Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1902, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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Sent Free
to Men,
free Trial Package of this New Dls.
covcry mailed to fcverjr Jian
Sending Mame and Addresa
Quickly Restores Strength
and Vigor.
Free trial packages of a moat remark
al remedy are being mailed to all who
write the B'.ate Medical Institute. They
pvard ao many men who bad battled (or
A. E. H0BWS0N, M. D- C ftL. Medical Director
rears against the mental and physical suf
fering of lost manhood that the Institute
baa decided to distribute free trial packa
ge to ail who write. It la a home treat
tnent and all men who Buffer with an"
form of sexual weakness) resulting from
youthful folly, premature loss of strength
and memory, weak back. - varicocele, or
emaciation of part can now cure thei
solves at home.
The remedy haa a peculiarly grateful i
feat of warmth and seems to act dlreot
to the deelred location aivlna- strenarth aj
development Just where It la needed. It
cures all the Ills and troubles that cot
from years of misuse of the natural fur
all oases. A retiueet to the Htate Medical
Institute, T70 Elektron Building. Ft. Wi
statins; that you desire one of their
free trial packages will be compiled with
promptly, rne
Institute Is desirous of
reaohlng that great class of men who ore
Unable to leave home to be treated and
the free sample will enable them to aea
cow easy it is to oe cured 01 aexu&i weak
lies when the proper remedies areem
ployed. The Institute make no restrlo-
;ns. Any man wno writes will be sent
a free sample, carefully sealed In a plain so that Its recipient need nave no
ir of embaraaement or publicity. Read
r are requested t. write wlUiout delax
The way to get the best ac
commodation U via ths
Great Rock
Island Route
WHY? It if the only direct line to
Colorado Springs and Manitou.
It Is the popular route to Denver. It
has the best Dining Car Service.
It has the finest equipment and gives
choice of three fast daily trains to
Mountain Limited
leaves Omaha 6.50 a. m., arrives Den
ver 8.45 p. m., Colorado Springs (Man
itou ) 8.30 p. m.
Bio 5
leaves Omaha 1.30 p. m,, arrives Den
ver 7.45 a. m., Colorado Springs (Man
itou) 7.35 a. m.. Pueblo 0.10 a. m.
Colorado Flyer
leaves Omaha 6.20 p. m., arrives Den
ver 11.00 a. m., Colorado Springs (Man
itou) 10.35 a. m., Pueblo 11.50 a. m.
Another inducement to use the Rock
Island will be the $15 round trip rate
to Colorado effective this summer by
that line. Ask for details and free books.
"Under the Turquoise Sky' gives the
most fascinating description of Colorado.
"Camping in Colorado" has full de
tails for campers.
1323 Farnam Street. OMAHA.
Buy It and try K, If you want a
delicious wins with a beautiful
bouqueti refreshing, Invigorating,
harmless. Th highest award at
Columbian Exposition.
If you haven't n the Regal Bicy
cle made by the BTEAHN8 BIOTCI.K
AGENCY, that we are selling- for M,
It will pay you to see one bf for you
buy. This wheel Is better than most
wheels selling tor 140 and eo. NA
CYCLE8. l AND Sou. Other new
wheels, 115. t and 13. We put on the
best Coaster Brakes tor eS. Repairs
ana Buppue.
Edison Phonographs
- W carry a complete line of the.
latest Records and Machines. Send,
tor catalogue.
Straw Hals 50c to $2.50.
We've got about every style Straw
Hat made by Townsend a Oraca of
Baltimore no finer or better mad
Straw Hats known. Got some for
6oc up te 13.60. Better see what we
nave beiore you buy a hat.
I"hey !. I air la.
Matter of Substation at 8tock Exchange
Still Being Agitated.
Business More Than Warrants the
Establishment of the Habitation,
Which Would Prove aa Im
mediate Convenience,
For ever a month or more the member
of the Live Stock exchange and the packers
have been agitating the question of a sub
station at the exchange. An Immense
amount of mall Is bandied daily at the ex
change and It Is asserted that with a sub
station the business could be bandied
much mors rapidly. As It la now collec
tions of outgoing mall are made as fre
quently as possible with the force at band.
