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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1902)
" TIIE OMAHA DAILY 11EE: TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1002. 8 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Feari of Wet Hmwt Vanish and Wheat Suffer Break. OTHER CEREALS ALSO SLIDE DOWN Grains Rave Had Par with Stop Rala Reports and Close LoifM, Walla Provisions Go nlte the Contrary. CHICAGO, June 9 Sunshine came to cher the grain bears today. Fears they had expressed over the possibilities of a wet harvest were banished and the bolls ceased to give any advancing support when they heard that the heavy rains had stopped. AS ft result, wneai sium"-. v.... wan rarrledTiown with the leading cereal l.,.t - - K..lr4 un in nmn extent DV me muscle of the big bun party, ai im liny wnewi wws j (i -v. ..., - uji- lower and July oats tfr4c down. Vrovlelons closed B'aic to 20c up. Wheat was depressed by the tine weather more than anything else. Today all Tear of wet harvest was changed when the weather map showed clear weather pre vailing generally. The southwestern mar kets were weak at the start. 8t. Lou' being down lc and selling here on the weather. The local crowd was very bear ish at the start and July opening Ho to KWhc down at 71v.rB7lHc soon tumbled to 71MiC. An effort of the shorts terminated the bull Influences that might otherwise have been expected In 2,860,ix bu. In tne on passnge stuff, and of if.l&3.W bushels In the visible supply exporting new stuff K.vpii some talk of and a fulr show of strength at New York on the t rencn iae- mand at weakened prices nan no eneci. Wheat was verv heavy and seemed un able to help Itself, and as no support camo to Its aid. and the close was weak. July lfi14.c lower at Tlfo'lSic. Trade Was fairly active and selling heavy. I-c-cal receipts 27 cars, 5 contract grade; Minne apolis and Duluth reported 371 curs, mak ing a total for the three points of 338 cars, against 32 iHSt week and 660 a year ago. Frimay receipts were 616,000 bushels cam 3ared to 7SS.UO0 bu. last year. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour equalled dM.OM) bu. World's shipments were 9.44. fin bushels, compared to 7,712,Oi bushels last week, anil 10,K27,ono bushels a year go The seaboard reported 8 loads taken for export. Seven loads were sold here Tor direct shipment. Corn opened off sharply on favorahlo weather for cultivation and on freer coun try offerings. Southwestern markets showed weakness and commission houses generally had selling orders. There was. however, active buying of July by the big bull party that Is supposed to ne in coniroi vi mm option, so that before noon that future jiad more than recovered Its decline. Re ceipts were free at 413 cars, and world s shipments showed 6.230.ono bu., compared to a,tW7,onO last week. There is little talk of cash business, but from day to day stuff Is moving out and stocks have been decreased In rplte of better receipts. The weakness, however, prevailed In spite of the fear of the "deal" In July options, and July, though It recovered to 634c after selling as low as 624c, closed weak. ftHc down, at Oats broke with the other grains and ruled weak. The weather talk was the irlnclpal bearisn argument, aunougn m-cm iiuirintlun fnr iirofita has had a depressing effect. The disparity between the cash price and that of July stun neipea in a imn rally, but late trade was dull and July, after selling from 8840 to 3Se, closed weak. H,fic down, at S8Vc. Receipts were 121 Provisions did not feel the grain Influence and were pushed up to higher prices. Hogs were higher, there was a demand by shorts and little stuff was offered by the packers who control all the holdings. July pork Bold between f 17.50 and 117 574 and close.! 7c up at 81750, July lard closed froTc up at tlo.32i and July ribs Joe higher at "Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 40 cars; corn, BOO cars; oats, i20 cars; hogs, head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: f. Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Bafy. Wheat July Bept, Dec. Sept. Deo. Oats ft July b July n Sept. h Sept. Sept. lrd July 8ept. Bibs July Sept. 71 71 70fi 70 71 7l 6CHW4 3V. 44W4l'S H 3tC 387 2ttg4 2 30S H4 17 B0 17 B7H 17 60 17 62H 10 37V4 10 37V4 10 30 10 40 10 20 10 40 10 10 10 2a I 714171 669iff 71171 VK 624 BH4 444 S5H 3 2S4 W4 17 47H1 17 50 10 2741 10 30 I 10 20 10 10 624fWt 584 W I 444 34! 724 714 724 6S4 58TW9 444 36 284 804 17 50 17 60 10 324 10 35 10 874 10 224 29 31 17 424 17 45 10 274 10 30 10 174 10 074 No. 1 a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR-Kasv, winter patents. $.1.703.90; Straights, 33 .404(3-80; clears, 33.203.50; spring specials, 34.20; patents, 33.5083.80; straights, 33.(103.30. WHEAT No. t spring, 714c; No. 2 red, "ortN No. 2 yellow. 64c. OATS-No. 2. 42i434c; No. 2 white, 464 Dt a nillit.) xiw, RYE No. 2. 69c. HA KLEY Fair to choice malting, 66W6SC. SEED No. 1 nax. 31.56: No. 1 nnrthwent ern. 31.76; prime timothy, 38.304j6.35; clover, ' contract grade, 18.35. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 317.60 fl7.6o. u&ra, per iw ids., 3Hi.wwio.32 Short rfbs sides (loose!, 3l0.Sorirl0.40. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). IS. 028.25. Short Clear sides iDoxea). io. WHISKY Basis of high wines. 31.30. ' The following were the receipts and ship ments yesieruay; Articles. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu..... Bye. bu Barley, bu.. Receipts. Shipments. .... 15.000 17,000 .... 17.000 40.000 ....328,000 278,000 ....187.000 244.000 .... 1.000 18.000 .... S.000 6.OU0 fancy, large, colored. 4)iT10e: white, 10c; fenrv. small, colored. r; white, 104c. KOU8- Receipts 14.900 pkga. ; state and Pennsylvania. 1.618c; western, storage psrhd, 17f)l74e. MOLASSES Steady J New Orleans, t33 41c. POULTRY Alive, firm; broiler. EflzRc; turkevs. I"fi1lc; fowls, 15c; dressed, steady; broilers. 