;-j . . .
down at 73W73'V,e. lcal receipts were 24 been quiet, but spotty and Irregular. United LONDON, June 21.-Th amount ot bu Cl
ears, 4 of contract grade; Minneapolis and states 4s advanced the old 4s cou- ion taken Into the Bank of Mfl """J
Duluth reported 274 cars, making a total for
tne three points of 293 cars, against
last year week and 3x a year ago. Pri
mary receipts were 4:3,000 bushels, against
447.000 bushels last year. Seaboard clear
ances in wneat ana nour equaled i,ta.a
bushels. The seaboard reported 6 loads
taken for export. Locally 100,000 bushels
were worked.
Corn ended Its week s work In a lagging
manner. After the excitement of the lirst
of the week today's quiet seemed abnormal.
The tone, however, made up somewhat for
tne narrowness or traue. in spite or tne
bearish weather conditions and the wheat
slump corn held firmly. There was con
slderable selling at times In July, but
everything was well taken. Deferred op
tlons were also In good demand and were
well taken whenever offered. Uosslp on
the floor was to the effect that the farmers
were Inclined to run their corn through
hogs because of the temptingly high price
of provisions, rather than to ship In the
stuff.! July still seems congested. This
option today sold between 66c and 65Hc and
closed firm. sc up at 6i7c. Receipts have
improved a nine or late, Dut tne contract
stuff Is very small. Todav 217 cars ar
rived, of which only 14 were contract.
oats ruled pretty steady. There were
early dips on the wheat dip and the better
weather, but the briskness of the cash de
mand and the flrmneBS of corn Influenced a
change of sentiment and a slight advance.
Pront-taKlng during tne weeK induced to
some extent by an Improvement In receipts,
held prices down somewhat. Today the
crowd was bullish, though unlet, and July.
whlcn sold as low as avc, closed nrm, c
up at 40c. Receipts were 200 cars.
Provisions, while only fairly active, at
tracted considerable attention from the
fact that oo prices for the year again
ruled in the pit. With the bullish tone of
the corn pit a stronger hog market and
wltn packers Duying all product offered,
very good advances were registered. Trad
ers say the pit has reached a point where
It is almost Impossible to secure stuff with
out bidding considerably over the market
July pork sold at $18 and closed strong, 6c
un at 117.92V,: Sentemher nnrk closed At
$18.20, July lard sold at $10.55 and closed 5c I
nigner hi xu.w, uuiy riua luucueu iv.v tuiu l
Ciosea lc up ai iu. n.
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat.
25 cars; corn, 190 cars; oats, 130 cars; hogs.
ao.ouu neaa. nogs ior tne ween, loo.ouo nead.
rne teaamg rutures ranged as touows
Articles. I Open.j High. Low. Close. Tes'y.
July 7304 7SH 73 TSUS
Bept. 714-24 724 71H7114
Dec. 72W?S 73 7214 T2
July 6RH 6 65H 6rV
Bept. b&fi 68Tf69
Dec. iI4' i&Vx 45 46
a July. 6H 867i 364 Sfir,
Djuly 3S 4H 8" 1.4 401
a Bept. 2StO 28Xi 2S 28
6 Bept. 31 Si S1H 81 31
bDec. 81 31 W 81 814
Pork III
July 17 87H 18 00 17 87X4 17 92X4
6ept. 18 07X4 18 20 18 07X4 18 17X4
uly" I 10 42X4 10 K 10 42X4 10 50
Bept. 10 50 10 67X4 10 60 10 66
July 10 77X4 10 80 10 77X4 10 77X4
Bept. 10 62X4 10 67X4 10 60 10 65
Vail- I
10 45
10 60
10 75
10 60
No. 2. a Old. b New.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Steady; winter patents, tWft
3.70; straights, 3.101i3.&j; clears, $3.00ff3.3rt;
spring specials, t-zu; patents, $3.bU(b3.liO;
straights. 32.9-x.i3.30.
WHEAT No. 3 spring. 73X4c; No. 3 red,
OATS No. I, 42X46,44c; No! 2 white, 48X4
RYE No. 2. 58c.
BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 68ff70c.
SEED No. 1 flax, $l.64i1.55; No. 1 north
western, $1.73; prime timothy, 35.86(35.90;
clover, contract grade, $8.35.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.,
$17.92X4(g'17.97'4. Lard, per 100 ft8., $10.45.
Short ribs sides (loose), $10. "iiXMcj 10.85. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed), $9.00Cn9.12X4. Short
clear sides (Doxeai, ii.iv(jii.3i'. oi nign wines, 11.30.
The following wars the receipts and shin-
menis yesieruay.
Articles. RecelDts. ShlDments.
Flour, bbls lft.OnO 15H
Wheat, bu 49.0i0 Mnn
TTbrn, bu 213,000 61,000
pats, du K3.000
nye. du x,(kk)
Barley, bu 13,000 l.Oitf
On the Produce exchange today the but.
ter market was stead v; creameries, lS-Sc;
dairies, 17X4&19X4c. Cheese, steady, lufillo.
Eggs, Arm; freBti, 15X4C
Qaotatlons of the Day on Various
NEW YORK. June 21 . FLOT'R. Re
ceipts. 21.406 bbls.; exports, 42,975 bbls. Mar.
net was strain oun ann m biiaIa aiar
with wheat. Winter straights, $3.7o
(; winter patents, mhoiuh.iii: Min
nesota patents, $3.904.05; Minnesota
PSKers, s.m'cti.M; winter low grades.
$2.96g3.15: winter extras, $3.15t3.3D. Rye
nour. ouu; rair to good, $3.3.46; choice
to rancy. ij.aoiaa. i.
CORNMEAISteady; yellow western.
$1.82; city. $1.30; Brandywtne, $3 453.5o.
RYE Firm; No. 2 western, 65c, f. o. b..
afloat; state, KiifliHc, c. 1. I., New York car-
barley Nominal.
