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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SATtTTtPAY, JUNE 14, 1002. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MIXOIl MRSTIOX. rsvl fella druga Btorkrrt scllii carpets and rugs. LefTrt, eypslgh. specialist. 23 Broadway. Picture frames made to order. C. E. Alexander & Co.. 333 Broadway. Take home a brick of Metzpr's les cream Vanilla. 26c; Neapolitan. 4sc. Exclslor Miwonlr? lodge will hold a P clnl meeting this evening for work In the Brat degree. It. Tfcl took out a permit ypRtrday for a one-story cottage at Mil Seventh avenue tO COt tll. W. V. Cook, carpenter and Jobber. Fur niture repHlred. All kinds of cabinet work. V West Broadway. Hazel enmp, Modern Woodmen of Amer ica, will hoid memorial aervlcea Sunday. Members will meet at the hall at 1:30 p. m. Remember an Ironclad ten-year guarantee goes with evory New Home machine pur chased from us. tasy payments. G. A. Bullts & Co. Grover Williams,- son of the proprietor of the Kiel barn, fell while scuffling with a young companion Thursday evening and broke his right leg. Ed Patrlfk. 224 Avenue D. wna reported to the Boura of Health yenterday hs suf fering from smallpox. There are now eighteen cases being cared for by the cltv. City Auditor Evans. Rev. S. Alexander nd Miss Iiiira Nelson returned yesterday from Bloux City where they attended the annual convention of the Iowa State Sun day School association. There will be a Joint meeting of the members of Abe Lincoln post and the Woman'a Relief corps this evening at Grand Army hall, when Important business will come ur tor action. Ixist or stolen, black and white Llewellyn Better dog. Had on collar with M2 tloij tax No. H4 attached. Answer to name of ben. A liberal reward will be paid and no Questions asked If returned to S. T. McAtre. Robert Halpln, charged with attempting to commit an assault on Mrs. Emma Wll Jett. was permitted to plead guilty to a charge of assault and battery yesterday In police court and was sentenced to fifteen days In the county Jail. Mr. and Mrs. XV. T. Barnett of Terre Haute, Inc'., are the guests of J. L). Bar nett and family of Washington avenue, enroute home from Portland, Ore., where Mr. Barnett attended the annual convent. on cf the Travelers' Protective association. Louis Tamlsea died Thursday at the home cf his daughter, Mrs. J. C. Moran, 3lla Boyd street, Omaha. He waa 6a years of age and formerly lived In Council Bluffs, where for many years he was connee'ed with the regular and merchant's police force. Steve Morrlsey of Harlan, chairman of the democratice congressional committee, is In the city attending the Travelers- con vention. He said he expects to Issue the call for the democratic congressional con vention soon after the caJJ for the county convention Is made. Charles Edwards, a painter, while work ing on the house of John Beach, at the corner of Plercu and South First etreets yesterday afternoon fell and fractured his fight arm. His back was also injured. Ills home Is In Burlington and as he re fuses to be taken to a hospital he Is being pared for at the Beach home. Mrs. W. A. Desmond, better known as Mrs. Emma Metcalfe, has tiled another Complaint against her husband, William Desmond, a bartender, charging him with beating her and threatening to end her i . V ..l.i...... a,ith a mvnlv.r Vfra Desmond caused the arrest of her husband , on a similar cnarge May z, out ine cae was continued for thirty days. Desmond promising the court to behave himself. Puck's Domestic soap Is best for laundry. Davis sells paint. Arrested, for Stealing Copper. Nels L. Jensen, a laborer In the employ of the Milwaukee railroad, was arrested yesterday afternoon on a charge of grand larceny. For several months the railroad has been suffering loss by the pilfering of copper ore In transit from cars transferred to Its line at this point. A search wsrrant yesterday was procured by Special Agent King of the railroad and at Jensen's house ' about 100 pounds of the ore was discovered. It was found that he bad recently disposed sf a large quantity to a local Junk dealer. Jensen claimed he had been given permis sion by his foreman. Slack Peterson, to take the ore, which was, he said, the ac cumulation of sweepings left In cars the contents of which had been trasferred to other cars. The ore is said to be valued at 14 cents per pound and Jensen disposed cf It for 8 cents to the Junk dealer. It Is aid that he sold about 500 pounds of It. He was later released on his own recognizance. N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 250. Gravel roofing, A. H. Read, S41 Broadway. I Trinity C'hnreh Dedication. 