TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1901 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MIKOR MC5TI0K. Davie sells drugs " Stockert soils csrpets and run. LcrTert. eyeslgh. specialist, ta Broadway. Picture frmm,a made to order. C. E. Alexender Co.. U3 Broadway. Tske horn a brick of Metsger'a lea cream. Vanilla, lie; Neopolltan. c. The regular meeting (11 the Council Bluffs Retail Grocers ssaociatioa will be thta evening. J Harley Bradley of Chicago, president f the agricultural Implement firm of David bradley et Co., ta In the city. At the regular meeting this evening of the Banker.' Union of the World the re cently elected olflcera will be Insta.led. Atsistsnt County Attorney Kimball wlU deliver the oration Sunday afternoon at the memorial exercises of the Kmghta of Fythlss. Remember an ironclsd ten-year guarantee goes with every New Home machine pur chased from us. Easy payments, u. A. BulUs a Co. The case of Robert Halpln. charged with attempting art assault on Mrs. Emma wu Jett, hue been continued In police court until the return of Judge Scott. The field day exercises of the Iowa 8chool lor the Deaf, which hod to be postponed iMt week on account of the rain, will be held Friday afternoon In the institute ground. Robert Hohan and Edith Anderron of Omaha were married In this city yesterday afternoon. Rev. J. Y. Altchlson performing the ceremony In tha office of the clerk of the diatrict court. . John Hum castle, Royal Highlanders, has elected these officers: Illustrious protector, Thfemas R. Drake; chief counselor, Mra. 1 M. Wallace: worthy evangel. Mra. tan Hi Collins; warder, Mra. Ella Jones. C. M. Levy, general manager; D. O. Jvea, general trelght agent. St. Lotits;A. T. Perkins, superintendent, and R. K. Smith, assistant superintendent, St. Joseph, com prised a party of Burlington ofUclala in the city yesterday. Sumner Knox, secretary of the Iowa So ciety Army of the Philippines, la ending out l.Ooo handsomely engraved Invitations to the leading military and civil authorities of the . United States inviting them to at tend the meeting of the National Society Army of tha Philippines In this city in August. The residence of L. Dunlap, IIS Vina treet, waa entered by thieves Tuesday afternoon and a gold watch and chain and a ring atolen. The stolen articles were re turned yesterday In a mysterious manner, a member of tha tardily finding them on tha front porch neatly wrapped In soft paper and Inclosed in a cardboard box. Porter Jackson, colored, was arrested last evening, charged with carrying con cealed weapons. When searched at the jail ha waa found to have In his hip pocket a large revolver, also four pocketknives. While the pocketknives were not included In the category of concealed weapons the police decided It best to Investigate where be obtained so many, Fred A. Nlckell. living In the southern portion or tne city, was arresiea last nigni vii - 1 "- - " v7 shooting her with a revolver. The com- Mrs. Nlckell. The defendant waa unable to I rj aint waa men nerore justice Larson oy furnish ball and waa committed to the county Jail pending hla preliminary near ling, which will be held this morning. Frank Avery, who claims hla home In (Chicago, felt tne panga or nunger gnawing at his vitals yesterday morning and went Into a restaurant on South Main street, where he ordered and ate a hearty break fast. The meal Included a porterhouse teak, which made the bill one of healthy dimensions. After satisfying Ms Inner man Avery asked the waiter to bring htm a toothpick and nonchalantly Informed htm that while he had enjoyed the meal ex ceedingly he waa sorry to state that his finances were at such a low ebb that he wculd be unable to pay for the good cheer provided him. The waiter did not appro, elate the Joke and called In a policeman and later Justice Bryant sent Avery to the county Jail to feed at the public expense lor three days. Puck's Domestlo soap Is best for laundry, Qravel roofing, A. H. Read, 641 Broadway. Nates from tke Conrta. Judge Wheeler of the district court sanded down hla decision yesterday In the eases of the Neola State Bank against J. H. Gates and J. H. Gates against the bank. The controversy was over two notes for ' 1561 alleged to have been given by Gates iu April In 1901. Gates dented the signature a one of the notes, saying It was forged, and brought suit against the bank to en join It from asserting Ita claim. In his de. elsloa Judge Wheeler found for the bank on all counts and gave it Judgment for the amount of ths notes and costs. In the suit ot the National Cash Register Company against L. T. Albertl. constable. Judge Wheeler handed down, his decision, flndtcg for the defendant. N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone ISO. Davis sells glaa Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Realdence. Vf. H. Reploale, Shenandoah, Ta..... Fannie J. Dickey, Council Bluffs C. 8. Beattergood, South Omaha Stella M. Andrews, South Omaha... Alfred W. Francis, Omaha Beulab Hoagland, Council Bluffs... J. A. Kalsor, Omaha. . Kllen Burke, Council Bluffa "William G. Moomaw, Council Bluffs. Mabel C. Adams, Council Bluffs Robert Hogan, Omaha Age. ... S3 ... 