Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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DegTea of LL. D. Conferred on General
Thayer ana Ii-Obanoellor Hanatt.
Tells rnieersMy", Btadent Aboat the
Colored Mam In the (loath ai la
Workl Oat of the Race
iFrnrn a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 12. (Special.) Booker
T. Washington of Tuskegee. Ala., the col
ored leader, educator and writer, ad
dressed at the annual commencement of the
University of Nebraska this morn inn one
of the largest audience that ever ss
cmbled Indoors In this city. His aubject
was "The Race Problem." Seldom hss an
orator created a more7 favorable Impression
upon his auditors In Lincoln than did this
peaker today. He held the full Interest
of the assemblage throughout his address,
which was over an hour In length, and was
frequently and heartily applauded.
The exercises were ' held In the Audi
torium. .About 10 o'clock the seniors and
candidates tor higher degrees assembled
at the university and formed In line be
hind Chancellor Andrews, the faculty and
a band. "To a lively-atr they marched
through, the buslneas portion of the city
to the Auditorium. All but' those seats re
served for the seniors and faculty were al
ready filled. After the procession entered
the building the doors were thrown open
and all available standing room was soon
taken. ' : ' ,. .,
Confers Degree on Thayer.
General John M. Thayer of this city and
former Chancellor J. Irving Manatt of
Trovldence, R. I., were honored with LL.
D. degree. They were conferred by the
chancellor Just before' the benediction was
pronounced at the commencement exer
cises. The announcement came as a sur
prise, no Intimation of It having been
given either by the chancellor or any of
the regents. The recommendation were
made to the board ' this morning and a
unanimous vote ,was given to authorize the
chancellor to Confer the degrees. General
Thayer was announced as "scholar, sol
dier, statesman," and former Chancellor
Manatt as "scholar, teacher, writer, dip
lomat." From the graduate school the degree of
M. A. was conferred upon the following:
Fred John Bates. B. Sc., 1900, Kansas State
university, physics; William Bell Cartmel,
B. Sc., 1900, Case School of Applied Science,
physics; Leonora Henrietta. Dahl, A. B.,
1898, the University of Nebraska, German;
Harry Webster 'Grayblll, B. Sc., 1900, the
University of Nebraska, zoology; Charlotte
Eugenia Hullhorst, A. B., 1900, the Uni
versity of Nebraska, German; Carl Henry
Meier, A B., 1899, the University of Ne
braska, European history; Eleanora Tib
Vets Miller. A. B., 1900, the University of
Nebraaka, philosophy: Walter Peterson, A.
B., 1900, Orand Island college, Greek; An
nie Elizabeth Prey, A. B., 1896, the Uni
versity of Nebraska," English; Walter
Hampton Rhodes, A. B., 1890, the Univer
sity of Nebraska, European history; Ida
Lute Robbing. B. Sc. 1890, Tabor college,
American history. .
The- university Board of Regents has
raised the salary of Chancellor Andrews to
16,000. the . 21,000 Increase being allowed
for lectures on ethics. This Is the first
time in the history of the institution that
provision has been made for paying the
chancellor more than 85,000 a. year for his
aervlces. The ' action was taken by the
board at a meeting held Just before the
commencement exercises. "' -
Following, is the address, of Booker T.
Washington: .
Booker Washington's Address,
The subject to which I want to call your
attention for a, brief period concerns, I
thlnt. not only the south, not only the
negro race to which 1 belong, but every
section of our country and every race In
cur country. It la a subject which espe
cially, it wiimi to me, should concern the
vehclcr, whether he resides in the north or
south. t
Before we can discuss what Is known as
tliM problem In tills country with any
degree or btnetit we should grow if pos
sible to the point where we can place our
selves In the position of the negro at the
south and at the same time so far lift our
kelr nbove oumelvcc as to view condi
tion from the position of the white man at
tin: south The time has passed when any
thing can be gained for the black man or
for any section of our country by mere
abuse of one ruce on the part of the other,
or bv punting of words of condemnation
Lit ween one section of the country and the
I confess that when I first began the
work of educating my race at Tuskegee,
Ala . It w with rather a selfish ambition
to lift ur, the negro If necessary at the ex-
ense o.' the southern white man. I have
onif since, I hope, outgrown that selllafl
ambition and as (.speak to you today I
have no desire that Is higher than that
which serve the highest and moat last
ing Inleiests of all the people In the south
rttiuirilesH of race and regardless of color.
For u lii'ml'tr of years at the Tuskegeo
Normal and Industrial Institute we have
emphasized Industrial education In connec
tion with moral and literary training, for
the reason that we have believed that In
thij term of education lay in a very large
dtsroe the hope of our race, as well as the
opportunity to so blend their lives with the
IrJutrlul life of the white man In a way
to liiako the two races feel that their Inter
ests aru ldtntical.
First Problem at Freedom.
