V TIIK OMAHA DAILY HEEi ' TTJinNESDAY. .TOTTj IS, 1002. 0. SPECIAL NOTICES - - " - will bo taken til 12 m. for Ik evrolnr edition and III ):JIO f. aa. for nanlif nad Sander edition. Hates, l l-ae a word Arm Insertion, la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lea thaa 2S for the first larr 1 hese advertisements amaat h rnn eonaecstlt ely. Advertlarre, by requesting at n-i wi ttered eheek, raa have aaawera ! dressed to a namnered letter la ear f The Tlee. Aaawera a addressed will b delivered on presentation, of the) keak enlr. eg ! ! BITIATIOX WA1TKD. - BTENOGKAPHER. When you wantons tall the Remington Tyierlter ntllce, 113 Farnam at. Telephone lu73. A 7'J6 J.'ti WAVTKU-MAI.K HELP. to FOR HALF A DAY S WORK. If you live tn the country or In a small town and have a goud acq jalntance imoni uie larmera ana sto-m raisers In the nelghuorhouu you tan make o easily by lour or live hour' work. S rite ua and w will vena your our proposition. The Bee publlsiilng Co., Solicitors dept., Omaha. Neb, ii bl2ii WANTED, a food man In every county to take subscriptions for The Twentieth Century armor. Our agents make good wage everywhere. Itelerences required. Aouress Twentieth Century r aimer, umana, isuo. utu IHREE or four good men wanted; $100 per month. Call fc-i .'axtuii blocK. ii b-H SALESMAN wanted to sell fruit trees; po altion permanent; pay weekly; write lor particular. Address Western Nursery company, caira ."-pi-, uiwrinco, nan San. 11 IDS July a TRAVELING salesmen, . also advertisers; iraigni salary. Answer it you want business, oinerwlse. dun t. Triumph, Dal las, Texan. D Via 11 A GOOD Industrial Insurance solicitor of character uud with reterencea to work In Colorado oan hear of a good contract by auurraaiiig i . j. uuk Denver, coio. B-i.4 IS WANTED, men to learn barber trade: new Held for our graduates; eight weeks pre pare you foe lo weekly job; best trade In existence for poor man. Cataloaue mailed free. Moler Barber College, m.i r arnam bi. 1 sol 20 BEMONHTKATOR to explain medlcology, w per ween. juxenDuugn, auu ware b.K WANTIfil) Laborers for steam, shovel work; night or tlay gang. Hall Grading ana construction Co., two miles east of uroiawajr motor line, Council Blurts. B bt7 22 WANTED. two flrst-clnsa coatmakers prices from 16.50 up; come or address tn. Burgner. Atlajillo, la. B M81S 18" WANTED, fcoo first-class experienced typewriter salesman. Call today between t and 10 a. m. and & to 6 p. m. Mr. Woll- neim, . n xton Dotei. ., b A1846 18 WANTED, young men and Women to write for our free booklet "Are Your Hand Tied?" It tells how we have helped thousands to support themselves while we qualified 'them for high-salaried I positions In engineering or architecture. Write the International Correspondence Schools, box IMX, Scranton, pa., or call day or evening at the- Omaha ofllce, t7 raxton diook. i MS4 18 Vv'ANTElJ, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis ing, Bureau, Chicago... B MM. in WANTED, men who are weak or diseased to. write for free booklet edlred by the leading and most successful specialist in the U. 8. Address J. 'Newton Hathaway, M. 62 Commercial block, Sioux City, .la. . . , . . B MS42 18 WANTED, baritone player; frood situation furnished. Everett - Moore,- director Moore's band and orchestra. Alliance, Neb. B M842 19 SALESMEN WANTED. BALESMEN wanted Yor full line ot fruit and ornamental trees; pay weekly; outfit free. Lawrence Nursery Company, Law rence, Kan. 688 Jllr ".WANTEll F.EMA'Llfi HELP. WANTED, tw' yotlng lady student ' to learn bJtlrdresslng, nutmuurlng and chi ropody and scientific massage, call or writ Room 2io, Bee Bldg. . C 84tl 100 Qlrls. Cll Canadian oflloe, 15h & Dodae. . - . - - C-e4j . WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle, man to take life scholarship In Omaha's best business and .shorthand college and pay for It when course Is finished and position secured. Address A 1. Bee. C-S30 WANTED, competent, girl housework. 4643 Dodge. for general C 641 18 WANTED Qlrl to do light housekeeping. 207 Eleventh Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa, .. . .- . .- c 46 !( WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply Mrs. 11. D. Neely. 4371 Hamilton, opposite Walnut Hill school. . . C 814 18 WANTED An office girl. D S, Bee. C-68 17 WANTED A girl to learn halrdressing Steady position after learning. Adroit Hair Basaar, 1620 Douglas. C 812 18 GIRL for getjaral housework. 301 S. 2Sth St. ' C M821 WANTED, girl for general . housework t family of two. 672 8. 28th St. C-M844 18 GIRLS for . general housework at once. Xiu Webster sU , . C M836 18 FOR .CENT HOISES. VANS and baggags wagons. Tel. 1196. .... D 848 UOIlPQ n all parts of city. The O. nUUOCO F. Davis Co... 662 Bee Bldg. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage A " " O 11.1 11. ..' ...... r.. ITUI. It'll ..T. V. V. , V...V I aM.7g 4,J1IU, AVI, JtaJO-OVM, jj sty BEK PAYNE. BOBTWICK A CO.. for choice bouses. 601-2 N. Y. LUe Bldg. Tel. 1016. FOR RENT, modern housa near High S-Uool. T b O. F. Davis Co., tOH Bee B dg. U IM HAGGARD Van 8toxg Co. Tel. 144. D &S HOUSES.' etc, F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. t ' ... . . D 867 BIX-ROOM flat,' all modern. 1111 So. 11th. GOOD t-roon) modern bouse. t v S&G4 Blondo. D Mill HOUSES, stores. Uemls. Psxton block. .. .- D-298 HOUSES and flats. Ring wait. Barker block ......... - - i ru FOR PENT, 4-room cottage. 709 8. 17th Ol., 41. r Li DJU OOOD modern 8-room house. 