Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 v.
Hooded Field in Conjunction with Other
.Bullish Factor. Boost Cereals.
Cera Display Strength, Tkah Clos
ing; Uwrr, While Oata Rale Firm
ad Cinln Provisions Dall
. aad Halt Flat.
CHICAGO, June U. Wet weather threat
ened all grain today and put a bullion
prop under the speculative pita. Ripe
whest In Kansas was reported under
water, cornflelda were weedy and water
soaked and the water on the oata was
anything but beneficial. Trade waa only
fairly active and waa Influenced largely
by the leading cereal. At the eloee July
wheat waa ViiTSc higher, July corn a
nhade lower and July oata Mc higher, Pro
visions dragged dully and cloaed un
changed to 2Ho higher.
Kalny weather waa chiefly the cause of
B. very strong opening In wheat. Cables
were a little higher and cloned firm on
poor weather abroad. At the atart shorts
were very nervous over the bullish ar
ray of Influences at work In the pit and
they covered freely. There were other
bullish side Issues, such as lower Argen
tine shipments and sales to France the
first In a long time but the main Influence
was In the constant rains and threaten
ing weather" In fields where wheat was
ready to be cut The Ohio valley, cen
tral states, the harvesting In Oklahoma
and Kansas and even the spring wheat
fields of the northwest received copious
rains. lYivate reports today told of too
much water everywhere. July wheat
opened Vafc'aC to V4c higher at 72Sc to
iilio and soon sold up almost 1 cent to
1Tac. fit. Louis shorts were good buyers.
December was In good demand, the cash
business was good, France taking twenty
two loads, and there was very little press
ure on the pit at any time. The Kansas
Mills' association Issued. Its final report
on the wheat crop of that state and esti
mated the production at from 45,ooo,000
bushels to 60,0iio,0u0 bushels. Harvesting of
aoft red wheat there Is In full swing,
where not prevented by flooded fields. The
trading consisted of some protlt taking.
Julv closed firm, HtfjSc up at 72Hc. Local
receipts were 17 cars, 1 of contract
grade. Minneapolis and Djluth reported
YJ cars, making a total for the three
ipolnts of 245 cars, against 260 last week
itnd 344 a year ago. Argentine shipments
-were 3o4,oOO bushels, compared to 624,000
bushels Inst year. Seaboard clearances In
heat and flour equalled 181,000 bushels.
Primary receipts were 327.000 bushels,
acninst 41s.ncio bushels last year.
YVet weather helped corn much, both In
dependently and through the wheat bulge.
Cultivation has been retarded by the
flooded fields. The market closed Arm,
but without much activity. Strength In
wheat was sufllclent to make numerous
shorts cover. Country offerings were
mall and receipts were only fair at 323
cars. The pit crowd had In mind the prob
Kble deal In July options and were not
taking long trades. July early sold easily
at 63fcc, but as the day advanced a lead
ing elevator unloaded a considerable
quantity and the advance was lost. July
closed steady, a snade lower at WMi'tid'-ic.
Oats were very active and nervous.
Rharo advances were registered early on
hurried covering by shorts and the pit
ruled firm all day. Bullish Influences were
too moist weather for the crops, expected
inductions In stock and a probable scar
city of No. 3 white oats next monUi. The
demand for new July was specially brisk.
This option quickly sold at 41c, but as
the session advanced commission houses
offered fair Quantities, and the close was
lust Arm, 'c up at 40o. Cash stuff was in
good demand.
Provisions were profoundly dull and nn
Interesting. The hog market was Arm, but
the constant manipulation of packers has
driven much of the trade from the nit
There was little stuff for sale and nothing
was wanted anywhere and prices were
put up slightly at the opening, but the
close waa flat. July pork closed unchanged
at 317.60, July lard unchanged at 310.30 and
July ribs zc up at v.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat
35 cars; corn, 320 cars; oats, 160 cars; hogs,
The leading futures ranged at follows
Artlcles. Open. Hlh. Low. Close. Yes'y.
July 72V4 72 72 72 72 (ffH
Sept. 70Wv71Uf' 70 707,, 1 70
Dec. 71WT2 724, 71 72V4&K 1l
34H esu 3H?vj 3H raw
Sept. 58ti 6H 6SS68W 6.i
Dec. iU 44 UH 4i
a July 37fl 88 87H 37 37
bJuly 40 40 39 40 3
a Sept. 2 29 28 21 28
bSepU 30fi31 .n 304(0 30 J0
nDec. 31 31 mvti30ru 30
July 17 67 17 67 17 90 17 60 17 60
Sept. 17 75 17 30 17 70 17 72 17 70
July 10 30 10 32 10 30 10 80 10 90
Sept. 10 32 10 87 10 32 10 35 10 32
July 10 55 10 88 10 47 10 47 10 16
Sept. 10 30 10 86 10 30 10 30 10 25
No. 2. a Old. b New.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Dull and steady; winter patents,
$T 7043.90; straights, $3.40ft'3.80; clears, $3.20'
IP 60; spring specials, $4.20; patents, $3.60
3. 0; straights, $3.0Uft3.30.
WHEAT No. spring, 69ff72c; No. 2
red. WWAc.
OATS No. 2. 43ei No. S white, 47
47V: No. 3 white, 46a47C
Rt;-No2, 6!Xij0c.
BARLEY-Valr to choice malting, 661J70c
SEED fc'P. 1 flax. $1.56; No. 1 northwest
ern, $1.76; prw timothy, $6.30.35; clover,
contract grade, $8.35.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.70'y uara, yr ids. , tw.iiVf. ttnort
ribs sides (loose), $10.42wio.&2. Dry salted
rhoulders (boxed), $.504tl.2. Short clear
Hides (boxed), lo. 10.86.
WHISKY Basis of high wines, tL20.
The following were the receipts and ship
ments yraieruayi
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bhls.
Wheat, bu..
Cora, bu
Oau, bu
Jlye, bu
Barley, bu..
12,000 10,100
22.0UO 14,010
231.010 82.0(0
114.000 280,000
7,000 1.000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was easy; creameries, IK'S 21c;
dairies. 17lo. Cheese, steady, 10jlyc.
-sS, sieaay; xresn, uxoioc.
Qnetatlons of the Day on Varlans
NEW YORK. June 13 FLOUR Receipts,
I5.U64 bbls.; exports, u.065 bbls.; held Arm at
5oc advance; winter straights, $3.75'g3.S6;
winter patents, .i"nrvio; Minnesota nat
ents, $3.9uii'4.20; Minnesota bakers, $3.15ig3.30;
winter low graues, j.i((4.iio; wnnter ex
tras, $3. 15 u 3 35. Rye Hour, steady; fair to
gooa, .i zo'nu to; cnoice to rancy, $3.H3.70.
CORNMEAl firm; yellow western,
ai .u; city,; nrannywine. u.ttx?irj.b6.
RYE No. 2 western, 65c, f. p. b.. afloat;
state, c. 1. i.t new 1 org, cariots.
BARLEY Nominal"
' ' " ' " . ' - .,- , w, w vu. , ajivi. Ill ill
IVo. 2 ted, 78Vc, elevator, and 79SWc, f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth. 8lc. f. o. b.
rtoat. Wheat waa Arm and higher from
,,.,( ilurluln. I,- Am. I .... 1 .
good foreign buying, baaed on bad weather
;n r.ngiana ana r ranee, nnowers in har
vesting districts in the southwest also
belped our market, offsetting the arrive
of the new wheat at St. Louis. Offerings
were light all dsy, especially of new crop
' options. Near the close prices eased off
Under realising and were Anally c net
higher. June, 7SVoTc; July, 76tf76c,
ciotea ai fO'4C
CORN Receipts. 60.900 bu.; exports. 24.353
bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, 71 Vic, elevator,
and 7oc, f. o. b., afloat. The option mar
ket was dull all day and while Arm
first on the wheat strength, displayed littl
bullishness, owing to a lack of support
t-K.cepl on isrcemrjer, wnicn closed
rilaher. asalnst c decline otherwise.
closed at 67VC: September closed at'63c
December, ijovntwt.c, nosed at 60o.
OATS Receipts. ,900 bu. ; exports. 7.40)
bu. Bpot, Arm; No. 3, 47c; No. 3. 46ttc
o. 1 wntte, uc: ino. wnite, hie; trac
white western. 6iiT&cc: track white state.
fx"0 5ae. Options were quiet, but Armer, on
rains in the big oat states.
HAY8teady; shipping, 6065c; good to
cnoice. s'n wo.
