TTIT3 QJt AITA DAIIAT TlEEt TUESDAY," JUNE 10, 1002." BEE LAND WILL BE DRAWN IsoBayi Editor: from Bonesteel of Bosebud ( Agency Opening, i f DRAWING WILL OCCUR :1N SEPTEMBER Eateaaloa of Elkhora IKiil Which Tap Trrlory to Be Settled, Be Finished I; Timer for OpenlasTc' . Laying the steel cn the Verdigris ex tension of the Fremont, Elkhorn & Mis souri Valley railroad organ Monday morning at the Verdigris end. The tract of agency land in Gregory county, South Dakota, at (be terminus of this tierr line, will not be opened by the government for homeateada till the Elkhorn has Its line completed to Bonesteel and la ready to carry the pas senger bualneas connected with the rush. The section to be opened aggregates 416,000 lacres, or 2,600 free homos of 100 acres each. 'The chance system will be used, and Bone steel will be the locatloi. of the drawing. Tbo Elkhorn road expects to make $1,000, 400 out of this opening, enough to cover Jialf the expense of its new extension from Verdigris to the scene. As near as can be said at present the opening will be on September 22, or within a few days of that 'time. The Elkhorn expects to be In com pleted condition for service shortly after 'September 1. Three new towns are now 'building In Boyd county. Neb., as a result lot the new line being located on It. j These ten new facta were gathered Monday 'morning from D. W. Forbes of Bonesteel, 'editor of the Gregory County Pilot and ol he Homesteader's Guide. Mr. Forbee ar 'rlved In Omaha from his home and waa In 'conference with Elkhorn officials much of he day. He is Intimately familiar with tbo 'situation In Gregory county, and with the status at Washington of the plan to open the portion of the Rosebud reservation. "Everything waits on the new railroad," aid Mr. Forbes. "As soon as that Is fin ished the drawing will come off. It will certainly be In September, probably Sep tember 22. ( Boom In Two Counties. s "Tou cannot Imagine what a great effect ithls prospect of a new road and thousands of new Inhabitants and neighbors baa bad upon both Gregory and Boyd counties. In Boyd county three new towns are being ,luUt. The first one west of Niobrara Is Monowl, alx and a half miles east of Lynch. Next comes Brlstow, between Lynch and 8pencer. Then there Is Anoka, two and a bait tulles north of Butte. This Is the new tatlon required because the new line could not get Into Butte owing to Its elevation. That gives a town In every township from ' Niobrara clear iff Bonesteel, the terminus, and two In some. "Further Illustration of the spur to up building which this line baa been may be found In Bonesteel Itself more strongly than anywhere else. As soon as It was decided to end the line there building began. The result is that 200 buildings have been erected In the last two months, and that while we had 100 inhabitants three months ago we have 600 now. "The Elkhorn has now bought Its ter minal grounds there, twenty-six acres, for which the road paid $100 an acre. Its grading is completed for forty-seven miles of the sixty-nine and the track laying, which -began this morning, will be carried on at ' the rate of a mile a day. Bo it is plain that the line Itself will be finished before September. What will delay some is the (bridge across the Niobrara, but that will Ae built aa fast as a bridge can be. The Iroad has doubled up Its force and now has Wll of 600 men working on the extension." , The Popularity Of the same Budwelser is such as to jterapt many brewers to attempt its use on Inferior brands. The U. S. courts have ac corded that name exclusively to the An-Iheuser-Busch Budwelser brand. Orders promptly filled by Geo. Krug, manager An-lieuser-Busch branch, Omaha. HALF RATES t,l i 1 Via Wabash Railroad. ' Boston and return, $31.75, on sals June ,11-12-12. I St. Louis and return, $13.60, on sale June 16-17-21-22. 