Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
ight Companies Detailed bj Governor to
Resist the Strikers.
Uiion Men Block Four Street Can and
Exciting Skinniih Occur.
Officen Pour Vollej of Shot Into the Mob
o( Traction Men.
Child la bat Slight!? Injured, bat In.
I tidtnl fobrn the Combatants and
Ilesalts la 9apprrsslng
PAWTUCKET. R. I., June 12. The city
Officials having declined to Increase the
police force to meet tbe unusual condi
tion resulting from tbe strike of the Union
Traction company's men here and In Provi
dence, by order of Governor Kimball, eight
companies of Infantry and two troops of
cevalry are patrolling the streets today.
From the time the strike was declared
on June 2 there has been frequent trouble
In this city. Appeals wers made to Mayor
Fitzgerald to Increase the number of po
lice, but he declined to act, declaring thst
the city's financial condition would not
permit him to employ additional men.
Finally the governor was appealed to, with
the result that tbe militia was ordered
out this morning.
The action of the governor was precipi
tated by a serious disturbance which took
place last evening when a detachment of
sixteen special deputy sheriffs were at
tacked by a crowd which bad held up and
demolished a street car. The officers were
toned and a number of persona were In
jured. There was no semblance of trouble
this forenoon. The soldiers were stationed
at short spaces and maintained practically
solid line, while cars were run, each with
a guard of deputy sheriffs, the schedule
being maintained with eome show of regu
larity. There were few passengers.
Boy Daageroaaly Woaaded.
The quiet which prevailed when the
troops arrived was broken Just before noon
rhen four cars became stalled In a crowd
on Fa tucket avenue. The cars were each
guarded by four deputy sheriffs and a de
tachment of apecial officers. A troop of
cavalry was hurried to the locality and a
company of Infantry followed.
As the soldiers neared the crowd they
were cheered at OrsL Then there were
eigne of hostilities. The soldiers made
tbelr way to the center of the multitude
and part formed ahead of the car and the
remainder In tbe rear. Just then a bom
bardment of stones began. A number of
the officers and men were struck and
lightly Injured.
- The deputies arrested . the -onslaught by
tiring a volley from their pistols, aimed
kigh. This caused the crowd to draw back
and the ear proceeded. The Incident seemed
to awaken tbe disturbing element,
v Chief of Police Rice advised the people
to clear the streets and avoid the possi
bility of a fight, but the crowd, were dis
posed to be Insolent.
Just before 1 o'clock a car, escorted by
a squad and filled with deputy sheriffs, was
tailed on Main street by a mob. Stones
crashed through windows and a tumult
was raised. Then a vol:ey of shots fired
by the deputies rang out. Tanner Peter
son. 12 years old, who was in the crowd,
fell, having been bit by a bullet. Ap
parently he wae the only one injured, but
tbe Incident staggered tbe crowd. The
tear passed on. It was bsdly damaged, all
the wlndowe were broken.
A doctor who was near at hand examined
tbe Peterson boy and said that be was
critically injured.
Attempt to Kill Saperlateadeat.
WILKESBARRE. Pa.. June 12. President
Mitchell had nothing to say today, either
on the anthracite or soft coal strike in
.West Virginia.
It will be four weeke tomorrow since the
three anthracite district requested the call
of a apecial convention to consider tbe ad
visability of including all the soft coal
miners in the United BUM la the anthra
cite strike. Mr. Mitchell was asked today
by tbe Associated Press correspondent
whether be bad the consent of tbe five dis
tricts necessary to call a national conven
tion. He said be could not Ulk about tbe
It was learned at the office of the Lehigh
Valley Coal company today that an attempt
was msde last night on the life of Superla
tendent Thomas of the Lehigh Valley com
pany at Old Forge, north of tble city. For
the last four daya crowds have been gath
ering each morning and evening on a bill
which overlooks the colliery and throwing
tones at tbe men at work within the en
closure. The dsy and night superintendents do
Hot live in the colliery as do many of tbe
other employes and they are taken to and
from the colliery on a locomotive. Last
night the night superintendent reached the
colliery safely. A few minutes Ister Su
perintendent Thomas came out and when
bout SOO yards from tbe colliery a number
of men who were In ambush opened Bra on
the locomotive.
Fortunately the engine was traveling rap
Idly and it was soon out of range of Ore.
The officlale eay about tea shots were fired.
The Miners' union is doing everything poa
alble to have Its Idle men at that point
keep the peace.
That waa pay day at all the Lehigh Val
ley collleric in the Wyoming valley for
the engtatert, Bremen and pumpmen, fire
bosses, rietks and other company employe
for th lart two week of May. Moat of
tbe englueers. firemen end pumpmen are
now on strike. Ths pay cars are . well
guard J jv coal and Iron police.
FRANKLIN, Pa.. Jun 1.-As a result of
the street car boycott growing out of the
troubls between the Venango Power com
pany and Its employes, the street csr em
ployes both in this city and In Oil City
bsv been sworn in as deputies by Sheriff
. McCollum. Very few people are riding oa
the cars.
I'p to a late hour last night several hun
dred men Heed the tracka on the principal
streets, hooting at the motormen and con
ductors, endeavoring to persuade people
from patronising the line. Torpedoes were
placed on the tracks in many placee. but
, no serious trouble arose from tbe demon,
Caaadlaa Premier Salle.
