Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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rTl tell drugs
Stockert soils carpet! and run.
Leffert, eyeelgM specialist, ts Broadway.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hart an visiting In
Dr. A. P. Hanchett la home from a visit
to Iowa City.
Picture frames mad to order. C. B.
Alexander d Co., 333 Broadway.
Take home a brick of MeUger's tea
cream. Vanilla, 25c; Neopolitan. tec.
George F. Dalley left laot evening- for
West Point to enter the military academy.
Mn. T. W. Fryer and on of Graham
avenue are home from a year's visit In
Bluff City Mesonlo lodge will hold a spe
elal meeting this evening for work In the
Ort degree.
The regular meeting of Pottawattamie
tribe. No. 21. Improved Order of Red Men,
will be held In Bt. Albans hall this evening.
Principal Ensign of the High school is
visiting in South Dakota for a few days
and expects to be home by the end of the
Remember an ironclad ten-year guarantee
goes with every New Home machine pur
chased from us. Kasy payments. O. A.
BulUa Co.
Dr. H. B. Jennings has taken out a build
ing permit for the erection of a $7,500 resi
dence In Turley a Glen, where he recently
purchased seven lots.
The case against James Snodderly,
charged with assaulting Gus Lotts. was
llsmlssed In Justice Bryant's court yester
lay on payment of costs.
Charles A. Johnson, aged 13 years son of
Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Johnson. 1217 Fifth
avenue, died Monday night from tubercu
losis after an Illness of one year.
The artificial Ice plant of Henry Von
alsburn at Mynster Bprlngs was attached
yesterday by F. O. Pieraon to secure a
claim of $350 for machinery sold.
The Ladles' Aid society of St. Johns
English Lutheran church will meet Thurs
lay afternoon at the residence of Mrs. A.
Ktsensperger, M Madison avenue.
Mrs. Herbert A. Woodbury and child left
last evening on a visit to relatives In Aus
tin, 111. Bhe was accompanied by her uls
ter. Miss Conklln, who has been visiting
Walton I. Smith returned from the Iowa
State university at Iowa City last evening
to spend the summer vactlon with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Smith of
Washington avenue.
Judge Scott of the superior court has
en called to Silver City. Ia., by the
rlous Illness of Mrs. Scott s mother. Jus-
Uce Bryant Is presiding over the police
court during his absence.
Miss Ethyl Thomas Is home from' Pueblo,
Colo., where she Is an Instructor In the
School for the Feeble Minded, to spend the
summer with her mother, Mrs. Mary
rhomaa, and other relatives.
Even Fegley, charged with intoxication
by his wife, who had him arrested several
(ays ago. alleging he had beaten her, was
lentenced to thirty days in the county Jail
resterday by Justice Bryant
Hamilton Wilcox, banker and extensive
cattle grower of Grlswold. la., and J. D.
Hardin, general live stock agent of the
Burlington, with headquarters In Charlton,
la., were In the city yesterday.
J. M. Thomas, an old time typo of this
city, who has been with relatives In Penn
sylvania for the last two years, has re
turned to Council Bluffs and Is In the
Woman's Christian Association hospital.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Argentum-Junlata Mining company
or Colorado elated for yesterday at the
office of Ross & Ross, the local representa
tives, failed for want of a quorum and was
postponed for thirty days.
Georgia, the s-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Little, 'who live on Nineteenth
avenue, near Tostevln street. Is suffering
from concussion of the brain as the result
of a fail from a wagon In which the family
was driving Sunday evening.
Mrs. Owen Butts left yesterday for New
York City to visit her daughter, Mrs. 8. E.
Bo lies and to attend the commencement
exercises at Tale, where her son, O. O.
utts, a former student In the High school
ere, Is one of this year's graduates.
Truman 8., the 4-months-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. William Anderson, 3315 South
Eighth street, died yesterday afternoon
from brain fever. The funeral will be thla
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the residence
and burial will be In Falrvlew cemetery.
Del Csry Smith, grand worthy president
of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, was In
the city yesterday, the guest of S. B. Wads
worth and other members of the order.
Before returning to his home In Spokane,
Wash., where he Is engaged In the prac
tice of law, Mr. Smith will visit relatives
In Missouri.
Members of Council Bluffs lodge, No. 29.
independent Order of Odd Fellows, Twin
Brother encampment,
lodge. No. 174: Hawke
No. 42: 'Humboldt
keye lodge. No. 184, and
Park City lodge. No. 60. are requested to
meet at the Odd Fellows' temple this after
noon at 3 o'clock to attend the funeral of
m taic j. TucKfr.