2604 Blondo, . U Mill FOR RENT, S-room, modern, detached house, newly 1 painted and papered. (2u. Mi Capitol Ave. Tel. 571. B. H. Rublson. CENTRAL. -ro. dfn fiat. Tlxard. r N Jld su v M.Ol When You Write to Advertisers ttmrmber It only take sn extra stroke or two or tne pen to nirmicn i" laci ins you saw tn aa in in uee. THREE ACRES.' garden and orchard, house and large barn, southeast of Hanscutn Park. i. D Wead,,U4 Douglas ureal. U 91V IB tlrl BPN'T. ril Marcy St , I riMiam, all modern and I ..m,l ,,rlltl.,,. t , IIIAIIlh N W. cornel ui 2Mb and Jai kson Sts.. 10- room modern hnute; has just been put In first-class repair. 13S per montn. GEORGE AND COMPANY, ltiol FARNAM . . l il TOR RENT, 6-rouJt. flat, worth 61, . 161S I-saven- FOR REST-HOISF.S. 4.111 FARNAM 8 room, modern, and barn. 15: ihivennort. nve room ana risrn. I8. Other, Wngwalt Bros., Barker Block. IJ 761 FURNISHED HOUSE. S-room modern house on B. 4ith at.' choice location near Farnam street. 40 per month. GEORGE & COMPANY. D M863 20 Ft'RNISHED house; modern, nice shade; to September 1. Inquire "4 o. -m at. D M-27 11 FOR REST FtHMSIIED Ho-i. ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the .ity. VJ Capitol ave. n, MSJo DEWEr European hoteU 13th nd Fjrn.m. TWO housekeeping room 18. 2C3 St. Mary's J" LARGE front room. 1631 Harney. E74 17 FtRXISIiED ROOMS AID BOARD. Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85. F-w Ft'RNISHED rooms, with board. 11 Fo. 26th St. t MM ! DESIRABLE south front room , With board; references. 203 N. 18th St. F-744 ! NICELY furnished southeast front room I with alcove and bay window: modern; board. Ju2 South 2tith Bt. r Bli 18- PLEASANT rooms at the Farnam t spe cial rates for gentlemen during months of June, July and August. 1S-1 rarnam. TWO desirable front rooms, with alcove. I The 1'ratt, 212 S. 25lh St. F MS43 FOR RENT VN KIRN I SHED ROOMS. DESK room space, 15 pe month, ground iloor room In The Bee building, facing rarnam street; no expense fur light, heat or jumtor service. K. C. Feters c Co., I rental agents, iee puuaing. u-nn CENTRAL, 8 choice room. 220 N. 23d. G-41 CENTRAL three elegant room. 220 N. 2Jd t. G M0G& 2015 CALIFORNIA, two unfurnished room. 111S il- ENTIRE second floor unfurnished resi dence; modern; room large and cool for cummer, tiu s. asm ot. juszj FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. . . . i . m i I FUK KL , roe Duiiaing lormer.y pecu- nled by rne wee at sin rarnam si. ii i has four stories and a bMement which . ....... - r - i T his will be rentea very reasonably, u Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose- water, secretary, room iuu, iiee puuaing. 1401 vmt RENT, store In first-class location: rent reasonable. Apply IV. C. Peter Co., ground door, uee oiag. i zw FOR RENT, desk room or large space suitable for merchandise brewer or party doing business in wnoiesaie uismoi. in- uuire iienc & v-o., via rurum e. , 1-M224 TO LET, offices In Paxton block and Mo- Cague bldg. W, Farnam Smith Co., 13.0 Farnam Bt. 1672 M'CAGUE BUILDING, j ISth and Dodge Sts. inely lighted and ventilated offices to let, singly or en; suite. Good janitor-and elevator service. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 FARNAM ST. 1-825 MODERN building In wholesale district t. u. weau, j-iougis ot. l pny jy-io AUI2NTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every 1 county to solicit suDscription to THB 'Iwts.Miiiin cb.Muni rAiuitiH steady employment with assured good Income; -.agents In - the ; country .-, wlth- horse anr buggy especially aesirea: can vasser mate easily oo to inxi per montn. Aoureas century farmer ooncitors bureau. Bee building, Omaha, 213 13 TO 16 PENSION per week. We heln widows, cripples ana orpnans. write tor particulars. Amerlctn Pension Co.; 41 Vrnnlclln Ht. New Ynrlr J 7Hf 17 I ENTS wanted to make J1O.0O a day sell- FAR0ImaainU' at BankTldg'fel T48H iK the "Cyclone'' rotary hand fan; Thomas, 1st xxat. Bann biag. lei. IMS. reatest seller known: big profits. Write I v 6u day for agents' terms. Sumple. post- iid, 26 cents. Enterprise Fan Co." lo4 .um n ifhir.ncT,i j mhhh ilia ake st Chicago. J-Mtu ID WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, to rent, house 7 room, lot, snaaea. Must nave barn ana lot lenced. One year, or would buy. Address Long, care uenone noiei. k. sat ilr , WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, two or three good vacant lots. suitable for residences or flats; must be guuu lutauuiia nuu ii kq laaauiiaine, all cash and no extra expense of sellinv. Aduress direct, to buyers, U, 10, care Bee oince. M MW WANTED 2d-hand clothing tor cash. 1207 Farnam. . . , . is MMI Jy. 1 WANTED Claims against tilobe Savings uaiiK. vrue j tw, ie waive. N-r-732-fll WANTED 500 to 1.000 yard, of dirt at 10th and Arbor Sts. Apply at bul New York laiie Biug. n AiMi 21 WANT to buy two Shetland ponies. Apply alter s p. m. im in, joe nan. - N-3 IS . WANTED, - to buy a. good second-hand soda fountain. Aoaress .Lewis tiaaery co.. ijwi, in. ' e auuo M FOR SALE FIHB.ITURK. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. UU. xsew ana seconu-ua-iu, vougni. sola. exenangea. . u ei FOR SALE HORSES, .WAGONS, ETC. FOR SALE, oheap, a Conoord buggy. . 18th aud Vinton. Xr lu PAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc.. our specialty. H. f rost, 141A and Uav euworih. Tel. 1447. p (ttu FOR HALE, buggies, phaetons, runabouts. new ai.u a-cuiiuiiiiu, i iui prices. xm- pairing, painting and trimming; also put Sn rubber tire. Pfelfter. th and Leav- enworlh bts. P 777 JU Pheips, lUioin D. N. X. Lit Bids. P MS63 CARRIAGES Owner must sell Immedi ately nis coupe-Rockaway, ngnt open carnage ana trap. Auurus j b, nee. P 7o 17 FOR SALE, good family driving- horse. Ad dress C est. Be. . X'b&l 17 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 2DHAND safe cheap. Schwarts, 114 8. Uth. FLESCHEK sells bicycles. 