THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY," JUNE 10, 1P02. 0 SPECIAL NOTICES; will b taken mil 12 m. for tbe lav edition an nntll H-.HO p. as. far morning and Dailar ealtlan. ft a tea, 1 l-2fl a ward Heat laaertlen, la a ward thereafter. Bathing taken far leas than SIM far tk drat tneer f loa. Tbn advertisements nauat be m eaneeentlvely. - Aiftrllirrt, by reajnaetlan; num. bereel eheek, ( have aaewere ad. drvaaad a a aamhrrad letter la car f Tfca Be. Aaawcra ao addrcaaed will be dallrrrad aa presentation ( tha beak aalr. ilTlATlO WA!TF.n. A STENOGRAPH Wh.n Vnil nl nn call the Kemlngten Typewriter office, IMS raiiiam au i etepnone iSi. A-lira J26 EXPERIENCE!) middle-aged hotal clerk la open for a good poaltltin in & first-class tummrrniu noiei aa aay or nignt ciera; competent, temperate,' refined and reliable; city referenoea. Address, P. O. Box 127, Diuicy, wwi. . A 101 HARDWARE man with aeven veara' ox- perlenca In the wholesale line, desires position with retail flrtn In city or out; can xurnisn references. .Address c II, Bee. ' A M561 WAKTED MALE HELP. IS FOR HALF A DAY'S WORK. If you live In the country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among tne lurmera and raisers In the nelahborhood you can make ta easily by tour or-live hours work. Write ua ana we win senu your our proposition. The Bee Publishing Co., Solicitors dept., WANTED, a good marv In every county lo take aubacriptiona (or The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents make good wagea everywhere. Keierences required. Adarexs Twentieth Century Farmer, THREE or four good men wanted; Il'JO per Q R. RATHBL'N gives private lessons In Duuimeepiiig. noora 10, commercial Na- uuiiai uaua. g4 PIIflHIN'n RAl.lmn -. n T - A l to tholr advantage by writing The Hawks ilUISSI v.v wuwftufteg, v IS. B 1S5 JU WANTED, harneasmakera; will guarantea teady employment the year round. Ad- V . einiin jo., to M West nr bui, wis. 11 AlSAi 11 WANTED Forty good stonemasons lm- meaiaieiy; uniana snops, Bloux City. Oood wages. Ueorge J. Grant Bloux n an im iu SALESMEN wanted to aell fruit trB- nr. altlon permanent; pay weekly; write for pamcuiars. Aauresa western Nursery vii,ytij, dmti wyt., Lawrence, Ivan-s- . .. - B-19sJulya CASIS TAKERS tnr tha U..k f. Ferguaon 8anltarium. 1S: N. 14th st.. Kanaaa Clt, Kan. 13 M.m 10 WANTED, an office boy, about 17 yeara of age, who Uvea at noire. Answer In own kut.wpdl.. 41 10 II T . n.... WANTED Carnenters: 12 60 Aav aa. dresa Joseph bhlealtfer, contractor, Yutan, "i . ij auiu SALESMEN, 150 per week permanent posi- uuiu luicounuia, ouu ware diock. i . B-326 WANTED, a flrst-clasa cook; wagea H5. jitia viuins nan, ori uouge, la. B M363 11 WANTED, first-class bicycle repair man; sjuuu pay anu sieauy worn, ixiuig f ietcn ar. i$u Capitol ave. B Mfrti 14 WANTED, watchmakers assistant; must oe aooa ingraver ana gooa salesman, hi. J. Nlewohner, Columbus, Neb. li M559 a CiDr PMnm -1 tA m M . n o uuiijir vimiRO IB VN ir I f (l men lO learn the barber trade now by a ahort An iKnwin.h m m n n. . .. . tlceahlp saved. Our splendid reputation of fake colleges and (-cent shops using our name; , our only branches are New York, Chicago, St Louis, San Francisco t viiinir.iiuiiD, vncana mnu umHnii; mrm w mr rmatan " i . . i . " v. . nuni - rn tt I l 111 ctructlona, etc. These advantages can not be bad elsewhere. Tools donated. Write today. Muler iiarber college, 1631 -i nii, u l. 13 m( WANTFn, man or boy to weed garden ' nl nrTrZ,. lram 1 m mb- Hull 1 w.ft.n. .ftftv,-. ft J ua, AVID ftUUglUS, U OBi! 11" WANTED, energetic man of good address, competent, to Intoduce first -dun propo sition. Apply 1 to 6 p. m., 106 Bee bldg. . il 004 WANTED, for U. 8. armv. abla-hndirf iin. married men between a-m tf 91 unH 9,; citizens of I'nlted States, of good character ana lempernte nauits. who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Omcer, 16th and Dodge stx., Omaha, and postofflce. building, Lincoln, WANTED-Exneiienced travellna- . .man for Michigan. Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa. Ohio. Pennsvlvanl. Nun. nrl an. fily but experienced aalnsmen; to aell our Ine of Jewelry and silver goods. Royal ma;. -o., liiB-iaii Arcn St., rnuadeiphla. B-Mj 10 WANTED Thoroughly experienced and competent aienograpner and typewriter; "'" uinera neea appiyi state experience. Address O S!, Bee. R M574 p SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN wanted for full line of fruit and ornamental trees; pay weekly; outllt free. Lawrence Nursery Company, Law- 8ALESMEN Vest pocket sample; will '" j 7 T. y uiiy jor two nours work. uiftft-nj t.nmill ., V.niCagO. A13M 10" WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, two yobnr . ladv .tmiont. n learn halrdresslng manicuring and chi ropody and scientlnc massage. Call or Rnm Q'ftA ll T , 1 .1 -.. - v, WB AJlua ft on 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th & Dodee. t , C-81I WANTED, deserving young- lady or gentle, man to take life scholarhlp In Omaha's best business and ahorthand college and pay for it when course la flnlshed and poaiuou secured. Address A 1, Bee. i c-m WANTED, a teacher to Instruct the French language to a class of three, twloa a week; state terms. Address Z 14. aj IICI WANTED ladv to lv r1n.t.,iin. i... sons In French to youna woman one avenlng each week. Siata terms. Ad- areas a v, see. C 794 WANTED, young nurse girl. Apply 672 & iota St. - O-MM ' WANTED, girl to assist In general house- ft. wi M.. 4ii'tft mt a. Bit I. AllKje WANTED- Good girl for general ' house work; small family. . IU4 Poppleton Ave.. corner 13d tit. C M443 10 WANTED, girl for germral housework; email family; good wages. 