C. P. Brinton, a former resident of Coun
cil Bluffs, now Jtvln In Butte, Mont., Is
In the city visiting friends. Mr. Brinton
waa superintendent of the old horse car
line and assisted in the construction of
the bridge line. He left Council Bluffs
fifteen years ago and Is now Interested in
the. street car system In Butte.
The rsceipts In the general fund at the
Christian. Home last week were $133.32,
being I6&fc below the needs of the week
and Increasing the deficiency in this fund
to date to liM.l. . In the manager e fund
the receipts were $8 75. being $& .26 below
the needs of the week and increasing the
deficiency to $43.75 In this fund to date.
City Engineer Etnvre nlareri nn. .
work yesterday cleaning Indian creek,
work waa begun at Nineteenth avenue and
the channel will be cleaned to Sixth street.
The earth taken from the bed of the creek
WL" b,u,d to ralM ,he banks on either
Ida. To meet the expense of this work
provision was made at the time the appro
priations for the several departments of
the city were figured on.
Alaaoet Asphyxiated.
John Cannern, a farmer returning from
a trip to Bouth Dakota to his home near
Newmarket, la., had a narrow escape from
death by asphyxiation Monday night at the
Kiel hotel. He retired about midnight and
soon afterward the nlgbt clerk noticed the
odor of gas in the hall from which Can
nern's room opened. It was traced to
the room of the farmer, where Investiga
tion showed the gas Jet to be open and the
as rapidly escaping Into the room. Can
nern was fast ssleep and was aroused
with difficulty, having become partially
stupefied by the tumea. He tnslstsd be had
turned the gas off Instead of blowing It
ut It Is supposed that after turning the
fas off he accidentally turned It on again.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wd were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Residence. Age
H. C. L. Krsuae, Council Bluffs J7
Leona Gall. Council Bluffs n
John J. Van Zandt, New York Cttv.. 4
Emily Foots Stockbrldge, New York...... 2
f. v. none, council Bluffs 25
Miua tianora, council mulls ,21
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers wsre filed yesterday In the
bstraot, title and loan office of J, W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Elisabeth Crisp to A. A. Clark, nsrt
of lot 207, original plat, w. d $2,000
xiuey ana wire lo jonn Klley;
s 1 to 10, . block 4. Thompson's
add, q. . d
Lawrence Kelley and wife and others
te 1. J Nichols, lot 3 and si lots
I and I, block I, Mymter's add,
0 o. d
Treasurer te Msrgeret L. McOee, wV4
of lots J to . block 24, Howard add.
t d - ....i
Treasurer to W. 8. Cooper, lot $.
bloek M. Howard add, t. d
H. W. Singer to H. E. Gould, lot 10,
block I, Falrmount add. w. d
J. D. Edmundeoa and wife to Maggie
A- Holmes, lot t, block 33, Brown's
sub, w. d ,.
even transfers, total
Dved aad Teased. Bnoclal attantloa
Ivan ladles' garments. Also chenille
curtains neatly cleaned, dyed and!
Wos?'WhBroadwVy l0" 8Um V"
- 48uoeesar te W. C. Ksteo '
M rKAJU. STRKts r. Phoae T.
Money 8tolen from Axel Bunderson ii Not
Likely to Botarn.
Parker and Wilson, Held for Bring;-lag-
Stole Goods lato state, Start
Hies Little Mess for Jus
tice Bryant.
Azel Bunderson, who was robbed of $240
In an Omaha lodging hogs Sunday night,
and for which robbery two men, giving the
names of Frank Wilson and George Parker,
were arrested In this city may experience
some difficulty in recovering bis wealth.
Wilson and Parker were arrested at the
Illinois Central depot about t o'clock In
the morning a few minutes after making
the trip from Omaha In a hack. They had
in their possession $238, after paying the
hackman $3. They refused to return with
out requisition papers.
Ytsterday they employed Attorneys Lindt
aV Mynster to defend them, an Information
charging them with bringing stolen prop
erty in the state having been filed against
them In the court of Justloe Bryant. They
made an assignment of the money found on
them- to the attorneys, $50 to Lindt and
the balance $186 to Mynster. Attorney
Lindt lost no time In securing from Jus
tice Bryant an order directed to Chief of
Police Tlbblts to turn over the money to
him. Chief Tlbblts was on the point of
complying with the order when Assistant
County Attorney Kimball Interposed. The
facts were explained to Justice Bryant, and
he told the police to hold on to the money.
Later Attorney Lindt went again before
Justice Bryant and the latter again or
dored that the money be turned over to
the attorneys. Chief Tlbblts declined to
comply with the order, and finally the mat
ter was settled for the time being by Jus
tice Bryant fixing Saturday for the hearing
as to the ownership of the money.
