3 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JTT E 14, 1 002. 30 PHONES fiitoff'c finnr! r.lnlhSnir Young Men's Suits Long. Trousers, ages 10 to 20 years $13,50 Suits at 518,00 Suits at Visit the Clothing Department W. R. BENNETT CO. ROOSEVELT FOR CUBA (Continued from First Page.) Into relations of varying Intimacy by the Spanish war. I'orto Klco and Hawaii have been Included within our tariff lines, to their great benefit as well as ours, and without anv of the feared detriment to our own Industries. The Philippines, which stand In a different relation, have been granted substantial tariff concessions. Certain Special Oblla-atlona. Cuba Is an Independent republic, but a republic which has aHsumed certain special obligations as regards her International roHitlon In compliance will) our request, ask for her certain special economic con cessions In return; these economic conces sions to benellt us as well as her. There are few brighter pages In American history than the page which tells of our dealings with Cuba during the past four years. On her behalf we waged a war of which the mainspring was righteous Indignation against oppression, and we have kept faith absolutely. It Is earnestly to be hoped that we will complete In the same spirit the record so well begun and show In our dealings with Cuba that steady continuity of policy which Is essential for our nation to estab lish In foreign affairs If we desire to play . well our part aa a world-power. Cuba Needa Oar Help. We are a wealthy and powerful nation; Cuba Is a young republic, still weak, who owea to us her birth, whose whole future, whose very life, must depend on our atti tude toward her. I ask that we help her as he struggles upward along the painful and difficult road of self-government and In dependence. I atflt the aid for her, because . she Is weak, because she needs It, because , we have already aided her. I ask that open- handed help, of a kind which a self . respecting people can accept, be given to Cuba, for the very reason that we have given her such help In the past. Our soldiers fought to give her freedom, and for three years our representatives, civil and military, have tolled unceasingly, facing disease of a peculiarly sinister and fatal type with patient and uncomplaining fortitude, to teach her how to use aright her new freedom. Never In history has any alien country . been thus administered, with such high ln- tegrlty of purpose, such wise Judgment and Jch a Mngle-hRnded devotion to the coun , try's Interest. Now I aiW that the Cubans bo given all possible cftanee to use to the best advantage the freedom of which Amer icans have such right to be proud and for which so many American lives have been sacrificed. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. White House, June 13. 1902. Deadlock ts Likely. The situation In the senate regarding the Cuban reciprocity bill today Indicated a continued deadlock. There was no con ference between the opposing factions, and members of the committee on Cuba said ttaty did not know as one would be neces aryrw It was stated that the Cuba com mittal would report the reciprocity bill after a caucus of republicans and let the beet sugar men take the responsibility of passing th house bill It they so desired. It was generally known that the president waa to send In a message on the subject and during the early part of the session a great deal of Interest was manifested In what the executive might say. LIVE TOPIC F0R SENATORS Straight Reciprocity Men Taka New Hope, but Opponents Are -,. n '.' Still Inmovrd. WASHINGTON. June 13. The president's reciprocity message gave senators a live topic of conversation today, but so far there is no apparent change in the situa tion. There was a disposition on the pjrt of the leaders on both sides of the con troversy to claim, when speaking publicly, some advantage from the message. The straight reciprocity men urged that the effect w,ould be to cause at leaat some of the beet augar republicans to abandon their opposition. They contended that many of tltm had misunderstood the attitude of the president and now that this had been wade clear there could be no longer ex cuse for opposing straight reciprocity measures. The message, they argued, would clear tho atmosphere, render the presi dent's attitude unmistakable and therefore bring opponents within the party face to face with the fact that In continuing their opposition they are antagonising the official head of the party. "We have known all the time where the president stood on this subject and have told the republlcsn opponents of reciproc ity Just what the facta are," said