The problem of self-support Immediately
after the war was the II rat one which
tuced our race, and with our Industrial sys
tem compriHlng twenty-one different Indus
trial departments, we are teaching the
l.ftu students In attendance at the Institu
tion the lesson of the dignity and beauty
of labor.- the lesson of self-reliance, the
In ron of self-support. No race or In
dividual can get upon Its feet until It learns
that there is dignity In all forms of labor
and disgrace In all forms of Idleness, until
ll learns that a race In order to get upon
Its feet must become an original, primary
producer of wealth and not yield to the
temptation to live by Its wits.
We are teaching our people through the
hurdreds of graduates that go out from
Tukkegee to put- brains, skill and dignity
intc the common occupations of life. We
are teaching I hem that their greatest pro
tection will be In usefulness. We are teach
ing them to do a common thing In an un
common manner, toviift labor up out of
drudgery- nd toll Into that atmosphere
where it hecosnes beautiful and glorified
V.' bre teaching them that In proportion
a they !srn to do a thing so well that no
one else can improve upon It, In the same
prop rtlon. will they be recognised as clU
g'jua and as men and women.
Mistakes ef Edaratloa.
I believe that at present and during
a number of years to come our people
will find their . greatest usefulness .and
their most secure foundation In the
ownership and cultivation of the soli; for
that. reason In our education we emphasise
especially agricultural training. We be
lieve that It la a mistake to take a young
man from an agricultural district and
duaate him In everything about heaven
and earth except the very Industry about
which he should know most, that Is agri
culture. Klshty.flve pr cent of our people
In the gulf states live by aome form of
agriculture, and we believe It Is the part
of wisdom to give them aueh training In
this fundamental Industry that they will
return to the farm after they have gotten
through with their education and show
their people bow to raise fifty bushels of
corn on an acre of land where only twenty-five
were growing- before, rather than
yield to the temptation to go to the cities
and live by their wits. Those who would
heip save my people should use their In
fluence to keep th"m on the poll and out
of the lsrge cities, especially the. lsrge
cities of the north. "Hack to the toil,"
"Hack to the soil," ' should be oitr con
stunt motto.
The negro of the south work hut bv
reason of his Ignorance and lark of skill
he doe not know how to utilise the re
sults of his labor. Here comes In the
value of the work of the Tuskegee gradu
stes. These graduates teach the people
how to buy land, how to build decent
heues, to prolong the school term, h i lid
comfortable school houses and put money
Into hank. Already the results thit are
beginning to show themselves are almost
marvelous. Official statistics, for example,
show that the colored people already -own
l-2 of all the real estate In Virginia; In
the counties east of the Blue Ridge moun
tains they own 1-1. In Oeorgta the offi
cial records show that the colored people
own 1.4'iO.OOu acres of land and paid taxes
last year upon over $ worth of
property. Hear In mind that this Is a
race that started empty handed and In
poverty and Ignorance less than fortv
years ago. Oeorge Kennan, the eminent
Russian authority, who has recent v been
In the south, says that the negroes who
were freed at about the same time a the
Russian serfs have already outstripped
the Russian serfs In progress, notwith
standing the serfs In Russia were given
land by the government and the negro
In the south had to buy his own land.
New Era of Reconstraetion.
You have heard much of the days of
i-:uiiiruciion in ine soutn, dui we are
bringing about now through the grad
uates that are going out from our va
rious schools a new era of rconstructlon,
not the old era that emphasizes politics
alone and hatred of the southern white
man, but the new era of reconstruction
which emphasizes buying of land, ths
building of homes, the creating of sehoo.s
and the strengthening of the bond of
friendship between the two races.
I have heard It stated more than once
recently that the relations between the
two races are becoming more strained
year by year. This statement I cannot in
dorse. The relations which existed forty
years ago were that of owner and slave,
of master and servant. During the last
few years we have been growing Into new
relations. The negro comes Into relations
with hU former master as a buyer of
property, as a tenant, as a bank depositor,
as a laborer, not a slave, as a teacher,
as a minister. While we are adjusting our
selves to these newer conditions we must
not grow discouraged or must not b sur
prised If new and then ihre Is friction and
oinicuny mat woulfl seem to the super
ficial observer a widening of the breach
between the two races. If when a new
ship Is being launched Into the water
we hear the cracking of the ropes, th'
squeaking of the timbers, we must not
become too much slarmed, we must re
mfmber that the vessel Is settling Itself
down Into the new life which it Is to lead.
What the Kegro Most Do.
In the matter of business, of Industry,
of trade, the negro has -an opportunity
In the south that. I do not believe Is ot
tered him In any other part of the coun
try. What we want to do is to teach him
to take advert9geof . that opportunity.
Wherever I have gone In the south I have
found that the negro who has an educa
tion, who has secured property and has
high character Is with few exceptions re
spected and honored by the members; of
both races. What the negro wants to do
Is to make himself of indispensable value
In the community where lie lives, to make
himself so valuable that that community
will feel that It cannot dispense with his
services and presence. The great human
law which always encourageKfc,and rewards
merit Is everlasting. Is universal and will
not be nullified In any part of the country.
