Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Sensational Sale of Wet and Slightly Damaged or Rumpled Goods MMl
Saturday, the entire tremendous lines of notions, furnishings, underwear, shoes, carpets, draperies and curtains, damaged by the great flood of rain forced
, into stock rooms, will be on sale.
Besides the big wash goods and other purchases will be cn sale in the bargain room, and the gigantic bankrupt waist and suit stock of DreyfusSeigel Co.,
New York, on sale in the cloak department
atu relay's A
Will surprise the shrewdest and most economical buyers. Come early, if possible.
Bankrupt Stock of Shirt Waists, Wash
Suits, Wrappers, Etc.
On Sale at Hayden's
New York, June 2nd, 1902.
JIayden Bros., Omaha, Neb
The house of Drey fui-Seigel Co. must sell. Have Flynn
some immediately. W. J. MUHRA Y."
Tbe stock consists of Fifth avenue's
styles, all fashionable, up-to-date goods,
about 600 dox. white and colored shirt-
walsta. 1.100 women's tailor-made suits,
1.500 women's silk, wore and warn skirts;
70ii iil'.k waists. 4"0 dox. women's wrappers.
' broken lo's of fur collarettes, fur scarfs,
children's dresses, etc., etc., amounting
in ail to 1.7,744 3o. Harden Bros, got tiie
Dreyfus- Selgel Co.'s 60c wsists. p
at only I3C
D.-S. Co.'s fl waists. In lawns, percales,
dimities. In all the new styles. 3Qq
Q.-8. Co.'s 12 m waists, In fine white lawns,
'trimmed with embroideries In xephyrs
and gingham, made In all the new
styles, open front and back, Gib- An.
son's, etc., for U3C
Is doi. beautiful white lawn waists D -S
tor ..f.r'..e.u.p.!0..!'. 2.00
Dreyfus-Slegei Co.'s 12 wash suits,
t -8. Co. s fine wash suits, worth C flfl
s ana iiu, sale price WiWIf
5-8. Co. s $2 wash skirts, QflC
-8. Co. 'a H .10 wash ' sk Iris,' 5 Q C
dress' ski rts. etc.
All of D.-B. Co.'s silk and wool skirts
llvljed Into three lots:
Jot I- ralnr day and dress OCm
skirts, worth up to $3. for 3wC
Optical Department
Constant Headache
Frequently caused by defective vision can
te cured by correctly fitted glasses. Ws
upply them st unusually low prices.
Gold filled frames, $1 value, $1.69. Alum
tmld spectacles, good lenses, those 2 kind.
Hi fcic.
3untT Oommiatiouen Promise, to Esise
Figure Presented.
Pwaltlow of Cematr Attorwer 1st Mat
ter Has Xo Weight wltk Boar
aif Eaatlsat1oa, Which
Will Aet.
A "SI r ' .
tn response to a request County Attorney
Shields has given the County Board of
equalisation an opinion that the board has
to power to raise the assessments of the
ou;h Omaha packers and tbs Union Stock
fards company unless complaint is mads
igainst tbem. Commissioner Ostrotn dlffsrs
slth the county attorney and Insists that
in effort will be made to Increase the ae
ssssmsnts, which ars said to be ridiculously
If tbs total amount of tbs assessments,
ersonal and realty, against the five pack
eg houess and tbs stock yards, as returned
ry the assessors represents ooe-slxth of tbs
fclr cash value, as It Is supposed to. all the
lacking bouses and the stock yards are
trorth only $2,744,164, Richard CKeeffs.
lbs South Omaha member of the equaliza
tion board, says the stock yards alone are
orth about $$,000,000.
Comparative Yal sat lama.
The following table shows the assessors
at urns this year compared with tbs valua
tions fixed by the board last year:
Fers Realty.
Pers. Realty
$ n.ZM $ to ooo
Xi.fift 68. U6
11.8U5 24.260
K.1M ET.&oO
11.545 IS.7b0
(6.J50 84.750
armour .,
maha ...
Sdahy ..
.$ If 7W 42.5
IS .If
lock yards 1S.&
Totals ..$lll.Tt (34a.fe$ $160,574 $33.rt
Bays Commissioner Oetrom: "Ws are not
raly going to make an effort to lncreaae
the aaaessmeats of the packing houses.
Hock yards - and franchise corporations,
tut ws ars colag te give some attention
te the Jobbers and snaaufaeturers whose
assessments are said te bs entirely out
f proportion slth the assessments against
reel estate. The tax committee of the
Real Estate exchange has not yet made Us
sromlaed appearance before the board, and
( have been given the tip that It will not
IP pear."
