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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1902)
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOUSING, JUNE 14, 1002 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ROOSEVELT FOR CUBA president Sends Special Message to Congress Urging Reciprocity Action. UNITED STATES' DUTY TO LOWER TARIFF Asks Aid for Toung Republio Because It is Weak and Needs Help, PROPOSITION IN LINE OF FORMER COURSE Bays No American Industry Will Suffer, but All Will Be Benefited. PLAIN DUTY ONLY MOTIVE IN MESSAGE thief Executive Ignores Personal In ' tere.ta or Part? Feeling and Makes Final Effort to Bring Abont Reciprocal Relations. WASHINGTON, June 13. After talking rlth a number of the leaders In congress Regarding Cuban reciprocity President (loosevelt today determined to send a mes lage to congress reaffirming his attitude on 4e subject. 'The president has earnestly considered !he matter for several days and It Is stated iat the action of the antl-reclproclty republican senators yesterday In deciding p hold out against the policy advocated ty the majority of the party did not lnflu inca the president In the least In deciding to transmit hti message to congress today. The president's action. It may be stated. !rom sources close to him, was influenced ty the broad proposition of the duty of the C nl ted Statea to Cuba and of fairness to fcie new republic. It has been pointed out to the president that his warmest political support Is In in section of the country where there Is the greatest opposition to reciprocity, the west ind northwest, and that be should remain kontent with the stand he had taken with tut accentuating his views In special passage. ' Duty Ahead of Personal Interest. It la known, however, that the president Sid not hesitate to arrive at the conclusion that he would not let his political prospects Interfere with what he regarded as his plain duty. It la further known that he told his frlenda that It was a source of great regret to him to take a position hos tile to tho wishes of his warmest support ers, but that he felt It would not be In keeping with his own nature and his posi tion of chief executive to longer remain ptlent on this subject and thereby give an opportunity for false speculation as to his Attitude. 1 The president was further led to conclude that the relatione of the United Statea and Cuba must necessarily grow closer and that the United Statea should not at the outset, after Its declared purposes toward the Island, assume a position contrary thereto Ind thus arouse the suspicions of the Cuban government aa to our real Intentions to ward It. 'v It is stated that the president's positive declaration In his message today as to the jluty of congress probably will end hla ac tive efforts to bring about reciprocity. Test of the Message. To the Senate and House: I deem K Important before the adjournment sf the present session of congress to call atlenllrn to the following expressions m the message which In the discharge of the duty Imposed upon me by the constitu tion I sent to congress on the first Tuesday it December last: "Elsewhere 1 have discussed the question af reciprocity. In the case of Cuba, how twer, there are weighty reasons of morality Sknd of national Interest why the policy Should be held to have a peculiar applica tion, and I most earnestly ask your atten tion to the wisdom, Indeed, to the vital rteed. of providing for a substantial re duction In the tariff duties on Cuban Im ports Into th United States. Cuba has In (er constitution afllrmed what we desired, that It should stand. In International mat tiers. In closer and more friendly relations with uo than with any other power, and We are bound by every consideration of aonor and expediency to pans commercial pleasures In the Interest of her well being." This recommendation was merely giving practical effect to President McKlnley's Words, when. In his messages of December L and December 6, 10M, he wrote: I "It Is Important that our relations with this people (of Cuba) shall be of the most friendly character and our commercial re lations close and reciprocal. We have accepted a trust, the fulfillment of which calls for the sternest Integrity of purpose snd the exercise of the highest Wisdom. The new Cuba yet to rise from the ashes of the past must needs be bound to us by ties of singular Intimacy and Strength, If its enduring welfare is to be assured. The greatest blessing Which can come to Cuba Is the restoration Df her agricultural and industrial pros perity." Palms Makes an Appeal. Yesterday, June 12, I received by cable from the American minister In Cuba a most earnest appeal from President Pal ma for ''legislative relief before it is too late and blM country nnanctally ruined. The granting of reciprocity with Cuba ! a proposition which stands entirely alone. The reasons for It far outweigh the arant- Ing of reciprocity with any other nation and are entirely consistent with preserving In tact the protective system under which this country has thriven so much. The V resent tariff law was designed to pro- inote the adoption of such a reciprocity treaty ajid expressly provided for a reduc tion not to exceed 30 per cent upon goods coming from a particular country, leaving the tariff rates on the same articles un- thariKed as regardum all other countries. Objection has been mado to the granting Of the reduction on the ground that the Substantial benefit would not go to the agri cultural prodjeers of sugar, but would inure to the American sugar refiners. In