What is wanted now by tbe stockmen and
the packers 1 a station with a clerk In
charge, a carrier and a stamp clerk. By
working tbe substation the malls can be
bandied much more rapidly and it is as
serted tbat for some trains there will be s
saving in time of nearly an hour. This Is
particularly Important to the banks and
the commission men, aa well ae to ths
In case the government will grant ths re
quest for a subetation at the exchange, it
Is understood tbat suitable rooms In the
old exchsnge building can be leased. More
than this. It is saserted that the sale of
stamps at this point will be largely in
creased by tbe location of tbe proposed
Wlndlnsr Vm. Cases.
Former City Attorney W. C. Lambert has
filed a communication with the city clerk,
In which be states "hat be bas appeared
for the city In the bond tax cases for
which he was recently employed and
that the cases hare been decided
as all these cases have been, ad
versely to the city. In' Mr. Lambert's
communication he state that while he bas
preserved a complete record, so tbat an ap
peal can be taken to the supreme court.
still he cannot advise such a course on the
part of the city. The cases will probably
be dropped where tbey now are.
Few Personal Injuries.
The legal department 1 congratulating
Itself upon the fact that but few personal
injury suits are being brought against the
city these day. During the last three
months there seems to be a complete dnop
ping off In all this class of litigation. It
Is the Intention of tbe present admlnlstra
tlon to contest these cases so bitterly, sod
appeal them to the highest court, in order
to discourage parties from starting such
vexatious suits.
Ordinances Are Coning,
The publication of the city ordinances Is
about completed and It Is stated by the
officials that they will be delivered to the
city within a few days. Tbe compilation
will be the same as that done by a local
attorney about the first of the year.
Miller Kept Busy.
Street Foreman Miller was kept on the
Jump yesterday repairing unpaved streets
snd portions of sidewalks washed out by
the storm of Thursday night. A portion
of the brick sidewalk In front of the Hunt
property at Twenty-fifth and N streets was
washed away and considerable filling will
be necessary to replace the walk. On tbe
unpaved streets the filling of boles will bo
completed sa rapidly as possible and at ths
slightest possible expense to the city.
Arrest Snspeets.
At tbe request of the police at Grand
Island tbe local force yesterday arrested a
number of tramps who were suspected of
having committed a burglary, at Grand
Island. When searched at police head
quarters not an article of tbe property sup
posed to be stolen was found. Chief Brlggs
said that he would place the buncb on the
rock pile for a few days and then give or
ders that tbey should leave the city.
Masrlo City Gossip.
Otto Maurer Is rusticating at Excelsior
Mrs. Robert Parka Is In Kansas City
visiting inenae.
George Honey of Sutton. Neb., ts in the
city visiting relatives.
The Odd Fellows will hold annual me
morial services Sunday,
Mrs. Richard Estes of Glenwood. la..
Is nere visiting irienos.
A T? V -Uv haa rnn. t WvAmln.
iook aner nis mining interests.
Mrs. A. H. Murdock has sons to Cres-
ton, is, to visit inenas lor a snort time.
A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs.
William Miller, Eighteenth and S streets.
Mr. and Mrs. James Duff have returned
to Bouth omana alter an absence or sev
eral years.
Ivor Thomas, who haa been In bad health
for some time, bas gone to Excelsior
Springs, Mo.
A boy of Industrious disposition can find
employment at The Bee office, in the city
nail outturns, ouuui umuu.
Cereeinoale at , Sac red Heart Will B
of a. Most Impressive
Oa Sunday, June 8, the newly completed
Sacred Heart church, Twenty-second snd
Binney streets, will be dedicated with all
the pomp and ceremony of the Roman
Catholic church. Tbe edifice, which Is of
plnklsh-grey Colorado lava stone, with
seating j capacity of about 800, baa taken
two years to build and has cost 124,000.
At 10:80 a. m. the church will be blessed
and dedicated to ths service of God by Rt.