Commissioner O'Keeffs says that the as
lessors' returns this year show an Increase
t only about $200,000 for the entire city
if 6outh Omaha, and this is not enough to
tult him. "I believe the packers and tbs
itock yards can be raised considerably," re
marked the commissioner.
leal Estate Earhaasrs Makes PlMav
err ae Ureal sf Ite Latest
Ths tax committee of the Real Estate
Exchange is making preparation for Its
movement before the county commissioners
tor as equalisation between the personal
snd real property assessments for county
purposes. According to ons of the mem
bers of ths committee, they are making a
surprising discovery which may make their
aontest easier than waa expected.
"We have had Hat made of the persons
la the city paying taxes more than
11.000 worth of property, and the man mak-
the liat haa cuaij Iried the first three
sards of the city. This list Is a surprise
ua. a ws Sad that generally speaking
he smaller owners of personal property
ire pajlag wyoa almost as high aa assess-
Lot J Women's rainy day and dress skirts,
trimmed with satin bands. In all wool
materials; all the new styles; ) flft
for only CiwU
Lot D.-S. Co.'s silk snd wool and ralnv
day skirts that have sold at as M nfl
high as 110 and S12. for 4i9U
D.-8. Co.'s fine silk and peau da sole skirts
that sold ae high as $14.50. 9 90
D.-8. Co.'s fine tailor-made suits we will
speak about later In detail.
At present we have selected about !W
suits, made to sell up to t2o ft 1C
on sale Saturday at Oi f 9
Another lot of woolen suits, '3 90
D.-8. Co.'s women's underskirts JF
that sold for 1160, at SQG
D -8. Co.'s silk waists that sold 4 Cft
for 16. at CiDU
D -8. Co.'s fur collarettes thst Ef
sold for $S. at s3U
D.-S. Co.'s finest silk skirts, made for beet
Fifth avenue trade, that sold up to $75
Justus of them at QQ
76 fine wool suits, silk lined throughout
D.-8. Co.'s price $34 ir mm
sale price IdtUU
D-8. Co.'s 76c wrappera, 25C
VB tr':ZZ"' " 50c
Dtt c.0:'.: 95c
The busiest cloak department In Omaha.
Hew Line of Hats
Fine derbys In high and low crown, silk
binding and patent sweat pads In brown or
black, at 11,00. $l.t0, $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00.
The swellest soft hat of the sesson is the
Panama. We have It in all colors large
and small block to sell at 75c. $100, $1.25,
$1.60, $1 00 and $2.50.
The new line of fedoras and pashas of
which ws mads mention last week have
arrived and are certainly the best we ever
showed; all prices. 75c, $1.00, $1.25. $1.50,
$2.00 and $2.50.
Men's and boys" caps, all colors, J5c and
Men's straw bats at 26c, 60c. 75c and $1.00.
Men's swsll straw Panamas at $2.50.
Children's straw hats In all shapes and
colors at lOo. Mc, 85c, iOc. 15c and 50c.
msnt aa the owners of real estate, according
to the assessment for county purposes."
Tbs member then took the book and ran
over the names of many of the retail mer
chants of the city, showing to his sstisfac
tlon that, based upon an assessment of one
sixth of the real value, the stocks were
Justly assessed.
"Ws find," he oontlnued. "that If there
la anything wrong In the county assess
ments, it Is in the Jobbing district. We
cannot maintain that the assessments on
some of the larger houses ars correct, but
on those whose aaaessments run from $1,000
to $65,000 the assessment Is in my opin
ion se nearly correct as to give llttls cause
for complaint
This condition sets at nsught the con
tention of the managers of the public serv
ice corporations that all personal prop
erty In the city la escaping Its Just pro
portion of Uxatlon and places the man
who owns a comparatively small business
tn line with the owners of real estate to
have 4 Just assessment made- upon the
larger holders. "
It Is tbe intention of the committee as
soon as the list of taxpayers Is complete
to make a eomparlaon between the assess
ment for county and city purposes and to
endeavor to have all property equaliied on
a basts of one-sixth for county purposes.
Asavrteasi Flag- Das'.
An effort Is being made ta stmhiij T,.n.
14th of each year as Flag day throurhnnt
ths country. It waa on this dsts that the
mirceeu stars ana stripes became the na
tional emblem. Persons who suffer from
loss of appetite. Insomnia. nervnun.. in
digestion, dyspepsia, coostlpstion or 'ma
laria, zerer ana ague, can data their m.
eovery from the time they reaolvs to try
Hostetter Stomach Bitters, the world fa
mous remedy for theee dlseaaea. Try it
ivuy. ii win surely cure you.
