Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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I Tiie omaiia Daily Bee.
Tally Bee (without Sunday), One Year.M 00
Dally Bee and Sunday, One Year
'Illustrated Bee. One Year i-'V
Sunday Bee, One Year
Saturday Bee, One Year LW
twentieth Century Farmer, One Y'ear. l.W
'pally Bee (without Sunday), per copy.. Jo
Dally Bee (without Sunday), rxr week. .12c
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, si.:
George B. Tzschuck, aecretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly aworn,
ays that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
the month of May, 1902, waa as follows:
X. 2U,WM 17 2U.BUO
I at,4JM 18 2,BUO
21,830 19 itU,30
...... 2O.B0O 20 29.0OO
1 80,280 21 20,4O
SO.800 22 2O.B0O
1 ..30.TOO 23 20,470
2D.8HO 24... 20.BNO
2,T0 25 20.R40
10 20,480 28 20,040
H 21.BS 27 20,030
2O.O0O 28 20.0KO
U 2U.B30 29 20,430
1 2O.03O 80 20.0UO
20,570 81 20,810
IS 20,S(M
Total B1M.MNH
iss unsold and returned copies.... 10,700
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JSet dally average 20,3 is
Subscribed tn my presence and sworn to
before me this 31st day of May, A. D. 1901.
(Seal.) l. B. H UNGATE,
Notary Public.
The baccalaureate sermon shows no
lgns of retiring to the background.
Local merchants should make the
most of the enlarged train service out
of Omaha.
What North Sixteenth street needs Is
a new pavement rather than constant
patching and repatchlng.
With all the Sbrinors assembled at
Ban Francisco the Occident will be tem
porarily transferred Into an Orient.
Ex-Senator Allen still persists in
booming Bryan for governor without
halting either for his aid or consent
Aeronautic; wonders whose airship ex
ploits recently made so much talk do
not seem to be flying so high of late.
France has a brand new cabinet of
ministers who ought to do something
at onca to attract attention to them
selves. Omaha will this week lavish hospital
ity on the state association of under
takers. And the undertaker he will do
the rest.
Out of deference to the yellow Jour
nals Mont Pelee should subside a while
and let them turn loose on the Impending
It may be worth while recalling that
no, new churches were dedicated until
republican prosperity dispelled the pall
of bard imes.
It Is due to neither lockout nor strike
that Omaha's public schools close down
this week. They will be reopened In
season without resort to arbitration.
Preparations are going right along for
old fashioned Fourth of July celebra
tions just as If we had not been told
that Independence day had been ex
purged from the calendar. ,
John. N. Baldwin of Iowa ought to
hare a special resolution of thanks ex
tended to him by Nebraska republicans
for the kindly and unselfish Interest he
constantly manifests In Nebraska af
fairs. Sessions of the county board as a
board of equalisation commence this
'week. The gains made In the fight for
tax reform in the city assessment roll
must be riveted . down on the county
assessment roll.
President Burt of the Union Pacific Is
credited with the ambition to shorten
the time between Europe and the
Orient The first step In that direction
should be the cutting out of fifteen
miles between Omaha and Fremont
, Why worry about the possible conse
quences on Wall street of the death
of J. Plerpont Morgan? If that financier
!la as astute as he. is credited, he will
organise a company to protect all bis
ether Interests against that emergency.
! Douglas county populists are Indulg
ing their customary threats of what
hey will do uuless the democrats come
pi time with guaranties of place and
profit These methods have worked in
the past and ought to be successful
l Advices from South Africa are to
the effect that the only opposition to the
peace terms still manifested comes from
a few of the Boer women who appear to
be more Irreconcilable than the men.
The women unquestionably had much
to da with inspiring and keeping up
the courage of the Boers In their un
equal fight Their reluctance to yield
even after actual resistance has ceased
Illustrates the strength of the devotion
that attached,
While resident Roosevelt has no legal
authority to take any action In connec
tion with the anthracite coal strike, he
Is very properly manifesting a great
deal of Interest In the contest and Is dis
posed to do whatever he can to bring
about an amicable settlement of the
unfortunate controversy. As the dis
patches have already noted the presi
dent has been in conference with the
commissioner of labor with a view to
ascertaining what can be done and there
Is a reasonable probability that some
thing of a practical nature will result
from this.