57 v, ... II ... rt ... M ... a ... ti ... ?a ... n ... ! Edith Andrewa, Omaha Claudius H. W. Johannson, Living Springs, "la 81 Lna Bolte. Living 8prlngs J7 Plumbing sad heating. Blxby ft Son. Puck's Domestic sosp Is best Krai Estate Tranafere. These transfers were filed yesterday In the abstract title and loan office ot J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl etreet: Rational Life Insurance company to Carl Bernhard Orahl. lota 7 and 1. block 1, Stutsman's first add, w. d.,.. W.J00 Verrlmark River Savings bank to J. 1 W. Squire, lot T. block 1. Benson's second add, wt d Jfarman Baughn and wlf to Joaeph . Mtchner. lot 10, block 7, Mayna s add. w. d Ernest E. Hart and wife to George fOS 1(0 H. Mayne. lot IS and vU of lot 1st. block 11, Hyatt s subdivision, w. a. 1.500 Council Bluffs Real Wstate aad lm- !irovement company to Chicago, Rork aland Pacific Railway company, ota and 10. block 41 Riddle's sub division, a. w. d l.MO 9. W. Thsyer and wire to i). A. Thayer. nH ne4. U-76-4L w. d David a. Pugh and wife to Jasper Promtt eeU eWi. 1-77-44. w. d. too 6) O. A. Thayar and -wife to A. H Huelle. nwu ew.' 15-7-41. q c d ... Kathan P. Dodge and wife to board of trustees ot Trinity Urthod.at Ep.a eopal church of Council bluffs, lot 1 1 block 11. Jarksoe'a add. w. d.... 1.900 JE. H. Lougee ant wire to James H. Newton. wH owi. u-74-41. q. c. d ... 1 Tea tranafere, total. THE GENUINE EAU do COLOGNE Sobann iftaria Sattna Vot sale by . V. R. BENNETT CO. 4. W, Cor. Uth and Harney fits. 1CITS ClKAKICIl- Dyed and pteesed. Special attention given ladies' aarwanta. Also chulUe curtains neatly cleaned, dyed and iiwm1. 'Phona L-is. igwa Steam Dye Vr'arka, ait ttroadway. LEWIS CUTLER FUNEUAL DIRECTOR- . (Successor to W. C- Estap) M ra&AHi. rraiciCT. raa sr. BLUFFS. EXPECT WELCOME VISITORS Local Travelingmen Getting Ready for Thair Brethren. IOWA UNITED COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Two Days' Stasias of. State Orssd Ceanell Will Open Thnrnday, and Many Delegates Are) Expected. The keys and tha freedom of the eity will be turned over to the traveling men of Iowa Friday when tba grand council of Iowa United Travelers' of America Will be gin its annual session la Council Bluffs. The session will last over Saturday and la expected to bring In the neighborhood of (00 visitors to the city, as the meeting of the grand lodge Is taken advantage of by the knights of the grip to enjoy an annual outing with their wives and families. While the session calls tor a certain amount of routine business to be transacted by the delegates, the greater part of the time of the meeting la taken up with social plea ures and the gathering here Is expected to be no exception. The numbers of the local organization have not .been idle and preparations have been made to royally entertain the visit ing traveling men and their families. Royal Arcanum hall has been secured fof the sessions of the- grand council and there Friday evening the visitors will be guests of honor at a ball and a banquet given by the Council Bluffs members of the order. Saturday afternoon Lake Manawa will be the scene of festivities and everything possible la being done to afford the visitors a day of pleasure there. A program of athletic sports has been arranged for the afternoon, the events being calculated more as mirth producers than proofs of skill or endurance. Three ele gant prises will be given In each event and this Is the proposed program: Ladles Sports Single ladles' fifty-yard dash, married ladles, fifty yard dash, ladles, free-for-all race, egg race, throwing ball, kicking football, oall and barrel race, potato race, distance guessing contest, nail driving contest. Gentlemen's Sports Fifty-yard dash free-for-all; fat man's race. 223 pounds and over; high kick, hurdle race, putting the snot, nop, step ana jump; potato race. ck race three-legged race, twenty-nve yard Jumping race, tnree tnnin (base ball game. Council Bluffa outsiders. against The Orand hotel will be headquarters tor the traveling men during the session of the grand lodge and Landlord Letton was busy yesterday, assisted by Electrician James Bates, in decorating the hostelry In honor of the anticipated guests. Mondamla coun cil of Sioux City is preparing to send a del egation of fifty Jolly traveling men and their wives to the meeting. They will come In a special car and expect to be Joined by thirty-five couplea from Sheldon. Hon. E. W. Caldwell, mayor of Sioux City, will be with the delegation from that city and as his birthday anniversary occurs on Friday, the opening meeting of the grand lodge, the Bloux Cltyaaa, It is expeeted, will do something la his honor while here. Mayor Caldwell Is an old-time Elk and has a wide circle of friends and acquaint ances In Council Bluffs. Prof. D. R. Dungan, president of the col lege of Canton, Mo., will lecture this even ing at the Christian tabernacle 'on his travels In Palestine. " Davis sells paint. lijia Bnlts for Divorce. Mrs. Lorlne Bock was married to Charles , Bock In this city August 1. 