'Fpe new Trinity Methodist Episcopal ehurch located at the corner of Fourth and . rt'orth streets. Is rapidly nearlng comple tion. The dedicatory services will be held Eunday, July 13, and the following week will bs occupied by a series of popular vents of an entertaining and profitable character. Among those who have already arranged to bo present and to take a lead ing part in the services are Rev. ' D. C. Franklin, D. D., In his last appearance officially before a Council Bluffs congrega tion In his long term of six years as pre siding elder of the Council Bluffs district of the Des Moines conference; Rev. Dr. Jennings, presiding elder of the Omaha district of ths North Nebraska conference Rev. D. K. Tlndall, D. D., pastor of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, Omaha; Rev, Enoch Hill of Woodbine, la., and Rev. Thomas 8. Moleaworth of GUdden, la. Raid roller Wheel. Chief of Police Tlbblts. Detective Murphy and Constable Albertl raided a house on the south side of Broadway near the east end of ths motor company's bridge last eight about 0 o'clock and seized a policy wheel and other paraphernalia. C. F. Den lioo, who was said to be operating the wheel, was placed under arrest, but later was released on ball. There were eight men and three women in the room where ths wheel was being operated, but Chief Tlbblts did not place them under srrest, contenting himself with tsklng ths names of ths men of ths party. Plumbing and besting. Blxby Bon. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday In ths abstract, title and lean office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Christ Harmann and wife to Trus tees fltrmin Evangelical Lutheran, St. Paul's Congregation. ti acres In neV, neVi, 11-74-42. w. d i 47J R. M Smith to Spalti Bros., lot 24 Auditor's sub.. ae. iwU. 12-7S-40. w. d ZSt E J. Gilbert snd wife to Frank Hunt. lot 10. block 11, Mullin's sub, w. d.. TO John P. Allison, receiver, to George J. Miller. nVb lot 10. block S. Jack son's add., r. d 1.500 Total transfers, our $ 3.271 SHAKE INTO YbUR SHOES Allan' Foot-Eaaa. s . powdar. It rum painful, axaarllna. aarvoua fat a4 loarowlns na.Ua, and In. siaaily taaaa taa attag out of corna ana buaiona. It's ma graaiaat commit aiatovary or ma asa. Allan a raot-Eaaa ma km tight ur naw attoaa taal aaay. It la g rartata tura lor awaating. t-alloua anil not. ttrad, ges tae laat. Try It today. SolS by all drugglata and ahoa aloraa. Don't gw-apt any auballtula. By mall lot 16a In alaint. Trial i'aa rREB. Aoaraga. Allan a O. male. La Hay. N. I. SUIT! CLEANED Dyad snd presasd. Special attention given ladles' garments. Also chenlils curtains neatly cleaned, dyed and V resseo. -mono L-eis. Iowa bteara Dye vol as, sua. Broadway. LEWIS CUTLER FUNERAL DIRECTOR (Successor to W. C Eatap) M MAUM UTBUKT. . 'Jhao 7. BLUFFS. TRAVELERS TARE THE CITY Grand Council of Iowa United Commercial Tra velars in Session. SOCIAL FEATURES OCCUPY FIRST DAY Every Subordinate Council In the Jurisdiction la Represented by Delegates at the First Session. The fourth annual session of the grand council of Iowa, I'ntttd Commercial Trav elers of America, opened yesterday after noon In Royal Artanum hall, with all the grand officers In attendance and every sub ordinate council In the Jurisdiction repre sented. Beyond the appointment of com mittees but little business wss transacted at the opening session and the day was given over practically to the social fea tures of the meeting. These committees were appointed: Auditing J. Honaker, Des Moines; C. R. Olmstead. Sioux City; H. H. Smith, Des Moines. Mileane and Per Diem F. P. Slmme, Sioux City; Bert Harmon, Red Oak; M. V. Krsklne, Fort Dodge. Good of the Order C. L. Dixon, Shel don: F. W. Miller, C'ojncll Bluffs; XV. N. (jnrretson. Mason City. Credentials V. O. Batchelor. Des Moines; C B. Platner, Council Bluffs; A. V. Weldel, Sioux City. Press C. R Olmstead, Sioux City; L. Zurmuehlen, Jr., Council Bluffs; N. A. Struble, Sioux City. A large number of constitutional amend ments were referred to the representatives to the supreme council to act upon as they deemed best. Opens with Reception. As the visiting knights of the grip, many of whom were accompanied by their wives, arrived they were met at the depots by committees and escorted to the Grand ho tel, wnere an informal reception was held during the morning, the wives of the local members being In attendance to welcome the vUit'mj women. An orchestra in the hotel rotunda played during the reception. Preceding the ball in the evening an open session was held, at which a number of impromptu talks were made by the rep resentatives of the several subordinate councils. During the ball an elegant buffet lunch was served in. the banqueting room adjoining the hall. Sioux City and Des Moines are repre sented by the largest delegations. Mayor Caldwell headed the Sioux Cltyans and spoke for his council at the open session in the evening In response to the address of welcome from Mayor Morgan. The most Important business before the grand council this morning will be the elec tion of officers. While the men are clos ing up the business of the session the women will be given a trolley ride around the city to Falrmount park and across the river to Omaha. After lunch the scene of the festivities will be changed to Lake Manawa, where the afternoon will be given over to a pro gram of contests for both women and men. Among those present are: Des Moines John Hunt, F. 8. Carroll, XV. B. Clarkson and wife, A. XV. Rader, XV. A. Gray, H. N. Smith. W. E. Trexler and wife, jonn Honaker, J. J. Ryan and wife, Will Walker. J. D. Savers and wlr VI ti Batchelor, Oscar Dyer and wife. bioux tjuy Mayor A. w. Caldwell, I. Wentworth and wife, A. V. Weldel and wile. T. G. Daa-arett and wife rhirl.. Olmstead, L. L. Benson, C. E. Williams and wne, v.. r. Ayers ana wire, ;s. a. Struble, R. F. Repenning