It appears that In the law creating
the department of labor the commis
sioner is specially charged with author
ity to Investigate the causes of and facts
relating to all controversies and dis
putes between employers and employes
as they may occur and which may
tend to Interfere with the welfare of the
people of the different states. The gen
eral purpose of this clause was to pro
cure, for the use of congress at stated
Intervals, reports on events which have
passed, but the language Is so broad
as to authorize an Inquiry by the com
missioner while a controversy Is still In
progress. It Is under this law that the
president bas conferred with the com
missioner of labor, but all that either
can do In . the premises, so far as
appears. Is to Investigate the facts and
to report the same to congress. There
was formerly a law under which the
president might have Interfered In the
anthracite coal strike, but this was re
pealed some years ago and at present
the president has no power to Interpose.
However, there Is no reason why the
commissioner of labor may not Investi
gate conditions In the anthracite region
and report the same to the president,
who can communicate the facts to con
gress, and probably this will be done.
What effect such action would have Is
altogether problematical, but It would
at least acquaint the public with an
official statement of the true character
of the questions in controversy and thus
enable the people to Judge fairly as to
the Justice of the claims of the respec
tive parties to the controversy. That It
Is desirable this, should be done we
think will be universally admitted and
therefore the Interest which President
Roosevelt Is manifesting In the matter
must meet with general approbation.
It ought to be safe to assume that both
parties to the controversy will be glad
to accept the efforts of the president of
the United States to bring about a satis
factory settlement.
Three weeks ago the republican com
mittee of Washington county issued a
call for a delegate convention to nomi
nate elective candidates on the county
ticket and appoint delegates to the
state, Judicial and. senatorial conven
tions. The convention met at Blair
Saturday, but Instead of confining Its
action strictly within the limits of the
call, the partisans of David -H. Mercer
took snap Judgment on the republicans
of Washington county by selecting fif
teen delegates to the Second congres
sional district convention.
For this action there is absolutely no
warrant in law. No call has yet been
issued by the congressional committee,
no apportionment of delegates has yet
been made and nobody knows whether
the nomination Is to be made by direct
primary or by the old-time delegate con
vention. The delegates to the Wash
ington county convention had therefore
no right to anticipate that call.
The selection of these delegates was
not only illegal sharp practice, but a
downright Imposition upon the rank and
file of republicans of Washington
county, who bad not even the suspicion
that the convention would attempt to
take action on the choice of congress
man. It Is an open question also
whether a candidate nominated by the
votes of the Washington county dele
gates could have his name legally In
serted on the official ballot as the regu
lar republican nominee.
The most essential requirement of the
law is publicity. All primary elections
and caucuses must be called at least
twenty days before the convention, and
the call must specifically designate the
offices for which nominations are to be
made, either by direct vote at the pri
mary or in convention. This attempt
of the Mercerltes to capture a delegation
by underhanded trickery forcibly illus
trates the desperation of the non-resi
dent congressman and his followers.
They know well that the great majority
of republicans In the district do not
favor Mercer's renomlnatlon for a sixth
term, but they propose to force bis nom
ination against the popular will and ex
pose the party to the risk of defeat on
election day.
The argument made by Senator II anna
on the isthmian canal question has un
doubtedly made a favorable Impression
upon the country in behalf of the Pan
ama route. The facta presented by the
Ohio senator are of a most convincing
character and so far as they relate to
the danger from volcanic conditions
they have received very substantial sup
port from the latest disturbances in
Guatemala, which show beyond doubt
that the situation in that region Is peril
ous and that it would be a very grave
mistake on the part of the government
to expend a vast sum of money there
In the construction of a canal. The
argument presented by Senator Ilanna
was wholly practical In character and as
such will appeal to the business Judg
ment of the country, rsther than to sen
timental considerations.
It Is Impossible to say with any de
gree of certainty what the prevailing
opinion In the senate Is in regard to this
question, but there Is pretty good au
thorlty for the opinion that there Is a
majority In favor of the Panama route.
According to recent advices based upon
careful inquiry it appears likely that the
result of the discussion wilt be the adop
tion of the Spooner substitute for the
pending bill, which provides for tie se
lectloa by ithflk. president tf the -Panama
route In case a perfect title can be se
cured, ss to which there seems to be
no doubt It Is expected that a vote on
the question will be reached in the sen
ate within the next week or ten days.
