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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1902)
f THE OMAHA DATLT BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 19012. I DEMOCRATS USE UP TICKET Big CMe ft Parade a Fw Aspirant for Private Inspection. WHERE NOMINATIONS WILL LIKELY GO Jjlsaytn Mar Have teppert for Gov. ror and Shields for Con ress, with Other Places eatterlaa;. tiocil democrats art getting busy la con templation of their county convention, reek from Saturday. According to the call Ihla convention will not only select dele gates to the state, congressional and Ju dicial conventions, but It will nominate a full county ticket and determine whether the populists are to be given any repre sentation thereon. 60 far the democrats have given the pops no Invitation to cllmh In with them, but It Is probable that some kind of a fusion arrangement will be made before the election comes In November. Whether the Douglas county delegation will fall In line for fusion on the state ticket depends on the outcome of the local primaries of next Thursday. If the Douglas County Democracy controla the delegation to Grand Island there will be a tnl)d protest against doing business with the populists, although even these straight ticket advocates themselves take It as foregone conclusion that the majority of all' the delegates to the state convention will be for fusion. In any event the Douglas county delega tion will probably stand for awhile for the nomination of C. J. Smyth as the gu bernatorial candidate. It baa even been sug gested that Mr. Smyth be permitted to came the state delegates, but the sug gestion has not met with kindly consider ation from all quarters. It happens that Mr. 6myth leana strongly to the Jack aonlan wing of the local democracy, and the Douglas Countyltea are unwilling to take chances on getting a fair representa tion on any delegation that be might select. A strong Bryan sentiment pervades the democrats of Douglas county, and despite the announcement of Mr. Bryan that he will not be a candidate tor governor, there la a disposition to drop Smyth and flock to the standard of "the peerless" If his name U presented to the convention. "If Bryan's name is presented to the convention we rill expect Mr. Smyth to. withdraw," is the Way one of the leader expresses It. ' As the democratic congressional commit tee baa not yet Issued Itt call with the ap portionment of delegates, the county con tention will have to work In the dark to the extent of providing' for representation In the congressional convention, which is not expected to be held until September. The only scheme so far suggested is for the appointment of a committee with power to name the delegates to the congressional convention after the call is issued. This proposition will go through provided no one but George Shields wants the nomination, but If there Is to be a contest for the run ning the committee sJTBge?r)ent will be objected to on the ground that It will give altogether too much power and opportunity to a few men. . 80 far the only avowed candidate for congress among the democrats la County Attorney Shields, but his deputy, I. J. Dunn, and O. M. Hitchcock are said to be In re ceptlve mood. ' "It isn't likely, however, thst anybody will coax either Dunn or Hitchcock to take the nomination," says an unprejudiced democrat. Frank T. Ran om, the stock yards statesman, who quit being a silver republican as soon as that cut of pellttcian wept out of fashion, In tended to gt into the' congressional race, but it is now stated on the best of au thority that he will not be a candidate. The only contest to be fought out at the democratic primaries next Thursday, aside from the always present scrap be tween the Douglas Countyltes and the Jack' sonlans, both of whom want to have the most delegates in the convention. Is that between Lysle I. Abbott and James P. Eng lish, for county attorney. As Mr. Abbott has many supporters In the Jacksonlan club, as well as the almost unanimous support of the Douglas County Democracy, he promise to be the winner, no matter which of the organizations secures con trol of the convention. Mr. English Is the favorite of the leaders of the Jacksonlans, out he has not been making an active can vass among the rank and file. Legislative candidates are scarce among the democrats of Douglas county, the prospect of election being not at all al luting.. However, W. II. Green, president ,ef the Real Estate exchange. Is out for a nomination for senator. ' J. H. Mcintosh Is also being mentioned for the senatorial ticket. His recent Oght in the tax case against the franchise corporations Is sup posed to have left him some political capl tal and he may be Induced to Invest it In the democratic ticket. Senator John Lld- dell Is not a candidate for renomlnatlon. For county commissioner in the Tbtrd district there are two democratic candl dates W. H. Olmsted of Union precinct and Henry Bull of Chicago precinct. "Uncle" Peter Hofeldt, who now re pre ents the district on the board, says he has had all of It he wants and haa with drawn as H candidate tor renomlnatlon. throwing his strength to- Mr. Bull. Mr, Hofeldt expects to visit his old home in Germsny next summer. la the Fifth district Councilman C. O. Lobeck is the only man yet mentioned In connection with the democratic nomination, CUCAP KXClRalOSt. 