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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1902)
TIIF OMATIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. JUNE 14. li02. SPECIAL NOTICES titrrlltrnrati for tbnt -iaaas rill be takea til IS as. far tbe ircliii reitla eaA til 30 a, m. tar Bralas Saaaar aAMiaa, ate. 1 wor a rt lacrHKB, le a war thereafter. Aetata; takea far Imi thaa Jtn far the Inl lntr Hoi. Tkm 4trtUnifati aM a raa eeasreatM -. AJvertlaera, br raaatla a a a m krrrl ebeek. raa km a mwtn ee IrfMfl ta a iiabrret letter la ear f Tbe Bee. liiwtrt a adAresseA anil kr Aelleere-A aa prtU(l f the knk alr. UTIATKH tKTED. A STENOG RATH ER. When you want one -all the Itemingtoo Typewriter office, n;i8 I arnam e.t Telephone 1573. A 785 IJh EXPERIENCED middle-sped hotel rlerK i open for a food position tn a first-class commercial hotel a uay or miitit clerk; competent. tein;erate. refined una renabi-; city reiereices. Address, I". O, Box 127, . Sibley, Iowa. A lol AE TTI'EWRITER, abstractor and office clerk ; three years' experience; can take dictation directly to m"hine; references; late r. in fun. C. E. Brenton. H"f. la. A M20 li'. UAklLU-ViU HELP. $5 FOR HALF A DA 1" & WORK. If Jou live Hi the country ur in a small ti w n and have a good acu;ialt.tahce ttiuiif the larmers alio ilM laisers in the helghhoi hooa ou can make k.- easily by loui ur live hour work, Write us aitd we will senu your oui proposition. '1 he Dee Publishing Cu Sollcilois dept., Omaha. Neb. B IdZii W ANTED, a guod man In every county lu take BuiMtcr.ptioiia lui 1 h Twentieth Century 1 amier. our atei.ts make guuci Hiitdi everywhere. Rticrence required. AuaitKS Twentieth... ctutury J-uriiier. On, aha. Nth. Aj inKLt or lour good men wanted; Iluo per miii;n. can o-i idioo mock. J (m i. R. RATHEVN give private, lesaons It bookkeeping. Kou.u 15, Cou.mcli.ial .Na tional nana. B cla FUt-'H ING salesmen can earn something to Uioir aavaiitaae by ariutig Tae i-iaka fsureery lu., aukee, v is. B ISo JW aAi..vii-. an tea to sen Irult tree; po sition permanent; i.wy week..y, write ir particular. Audreys Wetitern Nursery company, curt iept., iArene, Kan saa. a mi, julya V ANTED, an office toy. about 17 years of age, who lives at home. Answer in uu tiandanttiie. C 12. ie. . - b-At tALEEUEN, $:iU-er meek, peroiatient posi' Uon. iiiieLbautU. i?Ki Wot block ' .- B WANTED. nrst-c'.aKs Wcycle repair man good pay a id yu-auy urk, i'U.e Fiett h er, ifii; Capitol vi. B Mbi: H WANTED, watchmaker s ashiHtanit ; must be good mgraver anu gou -bicFnian. E. i. Niewohner, Uolunibue, Neb. B Aliu!) WANTED, energetic man of good address, comittnt, to lntoduce first-class propo sition. Apply p.- ta.. 1U6 Bee bliig". B i64 STRONG boy licit ov- r 1 lo lo' packing, delivery and gene-rul rtore ' work. Que illy reference!.. John Uuctis'truKser. H"3 Jackson St. B .16.6 14 WANTED, I" laborers, ter, llth and Jones m. plj- W. H. Les . ; I- M'ilS 14 WANTED, lHthe men und bench hands; sDeady emplotnent. po'td wage, no strike lavls tJasollne . Engine Works Co., Waterloo, la. 14MKHu 14 TRAVELING salesmen, also adversers ; straight salary. Answer if you want business, otherwise don t. Triumph. Dal las. Texas. B 625 17 A GOOD .Industrial insurance solicitor of character and with relerenoes to work In Colorado can hear of a good contract by addressing P. O. Box 2iu. Denver. Colo. B-r624 IS Wanted, tirst-ciasa dress C M. Bee. . , aaiesman. Ad- B-MKlS la . W ANTED, iruiaworlby . peraon tn eaih county lo manage business ohI establihhed house, solid tmanxlal- snaiKlmg: straight bona -fide weekly cava aalary, paid .by check each 'Wednesday, with all fxpenses, direct from beadiua4turs; money ad vanced lor expenses. Manager, S7J" Cnx ton biilg.. Chicugu. B-.-ilti.i6 lu W ANTED Trustworthy pt rfcou In each county to manage bUHiiiess; . old estab' llshed house; solid tinanuial standing straight iMina nda weekly cah salary of llh paid by check each Wtdnwilar, 'iih all expenses. dirct irom iieaduuarters; money ac.vanced Jur exiMnae. Manager, S7K Caxton bldg., Chicago. B Mojii la' W ANTED Salesmen to carry, as aide line sb m vies of corn-husklng goods, lu per cent commission. Iowa City Glove Co., n a ii , ia. rt jviy.l ir. ALEsMEX "WAITED. SALESMEN wanted for full line of fruit and ornamental trees; pay weekly; outfit tree. iawrence isursery Company, Law rence, Kan. . . ixs Jlr BAUESMEN wanted, new proposition from manuiuciurer ana retailer direct c. c. ban or a. i'axion hotel. M666 14 W ANTED FEMALE HELP. a.-v i cu, two young laoy etudents to learn hairdresslng manicuring and chu ropooy ara scienttnc maabage. Call or write V-oom 2iw, isee tlug. C Mo 100 Gtrla Call Canadian office, ITnh & Dodee. C-4 WANTED, deaervirul young .lady or rentle- niao to line lue acnpiarknip n cimaha s nest ounineaa ana snortnano cotiepe a pay tor It when ciMrrse la finished and position aecured. Adoreu A L Bee. C-630 WANTED, a teacher td -."instruct the French language Lv a claas of three twice a week, atate terms. Addrea. Z ii. ,ee. c M-t WANTED, lady to give conversaxioB les- aoiis in irencn to young woman one evanlr.g each week, 'btate terms. Ad dreae b . Bwe. . . C 7W ' : ' 1 - 1 WANTED, girl for general hoimcwork good wages. 61f park ave. C M614 14 WUiba, are you. wishing for some way io niaae money quieuy a,t nomeT band Stamped fcef-aO(lr'f eed envelope tx Mra. J. ii. Lynn, b. V.. tor. Maui and Ma hanoy nrwti, Mahanuy City, S:hiiylkill county, i-eiinsyi anta. C 62 14 HANTfc.r. oompeteut . girt - Xr" genera nouse ora. h 4-iaigc. c Hl ih .WANTED, a Rirl. 