Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Important Factors in
the 7 ewinj of
Choicest Materials.
Absolute Cleanliness,
Maturing and
Sterilltinf Process,
Skilled Brewmasters.
i w.
Every 'brew li mil
tor tn 1 r uceeful.
There era different
brands all are rail
(Non-Intoxicant) Tonic Druggists
br direct.
Mia nuaua at, m. im.
- f -.
- v r .
St Paul
and Return
June tat to 14th. Return, Ootober
Fishing ta beat' during June In the
Particular! at City Ticket Offloes,
1402 Farnam St.
for anybody!
of same valve as tags from
'star: 'horse SHor&
'spearhead: standard navy:
-"0 QMfOUriOf
la tak.-n for the cure of Kidney, Stomach.
IJver and Female IHneuei, Klittumatlam.
Malaria, Palpitation cf Ihe Heart, Head
ache. Tain In the aid, flour, Sick or Bluat.
fd Stomach. Nls'ht Sweats. Sieeplessne,
Disslness. etc. Su day' treatment 26 eta.
All UriiKlal ,
the treat tnnlo laxative. It la the anl, v
remedy that doe It work gently au4 palu. '
lely and at the earn tltu act aa a
general tows. - It nxer falls to relief
eoMtl nation neouintlr. hut at the aama
tiuie It contains valuable to tile properties
which help you Instead ef burling you. It
treugtbeu at) Vb argua aud ytulHae aa
Drjcne tne Bimva.
All 4rui.ii, a; en as casts, e. free Here el TV
LA.XAk.uUk Coapeil), 131 Kuui hi., tin Vera
Dirylpur stoetcaa keaaacka, liver as)
WAUIACnL klu iTl t..,& fc UuM
Fwr aaia by tshereuan ft McConuclt Prui Cev
mm - ' 4
x jt- n .am i
' M- iff
m-iA it i .
t mm.
Pall Out . Game bj Bunoning Hit in
the lintb Inaing.
Tieeelr Hltl Cll wilt Brace
f Mlepeiaa Itm the Oaaahai Teataa
'Aaotker Game aa Right
DE8 MOINES, June 10. (Special Tele'
gram.) With apparently no hope of win
ning the game, the Rangra took a mighty
brace and got three runa In the ninth,
t'p till the ninth the game waa a repetition
of yeaterday'a, the score being S ta 0.
Owene pitched a magnificent game. Ha al
lowed but three hit. He waa, bowerer,
rather wild and four men walked. .Three
of them went down to second when the
Midgets secured their two runa. Pes
Motnea lost by the frightful work of
O'Leary at ehort. tn the ninth Inning he
made three errors, all of them costly. His
error were mostly on wild throwing.
In the second Des Moines got two.
Stearns flew out ta Hlckey, Warner and
Backof both walked. Ryan singled, aoortng
Warner. Hanaon hit a long fly to Oenlns
and Backof tint In. Clark ended the
thing with a fly ta Carter.
In the ninth Stewart alngled, Hlckey
tanned. Burg singled and went to second
on a passed ball, that alao put Stewart on
third. Oondlng came with a timely double
and scored both men. Owena hit O'Leary,
who fumbled the ball, letting Oondlng to
third. Carter hit to ehort and O'Leary
threw wild letting Oondlng come home.
Oenlns soaked a liner to short and O'Leary
made ft fin catch, but threw the ball away
wild, trying to make a double play. It
uad no disastrous effect, however, as the
best Thomas could do waa an easy one to
Ryan, who threw him out at first. Qulnn
has signed Burg. He will don the Dee
Moines uniform as soon aa Dolan can get
nera from Omaha. Attendance, 600. Boor a:
AB. R. H.
O. A. E.
10 0
10 0
4 4 0
r j
0 S o
K U 1
O. A. K.
t I ,
1 I 0
0 0
0 0 0
0 t 0
4 0 1
t 4 0
27 II 1
0 0 0 I I
0 0 0 0-1
carter, it a
Oenlns, cf ... t
Thomas, lb t
Stone, If I
Btewart, 2b 4
Hlckey, lb 4
Burs, aa 4
Oondlng, c 4
0 1
0 0
0 2
0 0
Owen, p 4
Clark. Cf
O'Leary. st.
quinn, ....
etearna, lb 4 0 0 0 0
Warner, rf 3 10)00
Backof, If i 1 0 0 0 0
Ryan, lb
Hanaon, C I
Hotter, p 1
Omaha ...
Double play: O'Leary to Qulnn to Stearns,
viii iy onanw. run u II Dans; UTl
Owen, 4. Hit by pitched ball: Bv HotTer,
1. Struck out: By Hoffer, 4; by "Owen, 1
Paused ball: Hanaon. Time: 1:47. l'mnin
Deartt Beats 0 arias;.
DENVER. June 10. Both pitchers were
hit hard today, but tha fleldlna- on iwth
sides was almost perfect. Dundon for the
home team mads two noma runa. Attorn.
anOe, l.tOO. Soora:
Denver 1 1 t 0 1 0 1 1 07 It 6
Colo. Springs. ...0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 il 1
natty lea: penver, MoCloekey and Mc
ConnelL; Colorado Springs, Jones and
St. Joe BaaUa Kaaia City.
