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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1902)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEEt TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1002. i f inn nno mm mi mm mm Lb You hare read the newspaper reports of the vast torrents of rain that poured through IIavden (stock room roof Thursday evening. You have seen something of the way the prices are being slaughtered, but you tan form no t idea of the tremendous bargain -giving until you attend 6 J rUESDAY'S GIGANTIC SALES' a mounted! Shopping lou cocoa and a ri.. . l ; i a a t . . a a . . y mpiw inconvenience no matter now dijt me crowds, lie sure and see the special values in CAItPETS. MATTINGS. CTTHTAIXS An nnAPEHTES v.air tho horu room. Uty, freu cracker at our demonitratloa counter. We are Introducing our elegant cocoa, chocolate and pure, free a cracker, early if possible. TIIE 8IIREWDEST BUYERS WILL BE ASTONISHED AT TIIE MARVELOUS VALUES GIVEN IN THIS GRAND WET GOODS DAMAGE SALE. ml floods are practically given away in many cases, and prices on notions, embroideries, laces, leather goods, furnishings, underwear, shoes, carpets, draperies and curtains are most ridiculously low. The damage to between f 20,000 and $25,000, and every article whetheu thoroughly drenched, slicrhtlv dampened or onlv sliorhtlv muaspd or rnfflpd frnm hnndiinfr Wni rtowA vnt at nnro ot un. Mi eationally LOW TRICES EVEll NAMED IN THE" WEBf. WE HAVE TO APOLOGIZE for keeping some customers waiting Monday, but for TUESDAY TIIE DAMAGED STOCKS I 7llGn Tired IIA E UEEN ATlRAXP.F.n TO THE REST PDSStnT.'P. ATlVAVTAnp ,..,.. c.iw: AAit i i i . , , i. v-.' . ... . .11 . - - - ii .luuiuvuai uriAo uatc urru tnuicu mm juu are assurfu ui uuuiu jusi wnai you warn Wlin DUt I I ot a Ire eup of our dellc Great Vet Goods Damage Salo Notions, Etc. Vet Notions, AYet Uces, Wet Ribbons, Wet Embroideries, Wet Leather Goods. First Come the Wet Notions. All the .dress shields, dreei stays, shoe lacea, pocket books, hose supporters, ladies' handkerchiefs, etc., damaged by water on account of the flooding of our stock room, all on sale. These goods wers soaked on Thursday night. Some of them are mussed and eoiled and not one piece will be put back In regular stock, but will be sacrificed at prices that will clear the entire lot In a tew days. Some Prices on Wit Goods J5c Drees stays, per set Eo ... 5c ... 2c ...BOc ...2Sc 25c Press shields, per pair. 10c Hook and eyes, per card 11.00 Pocketbooks. ......... 60o Pocketbooks ........... S.'.c Pockjetbookl .......... 15c Purses ..J. , . , A l - 1 . 13c .. Sq ..50o ..10c . So 60c Leather belts 25o Leather belts Wet Ribbons The ribbon alt go in two lots. First lot worth up to 25c per yd 4Hc Second lot worth up to 85c, per yd ....7fte Wet Laces and Embroideries . The laces and embroideries will be sorted In lots and sold at lo, 2c, (o and 10c per yard. 1 Great Vet Goods Damage Sale ? Carpets Every rug and every yard of carpet that were wet will be sacrificed to close them out at once, aa none will be put back in regular atock. Part of the goods In this salo were only slightly wet, others thoroughly soaked and some only rumpled by handling, but everything goes regardless, making this one of the most sensational sales ever held. ; Ingrain ctrpet of all grades, only slightly wet, all go at one price, yard 25c Brussels carpet, some wet and some soiled, ill In this lot. yard S9c Brussels carpets, the ones that were only wet on the edge, in fact nearly perfect, Great Vet Goods Damage Sale of Curtains and Draperies The most wonderful bargains of all In handsome new design of Irish point, Not tingham, Bwls ruffles, ruffled net, Brus sels apd otjier desirable styles; some are; OMAHA LOSES A CLEAN CAME Damtnt of Luck ia Belponiiblo for the Victory of Lei Moiiiea. ROURKfTES DOUBLE OPPONENT'S HITS dsme Wmm Errorless cm the Fart ! Both Teams aad Brawa Ha the Best of the Pitching Contest. (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) PES MOINES, June 9. (Special Tele gram.) The base ball game today was quickly done, taking only an hour and twenty minutes, and while it waa a clean victory for the home team it waa by no means a dishonorable defeat for Omaha. Both aides played unusually good ball. It waa pure luck that Doc Molnea made the winning runs and Orullha did not. Mor rison pitched an excellent game but ex celled himself in fielding his place, while Brown Ditched ball that in