OTTAWA," June 11. 81r Wilfrid Laurler.
the premier, sod Lady Laurler. left today
for New Tork, from where they will eall
,oa Saturday for London, to b oraaaat at
lb aorocuuloa of the king- -
Oaly Bitterness Obaervabla Aaosi
Leaders Is Agalast France
and Germany.
PRETORIA, Wednesday, June 11
ports from all tbe districts say that
burghers are Increasingly friendly.
only bitterness observable among the lead
Ing Boers here Is against France end Ger
many. They declare the war was pro
tracted unnecessarily owing to hopes held
out by the French and German press.
Some of the Boers are eo Incensed that
they have expressed the hope that eome
day they will fight on the elde of the
British against one of these powers.
The anticipated friction between tbe sur
rendered Boers snd their former comrades
of tbe nstlonsl scouts bss not materialized
to any extent.
The Boers admit they received ammuni
tion through Portuguese territory.
General Dewet says the youngsters were
ble best fighter and frequently bald posi
tions after the older burghers had cleared
Tbe Boers of the Orsnge River colony
are handing In only a smsll percentsgs
of their ammunition. They explain that
they used most of it hunting game since
tho peace sgreement was signed.
Addresslr.g the surrendered Boers at
Kroonstadt, Orange River colony, General
Elliott said the only wish of King Edward,
ble government and the British people
was to help the burghers and get them
back to their farms so soon as possible.
The king, the general added, had tele
graphed congratulations to tbe burghers on
the good stand they had made. Thla an
nouncement was greeted with lusty cheers
for the king and for Lord Kitchener.
Whltelaw Reld Is Given Royal Re
ception by English aad Amtr.
leaaa la London.
LONDON, June 12. It was a busy day In
American diplomatic circles. Rear Admiral
John C. Watson and General James H.
Wilson, who will represent the navy and
army of tbe United States at tbe coronation
of King Edward, reached London today
from Southampton, called on Whltelaw
Reld, the special ambassador of the United.
States, and. Joseph H. Choate, the Amer
ican ambassador, and In other ways ful
filled the official preliminaries of their
The new ambassador of Great Britain to
the United States, tho Hen. Henry Herbert,
was also among the callers at tbe embassy.
A Urge party haa been Invited to the
dinner, which Mr. and Mrs. Choate will
give to Mr. and Mrs. Reld tonight
H. Clay Evans, the new United States
consul general, spent a quiet day at bis
hotel. He will probably assume control of
tbe consulate October II.
Joseph H. Choate, the United States am
bassador to Great Britain, entertained
Whltelaw Reld. tbe epeclal envoy of the
United States to tbe coronation of King
toward, at dinner at his residence tonight.
The distinguished party present Included
Mrs. and Miss Reld. the duke and duchess
of Sutherland, the duke and ducheee of
Marlborough, the duke and, duchess of Wel
lington, the Japanese minister' to Great
Britain. Baron Hayashl Tadasu; the French
ambassador to Great Britain, M. Paul Cam-
bon; Joseph Chamberlain, tbe colonial sec
retary, and Mrs. Chamberlain; Mr. Brod
rlck, the war secretary; Mr. Wyadham,
the chief secretary for Ireland; Lord and
Lady Leven and Melville. Earl and Count
ess Grey. Lord and Lady Burghelere, Lady
Northcote, Colonel Fleetwood Edwards,
Raslid Sadl Bey, Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Eustls, J. L. Saltonstall, Miss Choate and
Mrs. Benetlnck.
Go Throaarb Coronation Ceremonies
at Westminster Abbey
with Aides. -
LONDON, June 12. King Edward and
Queen Alexandra were engaged today In
what wae practically a rehearsal of the
coronation ceremonies. AecemDsnled br
Princess Victoria and a suite, their majes
ties drove to Westminster Abbey. There
they were quietly received by the duke of
Norfolk, esrl marshal and chief butler of
England, wbo escorted them through tbe
abbey. In order to prevent the possibility
of a bitch In the proceedings on coronation
day all ths details of the procession and
ceremonial were explained to them.
The royal visit to the abbey waa accom
plished very quietly and but a few of tbe
persons about tbe building were aware of
the preeeace of their majesties.
American Competition , Most Feared.
LONDON. June 11. George Renwyck.
conservative member of Parliament for
Newcaatle-on-Tyne and a ship owner, testi
fying today before the parliamentary sub
sidles committee, In behalf of the owners
of "tramp" steamships, objected to the gov
ernment subsidising the great liners instead
of subsidising cargoea and aald the foreign
competition which he most feared was the
American. Tbe transfer of British sblpa to
foreigners was absurdly simple. All ships
In tbe American combine could be trans
ferred to tbe United States within a quarter
of an hour and at the cost of only a few
Morgan koalas No Time.