ST. JOSEPH. June 10Hr Tnunh
today In taat, snappy game from Kama
City by Robinson's error In the eighth
iiiuine, which enouia navs cut on; a runner
at the plate. Attendance, 1,000. Score
St. Joseph 00000011 3 j i
Kanaaa City... 10000000 01 I I
Batteries : St. Joseph, Miupm and Roth:
Kama City, Welmer and Messltt.
Brewers Defeat Distiller.
UTT m A TTVlTff T.. -a n . . .
pitched good ball thl afternoon, allowing
Peoria only six widely scattered hlta. Tha
weather waa too cold for good playing and
kept tha attendance down to 200. Score:
Milwaukee ItlOIOOO 474
Peoria 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 1 1 1
BBiwnw; jniiwauxee. Bwormsteat and
Fox; Peoria, Cos and Wilson.
fltajkdlc of tha Teaaaa.
, Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
Ksnsas City U 33 11 .744
Omaha 42 27 15 .41
Denver 41 24 IS .6S5
St. Joseph it 23 21 .612
Milwaukee 8 1 22 .427
Colorado Springs .... 41 14 26 .290
Dee Molnee 41 14 21 .217
Peoria 22 II 27 .802
Oames today: Omaha at Dee Moines,
Kansae City at St. Joseph, Peoria at Mil
waukee, Colorado Springs at Denver.
Wu To Fast for Raadalph.
WAUSA, Neb., June 10. (Special Tele-
?ram.) Wau won the game here today
rom Randolph by a score of T to t. The
feature of the game waa Cheatwood's bat
ting snd splsndld work on third. Score by
Wauea I 0 0 0 4 0 0 V 7 I 3
Randolph , 10000100 0-1 2 2
Batteries: Wausa. Forsberg and Dreyer;
Randolph, Klnael and See. Struck out: By
Forsberg, 4; by Kinssl, 6, Umpire: Nett
of Plalnvlsw.
Evaa the Pirate fhaaaplaas Pall ta
Brk Brldegraesas Wla.
MlasT Itraevk.
BROOKLTN, June 10. Brooklyn took the
first game of the series from PltUburg
today. Umpire O Day put Dolan out of th
fame for protesting. Ward waa substl
uted. Attendance. 4.600. Score t
H.o.ii i n H.o.A.a
Polen, ef.... (ill Devlt, rt....
Ward, ct it iClerke, It.... I I M I
Kecler, rf.. ! Beeumont. till 1 M
II. 1
W a (iter.
I 1 I I I
Ik 1
1 14
4 Braoal la,
ik i e li i
rhln. ee... 1 1 1
llRltcber. Ik., t 1
I Leach, lb..., t 2 I
iSmlth. c...., I 1 T I t
elOohenr, ... I 1 1 t
i'Ceerer t t t t
flood, lb.... tit
lrwtn. lb..
1 t I
e i t
e i t,
TeUI ... I fl 1 Total ... t fit 11 I
Conroy batted for Doheny In the ninth.
Dehlen. out for Dolan'a Interference.
Wagner out tor Interference.
Brooklyn 0 2 2 9 0 0 0 0 -
PltUburg 0 0 1 0 i 1 0 1 0-4
Earned run: Brooklyn. Flrt bass on
error: Brooklyn.. 2 ; PltUburg. t Left on
baaea: Brooklyn 4: Pittsburg, 4, Two
baae hit: Clarke,-. Stolen bases: Clarke,
Dahlen tt), lrwtn. Double play:' Flood to
Dahlen to Irwin. Sacrifice hit; Davl
Flrt baae on ball: Otf Doheny, 2 Hit by
pitched ball: by Doheny, 1; by Hughes, i.
Hair - Vain?
Why not? A little vanity
Is 'a good thing. Perhaps
you can't be halr-valn, your
hair Is so thin, so short, so
gray. Then use Aycr's Hair
Vigor. It stops falling of
the hair, makes the hair
grow, and always "restores
color to gray hair.
" I bare used Ayer'g Hair Vlfor for
er 40 ream. I am now la my eist
Tear and hae an abundance of soft
brown hair, which. I ttributa to the use
el your preparation." Mrs. Mary A.
Keith. Belleville, 111.
tl.M. AUsVsuUla. I C AYH t. lrsh,
trcj oirtj By Husrhe. : ty TNnheny, T.
Wild pitch: Doheny. Time: 1:60. Um
pire! ODey.
Carellaal Wla frasa Olants.'
XJTW TORK, June 10 St. Louis defeated
New Tork In the first game of the series
on the Polo grounds t.xlay, th score being
t to 1 Poor baaa running and twa errors
by the home team were responsible for tbe
defeat.' Attendance, 1,100. Score:
t. Lorta. ( New tork.
