TI1F, OMAITA PATIT TIEK: STINT) AY, JUNE 22, 1002. Prices are reduced to the minimum to effect a rapid and decisive clearance of the $100,000 Bankrupt Stock of Seeley-Howe-LeVan Company This famous sale must be brought to a speedy termination. The merchandise must be disposed of no matter what sacrifices we are compelled to make in the way of prices. The vast reductions we have made are of vital interest to all consumers. It presents an unparalleled opportunity for money saving. The bargains cited in this advertisement are but an index to the bargains that abound in every department. Come tomorrow with the expectation of securing some of the greatest values you have ever bought and you will not be disappointed. 12 Rare Silk Bargains These are great inducement for you to buy silks tomorrow. Such splendid bargain are indeed rare and you should make the most of them. Jt"s a saU that merits your attendance. 300 Pieces of Black Dress Silks On Sale Monday at Klack Moire Antiques, CQp the 11.25 quality, per yd OVw 36-inch Mack guaranteed taf feta, 12.00 quality, I AA per yd l'JJ 27-lnch black rustling taffeta. heavy quality, worth $1.60 per yard, on sale at WC per yd J. UW 36-inch black Japanese silk, spot proof, worthisl.OO yard, at. OUL 27-lnch black Peau de Sole, very lustrous, worth OESr" 2.00 yd, on sale at por y d zs O W Unusually Low Prices Black Crepe de Chine, $1.25 quality, per yd.... vJOU 27-inch black Liberty Duchesse, f: 69c 27-inch black Huhutai taffeta, made in Japan, will not spot or crock, worth $1.50 yard on sale at JL O w The celebrated ''Bonnet" Lyons taffeta, pure dye. the -f $2. 50 quality , on salo at yd 1 $ 4mt O "Guinet" Lyons pure dye taf feta, the $2.00 quality, j AA per yd 1 vlJ re me cuoicest biikb we uave eer uidiuvu uu uui ivuu- 59c, 1.00, 1.98 yd Black Grenadines, 45 inches wide, worth up to $5 a yard, 011 sale at 69c, $1.00 und $1.9Sa yard All silk black grenadines, beautiful Imported goods, all high-class patterns, many exclusive designs. Tbey come In small and medium dots, and In elaborate patterns, plain nets, Iron frame grenadines, iatln striped and fine sheer linen colored grenadines. Those are the choicest silks we have ever displayed on our coun ters worth up to $5 a yard on sale at Elegant Corded Silks All this season's styles and beautiful colorings, plenty of pinks, blues, tans, greens and two y and three tone effects. The kind that la selling as a bargain a3ajC at 60c a yard on sale Monday at, yard Silks on Bargain Squares On the bargain squares we will place on sale several thousand yds. of fine silks from the Seeley-Howe-ZieVan stock almost all classes of silks are Included those that suggest themselves are 36-Inch black and white Japanese silks, 24-lnch black and col ored taffetas, peau de sole, satin, corded silks, satin and twilled foulards. washable taffetas, etc. These range in length from S to 15 yard's up to $2.00 values On sale at .......... inese range la jengin 29c, 49c, 69c yd A Record Breaking Waist Sale 800 dozen of the newest style tcaists at about half price. The entire stock of waists of a St. Louis wholesale dry goods house, all that a St. Joe wholesale house had on hand, and the entire stock of white shirt walats of a New York manufacturer. These purchases with the balance of the waists from the Beeloy-Howe-LeVan Co. are on sale. It's a great opportunity. ; The Newest Styles Every conceivable style In women's shirt waists that are fashionable this season is represented In this vast gathering open front and back style full front side tucked elbow sleeves daintily trimmed long sleeves Gibson and Maxim fronts You will find the very waists you want and the saving Is worthy of your consideration on sale in four lots The Choicest Fabrics The following are a few of the fabrics these waists are made of white Persian and India lawn, India llnon, chambrays, madras, percale, organdlcB, ginghams, etc., trimmed with fine embroid eries, laces and insertions a most complete gathering of 1D02 walats comprising all that is new and beautiful on sale in four assortments as follows Lot 1, 75c