Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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.TMrtj-Flrrt Commencement Day to Be
v Obaemd Today.
Chancellor Andrews' Address to the
Alumni taattlM III Views sad
Recommendations (or
Fatore Betterment.
(From, Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jane 11. (Special.) Tomor
row will mark the end of the thirty-first
school year or the L'niverslty of Nebraska.
Tba graduates will be given their diplomas,
and then, with the exception of a few re
ceptions In the evening, the seniors will be
free from all duties In connection with the
university. '
The demand for tickets to the commence
ment exercises tomorrow has been greater
than usual, probably because Booker T.
Washington Is to deliver the oration. The
.exercises will be held In the Auditorium
and the Indications are that It will be
tilled to Its utmost.
The alumni of the university bad charge
of all events Incident to commencement to
day. In the morning J. Irving Manatt, ex
chancellor of the university, delivered the
annual Phi Beta Kappa oration. After this
cam the annual class dinners and reunions.
Tonight Judge E. P. Holmes delivered the
alumni address, his subject being, "The
Tendency of Woman's Social Development."
Report ot the Chancellor.
. Chancellor Andrews rend to the alumni
bis report on the condition and needs of
the university, as follows:
The university has added nothing to its
lands this year. The need for larger
quurtcrs here In the city will soon be
pressing, though It is not so at this mo
ment. A more Immediate call for land Is
heard from the farm, where, large as the
present rstate is, ampUT art as are re
quired that agricultural teaching and ex
perimentation may go on strongly.
No buildings, have been erected the last
year except , the new stock barn, at the
farm. There Is imperative necessity for
two additional bullnlnps nt the farm. It
Is nothing short of cruelty to require the
Department of Physics to toll longer with
out any place wholly Its own either for
lecturing, for experimentation or for the
proper storing of apparatus. The value
of our phydlcal apparatus, reasonably
abundant and mQch of it very coFtly. Is
diminished severul per cent each year ly
Imperfect storage and the necessity for
transporting pieces from place to place for
use In teaching. No one of the engineering
departments has sufficient premises. Tho
ihops are too small. The Important De
partment of Domestic Art and Science !
forbidden to enlarge for lack of space.
The buildings have been kept In the best
repair possible with the limited resources
at the disposal of the university, but re-
Calrs are badly needed which it is ImposM
le to effect at, present for lack of funds.
Such economy Is viciously costly. The
friends of the etate ought -to insist that
wasteful management of this sort be
henceforth rendered unnecessary. There
ught to be money to make efficient reptl.a
Immediately In every case where the need
Df repairs arises. That Is what private
gwnera of first-class business plants al
ways do. 8ound economy on behalf of th
ita'te would-supply the regents with funds
lu effect repnlra upon this precious prop
srtv as promptly and as completely as he
Burlington road does upon its engines and
" 8pite of poverty something has been ae
compllsehd In Improving the appearance
f the university premlseB, The Athletic
association has conferred a benediction by
putting up a new grandstand and a new
fence about the athletic field. In securing
neatness on. the campus faculty and etu
Jents have co-operated admirably.
The teaching force of the university has
the Inst year suffered few changes. One
eminent dean and a Valued profeswr -l"ft
us a year ago. I refer to Kdgran and
Broolm, who accepted eligible positions
elsewhere at salaries which we could not
match. Several other "profssors have re
ceived calls, la leave us at higher salaries,
'but have declined. Tha-. work done by the
teaching force has been hard, faithful and
efficient. Itr members' have wrought in
perfect harmony and eo-operatlon one of
the most delightful features connected with
the service of the "university.
Student Body Commended.
The student body has been characterized,
by almost universal seal in work. Uni
versity spirit has Improved. Few students
have Deen 111 ana. so rar as i Know, dui
one has died. Athletic and debating suc
cesses are known to all. The conduct of
our students Is about all that could be
desired. There have been a few cases of
cheating In written work .which, of course,
.cording to a university code of morals, Is
almost ual.donable sin. If ths vice does
not abate gerater severity will have to
be exercised In dealing with It. It may
even be necessary to treat It as absolutely
unpardonable. When taxed with this fault
students nearly always say It is common
and not frowned on very seriously In the
high schools where they prepared. This Is
unfortunate If true. Perhaps the question
of its truth is worth investigating.
Annoying thefts occur at intervals In
various departments of the university.
Borne of the thieves are no doubt outsiders,
but not all. Thief-students do not, I be
lieve, learn their vice here, but we ought
to be able to make them unlearn It here.
Clear cases of such delinquency should be
severely punished.
Spite of all thts the moral tone of our
student body Is higher than that at any
Dther Institution with which I have been
connected. Of course, being a state uni
versity, supported by general taxation, we
cannot teach - dogma or side with any
ecclesiastical organization against any
other. When pe-eple, however, allege that
the university does nothing to advance the
interests of religion I always protest. All
preachers, all evangelists, all churchmen,
such, even, as go furthest In emphasising
rites, forms and ecclesiastlclsm, boastfully
maintain that the very best means which
can be used to propagate religion Is the
Influence of noble and upright character.