1534 S. 38th st. . C 9 FOR RENT HOLIES. VANS and- baggage wagons. - TeL 11. a. D 84S UntlCCC n all parts of clty The O Iiwu-Ji.aj jj,,,, Co... 6i3 Bee Bldg. A ' 1Ki0 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage (wLL. , oiucajeii'a sarnain, or leia. iDj 'j. . ' - - . , 1 l SEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK It CO., for choice BUUSes. OA1-. 1 . L.IIS .Biag. TCI. 1U1. . D-fcl FOR RENT,' 9-room. modern, detached house, newly painted and papered. 131. fell Capital Ave. Tel ITS. B. li Hublsot. U AlioO FOR RENT, modern kouse near High scnooi. i ne U. vavu co., sua nee n ag. u rj UlRniin Vi. A. nnun rn T.I ttSA D 80 HOUSES, ete. F. D. Waad. 1624 Doualaft ' D-T SIX-ROOM flat, all modern, 1113 Bo. 1Mb. ftWft BtftTi FOR RENT, nice (-room cottage, rear of aiQLS' atoraa. BamU. Paztoa block. FOR REST HOllEt ROOM and modern 1-rooro liouaee. tsni Hlonrto. D M317 FOR RENT, d-room modern, on car Una, ti. u. Al. isattlnger. inone . TO RENT, 8-rnnm modern bona. Ill 8. inn, near farnam. u j iu HOUSES and Data. Rlngwalt, Barker block . u s-ii GOOD S-room modern houaa. 2604 Plondo. D Mil? SEVEN-ROOM cottage. 2in 8. 14th it.. $20; no furnace. J. li. jonnson, n. i. iire. l .M31S u FOR RENT, one flrat floor flat In tha new Punmny apartment house, lotn ana DIbrnB . f .11 mAft.rn finnVinlMPM newly papered, 126.00 per month. Inquire of H. J. Windaor, 1515 Dodge St. , D 177 l MARCT at., 9 rnnma, all modern. In good neighborhood, tW rer month. GEORGE oe COM PANT, 1W1 Farnam St. U M36B 18 FOR REST Ft R WISHED llwwS. ELEGANT room a, finest location In tha city. 1Lj Capitol avc. E M836 DEWEY European hotel; 13th and Farnam. Mil TWO housekeeping roomi IS. 2423 St. Mary's FOR RENT, large, pleaaant south front rooms, newiy lurnianen; private lamny; terma moderate. 2214 Capitol Ave. is v I NICE rooms for light housekeeping;, fur- nuned. uu a. um. . J5-mj LARGE front room, modern. 1921 Bt. Mary1 avenue J M442 iu LARGS front room. 2681 Harney. . LARGE, pleaaant, hewly fumlshed.r south front rooms; modern nouaei private, ranv- ily; terms moderate. , iZl. canttol ave. ; B M6T 19 Fl RM8HED ROOMS AND BOARD. Merrtam, comfortable summer home. Tel 85. .... 6U VERJT desirable rooms. 212 8. ith st. HAVE one nice cool front room, suitable tor two men. lai uurt st. t LARGE room, with alcove, modern, fur nlfhed, with board: also -other rooms; nome cooking, a.u irarnara. iu w FOR RUNT USFtRMSHED ROOMS. DESK, room space, 15 pe- montn, ground nonr room in The ilee bunding, ladna Farnam atreet; no expense for light, beat or Janitor service. R. C. Peters 4. Co., rental agenia, aem Dunaing. v li CENTRAL, S choice rooms. 220 N. 23d. ' , t .41 TWO ROOMS for light housekeeping; back parlor lurnianed or unrurnlstied; modern; reierences exenangea. oji t. itn st. - U . 11" FOR HE XT STORES A5D OFFICES FOR RENT, the building formerly occu- i i v. . . rr u i j ... fn .T . t . has four stories and a brnient which . waa formerly used as The Bee press room. This win De rented very reasonably, if Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100. Bee building. 1 KBl FOR. RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonaoie. Appiy n. u. .raters & Co., ground noor, iiee Diag. . i .us FOR RENT, desk room or large space euitaoie lor mtronanoise orcater or party doing business In wholesale district. In quire liene & co., did rarnam at. TO LET. offices In Paxton block and Mc- Cague Diog. w. f arnam. tsmltn Co., 1320 Farnam at. . 1673 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two oi tne pen to mention tne iact mat you saw tha ad In The Bee. ' AGENTS WASTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER: steady employment with assured good Income; agenta in the country with horse and buggy especially desired; can vassers make easily 160 to 1100 per month. &Hilr.i I'tanturv Pa pm.r Antinhn..' Address century Farmer Solicitors' bureau, Bee building Omaha. 213 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, two or three good vacant lots. suiiame inr reaiuencea of nais; muse be good locations and price reasonable; all cash and no extra expense of selHng. Address direct to buyers, B 10, care Bee oflice. :- N-M449 WANTED-2d-hand clothing for cash. 120T r arnam, is M7 Jy. 1 FOR SALE FIRMITIRE. CHICAGO Furniture Coy 141Q Dodge. Tel. iuju. new ana secona-nana, Dougnt, sold, exchanged. O 861 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, 'ETC. I FOR BALE, cheap, a Concord buggy. lth and Vinton. . P 164 PAINTING ' and repairs on wagons, etc.. our specially, n. crost, iin ana Leav. ' .t..ftvn.tK I1.! . ft ft T n L,. a FOR BALE, buggies, phaetons, runabouts, how ana Kcununanu. ai cue Drices. m- palrlng, painting and trimming; also put on rubber tire. Ptellter, 27th and Leav. enworin dis. f 777 J24 SEVERAL fine driving . horses. Walter rneips, noora u, ri. x. LAit mat. , , . P-M863 FOR BALIS Horses, wagons, ste.: good vxifuiiun top carruige tor aaie at a sao- . riflce. See Johnson St i Roberu, - John ' Deere Bldg.,. loth. and. .Leavenworth. Sts. - ." I431 Jel7 . FOR SALE Shetland ponies at auction. rive neaa wen Droxe tsneiianda will be sold at Union Stock Yards barn. South Omaha, Thursday, June 12. Graham, Proctor ds Ream Horse Commission Co. . . i J 44471 10 FOR SALE MISCELLAKEOIS. IDI1AND sate cheap. SchwarU, 114 8. 13th. W ot4 FLESCHER sells bicycles. 1613 Capitol Ave. 2DHAND safe cheap. Dertgbt. 1119 Farnam. i : V3 866 UM STYLES "trjsses: catalog-je free. Sher man sacuonneu irug co.. itn ana 1 f l.., ,. 1,.. ' , . U. , i. n , vu.B..ftm. vol BICYCLES and phonographs on easy pay- iiit-uiB t oowoi si.ou per wee; xanana wheels,-1 15, 18 and tlw: new wheels, 115. uniana uicycie co.. ibtn and Chicago Bis . . - i . .