'no washing or lronlne, for general housework at ii So. 26'h Pt. Oood aagtw. . C i.16 16 FOR RENT HOI sES. VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 11. . D 848 HOI M Pkrts of cily The O I1UUJC3 p. Davia Co.. bLi Bee Blctg. D k-'o TO MOVE right ret Omaha Van- Storage Co.; oftice liuVj Farnam, or Tela. IS A V2S. EE PAYNE. BOSTW1CK A CO.. for choice housea. , 6ul-2 N. 1. Laf Bid. Tel. P in. D-6j2 TOR RENT, modern houae near Hinrh school. The O. y . Davis t o, aus Bee it an. D-7.6 MAGGARD Van & Storage Co. Tel i486. D aS HOUSES, ene. r. t. We 1524 Doufc'taa U-7 SIX-ROOM flat, aft modern. 1112 So nth. D GOOD krtom modern house. ZJA B tondo. D M217 HOUCES. store. HOUSES and flat a. Ring-wait, Barkei rinrk IHR RENT, -roorn St., u. cottage, 7U8 F. !7th D 630 FOR RENT, 7-room house. TlT So th D 6-J1 .4 FOR RF'KT. one firat floor flat in the rew liunaany apartment house, ioth' and ieree atreeia. ai motieri cor.vt-t.ieitrt nea-iy papercu. 2t Oe er month. Inauire l tx. 4. n uiOaox. liuA iuu at. FOR lERT-HMICk. GOOD modern s-room house J"4 Bloflo. D-M:i7 F"VR rent, furr.lsbert. tor the summer, Kou'h from, nine-room liouw: Dundee; lawn, shade, porches cn east Mfl soith. C 46, Bee. D-MH, 15 M' modern. S-room Swelling, ai lm I rr cements, two blocks from FarnMTi and 3."-h streets !'. jwr month v mm. Shnver Co., K Nf Tork U! B.flt. D 64 34 FOR RENT. -room. modem. letachd bouse, newly J air t d Hiid papered '. 2-121 Cspltol Ave. Tel. B7i. B. II Rcbleon. D MK5C CENTRAL, 4-room flat. Titard. 23n N d D M 61 St. FT-RNIPHED HOfPE. d-room modf-rn house on S. th at eholce Iocs Hon near Farnam srreet. m per month. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1kM V FOR RENT. 4-room house, rear 414 N. M'h, D IS mi 17 South Omaha. FOR REST FIRMfHED Bv.-I, ELEGANT rooms. finest ave. location In tht city. 1! Capitol E iS3o DEWEY European hotel, 13th nd rarnam. & JS TV O houaekeeplnf rooms t$. 2623 St. Mary E 7U1 sW 3 NICE rooms for lipht housekeeping, fur nished. 1U2 6. Uth. E-34S LAKtiE. pleaaant. newly furnushed, south front rooms, modern house; private, fam llv; terms moderate. 24 CapltoL ave. E M573 16 FTRN1FHED room for rent, east front. 42 N 17th St. E M FIHMMIED ROOMS AND BOARD. altmam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85. F VERT desirable rooms, nj S. th st, F 680 . THREE married couple or six gentlemen; home cooking. C 44. Bee. F B ! FfRNIPHED rooms, 2fith St. with board. S1K So. F-MBSi If FOR RE! 1&FI RMSHED HOOM. DESK room space, to pe. month, gTound floor room In The Bee buildirift. facing Farnam street ; no expenne fir light, heat or janitor service.. K. C. Feters & Co., rental agents. Be building. Ci )u CENTRAL, I choice rooms. 22U N. 23d. Q 'M. UNFURNISHED rooms keeping. 7ue Is. 16lh St. for light houBe lriQUlre at No. 6. G M640 14 CENTRAL, three elegant rooms. 220 N. G MM6 2I.d st. FOR REST STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The iiee at ib f arnam st. it das four stories and a beenient which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will lie rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose waier, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1 261 FOR RENT, store in first-class location; rent reanonaine. Apply i. j-eiers k Co., ground floor, iiee bldg. 1266 FOR RENT, desk room or large apace suitable for merchanuitie or party doing busitiees in wholesale district. In quire Hcnc A Co., i6 Farnam at. 1M224 TO LET, ofhees In Paxton block and Mc- Cague blag. v. rarnam bmirn Co., ijzu Farnam st 1 72 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tne lact that you haw the ad In The Bee. AGENTS W ANTED. WANTED, canvassing atrenta In every count v to solicit subscriptions to THt TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; steady employment with assured good income; agtnta in the country with horse arid buggy esj-cia:ily desired; can vassers make easily ' to tluu per month. Aadress Century Farmer Solicitors' bureau. Bee building, Omaha. 212 W ANTED TO RENT. WANTED to rent about 400 square feet of space In a manufacturing plant, with use vl small amount of steam. C 51, Bee. K M636 15 WANTED TO Bl'Y. WANTED, two or three good vacant lots, suitable for residences or flats; must be good locations and price reasonable; all cahh and no extra e-xpense of selling. Addresa direct to buyers, B 10, care Bee office. . K Mti WANTED 2d-hand clothing for cash. 1207 Farnam. N M2if7 Jy. I FOR fcALE FI RNITl RE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodee. Tel. 2u2i. Nea- and second-hand, bougnt, sold. exchanged. u stii FOR SALE HORSES, WAOONB. ETC, FOR SALE, cheap, and Vinton. a Conooro buggy. 36' h P 164 1 FAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc., our specialty. H. Frost, 14th and Leav- enwurtn. Tel. 14.. P 62 FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, runabouts, new and secondhand, at cut prices. Re pairing, painting and trimming; also put op runner urea. 1 leintr, d.ia and Leav tnworth 6ta. P 777 J 24 SEVERAL tne driving horses. Walter Pheipe, Room D, N. Y. Ult Bldg. P-M863 FOR BALE Horses, wagons, etc.; good extension top carriage lor sale at a sac mice. See Johnson at Roberta, John Deere BlUg., lULb ana Leavenworth Sta. P M421 Jel7 FOR SALE MIS.C ELLA.NEOIS. 