It would perhaps be Invidious to compare
the Influence of the faculty and students
of our university in this regard with the
corresponding Influence exerted at other
schools, but. could such a comparison be
made and made fairly.' the result would, I
am sure, convince all that there Is In
exercise at this 'university a most powerful,
an almost incomparable force for the
creation and dissemination of the best re
sults prayed for by all Christian people.
Why the Fnlllnc Off.
The number, of students connected with
the university has probably been somewhat
less the last year than for a few years
preceding. This falling off Is referable in
.the main to four causes: First, thu growth
of private colleges In the state. Second,
Little Liver PiUs.
, Must Baar Signature
Vat Fa faille Wrapper Bear.
mmU aaal a aaag
OArxl trio roi DiziiMUS.
rnrtE nn luouiiiti.
iflvFR m TOiro livu.
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Inn TKtcoMPLixiei
fit I aw Vina nmw pmwa
the fee which the university has had to
Impose on all students owing to the too
small amount received the last time from
the state. Third, the tuition which, partly
for the same reason. It was thought well
to require from non-resident students.
Fouth, the main cause, I believe, the
advance In the cost of living this yesr
over that of previous years. I suppose that
the most .economical student in the uni
versity has been obliged to lay out for
living expenses at the very least from
$25 to tbo more the last year than was
necessary the year preceding.
These rauses It will be observed are
likely to continue. It will be necessary
therefore. If the university shall In num
bers as well as In the quality of lis work
keep up the psce It has set, for Its friends
by their exertions to counteract and over
come these adverse causes named, to set
In exercise, that Is, other forces stronger
than these which threaten to check our
It is probably known to all present that
recently the regents have, partly through
affiliation with the Omaha Medical college,
established In the university a college of
medicine. The first two of the four years
of Instruction will be given In Lincoln and
the last two taken up with more technical
study, clinical work, and so on. In Omaha.
This Is considered a very Important new
step. It cannot fall of telling results, chief
among which will be elevation In the qual
ity of medical and surgical knowledge and
practice throughout the Missouri valley.
The college of medicine will pay all its
own expenses, like the law college at pres
ent, not being In any sense a burden upon
the university chest
It may be possible In the course of a few
years to erect a college of engineering on
a similar basis, affixing certain fees to
the excellent Instruction given in that de
partment, so that the university treasury
may be richer by the sums now necessary
to keep up sjch teaching. This, It seems
to me, would be only just. Inasmuch aa no
students are surer than those schooled In
engineering of lucrative employment on
leaving the university.-
To the work now doing In domestic
science there should be added as soon as
possible corresponding work In domestic
art. Ample courses in commercial eco
nomics, geography and methods should be
Instituted. A year or two of hard and
first-class work in architecture should be
offered and the courses which the Greek
department, straining Its resources. Is at
present offering In the history and criticism
of fine arts should be erected into an Inde
pendent professorship. The excellent course
in forestry already arranged should be pro
mulgated at once and strongly carried
Alumni Can Help.
I am saying these things to the alumni of
the university because the advancement
pointed out can never be achieved save
oy your help. You can aid In a variety
of ways. You can direct to your alma
mater many young people who desire a
higher education In some of Its forms.
More particularly those of you who are
teachers can inspire in the breasts of
youth a desire for higher education and
then turn their footsteps this way. All of
you can do something to inform the public
and especially members of the legislature,
touching the value of the work the uni
versity Is doing and its need of larger re
sources that it may compass a still vaster
work of good. Lastly, you can make It
clear that the funds the state bestows on
Its university are not of the nature of
charity, but Invested and Invested In the
best possible gilt-edged security, yielding
two sets of priceless dividends, one
estimable In terms of dollars and cents and
consisting' in an Increased valuatlon-of the
state's estate, real and personal, and one
too precious to be told In any language of
money, consisting In bettered civilization
and the higher life of mind. '
Not even the most enthusiastic alumnus
on the grounds duly prizes the university.
We need to exalt it more In our thought
and compel the public to do so. Plan for
It and lead others to plan for It, not in
a petty or niggardly way, bat copiously,
Immensely, stupendously, as the central
glory of our commonwealth. Our state la
no longer poor; It Is rich and rapidly be
coming opulent. There la less danger of
our having too little than of our letting
abundance minister to what is low, build
ing houses costly but of mud Instead of
mansions imperishable. I of course do not
maintain that the university Is the sole
source of good direction In strong and
noble social construction, but I do say that
It is a main and a matchless sojree, worthy
of the most devoted and liberal mainte
nance. Law School Graduates.
The graduates of the University College
of Law were this morning given tbe oath
of admission to the bar by Chief Justice
Sullivan. Tbey are:
Maurice Clifford Atchl- Oeorge Arthur Johnaoa,
on. Albert Hir'i Knur,
flairs James Balnl. Fred GsrHeld Kldd,
Terence Traejr Dorian, Clifford W. . LeKor,
Lee Paris Dullte, Frank Paul Manchester,
Edmund Jamea Calloway, Charlea B. Mateo ti.
Joeeph Erneet Chain, Edwin Richard Mockett,
Charles W I Hard Clapp, Irving Evelyn Monlgoio
Hush Elton Clapp, err,
John Leo Cleary. Nela F. Nelson.
Lewla Emery Cottle. Lin Ithamar Noble,.
Donald Alexander Craw- Cadwallader William
ford, Pace.