Tveatoa PaJle, X. T.
For a great many years Trenton Falls
has been known as a summer resort wlta
mors than the usual attrsctlona. At this
point ths Weet Canada Creek, which
drains a large area of the southern Adl
rondacka. descends about $00 feet through
a plcturesaue rorre. formln
wonderfully beautiful falls and cascades.
caned oy tne Indians Kauya-hoo-ra "Lean
ing Water." For several ysara the sue.
roundlnga have been undergoing extensive
improvements; an electric plant has been
installed, and tbe falls, gorge and woods
are Illuminated at night, presenting a pic
ture of rare beauty. Trenton Falls la 11
miles north ef Ctlca. N. T.. and reached
via the New Tork Central. Tou may read
all about it In the New Tork Central's
Tour-Trscs series" No. a. entitled "In
the Adirondack Mountains. " Sent fr n.
receipt of a J-cent stamp by Geo. H. Daniels
uenerai raeacnger Agent. Grand Central
Station, New Tork.
Flar Day at ('sarllaa.
special patriotic musical program will
be given this afternoon and evening at
Courtlacd Beach today ta honor of Flag day.
The ether regular attractions will also be
on the program. Beginning with tomorrow,
tbe famous Faust family of nine persons
will be one of the principal attractions at
Courtland Beach, aa the four Langforda
give their two concluding performances to
day. $15.00 via Union Pacific from Missouri
Rlvsr to Denver. Colorado Springs or Pu
eblo atd return J una XI te 24 inc.. and
July 1 ts It inc. Correspondingly low rates
from intermediate points. The fast trains
to Denver are via the Union Pacific. Three
tralne daily.
Full information cheerfully furnished on
application to City Ticket Office. 1124 Far
natn street.
sterling oavenlr rtaga, ZSe, EJholis. ,
Great Underwear and Furnishings Sale
Men's 35c and 50c socks at 15c.
2w dox. men e fine lile thread socks, in
Plain and fancy colors, regular 3oc and 50c
Socks, st lac.
Men's $1 underwear at S5c.
.v doa. men's summer underwear, In
Balbriggan, t-a Island cotton and lisle
thread, in plain and fancy colors; also
black; all good, well-made underwear,
mostly the Otis make, worth up to (1, on
sale at Sic.
Men's $1 union suits. In plain Balbrlggan
and fancy stripes, on sale at 49c.
. Men's union suits, in lisle thread, at $1
and $150.
Mens fl colored laundered shirts, with
separate collars and cuffs. In all the newest
colors, on sale at 4!c.
Men's $l.av and S- "0 colored laundered
shirts, in all the Vxst makes snd newest
colors, on sale at 9fco.
Ladles' fine cambric corset covers,
trimmed with double rows of Insertion and
lace edge, worth &ec, at 25c.
Lndles' mulln drawers, trimmed with
umbrella ruffles of lace and embroidery,
worth "c. at 3.c.
Ladles' fine long cloth or nainsook gowns,
short sleeves and low neck, trimmed with
Insertion and lace edges or fine embroi
dery, worth $2, at 98c.
One lot of ladips' lace trimmed and em
broidery trimmed skirts, worth $1.5 and
$1.75; at 9c.
A Stock of Silks
Bought at 50 Gents
on the Dollar
These silks were bought from one of
America's largest silk jobbers and we will
sell them to you at about half price. In
point of great value it is the best pur
chase we ever made, for this stock includes
some of the beet and most deslrsble silks
In fancies. Foulards, wash silks, black Peau
De Sole and taffetas. These silks will be
placed on sale Monday, June 16th, and we
assure you that the greatest of bargain
opportunities awaits you. Look in Sun
day's papers for full particulars and prices
and description of these silks.
Hair Switches
Made from natural fine human bair and
free from any coloring; all natural shades
on special sale at prices below import cost.
Local Supply is Short and lamins ii
Threatened Boon.
Fael Coadltions la Omaba Become
Bach aa Warrant Apprehea-
eloa oa Part of ths
Wholesale dealers In cosl In Omaha are
beginning to feel alarmed over a shortage
In supply of steam coal. Of nut and lump
the supply Is sufficient for ordinary de
mands of the season. "For some time
tbe Jobbers bsve been filling orders for
steam coal from hand to mouth, delivering
partial consignments on large orders and
keeping things moving as best they might,"
ssys a call man. "but If there is not a
change aoon It will be impossible to meet
all of the demands. Tbe mines are not
shipping liberally and It seems to be im
possible for the Omaha Jobbers to get
enough coal to keep them from uneasiness.