1 Via Illlaola Central Railroad. t The Illinois Central R, R. will sell round trip tickets, good for return until October tU 102. from Omaha to the following points: v Ticket, at rate, named In column (1) on sale June lat to 1Mb. Inclusive; In column (2), June ltn to 10th Inclusive. (1) St. Paul $ 9.60 .Minneapolis t.tO Duluta 11 0 Tb. Superior. .' 11.60 Ashland. Wla 11 60 Bayfield. Wla 11.60 Madlaoo Lake. Minn T 60 Cly.laa. Minn T.60 Fartbault. Minn T.60 Northfleld, Minn T.60 Randolph, Minn T.60 Cannon Falls, Minn T.60 Red Wins. Minn T.60 (2) $1164 12. 6J 16.6S 16 68 16 65 16.65 10.65 10 B5 10.65 10.65 10.65 10.65 10.65 On June 16-17-11-21 we will .ell ticket, to Chicago and return at rat. of $14.75, good for return until September IS, ; In addition to the abov. we will .ell pound trip ticket during the summer .. on to ee.tera points; also via Duluth or Chicago and ateamer via th. Great Lakes. Special arrangement, for securing steamer accommodation In advance. Writ or call on the undersigned for par ticulars. W. H. BRILL. Dlst. Pas. Agt.. III. Cent- R. R. No. ItOt Farnana St.. Omaha. Neb. favMp aVaita. Via Mllaraukaa June It 12, 12. Boatoa and return. $JtT$. June 14. IT, 11, 12. Chicago and return. .lt.19. June J to Id. SU Paul and return. $.6i City office. 1M4 Faraaa St, MUwaukee Ry adan Sua.' ad la.a CANDIDACY OF WILLIAM STUEFER What the Republican Papers of Nebraska Said About His Questionable Bond Deals Elected for Better Things. Tork Republican: The Omaha Bee ex- poses in detail two bond deals of Tress- tall do not appear to track when com- should not be lost sight of that any mal urer Stuefer, one in Burt and one In Cum- pared with records and other substantial administration of the treasurer's office will log county, by which the two counties or the permanent school ' fund have been worsted to the tune of $5,000 or $6,000. Treasurer Stuefer was out In yesterday's Journal with a denial, which Is In effect not :. denial of The Bee' allegation. In- stead of promptly bringing an action Vf libel against The Bee be weakly point to Is record and says "he thinks it com- pares fsvorably with those of his predeces- sors!" One of them Is In the penitentiary where he belongs, and his last predecessor admit to having miiftea tne permanent offered by State Treasurer Stuefer does not rr. CT ignoring or mi nni.17 school fund cow Into hi own bucket. expan .eversl points in the Burt county Ply" he demand of the state eon Treasurer Stuefer was elected for better nd case and there are a good many people ventlon. has practically read himself out things. His bond wss paid for by the state who ,ook upon the transaction as a bus. hope 'or further honors at the hand of on the promise that the atat should have p,clou, one. We believe that a thorough the party and this disclosure Is strong ar m . . . a a. - m V I 1 -.Ail at I trrs a t Inn every cent 01 interest 10 De maae oui 01 the funds In hi care. The Bees article shows conclusively that the promise is not being kept. Interest on money. In bank la not accounted tor. and. worse thaa all bonds purchased by state fund, are .hart of their coupon, by way of commission to rlTlZ.r, .n he.rtnv Tnae. til a n the action of The Bee d"' t te's ao n.y ut cc. b"ng act on states a torney at once ng .lon again. .Stuefer s bond I to Jv ou- pons shorn from the bond purchased with . . . . ;.,. ... will state moner Jh People of Nebrasks will not stand for It and if the attorney falls to do his duty he must answer for It The feeling Is strong that Stuefer ought to be Impeached. The road which Joseph Bartley has trodden with bleeding feet and weeping v. a .-a ,,. ,..,, .,, .. tampera with the trust fund, of the .ate of Nebra.ka .hould be mad. to walk It. The laat republican convention showed the tern- per of the republican, of th. elate and Joseph Bartley 1. a monument to the danger of tampering with it. The promise, made t . k a.a if nfan trie." aTn To 7add7. on tbV rep"ub- Mean party a .econd edition of the Bartley reproaTh he should be broken without mercy. HI. name .hould be made a byword in the land and another .hou.d take hi. office. Plenty of Men for Place. xr.k.fl.M nT, There are nlentT of honert men in the state to look after the .... -,t,.i . withnni wwm, nn who I. liable to go wrong. A thorough In vestigation should be made at once and It v. .-.. . . a k. .h,u vrenourer m "ruuji, u. .uuu.u be vindicated; If he is guilty he should suffer the consetjuences Rather Suspicions. Emerson Enterprise: State Tressurer Stuefer .hould not be upheld In any under- handed methods of buying bonds. The re- publican party In Nebraska ha. Buffered enough from dishonest state officials. The state treasurer of all others should be abov. suspicion. Mr. Stuefer may not be gumy or aoing anyming aisnonesi in 01s Burt and Cuming county bond deal., but these transaction, appear Vatber suspicious t least. GIto Coonty the Beneflt. xt.k.i.. -ts-iv,,.... TV. nnint mia Is this: If Mr. Stuefer had state funds to Inveat at 1 per cent he .hould have let Otoe county have thi. $60,000 last spring, in.tead of forcing us to pay 4H. with the tate the final lender after all, but only getting part of the intereat we are paying. It was not thought such a bad sale at the time, aa th. best term, the county ever secured was 4 per cent, some three year, ago. But we could have made $5,000 by getting some of Mr. Stuefer'. 