Ladies Waists for 25c Lot 2, $1 Ladies' Waists for 39c Lot 3, $2 Ladies' Waists for 95c Lot 4, $3 Ladies' Waists for $1.50 50c, 75c, $1 Wash Goods 25c Yd. All the Finest Wash Fabrics from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan stock are Included In this lot It comprises the following white fabrics, wide and narrow welts pique, silk grenadine, stripes, etamines, opera batistes 72 in ches wide also fancy effects and plain colored wash fabrics, such as plain mercerized etamines, lace and Ilk tissues, silk grenadines, crepe de chine, crepe tnous- senne, cic. ouc, ioc ana 11 values per yarn I 35c Wash Goods at 15c Yard Sllgh grade wash fabrics, new organdies in the openwork lace effects, satin striped and mercerized goods. In light blue, pinks, reds, greens and black all on sale at, A5C 25c Extraordinary Dress Goods Bargains from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan Stock. TBe Dtas-onsU Skirt Cloth, all colore, SOe yard. SU.OO Navy bine Brllllanttne, 441 Inches wide, SOo yard. T5o Nana' Veiling; and Batiste, la black, 40 Inches wide, 8e yd S1.00 Voile Etamlne, In black, 44 Inches wide, SOo yard. S1.2S Twine Etamlne, In black, 44 ' Inches wide, 6o yard fl.2S Mohair Mistral Etamlne, In! black, tBo yard. Shear White Wool Dress Goods Nuns veiling, batiste, silk lustre albatross, Bedford cord, etc. 75c to $1.00 qualities, per yard , 39c $10 and $12 Trimmed Hats $5 fife W On Monday -we will place on sale a limited num ber of our ten and twelve dollar trimmed bats, on which we are slightly overloaded, owing- to the backwardness of the weather during- the past ten days. These goods are absolutely i res 11 ana ngnt up to me prevailing Paris and New York styles, while they last, Mondav . aosoiuieiy $5 See the nets arrivals in white felt, white duck, pique, crash aud linen hats in the very latest trimmed street and outing effects, t5e to 95.00. Ladies' and Misses' Genuine Panama Hats $3.45 mannish shapes, 3.45 Ladles' and misses' genuine Panama hats in three swagger such as are now being shown br the swell hatters of New York and Chicago, and which all ask $5.00 for. Monday, Big Bunches Flowers Sc and 10c Second Flotr Immecse quantity of pretty flowers and foliage of all descriptions, some bunches sold as high as 76c. Among this lot we offer 6,000 bunches of beautiful black satin violets, three dosen In a bunch, sC" AxJC sold everywhere at 60c, Monday $1.50 Leghorn Hats 69c Extra fine quality leghorn flats, both high and low crown, narrow and wide brims. Imported to . sell at $12 dox.. on sale Monday, each.. $1 Sailor Hats 49c 69c Fine triple edge white Jap and split braid sailors, made by men's batters, excellent quality silk band, good leather sweat, 1 values, at .... 49c Unmatchable Hosiery Offers Ladles' finest quality plain black A and fancy lace hose, fine lisle CjL J t 1.00 quality per pair w ,i 4Li"7S Misses', cniurens ana coys nosiery from t 43? the Seeley.IIowe-LeVan Co. stock, fast and fanny colors, frreat vnrltv nf styles all sizes worth SOo Ol palr-on sale at, O o C I per pair 1 Women's flue hosiery from the 8eeley-Howe urn an vu. emeu la ail an uciirsuis ejr tee tur manner wear, drop stitch and lace hose, silk finished and lisle thread "iWl worth 25o and 85o a pair, "J J .uuston Blums. j. l. mtANuma & bum. We Are Selling the Entire Stock of Fine Laces and Embroideries From the Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co. at Half Prices We mention below a few of the great bargains you can secure. The goods are all clean and perfect. It's a sale you really cannot afford to ?niss. The advantages are many. Laces, Insertlngs, Readings and Galoons in a great variety of styles and patterns. Including fine tor chons, Valenciennes, chantilll, escurlal, net top, oriental, etc., on sale at the following prices: 5c Laces at 24c yard 10c Laces at 5c yard 20c Laces at 10c yard 30c Laces at 15c yard Allover Laces in white, ecru and colors, at 10c, 39c, 69c and 98c a yard, worth double. Embroideries and Inserting of fine Swiss, nain sook and cambric; very pretty styles and patterns, In splendid variety, all