Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1002. 9 r 1 SPECIAL NOTICES ASvertteeaaeaf far tbeaa elarw will be take til '11 a, tar tha vealg aaltlea l til : aw. a, far aarwia aaA Miiir edltlaa. Inn, i Sr a wai-A brat laaertlea. It mt lkrallfr. Set blag takes faa lea thaa ZAa far the Brat lir tlaa. These aa vertlavaaea t aaaat ba ra raauraflTHr. - - Adverfiaere, by r-ewaaat la a arasa kw ebeek. raa brt was wer a a reread ta a aaaabered letter la eara t Ik SVe. luwtx aa ttlnmt will a atMr4 , ftmanuaa af l kaak aaly. fllUTIOS WASTED. A TENCKJRAFHrR.. "M-hfa cu want r gul tbe Ennajtun Tj itwnlw rarnara ec T:tune LTi. A ;&! J EXPERIENCED mlddle-ered hotel clerk is epen for god pruuiion in l'.ri- ;& cmmeriial Intel aa day or night clerk.; competent, temperate, refined ani rvltn t-. city reference. Addreaa, P. O. Box LT. Sibley, lova. A-lt4 HAR1AVARE maa with erven years' ev perience in tbe a hoitaaie line, dexire a r"1" II " 1 I II 111 III llll LI i vui, can fumUh refer ncea Aduree C tv WAUCU-MALE HELP. i FOR HALF A DAT 8 WORK. XX you me lu tot country or In a (.mail to v a and bate a good . acquaintance am org trie H.rmn ana siok raisers In laa neJg tibortioixi yu can n..kt fc eaaiiy by leur vr ove bouia work. Unit us aad w alU Berni jour our j roj-owtlon. ' 3 b Bee lu Lilikiuj.g Solicitors cepc. limaha- Neb. - i Xl-Ii W ANTED, a g-ood maa ia every county lo taa subac ra tion li The Twentieth Century arner. Our muxe got.J ages everywhere. Hmreot'M required. A&jres Twentieth, Cenluy A armer. THREE or four good men wanted; flu" per aaomh. Cali L. tilKm block. 11 et O. R. BATHBVN give privet lessons la oooaaeeping. owd Ji. Commercial N ' uonai pan. I'LSHING aalesmen can learn something to their advantage by writing Toe Hawks Is ur aery Co.. Muwaukee, V. ia. . . B 185 J14 . WANTED, aarBeeemakari; will gjarantee steady ample j mem Uie )ear round. Ad dreae Wauace, tomitlt a: to., k to be S est Water aU. Milwaukee, Wis. B MSB 11 SALESMEN -wanted to sell fruit Ues; po alUon permanent; pay wetk; wrlu for particulars. Addrese Western Nuraery Oampaay, Bales Dept. Lawrence Kan- u i j uiyi WANTED, an office boy, about 17 years of age. who Uvea at borne. Answer in own tiandwrtu. C li. Bee. . B Jt - "... WANTED CarpetTt era; C SO a day Ad dreaa Joaepai tsntesig-er. coatrartor. Ttan. Nab .- B AlSiu ALE0MEN, V0 per week, permanent poai Uon. Hlzenbaugn, frjo Ware t.ock. BK5- WANTED, a frrt-rtass conk: wagea tta. Euta X'lnlns Hall. Jort Dodge, la. B M363 11 WANTED, flrat-class bicycle repair man; ood p.y and steady work, liou;, Fletch er, iili Capitol ave. B iCha 14 R'ANTED, watchmakers aartsrant; must be good lngraver and good tuetmtn. E. J. Niewohner, .Colutnbu. Neb. b-Alii! A SPLENDID enance offereid men to learn the barber trade tow by a abort and thorough system. Tears of appren Ueashlp saved. Our splendid reputation aas causad other to lml tale ua. beware of fake colleges and fr-ceot chops ualng our came; our only branches are New Tork. Chicago. Bt. Louis, San Frsncisco Minneapolis. New Orleans and Omaha; w offer constant prattles, expert ln etrucUora, etc These advantages can not be had elsewhere. Tools donated, waa-ea Saturdays, positions guaranteed Wnte today. Moler Barber college. i3 Farnam St. ... B MaiT Lf WANgp, man or box to. weed garden ana oiZer choreA Jo,a,-6rJ-3uii.I'uiaa. - - . b faa iu WANTED, energetic man of good addreaa, competent, to uitoduoe first-class propo aiuon. Apply S a s J. la, 1l4 Bee bid. . B it WANTED, a fim-claaa Job pressman, ena to fake charge of eight Gordons; must har, aome irliiM in cut work: steady work and go-d wage to the right man. wrlut or telephone Gor? R. Wade of the Thoa, D. Murphy Co.. ated Oak. la B BS 10 WANTED, ftrst-clasa printer, none other need apply; ui.iud. ecale. tifi T.S. teady work. . Addreas Lock Boa 714. Sioux City, la. B 61 U W ANTED, a man who Is cspable of tak ing charge of the mechanical department of a good country newspaper; one ho can do good Job work, wet tasty ads and thoroughly understand work on the. Bah. eock Standard preas. Bend samples of work and mages expected. The Logan Observer. Logan, la. B STI lit . WANTED, men who are weak or diseased to write for free bhKlet edited by tne leading and moat auoceaaful specialist in li"T- 5. A4dreas J. Newton Hathaway, x M. D., S2 Commercial blk, Sioux Cttv. la. B Mul 11 WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples. etc no canvassing:-irood pay. Sun Advertte tnc Bureau, Chicago. B Maeffl 11 afECHANlCS ouallfled for advancemen ?lAr-r? ,iiTrt w ' Ar' Tour Hands Tied? tells how thousands have doubled larrely lncreasod their eamlrg capa city through cur spare time instruction by mall. Write to the International CVr reapondence Schoola. box 16., Scranton Jt v or call day or eveninf Omaha offioe, 7 Paxtcn Wock. ' B MEJ0 il AKTED'. f6 u rnd baker on tread and cakes at onoe. Andreas C , . to M.'M 1J SALESMEN WASTED. SALESMEN wanted for full line of fruit and ornamental trees; pay weealv; outfit free. Laeneac Naraery Companv, Lew aenoa. Kan. . iii Jl , WAITED. eEMAXE HELP, WANTED, twa young lady stodenu to ieara kalrdtair.g matilcurhig and chi ropody and acieiitiflc maaaaga. CaJl or arm Rw b tx. Bee Blag. C M ISO Girls. CaU Canadian offloa. lots at Ik.dre. C ail WANTED, deaenring young lady or gentle maa to take lile achiw&rJiB in r-,.k.' beat bualneas and ahorthand collie and pay for it wbea course ia futhed and H'iwn sttureu. Aaoreaa A L Bee. C-toO WANTED, a teacher to Instruct the rrenca language lo a claaa of threa, twice a wars., eiate term. Adr-e z K WANTED, lady U give eocversatioB U eons in French U young muia on evening earn wee- biatc Urnu Aa- araaa u aa. Ma. o ?si WANTED, yoang Bursa girL Apply t?I g. asthaa. C-Mj4 WANTED, girl to aasist la general houae work. Apply .l a. atb St.