2DHANLVaafe cheap, bihwaxtx, U4 S. lath. FLESCHER sells hlcyclea 1622 Capitol Ave, 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght. Ill Farnam. W o lue STYLES trusses; cataiogje free. Sher man A Mcconnell Drug Co 16th and Duage, Omaha. BICYCLES and phonograph en easy pay menia j down, ( per week, 2dhatid aheeia, 35. t ana 510, new heels, i5. Omaha Bicycle Co., lain and Chicago Sts U-ilMk SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables billiard tables repaired: a large stock of cheap bar fixture, cigar -counter a, etc. The Brunswick Balke Collender Co., 47-l South loth. v 516 WIRE fence for poultry, hog. mn nnd yard, hitch posts, tree guards. Wire W oi ks, 617 o. 16th 6U Tel. Ibln Q-M972 July J-CR SALE, phonograpna. auperior to any other musical -.nxirument; to up 1 he r lttman Co., ica rarnam. w FOR SALE, fine imported harness, brass mounted and trimmed; cost aben hea SUji; w-.ll sell for m: can be seen at Dot at Rueeell s barn, 'th and Leaven ort a tree La. , , FC'R SALE, secon'.hur.d desks, chairs an walnut i-rt.oe coui.ier ana rmilinga. W a- baah umie, 1415 Feruem at. w M14 WHITE sawdust: aeasuo checked oak tiin- beia chtap; h g tence. ete. 8U1 Douglas. U 231 70 FEET good Jdhand lumber various klris ot fsauilug, Khtpiap. sheathing and roof boards 3.24 N. 21at at. . l-M637 & t I D waaela taken til rraae an orw onea. Omaha Bicycia Co, lata and Chicago Be ia-MJW FOR FALG-MtKELLAXEOl I. INDIAN foods and rellca. Ill Farnam Q-fTJ NEW ai.d tie.m. 2fiha.nd typewrltera. Ill Far- BAROAIN fnr cFh. rood second-hand bi cycle in Omaha; ante me. Address C hi. Bee. w-MM; 15 FOR PALE, rresh cow. Ohio st part Jersey. iR CLAIR ok AM a. MRS FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass St. 9874 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. l;.th, r 7. T Milt J17 HUE. SMITH, bates, lit N. U 2d floor. R t. T M3S6 Jy 5 PERSONAL. DR. ROT. chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R- 12, Frenaer block. V 67 PRIVATE hospital, before and during- con finement, baDies adopted. a)6 Grant si, Mra. ciardeia. Tel. F-U&i L 677 FLE9CHER will fix your bicycle right. U K7S 4 a tTrn F-.RKrNfi tnanleurine and chlro pody, for ladles otny, In connection with The BBLhery, 2l6-ia tfee Diog. c RUPTURE permanently cured In So to 1H davs; seDd lor circular. O. S. Wood, M. D., 621 New Turk Life bldg... Omaha, Neb. C BOW ACCORDION pleaUng. cheapest, gu.ckect. Mrs. A. C. Mark. 17 a best and Douglas, 1 o&l GRAMOFHONEP and supplies, wholesale snd retail. Collins I'ianu Co., Doug las. C oS2 CHIROPODY a specialty, lr. connection with The feathery, rooms 216-220 Bee bldg Tel. 1716. L ELITE FARLORS. 615 S. 16th St.. 2d floor. U Mi." Jy7 SHAMPOOING nJ halrdresstng. 2T.c, In connection with The Bathery, 216-2111 Be building. Tel. 1716. V 8M PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement; babies adopted. i'WO Burdette. Mrs. Burget. L M216 J16 V1AVA. woman's way to treatment. Booklet free. Omaha. health. Home 346 Bee bldg U So MME. SMITH, baths. 11S S. 15, 2d floor, r t L M22a J 16 LOWEST PRICES In accordion and side pleating The Goldman Pleating Co. 2i Douglas block. L M7K1 EMPIRE RUPTURE Life bldg., Omaha. CURE 832 N. Y Send lor circulars. U 4t PROF. JOHNSON cures all human dls easeB. 52 Bee building. Office hours a. m. :o 3 p. m. U 3H4 Jy' LOOK. GENTLEMEN LOOK ! But you will look a long time before yon find an equal for the STOECKER CIGARS. They lead in quality and flavor, and are cool and free. Try one and you'll smoke no other. L MjJo 14 MifldlemiBS, wallpaper cleaner. Tel. 1734. U M5al Jy7 ROOMS. 610S Bo. 10th St. 'Phone 1811. U 6S3 JylO PARTIES wanting lu on the ground floor with any concession or privilege to tne largest Fourth of July celebration in the Elkhorn valley correspond, with J. R. SianKberry, Wlsner, Neb. Fine chance for good steam swing. L MB 14 MOLLIE: Why not rive this luncheon? Page 2" June What To Eat. George U M6T.7 14 . MONEY" TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. ' 4j PER CENT on business property. 1, per cent on reaiueuue .properly. Options to pay hole or part any time. W. B.,JiElK.LE, eul S. 15th at. .YY 686 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate, tntmQ-ivi io., o-v o. xsin. W S7' WANTED, city loans and warranta. ' W. Farnam nmitn at to, uzo t arnam st. w m . PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 887 N. T. L. W 6S8 FARM and city loans, low rate. W. H. Thomas. 1st jat. uana oiag. lei lws. W 68U WANTED, elty and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. rl c. peter k Co., 17U2 Farnam St., Bee bldg. W 81 LOW RATES. Private money. PAINE IMttlMtM WMPAM. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. W-MS92 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemis. Paxton blk, W eaa PER CENT Farnam. loan. Garvin Bros., lo4 W 884 PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1524 Douglaa V J5 1100 UP, low rate. Pricbard, 1712 Farnam. W-M110 MONEY" TO LOAN CHATTELS. Quick Money Is sometimes very essential. Our facilities fur making loans on abort .notice are un surpassed. We loan on furniture,, pianos, live stock, etc.- And to SALARIED PEOPLE. Without mortgage or endorser. Our rate are aa low a 'the lowest; we. do not charge for making papers or filing mort gages uud we do not deduct interest in advance. By dealing with us on our par tial payment) plan you always know In advance last what the loan will cost you. You .can borrow six months or longer and pay It back in one month if you choose and par for-Just what time you keep it. We always "try to please" our patrons. OMAriA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 118 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2285, tEstabllbhed lste." 3oe 6. 