NEW TORK. June 11. A London dispatch
to the Tribune saya that while many poet
tlve statement respecting la British anti
Morgan shipping combination are printed,
it la probable that nothing will be done
until tbe conference of imperial premiere
meets. Mr. Morgan la not wastlag time in
London, however, and shipping men and
colonial officers frankly confess that he may
aucceed In obtaining control of the Cunard
and Elder-Dempater Interests, while the
British cabinet is pulling Itself together,
and Mr. Chamberlain and Sir Wilfrid Lau
rler are seek In to draw Australia Into tbe
subsidy scheme.
First Debate lader Mew Ministry.
PARIS, June 12. Tbe Chamber of Depu
ties and lis galleries were filled to the ut
most this afternoon, when the first debate
under the new ministry, and one which was
to indicate precisely Its strength In the
house, opened.. M. Busstsre, radical, moved
an Interpellation of the general policy of
tbe government and said be hoped It would
show the same firmaeas aa its predecessors
ia defending ths republic
Weald-Be Aeaaaala Hanged.
8T. PETERSBURG. June 11 It became
known today that Hlrsca Iekert. wbo made
aa unsuccessful attempt oa the night of
May II to assassinate Llsuteeaat General
Von Wehl. governor of Vllne, waa banged
oa Tuesday, June 14.
Chlneae Rebels Defeated.
CANTON. Juae 12. Tbe rebel force wblcb
haa been Investing Kwel Lin. capital of tbe
southern province of Kwaag 84, baa bees
eefeaMa by ike imperial troops
Time for Debate Cut to Twe Days, but
Friendi of the Measur Art HopefuL
'' If... 'y of Iowa Pro
pose I.',;. f a Bill for Leas.
lag t Load to tbe
-i, email Settlers.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. June 12. (Special Tele
gram.) The friends of national Irrigation
who have been working for years to In
terest congress in the question of the arid
lands of the west today began to aee light
ahead, when Representative Dalxell. from
the committee on rules of the house of
representatives, reported a rule for consid
eration of the Irrigation bill. Instead of
three daya being given to consideration of
the measure, as the committee on rules
had originally agreed upon, but two days
are to be given.
Representative Mondell of Wyoming, who
has the measure In charge, agreed to take
the two days allotted by the committee
rather than have the debate broken Into
by consideration of other measures which
the committee bss provided for. Accord
ing to the rule brought In todsy the house
will vote tomorrow afternoon upon the
measure and from tbe outlook tonight It
eeema safe to predict that the bill will
have a majority In Its favor.
Mr. Mondell opened the debate In favor
of the bill In a very elaborate and well
considered speech. He traced the Irriga
tion movement from lta genesis down to
the present time and said that the greatest
Internal problem of our first century of
natiocal life was the bringing Into close
touch the tremendously extended and
largsly undeveloped territory which was
acquired in our first century and said one
of the greatest problems In the second cen
tury of our national Ufa was the question
of national Irrigation and the redemption
of the arid and seml-arld lands of tbe west
for the occupancy and use of home seekers
and home builders. Incident to hie speech,
which waa listened to with marked atten
tion by the house, he said during the
course of Its presentstion that In the arid
region the government Is the owner at this
time of from 60 to 92 per cent of all the
lands and it la from the process of sale of
these lands that it Is proposed by the bill
to provide for the reclamation of the Irri
gable portion thereof and the national
government aa or ner of the lands has a
source of revenue the states do not possess.
According to a table which Mr. Mondell
aubmltted showing the receipts from the
sale of public landa for the yeara 1899, 1900
and 1901, sales in Nebraska were aa fol
lows: Bales of Publle Lands.
In 1S99, $55,534; 1900, $$5.68S; 1901, $103.
040. In South Dakota the eaiea were as
follows, according to yeara above given:
$125,000, $159,177, $113,475. Wyoming for the
same years showed the following receipts:
$73,185. $18.94. I206,g3. The total re
ceipts from tbe sixteen states and terri
tories included in tbe bill -from hV sale of
public landa were In 1899 $1J00.000; for
1900. $2,800,000, and for 1901. $3,100,000.
Later in the day Repreeentattve Sballen
berger discussed the measure from the
standpoint of the bomemaker and said It
was the greatest question agitating the
American mind today and meant more to
the development of tbe United States than
any question that can come before this
or subsequent congresses.
Representative Burkett will speak Imme
diately after congress convenes tomorrow
and It Is expected the leaders hsvlng the
bill In charge will pit Mr. Burkett against
Representative Cannon, who la understood
to be against the measure.
Representative Stark, wbo haa taken
great Interest In tbe land leasing question
and who beld a long conference with Chair
man Lacey of the public lands committee
today, stated that it waa Major Lacey's
Intention to deliver a speech on the bill
which be recently introduced granting
grazing privileges to homestead seekers
and holders of small farms In the arid and
semi-arid regions. This bill Is considered
by many to be the moat comprehensive
measure thst has been Introduced In re
gard to this very great question and seems
to meet with less opposition thsn any of
the other bills. Mr. Stark stated that the
Nebraska delegation, he believed, would
support the bill if a proviso waa attached
to It reciting that the act shall sot be en
forced In any atate or territory until Its
legislature shall, by majority vote, author
ize tbe governor to certify to the president
that It Is desired that the act be enforced
within the borders of said atate or territory.
Mistaken la Tbelr Witness.
