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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: BATTJKDAY, JUNE 14, 1902. XV. Jl. HESSETT CO. f Vim Isr, Janr 14. FX AGS GIVES AWAY. 1 Every buyer of 2."c worth snd upward In ny dpartment gets KLAO FREE slzs, 1x13 staff, 22 Inches. SATCRDAY CANDY SPECIALS. Baited peanuta, fresh, fine the best you tan buy any here tomorrow, per pound, 10c. . French cream, mixed, per pound, 18c. Chocolate creams, per pound, 15c. ' Wrapped caramels, per pound, 12V4c. ; Assorted atlck candy, per pound, 1214c. ' Mixed candy, per pound, 9c. City gum drops, per pound, Re. j BUTTER AND EGOS. Tcday, Saturday, all day, country butter, frth from the churn, per pound, 18c. Eg(?s, guaranteed strictly freah egf?s, brouRbt to town by the farmer himself, per dozen, 16c. W. R. BENNETT CO., 80 'Fhones. Ring up 137. ' We're always pleased to see you Inside our store. Hayden Bros. Read our ad on page 7. Cut glass lemonade cups. Edholm. TUB IllO CAKK WALK. iTaVe Walker from Omaha and Else j where at Manama Tnnlaht. 1 Tonight will be the biggest night this season. In the estimation of the manage ment at Lake Manawa, as the much-talked-of cakewalk will be held about 8:15 o'clock. Quite a number of "cakewalkcrs" have al i ready entered, and as the competition Is open to all who desire to compete for the prizes. It Is more than likely several others (will enter at the last mom' The (Georgia Serenaders, the cold .troupe. will also participate and a gen rn cakewalk Is promised Mam Covalt's concert band will gi trlotlc concerts today. south atrons. ' vo pa- lib 13 ShV' ailway In t, A Place to Spend the Si t . On the llnea of the Milwaukee ),Wlaconein, Minnesota and Iowa ire some of the most beautiful places In ' ie world (to spend a summer vacation canplng out or at the elegant summer ho. els. Boating, 'fishing, beautiful lakes and stream and (cool weather. Okobojl la the nearest of 'these resorts, but all are easily reached (from Omaha, and the round trip rates this summer are lower than ever before. Full 'information on application. F. A. NASH, ' General Western Agent C, M. & St. P. Ry., - 1504 Farnam St., Omaha. French grey candelabra. Edholm, Jeweler. Michigan. Bummer Resorts. Spend your summer vacation In the cool i woods of the lake region of Michigan, j Write H. F. Moeller, G. P. A., Pere Mar ' queue R. R., Detroit, Mich., for illustrated booklet, aent free to any address, which tells of a hundred charming spots In the , resort region. Full information concerning I hotels, etc. Four original photographs of j Michigan scenery, 6x8 Inches In size, sent . postpaid to any aauress tor zzc, stamps or ' coin. ' Everlastingly keeping at It is how we ( manage to give such values as we do. Hay--den Bros. Our big ad is on page 7. i Graphopbone at a. Bargain. j FOR SALE Latest model type. A. G. 'combination graphopbone, which plays both large and small records; list price, $90, This is especially designed for concert pur poses, having a thirty-six inch horn and stand. It also includes twenty large Edl- t son records and carrying case of twenty four records. The machine is entirely new and has never been used. Will sell at a bargain. Address X 36, in care of The Bee. Good Fishing at Okobojl. ' The fishing at Okobojl ia reported ex cellent Pickerel, pike and bass. Round J trip rate, $8.00. On sale at Milwaukee 'railway ticket office, 1504 Farnam St. fly Dance Tonight. V Jolly Eight club's lively ball this even ting, Washington hall, 18th and Harney .'Streets; fine orchestra; a good, time for I you. Genta, 25c. Welcome. Bend articles of incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to ' The Bee. We will give them proper legal Insertion. Bee telephone, 238. Turn right to page 7 and read our ad. Hayden Bros. ': Gold medals made to order. Edholm. SaUnjay Slashes - Q" DruS PricQS Prices given below are for today (Satur day) only but our prices will always be Mound the LOWEST. WE GIVE YOU WHAT YOU ASK FOR. (1.09 Swanson's 6 Drops, today 69a 1.00 Burnham's Siirsaparllla, today 4to 1 i5o Putsene Wallpaper Cleaner, today 8o ,$1.25 White Port Wine, today 64o 7ftc White Port Wine, today 82c 86c Mermen's Talcum Powder lOo 1 One package only to customer.) lfl.00 Plnkhum'a Compound 66o il.OO Putty Malt Whlaky 6c ' 60c Kld-ne-olds, today 26c fi.00 Pe-ru-na, today 65c r K3 Fskay's Food, today , 29o f 26c Thompson's Cherry Phosphate..... tto r 25c Hires' Root Beer, today lOo THESE PRICES FOR TODAY ONLY, (but our prices will always be found LOWEST our goods alwavs genuine. Soc Quick Work Bedbug Poison 19c $1.00 Wine Cerdul 47o - Bring us your prescriptions. Our su rertor equipment in this department la well known. 