My friends, this problem In the south
concerns every member of your race In the
north a-.d west. In proportion as you help
us you will help yourselves up. In the
proportion as any Individual extends a
helping band to the weak, In the sme pro.
portion Is he strengthened and made
stronger for the duties of life. No mem
ber of your race em In any degree harm
the meanest member of my trace without
. , Proudest and bluest blood In your
civilization being degraded. No member
of your race can in the slightest degree
help up a member of my race without
being- made nobler and more godlike.
Ipholds the Treasurer.
The officials of the department of public
Instruction express approval of the action
of Treasurer Coddington of Dodge county
In refusing to pay publlo funds to school
treasurers who have not filed their bonds
In accordance with the law.
"The statutes require the school treas
urers to die bonds before handling the
money under the Jurisdiction of the office
aid It Is well that the county treasurers
are beginning to Insist on compliance with
the provision," said Deputy Superintendent
McBrlen. "No complaints have been re
ceived In this, however, and we do not
know that the failure to file bonds has ever
caused lany loss to a school district, but
the law on the subject-Is plain and should
be observed."
At a meeting of the council committee
appointed to hear the protests against the
returns of the assessors, held this morn
ing. It was Informally agreed to take up
the hearing of these complaints next Mon
day morning, although this may be changed
If there Is any great increase In the num
ber of objections.
Hlajhlanders Go to I.og-an. Iowa.
A special car, filled with Royal Highland
ers, left on the afternoon Elkhorn train
for Logan, la., the occasion being a meet
ing of Instruction arranged by W. E. Sharp,
M. I. P. Delegations were present from
western Iowa and eastern Nebraaka and
100 Royal Highlanders were added to the
castle at Logan.
The Bonnie Doon Castle degree team was
honored by being selected as the Instruct
ing team and accompanied the delegation
from Lincoln, traveling la full Highlander
costume, under command of Captain
Qlldersleeve. . .
The Board of Regents of the State uni
versity has reorganized by electing Re
gent Kenowen. of Wisner to succeed E. Von
Forell as presidents The mettlng of the
board dealt entirely with the commence
ment, only business of a routine nature
being transacted besides the conferring of
the two honorary degrees and the reorgan
ization. Booker, T. Washington was banqueted at
the Orand hotel tonight by the Afro-Americans
of the city. The. spread was elab
orate and speeches were mads by prom
inent members of the colored population,
and were responded to by the distinguished
guest. In accordance with his request
Washington was taken to the Lincoln hotel
upon his arrival here and remained there
most of the day. Early this afternoon be
vlstteuSthe state farm with the chancellor.
ever Storm la York Connty.
M'COOL JUNCTION. Neb., June- 12.
(Special.) Last evening this locality was
visited by a very bard windstorm and con
siderable damage was dons to small out
buildings, barns and windmills. Crops on
the lowlands were damaged to small extent.
A heavy rain of about two and a half inches
accompanied the wind. The Blue river has
been the highest known in the last seven
years. It Is reported that the dam at the
old stone mill Is out and that the flume
and mill race of the Red Lyon mill has been
washed out. Many small bridges and cul
verts have been washed away.
Farashaad Eaaatraek.
YORK. Neb., June 11. (f pedal.) Ths
nrst sunstroke this summer reported here
was that of Frank Crltll. a laboring man
employed by Q. W. Clark, a farmer living
ons and a halt miles south of Benedict.
M. Crltll was at work la th hayfleld and
at about noon he was oversome by beat. He
was brought to this city whlla In an un
conscious state, but attending physicians
say he will recover.
Subbed Repeatedly with a Knife
Beaten with a Hear Club.
Mia Who Was Trarellas; with Hlaa
apposed to Be the Oallty Oae, bat
Police Have Iter a Unable
to Locate Hlaa.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. June 1J. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Walter Harbold, aged 15.
wag traveling from Saratoga, Wyo., ac
companied by Charles Evans, aged about
25. Harbold had $16.60. which fact was
known by Evans. The latter enticed him
off the main road to the B. A M. Belt line
and when at a lonesome place Just east of
Koehler lake! Evans demanded of Harbold
the delivery of the money. The lad re
fused. Evans repeated the demand with
the threat that he would kill blm If re
fused. Apparently the lad again refused,
whereupon Evans assaulted him. He took
a small knife from blm, stabbed him be
tween twenty and thirty times and beat
him Into Insensibility with a club. When
the lad recovered consciousness hs crawled
to the Koehler Ice houses, where he was
discovered by some men, who Immediately
notified the police. Harbold was taken to
the hospital about 9 o'clock. The crime
was committed between 7 and 8 o'clock.
While one officer saw to the welfare of the
boy the chief of police held a hurried con
sultation with Sheriff Taylor and every sur
rounding point was notified and all train
crews given notice to look for the stranger.
Up to this afternoon no clue to the where
abouts of the man had been received, ex
cepting that when last seen he was mak
ing across the country to the south.