8TOP-OVER ALLOWED at Niagara Falls. For berths and all In formation, call at Wabash corner, new city office, 1601 Farnam St., or address Harry Vv IE- 1 Neb F V Moore, Genl. Agt. Pass. Dept., Omaha, Neb. a3i.?a ' Boston tod return,, Via Rock Island Routs. Tickets on sale June 11, 12 and 13. Final ! return limit July SL City ticket office, 1323 ' Farnam street. Shampooing and balrdresslng, 25c, at the jBathery, 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1716. .' There's only one Btonecyjraer. He prints. Fountain pens. $1.00 and . up, Edholm. Wabash new office, 1601 Farnam street. LIVER TROUBLES Do you feel enervated and spiritless? Does your food digest imperfectly? And is your simulation impaired? MULL'S A TONIC tfca wnniWful TnTTTT T.1T1TTV1 wtA foai system of impurities. IN GERMANY IT IS CALLED f TRAUBENKUR These famous cures along the River Rhine are working wonders in the cure ot disease by the administration of the Juice of the grape. Their fame Is now world-wide. Mull's Graps Tools contains the best elements of the Trail benknr in scleral flo form. You havs all It ad vantages by getting a large bottle at your druggist for W emits. It will tone your stom ach and regulate your Uvor and kidneys. Its marvelous building up powers make it Invalu able to women, invalids, puay children and laoee suffering from waiting diseases. Sold by SHERMAN & McGONNELL DRUG CO., S. W. Cor. 16th and Dodge St J,, OMAHA. iTCKICi WANTS NEW JENGINE HOUSE Coroancrrlal C'lak EsecatlT Commit tee Makes Reqaeet of City Coaacil. Insurance was the subject for considera tion by the executive committee of the Commercial rlub yeaterday afternoon and the bet way In which to secure the reduction In the rate by the construction of the proposed fire department quarters In the Jobbing district was the principal feature discussed. The insurance committee had a resolu tion, which was adopted by the members of the executive committee calling attention to the fact that the mayor and city council bad agreed to the construc tion of the building and to maintain therein a fire fighting company and calling upon the city to redeem the promise made as soon as possible. After the adoption of the resolution a committee was appointed to visit the meeting of the council In commit tee of the whole yesterday afternoon for the purpose of bringing the matter before that body. It was decided to have a resolution embodying the desires of the committee prepared and introduced in the council Tuesday evening for the purpose of secur ing definite action upon the matter so that it could be known exactly what may be ex pected. A communication waa received from the Arbor Day Memorial committee at Ne braska City, asking the club to take up thj matter of raising funds in Omaha for a monument to be erected to the memory of J. Sterling Morton at Nebraska City. A committee of five with Euclid Martin as chairman was ordered to confer with the personal friends of the father of Arbor day aa to the best means of raising the money required from this city. The coming excursion into the northern part of the state was discussed briefly, the secretary stating that by Tuesday he would be able to make a definite statement as to the route and time required. Silver, reliable makes, Edholm, Jeweler. Loir Rates East and Northwest. To so many points It would take an en tire page to enumerate them. SPECIALS: $14.75 Chicago and return, June 16, 17, 21 and 22. $9.60 St. Paul and return, June 1 to 16. $31.75 Boston and return. June 11, 12, 13. $20.25 Deadwood and return, June 1 to 2L Please write or call City Offices, 1401-1403 Farnam St, "The Northwestern Line." Chtrasro to New York. In 20 floors, "THE PENNSYLVANIA SPECIAL." In addition to present through trains, the Pennsylvania Lines will, on Sunday, June 15th, Inaugurate their 20-hour passenger service between Chicago and New York, leaving Chicago dally at 12 o'clock noon. The equipment of the. new train will be up-to-date, and it will be known aa "The Pennsylvania Special" running through from Chicago to New York in 20 hours. For particular information, please call upon or address H. R. Derlng, Assistant General Fassenger Agent of the Pennsylva nia Lines, 248 South Clark street, Chicago. Michigan; Summer Resort. Spend your summer vacation In the cool woods of the lake region of Michigan. Write H. F. Moeller, O. P. A., Pere Mar quette R. R., Detroit, Mich., for illus trated booklet, sent free to any address, which tells of a hundred charming spots In the resort region. Full Information con cerning hotels, etc. Four original photo graphs of Michigan scenery, 6xS inches in size, sent postpaid to any address for 25c, stamps or coin. A