my Judg ment provision can and should be made which will guarantee us against this possi bility without having recourse to a meas ure of doubtful policy, such as a bounty In She form of a rebate. The nuestlon as to why. If anv. of the different schedules of the tariff ought most properly to be revised does not enter into this matter In any way or shape. We ar concerned with getting a frlxndly rlclprocal arrangement with Cuba. Tnla arrangement applies to all the articles that Cuba grows or produces. It Is not In our power to de termine what these articles shall be, and any discussion of the tariff as It affects rpsclal schedules or countries other than Cuba Is wholly aside from the subject mit tor to which X call your attention. fears Heretofore Baseless. i Borne of our cltlsens oppose the lowering Of the tariff on Cuban products, just as three yeurs ago they opposed the admission of the Hawaiian islands, lest free trade With them mltfht ruin certain nf nnr In. teresta hem. In the actual event their tears ptoved baseless as regards Hawaii and their apprehensions as to the damage to any Industry of our own because of the proposed measure of reciprocity with Cuba eems to me equally baseless. In my Judgment no American Industry will be hurl and many American Industries will be benefited by the proposed action, it Is to our advantage as a nation that the growing Cuban market should be controlled American producers. The events following thai war vlrh Cnuln ivj the prospective building of the Isthl ""' vaimi, renuer H certain that must take In the future fur .n..i., i ,,,,.,.. than hitherto In what happens throughout the West Indies. Central America and the adjacent coais and waters. We expect I uha to treat us on an exceptional footing politically, snd we should put her In the same exceotional tuialtlnn mnlnni..aiiv Ihe proposed action Is In line with the course we have pursued as regards all the Ulands with which t have been brought XCoatlnued on Second Pace.) ANXIETY ON ST. VINCENT Consternation on Island Vnabated, While Scientists Proceed with Investigations. KINGSTON, Island of St. Vincent, Wednesday, June 11. Fleet Surgeon Isaac H. Anderson of the British navy and the scientific commission appointed by the Royal society to investigate the volcanic disturbances here, arrived at Kingston yes terday and left today for Chateau Bela, in tending to ascend the Soufrlere volcano when possible. The general feeling of anxiety has not abated. There has been no big eruptions elnce May 30, but the appearance of the volcano Is not reassuring. There are fre quent emissions of black steam. The American scientists. Prof. Edmund O. Hovey, assistant curator of the Amer ican Museum of Natural History, N , and George C. Curtis of Harvard ' made another ascent of the Soul the east Monday last. They heard the rumbling of boiling the crater, waited until the fog cleared, and found the southeast crater quiescent. The old ridge that used to run from the saddle to the bottom of the crater remains. There Is no water in this crater. The Americans did not venture to approach the old crater. Prof. Hovey eaya that, apparently, the crater of the 1812 eruption took no part In the recent outbreak, and so far as he and Mr. Curtis could tee, no streams of molten rock, like those which issue from Mount Vesuvius, have flowed, only superheated steam, old lava, ashes, etc., having been thrown out. Many persons have returned to Chateau Belalr and Georgetown for business, but they are very much troubled by the uncer tain appearance of the affected quarter. A lake has formed at the base of the moun tain. Its banks are volcanic matter which fell during the eruptions. Thick clouds of steam arise from this lake at close Inter vals. The fissures in other parte of Wal ltbu are still smoking. The relief work are progressing. The government Is now sheltering and feeding 7,000 persons. The United States collier Leonldas has arrived with lumber for relief purposes. A large number of natives are now em ployed and trade Is brightening generally. The depressed planters welcome the rlBe of the prices of arrowroot In the British market. In spite of the showery weather the heat is oppressive. HONOLULU, June 6, Via San Francisco, June 13. (Correspondence of the Assoc ated Press.) The volcano - Kllauea on Hawaii, has broken loose again, according to a report received today by steamer. Flames and smoke are rising above the crater. The outbreak took place June 3 and up to the time of the last report from Hawaii, dated yesterday, it was still con tinuing. The outbreak has been fore shadowed for many days by an Increase over the normal volume of smoke coming from the crater. There also have been slight earthquakes. No eruptions of lava or ashes have taken place. This is the first time Kllauea haa made such a demonstration for about ten years, although there have been eruptions from other parts of the mountain of Manua Loa. CALLS GROSS A PLAGIARIST M. IsrAos Passes Sentence on the ni cotian In Hla Contoversy with Rostand. PARIS, June 13. The Tempa today printed an interview with Vlctorlen Sardou. the veteran dramatist, on tha Gross-Rostand dispute regarding the originality of "Cyrano de Bergerac." The paper says: M. Sardou laughed heartily at the Chicago Judgment and said: It la an amusing story. I myself have been robbed and pillaged In America and England. With calm, auperb cynicism one of my pieces was translated word for word and produced as a new national work. An other piece was thrice translated In similar at vie. I once wrote to an American author who naturally la mixed up in the Gross- Rostand affair. Mr. D la a thief and Mr. did not turn a hair. It la only fair to say, however, that tbeee literary burglaries have ceased of recent yeara and that the rights of prop erty are now respected. 