The men arrested say they earned it
working on the Great Western grade, and
unless Bunderson can actually prove that
cash found on Wilson and Parker Is his
property, he will have. It Is said, difficulty
in recovering It, and that the prospects
for the attorneys getting the wad of bills
are fairly bright.
.Davis sells paint.
Keep clean. Use Puck's Mechanic's soap.
Iowa. Independents Combining; to Se
cure Loner Distance Circuit
and Service.
H. C. Raney of Fairfield, la., president
Of the Jefferson County Telephone company
and president of the Interstate Independ
ent 'Phone association, and 'Dr. Henry 8.
Herr of Ottumwa, Interested In the tele
phone company of. that city, were In the
city yesterday In consultation with the
members of the. Council Bluffs Independent
Telephone company.
Messrs. Raney and Herr are organizing
a long-distance telephone company through
Iowa In opposition to the Bell people.
Their plan Is to connect all the Independ
ent telephone companies through the state,
so as to make a chain of systems by
which service csn be bad from one end of
Iowa to the other.
Vlo Stevens admitted before leaving, for
his home In Dubuque last evening that to all
intents and purposes the Interstate and
Council Bluffs Telephone companies had,
as be termed It. '.'merged." It was stated
yesterday that the terms on which Mr.
Stevens abandoned the field In favor of
the local company are that he Is to have
an Interest In the company and is to fur
nish the equipment of the new telephone
system. This Is said" to be ' the original
proposition which Mr. Stevens made to the
local company when he first entered the
field in Council Bluffs, but the local com
pany at that time declined to consider It.
The local company's ordinance, as
amended Monday n.ljht, s being redrafted
by the city attorney and will come up for
action by the city council at Ita meeting
Monday nlgbt. The company has so far
refused to accept the condition that It de
posit with the city five days after the ap
proval by the people of the franchise,
$5,000 as a guaranty that It will Install
the plant and carry out Its contract.
Puck's Domestic soap ts best for laundry.
Orsvel roofing, A. H. Read, 511 Broadway.
N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 150.
Daylight Robbery.
The residence of Ole Rasmussen at 719
South Eighth atreet was entered by thieves
In brosd daylight Monday afternoon and
cash and Jewelry to the value of $150
stolen. Mrs. Rasmussen left the house at
1 o'clock in the afternoon to make a call
and on her return about an hour later found
that burglars had paid the place a visit.
Entrance to the house had been obtained
by an outside cellar window. The thieves
secured $40 In raab, a valuable gold watch
and chain, three valuable rings and some
minor articles of Jewelry.
The butcher shop of the Welker company
on South Main street was -broksn Into Mon
day night and $6 In change stolen from the
cash reglstsr. The thieves effected an en
trance by breaking In a rear window which
had been boarded up.
At the home of Mrs.' S. A. Pierce, 721
First avenue, thieves stole a buffalo lap
robe worth $50 and almost cleaned out the
cellar of canned goods. At the Smith rest
dsnce next door the thieves carried away
a lot of canned goods, butter and eggs and
a roast of beet. At the residence of J. W.
Peregoy, 725 First avenue, thieves carried
away a quantity of canned good and other
Davis stile glass.
Plumbing and beating.. BUby A Ion.
Criminal Cowrt Calendar. v
Judge Wbeelsr of the district court as
signed yesterday these criminal cases for
trial next wssk
Mondav Charles Coleman, charced with
holding up W. X. Colburn on the night of
April I near the Iowa School for the Deaf
and robbing him of a gold watch and chain.
a sum or money ana me oicycie ne waa
rtritnv: Jnhn Pltitnh. fharaaa with assault
Ing and robbing Fred Gth In the railroad
yards on May 24 last. Plumb's two alleged
sccomnllcM. Mike 8herhan and Mike
Fahcy, were among the prisoners who es
caped from the county Jail.
Tuesday H. 8. Flahburn. charged with
the theft of a bicycle belonging to Charlea
Hailey. Flahburn was one of the men who
escaped from the county Jail, but waa re
captured. Harry Caley, charted with the
theft of eyeglasase from the store of Cap
tain VYtDO. I
Doil soap Is beet.
Gannon Settles Short aero.
Thomas H. Gannon! ticket slerk at the
, Rock Island local passenger depot who
I dlasppeared a week ago, baa returned and
squared uy his shortage wko the railroad
company, which amounted to $0S. He re
turned Monday, but nothing was said about
It until yesterday, when his settlement
with the railroad company was completed.
It Is said that Gannon, owing to his losses
and the fsct that he bad been drinking
heavily, was not mentally responsible when
he left the city snd his young bride of A
few weeks.