Terrell. IV. t t 0lBn4le, ct... lilt
reoTan. rf. 1 1 1 1 nan. ea e ft 1 a e
mwn. ei . . . i v v
mith. Ik.... 0 3 4 11
narclar. If., t t 1 1 1
krarer. ... t t 1
LMrle, l. ... 1111
Laneer, lb
t 1 1 t
t e i
BraatMer, lk. 1 I II 0
Jeeea, If..
nartman, li I ) I
I O-Nell, c. 1 T I l
Denham. p.. t e 1 t
Dunn. rf..
nowermea. t
e t t i
Crane. .... t
reeser e 1
Tout ... t t It IS S
Total ... I T 17 11 I
Batted for Evans In the ninth.
St. Louie l 0 0 1 1 0 0 0-2
New York 1 0010090 0-2
Earned runa: St. Louis, 1: New Tork, 1.
Flrt base on error: St. Louie, 1; New
Tork. I. Left On baaec St. Louts, 4: New
Tork, A Stolen baeea: Smoot (2), Smith,
Doyle, Evan. Double play: Bean te
Doyle. Doyle to Evan. Smith to Doyle.
Sacrifice hit: Bean. First base on balls:
Oft Dnnhsm, 1; off Evans, 1. Hit by
Bitched ball: By Evans, 1. Struck out: By
lunharn. 4; by Evans. 2. Time: 1:20. Um
pires: Powers and Brown.
Rede Troable taaker.
PHILADELPHIA. June W.-Clnclnnatl
hit Duggleby hard In the Inning In which
the run were made. Philadelphia could
not hit Bering. Attendance, 1,042. Score:
R.H.O.A.e. anna
R7, el I 1 4 1 Tkotnas. ef.. 1 I I
Dobht. f.... t 2 elBroe-no, It... 4 14 14
Crawford, rf. t t 1 t Ioalaa. Ik.. I t I I
wra. to i e 19 9 e Barry, rf.,.. 994
Maeonn. lb . I I I Doom, I 1 1 , l
rrcnre. ta. 1 1 I Hulawltt. at. 4 i i
tenfel4t. Ik 1 1 I SHallmaa, lb. 9 9 t I 4
Z: 3 9 icbllda. lb.... 9 1 4 9 J
1. p 1 i 9 9, p. 9 1 lit
Total ...M 17 IT It l' Tottl . . ,1 "t rt II i
Cincinnati 1 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 410
Philadelphia 0 1 0000000 1
Earned runs: Cincinnati, 10; Phlladel-i.-
Two-base hlta: Crawford, Stein
feld. Three-base hits: Beck. 2. Sacrifice
h't:T,J?feinl!V Lffton bases: Cincinnati,
; Philadelphia. 4. Stolen baaes: Browne.
Dooln. Double play: Magoon and Beck.
First base or ball: Oft Durgleby 1
Struck out: By Ewlng, 2. Wild pitch!
Ewlng. J. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Emails.
Camei Postponed.
At Boston Boston, t; Chicago, T. Called
In third inning; rain.
0 tan la a- mt tha Tea at.
. Played. Won. Lot. P.C.
Pittsburg 42 24 .7i
Chicago 40 22 1 7 . 676
Brooklyn 44 24 20 .646
New York 42 It 23 .4
Boston 39 17 22 ,427
St. Louis 40 17 23 , 426
Philadelphia 42 17 15 .4ns
Cincinnati 41 16 28 .190
Games today: PltUburg at Brooklyn. St.
Louis at New York, Chicago at-Boston.
Cincinnati at Philadelphia.
Chicago Win from Senators br Clever
Adnalxtare of tingles and
a Home Ran.
CHICAGO. June 10. Garvin was Invinci
ble after the second Inning, when two ln-
ftles and Clarke's four-bagger gave the via
tor all their run. Patten was equally ef
fective after the fourth until the ninth,
when th champions won out on a single a
sacrifice and another hit. Attendance. 2,250.
Strang, lb... 9 I t I Ryan, cf t 1 I 1 I
Jonee, cf 9 9 1 9 0 Wolr't a. lb 9 9 1 S 4
Oreen, rf.... 9 9 1 9 0 Deleh'tjr. If.. 9 19 9 1
Das. aa 119 1 Kelater, lb.. 9 9 1 I t
Merlse, If... 2 1 9 9 9 Coushlln. a. 9 4 t 9
Iib.ll, lb.... 1 1 11 9 OCarav, lb.... 1 1 II 9 9
Dalr. lb 9 I t t 9 Lee. rt 13 19 9
(alllren, a... t 9 3 9 9 Clarke, .... 114 14
OarTln, p.... t 9 9 t OiPeu.n, p..,. 9 9 9 3 9
ToUl ...4 117 11 ol Total ...l " II
One out when winning run aeored.
Chicago OOOtOOOO 14
Washington 01000000 0 2
Ieft On h&Jiea; Chnnmn 4 W..KlMfftAn
t Two-bae hit: Isbell. Home run: Clarke.