A number of Institutes will be held
this summer for the benefit of the
teachers of the Indian. Several of these
have already been ordered by the sec
retary of the Interior, Including two In
South Dakota in June and July and
one at Minneapolis in July. Refer
ring to this the Washington correspond
ent of the Brooklyn Eagle says that the
first Indian summer school of record,
consisting of representatives from four
boarding and two day schools, convened
at Puyallup, Wash., In 1884. Similar
meetings have been held each year since
with greatly increased attendance. At
the Los Angeles meeting in 1899 the
teachers in the Indian service were ad
mitted as a department of the Na
tional Educational association, being
known as the department of Indian
education. The meeting of the latter
at Minneapolis next month will be at
tended by teachers from all over the
country and its program contains pa
pers, addresses and lectures by the most
eminent educators In the United States.
These summer schools have been of
very great advantage to the cause of
Indian education and are therefore en
titled to every encouragement The
service they have done In advancing
the work of Indian education bas been
recognized and cordially commended
by the Interior department and there Is
no doubt that the deliberations of the
meetings this year .will have gratifying
The congressional campaign commit
tees of both the great parties expect to
promulgate official statements of the
national issues involved in the coming
political contest These committees, to
be sure, are actuated by the best of
motives with the purpose of saving the
people at large from the trouble of
formulating tbelr own Issues, but the
voters may want to have something to
say about It themselves before they
get through. These ready-made issues
do not always fit in with the fashion.
According to the publicity department
of "the railroads of Nebraska" those
public-spirited institutions have always
been eager to bear their shares of the
burden of government. But when the
law imposed on them the duty of pro
tecting their tracks across busy thor
oughfares by viaducts, the city of
Omaha had to fight the case clear
through the supreme court of the
United States In order to bave the law
Spain is gradually resuming its pur
chases of American wares and goods
notwithstanding the prejudice created
by its disastrous war with this country.
Trade follows the lines of mutual ad
vantage and if American - merchants
can offer tempting enough bargains,
no recollections of the war will long
stand In the way of Spanish patronage.
IHetauen'a Doable Halo.
Philadelphia Frees.
Lord Methuen is sure of fame la two
respects. He was the first British general
to get licked and the last to get captured.
Footing- All the Bills.
Bt. Louie Globe-Democrat' .
Mr. Bull understands himself to be tbs
victor, but will have to put bis South Afri
can farm In order at bis owa expense.
Fui the Wings, Please.
Chicago Record-Herald.
When a girl secures damages in a lawsuit
because the jury is said to be Influenced by
her beauty she Is about as near heaven as
It Is possible to get without dying.
PeST to Hang; Hope On.
Washington Post '
The Indiana populists favor the nomina
tion of Bryan In 1904. provided he will
clear himself of the few slight taints of
democracy he bas exhibited In the past.
The Crltlo Cornered.. .
Baltimore American. '
It seems like tha sarcasm of fate to see
Mark Twain receiving a collegiate degree,
when It bas not been so long since be
waa poking fua at the people who were
getting them. -
Comfort (or tha Feebie-Mlnded.
Ban Francisco Chronicle.
It Is announced that the British authori
ties bave Introduced ping-pong Into Im
becile wards ot poor-houses for tha pur
pose of affording the Inmates an easy and
innocent amusement at a small coat 60
it seems tha game has Its value after alt
Uaaarmonntable Obstacles,
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
A contemporary Is satirical on the sub
ject ot good crops under a republican ad
ministration. The country bad good crops
under the last democratlo administration,
but somehow the souphouse tariff and the
rest ot the misfits and general . Incompe
tency beat the bounties of nature, -
Looks Like the Last Straw,
Baltimore American.
Fate bas not forborne adding the last
straw. An Irish horse ridden by a Yankee
Jockey bas won the English Derby, taking
the race bodily from the English scepter,
As the king himself mournfully said, the
superstitious could easily find an omen In
this "combination of circumstances.
Stirring Times la the Interior,
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
With Mount Redoubt, Alaska, emitting
dense smoke, cinders and flames that rise
for hundreds of feet and rumbling noises
in Mount Tsukaba. Japan, and Mount Pelee
still belching and the volcanoes ot St Via
eeat la action, and Vesuvius due to arrive
at any. moment. It may be said that there
is something doing la the Interior of this
old sphere.
A New Cent err Wonder.
New York Tribune.