Harbold lives at Campbell, this state.
After arriving at the hospital and when
able to speak be said Evans claimed to
be from Brookeston, Ind. Only a partial
description of the man is given. He Is
five feet seven or eight Inches high, wore
a dark coat and hat, canvas -shoes; coat
and hat had a heavy greaseepot. The man
wore a brown mustache. The county at
torney communicated with Campbell and
the unfortunate lad's parents were found
to be well-to-do people, who left Camp
bi'l on the first train for the boy's bedside.
The lad has numerous stab wounds about
the chest, several in the neck, one In the
eye, several on the head and many bruises
made by the club, which later was found
by the police on the Belt line, covered with
Evans undoubtedly left his victim for
dead, taking his money. The knife, for
tunately, was a small one and two gashes
across the entire throat are pny heavy
scratches. ' City Physician Abbott was first
of the opinion that the boy's skull was frac
tured, but on closer examination finds no
broken parts, and, while Harbold Is "tin
conscious thts afternoon, he hopes for his
recovery, If the brain Is not Injured.
Means Power Plant for Stronnbarg,
STROM8BURO, Neb.. June 12. (Special.)
A stock company consisting of seven
of the leading business men of this city
has organized a power heating and electric
light company with an authorized capital
of $15,000, with $7,000 paid In. J. B. Buck
ley la president; L H. Headstrom, vice
president; P. T. Buckley, treasurer, and
F. E. Halden, secretary and general man
ager. An up-to-date plant will be put In
at once. Mr. Halden has gone east to buy
ths material and they expect to have the
plant ready for use In three months. This
Improvement .Is much needed in. the city,
and with these men pushing It the citizens
feel assured of a complete success in this
Sheriff Makes Raid In Palmyra.
NEBRASKA CITYvNeb.. June 12. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Sheriff Charles E. Schra
der raided a so-called clubroom at Palmyra
and arrested the proprietor, Charles
Combs, on a warrant Issued last night by
Judge Hay ward. The complaint was filed
by several Palmyra people who were In ths
city yesterday. The sheriff confiscated
twenty-six cases of beer and a small quan
tity of liquor, which he brought back with
him this evening. The prisoner was brought
to this city tonight and lodged In the county
Jail. This case seems exactly parallel to
that of Ernest Rottman, who was given a
,flne of $1,000 and costs at the last term of
the district court.
Exeter Will Boom the Fonrth.
EXETER. Neb., June 12. (Special.)
After several meetings of the citizens ar
rangements have been made for a grand
celebration of the Fourth of July. Thera
will be a game of base ball between two
of the best teams that can be procured and
numerous other sports. A grand display
of fireworks is booked for the evening. As
this will probably be the only town In ths
county to celebrate this year, excursion
trains will run from all neighboring towns.
Mrs. Marthja Jaae Blxler.
BEATRICE, Neb., June 17-. (Special.)
Mrs. Martha Jane Blxler, wife of Henry
Blxler, died this morning. The deceased
was 61 years of age and Is survived by
her husband and two sons. Ths funeral
will be held tomorrow at 2 p. m. from Cen
tenary church.
Tornado Cload Near Blair.
BLAIR, Neb.. June 12. (Special Tele
gram.) At 8 o'clock this afternoon the cit
izens of Blair were startled at the forma
tion of a tornado southwest of the city. It
passed northeast almost directly over the
town and dipped down a mile north of the
Woman's Work in Club
The report that ths accident which be
fell Miss Anna Maxwell Jones, General
Federation secretary for New York, while
out with ths Ill-fated Texas driving party
at Redlaads. Cel., Just at the close of ths
biennial, had resulted fatally. Is a mis
take, and club women, will be pleased to
learn that Miss Jones has so far recov
ered from her Injuries as to permit of her
removal recently from the hospital at Red-
lands to her summer horns at Saratoga.'
As a result of the recent meeting In
Washington. D. C. of ths continental hall
committee and citional board of the Daugh
ters or the American Revolution that or
ganisation Is tn possession of a sits for Its
continental hall. The committee was em
powered by ths February unimi tn nut.
chase a sits after a meeting, the call for
watch should be Issued at least fifteen daya
beforehand, and at which at least twenty
Ave members of ths committee should agree
upon ths sits proposed. These condltlooa
wars all compiled with, ths committee
agreeing upon a sits at Seventeenth and
Washington streets. Bear ths new Corcoran
Art gallery, opposite ths Mall and about
tbrea blocks from ths Washington monu
ment and about ths same distance from
ths Treasury building.
A plan baa rscently been suggested for
Increasing ths continental hall fund, which
promises to be popular as well as success
ful to ths amount of about (54,000. It la
known as ths human calendar. The year
la represented by ths president general of
th society. Twelve of th stat regents
city limits and took - up considerable
earth from a field. At first It formed In
a dark, funnel-shaped mass; after leaving
the ground It resembled a large rope, dang
ling from1 the clouds above.
Hearty Oration to McCarthy.