This is dus to the fact that the railroads
which purchase their coal from the mines
which supply the Omaha territory prin
cipally are using mine-run coal at this
time, when a year ago they were using
screened coal. Tbe mine owners In selling
mine-run coal finds a greater profit In the
alack than when be sells it separate, and
so tbe railroads are taking tbe supply
which formerly was placed on the market.
Bo far tbe scarcity has had no effect upon
prices, but it is not impossible that the
present condition will be followed by a
sharp advance. The price of steam coal
Is $2.60 per ton delivered or $2. JO
on board cars at Omaha."
Hard Coal Will Boar.
The local anthracite coal market la pe
culiar and retail dealers In this commodity
are having an experience seldom known on
this market. When the present coal striks
began some of the consumers met tbe men
from whom they purchased their usual win
ter's supply and asked what effect the
striks would hsve on the local msrket. The
answer was anything but reassuring, the
retail men prophesying that coal Is ss
cheap today as it will be at any time during
the year, $10 per ton. In fact some of the
dealers were Inclined to be exceedingly
bullish and predicted a price of $15 per ton
before the close of the winter. Under these
circumstances several of tbe consumers de
cided to place their orders for the winter's
supply Immediately. Some of the dealers
are not prepared to fill winter orders at
this time, while one or two have enough on
band to warrant tbem in taking such or
ders, but they objected to scceptlng tbs or
ders on the basis of future delivery to be
paid for at the time of delivery at the price
obtaining at this time. The result was that
several of tbe largest consumers hsve pur
chased their wtnter'a supply outright and
will havs tbs coal delivered immediately.
In this connection Victor While is laugh
ing at some of the men In tbe business who
laughed at him three months sgo. At that
time the question of the coal supply for the
coming yesr was being discussed by the
local dealers and tbs majority decided that
the price would be loser before the open
ing of the aeason for f&U trade. Mr. White
beloved not. and aa soon as ths low price
of April a as reached be placed aa order
for one-halt of the amount required by him
for Ibe year. The ofher dealers laughed
at him and prophesied that be would be
selling it on the local market at cost in
September. Then came the coal atrike and
the fellows who were laughing now think
that luck is on the aids of the early bird.
One lot of ladies fine skirts, trimmed
with ruffles of fine Swiss embroidery or
Valenciennes Insertion and edges, worth
$3 bo and H.U", at 12.:.
Ladles' fine skirt chemise, elaborately
trimmed with Valenciennes lace, worth
$3.00. at $1.9.
Ladles' lisle thread union suits, lace
trimmed, worth 5uc. at 2ic.
Ladles' Jersey ribbed drawers, lace
trimmed, worth sDc, at 2fc.
Ladies and misses' straight front batiste
girdles at 4ic, worth $l.ou.
Ladles' straight front corsets in batiste
and ventilated, at 49c. worth 75c.
Dr. Warner's rust proof summer corsets
for stout figures, sixes a to 36, $1.00.
The Kabo straight front batiste corset,
embroidery trimmed, all sixes ll.uo.
A full line of W. B. Erect Form. W. C. C.
Thompson Glove-Fitting and R. and Q. cor
sets at II 00 and up.
Nemo Self-Reducing corsets for stout
figures, in batiste and ccntil at Si. 50.
Ladles' 5"C lisle siockincs at ':,(
I 2'' dox. ladles' fine lisle thre-d stockings,
1 In black and fancy colors, all Imported to
; sen at doc, on sale at zx.
Children s 2.-c ilsle thread stockings, fast
black and seamless, at lr.c
Ladlfs' black and colored stockings reg
ular 25c quality, at 124c.
Grand Ribbon Sale
Yes, Saturday still continues to be Ribbon
Day at the big store and values will be
greater than ever before. No matter bow
cheap you have bought ribbons before, you
can buy them still cheaper on Saturday
Theee are not baby ribbons, but Nos. 2,
S and 5 ribbons, at lc per yard.
This lot comprises Nos. 7 and 9, all silk
and satin ribbons, and worth 7c to 15c
This lot Includes a line of 25c fancy rib
bons a splendid neck ribbon.
A beautiful ribbon of satin taffeta, wash
taffeta and moire taffeta, all at one price,
10c; worth S5c.
Here is the greatest ribbon bargain ever
offered by any house In this country a
line of NEW 50c ribbons for Saturday only
st 19c per yard. Nothing in the city to
equal It, within 50 per cent of this price.