Sacrifice hlU: Jones, Oresn, Inbell. Stolen
baae:. Daly. Double play: Strang to Daly
to Isbell, Clarke to Coughlln. Struck out:
By Patten, 4 First base on balls: Oft
P?.rv,JV 1;, ott Fatten, 4. Tim of gams:
1:36. Umpire: Carruthers.
Boatoa -Does" tha Brown.
ST. LOUIS, Juna 10. Boaton broke even
with St. Loula by taking today a game.
The local team landed on Dlneen In ihe
eighth Inning and nearly tied the ecore.
Padden was put off the field for disputing
a decision. Catcher "Jlgg" Donahue was
released today by the St. Louis club. At
tendance, 2,600. Score:
Dougherty, If I I '' 9 0 Burkett. If.. I t I t 9
Collins, lb... 19 4 1 Hemphill, rt 1 19 9 1
....... - nmnci, ci. e I V
Freeman, rf. t 1 9 0 ml, lb-tb.. 1 19 i i
LeCh'ee, lk.. 9 1 19 1 MoCor'k, Ik.. 9 19 11
mm .... eei . waiiace. as.. 1 (11 1
rri- .h a a . I
I t Padden. Ik... 9 9 1 1 9
Warner. ... IIS 0'Maloney. e
DlB.en. p.
. 9 t 1 9
." I It 14 "
Harper, p.... 13 9 1
Donohue. Ik. 9 9 4 4 3
ToUl ..."J "i it II "t
St. Louis
fima Oa.h . at. w . -,
w. i . wwii, m, L. iIUIS, a,
Two-bss hits: Freeman 2). Burkett,
nempnui, Wallace. Baorlflce hlta: Hemp
hill, Collins, Stahl. Double plays: Wallace
to Padden, Ferrle to Parent to LaChance,
Wallaoe to Frlel to Donahue, Wallace to
Donahue. Stolen baaes: Heldrtck, McCor
mlek, Dougherty. Hit by pitched bell: By
Harper. 1 Wild pitch: Harper. First base
on ball: Off Dlneen. 4. Struck out: By
Dlneen, 4; by Harper, 1. IWt on baee:
St. Louis, 4; Boston, 10. Time of game:
1:47. Umpire: Connolly.
Athletics L,oae to Detroit.
DETROIT. June ' 10. The horn team
bunched Ave hits snd three stolen base
In th fifth Inning. This combination netted
four runs and won th gams, giving De
troit three out of the series of four. At
tendance, 2,000. Score;
Barrett, ef... I I 4 9 0
Holmes, rt.. t I t 9 0
Harley. II... 1 1 4 9 t
Blberf'ld, a I I I
Caaey, Ik.... 1 I I I I
Oleaeon, Ik.. 9 1 1 I
Dillon, lb.... 119 9 1
McOulre. .. 1 1 1 It
ilarer, p.... 9 9 9 1 1
ToUl ...tun II I
Harti.l. U... 9 9 9 9 9
ruin, ef t 1 1 9 9
Davis, lk.... 9 t t t 9
L. Cross, lb. I I I I I
eeyeoia, n..
I . 9 119 9
at I I I
M. uroes.
Powere. e.
Caaire, lb... 9 111
Wtlles. p.... 9 1 I I t
Hutting, p... 9 9 119
4 t 14 IT I
Detroit 0OO24OOI
Philadelphia 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-4
Two-bass hits: Davis, Powers, Fultc, Ca
sey. Dillon. Three-base hit: McGulrs. Sac
rifice hit: Davis. Harley. Stolen baae:
Holme (2), Elberfeld. Flrt baae on ball:
Oft WUUe, 2; off Huatlng. 11; oft Slever. 1.
Hit by pitched ball: Power. First base
on srrors: Detroit. 1; Philadelphia. L Left
on bases: Detroit, 2; Philadelphia, 4.
6truck out: By Huatlng, 1; by Slever, 1.
Double playe: Wilts to Castro to Davl,
Oleason to Elberfeld to Dillon, Elberfeld to
Gleaaon to Dillon. Wild pitch. Wllue, t
Time of gam: 1:60. Umpire: Sheridan.
Cleveland Down Baltimore.
CLEVELAND. June 10. After Benhard
had been knocked out of the box In two
Inning Lundbom went in and held Balti
more down to four hit and three rune.
Howell was knocked oat of the box In
th fifth. His support was very poor.
Lawaon. who succeeded him, did well, but
the gams was already loat. Attendance,
1,571 Score:
, R a! O A B R.M.0.4 B.
Plrkerlni. ill I I I 9 Kelly, ef 2 119 9
Bar. It tilt Sg.thath If 1 1 l a a
ruck, rt lilt AlWIUiama. lb. t 14 I 1
Lajola, Ik... I I 4 I S.ermeiu'. rt. 1
Hickman, lk. 1 1 t t ! MrOaiis, lb. 1
Bradler. lb.. 9 111 klRnu'h'e lk l
4 19 9
3 It 1
9 19 9
Guchs er, as. 9 9 9 9 lloileert, ss... 9 19 4 1
Wood, s I 1 3 1 9 Roblnaoa. e.. 9 3 9 I I
Bernherdt, p 9 9 9 9 Howell, p.... 119 19
UiBdkaia, S.J J 9 1 IjLswsM. p... 9 9 12 9
Totals ...19 II IT II 1 Totala . . e ia u w a
Cleveland 1 I t I 0 0 0 10
Baltimore i ft 0 5 0 0 I 0-1
Earned runs: Cleveland, 6: Baltimore. 2.
