Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1902, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, JUKE 9, 1902. SPECIAL NOTICES Aavertlaesaeata for these eolaasas will he likn Mttl 13 aa. for th tralir edition aad III S:.10 v. aa. for .! aa Reader eelHea. Kiln, 1 1-Ze word rot tasertfaa, Se a word thereafter. Sathla take far leaa thaa S3 far the Aral laser tlaa. Three a vertlsesaea te aaaet ha raa eonseeatlvely. Advertisers, be reqeestle a here check, raa have aaawera ad. dreeaed fa a aaaahered letter la ears f The Bee. Aaawera aa addreaaed will he delivered aa preeeatatloa at the beak aalr. SITl ATIO WAITED. A STENOGRAPHER. When vou want one cull the Kemlngton Typewriter office, l'.if arnam at. Telephone 157J. A Ja EXPERIENCED middle-aged hotel clerk is open tor a good position In a Slrst-class commercial hotel as day or night clerk; competent, temperate, refine! and reliable; city references. Address, P. U. Box 127. 8ibley. Iowa. , A Jul HARDWARE man with sven years" ex perience In the wholesale line, desires position with retail firm In cltv or out; can- furnish references. Address C 3i, fcea. A-MK1 WAMED-WALK HELP. 66 FOR HALF A DAY'S WORK. M you live In (he C6iinry ur In a small town and have a good acquaintance amone the tarmera and etc-- raisers la the neighborhood you can make So easily by lour or five hours son. Write us and we will send your our proposition. Tne Hee i'ubiisning Co., collators dept., Omaha. Neb. B iLU3 WANTED, a good man In every county 10 take subscriptions for '1 he Twentieth Century ariu-r. Our agents make good wages everywhere. Kelt rem es required. Auutess Twentieth Century - Farmer, Omaha, Neb. U 6ii THREE or four good men wanted; Jl per month. Call &. Paxton block. B Ml O. R. KATHBUN gives private lessons In bookkeeping. Kooin 15, Commercial Na tional Lank- y 646 PI 3HINO salesmen can learn something to tholr advantage by writing The Hawks Nursery Co., Milwaukee, Wis. , B lso J14 WANTED, barnessmakers; will guarantee steady employment the year round. Ad dress Wallace. Smith A Co., 82 to West Water Bt., Milwaukee. Wig. B Mitt 11 WANTED forty good stonemasons Im mediately; uinaha shops, ttioux City Uood wages. Ueorgo J. Grant, Bloux City. la. B M134-1U SALESMEN wanted to sell fruit trees; po sition permanent; pay weekly; write for particular. Address Western Nursery Company, eales Dept., Lawrence, Kan " B 19s July3 CARETAKERS wanted for the Heath A Kerguscn (sanitarium, 1K.3 S. 14th tt., Kansas City. Kan. B M24 10 WANTED, an office boy, abcut 17 years of age, who lives at home. Answer In own handwriting. C 12, Bqc B 3-3 WANTED Carpenters; 2.S0 a dav. Ai dress Joseph bhleslger. contractor, Yutan, Neb. B Mild SALESMEN, 8.V) per week, permanent posi tion. Hlxenbaugh, 6-ju Ware biock B-Z2S WANTED, a flrst-rlass cook; wages Ho. Kilt Dining Hall, Fort Dodge la. B-M363 U WANTED, first-clan blryole repair man; good pay and steady work. Lou s Flet- h er, 1622 Capitol ave. B M642 11 WANTED, watchmaker's assistant; must be food ingraver and good salesman. K. J. Mewohner, Columbus, Neb. B MK9 A SPLENDID chance Is offered men to learn the barbel trade now by a short and thorough system. Years of appren ticeship aved. Our splendid reputation has caused others to imitate u.; beware of fake colleges and 6-cent shops using our name: our only branches are New York. Chicago, gt, Xouls. Ban Francisco Minneapolis. New Orleans and Omaha; we offer constant practice, expert In structors, etc. These advantages can not be had elsewhere. Tools donated, wages Saturdays, positions guaranteed. Write today. Moler Barber college. 1523 Farnam St. B M307 12 SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN wanted for full line of fruit and ornamental treea; pay weekly; outrtt free. Lawrence Nursery Company, Law rence, Kan 5.sS J1S WASTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, two young lady students to learn halrdresslng. manicuring and chi ropody ard scientific massage. tall or write Room 2J0. Bee Bldg. C Mi WO Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th A Dodce. C-4? WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle, man to take life scholarship In Omaha's best business and shorthand college and pay for It when course Is flnUhed and position secured. Address A L Bee. C-890 WANTED, a teacher to Instruct the French language to a class of three, twice a week; stats terms. Address Z It, Bee. C-Mi? WANTED, lady to give conversation les sons In French to young woman one evening each week. State terms Ad dress a 41. Bee. C 794 WANTED, young nurse girl. Apply 672 g. 2Mb st. C-MSH WANTED, girl to ssslst In genersl house, work. Apply 672 S. 2bth St. C M&8 WANTED Good girl for general house work: small family. iUi Poppleton Ave., corner fcd St. C Mt43 10 WANTED, girl for general housework: mall family; good wages. 1534 8. 2Mb st, C-oi.4 WANTED, girl for general housework at sru i irium si. C Mass 9 rOR RE. XT HOI'IEI. VANS and baggage wagons. TeL 1196. D Sis HOIJSF9 !? " pru ef e"r- Th o. IIUUOLO L,,via Co., 662 Bee BMg. D KM TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; ofnee UUi Farnam, or Tela. 15o-S0i. O 643 BEE PAYNE. BOSTW1CK CO.. for choc souse. et,w . t. Ltia Bldg. Tel. l'Jl. D-kJ FOR RENT, f-room. modern, detached House, newiy painted and papered. t& Cspttoi Ave. TeL ;. B. H. Robison. Ton RENT, modern house near High ecoooL ins O. . Da via Co., 5o Bee 11 dg D;j MAOOARD Van Storage Co. Tel. 149. D-S5J HOL'BES, etc P. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. D-S57 SIX-ROOM fiat, all modem. 