8H per cent money direct. Looh. Declded.r -h.dy. Ponea Journal: State Treaaurer Stuefer I. having an airing Just now on account of Grand Island Independent: It is plaid' bond were paid for by check drawn by the fact that h. 1. accuaed of milking the that either Burt county or the permanent tn8 treasurer on the permanent school stat. school funds of a few thousand plunks school fund Is loser by just eo much as the fUDIj 0( the state. Mr. Nellgh then notl In some bond purchases he made from Burt third and superfluous party In the transac- jje(j the treasurer of his purchase, aug end Cuming counties. Tbe transaction looks tlon Is th. gainer. It might be difficult to gestlng that the bonds were a legal Invest decidedly shady at thla distance, judging show that Mr. Stuefer himself ha. made mtat for part ot the idle school fund. The oy in. puDiisaea accounts, we nilgai aau that Mr. Stuefer denies the charges In toto and claims to be able to prove hi. In- nocence, Merit. Condemnation. w.. H.r.idr Th. r.nuhiican mrtr baa its woes In Nebraska, especially in con- nectlon with the .tate treasurer's office. Why, tb. good Lord only know.. It seems the greed of men to make money overpow- ers their sense of right and In a few abort hnnra their fnterritv for which ther atood ao high la wrecked almost beyond repair, The purchase of the Burt county bonds by an agent of Treasurer Stuefer recently, who afterward .old them to the .tat. for a premium of $3,200. If a. given out by prom- lnent cltlien. of Tekamah 1. true. Is a transaction that merit, th. severest con- demnatlon. Why do men ot such excellent reputation thu..ri.k tbelr all? Pay. to B. Honest. ., r,. -.. tv. t... 1. aft." SUte Treasurer Stuefer with a hot . , n that it pays 'to be hone. If hs has acted ... . t. k J- tairiy m me maiirr vi iuitiiiuB uuuu. for the permanent .chool fund and In th. Inve.tment and of the .chool money b. .hould have made a statement, as re- quoted by th. atat. convention. If he ha. been dishonest h. had better make a clean breast of It and make matters right, Nebrasks la safely republican and tb. re- calling Stuefer to time. When th. party at erage wa. aufflclently large to merit tne publican, ot th. atat. are determined to the last .tate convention adopted th pub- term of "rakeoff." Tb. fact that th. re keep It .0 If honesty and a proper admin- Ucity resolution with regard to state, county clplent of the rakeoff was closely connected Istratlon ot the affairs of state win do It, and any on. not thoroughly In accord with thl. principle of republicanism had just as well join th. populist funeral procession, Not for Kerplna Qnlet. ircm pumic omcer. ana notice was thereby th. stat. and thla construction, uncnaru- aerverd upon all that political affiliation able though It may sound, will stand until O'Neill Frontier: The Bee has ths fair- woua not ,enre aa a protecting mantle for the treaaurer can clear himself ot th Un as to publish Mr. Stuefer'. .tatement. ouestlonabla methoda. In trrlna- to enrtrh nutation. and at tne .am. time gives uaiea tan uB- nre. in a .imliar transaction in turning steufer has shown hlmsetw entirely un county, th. horn, of th. .tate treasurer. worty of the adherence of hi. partisan. Th. Bee may be a Utile bitter against Mr. and they wl haT n0 nesltatlon in manifest- Btuerer ror refusing te epmpiy wim me resolution it. editor had inserted In the republican platform, but It the treasurer is milking public funds th. Frontier ha. no inclination to "keep quiet. ' Governor Mnst Act. Callaway Courier: VnleM Mr. Stuefer a third person at all. Unle. Mr. Stuefer Bte. Nellgh cleared a bit over $2,000 on can aet himself right before the people, be- t. able to explain all of these thing, fully th. deal. Stat. Treasurer Stuefer haa not yond doubt or cavil, a Marching and nonet and satisfactorily be .hould loae no tlm. explained thl. and If hi. explanation I. Investigation ahould be made. If It be m resigning his office. The party which made, and it la no better thaa tbe ex found that he has been acting otherwlss elevated him has never indulged in pre- planatlon ot tbe Burt county affair, It than squarely and honestly with tbe peo- tense or sham reform and it Is In no mood will leave a better taats in the mouth If pie. it Is to be hoped that Governor Savage for trifling with a representative who be- he does not even attempt an "explanation." will Uke prompt measure to make an ex- tray. hU trn.u Oovarnor R.... too. la annar.ntl not ample of him. The republican party ot Nebraska cannot afford to take tbe chances ot assuming responsibility for any mors Bartley. Turn on tbe light. 