Professor . Moore, chief of the' weather
bureau at Washington, declares that be has
Invented a gravity apparatus which cools
and cleanses the air and makes tt dry and
wholesome at the same time. If the
wonderful invention can accomplish every
thing which the worthy professor claims
for It be will make the alchemists ot an
clent days, the seekers ot the philosopher's
stone and of the elixir of life, the squarers
of the circle, the Ponee de Leons who west
in search ot the springs ot eternal youth
and the discoverers ot perpetual cool ion
one and all of them look like a faint and
evanescent glimpse ot the shadow ot thirty
ceou vanishing la the HUn . UUAce
Mr. HarrimarTs Plan
Mr. E. H. Harrlman, the head ot two
great transcontinental systems, has ex
presses in a publlo interview the opinion
ot a large number of able railroad men,
that the railroads are more competent to
manage the country than the country Is to
manage the railroads. Mr. Harrlman does
not say this in terms, but that is what he
iceana. His frank declaration Is as fol
lows: "The legislation of the future must be
pro-railroad Instead of antl-railroad, and It
must develop confidences between the pub
lic and the transportation companies.
Give the railroads the opportunity to de
velop their resources, to show what they
can do, and legislation Is always a remedy
which can be resorted to. I believe la
combinations of lines, whereby the products
can be transported on the lines that can do
It most economically. In other words, If
you can transport over comparatively
straight or level raods, as against crooked
and mountainous roads, you can do It
cheaper. There must be some way given
to compensate (hose high-grade lines.
I believe commissions are things of
the past I do not think transportation
companies should bare to submit to dicta
tion or control by bodies who do not know
anything about transportation. I think
now Is the time for all of us to speak out
what we think. Meet the thing face to
face. Bodies formed for the purpose of
controlling transportation should have In
them representatives of the companies
whose business Is to be controlled."
Practically, this is a scheme that the
railroads should have the privilege both of
combination and of making rates. This is
today the Issue In railroad affairs. Men
like Mr. Harrlman wish to have state and
federal commissions abolished, no power
vested In the Interstate federal commission
to make rates, and, through the power of
combination, rate-making vested In the
railroads. Wiser men, like Mr. A. J. Cas-
eatt of the Pennsylvania railroad, with a
broader view, see that this power can never
be granted. Such men are willing to see
Indiana Democrats Torn from Dark
ness to the Dawn.
Detroit Free Press (dem.)
The democrats of Indiana have gone up
towards Damascus and seen a great light.
The state convention which met at Indian
apolis Wednesday, rejected both the divin
ity ot free sliver and the beaven-bornness
of the heaven-born ratio. In a financial
plank that reads as follows:
"We recognize as aa economic fact the
increase of standard money arising from
the vast Increased production of gold from
our own and foreign mines, and the pro
digious Influx of foreign gold In this country
as a result of an exceptional demand for
our products arising from foreign wars and
other causes, and we point to the result
consequent upon this Increase of the cir
culating medium as a demonstration of the
truth of the quantltlve theory of money."
When the Indiana democrats bave finally
learned that money is only a measure of
value, and that the government provides
only a small amount of the money actually
In circulation, they will have finished the
remainder of their financial education and
will place the qualitative theory of money
alongside of their quantitative theory. Pos
sibly they have already reached that stage.
No political party likes to admit that It
bas been burning incense at the shrine ot
false gods,' and It Is the way of man to let
htraielf down as easily as possible after he
has seen the-' error of bis ways. This
Is all the Indiana democrats have done.
Mr. Bryan will unquestionably scold
them. He may bring out his bell and
his book and ' bis candle and pronounce
a formal anathema; but they will sur
vive it. They can point to excellent
precedents. The Presbyterians bave re
vised the Westminster confession and ob
literated Infant damnation. Even Mr. Bryan
cannot claim that the Chicago platform
was a more perfect piece of work than
the Westminster confession, and If he is
determined not to affiliate with the demo
crats that prefer live Issues to dead ones,
no power will seek to separate blm from
his dead. The rest of the mourners, how
ever, are going to trot back to town with
the hearse and the gentleman from Indiana.
Possible Substitute- Officially An
nounced la France.
New York World.
We bave in this country various kings,
such as cotton, oil and steel, but we bave
only one tyrant coal. The Industry, the
commerce, the home comfort of the wholo
nation are at its mercy because we must
bave it or see everything brought to a
There Is only one escape from this peril
ous dependence a cheap and practicable
substitute. This the scientists and econo
mists of the world are seeking. During the
present year a special exposition was held
in Berlin to show the technical uses ot
alcohol. From abundant crops of potatoes
vast quantities of raw alcohol have been
produced. Last year Germany used over
80,000,000 gallons of it. It will run motors,
furnish lighting snd beating and do cook
ing. France, making similar experiments.