TONCA, Neb.. June 12. (Special.) The
citizens of Ponca turned out enmasse,
headed by the Ponca .band, to welcome
home Hon. J. J. McCarthy, candidate for
congress from the Third district. An In
formal reception was held at the McCarthy
home, attended by the public. Mr. McCar
thy Is very popular In his horns city and
county and is favorably and well known all
over the west.
Soaker Strikes O'Kelll.
' O'NEILL, Neb.. June 12. (Special.) It
began raining here last night about 10
o'clock and poured all night and Is still
raining this morning. Farm products and
grass were Just beginning to need rain
and It came at the right time. The out
look for a good crop was never better here
than at the present time and stock of all
kinds are In the beet of condition. '
Factory Instala Fire Protection.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., June 12. (Spe
cial.) Work was commenced this morning
on the piping for the fire protection sys
tem that the Great Western Cereal com
pany is having put Into Its factory at this
place. An efficient fire department has
been organized among the employes of the
Soldier Released from Five-Year
Term Under Dentins; Case
SAN FRANCISCO, June 12. Among the
passengers who came In on the transport
Warren was Captain Frank W. Barrows,
late of the Thirtieth Infantry, United States
volunteers, one of the officers who was
courtmartlaled in Manila a little over a
year ago for alleged frauds committed In
the commissary department. - Barrows was
convicted and sentenced to a term of five
years' Imprisonment In the United States
penitentiary, but although he has served
only a small portion of his sentence, he
finds an order for his release from cus
tody awaiting blm here.
This release Is due to the supreme court
decision In the Demlng case.
Among the officers arriving from Manila
on the transport Warren today were Major
L. T. Waller and Lieutenant J. A. H. Day
of the Marine corps, the two officers who
were recently tried by court-martial in
the Philippines on the charge of cruelty
to Filipinos and acquitted.
Major Waller and Lleutentant Day are
both enfeebled In health from the long
strain of Philippine service and came home'
with a battalion of marines. The marines
will be taken to Mare Island, and the
two officers will go to Washington to report
before ths senate committee.
Continuation of Showers with Cooler
Wenthcr Friday, with Fair
, .Saturday,
WASHINGTON. June 12. Forecast:
For Nebraska Showers Friday; Saturday,
For Iowa Showers and thunderstorm
Friday; cooler In central and southeast
portions; Saturday, fair.
For Missouri Showers, thunderstorms
and oobler Friday; Saturday," probably fair.
For South Dakota Fair In west, showers
in east portion Friday1; cooler In central
portion; Saturday, taJx-iL, '
For Kansas Showers and cooler in south
east portion Friday; Saturday, fair.
For Illinois Showers, thunderstorms and
cooler Friday; Saturday, probably fair;
fresh, south winds, becoming variable.
Local Record.
OMAHA, June 12. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
, 1902. 1801. 1900. 1S9.
Maximum temperature ..81 78 74 82
Minimum temperature .. 68 62 60 62
Mean temperature 70 70 67 77
Precipitation ; .42 .11 .03 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and sines March 1.
Normal temperature 72
Deficiency for the day j
Total excess since March 1
Normal precipitation 19 inch
Excess for the day 23 inch
Total rainfall since March 1 7.32 inches
Deficiency since March 1 (.84 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1901. .J. 12 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1900.... 3.24 inches
Honoris frosa Stations at T P. M.
: c
: 9
: 3
Omsha, raining
Valentine, cloudy
North Platte, part cloudy .
Cheyenne, Cloudy
Salt Lke City, cloudy
Rapid City, clear
Huron, part cloudy
Wllllston, clear ,.
Chicago, cloudy
St. Louis, clear
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Kansas City, part cloudy .
Havre, cloudy
Helena, part cloudy
Bismarck, clear
Oalvestcn, clear
731 Ml .42
70 801 .01
7j t0 .00
IIH 74l .(Ml
88: .02
74 00
801 .0)
6 .00
80 .00
93 M0
7S T
Ml .02
8K 82 .0.)
64 70 .00
701 70! aK
80 701 .00
84 8! .00
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
will take th twelve months, ths other
periods of time being distributed among
the other members of the society. Five dol
lars constitutes a year membership, $3 the
months, $2 th weeks and ths days 60 cents
each, hours 25 cents and minutes 10 cenu.
Miss Edna Bullock of th Stat Traveling
Library commission expects to start next
week on a tour of th stats to lecture on
library topics. She will speak at Culbert
aon Jun 11, at Holdrege on th 19th and
at Sidney June 20. Pates for th other
appointments hav not yet been announced.
On Invitation of th organisation at Elk
City, th coming convention of th Douglas
County Woman's Christian Temperance
union will hs held at that place July 17
or 14. Preparation has already commenced,
for tho entertainment of th visiting'
women and a moat successful meeting Is
anticipated. Th local union will send
four representatives. Including th county)
president, Mrs. Elisabeth Covell.