2"V(i3"c; fowls, 13c; turkeys, 104c. METALS At New York today 30.000 lbs. electrolytic copper for June delivery wss sold at 112.3", the quoted range at the close being ll2.2.Vfr12 30, with casting at 312 0a 12.2ft; lake, 812 2&&12.AO. and standard, spot to September, 31 1.7oi 11.90. Thus the general market for copper was a shade better than last quoted. The London mar ket closed Bs net higher, with spot at 64 10s and futures, 54 12s 6d. Tin at London was 6s net lower, with spot at 132 and futures at 128 1 08. The local market had an average gain of 26 points; spot closed at 330-ii-10.40. The lead mar ket ruled steady at New York, spot being quoted at 414c; London lead was un changed at 117s6d. Spelter continued more or less nominal on the basis of 34.874; London gained 2s Ad, advancing to 18 12s d. Locally Iron was without change, with trade dull. Warrants were nominal; No. 1 foundry northern, 321.OOiti22.0O; No. 2 foun dry northern, 820.5nfg21.50; No. 1 foundry southern, 20.60i2l.50; No. I foundry, south ern, soft, 320.50'a21.50; English markets were firmer; ulaagow closing at 64s 7a and Mid dlesborough at 41s 9d. OMAHA WHOLKMLB MARKETS. Conditio of Trade aad' dnotatloae oa Staple and Faacr Prod ace. EOGS Including new No. 2 cases, IS4c; caes retflrned, lie. LlVkl POULTRY-Chlckens, 8g84e: old roosters, according to age, 4ig6c; turkeys, ijllc; ducks and geese, 7c; broilers, per lb., 20c. HUTTER Packing stock, 17c: choice dairy. In tubs, lS'glSr; separator, H&Zic. FRESH CAUGHT FISH Trout, 9c crapples, 10c; herring, 6c; picKerel, Be; pike, lie; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; suntlsh, 6c; blueflns, 8c; whlteflsh. He: catflsh, 13c; black bass, 18c; halibut, llci sa'.mon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; red snapper, 10c; roe shad, each, 75c; shad roe, per pair, 36c; split shad, per lb., 10c; lobsters, boiled, par lb.. 25c; lobsters, green, per lb., 23c. PIGEONS Live, per doa., 75c. VEAICholce, . CORN-6140, I OATS 48c. BRAN Per ton, $17. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha 'Wholesale Hav Dealers' association: Choice hay. No. 1 upland, $i.6o; No. 1 medium, 38; No. 1 coarse, 37.60. Kye straw, 36 60. These prices are for hay t,f good color and quality. De mand fair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES. CAULIFLOWER Home frown, per dot., 75c. POTATOES Northern, 804f85c; new pota toes, per bu., 31.OiHcl.20. OREEN ONIONS Per So., according to size of bunches, 15&Ac. A8PAKAGL0 riome grown, per 00s., ..... av-iT:- LETTUCE Hothouse, rer doi., 26C. PARSLEY Per dos., vmZhc. RADISHES Per doa.. 2026c. WAX BEANS Illinois, per box, $1.60; per 4-bu. box, 7bc; per market basket, 76c; string beans, per 4-bu., 6c; per bu., $1.50. UKf.liiM J lap f tr nan w. i" RHUBARB Home griwr., per lb., 14c. CABBAGE California, new. 3c. ONIONS New southern in sacks, per lb., S . w..v-. 1 UMA 1UM-xexas, per '.i $1.6061.75. NAVX UliAXXO rer du., . FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Per 24-Qt case, $4.00 4.60. CHERRIES California, per box, $1.2549 1.60; home grown, per 24-quart case, R&u 2.75. . . GOOSEBERRIES Per z4-qt. caae, i.w. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Florida, 30 to 36 count. $3.60. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $.26J(2.75. OltANOiiS Valcnclas. $4.60; Mediterran ean sweets, 33.7fx-fl4.0O. LEMONS Fancy, 4.Dwat.w; Aiessinas, $4.60a5.u0. HONEY Per 24-sectIon case. $2.7693.09. CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3.36: New York. 33.50. .. . ..... POPtJURN per id., tc; sneiiea. oc. 12c; hard shell, per lb., llvic; No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, c; Brazils, per lb., 14c: tilberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, 16c; hard shell, 16c; pecans, large, per 10., uci small, lucr, cocotuiuis, per saca, 1.1 So HllJEB wo. 1 green, ow; 10. z green, DC; nv. 1 IttllVU, 171, m vkivcu, 7I, NO. 1 veai can, s 10 wy ids., sc-, no. veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs.,- 6c; dry hides, 80 12c; sheep pelts 76c; horse hides, $1.602.60. OLD METALS A. B. Alpern quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, 310; iron, stove piaie, per ion, i.oo; copper, per lb., 84c; brass, heavy, per lb., KWc: brass, llaht. per lb.. 6c: lead. Der lb.. &4c; sine, per 10., c; ruDDer, per id., to. 8t. Loots Grain and Provisions. an T niTia T. . m TirupiT r No. 2 red, caih, elevator, 76c; track. 77 Tlc: July, 684684c; September, 6e&84c; No. 2 hard, 724iii'74o. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 62c; track, 63c; July, 60c; September, 644c. OATS Lower ; No. 2 cash, 43c; track. 434c; July, 324c; September, 274c; No. white, 454r046c. RYE About steady: 654c. FLOUR Quiet, unchanged; red winter patents, 33 663.70; extra fancy and Straight. 33.25(3.35; clear, $3.033.2O. CORNMEAL Steady, 33.15. SEED Timothy, steady. 35.00. BRAN Dull, heavy; sacked, east track, 80c. HAY Dull; timothy, $12.5O16.00; prairie, 37.(X"S'12.UO. WHISKY Steady, $1.30. IRON COTTON TIES $1.05. BAOOING Steady, 64640. HEMP Twine. 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing, old $17.75; new, $17.96. Lard, firm at $10,124. Dry salt meats, strong, nigner: boxed lots extra short and clear ribs. $10.60: short clear. $10,624. Bacon, higher: boxed lots, extra short and clear ribs, $11,374; short. METALS Lead, firm, $3.953.974- Spelter, firm, at 34. 66. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 94c c patents, $3 40r9nsn; first clears, $2. 753 15: second clears, 8i!.2n. BRAN In bulk. $14 00014 25. Visible Saaply of Grain. NEW YORK. June I The visible supply of grain Saturday, June 7. as compiled by the New York IToduce exchange Is as follows: Wheat. 26, OKI 000 bu.: decrease, 2.513,000 bu. Corn. 4.261.ono bu.; Increase, 34.o bu. Oats, 2.4M.OHO bu. ; decrease, 672,000 bu. Rye, 6!.niO bu.; decrease. &3,0"0 bu. Barley, 4"2,000 bu.; decrease, 187,000 bu. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, June 9. BUTTER Bteady; extra western creamery, 224c; extra nearby prints, 23o. EGGS Steady, fair demand; fresh nearby. 174c, loss off; fresh western, 18c, loss off; fresh southwestern, l"4c, loss off; fresh southern, 16c, loss off. CHEESE Easier; New York full creams, Frime small, 11c; New York full creams, air to good, I04&IOHC. Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. June 9. WHEAT Fairly ac tive, but weak; cash, 80c; June, 80c; July, 73Sc; September, 72c. CORN Steady, dull; cash, 624c; July, 624c; September. 68c; December, 44c. OATS Dull, steady: cash. 434c; July, 37c: new, ZHc; September, 29c; new, 31c. SEED Clover, dull, easier; cash, $5.10; October, $6.15. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, June 9. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, 764g77c; No. 2 northern, 754ff76c; July, 714c. RYE Steady; No. 1, 58c. BARLEY Steady ; No. 2, 70c; sample, 65 69c. CORN July, 624'S2Hc. Dalnth Grain Market. DULT'TH. June 9.