HOPS Quiet; state, prims to choice, 191
l&iiiac; lix, I4ijjic: olds. Mc; paciAc
coast, 11 crop, lkQ23c; lsuu. 14-olbc; olds
HIDES Quiet : Galveston. 20 to 26 lb,
Ike; California. 21 to 36 lbs., l&c; Texas dry,
34 to 30 lrs , ISC.
LEATHER Steady; add, 242Sc
WOOL Quiet; domestic fleec. 25fi29c
PROVISIONS Beef, Arm: family, $lt50tf
It.Wi; roea, n w; oeei nams, -l wi.'i t
packet. $16.0(Vu 16.60; city extra India mess,
$A.0iNp,-'.ii cut meats, steaay; pickled bel
lira. $11.004118.00: ulckled shoulders. $8 50
3.76; pickled hams, $11,504)13 (a) Lard, steaxiy
western steamed, $lo.70; reAued. ateadv
continent, r m & : South America, $1160
compound, 18 pork, uuiei: family
i ir-rfia 75; snort, clear, l.rtwj2l.J6; mess,
Hi wn 25.
BUtTER-Relpt. 7.341 pkgs.j steady
state dalrv, lVfi21c: state creamery, l!i
21V; Imitation creamery, 17'q20c; factory,
111 "r.
TAMOW- Easy : rlty, ($2 per pkg.).
6c; country (pkg. free), 6"ffc.
RICE ouict; domestic, rair to extra, 41,
CM'V; Jnpnn, 4,1j:c.
PEA NUTS Firm; fancy, hand-picked,
6c; tit her domestic, 3fiv.
I M fcfcKK-Reretpts, i.K'i psgs.; irregular;
fancy large, colored. 9c; white, 9(310c;
fancy small new state full cream, colored.
V'!'v4c; white. 10'c.
kiihs-Keceipts. i.wsi pggs.; state and
Pennsylvania, 17filSc; western candled, 17
M1.1LAP8E8 Firm: New Orleans. XfHc.
I'OUMKY-Alive: irregular: broilers. 21
62.1c; turkeys, lie; fowls, 13c. pressed:
Dull; broilers, 24'a26c; fowls, 13c; turkeys,
M ETA I J? The local market for tin was
quiet, but Armer, with spot at $.1M330.5.
At Ixindon the spot article was easy and
lia lower at 130. while futures were un-
nnged at 125 5s. Copper was slightly
easier here, with standard spot to August
quoted at 11. i'tj 12 , lake $11251312.), elec
trolytic tl2.121il2.27 and casting at
$12.22. At London there was a firmer
market, spot lt 7s 8d and rutures M
Us 3d. Iead ruled unchanged at 3418 and
at London, where previous quotations also
held at 11 Es. There was no trading to
speak of In spelter and the quotation
given Is more or less nominal at $4.18. The
quotation proved to be 2s fid, advancing to
18 15s. The local Iron market continued
quiet and without feature, prices showing
no changes. Warrants were nominal; No,
1 foundry, northern. $21.0Ofr'22.O0; No. 2 foun
dry, northern. KOnOfy 21.50; No. 1 foundry,
southern. fJO.SOft'Jl.SO: No. 1 foundrv. south
ern soft. $20.55. The English markets were
slightly better; Glasgow at 64 6a.
Condition of Trade and Quotations on
staple and Fancy Produce.
EGGS Including new No. 2 cases, 14c;
caKes returned, )3c.
LIVE POl LTHY-Chlckens, 9c; old
roosters, according to age, 4(&5e; turkeys,
8ft 11c; ducks and geese, 7c; broilers, per lb .
BUTTER Packing stock, 17c; choice
dairy, in iuds, ivuwc; separator, 222ic.
crapples, 10c; herring, 6c; p:cRerel, 9c; pike,
11c, perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed. 7c: sun Ash.
6c; blueflns, 8c; whlteAah, lie: catfish, 13c;
black bass, lrtc; halibut, 11c: salmon, 16c;
haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; red snipper, iOc;
roe shad, each, 75c; shad roe. per i ilr, 35c;
spilt shad, per lb., 10c; lobsters, boiled, per
id. , zoc; loosters, .green, per id., juo.
PIGEONS Live, per doz., 76c.
VEAL Choice, 64(&C,
COKN 61 c.
OATS 4c.
HHAN Per ton. $17.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Hay Dealers association: Choice hay. No.
1 upland, )j.6o; No. 1 medium, $; No. 1
coarse, $7.50. Rye straw, $5.50. These prices
are lor nay 01 good color ana quality, jue
mand fair. Receipts light.
CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per dos..
NEW CELERY Kalamazoo. 30c.
POTATOES Northern, ouio'Soc; new pota
toes, per bu., Il.004il.u4.
GREEN ONIONS Per dog., according to
size of bunches. lbtiMc.
ASPARAGUS Home grown, per dos., 30
Si 4uc.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos.. 45c
LETTUCE Hothouse, Per dos., 25c
PARSLEY Per doz., 30(835c.
RADISHES Per dos.. 2u4i;26c.
WAX BEANS Illinois, per box, $1.50; per
-du. box, oc; per ma: net DasKei, Voc;
string beans, per -bu.. ibt; per bu., $1.50.
GREEN PEAS Per half bi basket. 750.
RHUBARB Home grown, per lb., lo,
CABBAGE California, new. Sc.
ONIONS New southern in sacks, per lb..
TOMATOES Texas, per 4-basket crate.
NAVX BEANS Per bu., $2.
STRAWBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $4.00
CHERRIES -CallforVla, per box. 1L250
1.50; home grown, per 24-quart case, .w
. GOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $1(KX
WATKRM ELt)NS-3640c.
PINEAPPLES Florida, 30 to 86 count.
13. OU.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to
size. H.'Jbai. to.
ORANGES Valencia. $4.50; Mediterran
ean sweets. 3.Vfrf4.U0.
LEMONS Fancy, 35.00; Messlnas, $4.60
HONEY Per 24-sectlon case. $2.7504.00.
CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3.25; New
York. $3.50.
POPCORN Per lb., 5cj shelled, 6c
VttTfl WTa 1 mi t si X!a 1 BlAfr si Km If nan tk
12c; hard shell, per lb., llvtc; No. 2 sof
shell, loc; No. 2 hard shell, 3c; Braslls, per
lb., 14c; Alberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft
shell, 16c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per
fb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoanucs, per sacs.
$3. Ml.
hides xso. 1 green, BMrc: mo. 1 green,
5c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, (c:
no. i veai can, a 10 itya 10s., sc; ino. i
eal calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. 6c: dry hides. Mi
12c: sheep pelts, 75c; horse hides. $1.6042. 5o.
. . r r-v T7" n . T a . 1 1 . i . . . . . i
following prices: Iron, country mixed, per
ion, iu; iron, stove piaie, per ion, if. mi;
copper, per lb., c; brass, heavy, per lb.,
8c; brass, light, per lb., 60; lead, per lb.,
071C, sipc, VK 'ut ruunr, jot iu. 9C.
St. Lonle
OraUn and Provisions.
Juno 13, WHEAT Higher
No. 3
red, cash, elevator, 77c; track, 78
uly. &6!Hc; Beptember. 69u
oavc; inq, t nara, iwiic
CORN Higher
No. 2 cash.
0c: track,
r. 54c.
44c: track,
6263c; July, 60Vc; September 54c.
OA1T9 nigner; ino. 2 casn.
45c; July, 32c; September,
27c; No,
white. 47c.
RYE Firm at 66c.
FLOUR Quiet; red winter patents, $3.65
70: extra tancy ana siraigni. w.XKrra.ab
clear, $3.01x53.20.
CORNMEAL Steady, 33.15.
SEED-Tlmothy. steady at $8.00.
BRAN Steady: sacked, east track. 79
hay Dun. weak; umotny,
prairie, $10.0012.50.
ii'liiat.'tr aA.a 61 9ar
IllOIV l Dirauji, sti.tMS,
BAGGING Steady, 6i&c.
HEMP Twine, c.
PROVISIONS Pork, stesdy: jobbing, old
$17.76; new, $18.15. Lard, steady, $10.10. Dry
salt meats (boxed), stronger; extra shorts
and clear ribs. $10.75: short clear. $11. Bacon
(boxed), stronger; extra snorts and clear
ribs. $11.50: short clear. $11.75.
METALS Lead, ateadv at $3.S53 (7
spelter, stronger at ta.raai ou.
ruiuiKi oteany; cnicaens, ee
springs, 124116c ; turkeys, 8c; ducks, 6c
geese, W4c.