'The claims of Gross In the present case have not a leg to stand on. The method adopted In the judgment In Chicago of enumerating resemblances without alluding to dissimilarities Is a most useless and misleading game. The idea of Rostand finding 'Cyrano' already prepared, perhapa In canned form, on the shore of Lake Mich igan la very funny." M. Sardou then referred to the old vaude ville, "Monsieur Roquelleure, which con tains striking resemblance to Gross' work, and, naturally, to M. Rostand's, but says M. Sardou: "As Rostand followed Gross, the latter ia a plagiarist." PREPARES TO ATTACK REBELS Colombian Government Sends Flotilla of Reinforcements to General Bertt's Troops. PANAMA, Colombia, Juna 13. A achooner, towed by the launch Aurora, yesterday landed 200 government troopa at Chorrera, fifteen miles from Panama. A telegraph inapector left overland today for Chorrera, with the object of establish ing a line Into the interior. A flotilla of eight sailing vessels started last night with reinforcements for Gen eral Berti'a troops at Peacaderlaa. Great excitement prevails here and will continue until the result of the attack on the rebels at Auguadulce la known. Governor 8alazar aaya he will aend next week an Important official to reconstruct the civil administration of the recaptured province, and that he expecta to hear aoon that tha revolution la confined to Chlrl qua I. Bell Tlckete to mm Execatlon. MONTREAL. June IS. Thoasvald Hansen waa hanged here today for the murder of Eric Marotte, a 9-year-old boy, last au turns; In order to obtain some change, 17 centa, which the boy waa Jingling In hla band. Hansen a neck waa broken. Ttcketa of admission to the execution were openly sold at prices ranging from SO centa to $10. Mere Beers Surrender. LONDON, Juna 13. It waa announced here today that M4 Transvaal Boera aur rendered yesterday, bringing the total of surrenders for all tha colonlea up to about 12.U00. Fatal Fall from Herse. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. June 13. (Special leiegrsm.i n. u. aiarsn, proprietor of a livery stsble at Laramie, was thrown from bis horse there tonight and killed, hla akull being crushed in two places. K. Fee, a ranchman, fell from hla bora and received fatal Injuries. IRRIGATION BILL PASSES Result Marks the End of an Arduous and Uphill Campaign. LEADERS OF HOUSE ANTAGONIZE IT representative Barkett of First braska District Makes Convinc ing: Speech for the Measure. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, June 13. (Special Tele gram.) The expected happened today when the house passed the irrigation bill by a comfortable majority. This result, which Is so gratifying to the advocatea of the reclamation of the arid land regions of " i west. Is the culmination of one of the . remarkable contests In the present ff.Sf ' congress. President Roosevelt's l:,t '' 'on for legislation looking to tu ' of the arid land regions gave .'''" ' .t'an impetus early in the session, .'was generally predicted at the time thai, the bill drafted by the friends of Irrigation would be one of the first placed upon the statute books. The bill passed the senate without a roll call, and then It was that the leadera of the house decided to consign it to the graveyard of legislative hopes. For a time the prospect looked dark, but a careful campaign was made and the result of it waa the passage of the bill today In the face of determined opposition cn the part of potential leadera of the house. Darken Makes Forcefnl Speech. One of the features of today'a debate was the forceful speech In behalf of the bill by Congressman Burkett of Nebraska. Mr. Burkett addressed himself principally to the contention that the reclamation of the arid reglona would be seriously detrimental to the farmers of the east. He asserted that the Increased cost of production in reclaimed regions would obviate the pos sibility of competition with the oldor sec tions of the country. "In supporting this bill," said Mr. Bur kett, "I do It- in behalf of thousands of homeless children In the United States, in behalf of the toiling masses, who go home at evening to a fireside, that is not their own. I speak in behalf of the wage-earner that his opportunities may be multiplied as new territory Is opened up and new Industries established. I speak for the manufacturer, ever alert for markets. I speak for the farmer and the farmer's son, who, pinched and crowded In the old home stead, are asking for an opportunity to help build up another state aa they have their own. I apeak for the miner, who lives in the mountains in his arduous and peril ous undertaking to replenish the treasury of the world, that he may be aurrounded by civilization and assured of the necessi ties of life." Mr. Burkett's argument to the effect that irrigation would not afford Increased com petition for farmers of the east and middle west made a strong Impression. He said on this point: "Staple products In Penn sylvania and Ohio that are produced at a profit would be ralBed at a loss on irri gated land. If Irrigated lands are made profitable something especially adapted to those conditions must be raised. Every ear of corn and every spear of oala that will ever be planted on lands thus re claimed will be consumed In that region. Aye, more than that, they will be con sumed on the very ground where