a leading reciprocity senator. "They refused to ac tept our assurances and professed to have bad expressions from (he president to the contrary. The message confirms all that we have said to them. It clears the at Biosphere and necessarily the result must be beneficial for a reciprocity bill." The beet sugar traders declared at the close of the day that the message had caused no loss to them and that all those senators who bad stood with them yester day are still with them. They also as- Salt Rheum Yoo may call It ec tenia, tetter or milk trait. . But no matter what you call It, this skin disease which comes in patches that burn, tub, discharge a watery matter, dry and scale, owe it existence to the preaeiica of humor in the system. It will continue to exist, annoy, and per haps agonize, as . long aa these humors remain. - - It Is always radically and permanently corad by Hood's Sarsaparllla wbfcfa expels all humors, and la positively Huoo,ujaic4 (oc ail wuauooua ruiUtwa. RING UP 137 i $745 serted that the president's interposition in the matter had had the effect of causing to hesltato some senators who heretofore had not taken a positive stand against reduc- tlon, because of the feeling that the presl- . t- i a i a. j i ... I U I aeui buuuhj icart. cuugi iu uei me suDject in us present, stage. I senator uietrcn was among me most. outspoken of the beet sugar men and he IlltlUe Mil UIIHUUtnBIUl llllll I IU BCVUIC IUD attention of the chair after the reading of the message. Those who are In his confi dence say that it was his purpose to move the discharge of the commltttee for the further consideration of the house bill in order to permit the Immediate considera tion of that measure. There Is still more or less canvassing of the wisdom of holding a republican cau cus and It la probable that ultimately one will be held, but no date Is mentioned. IRRIGATION BILL PASSES (Continued from First Page.) lea of Chicago for First National bank of Fort Dodge; National Bank of Commerce of St. Louis for the First National bank of Marshalltown, la.; Philadelphia National of Philadelphia for the South Omaha National, the First National of Lincoln and for the First National of Holdrege, Neb. HARD EFFORT TO DEFEAT BILL Desperate Fight Made at the Last. bat Westerners Carry the Day. WASHINGTON, June 13. The house to day pased the Irrigation bill by' a vote of 148 to 55. Many amendments were offered but only one, except those offered by the committee was adopted. It was of a minor character. The bill already has passed the senate. The friends . of the ' measure greeted the announcement of Its passage nun a round oi applause. ine Din as passed creates a reclamation fund from the sale of public lands In Arl- sona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon. South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming, less the amount paid to local land offices and 5 per cent due the state under exist ing laws for . educational purposes, the reclamation fund to be used for. the pay- ment out of the treasury of any1 deficiencies to this disposition of public lands. The secretary of the Interior is authorized to examine, survey and construct the irriga tion worka and report the coat thereof to congress at each aesslon. Letting of Contracts. 8ectton 4 provides for the letting of eon- trscts contemplated in sections when the necessary funds are available In the recla- mation fund for such section. Sectton 6 provides that "no right to the use of water for land In private ownership shall be sold for a tract exceeding 160 acres to any one land owner and no such right shall permanently . attach ainttr all pay- ments therefor are made and no such sale shall be made to any land owner unless he be an actual bona fide resident on such land or occupant thereof residing in the neighborhood of said land." Section t authorizes the secretsry to use the reclamation fund for the operation and maintenance of the irrigation works. Section 8 requires state control over waters of non-navigable streams such aa are used In Irrigation. Burkett's Strong Plea. Mr. Burkett of Nebraska was one' of the lest speakers in favor of the measure be- fore it was put upon Its final passage. He made a vigorous plea tor the bill. In the course or nil rtmirii am gremroo mill if the millions SDent to orevent the over- I flow of the lower Mississippi had been devoted to storing water at the head waters danger from. flood would have disappeared h.iw and the arid couetrv about the head- waters would be blooming like the rose. Amendments to limit the section author Izing the secretary of the Interior to enter on Irrigation projects