-- Q M808 WIKH fence for poultry, hog. awn and vara, aucn posts, tree guards; W(re eras, ail p. loin Bl. Tel. ltK. t-Min July FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any uiiivr uunicai inBiruinenij se up. 1 Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. Q at FOR SALE- scholarahlp In an. Omaha shorthand school, cheap. ' Inquire 232 fiae uiug. . . .vj Mlrae SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables uniara taaies repaired: a larae stoca oi cheaD bar fixtures, clizas counters, .t a The Brunswick ttalke CoJlepder Co., 407-t Bouin lpin. . .14 oil FOR SALE, secondhand desks, chairs and wtipm omce counter gnd railings, wa- nasn omce. ii t arnam Bl. 4 Mil WHITE sawddat; seaaon checked oak tim bers cheap; bog Xeuce, tc. ul pouglaa ' U 131 REMINGTON typewriter. No. a, roller top . .iKtiara am xvaibaca iioca FOR i ALE MlSCELLASEOl 8." NEW arid. 2d hand typewriter!. 1118 Far nam. y 371 INDIAN goods and relics. 111 Farnam. S72 FOR SALE, fine Imported harneaa, brass mounted and trimmed; cost when new 3f-n- will aell for can be seen at Doty A Russell's barn, 10th and Leavenworth streets. Q 629 CLD wheels taken In trade on new ones. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago St. . Q-M&fll CLAIRVOf AXT. ATTENTION! ATTENTION MRS. DR. EDWARDS of Chicago, the ii'iiru iiicuiuiii, L'tin Lre uonauiieu rn mi affairs of life; satisfaction or no charge. Letters answered. 1U South 17th at. 8-663 1T MRS FRITZ, clairvoyant 1614 Cass st. s8; ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th, r 7. T-M41 J17 MME. SMITH, baths, 111 N. IS. 2d floor. R. 1 c T M336 Jy a BaaaaaaBa-aBaaBaBBaBBSBBBBaBaaaaa i PERSONAL. DR. ROT, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. K. 12, Frenser block. U 876 PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement, babies adopted. 2304 Grant st, Mrs. Gardeia. Tel. F-1182. - - U-877 - FLESCHER will fix your bicycle right. ;-8ra HAIRDRESSTNG, manicuring and chh-o- ody, for ladles only, in connection wi'n he uatnery, nee bldg. u 871 RUPTURE permanently cured in SO to 60 days; send for circular. O. 8. Wood,, M. D., 621 New York Life bldg., Omaha, Neb. U-80 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and . quickest. Mrs. A. c. Ajark, 17 & Douglas, u-4si' GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug las. U 8S2 CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The Bathery, rooms 216-220 Bee bldg. TeL 1716. U 883 ELITE PARLORS, 615 S. 16th St., 2d floor. U M360 Jy7 SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng, 2Sc, In connection wun i ne natnery, zib-zzu nee building. Tel. 1716. U-884 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur lng confinement; babies adopted. 220 Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U M218 J16 VIAVA, woman's way to health. Home treatment. Booklet free. 346 Bee bldg.. L 111 n 1 1 a. td FOUND, best Ice cream soda In city, 6c. Shrader's store, 24th and Seward. ' U-H3 J10 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, 2d floor, r 1. U M22S J 16 LOWEST PRICES In accordion and side pleating. The Goldman Pleating Co., aw uougias DIOCK. u IHll 81 EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE-932 N. Y. Lite biag., umana. send lor circulars. U 469 FREE TREATMENTS. To Convince the afflicted of the wonderful fiower of vital magnetism, the Prlbbenew nelllute. fur a limited time, will treat any sufferer 2 or 1 times absolutely free. Call at 215-216 Karbach block, 2ii9 8. 16th at. i-none, n-inn. u M370 Jyi PROF. JOHNSON curea all human dls . eases. 620 Bee building. Office hours, 9 a. in. iu p. in. u tun jyi But you will look a long time before you iiinin. a i. in i . r . vi wt. v ,s se sc i STOECKER CIGARS. They lead In quality and flavor, and are cooi ana rree. Try one ana you ll smoke n oiner. u M03t It Middlemlss, wallpaper cleaner. Tel.' 1739. U Mool Jvj MOLL10 Alas, the poor hen! Page 2S1 . ii nn i ? ill 1 1. ba.-njcuriQ. U Aiao l'J MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. ' I'A PER CENT on business property. b per cent on residence property.- :' Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE, 401 8. 16th 'st. W-88S MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, crennan-iove to., sua H. latn. W 887 WANTED, oltv loans and warrants. W, f arnam cmitn & uo., iJiu i arnam st. W-8S8 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. TV (SO FARM and cltV loans, low rates.- , W. H Xliuiliaa, isi A-aii. inaiu. uiug. xei. 1M9. W 890 TVAWTPn .ftltv .n f..- In.n.. .1.. w . ., .... ft t.-, ' J wi.ft. ft " in ivnun , II 1 . VJ uunuri urtA tvarrintl R f- P.f . r-. ja. f'r i7iv r RllilllU B., ftlCC UIU(. W 001 LOW RATES. Private money. rAlKK IHVEBIMBWT COMFANT. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. W-1.U82 4H TO 6 P. C. money. .Bemis. Paxton blk. XT OA. 03 I PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. 1004 f arnam. . W 894 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglag W 895 1100 UP, low rate. Prlchard, 1711 Farnam. w Mlltl MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. 10 YEARS In our present location. Deal with an old rename nrm ana establish a credit tnat will be of use to you in the future. We make loans on Furniture, Pianos, Live Stock and to Salaried Peoole. Our rates are aa low aa any and much lower than many. Our motion Is, "Try to please." If you have dealt with us and are pleased len otnera. ir you are aispieasea ten us. nuiui woRTfiinir t . kt pa 119 Board of Trade Bldg., tu6 So. 16th St fttuaiabiisnea in 1893. Tel. X 896 BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATORS. Don't let your debts worry you, CALL ON US and we will make you A SALARY LOAN. We loan to honest employes UPON THEIR PER8QNAL NOTE. 110 to 1100 without security, endorser or puoucity. uhiwe iiot-i-is, i a. m. to p. m. KtUABIilS UKBUIT U'MrAN I, Room 3u3, Paxton Block. Third Floor. X M897 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO BALftAKlh.1) PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houaes, etc., without se curity; eaalest terma: 40 offices in prln clnsl cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. . A SU. Chattel and FJalary LoaiaS, PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Successor to 3. W. Tayloe. TeL 746. 