Joerph McKlnnle Parbr, Aleck Theodora Peterson,
Henry Leonard DeKalb, William John Reardon,
Oarer Douglae, Ira Victor Reaaoner,
Oerald M. Drew, John Feraueon Kotruck,
Victor Hugo Duras, Oacar Olland smith,
Harvey M. Deval, Karneet Oarfleld Hpealman,
Herman Virgil Fallor, John B. Hplttler,
Olive Oilmor Fallor, Hobery Percy Starr,
Luclen Baker Fuller, Hugh Alfred Steveneon.
Anthony Edward Gordon, Frederick Arthur Sutter,
Wtnfleid Wllklnaon Leonard Emeraon Telleen,
Oravea, Ferdinand Klirman Thomas
William Raymond Heartt, John N. Trommerabauaer,
Charlee Renjamln Hughes, John Ellaa Willie.
Caealua L. Johnaon, Oliver William Wltham.
On recommendation of tbe examining
commission tbe supreme court also ad
mitted Ashby E. Smith, a practitioner,
formerly of Missouri, to the Nebraska bar.
Convention at Norfolk Names Officers
and Awards Banners for
Largest Contributions.
NORFOLK. Neb.. June 11 (Special.) At
the Monday morning business session of the
Fifth District Christian Endeavor conven
tion tbe following officers were elected for
the ensuing year:
Rev. Franklin Baker, Second Congrega
tional church, Norfolk, president; Frank
Gray, Cedar Rapids, vice president; Miss
Llnle Rees, Norfolk, secretary; Fred Hos
ford, Albion, treasurer; Miss Bessie Shel
don, Columbus, superintendent missions.
Cedar Rapids was fixed upon as tbe place
of meeting for next year.
In the evening State President Arthur
S. Chase of Omaha gave an address.
This morning's session was led by Miss
Luth of Columbus, superintendent of mis
sions, at which time were read and dis
cussed papers on home and foreign mis
sion work. This was followed by presenta
tion of banners for tba largest contribu
tions to missionary work.
Fullerton carried off both tbe Junior ban
ner for home and foreign missions; Co
lumbus First church got the foreign mis
sions banner, while the First church at
Norfolk received that for home missions. .
After the awarding of banners the con
vention closed.
Lobbyists Active In Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb., June 11. (Special Tel
egram.) This evening the city is full of
politicians, who arrived from all part of
the county this afternoon In order to be
on band for the republican county conven
tion tomorrow. A number . of atate poli
ticians who are Interested In the fight for
congressman are In tbe city. The three
candidates who are most prominently men
tioned for congress are Hon, M. E. Shults,
Hon. E. H. Hlnshaw and Hon. Charles II.
Sloan. Tbe fight for state senator, Judging
from the political aspect here this even
ing, ties between Hon. L. M. Pemberton
of this city and R. W. Laflln of Wymor.
The lobbyist are at work thla evening and
the convention tomorrow promises to be a
live on.
Overdose Can see Death.
HASTINGS, Neb., June 11. (8peclal Tele
gramsMrs. Leora Falkenateln cf Rlverton,
reD., wss round dead In bed thla morning
at the home of Mr. Emma D. Balled, who
ah had been visiting daring the past tew
days. A coroner's Inquest was held and it
was found that ah came to her death by an
overdose of poisonous medicine, which sh
bad taken accidentally. Tbe remain will
be ablpped back to Rlverton tomorrow.
Horse Kick la Berloaa.
HA8TIN08, Nsb., June 11. (Special Tele
gram.) Henry Altman. a farmer living two
mile southwest of town, was kicked by a
horse thla morning and bad his blp bone
badly battered. A -aleoa, of Jth fcan was
driven into hi abdomen, ' ...
Supreme Court Rule on Point to Tim
for Application.
tdnestlon Broanht Vp in Connection
vrlth Case from Lancaster toanty
and Derided Against the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 11. (Special.) The su
preme court has delivered an opinion In
which It la held that, although delay In
applying for a writ of mandamus la not
an absolute bar. It may be sufficient. In
the discretion of tbe court, for denying
the writ. Tbe question was brought to
the attention of the court by Christopher
O. Relse, who was plaintiff In the district
court In an action of replevin. Judgment
having been entered for the defendant, and
a motion for a new trial having been de
nied. Relss served a proposed bill of ex
ceptions upon the defendant's counsel on
the last but one of the eighty days allowed
by tbe court for that purpose. The coun
sel objected to the allowance of the bill
and declined to accept service. Afterward,
and some time after the expiration of tho
period fixed by law, the bill was presented
to the trial judge, who refused to settle It,
asserting In his order that "It was not pre
sented with 100 days from the last day of
the term of court at which motion for new
trial was overruled." The proposed bill,
together with the order, was presented in
the supreme court and allowed to remain
for over a year, and until stricken from the
record, for want of allowance In the trial
The court holds that tbe relator In man
damus proceedings to compel settlement
of a bill of exceptions must show a clear
right to have his proposed bill allowed.
Hence, where the trial Judge, upon hear
ing evidence, has found that delay In not
presenting the bill in the time fixed by
the law was due to laches and neglect of
relator, the latter will be held to very
clear proof that such finding was erroneous
and that he Is entitled to have the bill al
lowed notwithstanding.
