Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1902, Image 28

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    Work of the Los Angeles Biennial Reviewed
1 1 L- . f Til 1.1 .,n r, . .. , j.. a .j . .n r,f . H .
I I K'"lraii'in of Woman's
an 'I the color question have been
adjusted anl In spite of the dire
predictions of the last two, th" 0nMl
Federation of Woman Mih s'ands tr l"
to Us motto, Imty In Divinity," the.
sponger for Its difference., anl represent
ing the interes a of 27. of the cultured,
educated women of Amrica, whose one ob
J.'. t la the elevation of mankind.
To the 1 1 ,00 women who were privileged
to attend the Los Angeles meeting anl
participate In Its aclon and to the equal
number that witnessed the proceedings of
that assembly the dignified. Intelligent dis
position of the perplexing questions that
came before it must not only prove the
privileges that attend membership In inch
a body, but the great responsibility as well.
Jn point of attendance the convention far
exceeded any of the previous meetings, In
spite of the fact that It was held lo the
far corner of the country, everything prov
ing that the hundreds of delegates who
made the long Journey across the conti
nent were actuated by a keen, conscien
tious anxiety for the best Interests of the
Federation rather than the advancement of
any sectional or factional Interests or
the benefits or pleasure to be derived from
the trip to that region so Justly famed for
Its climate, Its hospitality and the gifts
that nature has lavished upon It.
The club movement Is no longer an ex
periment or a novelty, but has established
Its plate as one of the Important factors
In modern affairs nnd I's biennials, perhaps
more than anything else, attest the prog
ress It has made. Having established Its
obligations ns well as Its privileged. Its
meetings call for the best, mo painstak
ing effort of the most earnest workers,
having so sifted from Its ranks the shal
low and superficial and evolving women
capable of bearing the high responsibility
that rests upon them. In these women
more than any other particular did the
sixth biennial excel.
trend nnd slympiiMirMc.
There was the utter lack of narrowness
and exoluslvencss that has previously been
no perceptible and that Increase of cour
tesy, sympathy and broadening to the right
and views of others that Is the true basis
of mutual helpfulness. The Federation pin
or the delegate's badge sufficed for the In
troduction of all In their assurance of a mu
tual Interest, whether their wearers repre
sonted the wealthy limited association of
eastern col leg" w omen, artists or literary
women, or the struggling little club of
fanners' wives from the obscure district,
bunded together In the Interest of house
hold economic, the woman of advantages
mid her less fortunnte sister Htaridlng to
gether as slHters Indeed fur the uplift of
I. u run ii It y under the banner of a common
Ijist, but by tin mentis leant, there was
ho absence of Jewels nnd gorgeous cos
tuming that has previously robbed the bi
ennial of ro much of Its seriousness, and of
the helpfulness of the not Infrequently su
perior Ideas of the tlmld woman who shrank
from the comparison of her neat but Inex
pensive gown with the Imported creation
worn by her Jewel bedecked sisters. There
wns nn evident respect for the II I tuns of
things, and while few assemblies of women
Includo the represents! Ives of greater
wealth or social position, their gowns were
1 I - I - - -
? I
rich In material rather than In showlnos
and consistent with the occasion. Th rule,
of removing ha's was another step in the
right direction, and greatly facilitated the
huniniws of the n rn til y . This same prog
ress was evidenced throughout the social
s do of the convention. Th- soial func
tions whi' h have j , r v i f 1 1 s I y been one of
the features of the nice" ing were a second
ary consideration with the majority of th"
women, and aside from th" official recep
tion given on the evening of the opening
clay to th veiling women by the members
of the local biennial board at the splendid
club house of the Friday Morning club
there was no other general formal gather
ing To be sure there were brilliant re
ceptions at the various hotels on the even
Ing before the opening, but they were In
formal affairs fif'er all, sort of reunions
where the state presidents came In touch
with other members of their delegation and
with each other, where the women attend
ing the biennial for the first time learned
win wns who and. Incidentally, the woman
wl h ambition gauged t In strength and pop
ularity of other women. As for the recep
tions to the different states and the dinner
parties nnd luncheons that hospitable peo
ple have previously Insisted upon giving,
regardless of business meetings, important
programs or anything clue save their own
convenience, they were bopeli-ssly in III'
minority and so evidently unpopular as to
encourage the belief that within the next
biennial period the occasion ami real ob
ject of the biennial will be so generally un
derstood ami respected as to eliminate this
variety of entertalntnt tit from the hospital
ity of the hostess city and enable the con
vention to attend to Its affairs with the
proper voting representation present.