41.00 Pierce's Medicines - Mo $1.00 Temptation Tonic 170 12-00 Pennyroyal Pills feu WRITE FOH CATALOGUE. lSii8rman &McGonne!l Drug Co., , Cor. 16th and Dodge, ( f Omaha, Neb. No party is a. success -wlthoul sa ecu-earn, no ice crwi3 a success unless, it 5s h CMUil&Our cream for parlies ii delivered al ine fime ordered - You know its delicious if if It OMAN O 21 Greatly Reduced Prices on suits, skirts and outergarments from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan stock tomorrow. Women's Tailor-Made Suits from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan stock, worth $10 & $12, for 3.90 When you consider that these are all this season's styles and they are made of the newret materials andln all colors, you can not but be Impressed -with the magnitude of the offer. The Jackets are silk lined, the skirts have high flouncLS. They come In Eton, Blouse and Gibson styles. $10.00 and $12.00 values, for I LI t .Mil. 3.90 Women's Tailor-Made Suits from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan stock, worth $20 and $22.50, for $7. This lot includes all the new seasonable styles and materials, taffeta lined Jackets, skirts with drop linings, taffeta and peau de sole stitched trimmings, Gibson, Blouse and Eton styles, strictly high grade garments, at the very insignificant price oon, uiouse $7 Silk lined Wool Etamine Suits, worth up to $35, for $15.00. 42 fine all wool suits made of Etamine, ennvas cloth and mlstrels, all with silk lined Jackets, and skirts with full taffeta drop lining, Gibson, Eton and Blouse styles, taffeta, moire and self stitched trimmings. The colors are brown, tans, navy, black and grays, many are sample garments, exclusive summer styles, $35.00 values, for ay are sample $15 $25.00 allk foulard suits, $15. $30.00 walking and golf suits, $10. $30.00 walking and golf skirts, $19. $12.50 summer wash dresses, $S.50. $10.00 summer wash dresses, $6.50. New Silk Waist Suits Greatly Reduced $8.00 shirt waist suits, $4.93. $6.00 shirt waist suits, $2.98. $3.50 shirt waist suits, $1.98. $2.00 shirt waist suits, $1.20. Tremendous Reductions on Skirts $35.00 silk costumes, $24.50. $29.00 silk costume skirts, $17.50. $25.00 silk costume skirts, $15.00. $20.00 silk taffeta skirts, $10.00. $12.00 silk taffeta skirts. $6.50. $10.00 silk taffeta, skirts. $4.98. $15.00 golf and walking skirts, $9.98. $12.00 golf and walking skirts, $7.50. $8.00 golf and walking skirts, $4.98. $6.00 golf and walking skirts, $3.98. $6.00 dress and walking skirts, $2.98. $2.50 golf and walking skirts, 75c. Wash Skirt Specials Raglans, Long Coats $5.00 linen and duck skirts, $3.50. $3.00 linen walking skirts, $1.98. $1.75 plqua skirts, Sc $1.00 pique skirts, 40a, 75a crash skirts, 25o. $15.00 silk raglans, $6.50. $12.00 rain proof coats, $5.98. $12.50 silk Gibson and Eton coats, $7.60. $10.00 cloth Eton and Gibson Jackets, $2.98. lo.w cloth Jackets, 7bc. WW Falling to See plainly Is often the cause of defective eyesight This can be corrected and bring relief and comfort. Our optician Is a specialist in fitting glasses. Let him ex amine your eyes. lou Know our reliability. Look lor the name, S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler, 1516 Douglas St. 1 and 15 tli Cor. Farnam and 15 tli Streets. Cor. Farnam and 15th Streets- EXTRAORDINARY MEN'S NEGLIGEE i 1 ' ry-- CTr . OF AT t". Thousands wha enter tain a taste for good, purs liquor esteem Rad Top Rye for Us rich, mellow qual ities. It's delicate bou quet and rare, delightful flavor distinguish it from all other Dranns. nice. L per, quart, i.