Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1902, Page 8, Image 32

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June 8, 1902.
$15,000,000 FOR
I'cacc Itceit Restored ill South
Africa and the Transvaal (.Miits
With Honor.
or l)rtrui'lvr, Crnel Wnrfnrr, CJrcnt
llrltnlii Aurers to Term of I'rnrp,
Tho liners hnvo earned the. sympathy of
the worl'l by their bravery nnd fortitude.
Their mighty nntngonlst at tremendous
cost of men, munitions and money has
finally grnntcl terms of peace which are
highly honorable to victor as well as van
quished. Absolute Independence Is Inst to
thr- South African republic, but the conces
sion granted spenks volumes for the heart
of conquering Ttrltnnnla and will go a long
ways toward pacifying the plucky people of
the Transvaal.
II.1.(MM.(MM ltltTIll fiOM)
will not restore the destroyed homes or
n'ake good the Iloer losses, but It Is a gen
, erous contribution toward that worthy pur
pose and the world would cheerfully con
tribute as much more to aid these suffering
people to reconstruct their homes and
fortunes. It was ft most unfortunate con
troversy which plunged these christian
people Into wicked warefnre, but It Ih
knows from experience what fighting a
powerful foe means. From the date of Its
organization this Nebraska life Insurance
fompany has been confronted by malignant,
relentless, resourceful antagonists. The
(.rent Life Insurance Trust decreed the
death of the home institution. In spite of
the fight mnde upon tho Hankers Heserve
Life, that ducky young company has
steadily worsted Its alien competitors and
has been able to announce from month tc
month a gain In tho amount of Insurance
placed. The people admire energy, honesty,
fearlessness and fortitude. They have
thrown over $1,100,000 of new business Into
the home offices at Oninha since January 1,
1902, and by the new year of 1903 the busi
ness of mot will have been more than
doubled. Rvery Insurable man In Nebraska
should have one of the new Oold Itond
policies of tho
nMii:its iir.simvK i.itk. AND COM. ROES.
KiiHlness, Shorthand, Typewriting and
Rngllsh. Pay and Evening Students furn
ished work for honrd when desired. Gregg
Nhorthnnn by mnll. Send for ratalogut
New York Life Hull, ling, Omaha, Neb.
y vj.
a Mrr a H Afi -' a L .... .
IB i .1 I I 1
Told Out of Court
j I a ifrra oi me ,an counry su-
I perlor court. North Carolina,
ncm oy juuge rtiinam m. nnipp,
the Jury brought In a verdict
which the Judge did not approve.
and ho told the Jury that they had committed
perjury, or they were a set of fools, and
did not have sense enough to sit on a Jury.
One of the Jurors was a Mr. Westray, who
had been graduated from the state univer
sity, was a large land owner, nnd was
known as the most successful farmer In
tho county. He was Indignant over the
insult offered the Jury, and determined
that for one he would not submit to it, pro
vided ho could resent It without going to
So at the recess for dinner Mr. Westray
approached the Judge and asked him, as a
matter of law appertaining to the preroga
tives of a judge, If he, the Judge, had any
authority of law to say what he did to the
jury. Judge Phlpp answered that he cer
tainly did have that right by law, otherwise
he would not have exercised It. Mr. Wen
tray then put this question: "Judge Shipp,
if I should here and now proceed to give
you a genteel thrashing for what you said
to the Jury, would you take It like a man
for your part as an Individual, or would
you fall back on your judicial prorogatives
and put me In Jail?"
The Judge said In that event the preroga
tives would come Into piny nnd be mighty
handy, and he would board Mr. Wos-
ray at the expense of the county for two
years. Mr. westray then said: "Very well.
judge. If that lie the case, we will forego
the thrnnhlng," and walked off.
Judge Jarrott of the Seventeenth JikIIcI.U
llstrict, tells this story of the first time ho
came to Kansas f'lty and tried a case be
fore the late Judge White of the criminal
I was quite ycung th-n," sail Judge
Jarrott, quoted by the Kansas C ty S ar,
ln fact, I was what might be call"d a
green country lawyer, who had never b cn
to the city before. I had been told that
wmm mm
Judge White was a tartar, bo you ran
Imagine that I was somewhat nervous when
I appeared before him defending one of my
own county boys who had come to the city
nnd got Into trouble.
"A panel of twenty-four Jurors had beer
selected and all of them Had qualified a?
being unprejudiced. As you know, aftot
the state's attorneys have made their chal
lenge and turned the list over to the de
fendant's attorney, a 'reasonable' time If
allowed the defense to strike off the names
of men It does not rare to have on the
Jury. Twelve of the panel had taken seats
In the Jury box, while the remainder occu
pied chairs, near by.
"Before the list was handed to me Judge
White looked over his glasses and scowled.
" 'Young man," he raid, fiercely, 'I don't
want you to delay the court by taking two
or three hours to make your challenges
Ity a "reasonable time" is not meant all
"Of course I was frightened, but I acted
on a thought that came to me like a flash.
" 'Your honor,' I Fald, 'I have no desire
to delay the court. The twelve men who
happen by accident to occupy tho Jury box
will be satisfactory to me. I don't know
any of them and they don't know me.'
" 'Hut, your honrr,' exclaimed the pros
ecutor, 'I want n few moments in which to
make challenges.'