16th St. X-622 EHORT ROUTE TO PAT DAT. PLAIN. 'WU1ET. PRIVATE OFFICES. TELL us how much you want AND hoa- you want to nay. Our simple, old-fashioned, solid methods that can t help but Meaae you. "WE LOAN ON PLAIN NOTES." without mortgage or endorser. Our rates EVERY 81 paid off loan reduces cost. JSOTHING deducted. NO charge for papers. IT pay. us to please you. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room Sua. Third Floor,- Paxton Black. X 626 LARGEST BUSINESS IN- LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team Biers, boarding bouses, etc.. without se curity; eaaiwt terms; 40 offices lnprln cpal cities. Tolman, 44u Board of Trade Blag. X rH Chattel and Ealarr Loaaa, PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Successor to J W. Tayloe. Tel. 745. 62$ Paxton Block X-278 Jyl MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates, til Paxton block. The J. A, Hutton Co. X-i MONET' loaned on furniture, live stock, jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co., sue, to Duff Green, k Barker Biork. X-801 MONET loaned on llanos, furniture, lew elry, horses, cows. etc. C. F, Read, 818 9 13. X SOB SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS. Do you want money for long or short terms at rates rarely equaled by competitors "Its our business to supply It." AMERI CAN LOAN CO.. Third Floor, Paxton Block X suo BISINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE, good, clear, up-to-date stock of )eweir, crockery, musical instruments, semi us machine, notions, etc.. about $6.5uu. also good brick building. Zaxluu, with lot 25x150. stuck located In good county saal los'n, northwestern Ic-aa; stock exceptionally clean, ruumng and doing good bUKUicea. Fine opening. A(t- tireae I. M, Caaady, bioux City, la y-635 J15' FOR SALE, asphalt plant. llth and Grace streets. Omaha Apply le ih fctandard Paving Co, Chicago. 111. X-AUa Je2S I BlflSEM CHASCEa. WHEN rou want to r-tiy. sell or exchange ur business or property uuk, see J. Johnson. MS N. T. Hie. ku.t FOR SALE, a new electric lighting plant and a modern M-bbl. roller mill, steam power. In a arood county seat xf 2.'i. eastern Nebraska- Addresa C 82 Bee, Omaha. Y-M4M 16 TO GET In or out of buslneas call on WU- liams. Room 411, Mccague ftuiidtng Y r4 Enterprising Man with to.Ouu cau aogulre controlling inter est In a rapidly Increasing and profitable legitimate manufacturing business, In vestigate this proposition. J. H. John eon, N. Y. 1 Y-MaJl I'ESK ROOM, roll-top desk and phone service. J. ii. Johnson, aU N. 1 . Lite T-440 FOR SALE, furniture of a 10-room house rull of gxd paying boarders. 1 Diota from Harney, Dodge and Farnam cars, 4 blocks from 16ib. cash offer only con sidered. A good thing for the right per son. Houje rent reasonable. Address C i. Bee Y 2t TO buv. sell or exchange a business. CaU on t;. J. canan, K, . lai i-arnsm ri. T M360 FOR BALE, drur store In ton of fWO In western Iowa: invoice about .7t; ex cellent business; full investigation In vlted. Address C 40, Bee. Y 6.0 li When You Write to Advertisers remember it oniy takes an extra atroke or two oT the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. FOR KALE or trade for good land, stock renera merchandise, invoice ...i-. rea son for selling bad health. Address C IS, Cimaha Bee. 1626 li FOR SALE Commercial hotel and fix tures. (R. R. eating house two trainf rtiiv i iirrs.1 haraain. good payment Adn'ress 1. V Camiibcll. Lock box ;a. Frankfort. Kan. Y M6ti 15' GOOD stock of merchandise In good Iowa town, also good cattle and sheep rancn Garfield Co., Neb., for sale or xchange Address the Modale Real Estate r Ex change Co., Modale, la. Y M662 16 WISH to correspond with reliable. Influen tial parties, for the purpose of placing large block glit-edge smelter stock. Ad dress without delay, O. M. Rosendale, 616 Oregonlan bldg., Portland, Ore. T M65S 16 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak folding bed. N 48, Bee. wardrobe tor Z M510 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Three New Towns On the North Western Line. The towns of Anoka. Brietow and Monowi, located in tbe rich Ponca Valley, in Boyd County, Nebraska, Will be opened during June. This is prob ably the finest agricultural region of the state, and their location on the new branch of the Elkhorn Road from VERD1GREE TO BONESTEEL. makes them the natural markets for large agricultural communities. The influx of people and money within the next few months will be tremendous, and the proximity of these towns to the Rosebud Reservation. Boon to be opened to settlement, renders their rapid growth an assured fact, thus affording unusually line opportunities lor all branches of trade, all professions and all kinds of business. The inquiries for locations have been bo great that It has been decide t -apen the towns by sale at public auction on 'the town sites. " The sale at ON OKA will be, June 18th, at BR1STOW; June 25th, and MONOWI June 26th. ; i For full particular address P. '"Whitney, Omaha, Neb., General Town Site Agent, North Western Line; or J. F. Cleveland, Land Commissioner, Chicago, Illinois. R.E 622-16. i-lOUSES, -lot, farms, ranches, loans; also fire insurance. Bemis, Paxton block. RE 813 RANCH and fjrm lands for Bale -by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A, McAlleBter, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 806 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property ana iarra lanas. mt o. r Davis Co., Room 5ii, Bee building. BE 912 . FARMS. 