In the character of the other entertain
ment innldel the visiting women the peo
ple of Los Angeles nre to ln congratulated.
Fiesta d" les Flores. the splendid floral
pageant of the I'neltle coast, was at once
dellgh'ful and bewildering fo the vis
itors, the special courtesy to the clu'.i
women being the provision in the parade
for their president, Mrs. Heberea Douglas
Lowe, vho rode with Miss Fremont, the
W. C.
daughter of the "F'athfinder." In a flower
trimmed vehicle claimed the first ad
miration and applause of the onlookers an l.
as one of the women has so happily ex
pressed it, typified the two great branches
of women, the one the pioneers that made
their advancement possible, and the other
that advan" 'merit i'self.
The day at Ixmg Fleach and at I'asad na
furnished the resl and recreation especlilly
appreciated and enjoyed af'er the close at
tention to the week's program and con
tributed another measure of lnstructl n
to the ever observing and absorbing woman,
rnixmm Hnrf f nthnllc.
In point of Interesting proeram It can
scarcely be said that the Sixth lllerinial
so fur excelled I lie- one preceding It. The
speakers were not ns generally from among
the (lub women themselves but while their
papers nn I address's were none the I m
directed to club women, their subjects and
Interests indicated that broadening tend
ency, the great feature of th" club move
ment, that bns expanded to include the
Interests of the whole world The educa
tional and Industrial cessions showed the
achievements cf women along the lines of
Improvement perhaps more than the others,
because It has been to the betterment of
thise conditions more than any other that
organized effort has been applied. The art,
literature and music sessions were of the
highest order of excellence, while the civic,
forestry, auduhon and programs on travel
ing libraries and art collections Illustrated
the growth of that desire to share and
extend all that Is good, beautiful and up
lifting. While tin re was no proeram wholly
devoted to Household Economics, one of
the most enthusiastically received papers
was (hat presented by Mrs. Linda Hu'l
harried, president of the National House
hold Economics association, In which she
set forth the aims and attainments of that
organiznt Ion.
The Civil Service ncfnrtn program was
something of an Innovation, but after all
only a natural sequence to the Investiga
tions and revelations that have been th
outgrowth cf the experience of women's
( rimnlat Ions In their e (Tort to secure the
W. C.
bcttermet.t of educational. Industrial or
almost any other conditions Realizing
their handicap as a disfranchised class, the
women have set about in a less aggressive
way to attain success as well as to deserve
if by awakening the members of th Gen
eral Federation to the condi'lons that ex
ist and the ne(fssity of their Influence In
overcoming thm; to educate the women
to their possibilities and responsibilities,
and to demonstrate to the world their abil
ity to bear their share In an equal part
nership of affairs.
Ilnalnesa fteaslona Kieel.
It was for Its business sessions, however,
that the Sixth Itiennial was most remark
able. Confronted by the first really diffi
cult problems that had ever come before
It each supported by a determined faction,
there was general apprehension as to the
outcome but these two issues were met and
adjusted, the defeated ones accepting the
will of the majority in a manner that
proved the unselfishness of their effort.
Numerous plans and propositions had
been Informally proposed In the hope that
something might be found as a substitute
to avert the trouble feared from allowing
the Massachusetts and (Georgia proposi
tions to come before the house, but these
were with one exception, all lost sight of
ami the compromise plan as supported by
tleorgia, which Included the settlement of
the color question, was presented for lh"
acceptance or rejection of the convention,
upon motion of Mrs. fSranger, president
of the (ienrgla Federation.