they are raised. Nothing of the cereals will be shipped out; on the other hand, much will be shipped In. This means more people in thn Irrigated realona and a larger mar ket not only for farmera' products, but for everything that Is produced by the brain and muscle of man." Making Wind Cave a Park. Although there Is no more prospect for legislation on the subject at this session, Representative Lacey of Iowa today Intro duced a bill setting aside aa a national park the famous Wind cave caverns in CuBter county. South Dakota. It give au thority over the proposed park to the sec retary of the interior and contalna pro visions protecting the rights of settlers. There la a prospect that the Wind cave caverns may shortly be made a part of the Black Hills forest reserve, and In thla manner practically made a national park for the benefit of the people. Representative Martin waa In conference with the Interior department officials to day in this connection. Mr. Martin sug gested that the Wind cavea be made a part of the Black Htlla reaerve, and this Idea was favorably received by the depart ment officials. The matter will be pre sented to the president with a view to having htm Issue a proclamation on the aubject. The Treasury department will aoon au thorize advertisements calling for bids on constructing public buildings and for ac quirement of aitea for the public bulldinga recently provided for by congress for cities In Nebraska, . Iowa, Wyoming and South Dakota. Dr. H. H. Sumner of Waterloo, la., is visiting his son, Dell Sumner, who la chief page of the United State aenate. The South Dakota delegation today rec ommended the reappointment of Postmaster Brosius at Vermilion, Clay County, 8. D. R. O. Adama of Grand Ialand, Neb., and Clinton F. Smith of Madison, Neb., are among the western visitors at the capital. Farewell to Bishop Garrlgaa. Thla afternoon the sisters and pupils of Holy Cross Academy for Girls gave a musical and literary entertainment In the parlors of the academy complimentary to Bishop P. J. Garrlgan of the new blshoprlo of Iowa. Tha treat of the entertainment waa an address of greeting by one of the senior pupils. - At the close the blehop made a few remarks of thanks for the many courtesies received at the hands of Washington friends, not the leaat of which, he aald, waa thla afternoon'a entertain ment, which had given him a great deal of pleasure. At the conclusion of his words of thanka and appreciation the bishop held a reception in the parlors to bla many friends in the audience, which filled the rooms. .The bishop leaves Wash ington sooner than expected, being com pelled to make his departure from thla city oo Sunday. Postal Affairs. M. H. Taylor haa been appointed post master at Shubert, Richardson county, Neb., vice W. H. Horrow, resigned. The proposition of Frederick W. Cram to erect and lease a building for the Sheldon, la., postoffice on Third avenue for a term of ten yeara from January 1, 1903, haa been accepted by the Postoffice department. J The postmaster general haa allowed the posimasier at uoone, la., two additional letter carriers, to tsk effect July 1, tor extension of service to Boonesborro, Ia. The comptroller of the currency haa ap proved . reserve agants for national banks aa follows: National Bank of North Amsr- (Continued on Second Page.) DISEASE RANKJN ISLANDS Cholera Epidemic Causes Alarm In Philippines and Small pox Exists. WASHINGTON. June 13. A rather alarm ing situation with regard to the epidemic of cholera in the Philippines Is set out In a report received by Surgeon General For wood from Lieutenant Colonel ilelzeman, at present in charge of the medical de partment of the army In the Islands. The appearance of the disease fn Manila in March is attributed in some quarters to vegetables coming in from lnlected Chi nese ports, and others to the drinking of Puslg river wstcr, foul with the sewerage of the city. Lieutenant Colonel Helzemau eaya that the number of different points attacked by tho epidemic and the conse quent Infection of many streams which are universally used for drinking and bathing, and into which all foul material and gar bage find their way, makes probable a large number of deaths before the rains, which ended the two great epidemics In the '80s. The army, he says, is much better protected than the native population, or than civilian Americans in the islands, be cause of the care which Is exercised in supplying good food and water. In Manila alone a total of 277 cases, with 215 deaths, had occurred up to April 15, the date of the report, with 453 cases and 308 deaths outside of the city. In the provinces the disease attacked twenty-two different places. In the Carmarlnes, at Neuve Cacares, the disease appeared and this has been the only point where the army has suffered, two cavalrymen and an Infantryman having the disease. The col ored troops, the report says, naturally mix much more with the natives than the whites, drinking the water In the shacks which they visit and eating native food, and they are thua much more liable to contract cholera. Smallpox also has appeared and has been more prevalent. It Is stated, thla year than any except the first of American occupa tion. Manila has been quarantined against all other points, distilled water has been provided, house-to-house Inspections made, chloride of lime freely used, a cholera hospital established, the foul farola burned, and twenty-eight army medical officers have been detailed to duty with the Manila Board of Health. Medical officers of the army have been given practical