BUTTF.R Steady: creamery, 1822Uc
dairy, li'trtsc.
eggs steady at HHC loss orr.
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls 7,000 8.000
Wheat. bu 18.fti0 71.000
Corn, bu.... 16.0fJO 29,000
Oats, bu 46.000 26,000
Liverpool Grnln and Provisions.
LIVERPOOL. June 13. WHEAT-8pot,
No. 1 northern, spring. 6s d: No. 1 Cali
fornia, dull at 6s 3d. Futures, quiet; July,
6al0d; September, s lHd.
CORN spot, steady; American mixed.
new and old, 6s 9d. Futures, quiet; July,
nominal; September, 6ald; October. 6s d.
PEAS Canadian, steady at 6s lOd.
FIOUR St. Louis fancy, winter. Arm at
8a d.
HOPS At London (Pacific coast), firm
t 4 15s4i 6.
PROVISIONS-Beef, dull; extra India
mess, s yd. llama, snort cut, 14 to 16
lbs., firm st 54s 6d. Bacon, firm; Cumber
land cut. 26 to 30 lbs.. Arm at 55s: short
ribs. If to 24 lbs.. 63s 6.1; long clear middles,
light, 28 to 34 lbs., nrm at bos; long clear
middles, heavy, 36 to 40 lbs.. Arm at 65s td;
short clear backs, 16 to 30 lbs., 60s; clear
bellies, 14 to 16 lbs.. Arm st 64s 6d. Shoul
ders, square, 11 to 13 lbs.. Arm at 42s.
Lard, American refined, In palls, steady.
o2s: prime western. In tierces. Arm, 52s 6d.
CHEESE Steady; American, nnest white,
old, 56s; American, finest white, new, 61a;
American, Anest colored, old, 69s; Ameri
can, Anest colored, new, bis.
TALLOW Prime city, stesdy. ZS6d:
Australian, In London, dull, 33s 3d.
BUT I EK Nominal.
Receipts of wheat during the last three
days, 279.000 centals. Including Is7.0u0 Amer
ican. Receipts of American corn during th last
three days, 100 centals.
Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions.
6SMiStc; September 6to; cash. No. 1
hard. 71c: No. 3, 7c; No. 1 red. 73c; No. 3.
72c: No. 3 spring. 704471c.
- CORN July. 57ac; September, 60'4lc;
rash. No. 3 mixed, 60c; No. 3 white, 63c;
No. . 62c.
OATS No. I whits. 43 Sic.
RYE No. 3. 57c.
HAY Choice timothy, 313; choice prairie,
al u.
H UTTER Creamery, lc; dairy, fancy,
EOO8 Firm: new No. t white wood cases
Included. 14c per dos., loss off; cases re
turned, 13c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 60.0O0 30 sno
Corn, bu 39,3
Oats, bu 17.0W) 11.001)
Mlnnoanolls Wheat, Flonr anal Braa.
74S474VC; iplber, o. On track; No.
hard, 77c; No. 1 northern, 75'e; No. 2
orthern. Jhtc.
FLOUR First patents. $3 90'54; second
pstents. $3 6i&3.70; flrst cl'ars. K.ia; second
lears, $2.2o.
BRAN in bulk, $13,00413 60.
Philadelphia Prodare Market.
Quiet: June, contract grade Mas2c.
COH.N ino. z mixed, mwnx.
OATS Market lc higher; No. 2 white,
PROVISIONS Market quiet.
BUTTER Steady, fair demand; extra
western creamery, 22c; extra nearoy prints,
23c. ...
EGOS Steady ; fresh nearby and west
ern. 17c; fresh southern, iw, loss on.
CHEESE Steady, fair flcmano; iNew
York full creams, prime, l"c; New York
full creams, fair to good, 10tfloc.
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOLEDO. June 13. WHEAT Pull.
strong; cash. 81c; June. 81c; July, 714C;
September, 74c. ,
CORN Dull, steadv: cash. 62t4c: July.
62c; September, 58c; December, 44c.
OATS Dun. nrm; casn. ai'c; juiy, one;
new, 40c: September. 2Sc; new, 31e.
SEED Clover, dull, steauy; casn, is.uin;
October, $5.12.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Til.. June 13 CORN Nothing
doing: 61c bid, 62c asked.
UAiB-unn; ino. 2 wnite, kc, umeu
WHISKY On the basis of $1.30 for fin
ished goods.
Milwaukee Grata Market.
Hleher: No. 1 northern. 77ff77c; No. 2
northern, 7676c; July, 72c.
ovr a. 1... v , tt.
BARLEY Firm; No. 2, 70?72e; sample,
Dalata Grnln Market.
DULUTH. June 13. WHEAT Cash
hard. 76Wc: No. 3 northern. 72Nc; .
ko. i
northern. 74c July, 3c; September, 71c
OATS September, auc.
Inll and Inrrrlala Market Takes
Good Vptnrn In Lost Hoar.
NEW YORK. June 13. After a dull and
hesitating market during the greater part
of the day, with Isolated upward move
ments here and there, the market broad
ened In the Anal hour and moved upward
quite generally, with a considerable show
of strength. The activity was attributed
to the same speculative leader wno naa
been concerned in all recent Important
movements, and whose return to N ail
street this wees gave Immediate rise to a
show of awakening.
Whatever the motives ot tne Duying tne
bull leader secured a larger following today
than at anv time, notwltnstunding a num
ber of new developments not Immediately
encouraging to a rise in prices, ino pre
liminary ngures or tne ween s currency
movement, which are usually the center of
nttrest In a Friday s market, gave no
promise of a strong bank statement. The
subtieaeury absorption of $2.40ti,000 appar
ently has been little more than onset ny
the talance of receipts from the Interior.
There Is no Indication of any considerable
loan contraction during the week nnd the
time money market continues to reflect the
cautious desire of borrowers to provide
thcrr I'tlves with Axed sums for a consider
able time to come.
Today s crop news was regaraea as ravor-
able. ow't g to complaints of too much rain
In tlvi scuthwest. Part of the strength of
wheat was attributed to an Improved de
mand fit export, but this failed to develop
fully. The figureo of tne May agricultural
ext. rts were decidedly unfavorable at the
decrccse In value from those of May, last
year, reaching over $20,000,000; the bread
stuffs Increasing $13,795,000 and amounting
to only about half those of last May.
Dast weeK s exports or wneaajina nour
show a continuance of the low average, al
though the most notable lalllugm is In
the corn exnorta. This does not offer en
couragement to the hope of an early supply
of foreign exenange to raciutate remit
tances for repayment of foreign obligations.
The advance or a point or over in tne
Reading stocks was an Important sympa
thetic influence upon the late market, but
there was no news to show a prospect of
an early settlement of the strike. The In
crease In the demand for stocks was Incon
testable, nevertheless. In some cases the
advance was due to Individual cases.
Sugar advanced on tne over-sold condl-
ticr. of the market for the refined oodt;ct
and was benefited also by the reports of a
special presidential message) to congress re
inforcing tne recommendation xor cuoan
There were a numner or very targe in
dividual buying orders for Mexican Cen
tral, which was not followed up. The trad
Ins; In General Electric was probably due to
reports of new electrical companies, backed
by heavy capitalists. The stock afterward
rallied 4 points.
Ch'cio i Eastern Illinois rose 44 noints
further on persistent rumors of an offer
for contrcl. The day s reports of railroad
eari.ii. gs showed a continuance of the in
creases over last yearn corresponding
period. The market closed rather quiet but
iire was a large aemana tor waoisn
debei.ture B a at an advanoa of 2 per
cen; the Burlington Joint 4:1 were-also in
demand. The market generally was Arm
Total sales, par value, $3,690,000. United
States 3m declined per cent on the last
The following are the closing prices on
the New York stock exenange
Atrhlaon ...
11 Bo. Parlflo
60 pta....
80. Railway
37 V4
Baltimore ft
. to
. H
. 47
. i7
. TW
. 75
. M
do pfd
do pfo
Taxaa A Pacific..
Toledo, Bt. U A
Canadian PaclBo...
Canada 80
Che, at Ohio
Chicago a Alton...
do pfd
Union Paclflo
do pfd
do pta
Chicago, Iod. Si L.
do pfd
Chlrafo E. III...
Cblcaio aV O. W..
do lat pld
do Id pfd
Chicago N. W..
C K. I. AY P
do pfd
Whaelisv L E
do 2-pfd 36
Wla. Central
. Ni
. 47
do pfd
Adama Ex ,
American Ex
t'nlted Statea Ex.