New Fast Train, Chicago to New York. Commencing Sunday, June 15, the pictur esque Erie railroad will run a solid vest! buled train, comprising Pullman sleepers. standard coaches and dining cars, leaving Chicago dally at IS: 30 a. m., arriving New York next afternoon at 1:30, also carrying through sleeners to Albany and Boston. This train will be known'as the "Sea Side Limited" and no excess fare will bs charged. For full particulars, see any ticket agent HALF RATES Via Wabaah Railroad. Chicago to Boston and return. $19; via New York, $22, allowing stopovers at Ni agara Falls. Tickets on sale June 12, It and 14. For all Information call at Wa bash new city office, 1601 Farnam street or write Harry E. Moores, general agent passenger department. Omaha, Neb. 31.75 BOSTON AND BACK. Via Barllacton Ronte. June 11, 12. 18. Stopover at Niagara Falls If desired. Return limit. July SI. 1902. Tickets, 1502 Farnam street. Boston and Return 931.7S, On June 11, 12 and 18 Via Illinois Central R. R. Particulars at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam st., Omaha, Neb. Can't Miss II. Wabash new city office, 1601 Farnam st JOBBERS' CUSTOMER A MYTH Splesbersrer Company Sella Goods to Woman' Existing- Only la Imagination. Marie Johnson bought and received $1, 017.60 worth of dry goods and millinery at Shenandoah, la., and paid $612 on the same, yet doesn't exist in the flesh. At least that is the allegation of M. Spies- berger A Son company of Omaha in a peti tion filed in district court. The company sues for the Unpaid balance and interest making a total ot $424.30. The defendants named are Anna J. John son and William Johnson and It la charged against the that tbey represented that Marie had a bouse and lot worth $3,000 and encumbered by only a $1,200 mortgage April 4, 1901, when they, the defendants bought for her the millinery In question. The company alleges that it has discovered that Marie "existed only in the Imaglna tlon" ot Anna and William. Nothing equal to Prickly Ash Bitters for removing that aluggtsh, bilious feeling so common in hot Weather. It creates strength. vigor, appetite and cheerful spirits. FOR SALE Latest model type. A. O combination graphophone, which plays both large and small records; list price, $90. This Is especially designed tor concert pur poses, having a thirty-slx-lnch born and stand. 'It also includes twenty large Edi son records and carrying case ot twenty four records. The machine la entirely new and has never been used. Will sell at a bargain. Address X 16, In care of The Bee. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc, to The Bee. We will give them proper legal Insertion, Bee telephone, I3t. , . Shampooing and halrdreeslng. 25c, at the Batbary. 216-20 Bee Building. Tel. 171. JVeddlng rUgi, correct stylqp, Edholmy BURLINGTON WILL BE FASTER Arrangements Being Mads to Most Uew Time of Overland Bout. DETAILS OF THE PLAN NOT READY YET First Trains of Sfw Fast Nortbwest era-l'nlon Pacific Service Pass Thronah Omaha Early Monday Morning-. The Burlington road will shortly Inaugur ate faster service between Chicago and Denver to meet the new record service of the Chicago & Northwestern and Vntoti Paclflo railways, begun Sunday. Since It was first learned that the Overland route would put on these trains the railroad world In the middle west has been eagerly watching to see what move this would call forth from the other four trunk linw to Omaha, and especially from the Burilngton and Rock Island as extending all the way from Chi cago to Denver. These Interested ones may now rest in assurance that the Burlington will come to the front with the expected counter, and very soon. Officials dictating the policy of the system have decided that the time shall be met, If not beaten, and it now remains only for the general passenger agents to confer with operating officials re garding the details of the faster service. This meeting has not yet occurred, but will be held June 16. It Is planned at pres ent to put on the new service about June 22. Since the officials in Immediate charge of time cards and operation have not yet met, what this service will be cannot be said, whether new trains entire or a change of the echedule on old ones. It Is thought, however, that any