any other game would have1 been a sure winner.. Clark won the game for Des Moines. Morrison led off in sixth with a base on balls and Clark followed with a double. Later Mor rison came home on a mad play to catch Clark, who later acored when an effort was made to catch Stearns at second. These were all the runs. Omaha came very closs to scoring In the aecond when Btone got a single and Stewart a double, and aa good batting followed it aeemed Inevitable that a score should he made, but Eton was caught at the plate and Burg and Oondlng failed to make safe. -PES MOINES. Aa R. H. O. A H Clark, cf 4 lilt O l.eary, ss 4 0 0 14 0 Qulnn, 2b I 0 1 1 0 Stearns, lb I 0 0 1 0 0 Vrn-r, rf 2 0 0 0 ' 0 0 liackof. If 2 0 0 0 0 0 Jtyan, 3t 3 0 0 S 0 0 llanoon. c S 0 0 S 0 0 Morrison, p ,2 ,1 0 0 T Totals 25 2 OMAHA. AB. R S V 17 H. 0 1 0 0 2 3 e o o 0 A. E. t I I 0 0 0 Carter, rf.... Gvnlns, cf... Citlhoun, lb. Thomas, lb.. Clone- If...., FTewart, !b.. 2 0 Hlckey. U i 0 0 Bur ss ponding, ..-. . .... iirown, p...., .2 .1 .2 1 0 I 0 Total 0 24 Pes Molnea : .0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Omaha , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Two-base hits: Clarki!.. Stewart. 0 0 i 0 0-0 Pouble play: Morrlaou to OXeary to 8 teams. Pale. Thin Pale cheeks, white lips, and languid step tell the story of thin blood, Impure blood. Doctors call - It "anemia." They recommend Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ask them and they will tell you 'Just why it makes the blood 60 rich and red. AniJwa. Anemic ptoplo are almost always constipated. Their liver is sluggisb. They havt frequent attacks of sick headache, nausea, biliousneas. Just one of Ayer's Pills etch night will cor rect thsso troubles. U casta. J.CATEICQw LeveU.Msea. I 1 ' ' " - Wet Handkerchiefs The wet and soiled Handkerchiefs go In four lots. 1 Lot wet handkerchiefs 2Hc 1 Lot wet handkerchiefs .- 2ftc 1 Lot wet handkerchiefs Bo 1 Lot wet handkerchiefs lOo Wet Dress Braids All the dress trimmings "go at two prices. First lot lc yd Second lot ...... .2V4c yd All the balance of the wet goods will be assorted in lots and sold 'at less than M regular prices. Cloth brushes. Hair brushes. .... Feather-stitched braids. . Dress buttons. Hairpins In cabinets, etc All must be sold. all In this lot, one price 69c Velvet carpets, nearly perfect, this lot Is goods worth 1125 yard, all go at....6c 9x12 Smyrna and Brussels rugs, worth up to $20.00 each, all at 110.94 9x12 Druesels and Smyrna rugs, worth up to $25, all in this lot.... .$15.98 slightly damaged by water, but the great majority are only slightly ruffled by quick, rough handling and are aa good aa new. They will be on aale aa long aa they last at 20o on the dollar. Come early. Bases on balls: Off Morrison, 1; oft Brown. 2. Struck out: By Morrison, 2; by Brown, o. lime; i:aw. empire: itiss. Kawvtlle Dowwa St. Joe. ST. JOSEPH, June . Kansas City got in a bunch of four hits In the sixth inning today which won the game. Score: R H E Kansas City ...0 1 1 0 0 4 0 0 0-6 10 0 8t. Joseph 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0-4 14 2 Batteries: Kansas City, Cable and Mea sltt; St. Joseph, Chlnn, Roth and Maupln. Brewers Outalaa; Peoria. MILWAUKEE, June . Today"s game be tween Milwaukee and Peoria was a slug ging match, the home team outbattlng the visitors easily. Score: R H E Milwaukee ... 2 110(021 IS 17 2 Peoria 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 111 4 Batteries: Milwaukee. Fiicken and Han ford; Peoria, Cox, Schafstall and Wilson. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost P.C. Kansas City 43 S3 10 .73 Omaha. 41 M IK : npenver ,...40 . 25 15 !2& iBt. Joseph 42 21 21 ,6u0 Milwaukee ..37 15 22 . 40$ Colorado Springs 40 16 24 ."0 Pes Moines 40 13 27 -.126 Peoria 38 12 2 .315 Oames today: Omaha at Pes Moines, Kansas City at St. Joseph, Peoria at Mil waukee, Colorado Springs at Penver. Ia Boathcra Association. At Bhreveport Atlanta, 6; Shreveport, 3. At Memphis Memphis, 12; Chattanooga, 'At Little Rock-Little Rock, t; Birming ham, l. At New Orleans Nashville, t; New Or leans, 4. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Pitcher O'Kell of St. Loala Oaatrlhates Home Baa to Detent of Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA. June 1-Twe home run drives and a wild throw by Hall man gave St. Louis an easy victory today. Pitcher O'Nell was a big factor in the winning of the game. Attendance, 1,420. Score: ST. LOt'IS. I rKILADELPHIA. H H O A S-l m H.O.A.E. rarrall. lb... t i I 'Thomas, d.. I t 4 I DonoTaa. rl.. I I I I Bra. It ... J 4 Smoat. of 1 I 1 Dousla. Ik.. ii B.rcl.r. If... 1 1 t Barry, rl 1 114 Krus.r, M-. 