talks of a navy run by alcohol aa oppor
tunity for much Jesting, but a serious sug
gestion withal. 1
Germany does not stop with the various
uses ot alcohol, but Is perfecting a process
whereby peat msy be pressed and converted
Into briquettes which may take the place
of coal. "It is expected," says Electricity,
"that tbs new process will not only serve
to greatly relieve the scarcity of fuel In
Germany, but eventually furnish a surplus
for export"
But the most Interesting snd promising
substitute Is snnounced in recent consular
reports from France. Inventors there claim
to bave succeeded in making petroleum
briquettes which, as officially reported,
"possess all the advantages of coal and
petroleum without the Inconvenience ot
either." They weigh one-half as much a
coal and produce twice the beat They
burn without smell or smoke, leave prac
tically no residue, keep indefinitely, are
clean to handle and are perfectly safe. The
proceas of manufacture Is so simple that a
120,000 plant will turn out several hundred
tons a day. The claims for these briquettes
would seem Incredible were they not mads
oa government authority. On boats, by
their lighter weight and superior com
bustion, they would reduce the necessary
fuel cargo for a given voyage fully one
half. And our consul reports that they
can be used tn domestlo and Industrial
work without changing furnaces or ranges.
As to cost, even la this early stage of their
manufacture the petroleum briquettes can
be made for $14 per abort ton. 80, If our
consul Is correct wa have here a substitute
which at the very least would keep the
price of coal under $7. not to mention Its
other advantages.
There Is substantial hope in these things.
Mankind, so quick to find substitutes for
every other necessity In its operations, bas
depended too long on coal, and coal baa
cost tt dear. Evury strike Is paid for by
the factortee and the homes. Each strike
becomes more expensive snd a grester
burden on Industry and progress.
The world will be better snd freer when
good substitutes topple Old King Coal from
hls tkr ens, .
Press (rep.)
the power of making rales vested la a
commission. If the power ot combining and
pooling Is left with the railroads.'
If Mr. Harrlman or anyone else thinks
that control over the profits of all .the In
dustries of the country will be left In the
hands of any body of railroad men or any
railroad corporation he Is making a mistake
quite as great if on a bloodless field, as did
H. L M. George I1L
The power to make ratea Is the power
to tax every profit of every Industry In
the United States. As long as this power
Is modified and controlled by competition
the publlo Is safe. If competition is to
cease by consolidation the public of in
duatry, trade and retail distribution Is not
safe If the combined railroads have the
power to make the ratea. If the railroads
are permitted to exercise both these
powers they will manage the country. This
may suit Mr. Harrlman. He Is perfectly
ready to be a benevolent railroad despot.
All of them are. But this country Is not
organized In order to give despots, railroad
or otherwlae, a chance to show tbelr
benevolence. It was made to be a govern
ment of laws and not of men or of rail
roads and It will remain such a govern
ment In spite of the benevolent desire
which Mr. Harrlman and other railroad
presidents show to manage Its affairs.
Railroad interests themselves sre safer
with men like President A. J. Cassatt, who
see clearly that In the long run the rail
roads will gain by a fair recognition ot the
right of the state to require railroad rates
to be reasonable through methods more
efficient than those ot courts. In short by a
commission. A bill providing this Is before
the senate. It should pass. The supreme
court in its decision on the Chicago termi
nal charges has again decided against in
terstate commission rates. The decision
now Is on a detail, but It is Just as effective
as if it were on the main Issue. Congress
ought not to leave the commission power
less even If Mr. Harrlman and some other
railroad presidents think they can do bet
ter in making rates than the commission.
Minneapolis Times: Mr. Bryan bas beard
from Indiana by this time and It is fair
to preaume that Indiana will hear from
Mr. Bryan very soon.
Brooklyn Eagle: Patrick Henry McCar
ren made the hit at the Harmony con
ference in Albany, Monday. "Bryan should
be asked to go 'way back and alt down"
In case be seeks to say who shall or shall
not be at the front. There was no rhetoric
In that. There was some slang. Said a
learned professor once to his pupils:
"Slang, young gentlemen, Is sometimes the
stralghtest avenue to the human heart."
Louisville Courier-Journal: It is like old
times to reed of the Indiana democratlo
convention the old times when every In
dlana democrat stood shoulder to shoulder
in party line and battle line, and every
foot-of Indiana ground was battleground;
the old times when every democratlo face
throughout the country turned intently to
Indiana, watching the progress and await
ing the result of the struggle there with
an interest born of the knowledge that
the result In Indiana Indicated and in large
measure shaped the result In the nation.