- C Mlu WANTED." reuag girl to aaslat at house work, must Hit at home, till .V" h,.Us atreeu - Ci , 13 DAILY -ewpytrt letters at home; either vz; woiw wmm eiaeupa wua ajUca lion, luuiois Industrial lu.xi. o, pt i'j Chicago. ' C M!a 11 WANTED, thoroughly exnertanced a n 1 wiim twuv(rier I. u iy pearlier non vuarr Dee4i apply. Stale ex.Mi-lenee Aoarea C . Bea. C M.Ai 11 Til RET-Ot ifct. VANS aiid tag gage wagon. Tel. r-sa. .D-ta HnilF,n all pafu cl city. Tb O TO MOVE HrM get Omaha Van S'orsge Co.; aSioe IMJSi xaraaav, or Tela 155 (rfJ. XH-sts SEE PATNE. fifjfiT WJCK 4 Ctt. far eheio houaea axi-l N. X. L4'.9 BiC. Tel )'lv rk a m- M FOR RENT, saodera baiiai saAuaL lb a F. Deris Co, rtlrt Bee B S. FOR RE 5' i , 1-roMii rnoiam, detached hoo. newly raJnted ard parre4 Ut 1 tpiul Art. Tel Fl B. H RfKm MAOGAJO Van A Btonre Ct . Tel. 1V D b& HOUSE. tc r. D. W4, XS3 tou;ai IX-RCOW fst. all modern.- ml So nth. D J4 HCrVgE?. itrea Bmi. Fato bJoca i-P.oriM and modern -hpob boaaa. ?VU Piondo. ' " D Mn7 TO REyT, -roTB Bioder fccuee. It 8. 4th. near Farnam: D-M.SM 19 HOt'SKS aod Oata. RlngwaJt. Barter block D fa GOOD i-roorn modern "hmiaa. SWt BlrTila. D-MJtlT FOR R1TXT. ona f rat floor flat la tbe rew rjiiMr, apartmeat btwaa, lnh and feree- rtreeta, (II maaem entrtnlrM-M; ewly j.apered. 12.00 per month. Inquire vt H. J. vrtndsor, Uia ode U - ... D tr? n MARCT at . ronme. all modern, in Lrvj relhbfrho'v5. t'& per mr.'.H. URGE A; COM PAN V, 1W1 Farram BU FOR REXT FIR51JHED Rvwaft. tl.EiAN'T rooma, flnaat location In the city. Cap) uol ave. E-USS, DEW ST European boiel. 12th and Farnam. TWO bouaekaeplng rooms K. XZt St. Mary't i Til I NICE rootm for Ukt aoueekeeplntr fur mahad. ua 8. nth. e-vm LARGE front room. XQ Haritey. - E MM 11 LARGE, pleaaant. rtewly umlibd, aouth front roome; modern houae: private fam ily; term moderate. ZZi4 Capitol tve. fc M5TJ 1S FIRX1SHED ROOMS ASD BOARD. Merrlam. comfortable f ummer borne. Tel F ti VERT desirable rooma ZU S. nth st. r 09 HAVE one nice cool front room, suitable for two men. ifl Burt st. F ea FURNISHED rooms, wltll board J3 S. 2-in st. t M vi u- FOR REST I S Fl R.MSHED ROOMS. DESK room apace. 15 pe eoonvn. ground roor room in Tne Kee bulioitig. facing Farnam street: no expense eor light, heat or Janitor aervlce. K. C. Peters A Co rental agents. Boa building. G lis CENTRAL, t choice rooma S X. 2M. TWO ROOMS for light houaekeeptng; back parlor furniabed or uniurnlahad : modern; references exchanged, it N. lth st. G M'7 U FOR RE5T STORES AD OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly oocu- r :ea ry J ne tiee t mt rarnsm st. it has four stories and a ba-eement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This wiJ be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Roae water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1-SC FOR RENT, store in flret-claas location; rent reasonaoie- Appiy n. mere at Co., ground floor, Be bldg. 1266 FOR RENT, desk room cr large space suitable lor mcrcnanaiae Drraer or party doing bualneas In wholesale oistrxt. In quire Htne at Co., tit Farnam st. TO LET, offices In Paxton block and Mc- Csgue bMg. . w. Farnam fcmlth Co..- 1230 Farnam au 1 72 . When You Write to .. Advertisers remember It only takes aa extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aaw the ad In Tbe Bee. AGEXTS WAITED, WANTED, canvassing agents In every coui ly to solicit subscriptions lo TWK TWENTIETH CE.NTVRT FARMER: steady employment with assured gcod Income: agents In the country with horse and buggy especially oeelred; can vassers make easily iv to tl'. per month. Address Century Farmer ak&dtors' bureau. Bee building, Omaha. HI AGENTS wanted to make 11 a day arlMng me lycmm notary nana fan, greatest seller known: big profit; write today for agents terms; sample postpaid Sac Enterprise Fan Co., 1U Lake St., Chicago. J Mine u MASTED TO BCT. WANTED, two or three good vacant lota, suitable for residences or flats; must be good locations and price reasonable; aa caa and no extra expense of selling. Address direct to buyers, B 10, care be office. N MM WANTED id-hand clothing for cash. 1357 Farnam. K-Ma; Jy. a 1 FOR SALE FT BIITl RE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. TeL xi. New and second-hand, bougnt, so id, exchanged. O 4C1 HOT'SEHOLD furniture for sale chap at once, eiui Seward St. O i2 10 FOR SALE MORSES, WACOM, ETC FOR SALE, cheap, a Concord buggy. 1t h and Vinton. PAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc.. our specialty. H. Frost. Ittb and Leav enworth. TeL 1447. p eU FOR KALE, buggies, phaetons, rucabouta, new and secondhand, at cut pneee. Ke palnng, painting and trimming; also put pn rubber Urea, plelffer, Tth and Leav enworth Bta. P 777 J'Jt SEVERAL fine driving horses Walter i'heipe. Room D. N. T. Life Bldg. p-M8a FOR SALE Horses, wagona. etc.; good exteaaion toe camace lor sale at a us. riftoe. ree Jonnaon A Roberta. John ueere tsicg , ivu ana Lavenwortn Sta. P-MtTl JelT FOR SALE good rtdlr f or driving oree. Addreaa C il. Bea ofhoa, or call N. ttth Ave after k.t p. m. P t:i ir FOR SAXE MISCKLLASEOIS- 2DHAND safe cheap. Scawarta, 11A B. 13th. FLESCHER acUa becyclea. 