Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEfci TiltTtlSDAY," JUNE 12, 1002.
i Tax Inestment Ho Criterion M to Actual
Value of Property.
pallor to Miow Trn Valae en All
Property Makes Bad Showing
and Causes Inrntor.
to "ban fltate.
(Issued Under the Authority of the Ball
road of Nebraska.)
Tb change made In the valuation placed
fcn different kind of property through the
state of Nebraska have been erratic and
bardly explainable. From the appearance
of the reports made. It ti evident that the
county assessors have valued the property
Within their respective counties more with
a view of adopting a valuation that would
raise sufficient money for the county pur
poses. Irrespective of any determined value.
The result la that the various counties do
not coincide at all in regard to price of
any article which should have a general
relative value.
In our advertisement In Friday's paper
we gave some general figures that would In
dicate changes in valuation that were gen
eral. We give below a statement of changes
in values reported on those Items which
are generally recognized as having a rela
tive value throughout the state:
1M9. 1S9J. 1901.
Value. Value. Value
Omaha Officials Get Br l Caaaoll
Bin ft a and Recara Cona
Deputy County Attorney Thomas and
Sergeant Welsenberg went to Council
Bluffs Tuesday afternoon and succeeded In
getting the case against Miller and Parker
continued until Saturday. These men are
wanted In Omaha for stealing $240 from
AxeJ Bundereon. The money was found
on them, and later, while It was In the
possession of the Council Bluffs police, an
attorney of that place secured an order
from the prisoners for the total amount.
It was to prevent the attorney from get
ting the money that the officers from here
went to Council Bluffs. As Bunderson
could not be found Tuesday until too late
to attend the trial the judge agreed to
hear arguments as to the disposition of the
money Saturday, at which time the men
will be tried In Council Bluffs on a charge
of larceny. The Council Bluffs officers
still retain the money.
3 94
t 07
14 46
3 fit
1 13
4 43
4 SI
Improved land, acres. $ 4.i5
Vnimprovcn, acres
Horse 18.5
Cattle 479
Mules 21.37
Hogs 1.13
Fheep 59
Won, M. 1.013.57
Water craft 357.34 1,474.00
It will be noticed that while the tendency
lias been to report lower values on all these
Items, they have not been reported on a
gradual decline In all cases. The highest
assessment made in the state on most
classes of property was In 1893. In that
year Improved lands In Douglas county were
assessed at $15.43. while In 1900 they were
assessed at but $11.82. In Clay county Im
proved lands In 1893 were assessed
at but $5.39, while In 1900 they
were assessed at but $3.13. In Lan
caster county in 1893 lands were assessed
at $3.93 and In 1900 at but $4.62, while In
Eallne county they reported Improved lands
In 1893 at a valuation of $10.55 per acre,
which were reported Jn 1900 at but $3.43.
Bo It would appear to an investigator that
Eallne county needed money in 1893 and that
their immediate wants were not so pressing
In 1900, but this change in valuation of
their property obliged the railroads in the
county to pay one-fifth of the taxes paid in
the county "for the year 1900, while in 1893
they were only obliged to pay one-tenth
Of the amount collected.
Some newspaper critics who advocate a
material advance in the assessment of rail
road property on account of their better
ment and conditions, and the Improvements
that have been made in the past ten years
should carefully consider the figures given
In Friday's advertisement. It will be no
ticed that there bas been an increase in acre
age of improved lands returned for taxation
amounting to 62.7 pr cent of the lands re
ported in 1889. This is accounted for by
the fact that In 1889 large numbers of home
ateaders were still perfecting titles to their
property and were relieved from taxation
In the Interim. It should be noticed that
In Omaha from 1893 to 1901 the following
building permits have been Issued:
JR93 $1,268,085
1894 612.794
18'. 806.117
1896 291.163
1897 1,298,607
IKH ... l.BKl.Z&f
1899 1,005,634
1900 1,001.845
1901 1.627.304
Via Illinois Central Railroad.
The Illlnods Central R. R. will sell round
trip tickets, good for return until October
31, 1902, f:om Omaha to the following
Tickets at rates named in column (1) on
sale June 1st to 15th Inclusive; in column
(2), June 16th to 30 lb inclusive.