Rev. Bishop Scannell, D, D., bishop of ths
diocese, assisted by Father Judge, the
pastor of the church. Following this will
come ths solemn pontlfiolal high mass, with
Bishop Scannell on the throne, sad aa
deacons of honor Rev. J. F. Dolphin, presi
dent of St. Thomas' college, St. Psul, Minn
snd Very Rv. Charles Coppens, 8. J-,
Cratghton university; celebrant of ths mass
Rt. Rev. Joha J. Olennon, D. D., bishop
of Kansas City; deacon. Very Rev. A. M
Colaaerl, vicar gsneral of diocese; sub
deacon. Rsv. James A. Heme of St. Peters'
assistant priest. Very Rev. Joha Jennette,
V. F.; assisting in sanctuary. Rt. Rev,
John L. 8palding, D. D., bishop of Peoria,
with his chaplains. Rev. D. W, Moriarty
P. R, snd Rev. Adolph Rockel, O. F. M
masters of ceremony, Rev. Oliver Dolphin,
St. Paul, Minn., and Rev. S. F. Carroll, St.
James' orphanage, Benson. After the first
gospel, the sermon will be delivered by
Bishop Spalding, subject, "Christian Re
Pacini's mass will be rendered entire by
cbotr of forty-five voices, the soloists
being: Mrs. J. 8. White and Mrs. Betbga,
sopranos; Miss Ross Grady, alto; John Mo-
Creary, tenor, and A. W. Kroeger, bass.
Mrs. Cudaby will sing tbs offertory.
Directly preceding tbe service the fol
lowing named societies will meet the car
rlage of the three bishops at ths boua
dart of tb parish. .Tweaty-fourth and
Parker strssls, , escorting them to the
church and forming a guard of honor about
ths building during ths blessing sod dsdl
catloa of ths walls and foundation: SL
Joha's of Kepomuc, BU W'laceslau. St.
Cyrtlus and Methodius. Bohemian Catholic
societies; Bohemian Knight of 8t. George
Catholic Turners sad Worklngman's so
ciety, Bt. Aloyslu' Young Msa's society,
SI Peters Young Men's society and twi
ethers Irom fit. .Sieepa'a. CatboUo For
esters. Ancient Order of Hibernian. Co-
umblaa club of Sacred Heart parish, and
societies from Immaculate Conception Fol-
Ish church.
Rt. Rev. Bishop Scannell will officiate
at the evening service, which will begin st
:45 and will be assisted by Bishop Spald
ing. The lecture will be delivered by
Bishop Olennon on the subject, "The Sign
of the Cross."
Father Judge bas received a letter from
the pope's secretary of state. Cardinal
Rampolla, conveying bis holiness' apostolic
blessing to the priest, and to the people
who bave assisted la the building of ths
First and Second, Wards Kara Dele
gates to Be Voted on at the ,
. Primaries.
Republican caucuses were held In tbe
First and Second wards last night and
fourteen more candidates for delegates
to the state convention were placed In tbe
field. As both csucuses were well attended
and fairly represented tbe republican sen.
tlment of tbe two wards of the south end,
tbe delegate tickets nominated last night
will ao doubt hav no opposition at ths
primary election to be held next Friday.
Both delegations are uninstructed in re
gard to the gubernatorial candidates.
At the First ward caucus F. W. Band-
bauer acted as chairman and. after the
purpose of meeting had been announced.
Clyde Sundblad moved that a committee of
five be appointed tb report a number of
names from which the caucus should select
seven as delegates to tbe state convention.
R. C. Jordan spoke in opposition to the
motion, but it prevstled by sn almost
unanimous vote. Clyde Sundblad, Dr. W.
Hancbett, William Hutton. J. M. Rt11o
and A. M. Back were appointed on the
committee, and in a. few minutes they re
ported tbe eleven names to the caucus.
from which tbe following seven were
elected as the delegate ticket by ballot:
W. Coleman, S. W. Scott. A. M. Back.
George Cathroe, Frank McDonald, I. S.
Hascall and A. R. Hensel. ,
Upon suggestion from Judge Read the fol-
owlng were named for delegates to the
judicial convention: F. W. Bandhauer, P.
M. Back and James Cathroe.
Short speeches were made by Nelson C.
Pratt, candidate for the congressional nom
ination; I. S. Hascall, Dr. W. H. Hanchett,
C. Jordan and A. R. Hensel. James H.
Van Dusen was in tbe ball, but was not
called upon to speak.