1S3 Capitol Aa it- ZD HAND aafe cheap. Doiight. 1H Famam. U 6TTLES truaaae- catalogue free. Sher man a McCoaaeU Drug Co., lath and ixxige, wmana. Q BICYCLES and phonocraiihs an easv oar enenta H, does. H per - wevkr dhand -t.e- K U aad r: new wheel lla. iAnaka Bitycas Co., lath aad Chirac Sta. e Xsas WIRE feaca for poultry, bog, Uvi an4 jard, hitch poats tree guard. Wire vt oras. tii s. itn ot. i ai. iei , - Q-MSJulyS FOR EALU' scholarship' in an Omaha scorihand school cheap. Inquire E Bee snag. - - 4-Mm FTfft SALE, phenagrssiha, ap-rVr te any a'ner munou irtstrmnent; as up i ne witunan Co, Id Farnam,. -i MB bi.liarj tables repaired: a large atock oi cheat) r' hrrcrea. elaar enumara. ate. , To BniniwvA Ba ke Cullender Ca . e-a . auuiA i'.'.a.. . ... v i FC8, AALEv tn lmportad. barceaA. braa ivu,ieQ uLnimiiM, coal, a baa x - : wwl 1 1 fur La' : cab k t TV v at wiiiisu aaxa, .-uj aae, laaawcrt t i 1 ' : FOR SALE MI STELLA SEOl V FC'R SALE, secon!hs-3 dtfk. chairs snd slnut office courier and railing- Wa bash office. Uli Farnam St. vr Mia W'HITE Mut: CM't cherked oak tim bers chp. bog fence, etc. M Dcmglss REMINGTON tvpewriter. No. It roller top oesk. Inquire U0 Karbarh Flock Wr M444 ll" NEW ai.d Sdhand typewriter, lilt Far- ujn, Q 71 INDIAN goods and relic. Hi Farnam C'LD wheels taken In trade on new onea. Omaha Blcytie Co.. 16ih and Chfcrtrro Su WM!l CLAIRVOYASTS. ATTENTION! ATTENTIONI MRS. DR. EDWARDS of ll.icago. tlw noied medttim, ran he consulted on all affairs of life; satisfaction or na charge. Letters answered. UX South IT in st. s oa u MRS FRTZ, dalrvoyanL 1414 Cass St. s n ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. AMES, vapor baths. 124 N. lSth, r 7. T Mtl J 17 HUE. SMITH, batha, lit N. "B. 2d floor. R i. T-MI3 Jy PERSONAL. DR. ROT, chiropodist, corns and auperfla oua hair removed by electricity. B. IX, Frenser blots- V 7a PRIVATE hospital, before and during con flDemenu baUiea adopted. SJl Grant at. Mr. Gardei. Tel. F-llht U-S77 FLE9CHER wis! fix your bicycle i-lxht HAIRDRESSrNQ. manicuring and clitro pody, for ladle only, ia connecuon ai'A 1 he Bathery, Bee bldg. US7S Rl'PTl'RH permanently cured In 80 to SB nays; send for circular. O. S. Wood. M, D., ia New Tork Life bldg., Omaha. Neo. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17 A Doo-tlas, L" SSI GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co.. 1S22 Doug laa. V S2 CHIROPODT a specialty. In connection with The Bathery, rooms US-no Bee blig. Tel. lTlfc - U aa ELITE PARLORS. CIS S lth at.. M flonr V M560 Jy7 SHAMPOOING and halrdreaslntf. 25c, tn connection with Tbe Bsthery, t-230 Bee building. Tel. 1"1. U SM PRTVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement: babies adopted.' XX Burdens. Mrs. Burgee U Mil Jl V1AVA. woman's way to health. Home treatment. Booklet free- 16 Bee bldg., Omaha. . V & FOUND, best Ice cream soda in city, 6c. Shrader s store, 24th and Seward. U Ma Jl MME. SMITH, baths. Us N. 15. 3d floor, r 1 J It LOWEST PRICES tn accordion and aide Jleatlng. Tbe Goldman Pleating Co., (3 Douglas block. U Aim EMPIRE RUPTURE CURI"S3 N. T. Life bldg., Omaha. Send for circular. V 46 FREE TREATMENTS. To convince the afflicted of the wonderful power of vital magnetism, the Piibbenow Institute, for a limited time, will treat any sufferer I or a times absolutely free. Call at 21&-Z1S Karbach block. S. 1Mb. st 'Phone. B1&64. U M370 Jyl PROF. JOHNSON cures all human dls eaaea E?0 Bee building. Office hours, I a. m. to I p. m. U 74 JtT LOOK. GENTLEMEN-LOOK.4 But you will look a long time before you find an equal for the i STOECKER CIGARS: J Tne lead tn quality and flavor, and are cooi ana rree- i ry one ana you u smoke bo other. . L MdSe It MiadlemlBS, wallpaper cleaner. Tel.. 173. GEORGE: What does ,your hand aay? Page tit June What To Eat- Mollie. U M;7 11 MOSET TO LOAS REAL ESTATE." tH PER CENT on business property. t per cent on reslaenoe property. Options to pay a hole at part any time, ' W. B. ME1KLE, 401 S. 16th st MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co... J & 13th .W 87 WANTED, city loans and warrant, w Farnam Smith A Co.. U20 Farnam st ' w ssa PRIVATE money. Sherwood. SS7 N. T L. w ssa FARM and city loans, low rates. W H. Thomas. 1st Nat. Bank bsdg. Tel. 1UK W KM WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds auu uiiii. jv v . rricri at to., 37U3 Farnam sc. Bee bldg. W SSI LOW RATES. Ptivste money. PATNE INVESTMENT COMPANT. Mala Floor N. T. Ufe Bldg W iZiSl H TO I P. C money. Bemis. Paxton blk. w tea PER CENT loana Garvin Bros., l4 Farnam. W H PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, U34 Douglas W it BOO VP, law rata Pricbard. 171f Farnam. - W M1J0 MOSEY TO LOATt CHATTELS. 10 YEARS la our present location. - Deal with aa olif reUabie firm and eatabliah a credit that will be of us to you In the future. Wl make loans on Furniture, Pianoa, Live eUotk and to Salaried People. Our rate are aa low aa any and much lower than many. Our motion is, "Try to piaaae." If you have dealt ai'.a us and are pleased tall otnara. If you are displeased ttu ua. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. U Board of Trade Bldg.. U So. lath PC Eatabluhod in lsn- Tel. r: . . X taw BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATORS, loo I let your oebis worry you. CALL ON US and we will make you A SALARY LOAN. We loan to honeat employes UPON THEIR PERSONAL NOTE, tl to COO without aeeuiity, endorser or publicity. OFFICE HOURS. I a. m. tot p. m RELIABLE CREDIT CaTANT. Room J8, Paxton Block. Third Floor X-MSJ7 LARGEST RT-STNKffS IV LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team ster, boarding houaea, etc.. aithout e unty; easiest terms; to effice in prtn rinl due. Tolmaa. te Board of Trade Bidg. X-J Chattel and Falare Lcim, PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Baoceeaor t J W. Teyloe. TeL "4a. fita Pax toe Block x-a. a jya MONEY loaned on plain note to ealanaa people: bualneas cocndential; loweat rate. Lt Paxloa block. Tbe J. A. Hutton Co. . X-4 MONET loaned ca furniture. Tree stock, v-aa-ry to salsrleA peose Foley Loan Co.. sue lo Duff reea, I Barker Block. X-SH MONEY loaned oa pkano. f-jmltur jew. elry. horaea, cow, etc C F. Read. I. S U. - X-bA SALART- AND FTRNTTT'R; LOAN8 Do you a act maaey for long or abort terms at ratea rarely equaled by competitor "Its our business to supply It.-" AMERI CAN LOAN CO, Third Floor. Futon Bloc X-4 ELECTRICAL OklKACTOHA. GRAND Xieeulp Ctv. 1 aV Trrksfra TaL M rsisEfs tntttri. TO GET In or out cf burtnea ca'l on WU hama. Room tiL McCague Buid!ng T-4 FOR SALE, a new electric llghtir.g plant and a modem fc-bbl. roller mill, steam power. In a gd count y seat cf 1 .'. esatern Nebraaaav A4draa C Sx. fee. t'tnaha T-MM li Enterprising Aan with few) 'rati, acquire controlling Inter est tn a rapMl.'y Increasing and profitable laerlumaia ntuuliciunni buaiaeas, ia- vestiaate thi proposluan. J. H. John- dn. r. T. L. Y MU FOR SALE, good, oloar. up-to-date Slock of Jewelry, crockery, musical Instruments, sewitig machines, notions, etc., about Bt.fci. also good -brick building, txliKs with lot t&xinv. stock located ia good county seal town, nortbwetem Laa; iock exceptionally clean, rannlng and doing good buainca. Fine ept aina. A4 dreaa 1. M. CaaaJy. feioux city. la. Y K& Jlf WHEN you want to buy. sell cr exchange your bualnes cr property qukk, s-e J. H. Johnson, 4l N. Y. Life. T M17J DESK ROOM, roll-top dek and 'pbone service. J. H. Johnson, 43 N. Y. Life. Y MO FOR SALE, asphalt plant, lith and Grace streets. Omaha. Arplr to the Standard Paving Co.. Chic Y-M&a Je FOR SALE, furniture af a K-room bouse fill of god paying- boarder. 1 block from Harney. Iodge and Farnam cars, t blocks from 16th. cash offer only con sidered A good thlr.g for the right per son. Hoaje rent reasonable. Adree C I. Bee X M0 TO buy, sell or exchange a ha sines Call on C. J. Can an, R. a. Ial7 Farnam st. Y-MS60 BAKERT and confectionery business wanted la city of 2( to lft.w: must be paj-ir.g proposition and a barraln Ad dress C X. Bee. Y-MS FOR SALE, drug store tn town of SCW In western Iowa: Invoice, about C.7"i; ex cellent business; full investigation In vited. Address C tfl. Bee. Y T5 IT When You. Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or twe of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad Is The Bee. FUR EICUAXGK. WILL sxcbaraa good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 41 Baa. Z-MQw FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SOUSES, lor, farms, ranches, loans: also lira insurance. Bemis, Paxton block RE tia LANDS In tbe Mouse River valley are of the beat In- North lkot ; good soil, splendid climate and good water; surface level, with occasionally amall atrip cf rolling prairie, not hilly; well atered WUh running amal , stream and dotted with littler iakea; land ia increasing in value at a rapid rate. Homesekera and Investors will do well to look this coun try over before settling elsewhere. Par ties desiring information may write us or " call and we will take pleaeare In answer ing all communications, also showing our landa W have listed bath deeded lands and relrnquishmerat for sale at reason able psicea Land eeekers will do well to notify us when to expect them, so we can be prepared to ahow lands. Tours for Business, HUMPHRET A SLAUGHTER, Norwich, N. D. RE a Ja RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific P.allroad company. B. A. McAUester, land commissioner, Lnlon Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RX SOS HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room Sai. Bee building. RE fli BUT best honsa paints, varnishes, etc: quality highest, prices lowest.' National OU ami Paint company, lias Jones Sc RE-raSS JeZz EEE PATNE. BOSTW1CK CO. for choice i bargains. oi-a N. T. Llf Bids. Tel. TDii. rts ni THE OMAHA REALTT CO.. 1OT Douglss SC, u petal w; small houses for sale; cheap building lots. Call for catalogue and price list Private money te loan on easy terms. RE 611 IF TOU want one of the nicest "-room home tn Hanscom Place I a-ill give you a bargain. Owner left city. Must sell. J. H. Sherwood. W7 N. T. L. Bldg. RE Mia GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rental. Insurance. Brown block. RE . WILLIAMSON fSr' m Farnam street. BE SIS A MONTHLT payment barraln In S-room house. G. M. N stringer. 