414 S Doala. 1114 Rra.liMr, lb. 4 I 1 Ol Hulaitt. M ..4 t 14 Hartmau. tb. 1 I 4 Hallmaa. ik. 4 4 J. O'Ntll. a. 4 4.4 4 Child, lb.... 441 M. O'Kall, p. I I 1 1 I bars. (Macklltaca .. Totals ( I XI 11 lLjl.b, ..! ' Tat all 9 1 ST 14 1 Batted for I berg In the ninth. St. Louis 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 14 Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-2 Earned runs: St. Louts, 4; Philadelphia, 2. Two-base hit: Hallman. Home runs: R. 6moot. M. O'Nell. Sacrifice hits: Far rrll. Childs. Stolen bears: 'Donovan, Hall man. Pouble plays: Hartman and Far rell. Left on bases: Philadelphia. 11; St. Louis. 3 First base on balls: Oft Iberg, 2: eff O'Nell. 4 Struck out: By Iberg, I; by O'Nell. . Passed balls: J. O'NeTi, I Time: I An. Umpire: Emails, Boston Wine from Reds. BOSTON. June 1 Today's game was a pitchers' battle, in which Willis prved more fortunate. Boston won in the eighth Inning on Couley's single and a long three bagger by Oremlnger. - Attendance, 2,2ua Score: ... boston. i cincinnati. hho.abI bhoas Lu.h. et 414 Hor. el 1 1 T.B..T. lb ,. 111 1 Pabba. II..... t i rooi.r. lb... lit iBa-k. ib.....! tii( r.rn.r. rf... Crawfart. rf. t 4 4 4 Or. mlii ar. Ib I I t t 4 Masoaa. ib..4 1114 DmoQl. lb.. 4 111 tCarcaraa. ta..t I t I 4 L. aa 4 1 I 4 inll4. lb. 1 1 I K Kinds, a. 4 4 1 PiMa. . III Ulla, 1 4 4,HaHa. (114 Tatals I lltll ll ToUla I 14 U 4 Boston 0 1 1 0 1 f- Cincinnati 2 0 i. 0 0 i 0 01 Earned runs: Boston, t Two-baa hita: Long, Pleta. Three-base hll: Grminer. Stolen bae: Hoy. Pouble play:' Flats and Beck. Beae on balls: Oft Willis, 2: off lUhn. 1. Hit by pltehed ball: By Hahn, 1. Struck out: By Wlllla. 4; by Hahn. 4. Time: 1:U Umpire: Cantlllon. Brooklyn Beats Chtato. BROOKLN. June -The Brooklya-Chl. catro aertaa of four gatneo was cuncludad today by another victory for the homo team. V ha a Brooklyn tie4 the cot la TUESDAY IN BARGAIN ROOM Tuesday we will place more new wash good on sale In the bargain room, more new silks, more new dress goods and more new furnishing goods. Never was there a season in which you could buy wash goods so cheap aa you can this season. On account of the long wet spell and the season drawing soon to a close we will have to cut our stocks that we bought at half pries still lower. Carefully read Tuesday's Bargains. Everything as advertised. 50c Wash Goods for 10c Pineapple batiste, worth 39c; mercerised chambray, dotted and striped Swisses, worth 25c; linen colored batistes with bor ders and Persian effects, lace striped or gandies and batistes, embroidered swlas muslins, 40-inch lawns, worth 39c; Irish, French and Scotch dimities, organdies, lawns, satin striped batistes and organ dies, lace insertion batistes, worth 39c; ST. GALL batistes and organdies that al ways sell from 25c 'to 50c a yard; plain white madras, plain white organdies and plain white dimities, not a yard worth lees than 19c and up to 60o a yard f all on sale Tuesday at, 1 1 1 f yard lUu 10c, 15c, 19c Goods at 5c Here are 15c end 19c organdies, batistes ana dimities with stripes, dots and lace a iace 5c enecis, ana everything to make up a first-class lot of 16c and 19c goods, all go at, yard , 10c Corded Dimities, 32c yd 16,000 yards of fine corded dimities in all colors of the n'gh priced wash goods and ooda and 32c are guaranteed by the mills to be strictly fast colors, on sale at, yard , Grand Thousands of yards of Una silks go at 100 pieces of floe allk in Foulards and nlafn Mir wakIIi a, 1 aa icrz: zsc ..n'r fl "S'tTHl1 dUb" WWt- Jni sell for $1.00 and $1.50. - on" at OUC rin and .Chance gave way to St. Vraln and KUng to offset the probability of Brooklyn making another run, but the change waa Ineffective, as the winning run was scored off the second ball that St. Vraln pitched. Attendance, 2,200. Score: CHICAGO. I BROOKLYN. iMle. rf I 4 0 1 Dol.n. el 1 0 4 4 1 Wllliama. rf. 1 e Kaalar. rf.... 111 Daxtar. lb... 4 14 1 4 Shackartf. If.. 1 1 Mcvraary, to s 1 rha.M .... , . . . . Chaoca. c list l'n.hi.n I 1 1 1 Kilns. flood, lb.. 1 1 Schacfar, lb.. 4 11 1 Irwin,' lb!! I 1 1 I I 7 14 --uw, o..,.. ilia trarrall. a a Tlnbar, 1 1 4 i Donovan, p.. 1 I 1 1 4 UtoHrt. p... 1 o 8t. Vraln, p.. 4 4 4 Totala f 14 I Totals I in ll One out when winning run scored. Brooklyn 0 O0O12012-O Chicago 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0-4 Earned runs: Chicago, 2; Brooklyn, 1 First base on errors: Chicago, 1; Brook lyn, 4. Two-base hits: Chance, Farrell. Left on bases; Chicago, 8; Brooklyn, 14. Stolen bases. Slagle, Pexter, Chance. Pplan. Keeler, eTieckard (2), Pahlen. First base on balls: Off Ponovan. 