It reads: "From a state where a dub Is
a member of the state federation It would
also be eligible to the (Jeneral Federation,
If recommended to its executive board by
the executive board of the State Federa
tion, the power of admission to remain,
as given In article II of the bylaws." The
substitute amendments that were proposed
Indicated various shad s of compromise,
but In the carrying of (he original motion
by nn overwhelming majority the real feel
ing of the (ieneral Federation was mani
fested So sure were the women of this
that little apprehension was felt when
neit day. by courtesy of the house. Miss
Line Addams of Hail house, Chicago, ' the
host lovd woman in the convention. " w.n
allowed to ropen the discussion by pro
posing an amendment that, would make the
rejection of any club applying for mem
her-ihip dependent upon a : hre-fif "ha in-s-ead
of a unanimous vote of the member--hip
commifew. This motion failed also,
leaving f politically impossih!'1 for any
i lub of colored women to be admitted to
the General Fder;it.nn.
In view of th compromise between Mass
achusetts and Georgia reorganisation
proved a minor Isue and nothing was dine
about it.
Mutters Not I ntlfrtlimil.
if all the ma'trs that came before the
meeting that of th new charter was the
most confusing and least understood. Its
provision that the Federation's head'iuar
ers should be at Washington, D. C. mls-1-d
many to believe that that would neces
sitate holding the meetings there as well,
anil the shelving of the matter was a relief
to the majority.
There was also gome confusion regard
ing the Louisiana purchase memorial, the
council deciding at the close of the meet
ing that a sum not to exceed $00 should
tie taken from the General Federation treas
ury and used in the erection of a tablet at
St. Ixviis as the permanent memorial of
the Federation, which does away with all
prospect of a clubhouse as such a me
morial. The failure of the attempt to reduce the
annual per capita dues from 10 to 5 cen's
anil the dues of local federations from SI
to 3.1 cents secures to the Federation the
substantial financial basis upon which It
stands, with liberal funds for fu'ure use
fulness. In the election of Its officers the or
ganization again illustrated its outgrowing
of all narrowness. The struggle of the
supporters of Mrs. Decker for her election
and, upon their defeat, their hearty trans
fer of allegiance to Mrs. Denieon, was
proof and assurance of the loyal support
of which they are capable' and a guarantee
that they will co-operate with their presi
dent and assist her In "preserving in the
midst of sordid Influences our high Ideals,
our spirituality, and In all our work not
to lose sight of the fact that we are to
bring the world up to us, we are not to go
down to It," as she expressed It in her
address after her election.
Pimm For the Future.
In spite of the criticism of those who
opposed the adoption of Mrs. Emma Fox's
parliamentary rules for women, as the au
thority of the Federation, the largo vote
In their favor attests the majority that
would secure to the organization the opin
ions of the woman who, In (he capacity of
recording secretary, has been so largely
responsible for the rulings of the fifth anil
sixth biennials. The decision to secure for
future meet lugs the services of a profes
sional reader to make all necessary an
nouncements nnd readings will greatly fa
cilitate the business of the convention and
do away with much of the confusion and
misunderstanding that has arisen from so
many being unable to hear.
With so much of which to be proud It
was fitting that among Its closing acts the
largest convention of the General Federa
tion Rhould be the adoption of a resolution
that during the coming biennial period the
special effort of the Federation should be
devoted to the betterment of the industrial
conditions of women and girls.
Episodes and Incidents in the Lives of Noted People
. ... .1 i.... 11-1111..... ft!
a ISII1K1 ureoill llie mm tiiiiimi
aX I Evarts which Is believed new to
1 - . 1 .11 .. A .i..t ft 1 ..I 1..
prior is miu oy vuinu ii. joum--ln
his ' 'Meditations of an Auto
graph Collector," JURt published.
H Is that on one of his later anniversaries
Senator Hoar wrote to Evarts rongratulat -lug
him on his length of years, and the old
lawyer replied that he reminded himself of
the old lady who, arriving at her thirteenth
page, asked her correspondent, "Please ex
cuse my longevity."