&u. , Gackley Bros., fi Omaha's finest 'Wholesale Liquor House, Ik opp. F. o. pnone n. k. y r i Young i1en are very partial to the "Onlmod" $3.50 and $S.'0 shoes. We have hun dreds of customers among the young men. This la a strong recommenda tion and one that we are Justly proud of. They recngnlze the advantage of dealing with a special men's shoe store and securing shoes at factory price. OMOD is .our trademark. $$.50 are our. prices always. and $2.50 Regent Shoe Go TfMi-iuw 205 8. 15th $3.50 and $2 50 now and always. rr SCHOOL Call up 238 ! X and a J Bee Advertising Man will call on you to get a Want Ad or a Half Page. Saturday-Boys' Day Nearly everybody In Omaha knows the value of our boys' $1.60 school shoes butt if your boy has never worn a pair bring him to our store any time Saturday and let us enow them to you. We can fit any boy no matter how small or how big he is Just so he is a boy with these $1.60 shoes. They're made from good solid leather from sole to top, and will stand more bard knocks than many a shoe that you would pay twice as much for. We have the same shoe In light calf or heavy kid for girls. Droxol Shoe Oo., Omaha's I'p-to-daT Sao Boasa, 141 Fa.RH AM STREET. Saturday morning we place on Bale GS0 tlozn men's Negligee Shirt's. The shirts are the most select of the entire "stock on hand" of one of the largest shirt manufacturers in the country. But while the price is 75c, the shirts themselves are such as haber dashers everywhere sell at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. These shirts are the very pick of the makers' stock and include all their best qualities, such as woven Trench madras, in col ors and in white; plain and embroidered, self-colored and set-in bosoms, cuffs attached and detached. This is one of tlie most notable sales we've ever held and it comes just when you need shirts most. Don't Miss This Opportunity. Sale Starts Saturday Morning Hot WeatKer Suits $4.00. $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $11, $12 These are the most comfortable and sensible hot weather suit's made. The coats are un lined, have the wide shoulder effect, are tailored so as to fit well and retain their shapeliness per manently. The materials are flannels, homespuns and unfinished serges of a very fine texture. The patterns and colorings are beautiful and of the latest weaves. Notwithstanding that these 6uits are of very light materials and made up as light as possible, they fit ns perfectly as lined garments and have a very dressy and stylish appearance. Let Us Fit You Out witki a New Light Weight Suit. En the Women's Departing Special Values in Women's Wash Waists for Saturday 85 DOZEN WOMEN'S WASH WAISTS Made of a very fine imported dimity, in light and dark patterns all the new Gibson effects regular $1.00 CQp values SATURDAY. 75 DOZEN WOMEN'S WASII WAISTS In madras cloths, plain chambray and fine ginghams all new effects trim med with embroidery and cording also white sheer lawns with all-over embroid ery fronts and lace insertions regular $1.00 values SATUR- Q 5 C 50 DOZEN WOMEN'S WASII WAISTS In lawns, dimities, organdies and other new fabrics trimmed with lace and em broidery new, stylish effects regular $2.00 and $2.50 values SATURDAY $1.45 WOMEN'S SHIRT WAIST SUITS We have the most complete line of Shirt Waist Suits in the city, in percales, linens, lawns and organdies at $2.25, $2.00, $4.90, $6.75, $9.75 and $14.75 THE NIMBLE NICKEL invested in Mets beer will afford the par ticular palate greater satisfaction than the slow shilling invested in any other brew. Why? Because It has all those good qualities that tickle critical palates and there's nothing deleterious about It. Metz Bros. Brewing Co. Tel. 118. Oataaa. Or Jacob Neumayer. Act., cars Neumajrer Hotel. Council iiiufla. luwa. Women's Walking Skirts 75 women's new Walking Skirts bought by us at' 50c on the dollar they are made from the very best quality of all wool , homespun in light and medium gray an ideal 6kirt for shirt waists cut and made in the very fx latest styles with tailored seams and 12-inch tailor-stitched flare flounce no better 6kirt sold : for less than $6.50 SATURDAY..,. ., ,. . . V Summer Neckwear Saturday we place on sale 120 dozen Men's Fancy Striped and Solid Oolor Mad ras Cloth and Cheviot Wash able Four-in-IIands. They are all well made and proper shapes regular value 25c Saturday at . . . . . . . . 