Walla-Pargo Ex..
Amal. Copper ...
Chicago Tar.
Tr.. 11 "4
do pfd
C. C. C. St. L
Colorado So
do lat pfd
do id pfd
Dal. A- Hudaon..
Dal. U A W ...
banTer A R. O..
do pfd
do lat pfd
do id pfd. ...J..
Oraat Nor. pfd...
Hocktag Valley .
do pfd
Illlnola Cantral .
lows Cantral ....
do pfd
Laaa Erie A W..
do pfd
L. N
Manhattan L
Mat. St. Rt
.. 4S'i
.. 31
.. 0
Airier. Car A T..
ilS do pfd
... 1o Amir. Lin. Oil
... A do pfd
...176W Amer. 8. A R
...l0 do pfd
... 41 Anao. Mining Co..
... Brooklyn R. T
... 17 Colorado Fuel A I
... 8S Coo. Oaa
... S2 Con. Tobacco pfd.
. ..las Ora. Elartrlo
... : Hocking Coal .....
... Inter. Paper
...142- do pfd
... 474 Inter. Power
... la Lrlede Oaa ....
... to National Blacult .
...12.S National Lead ....
...117 No. American ....
,...lJl!Paciae Coart
.. 24
.. 61
.. 4
.. M
. . 41
,.. 14
... XI
... 74
... 76
... at
... 48
... 48
... 40
...Ho racinc Man
Max. Cantral
Nat. Rr. of Maxloo
Minn. A St. L ,
Mo. Par I Be
M.. K. A T.
do pfd
People'a Oaa ....
Preaaed 8. Car..
... 47
...104 V
... 14V
... a
... 17
... SO
... J
... S
... tiv
... 4'
... II
... 73
... M
... ais
do pfd
... 34
Pullman P. Car.
Republic Steal .
... II
do pfd
... 75
... 4
... It
... m
... 13
... 33
N. J. Central ...
N. Y. Cantral ...
Norfolk A W....
Tenn. Coal A I.
Union Bag A P.
da pfd
do pfd
U. 8. Leather ..
do pfd
U. 8. Hubber ..
do pfd
U 8. Steal
do pfd
Weatern Union .
Ontario A W
Pannajrlranla ....
... 14
do lat pre
do id pfd
... 50
t. LAB. P...
do lat pfd
do id pfd
Amer. LocomotlTa.... 33
do pfd as
St. L. Southw....
do pfd
rv. noutnera 34:
do pfd 44
It. Paul
do pfd
Ex -dividend
Boston Stock, (.notations.
BOSTON, June 13. Call loans, 3V4&4H per
cent; time loans, too per cent. Official
closing 01 stocas ana Donas:
Atchlaoa 4a
..102IAdenture 1:14
Oaa la
.. rx Aiiouea 2
Max. Central 4a..
N. E. O. A C...
.. 11 Amalgamated 4h
.. ,t uuignam 31-
.. ai-ii ammM at necla....a!ft
.. MVlCeniennlal 1
do pfd
Boaton A A loan j
..!(). opper Range 574
boston A Me
...f uuminion voal S9
Boat os Elevated .
N. V., N. H. A t
Fltchburg pfd....
t'nlon Pacific ....
Max. Cantral ....
,..! Franklin li
..... noyaie lx
..144iMohawk 42
..iwn uia uominioa 22
.. 17Oa.ola 41
...129 .Parrot 2t
Amer. Bugar ....
do pfd
American T. A T
Dominion I AS
..iiv vuincj 130
..175 Santa Fa Copper 1
.. es lamaraci ho
..313 iTrlmoumaln sc
Uen. Klertrto ....
Maaa. Eleclrla ...
do pfd
t'nlted Prult
Ialr Wrat
V. S. Steel
do pfd
... 4J4;Trlnltir u
... Cnlted States to
..m'iun 22
... 6S victoria 4
... Winona 3
,.. $9 Wolerlne as
...lot t'nlted Copper ts
Hew York Miatnaj tgaotatlona.
NEW YORK Juno IS The following are
ins cioeing prices on mining stocits
Adams Coa I Little Chief
Alloa 0 lontarto
Breeoe M jOphlr
gmuawlck Coa S Iphnenlg
.... It
Comet org Tuanel ... a Fotoas
.... 14
.... ia
.... 11
.... 40
Coa. Cal. A Va It
Sierra Nevada
Small Mopes .
Deadwood Terrs UM
Hera Sllrer 13s
Iroa Sllrsr 73
Leasvuia Coo
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. Juno 11 Bank clearings today,
31.0a.67 e; corresponding day last year,
i,ii,4M.ts; aecrease,
CUICAtrO. J una U. C'lcao,;a. 334.K7.U1
balances. $1.641,99; posted exchange, $4 .85
tor sixty days, $4.88 on demand; New York
exchange. 2ih25c premium.
CINCINNATI, June 13. Clearings, $3,
0S7.; money 34jti per cent; New York
exchange, l.vf,0nr premium.
ST. IJUIS, June 13. Clearings, $9.138 775;
balances, 3n.14.413; money, steady, 46
per cent; New York exchange, 25c premium.
BALTIMORE, June 13. Clearings, $3,462,
?:; balances, $.Vi7,314; money, 6 per cent.
PHILADELPHIA. June 13 Clearings.
$17,152,66)1; balances, $2,156,f)S3; money, 4 per
NEW YORK, June 13. Clearings, $205,
frO.M"; balances, 88,764.978.
BOSTON June 13. Clearings, $21,139,998;
balances, $1,0M,176.
Aggregate of Baalaess Transacted by
the Associated Banka.
NEW YORK. June 13-The following
table, compiled by Bradstreet, shows the
imk clearings at the orlncloal cities for
the week ended June 12. with the percent-
ge 01 increase and decrease as compared
with the corresponding week last year:
I Clearings.! Inc.
New York
1iiO.K5.367 I
6 6
2.t.3:'0.)i 8.2
an rranclsco ,
22,916,4461 12. 6j.
ansas City ,
leveland ,
10.640. mt
6.1 W, 078 1
Minneapolis ,
oulsvllie ,
ew Orleans ,
6. Si.
Detroit ,
rovldence ,
Milwaukee ,
10. .
ufralo ,
St. Paul 1
t. JoseDh ,
Richmond ,
alt I-nke City ,
jon Angeles ,
60. 51
Memphis ,
ort worth ,
2.648,676 1.
ortland. Ore.......
2.647. K42I
2,343, i 3)1
Des Moines
New Haven
17.3 .
S84 .
SprlngAeld, Mass..
Grand Rapids
9.2 ...
60.2 ...
34.6 ...
Portland, Me
Sioux City
ayton, o
1.445.6401 20.9
1,670.8121 61.1
l.l'.46s 19.3
1.36,041 67.8
982.690 38.3
72H.154 8.2
763,810 2.1
887,114 9.6;
4.18.0H) 21.0
793,814 62.8
4J6.339 24.1
724,839 13:
643,962 19.4
762,000 13.3
471.449 2.3
. 628,436 7.31
638.659 22.8
635.292 3.2
637,981 27.2
6ii8.471 89.8
608,774 32.6
2H,72a 46.6
877,6" K 1.3
459.447 18.2
436,000 16.2
398,598 10.8
476.550 49.61
300,622 7.9
93.161 8.0
265,723 26.6
194,908 1 2.1
180.974 21.6
9,992.846 84.7
K.6H4.O0O 1.4
8,118,600 26.01
802,321 26.2
620.490 12.4
$1,866,148,694 23.0
767,686,644 3.0
Wilmington, Del...
Fall River
kittle Rock
Springfield, 111
New Bedford......
Stoux Falls.
Columbus, O
Wilkes aarre
Beaumont ,
Totals, TJ. 8
Outside New York.
Montreal .,
Toronto . .
Winnipeg ,
B. C
Hamilton ..
Bt. John, N,
Victoria. B.
14 4
Quebec ..
Ottawa .....
Totals, Canada.
3 63.674,377
Not Included In totals because containing;
otner items man cieannas.
Not Included In totals because of no
comparison for last year.
New York Money Market.
VTfiW TflRK. June IS. MONEY On call.
steady, 2H3 per cent; close, bid and askea,
2f3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4(0
i per cent.
RL.INO EXCHANGE! Bteady. with
actual business In bankers' bills at 34.874
i4.87Hi for demand and at 14.84 ror sixty
ays: posted rates, 34.S6HiS4.86 and 34.P8
4.88U,; commercial bills 4.84,S'4.RM. .
H1L.V t.K uar, D-'c; xaexican aouars, azc.