(1) (2)
St. Paul t 9.60 $12.63
Minneapolis 9.60 12.65
Duluth 13.60 16.65
The Superiors 13.60 16.63
Ashland, Wis 13.60 16.65
Bayfield, Wis 13.60 16.65
Madison Lake, Minn T.60 10.65
Elyslan, Minn 7.60 10.65
Faribault, Minn 7.60 10.63
Northflcld, Minn 7.0 10.68
Randolph, Minn 7.60 10.63
Cannon Falls, Minn 7.60 10.63
Red Wing, Minn 7.60 10.63
On June 16-17-21-22, we will sell tickets
to Chicago and return at rat of $14.75,
good for return until Kept. 15, 1902.
In addition to the above, we will sell
round trip tickets during the summer sea-
on to -eastern points; also via Duluth or
Chicago and steamer via the Oreat Lakes.
Special arrangements for securing steamer
accommodations In advance.
Write or call on the undersigned for par
ticulars. W. H. BRILL,
Dlst. Pass. Agt., III. Cent. R. R.
No. 1402 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
18k marriage rings. Edholm, Opp, P. O.
Chicago, Boston and Ken York
On and after Juno 15th, the Erie Rail
road will still further Improve their Bos
ton and New York service by offering to
the public a handsome limited train to
leave Chicago from Dearborn Station every
day at 10:30 a. m., arriving in New York
next afternoon at 3:30 and Boston at 9
Thoro is no doubt that this servlre will
be highly patronised, as this new train
111 land the traveler in New York City
in ample time to permit him to. proceed
leisurely to his hotel or home, rest, dress,
dine and spend the evening in whatever
manner may appeal to him most.
This every-day morning train will con-
lst of standard Pullman drawing-room and
sleeping cars. Ail meals enroute served
by the famous Erie dining cars. No extra
fare charged on this train.
Ticket office, 242 South Clark street, Chi
Total $8,972,796
' This increase in buildings in the cities,
fend the vast Increase in taxable improved
lands, which should have added a hundred
millions of dollars to the grand assessment
roll of the atate, would much more than
make up for any amount of Improvement
on railroad property in the same time. In
other words. Improvement in the state has
mora than kept pace with improvement In
the railroads. V
Thee decreases of valuation in Douglas
fend Lancaster counties were to such an ex
tent that there was not sufficient taxable
property returned in the cities of Lincoln
and Omaha to raise sufficient revenue on
N which to successfully carry on the city ad
Sitnistratlon without a tax levy that would
) almost prohibitory, and today the rate
ef valuation is placed so low that the rate
of taxation is entirely out of line with any
other city In this section of the country.
Thee cities succeeded in having a special
law parfsed for the purpose of raising rev
enues in these two places, and today they
report one set of valuations for city taxation
and another for that of the state and county.
and the result Is that in their reports the
values for taxation for county and state
purposes practically run riot.
A marked example of the Injustice done
the cities themselves by this agreement Is
tor report te go out that the assessed val
uatlon per capita in Omaha Is the lowest In
any city west of the Mississippi, which
.would Indicate to the casual Investigator
that the place was poverty-stricken, and
at the same time this low valuation obliges
high levy that throws an Investor into
It is the high levy for tsxatlon that today
prevents that natural rush of Improvement
In Omaha that is seen in other cities. Now
Investor do not know that they can invest
feere and only pay one-tenth of their
Investment, and the agitation to tax stocks
and bonds of railroads in addition to their
other values would confirm them in a be
lief that they would not be fairly treated,
t .(Adv.)
C lea go to New York, in SO Honrs.
n In addition to present through trains, the
feoasylvanla Lines will, on Sunday, June
15th, Inaugurate their 20-hour passenger
aervlc between Chicago and New York,
leaving Chicago dally at 11 o'clock noon,
The equipment of the new train will be
tip-to-date, and it will be known aa "The
Pennsylvania Special" running through
from Chicago to New York In 20 hours.