5; off Menefeo, 7. Hit by pitched ball: By Menefee. 1. Struck out: By Ponovan. 7: by Menefee, 2. Time: 2:07. Umpire: O'Pay! Giants Take On from Ptratea. K-EWk T?RK' Jone -The New Torks S,0.? Jhe flnal me of the series with Pittsburg on the Polo grounds today by bunching hits In the second and third In nings Pittsburg made a rally in the ninth, but after scoring two runs the side waa re tired. Attendance, 4,700. Score t PITTSel'RO. I NEW YORK. R. H.O.A.E R.HO.AB Clarka. It.... 11 ('b rod la. et.... I l Baaumont. cf I 1 Ban, aa 1 I J Wasnar. as... 1 I 0 Smltb. lb.... 1 111 Bran.a.ld. lb II Darla. lb 1 I 1 0 a Rltcbia. Ib... (Ill llLaudar. Ib... lilt Laach. lb.... Ill 1 Jon... If s I l H Smith, a.. 1 4 I liUunn. rf 1 Tannahlll. p. 1 1 I lUoarmao. e. 0 Conror. rf.... Ill WSharki, p.... I Totala t 1 it II Totala "I lo r? u "i New York 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 $ 'Pittsburg 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Earned runs: New York, 2. First base on errors: New York, 2; Pittsburg. 1. Left on bases: New York. 5; Pittsburg, 10. Two base hit: Lauder. Three-base hit: Clarke. Stolen base: Beaumont. Pouble plays: Ritchey to Wagner to Bransrleid, Brodle to Lauder. Sacrifice hits: Wagner, Poyle, Jones. First base on balls: Off Hart. 2. Struck out: By Tannehlll, 4: by Sharks. L Time: 1:56. Umpires: Brown and Powers. StnaUn of too Tram. Played. Won. Loat P.C. Pittsburg 42 24 t .10 .Chicago 40 23 17 .574 Urooklvn ii M "New York 41 19 22 .'464 Boston S 17 22 .437 Philadelphia 41 17 24 .415 Bt. Lou la 39 ig ,41o Cincinnati 40 14 25 .275 Games today: Pittsburg at Brooklyn. St. Louia at New York. Chicago at Boston. Cincinnati at Philadelphia. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Pitcher Patterson of Chicago Wlaa Hla Own Flcht with the Stateamea. CHpAOO. June l.-Patterson won his own game In the tenth with a line drive to center, after Orth's only gift and a aac rlftce hit had placed a man on second: Attendance. 2,400. Score; CHICAGO I WASHINGTON. R.HO.AB R.HO.AB. trans, lb... 4 111 'Rrn. cf 4 1 4 a Juaaa, at 4 t 1 Wolr.rton. Ib 1 1 1 Graaa. rf 4 114 Dal.kaat, ll. 1 t 1 Dl, aa 1 I K.i.t.r, 2b. .. I I Hanae. if.-., t 1 I Coushlla. aa. 1 4 1 1 ball, Ilk..... 1 1 t 1 Cara. lb.... I t 4 I'aly. IbT..... 1 1 S I Lea. rf J J 1 Sullia. a... 4 (Clarka, a 14 1 l-aiuraua, p.. I I 1 Onto, p I Totals I IMS! Totala II 7t"l On out when winning run scored. Chicago 01000000 12 Wuahlngton 0 001000001 Left on bases: Chicago, 6: Washington, 4. Two-base hits: Ryan, Pelehanty, Cough lln. Sacrifice hits: Strang, Sullivan. Stolen 'bll. Struck out: By Patteraon. 2; by Orth, 4. Bases on balls: Off Patteraon, 1; off Orth, 1. Hit with ball: Clarke. Time: 160. Umpire: Carrutbers. Detroit Wtaa from Atblctlrar PETROIT, June l.-Petrolt won this a't ernoon a long-drawn-out game by better l". P""ltlona. Tba errors oT the PblUdalphi. lAcl4ers flgue4 jkteitsival 7c and (Oc Goods at 2ic On one large square we will place Scotch lawns, fast colors, corded dimities, 1 pla dlraitl les wit fast colors, moire skirting, 3 inches wide, worth 15c; 36-Inch linings, worth 16c, 10,000 yards of shirting prints, all go at, yard , 2c Extra Specials 19c duck and 19c London pique, Sc checked toweling and 60 1' prints, at, yard &2W Furnishings Ladles' 35c underwear, 10c 10c 6c at Children's 35c underwear, at Ladles' and children's faat black full seamless hose, at Boys' 75c sweaters at 9c; men's colored laundered shirts at 29c. Men Visa's 25c Suspenders, I O I IC2C at Clothing Boys' wash pants, worth 35c, on sale at ..9c 19c Boys' wash pants, worth 60c, at Boys' wash suits worth up to $2 QEaa will be on sale at, suit 50c, 45c 03 C Clearing Silk Sale most wonderful cut prices, Yard wide Black Taffeta. ... 50c FlM Fou,0, fu Ptece Pil pattern silks, worth $1.25 and $1.60, for OC A. In Detroit's run getting. Attendance, 2,500. score: DETROIT. R.H PHILADELPHIA. OA. I R.H O.A.B. 11 Barratt. cf... I 1 I OIHartatl, If Hoimaa, rf... I Harlar. If.... I Ellrfrl4. aa. 1 Caaay, Ib 1 Olaaaon, lb.. 1 Dillon. Ik.... 4 McOuire, a... Mullla, p Fulu. ef.. I I 11 a 4 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Darla. lb U croia, Ib Srjrbold. rf.. M. Croaa, aa Powara, c... ri.tro, tb.... Milcball, p.. Totala 1 II JT 10 i Totala I 24 IT 7 Petrolt 4 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 10 Philadelphia! 