1888. and In her petition filed In the district court she says they lived happily together until July SO, 1898, when her husband deserted her without cause or valid reason. 8he says that since he deserted her she has become Indebted to her parents In the sum of 600 for the keep of herself and chil dren and asks that the court give her Judg ment against dim (or 11,000 for her ex penses for the laat four years In caring tor herself and children, and that he be required to pay her at least (20 a month. 8he asks also that she bo permitted to occupy the family home and rent it. If she so thinks advisable, and use the In come therefrom. Mrs. Junle Shlsler was married to Emery N. Shlaler at Newton, la., October 12, 1885, and recites that they lived happily to gether until May 22 of this year, when be deeerted her. 8he alleges that ha treated her In a cruel and Inhuman manner, en tirely contrary to what he pledged at the altar, and asks that the court order him to pay her $40 a month, besldss other al lowances for the attorney tees, etc. Use any soap so Its Puck's soap. Alleeea Blaasny. Guy E. Moyea. aged 21, and Grace Walter- mire, aged 18, both giving their residence Council Bluffs, secured a marriage license lest Monday and were married by Rev. Henry DeLong. Testerday a man wearing the uniform of a conductor In the employ of the motor company, and who appeared to be more than duly excited, entered the office of the clerk ot the dis trict court and asked to be shown the marriage license register; Deputy Balrd complied with his request and the man on looking through the record, when he came to tha licence issued to Moyea and Mies Waltermlre, became if anything more excited. "This man," said he, "has a wife from whom he was never divorced, and she Is now stopping at my houee. As soon as he married this 'girl he Bed the elty wlh her. Before I get through with him I will eend him up tor twenty yeare." After taking dowa the date relative to the issuance of the . licence he left the office without leaving hla name and address. Keep clean. Use Puck's Mechanic's soap. Gentry's Dos and Pony Skew, Gentry Bros.' dog and pony abow has loat none of Us attraction for ths yeung folk and ae far as that goee for the older folk aa well. The two shows yesterday In Coun cil Bluffs fully sustained the reputation of the miniature circus and were attended by crowds that filled the tent to Its capacity. The ahdw Is not only .remarkably clever, but interesting from the first to the finish and Is a revelation In the art ot training animals. Oentry Bros, will ehow today. Friday and Saturday la Omaha at Eight eenth and Douglas streets. Fonad Dead In a Comaold. TALMAGE. I a., June 11. (Special Tele gram ) Charles Deaver, aged 88, living with his father, Jasper Deaver, la Jones township, three miles northeast ot this elty, was found desd In a cornfield this morning. He wsa subject to a poplar tie attacks and Is supposed to have been seized and the cul tivator overturned with him. aa iron rod striking over his heart, killing hint u stantly. llswssi Disconcerted Ore Hafclea. IOWA FALLS.. !.. June 11. (Special ) Dfeuty State Veterinarian W. L Cvers waa called to Wright and Franklin counties last evening to Investigate cases of rabies that have been reported In the vicinity of Dows and Alexander. A number of cases have developed and much excitement exists In several communities. MARK END 0FJSCH00L YEAR Commencement Exercises In Iowa Halle of Learning; Are Climax to Months of Stady. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., June 11. (Special.) The commencement week celebrations of the Iowa Normal came to a close today with exercises in the auditorium. 