For particular Information, pleas call
upon or address H. R. Derlng, Assistant
(General Passenger Agent of the Pennsylva
pl Lines, 248 South Clark street, Chicago.
) Mlebtlaan lanntt lieaorta.
Spend your summer vacation In th cool
Mroods of tbs lake region of Michigan.
Writ H. F. Moeller, O. P. A., Per Mar-
ouette R. It, Detroit, Mich., for lllua
trated booklet, sent free to any address
which tells of a hundred charming spots
In ths resort region. Full Information con
earning hotels, ete. Four' original photo
graphs of Michigan scenery, 6x1 Inches la
alse, sent postpaid to any addrees for 2jo,
tamps or coin.
i Craphouhon at a Bargain.
I FOR SALE Latest model type. A.
Combination grapnopbone, which play both
large and small records; list price, $90,
This Is especially designed for concert pur
poses, having a thlrty-slx-lnch horn and
aland. It also Includes twenty large Edl
son records and carrying case of twenty
'tour records. The machine is entirely n
and ha never been used. Will sell at
bargain. Address X II. In car of The Be.
Ystartlfef baby spoons, $L Edholn
Forty-rite Tout to Go Into Skylight" of
Union Pacifio Building.
Pattern Shop and Machine Shop Will
Be Beady for Oecnpaaejr by
the First of Next
Visit Courtland Beach this evening.
Lon Rates Ent and Northwest.
To so many points it would take an en
tire page to enumerate them.
$14.75 Chicago and return, June 16, 17, 21
and 22.
$9.60 St. Paul and return, June 1 to 16.
$31.75 Boston and return. June 11, 12, 13.
$20.25 Deadwood and return, June 1 to 21.
Please write or call
City Offices, 1401-1403 Farnam St.
"The Northwestern Line."
A New Fast Train, Chtcaajo to New
Commencing Sunday, June IS, the pictur
esque Erie railroad will run a solid vesti-
buled train, comprising Pullman aleepers,
standard coaches sad dining cars, leaving
Chicago dally at 10:30 a. m., arriving New
York next afternoon at 3:30, also carrying
through sleepers to Albany and Boston.
This train will be known as the "Sea Side
Limited" and so excess far will b
For full particulars, see any ticket agent.
A Place to Spend the Summer.
On the lines of the Milwaukee railway In
Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa are some
of the most beautiful places In the world
to spend a summer vacation, camping out
or at the elegant summer hotels. Boating,
fishing, beautiful lakes and stream and
cool weather. Okoboll is the nearest of
these resorts, but all are easily reached
from Omaha, and the round trip rates this
summer are lower than ever before. Full
information on application.
General Western Agent C, M. tk St. P. Ry.,
1504 Farnam St., Omaha,
Announcement of the Theaters.
Tonight the Ferris Stock company will
present "The Three Musketeers at the
Boyd. The bill will continue throughout
the week. The version used bjr Mr. Ferris
is said to be on that gives his company
ample opportunity tor rich and elaborate
staging and clever acting. Mr. Ferris en
acts the role of D'Artagnan, the swash
buckling adventurer. He is an adept in
the use of folia and should give a splendid
Interpretation of this role.
Covalt'a band is a big favorite, always en-
Joyed by Manawa patrons.
Boston and Return, K31.TS.
ON SALE JUNE 11. 11 and 13.
On the above dates the Chicago, Mil'
waukee L St. Paul road will sell round
trip first-class tickets good returning until
July 31, for on far for th round trip,
Stop over allowed at Nnagara fall. City
Offlc. 1504 Farnam street. Telephone 281,
Mortality Statlette.
Th following birth and deaths have
been reported at the office of the Board
of Health during the twenty-four hours
ending Wednesday noon:
Births K. J. Hartxman, 8560 Howard
street, boy: Ferdinand Kojip, 1122 Canton
aireet. girl: J. H. Zarp, 2034 Pierce street
bov: William Baty, 3815 Blondo street
bov: Charles McConnell. 43"B Patrick ive
nut, boy; Ueorge Btller, !iwjs Patrick ave
nue, airl; William H. Miller, 131 South
V'lfth street. lrl.
