THE UMAIIA liAlLV BEE: WEDN ESD A V JUNE 18, 1902. of opinion, because It concern! the Ne braska beet sugar industry. As yet there It little mention of names (or the resolu tion committee. TAXES AND IOWA RAILROADS The state committee will renew only half gut9 Council OodUdj plates Incre&M in the III membership this year (or the odd-num- I - , ivais 01 AMevmeni. bared senatorial districts. This leaves both Douglas and-Lancaster counties out, whose members were chosen last year (or two years. Chairman Lindsay will doubt less be retained In his present position If be will consent to perform Its duties for (Another campaign. A new secretary, how ever, will hare to be chosen to take the 'place of Mr. Mallalleu, . who Is removing from the state. The choice of the secre- 'tary, according to precedent, would be lef. -to the committee Itself. RESULT OF LONG PUBLIC AGITATION Northwestern Will Bear Bnlk of Pro posed Increase with Barllnsrton Coming- In for Hest Great est Share. rv 17.IW2 11.15 Chicago Orent Western 12.4(H) ,0n0 Chicago, Milwaukee A Bt. l'aiil 11.47 7.:.t Chicago Northwestern.... 22,2 11,730 Chicago, Hock Island & Pa- . a ' 11 ma 11 ton lHlnolc7nVrai'ib.''Jk'8.C)'.l "0 Iowa Central 6.2. 4,756 Prevalent opinion among public men Is that the aesesment will be Increased not to exceed $5,000,000; that about one-half of this will be added to the assessment of the Northwestern; that the Burlington will en Joy half of the remainder and the remain ing quarter will be distributed among the other rosde according to the Increases In their earnings. ILLINOIS DEMOCRATS CLASH Harrison and Quarrel Emms. a rich harvest of tolls this year rrom cattle which drifted onto the reservation last winter. All the roundup wagons were -.11-., 1... l.l.l V II- ,fc. .b Honkini BittarN Raaanta Actions of Carter which had crossed White river and gone Albert A. Ames of Minneapolis is inaiciea r . , . ,W. ., n.n .r. t I , ., 3 T vu iiu.i . ...... ... i rvY tnt uranu auxj knMU. ..11. 1ft AAA . AO fl flf faftld I ' rireTut uviutug lull i 'J . . . . . v. ....... which they have gathered. This will all EXCITING STRUGGLE FOR SUPREMACY be at Westover In about ten days. as me camemen are paying nu crnu per head for all cattle rounded up south of White river, this will give the Indians $20,000. MAYOR ACCUSED OF BRIBERY MEMBERSOF COUNTY COURT MAKECHARGE Long and Stormy- Sesalon of Commit tee on Resolution Before Report Wst Finally Adopted. CLOSING AT INDIAN SCHOOL Christopher orbech. the netectir Arrnurd of nrlbery, Falls lo Make tppearance When Case la railed In Court. IN THE CAUSE OF YANKEE WAIFS Jlatlonal Children's Home Society Convenes la Annual Session at Slonx City. 8IOCX FALLS, 8. D., June 17. (Special.) Delegates ars beginning to arrive here to attend the annual convention of the Na tional Children's Home society, which will be called to order in this city tomorrow 'for a session lasting two days. There are twenty-five states which have children's home societies and It Is ex pected all of these will be represented at the convention. The convention will be called to order at 2:30 o'clock' tomorrow afternoon. De votional exercises will be led by Rev. B. H. Brasted of North Dakota. Then will come the annual reports of the state su perintendents. During the afternoon Mrs. P. Qulvey of Nebraska will read a paper on "The Best Method of Managing Our Older Olrls." Discussion on this subject will be opened by Rev. W. H. Thompson, D. D., of Philadelphia. Hon. A. O. Wright, United States Inspector of Indian schools, will read a paper on '"How Can We Make, the Society a National Tower?" At the evening session of Wedneedsy an Des Moines special to Chicago Record- Herald: Assessment of Iewa railroad prop erty for taxation was discussed by the state executive council today for the first time this year. It was decided to devote the next thirty days to a careful and ex haustive study of the subject. . Adjourn ment waa. taken, with the juirtf rslandlng that the meeting Is to be resumed from time to time for discussion of the assess ment. Under the new law a conclusion must he reached and the assessment sa determined certified to the county audi tors of the state not later than the first Monday In August. An effort will be made to fix the assess ment before the republican state conven tion In held, July 30. Republican managers believe that It will look better than to hold the convention first and make the assess ment afterward. The assessing board is composed of Governor A. B. Cummins, Sec retary W. B. Martin, Treasurer O. 8. Oil bertson and Auditor F. F. Merrlara. It Is conceded on all sides among the railroad managers as well as political man agers, that there will be an Increase In the assessment this year. The present assess ment Is $47,071,258, which, under the Iowa law, Is one-fourth of the actual value; so thst the property of the railroads In Iowa Is valued tor purposes of taxation at $188, 258,032. This assessment was made in March, 1901. The assessment of all prop address of welcome to the delegates and T Including railroads, made shall be 80 per centum of, the duties other visitors will be delivered by Right lMt r- w" 8,4fi2.618, representing a vide revenue for the government an Rev. W. H. Hare, Episcopal bishop of Bouth Dakota. A response will be made by Rev. W. H. Sllngerland. D. D., of Iowa. The evening' session will conclude with tue reading of a paper pn "The New Phil anthropy," by Rev. H.