Compass- Divided Over daestloa of
Captata's Competeaey aad
Matter of Drills.
There is trouble brewing In tbe Millard
Rifles, due. It is said, to the activity of cer
tain members who are ambitious of pre
ferment. Another version is that ambi
tion has nothing to with it and that the
whole difficulty hinges on tbe incompe
tency of one now In command.
First Lieutenant H. C. Stafford Is at the
bead of the discontented faction. It Is al
leged that quite a number of the enlisted
men and a few non-coms are arrayed under
his standard and that theee are now en
gaged in circulating a petition requesting
the resignation of Captain Thomas A.
Baughman. This petition. It is said, will be
presented to him at tbe next monthly meet
ing of the Rifles, July 1.
Neither Captain Baughman nor Lieuten
ant Stafford will talk for publication, but
from another member of the organization
the following story waa learned:
"Some of the enlisted men became dis
satisfied with Csptain Baughman, and
Lieutenant Stafford was quick to take ad
vantage of this condition," said he. "The
Stafford contingent charges Baughman with
drilling his men on Sunday and with swear
lug at them, both of which are a violation
of the Nebraska National Guard rules. A
few days ago the men extended a vote of
confidence to Captain Baughman and a
vote of reprimand to Lieutenant Stafford,
but it la aaid that only twenty-four out of
a total of fifty-four enlisted men were
present at the meeting, so the Stafford con
tingent attaches no Importance to this fact.
"Ths Baughman wing of the Rifles re
gards ths entire movement as a scheme
on the pert of a few to aecure advance
ment. Second Lieutenant Roy M. Walker
la loyal to Baughman, as are a majority
of tbe non-coms. It Is Impossible to tell
Just a hat proportion of tbe enlisted men
are aligned with the malcontente."
Chicago, Boetoa sad lew York
On and after June 15th, the Erie Rail
toad will still further Improve their Boa
ton and New Tork service by offering to
tbe public a handsome limited train to
leave Chicago from Dearborn Station every
day at 10:10 a. m.. arriving in New Tork
next afternoon at J. SO and Boston at $
There Is no doubt thst this service will
be highly pstronlzcd. aa this new train
will land the traveler In New Tork City
In ample time, to permit him to proceed
leisurely to his hotel or home, rest, dress,
dine and spend tbs evening tn whatever
manner may appeal to bim most.
This every-day morning train will con
sist of standard Pullman drawing-room and
sleeping cars. All mesls enroute served
by the famous Erie dining cars. No extra
tare charged on thia train.
Ticket office, 242 South Clark street. Chi
cago. Law Rates East aa northwest.
To so many nolnts it would take an en
tire page to enumerate them.
$14 75 Chicago and return, June 1$, IT, 21
and 22.
$4 40 St. Paul and return. June 1 to 1C.
$31.75 Boston and return, June 11, 12, IS.
$20 25 Deadwood aad return, June 1 to 21.
Please write or call.
City Offices. 1W1-1401 Farnam St.
The Northwestern Line."
Shampooing aad halrdreaslng, 25c, at the
Bathery, 21-20 Bee bulldinj. Tel., 171$.
The Greatest Grocery
Values Ever Offered
Large sack cornmeal .10c
Large ssck whole wheat flour 15c
24-lb. sack rye flour 49c
Very good corn per can 5c
Very good baked beans, per 8-lb. can..7H?
Very good string beans, per can 5c
3 bottles fine pickles 2
$ bottles very fine catsup 27c
3 l-lb. cans pumpkin J5c
Jelllcon, per package 7te
Evaporated peaches 10c
Evaporated prunes $Hc
Evaporated apricots 12H
4 lbs. band picked navy beans 13c
4 lbs. green peas 13c
5 lbs. sago 13c
S lbs. tapioca 13c
Keats and Cheese
Fancy sugar cured bam 12c
No. 1 sugar cured bacon UHc
Fresh bologna sausage 4Hc
Home made pork sausage ...6 He
Fancy dried beef 12c
Pure Wisconsin cream cheese 124
Prince Henry brick cheese 12Hc
Neufchatel cheese each S'ic
Fancy Swiss cheese 20c
Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens Saturday.
Teas and Coffees
Special for Saturday.
New season tea sittings only 15c
Imperial tea nibs, only 33c
Sun cured Japan, choice drink 35c
Good whole coffee "tjr!