charge of health matters In or near towns where troops are stationed. The report on the health of the army In general shows a alight decrease la the per centage of sick. Out of a total of thirty six recent deaths, dysentery has been the cause of eighteen. IF COLORED MUST PAY TAX No Artificially Colored Ingredients Are to Be Used In Oleomargarine. WASHINGTON. June 13. Commissioner Yerkes of the Internal revenue bu reau haa settled the contested question aa to whether butter, or any other In gredients artificially colored, may be used in the manufacture of oleomargarine with out increasing tha tax from one-quarter of 1 rent to 10 cents a pound, by Issuing a regulation which holds In effect- that no artificial coloring matter whatever caa be used In any way la the manufacture of oleo margarine without increasing the tax as atated. The resolution Is as follows: If In the production of oleomargarine the mixtures and compounds set out In the law of 18X6 are used and tnese compounds are all free from artificial coloration and no artificial coloration is produced by the addition of coloring matter as an Inde pendent and separate ingredient, a tax of one-fourth of 1 cent per pound only will be collected, though the finished product may look like butter of some shade of yellow. For example, if butter that has been artificially colored is used as a component part of the finished prod uct oleomargarine (and that finished prod uct looks like butter of any shade of yel low) as the oleomargarine Is not free from artificial coloration the tax of 10 cents per fiound will be assessed and collected. But f the butler Is absolutely free from arti ficial coloration or cottonseed oil or any other mixtures or compounds legally used In the manufacture of the finished product oleomargarine has naturally a shade of yellow in no way procured by artificial coloration and through the use of one or more of these unartlnclally colored legal component parts of oleomargarine the finished product should look like butter or any shade of yellow, this product will be subject to a tax of only one-fourth of 1 cent per pound, as It Is absolutely free from artificial coloration that has caused it to look like butter of any shade of yellow. NOMINATIONS JBY PRESIDENT Haaleton'a Name aa Postmaster at Council Bluffs Among; List Sent to the Senate. WASHINGTON, June IS. The president today sent the following nominations to the senate: August Caslmlr Wolff of Warsaw, to be consul of the United Statea at Warsaw, Russia: John Jensen, to be Indian agent at Poncu. Pawnee, Otoe and Oakland agency in Oklahoma; William H. 6. Mead, to be Indian agent at Flat Head agency, Montana. Treasury Byron S. Walte of Michigan, to be general appraiser of merchandise. Navy Surgeons to have rank of lieuten ant commander, John M. Edgar and Philip Leach; past assistant surgeons to have rank of lieutenant, Mlddleton S. Elliott, Frank I Pleadwell, Dudley M. Carpenter, Daniel H. Morean and James C. Pryor; paymasters to have rank of lieutenant com mander, John S. Carpenter, Livingston Hunt, John A. Mudd, Oeorge W. Simpson, Harry R. Sullivan and Samuel L Heap; Captain Sylvester Bnorum, to have rank of captain; Captains William H. I. Relney and John B. Fraxler, to have rank of com mander; assistant naval constructors to have rank of lieutenants, Bttiart F. Smith and William O. Groesbeck; Civil Engineer Ulysses 8. G. White, to have rank of can- tain; Civil Engineer Robert E. Peary, to have rank of commander; Civil Engineer Ktcnard '. noiiy, to nave ran of lieu tenant commander. Postmasters Illinois, Sewell P. Wood, at Farmlngton: Iowa, A. S. Hazletnn, at Council Bluffs; Kansas, Joseph A. Bchmitt, at Ellsworth: Missouri. Isaac R. HuKKlns. at Palmyra; Nebraska, E. N. Allen, at Arapahoe, and Charles A. Long, at North Bend: Oklahoma. George Y. Walbright, at Stroud: Washington, John M. Benedict, at Centralia. River and Harbor BUI Signed. WASHINGTON, June 13. The president today algned the river and harbor bill. ACCUSED REGENT RESIGNS Colonel Button of Detroit Severs Con nection with University of Michigan. 8AOINAW. Mich.. June 13. Governor Bliss, who la at his horns here, said today that be had received word from Lansing that the resignation of Colonel Ell rt. Sut ton of Detroit aa regent of tha University of Michigan waa in the executive office at Lansing. A warrant has been Issued In Lansing for the arrest of Colonel Sutton on the charge of perjury In connection with his trial on the charge of complicity la the state military clothing frauds and ha la missing. VAN DUSEN MEN DEFEATED Make Contest in Only One Omaha Ward and rail Far Short Here. FAILS OF ENDORSEMENT IN SOUTH OMAHA Robert J. Clancy Comes I p from Lin coln to Show Fifth Warders How to Rnn Things, bnt Falls In Hla Demonstration. Interest In the primaries in the city of Omaha centered in the Fifth war:l. where Robert J. Clancy, secretary to the gov ernor, thought It was necessary to make himself a delegate to the atate conven tion, despite the fact that the republicans of the ward in a caucus had de .ided not to have his name on the list. Mr. Cluury came up from Lincoln and made uo a dele gation ticket last week, but which waa de feated In caucus by a decisive vote. Not to be subdued by any such thing as that, the Clancy delegation bobbed up at the primary election yetterday with a sample ballot headed "For Governor, James H. Van Dusen." The rallying cry of "Van Dusen for governor," however, failed to pull the ticket through. It having received only ninety votes to 150 cast for the reg ular ticket, headed by W. B. Christie. In the other city wards the tickets nom inated at the caucuses or by petition were elected without opposition. ' The state delegates elected are as follows: Flrt Ward Anton M. Beck, George Cath roe, Frank W. Coleman. 