BONDS Government, easy; stato, Inac
tive; railroad. Arm.
The closing Quotations on bonds ars as
U. 8. ret. la. rat
U aV N. nl. 4s 10i
do coupon .....
co la, reg
do coupon ....
do new 4a, reg
Max. Central 4a MM.
do la Ine it
Minn. A Bt. L. 4a.. .106
M.. K. T. 4a
do ia (4
N. T. Central la 144
do general IVka 1044
N. J. c. gen. 4a int.
No. Paclflo 4s lot
do ia 14
N. W. eon. 4a... .101TX
do coupon
do old 4a. reg H1
do old 4a. coupon,.. 110V
do 4a. reg 104
do coupon .....104
Atchison gen. 4a 1014
do adj. 4a 3V,
Bal. at Ohio 4a.
1024 1 Raadlng gen. 4a 10
Mi,, it i, 4ft 1 at e. Is... .111
do IHa
do conv. 4a 104 I St. L. aV 8. F. 4a. ..10
Canada So. ia lot1, 'St. U South, la.... HV.
Central of Oa. 6a.. ..10 do ia (4
do la Inc ai s. A. a A. r. 4a.... w
Ches. 4ft Ohio 4a...l0e4 So. Pacific 4a tt
Chicago 4V A. Ia... 461 So. Rallara lilS
C, n. oft U. a. 4a.... texexaa a racinc la . lii
C. K 4 II P 1. 4a..ll64
T., st. L. A w. 4a. UH
C. St N. W. e. Ta... 1314
Union Pacific 4a l.l
do conr. 4 107
Wabaah Is 1114
do ia Ill
do deb, B TT14
West Shore 4a llti
Wheel. A L. B. 4a.. WV4
c . R. I. a P. 4a...ll
C C C 8t L g. 4a. 101 S
Chicago Ter. 4a so
Colorado So. 4a W4
Denver A R. O. 4a. .104
Erie prior lien 4e....lHV,
Erie general 4a sSi
Wla. Cantral 4a.,
Coo. Tobacco 4a.
K. w. a I), c. la....lliv,
Hocking Val. 4a....ll0Vt
Foreign Financial.
LONDON, June 13. Bullion amounting to
6,000 was withdrawn from the Bank of
England today for shipment to South
Africa. Gold premiums are quoted as roi-
lnws: Buenos Ayres, uiai; wiaana. .;
Rome, 1.32. There was a strong aemana ror
tm ney during tne eariy pari 01 mo aay,
but slackened later and became easier.
owing to the belief that the government
will soon disburse largely. Business on the
Btcck exchange opened witn tne nrmnese
which develooed late yesterday. Consols
wire fairly steady. Home rails were de
pressed, as a result of the continued wet The feature of foreigners was
th.t t-ivlng ol Argentine, owing to the Lon
don Times' dispatch from Buenos Ayres
saying that no serious opposition is ex
pectea In congress to the ratification of tne
! gentlne-l'hllean disarmament and arbi
trator, treaty. Brazilians were sympathe
tically llrm. Americans were generally and Inanimate, due to the unsatisfac
tory strike news. They closed steady. Kaf
firs were Inclined to lincrov.
PARIS, June 13. Business on the bourse
to.luv was limited, but' the undertone was
gord Prices closed Arm. Forelgnurs were
sttb factory. Bosnian 4s were repurchased
In view of the option operation. Branlluns
rr.l4. Ar:iT,tines were firm. Turks were
heavy. ht.salan induatrlals, Thomson
Houston and Omnibus Company shares
wire In vod demand. Rio tlntoe snd Kaf
rtr were tiulttlv firm. DeBeers wre dull.
The private rate of discount was 31-1 per
cert Three per cent rentes, lOlf 95c for
the pecotin: kpanlah 4a. Bi.ii.
I'.ERLIN, Jjne :S Exchange on txmdon.
20m 4h pfes. (or checks. Internationals
were steaay on the bourse. Spanish 4s and
t'niKat ami Aim t tines were harder on
western tourse sil'lcea. Iron shares rate
Arm. as the result of the addition of sleep
ers to the Prussian stste railroad on favor
able terms, snd more stimulus resulted
from the announcement that a convention
had been concluded Detwvcn tne Austro
Hungarian and Bosnian Iron works and
that it would come Into force July L
Condition ef the Iresaary,
WASHINGTON. June It-Today's state
ment of the treasury balances' in the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the Jlj0.0rt0.OO gold
reserve in we oi vision ei reuemnuoo.
shows: Available cssh bslances, 1P9,449.-
3v; gold, 1100.133.162.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. June 13. COTTON Bpot
cloaed Arm: middling uplands. 9 7-16c; mid
dling gulf, 9 11-16c; sales. 600 bsles; fu
tures closed quiet and stesay; June, im;
Julv, 8.81c; August, 8 64c: Beptember. 8.19c;
October, S.Ofic; November, 7.99c; December,
799c: January, 7.99c; February, 7.99c;
March. 80lc.
ST. LOUIS. June 13 COTTON unlet ;
middling;. l-16c; sales, 66 bales; receipts.
337 bales: shipments, none; stocK, Z3,40
8teady, 9c. '
NF.W ORLEANS, June 13.-COTTON-Bteady;
sales. 1,400 bales; ordinary, 7r.e;
good ordinary, S-Vs low middling, ftc;
middling, 9 6-16c; good middling. 9 9-lJe;
middling fair, 9 15-16c; receipts, 1,146 bales;
stock. 124.720 bsles. Futures, aulet: June.
9 27c; July, 2Krt.22c; August, 8 62ft 63c;
September, 8.19H320c; October, 7.94fg 7.9;c;
November. 7.$4j7.86e; December, 7.85c; Jan
usry. 7 8f.4ji7.87c.
LIVERl'OOL. June 13 COTTON-flnot n
fair demand, prices barely supported;
American middling, 6 1-16d; the sales of the
dsy were 10,000 bales, of which 2,500 were
for speculation and exDort and Included
9,000 American; receipts, IS.Ono hales. In
cluding 9,300 American. Futures opened
firm and closed quiet; American middling
g. o. c, June, 4 5&-64W4 56-64d, buyers; June
and July, 4 64-64ft4 66-64d, buvers; July and
August, 4 63-64d, sellers; August nnd Sep
tember, 4 47-64d. sellers; Beptember and Oc
tober, 4 36-64414 36-64d, sellers; October and
November, 4 28-64d, sellers; November and
December, 4 2S-fi4fp4 26-64d, sellers; Decem
ber and January. 4 24-64W4 25-64d. sellers:
January and February, 4 24-64d, sellers.
Wool Market.
BO8TON. June 18. WOOL The Commer
cial Bulletin will say In tomorrow's report
In wool trade: The Boston market has
been active this week. Buyers have been
numerous and some of the largest con
sumers have bought liberally, the trade
being well distributed. Prices are very
firm a cent up on medium fleece, with the
tendency upward on other grades. A ship
ment of 166,000 pounds of Australian wool
to London this week Is because better
prices can be obtained over there than
The west Is booming? and In some sec
tions an advance of a cent a pound over
opening prices has been secured. The new
clip Is moving lively at top prices every
where. The reeelnfs of wool in Boston slncn
January 1, 1902, have been 115,527,487 pounds,
against 83,9.15,294 pounds for the same
period In 1901.
1 he Roston shlnments to date are 116..
631.255 pounds, against shlnments of 111 -
095.369 pounds for the same period in 19ol.
1 no stocK on nand in Boston January 1,
1902, was 77.340.463 pounds. The total stock
tooay is bj,ki:,z!h pounds. The stock on
hand June 15. 1901. was 49,359.457 pounds.
ST. LOUIS. June 13. WOOT Rteadv?
medium grades and combing, 13fil7,c; light
nne. jz'gioc; neavy nne, loguc; tub
washed, 16324c.
Evaporated Apple and Dried Fro Its.
APPLES The market shows no material
changes. While offerings continue light.
demand Is moderate and prices remain
steady, common to good being nuoted at
VS&6c; prime, 10c; choice, 10H&10c; fancy,
Interest in the market for California de
scriptions centers on prunes of the larger
sizes, for which there is a fair export de
mand, though purchases for domestic ac
count continue light. Prices are un
changed, ranging from 3c to 6c for all
grades. Apricots are in fair demand, par
ticularly fancy goods, on which th fW.1.
Ing Is slightly firmer, though no change is
noted In quotations, which stand at lOVjc,
to 14c In boxes; bags, 10Vt$.'l2c. Peeled
peaches are priced at 1216c; unpeeled at
Oil and Hosln.