Golden Santos coffee 12Hc
Epicure Java blend, only 21c
Old government Java and Mocba, 30c lb..
or 4 lbs. for $1.00
Fruit Department
Choice fancy lemons 12Hc
Sweet oranges per doz 15c
Fancy large dates, per lb 5c
When tired shopping etc.
Get a cup of our delicious cocoa and a
tasty, fresh cracker at our demonstration
counter. We are introducing our elegant
cocoa and pure, fresh crackers.
City Oonnci Pnti Off Matter Until Its
September Beiiion.
City Attorney Conaell's Gift Does ot
Appear of Record, Altbeagh Tsz
Exemption Has Become
Because or certain alleged Irregularities
In tbe plan of assessment for Central
boulevard the city council, sitting as a
Board of Equalization, has deferred action
on it until Its next session aa a board,
which will be In September. This will de
lay work on tbe boulevard for at least
three months.
"Tbe trouble Is," said a member of the
council yesterday, "City Attorney Con-
nell has neglected to deed to the city
property In the right-of-way belonging to
him, though be promised to do so, and the
plat shows that it has been done. It was
also discovered that all of Connell's prop
erty abutting on ths boulevard, or in its
Immediate vicinity, is exempt from taxa
tion. These exemptions were agreed to aa
compensation for property In the right-of-way,
but as the plans now stand tbe city
baa neither the property in the rigbt-ot-way
nor the taxes.
"Connell owns nearly all of Griffin's ad
dition, which includes several blocks be
tween Thirty-third and Thirty-sixth and
Poppleton avenue and Center street, and
the boulevard Is mapped through a part of
thia tract.
"It also came to light that, under the
present pisn, many very valuable pieces of
residence property in the Hans com park
district absolutelyescspe taxation, whereas
in other and poorer districts lots are as
sessed to the limit.
Exceeds Charter Limits.
"Then, there Is another point which
threatens tbs legality of the boulevard
scheme, aud that Is that under the system
of stipulations employed by the city attor
ney tbe boulevard will cost considerably
more than $50,0o0. wich Is the limit tbe
city may expend for the Improvement un
der tbe charter. Tbe board of appralaers
was careful to keep ths expense within tbe
charter limit; lta figure was $49,000, or
thereabouts, but many persons, dlseatlsfie!
with the awards, filed suits to bsve tbe
work of tbe board set aside. To induce
such persons to withdraw their suits Con
nell promised them Increased awards and
ths result is that the boulevard has become
an expenslvs luxury."
Mr. Connell said: "It Is all bosh. There
Is absolutely no occasion for deferring ac
tion on the plana. I gave the city a piece
of ground through my property for Its
right-of-wsy 100 feet wide and nearly three
blocks long, and the deed for it Is all made
out. and If they would have given me fif
teen minutes I could have placed it on
record and put everything right.
"If there Is property in the Hanacom park
district that Is assessed too low, or that Is
not assessed st all, that Is. their business,
not mine. That's whst the council is sit
ting aa a Board of Equaliia'len for, to cor
rect such Inequalities."
Good sppetite and cheerfulness follows
ths uss of Prickly Ash B tiers. It purifies
the blood, liver and bows and makes life
wortb living.
Publleh your legal notice! In Tbe Weekly
Bee. Telephone 21$.
Ehamfooing and halrdreaat ig, 25c, at the
Bathery. Zlt-220 Bee Building TeL 1711,
Saturday in the
Ssturday we will hive a grand clearance
of all our wash goods, silks, dress goods,
furnishing goods SDd boys' clothing. We
111 make prices on these goods that bavs
not been beard of in this town.
Just :hlnk, lc to 60c goods will go Qq
Gods worth'iiiic Yo'iic will "go" gg
Goods worth ioc' w'lii go 2g
Thousands of other bargains' will be given
h the bargain room Saturday.
Be sure and attend these sales.
Pineapple batistes, dotted and striped
Swisses, worth 25c; linen colored batltes,
with fancy borders and Persian effects,
lace striped organdies and bat let s. ISc
and 2rc; French organdies and batistes,
embroidered tfwlss muslin. 4i-lnch
lawns, worth 39c: Irish. French and Scotch
dimities and organdies, satin striped ba
tistes, genuine St. Gall batistes and or
gandies that always sell at from 25c to
5oc a yard; plain white organdies, worth
19c; plain white madras, for waists, worth
J9c; new black and white sliver gravs.
not a yard worth less than 19c and ir
up to 5oc, all will go at ILC
ISc and Jtc I.OOIIS AT tic.