Deaths boa an Church, North Platte
Neb., aged Id years; Mildred Plumb, 19
Uurdetle street, aged 4 years; Charles J.
Black. 1613 North Twenty-third street, aged
$ years.
Boston and Return fai.TB.
On June 11, 12 and IS
Via Illinois Central R. R.
Particular at City Ticket
Office, 1401 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Shampooing and halrdresslng, 25c, at th
Bathery, 216-220 Be Building. Tel. 1716.
Publish your legal notlcea In Th Weekly
Bee. Telephone 138.
Diamond betrothal Tings. ECnoUs, wltr.
Three solid carloads of glass, forty-five
tons in all, will shortly be set in the root
of the big new Vnton Pacific machine shop
in a series of three skylights, the largest
In the United 8tates west of Pittsburg.
There is some hope of the lights being fin
ished by July 1, as the glass is all on band
These lights will be each 356 feet long.
The one on top of the lantern will be
twenty-four feet wide, the full width of
the lantern. The others will be is the roof
sloping down on either side to the edges
of the building. They will be each twenty
feet wide, and will be ch halt way from
the lantern to the side walls.
As soon a the side walls are completed
these lights will be put In and the roof
finished. Brick work on the walls now
reaches almost to the eaves of the roof.
Machinery continues to go In the building
and is being set on Its foundations.
The oattern shop is so far advanced to
ward comDletlon now that Foreman Neff
says it will be out of the way by July 1.
The big building, too, he says, may be done
by then. In the meantime work is hustling
on the turntable and roundhouse, the
foundations and wheelpits for the latter be
ing finished. Almost all the machinery is
now Installed in the power house. The
force working yesterday was 150 men.
Inspecting the Tracks.
Superintendent Baxter of the Union Pa
ine, with Assistant Superintendent Ferris,
strated out yesterday for a tour of in
spection, which will include the condition
of the tracks. From Omaha they carried
the roadmaater having charge of the east
ern division of the road and all section fore
men on that division. The party will go
to Grand Island, from where the roadmaeter
and section foremen will return to their
homes and the roadmaster and section fore
men of the next division will be met by the
uperintendent and assistant and carried
over the division to North fiatte. ine
third roadmaster and party of foremen will
Join the superintendent at that place and
run to Cheyenne, the trip ever the system
being made in the same manner.
Homeward Bound Sbrlners.
At the Union Pacific headquarters it Is
learned that agents of the road at San
Francisco had made arrangements to send
back through Omaha over that line several
large parties of Sbrlners who did not go
out through the Gate City. On June 19,
Thursday, there will be a special train
from the west, bearing the Imperial Mecca
party of New York City, 100 strong. Then
on June 21, the Saturday following, will
come 150 more homeward bound to Colum
bus, O. The runs between Omaha and Chi
cago and Omaha and Denver are not the
only ones to be shortened. The Wabash
now steps in with Information that it will
do a little cutting of schedule on its own
account, and will clip the time between
Omaha and St. Louis one hour
Quicker Train to St. Loo Is.
The change of time card is set for about
June 15. This makes it seem that the prom
ised ten-hour run between the Gate City
and St. Louis will be an actual fact soon.
In plenty of time for the exposition. The
Wabash owns the short line for the run
by many miles now, and the Improvements
in trackage it has been installing along
the old Omaha ft St. Louis road since its
recent purchase of that property will soon
have brought that section of this line to
St. Louis up to the standard of the Wabash
line everywhere.
Celebration at Sheridan.
Chiefs Plenty Cuss, Crazy Head, Shoulder
Blade, Old Crow, Fire Bear, Medicine Tail,
Pretty Eagle, Spar Hawk, Bird That Walks
on Ice all these will be at the three days'
carnival to be held at Sheridan, Wyo., on
July 3, 4 and 5. Then there will be about
1,000 more Indians and as many cowboys.
The old clrcu and wild west show
features will be seen, only they will be
done on a scale Just 100 times as large
as they ever happen in the show. The
pony express will be held up by the Indians
all right and the cowboys will come swoop
ing down and rout ' the red men, only
there will be a range of many miles in
extent for the setting of the scene Instead
of a two-acre lot, and there will be 2,000
men mixed in combat Instead of two dozen.