NEW YORK. June 18. OTT Tnttnnaearl
dull; petroleum, steady: rosin, steadv: tur
pentine, dull.
TOLEDO. O.. Juno 12. OTT North T.lma
88c; South Lima and Indiana. 83c.
LIVERPOOL. June IS. OIL Cottonseed,
Hull refined, spot, easy, 26s 3d.
LONDON. June 13. OIL Calcutta, lln.
seed, spot, 62s 3d; linseed. 30s lWd: tur
pentine spirits, 86s lttd.
OIL CITY. June 13. OTT Credit halsni...
$1.20; certificates, no bid; shipments, 93.606
bbls.; average, 86,808 bbls.; runs. 27.371 bbls.:
average, 76.879 bbls.
SAVANNAH, Juno 13. OIL-Turnentlne,
ai a a. a,. ltini. III III , A. D, Va Ua Hi. ll.Zni
"P. fi.36; O, $1.40; H, $1.6i; r. fc; K. 32745: M
2.6o; N, 3.30; WQ, 33.45; WW, 33.65.
Colteo Market.
NEW YORK, Juno 18. COFFEE Spot
Rio, Quiet; mild market, quiet. Tho market
opened steady, with prices unchanged to 6
points under pressure from Importers, who
found tho ring at most bare of buying or
ders. The foreign market was bearish and
receipts from tne crop country continued
liberal. There was a rallv of 6 noints In
tho last five minutes on covering by room
enorrs, cnieny tor snorts, une market
closed steady and 6 points higher; net
saies, zz.mju bags, including July at 34.76:
Beptember, 34.9004.86; October, 35.00; De
cember, 35.15; January, 36.20(36.26; March.
cc Aft. u sc jeai eyv '
ev.v, sua, e.atxifv.ui
Dry Coeds Markets,
The market has been dull today. Home
buyers are still purchasing Indifferently In
staple lines and seasonable fancies. There
Is a demand for dark prints and for fine
fancy fabrics for next year. Nothing more
reported today for export. Print cloths dull
but steady. Linens are firm, with a quiet
business. Burlaps are dull and barely
teadv for snot roods.
Holders unwilling to accept lower prices.
Yarns, Irregular and depressed. a
Soger Market.
kisir rTiiiiiiin, ov, cvmruugai, vo test, 9yC,
Bnolasses sugar. 2c. Refined, firm.
r NRW AHI.lfiK'U Tune, It -IT'am
Bteaoy; open kettle. z"nja 3-l6c ; open ket
tle centrlfuaal. 3aV4c: centrlfueal vellow-
3iS4Vic; seconds, 2(33 3-16c. Molasses,
steady -centrifugal, 8615c.
LONDON. June 13. SUGAR Beet. June.
os aa.
Visible Bopply ef Cotton.
NEW ORLEANS. June 18. Secretary
Hester's statement of the world's visible
supply of cotton, made up from special ca-
Die ana teiegrapn aavicea, snows the total
visiDie to do Dales, or which 1.857.
949 bales was American cotton.
St. Lonls LIT Stoek Market.
BT. LOUIS. June IS. CATTLE Reeelnts
1.600 hesd. Including 1.8u0 head Texana:
market about steady; native shipping? and
export steers. 3S.764j'7.76; dressed beef and
butcher steers, 35.OOf7.00; steers under 1.000
lbs.. S3.4oae.40; storkers and feeders. t3.6orri
4.90; cows and heifers. 32.255.90; earners
2.00S3.00: bulls, 32.754.60; calves, 14 O0y
8.26; Texas and Indian steers, fed, 34.20(31
grassers, aa.ou1vt.2u; cows ana neirers
HOGS Receipts, 3.300 head; market 6c
nigner: Digs ana ugnts, .vaH.VJ: nackers
87.20W.40; lutchers, 37.30i7.62'4.
BtlCt-Jf AM) LAMB3 KeCelptS, 1,400
head; market steady; native muttons, $3.75
atiio: lamDS. culls and hurka
:.ftU2T4.w; stocxers. 4j.a3.tu.
Bloaa City Live Stoek Market.
BIOTTX CITY. Ia.. June 13. fSrjecial Tel.
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 2u6; market
steady; beeves. 36.0u&7.; cows, bulls and
mixed, 32 .60 4.26; stockers and feeders, 32.75
4j4 2; yearlings and calves, $2.7o34.25.
HOGB Receipts. 3.600; 6c higher, selling
at ai.ioqj' uuik, ai.uHU'
BHttf-in aemana.
Stoek In Sight.
The following table shows the reeelnts n
cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal
maraets tor juiu 40
Csttle. Hogs. Bheep.
1.338 9.100 1,038
2.600 28.000 6,ono
9X0 7,260 9u0
2,600 2.300 1,400
825 6,6u0 suO
8,143 63.150 10,138
South Omaha.
Kansas City .
Bt Louis
Bt. Joseph ....
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday,
June u:
Warranty Deeds.
John Hlckey and wife to Eugene A.
Breen. lot 11. block 128. South
Omaha 11.000
Julia Uelaney to Time Burns, lot 7,
block 3, Drexel's subdlv
L K. Bchoenleber and wife to Char
lotte B. Miller, lots T and 8. block
18. South Omaha 760
David Cole and wife to Rasmus Han
sen, lot 32. N. J. Smith Place 66
Clementine Brown to O. B. Clark.
lot 10, block 9, Kountse Place 1,000
Cathne A- caaemy to J. w. Murpny,
lot 9. block 8. 1st add. to bouth
Omaha 1 0
Minnie K. Powell to J. W. AUn. lot
13 block 14, West End add 2.500
J. J. King and wife to (J. W. Forbes,
lot 4. block 8. North Omsha
J. J. Monell, jr.. et a I, executors, to
W. K. Wilding. wU lot 11. block 4.
Bhlnn's sdd 400
Same to Luelhe fc. Bhrum. eV4 lot 11.
block 4, Bhlnn's add 'o
Total amount of transfers.
38 121
Highest Pric Erer Taid on This Market
for Beef Steer.
Batcher stock Where Fleshy Fnlly
"leady Stoekers and Feeders Dall
Sheep Prices Mnoh Loner Dar
ing Week nnd Trade Doll.
RecelDts were-
Hog 6heep.
Official Monday ....
Official Tuesday ...
Official Wednesday
Official Thursday ..
Official Friday ....
1.6 6
Five dava this week.... 10.692 46.061 11.677
Same days last week. ...13.799 6.'. 0.(8 7.7.U
Hame week before 10,024 48.245 9.516
Bame three weeks ago. ..14.841 39.93 6.W4
Hame lour weeks ago. .. .12.927 e9.60 11.49
Bame days last year 11.178 44,314 S.3.4
The following table ahoava the recelDls of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, with comparisons with
isst year;
1902. 1301. Inc. Deo.
Cattle 241,636 316.9'.1 34.646
liogs 1,27,275 1.1U,o3o 93.740
Sheep 378,673 487,06a 101.212
The lollowlug tuble shows the average
price of hogs aol'i or. tho oouth Omaha
market the last several days, with toni
pkiisons with termer years:
Date. I 1902. 19Ol.190O.l!99. 1898. 1897.189.
May 19... I 7 12V, I I 5 10 3 t 4 36 1 3 51 1 3 12
may jv. .. 1 11 1 t 11 - ii hoi t sm s w vi
May .1.
May 32.
1 U1V1 s Sii t 03 . a , 4 21, I Kl 1 14
7 031 6 63 6 06 3 621 3 t4 3 03
7 08 6 61 3 01 3 so 1 4 33 I 3 02
7 uo t 6? 6 04 3 621 3 251 8 45
I (a 6 04i 3 61 4 17 3 40 3 04
96V( 4 99 8 66 4 18 3 3t 3 99
May ..
May 24..
May 26..
May 26..
May XI.,
May 28..
May IM..
May 3u, .
May 31..
une 1...
1 6 70
l JI
4 8 60 4 31 1 3 40 3 88
4 Mi 3 68 1 4 12 3 32 3 80
I 3 &9 4 03 3 36, 3 86
June 2...
June 3..;
7 18 ) 6 72
7 aoT. 1 t ;o
7 1M 6 71
7 lfc4l 6 75
June 4...
4 83
3 32,
8 31,
2 87
Juno 6...
4 II
3 69
3 96
8 01
una ...
une 7...
una 8...
une 9...
4 94 8 W
4 961 8 67
4 Oil
3 Ml 3 30
I t 78
7 21T 1
7 26'le 6 84
i 021 3 6.)