0 11001000 S Two-base hits: 1 Cross, M. Cross. Three-base hits: U Cross, Mitchell, Holmes. Home run: Harley. Bacrltice hit: Casey. Stolen base: Barrett (2t. Oleason, Harley, pavls, Fults. Base on balls: Off Mullln, 6; off Mitchell, 1. Hit by pitched bull: Elberfeld. First base on errors: Petrolt, 6: Philadelphia, 2. Left on bases: Petrolt, 7; Philadelphia. 9. Struck out: By Mullln, 3: by Mitchell, 12. Pouble flay: Gleaan to Elberfeld to Dillon. Time: :10. Umpire: Sheridan. Boatoa Loaes to Browne. ST. LOUI8, June . Hledrick's home run in the seventh inning enabled St. Louis to take the lead. Wlntera was hit hard In the closing innings. Boston could do little with Donahue. Attendance, 2,100.. Score: ST. LOl 18. 1 BOSTON. R.HO.AB. R.HO.AB. Burkett, l(... Ill ei Doushartr , If 1 1 1 Hntiphlll, rf. 1 . IColllni, Ib... 1111 HaKiick, cf.. 1 1 I 1 c( 1 1 0 Krl.l, lb I 14 1 rrMmlo. rf.. Wallace, aa.. 1 1 1 I iParant, aa I 4 J M'Cor lck. lb I 1 I l lb 4 1 P.dden. tb... lilt lrrlia. lb... 1 I M.lon.f. a... t 1 4 Warner, c ... 4 I 1 Donahue, p.. 1 1 4 4 4iWlntars, p... 1 4 4 Totala t I IT IT t' Total! ."J "4 14 14 "l St. Louis 0 1010022 t Boston 0 002010002 Earned runs: St. Louis, 2. Two-base hits: Frlel, Stahl. Three-base hit: Dona hue. Home run: Heldrlck. Sacrifice hits: Maloney, Htahl. pouble play: Parent to Ferrlss. Hit by pitcher: By Winters, 2; by Ponahue. 1. Wild pitch: Winters. Base on balls: Off Winters, S; off Donahue, 1. Struck out: By ponahue, 4; by Winters, 1. Left on bases: St. Louis 6; Boston, 4. Time, 1:37. Umpire: Connolly. Orlolea Easy for Cleveland. CLEVELANP. Ju ne 2. Cleveland won easily from Baltimore today, knocking Pitcher Lawson out of the box in the first inning. Lajole's hitting waa a fea ture. Attendance, 2.24S. Score: CLEVELAND. 1 BALTIMORE R.HO.AB. I R. H.O.A.E. Pickering, cf. 1 1 1 Rally, et 1 4 1 Bar. If Ill 4 8.1 Bach. If .. 1 1 1 nick, rf 1 I Williams, lb. 1 I I I Lajola, Ib 14 14 4 Saymour, rf.. 1 t I Hickman, lb. 1 I 11 I Mcoann, lb.. 1 4 Bradl.r. lb.. 1 I 1 I Brr.n.ban. Ib 1 S 1 1 Uarchaaur, aa 1 I 4 i Gilbert, aa... 111 Wood, a (Ill 1 Roblnaon, c. 1 1 I 1 Joaa. p 4 4iLaaaon, p... t I ' Hhialdi, p.... 1 I Totala 14 14 IT 11 I "Howell 4 4 4 4 Totals i"l 14 I Batted for Shields In the ninth Inning. Clevelond 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 10 Baltimore 1 001010204 Two-base hits: Hickman, Selbach, Wll liama. Three-base hit: Flick. Home run: Lajole. Stolen bases: Pickering, Bay (2), Lajoie (2). Pouble plays: Qerchnauer and Hickman 12): Wood and Gorhnauer. First baa on balls: By Joss, 2; by Lawson 1 by Shields. 1. Left on bases: Cleveland. 10; Baltimore, 4. Struck out: By Joss 5; by Lawson, 1; by Shields. 2. Wild pitches: Joss, 2. Time: lib. Umpires: O'Laughlln and Johnstone. Standing of the Teams. .,, ,.., Played. Won. Lost. P C. Philadelphia Sa 23 15 ..$ Chicago 37 22 15 .m Boston 40 23 17 .573 BV Louis 27 U 1 .4x7 Baltimore 41 19 23 44 efolt 27 17 20 452 Vi ashlngton 40 IS 22 440 Cleveland 41 16 26 .364 Gamee today: Baltimore at Cleveland. J ashlngton at Chicago, Philadelphia at Petrolt, Boston at St. Louts. , 4 Mlaoea Wins Opening Game. MINPEN. Neb., June . (Special Tele gram.) The Kearney base ball team, whose aula aim ia to defeat Mlnden, was shut nut on the Minden diamond today. It was the opening game of the aeaaon at Minden and was witnessed by an Immense crowd. The feature of the game were the pitching by Bliss and a field catch by Cardwell. Score: Minden 20000202 0 Kearney 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 Batteries: Minden, Bliss and Moore; Kearney, Penderaraff and Burman. Ptrat bane oa balls: Off Bliaa. 2; off Pender graff. t. Struck out; By lilies. 4; by Pender. 95c Hammocks The largest line of hammocks In Omaha at the lowest price. Prices range from 60e to $5.00 each. Croquet Sets Croquet sets of every description. In 4 balls, 6 balls and 8 balls, both amateur and professional sets at from 89c to $5.00 a set. Attend Our Famous 30 Minute Sales. FROM 8i30 TO 9 A. M. We will sell full standard aprons, dark colors, the very best that is made, for 30 minutes only and only 10 yards to a customer, at, yard 1,'C FROM 11 TO lliSO A. M. We will- sell yard wide bleached muslin our regular 64c grade, only 10 O'm yards to customer, at, yard mtiv FROM 3 TO SiSO P. M. We will give one of our famous sales In organdies, batistes and dimities, worth from 19c to 39c a yard, only 10 yards to customer, at, yard 21c FROM 4 TO 4iSO P. M. We will sell S and 7Ho towels, I only 2 pair to customer, at, each C Several other sales during the day. Yard wide white and black Wash Silk, fine trA??.: 45c Full line of 19-lnch Taffeta, real fine grade heavy rustle silk, all colors ft black. An la this lot sells for 85o and $1. at .SC graff. 