WHEAT Receipts. 84.050 bu.: exnorta.
130.775 bu. Spot easy; No. 2 red. 79c, ele
vator; no. i ren, i3'(isu'tc, r. o. b., afloat;
mo. i nortnern uuiutn, ic,c, r. o. b., atloit;
r-o. i nara maimoos. boc. i. o. d.. anoat.
The wheat market waa afTected Imluv hv
easier cables, clearing weather In the soutn.
west and general unloading. The close was
weak at ,'(ilo net decline. Julv. 79 9-16c,
closed at 79V:: September. 77X.677T4C. closed
at 77Xc; December, 7SXt8 78 15-lCe, closed at
CORN Receipts. 23.S0O bu.: exnorta S0.200
nu. apoi. steaay; mo. 1, w, eievator. and
69c, f. o. b. afloat. Option market ad
vanced a little on account of low temper
atures through the corn, states and local
covering. Finally easing off a trifle, the
market closed steady, a partial V-e net de.
cllne. July, 6674ti67c, closed at 6674c; Sep
tember, 634&63tc; December closed at
OATTS Receipts, 79,&no bu.: exports.
4.344 bu. Spot, unlet: No. 2. 47c: No. 3.
46c: No 3 white, 63c; No. 3 white, &:lJ,v;
track, mixed, western. 47Si49e; track, white,
ry(i(xc. Option market ruled quiet and
easier on prospects of better weather.
Hay Steady; shipping, ta6c; good to
Choice. 90j95o.
HIDES Unlet: Oalveston. 20 to 25 bs..
I6c; caiirornia. zi to a ids., 19c; Texas dry,
24 to 80 lbs.. 13e.
HOPS Steady: ststs, prime to choice, I9T
19tr23c; liM). alic; olds. 3f8c; Pacific
coast, 1901 crop, 15X.322C; 1900, 15ai6c; olds.
fKOViKlOlsts Beer, quiet: ramuy iti tm
1(00; mesa, $13 5014 00. beef hams. $J1 bi'H
22.60; packet. $14 5i0 15.00; city extra India
mess. ti4nt25.f'0. Cut meats, steady; pick ed
bellies, 310 jo ll.iM; picaied sniMHilers. t mi
tH.7t; pickled html, !iiyj,i2ii. iaru.
steadv: western steamed. 810.75: June closed
at 110.77. nominal: renned, quiet; continent..
Jiomi; south America, siioo; compounu.
Is2id.s0. fork, nrm: ramuy.
short rlear. 311.7519.50: mess. $U 5i.Kiil3.50.
LEATHER Steady, scld. 24B25C.
WOOL Uulet: domestic fleece. 263ic.
TALLOW Steady; city (12 tier pkg),
. - - rnunlrv Integra freie) fi'. rni'.l'
R1CIS BW-aoy ; domestic, lair 10 extra, i
tmc: Jananese. 4Vu6c.
DU X iSaV-aWWyiS, aSJ, r aKu (
state dalrv, lfS21e; state creamery, ltf
2.'',c; Imitation creamery, 17t(20c; factory.
I'M KKSR Reeelnts. 9 flfil rktTS.: dull and
weak; fHncy large, colored, SVa9"c; white,
So; fancy small, new state full cream,
choice colored and white. P'vglc.
KtjriS Kecelpta, 4.W1 pkaa.; firm; state
and Pennsylvania, 18c; wesiern. lTVySlSc.
MOLASSES Steady; ew urieans, o.j
41c. .. ... .
POULTRY Alive: Unchanged. iresseo:
Quiet; chickens, 15tr'!c; fowls, 10!QUVc;
turkevs, htillc.
METAIS Today's market wag of a holi
day character. Tin was selling slowly at
$'.." to $'J9.00. Copper was steady, wl'h
standard, spot to August at $11.60 to $11 ts;
electrolytic, $11 9.Vfjl2.1i: casting, lll.!M512.10.
Ijrad waa dull at $412,4 and spelter w.ns
nominal at $4. 874. Iron wai about steady,
but quiet locally.
Market Doll nnd Bank Statement
lias Depressing; Influence
NEW YORK. June 21. Today's dull and
professional stock market calls for nine
comment. An advance of over a point in
United States Bteel was a sustaining force
In the opening dealings. The demonstrative
buying or mo oronera ummij c...i....v
by the syndicate helped this movement.
Tho southwestern railroads made some
show of strength. St. Iouis Southwestern
preferred rising l's. ine eucci vi
movements never extended far.
The whole list turnea neavuy ui.uu
appearance of the bang siaiemem
the closing was easy, with prices sl'
below last night for the most part, JUS
bank statement showed a gain of cash of
less than $1.0"0,000, wnne me tmim.
been for nearly $.1,000,000. The deposit 11a-
v.iu.1.. nor. in.raaed bv a loan expansion
mihhd . . " V . . " . wa. u n I
of nearly M.OOO.OOO. The ntr"u"1,w" f
cimuKt:. ... v h.a
TH. maruetfl lor oonua iihb " " . "
uuns. per cent, x ne !. inv.....u.
Ker cent as compared with last weeks
i i ..ii
The following are eioom ,... -..
the New York Stock exchange:
AtchHon ....
2'4) 8o. Pacific w-
loo'n Bo. Railway 3
do pta
.104 1
do Dfd
do pfa
. i
. 112
. 4S
. 8
.. 75
,. 75
.. 67
.. 9'.
. 47
Ta A Pacific...
. 424
I Fl. , .v...... -
('niidun FsclSc...
lanads So
hen. A Ohio
Chicago A Alton..
do pfd
Chli'Mo. Ind. A V.
iToledo. Bt. U w. i
do prn...-.
C'hliaio A E. III..
Chicago A O. V...
Wis. Central
do iki pia
do 2d pfd
do pfd
Adama Ex
American Ex
Chicago A N. W..