8tate Super intendent R. C. Barrett delivered the ad dress to the class, which this year consists of 460 students, who received diplomas, de grees, certificates and commissions in the military department. The battalion drill was one of the most pleasing features of the week. A complimentary grand concert wae given last evening by the musical society of the school In honor of the alumni. There are bow eleven musical organiza tions. All participated In the concert last evening. The musical department is be coming recognized outside of the city as of more than ordinary Importance. There will be but short Intermission of rest for the Instructors, as the annual sum mer school begins on the 14th inet. The alumni met In tha afternoon and elected officers. ATLANTIC. Ia.. June 11. (Special.) The twenty-fifth annual commencement of the Atlantic High school will be held at the Hubbard opera house next Friday evening at 8 o'clock. There are twenty-five In the class this year. The class address will be delivered by Dr. A. E. Wlnshlp of Boston and following the exercises at the opera bouse the members of the class will be banqueted by the Atlantic High school alumni. MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia., June 11. (Spe cial.) The commencement exercises of the Missouri Valley High school were held at the opera house last evening.' Dr. Wlnshlp of Boston, the editor of the New England Journal of Education, delivered an address, which was highly Instructive. The graduat ing class this year consisted of six young women. EDUCATORS ARE INAUGURATED President 'Bradley and Dean Main Given Hearty Ovation to Stall of Iowa College. GRINNELLT Ia.. June 11. (Special Tele gram.) Dr. Dan F. Bradley, the new pres ident of Iowa college, and Dean J. H. T. Main were inaugurated to their respective offices this morning with appropriate cere mony. A prooesston was formed on the campus with faculty and seniors in caps and gowns in the lead. At the stono church the in stallation of office was formally made. , Rev. Epbralm Adams, a member of the old Iowa band that founded the college, made the Installation addressee. Both President Bradley and Dean Main responded, dedicating themselves to the ser vice of the college. The alumni banquet was held this aft ernoon. At the meeting Mrs. D. O. Mars of Albany, N. was elected president of the association. Judge John D. Ware ot Lincoln will deliver the alumni address this evening. Iowa State News Notea. Miss Hess, a graduate of the scientific department at the State college at Ames, haa been recommended for a master's de gree. She received the degree B. L. and has worked in the botany department since. nenlann la ona of tha towns to receive the announcement of Mr. Carnegie's willingness to erect a IIO.OOO building on tne usual con ditions. This is one of The newer libraries, having voted on the library question last year. The Waterloo Casket company has shipped a carload of caaketa and trim mings to the State Undertakers' associa tion at Huron, 8. D., and they will be ex hibited at that place by Henry Meyera and George Dixon. Two former Iowa edltora holding consul ates in Europe have changed places, which may Indicate that neither haa been as well pleased as he had hoped for, or that both believe something better may be had. Con sul McFarland, at Nottingham, and Consul Mahln, at- Reichenberg, have made an even swap. Several persons who were supposed to be making a close study of a recent case in the federal court In Dee Moines with a view to embarking on the latest pattern ot get-rlch-qulck enterprise, are now reported to be looking for a chance to earn 810 a week honestly. Mre. Reynolds of Fontanelle has been In Creston and asked the police to aid her In the search for her 14-year-old eon Earl, whom ehe clalme waa coaxed away from home laat week by a 19-year-old boy by the name of Hayee, with whom he had been keeping company against her commands. She had traced them through Greenfield and Orient to Creston, where she had lost track of them. - ' The Iowa prohibition atate central com mittee will meet at Des Moines June IS, to select the date tor their etate convention. D. B. Preston, who bought a ticket from Creston to Red Oak, Is laid up with an In jured foot, which may cause amputation. He waa a passenger on No. S, and when he got off the train at Prescott and In at tempting to get back on caught his right foot, which waa seriously mashed and may result In amputation. The trial of the Smith case at Perry, in volving several thousand dollars, between the Bank of Oakland and the Cltlsena' State bank of Perry, was concluded during the recent term. The Judge announced that (it a nvum UIUUAUIJT iiui IV Ilia UQVlDiuil until tha September term. The reporter waa oraerea to make a transcript or tne evidence for use of the Judge and the inter ested parties, the same to be paid out Of the tunas in tne nanaa ot tne clerk. Comment of the Iowa Frees. Council Bluffs Nonpareil: The temper ance people are growing more temperate. Very few of them ere abusing the supreme court for Its recent decision, although that decision didn't suit them a little bit. Des Moines Leader: The promoters of an Elks' carnival In Davenoort are foolhardy. They have decided on three queens of the ltivai one from Davenport, one rrom Rock Island and one from Mollne. and all to be selected by a coupon voting scheme. Dee Moinee Leader: There have been other wet seaaona In Iowa, aa the farmers will remember, and