839 acres, Douglas Co., 340.000; trackage and fine buildings. 800 acres, Douglas county, very fine, 350.000; might div:de 640, 16 miles north of Omaha, level land. 360 an acre. 820 near Springfield, Jt2.50 per acre. 63 near 6prlngfleld. $3,200. BE near South Omaha, S100 an acre. 120 near South Omaha, $W0 an acre, 80. well ' Improved, near South Omaha, $100 an acre. 120 near Millard. $62 per acre. 80 almost Joining South Omaha, $160 per ' acre. 80. near Florence, $3,000. 40 near Florence. Improved. $3,000. 160 near Gretna. $60. want offer. 160 near Gretna, $C60. well Improved. HARRISON 4 MORTON, OMAHA. RE 642 13 BUT best nouse .iun, . ..i.urn, , I uualltv hlgnesi, prices wwwi iauoiiai Oil and Paint company, 1U15 Jones St. HE 538 Je22 SEE PAYNE. BOSTW1CK CO. for choice hareaina. 601-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1016. RE 814 THE OMAHA REALTY CO.. 1301 Douglas St upataiee; amaii nousea ior saie; crieap building lots. Call for catalogue and price list Private money to luau on easy terms. KL Bil A MONTHLY payment bargain In 8-room house. Ci. JO, jvaitllisei. uone ii RE M536 t vnTT want one of the nicest s-room homes in riansoom rura i am fe you barrrin. owner leit city; aaust seu. J. H. Sherwood. 8S7 N. Y. L Blrig. RE M153 OWNER leaving town, and for short time offers bis elegant home near N. W. Cor. Htnscom Park very cheap. Fine large bam, E. front lot. pavements paid, HARRISON MORTON. K. T. L Tel. 814 RE 613 l. GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, roort sage rentals, insurauue. muu oiuca. RE 8o8 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E.. 1203 Farnam street. RE 910 SPECIAL SNAP FOR SOMEBODY. WOULD you luv a 7-room house, compar atively new. well built, back plastered front and side porch, nice lawn snd shade: property has never been rented if von could save 35uO on purchase price Owner must have money and says sell for $1,750; good church, school snd ra privileges. Shlmer At Chase. 14 Re bldg.; telephone 1442. RE M64S 15 3.530-scre stock and grain farm, the best tn tbe state of Wahhingrton. 4 miles from Lamona on the Great Northern R. R 1 seres under cultivation, wio acres in fine timothy, balance fine buncb-grasa pasture; a large living stream runs through this place: 7-room house, good a ell. two bams, all fenced and cross- fenced We have for sale over knui' acres of Improved and unimproved farm lands in eastern asmngton. li, a YANCEY-WILLI AMS COMPANY. X Riverside ave , Spokane, w akh. RE M618 27 HOU6E FOR SALE. $3,000.00 for s-room modern house, north west corner ZMh and Parker eta . in first -claas condition, also fod barn atwolal aaM-aeOM-nta ruo In full. GEORGE At COMPANY', loci Farnam St JtL-Xioul m FOR VALE REAL ESTATE. A GREAT BARGAIN. FOR SALE At South Omaha. Neb.. 2 houne; lot &!. t-eiory, s-room house, also a 1-story. 7-room house on tht same lot. has a good well and aater and a good cistern; newly painted and m good condition, also good deed and titles; , .i cash will buy It all; Is close to street cars, school aud stores. Inquire J. L. Duff, 2T1U N St., 6outh Omaha RE M6M OSTEOPATHY. , GID E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite flu, N. T. Life Bldg. lei. 16e4. 816 T R A. T. HUNT, tli MoCajrue Bldg. Tel. 817 S3b2. DR. MRS. MUS1CK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2!22. LAW AND COLLECTION . Stillman A Price, L P. Lulls, notary, attja. a t. law, collections S. Nat, Tel. 172W. 476 Jis NEBRASKA Collection company (Incor porated!, 305 New York Life bldg. 'Phone, 623. Damage suit prosecuted. The col lection of ciaims. large or small, made anywhere lu the United Btates ur foreign countries by bonded attorneys. No col lection, no charge. Bank reference fur rished on si plication M41 J28 LOST. LOST. Jersey cow, almost solid fawn color about s years old. Reward tor return to the Alamlte Farm Dairy Co. Lost ixi 611 LOST, watch chain, I5.TO reward If re turned to ii Mccague Blag. Lost 644 12 LOST, a black leather rurse containing a New York draft for X237.71 and In cash. A liberal reward will be paid to the finder for its return to J. M. Gaffney, S12u u street. South otnaha. Lost 645 It LOST, pocketbook containing money only, near lth and Leavenworth sts. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to Bee office. Lost M66U 14' LOFT, at 11 a. m. Friday, one pair steel rimmed glasses, between 14th and Doug lat and post office. Please return to the Omaha Realty Co., 13th and Douglas sts. Lost M6j8 PIANOS. $250 "WALTER" $250 NO MoRE NO LESS. Ask Fred K. Walter lor terms, SU2 California St. Catalogue on request. M570 14 When You Write to Advertisers emember It only lake an extra stroke or wo ot the pen to mention the lact that ou saw the ad in The Bee. BICYCLES. CLEARING SALE THIS WEEK. Will sell less than cost: Andrae, ). reduced to X-S.Ocj Dayton, 650, reduced to 3s 00 Rugby, lib. reduced to 32.50 New bicycle. 62d, reduced to 15 ou LOUIS 1'liEICliEK, 1622 CAPITOL AVE, Ali41 14 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 813- 814 Jones, general storage ana lorwaramg. D2t OM. Van Stor. Co., 1611k Farm Tels. 1&58-S63. 