were lost, except one offered by Llttlefleld ot Maine to provide that different projecta ahould be divided into sections and that no contracts to be let for any section of a project until the necessary funds to pay for it were available In the reclamation of the ground. Mr. Hemenway of Indiana aald the farm ers ot the central states had paid the gov ernment for their lands; they bad cleared and drained and fertilized them and now they were to be aaked to pay for the de telopment ot lands to come into competi tion with them. Mr. Mann of Illinois, in reply to Mr. Hemenway, called atentlon to th fact that when the western states were opened to homesteaders the eastern representatives did not play the dog In the manger. Mr. Hepburn of Iowa declared that the landa It was proposed to Improve already were In private bands. The scheme ws to develop them at government expense. The president's Cuban reciprocity mes- sage was then laid before the house.- Its reading was listened to attentively, but without any demonstration whatever. Eeaeaaa ho Curo, Ho Pay. Tour arugglit will refund your money tt PAZO OINTMENT fails to cur Ringworm. Tetter. Old Uktr and Sores. Plmplts and Blackheads on th face, aad all akla dla- leaaea. M cents. $525 i TO END OF VIOLENCE Authortiei Art Hopeful Over Withdrawal of Deputies from Street Can. MODIFIES THE STRIKE SITUATION Sheriff's Action Rritornf Quiet, bat State Troops Remala on Duty aad Some Arrttti for Oat. breaks Are Made. PAWTCCKET. R. I.. June 13. Action which the authorities hope mean the be ginning of the end of the reign of violence Incident to the street railway strike, was taken today by High Sheriff Hunter C. White removing his deputy sheriffs from the street cars. He did this on representa tions made to him that the deputies accom plished no good purpose, but Incensed the crowds into violence. After the withdrawal of these men the city became quiet. The 1,500 troops or dered out by Governor Kimball yesterday are still on duty, but if conditions warrant they will be withdrawn gradually, the first Installment to leave tomorrow. There was no rioting during the day. Seven men were arrested for misdemean ors committed on Pawtucket avenue, the route of the cars from Providence to this city. The lines of the Pawtucket City sys tem of the Union Traction company were not In operation and the lines In Central Falls, Cumberland and Albion, suburban towns, were tied. Tomorrow It Is pro posed to reopen the city system under the protection of the police, assisted by the militia. Shooting; Winds Ip Quarrel. When the first car of the Pawtucket avenue line reached the city today It was guarded by companies of militia and troops of cavalry, with machine guns trailing along. The car was escorted safely past the point where the attacks of yesterday were made. The crowd was kept on the move and as soon as there was a sign of a demonstration arrests were made, the pris oners being locked up at the state armory. Thev wlI1 hB UirnfA ovpr fft thw nniir( After that fars on the avenue were operated without further hindrance. The military authorities today Issued or- aer, to ,ake nof)ce of eyery ,nfractlon of peac9 and tQ arref)t a wno refuged tQ obey their commands. Persons found shouting, placing obstructions on the tracks or other wise misbehaving were arrested at sight, and If any pronounced demonstration was made by a mob the orders were to warn the assemblage tand then shoot If the In Junctions were not heeded. The boy who was shot in the neck by deputy yesterday was still alive this evening. This afternoon Mayor Fitzgerald ordered all the saloons closed as a precaution against trouble tonight. More Peaceful In nconl Region WILKESBARRE. Pa., June 13. For the first time this week there was no demon atration In the vicinity of the Lehigh Valley company's William A. colliery at Duryea today. The efforts of the strike leaders to have the men keep the peace have been successful, and there was no gathering of Idlers at the colliery to annoy the work men. The Lehigh Valley company has followed ground, so as to avoid any serious clash. but the attempted shooting of Its division superintendent on Wednesday night has caused It to change Its method. Last night and today extra coal and Iron police were sent to the colliery .and they were dls trtbuted around the mine in conspicuous places. It Is the company's Intention to take no more chances of having its em ployea injured. An attempt was made late last night to start up the pumps In the collieries of the Susquehanna Coal company at Nanticoke, hilt thft effort WM annllpd hv tha anfflnaar. qulttlng work almo8t ,n a body. Tnere