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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1902)
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MOUSING, JUNE 12, 1002 TEX PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. STORM TAKES LIVES Tornado Strikes Central IHinoii, Killing Many People, FataJly Injuring Others. VIND TRAVELS HUNDRED MILES AN HOUR Sweeps Area Two Hundred Miles Long and One Hundred in Width. BLOOMINGTON AND PEORIA SUFFER MOST Citizens in Both Places Lose Lives and Millions in Property Destroyed. MOST SEVERE STORM IN SIXTY YEARS Several Smaller Town St rock, Two Belli AT Rained, Orchard and Cora Held DetMled aad Maar Buildings Demolished. BLOOMINQTON, 111., June 11. Sweeping ever a stretch of country 100 miles In width and devastating territory fully 200 mile .long extending from Livingston county on the north and McCoupIn county on the south, and leaving It mark clear across the face of central Illinois, a tornado last night Inflicted property loss which will ag irrgate $1,000,000 and cost a dozen lives. . The brunt of the storm fell upon McLean and adjoining counties. Lightning waa In cessant tor two hours, but waa marked by and absence ot thunder claps. The wind reached a velocity of 100 miles an hour nd the visitation waa the worst ever re corded In the history ot central Illinois. Almost complete idleness of telegraph and telephone lines for twelve hours made it impossible to secure the full details of the disaster. ' It la now known that while the fatalities In McLean county were but three In cumber scores of persons were seriously Injured and hundreds of narrow Escapes from death were reported. ' Not a village or city of McLean county escaped and from every district somes the lame report of destroyed buildings. Injury to growing crops and razed fruit and ahade trees. Three lives were lost in McLean county at Memo. The aggregate property loss in the county, not Including the thous ands upon thousands of ahade trees and fruit trees that were levelled, will be be tween 1300,000 and $400,000 by rough eetl (nates. Insurance Men Kit. Claims for tornado insurance up to this evening aggregate, local agents say, $50. 000, and It is believed that this sum will be doubled. This amount only represents the loss In the farming districts. The heaviest loss in proportion to population fell upon Merna, a village ten miles east of Bloom Ington, where the town hall, used by a dancing party of 250, waa destroyed, three ot the owmen dancers being instantly killed by falling timbers. They were: MRS. EDWARD MARTIN, aged 28, wife pt a farmer. MIES LENA GAHAHN. slater of the above, residing east of Leroy, aged 2S. MISS ANNA KELLY,, residing with a (widowed mother two miles north of Merna. When the storm struck the building Its (rwsying alarmed the party of merrymakers. All Joined in a rush tor the exits , and a fierce struggle ensued. The three women were left behind and were killed Instantly by falling timbers. The two sisters were found locked In. each others' arms. Miss Kelly was being pulled through an open window by Clement Spencer when the structure collapsed. Spencer was hurt in ternally and may die. Others seriously In jured are Thomas Oahahn, cousin of the two slaters killed, and John Kelly, brother of Miss Kelly, one ot the victims. Forty Others Injured. Fully fifty others were painfully Injured and taken to residences nearby. Many purgeons from Bloomlngton were summoned to dress their wounds and were kept busy 'during the entire day. At Merna, in addition to the town hall, the Klnsella implement house was leveled 'and many other structures destroyed. The ew Methodist church at Twlng Drive was demolished. Involving a los of $10,000. .Wesleyan university lost its roof and .cupola, aggregating $25,000 loss. . 1 Street car service in Bloomlngton was resumed this evening, but It will be a week .before the electric light plant will have its wires up. The power house was un roofed and the loss to the municipality will e many thousands of dollars. The greatest loss in Bloomlngton was the destruction of thousands ot shade trees. The streets today are in many cases Im passable by reason of fallen trees. The loss through the destruction of fruit trees will also reach large proportions many orchards being entirely leveled. Farmers report thst corn will receive a bad setback, but that oats will suffer most heavily. Farmers, with scarcely an ex ception, lost stock, bsrns or windmills. The government observer reports that be tween 11 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. last night an inch and a halt of rain fell, the heaviest ever known in central Illinois in that 'length of time. Bloomlngton'a pleasure re sort, Miller park, ia a dreary waste, all Its pavilions being demolished and the .trees blown down. I At Stanford, ten miles east of Bloomlng ton, a boxcar on a sidetrack was lifted trom Its trucke and carried 800 feet. At El Paso, twenty miles north, the town hall containing all the flredeoartment appar atua, was destroyed, with Its contents. The tower on the building, eighty feet high waa blown off and carried 100 teat. Trains were all seriously delayed by washouts, but the service on all roads is gradually being resumed tonight. Doable Mtorua at Peoria. PEORIA, 111.. June 11. The double storm that struck Peoria at 10 o'clock last night and again at 2 o'clock thla morning, waa the worst that central Illinois has expert enccd since 1443. Rain fell in torrents and the damage caused by the high winds Is Inestimable at this time. Probably the worst damage