R. Q. Cook, M. B. Wsgg stoff and wife, F. P. Slmme and wife. Will Hellen. Shenandoah N. I. Flskett. Sheldon M J. FtrazT.n w w Tvin r L. Dixon. F. W. Houck. ' ' Harlan S. B. Morrlsey. Fort Dodge-M. V. Ersklne, E. W. Mc Fadden, T. J. Connors. N. M. Ward. w aierioo 1 ii. cass, C. H. Rhode. Mason Cltv XV. M ftnrreiann inhn T Treaver and wife. Ottumwa C. C. Porter, H. F. Duncan. E D. Stuts, George E. Porter. Denlson J. H. filhherr nnH if ti,. Quinn Martin. ' """" Hamburg W. F. Green. Davenport D. 8. MacMillan. Red Oak-Bert Harmon. Spencer D. L. Ryder. Marshalltown W. H. O. Michaels. Atlantic F. A. Hughes and wife. FIXING CREDITORS' RIGHTS Court Asked to Say Who Shall Re ceive Money from Officer Estate. The district court has been asked to de. termlne whether the creditors of ths Offi cer A. Pusey bank, who failed to file their claims against the estate of Thomas Officer wttnm the six months, shall share in the distribution of the assets of that eststs the same as those creditors who took the precaution to file their claims within the statutory time. Some months ago. before the appointment of J. J. Stewart as admin istrator of the Thomas Officer estate. Judge Macy made an order to ths effect that all creditors of the bank who had filed their claims with the receivers within the pre scribed time should be considered creditors of the fourth class of the Officer estate. Yesterday Lars Jensen and other creditors of the bank, whose claims aggregate up ward of $23,000. Died a petition asking that their claims against the Officer estate be advanced from the fourth to the third class and they be permitted to participate In the 6 per cent which Administrator Stewsrt Is now psying out of the assets of that estate. The request Is resisted by Administrator Stewsrt. who denies the right of the fourth- class creditors to share alike with those of the third class. He contends that the question of ths liability of ths Officer es tate for the payment of the claims of the petitioners has never been submitted to the court and ths order made by Judge Macy referred solely to the bank receiver ship and not to the administration of ths Officer estate. In other words, Mr. 8tewart denies the right of those creditors who failed to file their claims sgainst the Offl cer estate within ths six months to partici pate In the assets until ths claims of those creditors who did file their claims within ths statutory limit have been satisfied. The suit is a friendly one and has been brought in order to have the court rule on the matter before Administrator Stewsrt makes any further payments on ths dlvt dend authorized out of the funds of the Thomas Officer estats now in his bands. Shortly after the appointment of L. F. Murphy and John Beresheim ss receivers of the Officer A Pusey bank, creditors of ths Institution were given authority by the court to employ an expert accountant to exsmlns ths books and accounts of the defunct bank. C. E. Walters was employed In this capacity by the creditors and yes terday application was msds tbst ths re ceivers be authorised to pay Mr. Walters' bill, amounting to 1261. Keep clean. Vss Puck's Mechanic's soap. Claim Da ansa eg (or Arrest. A. B. and W. J. Christiansen, who were arrested May 20 by ths police and charged with being Implicated la the burglary at ths tailor shop of Carl Herr, filed original notlca of suit la ths district court yeatsr. day gainst Herr, claiming 15,000 damnges each. In the notices It Is alleged that their arrest was due to Herr filing an In formation In the superior court charging them with the robbery. The police were unable to bring acy evidence connecting the two men with the burglary and they were accordingly discharged. W. J. Chris tiansen also seeks to recover 912 from Herr for the alleged unlawful conversion of a pair of trousers. Congressional Committee (all. L S. Robinson of Glenwcod, chairman of the republican congressional committee of the Ninth district, has Issued a call for a meeting of the committee In this city, Wednesday, June 18, to fix the time for holding the congressional convention. Davis sells glass. Fuck's Domestic soap is best. Use any soap so Us Puck's soap. Dies from Gunshot Wound. IOWA FALLS, la., June 13. (Special.) As a result of a quarrel In Grant townnhlp, Franklin county, several miles northeast of this city. Bine Wilder has been bound over to the grand Jury under $1,500 bonde, which he furnished. The stories In regard to the affray are conflicting, but from what can be learned it appears that Edgar Dol son and Fred Dovey were returning homo at night and interrupted a party being held at the Wilder place. The visitors were In vited to drink some beer and tho confer ence terminated in Wilder ordering the visitors off tho place. It is reported that his commands were not acceded to as quickly as Wilder thought they should and a shotgun was brought Into play, tho vis itors being shot in the legs. Dolson re ceived the bulk of the charge, resulting in the amputation of his leg. Blood poison followed, resulting In Dolson's death Tues day. At a preliminary hearing Wilder was bound over to the grand Jury. Rain Does Much llnniaaf. MISSOURI VALLEY, la., June 13. (Spe cial.) One of the heaviest rains In years fell In Harrison county yesterday after noon. Reports