M. H. Evans of Des Moines, who was
subpoenaed by the democratic members of
the Philippine committee of the senate to
testify aa to the conduct of American sol
diers In the Philippines, left for bis west
ern home today, having appeared before
the committee this morning. Hie testi
mony waa not of the character that ths
democratic members of ths committee par
ticularly relished and after a tew ques
tions they Indicated that they were willing
to excuse him. but Senator Beverldge of
the majority side of the committee took
the witness in hand and elicited much In
formation laudatory to the soldiers In the
Philippines aa well aa to the government
of the Islands.
Dr. G. W. Newman, adjutant general of
the Grand Army of the Republic of Iowa,
and Captain H. M. Plckell of Dee Moines,
wbo have been In Washington for the last
dsy or two endeavoring to eecure head
quarters for tbe Iowa Grand Army mem
bers attending the grand encampment, con
cluded their mission today by engaging tbe
Hotel Batol, near Fifteenth etreet and New
Tork avenue, and considered by many as
one of the finest locations In Washington.
Dr. Newman elated that he expected the
largeat gathering of Iowa men in Wash
ington ever in attendance upon a national
encampment from that atate.
The aenate committee on commerce today
reported favorably Representative Burkett'a
bill authorising the construction of a pon
toon bridge across the Missouri river at
Senator Dietrich stated today bs had
received Information from Superintendent
Machln of tbe rural free delivery service
of tbe establishment of two rural routes
out of Henderson, effective September L
Postal Matters.
Isaac Heilekson has been appointed post
master at Presho, Ltman county, 8. D..
vice E. K. Rise, removed.
Advertisements were eent out today for
bids tor construction of ths new public
building at Aberdeen. 8. D. Bids will be
opened July SO.
The following postoffices will become
International money order offices on July
1: Iowa, Adel. Anita. Aurella. Bancroft.
Burt, Columbus Junction, Cooa Raplda,
(Continued a ftecoad, Page-X.
Two American oa Trial la Parts De
come Involved la Coart ,
PARIS. June 12. Tbe trial of George
Miller. "Eddie" Guerln of Chicago snd
May Churchill, known aa "Cblcago May,"
who were arrested In Parks last summer,
tbe two former charged with having en
tered tbe offices of the American Express
company here the night of April 26, 1901,
and stolen 30,000 franca and May Churchill
with being their accomplice, began today
and probably will last for three days. In
the dock today Miller accused Guerln of
the theft, whereupon the latter became
furious and endeavored to strike hi ac
cuser. Guarda were obliged to separate tbe
It was announced from London April 19
last that three mea named Grosberger,
Lewis and Juger bad been sentenced, re
spectively, to five years' Imprisonment at
penal servitude, eighteen months at hard
labor and ten montha at' hard labor, for
having bad Illegal possession of twenty-two
bank notes stolen from tbs American Ex
press company's office in Parts.
It Is said that all the money stolen at
that time has been recovered.
Wrecked oa Norther Const
Aastralla and Only One of
Them Escapes.
VICTORIA, B. C, June 11. According to
advices received by the steamer Aorangl, a
Malayan sailor recently arrived at Port
Darwin and reported that be was the only
survivor of a crew of ten men of a Malay
trading schooner which had been wrecked
off Cape Wllberforce, North Australia.
Tbe crew waa attacked by blacks and all
but one murdered. Tbe survivor suffered
severely from privation before being res
cued. The Dutch bark Geertrulda Gerarda,
which left Java March 22, In ballast for
Newcastle, was thrown on its beam ends
and abandoned at aea by all but three of
Its crew, who were rescued by the steamer
St. Mary. Tbe remainder of the crew has
not been heard of since.
Supplies fer Polar Expedition.
LONDON, June 12. W. 8. Champ, secre
tsry of the Baldwln-Zlegler Arctic expedi
tion, snd Dr. G. Ehurkley of New York
start tomorrow for Tromsoe, Norway,
whence they will sail July 1 on Frithjof for
Franz Josefland to taks coal to Mr. Bald
win's ship America and obtain news of the
Arctic explorer. Mr. Champ expects to find
tbe America In about S3 degrees. If Mr.
Baldwin haa succeeded tn bis dash to tbe
pole be will be brought back, otherwise
Frithjof will leave a well equipped aledge
party to search for Mr. Baldwin, Frithjof
will return October 1 at tbe latest. Tho
Baldwln-Zlegler expedition, consisting of
America and Belglca, left Tromsoe, Norway,
July It, under the command of Evelyn B.
To Abolish Saga Boaatlea.
BUDA PEST Hungary. June 13. Tbe
finance minuter; Dr. Dei ZWVca. announced
in the Hungarian Diet today that be will
ahortly Introduce a. bill providing for the
abolition of sugar bounties In Hungary and
will make proposala which the government
thought would be beneficial to the augar
industry of tbe country.
Battleehvpa Arrlre at Gibraltar.
GIBRALTAR, June 12. The United States
battleship Illinois, flying the flag of Rear
Admiral Crownlnshleld, and the United
States cruisers Chicago, Albany and Nash
ville have arrived here. The Illinois will
proceed to Portsmouth, England, Immedi
ately. Inqalry Into the War.
LONDON. June 12. The war secretary.