81ft It to th Bottom. Central City Enterprise: The Omaha Be. make, .om ugly charge, agaln.t State Treasurer Stuef.r. Th. charge, would .eem to be excellent material for an Investiga tion and .hould he alt led to the bottom, torlea Oe Not Ttacia. Lyon. Bun; Mr. Stuefer make aa x- placatloo in which be states in effect that Nellgh purchaaed tb. bond, without bl. (Stuafer's) knowledge and entirely an hi. w responsibility . and afterward offered them to tbe sute treasurer as an invest- lent, which offer was Accepted, and that therefor. . tn- profit of Mr. Nellgh was UgiUma and tbe tit trtnw had den ' '. .. W 1 bis best In the 'Investment of the school fund moneys. However, the stories In de- evidence. The Sun hopes that the whole matter will be sifted to the bottom and Justice meted out without fear or favor. If Mr. Stuefer is guilty, as appears, of allowing the people to be fleeced to line the pockets of private parties, be should be summarily dealt with. If he is Inno- cent, let It appear from a complete show, in- of the facta In order that the people may know that their Interests are t ecu re. Explanation Don Not Explain. North Platte Tribune: The "explanation" inre.tlgatton should be made; In fact, we ghoui,j thlIlk Mr. stuefer would demand sucn if eTerythlng Is straight the result of ,be lnve.tlgtlon would only tend to r.ngtn.n Mr. etuefer In the estimation cf th ' ,' -,..,.,,.... Tekamah Journal: In Tuesday', paper. But Treasurer Stuefer make, a denial of compncIty in defrauding Burt county "001 fund' tho oenc(J sauced Mr. Stuefer wa either so lgnormnt 0f business method, that he wa. ., v ,,. k. wv. M "J uudi.uku.u- - ehared ,n ,he BpolU; ,n eUhep event he Is not the kind of a man the re- publicans thought they were electing a state treasurer. Emuk of Bartler Strle. R.m.rW Journal: The Bee has the conr- age of it. conviction, and will not shield a man .Imply because he 1. a republican. The man ha. to be more than that. He ha. to be an honest republican to receive Be. protection. The state ha. had enough of the Bartley .tyle of politician and The Be. to have a determination to root them out wherever they appear. Kot . Private S.ap. Stanton Picket: Why are .0 many men dishonest? Why do they as soon as elected to a public offlc. begin to plan and .cbeme to Increase their own worldly possession. t public expense? Why can they not ac- cePl PublIc offlc M Publl &")? hen a state or county payi 1 a mn 'or t-U "me they are enUtled to that time. More than that, they are entitled to the best talent be possesses. Not a part of the benefit of hi. experience and Judgment, , -.,-,, uut "' '"""" """i uub u.tuv. ui. v.ujc, wicuv .uu r uci not on9 Jn wbom tbe pubic can safely re- r01. tbelr trust. The man who looks upon pubnc 0fflce Bg 4 private snap should never be elected to an office. Treasurer stuefer wa. elected by voter of Nebraska wno were tlni ot bogus reform. His sa- gacUy aa a business man was never called J, aueitlon. Hl. reputation wa. that of an honest man. If, as now appear, to be true, be bai abuae tbo trust reposed In him h. gboui,j at 0ne resign end give the public T. .nother man to handle the funds of Ne- braska. If he is innocent, then he .hould An anmethlnv mora than enter a aeneral denial. He. should .how that Mr. Nellgh never had in hi. possesion bond, belong- ing to the state of Nebraska, a. is charged, A matter, now stand It look bad for Mr. Stuefer. Partr Cannot Be Hampered. Tecumseh Chieftain: It Is to be hoped that no odlnm will attach to Mr. Stuefer. but if hi. proceeding, have been Irregular he .hould resign hi. offlc. at once. The re- publican party cannot afford to be ham- pered with the questionable transaction, of those whom It ha. honored with office. Merita Condemnation. any prom, uui me aisciosures point strongly to the fact that thj state has lost nearly $4,000 on the deal or that the Burt county official, have paid $4,000 more than necessary. Mr. Stuefer'. explanation doesn't explain. In the meantime let us hear 8ln from the Burt cUIty officials. A Timely Eipoaare, H.rtlngton Herald: The Omaha Bee la engaged In exposing an alleged bond deal, charging State Treasurer Stuefer with ques- m. mmi,i,i with h. chase of bonda issued by several counties as investments for th. permanent .chool fund. it must be admitted that The Bee seem to hav. mad. a .trong case agaln.t Mr. steufer. The Herald, however, in a matter of such grave Importance, feela Impelled to withhold judgment until tbe evidence, pro and con. Is all In. Ot course Mr. Stuefer denle. having don. anything wrong In the transaction.. The Herald believe, with The Bee that when republican official, go wrong he Pre should com. from th. repub- "can press rather than from the opposition, ' orter 'f' the p,arty to reta,n ne coa- IldenCO Of the people. Party Cannot Shield Him. Wayn. Republican: Tb. republican party of this state la firmly determined to rid itself of boodlers In public offlc. and w. are pleased to see that It 1. th. republican press which baa been taking the lead In ana municipal treaaurer. 11 wa. not snoot- ing Into th. air or making a play for political effect. There was an actual de- termination to demand conscientious service n(,,eif at tba expense of the state Mr. jcg the fact. Why m Middleman at Allt St. Paul Republican: What the people of th. .tat. want to know above every- thing el.. 1. why it .hould have been necessary to carry on necotlatlona throueh Intal t Eass.k. Rushvllle Recorder: From revelation, recently made in Tb. Omaha Be. In regard to certain bond transactions made by Treasurer Stuefer It shows tbst Individual up in an unenviable light. Treasurer Stuefer has published a denial of any desire on Dla Prt t0 benefit In the Burt county deal involving ot bona, referred to by The Bee, but bis denial merely reduce, th. amount of which th. .chool fund was milked from $J,zO0 to $2,650. which bis friend Nellgh received the beneflt of. A mere denial or tbe shifting of blame doe. not prove anything, and hi. explanation i. far from satisfactory. Wa think it 1 about time republican .tat. treasurer, learned to be careful tn financial deals be- tween their friend involving state fund and w think It time to have aa lnvestlga- Uoa ot Xh. treasurer' efflca to tet at rest these irregularities so freely talked of by the two leading Omaha dallies, for the fact be a stab to every good republican In the state. . , r..i. ..