Other details of the program were re-
coved at Burlington headquarters from
Sheridan yesterday morning. There will be
grand parade each morning by all par
ticipants In full costume, Indian games,
stage holdup by robbers and a rescue by
cowboys, roping and branding of cattle,
breaking of untamed horses, polo, base
ball and horse races.
Elkhorn's New Service.
On Thursday, June 12, the Fremont, Elk-
horn & Missouri Valley railroad will in
augurate regular dally narrow guage pas
senger service over its new extension be
tween Deadwood and Lead City, in South
Dakota. These trains will make immediate
connections with all through trains from
Deadwood on the main line. The Elkhorn
has been handling Its passengers meanwhile
between Deadwood and Lead in carriages.
As soon as the track bed Is all substantial
and immovable the standard guage trains
will be run right through from Deadwood
Some of the fills on this piece of track are
sixty feet high, and It takes months for
these to settle to a permanent basis, con
stant additions and refilling being required
till that time in order to maintain the
It' always cool at Courtland Beach.
20 Hour from Chicago to New York.
Beginning with June 15th, the Pennsyl
vania Lines will run a daily passenger
train of the best modern Equipment, to be
known as "The Pennsylvania Special," from
Chicago to New York in 20 hours, leaving
Chicago at It o'clock noon, and reaching
New York next morning at 9 o'clock.
The above will be In addition to th pres
ent Chicago and New York train service
of th Pennsylvania Lines. "The Pennsyl
vania Limited" and other trains running
through as usual.
For particular information, pleas call
upon or address H. R. Derlng, Assistant
General Passenger Agent of the Pennsyl
vania Lines, 243 South Clark Street, Chi
Via Borllnarton Route.
June 11, 12. 13.
Stopover at Niagara Fall it desired.
Return limit. July 31, 1902.
Tickets, 1502 Farnam street.
Send article of incorporation, notice of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to Th Be.
W will give them proper legal insertion,
Be telephone, 233.
Shampooing and halrdresslng, 15c, at th
Bathery, 216-120 Be Building. Tel. 1716.
Only a few more dny remain In which we must crowd the selling of every
dollar's worth of merchandise In the
Of Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co., Des Moines
Nothing shall remain. The unbounded success this sale has met with ean
only be attributed to the wonderful bargains. Come tomorrow and YOU
WILL realize this fact.
$7 and $8 Hats $3.95
Hundreds of our choice Trimmed Hats
formerly priced at $700 and $1.00. we
offer on Thursday at $3.95. These
hats are marvels of the mlllner's art
and are etrlctly up-to-the-moment,
so far as containing every new detail
of stvle that fashion
has dictated for the
summer of 1902
rri new urian
$7. S6 and $5 Ladtet' Bonnets $1.50
In Millinery Dept.. Second Floor.
These gools, when spoken of as $7.00,
$i.i) and $o.oo rtonnets, do not repre
sent the average of them In price, as
a large number nre the sample Im
portations from French and English
milliners and did cost as high as
$10 and $12 to land
at New York cus
tom house h 11 go on
sale Thursday at
Ladies SOj Hats fic Socond Floor and Basetnoat,
Thousands of Short Back Sailors. In all colors of fine Canton
braids, also manv other shapes of the popular variety. These goods
comprise all the indies' and misses' untrlmmed hats from the
Beeley-llowe-le van stocK au on Baie mursciay at
75c Waista 25s
White Lawn Waists, trimmed with
embroidery and Insertion, colored
percale Waists, trimmed with lace
and embroidery all '7C
sizes sold In Des Lut
Moines at "5c, on sale
$1.50 white lawn, colored dimity
and fancy Imported Waists, trim
med with lace and CO
embroidery, side tucked OVC
ideas, all sizes, at
Fine white and colored percales
and lawn Waists, embroidered
and tucked, dozens of OS
choice styles, U-W VOC
values, at
Fine lawn Shirt Waists, made up
in the newest effects JJ
and designs, worth up I.DU
to $3.00, go at ww
2-Pieco Shirt Waist Suits
made of rretty sheer lawn, etc.,
with plain white tucked yokes,
flounced skirts, very
f Hetty summer color
ngst, regular $3 values, at.