Tbe republicans of the Second ward met
at 1433 South Sixteenth street and se
lected delegates to the state and Judicial
conventions. Thirteen names were placed
In nomination as delegates to the state
convention and out of these the following
were chosen: V. Buresh, William Altstadt,
Fred Hoye. Ed Morris, N. P. Swanson,
John Lynch snd Fred Brunlng.
The following were chosen as delegates
to tbe Judicial convention by acclamation:
David Gilbert, E. G. Bone and Joe Kavan.
None of the candidates were present and
the delegates go to tbe convention unin
structed. A notable feature of the meet-
lug was tbat bo speeches were made. Sev
enty votes were cast for the delegates.
Will Be la Ckarge of the New Trans-
snlssonrl Mlleasie Script
. Bureau. (
W. K. Cundlff of St. Joseph baa been
appointed agent . of the Transmlssourl
Script bureau, which will on July 1 begin
the operation of an interchangeable mile
age system participated in by a doxen roads
of the transmlssourl country. Mr. Cundlff's
headquarters will be In Omaha, as the
bureau baa been located here. No office
building has yet been selected.
Mr. Cundlff I chief clerk to S. M. Adslt,
general freight and passenger agent of the
St. Joseph it Grand Island railroad at St.
Joseph. . He will come to Omaha about
June 15 to assume hi preliminary duties
and start things going. Since tbe deter
mination to start tbe bureau was reached
by tbe roads Involved on May 16 last, and
tbe selection of an agent left to the execu
tive committee, Mr. Cundlff has been al
ways under consideration by tbe committee,
He received an offer of tbe position last
Thursday from John Francis, general pas
senger agent of the B. 4k M., who is chair
man of the committee. Mr. Cundlff ac
cepted by wire 'yesterday.
It is expected that this bureau will in
time grow to be a very extensive affair,
being enlarged constantly as tbe increas
ing business and augmenting sales of tb
script mileage demand 1L At first but
half a dozen clerks will be employed, but
this number may swell to 100 in a com.
paratlvely short time if - the scheme Is
favorably received by travelers. Mr. Fran
els is of the opinion that the bureau will
become as big and extensive a ons as any
In tbe country.
Fn net Ion Surpasses la Brllllmner Alt
Former Bnnelclnnam Fetes
This Season.
LONDON, June 7. King Edward and
Queen Alexandra held the fourth court of
the season at Buckingham palace tonight.
Unfortunately, as upon ths arevtous oc
caalons when court was held, rain and I
cold wind marred the spectacle for ths
crowd which bad assembled outside. The
orn within, however, was unusually bril
liant. His majesty's bodyguard of gentle
men-at-arms was on duty at the state de
partment, the yeomen of the guard were on
duty within the palace and a guard of
honor, selected from the Irish guards, was
stationed In tbe quadrangle. The costumes
of the guests were more brilliant tonight
than at the previous courts, while variety
was sdded to tbs scene by the numerous
goEgeously clad Indian princes, whose Jew,
la Burpasied those of most of tbe ladles,
Among those presented In the diplomatic
circle were Mrs. Montgomery Sears of Bos
ton and Mies Helen Roosevelt of New York
Tbs Americans presented in the general
circle were Miss Ruth Hoe of New York,
Miss Elisabeth Warder of Washington,
Miss Elfrida Rqpsevalt of New York, Mrs.
w. C, Endlcott of Boston and Mr. Ron
Americans and Friendly Filipinos
Taken Prisoners vYnlle Deoorat
ins Graves of Comrades.
MANILA, Juns 7. A sergeant, two cor
porals and four privates of ths Fifth
United States eavalry war decorating tbe
graves of American soldiers at Blgacgoran,
in Rlsal province, Lusoa, lsst Friday (Dec
oration day) wbea a large number of la
drones attacked tb town snd captured
tb mea of tb Fifth cavalry, a well as
the president of Btngacgoraa, bis seer
tary, a doctor and other prominent Fili
Ths prisoner wr hurried northward
through the mountain. Later two soldier,
snd four Filipinos managed to escape from
the lad rones snd mads thslr way to ths
town of Moracg. Troops sad constabulary
were at once sent out la pursuit of ths
bandits. Tb Isdroa. who attacked Blog
angora a have also captured a large auaa
tlty of dynamite wMch was stored at some
guar rise.