1. S. Hascall, A. R. Hensel, Frank A. McDonald, Sam W. Scott. Second Ward William Altstadt, Fred Brunlng, Vaclav Buresh, F. H. Hoye, John L. Lynch, N. P. Swanson, Edward Morris. Third Ward-Lou Blotcky. Charles Cat lin, George Crow, George A. Mead, A. R. Harvey, Fred L. Smith, Ike Zimman. Fourth Ward Irving F. Baxter, Dr. Robert 8. Anglin, George W. Linlnger, Frank E. Moores. Albert C Powers, Ed ward Rosewater, Lee E. Grler. Fifth Ward-W. B. Christie. R. W. Rich ardson, Bryce Crawford. Charles F. John son, James P. Redman, DeWltt Elllng wood, Henry McCoy. Sixth Ward W. S. Askwlth. H. E. Os trom, Sam Baxter, W. R. Homan, W. J. Hunter, Ira Flanagan, J. L. Jacobs. Seventh Ward H. E. Palmer, Theodore Olsen, 8. A. Searle, John Grant, Emll Wal strom, J, O. Detweiler, J. Pierce. Eighth Ward Edwin F. Brailey, James A. Davis, Harry A. Foster, Clark R. Hut ton. James E. Rait, Edwin M. Tracy, Carl J. Westerdahl. Ninth Ward C. A. Goss, M. A. Hall. C. A. Grimmel, J. L. Baker, W. A. Gardner, Q. N. Hypse, C. S. Huntington. Dundee Henry P. Leavltt. Benson James Walsh. The delegates to the Judicial convention are: First Ward-Peter M. Beck, Frank Vv". Bandhauer, James Cathroe. Second Ward E. G. Bone, David Gilbert. Joseph Cavan. Third Ward A. S. Ritchie, George A. Mead, H. B. Zimman. Fourth Ward J. J. Boucher, T. J. Fita morrls, A. H. Comstock. Fifth Ward Hugh A. Myers, W. I. Kler stead, Frank H. Woodland. Sixth Ward J. M. Macomber, B. R. Ball, E. C. Wolcott. Seventh Ward Howard H. Baldrlge, E. E. Bryson, Max Roesslg. Eighth Ward-Louis D. Holmes, Edwin F. Brailey. Horace B. Bowles. Ninth Wsrd-H. J. Penfold, John H. Butler, H. W. Pennock. Dundee Ellery H. Westerfield. , Benson Sam Flnlayson. South Omaha. In South Omaha a ticket had been pre pared for voting at the primaries, but It did not suit the people of that city: It was too late to have the new names printed on the ballots and consequently the ticket was written. In spite of this handicap it -met with general success. There were 211 votes cast at the primaries and the direct issue of endorsing Van Dusen the vote was 113 against to ninety-eight for htm. The fol lowing are the delegates elected, a por tion of whom are supposed to be In favor of Van Dusen: South Omaha F. A. Agnew, E. L. Gus tafson, Jeff Cooley, H. L. Dennis, Gus ErickBon, George Hausman, George John son, Joe Koutsky, John Keegan, Harry Kelly, Frank Lee, Fred Martin, John Mc Intire, George Sherwood, John Troutan, R. G. Wilcox, David Anderson, H. D. Mosely. CROZIER MATTER UP AGAIN Proposition to Make Him Chief of Ordnance Occnplea Time of Senate. WASHINGTON, June 13. During tho greater part of today the aenate was in executive session, the nomination of Cap tain Crozier to bo chief of ordnance of the army being the particular aubject under consideration. The president's message urging the es tablishment of reciprocal relatione between the United States and Cuba waa received after the senate had gone Into secret ses sion. The doors were opened, the message waa read and then the secret aesslon waa resumed. The vote by which the resolutions re specting the discharge of Miss Rebecca J. Taylor from tha War department was re ferred to the committee on civil service and retrenchment at the Instance of Mr. Piatt of Connecticut was reconsidered; and the resolution was made subject to tha call of Mr. Carmack of Tennessee. A resolution waa offered by Mr. Mitchell of Oregon directing the committee on Pa cific islands and Porto Rico to Inquire into the general condition of Hawaii, the ad ministration of affairs there, the quality, condition and value of the public landa In Hawaii, the crown lands and the title of the former queen therein, with power to alt during the recess and by aubcommlttee to visit the islands. If necessary, and to report at the beginning of the next ses sion. Mr. Hoar proposed an amendment to the resolution providing that the committee abould inquire whether the ex-queen has any claim against the United States, legal or equitable, by reason of having parted hitherto with her title. Mr. Mitchell accepted the amendment and the resolution waa referred to the com mittee on Pacific inlands and Porto Rico. The senate took no action on the nomi nation of General Crozier. The senate resumed business In open ses sion at 2:55 p. m. The message of tba president in support of the establishment of reciprocal relations between the United States and Cuba was read and was llatened to with profound attention by aenatora on both sides of the chamber. The attendance of aenatora was notably large. The chair announced that the message would be re ferred to the committee on relations with Cuba. Hanged for Marder of Woman, SAN QUENTIN. Cal.. June 13. James F. Wheelock waa executed in the penitentiary here this morning for the murder of Mrs. Emily Martin at Coutoulene, Butte county, on the night of March 13, 1901. The con demned man ascended the scaffold with a firm atep. Death apparently waa Los la a Ujieeuj. . CONDITION OFJTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Showers and Thunderstorms Saturday; Cooler In West Portion; Sunday Fair. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! Hour, Desc. Hour. 1 l. m SI p. in ;t p. ni 4 p. m R p. m ( p. m 7 p. ni p. ni ft p. m Dew. . . 73 . . 7t . . 75 . . 7t . . 7.1 . . Ti 7 . . 7t 71 R a. in. a. m. 7 a. m . M n. in . a. m . 