- H. Hart, LI D., of Illinois. At the commencement of the session on Thursday morning, June IS, Rev. W. D. Comstock of West Virginia will lead the devotional exercises. Rer. O. 8. Morrow of Kansas will read a paper on "What Should be the Relation of the Society to Existing Child-Saving Organizations?" . The discussion on this subject will be opened by Rev. J. P. Dysart of W'iscon aln. Rev. E. P. Savage of Minnesota will give his views on what legislation Is needed as to the adoption of children placed in other states. The discussion will be opened by Dr. F. H. Darby of Ohio. Rev. F. M. Elliott of Indiana will pre sent his views on uniformity in National Children's Home society principles and methods. Dr. Amos Barlow of Michigan will open the discussion on this subject. Rev. H. H. Hart. L.L. D of Illinois will ddress the gathering cn the subject of how best to Impress on the courts that habeas corpus proceedings are not the proper pro- cedure for the recovery of the possession of children who have' been surrendered to the society by an Instrument of writing. Thursday afternoon will be devoted to the district workers. The devotional ex erclses will be led by Miss Clara Lumbeck of Iowa. "The Sphere and Duties of Local Advisory Boards" is the' title of a paper to be read by Mrs. L. D. Carhart of Iowa. Eeveral other Interesting papers will be would have the courage to reduce the tax- rsaa aunng me aiternoon session. At 4:15 total value of $2,233,850,472. Repeat the Nebraska Plea. The railroads protest against paying ad ditional taxes. They insist that they are doing their full share when they pay one- thirteenth of all the taxes state, local, school, ets. collected in Iowa. In 1901 they paid $1,509,370 of the total taxes collected, amounting, to $19,726,789. It was on this basis that the railroads successfully cam paigned the last legislature and prevented the passage of laws which would have re quired the council to increase their as sessment 60 per cent. The managers are concerned chiefly as to the amount of the proposed Increase. Ru mors have floated about political circles that Governor Cummins has determined to stand for ah increase of $15,000,000, or about 30 per cent, In the assessment of railroads of. the state. .While this rumor is kmwn to, have no foundation so far as such an 'opinion or view having emanated from the governor ia conoerncd the railroads are uncertain as to his position and fear that he will urge a larger increase than they regard as just or essential. Undoubtedly the railroads would not ob ject to an Increase of $2,500,000 or $3,000,000. This they have reason to expect, and with such a proposition tbey have no quarrel. viewing the remarkably prosperous year they have had. Moreover, their principal objection to an increase in a larger sum is not so much to the additional taxes they would have to pay on the immediate as sessment, but in times of panic they can not expect a corresponding reduction, for no politically created executive council AGREE TO THE SPOONER BILL Conference of Republican Senators to Be Called to Consider Cuban Matter. WASHINGTON, June 17. The republican members of the senate committee on Cuban relations today finally agreed to accept the Spooner bill, providing for reciprocity with Cuba, and decided to ask that a conference of republican senators be called for to morrow night to consider Its terms. This conclusion waa reached at a meet ing of the republican members of the com mittee today. After the meeting adjourned the text of the bill was made public. It is a substitute for the house bill and is as follows: When the republic of Cuba shall have enacted a law or laws establishing prefer ential rates of customs duties m any or all articles, the growth, production or manu facture of the United Ktates, Imported into Cuba, which preferential rates shall, in the opinion of the president of the United States, constitute a satisfactory equivalent for the reduction hereinafter provided In the rate of customs duties upon articles the growth, production or manufacture of Cuba Imported Into the United States, and he shall so declare by proclamation, thereupon and thereafter, so long as such preferential duties shall be continued by the grovernment of Cuba, not longer, how ever, than five years, the duties levied, paid and collected upon such articles so exported from Cuba to the United States spe pro. government and to encourage the Industries or the States,' approved July 24, 189 1, and any amendment thereof. Provided, however, that It shall be the duty of the president to thoroughly In vestigate, through the diplomatic and con sular representatives of the United States In Cuba, and by such other means as he may deem necessary to employ for the purpose, whether the tariff concession hereinbefore provided upon articles, the growth, production or manufacture of Cuba substantially Inures, so far as the articles of