633 Paxton Block. X-271 Jy. MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; Duainess connaentiai; lowest rates, bit raxion Diock. ine j. a. Mutton co. X-89S MONEY loaned on furniture, live atock ' Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co., sue to uuti ureen. s uaraer wooa. X-901 MONEY loaned on planoa. furniture. lew elry. horses, cows, a to. C. F. Reed, 111 9 IS. A "US SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS. Do you want money for long or short term at ratea rarely eaualed by competitors "Its our business to supply It." AMERI CAN LOAN CO.. Third Floor, Paxton Block. x BISINESS CHANCES. . TO GET In or out of buslneee call on Wll llama. Room 411. McCague Building. - Y-304 FOR BALE, a new electric lighting and a modern 60-bbL roller mill, power, in a good - cqunty seat of eastern Ntmbrajakai. Addi-BAa O S2 plant iteam 1 OuO Bee. RL'SlNESS CHANCES. Enterprising Man with K.Ono can acquire controlling Inter- eat in a rapidly increasing and profitable legitimate manufacturing buslncs.-: In vestigate thla proposition. J. H. John son. N. Y. L. Y-M(u FOR SALE, good, clear, up-to-date stock oi jewelry, crocaery, musical instruments, sewing machinea, notions, etc., about 19,600; also good brick building, 2oxlt, with lot 2Kxlj0; stock located In good county seat town, northwestern Iowa; stock exceptionally clean, running and doing good business. Fine opening. Ad dress F. M. Casady, Bloux City. la. Y S35 J 13 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick, see j, H. Johnson, Ml N. V. Life. Y-M17S DESK ROOM, roll-top desk and "phone a T li t.k . a a n CI XT V T I. .VI v.v. . . . ft . ,V1II.UII 0M ... 1 til Y 440 FOR BALE, asphalt plant, 11th and Grace streets, umana. Apply to tne Standard Paving Co., Chicago. III. v. .,- Y-M521 Je22 FOR SALE, furniture of a 10-room house, full of gMd paying boarders, l block from Harney, Dodge and Farnam care, 4 blocka from 16th; cash offer only con sidered. A good thing for the right per son. Houoe rent reasonable. Address C 7, ' Bee. Y-260 TO buy, sell or exchange a business. Call on c .1. canan, it, s, isi. r arnam st. Y-M360 BAKERY and confectionery business wanted In city of 2.(io to V,ow; must be paying proposition and a bargain. Ad dress C 20, Bee. Y-M358 FOR SALE at a bargain, my dairy, with barn, wagon, horses and roite complete. O. P. Brown, 4Sd and Fowler ave. Y-M569 10 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. is 49, uee. -Mblv FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lire insurance, tsemis, . l axton block. RE 911 LANDS In the Mouse River valley are of tno best in iorin uaaoia; good son, splendid climate and good water; surface level, with occasionally small strip of rolling prairie, not hilly; well watered with running small streams and dotted with little lakea; land is Increasing in value at a rapid rate. Homeseekers and Investors will do well to look this coun try over before settling elsewhere. Par ties desiring information may write us or call and wc will take pleasure in answer ing all communications, also showing our lands, we nave nstea ioin aeeaed lands and relinquishments for sale at reason able prices. Land seekers will do well to notify us when to expect them, so we can be prepared to show lands. Yours for Business, HUMPHREY A SLAUGHTER. Norwich, N. D. RE 306 Jy3 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the i nion racinc nauroaa company. . a. McAUester, land commissioner. Union Pa- clno Headquarters, umana, rses. RE 908 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property ana rarm lands. The O. F, Davis Co., Room 662, Bee building. . . . RE 913 BUY best house paints, varnishes, etc.: S utility iiikiiitbl, IJilft-ftrs lu.roi. .tuiionai 11 and Paint company, 1016 Jones 8t. RE 638 Je2J BEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. for choice bargains. 601-3 n. x. Lite Biag. Tel. 101& RE 914 THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 Douglas Bt., upstairs; small nouaes tor sale; cheap building lots. Call for catalogue and price list. Private money to loan on easy terms. . .. . , , .. ms mi IF YOIT wnnt one of the- nicest 8-room homes In Hanacom Place I will give you a bargain. Owner lert city. Must J. H. Sherwood, 97 N. Y. L. Bldg. ft RE 2 sell. 51153 GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance. l Urown block. , . '.' RE-909 WILLIAMSON fK' r 1 '.- t'Pi i RE- RE-910" ;r,i. A MONTHLY payment bargain-. In 1-room nouse. u. ai. lyaiiinger. ,rnone tro. ; '. RE M536 WHY I LIVE IN KOUNTZE PLACE 2 C. F. WELLER'S' REASON. OMAHA.. May 8, 1902. George H. Payne, President, Payne Investment Company, N. Y. L. Bldg., City. Dear Sir In reply to your inquiry I beg to say that I have lived in Kountze Place for 14 years, and prefer It to any other por tion of the city. It is healthy, easy of ac cess and far enough away from South Omaha to be perfectly .comfortable and pleasant Yours truly, C F. WELLER. If you live on the south side of the city you win appreciate . Mr. welter s last reason for preferring Kountxe Place. If you buy a lot in that addition now you will be aa well pleased aa Mr. Weller. Fine lots on- paved street for 1800 to 1900; others as low as 1600, and big boule- vara corners at si.suu. iau ana SEE OUR PLAT. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main floor is. Y. L. Bldg. Tel, 1781. RE M572 IS When You; Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two 01 tne pen to mention tne tact that you saw tne aa in ine nee. MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHIOR, 13th and Harney, ma cninisu M919 OMAHA Bafe and Iron Wks. make a so. ciaity 01 lire escapes snuiters, doors and sates, u. Anoreen, irop., lux a. 10th Bt. M920 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT's school. 717 N. T. Life -921 BOYLES college, court reporter principal, 1M V Life r im 4 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's A neater. FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 151 Farnam. Tel. 1263. nenu ior price list, cut nowers and plants. M925 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 911 . . u uca, general eivrage ana lorwaramg - - 926 OM. Van Btor. Co., 1611'4 Faro. Tela. 1669-tutl. ; 927 BICYCLES. CLEARING BALE THIS WEEK. Will aell less than coatl Andrae, !M. reduced to 128.00 Dayton. 160, reduced to 36.00 Rugby. 146. reduced to t2 W New blcyclej 126, reduced to 15 09 LU11S riJSTCHER, 163 CAPITOL AVE. ' M&41 14 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and aeaa animals at reduced pnees. c.1 N. 18. iei. iv i. ocs AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILE 8. Derlght's r arnam afreet. 2x3 LAWkT MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. L X. Wks., 1406 Howard .. . m:'14 FIR PRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1C4 Bo. ink. MEDICAL. DR. TRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in aiseaeee or women in umana, would call the attention of suffering Indies to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment tor Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, lr. Pries, Arlington Block, loll Dodge, Omaha. l LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal 1'iiis are tne best. Hare, rename, inns no other. Send 4o stamps for particular. "Relief fur Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two or tne pen to mention tne xaot that you saw the ad In The Bee LAW AND COLLECTIONS. Htlllman & Price, att'ys. law. collections. A. P. Llllls, notary, 23 U. S. Nat Tel. 1720. tin Ji NEBRASKA Collection company (Incor porated), sob new iork ijire bldg. rnone, 623. Damage suits prosecuted. The col lection of claims, large or small, made anywhere In the United States or foreign countries by bonded attorneys. No col lection, no charge. Bank reference fur riahed on application. -M841 J29 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 1041 Farnam. - ji"- PLl'MBINO. D. W. DUDGEON, 2910 Farnam. Tel. 1966. Mfttio jyt- When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two or ine pen to mention tne iact that you saw the ad in The Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele- phone 3190. 611 South Thirteenth atreet. M929 LAINDR1. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars, tc, cuns, 4c iiov ueavenwonn. iei. mi. -933 BEST laundry. The Chicago, 'phone 20.1. MSB riANOS. $250 "WALTER" -$&g $2S0 NO MORE NO LESS. Ask Fred R. Walter for terms. 3112 California St. Catalogue on request. M570 14 nickel Plating. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. KM CARPENTERS AND JOINEHS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly arienaea 10. j. 1. ucniitree. zutn ana uaKe streets. 311 ACCORDION PLEATING. REDUCED prices in pleatlngs, fuchlngs, tucKinas nna appuqueing. for lull in formation Inquire Ideal Pleating Co., 1610 Howard Bt. 39S Jy7 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co., It fc Jackson. Tel. 23) VII "iC.TK7 ALPIRN buys all kinds of scran Iron and meiais. ai uougias Bl. Tel. Zii. 1st PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; an Business conuoential. 1301 Douglas, -934 MUSICAL. C. B. SHAW'S new studio open all summer, ztiu jit OSTEOPATHY. GID E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. euiie mo, in, x. .Lftiie Biag. iei. lam. 916 DR. A. T. HUNT. 611 McCague Bldg. Tel. ixz. B17 DR. MRS. MUSICK. Douglas Blk. Tel. 2823. 918 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th, HUa FURNITURE REPAIRING. FIRST-CLASS work. 2201 Farnam. Tel. 1481, -633 Je22 STEAM DYE WORKS. THE CANADIAN, suits cleaned, pressed, 11.00. Ladles' sklrU. 60c. 816 N. Tth St 170 J30 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. -924 When You Write . to Advertisers. remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention toe fact that you saw tne aa in Tne use. LOST. LOST Near 14th and Farnam or on Far. nam street car, one beaded chattelatne, silver trimmed, gray chamois book; re ward 1 or return 10 laa r arnam st. Lost M571 10 It A WISE man buys his Runabouts and Harness In the spring ' and gets a whole season's good. Many wise men have called and purchased tbls week. - -Its up to you. fDrummond Carriage Co., 18th and Harney Sts. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Shoultt be read DAILY by all interested, as changes may oocur at any time. Foreign malls for the week ending June 14. vfi, win cioss irituariLi in an cases) at the general postofflce as follows: Par. eels post malls close one hour earlier than closing time anown neiow. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign station half hour later than closing time snown oeiow ixi-rpi inai supplement, arv maila for Europe and Central America via Colon, close one hour later St foreign station;. Transatlaatle Malls. TUESDAY At 8:30 a. m. for ITALY dl reel, per s. s. Lombardla (mall must ba directed "per s. a. Lombardla . WEDNESDAY At : a. m. for ECROPB ...POSTurFICU NOTICE. W a. hi: (supplementary 10 a. nv) for EUROPE, Per s. a. Oe.rn.anlr, via yiteeni town at 10 a. mr for HKUIIUM direct, per s. s. Frlesland (mall must be directed "ner a a Krl.i.i. nrf 1 Til I'RPDA Y A t 7 a. m. for FRANCE. BWilAtKUAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORT UGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. UREKCK, BRITISH INDIA and I-ORENZO MAR 4UE2L, per s. a. La Lorraine, via Havre (mail lot other pacta of Europe must be directed Pel" a. a. I.a liormlne"! SATURDAY At 7: a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, Per a. s. Rotterdam iniall must be directed "per s. s. Rotterdam "); at -8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE. Per s. . Etrurta. via Queen. town: at t a. ro. for ITALY direct, per e. a. Cttta dl Genoa (mall must be directed "per. Cltta dl Oenoa"); at 9 a. m. for ITALY' direct, per s. s. 1-ehn (mall must be directed "per s. s. Lahn' ); at a. m. tor SCOTLAND direct, per a. s. Ethiopia (mall must be directed "per s. s. Ethi opia"). , v , PRINTFtJ MATTER, ETC.-Thls efeemri taaea j'nnted Matter, commercial t'Hpers and Samples for Germany only. The same class .of msll matter for other pens of Europe will not be aer.t by this shio un less aneelallv directed by It. After (he closing of- tne supplementary transatlantic mana named enove. anui tlona.1 aupplcmentary malla are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and re ma U open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls' tor (loath ahd Central Amer- lea, West Indies, Etc. TUESDAY At 9:31) a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.! for CENTRAL AMERICA (ex- cent vosta Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. a. Advance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be directed "per s. s. Advance"); at 12:30 p. m. for FERNAMHUeo, - VfCTORIA and RIO GRANDE DE BUL, per a. s. Castllllan Prlnde (mail for other parts of Rragll Jniist be directed "per s. s. Castllllan Prhice'lJ at 12:80 p. m. (suppleme-nttry 1:30 p. m.) for BERMUDA. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and BRIT ISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Carlbbee (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. a. Cor Ibbee "); at 6;30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per B. a. Admiral Farragut. for Boston; at 11:10 p.- m. for JAMAICA, per s. 8. Wat son, from Phlladelnhln. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, YUCA TAN, CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHI APAS, per . s. Esperansa (mall for other parts, of Mexico must be directed "per . a. Eoperansa"); at 12:30 p. m. (supple mentary 1 p. m.) for TUHK8 ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. s. Bemlnole; at 6:30 rvm. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral 8chley, from Boston; at 11:30 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per n. s. Siberian, from Philadelphia. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Santiago, via Tamplco-. (mall must be di rected "nor a. s. Hfinti.iiro",. SATURDAYAt 4:30 a; m.'for BRAZIL, per a. a. Byracusa, via Macelo, Rio Ja neiro" and Santoa (mall for Northern Brasll, Argentine;, -Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per s. s. Byracusa"); at 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENE ZUELA,- per a. a'. Philadelphia (mall for ttavamna ana Cartagena must oe airectea "per s. s. Philadelphia"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FOR TUNE 18 LAND' JAMAICA, SAVANILLA and CARTAGENA, per a. s. Altai (mall for Coata Rica must be directed "ner s. 8. Altal"i; at 9:30 a. m. (Supplementary 10:80 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per s. s. Adirondack; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. ai. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD and , C1UDAD BOIJVAR, per s. e. Maraval; at 12:30 p.- m. for CUBA,, per 8. s. Curltyba, via MataDtas (ordinary mall only, which must be airectea ' per s. s. luruyba Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North tsydney, ana tnence vy steamer, close ai this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connect ing close -nere every, itiunaay, weanea dav and Saturday. Mails for Miauelon by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this ollce dally ai 6:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, v by rail to Florida, and . thence by steamers, are dispatched dally, except Thursday, filial connecting closes. for 01S pater, via fort lampiv, on Mon days, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 6:30 a. m.; for dispatch via Miami, on Mon days and Saturdays at 6:30 p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless spe cially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at tnia omce naijy excep: bunday at 1:30 n.' m. and 11:80 D. m.. Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and 11:30 p, m. Malls for CoBta Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortex and Guate mala' by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally ex ceDt Bunday at 1.30 t. m.. Sundays at 1 :0 n. m. (csnnclijf closes here Mon days for Bell re, Puerto; Cortes and Guate mala,- .ana .luesaaya- iur tjosia uicai Registered mall closes at 6:00 p. m. pre vtous day,- TranspacIOo Malls. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver and victoria, u. c. close nere oauy at :w p. m. up to June "10, inclusive, tor dis patch per s. a. Empress of Japan (regis tered mall must be specially addressed Merchandise for the V- S. Postal Agency at Shanghai . oannot be iorwarded via Canada 1. Malls tor . the Philippine Islands, via San VTancisco, close nere daily ai ;so p. m. up to June li, Jr.oluslve, for dispatch ner tT. 8. Tranatiort. . Malla for China and japan, via Seattle, close here dailv at 6:30 d. m. ud to June Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Tosa Maru. (Kegisterea mull must oe uireciea "via Seattle"). Malla for China and Japan, via Tacoma. close here daily at 6:30 D. m. up to June 13, Inclusive, for dlspatcl per s. s. Duke 01 r lie. Malla for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close nere uauy at nuv) p. m. up 10 june 10, lnrlnalve. for dinnatch. ncr a. a. Alameda. Malls for China. Japan and Phlllpplna Isl ands (also specially addressed mall for Hawaii), via Han rrancisco, close nere dally at 6:30 p. m. up to June 16. in clusive, ror aispatcq per a. a, jaeuc. Malla . for Australia (exceDt West Aus tralla, which goea via Enron, and New '1 l..ft ..lil.V. ft..... .!. Can Vp.nnlBrtnl a 1 ci 1 1 1 1 . .1111.11 bwv" 1 1 . . .in IB,.,.,, and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver and Vic toria, B.C.; close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after June 7 and up to. June 21. In clusive, for dispatcn per s. s. Aorangi. Malla for Hawaii. Japan. China and Phil lpptne Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m.- up to June 23, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Hong Maru. Maila for Australia (except West Australia. which Is forwarded - via Europe), New Zealand. Fill. Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:80 H. m. after June ' n sna up to June "ai, due at New York June 28, for dispatch per s. s. Sonoma. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands via Ban Francisco, close here dally al 6:30 p. m. up to July "10, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Atistrana. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of aalUng dally gnd the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their ' 'uninterrupted .overland transit Registered mall closes at 6:00 p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaater. Poetoftlce. New York, N. Y., June 6, 1902, GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS. FORT RILEY, KANSAS Uiv loth. -lSKftL Saaled DroDuaa Is In triol eate will ba received at this office until 11 o'clock a. m,, June 10th, 1902, and then opened, tor ine construction 01 ana altera tions to the following buildings, Including Dlumblne-. heating and electric wiring: Construction of .one Artillery Stable, two Cavalry Stables,- two Gun Sheds, one Bachelor omoere (juartere ana two aoutne Officers' Quarters. Alterations In four Cavalry Barracks. - Additions and altera tlona to three Artillery Barracks and two Cavalry Uarracka at Fort Riley. Kanaaa. Bidders will state In their bids the time In which they will -complete the work, aa time will form an Important consideration In the -award of contracts. Full informa tion arid blank forma of proposals will be furnished uuun aoulleatlon to thla office. Plana and Upeclrtcaiions may be seen here also in umces or uepoi muurtermasters at Chicago, 1)1.; St. Louis, Mo., and Omaha, Neb. United States 'reserves the right to accept ox reject any or all bids or any part thereof.- Envelopes to be endorsed "Pro posals for Publlo Buildings" and addressed ' Captain G. O. Cress, Constructing vjuar- lermaster.:-. .. .. J4HM-.-13-H-JK-IU PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE stores. Office of Commissary U. 8. Army, Array - building, -Omaha Neb., June 10, 19u2. Sealed proposals In triplicate for fur nlahln bacon.' Issue, dry salt curt in 1 lb, net cans and hams, dry salt cure. In tierces, wll) be received at this office and si ine pmce 01 tne l urcnanni commis sary at Kansas City, Mo., and at the of nee of the purchasing commissary a Chlcaxo. 111., until Saturday. 11 o'clock a m., June 21, 1903. at which time and places they will ba publicly opened. Articles of domestlo production or manufacture will be prerarrea-to mose 01 foreign origin, cost and Quality being equal. Specltica- lions as -to quantities, dates and placea of delivery, blank proposala and further InforrpaUon furnlshad on application to office. Envelopes containing pro poaals should be endorsed "Proposals for BuDeiswwce stores, to oa opened eaiuraay, June ll. I'Mt.7' and addresaed to William It Grove, Capiatd. "Commissary, Purchasing GOVERNMENT NOTICES. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICR of the H.iprrvlslna Architect, Washington. I. C. May .-9. l'2 8mU-d Proposals will he received at thla oflice until 1 o clock p ni. on the 2MD day of June. 19'2, and then cpemd, for the Installation of a con duit and electric ulrlnir sstem for thi extension of the U. S. Court House, Cua tom House and l'ostottlce at Omaha. Ne braskn. In accordance with the drawings and speclllcatlon, copies of which may be obtained at this office or at the office of the Superintendent of Construction at Omaha, Neb., at the discretion of the upervlslng Architect. JAMKH KNOX TAYLOR, Supervising Architect. jj-o-i-iv-ii-niu ST. PAUL, Minn.; June 7, IJi'l. SEALED ROP03AL8. In triplicate, will be received here, or at following named post, until 11 m , juiv 1, is'.', tor ruriusnine sucn OR.N. OATS. BRAN. HAY and KTRAW. a may be reuulred durlna thn llacal year commencing July 1, l'.KC, at Bt Paul and f ort Knelling, Minn.; rori latea, .n. u. amp Merrlt and Forts Assluulbolne. Har rison, Kcogh and Missoula, Mont.; Fort ellowstonn. yo.. and Fort Meade. B. I). Instructions furnished on application here. or to quartermasters at the posts named. U. 8. reserves right to accept or reject any or an proposals or any part inereoi, imi, E. POND, C. Q. M. -J7-9-10-HJyl-6M CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Neb., June 6. 