C. R. I. A P.
t'nlted Statet Ex..
Chicago Ter. A Tr... 2i4 Wella-Fargo Ex.
.. 4'4
.. 52",
.. 1
.. t4
do pfd....
7 V,
Amai. l.oipr ...
Amer. Car A F..
do pfd
Amir. Lin. Oil..
do pfd
C. C. C. A 8t. I
.. .104
... td
... 71
... 4
Colorado So......
do 1st pfd ,
do id pfd
.. 504
Del. A Hudaon..
Ix-I. L. A W...
Amer. 8. A R..
47 X
Denver A R. O.
do pfd
do 1st pfd ,
do 2d pfd ,
r'.-:n . . , ,n.,
nat i on, looacco piu....i.
Oreat Nor. pfd..
Ho. king Valley uen. r.ntm.
.. ft& llncklna coal I
'. I"
" I
do pld ,
.. II inter. Paper
..15714 do pfd
.. 4 Inter. Power
.. MSVLaclede Gas
.. (3 (National Blscnlt ...
,.127 National Lead ....
..134 No. American
,.130T4 'Pacific Coast
. .liiOit, I'aciflc Mall
.. 27Ts iPeople's Gas
.. 1" Pressed 8. Car
..113V4I do pfd
..lot jPullman P. Car....
.. tt .Republic Steel
.. do pfd
..IMS Sugar
..lOGVTfi.u. Coal A I....
.. (dViitlnlon nag A P....
.. do pfd
.. U. 8. Leather
..151H do pfd
.. 5TiU. B. Rubber
Illinois Central ,
Iowa Central . ..
do pfd
Lake Erie A W.
do pfd
L. A N
Manhattan L....
Met. St. Ry
. 41
Mex. Central ..
Mex. National .
Minn. A Su L..
. M
. 17
. 73
Mo. Pacific
M.. K. A T
do Pfd
N. J. Central ..
N. Y. Centra! ..
Norfolk A W...
. 154
do pfd
Ontario A W....
do -Ut pfd.....
do 2d pfd ,
n;it ao PIa
. a
. 9H
. SO I
. '
U. 8. Steal
St. L. A 8. r.
do pfd
Western Union ....
Amer. iAcomotlre
do pfd
K. C Southarn....
do pfd
do 1st pfd.....
do td pfd
ti 1-
St. L. Bouthw.
do pfd
St. Paul
do pfd
Hew York Money Market.
kv.-w YORK. Jnne 21. MONEY On call.
steady at 3 per' cent; prime mercantile
paper, 4V4'pt per ceni,
aper, 4X46 per cent.
c-tual business In bankers' bills at 4.74
,r demand and at 14 .WX4f.85X4 for sixty
days; posted rates, 34.86 and 34.8SX4; com-
J '. f .. filflj LCU
I merciai "'W, .ow .
SILVER Bar, 524c;
Mexican dollars.
un'na rsnvernment bonds, steady: state
1 1. inactive- railroad bonds, irregular.
I ..., r..i i77A: coupon. 1084: 3s, registered
, ' . , MnD.iru.l anA
u n,i eouDon. iuiw. ur ...
coupor. 135X4; old 4s, re fjtatered. W;
coupon. 110X.; 6s, registered and coupon,
105 . .. nn
i ne ciuoiua
V. B. nt. Is,
reg...l07S4Ii. A N. unl. 4s 103X4
do coupon ...
lim?t jDex. central es
107', do Is Ino 31
do It, reg
do coupon
do new 4s, reg
Minn. A St. L 4s... 106
...110 a
M.. K. A T. 4s..
do coupon ....
do old 4s. reg.,
do ta
N. Y. Central Is..
do general ls..
N. J. C. sen. ta...
No. Pad So 4t
. M'.4
do coupon
do as, res
do coupon i
At'-hlson gen. 4
do 3s.
do ad). 4s....
N. A W. con. 4a 101
Baltimore A O. 4s...l0;ViiKding gsn. 4a.....J0O4
do SVlS aj as a jn w. W....7I
do con. 4s 107H 'St, U A B. T. 4... .100
Canada Bo. ! 10M, St. Lu B. w. is
Central ot Oa. 6s.. .104
do Is
do Is inc i
A. A A. P. 4s.... J's
Ches. A O. 4XS 10IH4
So. Pacific 4s 1
Chicago A A. 3'4..
C. B. A Q. n. 4s...
C M A St P g. 4..1114
So. Railway bs ut
Texas A Pac. Is.... lit
T.. St. L. A W. 4s.
4s. 824
'C. A N. W. . 7s..l
o.. a. 1. A P. 4s. ..1114
Union racino 4a
do conr. 4s...
C C C A Bt L g 4s.. 101
Chicago Ter. 4s 04
Colorado 8o. 4s 4 A R. O. 4.10
Wanaan Is
do 2a
do deb. B
West Shore 4s...
Wheel. A L. E. i
Erie prior Ilea a mi
do general es
Wis. Central 4..,
Cont. Tobacco 4s
F. W. A D. C. Is. .113
Hocking Val. 44s...lll
Bid. Offered.
Boston stock Qaotatlons.
nnsTfiK. June 21. Call loans, 3X44 per
cent; time loans, 41i5 per cent. Official
closing ot stocks and Donas:
Atchison ,4s l!ft?.v""ur
Oae Is.... 5 Alloues
. fSV.
Mex. Central 4S nmanuna ....
. 44 4i
N. B. O. A C Hlngn,
. 34
. 14
. M
Calumet A Heels.
Centennial ,
Copper Range ....
do Did lOOVi
Huston A Albany
nalon a ale 301
Dominion Coal .
.117 V,
Boston Elevated ik
N. V.. N. H. A H...U0
Fitchburg pfd H3
I nlon Pacific 106
Isle Rorslo
Id Dominion ....