15 Sale of Men's Straw Hats. Saturday will be a great day in our Straw hat de partment. We are showing a wonderful variety of styles in all the latest straws, Porto Ricans, Mi lans, Mackanaws, Splits, the swell rough hats, straw Fedoras, in fact, every kind of straw hat that's made can be found in our hat de partment at 25c, 35c, 45c, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50. Mens Summer Suspenders Saturday we place on sale 125 dozen Men's Light Weight Suspenders, made of fancy and plajn colored percales and canvas web bing, with elastic card ends, they are regular 25c quality 10' Special for Saturday-Men's Porto Rican Hats We place on 6ale 15 dozen Men's Porto Rican Hats, Ln all the swell, new nobby shapes, distinguish them from the genuine Panama Hat. They are hats that are worth $2.50 and $3.00 They goo n Bale Saturday at...... Genuine Panama Hats It takes ar expert to $1.50 For those who want to wear the correct thing this summer, you must have a genuine Panama Hat. We have an excellent assortment at .OU, q4.DU, .ou 3i via Surgical Instruments 1 Need any? If so we can save you more on them than we can on patent medicines even, because patents are cut HOME and surgical InBtrumente nevr have been. It "MOCKS NIXOl'SE" what kind of an Instrument you want, we will save you money on It; set our price first, that's all. $1.00 Iler's Malt Whlekey iSc Mlstletu Cream $1 0) Temptation Tonic $100 Kilmer's Swamp Root fl.OO Miles' Nervine 1128 "White port" T Wine Il.iv) Palne's Celery Compound $1.00 Peruna Soc Kldnr-otda (bOc rise) ZSc Putslne cleans wall paper Warranted 2-Quart Water Bottle. ..i. Warranted i-qurt Fountain Byrlnge. tuc Dob Itemedles (Clayton's) gfc Doff hemedles (Clayton.) V .00 Chester's Pennyroyal Pills , 6c , 11c , 17c , 67c , 67c , 65c , 67e , 65c , 2c , Mc , 45c . tc , 4lc . K3 .$1.0) $3.60' MARVEL. WHIRL1NO SPRAT SYRINGE. $2.3. OPEN ALL) NIGHT. SCHAEFER'S K5.SS.e TaL, far, . W. Car. lla aa Ckiaaa. HIRES' ROOT BEER 5c Per mug at our soda fountain; 25c bottle of Hires' Root Beer extract, sufficient to make 6 gallons, 12c. What arc you going to drink this summer t We keep all kinds of mineral water, gin ger ales, etc. Call us up. No. 150, and let us give you prices before you order. Ws bare them all. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. let a aa Parana Streets, Oasaaa. P. S. Writs or call (or book on dog. IjOIjO CELEHY The most popular summer drink made in Omaha. Eo good that some of our com petitors make an IMITATION and call it KO-KO. - It relieves headache, quiets the nerve,, cures that "tired feeling," and Is the best thirst quencher you can get. Ws have been making It for the last 13 years, and last ssason sold, 70 gallons of It. Bs lure sod try it. - FULLER" X CO. 'Children LikeHt And Ask FoMt." When a medicine Is so pure, so palatable. so j speedily yet palnlrly effective, that children Uk4 to take it and will ask for it, t not that good proof that it is a food ucwei duou a nuwiomo ia .MMOIiil ft is the only tunio laxative, and tbs only one that builds up the sy.tem while acting ss aa all-around blood purl Her and touio. It speedily clean the onated tongue, ebefczs colds and simple fevera, and y-ro-fcot sleep. The beet Children's retuedr ln iue world. Motkers are Its greatest friends, they use It and recommend lb LiakoU I. sal only tb. mot of ttnll, ttnolKi, out lb. ot coAoau.l. bttiuM il om kft4 i.o 4itia.. loron. pric., tontc.n Uaiiv. 4U 4'ucirm. s w4 fo tMtt, at ir. Mirui. oi Tao lAXAKULA CO., IJJ uun tu.u. N V Tor sals by Ebarmaa McConnsll Lru( Cto. Sure ill IlidSI h lams, a TrxklM. anjj i 4 eiut umm, kM flue Ok., ubMUSjatfc Ulb Douglas Streets. T