Finer Day Proclamation.
Mayor Morgan issued the following proc
lamation yesterday relative to Flag day:
Whereas, The 14th day of June has been
designated as National Flag day, I would.
therefore, call upon all our patriotic ctl
sens to observe the day by dleplayli
Stars and Stripes from their dwellings and
business placee In as general a manner as
possible. DELL G. MORGAN, Mayor.
Use any soap so Ita Puck's soap.
Artaer Nelson Endeavors to Save Lit
tle Fred Beaver aad Both
Meet Death.
RED OAK. Ia., June 10. (Special Tele
gram.) Fred Beaver and Arthur Nelson,
t-year-old boys, wsre drowned this after
noon while In swimming. The place where
the accident occurred was at the mouth of
Red Oak creek, where It joins the Nlsh
nsbotna. The recent flood had washed out
a deep hole.
Fred Beaver got In the hole first and
Arthur and John Nelson, the latter aged
12, attempted to save their companion.
Arthur was drowned and John went down
twice, barely 'escaping by grabbing at some
willows en the bank. The bodies were
recovered within an hour.
N. A. Nelson, father of one of the boys.
Is employed in the Q. roundhouse, and E.
M. Beaver, father of the other, is em
ployed at Stevens' elevator.
No Opposition to Retnrn of the Con
rtiimas from Eighth
Iowa District.
CRESTON, la.. June 10. (Special Tele
gram. ) Congressman W. P. Hspburn was
renominated for congress today by the
Eighth congressional district convention
without opposition. He delivered an ad
dress, which was largely In support of the
administration. The resolutions were In
support of the national and state adminis
trations and an endorsement of Mr. Hep
burn's congressional career.
The Judicial convention was held this
morning at the opera house and Judge
M. M. Towner of Corning and Judge J. L.
Parish of Leon were renominated by accla
mation, omu uui epeecuB.. i uo
... tt.. (l,s.
interesting, except ior tne speecnes.
Class Day at Grlnnell.
GRINNELL, la., June 10. (Special Tele
gram.) Class day exercises incident to
commencement exercises were held In the
Stone church this morning, where John W.
Gannoway delivered the oration and Miss
Ellen Spencer bestowed the mantle upon
the representative of the Junior class. In
the afternoon a unique Ivy planting func
tion was held on the campus with appro
priate exercises.
The trustees this morning took an Im
portant action in regard to the gymnsslum
as a result of the strenuous urging of
students and alumni. Trainer J. P. Wat
son was made gymnasium director, to suc
ceed Dr. Davis, resigned. This action wss
opposed slightly by the faculty. This means
that "Jack" Watson will be retained at
Grlnnell permanently and will give htm a
seat on the faculty platform. The students
are very happy over the trustees' action.
Dr. Bradley will be Inaugurated president
tomorrow with elaborate ceremony.
Give Freak for Board Bill.
WEBSTER CITY, Ia., June 10. (Special
Telegram.) J. D. Sweasey, proprietor of
the Psrk hotel in this city, has had a negro
girl, weighing 612 pounds, pawned on him
for a $33 board bill. The negresa had
been in one of the freak shows in the city
during last week's carnival. With her
four male managers she stopped at the
Park hotel. Friday night the male mem
bers of the aggregation left the city, leav
ing word that they would return Sunday
and settle their bill. In the meantime
Sweasey could keep the negress as a
Canines Most Bo Hassled.
MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia.. June 10. (Spe
cial.) On account of a mad dog having
bitten several people here last week, the
city authorities have posted notices to the
effect that all dogs running at large In
this city must be properly muxsled. After
today all dogs found running about without
muzzles will be immediately killed. Word
haa been received from Chicago stating
that John Zahner and Policeman Rlss, who
are receiving treatment at the Pasteur
Institute, are getting along nicely, but it
will be at least two weeks before they can
return here.
Yosag Christiana Take Ootlog.
WATERLOO, Ia., June 10. (Special.)
The Junior members of the Young Men's
Christian association of this city and In
dependence will camp on the banks of the
Cedar at the Junction of the Cedar and
Shell Rook, beginning June 17 and lasting
ten days. The gensral secretaries of the
two associations will accompany the party,
which will consist of about fifty boys,
ranging In age from 10 to 14.
Tea Victims of DobV Bites.
WEBSTER CITY, la., June 10. (Special
Telegram.) Antone Knudson and Conrad
Cbsrlesen, victims of the Ellswarth mad
dog scare, were taken to the Chicago Pas
teur Institute lsst nlgbt Ten victims of
the two dogs are now in that Institute.
Marderer Hangs Himself.