widths, on sale at the following very remarkable prices: 5c Embroideries 24c yard 10c Embroideries 5c yard 15c Embroideries 7ic yard 20c Embroideries 10c yard Allover Embroideries and Tuckiags at 25c, 35c, 69c and 98c a yard, worth double. Extra Special About 5,000 yards of heavy net laces in white, ecru and cream, 15c qualities, at 2l2c yd $25 Silk Foulard Costumes for $9.50 These costumes aad gowns are from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan stock and from a New York manu facturer. They are made in the newest summer styles of beautiful silk foulards f f"f "V and satiss all elaborately trimmed very "stunning" gowns the most charming I I conceits 117.50 to $25.00 values on sale at ' $10 Shirt Waist Suits $4.98 Those suits combine every element of style and quality. The assortment includes beautiful costumes of linen, mercerized chambray, cotton foulards, lawns, madras, etc. The waists have long blouse fronts skirts are mado a -"w fx with high flounce strap trimmed all colors and styles J fi special sale price JL yj A very comprehensive assortment of the most recent creations in wash suits garments that possess tone and character they are made of fine swiss. organdy, dimity, linen and lawn, in white, vink -r,. ,J .7 .'lL ill. it . . . . vft uwc, u luji u-me iciirt rujjieaarop sKiri, prices are $6.50, 17.50, 9S.98 and 99.98, White Sicilian Skirts the newest thinj in summer skirts made with-tucked and trimmed flounces nothing f cooler for Bummer . " KJ i" wear , $7 Dress Skirts $2.75 Made of fine cheviot, Venetian", broadcloths, eu, with new taffeta, moire and r- peau de sole trimmings, wide jJ, cut flounce and flare New Kilt Walking Skirts alao box pleated effects, made cf men's cheviots, meltons, etc., in new shades f g of gray beautifully 1 J r tailored Z? KJ $7 Golf Skirts $a50-mado of all wool cheviots In oxfords, bluos and browns, 3.50 with corded flounce and yoke new style special A Startling Sale f Woman's Fashionable Tailor-Made Suits Prices Average Less Than Half " ""m u" 'our assortments every assortment you will find contains the most stylish suits made all this season's productions and made of the most desirable and dependable fabrics in all thecorrect shades all sizes and all styles oa sale at these remarkable price $390 $7 $950 $15 for suits worth up to $12.50 for suits worth up to $20 for suits worth up to $25.00 for suits worth up to $40 m 3S ., am a I. HZ A. . .. m . ft or v 5 Very Special Basement Bargains Best Standard Prints 5 f White Goods of every description, Mercerized Sateen, in black and all cases on sale Monday at, 2w ,ncudlng India llnon, lawn, Swisaes, colors worth up to 40c a per yard ' 46 dimity, etc., In plain and fancy weaves yard on sale at, I C Lawns, Dimities, Batistes, Swisses, goods that sell for regu- S per yard etc.. in plain colors and new floral lar upward to 23c yd on I I JO Imported Gingham poods that sell designs worth up to 51 jm "le 1' Per W reguiar at nc , yard 6.000 Q 1 1 25c a yard per nC . . x, , , yards on sale tomorrow r A"sT yard S IUh Grade Lawns, Dimities per yar(1 KJ 2v Everett Classic Chambray and and Batistes in full pieces the Silkoline in the very newest designs Scotch Giagham "I the very latest designs, worth 10c a yard g worth loo a yard on sale fj In C worth up t0 850 yfcrd 1 vJ C on BaJe per J C at, per yard I on sale at. per yd yard w w liUSTUN fcViOUt:. J. L. 11KAMJE1S & riU.NH. itDSTO.N tSTUKE. Great Linen Sale All tjie fine linens from the Sesley-Iljwe-Le Van stock on sale at the most remarkable low prices. Every housekeeper should attend this sale ami lay in a good supply. The highest grade full bleached, double satin 98c damask, the prod act of the host looms In Ireuand. This qualty usually retails at $2.25 yard all on sale tomorrow, per yard Full bleached table damask in the newest styles, 69c satin finished, and German silver bleached, 2 yards wide, Seeley Howe-LeVan Co's. price $1.35 yard on special sale at, per yard , Very fine table damask, the product of Irish, German, Belgium and Scotch looms, 64-lnrh to 72-Inch width, bleached bleached and