Iowa haa aurvlved Doth floods and drouth. Not alx weeka ago a great many people feared there would be too little water this year tor the crops. Sioux City Tribune: Illustrations of corn cultivators In advertising columns of the country newspapers almost persuade the city man to become a farmer. The tmple- "ment has a nice, eaay aeat. and the man who drives haa an awning overhead. Moat of the hard work la performed la the city nowadays. Deo Moines Register: A. F. Batrheller ot Chataworth, Ia.. haa Invented a field corn husker which is to be put on the market by the McCormlrk company. Mr. Batchel ler, a veteran farmer himself -las spent thirteen years perfecting- his Invention, and It Is said to be a remarkable machine, but why not manufacture the machines in Iowa? Davenport Democrat: The fact that now and then an eastern college comes to Iowa for a good man for Ita presidency dots quite a good doal toward redeeming the reputation of this state from the stain cast upon it by George D. Herroh, and possibly others, but It duos not argue wall for the ealartcs that Iowa institutions are paying their good men. . Davenport Democrat: William Patterson, a colored porter on a Pu.lman car on the Northwestern road, waa Insolent to several passengers, among them ladles, on the way between Chicago and Cedar Rapids, a day or so ago, and finally aaaaulted a man who tried to get hla nam. Then he was firomptly floored, placed under arrest, odged In the Cedar Rapids lockup and Siven the option of a tine of flow or thirty aye In Jail. Tfcls la a righteous Judgment In this caae, but there are others almost like It that are attsnded by no punishment ot the oflander. There Is no place on earth In which Insolence ami Impertinence are more latolarablat thaa taey are en the aver age Sleeping c SEVERE STORM OYER IOWA Much Damage Dona by Wind and Bain Tusiday Night MANY PARTS OF STATE WERE INV0LVE0 Eastern Central Section Soflers Most, hot North ,and Bonth the Re ports Indicate Extensive Destrnctlon. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. June 11. (Special) Meager reports have been received today from the storm of last night sod this morn ing In central Iowa. About all that Is de finitely known Is that the storm broke com munications In all directions and the tele graph companies find it almost impossible to reach many of the towns of Iowa. A threatening condition prevailed here all last night and all day today, with variable wind end frequent showers. At times the wind was severe and there were cyclonic disturb ances apparent. Along tha llns of the Rock Island east considerable damage was done during the night, but the railroads were kept open and today thirty coachloads ot grocers and their friends went on a picnic from Des Moines to Newton. The excur sion party got through all right. Just be yond, at Gricnell, and on either side of the track the wind had done much damage during the night, unroofing barns and blow ing down the crops. Report has It that the wind became a veritable tornado at Laurel, in Marshall county, and the ruin was great, but definite information Is not to be had, as the wires are down. Damage waa done st Osksloosa by both wind and electricity. Along the line of the Northwestern east of Marshalltown the storm was quite severe. In Hancock county a train of cars on the Iowa Central was blown partly from the track and overturned. Boone and vicinity were tornado struck late yesterday afternoon and for nearly an hour one of the wildest storms that has ever visited that locality raged. Railroad ties were actually blown from their bed. Last night it was not known whether or not any lives were loet, but it was discovered this morning that no one In that vicinity at least waa Injured. Two freight cars were derailed on the Northwestern at Ames, but not as a result ot the storm. It caused a slight delay In traffic. A storm of terrific force struck Frasler. but there were no casualties. Much etock was killed by lightning and by debris borne by the wind. At Jordan the Northwestern depot was totally wrecked by wind. The large barn ot John Boper was blown down and not so much as a splinter can be found. At the home on the Bennett farm In Boone county twenty window lights were broken by the hall and schools and many other buildings hsvlng plate glass windows In that vicinity Buffered similarly. Hall stones thirteen Inches in diameter fell. Twenty telegraph poles on the Northwestern were prostrated near Jordan and several horaes were killed, among them a team from this city. Remove to Des Moinee. Arrangements have just been perfected for the removal from Tipton, where it was organized,' of the Northweetern Reserve, a fraternal Insurance association formed after the removal ot others from that town. Articles ot incorporation were filed, with the secretary of state today for the