Th picnic announced to be held at Lake
Manawa on Saturday. June 14, by th mem
bers of th Daughters of the American
Revolution and th Sons of th American
Revolution haa been given up, as there
was not a sufficient response to warrant
carrying out ths original arrangements.
Owing to th death ef Hon. J. Sterling Mor
ton, th Juo lecture in th Nebraska
cours of th Omaha chapter. Daughters of
th America Revolution, haa bean s ban
don 1 4 and It Is probable that th chapur
JUNE lft, 1002.
Saji He Has No Ambition to Serve and No
Office that Eg Desires.
Annonncea Himself as In the Harness
to Defeat the "Clevelandlslna;" of
the Democratic Party by
the Reorganise.
LINCOLN, Neb., June 12. In his Com
moner tomorrow W. J. Bryan will make the
following reply to the editorial of W. V.
Allen In the Madison Mall proposing hlra
for governor:
I have no personal ambition to serve;
there is no office to which 1 aspire. I am
not only content to do the work which I
am now doing, but I believe that in this
way I can accomplish more for my state
and for the L'nlted States, as well as for
my political associates, than I could ac
compliHlt us a candidate for governor,
whether my candidacy resulted fij defeat
or In success.
My candidacy Is not necessary to defeat
the reorganize. While I expect to do all
that is within my power to aid those who
are determined to prevent the Clevelandlz
Ing of the democratic party, -yet the suc
cess of that effort does not depend upon
me or upon any Influence that I may be
able to exert. It depends upon a multi
tude of earnest, honest and loyal demo
crats who, Having seen the party once de
bauched by an abject surrender to pluto
cratic Influences, will spare no pains to
5 ?Mt..,he par,y from v another such
humiliation and disgrace.
I am not and cannot be a candidate, and
I beg you to make no further mention of
my name In connection with this office. On
the contrary. 1 hope you will hold vourself
In readiness tothrow your great Influence
to such democrat or populist as may. in
the opinion of the delegates, give the best
promise of uniting the fusion forces of the
s'tate f'r"omarepub1nehffa0nra.t0 r6C0Ver the
Files Reply to 8olt to Prevent Sob
stltntlon of Bonds for
Preferred Stock.
NEWARK. N. J., June 12. The United
States Steel corporation filed an answer
today 'to the suit brought by Miram Barger
of Sullivan county. New York, to restrain
the company from retiring $200,000,000 of
preferred stock and Issuing bonds Instead.
Tomorrow the constitutional points raised
In the bill will be argued. Meanwhile the
rule to show cause, granted by Vice Chan
cellor Emery last Monday, acts as a stay.
The. answer avers that the corporation,
by virtue of the law under which It ex
ists, has the right to make, alter or amend
Its bylawB, subject always to the vote of
the stockholders, as was done In the pres
ent care.
The bill denies that It was ever the. In
tention of the defendant corporation or Its
officers to make the new bonds convertible
Into common stock at any price or In any
manner whatsoever.
It claims the action of the directors In
retiring the preferred stock was voted upon
and assented to by nearly all the capital
stock of the corporation.
, June Rise ta the Missouri.
PIERRE, S. D., June 12. (Special.)
Indications are that the June rise is on in
tho Missouri. The water has been crawl
ing up for several days and now Is about
ths nine-foot mark, with Indications of its
going higher.
Dlstlnarnlshed Visitors Return.
NEW YORK. June 12.-The Count and
Countess Rochambeau, who arrived here
several weeks ago, to attend the unveiling
of the Rochambeau statue at Washington
sallod for France on the steamship La
Lorraine today.
"I cannot aay too much of the magnifi
cent reception which has been given to
myself and the countess since we have been
here, said the count on the steamship.
Never did I expect such flattering treat
ment, and I hope some day to be able to
do something in return."
and Charity
will not meet again until fall, when It
will continue its year's work along the
line of study of the history of ths state.
A call has been Issued by Mrs. Pound of
Lincoln, state regent, for a convention of
all the Daughters of the American Revolu
tion of the state to be held in Lincoln
some time in October, Its purpose to be a
general discussion of the plan for marking
the historic spots of the state. Tbs plan
has met with general approval and prom
ises to be well attended. The Omaha chap
ter has accepted the Invitation.
Considerable over half of the $2,000 to
be raised by the member of the Young
Women's Christian association toward ths
$50,000 for tho new building has been
pledged this week and the Indications ars
.that ths rest of ths amount will be pledged
within a week. Mrs. W. W. Keysor will ad
dress th gospel meeting at t o'clock on
Monday evening, her subject to be "Th
Cross Its History and Influence on Art"
Miss Margaret O'Connell, extension secre
tary, returned on Moudsy from a two
weeks' visit with relatives in Iowa. Mr.
Tllden is in Colon. Neb., where sh ex
pect to remain for two weeks. Ths us
of the vscsnt lot at Tenth and Pin streets
haa been granted by Mr. Herman Kounts
for a tennis court for ths South Branch
girls and It is hoped that everything will
b la readiness for tho out-of-door work to
begin by Tuesday. Ths association gym
nasium girls aro eathuslastl over tennis
and th Harney street courts ars In as
vary evening they are open.