Speaking of the late K. 1 Godkln's r a 1
lneS4 to stand en the side that was un
ponulir If he believed it was r ght nnd fight
a losing battle to the cud. the New Yoik
World says: "Some of his views weie
wld ly itnipprcved anl in o-inslons he
stntel thtm with some d g !' of in'o'ei
anic but he held thi'tn nil hotvst' '
!n man who attempts t Influence public
thought nnd opinion can nnyihing mute
honor ible bo said "
- - - -
Durlt g the font li e n yeius Amos J. Cum
tilings v as in congress his w eekly letters
on public men and measures added greatly
to his personal popularity. Mr. Cummlnus
always gloried In being a "reporter" nu I
resented bi'lng styled a "Journalist." It
was his aim never to Indulge In pe-son:i:i
ties la'culated to give offence or to Inrl it
unnecessary wounds upon those persons
who figured In his stories of connritslon il
life. He was "Amos" to everybody in pub
lic life In Washington, from the president
down to the humblest i ni:oe around t he
capltol. In his letters he brought into
liomtt eni e the haracterlstii s of certain
m- n who might have lingered In congress
for years
without attracting attention
A writer in Chambers" Journal nlat.s
some cha rac! eristic anecdotes of Lord Hea
consfleld (Disraeli), whodcniiy loved a Joke
at he expense of others An author who
bad sent hi latest effort In fiction to him
leeched the following complimentary ac
know ledgment :
"I thank you for the book you sent me,
and will lose no time in reading It."
"1 wonder what makes my eyes so weak?"
u fierce radical once said to Disraeli.
" It Is because they are In a weak place,"
was the reply.
An Incident In the life of the late Lord
Itosslyn shows how acute was the sense of
humor In Disraeli. "What can we do with
Itosslyn?" he asked of a colleague.
"Make him muster of the huckhonnds, as
h s father was." suggested the latter.
"No." replied the premier, "he swears
tar too much for that. We will make him
high commissioner to the Church of Scot
land ""
One of the handsomest men in New York
n George Morgan, to whom more than to
any other person Is dm the popularity of
polo In the east. He was "dDeovere I" s me
twenty six -nrs ago In California by .lames
Gordon llenriett, who saw him perform some
wonderful feats In the saddle. Then and
there the millionaire newspaper owner en
gag' d Morgan at a fabulous salary to buy
P lo ponies for him and go to New York to
teach lletinctt's friends how to ride In the
tame. Morgan has been then ever since.
-- -
".lolin .1 Smith." says the Huston Tran
script, "is the oldest living negro Free
Mason In this country. In age and In serv
ice. He Is the only living tiieinln-r of Afrl
i nn lodge. Free and Accepted Masons, from
which all the regular negrv lodges of Ma
sons in ibis country draw their authority
He is a thirty-third degree Mason and ha
served in about all of the offices from ihe
first to that degree in Masonry He is also,
with the exception of George T. Downing
of Newport, H 1, the oldest living negro
Odd Fellow, In age and service, In the coun
try He Is one of the oldest members of
the African Methodist Episcopal Zion
church In North Russell street."
' Paul Leicester Ford." sns th. Philadel
phia Record, "was quite a familiar figure
in Philadelphia when he was gathering ma
telial his biographical winks dealing
with the lives of Washington and Franklin
Much of his research was accomplished In
the rooms of the Historical Society of Penn
sylvania, at Thirteenth and Locust streets,
nnd there he delved Into musty documents
early nm! late, seeming Indefatigable In his
labors. He had a Hole d-sk reserve.) for
bis own us-' on the Thirteenth street s ,e of
the building, where the light was lest, anl
there the pa h'tii- but eager figure of the
l itle hunchback could to seen every day f..r
scw ral wie-Us. poring over the r ord and
copying notes with an apparently tirelos
eiilgy. He lived very h-re anl
made f, w friends, t ut manv f 1 1 i. n i i of
the Historical society's build. riv will re. all
the crouched up little man working away In
the corner."
biogiaphv of Marshal Car.rolert bus
been published ttienilv in Paris Not the
least iim-rei ing part of the w.rk us th.M
which refer to the e x-nnii r erv pop ,Ur
demonstrations iha n irk- l 'h v.-i-
f the late ( leen , ior a to the f'rer,. h
ispltal Wbn the h .ierei(i with
her ceinsert and heir vicr,' ., ir, r, : elc j
io look upon the tomb of f.olw.n the
si ene was one whuh en- io l,n gc-i I.
impressed the rnirb,l vt.r, r h , a -U r i '
It :
' Kv e-r V t 'el f pi' f'.'.r.'i '. r....V'd V -V
a word v h ok r. K-. r, -.. r.