from various points in the county Indicate that the crops have been seriously damaged. At Dunlap the yards of the Chicago & Northwestern were cov ered with over a foot of water, while at Dow City it Is reported some track was washed out. More or less damage was done all along the line of the Northwestern and trains were delayed for several hours. Order Flahnaya In Damn. CEDAR FALLS, la., June 13. (Special.) Game Warden Lincoln has ordered fish ways to be built In the dams across the Cedar river here and at Waterloo. The work will be undertaken as soon as the water gets low enough. Seining permits have been granted to Colonel Page and Ed Chapman of Waterloo to seine the waters of this county for fish not listed as game. They will bo accompanied on th trips by a deputy and are sworn to obey the law. ' Comments ot long Press. Sioux City Tribune: That Webster City hotel man who was left with a 612-pound negress on his hands as "security" for a board bill Is from Missouri, too. Davenport Republican: According to a Sioux City minister heaven is 1,5m) miles square. Had the people in the past been as good as they are today standing room would be at a premium. Sioux City Journal: Colonel Hepburn says he Is not particularly "stuck" on Cuba. That Is not a material point. The country Is "stuck" on Cuba and should do Its duty discharge all its obligations. The time to avoid getting "stuck" on Cuba, was in 1&98. Keokuk Gate City: A Council Bluffs lawyer who has been Indicted for embez zling IS00 has prepared a demurrer declar ing that the charge Is Immaterial and frivolous. In view of the amount that is usually embezzled at a sitting nowadays It almost seems to the Nonpareil as If the defendant Is right. Cedar Rapids Gazette: Occasionally some paper that does not like the Board of Control Idea Informs its readers that Cownle or some other member has been roasted and also occasionally It Is noted that some other state Is copying Iowa. This time It Is the small and rather un important commonwealth of New York. Dubuaue Times: Iowa rjrohlbltlonlsts will propose A. U. Coates, candidate for governor laat year, as their party's can didate for the vice presidency In 1904. They will say. and they will say It truthfully, that he will come as near to carrying Iowa for prohibition as any other candidate seeking their party's nomination for the vice presidency. Waterloo Courier: Tho attemnt of a few of the so-called "Independent" newspapers of Iowa to make It appear that Secretary enaw is oisioyai to fresment Koosevelt and that his own ambition to become pres ident is leading him awav from his chief will have but little effect where the char acter of the DaDers are known. Iowa will stand loyally by President Roosevelt in secretary Shaw will stand with Iowa. Iowa State Xews Notes. It Is said that the Mason. Dennis and Irwin trials cost Page county over $3,000. The twentieth annual camnmeetlna: of the Mississippi Valley Spiritualists' association will be held at Mt. Pleasant park, C'Hiilun, from July 27 to August 24. Conlo Genselr. residing with his brother In Dubuque, drank carbolic acid and died shortly after In terrible agony. No cause is known for the act. as he was In prosper ous circumstances. He was 21 years old. A strange accident happened to a 12-year- old boy, John Townsend. who lives seven miles east ol Dows. While out In the field he was struck by a Si-caliber rifle ball. Inflicting a serious wound in the left side. It Is not known who tired the shot, but It Is supposed to have been some hunters at some distance too far to see the effect of the shot. The wound Is serious, but it Is not thought that it will be fatal. Deputy State Veterinarian W. L. Evers has gone to Wriirht and Franklin counties to Investigate cases of rabies reported from that part of the state to the state veterin arian. The points at which these cases are supposed to exist are in the vicinity of Dows, In riKlit county, ana Alexander, in Franklin county, and are supposed to have spread from the first cases reported near Hampton and In the south part of Franklin county. Thus far no fatalities have resulted, but much excitement pre vails in various communities in that part of the state. A law suit out of the ordinary his been started In Justice Le harron's court at Shenandoah. It is that of Attorney G. H. Castle against the Western Union Tele graph company ana Is for damages, ana expenses for making a trip to Des Moines in a law suit when a telegram had been sent to Shenandoah stating that It was not necessary to come, ine leitgrupn company failed to deliver the message in time to prevent the trip, hence the suit. It was derided In favor of the plaintiff, and an other suit of the same nature has besn commenced by Attorney E. R. Ferguson, who made a like trip at the same time. FIGHT A BLOODLESS . DUEL Opponents Do Not Settle Differences, However, and I-ava the Field Enemies. NEW YORK, June 13. A duel Is re ported to have been fought, says a World special from HallCax, N. S., at Savoyard, near St. Pierre, Mlquelon. The principals were a millionaire capi talist and a lawyer of Martinique. The weapons were revolvers. One shot each wss fired. The lawyer's bullet grazed the millionaire's head and cut his ear. The latter's shot lodged at bis adversary's feet. After the exchange ot shots the lawyer proposed to bis opponent that they become frtenda. The capitalist refused and they pirted enemies. Escaped t'onlets "till at Lara. PORTLAND, crs.. June 1 J. Track ot Tracy and Merill. ths escaped convicts, has been lost 'ace yesterday afternoon. Three companlsV of militia and a posgs of citizens are sifll la pursuit with blood bounds. RAILROADS REACHING OUT Dei Moines Expect to See Two New Linsi Enter in Near Future. BIDS ON PUBLIC BUILDING TOO HIGH Arrest of Two Men at Elkader May Lead to Clearlnat np the Myatery of the Crofton Marder, Near Ireton. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, June 13. (Special.) In formation regarding two railroad exten sions was made public here today. It Is learned that the franchise for an electric interurban line from Des Moines to Colfax, recured by representatives of Cleveland capitalists, is about to pass Into the con trol of the Iowa Central railroad and that the Iowa Central will build a line from Newton to Colfax and on Into Des Moines. This Is what has been expected In some quarters, but not until today did it become known for certain that this was the plan of the Iowa Central. This would bring another railroad Into Des Moines from tho, east. It Is also stated that engineers of tho Des Moines & Iowa Falls line, now being constructed from a Junction with the Illi nois Central at Iowa Falls to Des Moines, have been sent out along the route from Des Moines to Wlnterset and Greenfield with a view to taking possession of that territory for the new Iowa Falls road. It Is generally understood that the Illinois Central will operate this road when It is ready for business. The other railroad companies making efforts to build through Wlnterset to Greenfield have thus far ac complished little and It Is believed the Iowa Falls road will get into that terri tory, perhaps, with a view to further ex tensions. Announcement Is made that the Burling ton & WeBtern railway, owned by the Chi cago, Burlington ft Qulncy, will be changed June 15 Into a standard gauge line and that a new line will be built from Oskaloosa to connect with the Albia road at Tracey. This will give the Burlington two direct roads into Des Moines. Bids Were All Too High. Dr. F. M. Powell, superintendent of the Home for Feeble-Minded at Glenwood, was In the city today conferring with the State Board of Control regarding contracts which are to be let for Improvements at the Glenwood institution. The board has an appropriation of $10,000 to expend in putting a slate roof on the custodial building, where the worst patients at Glen wood are kept, and in replasterlng the same building. This forenoon the board opened bids on thiB work and found that they were all too high. The bidders. Including St. John & Barqulst of this city, C. G. Hlpwell of Davenport and several Council Bluffs and Omaha contractors, were present when the bids were opened, and an effort was made this afternoon to secure a revision of figures. It was thought possible that the specifications of the board might be scaled down somewhat to make it possible for the contractors to get within the ap propriation. Tea tin a- Bankruptcy Law. Suit was begun before a referee today In a bankruptcy case which Is of great im portance, .to a .number of creditors. East ern houses commenced suit some time ago to have Frank L. Morgan, a Jobber In jewelfy, declared a bankrupt, so that there could be a prorating ot the assets among the creditors. This was resisted and efforts made to have a settlement outside of court.' An agreement was reached to try the case before Judge McPherson, be ginning today, and he came here and opened federal court for that purpose, but afterward the case was placed in the hands of a referee. Morgan gave a local bank a mortgage for $18,000 and the bank claims that this mortgage should take his prop erty. New Corporations. The Marengo Telephone company, with a capital of $30,000, has been incorporated; J. II. Branch, president; Otto Wettsteln, secretary. The Whltebreast Mutual Telephone com pany of Lacona has been organized, with a capital of $10,000, by S. Exnerelder, presi dent, and J. W. Starr, secretary. The Apltngton Creamery company bas been Incorporated, with 42,500 capital, by C. G. Ross and others. The Chlcsgo Great Western road has made application to the State Board of Railroad Commissioners for the condemns tlon of additional depot grounds and yard room at Oelwein, depot grounds at Mar shalltown and for a double track from Oelwein to Stanley. Funeral of Jadare Hnbbard. The funeral of the late N. M. Hubbard of Cedar Rapids will take place Saturday afternoon. A delegation will go from Des Moines, both of railroad men and of his army comrades. Mar Clear I'p a Crime. News has been received here which lndl cate a possible clearing up of the myste rlous killing of Samuel Crofton near Ireton laBt August. At Elkader a negro and white man, traveling together, have been arrested and an effort is making to sweat from them Information where they were when tht Sioux county crime wss committed. Wit nesses will go to identify them If possible. Crofton was an aged, blind, colored preacher, who carried much wealth on his person. He was found dead In a cornfield west of Ireton, probably