com pany to reincorporate under the name of the Northwestern Fraternal Reeerve, with Charles F. Smith president and J. H. Campbell secretary. The Exchange State bank of Collins filed articles ot incorporation today with the secretary ot state; capital, $25,000; S.' 8. Hanson, president; A. J. Fawc-.t, caahler. The P. and P. M. Musser Securities com pany of Muscatine filed articles of Incor poration today with a capital of $200,000. Secnred Requisition Papers. Papers were eecured from Governor Cummins today for the return to Nebraska of Frank Wilson and George Parker, ac cused of larceny from the person. They are under arrest in Council Bluffs and are wanted for taking $245 from Axel Bunder son In Omaha. News has been received here of the death of Hugh Langan of Crawford county, at hla brother's home In Clinton. Mr. Langan waa a member of the last legislature and was eleoted as a republican In a county that has generaly been democratic. He bad aerved In the South Dakota legislature at one time. His death was from an illness which had its beginning while he waa in Des Moines attending the legislature laat winter. Vain- Vnoxpen.ded Balances. Attorney General Mullan has rendered a legal opinion for the benefit of the State Board of Control in regard to unexpended balances in funds for ths various stste institutions. Ths board had some funds tor the Behoof for the Deaf at Council Bluffs which could be saved and a part applied to the Immediate needs of the in stitution incident to the fire loss, If that course would be legal, and the attorney general was asked to give a decision In ths esse. He decided that such unexpended balances could not be used for purposes other than that designated by the legisla ture, and It would do the board no good to effect a saving In one fund with the intention of using the money elsewhere, where It ia more needed. The decision affects all the state Institutions alike and disposes ot a question which had not he fore been settled. Law Reform Suggestions. The committee on lew reform of the State Bar association has prepared a report which will he presented at the state bar meeting July 15 In Cedar Rapids, recom mending a number of Important law changes. Among other things It Is rec ommended that the office of eupreme court reporter bo made appointive by the court Itself. There has been a great deal of trouble because of disagreements between the reporter and others and an effort was made laat winter to have the office made appointive. The report will also recom mend appointment ot a committee to In vestigate and report on the proposed law to prevent the marriage of degenerates. William K. . Boardman. formerly state dairy commtsaloner and known throughout the west for his Interest In dairying, also formerly president of the National Cream ery Butter Makers' association, was stricken with apoplexy at his borne In Nevada and reports from there are to the effect that he is in a critical condition. State Encampments. AdJutsnt General Byera has returned from his trip to Cedar Falls aad Oska- looaa. He eays three of the ststs camps have been located and the dates fixed as follows: Forty-ninth Iowa at Cedar Falls wsek beginning July 8; Fiftieth Iowa at Osksloosa. week beginning August I; Fifty eecond Iowa at Fonda, week beginning June 14. The Fifty-Bret ramp haa not been located yet. It will go to Grlswold or Fonda and will probably be held about July IS. On Sforo Gallty. Ike Brafford, brother of the aotorlous The Opportunity Still Open Teaterday's business In our Silk Department among the Foulards on special sale was very sat to - factory, but we have still a splendid line from which to select. While they last you buy them for 59c n yard These are new 1902 patterns, bought for our regular selling. Don't delay. Mail "Sonny" Brafford, who was recently sen tenced to twenty years In the penitentiary tor highway robbery, was this morning found guilty of the same offense and will be sentenced Saturday. Brafford Is one of a gang of highwaymen which. It is believed. was broken up when Robert Maize, Its ringleader, received a sentence of twenty years a few weeks ago. All three ot the men were recognised by the persons robbed as their assailants and Maise admitted bis guilt. I Judge Wllkenson submitted to the jury before Us retirement a special Interroga tory relative to whether or not the last de fendant had on his person at the time of the holdup a deadly weapon. The jury found that he had and It la expected the sentence will be a severe one. The holdup for which the Braffords and Maize are said to be responsible occurred during a week in April. One Saturday night there waa a halt dosen daring hold ups almost In the heart of the city and the three convicts positively were Identified In each Instance by the proseoutlng witnesses. Victim of Horse Kick. t.fmahs la.. Juns 11.' (Special Tele gram.) Nlo Munboven, residing near here, died tonlaht. He was kicked In the groin by a horse yesterday at his farm. GRAND OFFICIALS INSTALLED Maaonle Exeentlve for Sonth Dakota Shoulders Yoke and Dendwood Gets Neat Meeting. HURON. 