sugar and tobacco are concerned, to the benefit of the producers of said articles In Cuba; and If the president shall be satisfied Clerk of the Supreme Court John 1 PIckerlnK of Snrlneflcld. State Treasurer George W. Duddleston of Chicago. superintendent of Public Instruction Anson L. Bliss of Illllsbnro. Trustees of the State University Dr. Julia Holes Smith of Chicago, J. A. White or l rbana and B. B. Paxton of Mon mouth. r ro ram of Exercises Will Occupy Two flays at Genoa Institution. SPRINGFIELD, Hi., June 17. The (ore going ticket was nominated by the demo cratlc state convention this afternoon and John P. Hopkins waa re-elected chairman of the atate central committee after a bitter contest with Carter B. Harrison of Chicago. The election of Chairman Hopkins pro duced the only fight in the convention, but H was strong enough to make up for the tameness that characterized the other pro ceedings of the convention. The day waa full of clashes between Hopkins and Harrison. The two men in dulged in an acrimonious qaarrel In the St. Nicholas hotel during the morning. In which Hopkins bitterly resented criticisms made by Harrison, hie campaign method attributed to Hopkins by Harrison. Later Harrison and his friends succeeded In beat' Ing Hopkins in the district caucus for state committeeman and elected Thomas J. McNally of Chicago In his stead. Hopkln'a one chance to be re-elected chairman waa In the caucus of the general committee ap pointed to select the chairman and the Harrison forces were jubilant, claiming S""'; Hopkins was beaten beyond all redemption, He himself was confident of the outcome, however, and his confidence was justified when the committee, by a majority of 3, recommended bis selection the vote being Hopkins 13, Harrison 12. A minority re port favoring the election of Harrison waa made and the fight carried to the floor of the convention. Speeches Canse Excitement, The struggle produced wild excitement. from such investigation that the substan- Impassioned speeches were made in favor "Greetings to Spring" GENOA, Neb.. June 17. (Special.) The closing exercises of the Oenoa Indian school will take place here June 24 and 25. The following is the two days' program (or the event: JUNE 24. 8 n. m. Literary Prncram. Chorus Hunter s Song Choir. "Right Living," essay by Grace Coze.. Read by Josle Anderson. The Fairy Song Exercise by Class of Children. Waits Wedding of the Winds ........ Hall Orchestra. Recitation The Hlrd'a Nest Victoria, Tvndall. Recitation Ichnbod Belle McPoukbII. "The Elf Child'' James Whltcomb Riley Recitation by Class of Small Children. 'A Jovial Farmer 1 II He" Chorus of Small Boys. 'Mother Nature's Protecting Care .... Arthur Biggins. 'The Bridal Feast'" Gruendwall Orchestra. 'Thanatopsts" John Bcisson. Chorus Light and Gay Palmer Choir. JUNE 25. 9:00 to 11:00 a. m.. Inspection of work in school and Industrial classes. 1:30 to 4:() p. m Field sports, consisting of running, Jumping, vaulting, etc. 7:00 to 8:on p. m. Pole drill. Indian ciuds, free calisthenics. 8:00 p. m. Musical Program. March American Jockey Club Hall Bantl. "Dance of the Giraffes" Morris Band. 'O Italia, Italia Beloved" Doniiettl Choir. Instrumental Duet On the Alert Cora Morris ana n.lia uarse. Tryphosa Walaes" S. E. Morris Band. "Sailor's Farewell" ..' maIa (Junrtet. Instrumental Solo Reverie Goerdeicr Kacnei bnenaan. Th. p.irlii of "Yannh Mlt His Pine r rea ijubvuiuu .C. D. Wilson Band. atlon of the railroad corporatlona of the state, however hard the times.. Railroad taxation agitation has been car rted- on In Iowa 'for several years. It started In March, 1898,, when. Treasurer, of .State John Herriott "protested in the executive council against the distribution . of the as sessment imoni the railroads. Insisting .CARLAND SUSTAINS JUDGMENT that the Chlca Northwestern waa fa vored. Nothing was heard of this protest a business meeting will be held and officers for the ensuing year will be elected. v The t wo. days' convention will conclude. Thursday evening by the reading of a paper cn ''The Monntalneera of Kentucky," by George L. Schon of Kentucky. tlal benefit of said concession upon either of said articles is inuring to the purchas ers thereof, individual or corporate, In the United States It shall be his duty to so de clare by proclamation to that effect, and thereupon and thereafter, so long as said conditions shall continue, ttiere shall be levied and collected upon such articles or that one of them as to which said condl tlons exist the rate of duty levied and collected by law upon such article or artl cles coming Into the United States from other foreign countries. DEATH RECORD: Mrs. Bennett Ervrln, Exeter. EXETER, Neb., June 17. (Special.) The remains of Mrs. Bennett Ewin, for many years a resident of this place but who has been residing In Lincoln recently, were brought here yesterday afternoon and laid beside her husband In the Exeter ceme tery. The services were held In the Meth odist church, Rev. Cllne of University Place officiating. Four daughters and a aon survive her. Mrs. Mary Smith, Fremont. FREMONT. Neb., June 17. (Special.) Mrs. Mary Smith, wife of Jamea Smith of this city, died early Monday morning, aged 46. She bad lived on a farm in Rldgely township for ten years and for the past twelve years in this city.