-WHEAT-Cash, No. 1 hard, 754c; No. 2 northern, 71c; No. 1 northern, 73c; July, 724c; September, 70c. OATS September, 294c. SEW YORK STOCKS ASD BOXD9. Favorable Crop Xere Incentive to Baying; Which Breaka Prices. NEW YORK. June 9 The dullness of the trading In stocks was unrelieved today. Dut tne inertia of prices was not quite so absolute. There was a scattering distribu tion buying orders during the early trading which lifted prices slightly. The demand subsequently died away, but the higher level of prices was pretty well maintained during the rest of the day. News of weather conditions favorable to all of the crops seemed to be the cause of the buying, which was most prominent In Atchison. That stock and St. Paul were moved up a point. Vague rumors were current all day of a coming settlement of the strike and operators In stocks professed satisfaction over the email effect of the soft coal strike. Reading s gain reached a tjolnt. The rise of 14 In Hocklnr Valley was appar ently due to the fact that the labor trouble nad not arretted its territory. Sugar had the benefit of a rise In the price of the refined product and of hons of an agreement of Cuban reciprocity at Washington. The raising of the dividend rate of the Chicago. Minneapolis. St. Paul & Omaha. following that on the Chicago & Northwest ern kindled hopes of increases in other stocks. The market never showed the slightest animation, but such sluggish ad vances as took place were aue to inese causes. The money market showed a hardening tendency, rates for time loans advancing to 44 per cent, ana money lenders expresses the belief that call loan rates would shortly advance. The field for new development In the older countries Is much more restricted, but the question of possible withdrawal of foreign credits rrom tne united Ktates as a result of the ending of the Boer war Is an open one and Is attentively consid ered In American financial circles. The bond market was dun and irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,215,000. United States 2s. registered, declined and the Zs coupon, tne gs ana tne os y per cent on the last can. The following are the closing prices on the New Yora BtocK exchange: On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easyr creameries, 18'9'214c; dairies. 18l!4c. Cheese, weak, 94104c Lggs, easy; fresh, 194c. 94 springs. 163 22c: turkeys. 9c; ducks. 64 seese. 4ft4Wc. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1623c dairy, 15(6 19c EGGS Steady at 144c. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. (notations of the Day on Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK. June 9-FLOUR-Recelpts, Z2.&14 bbls.; exports, 69.886 bbls.; dull and easier, closing Miloc lower to sell; winter riikijIIIib, o. idqjv.w, wniirr IJMimiia, w.w 41 4 10; Minnesota patents. $3.9ru4.10; Minne sota bakers, $3.16i.30; winter low grades. $29513.95; winter extras, 33.153.35. Rye flour, quiet: fair to good, 33.2iJj3.46; choice to fancy. 33.564j3 70. CORNMEAL Easy; yellow western, $1.30; arly, $1.2u4: Brandywine. 33.453.56. RYE Easier; No. 2 western, 664c, t o. b., afloat; state, 63a64c. WHEAT Receipts. 180,000 bu.; exports, 114.091 bu.; sales. 1.855,iO bu. futures, 8,000 bu. rpot; spot, easy; No. 2 red, 7?4c; No. 2 red, 784i,c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 north ern Duluth, 804c f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 Jiard Manitoba, &34c. f. o. b., afloat Brilliant crop prospects owing to fine Weather all through the west had a de piesnlng effect on wheat all day, except for a brief noon rally on the liberal In aide supply reduction. In spite of the de cline exporters did little and wheat closed fieavy ut n,;vc net decline; July, 77 18 6-1JC closed 774c; September, 76 9-164i ?f4c, closed 64c; December, 76 13-16'784c, closed 76Hc CORN Receipts. 86,760 bu.; exports, 9,032 tu.; spot, easier; No. 2. 694 elevator and 7o4o f. o. b., afloat. Corn opened weak on fine weather and was later depressed by vaster cables, large carlot estimates at Chicago and liquidation. The close was weak at Ho net loss; July, 74e64c, closed (I So; September, 634W64C, closed 34c; December closed 49ic. OATS Receipts, 272.600 bu. ; exports, 46,. 683; spot, easy; mo. x, k; no. i, 404c; No, 3 .white, 61 40; No. 3 white. 61c; track . mixed western, 4ofl4tsc; track white, 44 toe; options, ami ana easier on, me crop outlook. ' HAY Dull; shipping, (0Q65c; good to Choice, 9iac. HOPS Firm: state, prime to choice, 1901 crop l3c; 19ft) crop, 1416c; old. 6QSc; Pacific coast, laol crop. 17Sc: olds. 6iiSc. HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs., 18c; California. 21 to 36 lbs., liv; Texas dry, IK to JO ids , lac. LEATHER Steady; acid, 24025c. 1 1 ' 1 .( I , . A m ..tin Aauaa KimA PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family, 11560 16.50; mess, $16 60- beef hams, 116 OXxfclO 00; racket. 316.00U U.uO: city extra India mess, 3.0w!S- Cut meats, quiet; pickled bel. lies, 310 iOtflO.76; pickled shoulders, 38.2643 75; pickled hams. $11.6un 12 U0. Lari. Arm; western steamed, $1070; refined, firm; continent, iu v; south America, ill tt; 319 5 it 19 50; short, clear, $18.7511.26; mess, 136ojl.00. TALLOW Weak ; city ($2 per pkg ). 4c; country pkg. free). 64640. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to exra,.40 (4c; Japan. wac. BUTTER Receipts. W.75 pkgs.: steady; state dairy. ltv21c: crvamery, state, 184 C!c; creamery, Imitation, l"tf'Ac; fao lurv, ltl1kc. ' Ciii.fct-MecelpU, Ml pkjjg.; gteady; Flour . Wheat Corn .. Oats ., Receipts. .. .11,000 ...90.000 ...39.000 ...95.000 Ship. 12,000 68,000 27,000 26,000 . M4 . 444 . n . 7 . 744 . It ..1(0 Atchison so DM B. O do Bt Can. Pselfle C4n. Southern Ches. A Ohio Cblcaso Alton... do pfd Chi., lnd. A Louis. do ptd v CM. & a. llllnoU.. Chicago ut. Wmcot. n do lit pra do Id Dfd Chicago A N. W. C, R. I. ft P... Chi. Ttrra. A Tr. do rfd C C.. C. A Bt. Colo. Southern.... do lit pfd 70 do M pld... 414 Del. A Hudson 171 Del.. L. A W 216 D. A R. 0 41 do Ptd sot Brio I4 do 1st ptd do id ptd 14 Ot. Northern ptd 1124 Hocking vllr do ptd il4 III. Central 151 lows Central 4S4 do Bid U Uki Brio A W 44 do pfd Li. A N Manhattan L Met. St. Rr Mexican Central. MilSo. Pacific M4 go. Railway lt 4 4 do Dfd 4 Texaa A Pacific 40 Toledo, St. L. A W. 0 do pro , Union Pacific.... do pfd rwabaah do pfd Wheeling A L I do id pfd Wla. Central do pfd ...48 Adami Ex , ...H9'Araerlcan Ex ...171 jlinlted atatea Ex ... tdiWella-Pargo Ex.. ... 174 Amal. Copper .... L.1034iAm. Car and P.. IV . do pfd... Amer. Un. Oil... do Pfd Am. 8. A R do pfd Anaconda M. Co... Brooklyn R. T.... Colo. Fuel A I.... Con. Oas 36V 104 Vt 74 . i4 43 14 34 , 37 , 484 17 122 11(4 200 U4 . 114 , 04 , 24 , (04 , 4A4 . 14 .1134 . to , 984 Z19 balances, $1,379,187; posted exchange. $4 854 for sixty days, $4 88 on demand; New York exchange, Mr premium. . NEW YORK. June ..-Clearings. $11.078,. 435; balances, $.1,5i.4"7. BALTIMORE, June .-Clearlngs, $3,317.. 664; balances 348 794; money, 6 per rent. 1 nu.ADM.hhlA, June . iearins, $12,461, otO; balances, $1,758,438; money, 4 per BOSTON. June .-Clearlngs. $16,128,780; balances, $1,248,164. CINCINNATI, June 9-CIeerlngs. $4.676.. 