7 r 7 7.'t 74 10 a. m. 11 a. m. 12 m. . . . FIRE IN THE CUDAHY PLANT Drying; Room of the Pepsin Depart ment Practically De stroyed. Shortly after 1 o'clock this morning fire, caused by spontaneous combustion, broke out in the dry room of the pepsin depart ment of the Cudahy packing plant at South Omaha. By prompt work the fire was con fined to this department and practically to the room In which It originated. The dry room Is located In the old building to the north of the present office. The loss Is esti mated at $10,000, fully covered by Insurance. SHRINERS SEEING SIGHTS Take a Ride Around the Ray as Gneata of San Francisco Brothers. SAN FRANCISCO, June 13. (Special Telegram.) The special feature In the day's entertainment of the visiting Shrlners was a free excursion for the nobles and women over what is known as the "Wishbone" route, by rail around San Francisco bay. Nearly if not quite all of the Nebraska party availed themselves of the opportunity afforded by this trip through the generous hospitality of Islam temple. Leaving San Francisco at 8:30, the train stopped for a short time at Deroto, where the Masons of California maintain a com modious home for Indigent members and orphans. The next stop was at the beautiful little city of San Jose, where the visitors were allowed about two hours and where many of them saw for the first time the luxuriant Bemi-trdpical vegetation of south ern California. But the moBt Instructive portion of the trip was the stop of about three hours at Palo Alto and the Leland Stanford, Jr., university. Leaving the train, the entire party formed In line, preceded by the Arab patrol and band of El Jebel temple, and marched to the magnificent memorial church, Just now reaching completion,' at a cost of more than $500,000. Here a special organ recital was rendered and the Arab patrols conducted themselves as naturally as If they had always been accustomed to a church Instead of a 'mosque. After the recital opportunity was given to Inspect tbe frescoes and statuary of the church and the frieze of the great Stanford memorial arch. The remaining time waa apent In viewing the university buildings, which are built In the style of the Hispano- Moorish architecture of the early California missions. A drive over the Stanford estate and to the superb mausoleum where rest the rematna of the late Senator Stanford and hla aon, completed this portion of the journey and the visitors boarded the train for San Francisco, arriving there In time for the grand ball at Mechanics' pavlllion. Representative Thomas of Tangier temple of Omaha waa one of the judges yesterday at the competitive drill of the Arab patrol, where the first prize was awarded to the patrol of El Jebel temple of Denver, Aladdin temple, of Columbus, O., making a close second. JONES PLEADS HIS INNOCENCE Former Lincoln Man Declares He Did Not Murder or Abet Klllins; of Heywood, DETROIT, June 13. William M. Jones, formerly of Lincoln, Neb., who Is on trial, charged with the murder last April of George M. Heywood, with whose wife It haa been proven he was Intimate, took the stand in his own behalf thla afternoon. "Did you on the morning of April 10 kill George Heywood or were you in any man ner connected with his killing?" waa the last question he waa asked by his attor ney, George F. Moghan, before the after noon adjournment. "Did I kill George Heywood? I certainly did not. I vns In my room all night until called In tbe morning," waa Jones' clear and emphatic answer. Jones roomed at Heywood'a house and It la the contention of the prosecution that he arose during tbe night, stole out of the house and murdered Heywood, who waa on hla way home from a party. Jones told of the Intimacy between Mrs. Heywood and liimrelf and claimed that her actions w;ro always voluntary and denied that he ever made- threata against her, aa sHe claimed In her testimony. He also de nied Mrs. Heywood'a statements that he made threats agalnat Heywood. "We were alwaya gooda friends; there was never any occasion for my threaten ing him," he declared. CAPTAIN AND WOMAN DROWN Go Down as Result of Capatslna; of Sloop Laden with Oyster Shells. CHESTER, Pa.. June 13. Captain Han nett Robblna of Port Norrla, N. J., and Mrs. Pluma Haines of Camden, N. J., were drowned this afternoon opposite this city by the capsizing of tbe sloop Henry 8. Rob bins, laden with oyster shells. On the yacht at the time of the accident beelde thoBe mentioned were Miss Lizzie Jones of Camden and Robert Reed and Charles F. Burton of Port Norrls. The United States launch Cadet, with a survey ing party on board, was near at hand and hurried to the rescue, but Captain Robblna and Mra. Haines had disappeared. The othera were taken from the water and con veyed to this city. ANGUS PEOPLE WILL ENTER Change Former Decision and Will Take Part ta Cattle and Swlae Show, KANSAS CITY, June 13 The directors of tbe American Angus Cattla Breeders' association, at a meeting here today, re scinded the action of several months ago and decided to participate in the American Royal Cattle and Swine ahow to be held In Kansas City October 20 to 27. Tbe sum of $3,500 waa appropriated for prlzea to be distributed among aix Individual and four herd and group classes. The decision to remove the headquartera of the association from Harvey, 111., to the Chicago dock yards waa officially approved. ENDS LONG CONTEST Hon. M. E. Kinkaid of O'Neill Nominate! for Congress in the Sixth District BUFFALO AND DAWSON HEAD BREAK TO HIM Result is Reached on the One Hundred and Seventj-Seventh Ballot. EFFORT TO COMBINE THE FIELD FAILS Recess is Taken Late in Afternoon and Caucusing Solves Problem. RESULT IS GREETED WITH ENTHUSIASM Lending- Competitors Move to Make the Nomination Unanimous and It l Done Centrnl Com mittee .nmed. CRAWFORD. Neb.. June 13.