Mr. Broderlck, announced In ths House
of Commons today that It was the Inten
tion of the government to appoint a email
royal commission and Institute a general
Inquiry Into tbe South African war.
Bx-Cssgrtsamsa Campbell's Bay
Pitted Against Protege of Sen
ator Clarke's Son.
BUTTE, Mont., June 12. All Montana
is stirred up over a eensatlonal bare
knuckle fight which took place last night
between Roy Campbell, a son of ex-Con-gresman
A. J. Campbell, and William Q.
Mangan, an athlete of some local repute
and said to be a protege of W. A.
Clark, jr.
The affair Is said to be an outgrowth of
the bitter political fight made against Sen
ator" W. A. Clark in Washington a few
yeara ago ia which Congressman Camp
bell was a leading figure and which re
sulted In Senator Clark resigning. There
haa been considerable 111 feeling between
partisans of tbe two factlone ever since.
Yesterday Campbell and Mangan met at
a ball game and Mangaa Is alleged to have
Insulted Campbell, who promptly knocked
him down. Later In the day Campbell waa
waited upon by friends of Msngan and
told that bs must fight tbe latter. Camp
bell, who ie but 20 years old, ten years
the Junior of Mangan. referred the matter
to his father. Tho ex-congressmaa ia said
to have told bia son that be must meet
Mangaa aad beat him.
A number of friends of the contestants
drove some distance out from Butte, where
a ring wae pitched. The two men stripped
to the waist and the battle began. It was
a bloody affair and lasted but three rounds.
Campbell landed frequently upon Maagan,
but hla blows lacked steam and were Inef
fective. Near tbe end of the third round
the more experienced pugilist landed on
the etudent'e Jaw and knocked him out.
Young Clarke Is said to have been tbe
Coatlaaed Strife Between Itallaas
Leads to Deadly Fleet
wltb Pistols.
NEW ORLEANS. June 12. As tbe result
of a feud between two Italian factions in
this city three Italians wers killed and
two others wounded, one fatally. The dead:
VINCENSO VELKRA. alias A. Casatnlno.
The wounded:
Joseph Calamine, shot In left band.
Joseph Ceraccbla, shot la the grola; may
The trouble started last night In tbe
Italian settlement in Poydras street and In
a abort time a general fight ensued.
Antonio Luclana, a brother of one of the
dead Italians and a cousin of tbe ether,
had baa arreeted and released under bond
aa a witness. Today Luclana, securing a
Aabotgua, toot Herri, killing him InauoU,
One Hundred Balleti Taken at Crawford and
Adjournment Taken Until Mondaj.
Darr of Dawson Drops Oat and Indi
cations Opposition Is Making aa
Effort to Settle oa
CRAWFORD. Neb.. June 12. (Special
Telegram.) Crawford has been tbe scene
of the liveliest convention ever beld tn
the Sixth district. Nearly everyone of the
204 delegates wss present. Previous to the
convention hour the delegates had been
taken In carriages to visit Fort Robinson
and bad been treated to a serenade by
the Tenth cavalry band. The convention
was called to order by McDonald of Buf
falo, who Introduced Judge Aaron Wall of
Sherman as temporary chairman. Judge
Wall made a convincing speech on the Is
sues of the day. B. F. Krler of Dawson
was made secretary and the organization
was made permanent. The chair appointed
as a committee on resolutions Wilcox of
Lincoln, Reese of Custer, Llndrasn of Daw
son, Cronln of Holt, Scattergood of Brown,
Perkins of Howard and Humphrey of Cus
ter. Proceeding to ballot the first call gave
Klnkald "; Grimes, 344; Beeman, 19; Cur
He, 49H; Cady. 9; Wall, . On the second
ballot Ktnksid lost one vote. Grimes gained
five and Cody three, the Wall votea having
been distributed. From this on until the
supper recess there wss little change, the
vote on the forty-ninth ballot being: Kln
kald, 80H; Grimes, 39H; Darr. 13; Beeman,
19; Currle, 44; Cady, 11.
Little Sign of Break.
At thla time Klnkald was holding tbe
solid support of the counties along tbe
north line with the addition of three from
Cheyenne, seven from Box Butte and two
from Thomas. Darr beld Dawson, Beeman
beld Buffalo, Grimes held Banner, Duel
beld Keith. Kimball held Lincoln. Logan
and Sherman, three from Cheyenne and
one from Scotts Bluff. Currle carried the
votea of Custer, Greeley, Loup, Scotte Bluff,
Hooker, Valley and Wheeler, with one from
Garfield and one from Grant. Cady had
Howard and Blaine. When tbe recess was
voted there waa little sign of a break from
any quarter and the prediction was freely
made that the session would last alt night.
The platform adopted reaffirms tbe prin
ciples of the last nstlonal convention and
calls attention to the unparalleled pros
perity under republican administration,
congratulates the country on the good faith
toward Cuba and on the satisfactory prog
ress In the Philippines. The army la en
dorsed and the democrats in congress are
denounced because of the effort to cast re
proach on the soldiers. The president la
endorsed for bis efforts to assist irrigation
and the reclamation of the arid west. It
also commends the administration for lta
avowed purpose to check corporate greed
and avert tbe evils of trusts by Its efforts to
enforce laws regulating and governing
them. The business methods of the etate
adminletratioa are endorsed. There la also
a resolution of sympathy because of the
death of President McKinley and a strong
endorsement of tbe course of bis successor.