Two-base hits: IJole, Hickman, Flick
(3. Lundbom, Kelly (2). Svlbach, HowelL
Stolen bases: Belbach, Pickering. Sacrl
flre hit: Flick I innhl. nl.v.-
Lajole and Hickman; Gilbert and McOann!
nit uj pitcnaa oan: ity Lawson, 2. Left
cn basea: Cleveland, I; Baltimore, 6.
Struck out: By Lundbom, 1. Time; 1:24.
Umpires: O'Laughlln and Johnston.
landing of tha Teams.
Chics so SS 15
Philadelphia 29 22 II 6
FiAAlikM ,1 lj . mm
o. . -e
6t. Louts It it 20 . 474
i?!ro' 2t II .474
Baltimor 42 It 23 .45S
Wlih n.l.n . , I a r ,ca
-. m le im ,vw
Cleveland , 42 It 24 .ta
uamss today: Philadelphia St Cleveland,
Boton at Chicago, baltimor at Detroit.
Washington at St. Loul.
Oaawa High Bahaol I nags Blenaoa.
ONAWA. I., Juna 1. (Bpeelal Tle
gTaai Tti Una High school base ball
tam defeated the Blencoe second team
at Blencoe by a score of 12 lo 3. Robinson
pitched fine ball, striking out thirteen men.
This I the High rhoor third successive
victory. rmnrriPti: oimwi, nooinwnn anri
Fitch; Blencoe, Kelaey, Matney and Kel-
Wllaaot Helps Miller Ontalagr Kanaaa
City with Triple- and
Home Rna.
KANSAS CITY, June 10-Easton was
betted hard In the fifth, sixth and seventh
Innlns today. Wolfe replaced him In the
eigntn. Minneapoiia piayea a raggea game.
"Jack" O'Brien h been relented by Ksn
sas City. Attendance, 460. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.K.O.AK.
Qulltln, ss... 1114 I Dear, ct 9 14 0 1
Phyle, lb.... 1 tit 4 Nance, lb... 1 lit
Lynch, cf.... 9 1 t I 9 orady, lb... t 1 t 9 0
Warden. Ik . I I 1 9 Smith. U....1 3 10 1
Wllmot. rf.. 3 3 3 0 BtIII. e. .. 3 3 110
Mrrarl'4, If. 3 3 I 9 I Rot hf us, rt. 0 1 1 1
Oram. lb.... I 111 Leewe. sa .l 3 S 3 0
Ealuakr. ... 9 9 9 3 tiMrBfide, lb. 1 1 1 1 0
riggam'r, p.. 9 9 1 1 0 Ciiton. p.... 0 9 14 0
Chapleskl, p. 3 3 4 9 0 Wolfe, p 1 0 1 0 t
0'Brlea ....1 1999
Total ...11 IT IT IT I
I Totals ...11 II 17 11 3
Batted for Easton In the seventh
Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 2 5 2 1 112
Kansas City 0 2 1 0 4 0 1 0 2-11
Earned runs: Ksnsas City, 4; Mlnne
SDolla. 7. Two-bas hits: Bevllle (2). Wer
den, McFarlnnd, Chaplelskl. Three-base
hits: Phyle, Wllmot. Home run: Wllmot.
SacrtAce hlta: Bevllle. Kothfuns. Easton.
Lynch. Stolen bae: Nance, Grady, Leewe.
McFarland. Double play: Esston to
Orady J Qulllln to Grant to weraen; cnap
lelskl to Zaluskl to Qulllin. Bases on
balls: Off Easton, I; off Wolfe. 1: off Flg-
gemeier, l; on t:nspieini, z. ciruca out;
Bv Eaeton. 2: bv Wolfe. 2; by ChapleBkl.
1. HlU: Off Easton, 13; off Wolfe, 4; off
Flggemeler, 6; off Chapieiexi. . innings
pitched: By Easton, 7; by Wolfe, 2; by
Flsaemeler. t: bv Chaplelakl. I. Passed
ball; 2ajueki. Time: 1:16. Umpire: Tin-
dalU . .
Colnmbns Loses to Indians.
COLUMBUS, June 10. Columbus knocked
Williams out of the box In the ninth and
came within one run of tying the ecore,
but Keilum eaved the day for Indianapolis.
Attendance, 3,38. Score:
rt-cf 1119 0 Hart.
110 0 9
Kuhna. If
14 0
liMeanr. rf..
0 I
0 1
0 0
0 0
. 1 1
0 0
1 I
O'Brien, a.. 9
Klhm. lb.... 9
Bebb. lb 2
Coulter, ef.. 9
Woodruff, rt. 1
W. roi. tb.. 1
fteydon, ... 1
4 9 4
Vlox. tb...