half bleached, also several different styles of mer cerized goods, worth 98c, on sale at, per yard y. silver 49c A great variety of fine table damask, full bleached, otrh damask 39c Irish silver bleached, all linen German damasks, unbleached Srotoh damask and the celebrated mercerized damask, some 2 yards wide, Seeley-Howe-LeVan's Co.'s price 65c, on sale at, per yard , Heavy weight linen Over 500 table cloths table damask, half cream with red border, white, the 50c quality, per yard bleached, and pure 19c Scotch linen table da mask, extra heavy and very wide, cream color, 60c f quality, per yard jmtzJC 24-inch half bleached German linen napkins, extra heavy, worth $2.50 dozen, on sale at Just half price, per dozen.... . 98c from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan stock various patterns, hemmed, plain white and white with rod border, also fringed cloths, 2 and 2 yards long, cloths that sold for up to $2.d0, on sale In one lot at All the very finest cloths from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan stock in 2, 2H, 3 and 4 yard lengths, will be sold In three assort ments. These cloths range In value from $10.00 to $20.00, our price Lutfch cloths fringed 39c quality, at 1.25 $2.98, $3.98, $8.98 nicely ,.19c Cotton scarfs, and square . cloths In a great variety, e" luw 25c quality, at. Fine Negligee Shirts At a saving of fully one-third. A special purchase of 200 dozen of the finest shirts made, on sale inthree grand assort ments at 49c, 69o and 98c. The 49a Assortment Consists of 75c woven madras shirts, with detached cuffs; 75o printed nainsook and corded madras shirts, with detached cuffs; 75c percale shirts, with attached collars and cuffs; 75c percale shirts, wllh two separate collars and at tached cuffs, and 75c blark sateen working shirts all on sale at The 61)o Assortment Consists of $1 woven madras shirts, with detached cuffs; $1 light colored pleated bosom negligee shirts, with detached cuffs; $1 white nainsook negligee shirts. with detached cuffs; $1 Oxford cloth shirts, with 2 separate cuffs and at tached cuffs, all on sale at The 08c Assortment Consists of $1.50 men's madras cloth shirts, shirt waists, plain and pleated; $1.50 white pleated bosom shirts, small or large pleats, with separate cuffs;; $1.50 Scotch madras shirts, hundreds of patterns, with detached cuffs, and $1.50 extra size madras ehlrts, sizes up to 20, with or without collars all on sale at 49c i negligee sniris, 69c :uu; ; si.au ecoicu 98c A Lucky Clothing Scoop The entire spring and summer stock of Men's and Boys' Fashionable Qlothing of Levy and Weinstein, New York, was bought by us for less than one-half of manu facturer1 s cost. We are selling the entire stock at prices you will marvel at. Here are two instances: Men's $10, $12.50 and $15 Suits These suits are made up in the newest styles and of the best materials, including fancy overplaid cheviots, summer weight meltons in all the new shades pun strip ed worsteds, etc. All are thoroughly well tailored and trimmed and come in a com plete line of sizes up to 46. A small por tion of these suits are $10 values the bal ance are suits that sell regular for $12.50 and ?15. Vfe offer you the Oil choice for. . . of all Men's Fashionable Summer Suits Worth $25 These are modol suits In every resrot they fit perfect -ar strictly up-to-date are exceptionally tailored and ninde of the newest domestic and Imported fabrics, including cheviots, plain and fanry hoinettpuns, Scotches and fancy worsted. These milts are equal to the products of the best merchant tailors. and range up to $25 in vulue all on Bale at , $10 JL?J Summer Underwear Women's ribbed vests, very nicely made, 10c quality Ar iCf Jf at ?& V Women's silk mercerized vests, roy? mixed colors and plain, very prettily trimmed fTlfHT? ' y '" I with silk, Seeley.IIowe.LeVan Co.'s j 'tj-:'i price 25o and 35o- lr3C ' j 1 special i W iVif' Pearl Buttons 2Jc doz. Pearl iM$u buttons that Seeley. Howe-Le Van J' HtVv Co. sold tor up to 15j a dozen In C lh' ' J 'I - ' go at, par dozen 1 mW$ J. L. HHANUEIK & ISON8. HOlSTON HTUltH.