lightning train via the Burlington will not come through Omaha, as some little time ran be saved by running from Pacific Junction to Plattsmouth, and thence by the old main line to Ashland. In that event stub trains would be run down from Omaha to connect with the flyer both ways. It Is also admitted that If the Burlington wished to add fuel to the speed war It could probably make the Journey In twenty-four hours flat, thus cutting un der the Northwestern-Union Paclflo time two hours or more. That the Burlington will do this Instead of merely meeting the time already set by its rivals It not as sured. Northwestern Flyers Pass. The first 'trains ot the new fast North-western-Union Pacific service passed through Omaha yesterday. No. 11 left Chi cago at 6:30 Sunday night, and reached here on time at 7 o'clock Monday morning. It carried into Omaha an Omaha sleeper, a Denver sleeper and a Colorado Springs sleeper, together with a buffet car and bag gage equipment. The train was filled. Here the Omaha sleeper was dropped, and the Union Pacific put on the train a dining car and two chair cars for the daylight run to Denver. No. 12 was filled to overflowing when It reached Omaha at 3:30 a. m. This train left Denver at 1 p. m. Sunday, a popular time of day, and all reservations were taken three days ahead. The equipment is similar to that of No. 11. There Is a sleeper from Colorado Springs, one from Denver, both for Chicago, and one for Omaha from Den ver. Then there is a buffet car. The Omaha sleeper is dropped here, and tbo North western puts on two chair cars for the day light run Into Chicago. The train leaves here at 3:40 a. m. and reaches Chicago at 4 o'clock In the afternoon. Transfer ot Railroads. It was learned yesterday that July 1 has been set as the date on which the actual management and control of the St. Joseph Grand Island railroad by the Union Pacific railway and of the Kansas City & Omaha and the Qulncy, Omaha and Kansas City roads by the Burlington will begin. The assumption of these respective properties by the two big lines has been for some weeks an admitted fact, but not till now have the final arrangements for taking them over in all details been completed. , CHEAP EXCURSIONS. Via Illinois Central Railroad. The Illinois Central R. R. will sell round trip tickets, good fork return until October 81, 1902, from Omaha to the following points: Tickets at rates named in column (1) on sale June 1st to 15th Inclusive; in column (2), June 16th to 30th inclusive. (1) (2) St. Paul $ 9.60 $12.63 Minneapolis 9.60 12.65 Duluth 13.60 16.63 The Superiors 13.60 16.63 Ashland, Wis 13.60 16.63 Bayfield. Wis 13.60 16.63 Madison Lake, Minn 7.60 10.65 Elyslan. Minn 7.60 10.63 Faribault, Minn 7.60 10.63 Northflcld, Minn 7.60 10.63 Randolph. Minn 7.60 10.63 Cannon Falls, Minn 7.60 10.63 Red Wing, Minn 7.60 10.63 On June 16-17-21-22, we will sell tickets to Chicago and return at rate ot $14.73, good for return until Sept. 15, 1902. In addition to the above, we will sell round trip tlcketa during the summer sea son to eastern points; also via Duluth or Chicago and steamer via the Oreat Lakes. Special arrangements tor securing steamer accommodations in advance. Write or call oa the undersigned for par ticular. W. H. BRILL, Dlst. Pass. Agt.. 111. Cent. R. R. No. 1402 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. 20 Honrs from Chicago to New York. PENNSYLVANIA SHORT LINE. Beginning with June 15th, the Pennsyl vania Lines will run a daily passenger train of the best modern Equipment, to be known as "The Pennsylvania Special," from Chicago to New York in 20 hours, leaving Chicago at 12 o'clock noon, and reaching New York next morning at 9 o'clock. The above will be In addition to the pres ent Chicago and New York train service of the Pennsylvania Lines. "The Pennsyl vanla Limited" and other trains running through as usual. For particular information, please call upon or address H. R. Derlng, Assistant General Passenger Agent of the Pennsyl vanla Lines, 248 South Clark Street, Chi cago. A Denver Sleeper. On June 8th the Union Paclflo will place a through standard sleeper, running from Omaha to Denver, on Train Ko. 3, leaving at 4:25 p. m. This will be strictly an Omaha sleeper, and Is In addition to the one running from Chicago to Denver on this train. All space has been 'assigned to Omaha territory, and reservations can bs secured at City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam Street. Telephone 816. Boston and Hetorn, S31.T5. ON BALE JUNE 11. 