Orlm. lb ...
Evens, lb..
Myers. If...
Nattraaa, ss
a. ran. e...
1 14 0 9
113 0
Bailey, p.... I t
Williams, p.. 9
keilum. p... 9 9
I II 14 T 3
ToUls ... I t 37 13 1'
Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 -6
Columbus 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 25
Stolen bases: Meany, Woodruff. Sacri
fice hits: Grim, Nattres. Two-base hits:
Hart, Bailey, Hogrlever, Kuhns. Double
play: Vlox to Nattrees, Evans to Grim,
Babb to O'Brien to Klhm. Struck out: By
Bailey, 4. Bases on ball: By Bailey, 4; by
William. 2. Hit by pitcher: By Bailey, 1.
Passed ball: G. Fox. Time: 2:00. Umpire:
Colonels Defeat Toledo.
TOLEDO, June 10. Louisville bunched
hlte In the first Inning today and won.
After that Toledo outbatted and outplayed
the visitors. Attendance, 1,000. Score:
K.H.O.A.B.I R.K.O.A.B.
Kerwln. rt.. 1 I 0 0 01 Knoll, it 0 I I 0 0
Clymer. cf... 1 1 1 0 Burna, tb... 1 0 3 3 0
Oannon, lb.. 3 3 14 1 9 Smith. 3b.... 3 t 4 3 9
Oansel, tb... 3 14 1 Turner, lb... 1190
Flournoy. If. 1 I 1 0 1 Cog.well, rf. 0 I 1 9 0
Srhrlr.r. .. 1 1 I 9 9 Mrers. ss 1 1 1 I I
Tannehlll, ss 1 I 1 II 9 Ollks. ef I 0 1 I 0
Brnaub, Ik... 1111 I Klelnow, . . 1 I I 0
Dunkle, p.... 9 1 0 9 0 Hugh.y, p... 0 1110
jOrafflue ....9 1090
Totals ...11 linu I
Touts ... I 14 17 II 0
Batted for Hughey In the ninth.
Louisville I 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 011
Toledo 0 1 0 0 0 0 t 1 41
Two-base hits: Turner, Smith, Cogs
well (8), Myers, Hughey, Gannon, Ganzel,
Flourney. Home runs: Klelnow, Ganzel.
Stolen bases: Burns, Clymer, Oannon,
Schaub. Double play: Gilke to Turner.
Struck out: Bv Dunkle. 3: bv Huehev. 7.
Passed balls: Schrlever. Hit wtth ball: By
Hughey, 1. Time: 1:65. Umpire: . Haskell.
Saints Beaten br Brewers.
ST. PAUL, June 10. Milwaukee bunched
hits in the sixth inning and with a number
of bases on balls succeeded In. scoring
even runs. Attendance, 436. Score:
Ballmaa. rt. 1 1 I
Cllngmaa, ss 1 1
MoBrlde, ef. 1 1 3
McAnd's, Ik. 1 1 1
Dungan. lb.. 1 1 II
0 Oeler, lb.... 0
9 0
I 0
9 9
9 9
11 Ferguson, lb 1
1 9
1 3
Dlllsrd, If... 1
Keller, lb... 1
Hugglns, ss..l
Shannon, ct.. 4
Lumtey, rf... 1
1 11 9 9
13 3 3
Ipeer. 1110
t 4
9 4
9 9
Runkle, lb... I 1 1 4 0l
9 3
3 3
Bourgeois, Kill
OlPlerce, .. , 0
9 9
1 9
Altrock, p... 9 9 9 1 ICogao. p.
ToUl ... 9 SM 14 ! Totals ... 14 37 U 3
Pierce out; infield fly.
Milwaukee 0 2 0 0 0 7 0 0 09
St. Paul I 5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-6
Earned rune: Milwaukee, t. Two-base
hlu: Shannon, Bourgeois. Three-base
hit: Hugglna. Sacrifice hlta: Cogan (2),
Dungan. Stolen base: Mt Andrews. First
base on balls: Off Cogan, 5; oft Altrock, 2.
Flrat bass on errors: Milwaukee, I; St.
Paul, 1. Hit by pitcher: By Cogan, 1; by
Altrock. 2. Left on base: Milwaukee, 8;
St. Paul, g. Struck out: By Altrock, 2.
Time; 1:44. Umpire: Ward.
Btaadlna- of tha Teams.
Played. Won. Lest, P.C.
Columbus 46 28 IT .11
Loulsvllls 42 24 16 .611
Indianapolis 80 24 15 .414
St. Paul 41 26 1 .610
Kansas City 42 20 22 .471
Milwaukee 41 17 24 . 416
Minneapolis 40 16 26 . 276
Toledo 20 I 30 .231
Oames today: Minneapolis at Kansas
City, Louisville at Toledo, Minneapolis at
Columbus, 8L Paul at Milwaukee.
Bancroft Vanquishes Beemer.