1. Hits: Off Penderaraff. 7: off Bliss 1. Errors: Minden, t; Kearney, 6. Two-base hit: Bender. Stolen bases: Bender, Moore, Cardwell, Maryotu Peader's Stick Kept Hot. PENPER, Neb., June . (Special.) The Pender base ball team played a one-sided game with Emerson, which did not get a man to second base until the seventh in ning. Score: Pender - 0 4 6 2 0 0 0 4 2-17 Emerson 0 0000001 01 Batteries: Pender, Wheeler, Schrempp; Emerson, Schllessman, Jenson and Bar net te. Struck out: By Schllessman, 3;'by Jenson, 5; by Wheeler, 14. Umpire: Moon. IN' AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Loatavlllea Hold Toledo to Five Hits While Piling Ip Seventeen aad Winning Game. TOLEPO, O.. June . Louisville had no trouble in hitting both Helsman and Par dee today. Helsman was taken out be fore the end of the first inning. Attend ance, 1.000. Score i TOLEDO. 1 LOUISVILLE. R. H.O.A.E R.HO.AB. Knoll. If Ill IKarwIn, rf... 0 0 0 Bum., tb.... 1 Smith, lb.... 1 4 1 1 I Clrmar, ef.... Ill llOannon, lb... 1 11 I Turner, lb... 14 Ganael. lb.. I I I I 4 Cnc-wall, rf. 1 I 4 4 riourn.r. If lit lilt I 4 4 1114 I 1 Mr.ra. ib t 1 4 0'T.nn.hlll. aa Ollka. ef 0 10 1 0 ShrltT.r, c. Klalnow. e.. I 4 Scbaub. lb.. H.liman. p.. t 0 s.riabaitr, p. raraoa. p.... sooio Totals 11 14 IT I Totals 4 I IT 11 ll Louisville 7 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 214 Toledo 1 000000024 Two-base hits: Coggswrll, Flourney, Tannehlll (2), Bhriever t2), Schaub. Home runs: Knoll, Smith, Oansel, Flaherty (2). Sacrifice hit: fichaub. Stolen bases: Ker win, Clymer, Schaub. Pouble plays: Gan sel and Tannon; Gansel, Tannehlll and Gannon. Struck out: By Flaherty, f; by Pardee, 1. Base on balls: By Helsman, 1; by Pardee. 2; by Flaherty, i Time: 1:50. Umpire: Haskell. Millers Beat Kaaaaa City. KANSAS CITY, June 1-GlbsOn forced In three runs In the sixth inning today and throughout the game he was wild at criti cal times. Attendance, 225.- Score: KANSAS CITY. R. H.O.A.E MINNEAPOLIS. R.H O. A. E.I Gear, ef Nanca, lb... Gradr. lb... Bmlth, II.... Be vll la. c.. Rotbfuaa, rt. Laawa. aa... McBrlde. tb. Olbaon. p... Foramaa .. 4 1 I l 1114 Qulllan. aa... I I I I 1 Pbrl. Ib 1 1 1 4 1 1 Lrnch. cf I w.rd.n. lb... I II 1 11 1 1 1 01 11 Wtlmot, rf... I t ( Mcfarland. if 1 1 1 Oral, lb 1 I Zaluakl. a.... 1111 11 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 I 01 111 Nawlln, p. . 1 1 1 1 H Touts.. I 11 17 11 1 Total! 4 U 17 11 I Batted for Gibson In the ninth. Minneapolis 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 14 Kansas City 1 1000010 1-4 Earned runs: Kansas City, 2; Minne apolis, 2. Two-baae hits: Foreman, Qull len. Wllmot McFarland, Zaluxki. Three base hit: Nance. Sacrifice hits: Gear, Bevllle. Stolen base: Wllmot. Pouble play: Grant to Quillen to Werden. Base on balls: Off Gibson, 4; off Newlln, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Olbaon. 2. Struck out: By Gibson, 4; by Nemlln, 2. Passed balls: Zaluskl. 2. Time: 2.00. Umpire: Tlndlll. Colamhaa Defeats Hooalers. COLUMBUS. June t McMakln allowed but three singles today and held the In dianapolis batters safe at all times. Bud holt was hit hard and consecutively. At tendance, 1.S2S. Score: COLl'MBl'S. R.H-O.A B INDIANAPOLIS. R.H O A B. HorlYar. rf. 1 Kubna. If.... I 1 Hart, cf Mean, rf... Vloa. If 1114 4 114 0 14 10 O'Brien, aa... 1 4 Grim, lb I 14 4 -loon, ib 1 11 1 Erana. lb ... 4 4 I I l Babb. lb I 1 Toraar. Ib... s 1 1 a 1 Couitar. ef... 4 1 4 Katlreaa, aa. 14 4 uiiama. rf. O Foi. I 4 1 -et W. Foi. lb... 4 14 14 McMakla, p.. 1 1 Ol Woodruff, a.. 1 t t I u4bo. p.. Ill Total! T 1! 17 11 1 Total! I IT 14 4 Columbus' 0 0 1 0 2 0 S 1 0-7 Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 02 Stolen bases: Hart (2), Meany, Williams. Sacrifice hita: Meany, Turner, Nattresa, McMackln. Two-base hits: Vloa, Orlm. Three-base hit: Turner. Pouble plays: Vlox, Evans and Grim; Coulter and W. Fox. Base on balls: By McMackln. 