- Norfolk News: It Is regretted by all that occasion for such a disclosure should be made, but Inasmuch as there was a shady deal, republicana are pleased to know that It should be exposed virtually By the republican party, whose demands, made In state convention, Mr. Stuefer hss persist- enUr refused to comply with. The trees- sumeui ior u uu.-.- Thronch with Defendlna; tnefer. oeceola Republtoan: It ha. not been k tht) R,puDiic.n w de. fiut TreMur.r stuefer'. admlnls- . " w... m . .1 " . " . nf hu ( .n..fMm. r.Blatlv. t0 the Investment of the perm.- nent lcboo, ,und before we will have any- thln, Bore to say In his defense. W. T. S. Ni. " ,ntlmt rlnd9' -,Bi mowed to make a nice rakeoff on eome Burt county bond. sold to the state ! !. .-a .v. .... IOT tne SCUOOI UHU "U esuis rail.- nM Jq f-w AMm OQ th same kind of a deal in Cuming county, hlch was Stuefer'a home prior to his elec tion as state treasurer. The Omaha Bee is to be commended for the course it is taking In exposing these transactions, for if Treasurer Stuefer has been , gull y. a. charge d by W". "!?'B"P! worthy to any longer receive th. "PP"' or endorsem .nt of t he " wa. the ra.callty official, that made P om to sweep the .tate In 189 and that party s "SJ&XrSZZ republican .dmlniratlon mad. It Impo.- lb ' ' J?L1 ,BSt ff": tbe""' " . , r " k it 1. the rSL lr to turn him "ul rc'uu' . h our p,Btform promiBing re. form i. made to be kept and not for th. purpolle of electing men to office. ol u " " .... Cbar.ea Are Serloaa. AInsworth Star-Journal: The charge, are of a serious nature and, if borne out by " u l ir. oiutin auu .u . v. tlon be not brought against htm on most serious counts. It Is to b. hoped the state treasurer may. In the interests of the party and good government, be able to clear hi. skirts of any taint of suspicion in this matter. ,ot An.OB. to Chant Places, K A"lc" , - riing oionou vui..u... .u Conservative withhold, any comment a. to the honesty or dishonesty of 6tte Treas- urer Stuefer in thi. matter tintU further testimony ha. been advanced. At the present writing the Conservative Would prefer not to be in the poeitlon occupied by 8tuefer. Nor can it glv. any mitigating reasons a to why Stu.- fer ought not to be immediately indicted for malfeasance In office. fnenrlable Notoriety. , ... v T,1len c'tUen: T"u"r ,ef" M alned un"Tlb,,e notrUtJ J eo" of Tho Omaha Bee during the 7 . v V .. . k .k , w il"1,. L w , " 77. seTbond." uTueT by Burt Cum... counties, but that the treasurer bought the bond at tbe term, offered by Mr. Nellgh, who, however, first detached intereat coupon., netting In the .rc&ta nearly 25.700. It seem, that Mr. stuefer had formal notice ot the Intended sale of the bonda in ample time to make the purchase, direct from the county boards. Fallur. to do tht. and th. .ub..- fluent deal, place him in a position which ,s discreditable to himself and embar- "- to tne repumican party, inero is no matter upon which the people of the ,ut" rd more eensltlve than the -fetr nd n" inve.tment of the school fund nd 11 Jj" ben. met.?ln ' "vU?r.K 10 "Pelican, not "on the ln.lde that the V. 1 V , A .,, ZZ T "T "..I . stltuting thl. fund. The political party to whom Mr. Stuefer owea hi. election went out of It. way at It. last conrentlon to r . ' ... DMtAncY that the Jreaaurer would hereafter frankly take the . flw, ,.- nU COnndenea when reportlns hte al.Pos,tlon ot the school , ,, thl. rMOlution neces.artlr Im- Ped that h. would Invest It In the met Kl. tnr lh tat that roilld wiuuuu.w M..UUW. - legally b. done. Neither the eplrlt nor the letter of the law providing for the treas- urer's purchas. of bond, contemplate, a brokerage charge against tne runa tor maa ing such Investments, but that 1. what was done in the cases mentioned and the brok- wun tne treasurer in Business anairs gives color to th. accusation that Mr. Stuefer 1. manipulating the school fund rather to his own aggrandizement than to the benefit of Explanations Vnaatlafactorr. Grand Island Independent (rep.): Stat. Treaaurer Stuefer would. It waa promlaed, explain the Cuming county deal. In which The Bee atated Steufer'. bu.lneas associate bad bought $50,000 worth ot refunding bonds chiefly with tbe old bonds, which were the property of the atate .chool fund and which hi. associate, Mr. Nellgh. had no light to have In Ms ooeaeaalon. Aa charred bv The taking the people into his confidence. Per- hap. be doe. not know that any charge, bav. been made against Stuefer T If h. has, is he doing anything to find out If they are true? And if he find, they are true, is he content, as the executive ot ths state to let matters run on re- gardleas ot th. demand that at least tn. cnarge be omclaly Investigated! Moreover, with charge, of auch groaa manipulation a. have been mad. by Tb. Bee, anawered by an "explanation" that will be unsatisfactory to .very on. who read, carefully