- Bhe waa a mem ber of Fremont lodge No. 89. Degree of Honor, and of the Woodmen Circle. Her husband, one eon and three daughters sur vive her. of both representatives and every orator was received with wild applause and tumultuous hoots. The delegates at times were frantic and crltlclslms highly per sonal were exchanged. The first question before the convention in selecting the chairman was the adop tion of the minority report as a substi tute lor that of the majority. This was voted down by the ayes and nays. Tho roll was then called on the adoption of the majority report. On this Hopkins won easily. The result, of the ballot aa an nounced by Chairman Stringer was 862 (or the adoption of the report and 397 against, Women1 Quartet. Vocal Duet The Lonely Bird uiover Mamie Jordan ana name iruuni. pi.Hnn.t Snin DM Kentucky Home... ainsnii .Tnmes Rvan (band) "Father O Hear Us" maimer Choir. T..-..nat Qirt vifth Nocturne II11IUUI.1. - .w.,. ijCJUULU Ella Barse. MAiav Trl Ram's Favorites UAU.r, - . ,, . . . ATI tlllSCU 1 J Band. March Trinity Chimes ............ Charles ti. ttoai (uaiiuy. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., June 17 Sensa tions came thick and fast In the ponce bribery cases today. When It came time to open up the trial of Christopher Norbeck, detective, for bribery. W. W. Erwln, his at torney, rose and confessed that he did not know tde whereabouts of his client. He had an appointment with Norbeck last night, but the accused had not kept it. Nor bad he called at the attorney's office this morning, as had been his custom since the trial becan. The disappearance of the accused caused great excitement and a bench warrant will be Issued for him. Since the conviction of Gardner, special officer, aud the commit ment of Detective Harvey for perjury Nor beck has been very despondent and has threatened suicide. Ills ball bond for $5,000 was signed by R. J. Hill and nrando Sodlnl. Mrs. Norbeck told a reporter that her hus band left homo with another man at 8 o'clock last alght and she had not seen him since. Mayor of Mlnnenpolls Indicted. Another sensation developed when it be came known that Albert A. Ames, mayor of Minneapolis, had been lndkted by the grand jury for offering a bribe. The charge la that the mayor endeavored to have his secretary, Thomas R. Brown, appointed therlfl by the county commissioners, when it became evident' that Thllip Megaarden would be removed from the ofllce by the governor, for misfeasance. In attempting to carry out this plan ne Is alleged to have offered to so arrange matters that the $20,000 annual Income of the sheriff's office should be divided, equally between Brown and the three county com rotsslonera who were to vote for him. form- Emerson Ing a majority of the board. The evidence to this effect wsa given before the grand Jury by County Commissioners M. W. Nash and Ed Sweet. ' Dr. Ames has been four times mayor of Minneapolis, having been elected thrice as a democrat and again in November, 1900, after having been out of office for some years, as a republican. He Is a veteran of the civil war, in which he served as sur geon and is a Grand Army of the Republic man. Sabbath School Will Picnic. YORK. Neb., June 17. (special.) i ne rlth Overrules Motion to Vacate Decision Giving; Claim of 7,000 Against , Harden Concern. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. June 17. (Special Telegram.) Judge Carland of the United States court today overruled a motion ask ing that a judgrueut (or $7,000 against the property of the Harden Mining and Manu facturlng company in the Black Hills be vacated. The judgment was secured by Charlea B. Keljy on a loan to Hiram T. Gilbert of Chicago, president of the company. James D. Hardin, the principal stockholder In the gold mine, which ia valued at $50,000, asked that the judgment be vacated, alleging that Kelly and Gilbert had entered into a con piracy to secure possession of tho mine and that the $7,000 borrowed by Gilbert was on ' hla own personal account and not for the mining company. Porter A King of thla city, who represented the bolder of the judgment, argued In substance that aa the judgment was entered and taken during the September, 1901, term of federal court. It could not be set aside or modified during a ubsequent term. While Judge Carland decided the judgment should stand, the merits of the case will have to be termlned at a future hearing. de- Dates of Teachers' Institutes. PIERRE. S. D.. June 17. (Special.) The teachers' Institute for the different counties which have so far been called are ta. begin at the following dates: Aurora, June 16; Beadle, June 16; Bon Homme, August 11; Brookings, July 14 Brule, August 11; Buffalo, June 16; Charles Mix, August 18; Clark, July 14; Clay. June 23; Codington, July 14; Custer, August 18 Davidson, June 16; Day, August 18; Deuel, .June 16; Douglas, August 18; Edmundb, June 23; Gregory, August 4; Hanson, Au ust 25; Hughes, August 18; Hutchinson August 25", Jerauld, August 28; Kingsbury June 23; Lake, July 14; Lincoln, Juno 23; 'Lyman, July 14; McCook, June 16; Marshall, July 11;. Miner, June 16; Moody, July 7; Roberta, June 16; Spink, June 23; Turner June 23; Union, June 23; Walworth, July 14. ' The countlca which have already held Institutes are Brown, Fall River, Faulk Grant, Hamlin, Hand, Hyde. Lawrence, Pot ter, Sanborn. Sully, Yankton, Butte. Coun tlea la which date has not been set are Minnehaha and McPberson. Will Select State Commander. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., June 17. (Special.) A number of old veterans from tb's city and vicinity departed yesterday and a num ber more today for Brookings, where the annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Woman'a Relief Corps, Bona of Veterans and Spanish War Veterans of South Dakota commenced today for a aesslon continuing for three days. One of the Interesting features of the gathering will be the selection of a commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, depart ment of South Dakota, for the ensuing year. Two aetlve candidates, Thomas Reed of Arlington and T. E. Blanchard of Mitchell are in the field (or the honor of succeeding George W. Suow, the present commander. c 1 Your Liver Will be roused, to Its natural duties and your biliousness, headache ana constipation be cured if Joe Uke Hood'a Pila told by aS drusflst S3 ccdU. until the next year, when it was repeated, That year Mr. Herriott proved that he was objecting to the distribution of the assess ment and not to its- amount by himself moving to make it practically the sum of the year before. In March, 1900, he again protested, and at this time went into the newspapers of the atate charging Governor Leslie M. Shaw, Secre tary of State O. L, Dobson and Auditor of State F. F. Merrlam with grossly favoring the Northwestern railroad at the expense of the Chicago, Rock Island ft Pacific and other roads. Sentiment of Iowa Republicans. The question entered into the campaign of that year to some extent. - A decided current in the republican party waa toward higher and more equitable railroad as sessment. In part thla feeling was re sponsible for -the nomination of Secretary Martin and Treasurer GUbertson, but on the same ticket with them .was Auditor Merrlam and the convention endorsed the administration of Governor Shaw. Mr. Herriott and Mr. Dobson went out of office the first of the year 1901 and Messrs. GUbertson and Martin took their placea at the council table. By unanimous vote that year the council decided to Increase the assessment slightly more than $1,000,000, although an Increase of $6,000,000 was first suggested by Secretary Martin and after ward withdrawn. Of the Increase, however, over 40 per cent waa on the Northwestern. Thla was on account of the enormous earnings shown by its main line. They are almost twice aa large aa the earnings of any other trunk line in Iowa, except the Burlington. The agitation continued and assumed bitter form during the campaign preceding the republican convention of 1901. A large number of county conventions denounced the executive council for Its railroad as sessment and demanded Increases and more equitable distribution. There is no dispute over the fact that the movement was In the interest of the candidacy of Mr. Cummins, who waa successful. But . the platform adopted by the convention which nominated him was silent on the question. One of Cummins' Laws. During the succeeding campaign M. Cummins expressed himself on the ques tion, insisting that .the people should not elect blm governor unless they bad faith In hla Integrity to do that which he re garded for the publlo interest when he had considered the subject. In his Inaugural address he referred again to the question and suggested three or (our methods of as certaining the value of railroad property, omitting all mention of the atock and bond theory of determining railroad values. Another law was passed on suggestion of Governor Cummins giving the executive council the right to require certain infor mation as to the business done by the rail roads and to prescribe rules and regula tions under which their reports are to be made. The new reports are now coming In and the council is preparing to study them with a view to reaching an assess raent the latter part of July. Naturally the people are watching with much Inter est and concern the decision of the new council. Following la a table showing tts gross earnings per mile thla year and the as sessment per mils of last year on the main lines of the principal railroads in the stale: Gross earnings Railroad. per mile. Burlington. Cedar Rapids Miss Emma ring. EXETER, Neb., June 17. (Special.) Monday evening at about 9 o'clock Miss Emma Pflug died at the home of ber par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Pflug. - She waa an exceptionally bright young woman, well liked by all who knew her. The funeral services will bt held at the Methodist church Wednesday at 10:30 a. m., Rev. Mills officiating. In the contract for stats treasurer Mil- I Concregatlonal Sunday school will hold - 1 o--- . . lard F. Duulao withdrew lust before the picnic at McCool Junction next 1 nursaay, oonvantlnn mat IT- -miM h.v. nnm. I A