In a case entitled Wellage against Ab
bott, appealed from the district court of
Douglas county, the supreme court de
clares that discontinuance of a pending;
cause and agreement not to prosecute any
further claim are sufficient ronsideratlon
for a promise to pay accrued costs and at
torneys' fees It held that In such case
the agreement to pay attorneys' fees Is an
original and Independent contract and Is
not within the statute of frauds as being
a promise to answer for the debt of another.
Clancey In a Horry.
People at tbe statehouse are watching
with Interest the contest between the two
delegation tickets In the Fifth ward of
Omaha. One of these, advertised as being
"anti-machine," and In favor of the nom
ination of Van Dusen, Is headed by Robert
J. Clancey, private secretary to Governor
Savage. Mr. Clancey has planned fur a
vigorous campaign in this ward and ex
pects to get assistance from one or two
men who hold positions under the Jurisdic
tion of the governor.
This afternoon Mr. Clancey was seen run
ning at a high rate of speed toward the
Burlington depot, carrying a grip In one
hand and waving a palm leaf fan with the
other. The terrific heat had no terror for
Mr. Clancey, for he kept up bin mad race
clear to the platform of the train bound
for Omaha. A man who was slowly saun
tering along saw Mr. Clancey running, and
as the train wag late, both being bound
for the same destination, tbey met at the
"What occasions this Intense excite
ment?" the man asked of Mr. Clancey.
"Oh, Just a little business In Omaha,"
exclaimed the genial private secretary,
smiling broadly and gasping for breath.
"You see, there's some politics up there
a fight, you know, over in the Fifth ward.
I have to be there this afternoon."
And then Mr. Clancey Indulged in a few
uncomplimentary criticisms of the Lincoln
street car service, for tbe car be bad
boarded at the hotel ran only half way to
the depot and then stopped.
Lincoln Assessment.
The city council, altttng as a Board of
Equalization, this morning, decided that It
would not receive any complaints against
the work of the tax commissioner and his
assessors after 4 o'clock Saturday after
noon. Tbe completed figures from tbe city
tax commissioner's books show that over
11,250,000 In valuations was added this year,
Here are tbe comparisons:
Personal, 1901 f 4.018.8:
Personal, 1902 5,13.1.870
Increase 1.121.H6
Real estate. 1901 1S.02O.3W)
Real estate, 1902 16,219 265
Increase 188.915
Total assessment, 1902 21,369.230
Total assessment, 1901 20.039.175
Increase 1,310K
The Sixth ward personal, the total of
which were not available till this morn
ing. Is 1322,280, as compared with $179,380
last year.
The fourteenth annual commencement ex
ercises of Wesleyan university were held
this morning at 10 o'clock at St. Paul'a
church. Rev. Mr. Quayle of Kansas City,
a well-known lecturer, pulpit orator and
writer, delivered the commencement ad
dress. Degrees were conferred upon eleven
young men and women from the college of
liberal arts. Diploma and certificate
were also presented to the graduatea of
special departments and the Normal school.
Bnmper Crop In York Connty.
YORK. Neb., June 11. (Special.) Yes
terday was one of the hottest daya here
this year. The thermometer registered as
high as 102 degrees. Although the heat
was oppressive, farmers had no complaint,
because they believe that It was the right
kind of a day for the growth of crops. A
large amount of corn bas been cultivated
twice. Winter wheat has made a wonder
ful growth and la at least 25 per cent bet
ter than two months ago'. Hundreds of
acres of alfalfa standing from twenty inches
to thirty inches high have been cut. Con
siderable alfalfa was damaged to soma ex
tent by the excessive rains which have
fallen In tbe laat ten 'days. York county
will have another bumper crop.
War Veteran to Meet at Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb.. June 11. (Special Tel
egramsAt a meting of tbe district offi
cers of the southeastern Nebraska Grand
Army reunion her this afternoon it was
decided to bold the Grand Army of the Re
public reunion In thia city August 11 to 20,
Inclusive. It is the intention to have
number of prominent Grand Army of tba
Republic men of tbe country attend tbe re
union. An executive committee was ap
pointed a follows: S. 8. Peters, chairman;
R. L. Gllmore, quartermaster and treas
urer; O. L. Cole, Fred Brother and W. H.
Edgar. W. H. Walker was appointed ad
jutant and secretary of the district.
Five Poisoned at Plymoath.
FAtRBVRY. Neb., Jun 11. (gpectal.)
Five men and two women connected with
a traveling ahow war poisoned at
Plymouth, this county, Saturday night and
on Monday night the two women, Mra. B.
W. Dllger and Miss Myrtle Boyies. were
given a second dose of poison. Tbe troupe,
which comprised twenty-two members,
boarded in ita own car. and tboae who par
took of rlca cooked for aupper were af
fected, noot very serlouuly except tho two
women. Tbe poison taken waa strychnine.
No motive caa be ascribed to anyone for
the act and there I no cine to the perpe
Representatives to "tate Convention
Favor Dlasatoro for Governor, bat
Other Are Not Instructed.
HEBRON. Neb., June 11. (Special Tele)
gram.) Thayer county republicans met to
day and eelectcd delegate to the state
and congressional conventions. The dele
gates to both conventions go unlnstructed,
but tbe state delegation la quite largely In
favor of J. B. Dlnsmor for governor.