827 MAN I FACT I RING. '. MELCHIOR, chlnisk 13th and Harney, ma- M818 OMAHA &t-fe and Iron W ka. make a spe cialty ot tire escapes, shutters, uoors and Bates. G. Anurecn. Prop., 1U2 b. luth Be MB20 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., clean cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced price, tm is. io. Tel. 1778. . 826 ACCORDION PLEATING. REDUCED prices in pleating. For par ticulars inquire Ideai Pleating Co., lido riowaro bt 386 Jy At A UJl(.Slli.k. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derighfa 1118 Farnam atreet. 263 LAWK MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. L L Wks., 1406 Howard M214 FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tanner. 1424 So. 13 h. 921 PLIMBING. D. W. DUDGEON. 2810 Farnam. Tel. 1866. M3io Jyl' LAINDHY. OMAHA Steam. Laundry; shirts. 6c; collar. 3c; funs, c l.oo Leavenwortn. lei. all. BEST laundiy. The Chicago, 'phone 206. MUX5 FLORISTS. L HENDERSON, 151 Farnam. Tel. 1253. Send fur price list, cut flowers ana plants. MUJo CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly aiieuuea to. a. i.. ucuiltree. iiitn ana uak-t streets. i( ANNOl NCEMENTk, WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 21ft). all South Thirteenth street. M828 NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 2526. 82 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all bualueaa confidential. 13ul Douglaa. VM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co.. 16 At Jackson. Tel. 28 16 JINK. ALPIRN buys all kinds of cr Iron and MIS1CAU C. B. SHAW'S new Btudio open all rummer. 2bu Jll BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., all North 18'h. riRKITl'RE REPAIRING. FIRST-CLASS work. 2201 Farnam. Tel. 21 HI. 622 Je22 STAMMERING AND STITTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. -4 TRlakvS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. Phone 1717. 6u6 6 16th. Mou2 STEAM DYE WORMS. THE CANADIAN, suits cleaned pressed, tl uu. Ladie skirts, koc kit, N. ifith bt J30 DRESS MA MING. DRESSMAKING in families or at home Mia bluidy, 2vt2 X S-inaUu 21 Jj it SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANTs sthool. Y. 1 1 H '1 BOYLF.S college. N. Y. Life. reporter prtnetpal. N ER. Piistnest 4b Shorthand College, Bo d i heater. When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes sn extra rtroke or two of the n to mrnto'n the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. MEDIC A L. DR. FRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in diseases of women In Omnha, wctnd call the attention of suftenng lrtdiep to unsurpasjicd acconimodat iotik tefore and during confinement and his treatment for lrreguiuruiei-. no mutter a hat cause. Call or aduress, with stamp, I'r Pries, Arlington Biotk, loi3 Do-tc, Omaha. When You Write to Advertisers remember It oniy take an extra stroke cr two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the sd In Tne Bee. A WISE man buys his Runsbottts Harness in the spring gets a whole season and BDd good. Ma&v wise men have called and purchased this week. Its up to you. Drummond Carriage Co., IBth and Karney Sts. : iezzzz: OOt ERNMENT NO! ICES. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE tores. Office of Commissary u. S Army, Army building. Omaha Neb.. June lo, 1W2 Scaled proposals In triplicate for fur nishing bacon, issue, dry salt curt In 1 lb. net cans and hams, dry salt cure, in tierces, will le received at thiF oflii-e and t the office of the Purchasing Commis sary at Kansas City, Mo and at the ol- ce of the Purchasing Commissary at Chicago, 111., until Saturday. 11 o clock a. m.. June 21. 12. at which time and places hey will be publicly opened. Artlclea of domestic production or manufacture will be preferred to those of loreign origin, ost and qjauty being equal. Specihea- Iohb as to quantities, dates and places of delivery, blank proposals and further Information furnished on application to eltaer office. Envelopes containing pro- osals should be endorsed Proposals for Subsistence Stors. to be opened Suturiay, une 21, 1HU2," and addressed to v Uliam K. Grove, Captain. Commissary, Purchasing Commissary, Omaha, Neb. l U 10-ll-li'-U-i4-lt M TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE nf , V, u C ,nri'l.lh. Irchli-ri lV.Ehlniliin I). C. Mav 28. 18'C Sealed Proposals wi,l be received at this office until 2 o'clock m. on the 2sth day of June, 1802. and then opened, for the installation of a con dult and electric wiring system for the extension of the V S. Court House, C us torn House and Postofflce at Omaha. Ne braska. in accordance with the drawings and specification, copies of which r :ty be obtained at this office or at the Oi..ce ot the Superintendent of Construction at Omaha, Neb., at the discretion of the Supervising Architect. JAMES KNOX 1A1UJH, supervising Architect. J3-O-7-10-T2-14M POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY ty all Interested, change may occur at any ume.j Fdreism mails for the week ending June 14, 1802, will close iPP.OMPTLY in all cases) at the general postotbee as lollows: Par cels post -mails -close ene hour earlier than closing time shewn below. Regular and supplementary mails close at foreign station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that supplement ary malls for Europe and Central America, vih Colon, cloae one hour later at loieigo station.!. Transatlantic Malls. SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. a. Rotterdam (mail muHt be dlrectea "per s. s. Rotterdam ); at M30 a.