.. o4
.. 40S4
Max. Central zs
American Sugar ....11674
Sams Pe Copper..
.. is
.. t
do Did 11
American T. A T....174W
nonunion I. A S.... 31
i amaraca
Geo. Electric 305
Trlmountala ......
Maaa. Klactrlo 43V4
I'nlted Btatai ....
Daly Wast
do pfd
N. E. O. A C I
.. iiti
t'nlted Fruit 1114
V. S. Steel Wrt
.. 4
do pfd
.. I4
Weatluih. Common. ..lot
,.. 44
London Stock Market.
LONDON. Juns 21. 4 p. m. Closing;
I rna num...
.34 7-n N. Y. Central 141U
An account..
aa 1 ' air,.ib A. w
rmi ..ui.w.. "nwi., dots
I Anaconda
.. 6 '4 1 do pfd..
I Atchison
.. 444 Ontario A Western.
..lus Pennsylvania
..ldtSa, Heading
..Ut I do 1st pfd
.. 4 Til do 3d pfd
.. 1 Southern Ry
..174 I do pfd
.. 4SV4 Southern Pacific
.. 36 14 Union Pacific
.. 17S' do P'd
.. C34 V. 8. Steel
.. (4 I do pfd
..1H4 Wabash
..133 I do pfd
.. 37 Spanish 4s
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio.
Canadian Pacific...
Chesapeake A O...
Chicago O. W
C, M. a Bl. r....
Iienver A R. Q ...
do pfd
do let pia
do 3d pfd
Illinois Central
Louisville A N
, 444
at . K. ft T
da p(d
BAR SILVER Uncertain at 24 7-16.1 per
money 282 per cent. Tne rate of
discount In the onen market for both short
and three-months' bills la 2 -16&2H per
Kew York Mlnlngr 4)aotatlons.
NEW YORK. June 21. The following srs
the closing prices on nuning stocas:
Adams Cos
Little Chief
.. II
Hreece 40
Phoenix ....
Brunswick cn I
.. 4
.. IT
.. i
Coasetoi'k Tunnel ....
IS4 Potoel ,
Cou. Cat. A Va.
It IRavaae
DtadwiMJd Terra luS
Horn Silver 134
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes ..
.. 1
.. 44
Iron Silver 14
Laadvllla Cos (
Condition f tko Treasary.
WASHINGTON. June 21. Tods Vs state
ment or ins treasury oaiances in ine gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,um god
reservo In the division 01 redemption.
shows: Available cash balance, $2u2,(i 19,21;
gold, :.ia,uu.
Weekly Bank Btatesnant.
NEW YORK. June 21. The weekly stata.
ijneat el averages 4( lbs assoaatsa traoas
encroHciiiiieui. u,un ... -lor. tinns 95 si ver and i,zn
$1,144,100. on the eve of ra'1" The imports of dry
for the Juiy semernenia " ""T,w dlse at the port of New Y
considered, disquieting, especially In view valuedat $10,282,786.
nf the continued firmness of foreign ex I
ao P'o- -- " 9Vc; middling gulf, V'iC. isaies. o.r;.
Union PaclBc iosH jrturefl dosed quiet and steady. June,
ni..'h"1 "I::::" St 8 "c; Ju'V. S.; August. .19c; September,
wi Jju 7.88c; October, 7.78c; November, 7.7c; De-
Wheelfng" 'L ... K cembcr. 7.73c; January, 7.74c; February,
.215 ao pia i an(j cosed steady; American niiuuuus
, 42'iUnaconda Mln. Co...llo rlln. 4 48-64d'a4 49-64d. buyers; June-
. 2H Brooklyn R. T....... mj, .4764i - buyerg; July-August, 4 45-4(
, scolorado Fuel A I... tSV, k"jr.. 'Aneust-SeDiember. 4 39-t
hows: Loans $s9,015.infl. Increase J7.sll.iOO:
deposits $'o.2.ii0. Increase $S.i.4.0oi; clrcu
Istlon lU.'.lil, decrease $.7"n; leeal
tenders $7t.rtu3.irt. decrease $-.H'; specie
$173,232,700, Increase J!U9.i; reserves $-.'4!,
Increase $x7,ioii: reserve required
$2f7,7;.lnO. increase $2."21,On'; surplus U,
16a,2&0, decrease $1,144,100.
Bank Clearing.
OMAHA, June 21.-Bank clearances. $942.
4W.S3; same dsy last year. $1.114.Kil.oO; de
crease, $171,1145.67. The clearings for the
week at Omaha show an Increase over the
corresponding week of last year of nearly
$2no.0n0, the figures being, for the week
ending June 21, 1902, $fi.4S7. 014.01, against
$.27S.4t3.14 for the corresponding week last
ST. I3UIS, June 21.-Clearlngs. $7.r7.4':
balances, $1,164,176. Money steady at ST4i4'4
per cent. New York exchange Sic pro-
mBALTIMORE, June 21. Clearings, $4.oa.
97; balances, $771,304: for the week, clear
ings. $22,358,441; balances, $3,8S7.4'.'5. Money
' NEw'yORK, June 21 -Clearings, $236,
475.K27; balances, $13,210S9.
PHILADELPHIA, June 21-Cleartngs.
$W.S72.fli;l; balances. $2,HnS,231 : for the week
clearings, $114.9.11,271; balances, $14 248.S60.
Money 4Ha per cent.
CHICAGO. June 21. -Clearings, $22.290618;
balances, $2.0o3.119. Posted exchange 4.St
for sixty days and $4 N4 on demand. New
York exchange 25c premium. ,AK.,
BOSTON. June 2L-Clearings, $3,030,894;
balances. $1,651,733.
CINCINNATI June 21 -Clearings, $;,7..
750. Money 3V! per cent. New ork ex
change par.
Exports and Imports.