The sentiment of the county Is about
equally divided between Sloan and Hlnshaw
for congress.
The following delegates were chosen:
State - convention R. H. Marks, Thomas
Lapners, Frank Hitch, C. W. Guile, V.
Rawcek, D. A. Crandall, . R. Tweed, C.
Belaner, H. J. Bauer, F. Wilcox, H. P.
Harding, C. La Richards, William Galbralth,
D. W. Brown, N. E. Botton, James Dins
more, H. W. Bever.
Congressional 8. R. Easly, W. D. Fisher,
O. W. Bailey, J. H. Eberman, B. F. Clay, C.
E. Kerr, Jame Wilson, F. Belsner, D. M.
Williamson, La P. Luce, J. M. Marsh, John
Hoatson, D. W. Brown, John Watson, F. M.
Wcthcrald, W. H. Jennings, George Muth.
Resolutions were adopted endorsing
President Roosevelt In hi vigorous policy
toward Cuba and the Philippines and pledg
ing blm aupport in behalf of the country's
welfare. The convention was large and en
Saline Indorse Pope for Congress.
WILBER, Neb.. June 11. (Special Tele
gram.) The Saline county convention
unanimously passed resolutions that in
John D. Pope It recognises a true repub
lican, a man of sterling Integrity, in whose
candidacy It take Just pride and Invited
him to select delegates to the congres
sional convention.
Herschet Smith of Tobias was Invited to
select delegate to the float representative
convention of Saline and Gabe counties.
C. B. Anderson of Crete waa nominated
for senator, Curtl W. Ribble and Delbert
A. Stetson of Norfolk for representatives,
B. V. Kohout of Wllber for attorney, Staley
of Dewltt for commissioner. All were
named by acclamation.
The state delegation is: F. 1. Foes, T. A.
Vore. C. B. Goodell, Anton Dredla, W. O.
Southwlck, C. H. Justice, J. D. Pope, W.
S. Love, E. W. Mlskell. A. Thomas, J. W.
Hartman, William Abbott, J. W. Ingles, J.
F. Blandln, G. F. Sawyer, H. Allprees, W.
C. Davison, Dr. Humphrey, Harry Price and
William Drehot.
Congressional H. M. Wells, O. H. Hart
Ings, F. I. Foss, S. H. Weston, W. O.
Southwlck, O. Hulschiier, W. T. Morse, G.
A. Taylor, O. A. Tyson, William Kaup, t.
F. Ellermeler, J. H. Grimm, Dr. Humph
rey, Edgar Rosslter, F. R. Wild, C. H.
Culdlce, H. McCurgar, C. B. Anderson, A.
8. Sanda, H. Jennings and F. J. Sadllek.
Three Overcome by Gas.
NEBRASKA CITY, Juno 11. (Special.)
Late yesterday afternoon three men, H. W.
Alrd. Will Hill and Daniel Crumes were
overcome by the fumes from the gas com
pany's mains. Mr. Alrd was making a pipe
connection, when be was choked by tho
gaa. Young Hill, who is employed In
Alrd'a shop, was working In the front yard
of his home when he was caught and ren
dered unconscious. Crumes waa working
for the gas company liv phe atreet, when
his lungs filled with the fumes. All will
recover. '
Storm Follows Hot, Spell.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. June' 11 (Spe
cial.) Yesterday afternoon the mercury
registered 95 in tbe shade, being the hot
test day here this season.
Soon after a . discourse by Evangelist
Smiley in tbe large tent last evening a
terrific electrical storm came from the
southwest. The large tent was blown
down, limbs were blown from trees and a
number of large trees were leveled to the
ground. Telephone and telegraph wlrea
were badly twisted and in places broken.
Hypnotist Has Woe.
EXETER. Neb., June 11. (Special.)
Marshal Martlndale received a telegram
from tho chief of police at Trinidad, Colo.,
asking him to arrest a Mr. Kellar, stop
ping at tbe Phillips bouse here. It was
alleged Kellar Jumped a board bill at Trin
idad. Kellar came to this city some three
weeks ago, declaiming himself to be a noted
hypnotlet, and gave a aerial "f entertain
menta in that line in the opera house.
Billiard Hall (or Hnmboldt.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., June 11. (Special.)
Tbe controversy over allowing a blllard hall
to locate In this city baa been brought to
an abrupt termination by the Issuance of a
permit to tbe applicant by Councilman Un
land, president of the council, during the
absense of Mayor Nlm at Falls City, where
be was called this week on Jury duty.
Kearney Will Celebrate the Foarth.
KEARNEY, Neb., June 11. (Special.) At
a meeting of the cltlxeos of Kearney, called
by Mayor Roe, It was decided to vigorously
celebrated the Fourth of July at tbla place.
Several hundred dollars have already been
raised for the purpose of subscription and
the committee on arrangements promises
a glorious time.
New Line Into Gibbon.
GIBBON. Neb., June 11. (Special.) A
telephone line Is coming Into town from
the southeast. It Is a farmers' mutual
line and starts from Shelton. Tha matter
of a line to connect Lowell and Butler with
thla town Is being agitated and will un
doubtedly be constructed.