- m. (supplementary lo a. m.) for EURoI'E. per a. a. Ltruria, via yueehs town; Bt 8:30 a m. for ITALY direct, pt:r 8. b. Citta di Genoa (mail must be directed "tier Citta dl Onoa"i; at 8 a. m. lor ITALY direct, per s. a. Lahn iniall must be directed "per s. s. Lahn' r. at 8.3 a. ra. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Ethiopia (mall must be directed "per a. a. E mi opia"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamel takes printed Matter, Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other parts ot Europe will not be ert by this aula un less specialty directed by ll- After the :losng of tne supplementary transatlantic mails named tuove, addi tional supplements,.-;' mails are opened on the piers of the Ai2ci.a. English, French and German steamers, and re main open until within ten minutes of th hour of sailing of steamer. Mails for Sooth ssl Central Amer ica, W est ladies. Etc SATURDAY At 4:30 a. m. or BRAZIL. per s. a. fcyracusa, vis Maceio, Rio Ja neiro and bantos (mall lor Northeru Brazil, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed ' per a. a. Syracusa "i; at 8 a. m (supplementary 8:So a. m l for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA.- !er E. . Philadelphia (mail lor Savanilla and Cartagena must be directed "Iter s. a. Philadelphia',!; at i'.JO a. m. (supplementary io.jh a. m ) for FOR TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. 6AVANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s a. Altai (mail for Costa Rioa. must be dirccnd "ier fc. fc. Altai"; ; at k.3u a. m. (Supplementary l":3o a. m.) for HAITI and SaNTA MAIlTA. per s. a. Adirondack; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, it a. a Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m for GRENADA.. TRINIDAD and t'HTiAD BOLIVAR, per a. a. Maravai; at 12:8 p. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Cunt j ba, via Malanzas (ordinary mail only, which must be directed "per s. s. Curitybu";. Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North 'fry aney, and thence by steamer, close at this oltice dally at 6.30 p. m. (connect ing cloae here every Monday, Wednes day ana Saturday. Mails lor Miciueion, by rail to Bofctun, and theuce by steamer, close at this oUi-e daily at 6.3t p. m. Malls ior Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by steamers, are dispatched Oai.y, except Thursday, final connecting clofces, tor cusnatch vis Port lamua. on Mon days, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5.3u a. m.; ior aupicu vis ja taini, on Mon days and baturuays at 6.3u p. m. Mans for Mexico City, overland, unless spe cially auuressea ior aiapsicn by steamer, close at this office aaiy except Suuaay at lulu p. ni. and 11.20 p. in., bundajs at l:u0 p. m. and 11.40 p. m. stalls Ior ( oats Rica, Belise, Puerto cortex and Guate mala, by rail to New Orleans, and thenoe b steamer, clofc at this office ualiy ex cept bunday at i.JO p. in.. bunua a "l:uu n. m iconuecung cioac here Mon das for Belize, Puerto Curies and Guate mala, and lueaaays lot coats, lucai. iteglsiered mail tioaea at i:uu p. m. pie- vious nay. TraaspariAe Mails. Mails for Chita and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, cloae here caiiy at 6:50 p. m. up to June lu, inclusive, fur aue patch per a. s. Empress of Japan (regis tered mull must be specially addresked Merchandise lor the U. E. Postal Agency at bnangliai cannot be forwarded via Canada i. Mai ik ior the Philippine Islands, vis n i-ranciaco, cloae here daily at ( 3o p. m. up to "11 inclusive, lor dispatch Ir U. S Transport. Malls ur China and Japan, via Seattle, ' ihji here Ooi y at 6:u p. m. up lo June "11. iuciuaive. lor aibpaich per . s T-i Maru. (Registered mall must be AirecU-d via Seattle Malia lor Chins and Japan, vis Taromu. ciose here oaily st 6:30 p. m. up to June "14. rjiciusjvt. for eiapatcb per a. a. Dua 01 File.' Maus fur Kst. ail, tia fiaii Fiancisco, cioi PCTtf"FIC I- NOT 11 fc. here c'ihIIv st lTK-lus:-e. fi i .So r m up t. June "IS, i:-;s rh ir s llcnx-iin. . J ..pan at-d I'h i.i i mc U Mui.p lor Chi:. a M.u lalsv --I" hiidrc-psru ii.ail or liawaii-. vis San Francisco. c',..e here ilary at t.V p p; tip to June ""16, in c.uslve. for dlspt,:. h per s t Ctaelic. Maiif lor Austi'n.ia n xcc-pt ft Aus- trhila. w fix h f-.-s via t-uron- ana .-vew i.eaiHtid, w hicf: go-p vih San Frii isi-ol. atid F.Ji Is'.andv vu Vancouver tni Vic toria. B C , close here c.a:Lv st n. m. after Ji-.tie "7 hiui i:p to Ju-ie -Vi An c usivr. fur dlM'uuli per s s Aorangi Mat f for liawan. Jai.a .. C hins mm j nii- lppine Isisnrts. via Pun i rancisce. cii" here lii.i.y at ' P m. up to June 2. iticluse. tor ilispa'.th per K. s Hong K miff 1 MTU Mai:s tor Aiiffnlla (except West Australia, which is :i warded via liitpi i, isew y.-Hla:!.!. 1'tli. Saniim and Hnwail. via tan Franctsco. ciose berr Oaiiv at f m. after June sua up to June - inclusive, cir on arena, dde at New York June of B s. l.iaania. 