3 87i 3 81
3 03
6 10 8 61
3 92 : 3 -9 8 H
3 93; 2 2i 2 93
8 Ki 3 24, 2 91
3 31 3 10
Jjne 10..
Juno 11..
I 8 9
6 00
June 12...
7 33 Is
4 92 8 (7;
June 13..
I 7 coVii 6 801 4 8U 3 o4 3 711 I 3 03
Indicates Sunday.
The following list shows the number of
cars or feeders shipped to tne country
yesterday and their destination:
William Wallace, Holdrege, Neb. B. & M 1
Bruce & 11.. Marsland, iseo tJ. 6c M 1
F. Stevenson. Hancock. Ia. K. 1 1
Victor Johnson, Red Oak, Ia.-M. 2
. u. w nne & tJO., x-eona, iu.-w a
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Roads. Cattle.H0gs.8hp.Hses.
C. M. & St. P. Ry 14
Wabash 1 ..
Mo. Pac. Ry 3 ..
Union Pacific 7 14 1
C. & N. W. Ry 1
F.. E. A M. V. R. R.... 10
C, Bt. P., M. & 0 9
B. & M. K. It. It I
C, B. & Q. Ky 2
rv. C. dt bt. J I
C. R. I. & P., east.... 8
Illinois Central
Total receipts 65
The dlsnosltlon of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber ot head indicated:
Ruvers. Cattle. Hogs. Bh p.
Omaha Packing Co 311 lO ....
Bwlft and Co 198 1,444 77
Cudahy Packing Co 266 2,w3
Armour 4 Co 193 2,940 81
Omaha Pkg. Co., K. C. 113 .... 803
Cuduhy Pkg. Co., K. C. 100
Vanaant CO is
W. I. Stephen I
Huston & -o 8
Livingstone & Bcnauer.. so
H L. Dennis & Co 1
Habblck 3
Wolf & M.i
Other buyers 73 .... 638
Total 1.379 8,337 1,679
cattle The sunnlv was moderate but
ih. Hemund was also limited, consequently
no material change waa apparent In the
general trade.
Tho feature In the steer trade was the
sale of a load of 1,476-pound dry-lot beeves
that fetched I7.sfi. tne manesi once ever
oi,t cm ihla market for beef steers. They
were a thoroughly finished lot. Good beef
stock Is In strong demand, while arsesy
grades are inclined to lower prices.
The market for butcher stock la In much
the same condition aa that for beef steers,
as trade Is strong on fat grades and weak
n srnnaers. The suduIv today was mod
erate and a clearance was made early at
etendv to strong flxures.
Tonnv etocKers ana ieeaers are sailing
fairly well at recent quotations, wnue In
ferlor stuff Is more or less of a drag on
the market. Receipts have been small and
ih. volume or business nmitea.
Riiia. staars ana veai caives. 11 in koou
flesh, are free sellers at Arm figures, but, as
In other grades, the trashy thin stpff Is not
wanted by pacaers.
No. At.
0 a i w 1 m 1 at 1
7 U17a I 63 4 85 4 081 3 84 3 91
T 09s,j 6 W 4 90 8 80 1 8 Mi 2 6
7 lui 6 69( 4 t 3 57 4 10 3 93
7 ll'.i 6 71l 4 Ml 8 671 4 141 3 39
Pr. No. At. Pr.
I 10 11 1057 I 50
i 71 U 1231 I 70
I 76 14 1210 4 0
4 21 I U5 I 85
4 II II 1101 I M
I 00 1 U0 4 0
I it 14 1070 4 10
I 40 4 ,....1225 T 00
I 71 T 14 T 10
4 04 II 1471 T 14
10 II 145 1 20
I IS II 144T 7 16
4 40 II 1474 T 44
4 H
1 74 11 MO 8 78
1 os ii m in
t 15 4 10O1 I 74
I 1 1030 I 71
50 1 1070 I 71
I 50 1 146 I 40
1 50 I IM I 14
I 40 II 171 I 10
I 75 I Ml 4 00
I 74 I HI IN
t 71 1 106 4 OS
I 76 I Ml 4 04
I e II 1010 4 00
I 04 II 1071 4 0g
I 00 II 1077 4 t
I 00 1 400 4 14
I 00 I 4 II
I 00 1 1120 4 4
I 00 II Il 4 44
I M 1 1160 4 46
I 11 10 10l 4 45
I 25 46 tfJ 4 74
1 16 1 m i 00
1 ta 1 1010 os
I 26 1 1070 I 00
I 40 1 11H I 00
I 60 i 100 I 10
I 60 4 Ml 14
I 60 1 12S4 I 14
I 50 I U24 4 II
I SO 1 11I I M
I 60 II loai I 14
I 60 1 1160 I 64
I 60 1 1140 I 76
I 60 8 1144 6 4
I sO
I 41 141 4 44
I 60 11 721 I M
I 76 1 140 IM
I 76 1 1IM 4 84
I 00 1 1140 4 M
I 00 1 ItaO 4 U
I 15 1 HID 4 M
I 60 1 190 4 64
I 60 1 1470 4 14
I 60 1 14M I 04
I 10 1 1140 I 00
I 70 1 140 I 16
4 00 1 1100 I 16
4 00 1 1714 I 16
4 00 1 1740 I M
4 00 1 146 I 10
4 60 1 146 I 10
I 00 1 114 4 44
I 6,1
1 1120
1 20
1 740
a 40
1 MO
1 M
1 10J0
4 att
14 104
14 H
14 1007
14 1"!
M 1
1 t4
J no
4 750
1 1000
1 110
1 70
J 710
I 8
I '4
I 0
1 .so
1 10
I 1
1 1000
I 1000
1 an
1 mo
1 15
1 1110
1 o
1 1110
I s0
11 '
1 90
1 40
i M
1 liao
I M')
1 0
1 1JT0
1 710
14 HO
.. 4 JO
.. 120
.. 410
.. 70
, 100 I S4 I SI4 I 14
, 144 I 44 4 701 I II
147 I 04 1 140 I II
1060 I IM 1 400 I ii
ii 4 n l DO IH
, 140 6 00
I 16
4 M
.. 61
.. IM
., 746
.. 431
.. 420
.. 747
1 .
146 4 14
444 4 40
4.4 4 60
714 4 60
411 4 40
I 75
4 0
4 M
4 00
HOOS Ruvers were not inclined to Im
prove prices, although the supply wss only
fair and conditions otherwise more or leas
favorable to sellers, tany in tne aay
few loads changed hands at around yes
terdays figures and from that until late
the movement wa aecioeaiy siugirian. Ben
ers priced their holdings pretty sjrong and
buyers hld out for only steady prices ss
a rule. The market settled down to mostly
a steady basis, with here and there sales
quoted a utile up rrom yesteraay ana
clearance was finally effected.
The bulk of the fair to good hrsvy snd
buldvtr weight gradas sold from 81.9 to
r.56; good medium, mostly around Jjfyjl
40, and lighter stuff on down.
No. At. Sh. Pr. No. At. h
M to ... 7 M 44 750 140
64 111 yv 7 15 7 J' 111
70 104 M 1 15 71 2? SO
11 t 40 1 th 134 40
71 t4 MO 1 U 71 Ill 10
14 tl 40 T 10 14 231 10
I 16 loo 1 IS 71 217 140
l 1 40 T IS 41 4 60
64 Ill M 1 40 14 ...
6 2i 40 7 17 i lf,0 jo
44 Ill 120 T 10 146 trt
t HI w tin 74 l.'l 10
47 114 lto 1 10 44 ll ...
0 Ill 10 t 10 44 1 go
71 211 ... T 10 1(1 7 ...
M ii 10 7 m 41 40 h0
S6 toi o 7 an & jm ...
70 t; 140 1 10 no 241 so
45 12 10 t 10 6 144
41 121 10 T 10 4 255 SO
14 K4 0 7 10 I 14 40
II K 110 7 10 (4 ;2 140
71 114 ... 1 10 II 0
71 lit 110 7 111 6 .241 140
40 Ill 10 T I2t, 4 23 ...
4 14 120 t ll 47 IS7 KM
74 Ill 10 T 1!', 43 1,13 10
II 221 14 T 111, 47... 141 10
71 134 10 T IS CI 2M 120
77 114 IM T 16 6 140 40
67 M M T 16 76 231 240
11 120 40 T 16 60 24 100
74 Kt 40 1 IS 6 Il 44
61 147 130 1 16 10 2M vo
M 134 110 1 II 17 171 140
14 131 120 1 15 10 tl 10
11 237 0 t 17 2M 10
71 134 IM t IS 64 202 10
14 137 ... 1 16 U 161 ...