anoint train Will lCSVO h6re abOUt 9 inated bv acclamation, hut refused to run. o'clock or shortly after Thursday morning. Georee W. Duddleston ' of Chicaao John If the weather is not good Thursday the Cuneo of Chicago and E. C. Pennell of affair will be postponed until Friday and Coles county were placed in nomination. I perhaps until Tuesday, June 24. Mr. Cuneo withdrew hla name and Dud dleston waa nominated on the first ballot, CflRFPAT DP THF WEATHER receiving puu vuiei iu 304 tur 1 jruueu. For clerk of the supreme court John L. Pickering of Springfield waa nominated on the first ballot, receiving 947 votes to 275tt for Luther' Dearborn of Chicago. The other nominees were chosen by ac clamation. "'.. . Stormy Flajht,. Over Resolutions. The committee on resolutions had a long and stormy aesslon before their report waa finally adopted. They were ao long at their task that all the nominations had been made and half the delegates had left the house when the report waa read and adopted. The principal fight waa over the first planka in the platform. Aa originally drafted thla read: Grand Lodge Kiiltthts of Pythian. MADISON. W'is., June 17. The annual convention of the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias began here today with 400 delegates In attendance. The vlsttors were welcomed hy Governor I .a Folette. One of the matters to come up for discus sion Is the proposition to make an assess ment of $1 per capita for the establish ment of a Pythian sanitarium at Hot Springs, Ark. THIS IS IT. Know by the sign HERE D. Klfr-erman, Dakota City. DAKOTA CITY, Neb., June 17. (Spe cial.) D. Nlggerman, who since June 18, 1870, baa been a resident farmer of Da kota precinct, died at the Samaritan hos pital, Sioux City, Monday morning. Mr. Nlggerman waa born in Germany, October 5, 1352. In 1871 he was married to Caroline Borger, In this county, who died several years since. The democrats of Illinois in state conven tion declare their adherence to the funda mental principles of the democratic party as laid down In the Declaration of inde pendence and the Constitution of the United Mates amrmea at our last national conven tion. Thla was considered by the opponents of sliver aa a too specific declaration in favor of the Kansas City platform and, headed by John C. Rlchberg and Adolf Krap of Chicago, they fought it. For three hours the debate went on and the plank waa amended to read Fair In Nebraska Wednesday Cooler In' South Part of Stale. WASHINGTON, June 17. Forecast: For Nebraska Fair Wednesday, with cooler in south portion; Thursday fair and warmer. For Iowa ' and Illinois Fair Wednesday and Thursday; south to west winds. For Missouri Fair in east, showers in west portion Wednesday ana proDaDiy Thursday. For South Dakota. North Dakota and Montana Fair Wedneaday and Thursday; warmer Wedneeday. For Colorado Showera in east, fair in west, cooler in south portion Wednesday; Thursday fair with warmer in east por tion. For Wvomine Fair except showers in southeast portion; Wednesday warmer. Thursday fair, with warmer in southeast nortlon. For Kansas Showers and cooler weanes- day; Thursday fair. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, ST. JACOBS OIL Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Sprains, Bruises, Soreness, Stiffness, All fundamental points of the Principles I compared with f the democratic party, etc., repeatedly ; fte corresponding day of the last three years: , Assess ment, per mile N on horn I I.Z2S Chicago, Burlington Quia- I 6.600 SECRETLY AND QUIETLY. Coffee Slowly and Steadily Poisons Some Persons. There is no doubt that coffee secretly and quietly causes an Immense amount of misery to the human race, but In the ma jority of casea tho person does not sus pect the cause of the trouble. A Virginia lady had an Interesting ex periment with coffee poison. She says "For about five yeara I was troubled with indigestion, weak stomach, and palpita tion of the heart so bad that at times I would fall and have to be carried Into the house. Finally I began to have spasms and suffered untold misery. I tried all kinds of patent medlcluea and different doctors, only to get temporary relief, I finally gave up all hope of getting well. My stomach was in such condition that everything but stale bread would throw me into spasms. I nearly starved myself but never suspected that coffee was the cause of all the trouble, nor did I have any ldaa what the cause was. One day Father told me he had been reading how Postum Food Coffee helped so many people who wero sick from coffee drinking and he urged me to leave off coffee and try Postum. I said. Oh, Father I cannot try It and do not believe It would do me any good,' but he persuaded me to try a package. The first making tasted so flat that It made me half sick but I determined to give it a fair trial so I read the directions carefully and found It must be boiled at least fifteen mtnutea. Well, I boiled it 25 minutes then added some good cream and I tell you It waa delicious. I like It better than the ordinary coffee and of course stick to it. Well, I have been using it alnce the 15th of July now, quite two months. gained about 25 pounds. I gained six pounds In 13 weeks and can eat anything I want and all that I want. My stomach never burta me. I have gained strength until now I can do my own work and go to church every Sunday. People aay, 'You are looking so well, what kind of medicine are you taking?' I tell them I have quit all kinds of medicine and also coffee and am only using Postum Coffee. You may be sure I will recommend it and will guarantee a cure where the per son will boll it long enough and drink enough of it. I would do without a meal (or the aake of one cup of Postum. I could tell a lot more but apace will not permit. You are at liberty to print thla letter and my name alao (or the ben efii of others." Mrs. A. T. Brown, Central Station, W. Va. 1902. 