2k, for dispatch per s a. bonon-.a. Mails for Tiihm and Marquesas Islands, lis Pan Francisco do" hire daily at 6 p m up to July "10. Inclusive, fxr dispatch per s. s. Australia. Transpacific m&iis are forwarded to port of sailing daily and the schedule of clos li.g Is urratiged on the presumption of their uninterrupted ovenand translc liegisT-red miul closes at 6 0ii p. m. pre vious dny. CoRNEL'US VAN COTT. Postmaster rnstoff'ee. New To'k N Y . June 6. liHtt. IA11HAI TIME CAR la. IMO.1 STATION lOTH AND MARCY. t aloa I'arlhe, LeavB. a 8 4n am s am .a 4.25 pm .all.v pm Arr'-re, a 7.30 prn a $ 35 pia Overland Limited.., Fast Mafl California Express Pacific Express .... Eastern Express... a 4:35 pni a 7:iH' am bl2:3n pm I 8 .35 am Atlantic Ex pre Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex B 4.0F pm Grand Island Local ...b 5.3c pm Chicago A NortliTieal-r-a. "'The Nortbweuin Une Lea v e Arrive, a 7:(K am a ' am a K .Sit p n alc.2."j pm all .20 pm a 5 :' pm al n:20 am a 4 :c5 pm a 8:2' am a h:5o urn a 2 .40 pm Fast Chicago Mail Local Sioux i"i-y. Daylight tit Daylight Chicago Local Chicago Local Carroll Fast Chicago L.mlted t!iicago. Faft St Paul .a 3 4i am a :' ni .a f. .So am .a 7 .35 am .a !:' i m .al":i5 am .a 4: If- pm .a l o." pm a 7 pm a 7 .56 pm Fast Mall Chicaso, Kvck lelt-nA auA I'ac.Oc. EAST. Leave. Arrlte. Chicago Daylight Llm- -Ited a o .uu am a v.w am Chicago Iiayllgbt a . :() am a 8.35 put Chicago laxprcss nxi.i,- am a i:in pm IeF Moines Local a 5:20 pm bll:o0 am Chicago i at express. a dil-o pm a 4.4a pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lim ited a :w am a :& am Lincoln. Colo. Springs. Denver, i'ueoio ana W est a 1:30 pm a 5:42 pm Colo.. Texas. Cal. st Oklahoma Flyer a 6:20 pm a!2:40 pm W abash. St Louis "Cannon Ball" Express .a 5:15 pm a S:20 am St Louis Local. Council Bluffs al0:00 am a 10.30 pm t hit-ago, A St. I'aal. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 1:06 am Chicago Ai Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am b 3.40 pm Bllssoarl rariAe. St Loui Express al0:00 am a 6:25 pm Hi C A Bt. L. Express. aio:s0 pm a 6.16 am Illinois Ceatral. Chicago Express a 1JB am a 6.10 pm cincaso, Minneapolis a. be A'aul Limited s 7:60 pm a 3:05 am Minneapolis at be Paul Express 7 JCl am blO 35 pm Chii-ago Express alO: pin WEBSTER DEPOT XSTH aV WEBSTER FresnoBt, ElVbora At Mieaoarl Taller, Lesvs. Axrire. Black Hill. Dead wood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, caaper and Douglas d 3:00 pm 6:60 pm Hastings, York. David . City, superior, Geneva. Exeter aud Seward b t.-Ov pm b 6:06 pa Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont ....b 7:30 am blOJi ana Fremont Local c Missouri PacUk. Nebraska Local. Via, v Mjiiuf s ...Bsiivpm aiu:3& am Iklt-aso, - S'aaA, Aunacapuila A Ousks. Twin City Passenger a 6.30 am s 1:00 pm bloux City Passenger... s 3:w pm alius sua Avmei'suu Lucaj.. .11 6.40 put b t.a axu jj V KLIN G TON SllOi-10THllAOJ Chics go, liarlinstsa sV dalary. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special .a i.uvam ai m, prn Chicago eauuuiea lvx,.a :uo pm a :4d am Cliicago Local a s.ev am an:ou pm Chicas- Liiu.teu a uhi pu a 7.45 am i-aat Man a 3.40 put Sii.u.ii.11 s. sitaswwrt Ulttt. vvvmore iicauriue and Lincoln a S.40 am Neurafcka. Express a a. 40 am bll:55 am a pm a aut a 3:00 pm a S:oo pm.;,. a 80.7 am bU:06 am a kJto sm uenver i-imitea s put liiaca llius and pugst Bound ikxprea axi.u pm Colorado V cauoulod iiter Lincoln Fast Mail b 1:00 pm rurt Crook ana Plaits mouth b 3:20 pm B 1 lev ue At Pacific Jot.. .a 7:40 pm Letievue a: racinc JCt...a s.uu am Awansas City, L juacjia at Coaaeil liluhs. Kansas City Day Ex a 8.30 am fit, Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm Kansas City Nlht Ex,..ai0.3U pm a 6:06 pm all .15 am a 6.15 am a Daily, b Daily except Sunday, c bun day only, d Daily except Saiuruay- e Dally klEAMfcUll'b. AMCUOS LIMA V- S. SUU-L STgAMfc-RS aalllas regularly betwaas KW YORK. LuMuMilUllI a OUaSOOWj KEW VOKk, Olllitai.'lAJl A HATUtH. Boparlor sccommodauoua. Aausiisut Cuuune. Bvers lesard lor tat -ami urt cat piansiira stucUuualj aua-Sidot-acl fuid lirautluad. ttuiBis or Kuuud Trip tickets Uauak satwaaa lisw Tork aud guotca. Knglisli, lrlsk au all frmoiiial Caottaktiutl iMiioui at attraatlvc naas s-er nutate er (aral lalurmatloa aipiy to HKbiibBAJM Auua CSlcasa. UT aur U SI, AtlKNT. RA.N5ATLANT10U oot 6 MiujoN SAAAESGMS CAfH) M SASfTY M-t nifKl,ni ruraiiiu-1 11, n"r- axpria. M'.akjiieTi only. Ciimmkiintcl av uaval athoers. iiwurlnr mrtot tuaiiif-ww ctlwlplliia. Fasiouiriullnc!. 1 liilii,ba lu cahtiik. Wlr-lma tel-irrmph. kor llliint,nilad book Mis and bsvoiuc Infurnutuuu. apsll to Harry E MaorM, 1"1 Karnkm at., J S Mr KkilT. 11 fsruais HI . Oore l Abbott, llil 1 j li .'ne t r -imf-U' - -IJ LSI e vttrY HAVUE THUBSDAY mm mm voi'X PARIS FCUR SEPARATE AX3 LISTIICT SERVICES. Fast Twin-Screw Passenger Ft ram en gall ing regularly from Bocton, Portland an Montreal to Liverpool, also Boston ta Mediterranean porta. Send for booklet, "Mediterranean Illustrated." For rale, etc.. apply to local agent or compsxy office- 4t Lkrarbora St. Ck least a. 111. LECTURE FOR'" WORKINliMEM Dr. M. J. rsrl will Talk, or Arbitrax tlaa aa Selailoa. far rfiKtRAtel mmmmm Labor Trsables. Wedcatday evening under ths auspices ot Omaha camp, Woodmen of the World. Dr. M. J. Ford will deliver a lecture upon tbe subject of "Arbitration and Its Relation to Labor." Thai Is the first of a aeries lit lec tures which will be delivered by the doctor under the sueplre of the r&n.p on lr.oor questlonr.. The ndmls!on v ill be fro til work lrtmen rcgardles: of r.t n.bersuip 10 toe society are Invited ta Lc picaeDT. The dorter Las glvtn V..r subject tcn.C iraMe thought atd will btiow from reiicrt of officer of the coiner tbe result cf lbt compulsory arbitration law ot New Zealand, wtth report of the effect ot voluntary arbi tration a practices ic the Veiled Cities.