a very larEe numbe. of ,rmed co.. lr0 D0ilca that vielnltv. which fact has caused much uneaalness there me strike drags along without any change. Information from all parts of the strike affected territory shows the situa tion to bo quiet today. President Mitchell had nothing to give out of any Importance regarding the anthracite strike. He said the strike was complete and there was nothing to do but wait. He has received no information from WeBt Virginia that shows any change in the situation there. He repeated his assertion that the suspen sion in that locality Is nearly complete. Nonunion Men Are Warned. TAMAQUA. Pa., June 13. All last night the Panther Creek valley waa In a state of excitement. Large delegatione of striking miners visited the homes of the nonunion men and warned them not to go to work In the morning. Today it is claimed the pumps at five of the nine collieries In the valley are not running. The striking men here are endeavoring to Induce all tradesmen to go out An appeal has been made to the car- Ipenters. machinists and molders. Feeling is at very high tension and the people are I In a state of apprehension. LANCASTER, Pa.. June 13. Pasturage has been obtained at Coleraine, this I county, for more than 3,000 mine mules from the Schuylkill coal mines. Twelve hundred already have arrived and 2,400 more are on the way. The quarters have been engaged tor all summer. PITTSBURG. June 13. There will be no strike of Iron molders in this city, the Joint conference between the employers and men having reached a satisfactory end ing. The molders receive 10 per cent ad vance In wages and a minimum wage rata of $3.20 a day. The terms of settlement were not given out. Vir Hoaa Mav mil niLRMosnm,, r... .uum u. ai meeting ot tne nre bosses to be held late thla afternoon In this city It will be defl- nltely decided whether this branch of th mine employes will quit work. COOL FOOD. For Hot Days. Better health comes with less meat and fat during the warm weather, oj proper and pleasant diet you can prepare the body for summer and feel from ten - to twenty degrees cooler than your neighbor. Grape-Nuts and cream, a little fruit and possibly a couple of soft-boiled eggs Is sufficient for breakfast. An ordinary por tion ot Grape-Nuts contains sufficient nourishment to fully sustain the body until th noonday meal; being a predlgested food, It does not overtax the stomach and coo talna none of the heat supplied by the besvy csrbonaceous foods. Fully rooked at the factory by food ex perts, brings It to you ready to serve and I does away with the heat of cooking and I the time necessary to prepare ordinary I food and its crisp daintiness is pleasing I to the palate of young and old. Many delicious recipes are found In each Grape-Nut package, so that the form of eating this wholesome food can be changed to suit the user ' These suggestions. If followed for tea days, will convince the most skeptical that a cool body, an active brain and an energy hitherto unknown wtl'A prevail and tha aanaral laaaituda naruliar la warm 1 weather will disappear, SAILORS' VaRIS THAT ARB TAR. Si. Skill of Seafaring Men In Drawing the Ions Boir. Landsmen are queer folk, In the opinion of the "Jolly, Jolly mariner." They won't believe a sailor when he tells the truth about the queer things he has seen, reports the New York Times, but when he draws upon his imagination they sometimes be lieve everything be says. At least this has been the .experience of one veteran skipper. "It reminds me of the story of Jack and his old Scotch mother that used to be told when I was at sea," he said the other day, discussing this perverseness on the part of the landlubber. "Jack had Just returned from a cruise around the world, and at the supper table was telling about his expert ences. Ha told about the flying fish, and his mother gently rebuked him for trying to deceive her. He spoke of whales and porpoises, and the old lady shook her bead and said that, as' for her, she didn't believe a word of It,. "So It went on until Jack, In a spirit of mischief, told her that when the ship wsa In the Red sea they had pulled up anchor and had found tangled in the flukes soma of the chariot wheels of Pharaoh and his army. " 'Oh,' said the old lady, 'certainly I believe that, for it's in the bible.' "Captain Kelley, the noted whaler, once told me of a similar experience. He was retailing some of his adventures to a group of store loafers, when a tall, thin fellow rose from - his cracker barrel and asked: Say, Mr. Kelley, tell us how big la a whale, anyhow.' "The captain tried to give him some Idea, and a murmur of Incredulity went around the circle. 