1111 So Utb, D Mso TOR RENT, ales s-room cottage, rear of fill V! 1'tk k asai ill w Alii. aV U1 W HOUSES, stores. Bamls. Paxton block. D-2M HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt. Barker block OOOD I-room modem house. 25o4 Blondo. D Mil? SEVEN-ROOM cottage. 2108 8 Mth St.. $ no furnace. 1. H. Juhnsun, N Y. Life. D Mils U FOR RENT, ooe first floor fiat In the nes I'unaany apartment house, 1th sr.i Pierce streets, all modern conv nlencs newly papered. IJs.Oo per month, inquire . tutievr. ami Awav - D-JT (Oil MARCY St.. ( rooms, all modern. In good nrignbornnod. per month. GLOKQE A COMPANY. 14 Farnam St. i-ROOM and modem s-room bouses. 25t4 blondo. U Mil JTOft RENT, room modern, on car Una, t-A 9, AC Xalliuaac 'tSoa U. FOR REST HOUSES-. GOOD 8-room house. Apply OA Ori'f. TO RENT. 8-room modern house, n S. J4th. nesr Kirnnm. . D MiSS 10 FOR REST Fl RMMIED Mo- .a. ELEGANT rooms finest location In the city. 1S9 Capitol ave. E MUS DEWEY European hotel, 13th end Farnam. E-4 TWO housckeeilng rooms . 123 St. Mary's E 79 J JJ6' FOR RENT large, pleasant south front rooms newly furnished: private family; terms moderate. .214 Capitol Ave. E 312 9 1 NIf E rooms for Hirht housekeeping. Tjr tilshed. 1111 S. 11th. E M34 LARGE) front room, modem. 1?21 St. Mary'i avenue E M442 10 FOR RENT, furnished apertment for the summer. Inquire No. , Sherman Flats E M452 9 NICE. cool, south rooms, pretty front and others: modern; best of references. 518 N. 23d. E M4B7 F1HMMIED ROOMS ASD BOARD. Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel S5. F VERY desirable rooms. 212 S. 25th st. F-S0 HAVE one nice cool front room, suitable for two men. 1919 Burt St. F 561 LARGE room, with alcove, modem, fur nished, with board; also other rooms; home cooking. 22:S Farnam. F 370 8 FOR REST I SFI RSIsHED ROOMS. DESK room spa'-. 15 rev (norm, ground floor room In The Bee building, facing Farnam street; no expense rr light, heat or Janitor service. R. C. Peters At Co., rental agents. Bee building. ii lis CENTRAL. I choice rooms. 220 N. 23d O 241 FOR RENT, entire second floor of resi dence, unfurnished, all modern. 622 8. 2Mh street. Q W7 TWO ROOMS for light housekeeping; back parlor furnished or unfurnished; modern; references exchanged. 622 N. 19th st. O-M307 11 FOR REST STORES AS D OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at l5 Farnam St. It has four stories and a bement which was formerly used as The Bee pressroom. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested appiy at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. I-il FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co.. ground floor. Bee bldg. I 266 FOR RENT, desk room or large space suitable for merchandise brrwer or party doing business In wholesale district. In quire Hene & Co., f16 Farnam st. I-M224 TO LET, offices In Paxton block and Mc Cague bldg. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1S?0 Farnam st. 1672 When You . Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. AGESTS WASTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER: steady employment with assured good income: agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired; can vassers make easily J to 1100 per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitors' bureau. Bee building, Omaha. 213 WASTED TO Bt'Y. WANTED, two or three good vacant lots. suiiaoie lor resiaences or nats; must be good locations and price reasonable; all cash and no extra expense of selling. Address direct to buyers, B 10, rare Bee olllce. N M44 WANTED 2d-hand clothing for cash. 1207 f arnam. K M297 Jy. I FOR SALE FIRSITIRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. TeL lieu, new ana secona-nana, bought, sold, exchanged. O 61 FOR SALE Cheap; oak dining table and cnatrs ana two iron beds. 1U5 South 28th. O M492 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGOSS, ETC. FOR SALE, cheap, a Concord buggy. ISth no. v inton. P 161 PAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc.. our specialty, rt. rost, I4in and Leav enworth. TeL 144T. P 663 FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, runabouts. pairing, painting and trimming; also put vn rui-ucr urw, ficuier, ,in ana iesv enworth Sts. P 777 J24 SEVERAL fine driving horses. Walter rneipe, rtoom V, N. X. Life Bldg. 1-M863 FOR SALE Horses, wagons, etc.; good extension lop carnage tor sale at a sac rifice. See Johnson A Roberts. John ieere mug., jutn ana ieavenaorth Sts. . P-M421 JelT FOR SALE Shetland ponies at auction. rive neaa wen oroae enetianda will be sold at L'nlon Stock Yards barn. South Omaha. Thursday. June 12. Graham, Proctor A Beam Horse Commission Co. P M47H 10 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 2DHAND safe cheap. Sch warts, 114 B. 13th. W 6 FLE8CHER sells bicycles. 1623 Capitol Ave. 4 Ms 2DHAND safe cheap. Deright, nit Farnam. V STYLES trusses: catalori free. Sher man & jucvonneu jurug t.o., istri and xsouge, cmana. tj m7 BICYCLES and phonographs on easy pay ments down. $! per week; 2dhand miirris, o, .i ana lit', new wneels, ill. Omaha Bicycle Co., loth and Chicago Sts Vi-Mst WIRE fence for poultry, bog. tin and ysrd, hitch pots, tree guards. Wire vtuias, si, a. icm st. Tel. 1j. Q-M72 Jubi FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any uiner musical instrument; n UP- The vi mman co., iu t arnam. y him FOR SALE, scholarship In an Omaha shorthand school, cheap. Inquire 232 Bee mug. U'jos SECONDHAND hllllsrrf n4 ruwil billiard tables repaired: a larce stork cheap bar fixture, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick Balks Cullender Co., 4"T- suuin luin. q sif FOR SALE, secondhand desks, chairs and wsinut orace counter and ratlings. Wa bash office. 