'Phone eSX RE MS3t WHY I UVE IN KOUNTZE PLACE 2 C. F. WELLER'S REASON. OMAHA, May t. 1K4. George H. Payne, President, Payne. Investment Company, N. Y. L. Bldg., City. Dear Sir In reply to your inquiry I beg to say that I have lived in Kountze Place for 14 years, and prefer it to any other por tion of the city. It is healthy, easy of ac cess and far enough away from South Omaha to be perfectly comfortable and pleasant. - Yours truly, C F. WELLER. If you live on the south side of the city you- will appreciate Mr. WKer s last reason for preferring Kouetxe Place. If you buy a lot la that addition now. yoj will be as well pleased aa Mr. Waller. Fma lota an paved street for aKi ta i, others as low as S. and big boule vard corners st Sl. Call and SEE OUR PLAT. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Mala floor N. T. L. Bldg. TeL 1?H. RE MU7I IX When You Write to Advertisers remember It only take an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In Tbe Bee. MA51FACTCR1SG. T. MELCHIOR. irth and Harney, ma chinist. MIL OMAHA Bcfe and Iron W'ka make a spe cialty of fir escape, shutter, doors and safes- O. Ajkdreea. Prop., lis S. loth Bu nm IHOSTHAID ASD TTPEWRITISG. A. C. VAN SA'T S scbooL 717 N. T. Llf. BOTLE8 oolleg. court reporter principal. N. T. Lile. 4! NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd s Theater. FLO BM ITS. L. HENDERSON. XalS Farnam. TeL U&J. Send for price list, cut flowers and planta. MkJa STORAGE. PACIFIC Blortge and Wa rehouse Co.. KS ' alt Josh, general storag and forwarding --ttlfa DM- Van Stor. Co..' ICll'a rarn. Tel. lV3-i. --T CARPEKTEVS AID JOISEBS. ALL kind af carpenter work and repairing P1VVU7, aiianwan ia. . i. . vciuitrea, lu.' . ...4 T'.. a I .... . . PAWSBStOblERS. CAOLS Loan- OSSoa reliable, aeoaensaodat- itiSi ail bunnaa oof fl iei.tlsl 1A1 DousUa MtDICAL, DR. TRIER, th acknowledged leadlnt specialist In d!eaa of women In Omb. would cail th attention of SitTeting ladles to his Dnsitrpai-aed acerTnmo()tler.s before and during confinemant and his tretmrt for Irregu-iritiea, no mstter wht cause. Call or adireas. w1h stamp. It I-ries, Arlington Block, loll Dortge. Omaha. a. When You Write to Advertisers remetrber It oniy take an extra stroke or two of the pen to meStlrsn the fact that you saw the ad in Tne Bee. LOST. LOST, Isdler pura. on Shermsn avenue car or on lth and Leavenworth streets, cortalned change, clippings, etc Return to Bee office and receive reward. Lost FT li LOST, a pair of eyeglasses on Famam at. Finder pleaae leave ssme at Meaeth Sta tionery Co., and obtain re-rd.- Lost MoU 11 LAW AD COLLKCTlLlAS. Stlllmn A Price, att is, law, collecUons. A. P. Llllls. notary. J U. &. NC TeL ITi. 7t ill, NEERASKA Collection company (Incor porated i. t New York Life bldg. 'Phone, t21 lamtrt suits prosecuted. Th col lection of claims large or smaiL mad anywhere In the United States or foreign countries by bonded attorneys. No col lection, no charge. Bank reference fur rished on afpacailon. aim jy BICYCLES. CLEARING SALE THIS WEEK. Will sell less than cost: Andrae, l". reduced to t-f 00 Dayton, tait, reduced to t Rueby. Ui. reduced to U SO New bicycle. LS. reduced to li ua LOUIS FLETCHER, itiU CAPITOL AVE. -MMl 14 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans ceas pools and vault, remove garbegv ard dead animals at reduced price. &a N. 14. TeL irr. ei AUTOMCBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Deright s Ills Firmffi treet. 'JKS LAW." MOWERS.' Sharpened, repaired. L L W ks , Howard jai FIR DRESSIKG. O. B. GILBERT CO., tanners. 14.4 So. ll'h. Ml PLVMBISG. D. W. DUDGEON. 310 Farnam. TeL 1WS. M21i J4- - When You Write to Advertisers remember it only take an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tbe fact that you saw the ad In Tbe Bee. A5SOI KCEMEXTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANT. Tele phone lliau. aU South Thirteenth street . MiCS LArXDRI. OMAHA Steam Laundry; rhirts. Sc; collars, ic; cuSa, ac. 17U Leavenworth. TeL 647. BEST laundry. The Chicago, "phone jnt. MS PI A! OS. $250 "WALTER" price $250 NO MORE NO LE8S. Ask Fred R. Walter for term. till California 6u Catalogue on request M579 14 KICKEL PLATIG. OMAHA Plating Co.. Bos Bldg. TeL &. av-tZ ACCORDIO. PLEATIXG. REDUCED price tn pleating!, niching, tucking and appllquelcg. For full in formauon Inquire Ideal Pleating Co., lilO Howard Ut- . 898 Jyt JUS It. ALPIRN buys all kinds of scrap iron and metaia. Sil Dougiaa St. TeL U1L U MTSICAL. C. B. SHAW'S new studio open aU summer. ISO J17 OSTEOPATHY. G1D E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. Sulla fit, N. Y. Life Bidg. TeL 1M4. -14 CR. A. T. HUNT, til McCag-u Bldg. TaL 23&L -817 DR. MRS. MUSICK. Douglas Blk. TL I82L BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co., 811 North rtn. Has FVRXITIRE REPAIRIXQ. FIRST-CLASS work. Z301 Farnam. TeL 14X1. S"? Jer STEAM DVB WORtCS. THE CANADIAN, suits cloaked, pressed. (LilO. Ladle' air la. aoc kit N. )6th Sc 7 jao ITAHHERIIQ AID STUTTER I Sta. CURED. Julia Vajgha, tab Ramg Bldg. -out When You Write ; to Advertisers remember it only takes aa extra stroke er two of tbe pea to mention the (act that yaa saw the ad la Th Baa, POSTOFFICE KOT1CBL (Should b read DAILY by aU Interested, as cnarige may occur at any Umaj Foreign malls for tbe week ending June 14. 