th. disclosures made, 1 th republican .tat administration content te let matter drift on and not ev.n set afoot a thorough Inquiry into the matter? And are tb taxpayer, et th. .tat who have' been fleeced to a nicety by Bartley and who hav suffered from maalpulatioa by Me- serve, going to retrala Iron a vUorou - - Last Winter. protest, unless prompt action is taken to ferret th matter to the bottom, and, it tbe charge are true against Stuefer. he la compelled to resign or I. impeached T W. don't believe they will. The rank and file of tbe republican party, even though .om. t it. leading politician, seem to have a cowardly fear to stir up the mess down there and find out whether It 1. really a. putrid a. condition. Indi cate, want a .tate treasurer who will be straight with the people. If Stuefer 1. a lamentable fallur. of their Ideal they want him out. And the sooner th. better. Explain or Realain. Central City Nonpareil (rep.): To put ft charitably, there 1. something that looks very shady about State Treasurer Stuefer's methods of converting the state .chool funds Into bond Investments. The recent exposure, have placed Mr. Stuefer'. name under a cloud. His explanations hav. been very unsatisfactory and have failed to clear th. recent Burt and Cuming county bond deal, ot the appearance ot jobbery which they bear upon tbelr face. The re publicans of Nebraska have reposed a solemn trust In Mr. Stuefer. When Joe Bartley betrayed bis trust the republican party suffered for it, and not unjustly, for a party must etand sponsor for th. men it elevate, to high place.. A public offi cial 1. not alon. the custodian of the pub lic welfare and hi. own conscience, but of bl. party', honor a. well. The man who betray, tbem all for a few paltry thousand, of dollar. Is worse than the thief who breaks In at night and robs at the expense only of hi. own conscience and his victim's purse, and deserves punish ment more severe. William Stuefer owe It to his state, to his party and to his own good name to explain away these charge, that have been made against blm. It he can't do this be owes It to common do. cency to resign an offlc. he ha. disgraced. Robes Are Kot Clean. O'Neill Frontier (rep.): Treasurer Stue fer' explanation doe not exactly wash hi robes of suspicion in connection with those bond deals. He should either un questionably clear himself or make room for another treasurer. Ont of Eacaae Bnalnraa. Clay Center Sun: State Treasurer Stue fer Is charged by The Omaha Bee with com plicity in a bond transaction In his bom. county, whereby a business friend. If not a partner, profited to the tune ot $3,200 at the expense ot the state. Mr. Stuefer vig orously denies. It wa. necessary, during tbe late campaign to make excuse, for Mr. Stuefer and the republican party should go out ot that business altogether, leaving such unwise thing, to the demo-pops. Pltlfolly Weak Excuse. St. Paul Republican: Corruption in high place, deserves the prompt condemnation of every republican newspaper, no matter by whom committed nor by whom exposed. There 1. too much of an Inclination shown to defend Stuefer because he is accused by Rosewater. Tbe republican newspaper, cf thla state, which have been tried by fire in tbe past, ought to be too big for such a petty policy. The evidence which Tb. Omaha Bee ha. Introduced against Mr. Stuefer la unimpeachable. It Is to the ef feet that the state treaaurer permitted several lssuea of county bond, to pas. un necessarily through the hand, of stock jobbers, who clipped interest coupon, ag gregating thousands of dollars before de positing tbem in the state treasury a. an Inveetment for the permanent .chool fund, Mr. Stuefer' published explanation I. .0 pitifully weak a. to amount to a practical confession of collusion at the very appar ent fraud. He says the reason he failed to make a direct offer for the various is sue, ot bond. wa. because be I. prevented by the constitution from offering a pre mium, yet in the next breath he admit, paying a premium on .tate warrants. He make, a bad matter worse by comparing hi. record to those of hi. predecessors, on. of whom I. in tbe penitentiary and the other in a bank which he wa. enabled to tart with fund, accumulated during hi four years' term. There should be no antl Rosewater foolishness in dealing with ths case of Mr. Stuefer. Ths concerted voice of the republican pres. can bring about bl. resignation if nothing else can. A prompt resignation upon demand Is tbe least reparation which an unfaithful publlo servant can render an outraged constitu ency. Let Stnefer Step Ont. Clay Center Sun (rep.): After reading The Omaha Bee' .tatement. following It. charge, ot Stat. Treaaurer Stuefer'. mis use of th eurplu. fund, and tbe treas urer' defense it looks very much like The Bee bad the beet of It, and that Mr. Stue fer has, after having an opportunity to In vest atate fund., permitted the opportun ity to go by and afterward purchased the same bond at a decided loss to the state, .aid loss going to middlemen. Thl. .eem. to have been done In three or more In stances, and It ia not strange it he should be charged wtlh collusion. The republican party took a step on the right road when It demanded the return of Bartley to the pen itentiary, made the second step by having Mr. Goold withdraw, and now. If Treaaurer