1901. 1900. 1S!9. , 79 83 77 84 ,68 60 64 60 .6 72 71 72 0 .30 T .00 Of affirmed by past democratic conventlona, No effort waa made to bring in the name 6f W. J. Brvan. I Maximum lemprraiui ww- nvm . .1.. a a Minimum iub i uiiiymc piKiituui mou piuuuivu i jviean temperature & Innff rfAhat. inmil mmhri Af thA "Am- I PraclDttatton mlttee wishing to atrlk. It out entirely. I Becor , o 'nn.lcrM'arch 1: , !k V, ' M"T; "V 1 formal temperature 73 part of the platform, aa adopted, reads aa I deficiency for the day 0 Tntai excess since marcu - ..o. u.-.i nKinltailnn 20 Inch nflclncv for the day 20 Inch Vornfaii since March 1 7.58 Inches n.Ar.i.nfv since March 1 4.57 inches retain their country, but as soon aa nos- 1 5 eflclency tor cor. period, 1901. .3.77 inches tllltles shall cease, and a stable govern- yjeflelency for cor. period, 19U0. .2.01 Inches 7 P. M, rfi DOSE OF m PRICKLY ASH U BITTERS J Purifies the bowels, create fg sol . appetite and belpa the jScVk- SLLGGISH BRAIN. iJ follows: We believe that the American govern ment should also announce to the Filipinos mm 11 is noi our poucy to ijvrumiiriiiij 1 ties shall cease, and a stable govern- yjeflelency for cor. period, 19U0. nt be established the United States wiU uencienty 1 ,.,- , ognize the Independence of the Philip- ' I one Stations at me reco plnea, aa waa done In the case of Cuba. HTftiENEAL Allen-Wllcox. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8. Wilcox. 2109 Wirt atreet, at 2:30 yester day afternoon, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Lillian Wilcox, and W - Thftmi, Wlvrnn, Allen. An mm. oiage or rrienas neany nneu iuo rovmm. which were effectively trimmed with smllai. palms and cut flowers. Two younger Bis ters, Mlssea Marjory and Ruth Wilcox, stretched the broad satin ribbons that formed an aisle through which the bride, with ber father, passed ta the bay window In the front parlor, where the marriage service was read by Rev. D. K. Tlndall of Trinity Methodist church, little Miss Mil dred Wilcox, a niece of the bride, attend ing aa ring bearer. Mr. and Mrs. Allen left late in the after noon for a wedding trip, which will Include Canada and aeveral eastern points, and will be at borne after August 1 at 2215 Grace atreet. Cook-Frederlelt. A very pretty wedding in which Miss Constance Frederick, and Mr. James Lowell Cook of Chicago were the principals oc- I have curred yesterday at btgh noon at th resi dence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Frederick, Rev. T. J. Mackay of the All Saints church officiating. The happy couple left in the afternoon (or Chicago, where tbey will be at borne at the Chicago Beach hotel. Haaiblet-llaaloa. BTURGIS, 8. D., June 17. (Special.) Herbert Hamblet and Misa Margaret Han- Ion, both of thla place, were married Bun day afternoon. Rev. Father Qulnlan offici ating. The groom has lived here a num ber of years. The brtde is the daughter of Henry Hanlon, one of Meadt county's thriving farmers. Cures Kidney, Liver and Stomach Die- eases, even in tneir enronic lorms; w Rheumatism, Catarrh, Malaria. Dlrslness Loss of Memory. Prostration, Neuralgia. Coated Tongue. Headache, Palpitation or the Heart and Sleepllness. ) aaya treat ment 25 cts. All druggists. CONDITION OF THB WEATHER. a fl is : S : S i? irse Omaha, cloudy Valentine, cloudy North P atte. clouay Cheyenne, cloudy Bait LaK tuy, ci-r Rapid City, part cloudy Huron, clear Wllllston, part cloudy..., Chicago, part cloudy Bt. 1AU1S, Clouay St. Paul, cloudv Davenport, cloudy Kansas City, cloudy Havre, part cloudy Helena, part cloudy BIsmarcK, near Galveston, clear T indicatea trace of precipitation L. A. WELSH. Local Forecast Official. 78 80 .00 64 74 .00 70 74 .00 68 61 .00 68 tW .00 64 68 .00 t 74 .00 60 .04 72 Ti .00 7R Hi .00 6hi .02 Ti 76 .10 70 72 .00 68.... T 68 60 . 00 65 '.' .00 SI 86 .00 MISS LAURA HOWARD I President South End Ladl Golf Club. Cblca&o. Cured by lydia E. rinkham'sVPUfUble Componnd Aft4rthe Best Doc tors Had Failed To llolp Her. PrabMss. rrfurtAH i Ioaathaclc TOM for perfect health to-day. Life looked ao dark to me a jrr or two ago. I had constant pain a, mr limbs swelled, 1 had dlxxy spells, and never roa Indians Make Bin" Haal. PIERRE. 