1SSI Capitol Ave. -vi IDHAND safe cheap. De right, 1119 Farnam. Q toe CL'iinVTUUK'n hilltArn a nrl nMil l.hl... bllllurd tables repaired; a large stock ol rlia.u bar llxtures. claar counters, etc. The Brunswick Balks Cullender Co., 407-9 tiouth lum. Q al For SALE, fine Imported harness, bras muumed and trimmed: Cost when naw JU; will sell for can be seen at Doty tk Russell s barn, Jth and Leavenworth ktreeU. Q loo 8TYLES trusses- catalogue tree. Sher man A McCunnell Drug Co., ltth and . Dudge, Ouiaha. Q M7 BICYCLES and phonographs on easy Pay ments 45 down, II. bo per week; Idband wheels. . ana lio; new wheels. SU Omaha Bicycle Co.. loth and Chicago Sta. Q Alaos WIRE fence for poultry, hog. wn snd yaru, niico puaia, irea guaras. vv trw W orks, til i. 16th BC TeL U90. Q IvlSTJ July FOR SALE MICEI.LASEOl . FOR PALE, phonograph, superior to any I other musical instrument; up. The Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. y iss NEW and 2dha.id typewriter. 1119 Far' nam. FOR BALE, secondhand desks, chairs and walnut otnee counter ana railings. v a- bash office, 1415 Farnam St. U-MHJ WHITE sawdust; season checked oak tim ber cheap; hog fence, etc. l Douglas. i-j Ml OLD wheel taken In trade on new ones. Omaha HicyUe Co., ICth and Chicago su INDIAN goods and relic. Ill Farnam. HOUHEHOLD furniture for sale chcan at once. 4012 Seward St. Q KM 22 pea POD. a new puzzle, great fun, pleases I everybody, llc. A. Kermlceett. Albany, I K. V. LADIES' and gentlemen's bicycle for nle cheap. Inquire N. Idth. MS45 19 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass t. o ia-1 MRS. JACOBSON, 2206 N. 20th t. b twu jyitt ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15. 2d floor. R. 2. T M336 Jy 6 MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. loth, r 7. 1-dlBUJlli PERSONAL jjr, ROT, chiropodist, corn and superflu- ous hair removed by electricity. H. 12, Frenser block. o i PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement, uaoies auopiea. wua uraoi sc. Mrs. Uardeis. Tel. F-llai U-77 FLESCHER will fix your bicycle right, Li 878 HAIRDRESSING, manicuring ana cniro- i UUUJ. 1UI laUlCB Vlll lis 'vllllnvll nvi'.i, The Bather . -ilS-liU Bee bldg. U 79 for ladles only, in connection wi'tt RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to nays: senu tor circular, u. a. vvooa, m. D.. til New York Life bldg., Omaha, Neb. u uu ACCORDION pleating, cheapest beat and quickest. Mr. A. c. uarx, xi ac uougias, u OOA GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins A'lauo Co., itxi Doug las, u 4 PlITDnPfnV a ananloltv 1 n nnnnantlrm w.. .? -i1T""r,Tr "u """. v-.v Tel. 1714. U-S3 T TIT.T. it i ,i r nii3 o( c a Kti. . i.i ti puun iahwho, kj o. m ; ., ' ; ii. U-M560 Jy7 SHAMPOOING and halrdressing, 25c, In connection with The Batnery, ZiB-zai Be building. Tel. 1718. Uu VIAVA. woman' way to health. Home treatment. Booklet tree. 34t Bee bldg., Omaha. U kSo LOWEST PRICES In aconrdlnn snd side pleating. The Goldman Pleating Co.. ul'MTSl" UOUgiaS DIOCK. EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE-932 N. - Y. Send for circulars. U-469 PROF. JOHNSON cures all human dis eases. 620 Bee building. Office hours, 9 a, m. to 3 p. m. U 394 Jy7 Mlddlemlss, wallpaper cleaner. Tel. 1739. U Aiool Jy7 ROOMS. tlOtt So. 10th St. Phone 1811. U-533 -10 MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15. 2d floor, r 2. U MXZb Jyl6' MOLLIE: Are you Interested In plants? june wnat to n-ai. rage til. uenrge. c aiai in MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4H PER CENT on business property. 6 per cent on residence property. - - Options to pay whole or part any time. . W. B. MEIKLE. 401 8. lath at. . W-S MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lova Co., 309 11.' W t7 WANTED, city loans and warrants; W. Farnam cmun co., Mat Jf arnam st. ' W--Sl I " ... . tr. .,, av, ,. . PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N.-Y. I ,,, . Trr, .,, ,, ,.. , , WAN TED. city and farm loans, also bonds and warrants. K. . -c. x eters o Co., lj02 FBrnam St., Bee bldg. . W-91 LOW RATES. Private money. FAX In E INVESTMENT t OMPANY, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. . W-M892 4H TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls. Paxton blk. 6 PER CENT loans. Oarvln Bros., 1604 Farnam. W 8&4 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1634 Douglas I . W 6H6 $100 UP, low rate. Prlchard. 1712 Farnam. W JUllU MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Quick Money ! iB"t1'vOur faclhUe. a, aurnaased. W e loan on furniture. Dinnoa. iive sioiH. cic. Anu 10 SALARIED PEOPLE. without mortgage or endorser. Our rate are as low as the lowest; we do not charge for making paper or tiling mort gages and we do not deduct Interest in advance. By dealing with us on our par- tial payment plan you always know in advance just wnat tne loan win cost you. You can borrow six months or longer and pay It back In one month if you choose ana pay ior juhi wnai ume you Keep It. We always " try to please our patrons. OMAHA MUKlUAUh LUAIS CO., 119 Hoard of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. ll.8iabllsr.ea 1S9..1 3u B. 10th St. X-632 SHORT ROUTE TO PAY DAY. PLAfW. WU1ET. PRIVATE OFFICES. Tl'l 1 ,.. kna ....... U . IEiuu u mi n uii,, ii .), n .11, AND how you want to pay. Our simple, old-fashioned, solid method mat can t neip nut uieaae you. "WE LOAN ON PLAIN NOTES." without mortgage or endorser, our rate EVtHY 11 paid on loan rednces cost. NOTHING deducted. NO charge for 1 ..a,,,.. IT nava ua In uletuut v. .11 apr l fl Vh Airrn n SfHhRSf1-K.orLDiI.