Oa the fifty-seventh ballot there waa no
material change.
On the sixtieth ballot there waa no
On the seventy-sixth ballot Dawson county
chsnged its thirteen votes to Grimes, giving
him a total of 62H votes. The other candi
dates remained at their old atrength and
the vote was stationary until the one hun
dredth ballot, when the convention adjourned
until 8:30 tomorrow morning. The chances
of an early solution are not flattering. Tbe
Buffalo county delegation la expected to
break soon, the bulk of It to go to Grimes,
but this leaves the solution of tbe question
as far off as ever.
Gage for Pront.
BEATRICE, Neb., June 12. (Special Tel
egram.) Tbe Gage county republican con
vention beld a harmonious and enthusi
astic session bero today, nomlnationa being
made either by acclamation or on first bal
lot. C. L. Reed waa chairman and H. E.
Spafford secretary.
The ticket waa nominated as follows:
County attorney, Harry Sacket, by accla
mation; atate senator, Hon. L. M. Pember
ton; representatives, W. E. Robblris, J.
H. Ramsey and S. S. Spier. M. R. Davis
was chosen chairman of the county cen
tral committee.
The state delegation waa Instructed for
Hon. F. N. Prout for attorney general and
the congressional delegation for Hon. W. E.
Shults of Beatrice.
A resolution favoring direct primary sys
tem was adopted. A resolution endorsing
tbe candidacy of Mr. Prout and recommend
ing blm for a aecond term wae unani
mously adopted.
Ths following delegation were chosen:
Etate Convention D. W. Cook, A. D.
Spencer, O. L. Melssner, R. W. Laflln, H.
Glasgow, A. A. Cassd, E. N. Kauffman. W.
S. Tllton, M. D. Horbam, Qua Graff, E.
Filley, L. 8. Austin. Hunter Mlllen. O. A.
Berllnghot W. W. Duncan, L. A. Scroggs,
J. H. Caaebeer. F. W. Mattoon, W. W.
Scott, J. M. Burnham, M. A. Metzger, J. T.
Harden, C. W. Robertson, O. W. Msurer,
James Morelsnd, R, W. Sabln, John Yobs,
G. H. Johnson.
Congressional Convention M. B. Davis,
H. A. Miller, F. E. Whyman. A. P. Sage. A.
H. Hollingsworth, W. W. Scott. George
Maurer, D. W. Cook. J. T. Phillips, A. T.
White, A. R. Staller. W. 8. Bourne, H. E.
Hoover, A. Strahan, N. M. Ryan, J. C.
Towes, A. E. Bishop, 8. C. Vsorlper, J. H.
Stelnmeyer, Perry Culley, C. S. Boggs. J. A.
Priest, A. B. McNIckelly. Charlee Blakely,
Charles Mathews. R. H. Klrby. C. A. Steph
ens, J. C. Emery, J. R. Dick, M. E. Kler, C.
Robertson, John Dobba, J. E. Cobbey. T. J.
Ryle. Ous Graff, R. W. Sabln, E. A- Ryan,
Frank Pearl, J. H. Fisher.
Float Representatives Convention Frank
Wbyman, Sam Vertrees, J. V. Roup, Oeorge
Hsrpster, A. L. Cook, P. H. James, Perry
Cully, H. A. 8telnmeysr, Kirk Tllton, W. A.
Ellis. William Ehman. Peter Snyder, John
Yohe. A. T. Mllburn. J. T. Richards. R. C.
Hemphill, 8. H. Conlee, W. 8. Wsxham, J.
B. Lyons, James Caagrove, L. L. Davis,
Sam Erwln, Andy Kerr. J. R. Clayton, C. B.
Henaley, Jease Newton, A. R. Staller, O. O.
Hill. E. W. Hackney, C. G. Baker. W. A.
Aatelepa Delegates Named.
NELIGH. Neb.. June 11. (8 pec la 1 Tele
gram ) Tbe Antelope county convention
beld here today nominated J. R. Herron. a
substantial farmer for state representative
and 8. D. Thornton, the present Incumbent,
for county attorney. The delegation to tbe
stats convention is nominated and consists
of George N. Seymour, Ed Ltebel, C. H.
Kelsey. Joha Malzacher. G. H. McOee. 8.
D. Thornton. Henry Torpln. J. Hopkins,
J. C. Jenklna, George W. Fannoo, Henry
Kegel. W. W. Cole. C. L. Wattles. C. H.
Kelsey of Keliga waa elacted chairman of
the county central coau&liteew
Forecast for Nebraska Showere Friday;
Saturday Fair.
Temperature at Omaha Yeaterdayl
Hoar. Dei. Honr. Des.
Km. m T.I 1 p. m Ml
a. m T.I a p. m !
T a. m T.I S p. m T
n. m T4 4pm TI
On. ni Trt Bp. m T.'l
to a. m TO n p. m Tt
11 a. m TH T p. ra T;l
13 m HO M p. m T3
D p. m. Tl
Omaha Party Makes a Visit to thlaa
town lader finldanee of
SAN FRANCISCO. June 12. (Special Tel
egram.) "A trip to Chinatown" was one
of the forms of entertainment provided yes
terday for the Nebraska Shrlners and their
ladles, who are here during the session
of the Imperial council. Leaving Omaha.