05O; money, 4'tf per cent; New York ex change, 15630c premium. Boston Sleek. Qaotatlaae, BOSTON, June 9 -Call loans, 341HH P cent; time loans, 4'gS per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atrhlnnn 4a Weetinsh. common. . .107 i H 4 (70 U S74 1W 11 II 414 l4 14 Is Oas la Mex. Central 4a.... N. K. Oai A Coke Atrhlsnn '' do ptd Bnetnn ft Albany.. ...140 Iloatnn A Maine 1004 Boetnn Elerated Irta N. T . N. H. A H..UJ Fltrhburg pfd........!43 t'nlon Pacific 1041 Mex. Central .... Am. Sugar do prd Am. Tel. A Tel. Dominion 1. A 8 Gen. Electric... Masa. Electric... do pfd N. E. O. A C... t'nlted Fruit Dally West V. 8. Steel , do pfd .7 , Bid. . 944 Adventure 1 LAllnuel l4'Amalgamated .... Illnaham Calumet A Hecla Centennial Copper Range ... Dominion Coal ... Franklin lale Royal Mohawk Old Dominion Oereola Parrot Qulnry 1M Santa re copper i Tamarack Trinity tinned states.... It.h Victoria Winona Wolverine United Copper... . 2 .in .119 .1744 . ii .117 . 4J4! . 4 .104 . 46 . 4 . 89 1 .179 .. hh .. 4 . 114 . 4 . 4 ,. B . 44 "err Yarlc Mlatngr saoatlaaa, NEW YORK, June 8. The following- are the closing prices on mining stocks: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steer Bteedj to Strong and Cow LUoff Steady to Wetk. HOGS OPEN STEADY, BUT CLOSE HIGHER tockers aad Feeders Sell Steadr with Bapplr rati Llaat ltaa of Sheep ad Aetlrc, Flraa Trade Hardly Eaeaga to Teat too Market. SOUTH OMAHA, June t. RecelDts were: Cattle. Hogs, oheep. Official Monday 2,171 ftame day last week .... 3,866 Barn week before l.f"6 Ha roe three weeks ago.. 1.5A2 Ha me four weeks ago... 3.813 Same day last year 1,403 RECK1PT8 FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The followlne- table ahowa tne receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at bouth Omaha for the year to dale, with comparisons with last year: 1903. 1901. Inc. Deo. Cattle 315.870 333.223 24.352 Hogs 1.160,418 l,O7tt,9u0 89,518 Sheep 37,814 40,129 112,316 ine following table snows tne average price of hogs sold on the South Omana market the last several days, with com parisons with former years; Adama Con Alice Breece Brur.awtck Con ... Comatock Tunnel., Con. Cal. A Va... Deadwood Terra... Horn Sllrer Iron Sliver ., Leadrllle Con 19 ... 40 ... 90 ... ... I41 ...1JB ...100 ... IS ... 71 ... Little Chief Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoal BaTage Sierra Nevada. Small Hopes . Standard ... II 71S 110 Y3.Y.& to 14. 44 I Con. Tobacco pfd. ...1234 Oen. Klectrte Hocking Coal. Inter. Paper . do pfd Inter. Power.. Laclede Gaa . iNatl. Blacult. Nat'l Rr. of Mexico. ll'4 Preaaed Steel Car.. Minn. A Bt. Mo. Pacific U , K. A T do pfd N. J. Central..., N. Y. Central.., Norfolk A W..., do pfd Ontario A W..., Pennaylvanla .. Reading do let pfd..... do Id pfd...., St. L. A 8. T.. do 1st ptd do id pfd Bt. Louis 8. W. do pfd St. Paul do pld 954 . 19 . 4 .149', .111 l4 204 79 70 95 474i n 121 45 41 101 . 44 . 7 .132 . 174 do pfd.. 74 W Sugar 124 Tenn. Coal a Iron... 43 Union Bag A P. CO..U34 ..129 Natl. Lead ..1944 No. American ..1304 Pacific Coaat . ..149 Pacific Mall... 144 People' a naa .110V. do Dfd .. 99!Pullman P. Car.. .. I4li Kepubllo Steel... .. 944 ..194 ..1944 do pfd ,11. 8. Leather do pfd 434 V. 8. Rubber ... g3HI ao pra ... 4SVIC. 8. Steel ... 941 do pfd ... 43 i Western Union ... T24jAm. Locomotive.... ... I74l do pfd ... 90vK. C. Southern ...1494 do ptd ...149 424 18 . 8.1 . 144 . 184 . 99 . 904 . 124 . IJ . M4 New York Money Market. Liverpool Grala aad Provisions. LIVERPOOL.. June 9 WHEAT Spot dull: No. 1 northern SDrlna. Ss 4d: No. 1 California, 6a 3d. Futures dull; January, 6s 104d- September, 6s 4d. CORN cpot. quiet; American mixed new. 6s 91: American mixed, old, 6s 9d. Futures dull; July, nominal; September, ts 1 ',! October, bs 14a. Ph. As Canadian, steaay at os loa. F1XJUR Bt. Lout fancy winter, firm at 8a 9d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), firm I 4 15aQtt0s. PROVISIONS Beef, dull: extra Tndl mess, 9a 9d. Hams, snort cut. 14 to 1 lbs., firm. Bacon, firm: Cumberland cut. 28 to 30 lbs., 64s; short ribs, 1 to 24 lbs., 63s 6d; long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., 66s; long clear middles, hesvy, 36 to 40 lbs., 64s 6d; short clear backs, 18 to 20 ibs.. 66e: clear bellies. 14 to Is lbs.. 64s. Shoulders, square. 11 to 13 lbs., firm, 41s. Lard, aulet: American refined. In balls. 62s; prime western, In tierces, 62s. cnrt-BE. oieaay; American, nnesi wnite, old, 66s; American, finest white, new, 61a; American, finest colored, old, 9s; Ameri can, nnest colored, new. tus. TALLOW Prime city, steady, 29s d; Auatrallan, In London, steady, 33s td. HLTTrin Nominal. The imports of wheat Into Liverpool last week were 102.800 quarters, from Atlantic ports. 9,ouo from Pacific and 91,000 from other porta. The Imports of corn from Atlantic porta last week were 100 quarters. Kaaaas Cltjr Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, June .-WHEAT-July, 6&4tri664c; September, 6&c; cash. No. 1 hard. 64o; No. 3. 6c; No. i red, 72c; No. 3, 71c; No. I spring, W4c. CORN-July. XYa64e; September, I0c; rash, No. 8 mixed, 6a 4c; No. 3 white, 2(tf 624c; No. 8, 61c. OATS No. 3 white. 443444c RYE No. J. 69680c. HAY-Cholce timothy, m.50((?12.; choice prairie, 110.00910.60. BUTTER Creamery, 20c; dairy, fancy, JSc. EOGS Firm; new No. S whltewood cases Included, 14o per dos.; cases returned, 114c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu J 32.000 Corn, bu 62.0uO 63 a O Oats, bu M.(M I.ouO reorla Market. TEORIA. Juno .-4)RN-81ow Ko. 8, CI 4c bid. OATS-Qulet; No. I white, 44444c Wiled through. WHISKY On the basts of 31.30 for fln- laned gooda. Mtaaeaaolla Wheat, near aad Braa. niiinbAruuio. junr v. t, ns,A uij, TJSc; September, 73Sa734c; on track. No. X hard, 7o4c; No. 1 northern, 734073 4c; No. 3 northern. 7lTc rLOUR-riist latenta, 33.t0.; aeco&d steady at 244(3 per cent, closing bid and asked 2 "ft '24 per cent; prime mercantile pa per, 4(fiJ per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE 8teady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 34.874 for demand and at 34.844 for sixty days; posted rates, 34.8544.88 and 34.8Si34.884; commercial diiib, H Mi, SILVER Bar. 61Vc: Mexican dollars. 42c. BONDS Government, weak; state. Inact ive; railroad. Irregular. The closing Quotations on bonds are as follows: U. 8. rel. 2s. reg....l04 IN. A N. nnl. 4a 101 do coupon luavt' Mexican Central 4a... 41 ..1074t do lat Inc 114 Minn, a at. l. 4a... .11x1 M , K. A T. 4a k4 do Is 93', N. T. Central la 104H do gen. ma Iu44 N. J. V. gen. 9a. ...134 No. Pacific 4a 10s do 3a 734 nor. at w. con. 4B..1U2 Reading gen. 4a 100 at. L. A I. M. e. U..U44 St. L. A 8. F. 4a... 100 St. Louis 8. YV. Is... 99 do la 174 a- a. at a. r. 4a.... vi Jo. PaclAc 4a 924 so. nauwar 4a iza B. A 4. new 4a.. 94 Texaa Pac. la a si. r. g. 4. 