tn proportion to the alse ot the town waa at Kingston Mines, a small mining town twenty miles below. Peoria There three persons were killed outright na ten were Injured, three fatally. The dead: MRS. THOMAS MURRAY. INFANT CHILD of Mrs. Murray. MRS. ROBERT M'ELWEE. The fatally Injured: Infant child of Mrs. McElwee. Robert McElwee. Thomas Murray. The othera lciured: Mrs. Mocha. Roy Blttner. Jud Marsh. ' Cora Rosebottom. James La cock. Mrs. Frank Brazcna. Mrs. Keete. George Reardan, an employe of the elec i0oatlsu4 on Second Page.) AIKEN ELECTED POTENTATE Omaha Man Chosen Head Ofneer of hrlnere al Imperial Council. SAN FRANCISCO, June 11. (Special Telegram.) Henry C. Akin of Omaha was this morning unanimously elected imperial potentate at the imperial council of the Mystic Shrine and re ceived a flattering ovation. Colonel Akin Is the first and only Ne braskan to receive so distinguished an honor and the representatives of the mid dle west are highly gratified at tbe out come. Colonel Akin Is the fifth resident of the transmlsslssippl region to reach his present position, California, Colorado, Mis- sourl and Kansas being the only other western states which have thus tar fur nished Imperial potentates. Alvab P. Clayton of Molla temple, St. Joseph, Mo., wss elected Imperial high priest and prophet. Among the appointive officers chosen by the new imperial poten tate are Edwin I. Alderman ot El Kahlr temple, Marlon, la., as Imperial first cere monial master and J. Frank Treat ot El Zagal temple, Fargo, N. D., as Imperial outer guard. While tbe routine business of the ses sion is not completed, the social part has but fairly commenced and will last well Into next week, when the new imperial potentate and his fellow representatives from Tangier go to Los Angeles to be the guests of Al Malalkah temple of that city. Among the Important business transacted today was the granting of a charter for a new temple at Galveston, Tex., to be known as El Mena. Temples are now established In all but five of tbe states, viz: Delaware, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey and South Carolina, and are found in every ter ritory except the Indian. Of the Canadian provinces Ontario and Quebec each has a temple and a Toronto man, Henry A. Col lins, who was today elected Imperial as sistant rabban, tbe fourth place in the im perial divan, spoke with cordlalty of tbe friendly feeling between Canadians and Americans as exemplified and promoted by such a body as the Imperial council, as was confidently expected by all. Day of Pleasure. The visiting nobles devoted today chiefly to pleasure, though the imperial council held a secret session this morning. At 9 o'clock a large number of Shrlners crossed the bay to Berkley, where they In spected the buildings and grounds of the University of California. Many more made the ascent of Mount Tamalpals. The event of the afternoon was a reception to A. L. Malakah temple in too Maple room of the Palace hotel, the at tendance being very large. There will be a promenade concert tonight at the Me chanics' pavilion. The following officers were elected for the ensuing term: Imperial potentate, Henry C. Atkln of Omaha; Imperial deputy potentate, George H. Greene, Dallas, Tex.; imperial chief rabban, George L. Brown of Buffalo, N. Y.; imperial high priest and prophet, Alva P. Clayton of St. Joseph, Mo.; imperial oriental guide, Frank C. Roundy of Chicago; Imperial recorder, Benjamin W. Rowell of Lynn, Mass.; Imperial treas urer, William 8. Brown of Pittsburg. Tbe only contest was for the place pf Im perial oriental guide. .Mr. Ronndy receiv ing a plurality of twenty-aeven on the second ballot. He Is a past illustrious po tentate ot Medina temple, Chicago; a thirty-third degree Mason and commander of the famous St. Bernard Drill corps ot the Knights Templar. ARMY QUESTION NOT AN ISSUE Conduct of Military In Philippines, Secretary Shaw Says, Rests on No Party, PORTLAND, Me., June 11. Governor John F. Hill was today renominated for a second term by the republican state con vention. Amos L. Allen waa nominated for congress from the First district. An interesting feature of tbe convention was the presence of Secretary of the Treas ury Leslie M. Shaw, who delivered tbe principal address. Referring to the con gressional elections this fall. Secretary Shaw said the country would not be asked to experiment at that time. "While it is fair to presume that In the coming contest considerable attention will be given to that time-honored plank In our opponent's platform favoring a revi sion of the tariff, the arguments I fancy. If any, will be of a local nature. This will naturally lead to strong declarations and much talk against trusts." He pointed out that the tariff on which President Harrison was elected promised legislation against trusts and that 'these pledgee were fulfilled In the Fiftieth con gress by the passage of tbe Sherman anti trust bill. "And the most determined effort to en force that law," he continued, "Is now be ing made by that gallant. Intrepid and fear less chief executive, Theodore Roosevelt But I think It to a little early to determine Just where tbe 'bloody angle' of this cam paign Is to be fought. There are those who inalst it will be tbe conduct of a lit tle band ot something over 40,000 Ameri can boys wearing tbe blue uniforms, sleep ing In tents and fighting as best they know how, under a tropical sun, for tbe honor ot the old flag. "It the personnel of that army has shown occasional weaknesses tbe disgrace rests upon neither party to the exclusion ot the