Isn't it? That no
before of making a really good ginger
snap; keeping it fresh in an airtight package
and selling it for 5 cents?
But then; everybody can't have great ideas
and they couldn't carry them out if they did.
ZuZu" Ginger Snaps are the result of an
inspiration perfectly developed and carried out
The best ginger snap you
ever tasted In an airtight
package price 5 cents.
Executives for Royal Arch Masons of
Soath Dakota Named at Meet.
Inar In Hnron.
HURON, 8. D., June 12. (Special Tele
gram.) The grand chapter of Royal Arch
Masons, Jurisdiction of South Dakota, held
Its annual session today.
The following are the new officers: Grand
high priest, Ed. S. Ames, Hot Springs:
deputy grand high priest, 8. H. Jumpor.
Aberdeen; grand king, G. H. Perry, Slout
Falls; grand scribe, John K. Kutnewsky,
Redfleld; grand treasurer, B. C. Jacobs,
Lennox; grand secretary, Oeorge A. Petti
grew, Flandreau; grand chaplain, John H.
Babcock, Sioux Falls; grand lecturer, B. F.
Ives, Huron; grand chaplain of the house,
A. C. Blrnatxskt. Salem; grand principal,
sojourner, Eugeno A. Irwin, Lead; grand
royal arch. Captain John E. Hippie, Pierre;
rrand master third veil, Edgar' D. Brook
man, Vermilion; grand master second veil,
S. A. Brow, Sioux Falls; grand master first
veil, D. A. Douglss, 8pearflsh; grand sen
tinel Frank Kunert, Sloug Falls; commit
tee on correspondence, F. G. Levy, Web
ster. Only seventeen deaths occurred last year
out of a membership of nearly 1,800.
Sheepmen Want Shearing; Plant.
PIERRE, 8. D., June 12. (Special.)
Wool raisers in the rang country are
finding trouble In securing shearers this
season and a number of them are yet wait
ing for the shearers to reach their flocks.
This scarcity Is bringing up th discussion
of the location of a shearing plant, to be
operated at some central point by power,
to which place sheep owners could drlv
their flock and have them sheared by ma
chinery, much more rapidly than It can be
don by hand and at th same tims aava
the delay Incident upon th present sys
tem. Woman's Missionary Coaventlen.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., June 12. (9pclal
Telegram.) The tenth annual convention of
the Women's Foreign Missionary Society
of the Methodist Episcopal church, District
of Sioux Falls, wss concluded her today.
The meeting has been a great success In
every way. Th following officers wer
elected for the ensuing year: President,
Mrs. Thlria Rogers, Sioux Falls; vie pres
ident, Mrs. Mary Hopkins, Flandreau; sec
retary; Mrs. Ella Murphy, Bloux Falls;
treasurer, Mrs. Jessie Wendt, Canton. Ver
milion was selected as the place for hold
ing the next annual meeting.
Cloadbarat at Running; Water.
TYNDALL. S. D., June 12. (Special Tele
gram.) A cloudburst occurred last night
near Running Water. Five Inches of wster
fell. There wss a washout of 200 feet of tbs
Milwaukee road.
YANKTON, S. D., June 12. (Special Tele
gram.) Three inches of rain fell here last
night and this morning. No wind or hall
accompanied it. The ground was getting
dry before it, but no damage bad been don
to crop.
Married at Commencement Reception.
SPEARFISH. S. D., June 12. (Special.)
One of the feature of commencement ex
ercises of the State Normal school was the
reception given on Mondsy evening by Mrs.
F. L. Cook, wife of the president of the
school, to the graduate and members of
the faculty. There occurred at the recep
tion an event entirely unlooked for by the
gueats, it being the wedding of one of the
faculty, Miss Anna L. Stewart, and Dr. W.
A. Hlbbs, a young physician of this city.
Blanchard May Head War Veterans.
PIERRE, 8. D., June 12. (Special.)
Judging from reports which are current over
the state the selection of T. E. Blanchard
as state commander of the Grand Army of
the Republic at Brookings next week is
practically certain. The sentiment among
the old soldiers appears to ba strongly in
his favor and unless there Is a decided
change In sentiment he will be chosen.
Boy Drowned While Swimming;.
STURGIS. 8. D., June 12. (Special Tele
gra.) Frank Wilcox, aged IS years, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox of Fort Mesde, wss
drowned In Betty's lake, near here, at (:S0
this evening while In swimming.
tot.t,eetn.tKJn ,n he ystew U"c Acid or other inflammatory poison
which find their way into the blood, and are forced by the circulation tWoueh
the glands and pores of the skin, causing; it to burn like fire, and the
Incessant itching allows no rest night or day. Eczema appears in a
g,r-at ,m.any ih?crf.nt. io' Winning frequently as a mere redness of the
skin, followed by little blisters, pustules or pimples, from which a clear or
Aa a- n mmm-mmmm straw colored matter oozes, forming into
LjL7 jTir&i7 ?res- cales or crf; "S seeping
... Eczema, commonly, called Salt Rheum.