BANCROFT, Neb., June 10. (Special. )
The Bancroft ball team donned It new
uniform yeeterday and drove over to Bee
mer, where a game was plsyed with ths
Beemer nine. The score was 12 to 4 In
favor of Bancroft. Batteries Bancroft, Far
ley and Btatla; Beemer, Chads and Fennan.
Umpire: Dungan.
Yalo Beats West Point.
WEST POINT, N. Y., June lO.-The Mili
tary academy baaa ball team played the
Yale university nine here today and waa
defeated by the acore of 15 to 4. A dis
tinguished crowd witnessed the game. Gen
eral Nelson A. Mile waa conspicuous In
the grandstand and near him sat General
Tbrse.I League.
At Rockford Davenport, 21; Rockford. 6.
At Rock Island Rock Island, 7; Cedar
Rapid, 4.
At Tsrr Haute Terre Haute, 7; Evan
vllle, 0.
At Decatur Decatur, t; Bloomlngton, L
la leathern Association.
At Little Rock Birmingham, 4; Little
Rock, 3.
At Memphis Chattanooga, 7; Memphis, 5.
At Shreveport Shreveport, 10: Atlanta, 2.
At New Orleans Nashville, I; New Or
leans, 4.
Copperi to Play Ball.
Tha married men of the police fore have
challenged the bachelor to a match gam
of ball and the challenge ha been ac
cepted. The losing ld will hav to buy a
set of dinners for the winners.
Klaepln Scores.
Score mad In Individual nlneptn tour
ney last night on Clark's alleys:
W. E. Rlddell i V0",,
David Cola 6 I 4 15
T. Clark I 7 I 14
M. Mullln I t I 12
II MrtFanaat lift V s u.
w. wnituker 4 4 7 15
George Chatelaln T 4 t IS
C. R. Orlffllh 4 6 t 15
M. R. Huntington 4 7 I l
H. Beselln T 4 17
S. Elermann 1 t 7 11
J. J. Berger j I t li
MeLeod Wlaa tha Cantaat.
CLEVELAND, O., Jun m-Tom Jenkins
undertook too great a tak tonight when
he tried to throw Dan MeLeod of Hamilton
Ont., twice within ninety minute of actual
wrestling lime. Jenkins waa abls to seeurs
but on fall and that took nfty-thre mln
utee of the alloted time. Tha fall waa se
cured with a Nelson and a crotch hold.
After a ret of fifteen mlnutea th men
again went en th mat and McLcod stood
the bis Clevelander off untH th time had
spired, thus winning the contest.
Gapsere Became Active.
SANTA FE N. M . June lO.-The United
state geological aurvey ha been notified
by Captain Connor of this city that tha
Sulphur Spring In Bernalillo county are
showing unusual activity. There are twen
Jy elglit geysers among the springs, pulsat
ing very thirty second. Ths largest
geyser, which haa been hitherto quiet 1
ttporud sodlng up a stream fly fast high.
vn v I PJ ZZ
Condition ii Gradually Beooming Bad Bine
Strike of the Pumpmen.
Itot Marh Rlajnlflrauce Attached to the
oaferrnre Betrteen President
Mitchell and Labor Com
mlasloner Wright.
WILKESBARRE, Pa., June 10. In the ab
sence of President Mitchell from itrtke
headquarters today there was a dearth of
news from the miners' aide. Preeldent
Mitchell Is expected to arrive here from
New York late this afternoon.
Not much Influence Is placed on bis visit
to Commissioner Wright, it being generally
believed that he went to the metropolis
merely to give tbe labor commissioner
some Inside Information for th benefit of
President Roosevelt.
The mining auperlntendents In this valley
said today there was no change in the
conditions at their collieries. Water Is
slowly accumulating in many of the mines
throughout the entire region.
Notwithstanding reports to tha contrary,
it is stated on authority that the mines
are not in as good condition as when the
strike of tbe engineers, firemen and pump
men began.
About twenty-five men who were engaged
in fighting fire at tbe Jersey mine of the
Delaware, Lackawanna ft Western company
deserted tbelr poets. This la said to be a
serious matter for the company, which is
short of men.
NEW YORK, June 10. Six hundred em
ployes of the Empire Bridge company of
Williamsburg have struck for recognition
of their union. It Is said their action will
delay work on many bridges In the west.
NEW YORK, June 10. John Mitchell,
president of the United Mine Workers, waa
at the office of the National Civic Fed
eration, of which he is a member, today.
He said he had gone there to get his mall
and answer It. He has not seen Labor
Commissioner Wright since last night and
did not expect to see him again before bis
(Mitchell's) departure for Wilkesbarre-.
Mr. Mitchell said he had been busy
trying to get a West Virginia telephone
connection so he could talk about the strike
situation there, but the connection could
not be made for some reason. He said h
would not leave New York until 3:30 or
6:40 p. m.
Forecaster Promise Ralna
Cooler Weather for Ne
braska Today.