1KU2, will cioae (PROMPTLY In all cases at the general poatoffioe aa folio; par cel poat mails close on hour earlier than closing time abown below. Regular and supplementary mail close at forcgn stauoa half hour later than closing tin shoan below except that auppieroent ary maiia for Europe and Central America, via Coi an. cioae one hour later at foralga lauonj. Traaaatlaatta Mail. WEDNESDAY-At (JO a. m. for EUROPJC, r-r a. . St. Louis, via Southampton; at ls a m. (supplementary ltt a. m l for EUROPE, per a s. Germanic, via f"een. town; at lb a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per a a Frit-. and (mail must b directed "per a. s Frieaiand". THURSDAY At J a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. JTALY. SPAIN. PORT UGAU TURKEY. EGYPT, GREECE, BK1T1SH INDIA and LORENZO MAR Vl'EZ. per a A La Lorraine, via Havre tmail for other parte cf Europe snuet be directed "per a. a. La Lorraln "). SATU RDAY At f :tb a. m. lor NETHER LANDS direct, per a a Rotterdam (mall inut be directed "per a. a. Rotterdam r, at k.Su a m. supplementary. Ui a. m i for EUROPE, per a a Etruria, v.e Cuoene toan: ai i. a. m. for 1TALT dlreco per s . Citta dl Genoa (mail must du-acwd "per Cm dl Gtaoa '; at a m.-vr ITALY dTect. per a . Lahn (mail bum be directed "per a. a. Lahn' A i a a en. for SCOTLAND direct, per a a. Ethiopia (mail must be tttcld "par a a. Ettu epia". . , PRINTED MATTER, rTC.-TtiU ataaAdl PosTorrrcH sotice. taJkes Printed Matter. Cora martial papers and Ramp.ea for iermny onlv. 1 be sarr Cos ef in a It snatter for finer parts f Fwrope wi.j not ba r! bf this sbls tin lews specialty directed by 11 After tbe erosma ft toe suppmentsry traTnaiiarilc rrail named tbcre. aill tlonal auppiertirms.-T- malts r opened ea th piers of rb Am--w,n. Engllal, Frenck and Ocrman steamrra. and re main open vntllt within ten minutes of tha hour ct saiilng cf steamer. Malta far aaatb aad Ceatral Aaaev lea. Weet la ale. Etc. THURSDAY At a. m for CUBA. TUC. TAN. C A M PECHE. TABASCV1 ar1 CHI APAS.' per s s Esoeranxa mail for oe Jrt of Mexico must be directed ' per . a . Ef perajix '1; at K:" p. m isuppie-tner-tary 1 p. m. for TURKS ISLAND rd IMMIMCAX REPUBLIC. rr a s. Stntfiole. at J p. m. for JAMAICA, per s i. Admiral V0ey. from B-'on; at 11 .r ta Ir Jk'EM TOCNPUXD, per s. a S;nan. from Philsde r hla. FRIDAt-At li nj. for MEXICO, per a s Santiago. ia Tsmplco imall must be dl racTefl "rr a a. Santiago"). S AT I' ED AT At a n, for BRAZIL. I-er a s racusa, via Msceio. Rio Js neirc ' ana Santos msll for Northern Brstil. Arreatiue.lUruguay and Paraguay must be oireoted "jrr a. s. Syracuse " i . st a. m iurplmf ntarv IA a. m for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENE ZUELA, per . s. Phlideiphia imall for Svniila and Cartaaeca mull If directed "per s s.. Phiiadeiphia '); at a m. atrrlemertary id.- a m. for FOR TUNE lr-LANP. JAMAICA. S WANILIA anJ CAHTAGEX.A. per s a Altai imail for Coat P.ioa must Ve directed "per s. Altali; st t a m. tsuppitmentary K SO a. m l for HAITI Snd SANTA MART A. per s. s Adirondack: at 10 a m. for CUBA.' per s s Mexico, v!s Hirim; at 10 a m for GRENADA TRINIDAD snd CIUDD BOIJVAR. r-er a a. Msravai; at lZ.ff p. m. fcr CUBA, i-er s. Curitba. vta Mstar.ans (ordinary mafl only, ahlch must be directed ' TT s. a. Cuntyba '). Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at p. ra tconnecl Ing close her every' Monday, Wednes day and Saturday. Mails for Miquelon. by rail to Boston and thence by steamer, ciose at this 0110 Sally ai t.A p. m. Mali for Cuba- by rail lo Florida, and thence py steamers, are dispatched daliy, exrert Thursday, final Connecting doe, tor dlptch via Port Tampa, on Mon day. V Kites lay and Saturday at t.Sfc a. m; lor dispatch via Miami, on Mon days and Saturdyfe at t p. ra. Malls for Mexico Ci.j, overland, unless spe cially audresaed for dispalch by (learner, close at thi office dally except Sunday at p. m. and 11.9 p. m.. Sundays at I t p. rr and 11 M a. an. Malls for Costa Rica, beiiae, - Puerto Cones and Guate mala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this office daily ex cept Bunoay at l:ih p. xa.. Sundays at l:i p. m. (connecting close here Mon days for Bellas. Puerto Cortex end Guate mala, and Tuesdays for Cota Kioai. Registered-mail ioe at t.uu p. m. pre vious day. TraasparlAe Mall. Mails for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria, B.'C, close bere daily at :! p. m. up to June lu, inclusive, for dis patch per a a. Empress of Japan (regis, lered mail mut t-e specially addressed. Merchandise for fhs U. 6. Postal Agency at St.acfLai cannot' ba loraardea via C'ahd.- Malls for the Pl!l!pplne Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at t p. m. up to June "li. --ciusive, for dispatch per V. S. Transport. Mall -for Chins 'and Japan, via Seattle, close bare daily at :36 p. m. up to dune U. inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Tosa Maru. -(Registered mail mute be directed "via Seattle J. Mails for China and Japan, via Tacoma. tlose here dally at :Su p. m. up to June "lJ. Inclusive, for dispatch per a s. Duke of Fife. Malls tor Hawaii, via San Frsnclsco, dose here oaTif at t.ttt p. ra. up to June !