1144 t. , st. l. a do la. reg. do coupon. do new 4a, reg 13 Co new 4a, coupon. .134 do old 4a. reg 1094 do old 4a, cunoa..ll04 do 4a, reg do coupon Atchlaoa gen. 4a. do adj. 4a B. A O. 4a do 14s do cone. 4a Canada So. ta. .. Central of Oa. is. do let inc Ches. A O. 444... Chi. A Alton IS44 O. C. 10s ..lot ..1034 .. 94 ..1024 .. N4 ..107 ..104 ..109 .. 814 ..loin. 46 S Foreign Financial. LONDON, June . Money was much wanted. The recent release of govern ment funds was somewhat counteracted by the repayments due to the Bank of Eng land and applications for the new Cape loan locked up further amounts. Discounts were scarcely steady. On the Stock exchsnge the predominant tone was llrm, but operators were little disponed to do business and the public was apathetic. Consols fluctuated. Their un dertone was good. Home rails were main tained. Americans were lethargic, but were mainly steady. Kaffirs had a harden ing tendency and closed steady. Gold pre miums are quoted at Buenos Ay res st 132.90 Madrid 35.62, Lisbon 26 and Rome 1.66. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on balance today was 271,000. PARIS, June 9. Prices on the bourse opened firm, but realizations soon depressed the whole list. Later transactions were scarce and prices were heavy to the close. Foreigners were numerously offered. Rentes, Spanish 4s and Italians were weaker. South Americans were supported. Turks were weak owing to further delay In the conversion scheme. Industrials were generally heavy. Metropolitans were In demand. Kaffirs were weaker owing to the tightness of Congos in London. The spe cial rate of discount was 2 11-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 102 f. Spanish 4s Closed 80.92. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, June 9 Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 8150,000,000 gold reserve In the redemption fund, shows: Available cash balances, $201,626,342; gold, 198,826,685. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, June . COTTON-Bpot closed quiet and steady; middling uplands, 94c; middling gulf, 94c; sales, 3.428 bsles. NEW YORK, June 9. COTTON Futures closed barely steady; June, 8.86c; July, 8 9c; August, 8.46c; September, 8.06c: October, 7.93c; November, 7.86c; December. 7.85c; Jangary. 7.S6o; February, 7.86c: March, 7.8fc. GALVESTON, June 9. COTTON Steady, 94c. BT TflTTTQ tun C POTTAV rtit.. mlddllna. 9 1-16c: sales, none: receipts. 318 bales; shipments, 382 bales; stock, 24,336 bales. LIVERPOOL. June 9. COTTON BDOt. auiet; prices l-sza lower; American mia fal. -rAA mMJIU- I t90J uuiiB, ,a. , u ' , , v, v. t.i. .,,,1.1. 1., v-u, middling. 4 31-82d: low middling. 44d: good ordinary, ordinary, 44d. The sales of the day were 7,000 bales, or which 1,000 were for speculation and export and In cluded 6,800 American. Receipts, 3,000 bales, no American,! Futures opened quiet and closed steady. American middling, g, o. c. June, 4 54-64ft4 65-64d, sellers; June and July, 4 63-64ft4 64-64d, buyers; July and Au gust, 4 w-Md, sellers; August ana Septem ber. 4 46-64I&4 46-64d. value: September and October. 4 33-640, bjyers; October and NO' vember. 4 26-64I&M4 Z6-Wd, sellers; November and December, 4 22-64g4 23-64d, buyers; De cember and January, 4 21-64Q4 22-64d, buy ers; January ana F ebruary, 4 Zl-wa, buy erg. NEW ORLEANS, June 9. COTTON Snot Arm: sales. 600 bales: ordinary. 7 13-16c: good ordinary. 8 6-16c: low mid dling, 8 13-16c; middling, 94c; good mid dling, hc; middling tair, s'c; receipts. 1,312 Dales; sioca, 14,000 Daiee. Wool Market. BOSTON, June 9. WOOL Quotations are firm: strictly nne. 4rfMc. clean: fine and medium, 44(T4bc; staple. 62c: me dium, 3S40c. Texas wools are firm, but offerings are light and trade Is not active. Fall, cleaned basis. 4345c; twelve months', 48(S50c: six to eight months, spring. 46(M6c: fall. 4Uc. nne wasnca neeces are in smsn offering and hold very firm. Pennsylvania XXX, nominal. 2S?29o; XX and above, 26(9 27c: X. 2425c: Michigan X. 2224c. The market for delaine wool Is very quiet, owing to light offerings, out prices are nrm. unio fine delaine, zniac; micnigan. zo--gzic; no. washed combing. ZottT-'c No. z. Tbweic coarse, 23Q2bc. There Is some demand for Australian wool, tnougn traae is limited dv the small supplies available. Prices have been well sustained on fine wools. The local market Is very strong at quotations. Comb. Ing, choice, scoured Dasis, i-wic; gooo. 69b70c; average, oiQbsc. bt. luu H. June . wuuij-otcaoy medium grades and combing, 13f?18c; light, fine. 12lb4c; neavy, nne, 2Aidc; tuo' washed, 15ft 25c. Oil aad Roala. OIL CITY. June 9. OIL Credit balances 1120: certificates, no old: shipment. 121 693 bbls., average 82.676 bbls.; runs, 102, (fa hhlii . ivrrare 68.725 bbls. SAVANNAH, June . inLf i urpenuno, firm, 474c. Rosin, nrm; a, h, t.;, u, , i.zo F. $1.35; G, 31.40; H. $1.65; I, $1.95; K. $2.46 M. $2 90; N, $3.20; wu, vt w, w m. TOLEDO, June 9. OIL North Lima, 88c South Lima and Indiana, wc Rltjla Baiter Market. F.I1IN. 111.. June 9. BUTTER Offering! of butter today were 310 tubs and all sold at 22c. The official market was made steady at 214c. Output for the week was 9ZO.0UO IDS. THE REALTY MARKET. May 18... May w... May 31... May 33... May 3... May 34... May 26... May 24.. May 37... y 38. May 39. May 30. May 31., une 1.. une 2.. une 3.. une 4.. une (.. une .. une 7.. une .. June 9.. Indicates Sunday. YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number ot cars of feeders shipped to the country yea- teraay ana ineir destination: Cars. II. Carrough, Altoona, la., R. 1 1 , v. at j. u. rarweii, ranon, Aionu, R. I 20 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hon. Sh u. H ses. C, M. St. P. Ry O. ft St, L Ky X 3 Missouri PaclAc Ry.. 4 3 union racinc system. 19 Z 3 37 C. A N. W. Ry 7 7 .. 1 F.. E. A M. V. Ry.... 4 12 .. S C, St. P., M. A O. Ry 12 4 .. B. & M. R. Ry 87 11 .. C, B. A Q. Ry 14.. K. C A bt. J. Ry.... 3 1.. C , R. I. A P., east... 4 7.. Illinois Central 4 C. A N. W. con. la.. Ill (Union Pacific 4a. C. R. I. A P. 4a. ...111' do conr. 4a C C C A 84 L g. 44.1024 Wabaah la... Chicago Tar. 4s. Colo. A Bo. 4a..... D. A R. O. 4a KrU prior lien 4a do gen. 4a w w a n r. la Hocking Valley 444..U04I Offered. I do 2a . 9f4 do deb. B , .1041 Weet Shore 4a... .1004 Wheel, a L, B. . 474 Wla. Central 4a. usveoo. Ton. 4a.... ..1194 . . 2!4 ..1054 , .130 ..111 .. 744 ..114 .. 99 .. 934 .. 914 Loadea lioek Market. LONDON. June 9. PmiuU far naonsr.. tf do account 91 9-14 Anaconda 4 Atchleon US do pfd 101 "a Baltimore A Ohio.... 109 Canadian Paelftc 194 Cheeapeake A Okie.. 41 , Chluaao O. W 24U C. 91. A 81. P 1714 leaw A IV O-. da pld Erie do lat pfd so ss pia. Illlnola Central Leul.Tllle A Naah., Mlaeourl. A. A T. do td , Mew York Central. 42 W .... 93 .... 17 ... 494 94 144 1994 , n . 49 .194 t p. m. Closing Norfolk A Western.. . 