Three Resignations Accepted by Kan-
si I'alverslty Reseats and
Another la Annonnced.
LAWRENCE, Kan., June 11. Tha board
of regents of the University of Kansas hae
accepted the resignations of E. E. Evans,
oemonstrator In anatomy; E. H. Powell,
assistant professor of mechanical drawing,
and 8. W. Wllllston, professor of history.
H. Foster Jones, assistant professor of
English, also gave notice of his Intended
The board accepted from Mrs. George
Chase Robinson a life also portrait of Rob
ert J. Walker, fourth territorial governor
of Kansas, who secured the free ballot for
River la Within Two Feet of
Dancer Lino and la Still
KANSA8 CITY. Jun 11. The Missouri
river la nineteen feet above low water mark
and contlnuea to rise. The danger line is
twenty-one feet, which will not be reached
unless there are heavy rains soon.
IOLA. Ksn., June 11. At noon today tbe
water began falling and It la thought the
danger la over. Part of tha Missouri Pa
cific track waa washed out this morning
la spite of the elaborate precautions taken
to prevent aa occurrence of .that kind.
Zollle Oliver, colored man. was drowned
today. -. . .i ,
Kan Elected to Parliament Under Arreit
on Charge of High Treason.
Colonel Lynch Fights wltb the
Bnrghera, bnt He la Not to Be
Allowed to Sarrender
with Them.
LONDON, June 11. Colonel Arthur
Lynch, who fought with the Boers In South
Africa, and who, In November last, was
elected to represent Oalway In the Hous
of Commons, was arrested this morning
on his arrival at New Haven from Dieppe,
France. Colonel Lynch, who was accom
panied by his wife, waa brought to Londou
and was afterward taken to Bow street
police station.
Subsequently Colonel Lynch was ar
raigned at the Bow street police court on
the charge of high treason and waa re
manded until Saturday, June 14, after for
mal evidence of his arrest had been pre
sented. Tho prisoner, who wss described on the
charge sheet as a "Journalist," sat In the
dock, apparently unconcerned, until the
magistrate asked him If he bad anything
to say In reply to the charge. Then he
arose and replied almost Inaudlbly, "No
sir." He did not apply for ball and wa
taken to the cells.
The Irish nationalists in the House of
Commons today questioned the ministers
on the subject of the arrest of Colonel
Lynch. They wanted to know why the
colonel had not the same right to surren
der as other burghers. The government
leader replied tersely. "He I not a
John Redmond, the Irish leader, and J.
O. Swift MacNell, nationalist, then turned
to the secretary of state for home affairs,
Mr. Ritchie, and asked him why he had
not fulfilled his ministerial duty In Inform
ing the house of Colonel Lynch's arrest on
the charge of high treason.
Mr. Ritchie denied that It was his duty
to so Inform the house, but when the Irish
members appealed to the speaker the lat
ter upheld the nationalist contention that
the usual practice was to Inform the
House of Commons of such an Incident
through tbe speaker.
Further questions were ruled out of order
and tbe subject was dropped.
Lieutenant Colonel John Phillip Nolan
(nationalist) applied thla afternoon for the
release of Colonel Lynch on ball, but the
magistrate said he had no power to grant
the request.
President of Defnnct Commission
Company Fncca Charge of En-brisling-
KANSAS CITY, June 11. Frank Slegel,
formerly president of the defunct Slegel-
Saunders Live Stock Commission company,
was brought to trial here today on a charge
of embezzling $8,000 of tbe company's funds.
Slegel waa Indicted last summer by tbe
grand Jury on five counts.
Frank Rockefeller, the Cleveland mil
llonalre, who was heavily interested In the
company and whose losses have been placed
at close to $500,000, will be one of the wit
nesses called.
In his opening statement County Prose
cutor Hadley said that he would prove that
Slegal had lost $23,000 of the company's
funds speculating in augar. The attorney
for tha defense admitted that $9,000 was
lost in sugar, but declared that the other
officers knew of It and that Mr. Rockefeller
approved of it.
Frank Slegel is a prominent cattleman,
well known throughout the west.
Succeeds Her Retiring; Hnsbnnd After
Serving; as HI Deputy
Five Years.
KANSAS CITY, June 11. Mrs. Lillian J.
Adams was today appointed city treasurer
of Kansas City, Kan., by Mayor Craddock,
to succeed her husband, John Adams, who
rettred last night. Mrs. Adams bsd been
her busband'a principal deputy for the last
five years.
Good appetite and cheerfulness follows
the use of Prickly Ash Bitters. It purifies
tbe blood, liver and bowela and makea Jtfe
worth living.
Cessation of Hot Wave Promised for
tho Grain Rslaisg Region
of the West. '
WASHINGTON, Jine 11. Forecast:
For Nebraska. Kansas. Indian Terrltnrv
and Oklahoma Showers, thunderstorms and
cooler Thursday; Friday fair.
For Iowa Showers Thursdav: cooler in
extreme western portion; Frldsy fair in
west, showers In east portion.
For Illinois Showers, thunderstorms and
cooler Thursday; Friday partly cloudy,
probably showers; fresh south winds, be.
coming variable.
For Missouri Showera. thunderstorms
and cooler Thursday; Friday showers, ex
cept fair in northwest portion.