" 'Can't have it,' said the judge; 'if th
defendant Is willing to take hl9 chances ths
state surely should be equally as willing.'
"The case was tried and I won It. I
cleared my man. Judge White came down
from the bench and walked to where I wai
" 'Young mnn,' he said, 'you're a poker
player, aren't you?'
" 'No, Judge,' I answered, bashfully, 'I
haven't played any poker since I became a
" 'Ncnsense,' said Judge White, 'a man
who calls a bluff like I made at you a little
while ago Is bound to be a poker player of
the first water.' "
Grocers' and Markelmen's Short Order Wagons. Built by
Ittth and Howard, Omaha. Ask for price.
nmnrn r"rrrii"frr roit o
eS w oo
4 UK
I I0(M
. .' .
i. Ill , .
Hardens th gums -cleanup.
IirwrtM and beautirlea t lias teeth
wtwlani the breath. Ko powder or liquid to
splll-uioat convenient packaKe tocarrjr or un,
At all ItraggUla ttfre.
O. M. aTHONU A CO , Valu, V. B. A.
" 2 u i " . . SO each
10.00 " .IOeaih
I Oil Kara It uaaa Hleam. Altrn. c
lltj boat. Guaranteed. Book
hi m Vna with all "guakvra."
1 Writ (or our Hew Catta
I loarne. atvn-lal 60-It ofler.
1IHn' iiilaa it. Your laat
chi-ncx. plan, nrw
- - aural, auatnaaTrrm. Wonder-
fultcllara. liuallera Rvtilnn rirh. I'lvntr territory.
Wri MT ta., T Wrl4 Bld., l-taeiaaaU, O
When Writing to Advertisers
Always Mention The Bee
which appear from time to time
In The Illustrated nee. On small
portrait cuts we make a nominal
price of $100. On larger cuts, 6
tents per square Inch. They are
all in first-clati condition.
Our photographic department
will also print additional copies
of our original photographs at a
rrakonable rate.
The Bee
Publishing Co,
Omaha, Nab.
The best on the market. Made
front pure Jamaica Ginger combined
with Pepsin. .Manufactured only by
Bottling Works, Council Bluffs. Iowa.
Agents for Pabst Milwaukee Beer.
JManz Engraving Co.
t 15-207 Canal St.
! Chicago, Illinois.
Ar Justly celebrated (he engrav
log establishment which can at all
times be relied upon fur satisfactory
results, whether the engraving be a
inne nair-tone, wood cut or lino etch- '
Ing Their facilities are so extensive
that wnrh arhltt mn. k. w i , .4
i quickly for shipment to distant elite'
can oe easily turned out.
When ordering engravings from your
printers ask for 1
Manz Perfect Engraving. I
the coffee roaster uies
to flat hit coffee with
would vou eat that kind of
eggs? Then why drink them?
Lion Coffee
has no coating of storage eggs,
glue, etc. its cone pure,
unadulterated, fresh, strong
ana oi aeiigntiui navor
ana aroma.
Uniform analltv end
freahneaa are Inaured
by the aealed package.
Factors in making
Blue Ribbon Beer
The most perfect health-giving family
5: WW
Choicest materials, absolute cleanliness,
perfect aging, thoroughly sterilized, skilled
brewing, a uniform quality.
Try a case in your house.
Storz Brewing Company
Telephone 12BO. OMAHA
Her's Pure Malt
gives more pleasure to tnrre
people than any other wliia
key on t he market. It is pre
scribed by more physicians
on account of its high medi
cinal qualities, and partiru.
lar drinkers agree that of all
malt whiskies tier's is the
purest, smoothest, mellow
est and best. This whiskey
has been on the market for
thirty years ami more peo-
Sle are drinking it every
ay. If you will try it once,
you will begin to realize how
really good and satisfactory
a whiskey cau be.
The Willow Springs Distillery
I). S. A.
ii v 'a a ' m. -m . . I
Manager for Nebraska,
Merchants Ntl Hank IIMar., Omaha
Would be pleased to have you send
me a sample of the above policy of
tho Equitable, with Illustrations of
cost and results, at
Is easily settled
when accounts are properly kept. Don't
practice false economy by trying to save on
BLANK BOOKS. We will make you a set
ruled and printed to order at such a small
coat that you can buy the best.
A. I. ROOT, Printer,
4M-i8 S. Uth St., . . OMAHA. NEB.
' Ci.Y;-cdvarclCo, '
i. VwUMClL LLUtFS, loWA . -
Loch for it.
f; a ether J .fait;,.
J Ieddy, Prop
I'liiilie la.K).
617 So. 16th St. Omaha.
with our Steel Picket Wire Fence-combining
strength, beauty, durability and low
cost tree guards, hitching posts, porch
mi iOT vlne. metal door mats, wire
railings for stores and offices, roof crest
ing and stable fixtures. Plain, ornamental
and artistic Iron and wire fencea. Write
for catalo-ue.
Champion Iron and Wire Works.
For lawns, cemeteries and Parks. Nothing ig more hand
mile, lannot be bent or broken and does not wcvrp
ouiol place. Continuous iii. kets. Intel lapping rurved
topi support each other, riessetm r galvanized sleel rods.
i'r special eipansion and contraction twist cables.
Smooil, at bottom and top. Lincoln Park. Chicago, used
iu feet of it. me for catalogue and prices.
Il'lnola Wire Company, Dept 1 6. Chloago, Ills.