Stuefer is speculating with the publlo fund let him step down and out. Let It be distinctly understood that republican officials must be like Caesar's wife above suspicion. Should Relieve the Party. Blair Courier (rep.): The Omaha Bee calls upon State Treasurer Stuefer to re sign and others less radical ask a thorough Investigation of The Bee's charges. If Mr. Stuefer can stand the light of an investi gation, well and good, and none will bo better pleased than tbe republicans of the stat. who call for an investigation. If he cannot be should resign at one. and relieve tbe party as soon as possible of tb. odium be na. already brought upon It, If repub lican, do not attend to their own .oiled linen th. opposition party will do it for them at the next election. Cannot Afford to Walt. Kearney Hub (rep.): The Central City Nonpareil think, that State Treaaurer Stuefer'. expl.natlona have been very un satisfactory and have "failed to clear the recent Burt and Cuming county bond deal, of tb. appearance of jobbery which they bear upon their face." Thla 1. very much th. sentiment of a majority ot tbe repub lican newspaper, of tbe state. Thla being the general view, the governor and other state officials who are associated with the state treasurer on the Board ot Educational Lands and Funds cannot afford to postpon tbelr investigation until formal complaint ha. been lodged by .om. citizen. I nhnalaeaallk at Leaat. Holdreg. Cltlien (rep.): There is con siderable criticism of Treasurer Stuefer' bond transaction. There Is nothing on the fsc. of th. transaction to .bow that tbe treasurer ha personally gained by thee transaction' or that be has been dishonest in the handling of ths bonds of Burt, Cum ing and Otoe counties. Still, the way be has handled these bonds seem to tb out sider unbusinesslike and that th stat treaaurer ought to hav found some way to hav dealt directly with the county authorities instead of dealing with third parlies, who were able to make a nice fat thing in buying up tbee bonds and selling them to the stat. it la not fair to con demn maa without a hearing, but .9 tar OURiOREIinGiIS. w 1 Help and Health loir Thosobo Uow Cry, Oh! Dear"flxmii3lcally 2Tot WellEnough toiWorks.BuI am Obliged To' ... : : - TIow nften these 5gniflint words Rro.-Tpolron .Trohrs rertt mills,' shops, and factories ly the poor girl who has worked herself to tho point where nature enn endure no more and demands a rest! Tho poor suflerer, broken in health must 6tand aside and makoiroora for another. Tho foreman says, "If you are not well 'enough 'tovwork;you must , leave, for we must put 6omo one in your plaoe." s Standing all day, week in and week out, or sitting -livcramped posU t ions, the poor girl has slowly contracted some derangad condition of her organic system, which calls a halt in her progress and demands restoration to health before she can be of use to Lerself or any one else. To this class of women and girls Mrs. RnkharnprdfTora lxth sym pathy and aid. When these distressing wcaknessea and derangements assail you, remember that there is a remedy for them all. We. nave oa . record thousands of such cases that have been absolutely; and perma-. nently cured by Lydia K. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, restoring to vigorous health and lives of usefulness thoeo'wjio.have been pre--viotislv orlv distressed. I Lead the following letter. Here Is the Story of Thousands of Young Women who are ( V.ff.-y,. Helped to Health by Mrs. Plnkham. f -"Deab Mas. PT5KBAM : I am troubled very ranch with. the avhites, and 'bearing' down of the womb. My back aches so that I. am hardly nolo to work. Will you kindly inform me what to do as I am Buffering most terribly." Mim Mat lluKcuxKB, Middle Village P.O., Long- Island, N.T. (Mar. 17, 1900.) f " Dkab Mrs, Pinkjiam : I write to thank you for the good your remedies have done me. " I wrote to you describing my troubles and followed. your directions. I had doctored a great deal but nothing seemed to help. After using six bottles of Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Compound and four packages of Banative Wash 1 am again strong and healthy. The Sanative Wash eared me of the leucorrhoea (whites). I would recommend your remedies to sll suffer ing women who need them." Miss Mat UCKOBincm Middle Village P. O., 1 Long Island, N.Y. . - . - . j" " When a medicine has been successful, in restoring 'to health more than a million women, you cannot well' say. without trying1 It, I do not believe It will help me." If yon are 111, do not hesitate to Ret a bottle of Lydla K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once, and write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for special advloe. It Is free and helpf uL Write to-day, delay may mean death. RFWflRn a a Bui a a a on. Lydla K. our state treasurer has not given very sat. isfactory replies to the questions put to him regarding these transactions. There are many who 'would like to know the facts about tbe matter. It under our present laws tbe state treasurer Is obliged to pur chase, bonds through bond brokers when counties issue bonds that will command a premium in tbe commercial market, tbe laws ought to be changed bo that he can compete with the bond brokers. Half More Than Enough. Hastings Tribune (rep.): It State Treas urer Stuefer Is