other. Gentlemen, let It be under stood either that be accomplishments of the army during the last five years have been republican achievements, else let the honors, which have been many, and 'the lapses, which have been few, be borne by a patriotic people without regard to party and without undue exploitation. It la pot an issue and cannot be, whether the Amer lean soldier Is a first-class man or not." REID PRESENTS CREDENTIALS Special Ambassador front America la Received by the' Kiss; of England. LONDON, June 11. Whltelaw Raid, the epectal ambassador of the United States to the coronation of King Edward, was re ceived In audience by his majesty at Buck ingham palace this afternoon. The king received Mr. Reld ia tbe most cordial man ner and expressed his gratification at see. log him again. During the audience Mr. Reld presented his credentials and a letter of congratula tion from President Roosevelt to King Edward. Two Haadrcd Diplomas Awarded. LAWRENCE, Kan.. June 11. At the thirtieth commencement exercises st the University of Kansaa today Dr. Joseph Swain, president of Indiana university, de livered the baccalaureate address, taking for his theme "Happiness, Service and Success" Two hundred diplomas were PRESIDENT AT WEST POINT Delivers Address at Military Academy and is Given Warm Beception. W V';0ERS TO BE READY FOR DUTY ; Unit of ' ' Future, He Says, Will Be thv !.,''' and De- velopment oi '.' sources Will Be al Re .ntlal. WEST POINT. N. Y., June 11. The cele bration of tbe 100th anniversary of the es tablishment of the military academy reached its climax today. President Roose velt wa the chief guest and there was a brilliant crowd. Including army and navy officers, cabinet officers, women In bright costumes and handsomely uniformed dip lomats. The day a activities began with tbe ar rival of the president and then came a re view of the cadets, a reception at the home of tbe auperlntendent of the academy. Col onel Mills; the formal exercises and speeches In Memorial hall after luncheon and the dress parade at sundown. "Centennial" banquet, with more than 600 guests, was held in the evening. President Roosevelt's party Included Sec retary Root, Secretary Moody, Postmaster General Payne, Secretary Cortelyou and Miss Carew, the president's sister-in-law. The president was met at tbe station by Superintendent Mills and his staff and the staff c' tbe academy. When the president reached the c.test a salute of twenty-one guns was tired. The cadets were drawn up on the rarfide ground. The president was driven to the hom ot Colonel Mills and then te walked across the street to the parage ground and reviewed the cadets. In tbe course of tbe review Cadet Calvin P. Titus was called from the ranks to face the president, who pinned a medal for bravery cu Ma breast and spoke a few words after the reading of the order which told that the medal was awarded by tbe secretary of war for gallantry at Pekln, China. August 14, 1900. While the reception which followed the review was in progress Governor Odell ar rived, alone, and at once paid his respects to tbe president and Joined the official cir cle of visitors. Immediately after luncheon the hundreds of .visitors sought Memorial hall, a new stone structure, where the exercises were held. The president, escorted by the ca dets and leading a notable party of officers, csme across the parade ground and soon after his entrance the speaking began. Colonel Mills made an address of wel come and then lntroduood President Roose velt. Speech by the President. President Roosevelt spoke as follows: Colonel Mills, the graduates of West Point and you men and women who are drawn to them by the case of citizenship, or by the simple fact that you are Amer icans and therefore of necessity drawn to them. (Applause.) 1 am giad to have the chance of saying a word to you today. There Is little need for me to say how well your performance has compared with prophetic promise on your behalf by the greatest of (Americans, Washington. (Applause.) This institution has completed its first 100 years of life. During the century no other educational institution in the land has contributed as many names as West Point has contributed to the honor roll of the nation's cltlsens. (Applause.) Colonel Mills. I claim to be a historian. and I speak simply as a reciter of facts when I say what I have said; and, more than that, not merely has West Point con tributed a greater number of the men who stand niKhest on the nation s honor roll but I think beyond question that, taken as a whole, the averaee graduate of West Point during this 100 years hns given a greater amount or service to tne country through his life than has the average grad uate of any other institution In this broad land. (Applause.) Is Not Surprising. 7nwr v.ntlam.n that la nnl aurnrlaln a That is what we' have a right to expect from this military university founded by me nation (applause), Dut l am giad tnat the expectations have been made f.