-(Speclal Telegram.) The contest for the congrea slonal nomination came to a sensational ending at 4 o'clock this afternoon with tha nomination of Moses P. Kinkaid on the 177th ballot. At the close of the balloting last night the vote was almost the same as at the opening of the contest and dur ing the night no combinations were made. The forenoon was featureless and the roll call of the thirty-four counties proceeded without Interruption. At noos' tbe Currle forces made a last effort to secure help from Kinkaid without success. It became evident that neither Currle, Cady nor Bee- man could be nominated, and there waa some talk of a new man, Norrla Brown being most frequently mentioned. During the recess the Buffalo and Dawson delegates expressed a wish to go to Kinkaid and end the Btruggle, but finally an arrangement was entered into whereby the forces of Grimes, Beeman, Cady and Darr were to combine, trying each candidate five ballots in the order named. Grimes reached M votes on the 135th ballot, Beeman 81H on the 158th, Cady 87V4 on the 165th and Darr 80i on the 167th. Kinkaid and Currle In the meantime reclaimed practically all of their usual strength. Settles the Fight. It was evident that nothing could be gained by this combinaion and, pending an arrangement with the Currle forces to Join the combination and nominate .Grimes, a forty-minute recess was taken. During the recess Buffalo and Dawson held a caucua and agreed to go to Kinkaid. Thla settled the fight. The last ballot before recess waa: Kinkaid, 79H; Grimes, 48H; Beeman, 19; Currle, 42; Cady, 9; Aaron Wall, 9. The first ballot after recess was: Kinkaid, 124; Grimes. 304; Currle, 43; Cady, 9. Before the result was announced Currle and Grimes both popoaed the nomination of Kinkaid by acclamation. The nomina tion waa greeted with much enthusiasm and Kinkaid, Beeman, Currle, Crimea, Cady and Darr made speeches, which were loudly cheered. One of the defeated candidates said that a man named Moses, running In conven tion presided over by a chairman named Aaron, waa a combination too hard to beat. anc Congressional Committee. The selection of a congressional chairman waa left to the candidate. The congres sional committee waa named aa follows: W. McKee, Harrlsburg; Peter Erlcaon, Brewster; W. H. Corben, Alliance; John A. Davles, Box Butte; A. W. Scattergood, Ainsworth; N. P. McDonald, Kearney; J, L. Mcintosh, Sidney; Charles A. Cornell, Valentine; F. M. Currle, Sargent; E. C. Hams, Chadron; John H. Ltnderman, Lex ington; O. C. McAllister, Chappell; E. P. Scott, Burwell; A. A. Record, Hyannla; J, R. Hanna, Greeley; E. Ott, Stuart; Wil liam Haywood, Mullen; R. Hannibal, St. Paul; W. C. Brown, Sprtngvlew; H. B. Goodall, Ogallala; Isaac Rouse, Kimball; C. S. Schoorman, North Platte; E. R. Smith, Gandy; A. S. Moon, Taylor; L. C, Renean, Tyron; F. M. Morgan, Bassett; E. T. Westervelt, Scotts Bluff; I. H.'Cyowder, Gordon; A. Wall, Loup; W. H. Davis, Har riaon; John H. Evans, Thedford; M. L. Fries, Arcadia; T. D. Meese, Bartlett. MAY TAKE PLACE "oT STEAM Whitney Interested In a Scheme to Displace Locomotives with Electrical Engines. NEW YORK. June 13. The Tribune aaya that In connection with the acquisition of the Stanley Electrical Manufacturing com pany plant at Pittsfleld, Mass., by William C. Whitney and hla associates there la back of the purchase a purpose to extend the works with the aid of Oanz & Co. of Buda Peat, one of the largest electrical concerns In Europe, for the purpose of converting ateam railroads In thla country Into electrical railroads. The substitution of electricity for ateam on American lines ia not, according to the Tribune, expected to be entered upon at once, but for the immediate future. The Increased plant at Pittsfleld la to supply the demands of the street railways in thla city, Philadelphia, northern New Jersey and in Connecticut for electrical supplies. Later, wherever there ta a congestion of traffic on the ateam roads In the east, it la believed there will be a displacement of the locomotive by tbe electrical englnaa. According to the Tribune details of the plan by which Ganx is .to join handa with Mr. Whitney and his assoclatea la the es tabMshment of a branch factory In this country have been arranged. It la further asserted that at least fifteen locomotive building concerns In the United States will be brought into the enterprise. RAIN ON EVERY COURT DAY Showers Attend tire Five Royal Func tions Given by King nd Queen. LONDON, June 18. King Edward and Queen Alexandra held the fifth and final court of tbe aeason at Buckingham palace this evening. It was raining hard and a cold wind waa blowing and the weather waa worse, it possible, than that which marked the four Inclement nights of the previous courts. The scene Inside Buckingham palace waa particularly brilliant, however, aa tha Jap anese and Corean embassies to the coro nation of the king, who have just arrived In England, who attended court, were quite as splendidly attired aa were the Indian prlncea. The latter were the feature of thla, aa they have been of prevloua, courta. Shooting Winds tp Quarrel. RAWLINS, Wyo., June 13. (Special Tel egram.) James Peterle of Fort Steel la dying from the effects of a wound indicted by J. Munn, proprietor of a hotel at that place. Munn alleges that PeUrie alandered him, the tragedy following a quarreL