For North Dakota Fair Thursdav: cooler
in northwest portion; Friday fair.
For South Dakota Showers Thursdav:
Friday fair.
For Colorado and Wyoming Showers and
thunderstorms Thursday; Friday fair.
Locnl Record.
OMAHA, June 1L Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared wltb
the corresponding day of the last three
190J. 1901. 1900. m
Maximum temperature ..90 HI M 82
Minimum temperature .. 70 70 M g
Mean temperature 80 M KS li
Precipitation 00 .00 .1)0 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and alnce March 1.
Normal temperature Tl
Kxcess for tneday 9
Total since March 1 ....401
Normal preclpUutlon 19 inch
Deficiency fox the day 19 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 (.90 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 4. 07 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1901.... S. 04 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1U00....3.0S Inches
Ueport (rem Station at T P. 11.
2 "
: e
: 3
Omaha, clear ..:
Valentine, cloudy
North Platte, cloudy ....
Cheyenne, cloudy
Salt I-ake City, clear ...
hapld City, cloudy
Huron, cloudy
Wllllston, clear
Chicago, cloudy
St. Louis, part cloudy ..
81. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, raining
Kansas City, clear
Havre, part cloudy
Helena, clear
Bismarck, cloudy
Galveston, clear
wi r .00
741 HO .00
78 M' .(0
71 Tl .00
M; M .01
78 St( T
: 76 T
Ml .00
78! 2 .01
62' 9N .(O
70 7l .'O
741 821 .02
90 l! .10
70' 74 .00
74 7 .00
i To .00
Mi M. .00
T indicates trace of precipitation.
- Iocal Forecast Official
i miss Amanda Moore i:
1 - - 1 ',
Miss Moon Suffered for Years With
Catarrhal Dyspepsia Ordinary Re
medies Failed to Cure-Pa ru-na
Made Her Well and Strong.
Mis Amanda Moore, Marshall, Tex.,
"I bave suffered for several years past
with acute dyspepsia and trying several
remedies without any help, decided that It
was my fate to suffer through life. Last
winter I took Feruna for a severe catarrh,
the effects of a cold and you can Imagine
my Joy when I found that this wonderful
remedy not only cured my catarrh but
helped my dyspepsia.
"I took three bottles and found
myself well and strong. I can now
cat heartily and have gained twelve
pounds and have good reason to
praise I'eruna." -Miss Amanda
Graduates of five of the best known colleges of America Included In corps ot
Instructors. Music, Art and Modern Languages taught by women of extended resi
dence In European capitals, under the Instruction of the best masters. Gives good
general education and prepares for any college open to women. Principal's certifi
cate admits to college. Out-door sports, splemild gymnasium under direction of pro
fesslonal instructor. MISS MACRAE. Principal. Omaha.
It Is anything but pleasant to have a hot office In which to work during July
and August. The time to remedy this Is now.
There Is no building In Omaha ao well constructed with reference to the com
fort of Its tenanta In all kinds ot weather as The Bee Building. The court, with Its
fountain is not only a aource of delight to the eye, but furnishes perfect ventilation
and the thick walla and southeast exposure make It an Ideal aummer office building.
There are not many vacant rooms In the building, but the movement in and
out ot the building baa left a tew ot the very choicest rooms at your disposal.
List of vacant rooms in
The Bee
1. 1
rtntw ..
1 ioom hi itxts feet. Facea Seventeenth
alley. Thla la a large, light room.
lignt, water and janitor service. It
Building Court and Seventeenth
IVITB 101 1 There la no finer office suite In Omaha, than this one. It la located
just on Ui. right nand of the great marble? stairway, and has unusually
large wlnaowa looking upon the front entrance way of the building. It
fronts on Farnara aueet. One room 1 17x11) and the other x). It ha a
burgiar-prool vault, marble raanlei- piece, hardwood floors, and will be
frescoed to ault tenant Price I7J.0
ROOU ao-Si This room la just at the head of the main atalrway on the first floor.
t would be a vory aealrable otttoe for aome real estate maa or con
tractor. The floor apace u loxla test Plica 2u.r
ROOM 808 1 Thla room la 21x8 feet and la vary conveniently located near the
elevator, A sign on the door can be reaally seen in stepping oS the eleva
tor price 115.0
UOOJd aat This room 1 17x32 feet and will be divided to ault the tenant
ibis room is particularly adapted tor aome concern needing barge door
apace ana la a decidedly handsome omce, having an entrance facing tbe
court and wlndowa looking out upon Seventeenth street, it bar. a vary
larxti burglar-proof vault, hard wood floors and la one of tha choicest orfl.
ees la the building
Fourth Floor.
ROOM 40lt 15x13 feet This room la next to the elevator and face court. It
has a large burglar-proof vault and la well ventilated. Ha good light,
and tor the price t urnim- urst-ciaaa accommodation Price S17.M
Fifth Floor.
I CITE Olsi This Is a very large room, 17x42 feet. It faces west, but Is vrv
light and well ventilated. 'It la very aeldom that apace of thla slse la of- ' -fcred
In Tbe Bee Building. It could be used to advantage by aome Arm
employing a large number of clerk, or requiring large floor apace a.
wholesale jeweler, or manufacturer s agent, who would like to be in a
lire-proof building, or It will be divided to suit the tenant Price 150.00.