1!2. Bealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual condi tions, will be received at this office, until 10 a. m , central standard time, June 20. IH03, for the construction of a frame nana itand at jerrerson itarrarks. Mo. KUI1 in ormatlon furnished on application to this fllce. where specifications may be seen. or to the (Juartermnster, Jefforson Bar racks, proposals to te marked ' Pro- osals Tor Band Bland. JOHN W. FUL1 IAN, Chief guartcrmaster Bt JJO-(-H-10-1 1 -ISM A1LWAY TIME CARD. NION STATION IOT 11 AND MAHCt. (blcaan A Northwestern. "The Northwestern Une." I,eave. Arrive. Fast Chicago a 1:40 am alsOint Mall a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am Local Sioux City a 6: am a 30 pm lav iht Ht. Paul a l.3b am aio.-s pm Dnyllaht Chicago a 8:ti0 am all:20 pm Iftocal Chicago al0:66 am a 6:30 pm Local Carroll a 4:16 pm a!0:20 am Fast Chicago a 4:M pin a 4:rc pm ftlmlte.1 Chicago at:epra a :at am Fast St. Paul a 7:66 pin a 8:60 am Fast Mall 2:) pm EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Daylight Lira- ited .. a a:w am a v:o am Chicago Daylight a 7:tn am a 9:36 pm Chicago Exprcaa bll:lo am a 6:06 pm Des Moines Local a 6:20 pm bll:60 am Chicago Fast Express. a 6:06 pm a 1:26 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lim ited t:60 am a 4:6t am Lincoln, Colo. Springs. . Denver, Pueblo ana West l'-SO pm a 6:41 pm Colo., Texas. Cat. Oklahoma Jf iyer a e:w pm auii:fu pm Wabash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express ..a 6:15 pm a 8: JO am St. Louis Local, Council ' BluHs aio:w am a iv.iu pm t'blcaco, Milwaukee A St. Paul. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 1:08 am Chicago umana n.x..Dey:i am o :4U pm lulus l acioo. r Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 1:40 am a 7:80 pm Fast Mall. a :tx am siupa California Express a 4:25 pm pactilu Express aU;S pm Eastern Express - a 4:86 pm Atlantic Expresa a 7:00 am Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex.D 4:06 pm bl2:80 pm Grand Island Local., ...b 6:30 pm b 9:36 am Mlssoarl PaclflO. St Louis Express aM:00 am a :35 pm K." C. ex St. L. Expreai.al0:50 put a 6:16 am Illinois Central. Chicago Expresa ..a 7:20 sun a 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis A. Bt. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 1:01 am Minneapolis ot St. Paul - Express b 7:10 am bl0:35 pm Chicago Express al0.36 pm WEBSTER DEPOT iOTU WEBSTER Fremont, Elknorn 4k Mleaonrl Valley.' ' Leav. Arrive. . Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot springs .a e:w pm a s:uu pra Wyoming. ..WPr nos-. Douglas -j d 8:00 pm 6:00 pm Hastings, York. Davld- (jiljr, dujj.iiwii "1.111 -, . Exeter and SewarU....b 3:00 pm b t:0O Dta Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont Fremont Local.. i.... .b 7:30 am bl0:2i am ftft .Ul . V , ,4v ftlftftl Mlaaoart Paelno. Nebraska Local, ' VU -' Weeping nam n i:w pm aiu:z& am Cblcaao, St. Paul, Allnueapolls b flMaha. Twin City Passenger.... a 6:30 am a 1:00 pm Bloux City Pa6suiiger...a 2:00 pm all:30 am v. r ...... 1 . r. - j 1 1 . . . w ...c bLQIirivu ,ftfti-. . . . ...... ...... p w . . w ui BURLINGTON 91 A t ION 10TH HAlox - Chicago, Burlington A Qolncy. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:oo am a4:06pm Chicago Veatlbuled Ex.. a :U0 pm a 7:46 am Chicago L,ocai .u am aii:uu pm Chicago Limited a 7:60 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mall a 1:40 pm Bnrllnaton A Mlssoarl River. : ... 1 1 . 1 .a ... j vvymore, mi. ... Lincoln -w " uu.w am Nebraska Express..,. ...a 8:40 am a 7.33 pr Uenver Limiiea a taa via a S.l-1,' . Black Hills and Puget " Bound express ........ auuv pm . 1.00 Dm r. . , .1. .,1 ,UJ " .uiurauu v ..Dftftftiftftftwft. Fiver ' a 1:00 pna a 9:17 am bll:06 am alOaia Lincoln Fast Mall ..b 1:00 pm Fort Crook ana Platts- rucuth ..b 8:20 pm Ru lnvua A Pacific Jet. ..a 7:40 pm Dellevue it Pacific Jet. ..a 1:00 am Kanaaa City, bt. Joacyb as Coanoll Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a 6:06 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm an: is am Kansas City Night Ex...al0:30 pm. a 6.16 am . n.iiw k n.11., a,......, a..M- ft. ftwft.ftijr. van vftvftvv. ftjift.i.... v 1. 11 day only, d Dally except Saturday, a Dally STEAMSHIPS. ANCHOR LINK I). 9. HAIi-STCAMBRa gallisf raf.lsrly batwaaa NEW YORK. UiNDoNDtfiRV A OLASOOWl xaw voKK. oibraltah Nxruts. BaDarlor aceommodatlona BuMllant Catalan. Brers lasartl tor tb comfort at suaaasara atiMUaualr aso and araoUoad. sinfia or Houaa Trip tickets laauaa Daiwaaa new York and Scotch. Baalish, Irish and all Prlsolpal Centlnantal Dotal, at atireotlve ratoa. Tr tu-k.ts ar nrl lotormatlou applr to HENDERSON BHOg.. taicaao, ot any aajau auknt. Tt DAY TO PARIA ittlViMtSftT 'AT IQ A.M Clgantlo ftT . . Ai ... The FRENCH LINE ' " MteLy Insure bjr 3r auU m Cejutury tjlr. CotnmtviilsMl Ar rmmm nwwww (Ut.Ljr tniiur;4 by evarr SuUi Mftfi(aiifl Cn ui rr 0. !'-. Commandad tlv -ftTuftf 0fta.m ftvftft. ftft.uftiu mmm I WM'&OPBW of War ttlftolpllna. Luaarloaa mmmH rvnfiaas eemforaa f.f-fMteoltin. T.i. nH uiirrass phoaMiaoatoiiia.wiroiewt.ia. OtOaittOfB srapkaapporftftiua. BaJUnaatro-a . Ftmlmmm lua ttt'1"' "' oorr Thurd.7. roll S-JaOfWaTftrOfy form.iioa c.ll or vrlta as B. W. aoisusn,a.oi.ll.,tl Soaftwra Sa.,Cama,a HARRY ki. MOOKt. I4li y.rnain su I. 9. M'NALLT. UU rarnam St., rirst Nat'l Haas, liEOMOB b. tBwn, 111s rarnaa su U. S. .-ONt. 1M rmia SL HI FOUR SEPARATE AMD DISTINCT SERVICES. Fast Twln-Screw Pasieoger Steamers sail lng regularly from Boston, Portland aul Montreal to Liverpool, - also Boston to Mediterranean ports. Eend for booklet; "Mediterranean Illustrated." For rstet, etc., apply to local slant or company's ofBcf. UU Dearborn St.. Chieaco, 111. "Mao vrantt but little here below" Said a morbid poet long ytarg ago, I'm prone to doubt that aucient ease When I look at The Bee's great "Want Ad" pago. ft Jftfct vesnmiSBsry, CKaana. mo. . . . t-1 W-U-12-lMt-ll M 1MN OmaW . T-M198 li -431 yer a. a. St, Louis, via SouCiAmvlon; at a-