Why Postmaster Basse it Now in Trouble
Ov.r Eii Affairs.
Inele Sam Got After Him and Then
the Story' of His Oneer Plan to
Boom Stnmp Rales nnel
Matrimony Came Ont.
B. R. Razee, a patrlarchial appearing old
man, with snow-white batr and beard, la
In trouble with the federal authorities.
Until recently be was postmsster at Cur
tis, Frontier county, snd, under bis man
agement, tbe ofQce made a phenomenal
spurt in stamp sales, was advanced from
the fourth to the third clasa, and tbe post
master's salary was increased sccordlngly.
But now be is in disgrace. The story thus
far Is slmost fundamental In simplicity,
but there are other ramifications tbat some
what complicate It. Tbe story entire makes
use of the following properties and ex
A gooseberry buob to mark a cache.
A thesplan slave-driver who repented.
"A roll of proprietary stamDs between tbe
springs and mattress.
A deserted village.
A divorce.
An aproeryphal hemorrhsga.
A government that wanted to know why.
A lovelorn old man and a merry maid.
A rubber bag full of beet Juice.
A federal Indictment.
A deathbed marries that was a failure.
An Insolvent postomce.
A predatory ' Uncle Tom' Cabin" troupe.
A grass widow who made good.
A general merchandise business canltal-
ixed with $2,000 worth of S-cent stamps.
a sieprniner wno was a rival.
A resuscitated corpse.
If there are other exhibits the district
attorney declines ta glvs them out for pub
lication. .
When Raaee Started.
The canceling stamp was turned over to
Razee in 189G, at which time tbe postofflcs
st Curtis was of the fourth class. Indeed,
tie sales of stamps scarcely warranted the
maintenance of an office there at all. There
bad, been a partial drouth for two or three
years; times were hard, and about half tbs
population of the town had left for more
favored parts. Then, one day, Razee re
ceived a letter from the postal authorities
at Washington calling his attention rather
brusquely to tbe fact that there bad been
a falling off in the receipts of bis office. It
was then be decided to boom the sale of
stamps. It would serve a double purpose
increase his salary and please the postal
He ordered $200 worth of postage stamps
and sent the money with which to pay for
When they arrived be made a trip to
Omaha to purchase goods with which to
replenish his stock of general merchandise.
which shared the same room as his post
office. He paid tor the goods with tbe post
age stamps.
A few weeks later be repeated tbe opera
tion, and after the lapse of another fortnight
again repeated it. Tbe result was that in
six months his office was advanced to tbs
third clasa, and his pay was Increased from
$30 a month to $66 a month. .
Even then be was not discouraged id
well doing, but made a payment on a farm,
all In 2-cent postage stamps.
About this time ths postal authorities at
Washington began to prick up their ears.
Somehow tbe stamp sales were out of pro
portion with the stamp cancellations. There
was a disparity somewhere. Things didn't
look right. ' Postofflce Inspector J. D. Sin
clair of Omaha was sent to Curtis to in
vestigate. 'What the Inspector Discovered.
The remainder of (the story was told in
the nsture of a confession by Rasee to
District Attorney Summers Friday. A more
detailed account, however, la given by In
spector Sinclair, whose version Is as fol
lows: 'After Razee bad been postmaster about
a year be fell In love with a young woman
of about 18, named Tlllle Hartwell. She
did not reciprocate his affection, however,
and try as he could be failed to elicit an
affirmative answer to bis proposals of mar
riage. He then hit upon a scheme that was
as ingenious as his plan for raising ths
grade of bis postofflce. He represented to
Tlllle tbat he was very rich, that be was
In tbe last stages ol consumption, that be
was a bachelor, without kith or kin to whom
to leave his estate, that he loved her and
wanted to make her his heir.