IMOM CS1 .. This room faces the court and is 18x14 feet. It haa a burglar-proof
vault, and aa It la near the telegraph office and on the aame floor with a
number of grain Arms, It would be a particularly good room fur a grain
firm desiring first-class accommodation Price $30.01
Sixth Floor.
VtTB 610i This consists of two rooms, both lSVixllVi. Each ot them has a
larga burglar-proof vault, have been newly decorated and are room,
where any business or professional man may be comfortable. Price for
the two A
Rental Agents.
Considerable Increase Noted in dum
ber of Ho;s Sent to Market
Dnrlaa- Week.
CINCINNATI, June 11. (Special Tele
gram.) The Price Current says: There Is
a considerable Increase la the marketing
of hogs. Total western packing for the
week is 495,000, compared with 400,000 last
year. Since March 1 the total la 6,576,000,
against 6,640,000 a year ago. Prominent
places compare as follows:
1902. woi.
Chicago l,8t,000 l,7so,O00
OMAHA . .: 623.OU0 676. 0"0
Kansas City 6O6.O11O 1,040.000
Bt. Joseph t.i.L 613,0110
St. Louis 3O8.00O 620,000
Indianapolis 772.000 SH6,(Kl
Milwaukee u 118.000 192.0)10
Cincinnati 116.000 150.0UU
Ottumwa 1(,0 Hl.Ooo
Cedar Kaplds 106.0U) li,0ii0
Sioux City 247. 0oO 213.000
Bt. Paul ItS.OUO 155.0UO
'loo Ori) a Itlafc.
In almost every neighborhood someone
bas died from an attack ot eolle or cholera
morbus, often before medicine could be
procured or a physician summoned. A re
liable remedy for these diseases should be
kept at band. The risk is too great for
anyone to take. Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy bas un
doubtedly saved tba lives of more people
and relieved more pain and suffering than
any other medicine In use. It caa alwaya
be depended upon.
aa alaa amailr altrr ualng Alias's root-Baaa, 4
pova.r la ba ahakea lata tha ahoaa. H nukes light
r saw aaoas laal aaay; givaa laatant rallal lo aoraa
aas boaloaa. Il l tha saatvat camlort discovery ml
tba aa. (juraa and arar.ola awollau faat, bl later,
talieua and eora spou. Alias's root-Baaa Is a aer
ial aura lor avaallag. not. attalnf laat. At all
drusglate sad aba at twee. tfe. tfml savept any
aubetltula. Trial pai kaaa rkBB kl stall. AdSraaa.
Alia a. Olaieue, La ti. V. T"
Catarrh of the
Many Women Have Catarrh of
the Stomach and Do Not Know
Pa ru-na Cures Catarrh Wherever
For the moat acute cases of dyspepsia
and tbe most chronic and stubborn cases
of catarrh of the stomach reruns Is an un
falling cure.
Mr. E. E. Gaston, of Milton, Iowa, in a
recent letter to Dr. Hartman, says:
"My wife has been sick with stomach
trouble for almost three years.
"During that time we doctored with three
of the best doctors In this part of the
country, but they did her no good. She
fell off In flesh from 134 pounds to 80
pounds, snd was unable to do anything; In
fact, wss confined to her bed a good part
of the time. Everything she ate she would
throw up, even water. The last doctor wa
bad examined her and said she had cancer
of the stomach, and said he could do her,
no good except to give her something ta
relieve the pain, and that he would not
advise us to have an operation performed.;
This coming from one whom I have always
had great confidence In, you cannot lmag:
Ine my feelings and thoughts.
"It was then we decided to quit doctoring;
and try Peruna. and from the beginning it
helped her. Che Is now able to do all tho
housework. Ehe la gaining In flesh and l!
think will soon be back to her former
"To make a long story short, we owe her
life to Peruna, for I am satisfied had we
not tried It she would now be In the grave.'
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna.
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case and be will b
glad to give you bis valuable advice gratia.
Address Dr. Hartman. President of Tha
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. 1
Pr Mouth.
street and ha wlndowe along the
a;. d the rental price Includes beat.
has aa entrance both on The Be
Price $5.(?
,., , Prlct-'S&ca
Ground Floor,
Bee Building
k ones dlMmaad by Ofay ac BlaacW Half,
Imperial Hair Regenerator !
,1 m mm onij aura a narffBiMa retatto tat HMaV
li It t tthMltlti7 Mfa.fWlia; applied, ad e)
iav nasi mw mm fioan, 1 1 is) iinratitiaq noaj
tttmrd or Muiud. ONE APPLlXATfoif
AITf MONTHS. ftaapU hair toimw fM. '
tmj ajanwawjia. ana now gaBgapaufaj.
Imperfal Chemical Co.. 136 W. 23d 8., N. Y.
Bold bv fihsimun A MeronnnH rriiT C-a.
a aV- 4 a
When your friends!
arop an
There la nothing you can
offer to pleasa them mora
than a glass of Blue Ribbon
Beer a beer that la aged ,
properly a healthful, pala
table drink. We will get
a case to your home quick
If you'll telephone.
Telephone 1260-Omaha.,
Dyspepsia is