Big Special Offer ol Summer
Wash Suits at $4,98
Made of linen, lawn, cotton fou
lards, mercerised linen, white
pique, striped chamhray, lace and
nppllnue trimmed, waists with new
Gibson and blouse fronts, in ox
blood, new greens, i no
blues, rinks anil linens, 4,Vrt
worth $6.60 to $9, go at
Ladles Silk and Lisle Gloves, in
black and colors, finger tips, Seeley-Howe-Le
Van's price yl D
75c, on sale at 40w
Ladies' Neckwear, in silk, satin
and lace, various styles, Seeley-
Howe-Le Van Co' price
50c, on sale
Women's Summer Corsets, in
batiste and summer netting, all the
newest styles, Including straight front
Seley-IIowo-Lo Van's fy
prices range up to $1.00 j VJ
on sale at
Ladles' Lisle Gloves,
worth 40c, at
Ladles' Silk Mitts, worth
35c, at ,
The Under Takers
Are here today, 300 of them, from all
over Nebraska. If they know a good
thing when they see it they will each
go home with a pair of our t "New
Resllla" shoes on their feet the sole
of comfort patent air breathing flex
ible sole that despels the sweat
through an absolutely air tight pump
action keeping the feet clean, cool
and healthy gives a bounce to the
foot, rest to the spine and ventilation
to the foot. We are the exclusive
agents for these shoes and have all
styles, sizes and widths at one price,
$6 for men and women.
Drexel Shoe Go.,
Omaha' I'p-to-dafe Shoo House,
Hasn't Worked Yet!
That new scheme of Charlev thn nrpuldont
and Charley the secretary, of the great
Combine needs fixin', for we still have
goodH and still cut prices, 'cause we want
io. we aomit inai some would-be com
petitors cut prices some but why? 'Cause
they have to!
imra trust w we should join
THE COMBINE? Like thirty cents-lf
you were sick.
$1.00 White Port Wine 75c
$1.25 White Port Wine $1.0)
Come up to 16th and Chicago and save
from 25 to 50 per cent.
$1.00 Iler's Malt Whiskey pse
$1.00 Temptation Tonic j c
$1.00 Pinkham'8 Compound 6:lo
Call tis up by phone 747 and we'll deliver
poods at these prices any place In the city.
f2M Chester's Pennyroyal Pills $1.00
Mc CrHmorls Kidney Cure (guaranteed) 40c
$1.00 Uutler'8 Female Kemedy (guaran
teed) 75o
Ittth and Chicago.
Tel. 74T, S. W. Cor.
Drug Prices Slashed
Some More.
'-- in i i nun i linn in
$1.00 Plnkham's Compound 5?c
$1.26 White Port 6'c
76c White Port 3tc
$1 00 Cramer's Kidney Cure 63c
$1 00 Swanson's 6-Drupa
$1.00 Pe-ru-na toe
Warranted 2-qt. Watr Bag 19c
Warranted 2-qt. Fountain Syringe ,...4"c
boc Kld-ne-tild -'a
$1.00 Warner's Safe Cure
25c Putilne Wall Paper Cleaner 12c
$1.00 Wine Cardul c
25o Hires' Root Beer Extract 12c
25c Vermont Root Beer ....He
(Makes b gallons).
Re Thompson's Cherry Phosphate ....ine
i double sheets Fly Paper Bo
Sherman &McConne!l Drug Go.
Elect Examining Committee and In
states Two Pupil" In Graduating-
The Board of Education held a special
meeting at 12 o'clock yesterday. Miss Clara
Cooper of the Forest school, J. F. Woolery
of the High school and Miss Mary Fitch.
principal of the Center school, were elected
a an examining committee for the ensuing
school year. Mary Wear and Jenni Em
ery, senior High school pupils, were for
mally instated in the graduating class of
ItHil and Secretary Burgess was directed to
bav diplomas made out In their names.