These acid poisons sometimes dry up the natural oils and the skin become
hard and dry, often, cracking and bleeding and causing intense pain ttnd fear-
VB"V"rrmn ,uyteJ"n form of Eczema is known as Tetter,
LZ. iWtZ.t nd oftenest attacks the hands and feet. Unsightly
v' eruption in tie shape of pimples and blackhead break
flT rtV1?-fCe,1Bk nd,.hould.CTS result of polluted blood, and
thti humiliating. tubborn disease is called Acne. Local remedies afford
1riff- f11 The Wood and system are saturated with
JCsVaWsC th? Pi80n. nl the disease cannot be reached with washes.
e e e i 11?' J5'"tnt0l Viy i1 PP"tion to the affected parts.
D. S. S. restores the detennrated hrA A ,'t.
condition, stimulate the aluggish organs, and all the
waste matter is eliminated through the proper
channels. S. S. S. make the blood rich and strong,
and Under it tonic and invirnratinr V. - 1
-o r
health improve, the congested gland
,,r 6"'"- . o. a. is guaranieea purely vegetable.
' W"1 y. need medical advice; thia will cost you nothing. Illus
trated book on skin disease sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., AtlaaU, fit,
one ever thought
Both Had Evidently Been Shot and Killed
hj Unidentified Parties.
Bodies Were In Bed Covered Over with
Tarpaulin and ItedrlothlDs;
Officers Notified and Start
for Scene.
STURGIS, 8. D.. June 12. (Special Tel.
egram.) This morning William Horlocker
and John Tlmmons arrived In Sturgls from
Whit Owl, a distance of about, eighty
miles. They came In to report th murder
of two men In their own house on Red
Owl. The men are Oeorge Pulck and George
Oslrander. Horlocker went to the house
Wednesdsy night about 6 o'clock to notify
Pulck about some branding that was to
b dona' today. Tlje door was open and
he entered, but found no one present and
would have gone away but for the fact
that he noticed a little blood under ths
bed. He pulled down the covers and found
two men dead, Pulck and Ostrander.
Pulck's face was calm and not the sign of
a wound. He had been shot - in the ear.
Oatrander's face was covered all over with'
blood. Evidently the murderer bad shot
Pulck first, the noise had awakened
Ostrander and as he sprang up or turned
over he was shot in the face. No sign of
a struggle was apparent. Both men were
covered with a tarpaulin and bed clothes.
The sheriff, coroner and undertaker left for
the acene of the murder at noon. Pulck'a
father resides In Sioux City.
Many Gradnntea at State Normal.
SPEARFISH, S.V; June 12. (Special.)
Commencement exercises at the State Nor
mal school were held -In Normal hall this
evening, one or the largest classes in the
history of the school graduating. The ex
ercises were attended by people from all
over the Black Hills. On Friday evening
the alumni will give a dance and a banquet
and It Is expected that It will be one of the
largest attended and most enjoyable affairs
ever given by the society.
The state school was never In so good
a condition and never had so many stu
dents as at present, but it Is expected that
tho coming year will see the number still
larger, and the school better provided to
care for the Increased attendance.
Yonnsjc Boy's Body Identified.
YANKTON, S. D June 12. (Special.)
The body of the young man found in the
Missouri river on Sundsy lsst haa. been
identified by the clothing as Earl, the 13-year-old
aon of Grant Grandpr of Cham-i
berlaln. The father of the deceased was
notified at once of the finding .of th body
and arrived here on Tuesday. The body
Itself wsB' too badly swollen-and disfigured
to be recognised. The boy was drowned on
May (. He slipped oft a stone while fish
ing at the Chamberlain bridge.
Meeting; of Meade Democrats.
STURGIS, S. D., June 12. (Special.)
According to a call by the chairman, there
will be a mass convention of democrat of
Meade county held at tho courthouse la
Sturgls on Wednesday, June 18, at 1:30 p.
m. tor the purpose of selecting fourteen
delegates to attend the democratic, atate
convention to be held at Huron on June 25.
Not Meade Jallbreakers.
STURGIS, S. D., June 12 (Special.)
Sheriff Smith of Meade county, who has
been at Buffalo, Wyo., In response to a
telegram announcing that three men an
swering the description of the Meade county
Jallbreakers were being held there, has re
turned to Sturgls. . He found that the men
held there were not the ones wanted.
Gradaates at Yankton Academy.
YANKTON. S. D.. June 12. (Special.)
Yankton academy held Its graduation ex
ercises last night. The graduating class
consisted of sixteen young people. - The
program included a one-act comedietta.
The class prophecy was mads by Mary
Pbelp and th oration by William T.
Is not a simple rash or
eruption, neither is it pro
duced by animal or veee.
we gcuciut
and pore are opened. uaJ k..