141a Farnam St. Q Mia NEW ai d 2d hand typewntera. Ill Far INDIAN goods and relics. Ills Fsrnam A-71 FOR SALE, fins Imported harness, brass mounted snd trimmed; cost when new VW- will sell for Vjo; can be seen at Dot a Russell a barn, tuth ans Leavenaonh atreeis. W -S OLD wheels tsken In trade on new ones Omaha BlcyUe Co.. 16tu and Chicago 8i Q M91 WHITE sawdust; season checked oak tiro bera cheap; hog fence, ete. fc'l Douglas REMINGTON typewriter. No. a. roller top t,-M44-U CLA1RVOYASTS. MRS FRITZ. clalr-oysnt. 1614 Cass st. S-S74 ELECTRIC THE. ATM EST. MME. AMES, vapor baths. 114 N., r 7. T Mils J17 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. IS id floor. R J. T MW Jy 5 PERSONAL DR. R")Y. chiropodist, com and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. K. 12, Frenxer block. V 87 PRIVATE hoypltal. before and during con- nnement, babies adopted, urant sr. Mrs. Gardeis. Tel. F-lls2. U 877 FLE8CHER will fix your bicycle right L ' -STS HAIRDRESSfNG. manicuring and chiro pody, for ladles only. In c nnection wl'h The Bathery, Zlt- Bee bldg. V s79 RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to ) rtavs; send ror circular, o. S. Wood, M. D., 621 New York Life bldg., Omaha. Neb. U kf) ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. .Mrs. A. c. Mark, li ft uougias, U fcSl GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug las. U8S2 CHIROPODT a specialty. In connection with The Bathery, rooms 216-Z30 Bee bi-tg. Tel. 171ft. U fe3 ELITE PARLORS. 15 8. 16th St.. 21 floor. L-M550 Jy7 SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng. 2Tc, In connection witn i ne satnery, iis-r.v Fee building. Tel. 1716. L'-4 PRIVATE home for ladies before snd dur ing confinement: babies adopted. 2520 Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U M216 JIS VIAVA. woman'a way to health. Home treatment. Booklet tree. 54S Bee bldg., Omaha. U SSo FOUND, best Ice cresm soda In cltv 5c Shrader s store, 24th and Seward. U 43 J10 MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. IS, 2d floon, r 1 L M223 J 1 LOWEST PRTCES In accordion and side pleating. The uoidman Pleating Co., 2") Douglas block. U M7?l EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE 932 N. T. Lire bldg., umana. eena ror circulars. U 4(59 FREE TREATMENTS. To convince the afflicted of the wonderful fiower of vital magnetism, the Prlbbenow nstltute, for a limited time, will treat any sufferer 2 or 3 times absolutely free. Call at 215-218 Karbach block. 2o 9. 15th St. 'Phone. B2964. U M270 Jy2 PROF. JOHNSON cures all human dis eases. 620 Bee building. Office hours, t a, m. to 3 p. m. U 394 Jy7 LOOK. GENTLEMEN LOOK ! But you will look a long time before you una an equal ror tne STOECKER CIGARS. They lead In quality and flavor, and are cooi and iree. iry one and you 11 smoke no other. , U M535 14 Mi3dlemlsa, wallpaper cleaner. Tel. 1733. U Ma51 Jy7 GEORGE Do you ping pong? Page 131, June "What to Eat." Mollle. V-M') I MOSEY TO LO AS REAL ESTATE. 4 PER CENT on business property. o jtrr Lrui oil irBiuruic pioieiijr. Options to ray whole or part anv time. W. B. MEIKLE, 4-l S. 15th st. W 84 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate, rsrennan-iove Co., 9V &. 13th. W-S7 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam tsmnn Co., isit Farnam st. W 888 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. U FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. xoomas, isi dark Diag. lei. IMS. W 890 WANTED, rlty and farm loans; also bonds ana warrants n. c. peters ft Co., 17u3 Farnam St., Bee bldg. W 891 LOW RATES. Private monev. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. W-M92 4H TO 6 P. C. money. Bemis, Paxton Mk. w 9S 6 PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. l4 t arnam. w 5-94 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas w tlOO UP, low rate. Prlchard, 171J Farnam. w M118 MOSEY TO LO AS CHATTELS. 10 YEARS In our present location. Deal with an old rename nrm and establish a credit that will be of use to you In the future. Ws make loana on Furniture, Pianos, Live Stock and to Salaried People. Our rates are as low as any and much lower than many. Our motton Is, "Try to please." If you have dealt with us and are pleased tell others. If you are displeased tell us. OMAHA MORTGAGE I3AN CO . 119 Board of Trade Bitig., 3uti 6o. 16th SL tstaoiibnea in isjz. Tel. zci. X !s96 BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATORS. Don't let your debts worry you, CALL. ON US and we will make you A SALARY LOAN. We loan to honest employes UPON THEIR PERSONAL NOTE. S19 to tlOO without security, endorser or publicity. OFFICE HOURS, I a. m. to 8 p. m. KtL,lABl.f. IKEUIT CUMr-AINr. Room 3t0, Paxton Block. Third Floor. X-M397 LARGEST BUS1NEP3 IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding housea, etc.. without se curity: easiest terms; 40 offices in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-M Chattel and Salary Loaws, PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Successor to-J. W. Tsyloe. TeL 746. 633 Paxton Block. X-279 JyJ MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. ol4 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X- MONEY loaned on furalturt, Ure stock. Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co.. sue. to Duff Green, i Barker Block. X-9ul MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, Sit S 11 X M SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS. Do you want money for long or short terms at rates rarely equaled by competitors? "Its our business to supply It." AMERI CAN LOAN CO., Third Floor. Paxton Biock. X 1" BISISESS CHASCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411. McCague Building Y-S04 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange rourtusiness or property quick, see J. I. Johnson, 641 N. V. Life. Y M17S DESK ROOM, roll-top desk and "phone service. J. H. Johnson. J N. Y. Life. Y 40 Enterprising Man rlth l&.CuO can acquire controlling inter est In a rapidly Increasing and profltabla legitimate manufacturing business. In vertigatr this proposition. J. H. John Son, N. Y. L. Y-MK4 FOR SALE, good, clear, up-to-date stock of Jewelry, crockery, musical instruments, sewing machines, notions, etc., about HJ. also good brick building. ilOu, wun io ai4i: stock located in good county seat town, northwestern Iowa; stock exceptionally clean, running and aging kooq Business, rine opening, drses P. M. Casady, Sioux City. la. Ad Jl BISISESS CHASCES. FOR SALE, asphalt plant. 11th and Grace streets, t'maha. Applv to the Standard Paving Co., Chicago. 111. Y-M521 Je22 FOR SALE, furniture of a 70-room house full of g od paying boarders, 1 blo k from Harney, Dodge and Farnam cars, 4 blocks from 1st h ; cash offer only con sldere'i A good thing for the right per son, notice rent reasonable. Ad.ires c 7. Bee Y 2) HOTEL. 42 rooms, elegantly furnished, modern throughout, monthly business. I2.0f; only 82 house In live Iowa town of .5V'; furniture for sale: here Is a bonansa. J. H. Johnson. N. Y IJfe Y-M521 TO buy, sell or exchange a bistness Call on C. J. Canan, R. 8, 1517 Farnam st. Y M BAKERY and confectionery business wanted In city of 2,i' to lAi'; must be paving proposition and a bargain. Ad dress C 20, Bee. Y-M358 FOR SALE, a new electric lighting plant and a modern 6"-bbl. roller mill, steam power. In a good county seat of 2.t" eastern Nebraska. Address C 32. Bee, Omaha. Y M4W 15 FOR EkCUAXGK. WILL good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 44. Bee. Z MilO FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES. lots, farms, ranches, loans; also fire insurance. Bemis, Paxton block. HE 913 LANDS In the Mouse River valley are of th best In North Dakota; good soil, splendid climate and good water; surface level, with occasionally small strip of rolling prairie, not hilly; well watered with running small streams and dotted with little lakes; land Is Increasing In value at a rapid rate. Homeseekers and Investors will do well to look this coun try over before settling elsewhere. Par ties desiring Information may write us or call and we will take pleasure in answer ing all communications, also showing our lands. We have listed both deeded lands and relinquishments for sale at reason able prices. Land seekers will do well to notify us when to expect them, so we can be prepared to show land. Yours for Business, HUMPHREY A SLAUGHTER Norwich, N. D. RE 306 JyJ RANCH and firm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad -company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-908 HOUSE8 and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 562, Bee building. RE-912 BUY best house paints, varnishes, etc.; quality hlgh-st. prices lowest. National Oil and Paint company, 1015 Jones St RE 538 Je22 SEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK CoTforcholoe bargains. 601-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1"1). RE 914 THE OMAHA REALTY CO . 1301 Douglas St., upstates; small houses for sale; cheap building lots. Call for catalogue and price list. Private money to loan on easy terms. RE 911 IF YOU want one of the nicest 8-room homes In Hanscom Place I will give you a bargsln. Owner left city. Must sell. J. H. Sherwood, S37 N. Y. L. BMg. RE M15S GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals. Insurance. Brown block. RE 9f9 WILLIAMSON u treet. RE 910 A MONTHLY payment barratn In 8-room house. G. il. Nattlnger. 'Phone 463. RE M5M MASIFACTIRISQ. P. MELCHIOR, 13th and Harney, ma chlnist, M919 OMAHA S.ife and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty of Are escapes, shutters, doors and safes. O Andreen. Prop., 102 8. 10th St. M920 SHORTHASD ASD TTPEWRITISG. A. C. VAN BANT'a school. 717 N. Y. Life. v 921 BOYLEB college, court reporter principal. N. Y. Life. n NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd Theater. 92 FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1253. Send for price list, cut flowers and plants. M925 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in diseases of women In Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladies to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or adaress, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1511 Dodge, Omaha. 8;S When You Write to Advertisers remember It oniy takea an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw tne aa in Tne Bee LAW ASD COLLECTIONS. Stillman A Price, att'ys. law. collections. A. P. Lillla. notary, X U. S. Nat. TeL 1720. 470 J 19 NEBRASKA Collection company (Incor porated), J .vew lork Life bldg. Phone, 623. Damage suits prosecuted. The col lection of claims, large or small, made anywhere In the United States or foreign countries by bonded sttorneys. No col lection, no charge. Bank reference fur rished on application. U941 J9 OSTEOPATHY. GID E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. 91 DR. A. T, HUNT, 613 McCague Bldg. TeL DR. MR3. MUSICK. Douglas Blk. Tel. 2823. -9m BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 6U North lth. Wa FIRSITIRE REPAIRISG. FIRST-CLASS work. 2201 Farnam. TeL 241. -632 Je22 STEAM DYE WORKS. THE CANADIAN, suits cleaned, pressed, Ladles' skirts. 60c U N. 1'h St. -70 J0 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO , cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. tUl N. 16. Tel. 1779. -426 STAMMERISG ASD STITTERISG. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. SC4 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes aa extra stroke or two of ths pen to mention the fact that you saw me ad In The Boa. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co., II A Jackson. TeL St 277 ALPIRN buys all kinds of scrap Iron and metals. s!l fougias frt. Tel 2474 1-jt PAWsBBOKEKS, EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; s-u uainess cvunueouai. uul Douglas. Ml SIC 41.. C. B. SHAW'S hew studio open an summer. 250 J17 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 911 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. 9"S OM. Van Btor. Co., 1611S Farn. Telr. 15S9-3. 9V7 A I TO MC BILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. 1119 Farnam etreet. Deright a 2J LAWS MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. I. I. Wks.. 14"6 Howard FIR DRESSISG. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tanntrs. 1424 Bo. 13th. !"1 DRESSM4KISG. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 3042 Farnam. 9'9 Jl'' TLl MBISG. D. W. DUDGEON, 2910 Farnam. Tel. 19M. M315 Jy4 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. ASSOl SCEMESTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 2190. 611 Bout Thirteenth street M929 LAIS DRY. OMAHA Steam laundry; shlrta, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c 1750 Leavenworth, Tel. 647. -9S3 BEST laundry. The Chios go, phone 2r. MWS SICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2536 9.12 BICYCLES. CLEARING 8ALE THIS WEEK. Will sell less than cost: Andrae, 840. reduced to 128.00 Davton, too, reduced to 3a. 00 Rugby, $45, reduced to 32. 60 New bicycle, 25. reduced to 15 00 1XJU1S FLETCHER, 1622 CAPITOL AVE. M541 14 CAR PESTERS ASD JOISERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, -Qth and streets. 870 ACCORDIOS PLEATISG. REDUCED prices in pleating, ruchlnga, tuckings and appllqueing. For- full In formation inquire Ideal Pleating Co., 1510 Howard St. 398 Jy7 GO VERS ME ST SOTlCES. PROPOSALS.-FORT RILEY, KANSAS, May Kth, 92. Sealed proposals In tripli cate win be received at this office until 11 o'clock a. m., June 10th, 1902, and then opened, for the construction of and altera tions to the following buildings, including plumbing, heating and electric wiring: Construction of one Artillery Stable, two Cavalry Stables, two Gun Sheds, one Bachelor Officers' Quarters and two double Officers' Quarters. Alterations In four Cavalry Barracks. Additions and altera tions to three Artillery Barracks and two Cavalry Barracks at Fort Riley, Kansas. Bidders will state In their bids the time In which they will complete the work, ss time will form an Important 'consideration In the award of contracts. Full Informa tion and blank forms of propoaala will be furnished upon application to this office. Plans and Specifications may be seen here slso in Offices of Depot Quartermasters at Chicago, III.: St. Louis, Mo., snd Omaha, Neb. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bid or any part thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed "Pro posals for Public Buildings" snd addressed "Captain G. O. Cress, Constructing Quar termaster." D M1O-12-U-14-J9-10 ST. PAUL, Minn., June 7. 1902 SEALED PROPOSALS, in triplicate, will be received here, or at following named posts, until 11 a. m., July 7, 1902, for furnlehlng such CORN. OATS, BRAN, HAY and STRAW, as may be required during the fiscal year commencing July 1, 19"2, at St. Paul and Fort Snelling, Minn.; Fort Yates, N. D.; Camp Merrlt and Forts Asslnnlbolne, Har rison, Keogh and Missoula, Mont.; Fort Yellowstone, Wyo., and Fort Meade, S. D. Instructions furnished on application here, or to quartermasters at the posts named. U. S. reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. GEO. E. POND, C. Q. M. -J7-9-10-llJyJ-6M CHIEF QUARTERMARTFR'S Orpirp- Omaha, Neb., June f, 19"2. Sealed proposals. in triplicate, suojeci 10 tne uatiai condi tions, will be received st this office, until 10 a. m., central standard time, June 20, 1902. for the construction of a frame band stand at Jefferson Barracks. Mo. Full In- lormauon lurnisneo on application to thla office, where aDeciflcatlons miv ho un or to the Quartermaster, Jefferson Bar racks. Proposals to be marked "Pro posals for Band Stand." JOHN W. PULL MAN, Chief Quartet-master. t-D-7-9-10-17-18M CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE Omaha. Neb., June 6, liJ2. Sealed proposals. m triplicate, win oe received at tnis omce and by quartermasters at posts nsmed until 16 a. m.. central time, Jul 6, lir2, for furnishing wood during the fiscal year end ing june ju. ivu, at rori crook, Neb., and Fort Reno. Okla. Proposals for deliver at other points will be entertained. V. 8. re serves right to reject or acceDt anv op all proposals, or any part thereof. Information lurnisnea on application nere, or to quar termasters at stations named. Envalooos containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for FueL" JNO. W. .H'l.i. MAN, C. Q. M. J5d4tJyl-2M POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Vstvlvn alia f. , V. . A - L. J 14. Ii2. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) . iiwi.i f'o.uiuwv luuuwii par cels post mails close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Regular and supplementary mails close at foreign station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that supplement ary malls for Europe and Central America via Colon, close one hour later at foreign station;. Traasatlaatte Malls. TUESDAY At : a. m. for ITALY di rect, per s. s. Lombardia imall must be directed "per s. s. Lombardia '). WEDNESDAY-At 30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. St. Louts, via Southampton; at 8 3u a. m. (supplementary 10 s. m l for EUROPE, per s. s. Germanic, via Queens town; at lo a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. a. Friealand (mall must be directed "per a. a. Frieslsnd"). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN. PORT UGAU TURKEY, EUTPT, .OREH'E. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAH QUEZ. per a. a. La Lorraine, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe must be directed 'per a. a. La Lorraine ). SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m for NETHER LANDS direct, per a. s. Rotterdam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Rotterdam "i: at t.Jo a. m. 4supplemeutsry 10 a. ni.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Etrurla, via Queem town; at 6:30 a. ra. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Cltta dl Genoa (mall must be directed "per Cltta dl CK-noa r. at I a. m. for lTALx direct, per s. S. Lahn (mall must be directed "per s. s. Lahn' i; at 9:80 a m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Ethiopia imall must be directed "per g. a. Ethi opia"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC This steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Paoers and bam pies for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for ether pens ft Europe ni not te r'. cy tnis ship un less specially directed by It After the closing of tne supplementary transatlantic malls named bove. addi tional supplementary mails are opened oa the piers of the Aisnos.a. English, French and German steamers, and re main open until within ten minutes of the tiour of sailing or steamer. lea. West laaTes, Ete. TUESDAY At I Jo a. m. (supplementary POSTOFFICE SOTICE. 10 80 a. m l for CENTRAL AMERICA (ex cept Costa Rica) and SOUTH FAIT F1U PORTS, per a. s. Advance, via Colon tmall for Guatemala must be, directed "per s. s. Advance ); at U P- rn. for I'EHNAMBl CO, VICTORIA and RIO GRANDE DE BUI per a. a. Castllilan Prince (mail for other parts Of Brxll must be directed "per a. s. Castllilan Prince"): at 12:S p m tsupplem-nt-ry !;. p m) for BERMUDA. L.EEWARD snd WINDWARD ISLANDS snd HRIT 1SH, DUTCH snd FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Carlbhee (mail for Grenada end Trinidad must be directed- "pr s. s. Car ibbee ): at .30 n. m. for JAMAICA, per . a. Admiral Farrsgut for Boston; st 1130 j. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Wat. son. from I'hilsrtelnhhi THURSDA Y At I a. m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN. CAMPECHE. TABASCO and CHI APAS, per s. a Esperanta (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Esperansa '); at 12:30 p. m. (supple mentary 1 p. m for TURKS ISIAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per S. a Seminole: at . p. m. for JAMAICA, rer s. s. Admiral Schley, from Boston; at 11.) P. m. for N E W FOt" NPI.AND. per s s. Siberian, from Philadelphia. FRIDAY At U m. for MEXICO, per s. . Santiago, via Tamptco (mall must be dl' reefed "per s. . Santiago"). SATURDAY At 4 a. m for BRAZIL, per a. s. Syracusa, vl Macelo, Hio Ja neiro and Santoa (mall for Northern Brsxll, Argentine. Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per s. s. 8yracusa": at 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:9o a. m.) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENE ZUELA, per e. s. Philadelphia (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia '); at 9 30 a. m. (supplementary 10;So a. m-t for FOR TUNE IPIND. JAMAICA. 8AVANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. a. Altai (mall for Costa Klca must be directed "ler a. a. Altai"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 1:) a. m for HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per s. s Adirondack; at 10 a. an. for CUBA, per s. a. Mexico, via Havana: at 10 a. m. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per s. a. Maraval; at H:J0 p. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Curltyba. via Matanxas (ordinary mall only, which must be directed "per s. s. Curltyba"). Malls for Newfoundland, by rsll to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6.30 p. m. (connect ing close here every Monday, Wednes day snd Saturday. Mails for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, snd thence by steamer, close at this office dally at So p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by steamers, are dispatched dally, except Thursday, final connecting closes, for dispatch via Port Tampa, on Mon days, Wednesdays and Saturdays at "b:3Q a. m. J for dispatch via Miami, on Mon days snd Saturdays at 6.30 p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless spe cially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this office dally- egcept Sunday at 1:30 p. m. and 11:10 p. m., Sundays at 1:00 p. nr.. and 11 to p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Bellse, Puerto Cortes and Guate mala, by rail to New Orleans,1 and thence by steamer, close at this office daily ex cept Sunday at 1:0 p. m , Sundays at 1:00 p. m (connecting closes here Mon days for Bellse, Puerto Cortes and Guate mala, and Tuesdays for Costa Rica). Registered mall closes at 6:00 p. m. pre vious day. Traasaaoiaa Malls. Malls for China andi Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here daily at 8:30 p. m. up to June 10, Inclusive, for dis patch per a. a. Empress of Japan (regis tered mail must be specially addressed. Merchandise for the U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). Malls for tne Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close hers dslly at :) p. m. up to June li, inclusive, for dispatch per U. 8. Transport. Malls ror China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally at 6:30 p. tn. up to June 11. Inclusive, tor dispatch per s. s. Tosa Maru. (Registered mall must be directed "via Seattle"). Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma, close here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to June 13. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Duka of Fife. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally st 8:30 p. m. up to June "is. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Alameda. Malls for China, Japan and Philippine Isl ands (also specially addressed mail for Hawalii, via San Francisco, close here daily at 1:30 p. m. up to June 18. in clusive, for dispatch per s. s. Gaelic. Mails for Australia (except 'West Aus tralia, which goes via Eurooe. and New Zealand, which goes via Ban Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C, close here daily at :) p. m. after June 7 and up to June 21, In clusive, for dispatch per a s. Aorangl. Mails for Hawaii. Japan. China and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:) p. m. up to June "23, Inclusive, lor aispatcn per a. s. tiont Kona- Maru. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which is forwarded via .urope, r e w Zealand. FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here oally at 8:30 fi. m. after June "21 and up to June 28, ncluslve, or on arrival of a. s. Lucanla, due st New York June 28, for dispatch per s. a. Sonoms. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6 30 p. m. up to July lO, Inclusive, for aispatcn per s. s, Australia. Transpacific malls sre forwarded to port of tailing dally and the schedule of clos ing U arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overlsnd transit. Registered mall closes at 6 .00 p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Poetofflce. New Y'ork, N. Y., June 6, lBOt. I A1LWA s TIME CARD. ISIOS STATICS 10TU ASD MARCY, ChleasTO A Sartb weatera. "The Northwestern Line. Leave. Arrive, a 7:0t am Faat Chicago. ......a 3:40 am Mall ...a 6:00 pin ...a 6:30 am ...a 7:86 am ...a 8:0 am ...al0:66 am ... 4:16 pm ...a 4:65 pm ...a 7:45 pm ...a 7:66 pm a i:W am a 1:50 pm Local Sioux City.... Daylight St. Paul... Daylight Chicago... Dm all:90 pm a 6:30 pm alo:SO am (J pm Local Chicago Local Carroll Faat Chicago........ Limited Chicago.... Fast St. Paul a 9.20 am a 8:50 am Fast Mall, thlvsas, a 2:40 pm ttvvai - aa Facia. EAST. .Leave. Chicago Daylight Lim ited a 6 '00 am Chicago Daylight a 7:00 am Chicago Express bll:15 am Des Moines Local a 6:20 pm Chicago Fast Express. a 6.06 pis WEST. Rocky Mountain Lim ited , 6:50 am Llnooln, Colo. 1 Sjrlngs. Denver. Pueblo and Arrive, a 6 45 am a 9:25 pm a 6:06 pm bll:&0 am a 1:26 pm ft 4 66 am West 1:10 pm a 6:U pm Colo., Texas. Cal. at Oklahoma Flysr a 6:50 pm al2:40 pm Wabash. St. Louie "Cannon Ball" Expreas a 6:15 pm a 1:24) am St Louis Local. Council Bluffs al0:00 am a 10:) pm Chicago, Milwaukee; St. rami. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Chicago A Omaha x..b 7:16 am talus raelAe, Lea vs. Overland Limited a 9:0 am Fast Mall a 6:60 am California Express. .....a 4:25 pm pacific Express... ,!!. pm Eastern Expreas Atlantic Express Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex.b 4:46 pm Grand lsiand Local ....b 6.30 pm Mlsooart PaeiAev St Louis Express alOKx) am K. C A 8t- L. jprcae.aU.64 pa llliaola CeatraL Chicago Express. a 7:20 am Chicago, Minneapolis A 8C Paul Limited a 7:60 pm Mlnneapolia A sit. Paul Express b 7.20 am Chicago Express a 8 08 am b 1:44 pm Arrive, a 1:80 pm a 8 25 pm a 4:36 pm a 7 .00 am b 12:90 pm d 9.a am a 6:25 pm a 6.15 am a 6:10 pm a 6 .(6 am blO St pm pm WEBSTER DEPOT iTH st WEBSTER Fraasaat, Elkhara 4t MUssarl Valley Black Hills. Deadwood, Hot Spring a 1. 0 pm a 1.09 pm r IWUill'l, mmyw liw Douglas ................ .d 14 pm 140 pm Hastings, York, David City, auoeiior. Geneva. Exeter and Seward.. ..b l:Cv pm b 1:00 Dm Norfolk, UaeoU and , Fremont b 7:80 am blOJS am f rvuiui ubiw M.i.6 i.iu in Mlssearl Facia. Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Water fe 4 10 pm auVS am Chtcaao, SL. Paal. Mlaaeapalle at OmoKa. Twin City Passenger. ...a 6 30 ant a 9:00 pm Sioux City paoaeugcr... pm ell .20 am kmaraoa LwtaO. ...b 6.41 put b 6.46 am BlALlKQTOk SlAiiOH-lvTH A MASO Chlesas, Barllagtaa A dalacr, . . Leave. Arrive. Chicago special tin am a 4 06 pm Chicago Veotibuled Ex.. pi a t. am ( tucago Local a t IX am l vbivkiu iAuwwwMl(.a i av jy&AA 4k i . mm YfcaU jUils t X.Mt j4S ULWAX XI JUS CABJCmtlmwm4i Basllavtaai ok saiaaoauti Jtiewt, Wrnors, Beatrice and Lincoln ir.eMHtiwui bll 85 ant Nebraska L press mm.,m i so ait 76 am lenver 1 J ml ted .a iA pin, a .44 am black lflils anXPugei Kouna Depress .,..m,tu jv pm Al.