OTTUMWA. Is.. June 10. Edward Hale,
who shot snd killed Miss Zora Donahue In
the streets of Csntrll on Decoration day.
hung himself In the jail st Keosauqua
Iowa State News Notes.
A vein of coal from five to seven feet
thick haa bean struck at Tabor at a denth
of $7i feet. A company haa been organised
to work tne vein.
Henry Dllchert of Muscstlns, aged ii
years, a member of the firm of Dllchert
Bros., dairymen, committed suicide by
nging with a rope from a rafter of his
in from his adored "one. a miss Bush?
wha latelv deoarted for England, was his
only excuse, as hie business and ordinary
circumstances were good.
Miss O'Connor, residing opposite the Jail
In Davenport, found a barefooted baby
boy about 2Si years old playing on the rail
road track near her home. The llrtle fellow
could not tell his name. He wore a dirty
slip, which was once white, and wss in
noeont of any other clothing. Wise O'Con
nor took the child to the police station snd
the question pussllng the officers Is who
the boy's parents ars.
There Is a scarcity of girl help In Cedar
Rapids. In fact. It la next to lmpoastbls
to find domestic workers. The hotels are
having difficulty In finding the aid they
desire, and private famlllea And theta ia no
Inducement which will bring a sirl to them.
It Is only by sheer fortune that a family
finds help. Every day the papers' want
columns are filled with the significant
words "Wanted, a girt to do general house
work." Ths factories In the city employ
hundreds of rtrla. but several have closed
down partially during the quiet season.
The women wno were woraing mere sea
to have found employment at euce ana
there are none who w UUe.
Vagaries of the Climate Bother Offiolal
Estimator Very JfncL
Longed-For Hot Weather Comes with
Vnespected Rash and Pats New
Phase on Crop Sit
uation. (From a Staff Corrsspondent.)
DES MOINES, June 10. (Special.) The
vagaries of Iowa weather at this time keeps
the crop estimators guessing. This morn
ing the thermometer took a sharp upturn
and by noon waa at 90 degrees. Two days
ago there waa actual danger of frost In
this part of Iowa. The crop bureau has
been compelled to admit that conditions are
becoming very bad for the farmers in Iowa.
The report for last week. Issued this morn
ing, makes the following statement of the
The past week was sllsrhtly warmer than
the average, and in all districts except the
northwest there was an excess of rainfall,
amounting to heavy downpours and dam
aging floods In extensive areas.
Following are among the heaviest
amounts reported: Clarlnda, 6.S0 Inches;
Bedford, 606; Vllllaca, 3.45; Albla, 332;
Charlton, $.18; Council Bluffs, 2.92; Carroll,
4.65; Mount Vernon, 4.95: Jefferson, 4.10;
Grlnnell, 4.01; Newton, 3.01: Elkader. 4.93.
At Clarlnda. on the 6th, 4 89 Inches fell in
about an hour and a half. Such storms
were necessarily damaging to crops on
slopes and bottoms, and in the cornfields of
the submerged districts the area of well
nigh total destruction must be very large.
Me have no means of estimating the full
extent of damage.
In the northwest there Is still pressing
need of rain, while the larger part of the
state needs dry, clear weather. The oat
crop Is becoming bulky In many localities.
Grasa Is doing notably well, both In
meadows and pastures.
The turn of the weather toward summer
conditions this morning, however, augurs
better for the crops, for the weather has
been entirely too cold for some time. A
growing period at this .time will Improve
the prospect for Iowa crops.
Water and Light Company Balks.
.Valley Junction, the railroad town Just
outside of Des Moines on the Rock Island,
Is In darkness and has no water to drink.
The water and light company has gone on
a strike and refuses to do business. The
city and the' company have had trouble
before and the company asked for an
amended ordinance permitting It to Increase
the charges and place the consumption of
water on a meter basis In residences. No
compromise with the council haa been pos
sible and now the company has shut down,
,h. mn,hin,, k.
1 -wo
Northern Iowa Rennlon.
A reunion of the soldless) living in north
ern Iowa Is In progress at Rlcevllle and
a number of well known soldiers have gone
from here to attend. Colonel D. R. Palmer
of Washington, atate railroad commissioner,
and Colonel J. R. Prime, Inspector of the
Iowa National guard, delivered addresses.
The association haa held annual reunions
for several years and they are well at
tended. The German Savings bank of Berlin, I a.,
filed Its articles of Incorporation today.
Capital. $18,000; William Mee, president;
T. P. Reader, cashier.
The Fremont Butter company of Daven
port has. filed articles of Incorporation.
Capital, $50,000, by T. A. Corcoran and
Had Threatened to Do Mnrder.