Th teacher' payroll for May was passed.
1 Summer &ot1U la Jewelry, Ilnols, 1 - Tk a rid to Lak Manaaa.
All that is new in fancy summer sodas
and the coolest, pleasantest place In the
city. Convenient to car lines come In
and rest while you wait. See our juvenile
table for the little folks only place in the
city where children are treated just like
grown up people.
Hyers-Dilion Drug Co.
llith and Farnam Streets, Oniahn.
Telephone 160.
Tbs most popular summer drink made in
Omaha. So good that some of our com
petltors make an IMITATION and call it
KO-KO. It relieve headache, quiets the
nerves, cures that "tired feeling," and is
the best thirst quencher you can get. We
have been making it for tbe last 12 years.
and last season sold 70 gallons of It. Be
sure and try it.
11th it Douglas Streets.
yuiuives Tin, FlroplM,
Crackles. Moid Psichaa,
Huh and 8kln di
fblnM, an every
and dBM dto-
tico. It has stood
the test ot 64
y.ara. aod Is se
bumltH we taste
It w Ik sura 'I
la properly made.
A ccp I ao counter
feit of umuti
la me. Dr. 1
aure said te a la
dy ot the haut-tua
te patient):
leriis will use them. 1 recom
men-1 'GOUKXL'D'8 CREAM' as th least
Imrmful of all th Bkln preparation. 'or
tile by all Drugguts and Fancy Ooed
Ixilera rn th U. a. ana Kurop.
ItHU. T. MOrKIfte, Prep's, .
V Great Jobw (, N. T. .-
irL tn trk m
Just received by today's
express, fifty new Kilt
Walking Skirts for women
made of extra fine quaU
ity of all wool homespun,
in light gray only, eight
plaits, finished with tail'
ored stitching the hang of
the skirt is very graceful,
These skirts are worth
S10.00 and will go on $
sale Thursday at
White Sheer Waists
On SaJe Thursday.
Made In this season's preferred modes, embroidered
fronts, with rows of insertion, also full embroidered fronts.
These waisis represent some exceedingly great values;
every one who sees them pronounces them bargains of a
phenomenal sort; the values range all the f gj
way up to $1.75 you select from Jf T3
the lot dt eeeee e e e e-e-e-e-e . eeee
Oxfords at
(Jl rn b These Oxfords are
Pe5.UU"""thc smartest sort of
summer footwear, the height of
low shoe fashion, a varied assortment of styles that cannot
fail to meet the desires of all shoe buyers. C
They are positively $3.50 values at 4 J v
A Very Fine Vehicle
at a Very Low Price.
Runabouts, Etc.
Depot Wagons,
Park Surries,
Kingman Implement Company
Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets.
Are You Invited
To a wedding this monthT If you are spend a few
minutes at our store and select a niece of our cut Rlass
or sterling silver or a clock, a chafing dish or baking
dish, or some other piece from our stuck. Look for the
S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler,
1516 DoutflusSt.
One Foot
in the Grave
and tb other In a genuln $3.20 or
$2.50 "Onimod" shoe would ba quite
a comparison. Still, If you are a
man, you might as well have both
feet In the grave as to try and keep
cool this summer without a pair ot
"Onimod" Low Shoe.
Wo bav Low Shoes at low price
of $3.60 or $2.60.
Shoe Go
205 S. 15th
$3.50 and $2.60 now and always.
Business Stimulators
The Bee for All News
gM i-JKsr mm
vm ii mi 1 1
Two Old Friends
Find a faithful third In Metz Beer. It la
true and steadfast, and offers the beat of
beverages for health, while for flavor and
taste It cannot be surpassed.
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.
Tel. 110. OnuaUa.
Or Jacob Neumayer. Agt.. car Nsumayer
Hotel. Couucll Uiufls, luwa.
flf-.T"'M"" Milan!" 'f
You ro not paying for CHKOMOS. SCllfcML;, FKtE DEALS, ETC, but
r.X. WCB JaEBCAJiTlLfl CQAH CO., Muf,, BtvlulyJLtnloa KfAfc '