-ood (applause), and of all the Institutions in this country none Is more absolutely Amer ican, none more, in the proper sense of the wora, ausotuteiy democratic man tnis. This morning I have shaken hands with many of you, and I ha met the men who stand as representatives of every great swuggle, every great move this great nation has made for the last flfty-flve or sixty years, finally. I s;e tne younger iiiru, bb wen u ine oiutr unvi, ma men whom I have seen myself take part in a little war, a war that was the mere skir mish compared to the struKEle in which you fouiiht from '61 to 'te. and yet a war tnat nas naa almost as rar-reacning effects. not merely ror the destiny or tnis nation. but lor the destiny of the world, the war with Spain; and It was my good fortune to see In the campaign In Cuba how the graduates of West Point handled them selves and to endeavor to profit by their example, and it has become my pleasure to come here today because I was at that time intimately associated with many oi your graduates. On Incident at San Jnan. On the day before the San Juan fight. when we were marched up Into a position. we lost communication with our baggage and food and for supper that night I had what Colonel Mills gave me (laughter and applause), and it tasted very good. The next momlnK Colonel Mills was with an other West Pointer, Shlpp from North Carolina. The next mornlna we had break fast together and I remember well congrat ulating myself that my regiment we were all volunteer regiments could have as an example men like Mills and Bhlpp, whose very presence made the men cool and made tnem reel collected and at ease. Mills and ShipD went down with our resrtment to tne action, very gnoruy farter n was berun PhlnD was killed and Mills received a wound from which no one of us at the time thought he would recover. 1 had at that time In my regiment as second lieu tenant a graduate or West Point, who was having his holiday and took his holiday by going down with ua, and Just before tne assault ne waa snot, tne nunet some;. l tmnK. in nis stomarn. and as ne reii tie Id. Uood bye. colonel. I am coins to get wen. He fa present. But I did not think he was. He Is here all right, here, and his name Is Haskell. (Applause.) And there waa never a mo ment by day or night that I was not an eye-witness of some performance of duty being done by a West Pointer, and I never saw a West Pointer falling his duty. Ana now, in nosing, I want to say one word to those who are graduates, and the under graduates as well. I think it Is going to be a great deal harder to be a first- class officer In the future than It has been In the past. I think than In addition to the courage and steadfastness that have al ways been tne prime requisites irua soldier. you have got to show a far greater power of Individuality than has been necessary before If you are going to get up to the highest level of officer-like performance of duty. As haa been well said, the de velopments of warfare during the last tew years have shown that In the future the unit will not be the regiment, nor yet the company, but the unit will be the Indi vidual man. If he does not know how to shoot, how to shift for himself, how both to obey orders and to accept responsibility when an emergency comes, men ne won t have any orders to obey. If he is not able to do all of that, you had better have him out or tne army. Mast Stand Alone. In a battle hereafter each man Is going to be to a considerable extent alone. It wilt be so that the youngest officers will have to take much of the resoonalbllltv that In former wars fell on their seniors and many of the enlisted men will have to do must of their work without any suuer vision of any officer. The man will have to act largely alone, and If he shows a ten dency to huddle up to some one else his usefulness Is pretty near at an end. If he Is nervous, so that he wants to feel the (Continued oa Second Page.) V. ASSAY OF BLACK HILLS GOLD Director Roberts Unable to Modify Regulations of Mlat as to Standard. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, June 11. (Special Tele gram.) Representative Martin today took up with Director Roberts ot the mint bu reau the question of modifications of reg ulations relating to assaying of gold at Dead wood, S. D. An effort baa been made for some time to induce the officials to per mit of tbe assaying of gold ot a lower ratio than that called for In the regulations. Tbe purpose Is to do away with the expense and Inconvenience of sending the metal to private assayers at large and far re moved from the Black Hills country. Di rector Roberts Is of the opinion that he has no authority to modify the regulations except by act of congress. He has directed Mr. Martin to secure additional Informa tion on the subject and will make a final decision when such data is received. Senator Gamble of South Dakota today Introduced a bill which provides for the establishment of Wind Cave National park In Custer county. South Dakota. It con templates a reserve of about 10.000 acres and provides for the management and con trol of the park on tbe part of the gov ernment. The government owns all the land contemplated to be taken Into the park xcepttng 320 acres. Reports from the In terior department strongly recommend the enactment of this proposed legislation so that the government may have control of the park during the coming season and ave it from spoliation. The land has been Inspected and surveyed by tbe Interior de partment as well as examined by the geo logical survey, and both of these branches of the government strongly recommend It for national purposes. S. H. Hagan has been appointed post master at Pickering, Marshall county, la., vice L. G. Fell, resigned. The comptroller of the currency has ap proved the application of the following per sons to organize tbe First National bank of Anoka, Neb., with $26,000 capital: H. A. Oelrlch, Butte, Boyd county; A. S. Warner, Elmer E. Boynton, G. W. Short and E. G. Barnum. ' The Omaha National bank ef Omaha has been approved at reserve agent for tbe Washington National bank of Seattle. George W. Walker of Anamosa, la., has been appointed baker