Surely there is nothing In portenta If the
good old times bave not come again for
the Indiana democracy if it Is not again
to take Its place in the forefront of tho
column and is not again to help win and
to lead the way to victory.
Indianapolis News: The platform adopted
yesterday by the democrats of Indiana and
the speech of Mr. Kern, chairman of tho
convention, are notable chiefly - for their
practical repudiation of the Bryan leader
ship and their silence on the Bryan theory
of finance. Mr. Kern, it Is true, mentioned
the name of the Nebraskan aa one of the
democratic leaders, but that is ail. The
platform does not even do that He is
entirely Ignored. Nor Is there any de
mand for the free, unlimited and inde
pendent coinage of silver at the ratio of
16 to 1 "without the aid or consent of any
other nation on earth." When It Is re
membered that only a few years sgo even
city conventions found It necessary to re
affirm the free coinage doctrine, and when
men were discharged from positions In the
city government because they did not be
lieve In that doctrine, It will be realized
that great progress bas been made.
Several eminent local statesmen of St.
Louis bave taken French leave of the town
and scooted for shelter In other climes.
Prof. Michael I. Pupln of Columbia uni
versity. Inventor of the ocean telephone,
began bis career In America as an attend
ant in a Turkish bath parlor In Brook
lyn. Carl Faber of Munich, son of the famous
pencil manufacturer, bas given $260,000 to
the Germanlo museum at Nuremberg and
to 'the Bavarian National museum at
Senator Lodge Is a connoisseur on shirt
designs. The other day be appeared In
Washington with a shirt and vest of the
same material, a delicate purple, which was
woven especially tor blm.
Prof. Vlrchow, the German physiologist
celebrated hla eightieth birthday recently
by taking a double dose of borax to prove
that Its taking was a benefit to the health.
He has taken a dose of borax dally for
years past
Notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts
ot the railroads to furnish quick and
luxurious transit out of the city, fifty dis
quieted Chlcagoans took their departure
via the suicide route during the month of
May. It is mighty bard to please some
In the autobiography which he furnished
for the congressional directory Representa
tive Robert W. Davis of Florida tells of
his early" struggles snd subsequent achieve
ments, adding this touch of gallantry:
"Before reaching his majority he was mar
ried to Mlas Mercer, and to her Influence
Is due whatever of success he bas attained."
The Twelfth New York regiment, now in
camp up the Hudson near Peekaklll, has
among its lieutenants Cornelius Vanderbllt
and Henry Rogers Wlnthrop, who are
worth, respectively, $7,500,000 and $(,000,000.
The two young millionaires sleep on cots
tn tents, drink their coffee out of their tin
cups In the morning and eat off tin plates
and declare they enjoy It to the limit.
Ellen M. Stone, the missionary, who was
so long the unwilling guest of Bulgarian
brigands, Is about to be put into a melo
drama on account of her adventures In the
Balkans. - Santos-Dumont, the Brazilian
balloonist; the white squadron of the Ameri
can navy, American and British sailors,
mountain robbers, Turkish soldiers and
other picturesque features are Introduced,
the dramatist evidently having determined
to bave at least several thrills In each act.
The tablet which ta to mark the birth
place of Georje Peabody, the banker and
philanthropist will be unveiled by the
Peabody (Mass.) Historical society on June
16. The tablet Is ot brass and bas the fol
lowing Inscription la raised letters: "Birth
place of Oeorge Peabody, February II, 176,
Placed by the Peabody Historical Society,
June 16. 1902." This tablet will be bolted
to a rough stone poet five feet out of the
ground, to be set two feet Inside the fence,
dtrectly la frost of the old part of tbs
.bouse la whlcb Mr. Peabody was bora.
one-sixth pure glycerin the
best for the toilet that human
skill can produce.
A better is impossible tho'
you pay a dollar a cake for it.
Use it for toilet and bath,.
Use it on the hair.
Skin and hair will be as soft
and smooth as silk.
Whiff RflCCifltl L"01'
MllIlC aAUddlall valuable)
Ripples oa the Carrent of Life la the
A pstch of resl estate rightly located In
New York City rivals In productive wealth
the best "strikes" in the Klondike or Crip
ple Creek. Last year a department store
syndicate purchased the greater portion of
a block ot ground at Thirty-fourth and
Broadway. A little slice of one corner.
fronting sixteen feet on Broadway, re
mained in possession of a non-resident. The
syndicate thought that shoebox slice ot
ground was within Its reach and offered
$40,000, a price proportionately higher than
the cost of the remainder of the block. The
owner asked $50,000. The syndicate hesi
tated and when It concluded to pay the
price asked the owner lifted It to $75,000.