- ti Room dul, Third Floor, Paxton Black. X-62 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO bA LAKI El) PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms: 40 omces in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade liiug. A )i Chattel and Salary Loahs, PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Successor to J. W. Tayloe. Tel. 745. 33 Paxton Block. ' X-279 Jy MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; Dusiness connuentiai; loweat rate. 14 i'axton diock. ine J. A. iiutton co. I MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- elry. Horses, cows, etc. C F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X-o MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co., sue. to Dun Green. Barker Block. X-901 SALARY AND FURNITURE I1AN9. Do you want money for long or short terms at rates rareiy equaiea Dy competitoraT "Its our business to supply it. AMfcJKl- CAN LOAN CO., Third Floor. Paxton Block X Uio BISINE8S CHANCES. Enterprising Man with 15.000 can acquire controlling Inter est In a rapidly increasing and prontabie legitimate manufacturing business; in vestigate this proposition. . J. H. John- son. N. Y. L. Y-M2 I FOR 8 ALE. drug store In town of 00 In western Iowa: Invoice about 12.700: ex cellent business; full Investigation In vlted. Address C 40, Bee. Y-471 17 BIBISESS CIIASKE. FOR SALf?, asphalt plant, ltth and Grace streets, omah. Apply to the etandatrd Faying Co., Chicago. 111. l aiji j'h WHEN you want to buy, sell r-r exchange rour busines or property quica, see j. I. Johnon. M3 N. V. Life. Y M1TB TO GET In or out of business cntl on Wil liams, Room 111, Mccague Building. x vi PTiR Hlt.R ftimltiirs of a 10-room house full of SJOd paying boarders. 1 Dtoeg from Harney. Dodge and Farnam cars. 4 blocks from 16th; cash offer only con sidered. A good thing for the right per on. Houjo rent reasonable. Addrex C 7, Bee. x iw TO bur. sell or exchange a bjslnen. Call on c j. canan, 1C , ion rarnam . X M3oV DESK ROOM, roll-top service, J. ll. Johnson, desk and 'rhon 843 N. x. IJfe. V 440 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only take an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention th (act thai you saw the ad In Tb Be. FOR SALE or trade for good land, stock general merchandise, invoice n,iw; rea son for selling bad health. Address C 48, omana ueo. DRUG STOCK Clean and up to date; fine city location; excellent business; owner tint a druarlst. Will discount for cash or exenange lor gooa cuy resiuence. j. a. Johnson, New xortt uie. x GOOD paying saloon In South Omaha; easy terms. Auuress u o, uee. x biml THERE IS MONEY IN STOCKS. If You Know How and Where to Invest POVBfTt.T me. For veors I have been inHvlnir Investments. 1 keen tnorougniy nnsted nn all stocks and securities. There are hundreds or saie ami yruniauie in vestments. There are millions of unsaie, iinr,rniltahle. watered and bogus Stocks being offered for sale. gate and profitable Investments are not rremifntiv Rdvertisea. i nev are not cmn- elled to hunt lor investors. i IAVE YOU MONEY by Informing you which not to buy. 1 dam makis xuu money hv assisting vou to make proni- able investments. CONSULT me before von make an Investment. YOU CAN INCREASE YOUR INCOME no matter how large or small your capital, by rol- lowlng my advice. Cnnaultatlon fee. II. W. Send lOo for my book, "ADVICE TO IN VESTORS. Address CHAUNCEYL. BROWN, iv,.,ra,ni Counselor 02 Iowa Building. ---:;-.-,-- " Sioux City. Iowa. U I. 'Phono No. 710. Y-M817 19 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for I iuiuiub wu. it , ot. i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BEST building lot in jiountze -iace, on cotmJ ol ! kffuntM pwiL Ed V Heyde 16th and Chicago Sis. RE 741 17 A GREAT BARGAIN. FOR SALE At South Omaha. Neb., i houses: lot ttx90. 2-story. 8-room house. also a lW-story, 7-room house on the I same lot; naa a gooa wen ana water ana a good cistern; newly painted and In KOod condition, also good deed and titles; II.kuO cash will buy It all; la close to street cars, school and stores. Inquire J. Li. Dull, aiu jN sc, bmit n umana. i-it, Mto4 or 3,620-acre stock and grain farm, the best in tne state oi vvasningion, miies irom Lamona on the Great Northern R. R. : 1,000 acres under cultivation, 500 acres in fine timothy, balance nne bunch-grass pasture; a large living stream runs through this place; 7-room house, good well, two' barns, all fenced and cross- fenced. We have for. 'sale over aoO.OH) acres of Improved and Unimproved farm lands in ' eastern Washington. G. A. Y ANCEY-W 1LLIAM8 COMPANY, 606 Riverside ave;, Spokane, Wash.. liiu AltHtf m SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICM CO. lor choice bargain.. 601-2 N. Y. Dlfe Bldg. Tel 1016. ' ' ' ' - ' " .1 . L'' A MONTHLY payment bargain in 8-room nouse. ju. naiuAin.. raoiio -oo. ... , RE M538 IF YOU want one of the nicest 8-room homes m llanscom .'lace l will give you a bargp.in. owner leu city. mui sell. J. H. Sherwood, til IN. X. L. Bids. ' RE M163 HOUSES and lota In all parts of city; also acre property ana rarm lands, me o. F. Uavis co., luwm out, Dee puuaing. KE 912 $950- FOR good 4-room cottage, close In. zoue venier di, y vaaa, xavia . leaner- eon, ltil Farnanv . KB-MS32 19 HOUSE FOR SALE. t3.000.00 for 8-room modern house, north- weal corner oin aim raravr sis., in nrst-ciass condition; also good barn; special assessments paia in lull. I QEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St GEO RGB O. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance. Brown block. . : RE 909 T ) 1 ' V W.a. V. ..... n.lnl. ..Mil.... ..a . quality highest, prices lowest. National Oil and Paint company. 1016 Jones St. RE-43S Je23 HOUSES, lot, farms, ranches, loans; also ore insurance, tsemia, raiion diock. RE 913 I . . , . . . . , crnnTnt. & I McAlleter, land commissioner. Union Pa- cine Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 908 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of tne pen to mention tne tact that you saw the ad in ine Bee. OWNER leaving town, and for short time offers his elegant home near N. W. Cor, Hanscom Park very cheap. Fine large barn, E. front lot, pavements paid. HARRISQN & MORTON. N. Y. L. Tel. 214 RE-43 V Ull ! I A MCOM CHARLES E.. 1203 TV 1L.L.11IUU 1 . Farnam street, RE 910 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in diseases oi women in umana, would call the attention ot aunenng ladies to nis unsurpassed accommooauon ueiure ail, uuriiia vviiiniriiiciii aiiiu 111a treatment for irregularities, no matter wnai cause, caii or auure... w.in siamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block. Iil3 Dode, U 111 UK. ' Piil FOR women onlv. Madam San Mays Jap anese tablets, a reyrouuciion in laoiei form of a formula used as a vaginal Hnnha kv Ik. lunan.-MA Wnmn f t ,r .dn. tuiies. Immediate relief given In falling or tilling of tne uterus, ulceration, lu corrhoea, adorns, Irritating or staining and all vaainal discharges, so disagree able and weakening. Sent orenald mall or express on receipt of U 00. Paris and Chicago Chemical Company, Illinois Bank building. Chicago, 111. Drawer 6M. 7S8 2U When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes sn extra stroke or two ot tne pen to. mention the fact that you saw ine aa in i ne ee OSTEOPATHY. G1D E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite f 16, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1XA. 91 ( PR. A. T. HUNT, 613 McCagu Bldg. Tel. 1X1 917 - 1 DR. MRS. MU8ICK. Douglas Blk. Tel. S21. -4U LOST. LOST, Saturday ntght, near Boyd ladv ulum-cidnreii. sllk-llned coat. Re turn to famuel Hurns, 131S Farnam St., and receive reward. iosi is LAW AMI t Ol.LECTIOs. rltlllman A Frlce. att'v. law. collections. A. 1". Ullia. notary, 23 L. S. Nat. Tel. 4.U J 19 NERRA9K A Collection company (incor- n. .rated i 6 New xork Life bldi bldg. I'none, hia. ltamaae suit prolecuted. The col lection of claims, large or email, maus anywhere in the 1 nltcd Btate or toretgn rnuntrlra tv oonnea attorneys, no eoi- iectlon. no charge. Bank reference fur- fished on application. M941 J2 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., clean; cesspools snd vaults, remove garbage and dead animal at reduced price. N. Id, Tt- " -2 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 911- 814 Jones, general storage ana lorwarama. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1511V4 Fam. Tsls. 1559-3. LAl'NDRl. OMAHA Steam laundry; shirt, c; collars. 2c; cutis, tc. aim ieavenworiu. iei. w- BEST laundry. The Chlcao, 'phon . MANl'FACTtRINQ. P. MELCHIOR. 13th and Harney, ma chlnist. msi OMAHA Scfe and Iron Wks. make a rpe- I clalty of tire escapes, shutters, door and safes. U. Anareen. itod., iv o. jmn ou ACCORDION PLEATING. ntiTiTTrED nrlces In bleating. For par ticulars inauire jaeai rieaung v.u., iai Howard St. 398 Jy7 AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Delight's 1119 Farnam etreet. ZK3 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT's school 717 N. Y. Life, BOYLE8 college, court reporter principal, In. x. Lire. i4 NEB. Business 4 Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. u When You Write to Advertisers remember It only take an extra stroke or two ot tne pen to mention tne iact tnai you aw tne aa in i ne uee. FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tannery 1424 Bo. Uth. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. G. R. RATH BUN gives private lessons In bookkeeping, etc. it. lt, com. Is at. bk. Mh34 PLUMBING. D. W. DUDGEON, 2910 Farnam. Tel. 1W8. oiiio j y- FLOIUST9. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Tel. 1253. Send for price list, cut nower ana plants. 'DIM CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, .0th and Lake streets. 370 ANNOUNCEMENTS. ' WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 2190. 611 ttoutn Thlrteentn street. M929 STEAM DYE WORKS. SUITS cleaned, pressed, 11.00. Ladle skirts boc, Tne Canadian, sin Pi. .win bt. 870 Jy 14 MCKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 2335. Hi. PAWNBROKERS. RAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business connuentiai. 1301 Douglas. 4U4 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electrlo Co., 14 6l Jackson. Tel. 28it Zll JUNK. ALPIRN buys all kinds of scrap Iron and I metals, via uougias at. xei. 244. in MUSICAL. C. B. SHAW'S new studio open all summer. iOU jii BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North lcih. FURNITURE REPAIRING. FIRST-CLASS work. 2201 Farnam. Tel. 24HL u we.a STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 tiamge Bldg. v.a LAWN MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. L L Wks., 140J Howard " I DRESSMAKING. DrES8MAKINO In families or at home. Miss Sturdy, 2042. Farnam. 621 Jyll TRINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 608 S. 18th. Mtktf POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (8hould.be read uaiui Djr an inter- i ..ted a is changes may occur at any time). 