'How big la a- whale'a mouth?' asked another. "The Jaw is fourteen or fifteen feet long," replied Kelley. "There was a general unbelieving laugh. " 'How much lie can you get from one?' waa next asked. " 'A good whale will make about 240 barrels.' "They didn't believe it. They weren't to be fooled that way simply because they were countrymen. "The captain finally grew reckless. 'Well,' be said, '1 11 tell you of a little experience I once had off the coast of Peru. We'd sighted near the abore a big whale with a calf by her side. The boat put in after her. and I was in charge of the har poon at the bow. " 'A female whale with a calf, you know. is very bad tempered, and will protect her young against almost anything, but we reckoned -we'd sneak up quiet like. Well, sir, we'd got within twenty feet of the fish when something happened. The mother whale lit out with her tall, the boat was stove In pieces, and I found myself sailing through the air toward the shore. " 'I alighted in the top of a cactus tree. where I thought myself at least cafe from the whale. But bless me If the old lady didn't measure the distance carefully with her eye, turn about and slice that cactus tree off nicely near the base with her powerful tati, leaving me up there without any way to get down.' "The captain paused, and there waa a general chorus of 'Go on. That story sounds a little more reasonable,' aald one of the auditors." HIS .NERVE FAILeTO HIM. Melancholy Story of a, Man with Ex- "4 ''.'pensive Headgear. The man. looked hang-dog and guilty, re lates, the Washington Post. He walked VP the steps of bis home with bis shoulders sort of hunched forward. There was furtive, haunted expression pn his face. . . On. his head there, waa a $20 Panama. He had paid, 120 for It that afternoon. That la why he looked .guilty. During, all of hi previous married lite he had been staking himself to lids of the $2.38 brand. . But he had been aching and hungering tor this 120 top-piece, and In a moment of recklessness he had bought It for himself, But as he went up the steps he looked mighty hang-dog and guilty. He knew that when be broke the newa to bis wife there'd be something doing, and quick, at that. It made no difference that he had blown her to a $32 spring hat only a month Or ao ago. He knew that. But he had firmly made up his mind on the way up la tho car that he'd boldly tell her that be had dug $20 for the hat, and take what was coming to him. She was upstairs when he let himself In the front door. He braced himself aa he heard her descending the stairs. He felt that his time was coming pretty swift As she got to the bottom of the stairs, however, all of hla nerve footled out. - ' "Why, what a pretty hat!" she exclaimed picking the hat off the rack as h reached the ball. - "How much?" It waa now or never with him. It waa the chance of his life to assert himself and make a atab at picking It up and running away with it. But hla knees shook beneath him and the hot beads began to pour from his forehead "Three-'n-a-half," he replied, weakly and then he tossed in bed all night trying to dope It out how he d explain for the ex pendlture of the remaining $16.50 that he paid for the Panama headgear. Again the Cheerful Idiot. New York Telegram: Th cheerful Idiot who didn't have tho prlc clinked glasses with the prosperous citizen who did as they stood In a Herald Square emporium, and then launched this: "Why am J like Mont Polee?" "Because you're shaky," . ventured th prosperous citizen. "Wrong again; It'e because" "You're always dry at the mouth and breathe discomfort and disaster to those around you." "Nope. It'a because" "You have a red eruption, caused by In ward fir." "Say, are you telling this story for me. It's because " "The survivors near you need Immediate relief." "Don't be facetious. It'a because Mont Pelee is likely to blow off at any old tlma. Yes, I'll take another. Put In a dash of lemon thla time." Aaother Wreck Victim Dead. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., June 11. J. L. Tomklns of Nashville, an express messen ger helper, is dead as the result of tnltirias received In yesterday's wreck on the Nash ville. Chattanooga & St. Ijouia railway, this making the number of fatalities four. Tha report nf the death of Kxpress Messenger Webb was erroneous. He will live. It Is thought the other Injured will also recover. LOCAL BREVITIES. Mary Denton, a colored woman, was ar rested at 10:30 last ntpht on aueplcion of having "touched'' Harry King's pocket for $11.50 while he was In her plac on Capitol avenue. Anna Adama. who appears to be about 32 years of age, lies In the city Jail on a charge of nrttt larceny. She waa arreated at noon yeaterday by 6perlal Officer Grter for shop lifting in the Boston stor. Tbs Transvaal leaau and th Emmet branch of tha United Irish league will ' ' - fc ml rs&lUII IIUICI I ,UI. UUIIU.J, June la, at 3:30 p. m. for tha purpose of making arrangements for a meeting to oenuunce the action ot tne biiilltn gov ermnent y th arreat o of Colonel Arthur t protest against Lynch, also to raise a King Edward a coercion law freiaad, TOWN WIPED OUT BY FIRE Alexander City, Alabama, Effaced at Lou of Naarly Million Dollars. APPEALS ARE MADE FOR PUBLIC HELP Flames Destroy Large Philadelphia Factory, School Balldlng and Real dencea aad Causes Injury to Several People. OPELIKA, Ala., June 13. Alexander City. place of 1,500 inhabitants, was wiped away today by fire, the losa reaching at least 50,000, which the insurance will not begin to cover. The Are originated In the foundry nd machine works. A light wind was blow ing and the fire spread from building to building until the entire town was ablaze. The place has no water works and all the terror-stricken people could do was to save hat belongings they could and then flee from the awful heat. The depot of the Central of Georgia rail. way waa burned with all Ms contents. The telegraph office, two hotels, postofflce, sa loons, practically all the stores snd eight residences, together with numerous law and other offices, were destroyed. The railroad has established its telegraph nes under a tree, and appeals for help nd for food are going out. The tracks of the Central of Georgia are so badly warped that the passenger trains east and west tonight will have to transfer.- Rig Philadelphia Fire. PHILADELPHIA, June 13 Fire today de stroyed the novelty leather factory of H. M. Rosenblatt A Co., a four-story brick struc ture, at Second and Oxford streets, result- ng In severe Injuries to a dozen persons. The John Moffett public school opposite the leather works was damaged, three dwelling houses adjoining the factory were destroyed nd nine others were slightly damaked. The rapid spread of the flames gave rise to rumors that a number of the employes had met death in the burning factory, but these reports proved to be erroneous. There were many sensational and narrow escapes, most of the 400 men and women employed In the factory saving their lives by leaping from the windows into nets held by firemen. Katie Scheldell, aged 15 years, was car-, rled down a ladder by a policeman. She was badly burned and her condition is re ported as eerlous. Others severely injured are: George Herbert, aged 47, back Injured. John Snyder, aged 22, shoulder dislo- catdd and leg fractured. August Schroeder, aged 49, leg fractured. Samuel Trankerman, aged 25, burned about body. Several others. Including a police serg eant and two firemen, sustained severe lac erations and were overcome by heat and Shock. The Are originated in a small annex known as the celluloid room. It Is believed spark from crossed electric wires flew Into a quantity of celluloid. The fire caused paniic among the employes, especially those on the upper floor, and for a time the wildest excitement prevailed. Firemen and policemen, however, pre-. vented the panlcBtrlcken workers from leaping; until nets were spread to receive them. Mr.- Rosenblatt estimates his loss t $150,000, p?rtly covered by insurance, and the loss on the other properties Is es timated at $15,000. E. W. Grove. The same must appear on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinlne Tab lets, the remedy that cures a cold in on day. 25 cent. DEATH RECORD. Timothy Donahue, Ball Player. TAUNTON. Mass., June 13. Timothy Don ahue, a base ball catcher, who was under contract with the Washington American league, died at his home In this city. He played last year with the Colorado Springs Western league team and previously with tha Chicago National league team. . Robert S. Moore,, York. YORK, Neb., June 13. (Special.) Robert 8. Moore, aged 38 years, died last evening at the residence of his brother. Dr. O. M. Moor. The deceased for the last two years had been living here. He was engaged In the hardware business at Bradshaw, Neb. Carl Bossow, West Point. WEST POINT, Neb., June 13. (Special.) Carl Bossow died of consumption at the (KM OUE DOT ORE Northwestern Copper Mining Go The 14th is the last day that the stock of this com pany will sell at 10 cents a share. None will be sold after that date for less than I2c The Kales of this stock are daily growing larger and larger, which is proof that those who investigate it are convinced of its merits. There have seldom been offered stocks in which