at tbe Fort Shaw In dian school, Montana. Representative Thomas of the Eleventh Iowa district .today renominated C. C. Ben der for postmaster at Spencer, Ia. Sisters and pupils of Holy Cross academy will give a reception to Bishop Philip J. Garrlgan, recently appointed to the bish opric of Sioux City, Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Representative Cousins today sent out a notice for a. competitive examination tor a candidate to West Point, to be held at Cedar Rapids on June 20. Mr. Cousins ex pects between twenty and thirty applicants to attend tTe examination. George G. Hedgecock of Lincoln, Neb., has been appointed to a position in the Agricultural department. The postmaster general has accepted the proposition of the Sioux Valley State bank to lease a room tor the poatofflce at Cor recttonvllle, Ia., for the term of five yeifrs from December 1. Rural free delivery service will; be estab lished on July 1 In Iowa as follows: Mc Gregor, Clayton county,' two additional routes; area covered, forty-two square miles; population, 900. ' Oxford, Johnson county, three routes; area, seventy square miles; population, 1,353. Postofflces at Friendale, Cosgrave and Windham are to be discontinued. Rolfe, Pocahontas county, two additional routes; area, seventy square miles; population, 1.071. Walcott, Scott county, one route; area, twenty-two square miles; population, 625. Postofflces at Amity and Plalnvlew are to be discontinued. POPULAR VOTE ADVOCATES WIN Defeat Resolution to Drop Consider ation of the Proposed Amendment. WASHINGTON, June 11. The eenate to day defeated a motion ot Mr. Wellington of Maryland to discharge the committee on privileges and elections from further con slderation of the resolution providing for th submission of an amendment to the con stitution for the election ot senators by the people, by a vote of 35 to 21, after a sharp debate. The vote stood: , 'tX.. Yeas: Btilejr, Dubois, Mason. Poraker, Nelson. Potter (La ). Patterson. Heltleld. Perkins. Jones (Ark ), Tallalero. Bate, Berry. Blackburn. Carmack. Clapp. CoclcrelL McLaurtn. (Miss.). Teller. Martin, Tillman it. Nays: Aldrleh. Allison Bard. Burnham. Fairbanks. Mc-Comas, Foeter (Wash.), McCumber, Frre. McMillan, Galllnser, Millard. Gambia. Piatt (Conn ), Hale. Piatt (N. V ), Hanna, Scott, Hawley, Bpooner, Hoar. Stewart, Kean. Vest, Kerns. ' r" , Wet more St. Klttredse. Burrows, Burton, Cullom, Da Doe, Dletrlrh. Dillingham. Polltver. Elklna. Just before adjournment today the sen ate agreed to vote finally on the Nicaragua canal bill and all pending amendments on Thursday, Juns 19, the voting to begin at 2 p. m. Mr. Fairbanks of Indiana, in a carefully considered speech, favored construction ot tbe isthmian canal by the Panama route. Originally, he said, ha favored the Nica ragua route, but an Investigation of the subject, coupled with the determination of the Isthmian commission, had Influenced him to change his mind in favor of the Panama route. He argued that that route would not only be cheaper In the first In stance, but cheaper In operation after the canal was constructed. He earnestly fav ored the construction of tbe canal and re sented the intimation that those who fa. vored the Panama route were in the leas opposed to a canal. If, said the senator, we had but to con. elder the relative cost of construction of the two canals there would be a saving upon the Panama route ot substantially (5,500,000. The commission had disclosed a singular and important fact, on which should be distinctly borne in mind, and that is that it would cost $1,100,000 less per annum to operate the Panama than to operate the Nicaragua route. This sum capitalised on the basis of the Interest upon the national bonds, equivalent to per cent, amounted to 165,000.000. Add to this the amount saved In construction, and, he said, we have a total sum to the credit ot the Panama route cf $70,500,000. The senator discussed at considerable length tbe question of title of tbe property of tbe Panama Canal company. He did not think, he said, (hat the contention that it was impossible for the United States to secure an absolute title to the property to be well founded, but said he believed that the United States would taks the property, If it should purchase it free and clear of all demands ot stockholders and creditors, and that It would not rest under any legal equitable or moral obligation to pay one dollar beyond the $40,000,000, the fries 17 ms causa tviuysitft' . . MONEY USED BY THE CUBANS Between Eight and Nine Thousand Dollars Spent in Behalf of Beciprooity. STATEMENT IS MADE BY F. B. THURBER Reciprocity Advocates Are Not Dis concerted by Report, but Oppon ents Say It Will Help Them to Prevent Concessions. WASHINGTON. June 11. The testimony given today before the committee on Cuban relations by F. E. Thurber, showing that between $8,000 and $9,000 had been paid out of the Cuban treasury under direction of Governor General Wood for the promo tion of the effort to secure reciprocity be tween the United States and Cuba, caused a sensation in the aenate. The news of Mr. Thurber's statement reached the senate chamber about the time that body convened, and when Senator Tel ler, whose examination bad developed the facts, made bis appearance on the floor he was imedlately surrounded by senators from both sides of tbe chamber, who pro fessed great anxiety to know all that bad occurred. Copies of the one voucher pro duced were eagerly sought and the de mand was not satisfied until forty or fifty copies had been typewritten and circulated in the