8. D.. June 17. (Special.) The Indians on Rosebud reservation will reap co:otatio; ' DRINK nunyadl 3&no$ WKv? Beeauseit will positively " y ' cure it, with more safet y than any other remedy known to the medical profession. Be Careful however, that you gt HVNTADI JAMOS, as soma ooncootlons are pvr op and rep reaonled to be liunyadi Water, which re not only worthless, but are oflao harmful. YOU. PHYSICIAN WILL WXOMMtM) Ennyadl Jfines LOOC AT THB LaBBL. TT It BU7X, WITH BED CESTCS. SSSSSSSSSSSaSSBBBaaBbSaSBaH 7 IW MISS LAtXtA HOWARD, CHICAGO. knew one day how I would feel tha next. I was nervous and had bo ap petite, neither could I sleep soundly niirlits. L.ydl E. IMnkhom's tg' Ctablo Compound, used in con junction with your Sanative Wash, did more for me than all the medlclnca and tho skill of the doctors. For eight months I have enloyed perfect health, i verily belieTe that most of the doc tors are guessing and experimenting when they try to cure a woman with an assortment of rwmplicationa, such aa mine ; but you fo not guess. How Wish all suffering women could only know of your remedy ; there would bo less suffering- I know." LaritA How ako, 113 Newberry Ave., Chicago, 111.. $5000 forfait stove ttstlmonlul It ntt gtmilnt. Mrs. Plnkham Invites all wo men who are ill to write her tot advice. Address Lynn, Mass, g-irlngrfull particulars, . , wen LB riRED WORN-OUT BUN-DOWN With thin, drawn, muddy; sallow or blood less faoes, no arpetite, no ambition ; better o-day, worse to-morrow; all show a eon iltlon that needs Immediate (attention. It la your stomaoh that la the cause, Your bowels need clearing, and your liver t!mu-- . lated. Don't wait, use LAXAKOLA THE GREAT TONIC LAXATIVE. Tou will fet relief from the first dose. Pnre, safe, speedy, gentle. Its tonlo proper- ties build yu up while rurtn; you. It cures constipation, sharpens the appetite, clears the complexion, cleanses and purities iie blood, tona up the entire system, and luakes you feel well and keep well. TwomHlrlnetlnoM.tonlcsiul l.iMive, i;e. sndwe 11 dnifg-lstftfOrfree sample of LAXAKOLA Cft-. N.Y. I.sXAKOI.A CURES HICK HEADACHE For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. AMCSEMENTS. t- sxs rk O Woodward & Burgeae. BOYD Managere. , - FERRIS STOCK COMPANY THIS AFTFTRNOON, TONIGHT r - 1r1 Tho Charity Ball Thursday and balance of weekr; -Till! fHEOLE.t vriAjMta . anv re served seat, 10c; night. 10c, 15o and 2&c. Excursion Steamer The Union Excursion. Company's Steamer Henrietta . , fM,m fAAt Af nnufflaji manes rrgumr . ..... . . " z street, making regular trips to Sherman dancing. No bur on boat, lv very thing firsu C Hours for loavlng: I,. and 8 p. m.. dally. Round rlp ISo, children 10c. No admission to Park. ' KRUG PARK Omaha's Polite Summer Resort Etcit .furnoon sn4 snnlBf. Ht'STER'S CONCERT BAUD, EMI LB GEROEI.IKIl, Woria-rmil Aertil Contortionist, untie PA8SIOX PLAY." aa4 many othar features. Aamtatloa lOe. CfclMrm IrM c DRINK ClHED Bit White Ribbon Remedy ba glvca ta la of naler, tea or coilea nlikuui yalKai'i ..laewiodM. White Hiuooa Keuiedy will cure or de stroy the 'UsJueci -..i"5- i"r aiconouu slliuuiaoLS, wucuivr ti ym ...... . . m lumvd lueliiiam. "a uvp'or. ' social anuaur or urunkard. inijiuMiuie lor una to riava an appeluc lur alcoliutio liquor alii-r Vtant Kibbun itemed. LuutiiHti t' atviuuvia ot C 'i1. Mia. iluuia, l'rvsa ouperintunaaut or tin u1 ji' t:iirULlu -.luerauca unluu. Veiuuia. Cai., writes: "1 Uava itad Wuua itiooou Kemedy on very uuailuala drunk or. i- umi tli i ui. hava been utny. in I- Lb Koiueuv waa aivaa avcrsily. i cueertauy recommend euu uUor.a VVolia Kluouu Kvineuy. Mnluuel, vl uji uiiiouaj diUlahied to and a practical and economi cal treatment lo aid us lu our icaiperauue work. ,,. Alra. il. A. Cowan, of the woman f I'lui-iluTi n'mueraiii:a L nloii. states; ", anuw of so many peupie itmuigu rr..m th i-iiraa ut drill,, oy the use of Whlta Ribbon Remedy tnai i ariieallji reiiueal you lo glva 11 a trial.' DruagU.a or by mail, fl. '1 rial package f rea by writ ing or calling on Mra. A. M. Townaand (for yeara aecraiary 01 me v uiiiun v.... Vcuiperauce union), UK Tiemoiit 6U, Hot ton, Mass. Sold in Omaha by aai s m rprnlO CUT PRICE bUtlMLr LK O dhuq store f hone 747, 8. W. Cor. 16th ana L'Dicago. Qooua deliver 1 FRIlE to any part at city. I ti 1 ut lIMul ' ' 1 back arwww-vs 111 v . . .. u. a. 1 . k. Ipplj l i aaa , m ruw pa., b.wm-i--. OMAHA RESORTS. Krug's Cabinet The brand of beer with a reputa tionrich and creamy aubitantlal in body, taste and flavor and well bopped. Aa nutrltioue aa any Dug llsh porters or malt .tonics. "For your stomach's sake" you should order a trial oaaa. It makes refreshing and Invigorating drink. - FRED KRUG BREWING GO. 1007 Jackson St., 'Phone 420. HOTELS, - 1 t' -'. Mill apart,... v .1 ' i Tin mi .rr-tfM -HOTEL EMPIRE Droadwiy and 63d St, N. Y. City Hsstra sSsalaalve Aoaeaasbla Fireproof HoSarata Rates EilaaiKt Librae orchestral Concerts Bvery BvenlSaV All Cava Paea taa Kaaptsa. Sand for descriptive Booklet. W. JOHNtiON JU1NJ. Praoiietof. THE MILLARD I lftt OMAHA B L,Hi A 1J1 8PECIA1.7ATURK.S: LUNCHKON, Yl KT 1 CUNTS. 12:W to I P. SUNDAY t: P- PINKER, 78a HKADttt ARTKRS FOR OMAHA RACK MKHTIKO, June 26-2. All the big horse men will be at lha Millars. CHICAGO BEACH HOTEL 19 minutes from heart of city. No dirt and dust. Situated on boulevard and take, gt flat Bt. Blvd., Cbloago. bend toe lag tratsd booklet. i a