guilty ot half of what he has been charged with then it would be no more than right and just for tbe republicans 1 to ask him to step down and out' of ths honorable and trustworthy, office which he now holds. Tbe republicans of the good tate of Nebraska haven't any desire to keep a man in office if his actions are in tbe least sha'dy. While the republican party is working for the best Interest of the tax payer it is also working just as hard to purify politics and while doing this not a single wrong should be overlooked. Commercial Inte;rltr Above Suspicion York Republican: The Republican con fesses that It has had enough ot Bartley tsm in the party to which It owes al legiance and It will not defend anything that looks like It or smells like it. Com mercial integrity, like human chastity, usually placns Its possessor above sus picion, and when suspicion srises It multi plies suspicion of crookedness by suspicion ot ordinary prudence. So Offer from State. Tekamah Journal: 'WU someone ex plain why the Burt county officials refunded their bonds at 34 per cent when the state had offered to take them at 3H per cent? Does It not look as though someone In Burt county was looking for a rakeoff ? Blair Pilot." The reason the Burt county officials re funded the county bonds at 54 per cent was because they Judged that they would sell better at that rate when placed upon the market. There was never any offer made by the state to take them at 8V1 per cent. True, the state treasurer told sev eral Burt county citizens that he would take them at that rate, but when verifica tion of this was sought from the state treasurer and an attempt made to close the deal no word could be got from blm. Commissioner Rork went to Lincoln to see tho treasurer regarding the bonds and was promised that be would write forth with to Mr. Everett, chairman of the board. This be never did. It was the wish of the board to float these bonds at the lowest rate at which tbe atate would take them at par. Personal Interviews nor letters availed to get a proposition from the state treasurer. If It were true, as the Pilot says, that the state offered to take the bonds at 34 per cent, how Is it they could not have made it 3V4 per cent when the treasurer after ward purchased tbem of b's friend at that rate? Again, what better are Dodge county bonda that he can take tbem at 3 per cent, as he did t:,000 lam week. Thla defenae of the treasurer Is all bun combe. The state school funds have been used for private gain and there ia no use of denying it. There are but three propo sitions to this matter: Either Stuefer, ths state treasurer, waa a tool of Nellgh's or Nellgh was a tool ot Stuefer's, or they worked la conjunction and divided ths ' inouaju, . , if Owing to tha tact ihat aamtWpdcal neopls hira Irolh time to Urn quMtioafd the geuulnc Beu ol tha Mttimonial isujm arc cOiuBuul a mm nu ubtuntnc we aava ueputitea wun ice j aoodai Cl Huk.oi Ltdb. MaM..4.obo. whk auk, of Lynn, MaM.,Sj,ooo, wnttn wul ' be paid to an? peraon who will thorn that the abora tatdawbUl to no, aeouine. or wm DublUhed betore obtalmin tha wtHer't epecul renraa. Plakham MewUctna CompMiy, t-yn, WILL WIND UPJTS AFFAIRS Tranamlaalaalppl Exposition Excess live Committee Meeta-at So. i . ... clal Dinner. Secretary Wakefield of the Transmission ; sippl exposition executive committee en- rS quet hall of the Millard at noon aV4 day. Those present were: O. vv Wattles, president; F. P. Klrkendall. Edward Roae- ' water, Z. T. Lindsey. E. E. Bruce. Dwlug to the absence of the secretary from the ' city this was the first opportunity the committee has had to bo together for soma j time, and the occasion was devoted to a 1 dlacusslcn of the details of the winding j up ot tbe affairs of tho committee. Later a dinner will be given to tbe directory of ' tbe association. A New Past Train, Chicago to New York. Commencing Sunday, June 15, the pictur esque Erie railroad will run a solid vest!, buled train, comprising Pullman aleepers. standard coaches and dining cars, leaving Chicago daily at 10:30 a. m., arriving New York next afternoon at 3:30, also carrying through sleepers to Albany and Boston. : This train will be known as the "Sea Side Limited" and no excess fare will be charged.' For full particulars see any ticket agenu' NOTES FROM FEDERAL' COURT Criminal Docket Will Be Called o Monday by Jndse Mnnajer. Fedoral court adjourned Thursday even Ing until Monday, at which time the crlm-. inal docket will be called before Judge Munaer. Judge McPherson closed his work and returned to Iowa Thursday, but will ' be in Omaha next Thursday to try a case, which will eome up at that time. In the case of Charles L. Jones against the Union Selling Company, which was tried before Judge McPherson, the Jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for 3673. Tired, Tired Tired. That one word tells the whole story. No rest.' No comfort. No particular disease. Just all tired out. Fortunately, physicians know, about Ayer's Sarsaparilla. They prescribe it for ex haustion, anemia, depression, general debility. ul&u. Na miner avh.t alia vnn nn. mha medicine you uke, you cannot get well if your bowels are constipated. Cor. rect Ihla at once kv t.klno lirr'i Pill. just one pill each night. These are a great aid to the Ssmaparilla. . U csoU. i.C AVIitUL.L.aaiLlUaa.