&, tiwlusive, for iirpsrCJr per s. s. Alameda. Mails fftr Chtr.a, Japan cn4 Philippine isl ands (also specially addreascd mall for Hawaii i, via San Txanclaco, close bere dally at tM : m. up to June 1. In clusive, for dispatch per s. s. Gaelic Malls tor Australia (except West Aus tralia, which goes via Enron, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and Fiji Islands, via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C, close bere dally at ( M p. ta. after June 7 apd up to June U, In clusive, for dispatch per a. s. Aorangl. Malls tor Hawaii, Japan. China and Phil lppln Islands, via San Francisco, cioaa bere daiiy at C:SC) p. m. up to June inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Hong Kong Mara.' - Mall for Australia (except West Auatralla, which is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand. FIJI. Samoa and Hea-alL via San Francisco, close here oaliy at t !a p. m. after Jane Z1 and up to June ''Jk, inclusive, or on arrival of a. a Lucania. due at New Tork Jane "M, for dispatch per a a. Sonoma. , Mail for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at t.Stl p. ra. up to July 10, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Australia. Transpacific; ma lla are forwarded to port of sailing datly and tbe schedule of clos ing l arranged on the presumption of their unlnterrjpted overland tranalL Registered mall closes at f Ml p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce. New Tork, N. T., June t, 1C. OVER' MEAT KOtlCES. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE store. Office of Commlsary U. 8. Army, Army building. Omaha Neb., June 10, lkri. Sealed proposals In triplicate for fur nishing bacon. Uwue, dry salt curt In 1 lb. Yiet can ' and hams, dry ssll cure, in tierces, wiu pa received at tbls omce nd at the oftN of the Purrhaalng Cnmmis ary at Kanaa City, Mo., and at the of fice of the Purchasing Commissary at Chicago. ULv-nniU Saturday. 11 o clock a. m , June 21, at whh b time and places they will be- publicly opened. Articles of domestic production or manufacture will be preferred to those of foreign origin, cost and duality being equal. Specifica tions aa to quantities, datea and place of delivery, black, proposals and further Information furnished oa application to eiiAer office Envelope containing pro poaal ahould be endorsed "Proposals for Bubsistenoe Store, to be opened Saturday, June XL 14. " and addreasad to William R. Grove. Captain, Commlaaary, Purchasing Cotaaiiasary, .Omaha, Neb. . t D B-u-U-ia-lt-U M ST. PAUL. Minn.. Jane 7. Ifi SEALED PROPOSALS, to tdplloate. will be received here, or -st fallowing yarned poets. un'.U 11 a. m , .July L. JSut. tor furnlahing such CORN. OATS. BRAS. HAT and STRAW, a may .be required .dvrrtng the fiscal year commeaclr.g July L at SL Paul and Fort Sneiling. Minn.; Fort Tatea, N. D. Camp Mernt and Farts Aasinnlbolne, Har rison. aogh aiid Xfiasoula. Mont ; Fort Teilowstone, ). and Fort Meade, S. D. Instructions furnished on application here, or to cruartermasters at the posts named. V. &. r-rea right to accept or reject any or an proposal or .Any iart inereoi E. PO T-i-ltf-lUyA-iM IAJLWAT TIME CAsLD. IhlOH - STArTAOK 101 M AKD kxAStCg. Chlesga' A Aartbarcaterau "Tika Kortbwaaura Line." r , Laavc. Arriva Fast Chicaga a k .tu am a 7 : am Mail ,..,,A):l4pm tl:Jim Local Sioux C!ty......a t. am a A pm lyllaij SfeJaul-.n... T.lo am al() ' pm Dayl.gna Chlcaos... jt. 1:4 am all Ai pm Local .rcaK . , ....14) iA am a A pm Local Cayrw ....a 4 IA pm aio.u am Fast CLkmO' 'A 4-ne pm a t:u pm Limited Chicago a 7:4 pm a S al am Fast Sc Pa-ui :.... 7 Jm pm a kiao am paat Mhii.,. ....... atupm. CivAeaca, Rack. Iiiul Bad raclSc EAST. . '' Leave. Arrtva, Chicago Daylight Lira Ited ........a era a i ll am Chicag Tayr1ght.. -a 1:M am li lipa Chicago Ex.rcaa.....,.bll:U aa a Sd pm De Moln Local ...... e iM pm bll:M am Chicago Fast Ex brraa A t.ia pxa I 1 J pta : . WEST- Rocky Mountain Ltax- Hed- IM am a IB arm Lincoln, Colo. Dru-ga lenver. Pueblo and Km ol:aflpm al.-tapm Oaio., -'Txaa. Cal. -k Oklahoma' Ilyer .....a lit pm aU:40 pa Mskiik, -St Louis "Cannon BalT Expreas , a :li pea a t:SB am St . Lf ota Local Caaacil Biuff , alfi:fam alttJipm Chicaga, MllasaaVee A St. PaaL Chicago Limited a S:K) pm a S OS am Chicago A AVimana, F.,a.- loi am k a.s pat lalwa I'aeiSs. - Laava. Arrtva Overland' Lualaed.., ;,.a am af .Maa raa I Mail. ...a t kt am a a t pm Caforaia Expraas-.. v-a 4- pm Paet&e Expreaa aii .km pa - Eaatara Express a 4 S pa Atlantic Expreas a Tia am Llncola-6iromMurg Ex 0 4 pax bij .b) pm Grand Utand Local ....b t:af pm b M am kisMMH-l'seiae,, t.'Lawiia Bsra......aia.oa am a I S pax ai. C A Su L, txpreaca! sal sMta FATE OF "AMHDIEE JOHN Frpitw of ths Effiperor of Acrta Ln st cW. , Probablj 0THt STILL BELIEVES HE IS AUVI Hi Beaatifal W ife, W be Was aa Artrroa, Aet Aseard tbe Shlss bat Her Fate ta Ate m Mystery. NEW TORK. Jus lft. According ta tha Herald. C P. Wycagel tf Wathlnren, s perlnte Ddent of a dredgtag- con: pan y. with oVcwa ia thi city, has. In bis possettloa a letter votes, would appear te prave almost, beyona doubt that Arcbdak John, nephew of tbe emperor of Austria, who mys teriously disappeared In laW. whu oo a voyage in Sonth Alnarlcaa waters, lost bis lite at sea. Far twelve years stories tbst th art h duke was still alive have come from various parts ct tbe world. Ia 1877 aa trrecoa c liable quarrel oorcrred between tbe em peror and his nephew, who was Imperial archduke ot Austria, royal prince at Hun gary and grxad docal prince of Tuscany. The duke aas deprived of