174 mm mim ai Ontario A Weelern... 934 reeoariTaoia ........ 74 Reeding ml do let pfd 414 do Id pfd IS Southern Railway.... 17 Pi it Southern Pacific 484 Union Paclne., do pfd United States Steel. do pfd Wabaah , do pfd , Span lab 4e Hand Mines Detteera .1074, . 9 . 404 . ai . 174 . 44" . 40i. . 114 . 474 per BAR SILVER-Steady at 23 lS-16d ounce. MONEY 2624 per cent. The rate of dls count In the open msrket for short bills Is 3 ll-l per cent ana lor tnree-montbs blls fHJ ll-ls per cent. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, June I. Bank clearings today 31.114.666 81; corresponding day last year,; oecreeae. gi4,ooa. u. BT. LOUIS. June . Clearings. 39.076.(79 balances. $1,346,04; money, steady. 44 n per cent; Zew It org exchange, zoo pra "ctUCAOO, Jua t.-ClcartDgs. f,067,$il INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday, June ; Warranty Deeds. Omaha Realty company to 'C. H. Kubat. lots 7 and 18. Drexel St M.'s subdlv f 460 Amelia W. Hnlhrnnk to Nellie F. Tll- den. lot 3, block 6. Hawthorne add.. 400 Nancv (V nilmnra and husband to J. R. Watts, lot 2. block 23, Waterloo.. 127 CIIa ln,1r,H,n In Aue-liata. Neff. lot 29. block 9. Kuhn's add COO South Omaha Land company et al to TiIIa 1 A v n aw Int 1 block 6. Sorina Lake park 650 Omaha Realty company to E. H. I-anktree, w 95 feet lot 40 and w 95 feet of U feet lot 89. Windsor Place 800 L. P. Caugler and wife to Ada M. Rronka nL Int 0 hlnck 10. Plalnvlew add t::.":..":.::.::::...:.: 10 Lucy C. Wilson et al to J. A. Grtffen, e 1 acre of n 6 acres of e 13 acres of s4 of s4 of n4 sw4 32 and w 3 acres of s4 of sV. of n4 w4 32-16-13, and tax lot 4. In 1-14-12 J. C. Havemeyer and wife to Fred erick Maystrick. s 41 feet lot 4. block 13. Imnrnviment association aad 1.000 Maria D. Shelton to I. J. Dunn, lot 12, Morse A B.'s add 600 J. J. Monell, jr., et al, executors, to Jens Jensen, lot 1. block 9. Pratt'a subdlv 200 Mary Patrick and husband to F. D. Wead. lot 34, block 11. Orchard Hilt tOO E. C. Francis and wife to Barah E. -Nichols. Int 9 en4 A Kemlnarton'a subdlv 1.400 4talt Clalsa Deeds. Sarah Gardner and husbsnd to W. A. Denton, lot 2. block 23, Waterloo C. F. Campbell and wife to same, same F. C. Kennedy aad wife to Ellen Watts, same I. E. Congdon et si to Omaha Realty rnmninv Hnfa 91 m n4 t hlock 1. subdlv of J. I. Redlck s add 2.000 James Phillips to David Cole, lots 1 snd 2, block 1; lots 7. 8. 18 and 19. block 2; lota L 3. 3, and 7, block 4. PhllllDs' add: lnta 1 8. 4. L 7. block 1. Mcintosh's subdlv 460 Total amount of trans rs ,.... 9,34 6.14 64 6.7S1 I.6W 6.219 3m t.M 680 3.870 3.707 8,798 1,920 Date. 1903. 1901.1900.1899.1898.1897.1896. 14 7 11 t 07 ! 034 7 OS 7 05 964 ' I S (0 I 73 6 fl i (7 431 i 04 4 99 2 01V T 0941 7 low T 1141 7 07 7 16 7 204 7 164 1 184 7 2141 163 62 t 691 6 71 6 701 e 5 70 6 72 70 6 71 6 76 6 78 10j $03i 0 I 01 6 04 4. 4 90 4 83 4 to 4 83, e 4 83 4 91 4 94 4 96 ( 02 6 10i I96 I (2 3 m 8 1, 3 68 4 i a m 4 26 3 63 3 07 Ml 3 66, I 62 4 83 8 25 12 46 4 171 I 40 I 651 4 18 8 39 3 601 4 W 1 84 1 t 60 4 85 $ 67 4 08 4 10 4 14 4 21, 4 12 4 031 4 lv $68 3 681 4 01 8 7 3 88 3 6J 3 87 3 6l 3 92 3 671 3 60 3 68 3 69 3 11 3 84 3 36 I 39 3 40 3 32 8 36 3 32 3 31 3 90 3 31 2 29 3 03 $03 103 $ 0t 3 99 3 93 2 92 2 96 1 93 o $ 86 3 86 2 86 2 87 3 95 I 01 e 3 08 3 04 78 77 "94 18 69 16 64 es 84 'iii 1,716 662 342 41 Total receipts 93 The disDosltlon of the dsv's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber 01 neaa inaicatea: Buyers. Cattle. Hoss. Sh'n. Omaha Packing Co 98 763 .... Bwirt and company goo 1.106 Cudahy Packing Co 603 635 Armour A Co Cudahy, from K. C Swift, from country Hammond, from K.. j... R. Becker & Degan Carey A B Lobman Sc Co W. I. Stephen Huston A Co Livingstone A Schaller.. Wolf A Mumar Fowler Packing Co Other buyers 6.124 642 Total 2,384 CATTLE The run here today was mod erate, and this was especially true or beef steers and cows, and stock in sight at leading centers waa only 01 lair propor tion. - Beef steer were scarce while the demand from packers was fairly good. Dry lot beeves were In demand at steady to strong figures, and the moderate number on sale changed hands freely at the prices. Grassy stun, wnue selling to nil in, is trending toward lower figures from day to day as the season advances. A string of 1,474-pound fed beeves fetched $7.40, a price fully as high aa at any time this season. Other grades sold proportionally well, as compared with recent quotations.. There was very nine cnange in tne mar ket for cows and heifers, except there Is a prevailing tendency toward lower fig ures on grassy stuff and Inferior dry lot frades. Choice fed cows and heifers are ree sellers at recent prices, and the less desirable lots sola today at right close to Bteady, at tne recent aeenne in prices. Bulls, stags and veal calves. If fleshy. were free sellers st steady prices. Infer ior lots, while being picked up to fill In, show weakness in demand and price. The supply ot stocaers ana teeners was just about equal to the demand, and there waa 110 material change In values from last wk's quotations. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. A. Pr. No. At. Pi No. 1.... 1.... 10.... 17.... IS.... 1.... T.... .... 40.... ... 40 I 25 90 1099 6 90 ... 970 I to 40 1044 i 90 934 4 SO II 1241 00 .... 771 4 7S 1 1040 00 640 4 76 9 1091 40 ,...1070 4 00 S2 1146 40 ,...1070 6 00 II 1449 7 00 904 I 00 19 1122 7 00 ,...1046 t IS 24 1301 7 00 ,...1164 i 90 44 1304 7 00 ,...1044 I 90 1 1440 T IS .... 940 6 90 49 1431 7 IS ....1011 6 46 44 1474 7 40 ....1044 6 74 40 1UI I 40 ....1290 t 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. .... 441 4 14 21 740 i 10 .... 996 4 79 11 1040 4 29 444 4 S4 21. COWB. .104 IS 19.... 4.... 1... ::. 21.... 1... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1 ... 4 ... .... 1.... it.... 1.... t.... 1 .. t I SO 4... .. 990 1 SO t ..946 I 46 I ..1006 1 70 S .. 430 I 74 It ..1000 I 75 I .. 910 I 16 11 ..1140 1 49 10 .. 790 I 96 I .. 931 I 96 I ..1041 I 90 1 .. 970 I 00 1 .. 790 I 00 1 ..HI 1 00 I ..1076 I 00 II .. 910 I 00 10 ..1117 8 99 1 .. 940 I 10 10 ..1150 1 10 14 .. 470 t 14 1 .. 741 I It 8 ..1041 I IS 14 ..1020 1 IS II ..1024 I IS IS .. 944 I 10 4 ..1050 t 34 1 .. 711 I 90 1 ..1000 I SO 1 ..104 t SO It .. 940 t it 1 .. 934 t 14 1 ..1100 t 71 1 .. 920 I 16 1 .. 157 t 90 I .. 756 I 90 1 .. 930 I 96 1 ..940 4 00 t 1230 4 00 It 1010 4 00 11 444 4 40 COWS AND HEIFERS. tit I 44 HEIFERS. T7t I IS I , 149 8 40 BULLS. 1090 t 99 1 940 t 90 1 124 t II 1 700 t tt 1 1100 I It 1 1I40 t 36 1 1014 I IS 1 104 I St 1 Hit t 44 1 714 I 44 1 704 I 14 1 , 104 t 11 6 14e 8 71 1 , CALVES. , 90 4 90 I lit 4 90 1 tt 6 tt 1 161 t IS I too t It 8 ITS 4 40 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. IIS I 10 II 444 1 to STOCK CALVES. 