NEW YORK, June 21.-The imports of
specie this week were $18,399 gold and $37,
a 1 .it,..
" - " ' . . . v. I
1 ne exporia in ruri ir ,.v,... .
" countries for this week aggregate $18,
The exports or specie irom nu r"'
goods and merchan-
ork lor mis weea
Foreign Financial
are quoted: Buenos Ayres, 132.10; Madrid,
19. T l.hnn 9&
KERUN. June 21. Exchange on London,
20m 46Vi pfgs. for checks.
Cotton Market.
vpnr trrrir T.,. 91 CnTTM IM snOL
. rj , 1 I Hill. ,uur - ' .
dosed quiet and steady; middling uplanas
O n- m , H nr. oil 1 tll.i. HH I'R. Z.OU Uttirn,
ST. LOl lS, June 21 COTTON-Duli; no
aalea: middling. 8 15-16c. Receipts, Kf
bales; shipments, 432 balesjstock, ,ijo
bales. .
L1VERBOOL, June ZJ. uunun- iiii
1-- . hn. n.u. nrleea uncnanKca.
11II1V1VI.11, . 1 ........ . .-.- .
a ri, inline i ?tt-x9.i. The sales ni
nmri ...... , , n AHA
the day were 7.000 Dales, 01 win i,
were for speculation ana expun '"' ,'"
eluded 5.300 American. Receipts, 4.000 bales,
including 800 American. Futures opened
IA.llil.Rirl nilVPTB
--' : v,..v,.,n,hr i
""'Y.' . h,
ff4. Z4-b4U. sellers, iv.....
4 20-64d''d4 21-64d, sellers; December-January.
4 l-64d(64 20-64d. sellers; January- ebruary.
Easy; sales, 1,600 bales; ordinary. 7 9-16c;
V,,Viin;v fM-lfic: low middling, 8 9-16c;
middling. 9c; good middling. 6c- middling
fair. 9 5-16c; receipts. 745 bales; stocK it,i o
halea e inures sieauy, nunc, ...v- ,
uary, 7.647.5oc,
Sogar Market.
YORK. June 21. SUGAR -Raw,
nominal; fair refining. 3c; centrifugal 96 test,
3.70c; No. 13. 3.70c; No. 14. 3.70c; confection-
ers' A. 4.45c; mould A. 6c; cut loaf. 615c;
crushed. 6.10c; powdered, 4.75c; granulated,
4 WUb ORLEANS. June , 21.SIIGAR-
I 01 tfi 1 nnoM kt.
1 Mtrong; open hciuc, 'tiw1 u-. , " i" , -
tie. centrifugal, 3ra3X4c; centrifugal yellow,
auc: molaseea sugar, 2c; refined steady;
twT, afirtr; No. 7. 4.00c: No. 8. 3.90c; NO. ,
SKor'No. 10 3.80c: No. 11, 3.75c: No. 12,
V4ia4t4c: seconds. 2&31-16c. MolaBses,
steady; centrifugal, oVgloc.
Wool Market.
ST. LOTJIS. June 21. WOOLSteadyi me-
dlum grades and combing, 13'3l,c; ngni
fi !2igl5Hc; heavy nne, I
washed 15&24X4C.
wxNDON7 June 21.WOOI'
luSl3c ; tub-
The arrivals
of wool for' the fifth series of suction sales
io on hotoa lncludlnar 700 forwarded
direct. The Imports during the week were:
New South Wales. 6,900 bales; Victoria
L316; Tasmania. 8.708; New '.faUind, 4.434;
Cape or uooq iinpo ,
, no. . ci.ewhere. 621.
I . . - I. .
MianDsi . .
76f September. ' 704C. on track: No. i
hard". 79Vc; No. 1 northern, Wc; No.
i northern, 74V4C,
Cattle nominal Hoars steaay to
Strong and Sheep Steady.
CHICAOO June 21. CATTLE Receipts.
haaii Market nominal: good to prime
steers, 37.5OS38.00; poor to medium. $4.75
7 1il- ...Irar, and feeders. 82.50ftiu.25 : COWS.
i.40&55: heifers. $2.65(&6.25; canners, $1.40
(B-'.tO; buns, j.B)(go."; caiveo, f..iw.v,
" . .. ... n- r - rr. . I aoCUl.
Texas tea steers, s.wu.w.
HOGS Receipts. 10,000 head; Monday, 3,-
t.i (.aiimaterii: left over. 4.0n0. Market
steady to strong; mixea mm umuin , -v
uT.66; good 10 cnoice neavy, ei.wiui.ii7,
rough heavy, $7.2wr7.50; light, $7.1o4j'7.4o;
k.,iu nf .uic 7 :&rhi.ety
BHEEr ANO iaibs rteceipis, w
head; sheep, steady; lambs, steady; good
to choice wethers, $4.0046.UO; fair to choice
I mixed. 33.75(a4.60: western
sneep, .iwgi.ii
native lambs, clipped. 35.Ou4i43.35; western
lambs, 5.00f86.: spring mm us, i.iv,
Recelnts. Shipments
Cattle, head
Hogs, head ..
Sheep, bead .
.... 1,653 2.S71
.... 17,230 3,2U
.... 8,791 141
Kansas City Live stock Market.
vivaia CITY. June 21. CATTLE Re.
celpts, 50 head; unchanged; choice export
,A dressed beef steers. 87.OWi7.5i): fair to
sood. $4.9oto7.00; stockers and feeders, $3.004K
4. no; western itu bicdioi . , "
a net nn in aieera. eo.iui. u . iraaa wns.
12 4663.75; native cows, $1.75fi4.90; native
heifers, $3.25(6.25; canners, $1.5oi'ii3.00; bulls,
33 004JI4.75; calves, $2.50Tg5.25. Receipts for
the week, 23,350 head cattle, 3,200 head
calves. ,
I llOUS rieceipts, i,iw neau: marsri
I , rtv , .irons; top. 37.76: bulk of sales
I ... . F f. H T . I .. ....
i40'fll.OO; neavy, ei.ooil'l.iu. nu a ch iiaiann,
7.6y7.70; light, 37.10(87.45; yorkers, , $7.40(tf
.46; pigs, $6.5o&'7.10. Receipts for the week,
19 lrfl haftd.