Here are 15c and 19e organdies, batistes
and dimities, with stripes, dots and lace
effects, and everything to make up a
first-Uass lot of 15e and 19c goods; all
go at one price in this sale at, F
a jard QC
14c (.OOIIK FOR 2 l-2p.
On one large square we will place JS-lnch
moire skirting, worth 19c. 6vc full stand
ard prints, dark colors; 10c corded dimi
ties, fast colors, for all day Saturday,
and plenty of them, only lo yards ) 1
to a customer, at, a yard s"C
The finest line of hammocks in Omaha.
at the lowest prices. Prices range from
50c to $5 each.
Croquet aets of every description, in 4-
balls. 6-balls and s-balls. in amateur and
professional sets, from 39c to $5 a set.
The Creat Shoe Sale
SATURDAY THE LAST DAT of the greatest sale of WET SHOES ever held In
Omaha. Everv pair positively MUST BE SOLD by Saturday night. If you are even
thinking of buying shoes in the near future come in SATURDAY and save iromu.Nh.
This may seem unreasonable, but It la an ACTUAL FACT.
Women's fins hand-turn vicl kid
lace shoes, worth $3.50 and $4 00..
Women's fine hand-turn vicl kid
button shoes, worth $3.50 and M..
Women's fine welt sole vlci kid
lace shoe, worth $3.50 and $4.0u...
Men's vlci kid bais., Goodyear
welt shoes, worth 13.50 and S4.'i0..
Men's willow calf bale., Goodyear
welt shoes, worth (3.50 snd $4.00..
Men s box calf bale , Goodyear
welt shoes, worth $3.50 and $4.00..
Boaad to Have ths Extra Haadred If
Perslsteacy Caa Get
Councilman Trostler, chairman of the
committee on street lighting, not dis
couraged by the reverse be received at the
last meeting of the council. Is still work
ing for 100 gas lsmps to be sdded to the
number now in use by the city. The reso
lution providing for these extra lamps Is
In his committee and he is arranging to
make a favorable report on It at tbe next
council meeting.
Tbe lamps cost the city $30 per year
each, making the total expense of the
project $3,000. Trostler figures that there
will be received In royalties $15,000 this
year from the gas company and $2,000 from
the electric light company, which, be
thinka, should sufficiently swell the street
lighting fund to warrant tbs council in
adding the 100 extra gas lampk. City
Comptroller Westberg's figures do not tally
with these exactly.
"The gas company .paid $13,000 In royal
ties last year," said he, "and I estimate
that It will pay about the same amount
this yesr, though tbe secretary has told
Mr. Trostler thst the company Is doing
a larger business this year than laat. The
electric light company has never psld a
royalty before, so we have no precedent to
go by, but from what I can learn I should
say that H will pay not tar from $1,500."
According to Troatler's figures there will
be $4,000 available for his 100 lamps, and
according to Westberg's figures bs can
count on only $717.
Lake O hobo J I aad Retara 13,00 via
the MUwaakec Railway.
Leaving the Union depot, Omaba, at l;$0
p. m. Saturday, June 21, the Chicago, Mil
waukee St. Paul Railway will run a spe
cial excursion train of coaches and sleeping
cars to Lake Okobojl and return. Tbe train
will arrivs at Arnolds Park, on Lake Oko
bojl at 5:40 a. m. Sunday. All day Sunday
at tbe lake. Boating, fishing and a pleasant
day's outing at the prettiest resort In the
middle west.
Returning, tbe special train will leave
tbe lake at 7:30 p. m. Sunday and arrive at
Omaha o'clock Monday morning.
The round trip rail rate is $3. For those
who desire them sleeping cars will bs at
tached, for which a round trip rate of $1 is
charged for a double berth.
City ticket office, 1504 Farnam St. Tele
phone 254.
Mayor Moeree Asks AH Cdtlaeas ts
Display Old Glory aa
OMAHA. June 13 To tbe CltUenf cf
Omaha: In tbe year 1SS7 a national associ
ation was formed by ths veteran, military,
1-atriotlc and historical societies In the
United States and also of pstriotic citizens
to promote reverence for and prevent tbe
desecration of tbs flag of our country.
The 14th day of June baa been set apart
by this association aad called "Flag day."
President Roosevelt, General Nelson A.
Miles, Rear Admiral Schley and many
other distinguished persons are vies presi
dents of the association. At their request,
which meets with my hearty approbation, I
respectfully urge our eltlsene to Join in
making the celebration of "Flag day" an
event of note.
You are therefore requested to fy the
flag tomorrow, June 14, from your homes or
places of business aad also from every
school aad public building throughout ths
city. Respectfully.