Representative Thomas obtained from
Chief of Police Donahue the necessary pass
ports to police favor snd surveillance la
San Francisco. Escorted by an officer es
pecially detailed for that purpose the
party left the Talace hotel about 8:30 last
evening and wss soon In the mazes of the
celestial part of the city. Tbe party In
cluded Representatives Tracy, Thomas snd
Loblngler snd their wives. Judge Jones
and wife of Sioux Fall, S. D. ; Messrs.
Scovel and Pitman and wives of Cbadron.
John Krause of the Dakota Free Press.
Yankton, S. D., and Archie Patterson,
formerly of Omaha, but now of San Fran
cisco. The evening was very pleasantly
spent In visiting the bazaars, cafes and
Joss bouses of the queer section which
bossts of a population of 40.000 Chinese.
This morning the visiting nobles snd their
ladles were treated to a most enjoyable en
tertainment of the entire week. Carriages
were provided, leaving the Palace hotel
about 9:30. and covering the beautiful drive
which winds through the Presidio, skirt
ing San Francisco bay, leading at last to
ths Cliff house. At the presidio the visitors
were given an opportunity to witness a
fine drill of the United States artillery
stationed there. At the Cliff house, after
passing the Golden Gate, the eastern visit
ors bad what was to many their first full
view of the Pacific. After viewing the
sights for half an hour the company was
entertained with an elaborate luncheon at
the Cliff house. When ample Justice had
been done to this the visitors re-entered
their carriages and were driven through the
beautiful Golden Gate park of 1,700 acrea,
stopping at the famoua Sutro baths and the
memorial musuem, which Is one of the monu
ments of the mld-wtnter fair of some years
ago, and one of tbe slghta of San Fran
Positives Escape Posse's Traps and
- Lead Exciting All-Day
PORTLAND. Ore.. June 12 Harry Tracy
and David Merrill, the escaped convlcta who
were surrounded tn the woods nesr Gervala
by the sheriff's posse and atate troops,
eluded their pursuers during the night, and
at I o'clock thla morning were seen five
miles north of Gervals. Tbe fugitives
stopped at a farm bouse, where they took
breakfast and obtained some food to take
with them.
Tra?y and Merrill eluded the guards after
two shots had been fired at them by a mem
ber of the sheriff's posse aa they climbed
a fence near him. No effort waa made to
follow them until long after daylight.
At 12:30 this afternoon the convicts took
lunch at a farm bouse three and a half
miles from Montor postoffice.
Two militia companies are following the
sheriff's posse closely In order to be tn
readiness for a fight If the fugitives are lo
cated. The sheriff of Clackamaa county
today organized a posse snd Joined In the
bunt. Company A. Oregon National Guards,
of Oregon City, wss also ordered out by
Governor Geer. The fugitives have been
tracked all day by the posse, and tonight It
Is supposed tbey are In the thick woods on
Deep creek, ebout seven miles from Wood
Reported Transfer of Grand Island
Road by I nlon Pacific Pnasles
ST. JOSEPH, June 12. Tho officials of
the St. Joseph ft Grand Island railway are
unable to learn anything about the alleged
aale of the road to the Union Pacific and
the prospective change In management at
an early date. The Union Pacific officials
at Omaha are in Ignorance as to the inten
tions of Mr. Harrlman wltb regard to the
Grand Island property.
Information reached here tonight that
the Union Pacific management, while tt
eventually expects to come Into control of
the Grand Island, baa no Immediate plans
for operating that road and does not know
when to expect the taking over of tbe prop
erty. It In fact it la taken over at all. The
Grand Island reaches a very rich agri
cultural and livestock country. Under the
present management It la a splendid pay
ing property.
Yaqol Miner Leave Camp to Register
ad Are Lined tp
aad Shot.
TUCSON. Ariz.. June 12. A special to
the Star from La Cananea tells of the
shooting of fourteen Ysqul miners Tues
day by Mexican rurala. The miners bad
been working for the Green Consolidation
Mining company and were camped two
miles below tbe worka. A aquad of rurala
marched to tbelr tents and the officer
in command told them that there was a
Mexican official two miles below their
camp who was to reglstsr them, according
to a recent order of tbe Mexican govern
ment. Tbey marched down to a designated
apot, where they were lined up and shot.
Animal Goes Mad and Keepers Arc
Obliged to Kill It Im.
TOURS, France, June 12 A crowd of
about 1,000 persons witnessed tbe execution
at midnight. In the city park, of the largekt
of Barnum A Balley'o performing elephants.
While on the way to the railway station
tbe animal suddenly went mad,t6roke Its
chains, tried to kill lta keepers aud bad to
be killed immediately. Two hundred men
tugged at the rope wblcb strangled tbe
Morgaa beet to Venire.
LONDON. June 12 J. Plerpont Morgan
left London this afternoon for Venice by
way of Perls.
Preiident Roosevelt Preienti Certificate! of
Graduation to West Point Cadet.