a month after he J had been killed by a blow on the head 1 Wllllnm D 1 J - A V 1 - iiiisiu ncjuuius was ai irekcu lug ilia trial caused wide difference of opinion, end lng In acquittal. Reynolds on tho stand said be had turned Crofton over to the care of a negro and white man who were traveling together and camping as they traveled. Other witnesses confirmed this by saying they had seen the negro and white man In that neighborhood at ths same time. This testimony wss thought to bave caused Reynolds' acquittal. It Is sad the men arrested at Elkader answer, generally, the description of ths ones wanted. Examination of Gaardsmen. An examining board has been appointed to conduct an examination ot guardsmen for commissions on Thursday, June 19, The new board consists of Colonel Jsmes Rufh Lincoln of Ames, chief officer of ths Fifty-first Iowa; Colonel John R. Prime, Inspector general ot Iowa; Colonel C. 8 Crall, chief signal officer, and Major Wil liam C. Mentzer of the Fifty-first Iowa. There will be about fifteen csndldates ex amined on June 19, including the officers of the new Iowa signal corps located In this city. Sent to Nebraakau Humane Officer Crawford aent Vignette Allen, recently convicted of vagrancy, back to her former home In Nebraska City. This woman is one ot color and has for the last six months been a habitual visitor at the police court, first on ons charge, then on another, the severity of them rsnglng from intoxication to robbery. Her little son. boy of yesrs, was found In a resort on the South Side and was sent to his grand mother la Kansas City. It waa learned by the humane officer tbst the boy had been obliged to associate with the lowest set In this notorious district snd that he was sent at all times of the day and night on er rands for the Inmates of these houees. J. W. Ayers, an old soldier visiting In the city at the time of the Grand Army en campment, claimed that he had been robbed by this womsn at her resort on the East Side. After G. A. n. Encampment. It Is probable thst the next encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic of Iowa will be held In Oskaloosa. The members of the council of admlnstrstlon bave been notified that a committee has been ap pointed In Oskalooea to arrsnge for the encsmpment and to secure It for that city. At the recent encampment here It was In formally agreed that future encampments would be held In this city, but the Oska loosa people want the encampment and are willing to guarantee that it will be well cared foi. Discharges in HanWrnptoy. Judge Smith McTherson of the United States court, signed discharges in volun tary bankruptcy today to the following named petitioners residing in the south ern district of Iowa: Andrew J. Brlslln, VUllsca; Andrew H. Deman, Tlsga; Wil liam E. Grovitte Machinery company, Ed Fuse, Council Bluffs; Edgard G. God- den, Red Oak; F. W. Cazard, Newton; S. S. Shields, Newton; J. C. McCaskey, Boone; Mary A. Bruner, Bondurant; C. A. Spald, Knoxvllle; Isaac Bruner, Bondurant; George W. Becker, Boone county; J. E. Jackson, Guthrie county; A. W. Jones, Knoxvllle; John Holland. Belle Plalne; Ernest E. Har- an, Marshalltown; Arthur S. Wlckel, Guth rie county; Arthur S. Burmell, Marshall- town; Perry A. Jackson, Guthrie county. ORDERS FAITHFULLY OBEYED Major Waller Says When He Left Samar Was Howling Wilderness. SAN FRANCISCO, June 13. Major Wal ler, U. S. M. C by far the most Inter esting personage to reach here on the trans port Warren, on which was brought the war-scarred remnant of the Ninth infantry into port, expressed emphatic views In the matter of the war in the Philippines. "You can't stop the revolution in the Philippines unless you take the worst measures," said Major Waller In an Inter view. "You would hate to see your wounded and dead mutilated. I cannot de scribe the fearful condition in which we found some of the bodies of the men under my command who were murdered by lnsur rectos. I received both verbal and written orders . from General Jacob Smith to kill all insurrectos who were caught armed or who refused to surrender. It waa the only thing that could be done, and I never questioned General Smith's orders with one exception. This exception I refuse to state. 'A fair estimate of the number of na tives killed by the men of my command would be 400 to 500. These were all killed In battle with the exception of eleven car riers, Iubui rectus at heart, who were tried by court-martial and shot. There was only one woman shot and she was only slightly wounded. She happened to be In the breast works of a tort my men were storming. "I have fought in every country in the world except Australia," said Major Waller, "but Samar well, hell Is a winter resort compared to Samar." The major spoke huskily through a deep cold that be contracted during the home voyage cn the transport, but he was ob viously sincere. His dark eyes snapped and his nostrils twitched at the mention of the Island that General Jacob H. Smith had ordered him to convert into a bowling wilderness. 