8n..ma," f?0l,h.!.ffffkvtUdin.g.Jun? i Korel 21 1902, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the general poatomce as loiiows: a rv- S,. TrihZ ll U P. Test malls for Germany close at t p. m. Monday. Regular and supplementary mails close , fi-.ra.i0-n atAttnn half hour later than e.1 fore!f -ininv ilme ahuwn helnw leireut that bud. plementary mans ior curope ana central America, via Colon, close one hour later at foreign station). Transatlantic Malls. WEDNESDAY At :30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. a. Philadelphia, via Southampton; at 10 a. m. for BELOIUM direct, per a Southwark mall must be directed "per s. HoutnwarK ). HURSJiAY-Att a. m. for FRANCE, 8WIT.E1T1.AND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR- TC-QAL. Tl'KKEY. EGYPT.. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR QUEZ, per a. s. I -a Touralne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must he directed "uer a. s. La Touralne"). SATURDAY At t a. m. for AZORES IS LAN Del. per s. s. Trojan Prince (mall for Italy must be directed "per s. . Tro jan t'rince ); at a. m. ior iiali hi rect, per B. a. Trave (mall must be dl rected "per s. S. 1 rsve ; at 7 30 a. m for NETHERLANDS direct, per a. s Noordam (mall must be directed '"per s s. Noordam ); at :su a. m. lor bt or LAND direct, per a. s. Astoria (mall must be directed '"per s. s. Astoria 10 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per YaderUwd (mall Oust be directed "per POSTOFFICE NOTICE. . s. Vadertand"); at lo Si a. m. (supple mentary 12 m.) for El'KOl'E. rer . a. t. ampanla. via VJueenstown ; at 11 a. m. I for DENMARK direct, twr a. . llekla I unau must tie directed "pi r a. s. lickia ). I . . "ie.iv, r.ii..-im iiminrr " " i.',mh-u mailer, romirriviHi jmpriw i and sainnles fir tlermnnv onlr. Tha I same ciaaa or mall matter for other parts 1 of Kurope win not be sent by ttils ship I UtllrSS Sleclnllv illroet l,w It I After the closing of the auiiidementarr I transatlantic malls named above, ad- I Ultlonal supplnmentary malls are opened I .... 4.,,-,a ,(1 lne Anieruan, r.ngusn. r rem n ana IJornuin steamera and pe. J nialn den until within ten minute of me xiuur of sailing of steamer. Mails for Booth and Central America, west Indies, Etc. TUESDAY At 9:30 a. m fsupnlementary io;a) a. m ) fol .CENTRAL AMI KR1CA texcept Costa Illca) and BOl'Tll PA- S'F10 ruRTS- Per s s Alllanca. via t'Oloil Imail for lltinto'mn'l m,,Bt k i. rected ' per . s. J for JAMAICA, pe rectea 'per . s. Alllanca",: at :S0 n. m i. r m - lmlp.l I .. from Hoaton; at 11:30 p. m. for JAMAICA! v .r mm i nuaueipnia. ".r:'.ri'sPAY-At 10 a. m. for NEW- rui nuuAM) direct, per . S. Silvia; at l?AID'Af;,,r. ARaENT1'1k. URUGUAY and t AKA 1 A. tr m m Ill I J..v i'S'SiCT.v ? '"' for CUBA. YUCA- IV;ikBlr,,",-,1rJ' 1 A MASCO and CHI APAS, per s. s. Vlgilancia (mail for other Parts, of Mexico nuiat he illrnll ",,or I A. H VlD(la..l..',. ,n v I IS.) P. m ) for BAHAMAS. GUANTAN- K" vl. ,u i iauu, per . s. city of I Washington; at 6;3i p. nu for JAMAICA, I Friday it ii a a. in. i.ri kiuiaiu. 1 I I s. Seneca"!: at 1! :U) n m fnr I Villi- and HAITI lm, - - T I SATURDAY At .'a.' m. for BERMUDA. per . s. Trinidad; at I a. in. for 1H.1RTO RICO, per s. s. Han Jnnn vln Hun Iunn I at 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO ami V KX v.v.r- v. I . A . . I Kulla (majl for 8avanlila and Cartagena uireciea per s. s. zulla ; ; at I 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTl'NE ISLAND JiMiiri bi.I VANILLA. CARTAI1KM m.1 iznvv. iyii, per s. s. Atnos (man lor (outs To m ..Vua per " ' Anos, ): via Havana; at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s. e. l'rlns Maurlti (mall for Curacao, " ,r,u". irimoan, uruisn ana imtru Maurlts") directed "per s. s. Prlns Mans ror Newfoundland, by rail to North cjum-y, unci inence ny steamer, close ai iiim uiiic? aaiiy at :au a. m. iconneciing close Mere every Mon. day, Wednesday ind Katiirrtiivl Malls for Mluuelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office daily at 8:80 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence bv steam ers, are Qispaicnen aaliy. except Thurs day, nnal connecting closes, for dispatch via Port Tampa, on Mondny, Wednea- days and Saturday. t 6:s5 a. m ; for du-patch via Miami, on Mondays and Sat- uruays at o jo d. m. Aiaus ror Mexico Cltv. nertnnri linlnna n t,.r- i all,, diMmi.al r ' , i ' 'J . . . . lur uinpaicn vy steamer. Close at mis office dally except Sunday at 1:30 D. m. and 11:30 p. m.. Sunday at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica. Belize, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer. close at this office dally except Sunday at 1:S0 p. m., Sundays at ! p. m. (con necting closes nere Mondays lor Heme, Diia.l.i r.r,-A- . rl . . 1 r .1 rt.. v " . . . . n,,n .1 uai. iiiaiii, nnu A urn- i days for Costa Rica). Registerejl -mall Clows ai o p. in. previous uuy. Transpaclflo Mall. Mslls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close nere aaiiy at o:so p. m. up to June is. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Alameda. Malls for China, Japan and Philippine lsl- anna taiso specially anaressea mall tor iiantiiii, v.a sun r uiit'iBco, ciuhc net e dally at 6:30 p. m. up to June !, In- cluslve. ror dlsnatcn per a. a. Oaelle. Malls for China and JaDan. via Tacoma. cinse nere daily at e:J0 t. m. up to June .0.1 1n,.l,,al.,A tnw. rl I 1. .... .r,rt I torla. I Man for Australia texcept West Austral!, w hich goes via Europe, and New Zealand. which goes via San" Francisco" and Fiji wnicn goes via San Francisco), and Islands, via Vancouver and Victoria, Islands, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after June "7 and up to June 21, inclusive, for dispatch per s. . Aorangl. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, china and Philip- I pine islands via San Francisco, close here unity ui s.ou p. in. uii in guile -o, inclu sive, for dispatch per s. s. Hons; Kong Maru. Malls for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m up to June 25, Inclusive, for dispatch per v. o. transport. Mails for Australia (except West Australl cept West Australia, and Hawaii, via which is forwarded 7..U lu nrl Vllt KAmnfl and Ua wu II San Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 D. m. arter June ana up to June en, inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. Lucanla, nusive. or on arrival ui a. a. iucunm. due at New York June "28. for dispatch per s. s, Sonoma. Mails for China and Japan, via Vancouver ana vicioria, xt. ciose nere oauy ai 3ft n m nn to Julv Inclusive for p. m. ud to July i dispatch per s. s. Empress of China (registered mall must be sDeclallv ad dressed. Merchandise for U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada;. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas llanri. via San Francisco, c ose here dally at ? p. m. up to July 'io, inclusive, tor ais - paten per s. s. Australia. Transpacific mails are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing is arranged on tne presumption or tneir iinlnterrnnted overland transit. Resrls rnI' Postofflce, New York, N. Y June 13, 1902, GOVERNMENT NOTICES. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, reb., June e, isw.. eeaiea proposals, in trinitrate, somen in me usual conoi- tlons, will be received at this office, until 10 a. m., central standard time, June -v. !' f oV0l?rl1Sp' v,a rnambuc. Bnhla lcaio Vestlbuled E. k:00pm a f 45 l'".ln 1 r"Suy "n1 Paraguay .? '"J,, Umlted a 7: pm a 7:46 must be directed "per s. s. Coleridge"); 2.. all . 1 1:40 at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Seneca Fa" f a" " ". via Tamplco (mall must be directed "per Brllnrto A Mlonrl River. m., central aianui.ru nine, un-i vi. i -for the construction of a frame band selected the women who are to act as a re 1002 fnr stand at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Full In- fnrmatlnn furnished on annllcatlon to this office, where epeoincattons may oe seen. or to the Quartermaster, Jefferson Bar racks. Proposals to oe maraea r-ro-posals for Band Stand." JOHN W. PPLL- Viin Chief Ouartermaster. V l uv i - a- x v-1 1 -1 o in OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Onuh. Null Mav 22 1902. KeH led Iiro- posals. In triplicate, suDjeci 10 tne usual conditions, will oe recriveu i nua uimo riu and" Yhen orJned Tn th." presence or attending bidders, for repairs renulred to a root cellar at r on itoDinson, neo. u. o reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals. inann rorms ror nidaing and circular elvlng full information una reuulrements will be furnished on applica tion to this office. Envelope containing proposals should be' marked "IToposala for Root Cellar at Fort Robinson, Neb.," and addressed to JNO. W. PULLMAN. C. Q. M. 0tu24-ze-x.-aiJeiii-i ) AIL WAY TIME CABfc. UNION STATION lOTII AND MARCY. Dalon Paelflo. tjeave. Arrive. Overland Umlted a 9:40 am a 7:30 pm Fast Mall a :M am a 1 IS pre California icxpreas a 4:at pm Paclflo Express U:3 pm f...... Vvri-aaM a.W A,iantc Expres a 7:30 am Colorado Bpeclsl 7:10 am Chicago Special IV jnc"n 3:40 am Beatrice and HtrpmBhur Ex b 4:08 nm Mt:M om 'Ml1 I1"" trfc' --.b 5:30 pm b 1:36 pra I Chlengfo A Northwestern. I "The Northwestern IJne.v Ieave. Arrive. I Fast Chicago I Mall a 140 am alam ..a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am I Local Sioux City... .a s:30 am a !:fi" pm .a 7:35 am sl0:?5 pm .a 8:'A am all 20 pm .al0:56 am a 6:30 pm i uaynum pi. rui. I Daylight Chicago Local Chicago.. Ical Carroll ,a 4:15 pm slo:JO am Fast Chicago Limited f'hlcgo. Fast St. Paul 4:bf pm a 4:'t pm ..a 7:4f pm a t 20 am ..a 7:06 pm a 8.M) am .. a 2:40 pm Fast Mall. Cbk'sso, Rock lair ad and Paclno. EAST. I Chicago Darllsht Lim- I ted ..." a $ 00 am a 146 am Chlca.o Daillght. . ..a T OO am a 115 nm Chlcaso Express bll:lK am a 6:05 pm Des Moines Local a 6:20 pm bll:60am Chicago Fast Express. a 6:06 pm a 1:26 pm WEST. Rockv Mountain Lim ited t i:w am i i:w tn Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver. Pueblo ana West a 1:30 pm a 6:41 pm Colo.. Texas. Cal at Oklahoma Flyer a 1:20 pm al3:40 pm Wabash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball' Expresa a 6 Ji pm a 1:20 ant Bt Louis Local, Council Bluffs .10:00 am a 10; 10 pm tllWAT TIME CARD Oontlnnest, f hlrasn. Mllwaakeo d It. Fal. cnicaro Limited a :on pro IH am Chicago St Omaha Ex..b 7.14 am b 1:40 Dm Mlaaonrl Tarlflp. I o. t . i r.nta.. -1 n vwi M A m.m n., u i. u upmn.uviw sm af:uaBl llllaols Ceatral. Chicago Expre a I:Wjn a 1:10 pn Chicago, Mlnneapoll aV a. r..l T lmlt.il ?.RA nm - - uinnunnUi a Bt." Paul Espresa b T;39 lm b1ft:SB pn Chicago Expresa ai0:S6 pre WEBSTER DKFOT lOTH W EBSTER Fresnoat, Elkhora A Mlaaoarl Valley, Lva. Arrive. Plack Hills, Dead wood, Hot Spring a 1:00 pm a 1:00 pn Wyoming. Caper and Douglas ... d 1:00 pm (:00 pro Hastings, York. David City, Bupenor, ueneva. Exeter and Seward. ...b 1:01 pm b 8:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b ": m blO;2S an Fremont Local o 1:30 am Mlaaonrl PnelBe). Nebraska Local. Via Weeping vaiw v i:i pm 10:Zg am Chicago, St. rani, Minneapolis Omaha. Twin City Passenger.... 1:30 am a 1:00 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 1 00 pm all.:o an Emerson iocai. u .w pm o :t am BfRUsBTOS ITaTIOH-IOTH A MAIO.I Ckleaco, Bnrllngton Jt Qnlncr. . . v- rrivo. l i n n I i -1 . i rr . . I' 1 " am pm am pm U'vnutn lteatrlea and r i l.t a 1A m K11.EC Nebraska Express a :4o am t lili Dm Denver Limited a 4.28 pin a 0.46 an Ulu.