It was discovered today that Samuel
Rowan, who last night stabbed and killed
George Glenn in a quarrel In the "Whlte
chapel" district of Des Moines, had made
threats against Glenn and Intimated that he
would get htm out of the way. The mur
der was done as the aequel of a long, hard
fight, which had been preceded by a series
of quarrels concerning one of the women
of the district. Both of the men had rooms
near where the murder was committed and
both were of disreputable character. The
woman over which the quarrel took place,
one Lizzie Kllburn, may be implicated In
the crime. Inasmuch as she Is reported to
have said that she would soon be rid of
Glenn, who was murdered.
Will Be Six Executions.
Six persons are In the state peniten
tiaries of Iowa at the present time awaiting
execution, and there seems to be no prob
ability that any one of the half dozen will
escape the gallows. All will be hanged
within a year from thla time, the first
next December. The hangings will all take
place at the penitentiaries. Governor Cum
mins has not been asked to interfere In a
single one of the cases and he will not
act on his owa motion, hence there Is
nothing for the wardens to do but prepare
for the executions. The condemned per
sona are Albert G. Phillips, colored,' and
Lewis Brooks, from Buena Vista county,
murder after bank robbery; Chester Tyler,
colored, from Jasper county, murder of a
doctor; Dick Williams, from Mahaska
county, murder In a saloon quarrel at
Bussey; Harry Hortman, from Cherokee
county, wbo killed a girl, and Louis. Busse
of Bremer county, who murdered his wife
and tried to burn the body.
State Meeting; of Opticians.
The annual convention of the State Asso
ciation of Opticians commenced here today.
The association Is a new oae and has bsen
gaining rapidly In Importance, about 100
persons now being members. Last winter
an effort wss made to secure legislation
for a state board of examiners for opti
cians, but this failed because the bill was
badly drawn and contemplated too much.
Members of the Board of Control went to
Mltchellville this afternoon to Inspect the
Industrial School for Girls, completing ths
semi-annual Inapection of the state insti
tutions. The board will expend $32,800 at
rinercopg and pososii
They bide its repulsive form, and
worn off or treatment is discontinued,
the mask and becomes as full ol life
may ary up me sores arm eruptions, dui at tne same time they drive the
poison back: into the blood and system, where it feeds upon the tender tissues,
membranes and nerves, finally breaking out ia most disgusting' sores and
even destroying the flesh and bones. '
Mercury and Totash cannot accomplish a radical and permanent cure.
They have a palliative but not curative effect upon this treacherous snake
like disease. These drugs produce mercurial Rheumatism, destroy the teeth
and corrode the membranes of the stomach and bowels, causing inflammation
and dyspepsia, nervousness and general derangement of the system.
S. S. S. is a Specific for Contagious Blood Poison, and the only antidote
for the peculiar virus that spreads so quickly throughout the system, cor
rupting the blood and infecting every organ and fibre of the body.
Write ua about your case and our physicians will cheerfully advise with
out charge. Our home treatment book will be sent free to all who desire it.
Lad let' Sai
lor hats,
and fine
worth up
to $1.00 each, on
sale at 26 o.
Be sure and get In line today during ths parade and follow the crowds to tho BOSTON STORE
It Is SALE DAT snd the bargain advertised Is Just as sure to bring ths peopls to our store ss ths
circus Is to bring you to the parade. As usual, everything Just as advertised and nothing overestimated.
A regular lOo dimity and
plain Batiste, big rangs of
patterna 31 Inches wide, to a yard.
Children's colored parasols,
better grades, 15c, 15c, 35c,
SOo up to $1.25 each.
Regular 10c dress glnghham,
vl4C all colors, sll styles; over $0
pieces to select from; on sale today,
8o a yard.
Plain and fancv silk nlsM
C suspenders, told everywhere
for 60c, for this sals, 25c.
Light shirting prints, best
quality, sold everywhere for
6c, for this sale, Sc.
Belt and shoulder hose sup
porters for ladles and misses
worth up to 83c, for this tale, 10c
syEZ A big lot of veiling, 39c and
mOC 4Bc values. In black and
colored dots snd fancy mesh, 26c.
On center counter a big
bargain In new, up-to-date
shirt waists, worth up to $2.50, for
this sale, $1.60.
Agents for
and 15c.
this school during the next two years. A
cottage costing $17,000; sewage disposition,
$4,000; library apparatus, $300; engine and
generator, $3,500, and water storage plant,
$8,000, comprise the Improvements to be
May Have Clae to Marder.
In the arrest of a crazy negro giving
his name as "Pat Carter," who Is now in
Jail at Albla, the police hope that the
much-desired clue to the murder of the
Peterson children has been obtained.