"In response to a message from blm, sbs
went to bis house one day, and found blm
In bed, apparently ill and In a very bad
'I have only a few more day to live.' be
assured her. 'What do you think of my
proposal 7
"Tlllle contemplated his broad acres vlsl
ble from tbe window, his bectlo flush, his
sunken eyes (for Razee knows how to use
greased paints, having been an actor In
bis younger days, and the shadows were
deep) snd bis graveyard cough, and ber
heart softened towsrd blm. When be told
ber he owned a half interest In the farm
across tbs road she felt that she almost
loved blm. She said 'AH right" but when
he Insisted on ths wedding being tbat night
she demurred. His pulss still seemed
strong. Hasty marriages were In bad
taste; she would wait a week.
Hastened the Marrlaae.
"Tbat night the old man thought out a
plan to have the nuptials celebrated within
Kidney Trouble Kales Too Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures maos Vy Vr,
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
tha peat kidney, liver
and bladder remedy.
It ts the treat medi
cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered after years of
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and hlsi.
dee ruwlH mA i.
wonderfully successful in promptly curing;
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Bright' Disease, which is tha worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec
ommended for every thin j but if you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
ust the remedy you need. 1 1 ha been tested
In so many ways, in hospllal work, in private
practice, among the helpless loo poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful in
every case that a special arrangement hss
been made by which ail readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have a
ample bottle sent free by mall, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
wnen writing mention reading this generous
cnier in mis paper ana
send your address to
Dr. Kilmer U Co.,Blng-1 7. k
nemton. N. Y. The -iViMf
rerular fiftv cent and w .
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
Don't make sny mistake, but remember
the name. Swamp-Root, Vr. Kilmer's
wamp-Root. and tb address, Bingham
toa, H. T, est every betu.
C I,
ii. -r..
r" .. ',-'.
I - T n
twenty-four hours. He got a little rubber
bag of soft, thin material and filled It
With beet Juice.
"Tbs next day he sent another message
to Tlllle. this time saying that be was
dying and to come at once and bring a
minister. She obeyed. When be heard
footsteps approschlng he put tbe bag of
beet Juice In bis mouth, bit one corner of
it and began to cough convulsively.
"When the preacher and Tlllle saw the
beet Juice they became alarmed, having
beard that hemorrhage frequently precede
death In such maladies, so sent for a neigh
bor to bold Rasee In a sitting posture dur
ing tbe ceremony. Meanwhile the beet
Juice wsa holding out admirably.
"Tb next day Rasee was behind ths
counter of his store, showing his bride how
to distribute the mall.
"But they dldd't live together long
enough for Tlllle to more than learn the
location of tbe A box, for she left him
In four days, and a year later they were
It wouldn't be necessary to Introduce
this matrimonial episode of Razee's were
It not for the fact that be, by his own
confession, has connected it with bis spec
ulation in stamps. The day she left, he
said, be found $400 worth of proprietary
stsmps, which had been previously stolen
from him, between the mattress and springs
of tbs bed.
Simon Legree Gets In.
'Asked why It was nacessary for blm to
buy so many stamps, be answered: "I
was robbed of stamps twice In a few
months, and I bad to buy fresh stamps
In order to accommodate my customers.
The first time I was robbed of $200 worth
of stamps by a member of an "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" company that played an en
gagement In Curtis. It was the fellow
who plays the part of Legree. I put the
marshal on bis track, and when he saw I
knew of bis guilt be came to my garden
one night and buried the $200 worth of
stamps at the roots of a gooseberry bush."
Razee said be secured a divorce from his
wife because be discovered that she loved
ber stepfather better than she did blm.
As there Is a law prohibiting tbe use
of stamps as money by postmasters, Razee
was Indicted by the last federal grand
Jury. Friday he confessed bis guilt, and on
account of bis sdvanced age the lowest
possible fine $50 was Imposed. Razee re
turned to Curtis Friday night.
Attorney Swears Opponents Threaten
Hint for Proaecntlna Mayor
Ames' Appointees.
MINNEAPOLIS, June 7. There was a
sensational Interruption of the trial of
Irwin A. Gardner In Judge Harrison's court
this afternoon, when County Attorney
Smith submitted an affidavit setting forth
that his life had been threatened because
of bis participation in the prosecution.