eenate chamber. Much Interest waa also manifested on tbe part of the members of the house and some of the beet sugar advocates of that body pointed out that Mr. Thurber had not, in his testimony before the ways and means committee, indicated any connection with the Cuban government in his effort to create sentiment in this country favorable to concessions to Cuba. J Brings About Caucuses. Opinions as to the ultimate effect of the testimony are as varied as the predilections and prejudices of the senate, but the Im mediate results are seen In the decision reached during the afternoon to have two caucuses In the early future. The first of these will be held by the beet sugar re publican senators tomorrow and the sec ond by all the republican senators Friday or Saturday. Senator Burrows Is respon sible for tbe statement that the beet sugar men who meet and Senator Aldrleh for the announcement that there will be a general conference before the close of the week. The purpose of the meeting of the beet sugar men Is to consider tbe situation as affected by today's developments, and also to receive a report from the committee consisting of Senators Elklns, Burrows and Jones of Nevada, appointed to confer with the republican members of tbe Cuban com mittee. This committee will state that the Cuban committee baa declined to consider all the propositions looking to a compro mise which have been made and It probably will ask to be discharged. ' The propositions that have been made are two the first for a rebate and the second for a commmerclal treaty with Cuba. Both Plans Rejected. The committee will say that both plans were rejected and that the members of the Cuban committee would not change their position, that there must be a straight re duction of 20 per cent without any condi tions, except that tbe president might have power to revoke the concession in case he found that the. Cuban planters were not getting the benefit of It, The full confer ence will be in the nature ot a caucus and some of the beet sugar men say they will enter It only with tbe understandlngtthat they shall not be bound by any conclusion that may be reached. The advocates of a tariff reduction say that no action by a re publican senatorial caucus is binding, but they add that defections have occurred only in rare Instances. Senator Aldilch expresses confidence tn being able to secure fully forty-five repub lican votes in favor ot any bill that may be reported by the Cuban committee. This Is a majority ot the senate and his friends express themselves as hopeful ot passing a bill satisfactory to them. Are Wot Disconcerted. They say the testimony of Mr. Thurber does not effect the merits of the question in the least and they contend that, even admitting that the course of the Cuban government was censurable, it can not and should not prevent the Vnlted States doing what It has promised and what Is right to do. They do not, however, generally ad mit that the course was improper. The beet sugar senators undeniably are more hopeful than they have been here tofore. Some of them profeas to believe that the revelation will have the effect of at least causing a halt In the proceedings in the Interest of reciprocity. They think the report made by Mr. Thurber will be ac cepted by the country as going to show that entirely too much interest has been manifested in the subject in Cuba. Some of them go so far as to claim that there will be no reciprocity legislation, at least during the present sesaloa. ACCEPT PRO RATA METHOD All Nations Except Japan and Ens- land Agree to Reduce Boxer Claims. WASHINGTON, June 11. A cablegram received today by Secretary Hay from United States Minister Conger at Pekln confirms the reported acceptance by the resident foreign minsters there of the gen eral proposition of the United States gov ernment for a pro rata scaling down of tbe claims ot the various nations for Indem nity on account of the Boxer uprising. It is understood, however, that England and Japan do not share in the reduction, tor their accounts clearly establish the fact that their legitimate and actual expenses were even more that their Indemnity claims, while the other nations party to the agreement had made themselves rather liberal allowances In fixing the total ot their claims. In this state ot affairs Secretary Hay himself suggested that It would not be fair to expect England and Japan to share in the cutting down process, which wss nec essary to bring tbe aggregate of the claims of the separate nations within the total which the powers had agreed originally to accept from China as payment In full for all losses. The reductions are, after all, not exactly pro rata, for to set a good ex ample and induce the other powers to be generous the United States government un dertook voluntarily to reduce Its claim of $25,000,000 by $1,000,000, which was one tenth of the total to be reduced. This left tbe other nations to divide up the $9,000,000 reduction among themselves, so that in the case of the largest claimants their loss would be less than that voluntarily as sumed by the United States. It Is stated that while the agreement reported by Mr. Conger today Is gratifying and marks a sensible advance toward a final conclusion of tbe Chinese Indemnity negotiations, it does not affect the more serious and difficult issue presented by the demands of a majority of tbe powers for a settlement of the Indemnity oa tbe pres ent exchange Talus. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Partly Cloudy; Local Showers and ThunrierMornis; Cooler; Winds Shifting to Northerly. t Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! Honr. Dear. Hour. Dev il a. m TO 1 p. m MT a. m . . . . I . TO 2 p. tu T a. m T.t 8 p. m f Ha. m TT 4 p. m M l a. m TO H p. ni !! 1( a. m hi ' H p. ni IKi 11 a. ra n:t T p. m 11 in 83 ft p. ni 77 O p. m 7(1 CHICAGO DROUTH THREATENED Trouble with Drivers May Participate General Strike Among the Brewery Unions, CHICAGO. Jtnevll. Angered by the re fusal of the officers of tbe United States Brewing company more commonly known as the trust to reinstate thirty brewery drivers' helpers who went out on a strike on Monday, tbe other unions connected with the firms are preparing to call a general strike tomorrow morning. The men are thoroughly organlxed and their leaders claim that not a barrel of beer can be moved from tbe breweries in volved without their consent after the strike call has been Issued. The helpers struck on Mondsy to get a higher wage. They were being paid from $7 to $13 a week and asked for a parallel raise ot $5. This was refused and later the officers of the Brewing Trades council an organisation ot all the unions engaged in the handling of beer met with the employers to talk the situation over. They were told that the men would not be given their demands and might not be taken back at all. FAIR TO CLOSE ON SUNDAYS Prealdent Francis Executes m Contract to that Effect with Secre tary Shaw. ST. LOUIS, June 11. President Francis has been authorized by the exposition di rectors to sign a contract with Leslie M. Shaw, secretary of the treasury, in which tbe world's fair management pledges Itself not to operate the fair on Sunday at any time. This action was taken as the result of a letter from Secretary Shaw requesting the company to comply with tbe section In the federal act appropriating $5,000,000, which stated that a condition of payment of thla was that the company execute a contract. The secretary notified the company that none ot the vouchers of tbe national com mission for salaries or expenses would be allowed until the contract was signed. SENATORS FAIL TO AGREE Cannot Come to a Conclusion Con cerning Cuban Reciprocity Legislation. WASHINGTON, June 11. The conference between tbe two factions ot the republican senators over Cuban reciprocity continued today, but without result. ' Senator Aldrleh, who Is oil of the map agers of the reciprocity proposition, said the matter was not settled. The opposi tion still maintained confidence that a straight reciprocity proposition cannot pass and that If the bill is reported from tbe committee It will be amended in such a way as to prevent Its final adoption. Senators Aldrleh and Elkin had an earn est discussion of the subject today, but nothing like an agreement was reached. Copies ot the voucher presented In the Cuban Investigation were freely circulated about tbe senate and caused a great deal of comment among senators. DETERMINED T0KEEP PATTON Guaranteed a Salary of Ten Thou sand Dollars Per Year for Five Years. PRINCETON, N. J., June 11. It waa learned today that the board ot trustees of Princeton university held an extra session and voted to give former Preeldent Patton $4,000 a year to continue In the chair ot ethics. In addition a subscription among the members for $30,000 was raised, one prominent alumnus giving $10,000 to be ad ded to President Patton's salary of $4,000. Tbe $30,000 is to be paid in installments of $6,000 a year, which guarantees a salary of $10,000 a year for five years, the same amount he received as president. Prof. Patton was yesterday officially offered tbe presidency of tbe Princeton Theological seminary and the chair of theology, but he declined to accept. NEGRO BOYS ARE LYNCHED Confess thst They Had Beaten Young Woman's Brains Out with Rocks. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Juns 11. Two negro boys, Harrison and James Gillespie, aged respectively 16 and 14 years, who were under arrest charged with killing Miss Benson, on a farm in Rowan county, Mon day last, were taken from Jail at Salts bury, N. C, early this morning and banged to a tree in the railroad yards. Their bodies were then riddled with bullets. The active members of tbe mob num bered about fifty and wore masks. Tbe negroes admitted that they beat the young woman's brains out with rocks because she tried to make them leave her premises. PUT WITNESSES QUlT )F WAY Two Men at Sneedvllle, Kentucky, Are Found Dead lu the Publlo Highway. KNOXVILLE, Tenn.. June 11. A special to the Sentinel from Sneedvllle says: Grant Seal and John Davis have been found dead upon the public highway. Davis, It Is said, was a kinsman of Clinton Legear, with whose killing Oovvrnor and Drury Lawson are charged. It is said that Davis and Seal would have been important witnesses sgalnst the Law sons. Perry Myers has been arrested and other arrests may follow. The coroner la Investigating. NEELEY GETS OUT OF PRISON Postal fraud Convlet Released luder BUI Granting Amnesty to Americans. HAVANA. June 11. C. T. W. Neely, who on March 24 was sentenced to ten years' Imprisonment and to pay a fine ot $56,701 for complicity In the Cuban postal frauds, was released today under tbe bill signed by President Palma June 9 granting am nesty to all Americans convicted of crimes in Cuba during the term of the American occupation and those awaltlcg trial. MASSACRE OF YAQUIS Mexicans, Under General Torres, 81aoght Indians by the Soon. MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN KILLED Victims Numbered Three Hundred, of Whom Few Are Spared. REPORT GIVEN BY ARIZONA BANKER Bays Mexicans Began