-k Hills and Fusel Bound Express all: 10 pm a 1:00 pm r-ni,a.lr V uiLlbuled Flyer a 8:00 pm Lincoln ran mi u s.uu pm as.iiain Fort Crook and 1'latts- mnuth b 1:20 nm bll:08 am I n.nvue A Paclflo Jet. ..a 7:40 um aliiui Bellivua i t.w am Kan.aa City, St. Joaeph Cennoll Ulnars. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a : am a 1:06 pm gt, Louis Flyer 1:10 pm all :1a am I Kansas City Night Kx...al0;a0 pm a i.la am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, e Sun- oniy. a uauy except tM'.uraay. uauy ANCHOR LINE U. 9. MAIb-STKAMBRS Hal line esularlr batwsafc KBW YORK. LuUDllMlliKRI OUASQOWj MW 1UKK. UlUKi.i AK ai SAruu. aanarior aeconimodallsna. Bioallant Culalo. Ivars r"1 lw lM ."S" ""'"' ""' ,lir1 KISilTl'rta ii-m. taia.a rJ E.ii.T.hl SSTB Af'Jminui Vmu at auracu-a r.t-a. r.r i n Naw Principal Mini. at lira f. I v ral aa la, t Ir k ata i ..i irLrm.iinti .nni tn mknukrson hku-. I . . . ...H uu'il. aiientp . vait-ssv, " " Summir Tours on Laki Michigan. r paaMtn car serTlcs aiolaalTalrj, " tare Ml linn ch waek for r-aa-fo-t, jhkarlaTali. Harkar kv-laaa. Hay View, lM.ar, saacaiaaa '"".' BMtt'a itor Detroit, Baffala and all Kaatara iUt. LEAVES CHICAGO AS FOLLOWSI Taea.Va.aa Thurs. lOiSOa.s. at.4w.m. MANITOU STEAMSHIP CO., OFFICE a DOCKS, Ruth and N. Water SU., Chicago. PHILLIS CONVICTS HIMSELF Defendant In Indian Liquor Case l- I I wittingly Helps the Prosecut- .... ,n Attorney. Bartering on the basis of a gallon of alcohol for a cord ot wood was the main cau86 of ' the conviction of Henrf Pblllis yesterday in United states nisincx t for disposing of liquor to Indians. PI ,. ,,,. .. i, aa not waa UP on four count na " 1ala n,, yesterday In United States district Court minis take the Jury many minutes to Add htm guilty on two of them. He swore himself into an amuslng predicament while' he was being questioned by ;hla own .attorneys, . The situation arose Tom the Tact that Phllll was not sufficiently familiar with the charges hanging over him. Ho Ira- agned that he was up. for either selling "Wr or trading it off to one William i;cns- ley. So when his lawyers asked him If to ever dla thoge things he said "No." i ....... . . L . . v. . ala T5U ever 00 uS ui i..v kind with this Indian"?" was asked. "Did eyer ,ve hlm Hquor t all?" was askjd. , ,, . ,An,,,tm "Oh, yes. I've given It to him sometime. Why, no you haven t, have your not.. never gave Hensley any liquor, did you?" Yes, I've given him a drink," persisted Phlllls. and then his attorneys threw op th , bBndB for down there In the fourth " . ' . , ,. .,, ,,. icouu. m : f""" -)- away liquor. I John Hanna. whose trial on a similar Lhar e gun Monday, was also convicted i wu bi kuuih. um m I WHO ARE TO RECEIVE Committee Chosen (or Church Con- . Tendon Rally . at . Millard ' Hotel Tknrsday. The executive committee of the Christ!! church convention met Monday night an4 ception committee at the convention rally at the Millard hotel parlors Thursday night next. For the. rally It has been arranged that there be a program of music by th two church orchestras, bnt that the speeches shall be Impromptu that they may. be more In the nature of a general discus sion of the great project. Refreshments I win pe servea, i -j-g w0men selected for the reception committee are: Ml. Mellona Butterfleld, I Mr. Ida V. Tilden, Mrs. A. E. Bryon, Mrs. Porter M. Garrett, Miss Emma Wheatley, Mrs. H. O. Devrles, Mrs. Robert M. Clark, Miss LaRhea Becord, Mrs. Ellery B. Wester, field. Mrs. Newton Bryson, Miss Myrtle B. Keefer, Mrs. T. J. Shugart. Mrs. George I Hawthrone. Mrs. C. O. Saunaers. Railway Notes an Personals. General Manager Holdedge of the Bur lington left for Lincoln yesterday morning. L. F. Berrv. general agent of the North western at lies Moines, is in Omaha on of ficial business. Harvest excursions have opened up and consequent Increase in traffic Is notice able at the depots. J. A Monroe, freight traffic manager of the Union Pacific left last night for a busi ness trip to Chicago. W. P. Fisher, general traffic auditor of the Missouri Pacitle, came up from St. Lculs yesterday morning. Carl Grey, superintendent of transporta tion ror tne r rioco at opringneio, mo., is in Omaha on an official errand Erastus Young, general auditor, and F. E Brown, local treasurer, of the Union Pa cific, have returned from a business trip In the east. W. W, Miller, assistant general freight agent of the Missouri, Kansas Texas at ivaiisaa . uy, is masing ins ruunus oi ine traiho offices In Omaha, D. M. Smith, general agent of the North- western road at Duluth. reached Omaha Monday evening-on his way from the Pa- 1 cltlc coast to his home at tne head ot the lakes. Miss Lucia B. Griffin, the noted elocu tionist of Chicago, mlsed her train at the Union station yesterday morning and was detained fnr a few houra. She was enroute from Chicago to western Nebraska points. J. O. Philllppl. assistant general freight agent or tne Missouri 1'acinc, returned from Pueblo Tuesday, where he had gone to attend the funeral or William Hogg, commercial agent of the road at thai place. Announcement has been made by th Omaha 'Frisco office of the opening of a new branch of that road in the Chickasaw nation, extending from Chit kuaaw to Okla homa City, a distance of forty miles. It traverses a fertile farming strip. The first train to be ran upon this new- Hue will make the trip Sunday. The Hock Island Is the only -competing road Into Chickasaw. It Is the purpose of the 'Frisco to extend Its line wlthlr. a very short time. There fore this branch Is announced the Aral I ot ft series. R 1