-OOpm tviuiiuv f wuvnie riyer Lincoln Fast Mail....,Tb:0 pm a 1:00 pm aTIaia Fort . rgoa ana x loius mouth ,u.b 1:9) ttm blirdS am a tJN am pellevue A Paciflo Jet... a 7 0 pm Bellevu A Pacino Jet.. .a 1:09 am Kawsaa tilfi mu estk ek Cawaeli BlasTa. Kacsaa City Day Ex. ...a am St. Louis Flyer. .. a 6:10 pm Kansas City Nlgbt Kx...al0 .30 pm a 6:06 pm all. 16 am a 6.16 am a Dally, b Dally except Bundav. a Sun. day only, d Daily except Saturday, a Daily STEAMSHIP. ANCHOR UKaV-O. A situ, IT! si lit ailisg rsgslsrly Mmt KgW TORX. CoNl-jNLtRBT a OUASOOWl KBW IORK, U1BRALTAR A MATLM. SmMrtor aaeosjmedstions, Kirallont rslsta. lisi rasmrS lor tks comrwt mt Hamlin stvaloiuls oao. Slserea ans srortiosS. stasis er smh iTip tirsers isssn SMweoa Nee York aa Scotch. BdsIIsIi. Irish us sU FrlaalMI OonttBosuit points at aurastiTs raise, ror tlckvu sr soTal lafannalloa lr 4 UKMiRRBON UM., Cklcaso. or say LAX.AJ. AOENT. MORGAN IN SEARCH OF REST , Sees Ra Oae aa Itaslaeae aaa la ta Take a C raise si Hie Private Yacht. (Copyright. VPS, by Press Publishing Co.) VENICE. June . (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Ths World correspondent met J. Plerpont Morgan oa the latter' arrival here, but when he at tempted to speak with him one of his party Intervened abruptly, saying: "Mr. Mor gan ran see no one on buslnesi of any kiad. He has been ordered to take a complete rest from brain work. He has not come here for any business purpose, but solely for a vacation." Mr. Morgan looked 111. He wore an over coat, although the weather was hot, and. went straight aboard his steam yacht Cor sair In a launch which was awaiting him at the railway station. The World corre spondent afterward spoke to an official here, who alone has knowledge of Mr. Mor gan's condition and plans and who said: Mr. Morgan has gone for a fortnight's cruise to Athens, because he Is almost worn out from the strain. He Is not broken down, but his condition gives cause for anxiety. He Is doing no business. AH letters will bs held for him bers until be returns from Athens. If the best proves too great be may return immediately, otherwise bis plan Is to arrive her about the middle of June and go to Lor Ion for the coronation. "He Is In a nervoua condition and ba placed himself unreservedly In the hands of a doctor. He saw no on her except Colonel Thompson of the steam yacht Tor- frlda, whom he went to thank last evening for giving him his pilot. United State Consul Johnson sent a gondola with the most famous Venetian singer to serenade him when he wag aboard Mr. Thompson's yacht, but word was sent that Mr. Morgan felt so exhausted he could not enjoy the music and needed absolute quiet. "His object is to get away from erery body. He will cruise along the Dalmatian coast and go thence to the Piraeus. He saw no one here on business." Nobody could have been more surprised than was Edmond Parrier, the venerable director of the Jardln des Plantes, when J. P. Morgan presented a splendid set of precious stones for the museum of mineral ogy. These stones, purchased from Tif fany, figured In the exhibition. Everybody, thought Mr. Morgan Intended to offer them to the Natural History museum In New York. CZAR OF RUSSIA KEEPS BUSY Derate Mast af Day to . AaTalrs ( Kate, aat Heserves Tim for Bis Family. (Copyright, 1901. by Press Publishing Co. PARIS. Jun . (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) That ths czar of all the Russians Is no Idler Is shown by the following program for his . day. Regularly at 8:10 ha rises,- dresses without the services of a valet and takes a cup of tea. From t to 10 be receive in his cabinet hi ministers, with whom ha ' discusses the most urgent affairs of the 1 hour. Breakfast follow and the th esar busies himself with the work of th dsy. g listening to report and Igatng documents.' which are plied up each morning onl desk. Those of confidential repress ;'tlTe " and governors of provinces apa' ymrj t ' tentlvely considered by th ciar, who aome ttme make note oa their margin with a blue pencil. At 1 o'clock th cxar take hi place at th family table with th em-' pre and sometimes th llttl prlaeeia. Until 4 o'clock he give hi time to hi family. He play with hi children, romp with them and even take part In hid and seek with them. Front 4 to 7 o'clock h remain shut up In hi study, coming out only when dinner I erved. After dinner he smokes several cigarette and toward midnight goes to his bedroom. KAISER ANDUNI0N ALLIES Geraaaay'a Alllaaee with Tatted States Offers Great Thlags, ays Paal erre. BERLIN, Jun I. Dr. Paul Bsrre, la a pamphlet on Germany political alliance, expresses th bop that the United State will take th hand which Germany stretches out. He says th open door alms In China of th United State and Ger many are identlcaL Their national In terest there caanot conflioL It 1 In th east that both nation expect trade ad-, vantages. A political alliance. If It were possible, would not Interfere with their business rivalry there or elsewhere. Th United States, having no continental eon troversles, would not check any of th pur poses of Germany in Europe, could also leav Germany a free hand in Africa and might ere a support Germany there In eon slderitlon of Germany' abandonment f It South American Interest. Neither ha a fleet sufficient for th complete support of Its aim, but together they would b equal to any contingency. MORGAN HELPS CORONATION Leaa Rare Tagtestrlea 4 Adara Roblaa Roasas af the Ml a ssi ttaera. (Copyright. 1902. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. Jun I. (New York World Cablegram Bparlal Telegram.) Even th coronation of the king of England cannot be managed without the help of Plerpoot Morgan. He has lent a set of six exquisite piece of tapestry to adorn th wall of th temporary robing room constructed for th king and queen outside of the prin cipal door pf Westminster abbey. Thee tapestries, worth I1.2&0.000 are gobelin. In the finest state of preservation, and of th beat period. They illustrate th story of th queen of Sbeba and Solomon. Mr. Morgan was approached In behalf of th king for the loan of these beautiful work of art, snd Immediately consented They are specially Insured for the tun named. The strnctur in which they are placed is mad of wood and stucco la exact architectural Imitation of the abbe.