there is as little risk as there is in this stock. Consider the fact that this company OWNS 100 ACRES CON TAINING A LARGE VEIN OF HIGII GRADE COP VEll ORE, THAT THE NATURAL ADVANTAGES SURROUNDING IT ARE GREAT, AND THAT THE CHARACTER OF THE MANAGEMENT IS HIGH. There is no greater risk in this stock than in an ordinary business. It is not wise to say that you will take no chances in business, for there is no gain without some chance. The proper rule is to WEIGH THE POSSIBLE CHANCE OF LOSS AGAINST THE PROBABLE OP PORTUNITY FOR GAIN, AND, AFTER USING YOUR BEST JUDGMENT, ACT ON THE SIDE THAT OUTWEIGHS THE OTHER. Investigate this stock before Saturday night and you will act as all others have who have investigated it. F. E. BROWN, II I V Secretary, home ot his father. Ffltl Bossow. Deceased was 2 years old and had been a victim of this disease for some years. SPLIT IN NATION POLITICS Two Divisions Spring from Choctaw Convention and Doohle-Header Ticket la Named. SOUTH M'ALESTER. I. T., June 13. The national convention of the Tuskahoma party of the Choctaw nation split over the selec tion of a permanent chairman and the fol lowers of Governor G. W. Dukes bolted the convention and nominated Hon. T. W. Hunter of Caddo for governor. The other faction named ex-Governor Greenmlre for governor. Both men will make a hard fight. The Greenmlre con vention accepted the supplemental treaty now pending in cbngress as Its platform. Mr. Hunter will oppose the treaty. TRAGIC END 0FJHREE LIVES Mlnneaotav Farmer Shoots Mother and Brother and Then Kills Himself. ELBOW, LAKE. Minn., June 13 John Fox. a farmer living near here, shot and killed his brothei, Peter, and his mother today, and then shot himself dead. He probably was demented, as one of his brothers went insane last spring, when another member of the family committed suicide by blowing off the tcp of bis head. Jealousy Cansrs a Tragedy. TRENTON, Mo., June 13. Ralph Lord, a local character, at midnight shot and killed Mrs. Arvllla Worrell, of whom he was Jealous, and then shot himself through the lungs. He will die. American Influence Getting There. An army officer who has Just returned from the Philippines says the native women are Imitating tho American women, school teachers and wives of army officers, in the matter of drees, personal adornment and manners. During the last year a great change of this nature has been observed among the native women, who have been thrown into contact with the "Americanos." The Philippine women now Insist not only upon having more clothes, but better clothes, and the result Is a marked im provement la their average personal ap pearance. A year and a half ago this officer passed through a village in Luzon. In the house where he lodged was a girl of 10 to 12 years who smoked big, black cigars aud apparently enjoyed them. Visiting the same village a few months ago the officer called to see his friends, the native family. Ho found the girl, now a little larger, of course, and also very much better dressed. "You are not smoking, I see," he said to her. "No, senor." "Well, try one of these," he said, offer log her his cigar case. 'No,, thank you, senor," replied the girl In fair-English, "mo no Bmoke now. Amerl cano women no smoke." Dire Forebodings. Baltimore American: See the sweet girl graduates. What are they going to do? Ah. Listen! It is their class yell, is It? What do you say? "Think of the men who will marry them, and what will await them when they come home late'frora the lodge?" Your fears are Ill-founded. ' It has been) demonstrated that in the hands of women entirely aroused the rolling pin la more effective than the class yell, and, ' besides, can be thought ot much quicker. Reflection of a Bachelor. New York Press: A pretty girl with big soft eyes can teach a man anything in the world but common cense. After a man has gambled in matrimony Wall street and horse racing are tame speculations. The trouble with great moral forces Is that they dou't take care of the rent and the butcher's bill. The bachelor who dreams of slippers and an open fire comes to rubber boots and lugging In coal for the kitchen range. - Parry and Thrust. Columbus (O.) State Journal: "I'm so sorry I was not at home when you called yesterday," gushed Mrs. Hlpperkrlt, who, to tell the truth, was at home. "I was so afraid you would be," replied Mrs. Crusher, who had seen Mrs. Hlpper krlt through th window. 