BHEKr AIMW LAMua neceipia, l.anu
head; market steady; native lambs, $4.8"8
.torn l.mhi 14Qnj A0: native m'eth.
I ers. M.lSluO.o; wesicin scihcib, eo.wtiu.o
l r.n asraa. a, ;i . jr,. . iiiiipru irai
lings, $5.O0(S6.40; Texas clipped sheep, $4.0013
4Kb SlOCKera I1U icruria, ea.0uiajo.0v. no
celyts for the week, 18.6U0 head.
St. Loots Live Stock Market.
RT. I.OITI9. June 21. CATTLE Receipts
lio head, including 100 head Texans; markel
ateadv: native shinning and export steers
I t6.00SiH.b: dressed beef and butcher 'steers,
,- . , , a., . i a, r. .j- r . .
I i4.olKart.uo: steers unuer i,""v iu., ,i.i,.yu iw
1 atnrkara ann reeaers. cows ani
heifers, $2.zia.0O; canners, $1. 762.85; bulls,
$3.otjj3.26; calves. $6.onij6.50; Texas and In.
dlan sUers, $3.00(&6.25; cows and heifers
$2. 7004 50.
,S,u c, 1 TOO Iiaai1 marlra, Arm
IlllOnririjrin, a,.,. .........
6c higher; pigs snd lights, $7.1b'U7.35; puck.
ers,; outcners. i.ra'i.w.
BHKEH AND LAMBS Receipts. 60 head
market nominal: native muttons. l.'l.7.Vr(
4 50; lambs. $5.00(57.50; culls and bucks, $1.50
J4.75; Blockers. $l.OOi&3.00; Texans. $3.2jx
(. Jlosepk Lira Stock Market
eelnta. 1 head: nominal: natives. 4.757.K.
cows and heifers. $1.5ni6.iiri; veals, $3.50(tf
a no- atnnkera and feeders. VI otslift.bO.
HfMlH Recelnts. 6.2m head: steady: llgh
snd light mixed, $7.1017.55: medium and
heavy, ji.ttxu ( o; pigs, s-.wwwio.
SllKE.f AMI tiAUUD iieceipus, ii otsu
long City Lira Stock Market
SIOUX CITY. Is., June 31. (Special Tele
aram ) CATTLE - Receipts. J0 nead
ateadv: beeves. 86 i'i7.0v; cows, nuns an
mixed, t3.6nti4 36; strikers and feeders, $2.
hi ail vaar net ana fa I v ra. ax 1 1 M.
HOOS Receipts, S.US head; strung, sell
Ing at $7.2ui7 &o; tuia. li Mi m.
tfllEEP AND LAM US la demand.
Stock la ttgkt.
The fnllrrwlns tabls shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs ana aneep at tne nve principal
markets lor J-n w:
t-ariie. 3iogs oneep
South Omaha 2T
Chicago "
Kansas City bv
St. Louis 260 1.700
Si Jusepb. 60 3.700
t 36.46t
0 Mtfl
July. B.TS'qS.suc; Augusi, j.jovv.,
ber 7.86c; October. 7.64p 7.66c; Novem
ber. 7.54'a7.55c; December. 7.544f7.5oc; Jan
Beef Steer, the Fut W.ek Sell Eigbeit
of the 8eMu,
(load Hntrhers Stock Sells Well, but
Thin staff Goes Uwr-hfp
Market fl to fl.BO Lower
Tkaa Two Weeks Ago.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
Official Monday...,
3. W
omcial Tuesday ..
Official Wednesday
uniciai Thursday .
Official Friday ....
Official Saturday .
Total this meek 13.349 62.745
Week ending June 14....1,7u3 66.5."4
week ending June 1 13.&I&
Week ending May 81. ...10.143 6S,l-i6
Week ending May 24....15.USI 47,711
Same week last year.... ,6.iS 61,674
The following table shows the receipts ot
cattle, hogs and sheep al boutn omalia for
the year to date and comparisons with
last year:
1902. 1901. Inc. Dec,
Cattle S7.o:!9 865,102 28,'W3
Hogs 1,270,523 1.1 11.426 9.trJ .......
Bheep 3SM.314 601, 107 1,7:
The following table snows the aveiagu
price of hogs sold on the South Omana
market the last several days, with com
parlsons with former years:
Date. I 1902. 1901.18O0.189.1898.187.1896.
Juns 1....
June 1...,
Juns 4...,
June i....
Juno ....
June 7...,
Juns 9...
Jjno 10...
June 11..
June 12...
June 13...
June It...
June 15...
June 16...
June 17..,
June 18...
June 19..
June 20...
June 21...
701 4 88 I 601 4 Jl I 40 I H
4 b 8 6s I 4 l. I 32) 1
6 70i I J Wi 4 W 8 , I (Hi
5 721 4 83, I 4 101 I 32, 2 87
1 70 4 11! I 68 I 8 81 8
6 711 4 M 8 H 4 01 I I 81
t 76 4 11 8 67 I s I 80j
k 78 k OA 1 Ai t 87, 8 811 08
J 07V
7 iJ 1
7 16
7 -m
I 15H
7 21X4 10 8 61 8 M 8 2i I 04
7 26 5 84 1 8 69 3 3 8 27 I 9
7 MX 6 91 5 00 8 toi 8 24, t 91
7 83 6 89 4 92 8 87 8 81
7 36X41 6 861 4 80 8 64 3 71 8 03
1 b 8l 4 8o 8 6 8 79 3 29
7 24X4
4 9jI 8 2 3 W
8 221 8 10
7 2JKi
6 83!