12 and 13. On the above dates the Chicago, Mil waukee St. Paul road will sell round trip first-class tickets good returning until July 1, fcx one fare tor the round trip. Stop over allowed at Niagara Falls. City Office, 1504 Farnam street. Telephone 284. Many Rates East and South at Wabash New City Office, 1601 Farnam street. Publish your legal notices In Tbs Weekly Bee. Telephone 23$. X - 6e ou.- windows, Edbolm. Jeweler, 1 , LOU it i $100,000 BANKRUPT STOCK of SecIey-HowC'LeVan Co., Dcs Mines on sale at nrlces that are simply amazing. It's a sale that offers untold ad vantages. The greatest bargains are to be obtained in every department. The following are merely examples: 50c, 75c and $1 Wash Fabrics 25c All the finest drees fabrics from the Pektn stripes, crepe de chine, grenadines, hemstitched and Honltan lace effects, white Swisses, oxfords silk mercerized ctamlncs, white crepe de chine, also 72-lnch Opera Batiste, white novelty organdies, very beautiful fabrics, worth COc and $1.00, on sale at, per yard Seeley-Howe-LeVan's Silks at 1-2 Price 85c and $1.00 foulard, elegant designs and patterns, per yard .. a)C Be.ou emoroiaerea sua 98c l' " ft - i ,i-iui n .1 27-ln. wide, per yd. Seeley - Howe - $1.60 white lawn, colored dimity and fancy Imported waists trimmed with lace and embroid 69c ery, side tucked Ideas, all sizes, at Fine lawn shirt waists, made up in and designs, worth up to $5.00, go PEARL BUTTONS In plain and fancy colors, all sizes, 1 worth up to 25c dozen. all on sale at, dozen... EMBROIDERIES and INSERTIONS of fine swlss, nainsook and cambric, very pretty patterns: 7c qualities at 2k yard 12c qualities at 5c yard Very Special Bargains in the Basement Seeley-Howo-LeVan Co. 'a 25o lawns. dimities, Swisses, or 10c gandies and other wash fabrics, per yard .. Percales from the Seeley-Howe-Le Van stock, 86-inchei wide, 12Hc quality, per yard 5c Lawns from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co. stock, also dimities, new and beautiful pat- tC terns, 15o qualities, yd v- W A PAIR OF GLASSES Properly fitted saves a great deal of inconvenience. Our Optician Is an experienced test your eyes. Send a Look for the name S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler, 4v lolti Douglasst. Is Your Face Burned? Been out to Courtland Beach or Man- awa or biking or automoblllng? Got all sunburned and freckled? - If so, use Egyptian Lotus Cream and bo happy 'cause it does the business and costs 10c. $3.50 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe.. $2.25 60o Pozzonl Face Powder..... 25c 26o Hires' Root Beer 12c 2o Warner's Root Beer 10c Hires' Root Beer, carbonated 10c Hires' Ginger Ale, carbonated 10c $1.00 Temptation Tonic 2'c $1.00 Mothers' Frlpnd 6To 11.(0 Pwanson's 6-Drcps 6To J l.oo Warners Hare cure 67c $1.00 Pierce's Remedies Wo $1.00 Miles' 'Remedies Bl)o $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp-Root Mc $1.00 l'lukham s Compound 'jc $1.00 Kinney's' Hair Tonic (want it?).. 47c PhiKgers Supplied. $1.00 Parisian Hair Tonic, guaranteed. 75c OPEN ALL NIGHT. SGHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRU STORE Tel. 747, 8. W. Cor. lOtU and Chicago. Hummer B Gosh, the man says whose palate is surprised with a glass of cold, creamy and sparkling Metz beer. It is the best thirst quencher that has yet been devised, as well as a down right bracer in warm weather. The look of pleased surprise on Pop's face Is re flected from all who anticipate such a treat as a pure, finely flavored beer like that brewed by Mete Bros. Metz Bros., Brewing Co. Tclepaoa 110. Omaha. Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt., care Neumayer Hotel. Council Bluffs, la. CARE Is what Is required by the patients when tbey bave their medicines prepared at the drug store. Our PRECRIPTION DEPART MENT Is run with the utmost care. Nothing but the very best medicines used. The physicians who know us are willing to buy the medicine tbey take themselves. Our reputation and reliability Is unques tioned by doctor or patient. We can say without successful contradiction that we put up the beet medicine at lower prices than any store la the city. Try us the next time. FULLER X GO. 14th at Douglas Streets. n. L RftUACClOTTI, D.V.S, CTTT TDTEJtTNARLAN. A BBS lni7nl?ni3s. Seelcy-Howe-LeVan stock. Including 25c 75c and $1.00 taffetas, F" new street and even- 45-ln. black grenadines 59c and 45-in. mouBsellne dr solo, worth up to $2, at LeVan Waists Fine white and colored percale and lawn waists, embroidered and tucked, dozens ot choice stylos, $2 values, at 95c the newest effects at 1,50 HOSIERY for ladles, misses and chil dren in black and tan, worth 10c and 12c pair, special .... 5c LACES AND INSERTIONS and head ings, fine torchon and Valenciennes, beautiful patterns, all new styles: 5c qualities at Ik yard 12k qualities at 5c yard Bleached muslins and cambrics. from the Seeley-Howe-Lo Van stock that they sold up to 12 He, on sale, yd... 5c Bunting from the Beeley-Howe-Le Van stock that they sold for 8&c yard, on sale, per yard Ginghams from the Seeley, Van stock, 12c, 15c and 19c qualities. per yard man in this line. Let him few minutes at our store. . I We Made a High Score When we put In that line of women's $3.50 welt shoes. A hlph prade kid upper on a genu ine welt soW A shoe that has the Prexel quality In It which insures you more than yojr money's worth. Every size and width In these shoes, so that we can guarantee you a per fect fit and satisfaction. We have the same shoe at the samr price In the Oxford cut that has our recommendation for all around gen- cral whip Our usual guarantee with every palrB lour money uacn lr you want it. Drexel Shoe Co., Omaha's Cp-to-dafe Shoe) House, 1410 FARJIAM ITREET, Paint Wow. There are tno things to be considered In buying paint quality and price. You can not afford the expense of putting on poor paint, even If the paint tself Is given to you. .Ixiwe Bros.' Hitch Standard Liquid Paint means quality the name stands tor the best and we make the price: 1 quart Outside Paint only 40! 1 gallon Outside I'alnt only...,; $1.50 1 ouart Floor Paint only 4tc 1 gallon Floor Paint only $1 40 1 quart carriage faint oniy ,o 1 quart Wafton Paint only f"C 1 pint Ollwod Ftnln only 25o 1 pint Varnish Stain only c 1 pint Bathtub Enamel only 6a Brushes at your own price. Ask for color card. Myers-Dillon Drug Go. Itith and Farnam Streets, Omaha. P. 8. TELEPHONE 150 FOR A NURSE. in a Howe-Le H I V .IIIMI 1 n O H MtUi aJ U SlMM.,1. 1.1 .III! JUS! HP Genuine Panama Hots I !4kBdD' !" PECIAL for Tomorrow 60 gciv uine South American Panama hats in all the new swell shapes, worth $6,50, to $8,00 will go on special, Kj 50 sale tomorrow at.. pORTO RICAN Panamas look just like the genuine, takes an expert to distinguish them, in all the new nobby shapes, exeptional value, SO worth $2,50 to $3, tomorrow,-- 'OR Children and misses we will place on sale a of slippers, in all the latest colors and styles, the vamps have pretty bows and ornaments Sizes 6 to 8 75c, 90c, $1,00, $1.10 Sizes 81 to 11 85c, SI, $1.10, $1,35 Sizes 115 to 2 SI, $1,25, $1,45, $1,50 These slippers are priced exceptionally low and mothers will find them exceed ingly great values d&rii'yczd n'ldren are simpldelighted with iWtAIfAMXlce Cream. It's as pure as can be, so it won GRAHAM'S 2426cFariamSti. Omaha. .PARTS 1 to 20 - The Living Animals of the World NOW READY At The Bee Office Price 10 cents By mail 15 cents WHEN YOU BUY A You sr not ryln lor CIIROMOS. bCUKMfcS DEALS, ETC, but (or FINE QUALITY HAVANA TOBACCO. EQUAL to IMPORTED CIGA.HS, JV BICB-MJ.'HCSNTH CIQXB, CIX Uat it, XJUl t &toa JbU4 handsome assortment m 1 BUCKEYE BATH CABINET $5.00 is la great demand for the treatment of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Blood, Skin, Liver, Kidney and Nervous Diseases, Female Ills, Neuralgia, etc., and for General Bathing Turposes. Constructed from best of materials; substantial and well made throughout; superior to any bath cabinet on the market. Not a cheap flimsy affair. Re tails at $5.00. Call or write for BOOK telling all about them also catalogue of all kinds RUBBER GOODS. Sherman & McConnBll Drug Co, Sixteenth and Dodge Streets, Omaha. 24ii yct fmef l hurt them. "i w'ii I. jiS1 i ii i 1 1 Ta i jrsrrv i s ml mm. I