Miles, Root, Porter, Wn Ting Pang, Odell
and Other Notables Present.
Given Ovation in Addressing Old Soldiers
from a Veterans' Standpoint.
Congressman Dick Declares West
Point Mill Laat as National Mil
itary Academy aa Long as
Coontry Needs Army.
WEST POINT. X Y., June 12. The 'een
tennial celebration of the West Point Mili
tary academy was ended today with the .
presentation of diplomas to the graduating
class. The weather was fine and the cere
mony took place out of doore on that part
of the parade grounde known aa Cavalry
An open tent over a platform had been
erected for the speakers and officials snd
standing st the front of the platform Prea
Ident Roosevelt presented each new officer
wltb bis diploma.
It was expected tbe president would
make a few remarks, but he simply shook
bands with each cadet. On the platform
besides the president were General Horace
Porter. General Miles. Secretsry Root. Sec
retary Moody, Postmaster General Payne,
the Chinese minister, Wu Ting Fang; Sen
ator Pettus of Alabama, Senator Qusrlea of
Wisconsin, Governor Odell, the Italian am
bassador, Mr. Des Planches: Generate Cor
bln, Young, McCook, Brooke. Rt. Rev. Dr.
Ccnnauty, Schib Bey and Congressman Dick
of Ohio, the visiting board of the academy.
Brilliant Aadleaee.
The audience, comprising' womsn In fash
ionable summer costume, and the entire
cadet corps and several hundred vlaltors
occupied chairs on the lawn under treee
and the clear sky and beautiful scenery
about West Point gave tbe exercises a
picturesque setting.
The speakers were General Dick, for the
bosrd of visitors; Secretsry Root, for the
government, and General Miles, for the
army. General Dick said In part, after
giving advice to the cadets:
n?j h "J" cond"cte by the United States
never have been for conquest. Cuba Is now
friS T'bUc Porto Rico hi. more
Th-Tr "' contentment than ever before,
1" " with Spain was ur.avoldable and
we came Into the posseaalon of the Philip,
pines as a result. Our suthorlty must be
as absolute as our responsibility. That wo
will succeed gloriously m the work we neve
kno'wsUP Philippines the world now
Ho said that West Point would laat aa
long aa tbe nation needed an army.
Secretary Root aald It wee a- fundamental
principle that the military branch of the
government ahould be subject to tbe con
trol of the civil. He told tho cadete to
bear in mind that their education wae not
by any meana complete and they could go
on learning to be good eoldtera until they
retired If they were lucky enough to live
until the age of 64. Tbe regular army In
time of war, he said, was a nucleua of a
greater organization Including the mllltta
and national guard and he advised the
cadets to get the good will of these bodlee
and of citizens Interested In the army.
Tribute to, Chalee.
The aecretary told how an old officer
In the late war happened to come under
the command of a young volunteer officer
and yet continued to do hie duty without
giving any algn of the feelings be must
have bad as an old and faithful soldier.
"His conduct attracted attention and the
president," said the speaker, "picked him,
out to lead tbe American army to Peltln,
General A. R. Chaffee. It waa because be
ruled hla own spirit that tbe president
thought he could take a clty,"''
Ths crowd of visitors gradually left early
In the afternoon and after tbe presldsnt
bad gono there were few on the grounde.
General Miles' remarks today were chiefly
those of an older to younger officers and
referred almost wholly to the business oi
war. He aald there were two supreme
moments tn the life of a soldier, one whsn
an officer knowa be la doing what the
enomy thinks bs Is not, and when be feele
one more victory has been added to Ameri
can glory. General Miles waa loudly
cheered and applauded when be arose to
The president left here this afternoon by
train for Washington.
Trainmen Meet Dratk la Colllsloa aad
Fifteen Others Are Badly
CHATTANOOGA. Tenn., June 11 Five
men were killed snd about fifteen Injured,
two of them fatally, In a collision be
tween the fast mall, No. 1, from Nashville,
and the Jasper accommodation train on
the Nashville, Chattanooga A St. Loula
railway thla afternoon, between Hooker
and Summit, email atatloaa about twelve
miles from this city.
GEORGE ROLLINS, engineer of tbe ac
commodation train; died after betag re
moved to the hospital.
L. A. RANKIN, fireman of the accommo
dation train.
JAMES BERNHARDT, fireman of the faat
fast mail.
GEORGE RAY. engineer of the fast malL
Joe Barker, mall clerk; aerlous.
Fred Thatch, baggage master; eerlous.
Mall Clerk Miller, not fatally.
R. R. Stover, mall clerk; eerlous.
A. W. Clark, mail clerk; serious; will
Nobles of tho Mystlo Order Ceeelade
Baslaeaa aad Derate Them
selves a Pleasare.
SAN FRANCISCO, Juns 1!. Having Con
cluded the business of tbe Imperial council,
the visiting Nobles of the Mystic Shrine art
devoting their time to sightseeing. Tbis
morning a large crowd wae driven te tbe
Presidio and Cliff bouse through Golden
Gate park and to various other points of
There was a competitive drill of Arab
patrols at the Oakland race track thla aft
ernoon, but the result will not be an
nounced until evening, when the Brat prise
will be distributed at a promenade concert 1
in Mechanics pavtllo