8 63! S 93
8 181 3 08
3 21 8 10
7 26
7 41X.
7 43
6 89 6 03 1
5 921
6 06 3 64
4 94 1 3 71
4 93 j 3 69
3 lai 3 02
6 90
3 80
Z 96
5 91
8 81 1 15
Indlcetes Sunday.
The official number ot cars ot stock
brought In today by each road was:
atne. nogs.
, M. & St. P. Ry
. & St. L. Ry..
nlon Pacific 8ystem
. & N. W Ry
F., E. & M. V. R. R
, bt. r.. Al. tt u. iy
, & M. R. Ry 8
. B. A Q. Ry .,
K. C. & St. J
R. I. & P., east
Illinois Central 1
Total rece'nts 14
The rilsnosition of the day's receipts was
a follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Ruvers. Cattle.Mogs.Bneep.
Omaha Packing Co l.i.83
wlft and company a w
udahy Packing co t..i
Armour & Co .oti 1
Cudahy from K. C 73 ....
U. H. Hammona to
t. Louis Dressed tieoi CO.. us
Other buyers ...
Totals : 228 477 1
Tho fniiowlna- list shows the number 01
cars of feeders shipped to the country yes
terday and their destination;
T'.. XX. T).,ilra Clanna TCpt. TT. P..
. 5
ACIll OC jjuint,L..-i - - -
f dmiiri HtromjihiiriZ. lNet). U. 1
.. 1
.. 1
.. 1
A. Brant. Guthrie Center, la. R. 1
J. H. Rains. Logan, la. I. C.
.. 8
Hill & Slocum, r-crry. la.-aiii...-.
W. A. Cobley, Glldden, la. N. W
vt a m Vmmffatnwn 111. U....
.. 1
CATTLE--The receipts of cattle the past
week were some, ev,er ,,nS ?;
week and upward or i,
Uie corresponding week lirt jjr. m
tr ofaorg Arrived during tne
week, but the big end of the arrivals were
nothing extra s to quality. t .
There was nomnig un " .I";
beef line. During the week the steer
market has been rather better supplied and
.".1 ork iha trade that is. that
choice dry lot cattle are gradually fdvanc-
tne in value ana inai ki-tcii ,
", lower from day to day. 8a es of dry
lot beeves the past week reached $7.6n, the
down! Grassy and hort fed ordinary
j - at frnm 11 hit tfl Ih.tO.
.ue "7-""" .. w-ri ha. been rather
1 ne (raue 111c i" " ' - , ,
unsatisfactory for sellers of she stock,
Inasmuch as there has been nn"y
: i.....i i.ndniuiv unleHs the offerings
werecornfed and of good weight and finish.
Grassy grades are iiicressiin i
are gradually lowering from day to day.
Kent lea COWn Him lirun a ca M
from $5.50 to $5.90. although a few fancy
t.r. L i.?. i,i aKm-a iheae tiarures. Medium
to fair grade, are quoted trom $4 W to $4.50
and grassy stuff from $1.50. to $3.50. Veal
calves, bulls and stags are lower man .ai
week, unless on uw uuioiitu
Stock calves are lower than last week
and the vdlume of business has been mod
erate. Toppy feeders are quoted 10&1dc
lower than a week ago and Inferior light
and coarse neavy biucmis im
. iina, of tVn-iOc durlna the week
and trade has been exceptionally dull and
wf?,,riaTh market nnened out pretty
brisk at a shade better prices on good ship
ping and Heavy nogn, "k""'""' ,.Z
quoted from a 'shade to 6c higher. Iater
reports from other markets were weaken
lntt and trade here soon settled down to
only a steady to strong basis on good hogs
and to weak to a shade lower prices on
inferior offerings. The movement, how-
..I- it Iha nrteea and a Clear-
CWtt Wests saw e-aew J ' - - .
ance was made reasonably early. The week
has, on tne wnoie. oecn nuiit j j
and today show the highest of the season
and establishing the high record for Juno
at this market. The bulk and top today
were the highest In over nine years. Choice
Valr80 So goorhr-gs' going ittfwt.R
. r.aVina- and llarht stuff have been
uncertain seuern, oui ait iiiawi....(
than at tne opening i i a---
sentalivs sairn
No. At. ih. Pr.
At. Sh. Pr.
75 143 140 7 46
i (0
40 1 10
... T 30
... 7 3S
M 111
... 1 15
.233 140 T 46
....2-8 ISO 7 46
....IX 80 7 46
,...l:il 140 T 46
....230 140 7 45
....110 liOO 7 45
....2J5 120 T 46
....124 SO 7 46
... l 140 7 46
....130 160 7 46
....38 140 7 4
....123 160 7 45
....133 120 1 46
....147 120 7 46
. . . . Zh 140 I 46
....137 100 7 46
....160 830 7 46
....130 100 7 4S
,....111 110 7 46
,....230 40 7 45
127 80 7 46
218 40 7 46
tot 130 1 34
304 120 1 35
187 40 1 85
121 40 t 35
114 140 7 38
138 120 1 35
313 130 t 15
107 40 7 174
108 ISO 1 37 '4
33. .
41 ...
..Jill 80 7 a'1
80 T 37
80 T 3714
... 7 374
34 7 40
80 7 40
.111 144 7 4
....303 80 1 40
....313 140 1 40
1"4 140 7 40
....336 1 30 7 40
...MO 110 T 40
....217 30 7 40
....320 110 T 40
....til ISO I 40
....113 SO 7 40
....124 100 T 40
130 40 7 40
....134 120 7 40
....tut I'") 7 40
138 100 7 40
.127 130 7 46
.128 100 7 46
.138 160 7 46
.126 ... 7 45
.134 140 I 46
.131 160 7 47V4
.ni 404 7 47i
.1S 140 7 47
.142 84 I 47
.143 ... 7 60
.137 80 7 60
.833 124 7 60
.247 80 7 60
.143 140 7 60
.24 SO 7 60
.233 180 T 60
.240 ... t 60
.Ml 140 7 60
1M 180 7 60
,.3M 40 7 60
.2f,3 84 7 64
,.26T 80 7 60
,.8t4 140 7 60
.1..1 ... 7 60
,.2(4 160 7 60
,171 ... 7 624
.148 ... 7 61,
,134 ... 7 61V4
71 ..