all bis offices. Hi rank aa a soldier was taken from him, bis nam aas stricken from tb army list and he was forbidden to appear at court this despite tbe tact that bo oss more than hi Imperial uncle admired his talents and force of character. - It was at this time la Vienna aa met a singer whose beauty was attracting act a -Uan throughout Europe,. After continued success abroad she cam to this country and made ber debut at ths Thalia the tar. la tbe Boaery, tbea th home af comic, opera. Soon afterward sbs married the duke la London. Salle far Saath Asaerlra. Efforts ot friends to act tie the quarrel at court vera futil and tbe archduke,-as-Burning tbe name of Johana Orta, bought a vessel la Ecglanl, assumed command, and, wltb hi wife, sailed tor South - America.. Tbe ship aas reported at Ensenaia, sear. Buenos Ayres, and never has bean beard from since. Nevertheles. recurrent re ports that Johana Orth still live have, tt Is said, buoyed up the aged arebducbeas tn a Tuscan castle, and abe never baa be lieved her soa to be deal. Superintendent 'W'ychget says, that while he was. In 180. euperin ten dent of a dredg ing company at Et sett 4 a. Archduke John bailed into port and purchased hi ballast for a trip to Valpsralso, Cbtte. They had a slight dispute over Tbe weight, and the archduke said tbe ballast was to come aat at Valparslro, where it should be weighed and a diaft sent for th difference la price, if there was one. He gave Wychgel a tatrer of racomaora dation, which he still keeps. Th ship sailed a few dsy later and was never elected afterward. Wyzhgel says tbe arca- duke's wife was sot aboard tbe ship, bow ever, and that she returned ts Buenos Ayres after It Balled. 'No word haa rear been received from her, bewever, and (be also bat been generally believed to bare . lost her Hfe oa the sea. DIVIDING THE STONE RANSOM Baadit Bald Caagrreaa ta Pareal Oat Proceed af Kld aaplag. S ALON1CA. KousMlm, Jua 10. Ths Strouma, a newspaper published -at Kos tendU, Bulgaria, aay it haa aracspirad that, a secret congress of delegate from Ko tendlt. Dubnitxa and elsewhere met la Sofia at th end of March and arranged for th disposition cf tha-money received as ransom tor Miss Ellen M. Stone, the American . missionary, and ber companion, line. Tsilka. KarapeoS, alia TchnerpeeS, the leader of tt brigands which raptured the missionaries, was among to deleriter who decided to tend bands Into Macedonia oa a secret mission. lafrlaseaseat Salt DlsaaUaed. TRENTON. N. J.. June K The patent Infringement suit of the Rodger Ballast Car company against tbe Pressed Steel Cai company a a discontinued in th United States circuit court todsy. The suit was brought because of an alleged infringement of a dumping device. Counsel for the Rodger company wanted the Suit dlsmlaaed a-rtbout prejudice, but thi was opposed by counsel for tbe Pressed Steel Car company,, who insisted that there bad ba no la frtnrement, that they were still maoufao- i turlng and intended to continue maautac turlng tha device that was alleged to ba aa infringement. Counsel for the RodF-ar company had staled that tbe reL;,B ""f ur discontinuing the suit waa that th. preaaed Steel Car company had oea; the manu facturing. Judg Kirkpatri'j. tn allowing the discontinuance would not allow the eult to be discontinued without preju dice. This and all litigation On tha subject. ) AIL WAY TIME CARD Cowttaar A. Illlaala CeatraL - Chicago Expreas aid as aSOtpss Chicago, Minneapolis AV . EC Paul Limited a 7 lis pm a S4t am Minneapolis A St. Paul Kxpraaa -.b 1JQ am b!0:M pas Cbicaa-o Exj rea ... pm WEBSTER. DEPOT 1STH a WESITKS Premaat, Klkbara at Mlaaaart T alley. ' Laava Arrtva, Black 1111. Deavdwood, . Hot Springs .a S; pm a ;0 pm Wyoming, Caspar aad Dougiaa .d at pna 4S pas Haui.g. Yora. David cuy, ouptrior. Geneva, Exeter aad Seward fe mu pm b (.- pm NorloJc LlrmoAB aad Fremocit b 7 9 am. blOJI aa Fremont Local J M am Mlaaaart Paelaa. Nebraska Local. Yla W eepic Waxar ..b:pm al Ji am IkMagSt su PaaL Miaaeapelia uasaa. ... - Twin City Panger....a t j aa a t:t an cUoux ciiy Paaaatget-.kA J.a pax all aia AiumB 1M ifJU b S.a am BCaVUSisTOX SlAflOB AOTH at SfAJMia Cbteasa, RwrllaaTtaa at aAacy. . Leave. Arrtva. -Chicago Special .. ..... A ; am a t pm Chicago asooulad Ex a .v pax. a 5 ant Chicago Local ....a k A aoa aiAaw pa Cbiaago LI nvlod a te goa -a 7 iti am baal atait. ai.tsjaa Barltagtaa at Mlaaaart BUvaa. Wymore, : lieatrtoe aad Linoola a I S aas bll M am Naoraaka Express.... -.a .u am .7.k pn Oenvtr Ltnwwd ..... .a t- pas a . ta AjM.a him and Pugm aeuod Lxpres aUlt xm a IM pm Coioraao taubuiad . . Flyer v a a.-( nnt Liaooln Faat Mail b t:00 pra SAT am rt crook ana Piatta- nauib b a tt pa bll -( am Bail vim A Pacific Jet.. T en pax a A-av ai Auvu A FaciAe JoA.a g.l am Waaaa City, St. Jaaepa A Oawaeil .htlaAa. - a KAcaaa City Day Ex a a. SO aas a A pm C Laul 1r a 1:1 pm an a-aaaaa City Night Ex )). pax a A li am a Dally." b Dally except Sunday. Sun day eny. 4 Daily axtael at'.ura. Daily , I TEAM SHIPS. ajscaoa Ltva o- a situ, ira""! r v.'XaT LJs i. Nicax r a anAsaow eXCW I0AA. aAAaXSaA A M4J-1A eii i tm ih MaOart at us r snu m dim aaaa sit wimw Tars mmmt. gi-iav, Anak, a4 u Priaeiaal f isia sail is at animiaiys eia far t-ia w sr smaJ laianaauaa a r t kUtsrufcaboa SAo I knasa. s M AAsbAtX. i. SissIIm Oaiataa, Bwsr