FRANK C MOOR 8, Mayor.
Bargain Room
Boy's wssh pants, worth S5o
Boys' wash pants, worih up to 60c,
will be on sale at
Boys' wool psnts, worth up to Tic,
Boys' wool pants, worth up to $1,
double seats and knees, on
sale at a pair, Xc and
Boys' all wool long pants, worth $3.
Boys' wool pants, worth 5. on sale
Ladles and children's fast black, full (A
seamless stockings, at, a pair QC
Men s 5uc underwear. In plain and In.
fancy colors, at 11 6
Boys 75c sweaters. In fancy stripes. JJq
Ladles' and children's 35c underwear, in
vests and pants, with long and AA
short sleeve, at IUC
Ladles, $1.00 corsets 39 C
Ladles' 39c corset covers 9C
Boys' dark colored percale waists. JQq
Men's 75c colored laundered shins, 9 On
with separate collars, at (9C
Ladles' fancy colored and fast black iA.
stockings, at IUW
We will sell the celebrated Hill's Muslin
regular tc grade, a little finer and
heavier than lonsdale, only lo Aim
yards to a customer, at a yard.. feC
F ROM 3i3 TO 4 P. M.
We will give one of our famous organdie,
batiste and dimity sales, goods worth
from 19c to 29c, will be in this lot,
only 10 yards to a oustomer, at a Oli
ysrd iQ
FHOM .'1 TO l-P. M.
We will sell 10c corded dimities in all col
ors, and lots of linen colors, only
10 yards to customer, at, yard lit
Women's fllne vicl kid hand-turned YQst
Juliets, former price $2.5o I 96
Women s common sense button, Oflaa
McKay s and Welt, worth $3.00 tfSIC
Women's fine vlci kid Oxfords, tan DO
or black, worth up to $2 50 OsC
Boys' and youths' linen shoes, pCa
former price $1.25 03G
Sole sgents In Omaha for the Stetson and
Croasett shoes for men, and the Brooks
Bros, snd Ultra shoe for women.
Watch the Sixteenth street shoe window.
Eugene Kemp Makes Unsuccessful Effort to
Bhoot Sii Wife.
Haabaad Retarns to His Abaadoaed
Family aad Undertakes to Mar
der the Mother sf His
Six Children.
After being gone for seven years Eugene
Kemp returned to Omaba and at 11 yester
day morning met his wire st the home of '
ber father, John Canfleld, 612 South Six- '
teenth atreet, and while on the porch In
the presence of her father fired twe shots
at her from a revolver. Tboujin husband
and wife were only a few feet apart, neither
shot took effect. At tbe first shot Mrs.
Kemp Jumped from the porch and at tbe
second she fell. Kemp then replsced the
revolver in his pocket and walked to
Leavenworth street and started west on a
run. Sergeant Welsenberg overtook htm
at Twentieth atreet and locked blm up.
Seven years ago Kemp left his wife and
six small children and went to Wyoming.
A week ago he returned to Omaha and en
deavored to see his wife and his advances
were repulsed. Testerdsy morning he went
to the rooming house run by her fsther and
sent the latter to Mrs. Kemp's room at
CZ1 South Sixteenth street, with the re
quest thst tbe latter come to her father's
snd discuss the disposition of tbelr young
est child.
Husband and wife met on tbe porch, and
the former without any preliminary de
manded that bis wife promise him thst
she would remove from her present room.
When Mrs. Kemp refused to make ths
promise. Kemp pulled his revolver and
fired. At the first shot Mrs. Kemp Jumped
from the porch Into the yard and her
father started for tbe police. As his wife
struck the ground. Kemp fired again and
shs fell. At this Juncture, Mrs. Julia Rice,
a roomer, caught bold of the enraged man
and pleaded with blm not to ahoot again.
While bla wife still Isy on tbe ground
Kemp put his revolver In his pocket and
walked awsy.
Mrs. Rice stated that during Kemp's
seven years absence. Mrs. Kemp had taken
cars of and made a living for their six
children and that during the last week,
since Kemp's return he has made repeated
efforts to obtain possession of the chil
dren and had failed. This, coupled with the
fact that he was Jealous of his wife, shs
said, caused tbe shooting.
Contains In a concentrated form
all the ckmenta of nutrition de
manded by nature for sustenance.
Each package It equal in food
elements to four pounds of beef.
A delicious, dalDty food for tbe
Invalid and robut with a palate
pleaaiDg; nut flavor.
Sold by leading grocers. Mails by
American Pure Food Co., Ltd., Battle
Creek. Mich.
9 m
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