For four months the syndicate dickered
about the price, each delayed acceptance
being met with a raise, until finally a spec
ulator purchased the corner for $375,000. A
few days ago this valuable corner was
leased for a term of twenty years at sn
annual rental of $40,000, equal to 5 per cent
on $800,000. The lessee agrees to psy all
taxes and make the rental clear to tha
landlord. Meanwhile the department store
syndicate Is giving an automatic kicker a
chance to work overtime.
Another hotel, designed to overshadow
anything of the kind In New York, Is to be
built on the site of the Plaza hotel, at a
cost of $10,000,000. The greater part of this
sum will be furnished. It is understood, by
men whose fortunes bave been created out
of the steel' industry. ' Among them are
Charles M. 8chaub, president ot the steel
trust; John J. Mitchell, president of the
Illinois Trust and Savings bank; John W.
Gates and C, A. Fleming.
As it Is now planned the new hotel will
have a frontage of 200 feet In the plaza,
while ta Fifty-ninth street, overlooking
Central park, the frontage will be 250 feet.
If property for which negotiations are now
pending Is obtained the frontage in Fifty-
eighth street will be the same as that In
Fifty-ninth, but architects are now prepar
ing plans on the assumption that the struc
ture will have a facing of 125 feet In Fifty-
eighth street. The structure will be of
twenty stories,, and In design will be In
keeping with Its proportions.
From the New York Life Insurance com
pany the Plaza hotel has been purchased,
and with it three lots In Fifty-ninth street
The purchase price was $3,000,000. One of
the interesting features of the purchases
Is that the property was paid for with cash,
making it the largest transaction of the
kind that bas ever taken place In New
York City.
A day or two ago, relates tbs Brooklyn
Eagle, Superintendent Goulden of the
bureau of Incumbrances decided that a
board fence extending across East Nine
teenth street, near Cropsey avenue, and ad
joining the Fort Lowrle hotel at Bath
Beach, was maintained In opposition to the
law, the street hsvlng been legally opened
to Gravesend bay. .
That was chapter one. Chapter two waa
provided yesterday wben an Inspector from
the bureau, armed with all proper au
thority and an axe, strode down with ma
jestic steps to Bath Beach with the Inten
tion ot obeying orders and cutting away the
objectionable fence. When be reached the
scene of prospective action be halted in
surprise. The sight which be saw was
enough to make anybody bait. Astride the
fence were tour women, grim looking and
determined. . ,
"So you're going to chop this fence down.
are you?" said one of the quartet. "Well,
before you begin just listen to me. If you
chop this fence down you've got to chop us
down with it. Understand? It don't coma
down under any other conditions. You
hear us, don't you?" .
The inspector beard and, lifting up bis
feet, be departed.
"You can argue wltb a man," be reported
at headquarters, "but you can't argue with
four women on a fene. top."
Curious waves cf superstition sweep at
Intervals over certain sets in New York
and nobody ever knows Just why they
should come at ana time and not at an
other. Probably the cause Is the appear
ance of some especially successful medium
or clairvoyant.
Such a woman bas lately come on the
scene, reports the New York Bun, and the
story of one or two remarkable predic
tions by ber has traveled among women
until she is just now the most popular of
all dispensers of the occult. Her modest
rooms on the east side of town sr. dally
sought by women who would not under
ordinary circumstances be found In such a
However popular the purveyors of the
occult may become," they ar. rarely able
to raise their prices beyond a certain low
figure. The usual maximum , Is $1 and
there Is no profit la aa attempt to charge
more. Even when the medium Is most
popular, the women who visit her expect
her services to b. reasonable.
The enly person who was ever abl. to
get high prices In the city returned not
long ago to London, because he realized
that the end of the game, so far as he
was concerned, had already been reached-.
But for alx weeks before bis departure
be doubled bis price sad st the rate ot
$10 a sitting he was occupied all day.
He waa the enly person ever able to do
that ' The dsmaad tor the supernatural
may be brisk, but the article Bust he
Wrappers exchanged for
premiums. Write for list
cheap. The price has indeed much to do
wltb the demand.
A London clairvoyant of great vogue la
his own town lately came to New York to
establish himself In business. He held bis
services at a high figure.
After one month be reduced bis tee to
one-halt of what it bad been and at tho
end of the second month closed bis studio
and returned to Mayfalr.