6. D.. Juns 11. (Special Tele- a-ram.l Masonic xrand lodge jurisdiction ot South Dakota closed tonight with a recep tion and dance tendered by local members of the fraternity and the Eaatern Star. The next meeting will be held In Deadwood. The grand chapter of Royal Arch Ma sons meets tomorrow. The following offi cers wsre elected: Grand maater, Frank a. Rrnwn. Aberdeen: deouty grand maater. Byron P. Dague, Deadwood; senior grabd warden, Ivan W. Goodner, Pierre; junior grand warden, Edgar D. Brookman, Vermil lion; grand treasurer, John C. Bryan, Planklnton; grand secretary, George A. Pettlgrew, Flandreau; grand lecturer, B. F. Ives. Huron: arand chaplain. D. C Jacob. Lennox; senior grand deacon, Charles A. Fisher, Aberdeen; Junior! grand deacon, Burdett Moody, Lead; grand marshall, W. E Benedict. Custer: senior grand steward. Paul Deutcher. Brookings; junior grsnd steward. Dr. s. u. aiagei. itapta uuy; grand sword bearer. A. E. Vancamp, High more; grand pursuivant. S. 8. Lockhart, Milbank; grand tiler, Frank Kunerth, Sioux Falls; committee on correspondence, 8. A. Brown, Sioux Falls. Ths officers-elect were Installed by Fast Grand Master Cleaver of Huron. SIX DOFF CAPS AND GOWNS Gradnates of Dakota University Aro Awarded Diplomas aad Don Mantles of Cltlsens. MITCHELL. 8. D.. June 11. (Special Tel egram.) The annual commencement exer cises ot Dakota university csme to a close this morning, when the senior clsss ot six members rscelved Its diplomas. It has been a aucceesful wsek throughout and a large number of outside visitors have been present. The bosrd ot directors selected practically the same faculty ot the last year and Dr. Graham will remain at the head ot the institution. A new financial manager was secured to solicit funds for ths erection ot the new building snd ths outlook is very encouraging for the Institu tion. To riant Colony In Stanley. PIERRE. 8. D.. June 11. (Speclsl ) Articles ot incorporation have been filed for the Homestead Improvument associa tion at Plarre, with a capital of $10,000. The incorporators are: F. M. Harding. E J. Stasoa. Sioux City, and O. H. Anderson of this city. The purposes of ths company are to bring settlers to the range country and start them to homeslsading. It ts practically for the formation of a colony from northwest Iowa, which will be located In Stanley county this summer. Cattle Immigration Is Heavy. STVROIS. 8. D-, Juns 11. (Special.) Tha amount of csttls shipped from Texas to ths Black HUls ranges thl season Is something wonderful. During the past kviui S AAA and 7.000 head have been received at the Sturgls yarls. There Is so muco tesa oa tae ranges now mat nearly everybody le doubling In cattle. Tarawa spnae an kevlsTa. PIERRE, 8. D., June 11. 8pc:ial ) The appropriation for transferring coavlets to ths peniteatlary is exhausted for this Foulard m rTTirPiAn UUJ Store news that makes prudent buy ers smile, even in hot weather Shirt Waists In all colors ani all styles . at ALL PRICES .V. ' t A most complete line of fashionable 8htrt ;t Waist Is here tor your Inspection none of the "cheap" kind, but good, stylish,' up-to-the-minute waists at the lowest of prices. ' We are showing almost every conceivable . '" style, either In full length or elbow sleeve snd, by the way, the elbow sleeve la one of fashion's favorites. We have It In a number of handsome styles. It's not only stylish, but so cool and comfortable. Prices, colored or. white waists, from $1.00 up. v Shirt Waist Suits So very popular this summer. A emsrt, , styled shirt waist suit, waist prettily tucked and trimmed, aklrt neatly trimmed, colors old rose snd blus. A bargain at $5.80. Other styles In all colors at $5 00, $5.00, $7.00, $7.50 and $1.50. Orders Promptly fiscal year and auy ... : v:, tslis a prisoner in between now and July 1 must do so at hla own expense and wait until the legislature makes a deficiency appropria tion to reimburse him for the expenditure. This is the regular situation at the end ot every fiscal year. The appropriation made for this purpose Is never large enough to run through. Homeons Name Officers. SIOUX FALLS, S. D. June 11. (Special Telegram.) The ninth annual convention ot the South Dakota Homeopathic Medical so ciety was concluded here today, the election ot officers for the ensuing year resulting as follows: President, F. L. Mitchell, Arte sian; vice president, S. A. Strong, Bradley; Fred E. Vandalsen, Huron; secretary and treasurer, Charles T. Bowers, Mitchell. Mitchell waa selected as the, place for hold ing the next annual meeting. Memorial for Departed gtndent. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D.. June 11. (Spe- c'.al.) a beautiful and costly work of art from the Tiffany studios, Nsw York City, haa been received In the chapel of All Salnta' school. It is a memorial window and was given the school by H. H. Natwlck and wife, prominent residents of this city, In honor of their daughter, Mabel, who was from childhood one of the most faithful pupils of the school and who died about a year and a half ago at the age of 15 years. Governor Pardons Brantley. RAWLINS, Wyo.. June 10. (Special.) Governor De Forest Rlcharda baa lseusd a pardon to Matthsw O. Brantley, who bad served three years of a aeven-year sen tence for assault with Intent to kill. He alashed James Lavtn with a kntfs during a quarrel. The petition for pardon waa signed by local authorities and many of the lead ing cltlsena ot thta section. He haa been given employment on the ranch of Mur ray McKay. Indiana Beck Employment. STURGIS, S.' D.. June 11. (Special.) Circulars am being received here from John Bremen, United States Indian agent at Pine Ridge agency, 8. D., In which he states that there are 800 young, able-bodied Oga- lalla Sioux Indiana there who are desirous of adopting ths habits of their white breth ren and earning their own living. They wish to go to work either at railroad grad ing, digging ditches, herding sheep or ranch ing. Road Will File In Bonth Dakota. PIERRE, 8. D., June 10. (Special Tele, gram.) The Rock Ialand read will tomor row file with the secretary of state a copy of Its article of Incorporation and a copy of Ita lease of the lines of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids Northern rosd la South Dakota, appointing Thomas H. Brown of Sioux Falls as the South Dakota representa tive ot the line. Rice Gets Jadgrcekln Commission. PIERRE, 8. D.. Juns It Special Tel egram.) Governor Herrled today Issued a commission to W. G. Rice of Deadwood as circuit judge of the Eighth circuit court to fill the vacancy cauaed by the death of Judge Frank Wasbabaugh. The supreme court today admitted Fraoklla F. Grant of Frederick on a certificate from the supreme court of Illinois. The only Cereal Coffee made from nature's own pro duct Calif o rnia figs, prunes and train abso lutely free from artificial matter ia" CereeJ It is the ideal food drink, tor children because the strength and health giving firoperties of the grain and ruit are in a state of solu tion and are therefore quickly absorbed. AsK Your Grocor , (or a . Sample. Poll s te 10 Minutes. Filled f.OLORADfll The wsy to get the beet ac comssodstlens U via the Great rock Island Route WHY? It is the only direct line to Colorado Springs and Manitou. It is the popular route to Denver. It has the best Dining Car Service. It has the finest equipment and gives choice of three fast daily trains to Colorado. Rocky Mountain Limited leaves Omaha 6.50 a. m,, arrives Den; ver 8.5 p. m., Colorado Springs (Man itou ) 8.30 p. m. Ba 5 leaves Omaha 1.30 p. m., arrives Den ver 7.45 a. m., Colorado Springs (Man itou) 7.35 a. m., Pueblo 9.10 a. m. Colorado Flyer leaves Omaha 6.20 p. m., arrives Den ver 11.00 a. m., Colorado Springs (Man itou) 10.35 a. m.. Pueblo 11.60 a. m. Another inducement to use the Hock Is land will be tha S13 round trip rate to Colorado effective this summer by that Una. Ask tor details and free books. "Under the Turquoise Sky' ' gives the most fascinating description of Colorado. "Camping in Colorado" has full de tails for campers. CITY TICKET OFTICE. 1323 Farnam Stroot. OMAHA. The Blues le one signal which foretells physical decay. Another is psle lifeless skin. The muscles shrink sad becosas flab by; the body becomes emsciatcd, sad there is aa early tendency to rouad shoulders. The step lacks elasticity, the nerves become weakt mental aad physical activity arc e bardea. This eondilloa ts called Asisewi J3e tdity; It ts cured by the nee of They feed the hubgry nerves, revive the weakened organs aad make life brighter aad sweeter to say man or woman who has suffered from physical drains. 1.00 per bos; boxes (with legal gua raotee to cure er refund the stoney ), 15.(10. Nook free. . For eale by Kuhn eV Co., Omaha. Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. Davis Drug Co-. Council Bluffs, la. BLOOD POISON Is the worst disease on csrtn. yet the easiest to cure WHEN You KNOW WHAT TO DO. Many have plmplee, spots en the skin, sores In the mouih. uioers, falling hair, bone pains, catarrh; don't know It la BLOOD roitSON. Send to DR. BKOW'N. 3S Arch Bt., Philadelphia, Pa., for BROWN'S BLOOD CITRIC. i.p per bottle; lasts ono month. Sold only by Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co., luth and Dodge fits.. Omaha. Brown's Capsulai Bee Want Ads Sell on Their Merit No tree gift Is necessary to make thta worth tie price we aak. The Bee has the circulation that's why. m ig cr I J