WASHINGTON, June 10. Forecast:
For Nebraska Showers and thunder
storms and cooler Wednesday; Thursday
For Illinois Showers in north, fair In
south portion Wednesday; warmer in north
east portion; Thursday fair, except show
ers in northeast portion; variable winds.
For Iowa Showers and cooler Wednes
day, Thursday fair.
For Missouri Fair in south, showers and
cooler in north portion Wednesday; Thurs
day fair.
For Indian Territory, Oklahoma and Ar
kansas Fair Wednesday and Thursday.
For Kansas Fair Wednesday, except
showers and thunderstorms in northeast
portion; cooler In north and west portions;
Thursday fair.
For South Dakota Cooler Wednesday,
with fair In west and showers in central
and eastern portion; Thursday fair.
For North Dakota Fair in west, showers
in east portion Wednesday, followed by
fair and cooler in northwest portion;
Thursday fair.
For Wyoming Fair and cooler Wednes
day; Thursday fair.
For Montana Fair and cooler in east
and south portions Wednesday; Thursday
Local Record.
OMAHA. June 10. Official record of tem-
ferature and precipitation compared with
he corresponding day of ths last three
1902. 1001. 1900. 1899.
Maximum temperature.... 92 91 76 76
Minimum temperature.... 66 67 65 67
Mean temperature 79 79 M 66
Precipitation 00 T .26 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha tor this day and since March L
Normal temperature 70
Excess for the day 9
Total excess since March 1 292
Normal precipitation 19 Inch
Deficiency for the day 19 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 6. 90 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 2.88 Inchea
Deficiency for cor. period, 1901... .2.88 lnche
Deficiency for cor. period, 1900.. ..2. 89 inches
Baporta from Italian at T P. M.
"hi 1
i pi I
: : B :
i i? I
89 951 .00
92 lOO' .00
S 1021 .00
M 90 .00
m 9u .oo
fi 88 .00
78 82! .06
72 80 .00
64 80 .00
90 921 .00
6H 72, T
6 88 .00
90 94 1 .00
7 78 .00
74 761 .00
66 74 .34
Ski es .00
Omaha, partly cloudy
Valentine, clear
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, partly cloudy....
Suit Lake City, cloudy
Rapid City, clear
Huron, partly cloudy
Willlston, clear
Chicago, cloudy
St. Loula. clear
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Kansaa City, clear
Havre, clear
Helena, clear
Bismarck, partly cloudy
Galveston, clear
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
or MEN.
19 years la Omaha,
cured by tha QUICRV
EST, safest and moat
natural method thai
has yet bean dlsooveced.
Soon every sign and symptom disappears
completely aad forever. No "BRKAJCINq
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VRDIPnftri C cured. Method new,
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no detention from work; permanent cur
WEAK arER from Excess or Victim
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strength, with organs Impaired aad weak.
BTRIOTTjRJR cured with a new Homt
Treatment. No pain, no detention frotg
business. Kidney snd Bladder Trouble,
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CHAROBI LOW. lie g. 14th St.
Dr. Searles & Siarles. Omaha. Neb,
U lift U4 Vei, k.w. " Iku,,
j ?..a.";;:ard res
I 1 LA Laa -AUu f - L. aa..
. - V rT ' U'ih, mm mmm da. le
I bukeaear knlwl Ce-
. m an r
Pat, tfcat )
What Prince Henry Says About Cook'n
Imperial Extra Dry Champagne
felerr K4siltj ftehtlt
7 0
Bloated feeling after eating, Coated
tongue. Bad breath, Disslnes, Poor
appetite and constipation, quickly re
xaoved by using
Prickly Ash Bitters
No other remedy doe so much to put the digestive organs,
liver and bowels in good condition. People who have used It say
they can eat heartily without Inconvenience, where, before they
tried It the most beallhul food seemed to get them out ol fix.
Sold et Drug Stores, PRICE, $1.00.
Por sale by all
New City Office
On talc Jane 16, 17. 21, X2.
. Leave Omaha (Union Station) 1:16 p. m. Arrive St Loula lUnlon
Station) 7:00 a. m.
BOSTON and Return $31.75
On Sale Jane II, 12, 1:1.
All information at Wabash New City Ticket Office. 1601 Faroam
Strset, or address
HARRY E. HOORES, Gen. Agf. Pas. Dept.
If ao, before making any plans for
your aummer fishing trip, you should
writ or call' on us for Information
pertaining to the Lakes of Minnesota.
There are ten thousand Iskes in th State of
Minnesota, which are filled with Bass, Pickerel,
C'rappl. Musxalongs, ate.
' Remarkably low round trip tickets with long
limits, will be on sal all summer.
Information regarding fishing resorts, hotsl
ratea, and round trip tickets will be cheerfully
turnlshsd by.
1402 Farnam St lilt. Put. Aft.. III. Ctnt 1. 1
' aWTr2sSWI!fn,9w
Purest and Best
Pudding. Ctitardst
Blanc Mange, titc
flrefolaes grocers.
Rates via
ail road
-1 nsh,,.
Ci . TTV.l.i Ji.l