'I left Samar a howling wilderness. They tried to make it that for us, but we made It a howling wilderness for them." "Want any more of It?" was asked. "No, I'm getting to be an old man now." His race relaxed. "I'm in my 50s. 1 Besides, they've surrendered, and it's all over. It's always all over when they surrender In the Philippines," and a sarcastic Btnlle curved under his military moustache. "Have you anything to say, major, re garding your court-martial on the charge of executing Samar natives without trial? Or was that the charge?" "The charge against me," he said, "was murder. Yes, one plain word, murder. And as for having anything to say about the court-martial, of course I have. I ob jected to being court-martialed; It was not done at my pleasure. I was not consulted in the matter; I was simply court martialed. 'I know who caused that court-martial; I know who brought it torward; I know who was back of it all, and Washington knows as much." USE OF BORAX NOT ILLEGAL Supreme Court of Minnesota Decides In Favor of Meat Preservative. ST. PAUL, June 13. There Is nothing In the Minnesota law to prevent packers from using preservatives on the meat offered tor sale in the state. This point was decided today by the su preme court in test cases against J. r. Rumberg and C. S. Wegenhals, begun at Minneapolis and appealed after the two butchers had been convicted In Hennepin county and fined $25 each. The court holds that the amendment to the pure food law, passed in 1901, applied only to milk and cream and that the uso of borax in meats is not Illegal. Secretary auii Treasurer Arrested. NEW YORK. June 13. Charles Shivelcr, who was secretary and treasurer of the American District Telegraph company in this city for many years, was arrested today by direction ot District Attorney Jerome. He was accused by the company of pecula tions for bait a dozen years amounting from $16,000 to $17,000. The case was referred to the grand Jury. w the "King of bottled Beers." Every bottle Is labeled and every corK Is plainly branded "BudWeiser," so there can be no substitute. To Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n at. 1.0UII, J o . t. 9rar afjo Black t Tan, Anbaussr-Standard, Pale.Lassr, faust. Export fala. Exquisite, MlcheUb and Maltha trim. All orders GEO. ZB.VQ, Manager Anheuser-Buacl. Branch, Omaha, Htl, RING COMPLIMENTS BOERS Edward Holds Special Court to Kecaire Congratulations Upon Peace. SPEAKS HIGHLY OF LATE ADVERSARIES Speech Is Expected to Have Rood In. flnenre in Speedily Brlnalnat About Ur of tiood Feellnsr in South Africa. LONDON, June 13. Kiug Edward held a special court at Buckingham palace today for the receiving of addresses from the lord mayor. Sir Joreph Dlmsdale, and the cor poration, and from the London County Council, congratulating his majesty on the restoration of peace. The king took occasion to express his sentiments on the subject more fully than heretofore, and the tactful recognition which he made of the sterling qualities of the Boers will doubtless materially aid In the work of appeasement In South Africa. Ills majesty, surrounded by the house hold, received the city dignitaries In tho throne room and, replying to the lord mayor's sddress, he said: I thank you in my own name and in the queen's for your loyal and dutiful address and tho congratulation you tender us at the close of the war in Stmth Africa. I heartily Join In your expression of thank fulness to the Almighty God for the ter mination of the struggle which, while It entailed on my people at home and beyond the sea so many sacrifices, borne with admirable fortitude, has secured a result which will give secured unity and strength to my empire. The cordial and spontaneous exertions in nil parts of my dominions, as well as In your ancient and loyal city, have done much to bring about this happy re sult. You give fitting expression to the ad miration unlverHlly felt for the valor and endurance of the officers and men who have been ergaged In fighting their coun try's battles. Boers a Brave People. They have been opposed by a brave and determined people and had to encounter unexampled difficulties. These difficulties were cheerfully overcome by steady and persistent effort and those who were our opponents will now, I rejoice to think, be come our friends. It Is my earnest hope that by mutunl co-operation and good will the bitter feelings of the pnst may speedily be replaced by ties of loyalty and friend ship and that an era of peace and pros perity imy be in store for South Africa. Subsequently, in response to the address ot the Loudon County Council, the king spoke as follows: I thank you foe your expressions of loy alty toward myself and the queen. I re joice with you at the thought that the victory which has crowned the persever ance and bravery of my forces will pave the way of extensions to the regions newly added to my empire, of that system of gov ernment which, with God's blessing, will bring to South Africa the prosperity that hns In every quarter of the globe followed its establishment. The readiness with which my subjects throughout the empire have borne their part In the arduous can palKn now happily at an end cannot fall to draw them still more closely together In bonds of loyalty and affection, and I conlidently believe that the good feeling which is being displayed by those who were so recently our opponents nugurs well for the future of that vast country which lias been added to the dominions of the crown. The civic dignitaries proceeded to