Carter was arrested last evening. He
followed Mrs. Albert Petty from the busi
ness part of Albla to her home, entered the
yard after her and followed her back to the
woodshed. Mr. Petty happened to be at
home a the time and Interfered, or there
la no telling what would have happened.
He notified the police and had Carter ar
rested. Carter explained to the police that be
waa forced to follow Mrs. Petty by some
strange Impulse. He was manifestly out
of his head and kept mumbling to himself:
"It was a ahame to kill those children."
He repeated It over and over. The police
think the worry over the crime unbalanced
his mind and officers went to Albla st 8:15
this afternoon to see Carter.
Carter gave his address as Des Moines.
He is described as a black, burly negro,
five feet eight Inches tall and weighing 165
Mnrder and Suicide.
What appears to have been a case of
murder apd suicide occurred st Colfax this
morning. Mrs. Matt Reef, wife of a shoe
maker, was found dead at an early hour.
The coroner commenced Investigation of
the case on the theory that It was murder,
snd before noon Mr. Reef went to a drug
store and purchased poison, which he swal
lowed with suicidal Intent. He will prob
ably die. His actions confirms the belief
In the murder theory. The couple had not
lived happily together.
Entire Business Section' of Baraara,
laws, ts Destroyed
by Fire.
FORT DODGE. Ia., June 10. (Special Tele
gram.) The ' entire business section of the
town of Barnum, twelve miles west of this
city, was totally destroyed by fire early this
morning. The town is without fire protec
tion of any kind and the flames made raptd
headway. Ten buildings were destroyed and
the total loss Is $25,000. Insurance one
half. List of lossek : P. J. Burks, general
store, $5,000, Insurance $2,700; T. F. Gur
nett, general store, $4,000, Insurance $2,000;
G, L. Walrod, drug store, $3,500, Insurance
$2,300; Mails V Monlhan, aaloon, $3,500, In
surance $2,300; Mrs. M. Brown, millinery,
$800, Insurance $400; John Monlhan, livery,
$1,000, Insurance $500; John Donohue,
dwelling. $400; Mrs. Lock Is, building. $400;
J. Rellly, building. $600.
Aaetioaeera ia Session at Waterloo.
WATEDLOO. Ia., June 10. (Special Tel
egram.) The auctioneers of Iowa began
their state convention here today with a
full delegation present. The object Is to
Increase efficiency and make the calling
recognised In the state. They want a
state examining board and licenses Issued
to auctioneers.
this serpent disease, fy
when it breaks down.
and venom as ever. Mercury and Potash
V Uitssnr" ?
. a. t. destroys the serpent, and eliminates
every atom of poison from the blood and at the same
time builds up the general health. 8. S. S. contains
no minerals of any kind, but is a purely vegetable
remedy and we offer for croof to the rontrarv.
Follou ilie Procession
1U1 UC fancy harder
handkerchiefs, also the Fair hand
kerchiefs, for sale at Just half price,
2 for 6c .
y Ladles' fancy hose, our
1m2C regular price 19c, for this
sals, 12Hc.
d f Ladles' lisle vests, lace trim-
Zs med, worth up to $3c, In one
lot, for sale, 19c.
f O' Men's lace half hose, silk
2C embroidered, blacks and
colors, for this sale, 12Vc.
8 A big lot of 30-Inch Madras
C 10 to 20 yards, value 15c, for
this sale, 8c a yard.
4 Cf . Gilt frame pictures, 9x12, sold
JIOC everywhere for 25c and 8Sc,
for this sale 15c each. f
rtJJ A glove, bargain (Berlin
fC Hale) Id black, grays, white
and tan, all sizes, for this sale, 25c.
d f A box of 3 cakes of good
milled soap, In two makes,
and worth up to 20c, for this sale, 10c.
itelau & Gardiner
BOSTON STORE, Council Bluffs, la.
Discoverer of
the famous
"Cook . Cures"
for Diseases of
'" " Men.
' iormauon is aemrea ny sincere people, to cases that we
have cured to stay cured, which had been abandoned by family physicians snd
so called experts. What we have done for others we can do for you. If you
cannot call, write us a full and truthful statement of your symptoms. Our
home treatment Is successful and strictly private. Address,
110 and 112 S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb.
f UNION PACiriC to
f ! Denver,
Colorado SpringsA a
I J eeOrte ' I
f J Pueblo return I I
I ' 1 June 1st to 21st I ' j
r The Fast Trains to Denver I
arevlathe f
Lv. Omaha Daily O
7I0 a.m. and 4:23 p.m. J?
, - TICKETSi rs y
C " 1324 Farnam St.
w '' j0mi tr v.