14 I 14 1 171 I SO 444 I 1 120 I It STAGS. UTt 6 Ml STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. ...108S 4 00 ... 949 4 00 ...1031 4 00 ... 904 4 05 ... 154 4 10 ... t3 4 10 ...1074 4 10 ...1024 4 10 ... 990 4 16 ...1025 4 IS ...1000 4 26 ... 130 4 16 ... 940 4 IS ... 910 4 IS ...1073 4 10 ...1030 4 10 ...1070 4 40 ...1001 4 40 ... 941 4 46 ...1010 4 SO ... 790 4 90 ...1041 4 SO ...1041 4 SO ...474 4 49 ... 917 4 76 ...1410 4 76 ...1190 4 76 ...1240 4 IS ... 964 4 9S ...1160 4 90 ...1340 4 90 ...1250 I 00 ...1220 I 00 ...1271 I 00 ...1160 too ...1200 I 00 ...lilt I 10 ...1101 I It ...1141 I M .1106 8 40 ... 920 I tt ...1140 4 90 ... 950 4 IS ...1210 4 44 ...1110 4 10 ...1120 4 IS ...1470 4 SO ...li0 4 14 ...1100 4 14 ...1150 4 90 ...1774 I t0 ...1444 t U ...14u I 40 ... 141 t 71 ... 170 t IS ... 144 I 00 ... 1M 1 00 ... lit t 00 the usual Monday run of late. The mar ket opened only steady to strong, but gained strength rapidly and finished active and 6 rents higher thsn Saturday. There were no specially toppy hogs on sale, and wnue nigh price was tne same as natur diy the bulk shows up better. The bulk of the butcher and heavy grades sold from $7.25 to $7.35, with tops at $. 40 and fair to good packers $7.1.Vtf 7.2S. Lighter weights and rough packing hogs went from $7.15 down. After once fslrly under wsy trsd Ing was brisk and a good clearance was effected by the middle of the forenoon, the market closing at the high point of the oay. No Si. 6. II. 7. No. 161. 16.. 69.. 7t.. 10.. 44 At. Sh. Pr. ...1M 440 t 96 ...1 120 T 10 ...193 ... 7 10 ...14 ... t 10 ...19 120 7 114 It ...III 110 7 16 ...K'l ... 1 IS ...211 140 7 IS ...2t 90 7 IS ...194 40 7 19 ...191 ... t IS ...191 40 7 IS ...Ml 120 f It ...rt W 1 IS ...lk9 ... 7 IS ..lit 90 7 IS 7t '..1M 10 t 16 414 I OS 411 8 10 464 I 1 771 I St turn I 90 9M 19 tit $90 4t IN 441 19 lu I 94 tut 4 0 f M 4 40 lot 4 t 444 4 7. ... 1 . 90... It.. It.. St.. I.. 11.. II.. 11.. St.. St.. . 474 4 40 ..Sat 4 It .. 4ut 4 IS .. 44 4 34 6J1 4 44 1 4 S ... tit 4 40 .. 444 4 tt .. 171 4 It .. 97 4 14 ... 741 t to ... I7S t 9 ... 941 4 94 76... 41.... 70.... At. 8h. Pr. ,.t40 ... 7 114 ..ttt ... 7 I2V4j ..121 40 7 214 .131 40 1 124 ..141 100 7 22 ..149 40 7 114 ..127 ... 7 25 ..220 140 I 15 ..127 140 1 26 ..117 90 7 IS , .nt no 7 is ,.I ... 7 IS .11 ... 7 26 ..160 lot 7 16 tl 141 ... 1 25 69 139 140 f 15 . .25 10 T 16 ..136 ... 7 IS ..! 90 7 15 ..121 10 1 It ...131 140 7 174 ..130 90 7 174 ..241 140 7 274 ..147 ... 7 30 ...14 SO 7 10 ..262 90 7 10 ...261 40 7 10 64 19. 71. 74. 70. tt. 10. 10. tt SO... 71. t9... 7t... 71... 64.. 7S.., 64.. 9S 107 140 t ITU. 70.. 74 217 40 7 174 ... T 17 92 210 40 7 17i .. 90 T 10 ..111 120 7 10 ..271 44 7 10 ..241 M T M 93 230 tO I 20 72 234 40 7 to .126 90 7 M S 177 ... 7 124 .... JiV 1 XV X1U ... 1 43 .lit 10 1 M 40 f 10 9 It 94 t"7 ... T 20 45 247 10 T lit 4 US ... 7 10 II tit ... 7 40 10 226 200 7 20 64 102 ... 7 40 '5 121 ... 7 20 tl 291 ... 7 40 1 221 l6 7 114 tl KM ... 7 40 nmv.v:Jii "?. . . nncr.r-ioiny arrivals consisted ot two loads of fair western wethers that Drougnt rrom $5.00 to $5.25. The demand from packers Is good and prices firm at current quotations. Quotations tor clipped siock: Good to Choice Wethers. tS7!wg nO: fair In ,nnH 9ft fA 5.76; good to choice ewes, $5.00'e5.25: fair to good, $4.665.00; good to choice lambs, $6.26 (5 t0; fair to good. $5.f6.00. Wooled stock sens about 2-ij0o above clipped stock. Choice Colorado wooled lambs. $8.76S7.00; fair to gocd, $6.6fta.76. Representative sales: No Av. Pr. 25 cull ewes 85 $2 00 61 clipped ewes 87 3 00 22 clipped cull lambs 42 4 ml 122 clipped western wethers .... 97 5 00 166 clipped western wethers ....100 6 00 152 clipped western wethers .... 95 5 25 144 clipped western wethers .... 94 5 25 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle and Hoars Strong; to Higher aad Sheep Lower. CT TIP A r.n T,,r, a oittt 17 blO hnu nnj. 1 .1 rr. ! - ' '. . aui lulling w iirau x r Ann, , choice steers strong to 10c higher, others Dtr.uj , eiFvu iu primp nieere, iu mruiuni, eo.afgi.w; stocKers ana feeders. $2.aO'nn.KO: m 1IVWRI17F;. h.lf.r. 12 RlMi-iA ,0 ,...- tl RiVA-l tn. v. . . I f 6.60: calves. 12.0tktii nri- T .tun u nvi ' " " HOGS Receipts, 41,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 35,OuO head; left over, 5,000 head; strong to 6c higher; mixed and butchers, 17 fUUlnl . 1 V. mm 7.66; rough heavy, riO&7.35; light, 6.H0& 8HEEP AND LAMB8-R.cMpt, 20.000 HTTC.VA - duuui iuwer; tamos, sieaay: arnrirl In rhAlna ,aUasa 4T. or. r,. tl i. et I . , 'v-'- w """. 4VO.4MtilV.iai. Ittir IU choice mixed. M.60&6.26; western heep. 15 25 I a4ao icx ill 6oa tlll'jlril, U.aVUUI.W: western lambs, clipped, 6.5O7.00; spring laiuun, fi.uu. Official yesterday: 4KlnmanH Cattle 920 478 Mogs 14,312 1,871 Bneep l.iiTH at linr.fl The week ooens with a fair num ber oa gale, but considerably lighter thaa Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, June 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,950 head natives, 5.050 head Tex ans, 1,300 head calves, mostly Texans; mar ket steaTly to 15c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, $7.057.40; fair to good, $5.0O(&'7.00; stockers and feeders, $3.00(6.25; western fed steers, $4.60&.05; Texas and Indian steers, $2.85476.40; Texas cows, $2.50t A ....,.. ......... 4.) t'. r ,a. I . w.uu, native i:uwb, e. d. n ; native neirers, $3.2S&5.75; canners, $1.753.00; bulls, 33.00 5.60; calves, 32.054)6.75. HOGS Receipts. 4,100 head; market strong to higher; top, $7.45; bulk of sales, $7.10(217.40: heavv. I7.4(h'7.4S: nnli.r. $7.157.40; light, $t.60(&7.25; yorkers, $7.10(0 7.25; pigs, $6.2tj6.S0. BHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.750 n j , iamuB, . sieany ; nneep, i.vgziic lower; native lambs, $4.907.10; western lambs, to.axoo.oii; native wethers, $6.05(8)5.80; west ern wethers, $3.85&.10; fed twra, $4.4Ofj.00; Texas clipped yearlings, $5.0O4io.46; Texas clipped sheep, 84.05I&5.30; stockers and feed ers, ti.aaigt.iu. Ken York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK, June 9. BEEVES Re celpts, 4,154; active, steady to strong tnaiUfilfA' .InliAN tKvnz. l , 1 $3.255.25; cows, $2.505.25; extra fat cows $5 35&6.75. Cables, firm. Shipments tomor. row, 850 cattle and 3,000 quarters of beef CALVES Receipts. 