,.14 40 7 40
40 7 40
80 7 40
160 7 40
..3:i4 140 1 424
t 42
SO I 41
4 T 42
...t 140 T 42U
...313 ... 7 4:
...220 ... 7 42',
,.313 140 7 42'
...114 ... 7 !'
...230 140 T 42ta
80 7 4! 4
.IW 80 7 42t
I'll ISO T 66
178 40 T 66
.221 4v T 42
7 42', 40 178 40 T 66
T 42'I 64 131 14) 7 66
T 42U 44 0 SO 7 64
.t4 80
.130 110
.228 130 7 434 63 3M 80 7 40
231 I'M t 46 44 800 ... 7 40
SHEEP The receipts for th week have
been of somewhat liberal proportion?, but
havs been largely from the range country,
onlv a few fed muttons arriving. Values
dropped rspldly during the past ten days
and prices are quoted ll.Ool 60 under two
weeks ago. The decline has been eenersl
at all markets snd Is duo to ths influx of
nnia stuff.
ounta tlons for eimned stock: Good to
choice wethers, $I.5W4.50; fair to good, l'-30
it, A MO: rood to choice ewes. 14 ZRO-t SO: fair to
good. $3.764.26, good to -"holre lambs, $6.00
OS So; lair to goon Houuv '- vvooica "
sells about 264T4lc above clipped stock.
Representativs sales:
Hew York Lira ttaok Marks!
ceipts, 213 head; ous car of Tsxas stsrs
high point of the season. Uooa i. io
l.bVpound beeves are selling from $7 40 to
$7.65. 1.100 to l.SuO-pound from $7.00 to $7.40
..i.ah a ..nrnreo lots irom ei.w
sold at 13 SO; drse.l beef, steady; eitjr
dressed natives. !SflOc per lb. for sides.
Cables last reported nuoted Amcrlcnn steers
at 14ij16c, (lreted weight; refrigerator brf
at ll'o12c per Ib. Exports iody, partly
estlmsted. 1 S'7 head cf bei ves. 4fi head of
sheep iitui 4.7 si nuarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts, all marketed. S3 head;
7KI head on sale; no sales reported; rity
dressed ven's. general sales. 9tillo per Ih.
Hi HIS Receipts, 1.477 head; no sales re
ported. SHEEP AND UVMRrl nerelptn. 2.02H
head; prices steady nil around, but sheep
very dull except good grades of deslrabl
weight; about six cars of stock utiSild.
Sheep sold nt $2. bO'aM. iO per 100 lbs.; a few
yearlings, 14 75; lambs, fl; dressed
muttons, general snles, frijtjc per lb.;
dressed lambs, 9ijl3c.
Henry Van Gleson.
Henry Van Gleson, the aged father of
Pr. H. E. Van Gleson, died at his home In
Psterson, N. J.. Saturday rdornlng. Mr. Van
Gleson, although 90 yesrs ot age, had mads
two trips to Omaha alone in recent years
and was In full possession of his physical
and mental powers until within 4 few weeks
ot bis death.
Retired Ranker at Oakaloosa.
OFKALOOSA, la.. June 12.R. P. Bacon,
sged 76, died Btiddenly at his home today,
from apoplexy. He was a retired capital
ist and banker snd widely known In the
Movements of Ocean Vessels Jane St.
At Howhead rasseH Georglc, from Nw
Tork, for Uverpool.
At Antwerp Arrived Friesland, from
New York.
At Glasgow Palled Furncssla, for New
Tork, via Movllle.
At Uverpool Sailed T.lvlntan, from
Glasgow for St. Jhns. N. F., Hallftx. N.
B., and Philadelphia. Sailed Lucanla. for
New York.
At New York Arrived TTmbria, from
IJverpool and Queenstown; I .a fin vole,
from Havre; St. Paul, from Southampton
nnd Cherbourg. Bulled Minneapolis, for
At London Sailed Minnehaha, for New
A Prime Favorite
IB today tbe American
people's choice.
Backed by quality
that has' alwsys ex
celled, this beer has
won a most enviable
standing with beer
drinkers everywhere.
honestly won.
(Non-Intoxicant) Tonic Druggists
or direct.
1419 Douglss St. Tel. 1A61.
Datls & CcwiH Iron Works.
auraaAi. stuTAiRrxo a trwaiAXtTS
SUL. ISOtt atatsl lttlM Jsaksss .
saakaw TmL-
a. trtki. Agsat. . csta. Mn
Maaufset4trsrs and obbsrs t
Steam and Water Supplies
Of All Kinds.
$014 a.4 101S DOTJOLAf
u esfern Electrical
vv Company
Electrical SupplU
sctrto Wlrtag all sa4 Ugattoft
ta. W. JOUNBTON. Hwl4 b
Omaha Tent and Awning Co.,
Osaaka, Xsb.
Manufacturer, ot
Tents and Canvas Goods.
0o4 lor Catalogue Nunif 31
I Nervoas nattering or
I severs heart throb- B
1 bing Is aa Indication
1 of disorder ia ths I
I digestloa. I
I la s valuable rsmedy I
kJ in sack cases. It
I cleanses and stresfth-
ens tbe stomach, liver
and bowels, removes
H ths cause of ths heart
B symptoms, promotes
digestloa, builds ap a
H strong aad vigorous
B body
1 Sold at Druggists.
1 Price. $1.00. I