Curse ,
DR. McGREW (Agi53)
Blaaaaaa aad UUutuwi tkmm Oalr.
M Years' Kxaerteaee. IS Yeare la
safest and west natural tnat has ret
disoorared. Mo pain whatever, no outUof
and does net Interfere wita work or feuei
aeas. Treatment at office or at home aad
a permanent cure auarsntesd.
Hot Springs Treatmant (or Syphilis
And all Blood Diseases. Na "BRkJUCIMq
UUT en the aklo or laee and all eater
SlSDS et the disease disappear at once. A
irealtnont that ia nor auocsosful and tor
Snore aatlataeterr thaa tbe "eld form" ed
treatment aad at lees thaa HALJT TUJl
COaT. sure that Is guaranteed to be
permanent (or Ufa.
OVER 20,000 AehUltjr, lose f Vitality
ana sU unuatural weaaaeases mt aaa
Sftrtoture, Uleet, Kidney and atladdar tia
mil. Hydrocele, eurod soraaanaU7.
Treabaent tor avail T. O. Bos Tea
CMboo ere nS S. ltta street. tSwq Tmw
leMa-adSaVafW WKJm&
d U i f i & Im biirorte
TfttJr. FAurn'jrui mm tingla itliurei fcngM. um
ohual relief ti la a taw s;i tuO M
lasnaas 4 UcCeautU, 4uUm, IMS aud &vUaaV
Straw hats.
worth up te $1.00,
on sale, 15c each.
Our entire stock of black
and colored silk waists, all
styles and worth up to $4.60, In one lot,
for this sale, $1.95.
I for 25o, men's Rockford sox,
finished top snd will compare
with valuea marked 10c
d Jean corsets, small sizes only
IDC worth up to 76e, for this
sale. 15c.
Msn'a belts la gray aad Un,
all sites, with fancy nlokls
buckle, value 45c.
syl A regular made ladles'
12C hose, value 19c. la plain
ribbed and ribbed top, for this sale.
Misses' trimmed Leghorn
J. OC hats, usually sold for $100
and $1.25, for this sale, 75o.
Ladles' walking hats, lot of
tyles to select from, worth
up to $2.50, sale price, $1.00. .
A g- Ladles' percale wrappers.
4yC light snd dark colors, sold
for 76c and S9e, for this ssle, 49c
Agents for the
Cured in A days (to stay cured)
We went every man afflicted with Varicocele. Con
tagious Blood Poison, Nervous Debility. Stricture, or
allied troubles, to come to our office where we will ex
plain to him our method of curing these diseases. We
Invite in particular all men who have become dlsaatis
fied with treatment eluewhere. We will explain to you
why you have not been cured and will demonatrate to
your entire aatlsfactlon why we can cure you safely,
quickly and permanently. Our counsel will coat you
nothing and our charges for a perfect cure will be rea
sonable and not more than you would be willing to pay
for the benefits conterred.
Is whst you want We will give you a written legal
guarantee to cure you, or refund your money. We can
and will cite you. by permission,' when satisfied that in-
ttlit.U BK
White Ribbon Remedy
Waa ba gitcu ia alass uf water ink
coaTee without uatleat'e aaerledai.
White Ribbon Remedy will cure or de
stroy ths tliaoi iytu fur alceheUu
ailiuulaoia, wbcihsr tne pattern la a con
nruued inebriate, "a tippler," eoolal
drinker or drunkard, lmpvaaible for any
one to nave ao appetite fur alcoholie
liciuors after uaina vhiio Ribbon Remedy,
a-udvreed by Members ef V . tV. T. V.
Mrs. Moore, Press superintendent of the
Woman's Christian 'iemperaaos union.
Ventura, Cel., writes: "1 hvs iMied W hile
Ribbon Remedy on very ebullnale drunk
ards, and ths cures hsvs been ntany. in
many cases the Remedy was given secretly,
i cheerttMiy recommend ami endorse While
Riuoun Remedy. Mvmbers ei our union aie
deilsbied te And a pracueal and economi
cal treatment to aid us la oar temperance
itrs. M. A. Cowan, of the Woman s
Christian Tempeince bnlon. stales; "i
anow of so many people reueemed
irom the curse of drtalu by the use
of White Ribbon Remedy laai 1 rnesu
request you te Jive it a trlaL' Urui,
or by mall, IL Trial packets free by writ
inc or calling on Mrs. A. M- Townsend (.lor
(ars secretary of the Woman's Christian
mperance union). IIS Tremont at, Bos
ton. Mass. Sold la Omaha by
Phone T7. B. W. Cor. lSth and Chloaco.
Goods dsUverel rRKs! te aay part mi tUy.