Ing at the (,ffin t, l ' ,r, i,,
I'rinie it.ert tm ie, fr r, or tt.t r, r..
red uniform of Tell ir.tni, i m h 1.
Ie.e.d the q.. en r.d f.. f. g Hi A h'-t
wss the pr,ri' of Wm 'r.t' in , a
Highland cistiime wi'h his velvet coat, his
purse of fur an'l the kilt; at the right was
the Prime Mathilde, whose features, so
pure, standing out In the light of torches,
recalled so vividly the features of her uncle.
After a moment's pause of redhvtion, of ab
solute sileni e, the quee n, with an expression
en her face of severity, calmness and medi
tation, turned to the prince of Wales and
placing her hands on his shoulder said: 'Go
down on your knees before the tomb of the
great Napoleon." It was a very fine exhibi
tion of keen political tact, as well as of fine
human feeling on the part of the queen '
- -
The t h. n Charles nm OTonor,
better known The O Tonor Don, who was
M years oil on May 7, would be the legiti
mist claimant to the Irish throne were
there one He claims to be able to trace
bis lineage in unbroken sueeession to the
last of ih Irish kings ILs father wa the I; n.a.-i Cvh l.c ri,n.tir f ,r the
"e,iir,t.v e.f 1;. -. m. rr.on the Reforma
tion and he himself su reeded tr, iri( urnc
"at :n his twenty - or.d year, holding It
"'''''"''Kit fe-r a couple cf decades, until
the lair.e. roe.vement drove hirn out of
I'''' l f" He an Irish privy councillor
ar.d he be Id (! on the royal commission
teii ir.qu red icto the financial relations
""n ;ret hriUin nd IreUr.r
' ' ler I he ,Hre ,.f c (.((.; e l f, t teacher
r. or ' i- r k c t or 1 1 v pje !....r.g vole c
'lew loj. I ,f,K, aj ..rv (-(! I e nor
' 1- ". the M, i, t,r,a s nt or
t ' ' i .- 'tor hi (. i (, nr..
' ' ' '" ' f -'' ' ' 'I t r.igM he
"I i -1 h-.r , . tl, fii l he-red
'"' " '..'lat S'er.dtot
' " 1 cf (.i, ,y ,(r,i.
1,1 " ' '' ' I ' ' If ri I
'''' ' '' ' 'c..,vic Ki-1 iB farcillar
wirks, he also delights In simple ballads
and he can sing nearly all of the popular
songs of the day.
Senator Stewart was talking of agricul
tural affairs in a committee meeting and re
marked that on bis farm he made the finest
butter in the world. "In fact," he said, "I
have reduced the production of milk and
butter to an exact science. My barns are
fitted with the very latest sanitary appli
ances." Another member asked: "And as to the
financial aspects of your work. Do you
reap large profits from your milk and but
ter?" "Oh, no," replied the senator, "I lose
money every day of the year."
It is a standing source of regret to Sen
ator Tiller that he cannot tell a story ac
ceptably. He hears a lot of them in the
committee rooms and lobbies, but cannot
master the knack of retailing the simplest
varn. He sat one day listening to a group
of colleagues who were exchanging anec
dote " How I envy you folks."' he said.
"I do wish I could tell stories, but I can't.
The oi her day I heard a man tell half a
lo.-n vry funny things, but I don't re
member one of them. liut It's Just as well.
I couldn't tell It if I did remember."
While seated In the democratic cloak
room the other afternoon Senator Mallory
c f Florida called a page to him. The boy
bad a bunch of hair standing straight up
from his forehead. "Sonny." said the sen
'or. "you should train that cowlick to
lie down or when you gel married your
ife sill have a good place to grab." Now,
i be senator Is as bald us a doorknob, so
the In si he could do was Io smile when
the bc.y said. Innocently enough, but with
". twinHc In his eye "Vcs. sir, Is that
th. wny you lost your hair?"