The affidavit mentions tbe name of Mayor
Ames as one of those anxious to stop
pressure of tbe case against Gardner, who
as a special police Inspector is accused of
having accepted a bribe to protect shark
gambling establishments from police Inter
ference. Chief of Police Ames, a brother of the
mayor, is also under indictment.
Previous to tbs springing ot this sensa
tion Mayor Ames was on tbe stand ss a
witness for tbe defense. He swore that he
bad never received the $500 which Ed
wards snd Crossman, confidence men, bad
sworn they had paid to Gardner to give
them protection, but his mind was blank
on, many things of vital Importance. He
could not explain wby he had appointed
Gardner a special officer without pay, but
said be revoked tbe - appointment two
months after it wsa made. He could not
explain why there was no allusion to this
step in the records kept by bis secretary.
Tbe point is, if Gardner's commission
was revoked before the commission ot the
alleged crime, bs cannot be convicted ot
having received a bribe as an officer ot
tbs police department. This would make
a technical defense.
Trio of Allesred Bad Mea from the
West Fall lato Hands of
NEW YORK, June 7. William D. Master
son, giving bis address as Chicago and
better known in the west as "Bat" Master
son, James C. Sullivan of Oregon, J. F.
Sanders ot Denver, Colo., snd Leopold
Frank of Chicago were arrested this even
ing by detectives on ths charge of having
in their possession gambling paraphernalia.
Masterson and Sullivan were sdmltted to
ball in $1,000 each. Sanders snd Frank
were locked up tor tbe night.
Tbe police seem to attach mors than
usual Importance to tbe arrests. At de
tective headquarters it was stated that In
formation bad been received some time
sgo tbat a number ot western gamblers,
who bave been recently operating In Chi
cago, Cincinnati tand Philadelphia, had
come to this city, but nothing definite con
necting the men arrested today with this
information was given out. Ths men were
arrested, according to ths police account,
at a boarding houss uptown, where a faro
"layout" and a quantity ot alleged marked
cards were seized.
Masterson denies any connection with
any gamblers, and say be and Sullivan
came to this city for tbe purpose of taking
passage to England.
"Bat" Masterson Is a well-known char
acter in .the west snd wss at one time
United State marshal in Colorado. Sulli
van Is said to bs a horse owner ot some
repute In Oregon. ' v
Aarees' to Address Love Feast with
Cleveland and Possibly .
W. J. Bryan.
ALBANY, N. Y.. Juns 7. Robert E. Dow
llng, Henry D. Hotcbkiss snd John C. Cal
houn, a committee representing the Tllden
club ot New York, had an extended con
ference with former Senator David B. Hill
this afternoon and at its conclusion an
nounced tbat he bsd accepted the invitation
of the club to attend a meeting uner it
auspice In New York City on June 1 and
deliver sn address.
Former President Grover Cleveland ha
alio accepted an Invitation to b present
and apeak at tbat time. Aa Invitation ha
also been aent to Hon. William J. Bryan,
but no reply bas as yet been received.
Senator Bacon of Georgia bas accepted an
invitation te mak an addres.
Gets Verdlet for Injnry to Comeli
ness and Sapreme Conrt
A Arms It.
ST. PAUL, Minn., June 7. Tbe supreme
court of Minnesota bas decided thst a
girl's beauty 1 not to be counted against
ber and that It a Jury is Influenced by the
comeliness ot a fair plaintiff it is not for
tbe court to deprlv ber of ber natural
This ruling was mads Indirectly this
morning In tbs cass of Emma Kopllts
gstnst-lbs City ot St. Psul. The girl was
Injured by aa accident while on a coach
ing party and sued tbe city, alleging a de
fective road.
She was awarded a verdict of $300 and
the city appealed, alleging that ber beauty
was what influenced the Jury. The supreme
court denies a Bw trial and ths verdict
T IT o T Tl o
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we will not aooept your money tyider
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MEN, call at our offloe today or writsj for
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Leading Bnatnoee Men ot tSvo City.
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5 irr.'iJi'n-'irN tr-r
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iNeme an. sam."? un-n ZSZ JsStCf A