Attack by Pouring Volley Into Indian Camp. ' RED MEN MAKE VAIN EFFORT AT DEFENSE Outnumbered by Double They Fall Helpless Before Torres Merciless Troops and Perish Under Rain of Bullets. TUCSON, A. T., June 11. Colonel Wil liam Christy, president of the Vslley bank. Phoenix, arrived here today from Brletas, Sonora, with details of a massacre of Yaqut Indians, men. women and children, yester day In the Santa Rosa canyon, sWty-flve miles from the Mlnas Prletas mines, by a detachment of General Torres' troops. It appears that the Yaqul forces that were operating In that section bad moved forth Into the mountains, leaving their women and children In Santa Rosa canyon under a guard of eighty men. The Mexican troops came upon this camp and without any warning opened a terrible fire, sparine neither women nof children. After the first volley the troops charged down upon the panic-stricken victims and massacred all within their reach. Of tbe guard of eighty Yaquls not a single one survived and over 100 women and children fell vic tims to the Mexican bullets and bayonets. The bodies of the dead were left In the canyon and the remaining women and chil dren were driven to Mlnas Prlestss by the soldiers and from that point will be taken to Hermoslllo. The Mexican soldiers and rurales have explicit orders to take no Yaqul men pris oners, but to kill in all cases. This order was Illustrated yesterday, when a friendly Yaqul miner came down to Prlestas for supplies and was killed by the rurales on the outskirts of the town. Colonel Christy says the massacre oc curred at daybreak Monday morning. The troops were of Torre's command, but not under him personally, and numbered 600. The Yaquls, including men, women and chil dren, were over 300. The canyon In which the Yaquls were camped was a long and narrow one. ' UNDERTAKERS PLAY AT BALL Convention Takes Recess to Indulge In Athletic Sports at Msnaira, Interest at the convention of the Ne braska Funeral Directors' association yes terday waa divided between the lecture of ' ' Prof. W. P. Hohenschuh on "Signs of Death and the Causes of Decomposition" and the match game of base ball which was played in tbe afternoon at Manawa between the undertakers and the traveling salesmen. The lineup was as follows: Undertakers H. K. Burket. captain; Ed Bralley, C. J. Gelsler, A. J. Jackson, Wil liam Beckerhauer, B. F. Munti, J. C. Smlti, E. R. Keane and Benjamin Person. Drummers Val Becker, captain; E. J. Gaston, E. J. Doll, 8. C. Martin, H. A. Friti, C. E. Leedom, "Butch" Munford, J. T. Gllmore, H. C. Phelps, Grant Lad in and O. R. Klock. The game was called at 8 o'clock, and Prof. W. P. Hohenschuh ot Iowa City dem onstrated that he could umpire as well as lecture. ' In order to finish the day's business program, that the afternoon might be de voted to athletic sports, the members took' no noon recess, but worked on through jVe luncheon hour and until 1 o'clock- when refreshments were served in ts" lecture room. ' , One of the new exhibits which has found lte way into the commercial room sines Tuesday is a paper coffin, "one-fourth lighter than wood and twenty times stronger." The casket Is made of alter nating layers of strawboard and cement, pressed until the composition is as hard aa hickory. It In said that tbe stuff is al- , most Impervious to the disintegrating ele ments of the ground, and, to demonstrate that moisture will not affect It, one of the coffins is filled with water and placed at the curbstone In front of the college, to be used aa a horse watering trough. It ia estimated that there are now 160 members of the association present. The following arrived yesterday. William Dues mann, Humphrey; S. A. Nisouger, Tllden; J. R. Lofler, Panama; James M. Kennedy, St. Edward; M. Furlong, North Bend; J. M. Davis, Randolph; J. A. Edlnger, Madi son; F. R. Scheel, Wahoo; L. P. Byars, Valley; A. J. Splllman, Friend; W. 8. Rob erts, Lincoln; Frank Kovanda. Table Rock; Koy M. Fence, Wauneta; U Dern, Stanton; E. H. Cleveland, Aurora; E. Meade, Chad ron; E. L. Trayer. Lincoln; Harry Ooss. St. Paul; O. E. Walroth, Edgar; August Steffen, Battle Creek; F. J. Rodemocher, Crete. WORKS TO SAVE THE BOYS Colonel Hogeland Begins Series ef Reform Meetings In This City. Colonel Alexander Hogeland or Louisville, Ky., la In the city to remain a week for the purpose of Interesting tbe cltliens of Omaha In certain proposed laws which bs believes will have a tendency to prevent crlmo and reduce the number of young men finding place In the criminal ranks. Last night he, spoke at the corner of Sixteenth and Douglas streets. Illustrating his talk with pictures on canvass. His plea was for the enforcement of the curfew law, tbe enactment of a law separating young persons charged with crime and placed In Jail from hardened criminals; a law to permit the removal of children from vicious parents and one to cause the police authorities to take up and return to home all young tramps. Tbe speaker said that there were 200,000 tramps In tbe country, who had formed habits of Idleness In their youth, acid that it was as much the duty of the government to provide places tor the white children, to teach them useful trades and to give tbem an opportunity to succeed in life, aa It Is to do that part by the children of Indians. He will con tinue bis informal talks at tbe same place every evening this week and on Sunday will speak in one of the churches. On Monday at the Young Men's Christian asso ciation rooms there will be meeting for the purpose of forming a local society to advance the views of Colonel Hogeland.