and from (lie palace in glided coaches, attired In their full state costumes. ROCK ISLANDIN NO HURRY Will Dispose of the Wiggins Ferry Controversy After Other Mat ters Are Settled. ST. LOUIS, June 13. W. S. McChesney, Jr., general manager of the Terminal asso ciation, was noncommittal when told of the dispatch from New York stating that the Wiggins ferry controversy bad been com promised upon the basis of the Rock Island surrendering and coming Into the Terminal with general proprietary rights equal to the other roads. "I can neither deny nor affirm the re port," be said. Neither would he deny that the negotiations had progressed to a point where such a settlement was assured. M. A. Low, general counsel of the Rock Island west of the Mississippi, stated at the Planters hotel that the final terms of the compromise had not been settled, but he clearly Intimated they would likely come to a successful conclusion upon the basis already outlined. "There Is no great hurry about It," said Mr. Low. "The Rock Island has its hands full in completing the old Colorado line to Kansas City and In straightening out the world's fair terminal questions." ' HYMENEAL. Jense-n-Fedderson. MARQUETTE, Neb., June 13. (Special Telegram.) A pretty wedding occurred at the Danish church four miles east of town yesterday afternoon, when Miss Christine Fedderson, daughter of Chris Fedderson, a prominent farmer In this section, and Dr. J. Jensen, a dentist of Cedar Falls, la., were married, Rev. Strandskov officiating. The couple will make their future home at Cedar Falls. Bartlett-Wllllams. YORK, Neb., June 13. (Special.) John Bartlett and Miss Lizzie Williams were married at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James Frlckey. After the ceremony re freshments were served. Mr. Bartlett Is the genial operator of the Fremont, Elk born & Missouri Valley railroad at this place, and the bride was stenographer and bookkeeper for the Smith-Rogers Lumber company. McDurney-Abbott. TYNDALL. 6. D., June 13. (Special.) Lemuel S. McBurney and Miss Susan L. Abbott were married on Wednesday morn ing. The groom Is a young ranchman ot Lyman county, and the bride a prominent girl of the town, daughter of Thomas H. Abbott, county auditor. They will reside near Oacoma, 8. D. Bicycle Hldrr Is Injured. PROVIDENCE. R. I., June 13 -Floyd Mo. Farland. the bicycle rider, has been In. Jured while working out at the Coliseum, lie is at Rhode Island hospital and will be unable to race tor some time. 'Barley M alt, Imported Hops, Perfect Yeast, Filtered Water, Age This combination makes product proaaptlr ailed ly Fn.cSRiwiiPiE C'E'-TO.lS.-A-lLi' a t At a- m. T is me sweetening substance in the world be cause it It natural. It never ferments during di gestion. The sweet in Figprune is the natural sweetness of the California fig and prune. It is fruit sugar and will not disturb the most delicate stomach. Boll 5 o tO Mlnutal Sample, mailed direct front hesas office oa receipt ot 4 cents Figprune Cereal Co., Saa Jsse, Cal. tOtORADj) The wsy to gtt the best ac commodatlons is via too Great rock Island Route WHY? It is the only direct lino to Colorado Springs and Manitou. It is the popular route to Denver. It has the best Dining Car Service. It has the finest equipment and gives choice of three fast daily trains to Colorado. Rocky Mountain Limited leaves Omaha 6.50 a. m., arrives Den ver 8.45 p. m., Colorado Springs (Man itou) 8.30 p. m. 5 leaves Omaha 1.30 p. ra., arrives Den ver 7.45 a. m., Colorado Springs (Man itou) 7.35 a. m., Pueblo 9.10 a. m. Colorado Flyer leaves Omaha 6.20 p. m., arrives Den ver 11.00 a. m., Colorado Springs (Man itou) 10.35 a. m., Pueblo 11.50 a. m. Another inducement to uso the Kock isatd will be the $1 5 mund trip rate to Colorado effective this summer by that line. Ask for details and free books. "Under the Turquoise Sky" ' gives the most fascinating description of Colorado. "Camping in Colorado" has full de tails for campers. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1323 Farn&m Street. OMAHA. Strong: Nerves sre the true source of good, healthy appearance. Peraons with half-starved nerves aU ways look worried and "dragged-out." You cannot be happy without nerve vigor; you cannot be natural without all the Dowers which nature meant you to have. produce a healthful glow which art cannot Imitate. They in vlgorate every organ, put new force to the nervea, elasticity to the step and round out the face and form to lines of health and beauty. $1.00 per bo: 6 boxes (with written guarantee), VY00. Book free. For sale by Kuhn A Co., Omaha. Dillon's Drug btore, South Omaha. Davis DrtiK Cn.. Council Blurts, ia. Good Judges pronounca Hunter ySjJaltimore to ba tho Highest Standard of Excellence and the Best Whiskey ia America. lold at U first-flans cf and br Mra. f 1.. LAN All A fit A Hiiniwr. Md, Don't wane rime trying to clean fine chinaware and cut-glau with rotin toaps. It remove every particle cf dirt and gives a twinkling glimmer to every objact to which it is applied. Tfcreaaiiaa- laindry, iocs WiU aad tailaa, jc; loilat, JC Cudoml priaaer, alioarlaf Cudomj. auay uaaa, Kiia4 a icuaaL Thi Cvdahy Paccixo Co. Omaha... Kanau City. I CEREAWP (mimmaiiiaiaanManmaiiaiaaa(aiwaiaiaiaHaMaM ! ! i i i i i ! m i 'uaiufi r I'M i x r