Conraare to Deal Fairly
an cl
Squarely with the People.
Chicago Chronicle.
The most of what James J. Hill bas ta
say in praise of the American railroad sys
tem snd Its achievements is true.
It Is true that we bave the best system
In the world In many respects. For prompt
ness snd certainty of service and for cheap
ness ot transportation, distance for dis
tance. It far surpasses any other system In
the world.
There Is no denying that. There Is good
reason to believe also that In respect bottt
of general excellence of service and in the
moderation of average rates our system Is
far better than It would have been under
government ownership and far better than
It soon would be If the government should
acquire ownership now.
While all this is true, another thine
which Mr. Hill does not dwell upon is not
less true. That Is, that In the matter of
discriminating rates the railroad companies
notoriously and habitually violate provis
ions of law which they ar. bound to obey,
and which they themselves admit ar. not
only Just, but actually conducive to their
Own Interests It obeyed to the letter.
The public is willing- to give the railroad
managers of the country all the credit
which is justly their due. In faot, the
public is proud of them as compared with
the managers of roads in other parts of the
world, and especially aa compared with
managers of government roads.
But not the less Is the publlo disposed to
Insist tbst they shall obey the laws made
to prevent them from doing wrong. It Is
so disposed all the more strongly In view
of the fact that there Is not a ahadow of a
doubt that those laws are just and whole
some. This la the point which now demsnds at
tention, and more especially the attention
of the railroad people, and it la the point
which Mr. Hill found It convenient to over
look In hla address before the Manufacture
ers' association.
Brooklyn Life: Mrs. Hatterson You
don't mean to say that you have no theories
about the education or children?
Mrs. Catteraon No. I have too many
children. 1
Philadelphia RecordT'Yee," said Cholly,
"I've got very extravagant Ideas."
"I wouldn't worry over It," remarked
Cynlcus. "You can't have many of them."
Los Angelea Times: "Just as the dog
grabbed me by the ankle the old man came
"What did he iloV
"Took the bark off my shins.'
Washington Star: "So you bave made
"Yes," answered the defeated, general of
a thrifty nation.
"What were the terms?"
"Terms, cash," was the lsconlo answer.
Detroit Free Press: "Cast off by his
father, he became a landscape painter."
"Why did he choose that work?'
"He wanted to continue drawing the
Puck: Colonel Dobbs Dear met Hnw
time goes byl I don't know any of these
young people getting married nowadays.
Major Hobbe I'm worse off than that
I don't know any of these older people who
are getting divorced.
Philadelphia Press: "See ber., said
illadelphla Press: "See bere, said
nel Winders, angrily, "your reporter
nlsed to print. ell I said at the banquet
Colonel winders,
inr.if. , 11 . V. . I .
writ, reuou wiv eauevr.
"Well," he printed only a few lines, al
though my speech was quite a long effort."
"Yes, but you didn't say much."
8. W. GllllUn in Los Angeles Herald.
You say: "Such ardent friendship is mis
taken ; if you knew"
There! Cloee your llris and listen: When
the sky la clear and blue.
When sun and birds jd dewdrops make
the big world glad and bright,
Would all be half so precious had there
been no clouds or night?
Would flowers seem so beautiful If sent
from heaven above
Does not their earthly origin add sympathy
to love?
So friendships must be human it on earth
they'd thrive and live
For what does friendship feed on srhea'
there's nothing to forgive?
How could my heart be s-entle to'ard a
heart that knew no pain?
Could friendship so on living If Its prof
fered help were vain?
Could I. were I not certain you were only
human, feel
The tender, sweet compassion that my
worda to you reveal?
Oh say not. "If you only knew" tho
Father knows I know;
He left Ills blessed impree on each human
soul; and so
My loved one must be human while upon
this earth I live
For earthly love grow, stronger whoa
there's something to forgrra.
A rovosr le k Iota tha ebaee. low t
I I awoltM. Mrvou ssS hoi. MS gut 1114 sulif.
U ou hv nrtlus ' M Horn, try Alias's
Knot It suoM tlx lot. w4 ukx walktn. wr.
CurM twoll-a, ItMUll fM, tafroarta. ukJU, Sils
ura ni Mlloo wots. lUllme crne u baio at
til pals a4 si' net us comfort. Try 11
soli k sU truss' soa ues Moras for too. Dua't
ocrt sny MSsOluW. TrUl psckf yaaa, Jil
smm. Alim a tilsiuca, be Sor. M. X,