4.600: veals. ROr higher; buttermilk, strong; veals, $6.00C(i (., jew tops .uo; buttermilks, $4.50fto.25 t.uuiCT, Miiy uressea veais, nigner & In IIU. taw IK SHEEP AND ' LAMBS R.r.lnt. IK Arm Bheei, barely steady; yearlings, 2o!jjve iuvrr; iriuice mm os opened about steady others lowi-r; market closed 50c lower that U u , i iru ,' mhoAxr. t?IVwK,ovi. 1 i . i 1. . J ' .: " "'n cuuii-e wrwiers, $5.50; yearlings, $4.25ift6.50. few $6.00; lambs. $6.000800, mainly $6.50(7.50. HOGS Receipts, 9,018; market easy; stags, strong, $7.36; western, nominal. St. I-oois Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. June 9. CATTLE Receipts, 7,200 head, Including 6,500 head Texans; market active, about steady; native ship ping and export steers, $6.50(ff7.40; dressed beef snd butcher steers, $5.50(Si17.00; steers under 1,000 lbs.. $4.25(?r6.50; dressed beef and butcher steers, $5.5nrtj.7.O0; steers under l,0f:0 lbs., $4.25ti6.50; stockers and feedera, $3.35rei 4.75; cows and heifers, $3.25&6.00; canners, $2.01X52.91); bulls. $2.2005.00; calves'. $4 rtKii 6. 25 ; Texas and Indian steers, fed, $4.25ft5.70: grassers, $3.30&4.20; cows and heifers. $2.70 4.00. HOGS Receipts, 2,500 hesd; market strong, 6c higher; pigs and lights, $6 65 7.0: packers. $7.00ig7.2rt; butchers. $7.0O(ff7.4.i SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.100 head; market higher; native muttons, $4.00 5.60; lambs, $5.O0(S7.6O; culls and bucks, v-.504j'4.75; stockers. $1.00(93.00; Texans, $4.10. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. June 9. CATTI.K Re ceipts, 550 head; steady; natives, $5.35(37 50; cows and heifers, $1.50(56.30; veals, $3.50(3) 6.50; stockers and feeders. $2.50(a5.50. HOGS Receipts. 8.400 head: mrnnc l!o-h and light mixed, t7.luii7.274; medium and heavy. $7.26(67.45; pigs, $4.00Q6.25. en tr.r AI IJ LAMHS-llecelpts, 3,000 head; steady; top lambs, $7. Slonz City Lire Stork Market. fiTlTT-V niTV T T. . , c 1 I fY.-,- -'.-- in-, nun" w. louriiai icie mtmv niTTI L U t . . A 1 1 . steady; beeves. ,46.50ig7.15; cows, bulls and mixed, $3.50fi?.50; stockers and feeders, $3.00 4 60; yearlings and calves. $3.004.50. 1 1 . "M O f ) . r .. . , . . . . . iiwuij rv-, riiiis, a.dw nmn ; sieavay, sell ing at $69j4?t7.20; bulk, $7.0"4j7.10. o nccr axmij lam tie in aemana. Stork In Sight. The following table shows the recelnts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal markets for June 9: South Omaha . Chicago K annua city .. St. Louis St. Joseph Csttle. Hogs. Sheep. 2.171 17,6") 7,000 7.200 ...... 650 6.124 41.000 4,100 2.600 3.400 642 20,010 8.750 4.100 2,000 Totals .84.421 66.124 30,49.' Coffee Market. NEW YORK, June 9 COFFEE-Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 64c; mild, steady Cordova, 8&124c. The market opened steady with prices 6 points higher and for the rest of the day displayed a toler ably firm undertone, though speculative energy was comparatively small. The tal ent was the chief operator throughout the day. The foreign market news reported strength In the early market, while crops In Braxtl were hardly up to general Ideas. The market closed quiet and net un changed to t points higher. Total sales, 14.250 bags, Inc lj ding June at 84 90; July, $4.90; September, $5 l't(4.16; November, $5.25; December. $5.SOt.35; February, $5.45; March, $6.60; May, $5.65. Evaporated Apples and Dried Krafts. NEW YORK. June 9 EVAPORATED APPLES Continue quiet. with stocks light and firmly held at top prices; prime fruit In export demand; state common to ?ood, 7694c; prime, luc; choice, 104felo4c; ancv, lie. DRIED FRUIT The prune market sold steady, active, export demand con tlnjlng; prices unchanged. Apricots are moving well in a lobbing way and are held with confidence. Peaches, quiet but steady at unchanged prices. Prunes, ttv&AHc; apricots, boxes, IO4314C; bags. lOVftlZc; peaches, peeled. 12tfl6c; unpeeled, 84&104C. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. June 9.-DRY GOODS There has been no Increase In the general demand today and business has been quiet throughout on home account. The tone of tne market for brown cottpog Is gtnerally steady, but there are Indications of yielding jtomewnat on tne pan occasion sellln. IHeached murllns are dull and unaltered. I'enlms are srsree. but more dlsunsltlim iii scrept forward business at current prlres. Other course colored cottons fcittirele. Print cloths are Inactive. No change m prints or ginghams. Snftar Market. NEW YORK. June 9. ST'O A R Raw. Arm; fair refining. 2 15-Ic; rentrtrugal. . test. 31734c; molaxsps rugar. 2c. Rerlneil, firm; No. tl, 4 UK.-; No. 7, 4 10c; No. 8. S.Sjr; No. 9, S.iiOc; No. 10, 3.S5c; No. 11. 3S"c; No. 12, 3. 75c; No. 13. S.iT.e; No. 14. 3 75c; confec tioners" A. 4 5iic; mould A, 5 05c; cut l"tf. oc; crushed, 6.2oc; powdered. 4.80c; gran ulated, 4.70c; cubes, 4.95c. $9.60 Omaha. 10 St. Paul Minneapolis and Return June lit to 14th. Return, October tilt. Fishing Is best during June In the MINNESOTA LAKES. Particulars at City Ticket Offices, 1402 Fartiam St. OMAHA. Not in Nature for anyone to always feel tired. There is no need to drag out an existence without ambition. Weak nerves are responsible for lan guor, depression, debility aud varico cele. Diseased tiervea, whether due to over work, over-indulgence or any other cause, can be made strong as steel by the uae of Ther tone snd in viiorste every onrsn of thehody, soothe and strengthen the nerves snu transform nroneu oown men and women Into strong, healthy, vigorous, ruddy-cheeked persons. If you find this Isn't so, you get your money oaca. f 1.00 per box ; 6 boxes (with guaran tee), to. 00, Book free. For sale by Kuhn ft Co., Omaha. Dillon's Drug Store. South Omaha Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs, ia. Pi $14.75 a St. Paul and Return, b Chicago and Return. CITY OFFICES 1401-1403 Farnam Street. 3C if S5.00 A MONTI! Specialist la all DISEASES and DISORDERS of MEN. la years la Omaha. SYPHILIS cured by the UUICTO EBT. safest and moat ne.tiira.1 method that baa yet been dlsoovered. Boon every sign and y rptom laapeart completely and forever. No BREAK I MJ OUT' of the disease on the skin or face. A cure that la guarantied to be permanenJ for life. Method new VARICOCELE without eutang. pslni no detention from work; permanent our guaranteed. WBAK MKN from Excesses or Victims to Nervous Debility or HUhaustlon, Wast. Inc Weakness with Early Decay In TeunJ and Middle Aged, lack of vlin. vigor aoi strength, with organs Impaired aad weak. STRICTlTlg; cured with a new Horat Treatment. No pain, no detention f rota blnST Kidney and felaJder TroubW Oaasaltatlea Free. Treatment br MaU OUAROEI LOW. llt . 3tk Or. Searies & Searles, Omaha. Hab, 7 cIRt PREFERRED STOCK Investors should Investigate the stock of the fiKORCiFTOW Dfcr.H MIIMfi at THA8FOHT.4TIO. TlL, COM. I'AW. now driving the Cireal Kelly Teaarl A.WiO feet through two inoun tslns at Georgetown. Colorado, which will prove the greatest und most i.rnMtabla enteronse In tia Btata of r'nlorado. Prudent and caTrful Invest ors shojld write or call ut once for Information. DU.NALU A. CAMPBELL ft CO., lilOT-M Security Bldg Chicago. Tel. Main Van. 1 -