2; by Sudhoff, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Mc Mackln, i. Time; 1:43. Umpire: t bright, faints Defeat Brewers. ST. PAUL Juno The home team 0elde4 looaelir, but hit the ball and woa Boys' $3.00 all wool pants, all sizes, at GreatVet Goods Damage Sale of Shoes The entire reserve stock must be closed out at once. 6ome of the shoes are thoroughly drenched, tome only slightly soiled, while many are perfect In every way. All must be sacrificed immediately at any price they will bring. SHOES ALMOST GIVEN AWAT. Come early Tuesdajr. Women's beet vicl kid. worth $3.00, $3.60 and $4 W ; Women's best patent calf, worth $1.00, $3 50 and $4.00 In hand turns and welts Men's vicl kid shoes, welts, worth $8.60 and $4.00 M Men's box calf shoes, welts, worth $3.50 and $4.00 Men's velour calf shoea, welts, worth $3 60 and $4.00 Men's willow calf shoes, welts, worth $3.60 and $4.00 Women's hand-turned vicl Juliets, worth $2.50.. ,, i Women's vicl Oxfords, hand turn and welta, worth $3.00 and $3.0.. Children's moccasins. any color 96 96 Great Wet Goods Damtge Sals of Underwear and Furnishing Goods All the men's summer underwear, all kinds, wnrth nn fl.50, that got wet, on sale at' 19c, 25c and 33c. All the ladies' underwear that got wet, in fine lisle thread and all kinds, worth up to fl.50, on sale at 10c. 19c and 25o All the children's underwear, worth up to 50c, on sale at 10c. All the men's handkerchiefs that got wet, worth up to 23c, at 5c. ' All the men's shirts that got wet, worth up to f 1.00, at 29c. Ladies' corsets, worth up to fl.00, on sale at 19c and 39c. Hen's Underwear Sale One elegant lot of Men'a Underwear the ttk Am m h. .. . WJ .. .- wi wvniiBii uric, dm unna toa rypuan cotton and bal brlgfacu, in whiu and all eolort, eTery mm double stitched, haad- Mrtm A 1 v mnA A riA1aK1w a.ui..i x with comparative ease. Score: Attendance, (21 BT. PAUL. MILWAUKEE. RH.OA.E 2t.HO.AR. 111 1 Hallman. rf.. 1 1 Oalr, tb 6hT. aa Dinar. If... Keller, lb... Husilna. Ib. Shannon, cf. Lumier, rf.. 1 1 1 Cllnaman. aa. 1 1 I I 0 IMcBrlda, "ef.. 1 1 11 0 McAnd'wi. lb I 4 4 4 l'Dunsan. lb... 114 14 4 Spear, e 4 1 1 Bansla. lb... 1 I I I i riarce. l.BonrcarB, fsrgueon, . P.. 1 1 1 oi 11 11 17 14 t( 11.. 1 I Marn-ana. p 11 Totala ToUle T 1 14 11 4 Bt. Paul 6 12 0 0 0 0 2 -U Milwaukee 4 0200ld00 7 Earned runs: St. Paul, 1 Two-base hit: Ferguson. Three-base hit: Plllard. Sacri fice lilts: Hugglns. McBrlde. Stolen bases: Shannon (2), Kelley (2). Shay 12), Ferguson, Geler. Pouble play: McAndrews to Kunkle to Pungan. Bases on balls: Oft Herman, 2; off Ferguson, 2. Struck out: By Her mann. 2; by Ferguson, 2. Hit by pitcher: By Ferguson, 1. Left on bases: St. Paul. I: Milwaukee, C. Time: 1:35. UmDlra: V I AU 41 Ward. taadlag of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost P.C. 44 2S 1 .S Columbus .... St. Paul Loulsvillo ... Indianapolis Kansas City 4U 25 25 22 20 It 14 I 15 16 11 21 .41 41 40 2 SS Milwaukee Minneapolis Toledo 29 Gamee today: Minneapolis at Kansas City. Louisville at Toledo, Indianapolis at Columbus, St Paul at Milwaukee. Earl lag Wins Nlea name. BARLING, la., Juno .(Special.) Tha game yesterday between Earlfng and the Council Bluffs Ayclery team reaulted in a shutout, the score being 2 to 0 In favor of Earllng. The game waa largely attended by the neighboring towns and was watched with great Interest. Earllng's scores were made by Zlnder and 8tronk In the first and fourth innings. After that It was one, two, three and out. The feature a' the game was the pitching of Schleler. V ore: XARLINO. I COUNCIL BLLrF. R.H O.A B I R.H n A.B. e s a s Bollirmaa, et 4 Mfhaiiia, rt.. j. under, lb 1 s -Butler, lb.... 1 I I ei... n oolf. ef 1 Ford, a 4 III I 4; Moore, lb.... IT Stronk. Ib.... 1 1 It 0.f"hurt, a.... 4 1 4 Miller, lb.... 4 4 14 1 Mo.n.r. p.... 1 Rcbleler. p... 1 4 t 4iw.ll.. lb 4 1 I p.. mow, ee a i a ei Kwtal, rf 4 Cachoraa, et. t nui, as Total! 4 IT 11 ll Totala 1 14 II I Struck out: By Mosher, 4; by Schleler, t. Bases on balls: Off Mosher, 2; off Schleler 2. Pouble plays: Miller (unassisted). Nutts to Moore. Mosher U Putler. Passed ball: Ford. Tlma: 1:20. Umpire: John Ford. Redaklaa Palatod White. FREMONT. Neb., June I (Speclal.)