2IC Advance in Price 603 N. Y. Life Building. . T. . DD FORMER MAYOR OF ST. IGNACE. MICHIGAN, Relates an Ksperlence Which, Ha Saya, Taught II I m a Valu able Leaaaa. "I have had an experience which taught me a valuable lesson, says the Hon. Thomas F. Madden, former mayor of St. Ignace, Mich., to a reporter the other day. "It was while crossing the Oulf of Mex ico," he continued, "In an attempt to re cover my health that the suggestion came to me. For twenty years I had been a sufferer from Indigestion. It tortured me. I could not eat a hearty meal and even the lightest food distressed me. I doc tored with possibly eight different rhysl- clans. but grew worse all the time. "This chronic Indigestion brought on a whole train of other troubles. I became nervous, suffered from violent headaches and blllousneas and I think I would have given every cent I possessed to find relief. But I became more miserable and finally in despair I determined to take a southern trip. "On the steamer bound for Galveston t chanced to see an advertisement of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Tale People, and the argument atrurk me forcibly that a medicine which made good blood must be a cure for stomach trouble. As soon as we landed I purchased a box of Dr. Williams' Pink rills and they gave me almost In stantaneous relief. If It had not been for them I think I should have starved to death. I grew constantly better and In a short time I was cured. "It is now over a year since these pills cured me. My stomach ts sound and my digestion is perfect. I can eat heartily of the richest food, my nerves are quiet, my blood good and I feel well and strong. I have been made a well man by Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People." The Hon. Mr. Madden'a address Is St. Ignace, Mich., and he Is willing to cor roborate the statement given above. The power of Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale People In th vast number of diseases duo to impure blood or to deragemeota of the system has been demonstrated in thousands of Instances as remarkable as his. No one who is suffering can rightfully neglect this way to restore health. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peode are sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, 0 cents a box, or six boxe for $2.50 (they are never sold In bulk or by the hundred) by address ing Dr. Williams Medicine company, Schenectady, N. T. PARKER'S . Hair Balsam l'romotea the growth of tha hair and gives It the lustre and allklneaa of youth. When tho hair la gray or faded It BRING! BACK THE YOUTHFUL. COLOR. It prevents Dandruff and hair falling and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. aar)wa VOMENsIiisi Tw5r. Pennjrmrali noi a tint le fulluret Ion it, moit ohattniie cue relieved In a taw dart; 3 0U ai tharman McConneu. dxusittta, Mta and Podse at OMAHA RESORTS. Gourtland Beach NOW OPEN. EVERY DAY AND KVFNINO POPULAR ATTRACTIONS. GRAND PATRIOTIC PROGRAM Saturday Afternoon and Evening, FLAG DAY Last performances of the Langfords. Th Faust Family next week. S acrobatlo ar tists 9 artistic acrobats. LAKE now open IU1ANAWA Covait's Concert Band In Flag Day pro gram Saturday. Balloon Ascensions and nu merous free attractions. PRIZE SAKE WALK Open to all Saturday Evening. Omaha's Polite Bummer Resort TODAY High Clasa Attractlons-TODAY HISTER'S CONCEHT BAND ' The "FA8S10N PLAIT" LA GETTE World Renowned Aerial Gym nast and many other new features. Admission 10c. Children Free. AMl'SKMUNTg. Excursion Steamer The Union Excursion Company's Steamer Henrietta Starts today from foot of Douglas street, making regular rlpa to Sherman Tark, where there is fine shade, music and danc ing. No bar on bout. Everything llrat class. Hours for leaving: 1, S, 6. 7 and t p. m , daily. Round trip 15c, , children . 10c. No admission to Park. DflVn'C W oca ward Burgess, DUiU O Managers. This Afternoon ErCPDIQ Tonlsht-Bunilay Mat. ' llailllllw Tha Three STOCK Musketeers compahy HOTELS. Have a Good Time and Preserve Your Health AT THE COLONIAL HOTEL West Badca Springs, I a J. HATES. American Plan..S2.6U to ftl-OO per Day. Esropeas Plan... .,,, 91.60 a p. The only flrst-claas, European and Amer ican plan, tire-proof hotel at the Borings. Especially suited for laulrs on account of the abundance of rooms with batha. Furnlohinga. service and culains equal to the WaMort-AstorU. Long-distance telephone In every room. Special ratra for summer month. tiEOKGE S. t AtiNO.M. Preeldeat. THE MILLARD I "rA.sS"'" OMAHA H LKADINO HOTEL. SPECIAL b aTI'RE8: LUNCHEON, FIFTV C ENTS. 12. all to 1 m. SUNDAY . p. m. DINNER, 7Se. HKAIXtt ARTEHS FOR OMAHA H ACE MEETING, June 2S-2 All the big horse, men will be at the Millard. CHICAGO BEACH HOTEL li minutes from heart of city. No dirt and duat. Bltuated on boulevard ant lak. at but Bt. Blvd., Chicago, bend tor lllua Waiil Uvukixi. - - i a