41 131 IM T 16 74 267 M
41 141 IM 1 15 40 14 120
31 121 110 T 16 61 2M 40
75 114 ... I 16 6 l.' IM
17 13 40 1 14 1 17 ...
61. 11 140 1 II 71 161 100
61 161 M T IS SI !') 60
76 1.1S 10 T M II 131 40
20 IM 1 16 40 145 1(0
64 116 IM T 16 17 17 ...
M. ...... .134 40 T 16 64 115 10
-...... .231 10 T 16 II 124 10
II 126 110 T II
7 17
7 11
7 17'
7 i:v
1 7U
! ri
T 40
1 40
1 4(1
T 4
T 40
7 as
I 40
T 40
t 40
t 40
T 4
1 49
7 40
t 4(1
1 40
T 40
1 40
T 40
T 40
7 40
7 40
T 40
7 40
1 40
1 4J1-4
1 42i
T t.'S
7 4H,
1 4t.
7 4ft
T 46
7 45
T 4S
1 4i
1 4S
1 46
7 4".
1 47U,
7 6d
1 6
7 60
T 60
1 46
BHEEP Most nf the arrival! Indav were
direct, there being only one load on sale.
Prices have declined fully 5c the past
week on practically everything.
Quotations for clipped stock: Good to
choice wethers. 85.60(05.90: fair to eood. 35 30
ti6.60; rood to choice ewes, 34.764T5.00; fair to
good. $4.25'g4.75; good to choice lambs, $tUK
ti6 50; fair to good, 35 40fj.76. Wooled stork
sflls about 2656oc above clipped stock.
Choice Colorado wooled lambs, 36 50(6"5;
fair to good. 36.0006.50. Representative
7 western ewes 9 4 35
203 western wethers 99 4 76
81 clipped ewes 85 5 00
Cattle Steady Hogs Higher Sheen
Lower nnd l.embs Higher.
CHICAGO. June 18 CATTt.RTtpcnlnts.
2.600 hesd, Including 260 Texans; market
siow, dui stenav; good to prime steers,
nominal. 27.304! 7.90; poor to medium, I5 0TH
.jo; etocKers and feeders i2.sosn5.2S; cows,
1 40(86.75: heifers. 32.25Hitii50: canncrs ii 70
ft2.40, bulls. 32.75S56 60: falves. 2.50(i6.ii;
Texas fed steers, 5O0fl.7O.
HODS-Receipts. 28.000 head: est mnted
tomorrow. 19.000: left over. 4.500: strong: to
6e higher; mixed and butchers, $7.15B7.fiO;
gooa to cnoice neavy, ii .soon, no; rougn
heavy, I7.2ivn7.46; light, 37.00&?.3O; bulk of
sales. J7.207.6O.
BHEKF AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.00
head: heavy sheep lower, nrlme snrlna-
lambs lfK?il5c higher; good to choice weth
ers, 35.OfVii5.60; fair to choice mixed, 3l.0(V(i
5.00; western sheep, 3500(85.50; native lambs,
85.tXXfi6.75: vestern lambs, $5.504j6.76; spring
lamns, i 40.
Official yesterday:
Reeelnts. Bhlnments.
Cattle 10,217 2.519
Hogs 29.707 4.0 4
6heep 11,417 1,898
Knnsaa City Live Stoek Market.
ceipts, 730 head natives. 260 head Texans, 13
head calves; market weak to 10c lower;
choice export and dressed beef steers, 37.10
&7.46; fair to good, 83.76iif7.00; stockers and
feeders, 83 45St 00; western fed steers. 34 00
4i.50; Texas and Indian steers, $4.fW(?4 7S;
Texas rows. 82.S.W3.75: native cows. I2.0ixai
6 00; native heifers. 33.10rdfi.65; canners, $2.00
63.60; hulls. 32.85tfjti.25; caives, 8S.flfHt6.50.
nous Kecelpts, 7.2S0 head; market ac
tive, steady to 6c higher; top, J7.6S; bulk of
sales, 37.30g7.60; heavy, $7.55i7.T; mixed
nackers. $7.40r7.: light, 36.75(ti'7.40; yorkers,
7.25(?f7.40; pigs. 6.30(ft6.R6.
onc,r.r Also lam Ha Receipts, 900 head;
market steady; native lambs, 84.85fff7.10;
western lambs. 85.KK66.40: native wethers.
36.00(86.30; western wethers, 33.85(5.50; fed
ewes, 33.40ffrfi.S5; Texas clipped yearlings,
t5.00iir5.45; Texas clipped sheep, 34.0064.90;
stockers snd feeders, 32.35(g4.00.
New York Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 8,257; good to choice steers, strong;
otners steady; bulls and cows, unchanged:
steers, 85.46tj6.66: scrubs, 34.60; oxen, 35.30
to n.iu; DU1IS, 64.tilKCRi.iai; cows, JUKfrft JjO ;
cables quote live cattle, higher; dressed
weights, refrigerator beef, lSfffVie; no
shipments today; tomorrow, I.400 cattle, 20
sheep and 8,700 quarters of beef.
c A LV KB RecelDts. 240: strong:: veals.
35.00 to $7.60; culls, 14.50; city dressed veals,
9c to IU40 per lb.; extra, 12c.
HUtiB Receipts, 1,821 head; firm; state
hogs, 17.50; western hogs, nominal.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,733;
sheep, slow to 16c lower; lambs, 15c to 20c
lower; seven cars unsold. Bheep. $2.75 to
35.00; exports, wethers, 35.50; lambs, 85.75
to 87.26; one car fancy, 37.60; culls, 84 60 to
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
8T. JOSEPH. June 13. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 825 head; steady; natives. $.15ff7 60 ;
cows and heifers, 31.6086.ti0; veals, 3.503
6.50; stockers snd feeders, $2.25ijj6.25.
HOGS Receipts, 6,600 head; steadv; light
and light mixed, $7.20ffr7.50; medium and
heavy. I7.3waf.66; nigs, 4.oHiJ.60.
BH C.H.P AJND LAM Bo RecelDts. 800 head:
Boyd Wells Fonnd nt Jefferson Sqnnre
with Serlons Wonnd In
James Bos well, g cripple aged 79, shot
himself In the right side with a revolver
st an early hour yesterday, and Is now
at the Clarkson hospital with very little
hopes of his recovery. The shooting oc
curred In Jefferson Square.
The wounded man was found at S o'clock
lying In pool of blood on a bench, with
the revolver at his side, by J. C. Henry,
810 North Sixteenth street, and though
still conscious, wss lust sble to talk. Mr.
Henry notified the police and the man was
taken to the station and later removed
to the hospital.
The police are of the opinion that Boswell
attempted to take bis own life, though
Boswell ssld the shooting was accidental.
Boswell bss only ons arm, the right being
off below the elbow. The shot entered on the
right side, passed through ths lung, shat
tered two ribs and came out his back. It
was Ister found In his clothing.
Boswell resides In Rockwell, Is., and came
to Omaha two weeks ago from Greeley
Center, Neb., where be had been visiting
relatives. coming to Omsha be has
roomed at tbs Lange hotel on South Thir
teenth street and It bss been his custom
to retire early. Thursday nlgbt be failed to
show up at bis room. For the last few
dsys be bad appeared despondent snd bsd
little to do with tbe other guests at the
Late yesterday afternoon Ooerge Boswell,
a son of the wounded man from Rockwell,
went to the police station snd requested
the officers to assist htm In locating bis
father, fba son said thst his father bsd
not written boms for some weeks and, be
coming unessy, be bad started out to find
blm and had Just arrived In Omaha. The
son wss directed to the hospital.
North Tweaty-Fonrth RntTera Little
Owing to Clogging ef
rateh Basin.
North Twenty-fourth street had 4
miniature flood Thursday afternoon between
4 and 8 o'clock. Tbs shoser which came
np at that time wss heavier In ths north
ern part of tbs city than In tbs business
center snd ths water which fell ss far
north ss Ames svenue passed down the
sewer along Twenty-fourth street. At
Spencer street tbe volume wss too great
for ths sawer snd It poured from ths catch
basin In torrents. The entrance to the
sewer became clogged after tbe water bad
passed out snd for bait sn hour there was
a foot of wster over tbe sidewalk and tbe
pavement Tbe cellars of several buildings
In tbs neighborhood were threatened, but
prompt work opened tbe sewers so that the
wster passed off without doing say