-The Harvard Indian base ball team played Fremont yesterday at the Prlvlng park and got pretty badly done up. The trouble was they couldn't find Clements and only for scattering hits at that. The Fremonts took kindly to Johnson's curve and touched him up for twelve hits. For Fremont Punn put up first-class ball at third and was handy with the stick. It was a good game up to the seventh, when tour hits and several bad errors let In Ave runs. Score: Fremont 0 0 2 0 0 1 S 0 Indiana 000000000-t Batteries: Fremont, Clements and Shan non; Indians, Johnson and Baker. Wa hoe's riagr Maat High. TTAHOO Neb.. June I (Special.) Wahoo defeated Prague In a ball gam yesterday by the score of 10 to 0. The feature of the game waa the pitching by Keen, who struck out ten men and allowed but sis scattered hits. Score: Wahoo 0 0 0 2 1 1 0-10 Prague. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hits: Wahoo, ll; Prague. . Errors: Wahoo, 2; Prague, . Batteries: Wahoo. Keen and Johnson; Prague, Slmanek and Frahm. Caa Mashers Are Caaaed. The Nationals defeated the Twenty-sac. ond Street Can Rushers Sunday morning In a one-aided game of ball. The galfant Knights of the Royal Orowler wera unable to hit Nelson, while Slmmonds was batted all over th field. Tb acore; Nationals 4 1 I 2 1 I IT Caa Ruehere I 1 1 I I 1 Ki Batteries: For Nationals, Nelson and Burkland; for Caa Rushers, Slmmonds and Haggerty. . Woa 4 Omahaa Blacked. Th South Side Sluggers defeated th West Omahaa Sunday In a one-sided gam of baao. halL '1 he feature waa the a. tery work vt Lynch and Halt of Us rilud- famous Otis and Lawrence makes in ni. M ... " id iisie 35c er. Next Sunday the Slurgers jlay the aglee at Fifteenth and valley atresia. The acore: South Side Sluggers 12541400 18 West Omaha 0 00120420 2 Batteries: For South Side Sluggers. Lynch and Hall; West Omahas, Swarlcha and Smith. Twenty. Une to Kothla. The Tenth Street 8 tars deflated the Grand Views by a score of 21 to 0 Son day morning at Tenth and Porcaa streets. The features of the game were the batting ef Murphy and the pitching of Lowrle of the Stars. Ths score: V 2 0 2 2 0 4 4-21. Views 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Batteries: For Stars. Lowrle and Rice; for Grand Views, Hurts and Sorensen. Um- plre: P. Pax ton. Tbree-I Leasee. vlff Bloomlngton Bloomlngton, 6; Evana-a. I.itnd0Ck w"-Mor. :.lCk RapSds'ia' RPM-Dvniort... ifi Cedar At Pecatur Terre Haute. ; Pecatur, 1 Norfolk Drops oa Rock Rapids. K.Nr2LJf,J,b - fune 'Special Tele-aT-)a,.orf.oIk t("ay defeated Rock .Jf-fv?'..'...0 1 tie,iM: Norfolk, Budtlia 6h f KPlds, Hop-tins and ENGLAND ' WINS POLO GAME " Second Mateh la tho Scrloa Belag Played for Amerlcaa Cap. HURLINOHAM. England. Juns .-Tna disappointment cauaetf by the postpone ment of Saturday last had some effect la keeping down the else of the fashionable crowd which assembled at Hurllngham this afternoon to witness the second match In the series being played for tho American polo cup. The betting before the opening df the Jm w tlll In favor of England, In spite of the Americana' success In tho first game of the series, plsyed May 21. A number . of wagera were made at I to 4 on tho Englishmen. A little rain fell a few mln. utrs before the match began. The teams were as follows: Americans R. L. Agaasls. J. D. Coudln, Foxhall Keene and Lawrence Waterbury. British-Cecil Nlckalls. Frederick Freak e. George Miller and Walter H. Butt-master. The game opened In a very lively manner The play started with a fierce rush by tho Americans toward the English goal. The ball was kept there for some time, hut' finally the British forced It back, threat ening the American goal so dangerously that Waterbury waa thrice forced to knock 1 out In order to aave the goal. The English men Anally scored a clean goal. Play In the second period was also rery i fast, th ball alternating at each end, until the Americana scored from a short spot right in front of the post. Waterbury' stubborn defense was the feature of th third period, but the Englishmen's combine- , tlon play and fine riding off told. England won by els goals to on. CHRONIC DYSPEPSIA CURED Will NAU'S DYSPKfSIA CUhJt cares the cause Is not a patent medicine, but a preacriptlon ef one of the United States moat pro Ba in e n t phyilflsna. This remedy la brlnclng health to huadnda ef dyapeptlcs r who have tried nearly every other temach remedy without mrrees. Bl.OO a hottlo I sis hottU SS.04. 0. A. r., ke. Ml- U-o.1 at., apU.M, Oa- , wn-M i it w vita nm li-. 1 mm4 Sea'! PrMp.ta CteM. tUw aaly laa.a ! hMUtttiJ .!! M J m! f .r. Above CMtlmonial la cennlno. Ss.iKN) reward U proved oihor. wlaa. bend to frank Man. tS Droadway, Jt.l. tot bttuklat and tniurtuauun. For salo by Sherman eV McCor.nell Drug Co., corner 16th ar.d Podge Sla., Oaaaha. Jteb., and leading drugglau.